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Mechanisms controlling the silicon isotopic compositions of river waters R.B. Georg a, , B.C. Reynolds a , M. Frank b , A.N. Halliday c a ETH Zürich, Institute for Isotope Geochemistry and Mineral Resources, ETH Zentrum, Sonneggstrasse 5, CH-8092 Zürich, Switzerland b IfM-GEOMAR, Leibniz Institute for Marine Sciences, Wischhofstrasse 1-3, D-24148 Kiel, Germany c University of Oxford, Department of Earth Sciences, Parks Road, OX 3PR Oxford, UK Received 22 March 2006; received in revised form 29 June 2006; accepted 6 July 2006 Available online 23 August 2006 Editor: H. Elderfield Abstract It has been proposed that silicon (Si) isotopes are fractionated during weathering and biological activity leading to heavy dissolved riverine compositions. In this study, the first seasonal variations of stable isotope compositions of dissolved riverine Si are reported and compared with concomitant changes in water chemistry. Four different rivers in Switzerland were sampled between March 2004 and July 2005. The unique high-resolution multi-collector ICP-MS Nu1700, has been used to provide simultaneous interference-free measurements of 28 Si, 29 Si and 30 Si abundances with an average limiting precision of ± 0.04on δ 30 Si. This precision facilitates the clarification of small temporal variations in isotope composition. The average of all the data for the 40 samples is δ 30 Si = + 0.84 ± 0.19(±1σ SD ). Despite significant differences in catchment lithologies, biomass, climate, total dissolved solids and weathering fluxes the averaged isotopic composition of dissolved Si in each river is strikingly similar with means of + 0.70 ± 0.12for the Birs,+ 0.95 ± 0.22for the Saane,+ 0.93 ± 0.12for the Ticino and + 0.79 ± 0.19for the Verzasca. However, the δ 30 Si undergoes seasonal variations of up to 0.6. Comparisons between δ 30 Si and physicochemical parameters, such as the concentration of dissolved Si and other cations, the discharge of the rivers, and the resulting weathering fluxes, permits an understanding of the processes that control the Si budget and the fate of dissolved Si within these rivers. The main mechanism controlling the Si isotope composition of the mountainous Verzasca River appears to be a two component mixing between the seepage of soil/ground waters, with heavier Si produced by clay formation and superficial runoff associated with lighter Si during high discharge events. A biologically-mediated fractionation can be excluded in this particular river system. The other rivers display increasing complexity with increases in the proportion of forested and cultivated landscapes as well as carbonate rocks in the catchment. In these instances it is impossible to resolve the extent of the isotopic fractionation and contributed flux of Si contributed by biological processes as opposed to abiotic weathering. The presence of seasonal variations in Si isotope composition in mountainous rivers provides evidence that extreme changes in climate affect the overall composition of dissolved Si delivered to the oceans. The oceanic Si isotope composition is very sensitive to even small changes in the riverine Si isotope composition and this parameter appears to be more critical than Earth and Planetary Science Letters 249 (2006) 290 306 www.elsevier.com/locate/epsl Corresponding author. Tel.: +41 1 63 20730; fax: +41 1 63 21179. E-mail address: [email protected] (R.B. Georg). 0012-821X/$ - see front matter © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2006.07.006

tters 249 (2006) 290–306www.elsevier.com/locate/epsl

Earth and Planetary Science Le

Mechanisms controlling the silicon isotopiccompositions of river waters

R.B. Georg a,⁎, B.C. Reynolds a, M. Frank b, A.N. Halliday c

a ETH Zürich, Institute for Isotope Geochemistry and Mineral Resources, ETH Zentrum, Sonneggstrasse 5, CH-8092 Zürich, Switzerlandb IfM-GEOMAR, Leibniz Institute for Marine Sciences, Wischhofstrasse 1-3, D-24148 Kiel, Germany

c University of Oxford, Department of Earth Sciences, Parks Road, OX 3PR Oxford, UK

Received 22 March 2006; received in revised form 29 June 2006; accepted 6 July 2006Available online 23 August 2006

Editor: H. Elderfield


It has been proposed that silicon (Si) isotopes are fractionated during weathering and biological activity leading to heavydissolved riverine compositions. In this study, the first seasonal variations of stable isotope compositions of dissolved riverineSi are reported and compared with concomitant changes in water chemistry. Four different rivers in Switzerland were sampledbetween March 2004 and July 2005. The unique high-resolution multi-collector ICP-MS Nu1700, has been used to providesimultaneous interference-free measurements of 28Si, 29Si and 30Si abundances with an average limiting precision of ±0.04‰on δ30Si. This precision facilitates the clarification of small temporal variations in isotope composition. The average of all thedata for the 40 samples is δ30Si=+0.84±0.19‰ (±1σSD). Despite significant differences in catchment lithologies, biomass,climate, total dissolved solids and weathering fluxes the averaged isotopic composition of dissolved Si in each river isstrikingly similar with means of +0.70±0.12‰ for the Birs,+0.95±0.22‰ for the Saane,+0.93±0.12‰ for the Ticino and+0.79±0.19‰ for the Verzasca. However, the δ30Si undergoes seasonal variations of up to 0.6‰. Comparisons between δ30Siand physico–chemical parameters, such as the concentration of dissolved Si and other cations, the discharge of the rivers, andthe resulting weathering fluxes, permits an understanding of the processes that control the Si budget and the fate of dissolvedSi within these rivers.

The main mechanism controlling the Si isotope composition of the mountainous Verzasca River appears to be a twocomponent mixing between the seepage of soil/ground waters, with heavier Si produced by clay formation and superficialrunoff associated with lighter Si during high discharge events. A biologically-mediated fractionation can be excluded in thisparticular river system. The other rivers display increasing complexity with increases in the proportion of forested andcultivated landscapes as well as carbonate rocks in the catchment. In these instances it is impossible to resolve the extent ofthe isotopic fractionation and contributed flux of Si contributed by biological processes as opposed to abiotic weathering.

The presence of seasonal variations in Si isotope composition in mountainous rivers provides evidence that extreme changesin climate affect the overall composition of dissolved Si delivered to the oceans. The oceanic Si isotope composition is verysensitive to even small changes in the riverine Si isotope composition and this parameter appears to be more critical than

⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: +41 1 63 20730; fax: +41 1 63 21179.E-mail address: [email protected] (R.B. Georg).

