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Date post: 22-Jan-2015
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MEAT Nyla Kayel
  • 1. MEAT Nyla Kayel

2. What is meat ? Types of meat ? Quality Advantages/Disadvantages Advice 3. What is meat ? 4. Poultry 5. Pork 6. Rabbit 7. Beef Lamb/She ep Horse Duck Calories (kcal) 161 219 126 186 Proteines (g) 26 23 20 19 Lipides (g) 7 14 4 10 Iron (mg) 3 3 3 2 Zinc (mg) 7 3 3 0 Vitamines PP (mg) 5 7 7 0 Vitamines B12 2 2 3 1 8. Snipe Black Grouse Mallard Partridge Pheasant Capercallie Red Grouse Red-legged Partridge Ptarmigan Woodcock 9. Game animals - Kangaroo - Fox - Larks - Hares - Wild Boars - Wild Ducks - Wild Rabbits - All sorts of deers (Fallow/Roe/etc.) 10. Authorized game hunt animals 11. Quality of the Meat The taste and the tenderness of the meat depends on: - The race of the animal - The age - The gender - Conditions of slaughter and farming If the animal itself is sick, its meat is contagious as well. 12. Advantages What is the healthiest ? Why? - Bodybuilding (proteins) - Resource of Energy - Preventing Alzeimer (vitamin PP) - Oxygene provider in the metabolism - Immunizer against bacteria (zinc) - Acne reducer - Stomach filler 13. If high consumption: Cardio-vascular diseases Causes overweight Decrease of life expectancy Provoque cancer Highly caloric 14. Advice How to consume meat? - 500g of meat per week maximum Around 70g per day - Add cooked vegetables - Swapping as much as you can - Avoid the fat around the meat 15. Source http://www.livescience.com/18848-dark-meat-heart-healthy.html http://fr.wiktionary.org/wiki/viande http://www.marie-claire/nutrition http://meilleurduchef.fr 16. Thank you all!
