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Measuring Constituent Policy Preferences in Congress, State Legislatures, and Cities

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Measuring Constituent Policy Preferences in Congress, State Legislatures, and Cities Chris Tausanovitch University of California, Los Angeles Christopher Warshaw Massachusetts Institute of Technology Little is known about the American public’s policy preferences at the level of Congressional districts, state legislative districts, and local municipalities. In this article, we overcome the limited sample sizes that have hindered previous research by jointly scaling the policy preferences of 275,000 Americans based on their responses to policy questions. We combine this large dataset of Americans’ policy preferences with recent advances in opinion estimation to estimate the preferences of every state, congressional district, state legislative district, and large city. We show that our estimates outperform previous measures of citizens’ policy preferences. These new estimates enable scholars to examine representation at a variety of geographic levels. We demonstrate the utility of these estimates through applications of our measures to examine representation in state legislatures and city governments. A well-functioning democracy requires legisla- tors to represent the will of their constituents. Despite this fact, political scientists still have only a limited understanding of the extent of constit- uency influence in Congress (Clinton 2006). Moreover, we know even less about the extent of constituency influence at other levels of government in the United States. Previous empirical work has been hindered by the fact that the sample size in national surveys is generally too small to make inferences about the preferences of individual geographic units. Even the largest national surveys have only about one hundred people in each congressional district. Making infer- ences below the congressional district level is usually even more difficult. Most surveys have just a handful of respondents in each state legislative district and municipality. As a result, scholars have been severely limited in their ability to evaluate state or city-level institutional factors that might mediate the link between citizens’ preferences and political outcomes. 1 Scholars have adopted various techniques to cope with the sparse availability of data on citizens’ policy preferences at lower levels of aggregation. Some scholars have disaggregated survey data to the district level (Clinton 2006; Miller and Stokes 1963). Other scholars have used district-level presidential vote as a proxy for district public opinion (e.g. Canes- Wrone, Brady, and Cogan 2002). Still others have employed demographics (Peltzman 1984) or simula- tion techniques (Ardoin and Garand 2003). All of these methods, however, have clear drawbacks. In particular, they are ill-suited to estimate the policy preferences of geographic subconstituencies or the pref- erences of nonstandard geographic units such as cities. In this article, we provide a new method to esti- mate the policy preferences of small geographic units. First, we use an original survey that allows us to jointly scale the policy preferences of respondents to seven recent, large-scale national surveys using an item- response theory (IRT) model (Clinton, Jackman, and Rivers 2004; Shor and McCarty 2011). Our original survey serves as a mechanism to pool the other datasets, allowing a much larger dataset than was previously possible. This approach enables us to develop a con- tinuous measure of the policy preferences of 275,000 citizens in all 50 states. Next, we use this large national sample to esti- mate the average policy preferences of citizens in every state, congressional district, state legislative district, and large city in the country. We generate estimates of mean policy preferences using both simple disaggre- gation and multilevel regression with poststratification The Journal of Politics, Vol. 75, No. 2, April 2013, Pp. 330–342 doi:10.1017/S0022381613000042 Ó Southern Political Science Association, 2013 ISSN 0022-3816 1 Data and supporting materials will be made available at http://journals.cambridge.org/jop and at www.americanideologyproject.com upon publication. 330

Measuring Constituent Policy Preferences in Congress,State Legislatures, and Cities

Chris Tausanovitch University of California, Los Angeles

Christopher Warshaw Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Little is known about the American public’s policy preferences at the level of Congressional districts, state legislativedistricts, and local municipalities. In this article, we overcome the limited sample sizes that have hindered previousresearch by jointly scaling the policy preferences of 275,000 Americans based on their responses to policy questions.We combine this large dataset of Americans’ policy preferences with recent advances in opinion estimation toestimate the preferences of every state, congressional district, state legislative district, and large city. We show thatour estimates outperform previous measures of citizens’ policy preferences. These new estimates enable scholars toexamine representation at a variety of geographic levels. We demonstrate the utility of these estimates throughapplications of our measures to examine representation in state legislatures and city governments.

Awell-functioning democracy requires legisla-

tors to represent the will of their constituents.Despite this fact, political scientists still have

only a limited understanding of the extent of constit-uency influence in Congress (Clinton 2006). Moreover,we know even less about the extent of constituencyinfluence at other levels of government in the UnitedStates. Previous empirical work has been hinderedby the fact that the sample size in national surveys isgenerally too small to make inferences about thepreferences of individual geographic units. Even thelargest national surveys have only about one hundredpeople in each congressional district. Making infer-ences below the congressional district level is usuallyeven more difficult. Most surveys have just a handfulof respondents in each state legislative district andmunicipality. As a result, scholars have been severelylimited in their ability to evaluate state or city-levelinstitutional factors that might mediate the link betweencitizens’ preferences and political outcomes.1

Scholars have adopted various techniques tocope with the sparse availability of data on citizens’policy preferences at lower levels of aggregation.Some scholars have disaggregated survey data to thedistrict level (Clinton 2006; Miller and Stokes 1963).Other scholars have used district-level presidential

vote as a proxy for district public opinion (e.g. Canes-Wrone, Brady, and Cogan 2002). Still others haveemployed demographics (Peltzman 1984) or simula-tion techniques (Ardoin and Garand 2003). All ofthese methods, however, have clear drawbacks. Inparticular, they are ill-suited to estimate the policypreferences of geographic subconstituencies or the pref-erences of nonstandard geographic units such as cities.

