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Meaningful learning

Date post: 16-Apr-2017
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MEANINGFUL Ma. Sonia Calderón Cruz

Thinking about Meaning

MeaningfulMa. Sonia Caldern Cruz

Do you ever wonder whether your students care about your course material? Do you question whether your students appreciate how the information you address in class is relevant to them? Do you feel like there is often a mismatch between your intentions for your class and what your students actually want to learn?How can we teach them in order to encourage their interest?Students are more likely to pay attention and be excited about your course when they view the class as relevant to themselves and connected to their interests.

What is learning?LearningKnowles defines learning as the process of gaining knowledge or expertise.(Knowles, 1998, p. 17) another definition of learning by E. A. Haggard states that learning is a change in behavior as a result of experience. (Haggard, 1963, p. 20.)Meaningful learningMeaningful learning refers to the concept that the learned knowledge is fully understood by the individual and that the individual knows how that specific fact relates to other stored facts stored inyour brain. (ausebel)The construction and reconstruction of meanings by learners requires that they actively seek to integrate new knowledge with knowledge already in their cognitive structure.Meaningful learning, in short, is learning that makes a difference in ones mind and in ones life.

Learning process

Meaningful LearningRequires learners who are activeActively engaged by a meaningful taskTasks which they can manipulate objects and parameters of the environment they work inObserve the results of their manipulations.

Characteristics of Meaningful Learning.SynergeticInterrelatedInteractiveInterdependentIf One or more of these present meaningful learning will most likely occur.

Active Learning Known as manipulative or observantPromotes thinkingLearning is natural actively manipulating objects and observing what they have done.

Constructive LearningArticulate/reflective learningEncourage reflection on learning by childrenActivity is necessary but not sufficient for learning.Integrate new experiences with prior knowledgeEstablish learning goals

Intentional LearningGoal directed/RegulatoryUser knows the endThink and learn more by fulfilling their goal.Using computers for planning everyday tasks learning meaningfully.

Authentic LearningComplex/contextualRealistic for childrenRelevant / real lifeRelate ideas to real-world contextsSimulations or problem-based learningTransferred to new situationsCreate an authentic experience

Cooperative LearningCollaborative/ConversationalEngagedGroup work/small groupsNaturally work togetherSeek out others for helpConnect learners in same classroom, across town or around the world.

Its all about the thinking!Students learn from thinkingThinking about what they are doingThinking about what they believeThinking about what others have done and believeJust thinking and reasoningLEARNING RESULTS FROM THINKING!


How does Technology Facilitate meaningful Learning?Use the computer to represent what they know, not what the teachers or textbooks tell them!Provides rich and flexible media for learning.Think that technologies are learning tools that students learn with, not from


TECHNOLOGY ENGAGING LEARNERSMeaningful learning will result when technologies engage learners by:Knowledge construction, not reproductionConversation, not receptionArticulation, not repetitionCollaboration, not competitionReflection, not prescription
