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Mediterranean Technology Transfer: Good Practices Toolkit

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  • 7/26/2019 Mediterranean Technology Transfer: Good Practices Toolkit



    MediterraneanTransnational Technology Transfer

    Project co-funded by the



    Technology Transfer Good PracticesC3.1 Mediterranean Transnational

    Technology Transfer Network

    Responsibl e Par t ner: CITAndalucaInvolved Par t ner s:


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    MED Programme MET3Del. 3.1 Technology Transfer Good Practices Toolkit


    Project DetailsProgramme MED

    Priority Axis 1. Strengthening Innovation Capacities

    Objective 1.1: Dissemination of innovative technologiesand know-how

    Project TitleMediterranean Transnational TechnologyTransfer

    Project Acronym MET3

    Project Code No 1G-MED08-309

    Lead Partner National Hellenic Research Foundation

    Total Budget 1.715.000,00 Euro ()

    Time Frame

    Start Date End Date 01/05/2009 31/10/2011

    Deliverable Details

    Component C. 3.1


    Title of Deliverable Technology Transfer Good Practices Toolkit

    Partner Responsible CITAndaluca

    Partners Involved NHRF,ARTI

    Due Date of Deliverable 30.10.2009

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    MED Programme MET3Del. 3.1 Technology Transfer Good Practices Toolkit


    Table of Contents

    1. INTRODUCTION ..............................................................................................................................42. ANALYSIS OF TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER ACTIVITIES ...............................................................10

    2.1. GOOD PRACTICES .................................................................................................................112.2. BEST PRACTICES...................................................................................................................32

    3. POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS ......................................................................................................404. INTERNET SOURCES ....................................................................................................................44

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    The growth in the field of research and innovation of European Union during

    recent years has increased the economic development gap between

    European regions.

    To compete in todays economy and to maintain or even improve its

    position, each region needs to capitalise on its knowledge base and to

    develop its capacity to innovate.

    The regions success will depend on the distribution of knowledge and a

    genuine partnership amongst individuals, enterprises, research institutions,

    associations, and regional administrations. EU has identified the

    transnational dimension of technology transfer as one of the key areas for

    action on its Innovation Strategy.

    To bridge this gap it has been created the project Mediterranean

    Transnational Technology Transfer (MET3), with the need of interregional

    cooperation and joint approaches.

    MET3 brings together seven regions from France, Italy, Spain and Greece

    with a variety of profiles but common needs and perspectives on improving

    Transnational Technology Transfer methods and assisting regional

    stakeholders to develop strategic partnerships.

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    In this manual we are to describe the good practices contained in the

    Mediterranean area but, it is convenient introduce the concept of

    technology transfer and its basic aspects.

    The term Technology Transfer can be defined from several points of view,

    depending on a series of elements, factors, agents and circumstances. We

    shall define Technology Transfer as the process through which an entity

    acquires certain knowledge, technology or innovative process or product

    that another agent has developed or created (Schumpeter)1.Technology

    transfer involves the processes of detecting, captain and sharing new

    technologies and innovation activities. This is what this toolkit aims at,

    sharing the activities that make the TT process possible in the

    Mediterranean regions.

    Technology Transfer can refer to several types of activities:

    Introduction of new products

    Introduction of new production methods

    Opening of new markets

    Development of new supply lines of raw materials and other


    Development of new market structures in a sector

    For a business, TT basically represents the adoption o fan innovation that

    makes it increase its productivity and competitiveness. Therefore TT has

    come to play a central role in business strategies.

    Furthermore, there are several definitions of the concept of TT going from

    those that limit it to the negotiation and signing of a licence agreement to

    exploit a patent to those broader ones that include many other types of

    1Schumpeter, J.A. The Analysis of Economic Change",(1935)

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    technological cooperation that leads to more competitive positions in the

    market. Anyhow, TT agreements should be tailored to the results desired.

    The final objective of MET3 project is the sharing of experiences between

    partners, identification of strong & weak points of existing TT mechanisms

    and lessons learned.

    Next, a brief description of the partners who have collaborated in this


    Agenzia Regionale per la Tecnologia e lInnovazione (ARTI)

    ARTI is the Regional Agency of Technology and Innovation of Apulia. The

    activity performed by ARTI - based on the fundamental role played by

    Research and Innovation to achieve economic growth and social cohesion it

    is part of a more comprehensive strategy of economic development pursued

    by Region Apulia and it's addressed to promote, stimulate and meet the

    needs for innovation and retraining of human resources, local enterprises

    and production systems.

