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MEAG 3.2 Version of LOR Starting Characters -...

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MEAG 3.2 Version of LOR Starting Characters Introduction: MEAG is a simple set of rules geared towards roleplaying in the world of J.R.R Tolkein’s The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings . LOR is the set of rules and introductory adventures that make up the Lord of the Ring Adventure Game by ICE (#LR0, LR1, LR2). The characters below are all well described in the LOR materials, except Alaric and Galfaroth. These two characters were only mentioned in passing in the description of the Hobbit Tollman. I’ve expanded them into full characters to add greater variety. In the pages that follow, each character has three pages of stats, equipment, etc. and a blank fourth page, except for Alaric and Galfaroth. The fourth page for these is a brief character description since there is little about them in the LOR materials. There is also a blank set of character sheets at the end that can be duplicated for your own characters. As I use the LOR materials, the adventures take place at a time about half way between the events of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings , so the world is familiar to the players who have read the books and/or seen the movies, but without colliding directly with those events or characters. The PCs have ties to the community of Bree and the adventures are initially centered around the Bree area. Cast of Player Characters: Tolman (Tom) Greenthumb – a Hobbit (Scout) who lives, with his sister Lily, in the family smial (Hobbit hole) on the slopes of Bree Hill. Tom is out-going and makes friends easily. He makes his living as a Finder of lost objects and people – something he has a particular knack for. His work often takes him far from home and so, for a Hobbit, he is very well traveled. Lily Greenthumb – a Hobbit (Scout) who lives, with her brother Tom, in the family smial (Hobbit hole) on the slopes of Bree Hill. She is blessed with an eidetic (“photographic”) memory for things she sees and has the talent to then paint very close likenesses of these things (usually portraits or landscapes). She also is a good cook, and cultivates her own medicinal and cooking herbs. Glain – a Dwarf trader (Warrior) who regularly makes the trip from his home in Merlost, in the Blue Mountains, to Rivendell and back to trade Dwarven metal crafts and jewelry for Human, Hobbit and Elven goods. When traveling, he always makes a point to visit with his friends Tom, Lily and Tatharina in Bree. He met Tom and Lily when Tom found an important document Glain had misplaced at the Prancing Pony Inn. Glain also was the one who brought Tatharina as a young child to Bree to be cared for by Fanuira. Rilwen – a Half-elf naturalist (Ranger) who currently lives with her parents in Rivendell. Her family originally lived in Mirkwood near the Halls of the Elven King, but they moved to Rivendell when the forest became too dangerous. Rilwen has a deep interest in knowing all about the plants and animals of Middle Earth. Her studies often take her far and wide, and it was on one of these trips that she met Tom. She had just lost a family ring near a stream behind Bree Hill when Tom stopped by and was able to find it for her. Tatharina – a Human healer (Mage) who lives in the house of her teacher, Fanuira Edhellammen, in Bree. She is a good friend to Lily and Tom, and often buys medicinal herbs from Lily’s garden. Tatharina was raised as an orphan and her parents are unknown to her, though her build (tall and strong) and hair color (deep auburn) hint at an origin far from the area around Bree. Alaric – a Human Riverman (Warrior). Alaric’s people trade goods up and down the Brandywine River by barge and boat. Tom met him on one of his trips to the Shire and was able to help Alaric find a family heirloom that had been lost. Alaric is more gregarious than most Rivermen and became friends with Tom during his stay. Recently, Alaric has been traveling back and forth to Bree to trade some of his family’s river goods and always stops by to visit with Tom and Lily. Galfaroth – a Human (Ranger) and one of the Rangers of the North. Galfaroth is from a long line of Rangers (his father still serves near Fornost) and has been assigned the area around Bree. The Rangers protect the people of the north lands in secret and have a public “cover” of being bounty hunters that prey on bandits. They do try to keep the roads safe, but also fight against Orcs, Trolls and other dangers, all without other people even knowing. In his travels around Bree, Tom eventually met and befriended him, though most people in Bree don’t know Galfaroth’s mission and are wary of him. Tom has kept Galfaroth’s secret even from Lily. Gallind – an Elf (Mage) who currently lives in Rivendell. Quiet and thoughtful, Gallind has few true friends, but Rilwen appreciated his talent for music (he plays the harp and flute very well) and asked him along on one of her trips into the wilderness. He agreed, and getting out into the world was good for his attitude and mood. He often accompanies her on adventures, now.

MEAG 3.2 Version of LOR Starting Characters


MEAG is a simple set of rules geared towards roleplaying in the world of J.R.R Tolkein’s The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. LOR is the

set of rules and introductory adventures that make up the Lord of the Ring Adventure Game by ICE (#LR0, LR1, LR2). The characters below

are all well described in the LOR materials, except Alaric and Galfaroth. These two characters were only mentioned in passing in the

description of the Hobbit Tollman. I’ve expanded them into full characters to add greater variety. In the pages that follow, each character has

three pages of stats, equipment, etc. and a blank fourth page, except for Alaric and Galfaroth. The fourth page for these is a brief character

description since there is little about them in the LOR materials. There is also a blank set of character sheets at the end that can be duplicated

for your own characters.

As I use the LOR materials, the adventures take place at a time about half way between the events of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, so

the world is familiar to the players who have read the books and/or seen the movies, but without colliding directly with those events or

characters. The PCs have ties to the community of Bree and the adventures are initially centered around the Bree area.

Cast of Player Characters:

Tolman (Tom) Greenthumb – a Hobbit (Scout) who lives, with his sister Lily, in the family smial (Hobbit hole) on the slopes of Bree Hill.

Tom is out-going and makes friends easily. He makes his living as a Finder of lost objects and people – something he has a particular knack

for. His work often takes him far from home and so, for a Hobbit, he is very well traveled.

Lily Greenthumb – a Hobbit (Scout) who lives, with her brother Tom, in the family smial (Hobbit hole) on the slopes of Bree Hill. She is

blessed with an eidetic (“photographic”) memory for things she sees and has the talent to then paint very close likenesses of these things

(usually portraits or landscapes). She also is a good cook, and cultivates her own medicinal and cooking herbs.

Glain – a Dwarf trader (Warrior) who regularly makes the trip from his home in Merlost, in the Blue Mountains, to Rivendell and back to trade

Dwarven metal crafts and jewelry for Human, Hobbit and Elven goods. When traveling, he always makes a point to visit with his friends Tom,

Lily and Tatharina in Bree. He met Tom and Lily when Tom found an important document Glain had misplaced at the Prancing Pony Inn.

Glain also was the one who brought Tatharina as a young child to Bree to be cared for by Fanuira.

Rilwen – a Half-elf naturalist (Ranger) who currently lives with her parents in Rivendell. Her family originally lived in Mirkwood near the

Halls of the Elven King, but they moved to Rivendell when the forest became too dangerous. Rilwen has a deep interest in knowing all about

the plants and animals of Middle Earth. Her studies often take her far and wide, and it was on one of these trips that she met Tom. She had just

lost a family ring near a stream behind Bree Hill when Tom stopped by and was able to find it for her.