0012-821X/$ - see front matter © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2006.07.006

291R.B. Georg et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 249 (2006) 290–306

plausible changes in the Si flux. Therefore, concurrent changes in weathering style may need to be considered when using the Siisotopic compositions of diatoms, sponges and radiolaria as paleoproductivity proxies.© 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Si isotopes; seasonal variability; river; weathering; MC-ICPMS

1. Introduction

Weathering of silicate minerals and rocks is afundamental process that is thought to regulate globalclimate on long timescales as a result of the drawdownof atmospheric CO2 [1–4]. During breakdown of silicateminerals chemical weathering consumes CO2 andcontributes species such as silicon (Si) to the dissolvedload of rivers [5]. In order to model long-term weath-ering and CO2 consumption, different approaches havebeen applied, such as mass balance calculations usingmajor and minor elemental fluxes of rivers [6–8], andradiogenic and stable isotope proxies, such as strontium[9] and lithium [10,11]. Despite being a majorconstituent of silicate minerals and the continentalcrust, Si is usually excluded from calculations ofchemical weathering fluxes owing to the complicationof biogenic silica formation [8]. Silicon is released byweathering of silicate rocks and minerals and can berecycled by biological processes in soils before it finallyreaches the rivers and leaves the catchments [12–14].Silicon isotopes should in principle provide a constrainton the origin and mass budget of riverine dissolved Si.Detailed investigations on riverine Si isotope composi-tions have not yet been undertaken, but are nowtractable using MC-ICPMS analyses [15].

It has been shown that rivers contain Si that isisotopically heavy relative to the continental crust[16,17]. In principle two fractionation processes canexplain the observed heavy isotope compositions ofdissolved Si in rivers: (i) weathering of igneousminerals, and (ii) biological utilisation of resultingsilicic acid. Secondary clays are isotopically lighter andbalanced by a corresponding enrichment of heavy Si inambient fluids [17–21]. Organisms incorporate Si fromambient fluids and form biogenic silica, e.g. skeletalmaterial (diatoms) and phytoliths (higher land plants).Various studies have shown that during the formation ofbiogenic silica organisms discriminate against heavier Siisotopes, resulting in a lighter isotope composition ofbiogenic silica and a corresponding enrichment ofheavier Si isotopes in coexisting ambient solutions[22–28]. Therefore, both biogenic processes and weath-ering can generate heavy dissolved Si in river waters. Inprinciple, both can affect the composition of Si in

seawater, yet this is assumed to be constant wheninferring paleoproductivity from diatom records [23].

Little is known about the mechanisms controlling theSi isotope composition in rivers under different climaticconditions. In order to understand this and the role ofbiological processes versus weathering it is necessary toinvestigate whether the Si isotope composition ofparticular river systems varies with seasonality, weath-ering rates and lithology. To investigate the role ofcatchment lithology and relief, four rivers draining threedifferent parts of the Swiss Alps have been sampled; theBirs in the north, the Saane in central Switzerland andthe Verzasca and Ticino in the south. These rivers weresampled over an annual cycle, from March 2004 to July2005. The concentration (or [Si]) and isotopic composi-tion of dissolved Si were measured and compared withthe cation composition in order to constrain thegeochemistry of Si within these different catchments.A comparison of the Si isotope composition withphysico–chemical parameters, such as river discharge,the water chemistry and the resulting weathering fluxcan help to constrain the processes that control the Siisotope composition of these catchments. A positivecorrelation between Si isotope composition and con-centration of riverine Si was first recognised by De laRocha et al. (2000) and interpreted as the result ofenhanced weathering (higher δ30Si and higher [Si])[17]. Biological processes in contrast remove Si fromsolution and therefore generate a negative correlationbetween isotopic composition and concentration ofdissolved Si. Such a model may however be toosimplistic, as explored in this paper.

2. Sampling and analytical methods

2.1. Sampling sites and geological setting

The location of the sampling sites and respectivecatchment areas are shown in Fig. 1; some details on thegeomorphology are given in Table 1. The Verzasca andthe Ticino rivers are both located in the Tessin, and draincatchments dominated by the lithology of the Pennineunits of the central Alps. The bedrocks are predomi-nantly crystalline gneisses with some calcareous shists(Bündnerschiefer) and evaporites in the north of the

Fig. 1. Map of Switzerland showing the four sample stations (white dots), the river courses (black lines) and catchment outlines (black pointed lines).Station 1=Verzasca, Station 2=Ticino, Station 3=Saane, Station 4=Birs. Rainwater composition was taken at stations in Chaumont, Payerne andMagadino (open black cycles).

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Ticino catchment [29]. The Verzasca is a high mountainriver with small catchment (186 km2) that has eroded anarrow V-shaped valley into the crystalline bedrock.Bedrock outcrops and thin soil layers dominate thecatchment's surface. In the Ticino catchment (1515 km2)the main valley consists of cultivated alluvial floodplains covered with extensive soil horizons, flanked onboth sides by high mountains. The two other rivers, theBirs (catchment size of 911 km2) and the Saane(catchment size of 1861 km2), are located within theHelvetic unit of the Alps and represent meanderingriver systems. The land use in both catchments ismainly agriculture and forestry. The Birs is located inthe northern part of Switzerland and mainly drains theSwiss Jura Mountains, where shallow marine carbo-nate deposits dominate over minor proportions ofsiliciclastic sediments. The catchment of the Saanecovers a variety of different sedimentary lithologies,mainly marine siliciclastic rocks (Flysch and Molasse),but also carbonate-sandstones, mudstones andlimestones.

2.2. Sampling

Each of the four rivers was sampled 10 times during2004 and 2005. Sample locations were chosen to be near

monitoring stations of the Swiss Federal Office for theEnvironment (FOEN), so that changes in discharge foreach sampling point are well documented (Fig. 1). Riverwater samples were filtered directly at the sampling sitethrough 0.45 μm Millipore cellulose acetate filters andacidified with suprapure HCl to a pH between 2 and 3.The [Si] was measured colometrically by the molybde-num blue method using a spectrophotometer at thelaboratory at ETH Zürich 1 d later [30]. Cationconcentration measurements for each sample wereperformed by ICP-MS at ACME Analytical Labora-tories Ltd. in Vancouver, Canada.