In this article, we provide a new method to esti-mate the policy preferences of small geographic units.First, we use an original survey that allows us to jointlyscale the policy preferences of respondents to sevenrecent, large-scale national surveys using an item-response theory (IRT) model (Clinton, Jackman, andRivers 2004; Shor and McCarty 2011). Our originalsurvey serves as a mechanism to pool the other datasets,allowing a much larger dataset than was previouslypossible. This approach enables us to develop a con-tinuous measure of the policy preferences of 275,000citizens in all 50 states.

Next, we use this large national sample to esti-mate the average policy preferences of citizens in everystate, congressional district, state legislative district,and large city in the country. We generate estimatesof mean policy preferences using both simple disaggre-gation and multilevel regression with poststratification

The Journal of Politics, Vol. 75, No. 2, April 2013, Pp. 330–342 doi:10.1017/S0022381613000042

� Southern Political Science Association, 2013 ISSN 0022-3816

1Data and supporting materials will be made available at http://journals.cambridge.org/jop and at www.americanideologyproject.comupon publication.


(MRP). In general, we find that both approaches yieldaccurate estimates, even in small geographic units.Despite our very large sample size, however, we findthat MRP almost always produces more accurate esti-mates of the mean policy preferences at each geographiclevel than disaggregation (Warshaw and Rodden 2012).

We also show how our large sample of citizens’policy preferences can be used to estimate the pref-erences of geographic subconstituencies, such as par-tisan subconstituencies in each congressional district.Finally, we move beyond estimates of mean districtpreferences to examine other quantiles of the distri-bution of preferences. For instance, it is straightfor-ward to use our approach to estimate the ideologicalheterogeneity of citizens’ policy preferences in eachgeographic unit.

These new estimates of citizens’ policy preferencescan be used to address a variety of substantive ques-tions on representation. In this article, we demonstratetwo applications to the study of representation atlower levels of government that are understudied inpolitical science: state politics and urban politics.These literatures are important in their own right,but studying lower levels of government is also vitalfor understanding representation more broadly becauseit allows us to examine the role of institutional moder-ating factors on representation (Lax and Phillips 2009a,2009b).

The article proceeds as follows. First, we discussour approach to conceptualizing policy preferences.Next, we discuss the datasets we use for our analysis.Then we describe our methodology for jointly scalingrespondents from multiple contexts and using this datato estimate the mean policy preferences of citizens ata variety of geographic levels. Next, we validate anddescribe our estimates. Then, we present applicationsof our measures to examine representation in state leg-islatures and city governments. Finally, we briefly con-clude with some suggestions for future research.

How Have Past Scholars MeasuredSubstate Level Policy Preferences?

Previous scholars have used a variety of approachesto measure citizens’ policy preferences at the state level.The most straightforward approach is to use data froma representative survey that asks respondents for theirpreferences on individual issues (Erikson, Wright,and Mclver 1993). But national surveys generally donot have enough respondents to develop accurateestimates at the substate level (Erikson 1978).

Other scholars have used election returns to esti-mate district preferences (e.g., Canes-Wrone, Brady,and Cogan 2002; Erikson and Wright 1980). The ad-vantage of this approach is that it is explicitly basedon electoral behavior, it is available across all statesand districts, and it is updated frequently (Kernell2009). However, presidential vote shares in any givenelection may be largely the product of short-term forces(Levendusky, Pope, and Jackman 2008). In addition,even if short-term forces could be removed, the mediansof district preferences can only be ranked ordinallybased on presidential vote share if researchers are willingto assume equal variance across districts (Kernell 2009).Finally, it is impossible to measure the preferencesof district subconstituencies (e.g., the preferences ofDemocrats or Latinos) using presidential vote shares.

The most recent development is the use of Bayesianapproaches to measure district-level policy preferences(e.g., Levendusky, Pope, and Jackman 2008). Severalscholars have used multilevel regression and poststrati-fication (MRP) to estimate state and district-level publicopinion on individual issues using survey data (Lax andPhillips 2009; Park, Gelman, and Bafumi 2004). Thisapproach builds on earlier simulation approaches(e.g., Ardoin and Garand 2003). It employs Bayesianstatistics and multilevel modeling to incorporate in-formation about respondents’ demographics andgeography to estimate the preferences of each geo-graphic subunit even if survey samples are small.Warshaw and Rodden (2012) show that MRP produ-ces more accurate estimates of district-level publicopinion on individual issues than either disaggrega-tion of national surveys or presidential vote shares.