Tatharina – a Human healer (Mage) who lives in the house of her teacher, Fanuira Edhellammen, in Bree. She is a good friend to Lily and

Tom, and often buys medicinal herbs from Lily’s garden. Tatharina was raised as an orphan and her parents are unknown to her, though her

build (tall and strong) and hair color (deep auburn) hint at an origin far from the area around Bree.

Alaric – a Human Riverman (Warrior). Alaric’s people trade goods up and down the Brandywine River by barge and boat. Tom met him on

one of his trips to the Shire and was able to help Alaric find a family heirloom that had been lost. Alaric is more gregarious than most Rivermen

and became friends with Tom during his stay. Recently, Alaric has been traveling back and forth to Bree to trade some of his family’s river

goods and always stops by to visit with Tom and Lily.

Galfaroth – a Human (Ranger) and one of the Rangers of the North. Galfaroth is from a long line of Rangers (his father still serves near

Fornost) and has been assigned the area around Bree. The Rangers protect the people of the north lands in secret and have a public “cover” of

being bounty hunters that prey on bandits. They do try to keep the roads safe, but also fight against Orcs, Trolls and other dangers, all without

other people even knowing. In his travels around Bree, Tom eventually met and befriended him, though most people in Bree don’t know

Galfaroth’s mission and are wary of him. Tom has kept Galfaroth’s secret even from Lily.

Gallind – an Elf (Mage) who currently lives in Rivendell. Quiet and thoughtful, Gallind has few true friends, but Rilwen appreciated his talent

for music (he plays the harp and flute very well) and asked him along on one of her trips into the wilderness. He agreed, and getting out into the

world was good for his attitude and mood. He often accompanies her on adventures, now.

MEAG -- Character Sheet

Character: Name _ Tolman (Tom) Greenthumb _________ Race _ Hobbit _________ Profession _ Scout __________

STATS: Stat + Skill + Special = Total Specialization: __Tracker – _______________

Strength -2 + NA + ________________ = ____ (+1) to Perception Skill Group when using the

Agility +3 + NA + ________________ = ____ Tracking Maneuver. _____________________

Intelligence +0 + NA + ________________ = ____ ______________________________________

Movement -2 + NA + ________________ = ____ Special Ability: _Finding (Dowsing) – _______

Defense +3 + NA + ________________ = ____ Can feel the direction to a well described item or

Endurance 40 + NA + ________________ = ____ person within (Perception X 100'). __________

Melee OB -2 + 1 + ________________ = ____ ______________________________________

Missile OB +2 + 1 + ________________ = ____ Special Item: _ Magic Dagger – ____________

General +1 + 1 + ________________ = ____ (+1) to Melee OB and Missile OB when used.

Subterfuge +2 + 1 + ________________ = ____ ______________________________________

Perception +1 + 2 + ________________ = ____ ______________________________________

Magical -2 + -2 + ________________ = ____ Mana Points (5 X Magical Bonus) =_________


Armor DB Notes Encum Price



Staff ________ +2 ___ Automatic +2 to DB when used, but not versus missile weapons ___________ (1) _______

Weapon DB Me OB Mi OB AD Range Notes Encum Price

Staff ________ (+2) ___ +0 ___ NA __________ -2 ___ NA ___ Two handed weapon ____________ 1 ________

Dagger ______ -1 ___ +0 * _ +0 * _________ -1 ___ 50' ____ * Magic Dagger _______________ 1 ________

Sling ________ -2 ___ NA___ +0 ___________ +0 __ 100'____ Can be used with a shield ________ 0 ________




Item Notes Encum Price

Std. Clothes ___ Protects from 85N F to 55N F ____________________________________________ (2) _______

Cloak ________ Keeps clothes dry versus rain or snow______________________________________ 1 ________

Belt _________ Holds one-hand weapons and pouches ready _________________________________ (1) _______

Pouch _______ Holds up to 30 sling pellets _______________________________________________ 0 ________

Pellets _______ (30) lead sling pellets __________________________________________________ 2 ________

Lockpicks ____ one set of lockpicks (Picking locks without them is at -2) _______________________ 1 ________

Backpack _____ For carrying additional items (can only carry ½ normal amount without) __________ 1 ________

Camping Basics_ Flint, steel, tinder, cup, knife, etc. ________________________________________ 1 ________

Water Skin ____ Holds one day’s water _________________________________________________ 4 ________






Herbs: (2) Sarah’s Root, (2) Arroweed _____________________________________________________________



Character’s Weight = __ 72 ____ Encumbrance Limit = _ 22 ______ Totals ___________12 ______

NOTES: (Damage Taken, Experience Points, Cash, Languages, Alignment, etc.) Cash: 50 Copper

MEAG -- Maneuver Sheet

Character: Name _ Tolman (Tom) Greenthumb_____ Race _ Hobbit _______ Profession _ Scout __________

_____ Melee OB Skill Group _____ Missile OB Skill Group _____ General Skill Group

_____ Unarmed Combat _____ Bows _ X _ Climbing

_ X _ Knives _ X _ Knives _____ Riding

_____ Swords _____ Crossbows _____ Swimming

_____ Axe/Mace/Hammer _____ Axe/Hammer _____ Jumping

_____ Spear _____ Spear _____ Cooking

_ X _ Staff (w/ automatic parry) _ X _ Sling _____ First Aid/Herbal Healing

_____ Parry (w/ known weapon) _ X _ Basic (stones, grapnels, etc.) _____ Trade/Craft ________________

_____ Trade/Craft ________________

_____ Subterfuge Skill Group _____ Perception Skill Group _____ Magical Skill Group*

_ X _ Stalk/Hide _ X _ Spot Traps/Hidden _____ Read Runes

_ X _ Pick Locks _____ Naturalism _____ Cast Spells**

_____ Pick Pockets _ +1 _ Tracking _____ Sense Magic Objects/Beings

_ X _ Disarm/Set Traps _ X _ Persuasion _____ Sense Magic Spells

_____ Forgery _____ Detect Lies _____ Alchemy (Potions, etc.)

_____ Trickery _____ Weather Sense _____ Enchantment (incl. Scrolls)

_____ Art/Music _ X _ Navigation/Orienteering

Notes: * Only Alchemy can be used if a Character’s Magical bonus is less than +1.

