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Page 1: Measurement, Statistical Consulting, andbiostat.mc.vanderbilt.edu/.../skb.biometrics.paper.pdfMeasurement, Statistical Consulting, and Computing Issues Frank E Harrell Jr Division



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Measurement, Statistical Consulting, and

Computing Issues

Frank E Harrell JrDivision of Biostatistics and EpidemiologyDepartment of Health Evaluation SciencesUniversity of Virginia School of Medicine

Box 800717 Charlottesville VA 22908 [email protected]


May 18, 2001


This paper addresses a number of issues that arise in the course of sta-tistical consulting and statistical computing in biopharmaceutical research.For example, there are many basic problems in how lab measurements arequantified and analyzed, many of which involve subconscious decisions byanalysts that should be critically examined. Some suggestions and personalobservations are made.

1 Measurement Issues in Basic Lab Data

Standards often exist for metrics on which laboratory measurements areencoded, but it is not necessary and often is not preferable to analyze themeasurements on this same metric. For example, log and reciprocal trans-formations are often used during basic analyses. When effects or changesare of interest, the analysis becomes more dependent on the choice of met-ric. Even if the optimum metric for measurements obtained under a singleexperimental condition is already known, the optimum measure of changein such measurements remains highly problematic.∗Presented in part at the SmithKline Beecham Biometrics Advisory Board Meeting 30

November – 1 December 2000


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Researchers seem especially eager to use ratios as measures of changeor effect, but ratios have a number of problems 4, 6, 13. Unlike differencesor log ratios, ratios are asymmetric, that is, one obtains different resultsdepending on which measurement is placed in the denominator. Then thereis the problem of data origin. Should something be subtracted from thedenominator? Most researchers act as if zero is the only choice. Also, ratioshave strange distributions. Kronmal8 cited many problems with using ratiosin statistical modeling:

1. There will be spurious correlations in using ratio variables even if allcomponent variables of ratios are uncorrelated.

2. Division of only the dependent variable by an independent variablecan result in regression coefficient estimates for the other independentvariables that lead to inappropriate conclusions.

3. Use of a ratio as an independent variable can result in inadequateadjustment for component variables of the ratio.

4. Results of regression analyses incorporating ratios are not readily com-parable across studies with different distributions.

Kronmal found that ratio variables should only be used in a full model con-taining all the component variables. However his paper assumes throughoutthat a linear model and not a multiplicative one is the correct model. Kaiser6

states that whatever effect measure is chosen (ratio, difference, etc.) shouldbe demonstrated to be uncorrelated with the base value

2 Special Measurement Issues in Assay and Mi-croarray Data

Assays frequently result in several observations being below the lower limitof detectability (LLD). When computing mean values and other statistics,researchers often replace such values with a value that is lower than all “real”values. This is better than eliminating samples, but is arbitrary, especially ifusing parametric statistical methods (rank-based analyses are less affected).For parametric analysis it may be preferable to treat values below the LLDas being left censored.

Microarray data has its own special problems. For example, Wikmanet al.15 found that the Affymetrix p53 Genechip’s 1464 positions have theirown unique noise and threshold characteristics.


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Note that the practice of using geometric means to reduce the influenceof extremely high values causes as many problems as it solves. Very lowvalues become outliers once logs are taken, and an origin of zero is implicitlyassumed by geometric means.

3 Problems with Safety Assessments using Clini-cal Lab Data

It is common in safety analyses to report the proportion of patients with alab value > 3× upper limit of normal. This results in a loss of informationfrom continuous variables. Also, patients who were “almost abnormal” atbaseline will have an easy time moving to the abnormal category.

If one wishes to analyze lab values as continuous variables, a different is-sue must be tackled. Many lab parameters have non-monotonic relationshipswith patient risk. For example, the “normal range” for a parameter may bein the middle of its distribution. There is a need to treat lab values as contin-uous variables without allowing abnormally low values to cancel abnormallyhigh values. In some cases it will be powerful and more interpretable totransform measurements to a scale for which “abnormality points” can beadded, e.g., predicted log odds of short-term mortality, log hazard rate, orpredicted log survival time. To obtain these clinical outcome–based trans-formations extensive databases are required. An example of risk scoring ofphysiologic variables is shown in Figure 1.

