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Page 1: MEDICAL NOTES - Residential Plaza...TOP PRANKS OF 2018 › Burger King announced a new dessert, the Chocolate Whopper. It had a chocolate cake bun, chocolate patty, raspberry syrup
Page 2: MEDICAL NOTES - Residential Plaza...TOP PRANKS OF 2018 › Burger King announced a new dessert, the Chocolate Whopper. It had a chocolate cake bun, chocolate patty, raspberry syrup

MEDICAL NOTES Valerie J. Shereck, MSN, ANP-C


Sarcoidosis is an inflammatory disease characterized by the formation of granulomas (tiny clumps of inflammatory cells) in one or more organs of the body. The development of granulomas is thought to be the result of an immune system dysfunction. When left untreated, chronic inflammation can lead to fibrosis which is permanent thickening or scarring of organ tissue. Sarcoidosis can affect almost any organ in the body including the heart, skin, liver, kidney, brain, sinuses, eyes, muscles, and bones. It most commonly affects the lungs and lymph nodes which are an important part of the immune system. When it affects the lungs, it is called pulmonary sarcoidosis. Approximately 90% of individuals with sarcoidosis have lung or pulmonary involvement. Sarcoidosis was first described by the English doctor Jonathon Hutchinson in 1877 as a non-painful skin disease. Sarcoidosis affects approximately 1.9 million people globally, and nearly 200,000 Americans have been diagnosed with it. It is most common in Scandinavians, but occurs in all parts of the world. In the U.S., the risk is greater among African Americans as opposed to Caucasians. It usually occurs between the ages of 20 to 50 but can also happen in the 70s. It is more prevalent in women than in men. The cause of sarcoidosis is not known. Researchers and doctors believe that it may be due to an immune reaction to an unknown substance such as an environmental, occupational, or infectious agent. Individuals who have a family history of sarcoidosis are more susceptible to developing the disease. SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS Symptoms of sarcoidosis vary according to which organ or organs are affected. Some individuals may not have any symptoms. General symptoms that occur can be vague and include: › Fatigue (unrelieved by sleep and occurs in more than 65% of cases) › Lack of energy › Weight loss and loss of appetite › Joint aches and pains (occurs in approximately 70% of cases) › Arthritis › Dry eyes › Swelling of the knees › Blurry vision › Shortness of breath › Dry, hacking cough › Skin lesions which range from rashes to bumps or lumps TREATMENT Treatment for sarcoidosis depends on the individual, organ, or organs involved, and symptoms. A large number of individuals with this disease require no treatment and 50% of all individuals go into remission one year following diagnosis. Most individuals (more than 75%) only require symptomatic treatment with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen or aspirin. If symptoms are more severe or organ function is threatened, medications may be used.

Page 3: MEDICAL NOTES - Residential Plaza...TOP PRANKS OF 2018 › Burger King announced a new dessert, the Chocolate Whopper. It had a chocolate cake bun, chocolate patty, raspberry syrup


April 21, 2019

Rev. David Ehline, M.Div., MSW


Easter is the most important day of the year for Christians. It is the

celebration of the resurrection of Jesus. After three hours of being crucified

on a cross, Jesus died and was placed in a tomb. On the third day of his

entombment, Jesus was raised from death to life. Without the resurrection,

there would be no Christianity. Jesus may have been remembered as a great

teacher, and perhaps as a reformer of Judaism, but would not have been

proclaimed as Messiah and Savior. The writers of the first four books of the Christian Bible, known as the New

Testament, wrote about the resurrection of Jesus, but only two of them wrote about His birth (Matthew chapter

1, and Luke chapter 2). Even though the birth of Jesus, now known as Christmas, has become the most well-

known of Christian holidays, apparently it wasn’t considered nearly as important to the first Christians as was

His resurrection.

Yet, that most important event, also known in the Christian church as the Festival of the Resurrection, was

named Easter which is the English rendering of the name Eastra, the pagan goddess of spring. Why would early

Christian leaders give the most important event of the Christian faith the name of a pagan goddess? They did so

in the hope that followers and devotees of Eastra would become Christians. Whether or not that hope was

realized is not known, but the name of a pagan goddess has remained as the name of the day on which

Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus, the Christ, the Savior, and the Messiah.

For Christians, the main message of Easter is that death is not the end. Jesus says, “For God so loved the world

that he gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him will not perish, but will have eternal life.” (John 3:16)

Christians believe that just as Jesus was raised from death to life and then ascended to heaven them, too, will be

brought from death to a new life in heaven.