** Cast Spells can only be used if a Character’s Magical bonus is +1 or higher at Character Creation.

MEAG -- Character Sheet

Character: Name _ Lily Greenthumb __________________ Race _ Hobbit _________ Profession _ Scout __________

STATS: Stat + Skill + Special = Total Specialization: __ Herbalist – ______________

Strength -3 + NA + ________________ = ____ (+2) Perception when using Naturalism, but only

Agility +4 + NA + ________________ = ____ with respect to herbs and other plants. _______

Intelligence +0 + NA + ________________ = ____ ______________________________________

Movement -2 + NA + ________________ = ____ Special Ability: _ Eidetic Memory – _________

Defense +4 + NA + ________________ = ____ (+3) to Intelligence to remember details of or to

Endurance 40 + NA + ________________ = ____ describe anything she has seen before. _______

Melee OB -3 + 1 + ________________ = ____ ______________________________________

Missile OB +3 + 1 + ________________ = ____ Special Item: __ Magic Sling – _____________

General +1 + 2 + ________________ = ____ (+1) Missile OB when used. _______________

Subterfuge +2 + 1 + ________________ = ____ ______________________________________

Perception +1 + 1 + ________________ = ____ ______________________________________

Magical -2 + -2 + ________________ = ____ Mana Points (5 X Magical Bonus) =_________


Armor DB Notes Encum Price




Weapon DB Me OB Mi OB AD Range Notes Encum Price

Dagger _______ -1 ____ -1 ____ -1 ___________ -1 ___ 50' _________________________________ 1 _______

Sling _________ -2 ___ NA ___ +1* _________ +0 __ 100' __*Magic sling, can be used w/ shield __ 0 _______





Item Notes Encum Price

Std. Clothes _______Protect from 85N F to 55N F __________________________________________(2) _______

Cloak ____________Keeps clothes dry in rain or snow_______________________________________ 1 _______

Belt _____________Holds one-hand weapons and pouches ready ______________________________ (1) _______

Pouch ___________ Holds up to 30 sling pellets ___________________________________________ 0 ________

Pellets ___________ (30) lead pellets ____________________________________________________ 2 ________

Pouch ___________ Keeps up to 3 herbs ready: ____________________________________________ 0 ________

Backpack ________ Holds extra items (can only carry ½ normal load without) ____________________ 1 ________

Camping Basics ___ Flint, steel, tinder, cup, knife, etc. _______________________________________ 1 ________

Water skin ________ Holds one day’s water _______________________________________________ 4 ________

Scribe’s Kit _______ Parchment, ink, pens and nibs _________________________________________1 ________





Herbs: (5) Wolfwort, (3) Arroweed, (2) Hart’s Glory, (2) Sarah’s Root ___________________________________



Character’s Weight = __ 48 ____ Encumbrance Limit = ___ 14 ____ Totals _________ 9 ________

NOTES: (Damage Taken, Experience Points, Cash, Languages, Alignment, etc.) Cash: 50 Copper

MEAG -- Maneuver Sheet

Character: Name ___ Lily Greenthumb _______________ Race _ Hobbit _______ Profession _ Scout __________

_____ Melee OB Skill Group _____ Missile OB Skill Group _____ General Skill Group

_____ Unarmed Combat _____ Bows _ X _ Climbing

_ X _ Knives _ X _ Knives _____ Riding

_____ Swords _____ Crossbows _____ Swimming

_____ Axe/Mace/Hammer _____ Axe/Hammer _____ Jumping

_____ Spear _____ Spear _ X _ Cooking

_____ Staff (w/ automatic parry) _ X _ Sling _ X _ First Aid/Herbal Healing

_____ Parry (w/ known weapon) _____ Basic (stones, grapnels, etc.) _____ Trade/Craft ________________

_____ Trade/Craft ________________

_____ Subterfuge Skill Group _____ Perception Skill Group _____ Magical Skill Group*

_ X _ Stalk/Hide _ X _ Spot Traps/Hidden _____ Read Runes

_ X _ Pick Locks _+2 _ Naturalism (Plants only) _____ Cast Spells**

_____ Pick Pockets _ X _ Tracking _____ Sense Magic Objects/Beings

_ X _ Disarm/Set Traps _____ Persuasion _____ Sense Magic Spells

_____ Forgery _____ Detect Lies _____ Alchemy (Potions, etc.)

_____ Trickery _____ Weather Sense _____ Enchantment (incl. Scrolls)

_ X _ Art/Music _____ Navigation/Orienteering

Notes: * Only Alchemy can be used if a Character’s Magical bonus is less than +1.

** Cast Spells can only be used if a Character’s Magical bonus is +1 or higher at Character Creation.

MEAG -- Character Sheet

Character: Name _ Glain Longstride ________________ Race _ Dwarf __________ Profession _ Warrior _________

STATS: Stat + Skill + Special = Total Specialization: __ Traveling Merchant – _____

Strength +2 + NA + ________________ = ____ (+10) to Endurance when traveling long distance.

Agility -1 + NA + ________________ = ____ ______________________________________

Intelligence +1 + NA + ________________ = ____ ______________________________________

Movement +0 + NA + ________________ = ____ Special Ability: _ Diplomacy – _____________

Defense +0 + NA + ________________ = ____ (+2) Perception when using Persuasion. ______

Endurance 60 + NA + ________________ = ____ ______________________________________

Melee OB +2 + 2 + ________________ = ____ ______________________________________

Missile OB +0 + 1 + ________________ = ____ Special Item: _Magic Axe – _______________

General +2 + 1 + ________________ = ____ (+1) Melee OB and (+1) AD when used. _____

Subterfuge -2 + 1 + ________________ = ____ ______________________________________

Perception -1 + 1 + ________________ = ____ ______________________________________

Magical -3 + -2 + ________________ = ____ Mana Points (5 X Magical Bonus) =_________


Armor DB Notes Encum Price

Chain ________ +2 ___ (-2) Subterfuge, (-1) Movement, and (-1) Magical when worn ____________ (40) _______

Shield ________ +2 ___ (-2) Subterfuge, (-1) Magical when carried; only vs. front & left side attacks _ 6 ________


Weapon DB Me OB Mi OB AD Range Notes Encum Price

Axe __________ -1 ____ +1* __ -2 __________ +2* ___ 50' ___*Magic Axe; one hand weapon ____ 3 ________

Dagger _______ -1 _____ -1 ___ -1 ___________ -1 ____ 50' ________________________________ 1 ________

Crossbow _____ -1 ____ NA __ +1 ___________ +2 ___ 300' __ Takes an extra round to reload_____ 3 _______




Item Notes Encum Price

Std. Clothes ________Protects from 85N F to 55N F ________________________________________(3) _______

Cloak _____________Keeps clothes dry in rain or snow _____________________________________ 1 ________

Belt ______________ Holds one-hand weapons and pouches ready ____________________________ (1) _______

Backpack _________ Holds extra items (can carry only ½ normal load without) __________________ 1 ________

Scribe’s Kit _______ Parchment, ink, pens and nibs _________________________________________1 ________

Camping Basics ___ Flint, steel, tinder, cup, knife, etc. _______________________________________1 ________

Rope ____________ (30') will hold up to 400 Encum. Units __________________________________ 5 ________

Grapnel __________ Iron hook that can be attached to a rope _________________________________ 3 ________

Bedroll ___________ Provides a “bed” for restful and healing sleep in the wilderness _______________5________

Tarp _____________ Oilcloth that with rope can make a temporary shelter_______________________ 5 _______

Lantern __________ Hooded oil lamp that gives (+2) Perception in darkness, 25' radius _____________ 2 _______

Oil Flask _________ One pint of lamp oil that will fuel a lantern for 12 hours; quantity (2) ___________ 2 _______

Food ____________ Preserved travel rations; quantity (9) days _________________________________ 9 _______

Water ___________ Skin that holds one day’s water _________________________________________ 4 _______

Case ____________ Holds up to 20 Crossbow bolts _________________________________________ 1 _______

Bolts ____________ (20) Crossbow bolts _________________________________________________ 2 _______