In this article, we use item response theoryestimation and a dataset of surveys linked by our‘‘supersurvey’’ to estimate citizens’ policy preferencesat a variety of geographic levels. We further improveour estimates by applying MRP to incorporate infor-mation about respondents’ demographics and geog-raphy into our model.

Ideal Points and Public Opinion

We assume that both citizens and legislators have aunique set of policies that they ‘‘prefer’’ to all others.2

This point in the policy space is called an ‘‘idealpoint.’’ Scholars studying the U.S. Congress have

2Individuals do not need to be able to identify this policy bundle.It merely must be true that they would choose this policy bundleover any other one in a pairwise comparison.

measuring constituent preferences 331

long recognized the utility of thinking about legislators’preferences in terms of ideal points derived from aspatial model of choice (e.g., Clinton, Jackman, andRivers 2004). An ideal point is a convenient summaryof how far to the ‘‘left’’ or the ‘‘right’’ a person’s policypreferences are on each policy dimension. We assumethat on any given dimension, people prefer policiesthat are closer to their ideal point over policies that arefarther away. Ideal points are latent traits because wecannot observe them; we can only estimate them basedon the observed policy choices of each person.

Ideal points are only defined relative to the par-ticular choices that are used to estimate the policyspace (Bafumi and Herron 2010). For example, idealpoint estimates for members of the Senate are notgenerally comparable with ideal point estimates formembers of the U.S. House since each chamber voteson a different set of roll calls. This limitation preventsus from directly comparing ideal points between groupsresponding to disjoint sets of choices. In order to pooldata over multiple surveys, we need ideal point esti-mates for respondents to each survey that resides ina common policy space. We address this problem byusing common questions asked to different sets ofpeople to bridge the ideal points of survey respondentsinto a common space. In the future, we could jointlyscale the spatial positions of legislators and other insti-tutions into this common scale (Bafumi and Herron2010; Shor and McCarty 2011).


Ideal point estimation typically draws on responses toindividual-level, binary choices. We use seven recentlarge-scale surveys of the American public (the 2006,2007, 2008, 2010, and 2011 Cooperative CongressionalElection Surveys (CCES) and the 2000 and 2004Annenberg National Election Surveys (NAES)). Eachof these surveys asked between 14 and 32 policy ques-tions to 30,000–80,000 Americans.3 Combined, thesesurveys include more than 275,000 respondents(Table 1). We gain additional information about re-spondents’ policy preferences using modules we placedon the 2010 and 2011 Cooperative CongressionalElection Surveys. Most of the survey questions usedhere are binary, but when they are not, we dichotomizethem by separating responses into two ordered categories.

The key to our research design is bridging respon-dents in a way that allows us to generate commonspace ideal point estimates (see Bafumi and Herron2010; Bailey 2007).4 As mentioned earlier, we cannotdirectly compare ideal points if they are estimatedusing disjoint sets of people answering disjoint sets ofchoices. However, we can estimate comparable idealpoints if there is a sufficient overlapping set of choicesand/or people to bridge individuals into a commonpolicy space.

We link together survey respondents using themodule we placed on the 2010 Cooperative Congres-sional Election Survey. In this module, we asked1,300 survey respondents a large number of questionswith wording identical to questions asked on previousCCES and NAES surveys. These common questionsallow us to place respondents from all seven large-sample surveys on a common scale. Our module isa superset of all of the questions on the othersurveys, hence the name ‘‘supersurvey.’’ We also askeda large set of additional policy questions, which en-ables us to estimate more precise ideal points than waspossible with the smaller sets of questions on earliersurveys.

Statistical Model for Citizens’Policy Preferences

We combine observed survey responses from all ofour surveys. This yields a set of millions of uniquechoices. The number of rows of our so-called ‘‘roll-call

TABLE 1 Data Sources for Supersurvey

Survey RespondentsPolicyItems

2010 CCES module 1,300 1362011 CCES module 2,500 412006 CCES 30,000 162007 CCES 10,150 142008 CCES 32,800 152010 CCES (Common Content) 55,000 222011 CCES (Common Content) 20,000 142000 NAES 58,400 282004 NAES 81,400 25

3The large number of questions in these surveys reduces themeasurement error in our estimates of citizens’ policy preferences(Ansolabehere, Rodden, and Snyder 2008).

4Bailey (2007) compares ideal points of the president, senators,representatives, and Supreme Court justices. Bafumi and Herron(2010) compare the ideal points of president, senators, repre-sentatives, and voters.

332 chris tausanovitch and christopher warshaw

matrix’’ corresponds to the number of respondents, andthe number of columns corresponds to the number ofsurvey questions.