2.3. Source of additional data

The hydrochemical parameters of Saane, Birs andTicino were part of a long-term investigation of theNADUF (National programme for the long-termanalytical investigation of Swiss rivers) monitoringprogram, in collaboration with the Swiss FederalInstitute of Aquatic Science and Technology (EAWAG)[31]. The NADUF program provides a database forhydrochemical data, such as pH, temperature, majorcation and anion composition, and covers periodsbeginning in 1978 to the late 1990s. The Verzasca hasbeen monitored as part of an international program

Table 1Long-term average chemistry data of the studied rivers

River Station AVE catchment Discharge(m3/s)


pH HCO3− SO42− NO3− Cl− Ca2+ Mg2+ Na+ K+ Si Σ−



Alt. a.s.l. Elevation Slope (mg/l)

Average long-term data (additional sources, see Section 2.3), uncorrected for wet depositional inputBirs 268 m 740 m 14.5° 15 10.7 8.2⁎ 257.1 22.5 12.5 11.0 90.0 4.4 7.2 2.3 2.2 5.21 5.24 409.2Saane 474 m 1130 m 16.3° 57 9.7 8.2 199.9 34.6 6.6 6.3 69.4 7.6 4.6 1.6 1.9 4.28 4.32 332.5Ticino 250 m 1640 m 29.8° 75 8.9 7.8 60.1 62.1 3.3 2.2 36.2 5.7 2.4 1.9 2.4 2.40 2.44 175.8Verzasca 550 m 1574 m 29.5° 12 7.0 6.7 3.6 3.6 3.1 0.3 2.6 0.2 0.7 0.5 1.8 0.20 0.19 16.4

Station Precipitation(mm)

pH SO42− NO3− Cl− Ca2+ Mg2+ Na+ K+

Annual average chemical composition of rain waters in mg/lMagadino (Ticino, Verzasca) 1649 5.1 1.4 2.4 0.23 0.41 0.05 0.15 0.05Payerne (Saane) 869 5.3 0.87 1.3 0.18 0.31 0.03 0.11 0.05Chaumont (Birs) 1101 5.2 0.72 1.06 0.21 0.22 0.03 0.12 0.03

Annual average rain water element fluxes in mg/m2/yearMagadino (Ticino, Verzasca) 2324 3948 384 678 78 241 76Payerne (Saane) 745 1155 156 267 26 98 47Chaumont (Birs) 802 1150 231 239 30 134 37

Correction factors for wet depositional input in %Birs 6.7 17.4 4.0 0.5 1.3 3.4 3.1Saane 2.3 18.3 2.6 0.4 0.4 2.2 3.0Ticino 2.4 76.0 11.2 1.2 0.9 6.5 2.6Verzasca 31 61 63 13.2 17.3 16.7 7.0

The annual average composition of rainwater is used to calculate correction factors for wet depositional input. ⁎pH value of the Birs is based on field measurements throughout 2004–2005.








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(Cooperative Programme on Assessment and Mon-itoring of Acidification of Rivers and Lakes: ICP-waters), which has been established by the UnitedNations Economic Commission for Europe's Con-vention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution(LRTAP). We used these long-term datasets toconstrain the basic water chemistry of the investigatedrivers.

The chemical composition of rainwater was takenfrom the NABEL (National Air Pollution MonitoringNetwork) program [32]. We have chosen three stationsthat are close to the studied catchments. The selectedstations are Magadino (for Ticino and Verzasca),Payerne (for Saane) and Chaumont (for Birs) (Fig. 1).Annual average rainwater compositions are provided asconcentration (mg/l) and as elemental flux (mg/m2/yr)for the year 2004 (Table 1). The rainwater compositionsand the long-term chemistry data were used to calculatecorrection factors for wet depositional input, which werethen applied to the cation composition of the river watersamples in order to obtain weathering-derived dissolvedfluxes.

2.4. Correction for wet depositional input

In order to correct the dissolved riverine load forwet depositional contributions correction factors werecalculated in two ways: First using the Cl− basedmethod [33] and second using a volumetric approachcomparing the wet depositional element flux per unitarea per year with the riverine flux of the specificelement. The Cl− correction yields negative riverinefluxes of NO3

− and SO42− for the Birs and Saane and

negative riverine fluxes of NO3− for the Ticino. These

negative fluxes show that the Cl− load of these threerivers cannot only have been of atmospheric origin butthat there must have been an additional input thatprobably originated from road salt and fertilizers. Thevolumetric approach uses the elemental flux inprecipitation compared with the average annualriverine amount of the element dissolved. The correc-tion factor represents the percentage of the rainwatercontribution to the specific riverine element annualflux. This approach is not able to reconcile the highNO3

− flux observed in the Verzasca. Both correctionapproaches are subject to errors as average raincompositions and precipitation data are deployed. Inaddition, the rainwater compositions were not directlymeasured within the catchment introducing possiblegeographical biases. The volumetric approach yieldsmore consistent data so these correction factors wereused to correct for wet depositional input (Table 1). No

data exist for the Si concentrations of these rainwaterpools, but the Si concentration of rain is usually verylow, especially when compared to cation concentra-tions [33,34]. Therefore, the Si contribution from rainis assumed to be insignificant compared to weatheringSi fluxes.

2.5. Chemical preparation techniques

Silicon was separated from the water matrix andpurified using a newly developed cation-exchangechemistry [35]. All acids used were distilled by sub-boiling in Savillex elbows. Dilutions used deionisedwater (MilliQ-element “MQ-e” (Millipore)). The Siblank in the reagents is below the detection limit(1 ppb) of the Molybdate-blue method using aspectrophotometer.

The new ion-exchange chromatographic separationand purification technique for Si is based on a cation-exchange process, whereby Si is separated from theentire cation matrix of the sample using ion exchangecolumns filled with a resin bed of 1.8 ml DOWEX50W-X12 (200–400 mesh). The ion-chromatographyseparates 3.6 μg Si from the cationic species and thepurified sample solutions were diluted to 0.6 mg/l Si(21 μM) for mass spectrometric measurement. The Sirecovery for the separation procedure is 100% and nocolumn induced Si isotope fractionation has beenfound using standard solutions. The eluted sample iseffectively free of all cationic species including tracemetals [35].

2.6. Mass spectrometry

The direct measurement of Si isotopes by MC-ICPMS requires high-resolution mass-spectrometry inorder to resolve Si+ ions from polyatomic interferencesof similar mass, in particular 14N16O+ interferences onthe 30Si+ ion beam [36,37]. We have analysed Siisotopes using the high-resolution capacity of theNu1700 (Nu Instruments, UK) multiple collector-ICPMS at ETH Zürich [15]. A true high mass resolutionof 2000 (m/Δm at 10% peak valley) allows for aseparation of the three Si+ ion beams from all majorpolyatomic interferences including 12C16O+, 14N14N+,14N15N+, 14N14N1H+ and 14N16O+. Samples areintroduced to the plasma via a DSN-100 desolvatingnebuliser system (Nu Instruments, UK) using a 6 mmPFA nebuliser (Elemental Scientific Inc.) with avariable uptake rate of between 60 and 80 μl/min.All three Si peaks are measured simultaneously instatic mode with Faraday collectors equipped with

295R.B. Georg et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 249 (2006) 290–306