Character’s Weight = _ 168 ____ Encumbrance Limit = __ 59 _____ Totals __________ 52 _______

NOTES: (Damage Taken, Experience Points, Cash, Languages, Alignment, etc.) Cash: 50 copper

MEAG -- Maneuver Sheet

Character: Name _ Glain Longstride _____________ Race _ Dwarf ________ Profession _ Warrior _____________

_____ Melee OB Skill Group _____ Missile OB Skill Group _____ General Skill Group

_ X _ Unarmed Combat _____ Bows _ X _ Climbing

_ X _ Knives _____ Knives _____ Riding

_____ Swords _ X _ Crossbows _____ Swimming

_ X _ Axe/Mace/Hammer _ X _ Axe/Hammer _____ Jumping

_____ Spear _____ Spear _____ Cooking

_____ Staff (w/ automatic parry) _____ Sling _____ First Aid/Herbal Healing

_ X _ Parry (w/ known weapon) _ X _ Basic (stones, grapnels, etc.) _ X _ Trade/Craft _ Blacksmith ___

_____ Trade/Craft ________________

_____ Subterfuge Skill Group _____ Perception Skill Group _____ Magical Skill Group*

_____ Stalk/Hide _ X _ Spot Traps/Hidden _____ Read Runes

_____ Pick Locks _____ Naturalism _____ Cast Spells**

_____ Pick Pockets _____ Tracking _____ Sense Magic Objects/Beings

_ X _ Disarm/Set Traps _+2_ Persuasion _____ Sense Magic Spells

_____ Forgery _ X _ Detect Lies _____ Alchemy (Potions, etc.)

_____ Trickery _____ Weather Sense _____ Enchantment (incl. Scrolls)

_____ Art/Music _____ Navigation/Orienteering

Notes: * Only Alchemy can be used if a Character’s Magical bonus is less than +1.

** Cast Spells can only be used if a Character’s Magical bonus is +1 or higher at Character Creation.

MEAG -- Character Sheet

Character: Name _ Rilwen __________________________ Race _ Half-Elf _______ Profession _ Ranger _________

STATS: Stat + Skill + Special = Total Specialization: __ Naturalist – _____________

Strength -1 + NA + ________________ = ____ (+2) Perception when using Naturalism and

Agility +2 + NA + ________________ = ____ (+1) Subterfuge for Stalk/Hide _____________

Intelligence +1 + NA + ________________ = ____ ______________________________________

Movement +1 + NA + ________________ = ____ Special Ability: _ Sense of Direction – _______

Defense +2 + NA + ________________ = ____ always knows the direction of North and ______

Endurance 40 + NA + ________________ = ____ (+2) Perception when using Orienteering to ___

Melee OB -1 + 1 + ________________ = ____ retrace her path, (+1) all other times _________

Missile OB +2 + -2 + ________________ = ____ Special Item: _ Magic Golden Pendant – allows

General +1 + 1 + ________________ = ____ wearer to experience the senses of any plant or

Subterfuge +0 + 1 + ________________ = ____ animal within 100'; wearer is unaware of own

Perception +1 + 1 + ________________ = ____ senses while doing so _____________________

Magical +0 + 1 + ________________ = ____ Mana Points (5 X Magical Bonus) =__ 5 ____


Armor DB Notes Encum Price

Leather ______ +1 ___ (-1) Subterfuge when worn _______________________________________ (20) ______



Weapon DB Me OB Mi OB AD Range Notes Encum Price

Bow _________ -1 ____ NA ___ +0 __________ +0 ___ 200' _______________________________ 1 ________

Sword _______ +0 ____ +0 ___ NA __________ +1* ___ NA _ *(+2) vs. no or Leather Armor _____ 3 ________

Dagger _______ -1_____ -1 ___ -1 ___________ -1 ____ 50' _______________________________ 1 ________




Item Notes Encum Price

Std. Clothes ________Protects from 85N F to 55N F ________________________________________(3) _______

Cloak _____________Keeps clothes dry in rain or snow _____________________________________ 1 ________

Belt ______________ Holds one-hand weapons and pouches ready ____________________________ (1) _______

Backpack _________ Holds extra items (can carry only ½ normal load without) __________________ 1 ________

Quiver ____________ Holds up to 24 arrows ______________________________________________ 1 _______

Arrows ___________ (24) arrows_______________________________________________________ 2 _______

Bedroll ___________ Provides a “bed” for restful and healing sleep in the wilderness _______________5________

Camping Basics ___ Flint, steel, tinder, cup, knife, etc. _______________________________________1 ________

Food ____________ Preserved travel rations; quantity (3) days ________________________________ 3 _______

Water ___________ Skin that holds one day’s water _________________________________________ 4 _______






Spells: Charm Beast, Speed ______________________________________________________________________


Character’s Weight = __ 112 ___ Encumbrance Limit = __ 28 _____ Totals __________ 24 _______

NOTES: (Damage Taken, Experience Points, Cash, Languages, Alignment, etc.) Cash: 50 Copper

MEAG -- Maneuver Sheet

Character: Name __ Rilwen ____________________ Race _ Half-Elf __________ Profession _ Ranger _________

_____ Melee OB Skill Group _____ Missile OB Skill Group _____ General Skill Group

_____ Unarmed Combat _ X _ Bows _ X _ Climbing

_____ Knives _____ Knives _ X _ Riding

_ X _ Swords _____ Crossbows _ X _ Swimming

_____ Axe/Mace/Hammer _____ Axe/Hammer _ X _ Jumping

_____ Spear _____ Spear _____ Cooking

_____ Staff (w/ automatic parry) _____ Sling _ X _ First Aid/Herbal Healing

_ X _ Parry (w/ known weapon) _____ Basic (stones, grapnels, etc.) _____ Trade/Craft ________________

_____ Trade/Craft ________________

_____ Subterfuge Skill Group _____ Perception Skill Group _____ Magical Skill Group*

_+1 _ Stalk/Hide _ X _ Spot Traps/Hidden _ X _ Read Runes

_____ Pick Locks _ +2_ Naturalism _ X _ Cast Spells**

_____ Pick Pockets _ X _ Tracking _____ Sense Magic Objects/Beings

_____ Disarm/Set Traps _____ Persuasion _____ Sense Magic Spells

_____ Forgery _____ Detect Lies _____ Alchemy (Potions, etc.)

_____ Trickery _____ Weather Sense _____ Enchantment (incl. Scrolls)

_____ Art/Music +1/+2 Navigation/Orienteering

Notes: * Only Alchemy can be used if a Character’s Magical bonus is less than +1.

