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Measure Customer and Business Feedback to Drive Improvement

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BT12 Concurrent Session 11/14/2013 3:45 PM "Measure Customer and Business Feedback to Drive Improvement" Presented by: Paul Fratellone uTest Brought to you by: 340 Corporate Way, Suite 300, Orange Park, FL 32073 888Ͳ268Ͳ8770 ͼ 904Ͳ278Ͳ0524 ͼ [email protected] ͼ www.sqe.com

BT12 Concurrent�Session�11/14/2013�3:45�PM�


"Measure Customer and Business Feedback to Drive

Improvement" ���

Presented by:

Paul Fratellone uTest




340�Corporate�Way,�Suite�300,�Orange�Park,�FL�32073�888Ͳ268Ͳ8770�ͼ�904Ͳ278Ͳ0524�ͼ�[email protected]�ͼ�www.sqe.com

Paul Fratellone uTest

Paul Fratellone’s career in quality assurance and testing began in the mid-1980s and has spanned multiple industries and domains. Through the years, Paul has recognized certain patterns and pain points which all organizations need to deal with. Building a business case for justifying investments in quality and testing has enabled organizations to not only measure success but continually improve. Paul’s perspective and passion are clearly rooted in ensuring teams provide value to the business and ultimately to end users. Knowing what is important to the customer is how Paul has quantitatively articulated the cost-risk-benefit equation of quality to business owners and IT management.




Measure Customer and Business Feedback to Drive Improvement Presented by Paul Fratellone November 2013


Session Name: B12 Metrics




What’s the landscape

How many are working in B2C ____ B2B ____ Internal ____

How many are collecting project/product metrics? ____ Financial ___ Schedule ___ Effort ____ Quality ____ Scope ____

Is there a process improvement initiative Yes ____ No ____ Planned ____

For those PII what has been the progress? Good ____ Slow ____ None ____

How many have Organization & Department level goals & objectives Yes ____ No____?

Are their financial incentives associated with Goal attainment Yes ____ No ____? Improvements Yes ____ No ____?


Defining what are metrics

Many data points/components and processes involved in the results - is why it’s difficult to improve.

Information that tells leadership the probability of success or failure in attaining goals and objectives




•  Focused on specific goals –  Purpose of measurement

•  Object(s) to be measured –  Applied to all life-cycle products,

processes and resources

•  Perspective –  Viewpoint from which the measure is


Underlying principles

Victor R. Basili - "Software Modeling and Measurement: The Goal Question Metric Paradigm,"


Why Bother

•  Documents goals / targets are being attained •  Articulates trends and early warning notification •  Quantifiable reference and baseline for improvements

•  Increased accuracy of cost allocation •  Enables accelerated root cause analysis

•  Hidden costs and/or costs not being measured could negatively impact goals

•  Visibility into the maturity and readiness for the release/production deployment

•  Enables effective management of the software/product delivery life cycle




Roadblocks to Actions/Improvements

•  Organizational Corporate –  Non existent / cascading goals

–  No incentive to change

–  Uncertain market conditions

–  Management indecision

•  Operational Layers –  Insufficient / Inaccurate data

–  No analytics/intelligence data

–  Poor planning/estimating models

–  Unreliable historical data


All too true for some organizations




What’s in your middle

Product Sales

Marketing Technology


Around and around …

1.  Marketing identifies a need 2.  Product specifies a solution 3.  Engineering builds the product 4.  QA tests the application 5.  Help desk listens to complaints 6.  Blame game and finger pointing 7.  Customers comment in social

media 8.  Repeat and hope for better





Customer’s Perspective: Outcomes

Great Product but I wish it could …

I used to be able to do… but now I cannot, what happened?

I could not install it

Your application keeps on crashing, FIX IT !!!

… I had to input all my data all over again, this sucks


Customers are chatting: Outcomes

•  Production outages/severity

•  Transaction processing

•  Promotions and campaigns

•  Credits and refunds

•  Customer service calls

•  User Experience



| 13

| 14




What’s needed to action change

Social media negative reviews What when wrong …

Risk & Impact to business goals What was being measured (needs to be) What warning signals need to be in place What processes are involved in the

delivery of the results Base Line / Benchmarks

Articulate the changes / Improvements State the target (measurable) improvement

Measure results – Comparisons Success Attainment – Course Corrections


Defining the relationships

Goals Deviations (actual to plan) Result Assessment Focus

Schedule Resource utilization Delivery cycle duration Portfolio disruption

Missed window of opportunity & revenue opportunities Customer Satisfaction Loss of credibility