1011 Ω resistors. The mass bias of the Nu1700 is verystable with a drift in 30Si/28Si of standard solutions of<1‰ over 60 h. It is corrected for by a standard-sample bracketing protocol. In order to minimiseanalytical blanks the dry aerosol is introduced to theplasma through a semi-demountable torch equippedwith an alumina injector. Silicon isotope data arereported as deviations of 30Si/28Si and 29Si/28Si fromthe international standard NBS28 in parts per thousand(the standard delta notation δ30Si and δ29Si, withX=30 or 29) as follows:

dXSi ¼ ðXSi=28SiÞsam−ðXSi=28SiÞNBS28ðXSi=28SiÞNBS28

" #� 100

The long-term reproducibility of over 300 measure-ments of the IRMM-018 standard was ±0.14‰ (2σSD)for δ30Si values and ±0.10‰ (2σSD) for δ

29Si values[38]. The standard data were acquired during 16sessions between November 2004 and August 2005.Since all standards and samples were processed throughthe chemical separation procedure prior to each sessionthis standard reproducibility also includes the repeat-ability of the applied chemical separation procedure.The silicon isotope composition of the river sampleswas reproducible during different measuring sessionswith a similar average of 0.13‰ (2σSD) for δ

30Si and0.08‰ (2σSD) for δ

29Si. The precision given as stan-dard error of the mean for over 12 duplicate analyses isthus limited to ±0.04‰ for δ30Si values and ±0.03‰for δ29Si values at the 95% confidence level by ourlong-term reproducibility.

The sensitivity of the analytical setup varies but istypically ∼10−10A/ppm Si while running at high mass-resolution with an uptake rate of∼80 μl/min. Due to thevery rapid washout performance of the DSN-100 the Siblank was reduced to below 2×10−13A on mass 28Siwithin 150 s of each measurement, which is equivalent toa ∼1 ppb Si blank.

3. Results

3.1. Major element chemistry

The collected data, such as compositional long-termaverages of the studied rivers and precipitation and thecation data for our samples are given in Tables 1 and2, respectively. We used the long-term data in Table 1to constrain major element chemistry. The examinedrivers have total dissolved solid “TDS” concentrations(calculated as the sum of cation, anion and Si

concentrations in ppm) ranging from 16 mg/l(Verzasca) to about 410 mg/l (Birs). In the Saaneand Ticino the TDS was 330 and 180 mg/l,respectively. All rivers show strong seasonal gradientsregarding the mean water temperature rangingbetween about 2 and 5 °C during the winter months(November to April) to ∼14–17 °C during thesummer months (May to October). The Verzasca,Ticino and the Saane have fairly stable pH values of6.7, 7.8 and 8.2, respectively, with variations of 0.1–0.2 (1σSD). There is no long-term pH record for theBirs available but our measurements indicate lightlyalkaline pH values around 8.2.

The rainwater contribution of major cations con-stitutes less than 5% of the riverine major cationfluxes of the Birs, Saane and Ticino. However, for theVerzasca, the estimated rainwater contribution ishigher, between 5 and 14%. The input-correctedcation data of the collected samples were used tocalculate a weathering flux (g/s), computed as theproduct of the measured discharge given in m3 s−1

and the base cation concentration (sum of Ca2+, Mg2+,K+ and Na+ in mg/l).

On a molar basis, Ca2+ is the most abundant cationin most rivers; [Ca2+]> [Mg2+]> [K+Na+]> [Si]. TheVerzasca shows a different composition of decreasingabundance: [Ca2+] > [Si] > [K+Na+] > [Mg2+], docu-menting the importance of silicate-derived dissolvedload in this river. The anionic species are dominatedby [HCO3

−]> [SO42−]> [Cl−+NO3

−]. Noteworthy arehigh [SO4

2−] in the Ticino and Verzasca, and high[NO3

−] in the Verzasca (Fig. 2). The high [SO42−] is

lithogenic, and is derived from the leaching ofMesozoic evaporites such as CaSO4 that occur inthe northern part of the Ticino valley [39]. Anatmospheric origin is unlikely since both correctionapproaches do not eliminate the [SO4

2−] in these rivers.The high [NO3

−] in the Verzasca is probably derivedfrom atmospheric inputs, as the Cl-approach elim-inates this anomalous flux. Although Ticino andVerzasca drain the same gneissose lithology, the riversshow quite distinct chemical compositions, with ahigher carbonate-derived component in the Ticino,based on higher Ca/Na and Mg/Na ratios [7].Considering that all [SO4

2−] is derived from thedissolution of CaSO4, the high Ca/Na ratios dooverestimate the contribution from carbonate weath-ering. Assuming all SO4

2− is derived from leaching ofCaSO4 the rainwater corrected riverine Ca2+ contentcan be calculated as follows:

Cacor ¼ Ca⁎−SO4⁎ � 0:42

Table 2Discharge, compositional cation data (±2σ, not corrected for wet depositional input) and Si isotope data for each sample taken throughout 2004–2005

River Sample Discharge ±10%(m3/s)

Ca2+ ±5% Mg2+ ±4% Na+ ±4%(mg/l)

K+±4% Si ±2% Al3+ ±5%(μg/l)

δ30Si 95%SEM

δ29Si 95%SEM

‰ (relative to NBS28)

Birs Mar 04 11.3 94.3 5.1 10.9 2.1 1.3 6 0.97 0.04 0.48 0.03May 04 8.0 91.3 5.1 8.4 2.3 1.8 3 0.61 0.04 0.34 0.03Aug 04 6.8 96.4 5.0 7.0 2.5 2.0 8 0.6 0.04 0.35 0.03Oct 04 4.1 93.7 5.8 10.0 3.3 1.8 45 0.79 0.04 0.4 0.03Jan 05 13.1 97.8 4.9 6.8 2.1 1.9 4 0.66 0.04 0.34 0.03Feb 05 11.3 100.7 5.3 14.8 2.2 1.9 6 0.62 0.04 0.35 0.03Mar 05 26.8 95.3 4.0 5.2 1.6 1.5 6 0.62 0.04 0.33 0.03May 05 15.2 94.3 4.8 6.1 1.9 1.5 5 0.73 0.04 0.36 0.03Jun 05 11.2 89.4 5.0 5.9 2.4 2.1 15 0.57 0.04 0.29 0.03Jul 05 6.5 98.7 5.2 7.7 2.5 2.2 9 0.78 0.04 0.4 0.03