** Cast Spells can only be used if a Character’s Magical bonus is +1 or higher at Character Creation.

MEAG -- Character Sheet

Character: Name _ Tatharina _______________________ Race _ Human __________ Profession _ Mage _________

STATS: Stat + Skill + Special = Total Specialization: __ Healer – ________________

Strength -1 + NA + ________________ = ____ (+2) General when using First Aid/Herbal Healing

Agility +1 + NA + ________________ = ____ Also those tended by her heal a 2X the normal rate,

Intelligence +2 + NA + ________________ = ____ both resting and active ____________________

Movement -1 + NA + ________________ = ____ Special Ability: _ Birthright – ______________

Defense +1 + NA + ________________ = ____ __ (Secret, unknown to her) _______________

Endurance 35 + NA + ________________ = ____ ______________________________________

Melee OB -2 + 1 + ________________ = ____ ______________________________________

Missile OB +1 + -2 + ________________ = ____ Special Item: _ Magic Bracelet – ___________

General +1 + 1 + ________________ = ____ (+1) Defense Bonus when worn ____________

Subterfuge -1 + -2 + ________________ = ____ ______________________________________

Perception +1 + 1 + ________________ = ____ ______________________________________

Magical +2 + 1 + ________________ = ____ Mana Points (5 X Magical Bonus) =__ 15 ____


Armor DB Notes Encum Price

Leather ______ +1 ___ (-1) Subterfuge when worn _______________________________________ (20) ______

Staff ________ +2 ___ Automatic +2 to DB when used, but not versus missile weapons ___________ (2) _______


Weapon DB Me OB Mi OB AD Range Notes Encum Price

Staff ________ (+2) ___ +0 ___ NA __________ -2 ___ NA ___ Two handed weapon ____________ 2 ________

Dagger (2)_____ -1 ____ -1 ____ -1 __________ -1 ___ 50' _________________________________ 2 _______





Item Notes Encum Price

Std. Clothes ________Protects from 85N F to 55N F ________________________________________(3) _______

Cloak _____________Keeps clothes dry in rain or snow _____________________________________ 2 ________

Belt ______________ Holds one-hand weapons and pouches ready ____________________________ (1) _______

Backpack _________ Holds extra items (can carry only ½ normal load without) __________________ 2 ________

Camping Basics ___ Flint, steel, tinder, cup, knife, etc. _______________________________________1 ________

Water ___________ Skin that holds one day’s water _________________________________________ 4 _______

Pouch ___________ Holds up to 3 herbs: _________________________________________________ 0 ________

Healer’s Kit _______ herbs, bandages, needles, thread, herb prep. equip., knife, shears, etc. __________ 3 ________




Potions: (2) Hart’s Glory, (2) Nightrod ___________________________________________________ 1 ________

Herbs: (3) Hart’s Glory, (2) Nightrod, (2) Arroweed, (1) Gemberry, (2) Mir-Melellan, (3) Sarah’s Root __________


Potion Formulae: Hart’s Glory, Nightrod ___________________________________________________________

Spells: Healing, Calm __________________________________________________________________________


Character’s Weight = __ 112 ____ Encumbrance Limit = __ 28 _____ Totals __________ 17 _______

NOTES: (Damage Taken, Experience Points, Cash, Languages, Alignment, etc.) Cash: 50 Copper

MEAG -- Maneuver Sheet

Character: Name __ Tatharina _________________ Race _ Human ________ Profession __ Mage __________

_____ Melee OB Skill Group _____ Missile OB Skill Group _____ General Skill Group

_____ Unarmed Combat _____ Bows _____ Climbing

_ X _ Knives _ X _ Knives _ X _ Riding

_____ Swords _____ Crossbows _____ Swimming

_____ Axe/Mace/Hammer _____ Axe/Hammer _____ Jumping

_____ Spear _____ Spear _ X _ Cooking

_ X _ Staff (w/ automatic parry) _____ Sling _+2 _ First Aid/Herbal Healing

_____ Parry (w/ known weapon) _____ Basic (stones, grapnels, etc.) _____ Trade/Craft ________________

_____ Trade/Craft ________________

_____ Subterfuge Skill Group _____ Perception Skill Group _____ Magical Skill Group*

_____ Stalk/Hide _____ Spot Traps/Hidden _ X _ Read Runes

_____ Pick Locks _ X _ Naturalism _ X _ Cast Spells**

_____ Pick Pockets _____ Tracking _ X _ Sense Magic Objects/Beings

_____ Disarm/Set Traps _ X _ Persuasion _ X _ Sense Magic Spells

_____ Forgery _____ Detect Lies _ X _ Alchemy (Potions, etc.)

_____ Trickery _____ Weather Sense _____ Enchantment (incl. Scrolls)

_____ Art/Music _____ Navigation/Orienteering

Notes: * Only Alchemy can be used if a Character’s Magical bonus is less than +1.

** Cast Spells can only be used if a Character’s Magical bonus is +1 or higher at Character Creation.

MEAG -- Character Sheet

Character: Name _ Alaric __________________________ Race _ Human __________ Profession _ Warrior _______

STATS: Stat + Skill + Special = Total Specialization: _ Riverman – _______________

Strength +2 + NA + ________________ = ____ (+1) to all General Maneuvers when on the water

Agility +0 + NA + ________________ = ____ ______________________________________

Intelligence +0 + NA + ________________ = ____ ______________________________________

Movement +1 + NA + ________________ = ____ Special Ability: __ Berserker – ____________

Defense +1 + NA + ________________ = ____ (+2) Strength, (+2) Melee OB, (-2) DB and ___

Endurance 50 + NA + ________________ = ____ and “U” combat results become just damage; __

Melee OB +2 + 1 + ________________ = ____ once/day for one combat_______________

Missile OB +1 + 1 + ________________ = ____ Special Item: __ Heirloom Spear – __________

General +1 + 1 + ________________ = ____ (+1) Melee OB, (+1) Missile OB & (+1) AD __

Subterfuge -1 + 2 + ________________ = ____ ______________________________________

Perception +0 + 1 + ________________ = ____ ______________________________________

Magical -2 + -2 + ________________ = ____ Mana Points (5 X Magical Bonus) =_________


Armor DB Notes Encum Price

Leather ______ +1 ___ (-1) Subterfuge when worn _______________________________________ (20) ______

Shield ________ +2 ___ (-2) Subterfuge, (-1) Magical when carried; only vs. front & left side attacks _ 6 ________


Weapon DB Me OB Mi OB AD Range Notes Encum Price

Spear ________ +0 ____ +1* __ +0* _________ +1* ___ 50' __* Magic Spear; used in one hand ____ 3 _________

_____________ +0 ____ +2* __ NA _________ +2* ___ NA __ used in two hands _________________________

Axe _________ -1 ____ +0 ___ -2 __________ +1 ____ 50' ___ one hand weapon ______________ 3 ________

Dagger _______ -1 _____ -1 __ -1 ___________ -1 ____ 50' ________________________________ 1 ________



Item Notes Encum Price

Std. Clothes ________Protects from 85N F to 55N F ________________________________________(3) _______

Cloak _____________Keeps clothes dry in rain or snow _____________________________________ 2 ________

Belt ______________ Holds one-hand weapons and pouches ready ____________________________ (1) _______

Backpack _________ Holds extra items (can carry only ½ normal load without) __________________ 1 ________

Camping Basics ___ Flint, steel, tinder, cup, knife, etc. _______________________________________1 ________

Rope ____________ (30') will hold up to 400 Encum. Units __________________________________ 5 ________

Grapnel __________ Iron hook that can be attached to a rope _________________________________ 3 ________

Bedroll ___________ Provides a “bed” for restful and healing sleep in the wilderness _______________5________

Tarp _____________ Oilcloth that with rope can make a temporary shelter_______________________ 5 _______