4 Strategies That are “Correct Enough”

A question that arises frequently in statistical consulting is “I know that thisanalytic method is imperfect, but is it good enough?” For example, one maysuspect that there is heteroscedasticity in a regression analysis in which theresponse variable Y is transformed in some traditional way. Should weightedleast squares be used, or is it not worth the trouble? I prefer to change thequestion to recognize that there is often no obvious metric to choose for theresponse variable, unless there is a single predictor variable that uses thesame metric as the response. Solving for an “optimal” transformation of Ymay be made a formal part of the modeling process.

In many cases there will be a transformation that results in homoscedas-ticity and in an improved R2 using unweighted least squares. A good pro-cedure is Tibshirani’s12 AVAS (additive model with variance stabilization)algorithm. This is a nonparametric transform–both–sides procedure whose


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Mean Blood Pressure, Day 3 (mm Hg)


k Sc


0 50 100 150





Heart Rate, Day 3 (beats/min)


k Sc


0 50 100 150 200





PaO2/FiO2, Day 3


k Sc


0 100 200 300 400 500 600





Serum Creatinine, Day 3 (mg/dL)


k Sc


0 2 4 6 8 10 12-1





Serum Sodium, Day 3 (mEq/L)


k Sc


120 130 140 150 160





Bilirubin, Day 3 (mg/dL)


k Sc


0 2 4 6 8 10





Temperature, Day 3 (Degrees C)


k Sc


34 36 38 40





Respiratory Rate, Day 3 (breaths/min)


k Sc


0 10 20 30 40 50 60





Figure 1: Risk scoring of physiologic variables in the SUPPORT study7. Y -axisvalues represent predicted log hazard of death from a Cox model in which regressioneffects were modeled flexibly using restricted cubic spline functions.


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goal in transforming Y is to make the variances of residuals independentof Y and whose goal in transforming the Xs is to maximize R2. Boot-strapping can be used to obtain standard errors of estimates and confidencebands, taking into account the uncertainty in all the transformations. Thissolves a problem that is seldom admitted by statisticians: when multiple Ytransforms are tried, there is a large inflation in regression estimates oncevariances are computed correctly3 (e.g., by bootstrapping). Most statisti-cians compute variances that are conditional on the Y -transform. Ordinaryvariance estimates are biased low because of unaccounted for model uncer-tainty.

To complete the process of semiparametric estimation using flexiblenonparametric transformations, Duan’s smearing estimator 2 can be usedto obtain predicted means on the original untransformed scale. All as-pects of these calculations including bootstrap confidence bands have beenautomated in the S-Plus and R function areg.boot written by the au-thor (see http://hesweb1.med.virginia.edu/biostat/presentations/

feh/ichpr99/slide.pdf for details).When only two variables are being analyzed at a time and only a P -

value is needed, the most robust approach is to use rank tests and rankcorrelation coefficients. When multiple Xs are present, robust rank-basedregression (e.g., Cox and proportional odds models) is worth considering.Methods based on ranks are efficient for assessing associations,1 and theyare robust to outliers and strange data distributions. They are somewhatrobust to heteroscedasticity.

5 Bayesian Methods in Drug Discovery and DoseResponse Assessment

Various multiplicity adjustment techniques have been developed for analy-sis of microarray and other large-scale screening data, as well as for morestandard analyses of multiple treatments and multiple doses. Bayesian priordistributions are usually a better way to deal with multiplicity. One can in-corporate prior distributions for the chances that a biomarker is an efficacymarker or for probability of monotonicity of dose-response. Formal Bayesiandecision analysis that incorporates costs of false positives and false negativesis also an area worth pursuing. Bayesian methods have small-sample exact-ness without conditioning on only part of the data. It takes more time to

1One of the best kept secrets in statistics seems to be the 0.96 relative efficiency of theWilcoxon test compared with the t-test when all assumptions of the t-test are satisfied.


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be a Bayesian than be a traditional statistician, so once researchers see theadvantages of the Bayesian paradigm, a shift to this paradigm will result inmore close involvement of statisticians with researchers.