Saane Mar 04 37.3 81.8 8.2 9.1 1.9 1.8 6 0.97 0.04 0.54 0.03May 04 99.0 75.1 7.7 5.1 1.6 1.4 4 1.24 0.04 0.62 0.03Aug 04 89.9 65.6 7.1 4.6 1.4 1.5 3 0.68 0.04 0.37 0.03Oct 04 35.5 71.5 7.6 4.9 1.6 1.5 3 0.59 0.04 0.29 0.03Jan 05 33.9 84.2 9.7 9.7 2.2 1.9 3 1.13 0.04 0.59 0.03Feb 05 63.0 85.2 9.2 13.2 2.2 1.7 2 1.15 0.04 0.62 0.03Mar 05 62.7 87.2 9.2 11.7 2.1 1.5 3 1.16 0.04 0.66 0.03May 05 91.4 74.9 6.7 5.4 1.6 1.7 7 0.94 0.04 0.51 0.03Jun 05 51.0 70.7 6.2 4.3 1.3 1.7 5 0.78 0.04 0.43 0.03Jul 05 26.7 67.7 6.5 4.7 1.5 1.5 3 0.90 0.04 0.49 0.03

Ticino Mar 04 31.3 55.5 10.2 1.8 1.6 1.4 14 0.96 0.04 0.48 0.03May 04 96.6 23.4 3.1 1.5 1.4 1.7 52 0.82 0.04 0.41 0.03Aug 04 112.1 37.8 5.4 2.0 2.1 2.1 28 0.73 0.04 0.39 0.03Oct 04 35.4 50.6 8.9 2.1 2.0 1.8 12 0.94 0.04 0.52 0.03Jan 05 33.9 50.5 9.3 1.6 1.7 1.9 7 0.86 0.04 0.45 0.03Feb 05 32.8 53.7 10.3 2.1 1.9 1.9 8 0.93 0.04 0.46 0.03Mar 05 34.7 48.2 8.3 1.9 1.9 1.8 9 1.09 0.04 0.55 0.03May 05 33.0 39.2 7.1 1.8 1.8 1.7 9 0.93 0.04 0.48 0.03Jun 05 88.2 34.4 5.1 1.7 1.6 1.7 19 0.89 0.04 0.46 0.03Jul 05 26.6 52.2 8.8 2.3 2.3 2.2 12 1.17 0.04 0.61 0.03

Verzasca Mar 04 2.0 4.2 0.49 2.0 1.2 2.6 19 0.97 0.04 0.51 0.03May 04 29.2 2.1 0.25 0.7 0.6 1.4 65 0.53 0.04 0.25 0.03Aug 04 20.1 3.1 0.34 1.1 0.9 2.0 39 0.66 0.04 0.36 0.03Oct 04 2.9 3.5 0.42 1.5 1.4 2.6 11 0.80 0.04 0.44 0.03Jan 05 1.7 3.1 0.44 1.6 1.2 2.8 8 0.97 0.04 0.52 0.03Feb 05 0.8 3.7 0.50 1.7 1.2 2.9 6 1.01 0.04 0.54 0.03Mar 05 6.4 3.2 0.43 1.2 0.9 2.2 57 0.76 0.04 0.38 0.03May 05 5.5 3.2 0.37 1.0 0.8 2.1 33 0.74 0.04 0.38 0.03Jun 05 19.3 2.6 0.32 0.9 0.7 1.8 40 0.51 0.04 0.26 0.03Jul 05 2.4 3.5 0.42 1.4 1.1 2.5 17 0.99 0.04 0.47 0.03

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Note that Ca⁎ and SO4⁎ are the measured riverine

concentrations after correction for wet depositional inputand 0.42 is the theoretical anhydrite [Ca2+]/[SO4

2−] ratio.The anhydrite correction shows that nearly 70% of thedissolved [Ca2+] is contributed by evaporites. Theassociated Ca/Na ratios change from 16.9 to 5.3 afterthe anhydrite correction. The higher Mg/Na ratios ofthe Ticino can be related to dolomitic marbles thatoccur in the northern part of the Ticino valley. Thelarger catchment of the Ticino contains a largerdiversity of different rocks, which are exposed to

weathering and contribute to the dissolved load of theTicino.

Birs and Saane have similar Ca/Na ratios (14.2±5.4 and 16.6±4.1, respectively), indicating a carbo-nate-dominated chemistry [7]. According to thegeological map [40] the catchment of the Saane alsocontains evaporites within the source area, so that theanhydrite correction should also be applied to correctthe [Ca2+] concentration of the Saane. The correctionshows that the dissolution of CaSO4 might contributeup to 20% to the dissolved Ca load. The associated

Fig. 2. Ternary diagrams showing the major cation and major anion composition of the studied rivers (uncorrected for wet depositional input andanhydrite contribution).

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Ca/Na ratio changes to 13.2±3.6. The abundance ofcarbonate rocks within the catchment explains theoverall carbonate-derived solute load within a mainlysiliciclastic catchment. Although dolomites areexposed in the Swiss Jurassic Mountains, an averageMg/Na ratio of only 0.7 does not indicate significantcontributions from dolomite weathering.

We used the long-term averages given in Table 1 andthe software PhreeqC to calculate saturation states of thewaters sampled here relative to primary and secondaryminerals [41]. The calculation shows that all rivers aresaturated with respect to kaolinite, thus this phase is onepotential secondary mineral that might form within thecatchment. Birs and Saane are saturated with respect tocalcite but undersaturated with respect to quartz,reflecting the carbonate influence on the solute load.Ticino and Verzasca are undersaturated with respect to

calcite and quartz. All rivers are undersaturated withrespect to amorphous silica and primary silicates, suchas anorthite, albite and K-feldspar.

3.2. Silicon concentrations and isotopic compositions

The measured Si isotope composition, the [Si] andcation concentration data and discharges for eachsample are given in Table 2. All Si isotope measure-ments agree with the mass-dependent equilibriumfractionation line of Si, documenting the eliminationof all molecular interferences (δ29Si=0.5178×δ30Si,R2=0.96), as shown in Fig. 3. All rivers carry a positivevalue of δ30Si in the dissolved Si, consistent withprevious conclusions that weathering and/or biologicalprocesses offset the composition of Si added to theoceans away from an average igneous δ30Si range of

Fig. 3. Three-isotope plot showing that all river water samples followthe mass-dependent equilibrium fractionation array (δ29Si=δ30Si×0.5178) for Si.

298 R.B. Georg et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 249 (2006) 290–306

−0.3 to 0.3‰ [18,42] toward heavy values [16,17]. Theaverage δ30Si of the Ticino (+0.93±0.12‰, ±1σSD)and the Saane (+0.95±0.22‰) are slightly heavier thanthe average of all data (+0.84±0.19‰); the average Birscomposition is slightly lighter (+0.70±0.12‰) andVerzasca is similar (+0.79±0.19‰) to the mean Siisotope composition of all four rivers. A strikingobservation is the overall uniformity of these highprecision data. Despite seasonal variations, the observedaverage Si isotope composition for each river is aboutthe same and no systematic relationship exists betweenthe Si isotopic composition of the river and the sourcelithology, TDS content or calculated weathering flux.

