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Measurements, Part II: GDP And Real GDP

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Measurements, Part II: GDP And Real GDP. GDP (Gross Domestic Product). GDP: the total market value of all the final goods and services produced annually within a country’s borders. Final good: a good in the hands of its final user. GDP (Gross Domestic Product) (continued). - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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Measurements, Part II: GDP And Real GDP 1
Page 1: Measurements, Part II:  GDP And Real GDP

Measurements, Part II: GDP And Real GDP


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GDP (Gross Domestic Product)


GDP: the total market value of all the final

goods and services produced annually within a country’s borders.

Final good: a good in the hands of its final user

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GDP (Gross Domestic Product) (continued)


Three ways to compute GDP: 1. The expenditure approach. 2. The income approach. 3. The value added approach.

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GDP (Gross Domestic Product) (continued)


Expenditure approach: add the amount of money spent by buyers

on final goods and services.

Income approach: simply find the sum of all wages and


Value added approach: find the sum of the values added at all the

stages of production.

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What GDP Omits


Some exchanges that take place in an economy are not included

in GDP. Such as:- Certain nonmarket goods and services.- Underground activities, both legal and

illegal.- Sales of used goods.- Financial transactions.- Government transfer payments.- Leisure

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Per Capita GDP


If we divide a country’s GDP by the population in the country, we get per capita GDP.

Example: If a country has a GDP of $ 5 trillion and its

population is 200 million, GDP per capita is $ 25000

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The Expenditure Approach Computing GDP For A Real Word Economy


Expenditure in a real word economy: - Often talk four sectors of the economy,

such as: -- household sector. -- business sector. -- government sector. -- foreign sector.

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The Expenditure Approach Computing GDP For A Real Word Economy (continued)


The expenditures of the sectors are called, respectively:

1. Consumption (C). 2. Gross private domestic investment, or

investment (I). 3. Government consumption expenditures

and gross investment, or simply government

purchases (G). 4. Net export (NX).

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The Expenditure Approach Computing GDP For A Real Word Economy (continued)


Consumption (C) includes: 1. Spending on durable goods. 2. Spending on nondurable goods. 3. Spending on services

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The Expenditure Approach Computing GDP For A Real Word Economy (continued)


Investment (I): is the sum of (1) the purchase of newly

produced capital goods, (2) changes in business inventories (inventory investment), and (3) the purchases of new residential housing.

Investment = fixed investment + inventory investment

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The Expenditure Approach Computing GDP For A Real Word Economy (continued)


Government purchases (G): include federal, state, and local

government purchases of goods and gross investment such as in highways, bridges, and so on.

Net export (NX) NX = EX – IM EX: exports IM: imports

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The Expenditure Approach Computing GDP For A Real Word Economy (continued)


GDP = C + I + G + (EX – IM)

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The Income Approach To Computing GDP For A Real World Economy


Computing national income: - National income, is the sum of five

components: 1. Compensation of employees. 2. Proprietors’ income. 3. Corporate profits. 4. Rental income of persons. 5. Net interest

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The Income Approach To Computing GDP For A Real World Economy (continued)


National Income = Compensation of employees +

Proprietors’ income + Corporate profits + Rental income + Net interest

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The Income Approach To Computing GDP For A Real World Economy (continued)


From National Income To GDP: Making Some Adjustment

GDP = National Income – Income earned from the rest of the

world + Income earned by the rest of the

world + Indirect business taxes + Capital consumption allowance + Statistical discrepancy

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Other National Income Accounting Measurements


They are:1. Net Domestic Product (NDP). NDP = GDP – Capital Consumption


Capital Consumption Allowance: the estimated amount of capital goods used

up in production through natural wear, obsolescence, and

accidental destruction.

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Other National Income Accounting Measurements (continued)


They are:2. Personal Income.

Personal Income = National Income – Undistributed Corporate

Profits – Social Insurance Taxes – Corporate Profits Taxes

+ Transfer Payments
