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Media Da Last Airbender

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  • 8/8/2019 Media Da Last Airbender


    Analysis of Teaser Trailer




  • 8/8/2019 Media Da Last Airbender


    The trailer begins with a title screen,

    with writing over a dark background,

    where the writing has an glowing

    effect which has been created usingCGI. There are also moving white

    areas on the title screen that seem to

    be air which was what made the title

    screen entrance, with the non-

    diegetic sound of air/wind.There is then a cut to a boy in a circle candles, where

    the camera tracking and panning around the outer

    circle of the candles. The non-diegetic soundtrack has

    started with the opening of a Flute being played, while

    the narrator is speaking about him, as his actions are

    moving synchronized with the narrators words, where

    he uses the air to out some of the

    candles, when the narrator saysHes the last of his kind


  • 8/8/2019 Media Da Last Airbender


    The camera then tracks over

    the candles and moves in

    towards him, as he begins to

    train within the circle ofcandles. The narrator continues

    to talk about him he continues

    to prove himself, as the

    narrator calls his kind powerful

    as he begins to swing his

    weapon, the non-diegeticsound effects

    become louder

    making it clear that

    he is powerful.

    Where as the same

    time he begins toswing his weapon

    the soundtrack gets

    more tense with the

    sounds of drums

    being beating.

  • 8/8/2019 Media Da Last Airbender


    As he goes back into a stance the

    sounds of the drums have faded

    out and the flute is still playing,which portrays that when he is

    still he is calm, as a flute is known

    as a wind instrument.

    He begins to continue training,

    and as he does so the drums are

    now being heard once more

    within the soundtrack and thenarrator continues to talk about

    him, he continuously acting in

    sync, as him then being called

    the chosen one he puts out

    more candles with a gush of


  • 8/8/2019 Media Da Last Airbender


    He then stops his training and rams his weapon in the ground which then rushes up a heap of wind

    and puts outs all the candles; the medium close up shot shows how much wind there was as it was

    blowing his collar up. And there is then a sudden stop of the drums within the soundtrack as he

    stands still and breathes, the flute continues playing throughout the soundtrack.

    The medium close up shotstill positioned as he then

    reveals himself.

    Collar blowing

  • 8/8/2019 Media Da Last Airbender


    There is then a cut to another title scene is shown with the same effects

    as the opening title screen letting the viewers when the film is being


    Which has made the tempo of the soundtrack speed up.

  • 8/8/2019 Media Da Last Airbender


    Where the trailer has cut to another medium close up parallel in front of the boy as he

    seem to be creating wind with his hands which has been edited, and the camera hens to

    track back away from the boy, which portrays him pushing you back out into the air, as the

    camera continues to track backwards. You can then begin to see that the boy is clearly

    isolated living around mountains, with no sight of any other temples when the cameratracks into a establishing shot.

  • 8/8/2019 Media Da Last Airbender


    Once in the air the camera then

    starts to pan down the edge of

    the cliff of the house where the

    boy is, this again shows more

    isolation, as the more the camera

    pans down, you can see that

    there is an ocean there and boats

    which look very small because of

    the height of which the camera is

    at; overlooking clouds.

  • 8/8/2019 Media Da Last Airbender


    The camera then pans right and back

    up overlooking the ocean, where

    there are boats launching fireballs

    towards the temple and some peoplehave started to climb the cliff, which

    is also acts with what the narrator

    says about people wanting to

    destroy him. Meanwhile the

    soundtrack has continued to play up

    tempo adding more tension to theTrailer.

  • 8/8/2019 Media Da Last Airbender


    There is the a cut to the movie title screen

    where one of the fireballs that was

    launched was recorded to go into shot

    outer shot where it went on to hit the title

    of the movie The Last Airbender whichportrays people wanting to burn him.

    It seems that he has then again

    controlled the air and pushed air onto

    the title screen to put out the fire.

  • 8/8/2019 Media Da Last Airbender


    You are then left with the title of the film with the soundtrack not

    giving as much tension 3 seconds before not giving much of an tense


  • 8/8/2019 Media Da Last Airbender


    There is then a cut to the

    four final title screens, whichare shown with the final

    seconds of the soundtrack

    being faded out.

  • 8/8/2019 Media Da Last Airbender