    The Regional Agency of Technology and Innovation of Apulia was established

    with the objective of promoting and consolidating the SIR (System of

    Regional Innovation), i. e. the networking of public and private players

    implementing common strategies. Its main tasks are: promoting regional

    innovativeness and competitiveness strategies; favouring the relationsbetween science and industry and between science and society; supporting

    the innovativeness of enterprises; favouring the networking of all the

    players of the regional R&D system at international level.

    National Hellenic Research Foundation (NHRF)

    The National Hellenic Research Foundation (NHRF) is a multidisciplinaryResearch Centre of Region Attica. Its purpose is the organisation, finance

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    and support of high-level research projects in the humanities and the

    natural sciences.

    The Humanities Institutes cover a wide spectrum of study and research

    fields in Greek history and culture, contributing substantially and critically

    to the knowledge and promotion of Greek identity.

    The Natural Sciences Institutes perform basic and applied research in

    leading edge areas of science such as health, pharmaceuticals,

    environment, biotechnology and new materials. They develop innovative

    methods for solving complex problems facing Greek industry and they

    provide specialised services and know-how both to the public and private


    The NHRF is governed by the Board of Directors and the Central

    Administration under the Director/Chairman of the Board.

    The Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH)

    The Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH), is one of the

    largest research centres in Greece with well organized facilities and highly

    qualified personnel. It functions under the supervision of the General

    Secretariat for Research and Technology of the Hellenic Ministry of

    Development and consists of seven Research Institutes located throughout

    Greece: Heraklion, Rethymnon, Patras and Ioannina. The Foundation'sheadquarters are located in Heraklion, Crete.

    The research and technological directions of the Foundation cover major

    areas of scientific, social, and economic interest, such as: Computer

    Sciences, Molecular Biology, Lasers, Telecommunications, Medical

    Engineering, Microelectronics, Robotics, Biotechnology, Materials, Chemical

    and Biological Engineering, Applied and Computational Mathematics,

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    Biomedical Technologies, Bioinformatics as well as Historical and Cultural


    Over the years, FORTH has become one of the top European research

    centres, thanks to its high impact research results and its valuable

    socioeconomic contribution.

    Mediterrane Technologies (MT)

    Mditerrane Technologies is incorporated as a nonprofit organization under

    the French 1901 Law. MT is the regional coordinator of the innovation

    network and is financed mainly by Regional and ERDF funds and national

    funds (10%). The Regional Innovation Network (RIN) is the group of the

    various institutions and organizations in charge of coaching and delivering

    services to SME. As an example, a member of the RIN could be an incubator,

    a cluster, a technical center, a Business Angel Association or a financing

    company or agency. The list of members of the PACA RIN is available from

    the web site at the following address: www.pacainnovation.com. The RIN

    delivers services to SME ranging from IP diagnostic or sales plan to

    internationalization business plan for products or services.

    Beside the activity of PACA RIN coordinator, MT is also the EEN (Enterprise

    Europe Network) consortium coordinator for 3 regions of southern France:

    PACA, Languedoc-Roussillon and Corsica. MT organize and participate into

    SME to SME brokerage events and MT does not manage any funds or grants(except for small amounts within the context of patent registration or

    prototype finalization) and is not involved in the process of technology

    transfer between public (or private) research and the industry.

    Innovation and Technology Transfer Centre of Andaluca (CITAndaluca)

    The Innovation and Technology Transfer Centre of Andaluca - CITAndalucais a public company that depends of the Regional Ministry of Innovation

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    Science and Technology of the Regional Government of Andalusia. Is the

    main technical partner in the current Andalusian node of the Enterprise

    Europe Network, CESEAND (Centre of Services for European Affairs in

    Andalusian) and their most important contribution is planning and main

    technical support for technology brokerage and technology transfer

    activities: participation and organisation of brokerage events, company

    visits, detection of technology profiles, evaluation of RTD projects,

    preparation and diffusion of newsletter and e-bulletins.

    CITAndaluca carries out a series of activities and offers a range of

    customized and agile services centred in two main areas:

    The promotion of Technology and Knowledge Transfer in Andalusia

    Increasing the Andalusian participation in European R&D and

    Innovation Programmes

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    The preparation of this toolkit is one of the main activities contained in the

    first phase of the MET3 project and the TT support mechanisms described in

    it are the main tools used by the partners to carry out their TT activities.