6 Dealing with Discrete Data

Statisticians have a variety of tools for dealing with continuous responsedata. When truly discrete data arise, such as event times in current statusdata in which assessments of the presence of a condition are made only, say,monthly, it is best to use statistical models that were specially developedto handle discrete responses. For event time data, the Prentice-Gloeckner11

model will handle heavily tied data. Occasionally it is also a good approachto use a continuous method, such as the ordinary Cox partial likelihoodapproach, with random breaking of ties in the data.

7 Competition from Software / Statistical Knowl-edge Dissemination

A big problem facing every data-rich research operation is that there are notenough statisticians to meet current demands for data analysis. As a result,researchers are choosing (poorly) analytic software such as Excel, teachingthemselves how to use it, and are analyzing their own data. Researchers arenot aware of severe computational errors in software such as Excel (see http://hesweb1.med.virginia.edu/biostat/teaching/shortcourse/excel.hazards.

txt).Statistics sections in companies and academia should consider putting

out a newletter containing guidelines for choosing statistical software. Anongoing short course series (e.g., Statistical Thinking in Biomedical Research—see http://hesweb1.med.virginia.edu/biostat/teaching/handouts.html)emphasizing study design, bias, measurement, precision, power, graphics,and demonstrations (“what a statistician does with data”) can also havea great benefit on statistician / biological researcher interaction. Clientsshould know almost as much about statistics as we know about biology.


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8 Web-Based Computing as a Statistician Exten-der

Pikounis, Gunter, et al. of Merck Research Labs 10 have had to face theformidable problem of supporting 3000 scientists with 10 statisticians. Theyare starting to solve some of the problem by developing web-based statis-tical applications tailored to the needs of these researchers. Much of theirapplications involve drug discovery. Pikounis et al. propose having web-based statistician extendors practice “safe statistics”. They use the S-PlusStatServer to implement strategies that

• “Produce useful answers ‘most’ of the time

• Indicate where answers may not be useful

• Have ‘adequate’ performance

• Handle missing values and other data problems

• Are tuned to user skill level

In practice this means

• Graphics

• Well designed user interface

• Resistant methods

• Fewest assumptions possible (nonparametric procedures)

• Use of subject matter knowledge whenever possible”

A big advantage to this approach as compared with the epidemic of useof Excel and other packages by non-statistician researchers is that statis-ticians can control which methods are distributed or emphasized to non-statisticians, assuming they spend significant up-front efforts in gatheringinput from potential users.

The Merck S-Plus High Throughput Screening (HTS) StatServer is Webbased and requires no special client software. It is set up to handle 96–3456well plates for HTS assays in drug discovery. It takes into account positionaleffects within plates (esp. edge effects), changing background response andassay sensitivity, trends, cycles, shifts, and missing values. The softwareallows drilling down after potential problems are seen (e.g., analysis by rows


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or by columns). It is heavy on graphics and nonparametric trends. Animportant feature of the software is that error messages to users are alsoE-mailed to statisticians. Detailed usage accounting data are stored andanalyzed.

9 S-Plus vs. SAS

After SAS 8 replaces the default of SAS 6 at most companies, and after a fewmore bugs are solved (e.g., fully implementing downward compatible exportof SAS V8 datasets), SAS version 8 will provide a number of advantages tousers. Before SAS Version 8 began being distributed in production mode, Iestimated that S-Plus was about eight years ahead of SAS in its analyticcapabilities. The gap has now been narrowed to about five years. Myopinion is that S-Plus (and R—see the next section) will continue to providemuch greater analytic capabilities to the modern statistician than SAS willprovide. SAS excels in providing solid procedures for very frequently usedmethods but it cannot provide the breadth of statistical computing toolsto handle the great variety of problems seen in biomedical research. Moreimportantly, the SAS batch procedure–oriented model is cumbersome andinflexible.

Some of the fundamental advantages of S-Plus include the following.

1. There is no distinction between DATA and PROC steps.

2. S-Plus has no macro language; all commands are “live”. For example,the following S language command will compute frequency tables fordiscrete variables or quantiles for continuous ones without being toldanything about the variable by the user:

if(is.category(x) | is.character(x) | length(unique(x)) < 20)

table(x) else quantile(x)

3. S-Plus has many more data types than SAS, and users can add theirown attributes to data (e.g., flag strange or imputed values).