Lantern __________ Hooded oil lamp that gives (+2) Perception in darkness, 25' radius _____________ 2 _______

Oil Flask _________ One pint of lamp oil that will fuel a lantern for 12 hours; quantity (1) ___________ 1 _______

Food ____________ Preserved travel rations; quantity (3) days ________________________________ 3 _______

Water ___________ Skin that holds one day’s water _________________________________________ 4 _______





Character’s Weight = __ 210 ___ Encumbrance Limit = __ 53 _____ Totals __________ 45 _______

NOTES: (Damage Taken, Experience Points, Cash, Languages, Alignment, etc.) Cash: 50 Copper

MEAG -- Maneuver Sheet

Character: Name ____ Alaric __________________ Race ___ Human ______ Profession __ Warrior _______

(+1) when on the water

_____ Melee OB Skill Group _____ Missile OB Skill Group _____ General Skill Group

_ X _ Unarmed Combat _ X _ Bows _____ Climbing

_ X _ Knives _____ Knives _____ Riding

_____ Swords _____ Crossbows _ X _ Swimming

_ X _ Axe/Mace/Hammer _ X _ Axe/Hammer _____ Jumping

_ X _ Spear _ X _ Spear _____ Cooking

_____ Staff (w/ automatic parry) _____ Sling _____ First Aid/Herbal Healing

_____ Parry (w/ known weapon) _ X _ Basic (stones, grapnels, etc.) _____ Trade/Craft ________________

_____ Trade/Craft ________________

_____ Subterfuge Skill Group _____ Perception Skill Group _____ Magical Skill Group*

_____ Stalk/Hide _ X _ Spot Traps/Hidden _____ Read Runes

_____ Pick Locks _____ Naturalism _____ Cast Spells**

_____ Pick Pockets _____ Tracking _____ Sense Magic Objects/Beings

_____ Disarm/Set Traps _____ Persuasion _____ Sense Magic Spells

_____ Forgery _____ Detect Lies _____ Alchemy (Potions, etc.)

_____ Trickery _ X _ Weather Sense _____ Enchantment (incl. Scrolls)

_____ Art/Music _ X _ Navigation/Orienteering

Notes: * Only Alchemy can be used if a Character’s Magical bonus is less than +1.

** Cast Spells can only be used if a Character’s Magical bonus is +1 or higher at Character Creation.


Race: Alaric is Human.

Profession: He is a Warrior.

Nickname: (He has no nickname.)

Special Ability: Alaric has inherited the Berserker gift (curse?) of this people. Once per day he can bring the Berserker

rage upon himself and charge his enemies. It gives him (+2) Strength, (+2) Melee OB plus any “U” results against him

are converted to just damage, but his DB is at (-2) as he will take few defensive actions – he’s focused upon attack.

Also, once the rage comes over him, he will never run from the battle no matter how many foes descend upon him. He

can only free himself from the rage once all foes he can perceive have been defeated, surrender or flee.

Item: After Alaric’s Berserker rage helped his family defend their camp from a band of Orcs, his grandfather presented

him with an heirloom spear that had been in the family for generations. Of fine Dwarven craftsmanship, it’s been said

this spear helped slay a dragon long ago. It gives a (+1) to both Melee and Missile OB, and (+1) Additional Damage,

above that of a normal spear.

Home: Alaric’s family has a semi-permanent camp on the southern tip of an island that’s just north of the bridge

(Stonebows) over the Brandywine.

Family: His father, Olaf, is the leader of a small camp of Rivermen. Nearly all in the camp are related by blood or

marriage. Alaric’s mother, Helga, oversees the day to day chores with a firm hand. He has several siblings, aunts, uncles

and cousins either living at his parent’s camp or in other camps up and down the Brandywine.

Friends: While most Rivermen are clannish and have few friends outside their own people, Alaric has had a bit more

dealings with Hobbits than most other Rivermen and finds he likes their head for business and their hardworking

nature. On the recommendation of some Brandybuck friends, he contacted Tom to help find him find his mother’s

prized penknife. Since then, Alaric visits Tom and Lily in Bree when he is there to trade goods and they’ve become

good friends.

Livelihood: Alaric, like most all Rivermen, makes his living trading and transporting goods up and down the length of

the Brandywine river. He’s actually more at home on the water than on dry land.

Alaric Olafson was born to the river trade and he does it well. Unfortunately, he also has a touch of the wanderlust and

so feels the need to broaden his experiences. Not that the river isn’t exciting enough - with hidden sandbars, shifting

rapids, bandits and the occasional Orc band, but he feels drawn by the stories of far away treasure hoarded by fantastic

monsters. He is also more open to contact with people unlike himself, beyond simple trading, than other Rivermen.

This has lead him to become friendly with some regular customers from the Shire. The Brandybucks are quite familiar

with boats and swimming, unlike most Hobbits, and Alaric often trades news and stories with them, as well as goods.

He’s also taken up smoking pipeweed, though he only does it when he’s not around other Rivermen.

One day his mother discovered that her prized penknife (with a handle and sheath inlaid with silver – a wedding gift)

was missing. No one had entered or left her camp area during the time since she last saw it, and she had not gone near

the river bank during that time either. A thorough search failed to locate it. Later, he mentioned this to his Brandybuck

friends and they related how a Bree Hobbit named Tom had just found the long lost will of Reginald Took in Buck

Hall. Alaric was skeptical, but asked Tom to help anyway. It wasn’t long before Tom found that a large magpie had

taken the knife to its nest in the attic of Buck Hall. Tom and Alaric have been friends since. Alaric visits Tom and Lily

in Bree, when there to trade goods.

MEAG -- Character Sheet

Character: Name _ Galfaroth _______________________ Race _ Human __________ Profession _ Ranger ________

STATS: Stat + Skill + Special = Total Specialization: __ Courier – _______________

Strength +1 + NA + ________________ = ____ (+2) General when Riding and _____________

Agility +1 + NA + ________________ = ____ (+10) Endurance for traveling long distance

Intelligence +1 + NA + ________________ = ____ ______________________________________

Movement +1 + NA + ________________ = ____ Special Ability: __ Weather Eye – __________

Defense +1 + NA + ________________ = ____ (+2) Perception when using Weather Sense ___

Endurance 45 + NA + ________________ = ____ ______________________________________

Melee OB +1 + 1 + ________________ = ____ ______________________________________

Missile OB +1 + 1 + ________________ = ____ Special Item: ___________________________

General +0 + 1 + ________________ = ____ Ranger Star pin: (+1) DB when worn and ____

Subterfuge +1 + 2 + ________________ = ____ Ranger Cloak: (+1) Subterfuge when using _

Perception +1 + 1 + ________________ = ____ Stalk/Hide while worn____________________

Magical -1 + -2 + ________________ = ____ Mana Points (5 X Magical Bonus) =_________


Armor DB Notes Encum Price

Leather ______ +1 ___ (-1) Subterfuge when worn _______________________________________ (20) ______



Weapon DB Me OB Mi OB AD Range Notes Encum Price

Bow _________ -1 ____ NA ___ +0 __________ +0 ___ 200' __ using belt quiver _______________ 1 ________

