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Medical Cannabis - Dr Arienof anxiety paranoia, and addiction. ... • large amount of the terpene...

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Presented by Anri van Rooyen BSc (Genetics, Psychology & Physiology) o BSc (Hons) o MSc Holistic Counsellor o Health & Fitness Scientist www.DrArien.co.za o [email protected] o 0123622422 Medical Cannabis Separating the Wheat (Weed) from the Chaff Participating in Nature’s Pharmacy

Presented by Anri van Rooyen BSc (Genetics, Psychology & Physiology) o BSc (Hons) o MSc

Holistic Counsellor o Health & Fitness Scientist

www.DrArien.co.za o [email protected] o 0123622422

Medical CannabisSeparating the Wheat (Weed) from the Chaff

Participating in Nature’s Pharmacy


• The Cell & Epigenetics

• Genetics 101

• Endocannabinoid System (ECS)

• Cannabis and Your Genes

• Epigenetics• Food and ECS

• Exercise and ECS

www.DrArien.co.za o [email protected] o 0123622422

The Cell & Epigenetics

www.DrArien.co.za o [email protected] o 0123622422

Genetics 101• Human Genetics: the study of genes, genetic variation,

and heredity in humans

• Chromosome: collection of genes

• Gene: a sequence of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid)

• DNA: molecule composed of two chains (made ofnucleotides) in a double helix. DNA carries all the geneticinformation that forms the blueprint for making a livingorganism

• Nucleotides: building blocks/base pairs of DNA. 4 basepairs: Adenine (A)-Thymine (T), Guanine (G)-Cytosine (C)

www.DrArien.co.za o [email protected] o 0123622422

Endocannabinoid System (ECS)• Highly important physiological system in the body. Found in all


• Complex network of cannabinoid receptors found throughout theentire body:

• brain, organs, connective tissues, glands, immune cells.

• Purpose:• Regulate proper functioning of all other physiological system of the body.• Fine tuning, harmonic balance/homeostasis• Impacts all endocrine systems• Regulating everything from appetite, immune system, inflammatory response,

ageing, memory.

• ECS is made up of several integrated mechanisms.• Enzymes create and degrade cannabinoids• Receptor sites on cells receive cannabinoids• Endocannabinoids — small molecules that activate cannabinoid receptors.• The body’s own THC (the cannabis plant’s most well-known and psychoactive


www.DrArien.co.za o [email protected] o 0123622422

• Chemicals in cannabis (cannabinoids) - fit snuggly into the body’s receptors

• eliciting therapeutic benefits such as being anti-inflammatory, neuroprotective, anti-epileptic.

• Benefit from boosting/balancing ECS• Imbalanced ECS could explain the onset of many

conditions such as • fibromyalgia


• depression

• MS

• Parkinson’s

• migraines

www.DrArien.co.za o [email protected] o 0123622422

Endocannabinoid System (ECS)

• Endocannabinoidscreated and degradedby certain enzymes

• Enzymes are encodedby genes

• Genes are controlledby receptors

www.DrArien.co.za o [email protected] o 0123622422

ECS & Genetics

• CB1 receptor:• primarily expressed in the brain &


• encoded by gene CNR1

• Mutations - alter ECS response toTHC. Genetic variants areassociated with an increased riskof anxiety paranoia, and addiction.

• CB2 receptor:• primarily expressed in the

peripheral organs (especially in theimmune system cells)

• encoded by the gene CNR2

• Mutations - difficulty in controllingpain, including neuropathic painand diabetic neuropathy.

www.DrArien.co.za o [email protected] o 0123622422

ECS & Genetics

• Activate CB1 and CB2 receptors, meaningit is created (synthesized) throughout thetissues of our body, which also explains itsdivergent effect on all our systems

• Endocannabinoids & endocannabinoidreceptors get synthesized on demand i.e.our body makes them once it “senses” theneed for these compounds.

• The best example is the “runner’s high”,where long-distance runners experience anintense euphoric feeling (this sensation =anandamide) – after 30 min of aerobic

www.DrArien.co.za o [email protected] o 0123622422

Endocannabinoids• Small molecules (produced by the body) that

activate the cannabinoid receptors

• The most popular = anandamide aka the“bliss” molecule. Discovered in 1993

• The role of this compound is profoundlydiverse:

• regulate numerous processes thatinclude the immune system function,central nervous system function,appetite, pain, memory and much more.

• Specific genetic mutations responsible for different levelsof FAAH (fatty acid amide hydrolase) -

• lesser quantities of this enzyme = constantly bettermood, general sense of well-being.

• THC and CBD are metabolized in the liver by a number ofcytochrome P450 isoenzymes, including

• CYP2C9, CYP2C19, CYP2D6 (less important) andCYP3A4.

• THC and CBD may be stored for as long as fourweeks in the fatty tissues from which they are slowlyreleased at sub-therapeutic levels back into the bloodstream and metabolised via the renal and biliarysystems.

• Genetic screening helps us to help patient! Dosageadjustments, determine individual’s response to therapy,drug interactions with CBD or THC, indication of how todetox from THC when drug testing has to be done

www.DrArien.co.za o [email protected] o 0123622422

Enzymes & Genes

What Can Your DNA Tell You?

