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Medicinal uses of spices

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Medicinal Uses Of Spices
Page 1: Medicinal uses of spices

Medicinal Uses Of Spices

Page 2: Medicinal uses of spices


Bishop's weed is a plant. The seeds are used to make medicine.• Skin conditions such as psoriasis and vitiligo• Digestive problems• Asthma• Chest pain• Kidney stones• Fluid retention.

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ALLSPICEAllspice is a plant. The unripe berries and leaves of the plant are used to make medicine.• Intestinal gas• Indigestion (dyspepsia)• Vomiting • Diarrhea • Fever• Flu • Colds• Heavy menstrual bleeding• Emptying the bowels• abdominal pain• high blood pressure• diabetes• obesity• muscle pain• toothache

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ANISEED (ANISE)Anise is an herb. The seed (fruit) and oil, and less frequently the root and leaf, are used to make medicine.• Starting menstrual periods• Increasing breast milk• Lice• upset stomach• intestinal gas• “runny nose”• Scabies• Psoriasis• Coughs• Spasms• an expectorant to increase productive cough• as a diuretic to increase urine flow• as an appetite stimulant• treat menstrual discomfort or pain• treatment of seizures, nicotine dependence, troublesleeping (insomnia), asthma, and constipation

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Sweet bay is an herb. In addition to decorative use, the leaves and oil are used to make medicine.• Cancer• Gas• Stimulating bile flow• Causing sweating• Dandruff, when applied to the skin

• Veterinarians use sweet bay as an udder ointment.• Joint and muscle pain (rheumatism), when applied to the skin.• Boils, (furuncles) caused by infected hair follicles when applied to the skin

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Caraway is a plant that has an interesting place in legend. These days, some people think caraway has healing power, and they use the oil, fruit, and seeds as medicine.• Poor appetite• Constipation• Gas• Bloating• Spasms of stomach and intestines• Menstrual cramps• improve control of urination• kill bacteria in the body• Caraway oil used for cough up phlegm • Infection.• Starting menstruation• Increasing milk flow in nursing mothers• skin rubs to improve local blood flow.

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Cardamom is an herb. The seeds are used to make medicine.• Intestinal spasms• Heartburn• Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)• Cold• Cough• Bronchitis• Sore mouth and throat• Liver problems• Gallbladder problems• Urinary problems• Loss of appetite• Gas• Constipation• Preventing infections.

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Coriander is a plant. People use the seed for medicine.• Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)• Stomach upset• Loss of appetite• Spasms• Diarrhea• Measles• Hemorrhoids• Toothaches• Nausea• Painful hernia• Worms• Joint pain• Intestinal gas (flatulence)• Bacterial or fungal infections.

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Cumin is an herb. The seeds of the plant are used to make medicine.

• Diarrhoea• Colic• Gas• Bowel spasms• Fluid retention• Menstrual problems• Increasing sexual desire• to increase urine flow to relieve bloating (as a diuretic)

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CINNAMONCinnamon comes from a tree. People use the bark to make medicine.• Diabetes• Diarrhea• Infections• Worm infestations• Common cold• Influenza• Upset stomach• Gas (flatulence)• Spasms• Appetite stimulation• Menstrual discomfort• Hay fever (allergic rhinitis)• Yeast infection (candidiasis)• Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)• Food poisoning (Salmonella infection).

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Clove is an herb. People use the oils, dried flower buds, leaves, and stems to make medicine.• “Dry socket” following tooth extraction• Vomiting• Upset stomach• Nausea• Gas (flatulence)• Diarrhea• Hernia• Cough• Toothache (Clove oil and eugenol)• Pain and swelling (inflammation) of the mouth and throat.

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Dill is a plant that has a long history as a culinary spice that grow above the ground as medicine. But it has also been used as a magic weapon and a medicine.• Loss of appetite• Infections• Digestive tract problems• Urinary tract problems• Spasms• Intestinal gas (flatulence)• Sleep disorders• Fever• Colds• Cough• Bronchitis• Liver problems• Gallbladder problems• Sore mouth and throat, when applied to the affected area.

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Fennel’s dried ripe seeds and oil are used to make medicine.• Fennel powder is used as a poultice for snakebites• Stomach upset and indigestion• Airway swelling• Bronchitis• Cough• Intestinal gas (flatulence)• Bloating

• Mild spasms of the stomach and intestines• Upper respiratory tract infection.

