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Media planning and buying.

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Milo relaunch
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MILO Angelo Mathews TVC.flv

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Introduction to Parent Brand

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Ad Agency

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Situational Analysis (existed)

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Situational Analysis (new)

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Strengths (existed)

It is an international brand .

It was perceived as drink with two strong deliverables –energy and taste.

It emerged as no.2 in 3 out of 4 zones instead of tough competition.

Easy to use packaging.Attractive packaging.

Milo was affordable without compromising on quality.

It was also for upper class and middle class as it was available in different packaging at lowered price.

Strengths (new)

We are coming up with benefits like memory sharpness for children and senior citizens. Milo is made from natural ingredients to provide a source of nutritious energy for active bodies.

Calcium for healthy bones .

We will be providing in sachets.

It contains natural ingredients.

Now it is also for lower middle class, middle class in rural and urban areas.

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Weakness (existed)

It’s entry was late in Indian market, hence existing brands dominated Indian market.

Being an international brand we faced cultural barriers.

It does not have a unique taste. The taste differs from country to countryAppeal is only made to children not to all age group.

Weakness (new)

Its serves a complementary drink and not original as drink.

The other competitors have more variants compared to Milo.

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Opportunities (existed)

Being an international brand resources for advertising can be extensive and intensive.

Threats (existed)

Milo’s brand promised of winning that was unfortunately perceived only as an advertising claim.

Established competitors brands existed at the time of Milo launched in India.

Opportunities (new)

We will tie up with Milk companies.

We will come up with a fitness club called Gym.

Threats (new)

Other competitors have built more trust then Milo.

Market share of the existing competitors is more.

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STP (existed)

Target audience – Children, athletes sports person and mothers


Geographic - Urban and Metro areas Demographic -Age group 6years to 20years

Psychographics -1.The mothers who are concerned about their children’s health.2.The children who liked tasty drink with milk (chocolate)3.Athletes who believe in remaining energetic throughout the day.

STP (new)

Target audience - Parents, children, senior citizen & youths

Segmentation :

Geographic- Urban and Rural areas.

Demographic-Age- 6 yrs and above.Sex- Male and female.Socio-economic class- Middle class, lower middle class ,upper middle class & upper class.

Psychographics - 1.People concerned about their and others health.2.People who are quiet busy in their schedule.3.People who dislike plain milk.4.Health conscious.

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Benefit :The product has vitamins in it which will provide a good blend of milk and vitamins together

Usage :Milo user can have everyday in the morning & evening to keep your day healthy and full of energy.The product can be taken with water or milk.


Benefit :It not only provides vitamins but also nutrition ,minerals and calcium for healthy bones.It controls cholesterol level for senior citizens.

Usage :Consumers can have it directly or with milk or water.

Buyer readiness :Nestle is trusted international brand consumed by every age group .

Occasion :Milo can be specially consumed during summer season or any sports event.

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USP : Chocolaty Energy Drink.

Tagline :“Go and go and go with Milo”


USP :Naturally rich in carbohydrates.

Tagline : “Smart fit family”

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Communication objective (existed)

Category Need :The Milo brand was especially for children, Athletes and sports people.

Brand Awareness :The awareness of the brand was done by sponsoring in various sports events, banners, TV commercials and hoardings.

Brand Attitude :The brand was for winners and specifically for sporty and active people.

Brand Purchase Intentions :This brand was purchased by the parents who are more concerned about their children’s health and the people who are interested in sports and want to develop energy in them

Communication objective (new)

Category Need :Milo is for everyone(children ,parents ,senior citizen, youth, athletes)

Brand awareness :TV commercials, attractive hoardings, quiz contest, sponsoring sports events in schools and colleges, internet marketing like pop ups, websites and rural advertising like wall paintings.

Brand attitude :The brand stands for family care, smartness and sharpness.

Brand purchase intention :Because it is a complete family health drink.

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Communication model (existed)

AIDA model :Attention : They created regional ads both print and T.V. They created ad that wins mother’s confidence and trust emotionally. It showed children winning competition by drinking Milo.

Interest: To create interest they lowered the price. They gave Milo mugs and bats on purchase of Milo .

Desire: Their product was packed in boxes instead of glass jars. They kept packaging as such that it could be easily used by children so that they can prepare their own drink.

Action:They provided with free merchandise (Balls, bats etc.)

Communication model (new)

AIDA model :Attention :Attention of the audience can be grabbed though TV commercials, Banners, events in schools and colleges, Ambient media, rural advertising and internet marketing.

Interest:Interest for purchasing the product can be created by providing trail Sachets in side the newspapers or magazines. Free packs with the milk .(Amul, Govardhan and others)

Desire:The desire can be created by executing it as a family drink and providing fitness tips for every one.

Action:We will ask the retailers to display the product in the front row.

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Advertising objective (existed)

To make the target audience aware of the new brand in the market.

Persuade them to buy the product :By convincing Indian mothers that this is the brand that will let your child win all competitions of life in a healthy and nutritious way through ads.

Advertising objective (new)

To make people aware about the new features of Milo.

Persuade them to buy the product :Persuade them to buy product by emphasizing it as a family health drink with nutritional value.

POP (point of purchase) – Displaying maximum of milo product at retail outlets.

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Marketing brief (existed)

Marketing Objective :To capture and dominate the market of 6 to 13 years old future champions.

Scheduling strategy :

Flighting- Because they advertised more in sports event, Olympics, marathon and world cup and gave gap to TVC while there were no sports event going on.

Marketing brief (new)

Marketing Objective :To earn up to maximum profit by targeting the consumers of age 6years & above and to reposition it as a family health drink.

Scheduling strategy :

Continuity – Continuously play radio ads and show print ads in newspaper, sports and other magazines ,display hoardings and increase the reach and frequency by TVC so that people don’t forget the brand name.

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Media strategy

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Do you drink energy drink?(product category information)

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Have you heard about Milo?

(brand awareness)

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Have you seen Milo ads?(brand recall)

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If yes then where and which media? (media reach)

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Which was more effective? (media effectiveness)

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Did you like the ad? (likes/dislikes)

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Q - 7If yes, what did you like in the ad?

(personal opinion)

• Offers• Winning spirit of Children in the ad• Sachin Tendulkar• That it was focused on cricket.

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Did you like the packaging? (likes/dislikes)

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Do you remember the tagline of Milo?

(recall value)

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Do you remember the brand ambassador of Milo? Wo?

(recall value)

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Q - 11

Whom would you like to see as the next brand ambassador for Milo ads?

(ad objective)• Vishwanath Anand.• Suresh Raina.• Johnny Lever.• Mahindra Singh Dhoni.• Salman Khan.

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Would you like to have flavors in Milo?

(market research)

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In which packaging would you like to have in Milo?

(market research)

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Would u like to have Milo with Milk, Water or in Powdered form?

(consumer comfort)

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Ambient Advertising

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Efforts By :

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