    This manual describes the main good practices identified by CITAndaluca in

    several Mediterranean regions with diverse typologies: Crete, Apulia, Attica,

    Provence-Alpes-Cte d'Azur (PACA) and Andalusia.

    Synergies and complementarities with other networks and initiatives (such

    as former IRCs, now Enterprise Europe Network) will be described in order

    to position the MET3 project and create a common ground on technology

    transfer approaches in MED.

    This point covers the activities and good practices and the best good

    practices carried out by the regions of Crete, Apulia, Attica, Provence-

    Alpes-Cte d'Azur (PACA) and Andalusia.

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    2.1Good Practices

    The more important activities to foster and obtain Technology Transfer in

    the Mediterranean Area are:

    Dissemination of Technology Offers and Technology Requests.

    Inventory of Technology Offers and Technology Requests.

    Matching between Technology Offers and Technology Requests.

    Follow-up of the results of the Technology Transfers.

    Fostering meetings between Universities/Research Centres and


    Programmes to help finance and promote Technology Transfer


    Giving advice in IPR and contractual issues

    To carry out these activities all the partners of this task are members of

    Transnational networks same as:

    Enterprise Europe Network (FORTH, ARTI,PACA and CITAndaluca)

    ProTon Europe (ARTI, NHRF)

    ASTP-Association of European Science and Technology Transfer

    Professionals (NHRF)

    IRC-Innovation Relay Centres Network(NHRF)

    The main target groups of the different members are:

    Universities/Research Centres


    Other organisations (other than Universities, RTOs, companies) as

    potential end users of technology.

    To achieve the technology transfer in their regions, FORTH, ARTI, NHRF,

    PACA and CITAndaluca collaborate with public organizations, companies,

    RTD, and centres.

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    Dissemination of Technology Offers and Technology Requests

    To disseminate, in terms of the field of innovation, means to broadcast

    technology offers and requests to the technical public. The different

    Mediterranean regions develop this action by the following way:


    The European Enterprise Network and the Innovation Observatory are the

    main channels through which ARTI achieves the dissemination of Technology

    Offers and Requests.

    In particular, the Innovation Observatory allows the diffusion of specialised

    information on the issues and experiences related to research and

    development, innovation and technology transfer. The programme offers a

    support for the development of the Regional Technology Transfer Network

    and for the exploitation of research results.

    The production of reports for each technology sector responds to the

    information need about competences, opportunities and relevant research

    results available in the regional system on one side and about the

    enterprises innovation needs in relation to production, services and

    processes to the other side.

    A first level of interaction between technology demand and offer is

    achieved also by the organization of public events where the study results

    are presented to the stakeholders interested.

    The toolsthey use are the following:

    Paper edition distributed during the public events and eventually onrequest

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    Online contents available on the ARTI web site.

    Newsletter to targeted mailing lists.

    Other Enterprise Europe Network information tools.


    They make this activity through target mailing, personal contact,

    publications. Extensive presentation and promotion of highlight incoming

    technology offers as Technology of the Month in specialised technical

    magazines. Active promotion of selected Technology Offers and Technology

    Requests to potentially interested clients.

    Tool used

    Monthly newsletter, collaboration with third party technical magazines.


    The European Enterprise Network is the main channel through which MT

    achieves the dissemination of Technology Offers (TO) and Requests (TR). MT

    does not have any other specific tool to disseminate the information.

    However, they will see below that MT is organizing on a regular basis

    specific event to match TO and TRs.


    They make possible the action of dissemination of technology offers and

    technology requests through of:

    Technological bulletins. They make this bulletin with TOs and TRs of the

    Enterprise Europe Network. CITAndaluca is the Andalusian node of the

    Enterprise Europe Network.

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    With all technology profiles of the participants of TTAndaluca

    (Technology transfer event) CITAndaluca prepares the Catalogue of the

    Event that includes the current technology offers and technology

    requests of the corresponding sector in Andalusia and makes the

    dissemination between the participants of the event.

    Target mailing and personal contact.

    Inventory of Technology Offers and Technology Requests

    Each Mediterranean region develops an accountancy and characterization of

    all the innovative resources, in terms of innovative companies, innovation

    projects and technology offers/requests.


