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Media Production Pitch

Date post: 13-Jul-2015
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Media Production Pitch James Woodcock

Media Production Pitch

James Woodcock

Client Research

The company is Darlington Community

Police Service.

The client is PC Neil Walton

The client asked for some different mediums to advance their summer nights campaign.

This campaign involves keeping drinking, drugs and anti-social behaviour off the streets in and around the areas in Darlington.

Client Research

The client asked us not to use stereotyping in our adverts as this may put some people off.

The advert also should not be too visual as this may break some ASA rules and then the advert would not really be able to be shown to secondary schools will too much visual.

Target Audience

Age: 14 – 19

Gender: Both

Sexuality: All

Educational Status: Upper years of school, college

(Years 9 – 13)

Tribes: All

Psychographics: Aspirers, Mainstreamers

Geographic Location: Darlington, North Yorkshire, Durham

Target Audience

Audience Research

The purpose of the research was to find out

what the target audience thought of

themselves, what would encourage them to look

at an advert and what wouldn’t. For example;

bright, rainbow colours would not suffice. Also,

things like Comic Sans MS font would also not

be fit for purpose. Fonts used should be rather


Genre Research

There are different ways to advertise to the target audience (14 – 19).

Using intertextuality can help people visualize and it may appeal to them, for example the unused facebook campaign idea.

Or using surrealism which can immediately jump out at the target audience as they are different to what they expect.

The Advertising Standards Authority

• Code 5 is the main section that contains the rules regarding children underage.

• Children must not been shown in hazardous situations.

• Children must not be shown unattended in the street

• These rules apply to all under 16 years old.

• Any models will be over the age of 16 to ensure no rule breakings here

The Advertising Standards Authority

• Code 3 specifies that advert cannot be misleading in any way.

• This means that omitting any information deliberately or including false statements is against these rules.

• Code 32 relates some advert being shown at certain times, for example, adverts about drinking or smoking should be not be allowed to air during children’s programming.

Genre Research

The audience did like the intertextuality

however they were more attracted to surrealism

and this was then the main basis of my

campaign and this is why the facebook idea

along with the cost of the idea it was scrapped

and no elements from it were used

for the final campaign idea.

Three Campaign Ideas Litter Campaign

Three Campaign Ideas Peer Pressure Campaign

Three Campaign Ideas Binge Drinking Campaign

Audience Testing

The audience decided overall that the idea to be dropped was the litter campaign.

One person stated “the poster has too much colour”.

The campaign idea was slightly childish in the way it was presented, so the other two ideas were taken forward to the Commercial Viability stage.


When given a budget of £10,000 the two ideas which were taken forward from the Audience focus group had to priced up.

The ideas were both under 10,000 with over 3,000 difference.

Idea 1 = £4,770.19

Idea 2 = £8,386.86

Idea 1 was taken forward and built on for further improvement to create a final campaign.

Commercial Viability Research

Breakdown of the costingsresearch of both ideas that were taken forward

Commercial Viability Research

Final idea taken forward

Idea 1 - Poster

Idea 2 – MI1

Idea 2 – MI1

Idea 2 – MI1

Idea 2 – MI1

Idea 3 – MI2

Idea 3 – MI2

Idea 3 – MI2

Idea 3 – MI2

Moving Image Soundtrack

Start: Just normal quiet evening outdoor sounds

As advert progresses, party sounds and other glass and pouring sounds are audible

These sounds start to get louder until the climax of the advert.

Then, a body is heard collapsing (and a glass smash on MI1) and all sounds except the ones from the very start cease.

DistributionThe adverts will be sent via DVD with some

copies of the poster to schools in the area.The posters will also put in shop windows

around the towns in the area which will make the target audience reached larger.

• 2000 Posters• 250 DVDs

• These will be made as there are approximately 220 schools in the area with 30 spare.

Final cost: £4770.19

Any Questions?
