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Media presentation

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For my analysis I analysed these 3 magazines. I analysed the front cover, contents pages, double page spreads and also advertisements.

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For my research I went outside of school to ask the public to fill in questionnaires I have created for my research. I made 30 questionnaires and got 17 of them filled in by the general public. I carried out my research in Birmingham City centre where I went around asking different people questions to do with music magazines.

The people who answered them in are mainly between the age of 16 and 25. The people also like different types of music such as Pop, R&B, Dubstep, Rock etc. I have converted my results into pie charts to show my data from my questionnaires and I have analysed it.

My questionnaire had a total of 11 questions where 9 of them required a tick in a box and the other 2 just a short written answer.

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As you can see by my pie chart for the results of the question’ how old are you?’ the majority of people I asked are between the ages of 16-25 and a smaller number of people aged between 0-15 and 26-35. Out of the 17 people I asked 88% of them was aged between 16-25 and 6 % of people were aged between 0-15 and 6% for 26-35. So my target audience is going to be between the age of 16-25.

As you can see the results for this questionnaire is that I asked the questionnaire to 7 males and 10 females. So out of the people I asked 41% are male and 59% are female.

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As you can see from the pie chart I gave the option of Rock, Dubstep, R&B, Pop, Reggae, Other. For rock 18% of people chose this, 19% of people chose Dubstep, 25% chose R&B, 19% chose pop, 4% of people chose reggae and 15% of people chose other. So out of the people I asked most people chose R&B as there favourite kind of music.

As you can see most of the people I asked don’t tend to read music magazines only 24% of people I asked read music magazines the other 76% don’t. Which is quite surprising as I would of thought more people would be more interested in reading music magazines

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Nobody was willing to pay over £3 for a magazine as they found that to be to much. The price people was willing to pay was either £1.51- £1.99 or £1-£1.99. Which is quite a cheap, reasoned price for a magazine and most of the target audience would be willing to pay that.

As you can see only 53% of the people I asked know of a certain music magazine and the other 47% don’t know of any particular music magazines with is quite surprising and I would predict most people would know of at least one music magazine.

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For the people that answered ‘yes’ for knowing of any music magazines I told them to state which magazines they know of and the most common magazine written down was kerrang where 35% of the people know of it and NME where 29% of the people write it down. The other magazines the audience know of are Enemy, Top of the pops and rock sound.

As you can see here, I have asked how often you think music magazines should be published and I have gave the option Once a week, twice a week, Once every 2 weeks and once a month. 35% of people opted for once a week and 29% for once every two weeks which makes up the majority so they would like to see an issues about 2-3 times a month.

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From my results quite a lot of people would like to see concert and festival ticket information and the latest charts. Also music updates was a popular choice for a music magazine. Other choices people opted for were free items, posters, interviews and competitions.

Out of the people I asked 46% of the people were students. Which shows more that students have an interest in music magazines. 24% of people were unemployed, 18% part time work and 12% in full time work.

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A lot of people have a general interest in music and like to know updates about songs and albums by artists. That’s why 76% of the people I asked said yes to wanting to know updates about songs and albums.

I asked the question of’ What are do you live in?’ and I got a load of different areas people live in, as you can see on the graph. Most people live in either Acocks Green, sparkhill and Hall Green.

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Most of my target audience are into Pop, R&B and Dubstep. As in my research I wanted to find out what's peoples favourite kind of music was. 25% of peoples favourite kind of music was Pop and 19 % of people opted for R&B and Dubstep. Surprisingly on 24% of the people I asked actually read music magazines and the other 76% don’t read music magazines on a genuine basis. I also found out areas people lived in who answered my questionnaire by stating there area into the question. My research found out that most people I got to answer my questionnaire lived in Hall Green with 18% of the people living there. 17% of the people live in Acocks Green and also 17% live in Sparkhill. Also the people would prefer to see a music magazine published every weeks as 35% of the people I asked opted for that. Also 46% of the people who answered are currently students so it shows the magazine has a young target audience.

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This is the image I have taken for the front cover of my magazine but I have edited it to improve it for my front cover.

This is a picture I have taken for my double page spread for my article. This image will be edited with the lighting for my double page spread.

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I have taken this image for my contents page. The lighting helps to make the picture stand out and make the quality of it excellent.

I have taken this image for my double page spread article. I have used the same background again for the good lighting to make my picture clear.

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I have taken this image for my contents page. This picture relates to my article and is in good quality to use.

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This is the image I have taken for my front cover, I have used macromedia fireworks to edit it and improve it.

This is the edited version of my image for my double page spread that I will use

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As you can see in this image I am getting to grips with the program fireworks with editing my images and adding things to them. I have boxed the main part of my image to show this is the main focus of the image.

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In this screenshot I have started to change the hue/saturation of it and it has helped change the colours of the image and made it look more attractive than it previously was in the previous slide.

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As you can see in this screen shot I am using the program macromedia fireworks. I have used the marquee tool to cut a part of my image as I am getting rid of parts of my image that aren’t needed so I can mainly focus on the centre of the image where my model is.

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In the screenshots below I have compared them to show how I can change them using the hue/saturation tool in fireworks. This allowed me to change the saturation the hue and the lightness.

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In these screenshots I am showing an image I have edited in the first screen shot and showing what I have to do to make it into the image on the right. I did this by using adjust colour then clicking on invert and this is how I changed the image.