The resurrection also proclaims that God is more powerful than all the forces of evil that led to the horror of

Jesus’ painful death on the cross. The message for our time is that even when Satan and the horrible things that

are happening around us seem to be winning, God will prevail. The resurrection of Jesus gives us hope that God

will win the battle between good and evil.

While Jesus walked the Earth, He said that He was the way, the truth, and the life. Christians believe that His

way of self-sacrifice, love, forgiveness, peace, and gratitude is the way to a rich, full, and abundant life that will

not be defeated by evil or death. The way and the truth of Jesus lead to a satisfying and fulfilling life that

continues beyond our earthly life in heaven with the risen Lord.

Page 4: MEDICAL NOTES - Residential Plaza...TOP PRANKS OF 2018 › Burger King announced a new dessert, the Chocolate Whopper. It had a chocolate cake bun, chocolate patty, raspberry syrup


April 14 - 20, 2019

Rev. David Ehline, M.Div., MSW

The last week of Lent known as Holy Week begins April 14 in 2019 on Palm Sunday and includes Maundy

Thursday on April 18 and Good Friday on April 19. The word “maundy” is derived from the Latin word

meaning “mandate,” and Mandate Thursday recalls the Last Supper that Jesus had with His disciples. On that

occasion, Jesus gave those disciples certain mandates. He told them to eat the bread and drink the wine in

remembrance of Him, in a ceremony that is now called Holy Communion. He also mandated that His followers

must serve all people, even to the point of humbling themselves by washing the feet of others, just as He

washed His disciples’ feet. The third mandate that Jesus gave to His disciples was “I give you a new

commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.”

Good Friday was originally called God’s Friday. Over time, it evolved into Good Friday which is the most

solemn day of the Christian year because it recalls the torture and execution of Jesus. It is a Good day because it

reveals the extent and depth of God’s goodness and grace, seen in the willingness of Jesus to take upon Himself

the sins of all humanity and to die on behalf of the world’s people.

Holy Week is to be observed as an especially somber time for Christians, and people refrain from selfchosen

pleasures, foods, and practices. It is a time of repentance (confessing sins) and renewed commitment to living

the kind of life taught by Jesus (i.e., life of humble service, love, forgiveness, gratitude, and joy).


In small groups, invite participants to share how they observed Holy Week.

Ask dining services to have non-meat items available during Holy Week.

Limit activities on Good Friday to quieter ones and schedule worship services.

During Holy Week, get permission to display religious depictions of the Last Supper, trial of Jesus, and

Crucifixion. CF

Page 5: MEDICAL NOTES - Residential Plaza...TOP PRANKS OF 2018 › Burger King announced a new dessert, the Chocolate Whopper. It had a chocolate cake bun, chocolate patty, raspberry syrup


April 7 - 13, 2019

Mary Anne Clagett, CTRS, ACC, AC-BC

National Volunteer Week is the official time to recognize and

celebrate the efforts of volunteers at the local, state, and national

levels. It is celebrated in the U.S. and Canada. This week is

usually celebrated the third week of April, but it is scheduled to

avoid springtime religious holidays.

This week was first celebrated in the U.S. in 1972 and sponsored

by the National Volunteer Center. The national observance began in 1974 when President Richard Nixon signed

an executive order establishing the week as an annual celebration of volunteering. National Volunteer Week is a

service of the Points of Light. The 2019 theme, “Celebrate Service,” recognizes the impact of volunteer service

and the power of volunteers to come together to tackle tough challenges and build stronger, more resilient

communities. Visit https://ww2.pointsoflight.org/nvw for more information.

In Canada, National Volunteer Week was first proclaimed in 1943. In Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg, and

Vancouver, the Women’s Voluntary Services organized special events to draw the public’s attention to the

contribution women made to the war effort on the home front. In the late 1960s, designating a week to honor

volunteers was revived and included all community volunteers. The National Volunteer Week campaign is

celebrated by Volunteer Canada. The 2019 theme, “The Volunteer Factor - Lifting Communities,” celebrates

and recognizes the exponential impact of volunteers and how they lift our communities. Visit

https://volunteer.ca/nvw2019 for more information.



Many will be shocked to find when the day of

judgment nears that there’s a special place in heaven set aside for


Furnished with big recliners, satin couches, and footstools,

where there’s no committee chairman, no group, leaders, or carpools.

No eager team that needs a coach, no bazaar, and no bake sale.

There will be nothing to staple, not a thing to fold or mail.

Telephones will be outlawed, but a finger-snap will bring

cold drinks and gourmet dinners and treats fit for a king.