    Within the Bridgeconomies Consortium, ARTI offers intelligence services to

    assess research laboratories and SMEs needs and opportunities. This activity

    is managed also with the support given by the Regional Technology Transfer


    Besides, the Agency carries out a specific program called Innovation

    Observatory that aims at mapping the regional innovation and technology

    demand/offer as well as supporting their effective interaction.

    ARTI has developed a methodology within the Innovation Observatory to

    support the most effective interactions between technology offer and

    demand. With this purpose, the Agency is conducting a detailed analysis on

    innovation and research needs at the regional system level. Then, further

    analysis is covering the exploration of competences and opportunities

    offered by the regional scientific system.

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    Besides, the relevant information acquired is organized by developing a

    technology profile for each stakeholder involved. When specific technology

    offers and requests can be detected, these are introduced into the

    European Enterprise Network.

    Further, the TT Network relies on the development of a shared regional

    technology database.

    Tools used

    Technology Audits.

    Company visits.

    EEN information tools (First Class).


    FORTH make possible the inventory thank of the evaluation of the portfolio

    of the Enterprise Europe Network and selection of the Technology Offers

    and Requests that best fit the needs of their local clients.

    Uploading of the selected TOs and TRs in their website and creation of the

    local TO and TR portfolio.

    Tool used:

    Their online CRM tool provides all the infrastructure needed for the TO and

    TR database.

    They have developed and maintain their own Customer Relation

    Management tool which is an online database containing all data concerning

    their clientele and also our TT interaction with them.

    They have developed flow charts for all processes occurring in the

    framework of their TT operation and TT interaction with their clients. The

    process flow charts are mainly used for purposes of training new staff. Everyactivity, transaction and service provided to their clientele is recorded on a

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    daily basis in the online CRM tool. The CRM tools also have information on

    events and participation by their clients.

    The CRM tool is designed so as to:

    Track easily all available information on clients / TT cases.

    Provide information useful for follow-up.

    Easily obtain data for reporting.

    This tool is the most important internal management tool developed by

    FORTH to carry out all their technology transfer activities


    The Andalusian Technological Resources Inventory (IRTA) develops an

    accountancy and characterization of all the innovative resources in

    Andalusian, in terms of innovative companies, innovation projects and

    technology offers/requests. Thanks to IRTA, CITAndaluca is able to:

    Know what companies and are innovating and their typology.

    Know how these companies are developing these innovations.

    Find common interests between the companies.

    The inventory must be developed and maintained as a systematical and well

    structured process; a good planning and coordination between all the agents

    involved is required.

    The different sources for the inventory to acquire information would be

    identified and, if possible, automated.

    CITAndaluca mainly uses interviews and phone calls, in a semi automatic

    process to insert the information into the database.

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    CITAndalucas information update process is continuous. The information is

    stored or updated whenever it gets to CITAndaluca.

    The inventory would be managed by software and a database that must be

    defined in this stage. CITAndalucas inventory software also does electronic

    mailing to advice the firms for technology offers/demands and events that

    might match their interests.

    Matching between Technology Offers and Technology Requests.

    After knowing the TOs and TRs, we need to make an analysis of the

    technology transfer opportunities of each region.


    ARTI achieves a professional and organized matching activity of Technology

    Offers and Technology Requests through the Bridgeconomies Consortium

    (Business Relays for Innovation and Development of Growing Economies) as

    partner of the Enterprise European Network.

    Also, the Agency relies on the support given by the Regional Technology

    Transfer Network on matching activities.

    Within the Bridgeconomies Consortium, ARTI offers listening services toassess SMEs needs, promotes the development of industry networks,

    encourages the participation to EU Programmes and proposes brokerage and

    consultancy services to innovative companies.

    The Regional TT Network counts on the technology transfer offices within

    regional universities and other public research institutions where front

    office personnel is available for supporting clients (researchers andenterprises) in matching their TO/TR.

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    Tools used

    Automatic Matching Tool

    Partnering events:

    Match making seminars organized in Apulia and outside the region

    where technology offers and requests are presented to potential


    Brokerage events at European scale focused on selected themes and

    aimed at achieving a link between potential partners and producing

    a TO/TR catalogue;

    Company Missions as guided meetings between entrepreneurs of

    different countries.

    Access to a TO/TR database through the Regional TT Network front



    They achieve this action Search for suitable TOs and TRs in the Enterprise

    Europe Network database that could match the TRs and TOs (respectively)

    of their clients.

