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Me and my movies

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Denni Hepburn Me and My Movies
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Denni Hepburn

Me and My Movies

Page 2: Me and my movies

Reception TheoryStuart Hall came up with the theory that we react to films based on our age, gender, ethnicity, social class and cultural background.

Producer Encode meaning is what the director decides to include in their films. What they choose to film could be based on their age, gender and cultural background.

AudienceDecode meaning is how we interpret the meaning of a film. This depends on our background too. Our opinion is either Preferred Negotiated Oppositional Preferred is when we enjoy a film, negotiated is where we see the good points and bad points to a film and oppositional is where we dislike a film.

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Batman Begins,Batman The Dark Knight,Batman The Dark Knight Rises

The bat man trilogy is a thriller/crime genre. This isn’t a genre I usually like, however, the way it’s filmed, written and how committed the characters are make the film really enjoyable. These films I preferred based on my cultural background. I am influenced by my brother therefore I am influenced to see the good points to these films. These films relied very much on the batman fan base audience. The use of Heath Ledger as the joker was seen as a stupid idea

because he was the pretty boy in 10 things I hate about you and A Knights Tale. So star theory didn’t really apply to the batman films. Although, this did make people discuss the up coming film. The trilogy isn’t just an action film. All three films link well together and relate. That’s what trilogy’s should do, they need to feed off from the one before. That’s why I enjoyed these films so much, they contained a lot.

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Synopsis:After training with his mentor, Batman begins his war on crime to free the crime-ridden Gotham City from corruption that the Scarecrow and the League of Shadows have cast upon it.

Director: Christopher NolanBatman Begins

15 June 2005 (USA)

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Batman Dark Knight

Director: Christopher Nolan

18 July 2008 (USA)

Synopsys:When Batman, Gordon and Harvey Dent launch an assault on the mob, they let the clown out of the box, the Joker, bent on turning Gotham on itself and bringing any heroes down to his level.

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Batman Dark Knight RisesDirector: Christopher Nolan20 July 2012 (USA)

Synopsis:Eight years on, a new evil rises from where the Batman and Commissioner Gordon tried to bury it, causing the Batman to resurface and fight to protect Gotham City... the very city which brands him an enemy.

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Turning the logo into bats shows what the trailer is going to be about. The dark colours show it’s going to be a dark, action film.

Showing the costume will interest comic book fans, so showing this in the trailer is a good way to draw them in.

Showing the villain in trailer will draw in fans of the Joker as well as fans of Batman.

Showing an explosion scene shows the audience that it is an action film.

Showing the villain shows the audience who batman will be up against in the film.

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Rush is about the revelry between James Hunt and Niki Louda and their fight to become the world champion in formula 1. Is also shows Niki Louda’s crash and his famous come back. I preferred this film even though I’m not the target audience, yet, I found the film interesting because it is based on a true story. The characters looked like the people they were playing and did well to mirror their personalities. With the characters doing well with their roles they were able to add footage of the real people at the end of the film. Star theory could be applied to this film with the actor Chris Hemsworth.

Rush This film is aimed at males as is Thor, which is who Chris Hemsworth plays. It also could be for the female audience too. The way this film is shot with the angles and the close ups adds to the excitement of the film. The races are captured really well. I don’t watch formula 1, however I enjoyed watching the ones in the film. The complicated relationship between the two main characters is what’s interesting. They’re both completely different people, going for the same thing just in different ways. The fun way they talk about each other you can see the respect they have

for one another, but hate each other at the same time. It’s storylines like this that make me have a preferred opinion on the film. It’s not the action that grabs my attention. Therefore its hard for me to say I enjoy action films.

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Director: Ron Howard


27 September 2013 (USA)

Synopsis:The merciless 1970s rivalry between Formula One rivals James Hunt and Niki Lauda. An unfortunate accident makes the drivers think twice about their rivalry and their driving.

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Showing a race car crash shows that the film is about car racing and that it will show serious crashes through out.

The whole trailer mainly shows Chris Hemsworth. This is using star theory to interest people into watching the film.

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This is the EndI preferred This is the End because of it’s comedy genre. I do believe it was star theory that made me interested in this film. I may not be the target audience for this film because it is mixed with gruesome scenes. However, because the actors are from the same genre of film they will have their own audience who are fans of Seth Rogan’s films. After watching this

film I read a lot about how they made it. With knowing that Seth Rogan is in the film as well as directing it, I wanted to know if that made a difference, which it did. It was interesting to learn that most of the script was improvised. With the cast being friends in real life, you can see their close relationship with the way they do improvise.

Going back to the star theory, it interested me seeing these actors playing themselves. This is the End is entertaining for comedy reasons and who stars in the film. They also mention other films they have done in this film which could be a way of getting the audience to watch them.

With the references to their other films goes to show that their target audience for this film are fans of their films.

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This is the EndDirectors: Evan Goldberg, Seth Rogen12 June 2013 (USA)Synopsis:While attending a party at James Franco's house, Seth Rogen, Jay Baruchel and many other celebrities are faced with the apocalypse.

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Showing the destruction shows what the storyline of the story will be. Also, it could show that it could be a type of action film.

Showing all the stars that will be in the film will help attract a wider audience. Through out the trailer you find out they are also playing themselves which would be a good reason for people to go and see it.

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This is Spinal TapThis is Spinal Tap is an old classic directed by Rob Reiner. I preferred this film for it’s comedy and the look of it being a real documentary. Also, the music. The music, with it being a joke, is very enjoyable. That enjoyable to people that they wrote more songs after the film. The target audience for this film is for anyone who enjoys rock music and comedy. This is Spinal Tap is a classic because of it’s memorable quotes and lyrics.

On the DVD bonus features it shows other actors and comedians discussing the film, explaining why they liked it so much and how many times they have watched it. Watching this I noticed that the majority, if not, all of the celebrities were male. This goes to show that the main audience for this film are older males. With my cultural background

I have been brought up with the same humour as what the film includes. Also, the music, I have been brought up listening to rock music, therefore I enjoy the music in the film.

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Showing the band performing shows the audience that it is about a rock band. This would make the audience decide if they would be interested in a film based on that genre of music.

Clips of the band in an interview shows that it is filmed as though it is a documentary. This helps the audience understand what the films about . The clips of interviews gives the audience a chance to see what actors are in the film. However, the trailer is filmed as though it is advertising the band. It introduces them as their characters names.

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This is Spinal TapDirector: Rob Reiner2 March 1984 (USA)

Synopsis:Spinal Tap, one of England's loudest bands, is chronicled by film director Marty DeBergi on what proves to be a fateful tour.