You ask, “Who’ll serve these privileged few and work for

all they’re worth?” Why, all those who reaped the benefits and not once

volunteered on Earth. CF

Page 6: MEDICAL NOTES - Residential Plaza...TOP PRANKS OF 2018 › Burger King announced a new dessert, the Chocolate Whopper. It had a chocolate cake bun, chocolate patty, raspberry syrup

March 6, 2019 Rev. David Ehline, M.Div., MSW


April 1, 2019

Michele Mason, BA

The origin of April Fools’ Day is thought to date back to 1582 in France. When the French changed their

calendar from the Julian calendar to the more accurate Gregorian calendar, some people didn’t get the news.

The people who still celebrated the old calendar were ridiculed. April fish (poisson d’avril) made of paper were

put on the backs of those people to make fun of them. The April fish represented the fact that they were easily

hooked (fooled) like fish.


› Burger King announced a new dessert, the Chocolate Whopper. It had a chocolate cake bun, chocolate patty,

raspberry syrup topping, white chocolate rings, candied blood oranges, milk chocolate leaves, and vanilla


› Dairyland announced they were making sparkling milk.

› eHarmony® announced a pet dating site called Furever Love.

› An upside-down rainbow was portrayed as being found in Sydney, Australia for a Skittles® commercial.

› T-Mobile announced its new SmartShoePhone. Check out the funny video: www.youtube.com/watch?


› Roku announced Happy Streaming™ Socks (remote control socks). Watch their prank video:



Play Simon Says, April Fools’ Style. Play Simon Says but participants do the opposite of what Simon

says to do. (i.e., If Simon Says to look up, look down.).

Hide a paper fish and ask participants to find it.

Play charades using one-word answers. Here are some suggestions: fish, cat, airplane, chicken, piano,

scissors, elephant, baseball, telephone, crying, monkey, driving, laughing, and hungry.

Page 7: MEDICAL NOTES - Residential Plaza...TOP PRANKS OF 2018 › Burger King announced a new dessert, the Chocolate Whopper. It had a chocolate cake bun, chocolate patty, raspberry syrup

TIEMPO DE AMAR Por Marta Moreno

“...para aquellos que han perdido su gran amor: no teman, se recupera….”

Tiempo de amar, se llamó a éste día, y

tú no estás conmigo para juntos contar

del amor que vivimos y del que ya,

a nadie, parece interesar.

Pero yo estoy presente para decir a aquellos

que dicen hoy amar,

como tú y yo lo hicimos y al

que toda una vida pudimos consagrar.

Sé que no terminó porque partiste un día,

para allí, hacia lo alto, que es el mejor lugar,

donde reposan todos aquellos que cumplieron

con el deber de amar.

Amar como el esposo apasionando y tierno,

como el padre que siempre sus hijos respetaron,

como el hombre humilde y sabio experto.

como un amigo pronto a la ayuda entregado.

Hoy todos te añoran, y por supuesto yo;

así que cuando sepan que me tocó morir,

no lamenten el hecho, es que Dios decidió,

reunirnos en el cielo para amarnos sin fín…

Page 8: MEDICAL NOTES - Residential Plaza...TOP PRANKS OF 2018 › Burger King announced a new dessert, the Chocolate Whopper. It had a chocolate cake bun, chocolate patty, raspberry syrup

Cuando hablamos de enfermedades graves, lo normal es que el cáncer o problemas

de salud similares encabecen la lista y no se le presta excesiva atención a la


Esta enfermedad, en especial la de tipo II que se

considera crónica no tiene cura de momento, y conlleva

problemas de salud por lo que debemos tomar medidas

para prevenirla.

La diabetes estaba clasificada como una enfermedad de personas con edad

avanzada. Sin embargo, el número de casos infantiles es preocupante, debido

sobre todo a malos hábitos alimenticios no solo en adultos si no en niños. Los peores

efectos de la diabetes son el mal funcionamiento del sistema cardiovascular; aumento

el riesgo de sufrir un infarto, y otros problemas derivados, que tienen que ver con la

vista pudiendo llegar a sufrir ceguera.

Para tratar de combatir esta peligrosa enfermedad es importante llevar unas pautas

saludables de alimentación además de practicar ejercicios de forma regular. No se

trata tanto de apuntarse a un gimnasio, como de ser constante y que nuestro cuerpo se

mantenga activo. En la medida de lo posible, debemos hacer algo de ejercicios todos

los días, caminar.

Si pese a todo sufrimos diabetes, hay que saber que la de tipo II no tiene cura

conocida. Esto no significa que no se pueda hacer nada para tener bajo control los

niveles de azúcar en la sangre si se cuida la dieta y se hace deportes; incluso se puede

llegar a prescindir de la insulina inyectada. Es importante ponerse en manos de un

especialista para que evalúe qué pasos se tienen que seguir y aprender a convivir con

esta peligrosa enfermedad.

mailto:[email protected]

Page 9: MEDICAL NOTES - Residential Plaza...TOP PRANKS OF 2018 › Burger King announced a new dessert, the Chocolate Whopper. It had a chocolate cake bun, chocolate patty, raspberry syrup

Todos los 7 de Abril se celebra el “Dia Mundial de la Salud”.