4. S-Plus is truly interactive, not batch oriented.

5. S-Plus has vastly superior graphics.

6. S-Plus 2000 comes with 2900 functions.


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7. The S language is extendible and relatively simple to program; user-written functions are written in the same language used by the devel-opers; statisticians world-wide are writing S functions. SAS moduleswritten by users are typically written in the SAS macro language, apreprocessing language seldom used by developers at SAS Institute.

8. Modern statistical methods may be implemented quite quickly in S(see Statlib (lib.stat.cmu.edu) for many examples).

9. S-Plus has many methods for modeling, exploratory data analysis,missing data, graphics after model fitting, bootstrapping, advancedtable making, etc.14

10. SAS has an Output Delivery System (ODS) for saving and customizedformatting of the results of statistical (and other) procedures. S-Plushas no need for an ODS because:

• All entities are objects, allowing all functions to communicatetheir results directly.

• It is easy to write special methods for formatting output, e.g.:

# create LATEX table (can also use HTML)

latex(summary(marker ∼ age+sex))

# logistic regression model with regression splines, interactions

f ← lrm(y ∼ rcs(age,5)*sex +


f # ordinary printout

plot(f) # show fitted shapes

Function(f) # create S+ function to compute y-hat

sascode(Function(f)) # SAS code for y-hat

# typeset fit in algebraic form

w ← latex(f)

html(w) # convert LATEX to HTML

# future: convert to XML with embedded MathML:


The examples above show how results of analyses can be converted to var-ious representations under complete control of the user. In the future spe-cial XML methods for S objects will become important (see http://www.

omegahat.org).The following example shows how more powerful user control can result

in advanced, clearly formatted tables. A typesetting language such as LATEXallows fine control of fonts, superscripting, subscripting, etc. The summary


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method for S formulas, in Harrell’s Hmisc library, will create three typesof tables using appropriate stratifications. The example that follows showshow a “baseline characteristics” table stratified by treatment is created fora clinical trial (Using the Mayo Clinic PBC dataset). The object s containsthe data summaries. It can be printed using ordinary output, plotted, ortypeset using the latex function in Hmisc as was done below. Note thatthe statistics being emphasized (medians and percents) are in a larger boldfont, and subsidiary information such as outer percentiles, numerators, anddenominators appear in smaller nonbold fonts.

s ← summary(drug ∼ bili + albumin +

stage + protime + sex + age +

spiders, method=’reverse’)

latex(s, npct=’both’)

N D-penicillamine (N = 154) placebo (N = 158)

Serum Bilirubin (mg/dl) 418 0.725 1.300 3.600 0.800 1.400 3.200

Albumin (gm/dl) 418 3.34 3.54 3.78 3.21 3.56 3.83

Histologic Stage, Ludwig Criteria : 1 412 3% 4154

8% 12158

2 21% 32154

22% 35158

3 42% 64154

35% 56158

4 35% 54154

35% 55158

Prothrombin Time (sec.) 416 10.0 10.6 11.4 10.0 10.6 11.0

Sex : female 418 90% 139154

87% 137158

Age 418 41.4 48.1 55.8 43.0 51.9 58.9

Spiders 312 29% 45154

28% 45158

a b c represent the lower quartile a, the median b, and the upper quartile cfor continuous variables.N is the number of non–missing values.

S-Plus, augmented by the Hmisc and Design libraries, has many easy touse graphics capabilities that are very difficult to implement in SAS. Sevenexamples follow.


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Serum Bilirubin (mg/dl)






0 5 10 15 20 25








Albumin (gm/dl)





x2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5








Prothrombin Time (sec.)






10 12 14 16








SGOT (U/ml)






100 200 300 400








Figure 2: Empirical cumulative distribution plots for continuous variables stratifiedby treatment. Produced by the ecdf function.