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Your DNA and CBD/THC• CBD metabolised by two P450 genes

• THC metabolised by two P450 genes

CASE STUDYP450 Genes - Anri

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What Can Your DNA Tell You?

www.DrArien.co.za o [email protected] o 0123622422

Anri• Both THC genes = normal (normal THC


• 1 CBD gene = rapid and other = normal (increased CBD dose)

CASE STUDYP450 Genes – Dr Arien

www.DrArien.co.za o [email protected] o 0123622422



What Can Your DNA Tell You?

www.DrArien.co.za o [email protected] o 0123622422

Dr Arien• 1 THC gene = normal and other = poor

metaboliser. Adjust dosage

• 1 CBD gene = rapid and other = poor. Adjust dosage


www.DrArien.co.za o [email protected] o 0123622422

Herbs rich in cannabinoids• Black pepper

• large amount of the terpene that gives some marijuana strains that cracked black pepper smell, major anti-inflammatory properties

• Rosemary, Kava – affinity for CB1, Maca, Cacao

• Echinacea purpurea & angustifolia

• act on CB2 receptor - regulating the immune system and inflammation

• Flax seeds

• Helichrysum umbraculigerum (daisy from SA – mood, depression, anti-infl), Radula marginata (liver wort), Acmella oleracea (electric daisy)

www.DrArien.co.za o [email protected] o 0123622422

Epigenetics: Food & ECS

Foods that increase anandamideSome foods can boost anandamide levels, and some can slow down the metabolization of the FAAH enzyme which degrades it.

• Dark chocolate: it increases the number of available endocannabinoid receptors (i.e. ECS) that can be triggered by anandamide, and it diminishes the FAAH levels.

• Black truffles: have anandamide in them, and when eaten they directly increase the levels of this endocannabinoid in our body.

• Kaempferol: compound is found in many fruits and vegetables like apples, grapes, onions, potatoes, tomatoes and broccoli.

• powerful antioxidant and reducing oxidative stress, kaempferol also inhibits the synthetization of the FAAH enzyme, thus prolonging the duration and effects of anandamide.

www.DrArien.co.za o [email protected] o 0123622422

Epigenetics: Food & ECS

Antioxidants – 5-9 fruits & veggies per day

Omega-3 to Omega-6 ratios

• Consuming fatty acids found in fatty fish and fish oil, krill oil, hemp seed and flax seeds

• Consume dark leafy greens, chia, grass-fed meats, basic supplements.

Healthy gut

• ECS’s ability to support us is directly tied to the health of our gut and digestion

• Many serotonin receptors in the gut - sensitive to cannabinoids

• Diet full of foods rich in prebiotics, probiotics, antioxidants, fibre.

www.DrArien.co.za o [email protected] o 0123622422

Epigenetics: Supporting ECS

Manage stress, Sleep well

• Stress: strain on ECS’s ability to maintain homeostasis.

• Meditation, gratitude, journaling, therapy some examples. Find what works for you to keep your calm and commit to taking the proper steps to find healthy ways to manage the stress in your life.

• Massage: levels of the feel-good endocannabinoid Anandamide more than doubled after a treatment

…healing modalities popularly associated with changes in the endorphin system, may actually be mediated by the

endocannabinoid system


www.DrArien.co.za o [email protected] o 0123622422

Epigenetics: Supporting ECS

Phytocannabinoid Supplementation

• ECS struggling to make, utilize, circulate own internalcannabinoids - can rely on phytocannabinoids (plant-based cannabinoids – CBD oil)

• Nourish and support ECS, restoring its ability to keepus physically, mentally, emotionally balanced andhealthy.

Cannabis/Hemp-based CBD

• CBD oil legal in SA. Cannabis oil Sept. 2018 grow yourown!

• Do not advocate breaking the law - most countriespsycho-active THC that makes cannabis illegal.Extracted from hemp plant - ensure to find quality,organically grown source.

ECS: keeping us in homeostasis/inner balance.

Burn fat instead of storing it, sick less often/recover quickly. Focus, motivation & mood.

www.DrArien.co.za o [email protected] o 0123622422

Epigenetics: Supporting ECS


• Activates the ECS

• Maintains density of cannabinoid receptors

• Increases concentrations of endocannabinoids

Aerobic exercise

• Scientists have observed that prolonged aerobic exercise (over 30 minutes) increases anandamide levels, complimenting to that joyous feeling we experience after hard physical labour.

Resistance exercise aka strength training

• increase the strength and mass of muscles, bone strength and metabolism.

• Increasingly prescribed for pain relief, due to its effects on ECS

www.DrArien.co.za o [email protected] o 0123622422

Epigenetics: Exercise & ECS

www.DrArien.co.za o [email protected] o 0123622422

Support: www.DrArien.co.za

• Genetic Screenings: Safe-guard your future health.Manage your specific genetic health risks.

• Consultations: genetic consults, holistic healthcounselling, food & fitness consults and stressmanagement

• FitFood Ready-Made Meals

• Fitness Programs

• Weight Control Clinic

• Talks, workshops

• Nutriceuticals, Herbal Remedies incl. CBD oil

• Books, CD’s, Health Coaching: real time & online

Make your health your number one priority. Allow us to assist you with holistic health coaching,

incorporating functional tools to prevent your genes from expressing as future disease.

This is preventative medicine at its best!Health Care Has Never Been So Personalised!

www.DrArien.co.za [email protected]


Social Media CompetitionStand a Chace to Win A Genetic Screening

1. Complete the Registration Form

2. Take pics, write a post of the event

3. Share on Facebook & Instagram before 7 April

4. Tag us (Ariani Health Solutions/@ariani)

5. Use the following #’s: #medicalcannabis #arianihealth #scienceandnature #secretinsideyourgenes

6. Complete the Feedback Form


• https://bjsm.bmj.com/content/38/5/536

• http://epublications.uef.fi/pub/urn_nbn_fi_uef-20150844/urn_nbn_fi_uef-20150844.pdf

• https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/14625449
