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Media effects on women’s body image in the UAE

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Media effects on women’s body image in the UAE Done by: Shaima Ebrahim Hessa Al Amri Shama Ahmad Birgit Traur PHONE FAX WEB , ,
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Media effects on women’s body image in the UAE

Done by:

Shaima Ebrahim

Hessa Al Amri

Shama Ahmad

Birgit Traur


, ,

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Media effects on women’s body image


The media is said to be one of the main factors that is responsible for affecting many peoples lifestyle. One of the major issues is the body image. It plays an important role in shaping peoples perception in aspects like stereotyping, criticism, finding a role model and so on. Exposures exist in variety of media such as watching television channels, magazines, and music. Media exposures differ from one country to another depending on people’s culture and reaction to the exposure of media to them. In previous research, theorists discussed people’s dissatisfactions with their body images in the western countries. The aim of this research is to investigate whether the media has influenced the people in the United Arab Emirates, specifically women. The authors attempt to analyze the women in the UAE by researching and creating experiments in order to find out if they judge their body image according to what they see in the media. This means if they feel self conscious about their body image after they watch television or see a page in the magazine, and if they believe that there is a certain image the media shows that women are expected to live up to, and finally if they want to lose/gain weight for the sake of the society rather than being healthy. The authors review different female body types in the UAE and their perception by giving them questionnaires to fill in from different groups in different environment. They then create a chart and a database to analyze and compare results.

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1. Introduction 2. Literature review3. Research Problem4. Hypothesis5. Equipment and Methodology6. Results and Discussion7. Conclusion8. Reference9. Appendices

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"Every society has a way of torturing its women, whether by binding their feet or by sticking them into whalebone corsets. What contemporary American culture has come up with is designer jeans."—Joel Yager, M.D.

The media can influence people in many different ways, whether they’re exposed to the television commercials, magazines, radios and so on. These influences can be positive in some ways and others in negatives ways. One of the aspects that have been affected throughout the media exposure is people’s perception in body image. The following report discusses the issues that revolved around woman’s body image whether it’s the media to blame or not. According to online reports done by professors in countries like the US and Canada, the media has caused a lot of people to change their body image in order to fit in when it came to schools and universities and caused numerous eating disorders to many teens.

Literature review

Bissell and Kimberly (2004) Thin-ideal media content is said to be one of the aspects that is responsible in encouraging body disorder and image perception in young girls and university women. The study tests the correlation between sports centre exposure during the Olympic games with the overall sports as well. This study examines the media exposure during the sports season and what it showed is that not only young women are unhappy with their bodies but many older women as well were found to be as unhappy with their body shape as younger women. Both sports media exposure and sports participation were related to more positive body image attitudes. However, exposure and participation in lean sports were related to more negative attitude in women. Furthermore, while eating disorder is popular among teens and young adults it is still not been able to pinpoint that most common cause of the problem. Pipher asserts that the ‘’look-obsessed, media saturated, ‘ girl-poisoning’ culture,’’ she blames the media for promoting principles of thinness and beauty unachievable for most women. Entertainment such as TV exposure sets up the standards of thin- ideal media content that is related to endorsement of thinness in women. Media that any other leads to higher rate of body dissatisfaction, urge to be thin, anorexia and bulimia in young girls and women.

(Derenne JL,2006) Dr Jennifer L . Derenne and Eygene, from the Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at Massacheauttes General Hospital did a research in order to analyze body image and if the media really affects peoples eating disorders. Their objective is to eating disorders including obesity and anorexia, which has been

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a major health problem . They explained how the exposure of people to the mass media including factors like television, magazines and the Internet is related to obesity and negative body image. The authors explained the circumstances of the problem and through that attempt to find potential solutions to change those eating disorders. Their method was to review changes in an ideal woman BMI throughout history, analyze the current attitudes towards shape and weight in woman, create interventions in order to increase healthy habits and improve self esteem in people. The result was not a success due to great power of the current mass media that lead to great dissatisfaction in people about their self esteem and body image. Derenne and Egyne concluded that even though changing peoples unhealthy habit is a difficult task, little changes could be made to improve people’s lifestyle through parents to help prevent the next generations from being affected or yet become worse. They suggested that all parents should control their children’s eating habits and most importantly limit their exposure to media, promote healthy eating and moderate healthy exercises in order to increase their self-esteem. In addition to that, they suggested that advertising companies should increase funding for high quality, visible advertising campaigns to increase awareness to people for a better healthy life.