We assume that all survey respondents have aquadratic utility function with normal errors (Clinton,Jackman Rivers 2004; Hillygus and Treier 2009). Eachitem j presents individuals i with a choice between a‘‘Yes’’ position and a ‘‘No’’ position. Let yi,j 5 1 ifindividual i votes yes on the jth roll call and yi,j 5 0otherwise. We assume a one-dimensional policyspace, where is the ideal point of respondent xi.We choose a one-dimensional model because a two-dimensional model shows little improvement in termsof model fit.5

We estimate the ideal points using a BayesianItem-Response (IRT) model (Clinton, Jackman, andRivers 2004; Jessee 2009). Let i 5 1, . . . , n indexindividuals and j 5 1, . . . , m index items. Then ourmodel is

Pr yij ¼ 1� �

¼ F uij � aj

� �; ð1Þ


uij ¼ xibj; ð2Þ

yi,j is the i-th respondent’s answer to question j, xi isthe ideal point for respondent i, bj is the ‘‘discrim-ination’’ parameter for item j, and aj is the ‘‘difficulty’’parameter for item j and F(d) denotes the standardnormal cumulative distribution function.

There are three parameters in Equations (1) and (2).The ideal point for individual i signifies the ‘‘liberalness’’or ‘‘conservativeness’’ of that individual. We orient ourvalues so that lower values are associated with polit-ically left preferences and higher values with politi-cally right preferences. Ideal point estimates lack anabsolute alignment. We resolve this problem by nor-malizing them. The discrimination parameter revealshow well an item discriminates between liberals andconservatives. The difficulty parameter on issue j isrelated to how liberal or conservative a person mustbe in order to be indifferent toward agreeing ordisagreeing with the item.

We assume that a question asked on our CCESmodule is no different than a question asked on the

source surveys. At first, this may not seem like anassumption at all. After all, the questions are ex-actly the same. However, the context of the ques-tions may be different (e.g., the status quo mayhave changed on particular items). In order to beconservative, we only ‘‘bridge’’ questions that havesimilar margins across surveys and time. Althoughthe composition of districts changes over time, wesee little difference over the period in which thesesurveys are pooled. However, our estimates shouldbe interpreted as an average of the positions ofthe geographic areas in question between 2000 and2011.

We approximate the joint posterior density of themodel parameters using a Markov chain Monte Carlo(MCMC) method (Clinton, Jackman, and Rivers 2004).We use diffuse normal priors for the discriminationparameters, bj, and the ability parameters, aj, withmean 0 and variance 25. We specify normal priorswith mean 0 and variance 25 for each xi. To makethe estimation manageable, we use software that doesparallel draws of the Gibbs sampler using graphics-processing units6. This reduces our computing timeby a factor of 15–20.

Measuring the Policy Preferences ofStates, Congressional Districts, State

Legislative Districts, and Cities

In this section, we describe how we estimate the meanpolicy preferences of citizens in each constituency,the preferences of subconstituencies such as Democratsand Republicans, and the average heterogeneity of eachconstituency.

Estimating the Mean Preferences of EachGeographic Constituency

The most straightforward way to use our large sampleof citizens’ policy preferences to estimate citizens’preferences at a variety of geographic levels is to esti-mate the simple ‘‘disaggregated’’ mean of each state,city, and legislative district (Erikson, Wright, andMclver 1993). Our large sample size lends itselfwell to applying disaggregation since we have anaverage of over 5,000 respondents in each state, 5005Scaling our supersurvey alone, we find that a one-dimensional

model correctly classifies 78.8% of all responses. A two-dimensionalmodel increases the percent correctly predicted to 80.2%, an in-crease of only 1.4 percentage points. This is less than the increasein fit that is used in the Congressional literature as a barometerof whether roll-call voting in Congress has a one-dimensionalstructure.

6This software was developed by Jeffrey Lewis, James Lo, andChris Tausanovitch at the University of California – LosAngeles.

measuring constituent preferences 333

respondents in each congressional district, and 100 re-spondents in each city with more than 25,000 people.7

An alternative strategy introduced by Park, Gelman,and Bafumi (2004) and Lax and Phillips (2009b) is toestimate district-level public opinion using multilevelregression and poststratification (MRP). Pairing thistechnique with our very large dataset of citizens’ policypreferences may yield even greater accuracy. MRPmodels incorporate information about respondents’demographics and geography in order to estimatethe public opinion of each geographic subunit8.Specifically, each individual’s survey responses aremodeled as a function of demographic and geographicpredictors, partially pooling respondents across dis-tricts to an extent determined by the data. Thus, allindividuals in the survey yield information aboutdemographic and geographic patterns, which can beapplied to all district estimates. Several recent studieshave found that MRP models yield accurate estimatesof public opinion in states and congressional districtsusing national samples of just a few thousand respon-dents (Lax and Phillips 2009b; Park, Gelman, andBafumi 2004; Warshaw and Rodden 2012).