The high precision of the measurements facilitates theresolution of small seasonal variations in the Si isotopecomposition of the studied rivers (Table 2). Our resultsdemonstrate for the first time that the Si isotopecompositions of the rivers can undergo seasonalvariations of 0.6‰ in δ30Si (Fig. 4). Noteworthy is theseasonal co-variation between the δ30Si and the [Si] ofthe Verzasca, which is not shown in the other three rivers(Fig. 4).

4. Discussion

In order to constrain the processes that control the Siisotope composition we assess the relationships betweenSi isotope variability, water chemistry and weatheringflux.

4.1. Verzasca

For the mountainous Verzasca river the pronounceddirect correlation between [Si] and Si isotope composi-

tion (R2∼0.85) over the sampling period (Fig. 5a)indicates a relatively simple process controlling the Sichemistry in these waters. A positive relationshipbetween the concentration and isotopic composition ofdissolved riverine Si was first recognised by De laRocha et al. (2000) and interpreted as the result ofenhanced weathering (yielding higher δ30Si and higher[Si]) [17]. However, the total cation flux is dominated bythe discharge (Fig. 5c) and actually decreases with Siisotopic composition (Fig. 5b (note log scale)). There-fore, the weathering flux is inversely related to the δ30Sicomposition of the riverine dissolved Si.

The formation of clays is considered to be the keyfractionation process during weathering. Clay formationshould remove Al relative to Si, whilst leading to Siisotope fractionation, thus resulting fluids should havelow Al/Si ratios correlated to high δ30Si values, asshown to be the case in Fig. 5d. Given that clayformation is a key fractionation process, the upperintercept at ∼+1‰ in Fig. 5d might represent a limit forclay-induced fractionation, reflecting exhaustion of thefinite reservoirs of dissolved Al and the highestmeasured δ30Si. The removal of Al during clayformation should dominate dissolved Si/Al ratios, andother cation to Al ratios, such as Ca/Al. This is exactlyas observed for the Verzasca, and it is found that δ30Sivaries with Si/Al and Ca/Al (Fig. 6), implicating Siisotope fractionation during clay formation. However,processes dominated simply by clay formation cannotreadily explain the observed co-variations betweendischarge, weathering flux and δ30Si (Fig. 5b and c).

The speciation of Al in fresh water is considered to beeither predominately dissolved as Al(OH)4

− [43] orassociated in colloidal/particulate forms [44]. Therefore,elevated Al concentrations might reflect alumosilicatespecies (e.g. ultra-fine clays, <0.45 μm) or theirleachates following acidification of the filtered samples.However, using the Al:Si ratios for clays of 1:2 and 1:1,the slope in Fig. 5d (y=−11.74×+0.96) would imply aδ30Si value of the alumosilicate to be between −5‰ and−11‰. Such an extremely low δ30Si value, given thatthe observed δ30Si range for clays is between −2.3 and+0.1‰ [17,42], implies that the observed trend in Fig.5d is not due to the incorporation of fine clay particles,and that Al is instead a truly dissolved and reactivespecies.

In order to explain the correlation between δ30Si anddischarge, the relationship between Si isotopic compo-sition and water chemistry can more readily beinterpreted in terms of mixing between two components(A and B), representing different solute pools withdistinct Si isotopic and chemical compositions (Fig. 6).

Fig. 4. Seasonal variations of measured Si concentration [Si], the discharge, base cation flux and δ30Si for all rivers during the sampling period fromMarch 2004 to July 2005. (Errors on δ30Si are givenas 95% SEM, errors on [Si] are 2%, errors on discharge and base cation flux ∼10%.)








Fig. 5. Relationship between (a) δ30Si and [Si], (b) δ30Si and weathering flux (as base cation flux), (c) discharge and weathering flux and (d) δ30Si andAl/Si ratios for the Verzasca. Uncertainties on δ30Si ratios are given as 95% SEM, on discharge and fluxes are ∼10%.

300 R.B. Georg et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 249 (2006) 290–306

These two components can be used to characterisedifferent facets of the weathering process. ComponentB, with the heaviest Si, low discharge and low solutefluxes, corresponds with low weathering fluxes,although the solute concentration is high. Clay forma-tion appears active within the soil horizons and/or on in-

Fig. 6. The relationship of the δ30Si composition and the waterchemistry of the Verzasca can be described in a simple system using Si/Al vs. Ca/Al (black circles and line) and δ30Si vs. Ca/Al (greytriangles). The system varies between two components A and B and isgoverned by the riverine discharge. Component B is likely to be basalflow; component A represents high superficial runoff.

situ sites within the host rock, as indicated by highlyfractionated Si isotopes and the relative removal of Al.On this basis, Component B represents basal flowconditions, where the river discharge is mainly main-tained through seepage from soil and/or ground waters.Component A is characterised by lower δ30Si values,higher Al abundances and higher solute fluxes, indicat-ing higher mineral dissolution rates and less effectiveclay formation. There are two potential sources oflighter Si isotopes and Al; (i) dissolution of clays and (ii)enhanced dissolution of primary silicates. The dissolu-tion of clays is likely to contribute at least to some extentbecause the rainwater is undersaturated with respect tokaolinite and thus strong precipitation could cause claydissolution. The enhanced solute flux reflected in thedischarge would be consistent with this (Fig. 5c). Thedissolution of both primary and secondary mineralsreleases Al and lighter Si isotopes into the river. Thisexample shows that the Si isotope composition isinversely correlated with the silicate derived weatheringflux, which is at its highest when the riverine δ30Si islow.

The proposed association of component B with clayformation is consistent with previous work that hasshown that δ30Si of soil solutions and groundwater canbe positive due to the dissolution of igneous minerals

Fig. 7. Relationship between δ30Si and (a) discharge and (b) base cation flux for the Ticino.

Fig. 8. The relationship between δ30Si and base cation flux (greytriangle) and Si/Al ratios (black circles) for the Ticino.

301R.B. Georg et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 249 (2006) 290–306

and the subsequent formation of secondary clayminerals [19,20]. It should be mentioned, however,that plants producing phytoliths utilise Al as well as Siand other macronutrients [45–50]. The related Siisotope fractionation and Al depletion might thereforebe expected to be similar. However, estimates of Si/Al inphytoliths range from about 8–20 to 100–4000 (after[51]), and considering the sparse vegetation within theVerzasca valley, the biological uptake of Al should benegligible compared to the storage of Al in clays.

