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Media 11 finished 2

Date post: 26-May-2015
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  • 1. SFX Media StudiesMaheni Short

2. Film Poster AnalysisAlice and Wonderland (2010) Shutter Island (2010) Mirror Mirror (2012) 3. Identifying characters so audience can familiarizeClose-up image of one of themselves for when theythe main characterssee the film Bright background Concentric circlecatches thebackground sort of a audiences eyehypnotizing effect and and invites themreflects the nature of too notice morethe filmBright and colourful interesting to the eye andTitle of film is not themay make passers by main focus but stillstop and look noticeable and eye-catchingSyntheticpersonalization Custom font makes the reader feel makes theinvolved and whole poster interesting 4. Large image ofTagline makes themain characteraudience wondercould tell us about more about the plothis personality a of the film givesleader, curious,them a little tasterabove his peersPoster has a dark,Only half of the mansgrim nature mayface is shown could symbolize thesymbolize a dark side tonature of the filmhis character, a side hewould rather not showFamiliar name ofmain character -makes the audiencePicture of a run down want to see the filmwarehouse looking more if theybuilding again, recognize someonemore clues as to thewho is starring in itfilms plot/storyline Custom font red makes it one of the first things you see -Full release dateconnotations of thenot shown; addscolour red give usto the whole more of an insightfeeling of into the films plotsuspense 5. Clean white background Only half of faces shown with bright suggests there is more colours in the to the characters than foreground we would thinkFacial expressionFacial expressionsuggests an innocent suggests judgingcharacter; maybe character, jealous ornave but cunningsuperiorConvincing the audience Custom font verythat the film will be an regal and ornate;exciting interpretation of the reflects the naturewell known fairytale over of the filmexaggerates the popularityof the story with the wordlegend Different font for release date and tagline; may be to add aTagline Fall under thecomic effect, remind thespell suggests that the audience that there is a sidefilm is so notable, it willthat isnt about the traditionalchange its audience Snow White storyafter they have watchedit 6. How do these examples shape your ideasabout your own film poster?These film posters show great examples of, like a trailer, showcasing the bestparts of a film without giving it all away. I think that I will be able to capture theessence of Hansel and Gretel by using aspects from all of these film posters. Forexample: Use of synthetic personalisation in the Alice in Wonderland poster using phrases like, you will fear Use of dark colours and shadow in the Shutter Island poster as our film is a thriller, I could take advantage of this and show the witch in a shadow Use of showing clear characterisation in the Mirror Mirror poster I could show the children as being scared and vulnerable and the witch as being evil and conniving by facial expressions and use of particular colours 7. Film Magazine Front Cover AnalysisTotal Film (Star Trek) Empire (Captain America) Total Film (Iron Man 2) 8. Magazine website readers canaccess extracontent that youcant get in themagazineOther well known film namesto entice the reader even ifthey dont like the mainfeatureClose up of main character black and white makes the image dramatic. Pose the model is in gives theMagazine impression that he isbi-lines superior, a main characterextracontent forreader toenjoy Even though it is clearly a film magazine, there areEncourages the reader to still elements of celebritybuy more of theculture caters for amagazine as there are 4range of tastescovers to collect pickyour favorite Star Trek is in aOver exaggeration large font sowith the words readers know boldest, coolest and what theyre world exclusive makes the film seem looking formore exciting thanmaybe it is 9. Close-up of main character standing facing Magazine of the the camera; a year tells the reader confident stancethat this is the best and direct eyefilm magazine for contact engages them to get the the readerlatest on their favorite filmsBackground reflectsthe title of the filmCaptain America verypatriotic and proud,but still has a ruggedContent on othernature to it to films included in arepresent the perhaps similar genre to theviolent elements of the main featurefilmSummers biggestSuperhero alliteration is effectiveCaptain Americain a bold fontand centered More contentbrings the focustailored for theof the reader totastes of otherthe middle of readersthe page 10. Main character onfront cover looking Special Guestdirectly at the editors are wellaudienceknown comedians;the audience willbe moreinfluenced to buyExtra the magazine iffeatures to they know that itattract a will be funny andrange ofrelatableaudiencesPersonifying thefictionalcharacter;making it seem Other bi-lines toto the audienceentice thethat he is a realaudienceperson withconfessions More extra features of a similar genre; more for your money 11. How do these examples shape your ideasabout your own film magazine front cover? These film magazine front covers all have a lot in common; for example, they all use close-ups of the main character, right in the center of the page, they all have bi-lines that cater to a similar genre of the main feature film etc. I plan to use these aspects and more when creating my own front cover for our film trailer. The use of colour is also very prominent in the front covers; The Total Film Star Trek cover is all in black and white. This could symbolise that the film is dark, but still has a light-hearted, maybe comedy side to it. It may also symbolise the feelings the audience will have towards the main character (who is pictured). The colours used suggest that he is an evil character. The Empire magazine front cover for Captain America also uses the same kind of ideologies; having the background reflect the character or film. This magazine front cover uses a very patriotic American flag background to link to the films name. Although they have given the flag a rugged and kind of dirty edge to symbolise the action and violence of the film.