Sword of War__ -1 ____ -1 ___ NA __________ +2 ___ NA ___one handed; using back sheath ____ 4 ________

_____________ +0____ +0____ NA __________ +2 ___ NA ___with two hands __________________________

Dagger _______ -1_____ -1 ___ -1 ___________ -1 ___ 50' ________________________________ 1 ________



Item Notes Encum Price

Std. Clothes ________Protects from 85N F to 55N F ________________________________________(3) _______

Cloak _____________Ranger’s grey cloak made from Dunadan fabric*_________________________ 1* _______

Belt ______________ Holds one-hand weapons and pouches ready ____________________________ (1) _______

Backpack _________ Holds extra items (can carry only ½ normal load without) __________________ 1 ________

Camping Basics ___ Flint, steel, tinder, cup, knife, etc. _______________________________________1 ________

Rope ____________ (30') will hold up to 400 Encum. Units __________________________________ 5 ________

Grapnel __________ Iron hook that can be attached to a rope _________________________________ 3 ________

Bedroll ___________ Provides a “bed” for restful and healing sleep in the wilderness _______________5________

Food ____________ Preserved travel rations; quantity (3) days ________________________________ 3 _______

Water ___________ Skin that holds one day’s water _________________________________________ 4 _______

Quiver ____________ Holds up to 24 arrows, on belt ________________________________________ 1 _______

Arrows ___________ (24) arrows_______________________________________________________ 2 _______

Pouch ____________ for up to 3 herbs: (3) Arroweed _______________________________________ 0 _______



Herbs: (3) Arroweed, (3) Sarah’s Root, (1) Athelas ___________________________________________________


Character’s Weight = __ 180 ___ Encumbrance Limit = ___ 45 ____ Totals ___________ 32 ______

NOTES: (Damage Taken, Experience Points, Cash, Languages, Alignment, etc.) Cash: 50 Copper

MEAG -- Maneuver Sheet

Character: Name __ Galfaroth ____________________________ Race __ Human______ Profession _ Ranger ______

_____ Melee OB Skill Group _____ Missile OB Skill Group _____ General Skill Group

_ X _ Unarmed Combat _ X _ Bows _ X _ Climbing

_ X _ Knives _____ Knives _+2 _ Riding

_ X _ Swords _____ Crossbows _ X _ Swimming

_____ Axe/Mace/Hammer _____ Axe/Hammer _____ Jumping

_____ Spear _____ Spear _____ Cooking

_____ Staff (w/ automatic parry) _____ Sling _____ First Aid/Herbal Healing

_ X _ Parry (w/ known weapon) _____ Basic (stones, grapnels, etc.) _____ Trade/Craft ________________

_____ Trade/Craft ________________

_____ Subterfuge Skill Group _____ Perception Skill Group _____ Magical Skill Group*

_ X _ Stalk/Hide (+1 w/ Ranger cloak) _ X _ Spot Traps/Hidden _____ Read Runes

_____ Pick Locks _____ Naturalism _____ Cast Spells**

_____ Pick Pockets _ X _ Tracking _____ Sense Magic Objects/Beings

_ X _ Disarm/Set Traps _____ Persuasion _____ Sense Magic Spells

_____ Forgery _____ Detect Lies _____ Alchemy (Potions, etc.)

_____ Trickery _+2 _ Weather Sense _____ Enchantment (incl. Scrolls)

_____ Art/Music _ X _ Navigation/Orienteering

Notes: * Only Alchemy can be used if a Character’s Magical bonus is less than +1.

** Cast Spells can only be used if a Character’s Magical bonus is +1 or higher at Character Creation.


Race: Galfaroth is Human.

Profession: He is a King’s Ranger.

Nickname: His nickname is Galfar.

Special Ability: Galfar has an especially keen eye for weather changes and forecasts. He receives a +2 additional

bonus to his Perception when attempting any Weather Sense maneuver.

Item: As one of the King’s Rangers, he’s been presented with a seven-pointed silver star cloak pin as token of his

authority and duty, and the grey Ranger’s cloak of fine Dunedain workmanship.

Home: Galfar has no real “home” as he spends most of his time on patrol or carrying messages. He has claim of

hospitality at any Ranger safe-house or fort.

Family: His father, Harathorn, is also still a Ranger and the two occasionally meet when time allows. His mother

passed away several years ago. His sister, Marinwe, is a Seer for the Dunedain, but is sequestered with the rest of the

Seers at their Order’s secret location somewhere along the Blue River valley. He also has a few aunts, uncles and

cousins scattered about Eriador, but rarely gets to see them much anymore.

Friends: Outside of family and other Rangers, Galfar deliberately tries to keep his distance from other people, as to

better fade into the background and so few people will take notice of his arrivals and departures. Tolman the Hobbit is a

rare exception (see below).

Livelihood: Though he often gets regular patrol or scout missions, he’s usually assigned to deliver any urgent messages

between Ranger commanders due to his skill at Riding and traveling long distances in a short time.

Galfaroth, son of Harathorn, proudly follows in the family tradition of service in the King’s Rangers. As with all

Rangers, he fosters the image of a nearly-wild outlander to prevent anyone from prying too closely into his business. In

general, the Rangers in this part of the Third Age give the image of a clan of people who make their “living” preying on

bandits and outlaws. This “predator among predators” image causes them to be merely tolerated in most civilized areas

– and the Rangers prefer it that way as it allows them to perform their duty with minimal interference.

Pursuing his role as a taciturn Ranger avoided by the Bree-landers, he actively sought to prevent an acquaintance

between himself and the Hobbit Tolman (Tom). As an appointed guardian of the Free Peoples inhabiting the lands that

once comprised Arnor, Galfaroth routinely faces rabid beasts, Orcs, bandits and other nasties roaming the wilds north,

east and south of Bree-land. He can be a dangerous person with whom to spend time, since his foes often seek

vengeance. Luck, and Tom’s gregarious personality, conspired against Galfaroth’s reticence.

Early one morning, just outside of Bree, the Ranger lost his left boot to an overly bold racoon. The furry bandit fled out

of sight while his victim hopped up and down cursing and laughing. Tom, out for a dawn stroll, came upon Galfaroth

in his comical plight. Finding the racoon’s den was not difficult, nor was persuading it to relinquish the boot.

Galfaroth, however, abandoned his reserved demeanor (it’s hard to remain dignified after being discovered helpless

with laughter) and consented to smoke a bowl of pipeweed with Tom. Since then, the two will often meet by a wild

apple tree on the outskirts of the Chetwood to exchange news. At Galfaroth’s request, Tom has been careful not to let

anyone else know the true purpose of the Rangers.