By excluding a significant biological storage of Si,the Si weathering flux thus corresponds to the chemicaldenudation rate of Si. Normalising the elemental flux tothe catchment area, the chemical weathering of Si is onaverage about 2.9 t km−2 yr−1, compared to an averagebase cation derived weathering flux of 6.3 t km−2 yr−1

which results in a total flux of 9.2 t km−2 yr−1. This isabout 5 times higher than the chemical denudation rateof other granitoid-dominated catchments in northernclimates, but still lower than the chemical denudationrate of tropical granitoid catchments [8]. The silicaweathering flux of ∼6 t km−2 yr−1 is less than a valueobtained for glaciated catchments within the Swiss Alpsof ∼10 t km−2 yr−1 [52].

4.2. Ticino

Although the Ticino drains a catchment lithologysimilar to the Verzasca, the basic water chemistry isquite different, apparently because of a contributionfrom carbonate and evaporite-derived weathering. Thereis no correlation between [Si] and Si isotope composi-tion, but there are trends between Si isotope compositionand discharge (R2 =0.54) and the base cation flux(R2 =0.51) (Fig. 7). The relationship is similar to themixing trend of the Verzasca discussed above althoughnot as pronounced, probably because of this additional

complexity in dissolved source components (Fig. 8).Another important distinction between the Ticino andthe Verzasca catchments is the presence of extensivesoils and agriculture in the Ticino valley. Widespread,well-developed soils and agriculture provide extensiveopportunities for Si to be biologically-utilised. Thebiological influence on the Si flux should thus be higherthan in the Verzasca. The slightly higher average δ30Sicomposition compared to the Verzasca would beconsistent with this.

4.3. Birs and Saane

As with the Ticino, both the Birs and Saane do notshow an overall correlation between [Si] and Si isotopecomposition. Again, the processes controlling the Siisotope composition within these rivers are complex.Neither river displays a relationship between Si isotopecomposition and discharge or weathering flux. Itappears that the Si isotope composition is completelydecoupled from the weathering flux in both rivers

302 R.B. Georg et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 249 (2006) 290–306

because of the contributions from carbonate to thedissolved load.

The Si isotope composition of the Saane, however,shows a weak trend with Ca/Na (R2 =0.33) and Mg/Na(R2 =0.35) ratios, where lower δ30Si values are relatedto higher Ca/Na and Mg/Na ratios and vice versa. Thesample from May 2004 shows the highest δ30Sicomposition among the entire data set and, consideringa potential clay fractionation limit of ∼+1‰ (seeSection 4.1.) this value might be the result of biologicalfractionation. Excluding this sample improves thecorrelations between δ30Si and Ca/Na and Mg/Nasignificantly (R2 =0.70 and 0.83, respectively) (Fig.9a,b). As the catchment of the Saane is made up ofsilicate and carbonate rocks the correlation between Siisotope composition and Ca/Na and Mg/Na mayindicate relative changes in the weathering intensity ofboth lithologies. The long-term dataset of the Saaneshows that the Ca/Na ratio scales with the discharge(Fig. 9c), i.e. high discharge gives higher Ca/Na ratios.This relationship shows an enhanced release of Ca dueto the favoured dissolution of highly soluble carbonatesduring high discharge periods. In fact, this means thatthe carbonate weathering rate is higher during highdischarges. The Si isotope composition is, however,

Fig. 9. Relationship between δ30Si and (a) Ca/Na and (b) Mg/Na, excluding sathe Saane.

lower during this time, indicating an indirect relation-ship between Si isotope composition and discharge. Asdiscussed in the previous sections, a lighter Si isotopecomposition is associated with an enhanced breakdownof silicate mineral phases and thus an increase in silicateweathering intensity. The changes in Ca/Na ratios withdischarge result from an increase of carbonate weath-ering relative to silicate weathering during highdischarge. The Si isotope composition decreases andthus also indicates an increase of primary silicateweathering. This is consistent with an increase of thetotal weathering (silicate+carbonate weathering) withdischarge.

The carbonate-dominated Birs has the lowestaverage δ30Si composition of all four studied riversand the Ca/Na ratio also scales with discharge(R2 =0.64). The relation between δ30Si and Ca/Nashows a similar trend, however, it is not as pronounced(R2 =0.14) as within the Saane. The weathering flux ofthe Birs is always dominated by carbonate dissolutionand changes in weathering intensity do not influence Siisotope composition, which seems to be buffered byother processes. The [Si] of the Birs is not significantlylower than that of the other rivers, despite the fact thatsilicate rocks are of only minor importance. It has been

mple May 2004 (grey square), and between (c) discharge and Ca/Na for

Table 3Applying small offsets of ±0.2‰ to the riverine δ30Si compositionresults in a significant shift of the continental δ30Si input to the ocean


Change inriverineδ30Si

Initial Si Fluxcontinentalδ30Si(in%)

+10% Si Fluxcontinentalδ30Si

−10% Si Fluxcontinentalδ30Si

+1.0⁎ 0.0⁎ +0.81⁎ +0.79⁎ +0.82⁎

+0.8 −0.2 +0.64 +0.65 +0.62+1.2 +0.2 +0.98 +0.99 +0.95

The δ30Si composition of the ocean is thus more sensitive to variationsof the riverine δ30Si composition than to changes of the riverine Siflux. ⁎Data taken from [57].

303R.B. Georg et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 249 (2006) 290–306

shown for forested catchments that the Si flux derivedfrom the recycling of biogenic silica can be in excessof the weathering-derived Si flux [12,14,45,47,53].Therefore, a biogenic origin for the Si in the Birs isplausible and consistent with the lower average δ30Si,reflecting dissolution of lighter biogenic silica.

4.4. Implications for the global silicon budget

The average δ30Si value of 40 samples from theSwiss rivers is +0.84±0.19‰ (±1σSD) and in goodagreement with some previous studies [17,20]. No river-water studies yield δ30Si values as high as +2.13±0.74‰ reported for the Yangtze River in China [16], thereason for which is unclear. It has been suggested thatstable continental shields with older and deeplyweathered soils have lower average δ30Si because of(i) weak present-day weathering and (ii) the dissolutionof minerals that are mainly secondary in origin [20]. Incontrast, tectonically-active mountain belts exposeunaltered primary minerals and achieve high weatheringrates leading to elevated δ30Si in rivers. However, suchmodels are not supported by the data presented here.Weathering regimes can be complex and many para-meters, such as climate and topography, contribute to aregime that can be either (chemical) weathering-ortransport-limited [54]. For example, if a watershed isweathering-limited due to its topography and climate(e.g. steep slopes, high precipitation), the soil formationis limited by intense physical erosion. Under thesecircumstances weathering favours the dissolution ofhighly soluble minerals, such as carbonates, silicateweathering is incomplete and the formation of soils andclays is limited due to high erosion rates. Under theseconditions one would expect rivers to have generallylow δ30Si values due to ineffective clay inducedfractionation. In turn, a transport limited watershed,where soil development and silicate weathering prevailshould yield higher δ30Si values in the water because ofmore clay formation, unless the main Si source issecondary in origin [20].