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Fenugreek is a plant. The seeds are used to make medicine.• Exercise performance• Heartburn• High cholesterol• Breast milk production• Weight loss• Stomach upset• Constipation• Gout• Fever• Baldness• Sexual problems (erectile dysfunction, ED)• “Hardening of the arteries” (atherosclerosis)

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GARLICGarlic is an herb. But over the years, garlic has been used as a medicine to prevent or treat a wide range of diseases and conditions.• High blood pressure• Tick bites• Diabetes• High cholesterol• Breast cancer• Lung cancer• Common cold• Corns• Prostate cancer• Warts• “Hardening of the arteries” (atherosclerosis)• Colon cancer, rectal cancer, and stomach cancer• Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)• High blood pressure in pregnancy (pre-eclampsia)• Leg pain when walking due to poor blood circulation in the legs• Treating bacteria called helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) that can cause ulcers• Fungal infections of the skin (including ringworm, jock itch and athlete’s foot)

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GINGERGinger is an herb. The rhizome (underground stem) is used as a spice and also as a medicine. • Nausea and vomiting following surgery• Dizziness• Menstrual pain• Arthritis• Preventing morning sickness • Weight loss• Alcohol hangover• Upset stomach (dyspepsia)• High cholesterol• Speeding up labour• Migraine headache• Muscle pain after exercise• Recovery after surgery• Rheumatoid arthritis (RA)• Trouble swallowing• Loss of appetite• Colds• Flu• Preventing motion sickness and seasickness• Nausea and vomiting due to chemotherapy for cancer• Sudden respiratory system failure (Acute respiratory distress syndrome)

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MACE & NUTMEGNutmeg and mace are plant products. Nutmeg and mace are used to make medicine.• mouth sores• toothache

Producing hallucinations• Diarrhea• Stomach problems• Intestinal gas• Cancer• Kidney disease• Pain• achy joints (rheumatism).

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MINT (PEPPERMINT)Peppermint is a plant. The leaf and oil are used as medicine.• Heartburn (dyspepsia)• Spasms caused by endoscopy• Tension headache• Nausea following surgery• Recovery following surgery• Bad breath or Dental plaque• Hot flashes• Itchy skin (pruritus)• Tuberculosis• Toothaches• Infections• Morning sickness• Nausea and vomiting• Painful menstrual periods• Bacteria overgrowth in the intestines• Lung infections• Cough and symptoms of cold• Inflammation of mouth and respiratory tract lining• Muscle or nerve pain.

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MUSTARD (BLACK MUSTARD)Black mustard is a plant. The seed and oil from the seed are used to make medicine.• Common cold• Arthritis• Water retention (edema)• Loss of appetite• Causing vomiting

• Painful joints and muscles (rheumatism)• Pneumonia and painful lung conditions, when applied to the affected area

as a “mustard plaster”• Aching feet, when applied to the affected area as a “mustard plaster”• Lower back pain, when applied to the affected area as a “mustard plaster”.

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OREGANOOregano is a plant. The leaf is used to make medicine.• Parasites in the intestines• Bleeding disorders (hemophilia).• Wound healing• Repelling insects• Asthma• Bronchitis• Cough• Flu• Indigestion and bloating• Painful menstrual periods• Arthritis• Headaches• Heart conditions.

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Pepper - Black Pepper & White PepperThe black pepper and white pepper powder are used to make medicine.• Airway inflammation (bronchitis)• Malaria and cholera• Stomach upset• Cancer• Pain• Scabies• counter irritant for pain.

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SAFFRONSaffron is a plant. The stigmas are also used to make medicine.• Alzheimer’s disease• Depression• Menstrual discomfort• Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)• Asthma• Athletic performance• Erectile dysfunction• Male infertility• Psoriasis• Insomnia• Cancer• Cough• Stomach gas• Baldness• Pain• “Hardening of the arteries” (atherosclerosis).

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Star anise is an herb. The seed and oil are used to make medicine.The star anise used as medicine is Chinese star anise. Don’t confuse it with Japanese star anise, which is poisonous and should not be taken. • respiratory tract congestion• Cough• Gas (flatulence)• Loss of appetite• Menstrual disorders• Lung swelling (inflammation)• Upset stomach.• Rheumatism• Anti influenza drug oseltamivir (tamiflu)

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TAMARINDTamarind is a tree. Its partially dried fruit is used to make medicine.• as a cast for broken bones• eye drops for dry eyes• Constipation• Colds• Fever

• Liver and gallbladder problems.• Stomach disorders.• Pregnancy-related nausea• Intestinal worms.• Delay progression of skeletal fluorosis

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THYMEThyme is an herb. The flowers, leaves, and oil are used as medicine. • Bronchitis• Cough• Agitation• mouthwashes• Hair loss (alopecia areata)• Movement disorders (dyspraxia)• Colic• Ear infection• Preventing bedwetting• Sore throat• Bad breath• Swelling (inflammation) of the tonsils• Swelling (inflammation) of the lungs and mouth.

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TURMERICTurmeric is a plant. But the root of turmeric is also used widely to make medicine.• Stomach upset (dyspepsia)• Osteoarthritis• Skin cancer• Rheumatoid arthritis (RA)• Jaundice• Hepatitis• Diarrhoea• Fibromyalgia• Liver and gallbladder problems• Headache• Menstrual problems• Pain• Ringworm• Bruising• Eye infections• Skin problems• Alzheimer’s disease.

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