To estimate the policy preferences of citizens ineach state, congressional district, state legislative dis-trict, and city, we use an MRP model similar to the onein Warshaw and Rodden (2012). In the first stage ofthe model, we estimate each individual’s policy pref-erences as a function of his or her demographics andgeographic location. We assume that the ‘‘geographiceffects’’ in the model are a function of a vector ofdemographic factors that previous studies have foundto influence constituency preferences. For instance, thecongressional district effects are modeled as a functionof the state into which the district falls, the district’saverage income, the percent of the district’s residentsthat live in urban areas, the percentage of the district’sresidents that are military veterans, and the percentageof couples in each district that are same-sex couples.9

The state effects are modeled as a function of the

region into which the state falls, the percentage ofthe state’s residents that are union members, and thestate’s percentage of evangelical or Mormon residents.The second stage is poststratification. In this stage, weuse the multilevel regression to make a prediction ofpublic opinion in each demographic-geographic sub-type. The estimates for each respondent demographicgeographic type are then weighted by the percentagesof each type in the actual district populations.10

Finally, these predictions are summed to produce anestimate of public opinion in each district.

Estimating the Policy Preferences ofGeographic Subconstituencies

Many questions of representation concern the relativeweight that elected officials attach to the preferencesof various subconstituencies (Fenno 1978). Our largesample enables us to go beyond estimates of the averagepreferences in each state or district to estimate thepreferences of various types of subconstituencies ineach district. These estimates could enable scholarsto better address a variety of substantive questionson representation. For instance, scholars could useour estimates of the preferences of partisan subcon-stituencies to examine whether legislators are dif-ferentially responsive to citizens in their own party(Clinton 2006). In the online Appendix A, we usesimple disaggregation and MRP to generate estimatesof the mean Democrat and Republican in each state.We validate our measures against partisan subconsti-tuencies’ voting behavior and self-identified ideologyin recent exit polls.

Estimating Quantiles Beyond the Mean

Our large dataset of American’ policy preferencesalso provides sufficient sample size and granularityto move beyond estimates of median district prefer-ences to examine other quantiles of the distributionof preferences. For instance, a frequent hypothesis

7The survey data does not include identifiers for state legislativedistricts and cities. As a result, we use respondents’ zip codes tomatch respondents to these geographic units. Specifically, weestimate the proportion of people in each zip code that live ineach state legislative district or city using GIS software. Then, weprobabilistically assign survey respondents to state legislativedistricts and cities based on the proportion of people in theirzip code that live in each geographic area. Overall, this processintroduces a small amount of noise into our estimates, but it doesnot introduce any systematic bias.

8See Gelman and Hill (2007) and Jackman (2009) for more aboutmultilevel modeling.

9These data were obtained from Census Factfinder.

10Previous work using MRP at the state level has used the ‘‘PublicUse Microdata Sample’’ (PUMS) from the Census (e.g., Lax andPhillips 2009a). However, the PUMS data does not includeinformation about respondents’ congressional districts, state-legislative districts, or cities. Fortunately, the Census Factfinderincludes demographic breakdowns for each city, state legislativedistrict, congressional district, and state for the population 25and over, which we use to calculate the necessary populationfrequencies for our analysis. This approach introduces some errorinto our analysis. But this error is likely minimal since only about10% of the voting population is under 25, and the demographicbreakdown of the 25 and over population is generally similar tothe voting-age population.

334 chris tausanovitch and christopher warshaw

about the distribution of district preferences is thatgreater heterogeneity in district preferences shouldweaken the link between the median voter andrepresentatives (Bailey and Brady 1998, Ensley 2010;Gerber and Lewis 2004). The literature on polar-ization and electoral constituencies also emphasizesthe role that ideological extremists play in candidatereelection. This suggests that there are other quantilesand summary statistics that will be of theoreticalinterest to future work in representation and that ourmethod will allow empirical investigation of thesequantities. In the online Appendix B, we use our largesample to estimate the heterogeneity of citizens ineach state and congressional district, and we validatethese estimates by comparing them to other recentestimates of heterogeneity in the electorate.

Validation and Descriptive Results

How well do our measures of citizens’ policy pref-erences perform? Figure 1 compares the correlationsof mean disaggregated policy preferences and MRPpolicy preferences with 2008 presidential vote sharesat the level of states, congressional districts, statesenate districts, state house districts, and cities. As wenoted above, presidential vote shares are not a perfectmeasure of citizens’ policy preferences. But a highcorrelation with presidential vote shares would sug-gest our estimates are accurate measures of citizens’policy preferences. Moreover, it is useful to comparethe correlations of disaggregated and MRP estimatesof policy preferences with presidential vote shares toevaluate which one performs better.