    Sector- and keyword-based search after communication with client and

    specification of the desired outcome. Search and matching are custom-made

    according to the clients needs and no automatic tools are used. Good

    communication and cooperation with the client and exact identification of

    their needs and competencies is crucial for a successful match. A custom

    made manual search is ideal, because it allows as exact as possible match

    with the needs of the client.

    They do not use an automatic tool (such as the AMT used by the Enterprise

    Europe Network) because it is not intelligent enough to find good matches

    for their client's needs other than keyword match. Then, They useEnterprise Europe Network intranet website and database.

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    Matching between TO and TR is done through the EEN network. However,

    MT organizes (see below) on a regular basis events to do the matching

    between companies (95% of the event) or research labs and companies (less

    than 5% of the meetings). MT and EEN partners are conducting interviews

    with SME in order to identify more precisely their need. The structure of the

    regional economy through clusters helps a lot to identify the key players and

    put them in relation with other partners.


    MASTRIX is a strategic tool which analyses technology transfer opportunities

    in a specific region or country.

    It includes and relates the technology offers of the Innovation and

    Technology Centres, University Research Groups, and other entities and

    matches them with the technology requests detected in Andaluca.

    MASTRIX is able to show a cross-linked range of technologies and industrialsectors of relevance, coupled with a second layer representing levels of

    technological development and needs within the regional SME and R&D

    Centres base.

    Among others, MASTRIX has the following features:

    Weaknesses and opportunities analysis for the innovation system;

    Strategies and priorities design for technology policy actions;

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    MASTRIX was awarded with Best Good Practice 2005 at the Innovation

    Relay Centre Networks tenth anniversary. This Best Good Practice

    award was elected by the network among 48 candidates.

    CITAndaluca carries out a register of all the Innovation Activity Entities,

    these are all the entities that have proved an innovation activity as a result

    of having an innovation project, or an innovation profile (element of

    identification, validation and exchange of technology offers and technology

    requests as defined by the European Commission and used in CITAndaluca

    for TT events, technology audits, Enterprise Europe Network offers and

    demands) or an industrial property.

    This information is coded using the Codification Systems defined by the

    European Commission that ensures the potential comparison with the

    European information:

    SIC Codes (Subject Index Codes) to define technologies

    VEIC Codes (Venture Economics Industry Codes) to define sectors

    Mastrix tool reads the Innovation Activity Entities database and displays a

    matrix report. The Mastrix report shows to figures for each of its elements,

    these are related to the technology offers and the technology requests in a

    particular sector, specifically:

    Having a technology offer, we can know the technology that has been

    developed and market sector of application

    Giving a technology request, we can know the activity sector which is

    making the demand, and the technology that is required

    An algorithm calculates the offers and demands that best match, and

    exploits all the information using a temporal variable that allows to analyse

    the information in a prospective way.

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    Fostering meetings between Universities/Research Centers and



    ARTI is committed in a day to day job to facilitating meetings between

    research institutions and companies, through its frontline staff personnel

    and relationship network within the region. The Agency is also engaged in

    organizing regional and national events with the specific purpose of creating

    opportunities for research and industry to meet.

    They close cooperation with the technology providers and the innovation

    stakeholders of the region: universities, research centers, test laboratories,

    high tech companies, intermediaries, technology parks, incubators,

    professional associations, etc.

    Tools used

    Innovation Festival: a regional event with exhibitions, conferences and

    workshops, that aims at showing to the public and regional, national and

    foreign stakeholders the activities of the Regional Innovation System, thetechnological clusters, the new high tech companies, patents and results of

    regional research.

    National Road Show: calendar of public events to present to national

    stakeholders updated report of the regional innovation system.

    Innovation Club: organization of meeting introduced by guest speakers withthe goal of creating a chance to meet and compare experiences of regional

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    women and men working in industries, universities, research centers and

    public authorities.

    Regional Technology Transfer Network intermediary services.


    The Technology Transfer Office of the National Hellenic Research

    Foundation organises working-group meeting between research institutes,

    enterprises and, in some cases, SME unions in order to explore the

    possibility of collaboration on a common ground / technologies.

    The Technology Transfer Office of the National Hellenic Research

    Foundation organises working-group meetings between research institutes,

    enterprises and, in some cases, SME unions in order to explore the

    possibility of collaboration on a common ground / technologies.