En el año 1948 la primera asamblea de la Organización Mundial de la

Salud propuso que se designara un día para conmemorar el “Día

Mundial de la Salud” para que la población del mundo tomara

conciencia acerca de los problemas de salud que afectan a todo el planeta.

A partir de 1950 se celebra ese día 7 de Abril por medio de campañas

de comunicación mundial y resaltar lo importante que es la salud

para tener una vida sana y feliz.

Algunos de los problemas de salud que afectan mundialmente son el

VHI/Sida; reducir la mortalidad infantil; mejorar la salud materna, entre otros.

Todos los años son distintos los temas que la Organización Mundial

de la Salud propone para que la población tenga información

actualizada acerca de los temas más importantes, por ejemplo en el

año 2014 el tema fue las Enfermedades trasmitidas por vectores, en el

2015 en tema propuesto fue la Inocuidad de los alimentos y este año

es la Diabetes. Se calcula que en el año 2008, 348 millones de

personas tenían esta enfermedad y lamentablemente año a año va en


Cómo prevenir la diabetes y controlar los niveles de azúcar?

Page 10: MEDICAL NOTES - Residential Plaza...TOP PRANKS OF 2018 › Burger King announced a new dessert, the Chocolate Whopper. It had a chocolate cake bun, chocolate patty, raspberry syrup

Del 7 al 13 de abril

Celebramos la semana de los voluntarios y queremos agradecer a todos los

nuestros por su gran trabajo.


Gracias Señor, por haberme llamado a

servir gratuitamente, a dar mi tiempo, mis

energías y mi amor a quienes lo necesitan.

Aquí estoy Señor, ayúdame a disponer

de mí y de mi corazón para escuchar

sin prejuicios, y servir con todas mis fuerzas.

Permítelo Señor, a pesar de que yo

también soy débil; así comprenderé que

tú eres mi motivación, y todos descubrirán

tu rostro en mi sincera ayuda.

Otórgalo Señor, y asi aceptaré que la

mayor felicidad está en servir y ayudar a los demás.

Page 11: MEDICAL NOTES - Residential Plaza...TOP PRANKS OF 2018 › Burger King announced a new dessert, the Chocolate Whopper. It had a chocolate cake bun, chocolate patty, raspberry syrup

Qué es Semana Santa? La Semana Santa no tiene una fecha fija en el calendario gregoriano. Se celebra entre el 22 de marzo y el 25 de abril de cada año.

Usualmente Semana Santa comienza el primer domingo después de la primera luna llena que se produce, después, del día del (equinoccio) de primavera. Por esta razón la fecha exacta cambia cada año y por consiguiente, también cambian las fechas de las conmemoraciones relacionadas con la Semana Santa.

Significado de Semana Santa

La creencia principal del cristianismo es que Dios envió a su hijo Jesús al mundo para redimir al humano de sus pecados. Para lograr ésto, Jesús murió en una cruz como sacrificio, tomando el lugar del pecador. Los evangelios recogidos en la Biblia nos explican como éste acto se desenvolvió: Jesús fué acusado, fué arrestado, fué juzgado y

condenado a muerte. Aunque era inocente, murió como un criminal en la cruz y después fué sepultado en una tumba.

Al tercer día de muerto y de acuerdo con la Biblia, cientos de personas fueron testigos de su resurección.

Semana Santa dura desde el Domingo de Palmas hasta el Domingo de Resurrección.

El Domingo de Palmas recuerda la entrada triunfante de Jesús en Jerusalén, Aunque en ésta ciudad los enemigos de Jesús estaban listos para acusarlo de blasfemia. Fueron exitosos y el jueves de ésa semana fue arrestado. De ahí viene la observación del Jueves Santo. El juicio de Jesús no fué largo porque el pueblo tenía prisa, ya que la fiestas de la Pascua estaban a punto de comenzar.

Jesus fue crucificado al día siguiente de su juicio ; ese dia se recuerda como el Viernes Santo .La observación de su cruxifición y muerte dura hasta el sábado y termina el domingo . Este ultimo día de la Semana Santa, Domingo de Resurreción es de gran alegría para la comunidad Cristiana del mundo, que celebra que Jesus vencio a la muerte y abrio el camino hacia la vida eterna .

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ABRIL 2019