FIGURE 1 Validation of Our Policy Preferences Estimates

Note: This figure shows the tight relationship between our estimates of citizens’ policy preferences at each geographic level and 2008 presidential vote shares. The hollow triangles show the correlation with disaggregated estimates of citizens’ policy preferences using the 2006 CCES, the hollow dots show the correlation with disaggregated estimates of citizens’ policy preferences using our super-survey, and the black dots show the correla-tion with MRP estimates of citizens’ policy preferences using our super-survey.

measuring constituent preferences 335

Figure 1 compares three different measures ofcitizens’ policy preferences at a variety of geographiclevels:

d Disaggregated estimates of citizens’ policy pref-erences generated using the 2006 CCES, with asample of approximately 36,000 Americans;

d Disaggregated estimates of citizens’ policy pref-erences generated using our large sample of thepolicy preferences of 275,000 Americans; and

d MRP estimates of citizens’ policy preferences gen-erated using our sample of the policy preferencesof 275,000 Americans.

Most importantly, Figure 1 demonstrates the valueof our large sample of Americans’ policy preferencescompared to smaller datasets. Both the disaggregatedand MRP measures estimated using our supersurveydramatically outperform estimates generated using the2006 CCES. The differences are particularly large atlower levels of aggregation. For instance, disaggregatedestimates of the preferences of state senate districtsfrom the 2006 CCES are only correlated with presi-dential vote share at about .46, compared with .77 fordisaggregated estimates from our pooled dataset.

For larger geographic units, the MRP and dis-aggregated estimates of citizens’ policy preferencesare roughly equivalent. At the state-level, the MRPand disaggregated estimates of citizens’ policy pref-erences are both highly correlated with presidentialvote share. At the congressional district level, the MRPestimates are correlated with presidential vote shares at.92, compared with .90 for our disaggregated estimates.

The MRP estimates substantially outperform dis-aggregation, however, at lower levels of aggregation.11

Despite our very large sample size, the disaggregatedestimates of the policy preferences of state senatedistrict are correlated with 2008 presidential voteshares at just 0.77, compared with 0.88 for the MRPestimates. For state house districts, the gap is evenlarger. The disaggregated estimates are correlated with2008 presidential vote shares at 0.64, compared with0.85 for the MRP estimates. Finally, disaggregatedestimates of the preferences of cities with more than25,000 people are correlated with presidential voteshares at about 0.66, compared with 0.76 for the MRPestimates.

Even though our disaggregated estimates arebased on a very large sample of 275,000 Americans,

our MRP estimates outperform disaggregation in allgeographic units smaller than states. These resultssuggest that MRP estimates of citizens’ mean policypreferences should almost always be preferred tosimpler disaggregated estimates (Warshaw and Rodden2012). In the remainder of this article, we use our MRPestimates for all analyses.

Figure 2 shows the policy preferences of voters bystate. It shows that our estimates of policy preferencesvary sensibly across geographic units. Idaho, Oklahoma,and Utah are the most conservative states; WashingtonDC, New York, Vermont, and Massachusetts are themost liberal states. The figure also shows that precisionof each method is proportional to the size of the state.In large states such as California, both MRP and dis-aggregation yield very similar estimates. In smaller states,the MRP estimates are partially pooled toward thenational distribution. Nonetheless, the MRP estimatesare slightly more precise than the disaggregated esti-mates. Finally, the figure shows that our estimates areprecise enough that the preferences of different statescan generally be distinguished from one another.

Figure 3 illustrates our estimates for cities. It showsthe policy preferences of citizens in 34 cities in Texaswith more than 50,000 people. Once again, the esti-mates vary sensibly across cities. Our estimates suggestthat Austin is the most liberal city in Texas, whileAmarillo is among the most conservative cities. Theseestimates are highly correlated with the 2008 presi-dential vote share: in Austin, President Obamareceived 71% of the vote, while he received just26% of the vote in Amarillo.

On our website, we provide our full results forthe mean disaggregated and MRP ideology in everystate, congressional district, state legislative district,and large city, as well the standard errors of each esti-mate. We also provide estimates of the preferences ofDemocratic and Republican subconstituencies in eachstate and congressional district (online Appendix A),as well as the ideological heterogeneity of each stateand congressional district (online Appendix B).


In this section, we demonstrate two applications ofour estimates of constituent preferences. In eachapplication, we estimate ideological preferences at adifferent level of geographic aggregation. The variationin the applications illustrates the range of substantivequestions that our new dataset could help scholarsanswer.

11To estimate the presidential vote share in state legislativedistricts and cities, we aggregated precinct-level 2008 presidentialelection data collected by Ansolabehere and Rodden (2012) for39 states.

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Representation in State Legislatures

In the past, state politics scholars have been hinderedby the unavailability of data on policy preferences atthe level of state legislative districts. As a result, moststudies of representation have focused on the U.S.Congress. This focus on Congress has hinderedscholars’ ability to study institutional factors thataffect representation (Wright et al. 2009). For instance,it remains unclear how factors such as term limits andinitiatives affect state legislators’ responsiveness topublic opinion.