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Glycosolated Hemoglobin

4 6 8 10 12











93102 95



76105 93

111 5

95 99 97 98 1

95 94

101 99 1



male female




[19.0,34.0) [34.0,44.5) [44.5,60.0) [60.0,92.0]

[52,63) [63,66) [66,69) [69,76]

[ 99,150) [150,173) [173,200) [200,325]

[ 78,179) [179,203) [203,229) [229,443]





Total Cholesterol














Figure 3: Three quartiles of glycosolated hemoglobin, stratified separately by a cate-gorical variable (gender) and automatically by quartiles of continuous baseline vari-ables. Produced by the summary function.


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Days Abstinent

20 40 60 80 100

54 60 57 63


54 59 37 84

57 52 59 59 7

55 57 55 59 8

55 57 56 56 10



male female




[21,32) [32,41) [41,51) [51,76]

[ 2,18) [18,23) [23,30) [30,90]

[ 4.0,15.8) [15.8,26.0) [26.0,34.0) [34.0,99.0]

[ 0, 55) [ 55, 80) [ 80, 120) [ 120,1440]

[0.682,1.282) [1.282,1.424) [1.424,1.535) [1.535,1.951]



Number of cigarettes per day

Carbon Monoxide

Minutes since last smoke

Log10 CO adjusted for time since smoking


Duration of AbstinenceUnivariable Statistics


Duration of AbstinenceUnivariable Statistics

N=234 Triangle: median Circle: mean

Figure 4: Mean and median duration of abstinence from cigarette smoking automat-ically stratified by quartiles of continuous descriptors and by sex. Produced usingsummary.


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Wheezing at any time

Wheezing and breathless

Wheezing without a cold

Waking with tightness in the chest

Waking with shortness of breath

Waking with an attack of cough

Attack of asthma

Use of medication


20 40 60 80 100


Wheezing at any time

Wheezing and breathless

Wheezing without a cold

Waking with tightness in the chest

Waking with shortness of breath

Waking with an attack of cough

Attack of asthma

Use of medication



20 40 60 80 100



Figure 5: Trellis multipanel display of sensitivity and specificity of various ques-tions, further stratified by sex of respondent. Produced by Dotplot.


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4 6 8 10 12 14 16
















4 6 8 10 12 14 16


Figure 6: Extended box plots showing 25%, 50%, 75%, and 90% intervals in additionto the mean (dot) and median (vertical line in the middle). Boxed region depictsthe interquartile range. Produced using bwplot(..., panel=panel.bpplot).


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0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6

Similarity (Spearman rho^2)























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Points0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Age (Killip I)10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110

Age (Killip II)10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110

Age (Killip III)10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Age (Killip IV)10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110

Systolic BP (mm Hg)120-280 80 60 40 20 0

Heart rate (per minute)50 30 10

60 90 120 150 180 210 240

Previous MINo


MI locationinferior


Total Points0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160

30-Day MortalityFor SK Treatment 0.001 0.010 0.040 0.200 0.500 0.800

Mortality Reduction by t-PA0.001 0.005 0.020 0.050

Figure 8: Nomogram for manually computing the absolute reduction in 30-day mor-tality by t-PA over streptokinase for patients with acute myocardial infarction in theGUSTO-I trial1. Produced by the Design library’s nomogram function.


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pbc19 Variables 418 Observations

bili : Serum Bilirubin (mg/dl)

n missing unique Mean .05 .10 .25 .50 .75 .90 .95418 0 98 3.221 0.50 0.60 0.80 1.40 3.40 8.03 14.00

lowest : 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7, highest: 21.6 22.5 24.5 25.5 28.0

albumin : Albumin (gm/dl)

n missing unique Mean .05 .10 .25 .50 .75 .90 .95418 0 154 3.497 2.750 2.967 3.243 3.530 3.770 4.010 4.141

lowest : 1.96 2.10 2.23 2.27 2.31, highest: 4.30 4.38 4.40 4.52 4.64

stage : Histologic Stage, Ludwig Criteria

n missing unique Mean412 6 4 3.024

1 (21, 5%), 2 (92, 22%), 3 (155, 38%), 4 (144, 35%)

protime : Prothrombin Time (sec.)