Estimation & Planning •  Resource •  Duration Risk Based Testing

Content New features & enhancements Sustained maintenance

Missed Revenue Opportunities Portfolio disruption Customer Satisfaction Loss of credibility Time to Market delays

Estimation & Planning SDLC Project Delivery Test Coverage & Regression Test Modeling & Design Requirements Mgmt

Quality Predictability Reliability Performance Customer Satisfaction

Increased incidents Missed Revenue Opportunities Increase in Customer Service Production Outages/Hot Fixes Customer Satisfaction

Defect Root Cause Analysis Project Metrics Reporting Risked based testing Regression suites

Cost CapEx & OpEx Release Costs Production Quality

Increased incidents in production Time to Market delays

Risked based testing Tools & Automation




Models & Estimating

Estimating The process of forecasting or approximating the time and cost (effort) of completing activities i.e. deliverables.

Contingencies (buffers) Are created to offset uncertainty; reduce the likelihood of…


Estimates get better over time




Real World Case Study

Client Profile

Fortune 500 Financial Services

Situation: Perceived low value Cost Overruns Increasing quality issues Customer Service issues Unable to scale


Problems and Challenges:

•  Low confidence to deliver “ON” Quality, Content, Schedule & Budget

•  Racing to the finish line: Unplanned effort (overtime) to deliver release

•  Ineffective quality gates and checkpoints throughout the SDLC to mitigate risk to the business

•  Weak change management process •  Inefficient utilization of user (UAT) resources •  Insufficient implementation of process improvements •  Deficient root cause analysis




Where will we be: High level roadmap

Controlled (C) Bring process under control

Efficient (E): Establish an efficient process

Optimising (O) Kaizen & Evolve towards higher maturity

Wave 1

Wave 2



Aligned Delivery Goals Portfolio Delivery Management Baselines & Cost of Quality Process Focused/Monitored Enhanced SDLC Enhanced Estimation Warnings & Triggers

Test Case repository improvements Enhanced test case and defect metrics Enhanced Testbed approach Root Cause Enabled

Wave 3

Enhanced Tools Reliable Data Actionable Improvements Feedback & Comparison

Starting Point


What did we promise… What’s the ROI


Description Year 1 Year 2 Cost Benefits Cost Benefits

QC Administrator QC training

60,000 5,000 - 60,000

2,500 -

Staff Training on enhanced QC 35,000 - 15,000 Test Coordination Reporting & Administration 9,000 9,000

Test Case Efficiency 40,000 50,000 108,000

Test Case Reuse 30,000 36,000

Test/Impact Analysis 70,000 84,000 Test Data/ Bed Reuse & Test Data Mgmt. 5,000 7,000 12,000

Requirements & Traceability 30,000 94,000 124,000

Subtotal 175,000 260,000 77,500 373,000 Net Benefits 85,000 295,500




Test Process Improvements – Detailed Description Savings Time to implement Benefits Details Calculation


9,000/yr. As long as a training starts in 2012 (4Q) benefits can be realized immediately


60,000 *(25% in report generation) 15,000 per annum * 15% reduction in effort . - 2,250 * 4 TCs

Test%Case%Efficiency% 50,000 in year 1 108,000 in yr. 2 and beyond

2 months to prepare 40,000 to ready QC


15% of STLC overall test effort will be saved from preparation and execution 9,000/month

Test%Case%Reuse% 30,000 /yr. 1 36,000/yr. 2

Related to TC efficiency. No additional cost


3,000/month *10 months .

Test/Impact%%Analysis% 70,000 yr. 1

84,000 yr. 2 Related to TC efficiency. No additional cost


7,000/month * 10 months


7,000 yr. 1 12,000 yr. 2

1 month of effort to design re-usable test bed.


1,000/month Cost 5,000

Requirements%&%Traceability%% 94,000 yr. 1

124,000 yr. 2 2 months of effort


124,000 Savings due to reduction in defects found in production 30,000 investment to load historical data


Analyzing the data points Defect Analysis Focus Area Deliverable

•  Delayed/minimal collaboration

•  Test Resource Planning •  Test Cycle Estimation •  Requirements

Management •  Clarity /completeness

of requirements •  Insufficient

requirements analysis •  Change Management

•  Poor Impact analysis

•  Inadequate TC Design/Strategy

•  Weak/Insufficient regression

•  Inadequate Test Bed •  Requirements/TC

traceability •  Levels of Testing

!  Root causes to

support/identify process improvements areas

!  Identify patterns

and common areas of risk /improvements that will assist other products across the portfolio

!  Metrics and KPI’s to compare results of improvements

!  Common utilization of tools, test standards and techniques

"  Avg. % Defects found in QA/ST is at 71.4%, & 67.8% for High Severity Defects (Critical & Serious)

"  Highest Prod. and UAT defect % is found in BAU (34%-UAT, 24%-Prod) releases and the non mainstream releases - Like Release O1, K1 contributing to 32.5 and 24% Production defect % respectively.