The relatively few studies that have focused onrepresentation in state legislatures have used variousproxies for the preferences of state legislative constit-

uents. Some studies have used data on demographicsto estimate the preferences of district constituencies(Hogan 2008). But the relationship between demo-graphics and ideology is generally weak and hetero-geneous across states (Erikson, Wright, and McIver1993). Other studies have used the distributionof presidential vote shares as a proxy for statelegislative districts’ ideological preferences (Shor2010; Shor and McCarty 2011; Wright et al. 2009).However, this measure is vulnerable to home-stateeffects, regional biases, and heterogeneity in the re-lationship between policy preferences and presidentialvote shares across districts. In addition, presidentialvote data is difficult to collect at the state legislativelevel.

FIGURE 2 Policy Preferences of Citizens by State

Note: This figure shows the disaggregated and MRP estimates of the policy preferences of the mean citizen in each state. The circular dots are MRP estimates and the squares are disaggregated estimates. The graph also shows confidence intervals for each estimate.

measuring constituent preferences 337

Our approach enables us to provide a direct esti-mate of citizens’ policy preferences in each statelegislative district. Figure 4 illustrates an applicationof our estimates to representation in state legislatures.This figure shows the relationship between districtideologies and state house members’ ideal points inPennsylvania, California, Wisconsin, and Texas.12 We

find a large and statistically significant relationshipbetween district policy preferences and roll-call votingin all four states: legislators in more liberal districtstend to have more liberal ideal points. However, evenconditional on the policy preferences of a district,Democrats tend to have much more liberal votingpatterns than Republicans. State legislatures appearto resemble Congress, where scholars have found sig-nificant splits between Democrats and Republicansafter accounting for the policy preferences of their

FIGURE 3 Policy Preferences of Citizens in Texas Cities with More than 50,000 People

Note: This figure shows disaggregated and MRP estimates of the policy preferences of the mean citizen in each city in Texas with more than 50,000 people. The circular dots are MRP estimates and the squares are disaggregated estimates. The graph also shows confidence intervals for each estimate.

12We estimate state legislators’ ideal points using rollcall data fromthe 2009-2010 and 2011 session collected by the Sunlight Foundation.

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constituencies. These results also illustrate that within-party representation varies across states. In some states,such as Wisconsin and Texas, there is little relationshipbetween the preferences of a district and legislators’ideal points within parties. In other states, the idealpoints of Democrats and Republican appear to varysignificantly within parties due to the preferences oftheir districts.

Representation in City Governments

One of the most important questions in the study oflocal politics is whether city governments respond tothe will of their citizens. For instance, do more liberalcities have more progressive tax regimes or higher percapita spending rates? There is significant evidencethat policy outcomes at the state (Erikson, Wright,

and McIver 1993; Lax and Phillips 2009) and nationallevels (Stimson, MacKuen, and Erikson 1995) arehighly responsive to citizens’ preferences. At the citylevel, however, the lack of data on public opinion hasstymied research on the link between citizens’ pref-erences and salient policy outcomes. As Trounstineputs it, ‘‘in order to explain how well and under whatconditions city policy reflects constituent preferences,we need . . . some knowledge of different constituents’preferences’’ (2010, 413). But, ‘‘[b]ecause we lack surveydata on local public opinion, we lack a sense of theunderlying distribution of interests at the local level...’’(414).

Scholars have used two approaches to overcomethe unavailability of public opinion data. As in thestate politics and Congress literatures, some scholarshave used demographic information as a proxy for

FIGURE 4 Representation in State Houses

Note: This figure shows the relationship between district policy preferences and legisla-tors’ ideal points in the Pennsylvania, California, Texas, and Wisconsin state houses. The lines are loess plots of the relationship between district policy preferences and legislators’ ideal points in each party.

measuring constituent preferences 339

preferences (Trounstine 2010). But the weak link be-tween demographics and public opinion applies asmuch in the city context as it does in other contexts(Erikson, Wright, and McIver 1993). Other scholarshave focused on a small number of urban areas withlarge survey samples (e.g., Palus 2010). However,there is no reason to believe that the link betweenpublic opinion and policy outputs in these large citiesis similar to other types of cities.

To address these problems, we estimate the policypreferences of citizens in 1,502 cities with more than25,000 people. We find significant variation in thepolicy preferences of cities. Not surprisingly, we findthat San Francisco, Berkeley, and Cambridge arethree of the most liberal cities in the country. Mesa,AZ, Provo, UT, and Waco, TX are three of the mostconservative cities.