n missing unique Mean .05 .10 .25 .50 .75 .90 .95416 2 48 10.73 9.60 9.80 10.00 10.60 11.10 12.00 12.45

lowest : 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4, highest: 13.8 14.1 15.2 17.1 18.0

sex : Sex

n missing unique418 0 2

male (44, 11%), female (374, 89%)

fu.days : Time to Death or Liver Transplantation

n missing unique Mean .05 .10 .25 .50 .75 .90 .95418 0 399 1918 245.1 606.8 1092.8 1730.0 2613.5 3524.2 4040.6

lowest : 41 43 51 71 77, highest: 4500 4509 4523 4556 4795

age : Age

n missing unique Mean .05 .10 .25 .50 .75 .90 .95418 0 345 50.74 33.84 36.37 42.83 51.00 58.24 64.30 67.92

lowest : 26.28 28.88 29.56 30.28 30.57highest: 74.52 75.00 75.01 76.71 78.44

spiders : Spiders

n missing unique312 106 2

absent (222, 71%), present (90, 29%)

1Figure 9: Mixing text and graphics. Descriptive statistics combined with histogramsof continuous variables. Produced by latex(describe(datasetname)).


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10 Open Source Statistical Computing

A major development in computing since 1991 is the rapid release of oper-ating systems (e.g., Linux) and application software by the Internet-basedopen source community9. Highly skilled programmers are developing alltypes of freely available software that is also open source, meaning that anyuser can see all of the source code and can modify it for their own purposesas long as they are willing to give back any improvements to the originatorof the program. The Internet has allowed clusters of geographically sep-arated programmers to work cooperatively to develop the highest qualitycode. These “hackers” are motivated by a desire to produce code that is farsuperior to that written by Microsoft, by pride in writing the most efficient,reliable, and elegant code, and by a desire for fame instead of money. Amajor result of this revolution is that developers obtain rapid feedback fromgrowing communities of users, and they rapidly correct errors and make en-hancements that are popular with actual users. The overall quality of thischaotic system of software development has in the past two years exceededthe quality of expensive commercial software in many areas.2 One obviousadvantage of the open approach is that users need not wait for yearly updatecycles of commercial vendors for errors to be corrected. It is not uncommonfor open source software to issue two new versions on the same day.

I removed Microsoft 2000 from my office computer in the fall of 2000after finding that it was slow and did not run several of my applicationscorrectly. I installed RedHat Linux, and estimate that my personal produc-tivity has increased about 10% even after adjusting for the Linux learningcurve. Future productivity will be greater. I have gone from rebooting thecomputer almost every day to rebooting every two months.

It was only a matter of time before serious open source statistical com-puting systems became viable options for the statistician. The R system5

(www.r-project.org), an open source version of the S language upon whichS-Plus is based, began to mature around 2000 and now has a wide follow-ing, particular in other countries where S-Plus is very expensive. R lacksthe Microsoft Office interface of S-Plus, the ability to import and exportsome databases and graphics, and it lacks a graphical user interface andtrellis multipanel graphics, but otherwise one can do most everything in Rthat one can do in S-Plus. R’s documentation files are more logically de-signed than those in S-Plus, and R has builtin functions for installing or

2For example, the most widely used Web server is now the open source APACHEserver.


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updating add-on packages from the Internet. Ironically by the developersof R being much more aggressive in making changes to the system (whilebeing responsive to users), R has become as or more reliable as S-Plus. Ris particularly well suited for Web application development as there are nolicensing issues.

The open source nature of R is important in a regulatory environment,as statisticians can examine 100% of its source code when in doubt about acalculation.


[1] R. M. Califf, L. H. Woodlief, F. E. Harrell, K. L. Lee, H. D. White,A. Guerci, G. I. Barbash, R. Simes, W. D. Weaver, M. L. Simoons, E. J.Topol, and The GUSTO-I Investigators. Selection of thrombolytic ther-apy for individual patients: Development of a clinical model. AmericanHeart Journal, 133:630–639, 1997.

[2] N. Duan. Smearing estimate: A nonparametric retransformationmethod. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 78:605–610,1983.

[3] J. J. Faraway. The cost of data analysis. Journal of Computational andGraphical Statistics, 1:213–229, 1992.

[4] R. J. Hayes. Methods for assessing whether change depends on initialvalue. Statistics in Medicine, 7:915–927, 1988.

[5] R. Ihaka and R. Gentleman. R: A language for data analysis and graph-ics. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 5:299–314, 1996.

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