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Media Genre Research

Date post: 22-Jan-2017
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GENRE RESEARCH. Shannon Wynne.

Genre research.

Genre research.Shannon Wynne.


Animation.Animated films are films which are created through the process of putting together individual shots of drawings or illustrations. They are put together frame by frame. The first animated film 'Enchanted Drawing' was created in 1900. Over time animation techniques have advanced and films can now be created on computers and this allows the illustrations to become more complex. Animation films are usually watched by younger children due to the bright colours and characters used.

Characters.Characters used in animation are usually not human. They tend to be animals or made up creatures. This is due to the primary audience being children. It also makes animation films unique as any type of character can be created. Animation films usually include Propp's Archetypal characters: The HeroThe VillainThe SidekickThe Princess The HelperThe hero in animated films is usually endearing. They have a flaw, which by the end of the movie, they have managed to irradiate. The character will most likely be a bright colour or wear bright colours to portray that they are a protagonist, whereas, the villain may be a dark colour as we can draw negative connotations from this. The villain will usually be dressed in black or dark coloured clothing. They will most likely look sinister and you will be able to tell straight away that they are the antagonist in the film. Their voices are typically deep or very patronising. They do not sound like a nice character. They will try to cause trouble for the protagonist, however the protagonist most commonly will always come through and defeat the villain.

plotPlots in animated films usually follow a simple story line. Due to the target audience being young children the plot cannot be very complex as they may have trouble understanding. Animated films tend to follow Todorov's narrative of the equilibrium theory. The film starts off in a normal state, something then disrupts this. The main character (the hero) then realises that something has disrupted the equilibrium and will attempt to restore it. The problem is then solved and a new, better equilibrium will have been established. Most animated films do not use enigma codes as a younger audience stereotypically do not need them to be entertained as they need a simple plot line instead of film that causes lots of questions in the audience.

Characters in animated films are usually given a magical agent or have a magical power which helps them complete their given mission.

settingAs animated films are made through graphics or illustrations, they can be set anywhere. There is no particular place where animated films are usually located. However, the settings used do tend to be big and there will most likely be more than two locations. The locations are colourful and this keeps a younger target audience entertained as colours grab their attention. For example, in the film Horton Hears a Who, the first setting we come across is a huge jungle where lots of speaking animals live. We then come across the second setting, a vast kingdom where the 'Who's' live.

soundtrackThe soundtracks used in animated films are usually upbeat due to the target audience young children. Happy catchy songs are more likely to grab the attention of the children and entice them into watching the film. Recently the soundtrack Let It Go for Walt Disneys Frozen became very popular and this resulted in more viewings of the film .


Romance film can be defined as a genre wherein the plot revolves around the love between two protagonists. This genre usually has a theme that explores an issue within love, including but not limited to: love at first sight, forbidden love, love triangles, and sacrificial love. The tone of Romance film can vary greatly. Whether the end is happy or tragic, Romance film aims to evoke strong emotions in the audience. (http://thescriptlab.com/screenplay/genre/romance# ). Romance films are usually aimed at women as they are, stereotypically emotionally engaging films. Females are associated with emotions and are seen as having an interest in love stories, and this may be some of the reasons why romance films are targeted at a female audience.ROMANCE

CharactersIn Romance movies, the two main characters are usually protagonists.They usually both follow narrow beauty conventions women are usually slim and stereotypically feminine looking, men are usually muscular and are stereotypically attractive to the audience, they fulfil the role of saving the female character, whilst the female character plays the damsel in distress, waiting to be saved or find her Mr Right. Both protagonists are usually heterosexual, one male and one female. However, in films such as Blue is the warmest colour a homosexual relationship is explored.Female Characters:

Male Characters:

PLOTMost romance films follow the same or similar plotline. A man and a woman meet at the wrong time.The audience can see that there is a connection between the two protagonists. Something stops the two from being together: they may already be a relationship, the timing isnt right, they have other commitments such as a busy work schedule, they may not be open/in denial of their sexuality. The two protagonists continue with life, the audience get the impression that something is going to happen.One or both of the of the protagonists realise that they are in love and need to be with the other.One character goes in search to find the other character in hopes they will get to them in time, convince them to change their mind or reveal their feelings, hoping the other feels the same.The two characters confess their love for each other, this is usually sealed with a dramatic kiss.Everything is resolved and the two main characters end up together happily usually resulting in marriage and children.

settingRomance movies are usually set in places that have romantic connotations of love attached to them, such as big cities such as London or New York, beaches.