These new estimates enable scholars to reexaminethe link between public opinion and city-policy out-comes. For instance, one important policy decisionmade by city governments is the choice regardingwhether to institute progressive or regressive taxregimes. Sales taxes are one of the most regressivesources of tax revenues. Thus, one way to measurethe progressivity of a city’s tax revenues is to examinethe percentage of its revenue that come from salestaxes (Gerber and Hopkins 2011). In Figure 5, we pres-ent a simple scatterplot of the relationship between citypolicy preferences and the percentage of revenues thatcome from sales taxes (in the states that allow munic-ipalities to collect sales taxes). In general, we find thatconservative cities obtain significantly more revenuesfrom sales taxes than liberal cities.13 Thus, the linkagebetween public opinion and policy outputs at thecity level appears to mirror the link between publicopinion and policy outputs at the state and federallevels. This analysis could easily be extended to otherpolicy areas, and it could incorporate the effect ofelections (Gerber and Hopkins 2011) and otherinstitutional and economic factors (Hajnal andTrounstine 2010).


This article addresses a crucial question in the studyof Congress, state and local politics, public opinion,and political geography: How should we measure

policy preferences at the subnational level? Even thelargest national surveys lack sufficient statisticalpower to estimate citizens’ preferences at the level ofcongressional districts, let alone cities, state legislativedistricts, and other small geographic units. As a result,scholars have relied on a variety of proxies for publicopinion, all of which have serious flaws. In thisarticle, we have developed a new survey-based esti-mate of the public opinion of 275,000 people. Thisnew measure enables scholars to estimate citizens’policy preferences at a variety of levels of geographicaggregation where public opinion estimates werepreviously unavailable.

In this article, we have described two illustrativeapplications. First, we show how our data will enablescholars to examine the link between public opinionand state legislative representation. We estimate thepolicy preferences of every state legislative districtin the country and use these estimates to examinethe link between public opinion and roll-call votingin four state houses. We find a moderate link be-tween public opinion and roll-call voting patterns inthese states, even after controlling for legislators’partisanship. Our estimates of the policy preferencesof state legislative districts could be combined with

FIGURE 5 Relationship between City PolicyPreferences and Sales Tax Revenue(Among States that Allow Local SalesTaxes)

Note: This figure shows the relationship between city policy preferences and the share of city revenues collected from sales taxes in states that allow municipalities to collect sales taxes.

13In cities in states that allow municipalities to collect a sales tax,there is a correlation of .34 between a city’s policy preferencesand the share of its revenues from sales taxes.

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recent estimates of legislators’ ideal points in all 50states (Shor and McCarty 2011) to examine howinstitutional factors affects the link between citizens’preferences and legislators’ voting behavior.

Second, we show how our data will enable scholarsto examine the link between public opinion andcity-policy outcomes. In the past, scholars of urbanpolitics have estimated public opinion using citydemographics, or they have limited their analysis toa small number of cities with large survey samples.However, our estimates enable scholars to examinerepresentation in over 1,500 cities with a populationof more than 25,000 people. We find a strong linkbetween public opinion and city taxation regimes.Conservative cities have much more regressive taxregimes than liberal cities.

Beyond our substantive findings on representation,we have shown the vast potential our new estimates ofconstituent preferences provide for testing differenthypotheses about the mapping of public preferencesinto legislative action. For instance, our sample canbe jointly scaled to include legislators or candidateswho responded to the National Political AwarenessTest survey. We can also extend our analysis to developmultidimensional models to examine whether prefer-ences that don’t fit into the most prominent politicalcleavage are important in legislative actions and elec-toral contexts (Bailey and Brady 1998).

The study of elections, representation, and policypreferences has historically been driven by large datasets. Even as great progress has been made, there is aclear need for this empirical project to get even bigger,that even in a time when surveys of 50,000 peopleand more are available, even more data is needed.We solve this need for more data by using a triedand true workaround which has advanced scienceand social science many times before: the pooling ofdata. Our innovation is to create a new data set‘‘merely’’ by pooling others. One of the great virtuesof this innovation is that it is scalable: we now havethe ability to pool even more data as it becomesavailable.

Although the advance introduced here is one ofdata and measurement, it is as much substantive asmethodological. Better measurement enables us toask new questions while giving better answers to oldones. We are better equipped to answer the questionMiller and Stokes asked in 1963: what is the extentof constituency influence in Congress? At thesame time, we can ask this question about everylevel of government, furthering our ability tounderstand the factors that improve democraticrepresentation.


We are grateful for feedback on previous drafts of thisarticle from four anonymous reviewers, Adam Bonica,Joshua Clinton, Morris Fiorina, Robert Gulotty, SimonJackman, Howard Rosenthal, Jed Stiglitz, and partic-ipants at the Stanford American Politics Workshopand 2011 Cooperative Congressional Election StudyConference. We are especially indebted to David Brady,Jeff Lewis, Stephen Ansolabehere, and Jonathan Roddenfor their generous advice and support.


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Chris Tausanovitch is an Assistant Professor atthe University of California, Los Angeles, California90095.

Christopher Warshaw is an Assistant Professor atthe Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge,Massachusetts 02139.

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