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This is an example of how I wanted my front cover to look as I liked the colour used as I found they match my masthead and background of my magazine. I did this by adjusting the brightness and contrast of my image which I found out to be a very easy and helpful tool to use in editing my images. In the second screenshot I just increased the brightness and contrast and this was the result

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In these screenshots I have used the paint tool to apply a sky blue colour in my image to outline the model. In the first image there isn't much thickness to my brush as its only at 8. In the second screenshot I have changed the brush thickness to 33 and then did the same to the image by outlining it and it turned out a lot thicker.

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In these images I am experimenting how to change and adjust brightness/contrast to my image. In my second image I am editing the image using the Hue/Saturation tool and comparing these to image you can see the difference between them.

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As you see I am using the paintbrush tool just to get to grips with how the program works by painting around the model in the image, I did this so I could gain an idea of what sort of brush size I needed for my image etc.

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In what way does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

The ways in which my media product use forms and conventions of real media products is by it being similar to other music magazines like kerrang, NME, DJ magazine and top of the pops. My magazine is similar to NME because they are both in your face with basic block text and its got a big font. Also the colours are similar by using light blue as backgrounds and this challenges the forms and conventions of this magazine. Also my Magazine challenges the forms and conventions of DJ magazine as they both have the same type of target audience as people of a young age especially 16-25 enjoy listening to Dubstep and drum and bass that DJs are likely to produce. Also my music magazine develops on the masthead of DJ magazine because my masthead it bigger and uses brighter and more attractive colours and its more noticeable. Also my magazine develops from the cover lines on DJ magazine as mine are in more detail and to the left of the magazine front cover so the reader will have more insight of what is in my magazine compared to DJ magazine.

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How does your media product represent particular social groups?

My media product which is a music magazine represents particular social groups by some of the language used on the front cover. Such as the strap line ‘Complete Dubstep Madness!’. Social groups between the age of 16-25 would be mostly interested in Dubstep the genre of my magazine. My magazine represents people In this age group because the style and tempo of the music is fast and very energetic like people in the age groups of late teens and young adults. Dubstep is seen as a good genre for music in nightclubs etc where you are most like to find young adults so it represents these social groups. Dubstep can also represent people from working-class backgrounds as it’s a popular genre of music and has established itself in the charts and anyone from any class can listen to it.

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What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

The kind of media institution that might distribute my magazine would be IPC Media, as it is a consumer magazine and digital publisher in the UK. IPC Media distribute many different magazines such as NME which is a music magazine similar to mine. IPC Media would distribute my magazine because it is a music magazine with a young target audience and they are located in the UK. As my magazine is I the UK and my target audience are based in the UK it is relevant for IPC Media to distribute my magazine. Also as this institution is known in the UK and sells over 350 million magazines a year and there headquarters is based in London. They may also distribute my magazine because my music magazine could turn out to be very popular in the UK and IPC Media would want to distribute it because it will help there business and they can make profits.

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Who would be the audience for your media product ?

The audience for my media product would be people between the age of 16-25 as music can have a big influence on people in this age group. My magazine is targeted at this age group because of all the bright appealing colours used and the price of the magazine is £3.99 which is affordable for people in this age group and the price doesn’t automatically put people of the magazine. Also the bright colours attract people especially at a younger age as they are bright and would stand out on a magazine shelf. Also most people into Dubstep would be in this age group as its not really an old genre of music so is more modern and keeps up to date so this age group, which is my target audience will be more likely to buy my magazine.

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How did you attract/address your target audience ?

First of all I addressed my target audience by producing a questionnaire about music magazines and asked for opinions in the questionnaire and what my target audience wanted to see in my music magazine. By using my questionnaires to address my target audience, I gained knowledge of my target audience by the answers given in my questionnaire and this would help attract my target audience because it would include content they want to see. I attracted my target audience by the colours and language I used in my magazine. The strap line ‘complete Dubstep Madness’ attracts the target audience because it’s a high pitched tone and its full of energy like young adults are so it can compare to them.

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What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product ?

I have learnt how to use different technologies such as Microsoft publisher and fireworks. I have learnt that certain technologies in constructing my magazine really help to edit text and images like how I’ve learned to blur photos, add saturation and brightness. I found this relatively easy to do which was a surprise for me as I thought it would be a lot harder for me to edit photos and text. This has made me realise that actual music magazines use these types of programs to make there magazine a lot better and even use more advanced technologies like Photoshop etc. Also by using programs like fireworks I felt they wasn’t really that time consuming as everything was easy to find and the program was fast and easy to use and I had no difficulties using the program.

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Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product ?

In the progression from my preliminary task to my full product I feel I have learnt how to analyse different magazines a lot better than I could while doing my preliminary task. This is because during my preliminary task I analysed different school/college magazines which didn’t have that much detail and wasn’t actual published magazines. However in my main task I analysed different published magazines such as Kerrang, Top of the pops and DJ Magazine. By doing this I learnt how much more detail there is in music magazines than college magazines and how much more professionally they are laid out. I have also learnt how to take pictures better for my music magazine compared to my school/college magazine. For my preliminary task I took a few pictures around school for it without really focusing on the detail in pictures such as composition and the persons body language in a picture.

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In contrast for my music magazine I focused on taking pictures for it in a lot more detail and got my model to stand in many different poses so I could pick out which was the best pose so I could use it for my magazine. I have also learnt how to use better programs for my text and images. For my preliminary task I used Microsoft excel which limited me to use certain text and I couldn’t really edit any pictures in detail compared to fireworks which I used for my main task and this program enabled me to edit my pictures in a lot more detail than excel.

Preliminary task …

My front cover and contents page