Amani Al Hashemi who is a student counselor at the Abu Dhabi Women's College (ADWC) had done some studies about media and it is affect on the women students in the UAE. However, in one of her studies shows “that increased media influence and repeated exposure to a "distorted image of reality" played a significant role in the rising increase of inclinations to developing eating disorders amongst young Emirati women” (Moussly, 2010). Also, in her same study shows that 90% of the students spend almost 17 hours weekly watching television while 75% of them read magazines and indicating that repeated exposure is a factor and one reason that could made women affected by media is the repeated exposure to the thin ideal so it makes them started to accept the models shown as a true representation of reality.

In addition to that, Hill and Gina Jarmen discuss the issue around student body image through their journal article whether the media really the influence behind it. They studied college students ad used them as an example to study body image perception amongst college students who are exposed to photographs of models and those who aren’t exposed to the photographs in order to compare their psychological views then completed a survey to convey their ideal body weight and shape. Students who were exposed to the photographs complete the survey about the body weight and height satisfaction had significantly different values than students who were not exposed to the photographs. This presented the idea of how powerful the mass media could be and its effects in peoples body satisfaction especially women and cause an impact to their health behaviors. (Hill , Gina Jarmen , 2009)

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Hargreaves, Duane A, Tiggermann, Marika (2003) These finding shows that not only media is affecting directly girls perception of their body’s and builds up a dislike in them but it also affect them in an indirect way through the influence on boy’s expectations and evaluation of girl’s appearance. and depression.

Gathered together, the result indicates that media not only caused people to drastically lose weight in order to feel better about them, it also caused others to do the opposite and gain large about of weight. Over half of the United States is defined as clinically overweight, and eighteen percent are clinically obese (Brownell,2005) , it appears many of them have been influenced by the television , internet , radio and so on , drastically reducing their time to exercise, move around and eating healthy.

Research problem

When a woman sits on the couch watching their favorite television series, then a commercial pops up of a runaway model. The model in the commercial is tall and skinny walking down the runway; after seeing that does the woman look at her body and says, “I want to have a body just like her” This research will investigate how many of that same lady exists in women of the United Arab Emirates.

The question that this research revolved around is (Does the media influence the way women think of their body image?)


The purpose behind it is to establish possible cause of media effects in woman in order to solve the problem, or perhaps there isn’t a problem. Maybe the media did not influence woman body image in the UAE, which could lead to the second purpose that is solving the hypothesis of this topic. The hypothesis is that the media does influence woman’s thought of their body image in the UAE, and through this findings, the truth will reveal whether the hypothesis is true or not.

In order to get to the bottom of the research, a primary and secondary research will be conducted. However before that, first thing is to explain the experimental process. Firstly, determine who the target group is when creating a questionnaire or experimenting on candidates. Secondly, determine activities with which to “experiment”. Thirdly, pick the individuals out of a population to fill out the survey. Finally, collect and analyze the results in order to help discuss about it.

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The research conducted is a mixed method type, meaning it contains both qualitative with the open-ended questions and quantitative samples with the multiple-choice questions. Creating more questions that is quantitative related was a better idea to ensure that the candidates would finish the questions fast and not feel that they’re are pressured with many information to write and that it isn’t time consuming,

The equipment used for this research paper is questionnaires that have been presented to a selective audience. The selection has been divided in four different environments. Most of the questionnaire was conducted in the morning for several reasons such as the university timing and due to the fact that it is unlikely for many local women to be around at night. The other two sets of questionnaires were held in the afternoon due to the majority of local women workout in the late afternoon for reasons such as coming back from work or the university and so on. while handling the questionnaire to the candidates it was estimated to take around one to two minutes to fill out the questionnaire. Each of the candidates were given space to insure privacy and to give them comfort while answering the questions.

Since the survey will be focusing on body image and women, it is likely that the candidates would not feel completely confortable exposing personal information such as name, age, especially their height and weight. Therefor an informed consent has been included at the beginning of the survey saying:

“The following questions are designed by Zayed University students for the purpose of gathering information for research methods course. The information will be absolutely confidential.”

This way the candidates will feel more secure and safe to provide the information needed in order to collect data. Excluding the name section will make it easier to them to mention their age and weight to ensure that they answer the questions with complete confidence and honesty.