MEAG -- Character Sheet

Character: Name _ Gallind _________________________ Race _ Elf ____________ Profession _ Mage ___________

STATS: Stat + Skill + Special = Total Specialization: __ Bard (Musician) – ________

Strength -1 + NA + ________________ = ____ (+2) Perception when using Persuasion on a __

Agility +1 + NA + ________________ = ____ successful performance________________

Intelligence +2 + NA + ________________ = ____ ______________________________________

Movement +0 + NA + ________________ = ____ Special Ability: __ Elven Sight – ___________

Defense +1 + NA + ________________ = ____ (+1) Perception at all times and ____________

Endurance 30 + NA + ________________ = ____ (+2) Perception under starlight or moonlight

Melee OB -1 + -2 + ________________ = ____ ______________________________________

Missile OB +0 + 1 + ________________ = ____ Special Item: _ Magic Harp (Vánalassë) – ____

General +0 + -2 + ________________ = ____ (+1) Magical for Spell Casting if strumming the

Subterfuge +0 + 1 + ________________ = ____ harp while casting____________________

Perception +1 + 1 + ________________ = ____ ______________________________________

Magical +2 + 1 + ________________ = ____ Mana Points (5 X Magical Bonus) =__ 15 ___


Armor DB Notes Encum Price




Weapon DB Me OB Mi OB AD Range Notes Encum Price

Bow _________ -1 ____ NA ___ +0 __________ +0 ___ 200' _______________________________ 1 ________

Dagger _______ -1_____ -1 ___ -1 ___________ -1 ____ 50' _______________________________ 1 ________





Item Notes Encum Price

Std. Clothes ________Protects from 85N F to 55N F ________________________________________(3) _______

Cloak _____________Keeps clothes dry in rain or snow _____________________________________ 2 ________

Belt ______________ Holds one-hand weapons and pouches ready ____________________________ (1) _______

Backpack _________ Holds extra items (can carry only ½ normal load without) __________________ 1 ________

Camping Basics ___ Flint, steel, tinder, cup, knife, etc. _______________________________________1 ________

Food ____________ Preserved travel rations; quantity (3) days ________________________________ 3 _______

Water ___________ Skin that holds one day’s water _________________________________________ 4 _______

Quiver ____________ Holds up to 24 arrows, on belt ________________________________________ 1 _______

Arrows ___________ (24) arrows_______________________________________________________ 2 _______

Scribe’s Kit _______ Parchment, ink, pens and nibs _________________________________________1 ________

Harp _____________ with oilcloth cover __________________________________________________ 3 _______

Flute _____________ with leather case ____________________________________________________ 1 ______




Spells : Analyse Item, Firebolt, Shield, Mage Shield __________________________________________________


Character’s Weight = __ 104 ______ Encumbrance Limit = __ 26 _____ Totals ___________ 21 ______

NOTES: (Damage Taken, Experience Points, Cash, Languages, Alignment, etc.) Cash: 50 Copper

MEAG -- Maneuver Sheet

Character: Name _____Gallind _________________ Race __ Elf _________ Profession ___ Mage _________

(+1 in sunlight) (+1 in sunlight)

(+2 under star- or moonlight) (+2 under star- or moonlight)

_____ Melee OB Skill Group _____ Missile OB Skill Group _____ General Skill Group

_____ Unarmed Combat _ X _ Bows _____ Climbing

_ X _ Knives _____ Knives _ X _ Riding

_____ Swords _____ Crossbows _____ Swimming

_____ Axe/Mace/Hammer _____ Axe/Hammer _____ Jumping

_____ Spear _____ Spear _____ Cooking

_____ Staff (w/ automatic parry) _____ Sling _____ First Aid/Herbal Healing

_____ Parry (w/ known weapon) _____ Basic (stones, grapnels, etc.) _____ Trade/Craft ________________

_____ Trade/Craft ________________

(+1 in sunlight)

(+2 under star- or moonlight)

_____ Subterfuge Skill Group _____ Perception Skill Group _____ Magical Skill Group*

_ X _ Stalk/Hide _____ Spot Traps/Hidden _ X _ Read Runes

_____ Pick Locks _____ Naturalism _ X _ Cast Spells**

_____ Pick Pockets _ X _ Tracking _ X _ Sense Magic Objects/Beings

_____ Disarm/Set Traps _ +2_ Persuasion (w/ performance) _ X _ Sense Magic Spells

_____ Forgery _ X _ Detect Lies _____ Alchemy (Potions, etc.)

_____ Trickery _____ Weather Sense _ X _ Enchantment (incl. Scrolls)

_ X _ Art/Music _____ Navigation/Orienteering

Notes: * Only Alchemy can be used if a Character’s Magical bonus is less than +1.

** Cast Spells can only be used if a Character’s Magical bonus is +1 or higher at Character Creation.

MEAG -- Character Sheet

Character: Name _______________________________ Race __________________ Profession _________________

STATS: Stat + Skill + Special = Total Specialization: __________________________

Strength ___ + NA + ________________ = ____ ______________________________________

Agility ___ + NA + ________________ = ____ ______________________________________

Intelligence ___ + NA + ________________ = ____ ______________________________________

Movement ___ + NA + ________________ = ____ Special Ability: _________________________

Defense ___ + NA + ________________ = ____ ______________________________________

Endurance ___ + NA + ________________ = ____ ______________________________________

Melee OB ___ + ____ + ________________ = ____ ______________________________________

Missile OB ___ + ____ + ________________ = ____ Special Item: ___________________________

General ___ + ____ + ________________ = ____ ______________________________________

Subterfuge ___ + ____ + ________________ = ____ ______________________________________

Perception ___ + ____ + ________________ = ____ ______________________________________

Magical ___ + ____ + ________________ = ____ Mana Points (5 X Magical Bonus) =_________


Armor DB Notes Encum Price




Weapon DB Me OB Mi OB AD Range Notes Encum Price







Item Notes Encum Price


















Character’s Weight = __________ Encumbrance Limit = ___________ Totals ____________________

NOTES: (Damage Taken, Experience Points, Cash, Languages, Alignment, etc.)

MEAG -- Maneuver Sheet

Character: Name _______________________________ Race ________________ Profession __________________

_____ Melee OB Skill Group _____ Missile OB Skill Group _____ General Skill Group

_____ Unarmed Combat _____ Bows _____ Climbing

_____ Knives _____ Knives _____ Riding

_____ Swords _____ Crossbows _____ Swimming

_____ Axe/Mace/Hammer _____ Axe/Hammer _____ Jumping

_____ Spear _____ Spear _____ Cooking

_____ Staff (w/ automatic parry) _____ Sling _____ First Aid/Herbal Healing

_____ Parry (w/ known weapon) _____ Basic (stones, grapnels, etc.) _____ Trade/Craft ________________

_____ Trade/Craft ________________

_____ Subterfuge Skill Group _____ Perception Skill Group _____ Magical Skill Group*

_____ Stalk/Hide _____ Spot Traps/Hidden _____ Read Runes

_____ Pick Locks _____ Naturalism _____ Cast Spells**

_____ Pick Pockets _____ Tracking _____ Sense Magic Objects/Beings

_____ Disarm/Set Traps _____ Persuasion _____ Sense Magic Spells

_____ Forgery _____ Detect Lies _____ Alchemy (Potions, etc.)

_____ Trickery _____ Weather Sense _____ Enchantment (incl. Scrolls)

_____ Art/Music _____ Navigation/Orienteering

Notes: * Only Alchemy can be used if a Character’s Magical bonus is less than +1.

** Cast Spells can only be used if a Character’s Magical bonus is +1 or higher at Character Creation.