The high altitude watersheds of the Alps certainlyrepresent weathering limited regimes [52], like theVerzasca valley, where the presence of steep slopeslimits the development of soil by erosion [55]. Most ofthe Birs and Saane catchments have a low relief and incontrast to Verzasca soil formation prevails. The Siisotope composition of the studied alpine rivers is ingood agreement with reported Si isotope compositionsfrom transport-limited watersheds, e.g. Amazon andCongo river [17]. Our data indicate that the influence ofdifferent weathering regimes on the Si isotope composi-

tion is not as clear nor pronounced as previouslyproposed [20].

Despite the similarity in general tectonic environ-ment between the European Alps and the Himalayasthe results presented here are in stark contrast to thedata recently reported for Chinese Rivers [16]. In bothcases the effects should be dominated by a tectonicallyactive mountain belt where fresh rock surfaces andyoung soils are exposed as a consequence of the lastglaciation. Yet the Swiss rivers do not yield theextremely heavy δ30Si values that are reported for theChinese rivers. Based on the δ30Si systematics of theSwiss rivers it seems to be unlikely that weathering ofprimary silicates and the formation of clays canproduce dissolved riverine Si with δ30Si values ashigh as +2.13‰. The δ30Si of the Yangtze River iselevated where wetland and seasonally flooded ricefields start to appear [16], and it has been shown thatthe growth of rice plants is associated with a large Siisotope fractionation, and thus could account for thevery high average δ30Si of the Yangtze River [25].However, recycling of organic matter from plants,which results in high biogenically-derived Si fluxes[12,14,45,47,53] should counterbalance the effect ofbiogenic Si isotope fractionation and limit δ30Si tomore normal values. Therefore, the reasons for thesedifferences are unclear. It is however possible thatthere are systematic analytical offsets in reported δ30Sivalues, as indicated by recent publications on theassessment of standard materials [38,56].

4.5. Glacial–interglacial variations in seawater δ30Si

The seasonal δ30Si variations reported here can beused to assess the impact on the global oceanic Siisotope composition of glacial–interglacial cycles. Thesensitivity of the average Si isotope composition of theoceans has been recently addressed by De La Rocha

304 R.B. Georg et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 249 (2006) 290–306

and Bickle [57], who used a two box model with aconstant δ30Si value for the continental Si flux to theoceans of +0.8‰. This value represents a mass-balance between a 85% riverine input with an averageδ30Si of +1.0‰ and a 15% contribution of a non-riverine source with an average δ30Si of −0.3‰ (after[2,58] in [57]). De La Rocha and Bickle argue that theSi flux must decrease by more than 50% of presentday in order to change the input into the oceansignificantly. However, the effects of glacial–inter-glacial changes in riverine δ30Si are not considered.The average continental riverine discharge during theLast Glacial Maximum (LGM) was very similar to thepresent day value [59], as the global Si flux to theoceans would not have changed by a significantamount (∼10%) compared to the present day valueduring glacial–interglacial cycles [60]. However, ourresults indicate that the δ30Si composition of rivers canundergo large variations that relate to weathering style.Small offsets in average riverine δ30Si from +1.0‰ to+1.2‰ and +0.8‰, result in the average continentalinput changing from +0.8‰ to +0.98‰ and +0.64‰,respectively (Table 3), and thus significantly changethe Si isotopic input into the oceans. Extending thepublished mass-balance calculations [57] it is apparentthat the average isotopic composition of dissolvedcontinental Si that is transferred to the oceans is muchmore significant than changes in the total Si flux (Fig.10). Variable continental δ30Si inputs need to beconsidered in future applications of Si isotopes as aproxy for marine palaeoproductivity and past Siutilization.

Fig. 10. Variations in the δ30Si values of the continental input to theocean due to variations in the riverine Si flux and the initial riverineδ30Si composition. The model shows that the continental input into theoceans is more sensitive to changes in the riverine δ30Si compositionthan to changes in the riverine Si flux. The grey box indicates changesin riverine Si flux of ±10%.

5. Conclusions

The average Si isotopic compositions of 4 Alpinerivers are very similar despite a range of weatheringstyles, climate, erosion flux and biomass. This is hard toreconcile with quite variable values reported for theYangtze. However, the isotopic composition of dis-solved Si varies significantly on a seasonal timescalewith an amplitude of up to 0.6‰. Using variations indischarge, water chemistry and weathering flux themechanisms controlling the sources of dissolvedriverine Si can be constrained. The Si isotope composi-tion of a high mountainous catchment reflects themixing of soil/groundwater and high discharge watersoriginating from precipitation and snow melt. Theunderlying dominant mass fractionation process is theformation of clay, which incorporates lighter Siisotopes. The coupling between weathering flux andSi isotope composition implies that biological effects ondissolved Si are unimportant and can be neglected inhigh mountainous catchments. Catchments with higherproportions of carbonate rocks, cultivated soils andforests show a progressive decoupling of the Si isotopecomposition from the weathering flux. It appears to becommon that an enhanced total weathering flux(carbonate+ silicate weathering) is associated withlighter δ30Si, even though carbonate dissolution dom-inates the solute load. The mechanisms controlling theSi isotope composition in lowland rivers are complexand cannot be distinguished unambiguously, but arelikely a combination of Si derived from silicate weath-ering and recycling of biogenic silica. Overall, thereappear to be regionally distinct mechanisms controllingthe Si geochemical budget of river waters, namely; inhigh mountainous catchments Si is controlled byweathering of primary minerals and precipitation ofclays, whilst is lowland areas the main control on theδ30Si value and Si continental weathering flux may bebiological utilization.

The continental input of Si into the oceans may havehad variable δ30Si values on short time-scales. Massbalance calculations show that the input into the ocean ismore sensitive to variations of the riverine δ30Sicomposition than to changes of the Si flux, and canlead to a change in the average δ30Si value of the globalocean.


We wish to thank Jörg Rickli for fieldworkassistance, Urs Menet for a superb technical support,Felix Oberli, Andreas Süsli and Heiri Baur for technical

305R.B. Georg et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 249 (2006) 290–306

improvements of the Nu1700, and numerous othercolleagues of the Isotope Group at IGMR for keepingthe clean labs running. We would like to thank SandraSteingruber for providing additional chemistry data forthe Verzasca River and Ursi Schönenberger and JürgZobrist for providing additional data for the SaaneRiver. We thank three anonymous reviewers for theirinsightful comments. This work was founded by theSwiss National Funds (Nr: 2000 20/101 780).


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