The first set of people who answered the questionnaire was Zayed University students whom were sitting around the atrium. By that it will give an expand perspective of different people whom are taking different majors. There might be the chance that certain students in one major may be exposed to a specific kind of surroundings or data that may play a role in influencing them in answering the questions. In other words, there might be a chance for the majority of students answering similarly to one another by the influence of what they are studying. It is known that student in a specific major tend to be alike in a way. That’s why instead of presenting the questionnaire in one classroom it was selectively picked on different student whom had different major and by that may have different prospective about the topic.

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The second environment that the questionnaire was handout in The Dubai Mall. An outside investigation showed that The Dubai Mall holds around a million people a day which means that there will be a rich income of data and defiantly more diverse. Since the research paper is based on UAE women the foreigners were not asked to answer the questionnaire but the targeted audiences were local women.

The third environment was Dubai Ladies Club gym. It was a bit hard to separate the local women from foreigners because in this case they all were wearing sport kits and not the usual “Abbaya” that the local women wear while going out. By that, the women were asked kindly if they were local and if yes they were asked if they could give a minute or two to answer the questionnaire.

The forth environment was the household of each students whom are writing this research paper. What left from the questionnaires was divided between them. The collected data from the family members show a deeper sense of personal information and that the majority of the family members have similar habits.

The survey is focusing on the woman in the UAE, and since this survey will focus on woman being exposed to the media. The target audiences are females who are both married and unmarried but at an age from 16 and above since this is the age group that is most likely exposed to the media. This being said, the survey will only focus on Emarati local woman because the research is focusing on media effects of woman’s body image in the UAE.

The size of the sample is around 100 surveys in order to gather enough individual data to judge how the population sample respond to the questions and to keep it as fair as possible.

The candidates will be picked from as mentioned before from a population in four different environments. The strategy will be selective sampling since it will be hard to do a random sampling, systematic, quote and the cluster sample due to the lack of data needed to perform the random sampling (ex attendance sheet).

There were several issues faced while conducting the survey that were outside the control of the researchers. The research paper was supposed to be adding up to a hundred questionnaires but due to several factors we ended up with two missing and one half answered. The questionnaire didn't have an arrow indicating that there is more in the back that is the reason for this questionnaire in being half answered. As for the missing two, it was simply out of the researchers control where the candidates couldn't be found and the questionnaire were lost.

After collecting almost 100 samples back, an excel file has bee created to ease the process of inserting quantitative data onto the cells. For each question there was a column and another column nearby was created to list the number of people who answered the specific choice. After adding the numbers onto the

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data, a chart has been created for each of the questions and a percentage was added inside to help compare along with its value. (see appendices)

The survey are hard copy that means that they are in double sided sheet with pens and pencils provided to the candidates to make it easy for them to answer.

Since this is a type of a social sampling, there was no need for any budget or money to fund. The sheets have been printed from university for free and the places that were accessed were free.

Results and discussion:

The average age of the UAE women who did the survey are between age 17 and 25 years old and the average of their weight are between 43kg and 85kg. Their height averages are between 147cm and 178cm. However, the charts below tell the percentage of each question in the survey and they are scale between 1 and 7. 1 represents the strongly disagreeing, 7 represents the strongly agree and what between are more agree and more disagree.

This chart shows how many of the UAE women exercise. The highest percentage is 24% and that tells that 20 of them workout twice a week. While next higher percentage is 21% and that tells that 18 of them exercise monthly. The lowest percentages are 14% and 6%. The 14% tells that 12 of them workout at least 3 times a week while 6% tells 5 of them workout daily. Media effects on women’s body image in the UAE 9

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It wasn't as a surprise to see that the women that have answered the questionnaire aren't exercising as much where the “never” shows quite a high percentage. This may be due to factors such as no time because of work or university, having children, married and unable to go and do on. However, there is the fact that it may also due for not bothering to work out or not caring. In the questionnaire that was conducted, women weren't asked the reason why they don't work out because the beauty of this questionnaire is focusing on psychological effects that women are facing regarding body image.

This chart shows how often do women of UAE eat fast food, such as KFC, McDonalds and etc. As what is mentioned, the highest percentage is 30% or 20 of them do eat them as once a week. The next higher percentage 27% or 18 of them eats them twice a week. While, the lowest percentages are 3% and 7%. The 3% or 2 of them eat theses types of food as a daily base of their life and 7% or 5 of them, they never eat them, which they might be considered as a healthy people.