"  Recent Release P has done a better job comparatively with 90% defects found in QA/ST. This can be analyzed further for future improvements.

"  Avg across products being 70.4% found in QA/ST.

"  Finance and All enterprise products having a very low QA/ST defect%. "  48% (45% coming from Misc. Depts.)

and 59.5% (24% coming from production).




Portfolio Management

13 20 27 3 10 17 24 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 1 8 15 22 29

Hig h%L evel%E s timates % 24 24 24 25 25 26 26 27 27 28 28 28 29 29B S C %T eam%P rint%Analys is %(inc .%final%wording s ) 24 25 26 27 28 29P rint%Analys is P 24 25 26 27 28L as t%S pec ific ations %S ig ned%Off P 24 25 26 27 28Polic y %Wording s %S ig ned%Off%(RRD) P 24 25 26 27 28P roduc t%Analys is P 24 25 26 27 28B uild%(F rom%NF D%C ODE %freeze%lifted) P 24 25 26 27MI%Utility %Dev/T es ting %(MI%T eam) 24 25 26 27T es ting %M%C hang es %in%Releas e%(NRT ) O P 24 25 26 27T es ting %M%Defec ts %(NRT ) O P 24 25 26 27L as t%Requirements %B uild P 24 25 26 27L as t%defec t%build O P 24 25 26 27Reg res s ion%T es ting %in%NF T %(Automated) 24 25 26 27Reg res s ion%T es ting %in%S ys tem%T es t%(NFQ) O P 24 25 26 27T es ting %S ig ned%Off O P 24 25 26 27

Analys is %(C ore) 24 25 27 28 29 30 31B us ines s %Requirements %S ig ned%Off%(C ore) 24 25 27 28 29 30S pec ific ations %S ig ned%Off%(C ore) 24 25 27 28 29 30T arg et%Demo%of%S prints 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8C R/Defec t%T es ting %in%T H1%Ag reed%by%NFUM%(L ates t%Date) P 24 25 26 27










MarchWeek Ending

Named Release

July August September October November DecemberJanuary February March April May January FebruaryJune2013

MonthYear 2012

O P 24 26O1 25 27

If we have to manage this manually, it will be costly, inefficient and ineffective Ability to proactively respond to warnings and risk areas will be challenged.


Strike Zone Reporting Project(Health

Client'/'Project' GreenTechnical'&'Requirments'AssessmentResource'EstimationScheduleBudgetSOW'&'Agreements






Target Threshold















Are we going to make it?

Code%Drop%1 Count Days Comments#%of%TCs%PlAN%Execute

#%of%TCs%ACTUAL%Execute What%are%the%causes%for%deviations%%completed

#%of%TCs%with%defects Is%this%growing%/%larger%than%estimatedCode%Drop%2

#%of%CarryBover%TCs So%what%were%the%causes%for%the%carry%overDefect%Testing%(esimated)% Enough%Contingency%/%buffer

Increase%from%CD1 Additional%effort%to%account%for%(un>planned)Planned%CD2%

Total%TC Is%this%in%line%with%plan?%Can%we%complete%on%timeAbility%to%execute%in%timeframe

#%of%TCs%PlAN%Execute Are%we%going%to%make%it?%How%close?#%of%TCs%ACTUAL%Execute Are%we%tracking%to%plan?%Are%we%going%to%make%it?

%%completed How%much%carry%over%for%the%next%drop?#%of%TCs%with%defects


Dashboard & Reporting




Root Cause Enabled

Key Performance indicators

Defined Success Criteria

Quality Thresholds

Data Trending




Stay the course


Changing your perspective

Brand Image Brand recognition Customer preference Visibility in the marketplace Market Share Stock Value Report on deviations to plan – In terms of impacts to the business




Think and Test like and End User

Spend the time and find out some information about your product, users, market •  What quality dimensions are important to each •  How to measure them

Protect your brand image and good will as bad news travels very fast in the social networking era. •  When customers delay their purchase, there is an

immediate impact to operating revenue. •  They might start to lose confidence in your software;

this translates to lost opportunities and negatively impacts future revenue streams


Web/Mobile Analytics









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Contact Information

Paul Fratellone, Test Evangelist uTest Inc. HQ: Framingham, MA 01772 Voice +1 570.269.5342 email: [email protected] www.utest.com