The majority of the women who answered indicate that their eating habits not that healthy. It shows a higher percentage in eating fast food than having a healthy diet. There is a contrast between this chart and the

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exercise chart, there is a high percentage here and a higher percentage of women never working out which may cause a hazard to their health as the data shows.

This chart explains how emirates women feel about their body image and if they really think their fat even though others like their family and friends tell them they do look fine and not fat. The result shows that about the quarter -22%- of them strongly agree with the state and they are the majority. While the lowest percentage is 15% and they are strongly disagree with the state.

It was sad to see this data in particular because all women are beautiful and what worse than you not accepting your self when other have. H.D. Posavac, S.S. Posavac, E.J.Posavac (1998) between the accepted standard of female attractiveness and their own bodies, they may become concerned that their own weight in not acceptable.

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The result of this chart tells that most of the Emirati women will feel better and they might like the way their body looks, if they were thinner. However, 30% of them strongly agree with the state and 18% are more agree. While, 8% of them strongly disagree and 6% more disagree. Clearly, it shows most of them agree.

These results are in the line of what the researchers have expected.

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This chart shows how influence the magazines could be on women of UAE in the way the feel about their body. 24% of them more agree with that and it is the highest percentage on the chart. While, 6% are strongly disagree with that. They do not believe the magazines influence them and there are around only 3 girls.

This clearly states that people get affected while seeing images in the magazine even though most of them are not natural and have photo shopped in many cases. Over half of the United States is defined as clinically overweight, and eighteen percent are clinically obese (Brownell,2005) , it appears many of them have been influenced by the television , internet , radio and so on , drastically reducing their time to exercise, move around and eating healthy. Therefore it is important to understand how people behave nowadays regarding health and body images so that little changes could be made to improve their lifestyle. Like said before (Derenne,2006) Future parents could prevent the next generations from being affected or yet become worse.

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This chart shows how many of UAE women count or think about their calories they consume everyday. The highest percentage is 21% and that tells most of them think of what they eat and it is equally to women who are between and thinking and not thinking. The lowest percentage in this chart are 5% .The 5% are strongly disagree and they never have a thought about thinking of their consuming calories they eat.

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This chart is about if women of UAE feel that the society is pressuring women to be thin. The majority feels that it is natural for 19% and that is 24 women who believe in that. The lowest percentage is 10% and they are strongly disagreeing with the state. It is clearly that there is a reputation for women who are more agree to a group who is more disagree but overall the number of women how are agree more than those who think the society doesn’t pressures women to be thin.

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While this chart is showing the rate of the satisfaction of women of UAE with their body image. The highest percentage is 23% and 21%. The 23% is there are natural and the 21% says they are strongly disagreed which means they are not satisfied. The two lowest percentages are 6% and 8%. The 6% tells they are nearly agreed and satisfied and the 8% of them strongly agree which means they are satisfied. Overall more than the half is not satisfied.

There is a kind of contradiction in this data where is shows that the highest is leaning towards strongly agree and close behind it with percentage it shows strongly disagree.

This chart shows what types of the body shape or feature do women of UAE prefer or what to be alike.

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As what it says 60% of the women choose A, which is the skinny woman. While the other half choose B, which is the healthy woman. Clearly, the media is affecting.

Even though the image B is of a healthy balanced curvy woman, most of the people preferred to be extremely skinny and thin which is unhealthy rather than being healthy, this clearly stated the media influencing people to be extremely skinny.

This chart is about how many women of UAE feel that there is a certain image that they should be to live up to. Most of them strongly agree with this state by 27%. The lowest percent is 8% and they are almost strongly disagreed. As a result most women of UAE believe in that state.

The majority of women picked strongly agree which wasn't a surprise to the researchers because they have expected this results. Referring to the literature review, Haegreaves, A, Tiggermann ( 2003) researched that their findings suggests that the media may have an indirect impact on girls body image through influence on boys expectations and evaluations of girls appearance. To date, however, little research has examined the impact of ongoing exposure to attractive and unrealistically thin female images on men and boys.

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While this chart is about what do women of UAE feel when they watch TV like being more self-conscious about their body image. The highest percentage is 19% and it is reputed twice but we can say most of them silently disagreed. The lowest percentage is 5% and its more agree. As a result, they think they are more disagreeing than agreeing.

The results were quit surprising since the researchers expectations were different and leaning more towards “strongly agree” but the majority chose natural. Referring back to literature review, Bisell, K (2004). Thin- ideal media content is said to be one of the aspects that is responsible in encouraging body disorder and image perception in young girls and university women. Entertainment such as TV exposure sets up the standards of thin-ideal media content that is related to endorsements of thinness in women. Media that any other leads to higher rate of body dissatisfaction, urge to be thin, anorexia and bulimia in young girls and women.

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This chart is about do they feel that the media portrays the average female body correctly. Most of who did the survey had agreed with that. The highest percent is 26%. The lowest percent is 8% and they are more strongly disagreeing. As a result, most of women of UAE believe that the media shows the right body image that average women should look alike.

This data shows a clash when comparing to other data. The majority of women mentioned later on that media were the highest common factor in their self conscious and in need to change their body image. However, this data shows that media doesn't play a lead role in that factor which makes the researchers think that there is a two chance case. Either they were in denial or they didn't understand the question. Back to the literature review, H.D. Posavac, S.S. Posavac, E.J.Posavac (1998).The ideal image of feminine attractiveness currently presented in the media is rigid, with a particular emphasis on thinness. Many authors have suggested that media of attractiveness may be responsible for the normative discontent among young women regarding their own image. Haegreaves, A, Tiggermann ( 2003). Thus the media repeated presentation of thin and attractive women, frequently paired with beauty and success, may leas viewers to hole largely unrealistic expectations for women's appearance.

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This image shows what do women of UAE think about an image of an average woman. 23 of them think she is curvy, 13 of them think is a medium size and 8 of them think she is fat. While the others has different description like chubby, big bone and fine. Overall, they think she is silently fat.

There was a qualitative question presented to the candidates to describe the woman in the picture. To start with, while planning the questionnaire there was some difficulties in finding a way in analyzing the data. There were many solutions presented, to make a box with 3 to 4 words which are positive, negative and natural but then the research paper is about that person who's answering and not putting limitation to the many words that can be used and that is the beauty in conducting such a research paper. There were many words used and many ways in analyzing the data. The first method that cam up is grouping the words either negative or positive in circles. The larger the circle shows the highest percentage of people using that word in the questionnaire. But then it looked a bit to messy so another chart was made and 3 circles were presented. The positive words were grouped together and the negative words were grouped together while the natural words are between the two circles.

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The last question in the questionnaire that was conducted it asked the women “ what motivates me to change my body image?”. There were many answers and some weren't in forms of words but sentences so when it came in analyzing the data it was taken of the theme of the sentence. The results showed that there were 3 categories represented and they are ‘ Me’, ‘Peers’ and ‘Social media’. The data was represented in three boxes the largest box shows the highest amount of people referring to ‘social media’ where celebrity and TV series have been the major impact on these women that were asked. The second was ‘peers’ where it showed family and friends influencing but mostly influenced by friends. The smallest box, which got the least, was ‘Me’, women being healthy for them selves.


In conclusion, this research paper is about the media influence on the way women think of their body image. Television commercials, magazines, radios are some examples of the media. It proved by the survey that had

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been given to majority of UAE women that media is affecting their body image and on how they criticize other women. Also, the survey showed that most of the UAE women believe that the media portrays the average female body correctly and they are not satisfied about their body image even though others tell them they are normal. As a result they believe if they are thinner they will be much better and some of them tend to think of counting calories. As our view of point, in future the media will change their message for showing a skinny modes to an average modes because nowadays people is asking for that.

Reference and Citations :

Bissell, K.( 2004). What do these messages really mean? Sports media exposure, sports participation, and body image disortion in women between that ages of 18 and 75. Journalism and

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mass communication quarterly. 81.1 108-123

Body Image and Self-Esteem. (2010). Retrieved April 13, 2011 from Kids Health: http://kidshealth.org/teen/your_mind/body_image/body_image.html

Catterin, Jill A, Thompson J, Kevin, Carmen Williams, Robyn. Body Image, Mood and televised images of attractiveness: The Role of Social Comparison. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology , June 2000 : 220-239

Christina Russell.  (2000). Exercise and Fitness: Media’s influence on body image. Central Michigan University.  

Derenne JL. (2006).Body Image, Media, and Eating Disorders. Academic psychiatry.

Derenne, J. L. (2010, June 17). Body Image, Media, and Eating Disorders. Retrieved April 14, 2011, from Search Proquest: http://search.proquest.com/docview/196508089

Grogan S. (1998). Body image: understanding body dissatisfaction in men, women, and children. Routledge Ltd.  

Haegreaves.A, Tiggermann. M .( 2003). Female ‘ thin ideal’ media images and boys attitudes towards girls.

H.D. Posavac, S.S. Posavac, E.J. Posavac. (1998). Exposure to media images of female attractivness and concern with body weight among young women. University of Utah, Loyola University Chicago.

Hill GJ. (2009).Media Images: Do They Influence College Students' Body Image?. Journal of family and consumer sciences.

Jennifer L. Derenne, M. a. (2010, May). Body Image, Media, and Eating Disorders. Retrieved April 18, 2011, from AP Psychiatry online: http://ap.psychiatryonline.org/cgi/content/full/30/3/257?maxtoshow=&HITS=10&hits=10&RESULTFORMAT=&author1=Derenne&title=Body+Image+Media+and+Eating+Disorders&andorexacttitle=or&searchid=1&FIRSTINDEX=0&volume=30&firstpage=257&resourcetype=HWCIT

Kamalipour and Rampal. (2001).Media, Sex, Violence, and Drugs in the Global Village. Rowman & Kuttlefield inc.

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disordered eating among preadolebibliography

Bissell, K.( 2004). What do these messages really mean? Sports media exposure, sports participation, and body image disortion in women between that ages of 18 and 75. Journalism and mass communication quarterly. 81.1 108-123

Body Image and Self-Esteem. (2010). Retrieved April 13, 2011 from Kids Health: http://kidshealth.org/teen/your_mind/body_image/body_image.html

Catterin, Jill A, Thompson J, Kevin, Carmen Williams, Robyn. Body Image, Mood and televised images of attractiveness: The Role of Social Comparison. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology , June 2000 : 220-239

Christina Russell.  (2000). Exercise and Fitness: Media’s influence on body image. Central Michigan University.  

Derenne JL. (2006).Body Image, Media, and Eating Disorders. Academic psychiatry.

Derenne, J. L. (2010, June 17). Body Image, Media, and Eating Disorders. Retrieved April 14, 2011, from Search Proquest: http://search.proquest.com/docview/196508089

Grogan S. (1998). Body image: understanding body dissatisfaction in men, women, and children. Routledge Ltd.  

Haegreaves.A, Tiggermann. M .( 2003). Female ‘ thin ideal’ media images and boys attitudes towards girls.

H.D. Posavac, S.S. Posavac, E.J. Posavac. (1998). Exposure to media images of female attractivness and concern with body weight among young women. University of Utah, Loyola University Chicago.

Hill GJ. (2009).Media Images: Do They Influence College Students' Body Image?. Journal of family and consumer sciences.

Jennifer L. Derenne, M. a. (2010, May). Body Image, Media, and Eating Disorders. Retrieved April 18, 2011, from AP Psychiatry online: http://ap.psychiatryonline.org/cgi/content/full/30/3/257?maxtoshow=&HITS=10&hits=10&RESULTFORMAT=&author1=Derenne&title=Body+Image+Media+and+Eating+Disorders&andorexacttitle=or&searchid=1&FIRSTINDEX=0&volume=30&firstpage=257&resourcetype=HWCIT

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Kamalipour and Rampal. (2001).Media, Sex, Violence, and Drugs in the Global Village. Rowman & Kuttlefield inc.

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Mc Cabe, Marita P, Lina, Mellor, David,Kylie.(2005). Media Influences on Body Image and disordered Eating Among Indigenous Adolescent Australians.

Myers, D. G. (2009). Psychology in Everyday Life. United States of America : Catherine Woods.

Moussly, R. (2010, May 23). Falling prey to eating disorders. Retrieved April 13, 2011 from Gulf News: http://gulfnews.com/news/gulf/uae/education/falling-prey-to-eating-disorders-1.630591

Sparhawk, J. M. (2003, Augest). BODY IMAGE AND THE MEDIA. Retrieved April 13, 2011 from Uwstout: http://www2.uwstout.edu/content/lib/thesis/2003/2003sparhawkj.pdf

Thomas J, K. S. (2010, Feburary 19). Eating attitudes and body image concerns among female university students in the United Arab Emirates. Retrieved April 2011, 15, from NCBI:


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Page 26: Media effects on women’s body image in the UAE

Media effects on women’s body image

Survey sample



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