    The methodology used for identifying common interests such as requests of

    specific technologies (on behalf of enterprises / private sectors) and

    technology offers (on behalf of research institutes) constitutes of the

    following steps:


    One-on-one interviews with researchers in order to identifytechnologies that have been developed within the research

    institutes borders and further definition of areas of interest.

    b. One-on-one interviews with personnel from enterprises and

    SME unions in order to identify technology needs and define their

    main key areas of interest.

    c. Inserting all relevant material and results driven from the

    interviews into an internal database in order to clearly filter-outkey areas of interest and create a map of potential partnerships.

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    d. Organise working-group meetings in order to bring together

    and establish a communication bridge between research

    institutes, enterprises and SME unions in order to exchange

    information, share of ideas, identify common areas of interest and

    explore the possibility of creating a fruitful collaboration between

    actors (technology providers and technology receivers).

    Tools used

    One-on-one semi structured interviews

    Internal Database for recording and filtering potential partners

    Working-group roundtable meetings between potential partners


    They organise meetings of researchers with companies on demand.


    Again, the main actions are conducted to foster technology transfer

    between companies (mainly SMEs). EEN consortium and MT organize 3 types

    of meeting:

    1) Matching meeting organized in the PACA Region. Usually the EEN

    event piggy back on a thematic event (Few examples: Nuclear

    Industry in May 08, Aerospace in Oct09, Agro Food in Dec09, Solar

    Energy in May10, ...) EEN advertise through the Network but also

    through the specific cluster (according to the industry sector) and

    collect registration of SME and prepare one to one meeting during

    the thematic event (convention, workshop, trade show, ...). Most

    of the matching meetings are SME to SME, however sometimes

    research institute may participate to the matching event (it wasthe case in Oct09 for the aerospace matching event).

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    2) Matching meetings organized outside PACA (mostly abroad) with the

    support of local EEN and in collaboration with PACA development

    agencies. For instance, EEN organize one to one matching meeting

    at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. A similar event was

    organized in Greece in 2008. PACA SME registers for the matching

    event and get special conditions to travel to the country where the

    matching event takes place. At the same time they are able to

    meet with local research organization.

    3)Matching meeting organized on demand by MT. SME is identified by a

    cluster and has a specific request as they would like to meet a

    technology partner abroad. MT together with EEN partner and the

    consortium partners organize a meeting in the EU country targeted

    by the company.

    Thanks to the cluster structure and policy in PACA it is quite easy to identify

    the SME and research labs by industry sector. Most of the actions organized

    by EEN targeting innovative companies are organized in collaboration with

    the cluster governance.

    Programmes to help finance and promote Technology Transfer projects.

    To achieve a better collaboration of the companies and research groups inthe innovation activity of the Mediterranean area, each Region develops a

    method to promote innovative projects of the entities.


    ARTI is in charge of designing and managing, on behalf of the Regional

    Authority, the interventions to finance the patent production and the spinoff creation by regional public research institutes.

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    The Agency may also provide brokerage services for technology and

    knowledge transfer, partnership building and access to private equity.

    ARTI is also involved in fostering the circulation of information and raising

    awareness regarding innovation policies, legislations and support programs.

    Their methodology is:

    Exchanging best practices with other regions

    Maintaining relationships with venture capitalists and other investors.

    Monitoring the finance opportunities available in the market as well as

    in the public sector (FP7, national and other regional support programs).

    Tools used

    ARTI offers Vouchers which partially cover costs of international

    extension procedures for patents owned by universities and services for

    the establishment and growth of academic spin off.

    Organization of the first regional business plan competition dedicated to

    innovative business ideas spinning out of scientific research


    Identify clients needs, search for funding opportunities and provide custom-

    made information individually to each interested client. Provide support and

    assistance with the participation procedures. Publication of funding

    opportunities in their newsletter and active promotion of selected items

    individually to clients.

    Use of their own CRM tool, monthly newsletter, NCP network partners,



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    As said before MT does not manage funds. Therefore, there is no possibility

    for MT to foster TT in PACA. However, and it was mentioned above, MT

    manages a small voucher program to finance patent registering. The main

    target is non innovative SME who would like to register a patent for an

    invention developed in their R&D department.


    CITAndaluca promotes a Public Programme to promote and foster

    Technology Transfer projects in Andalusia by awarding those regional

    intermediary Agents that have facilitated a Technology Transfer Agreement.

    It is called the TRANSFER PROGRAM.

    Object ives:

    Develop and foster a structure to facilitate relationships between

    Andalusian Agents involved in the Science Technology Enterprise

    System by means of collaboration through RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT and

    INNOVATION: License Agreement, Technological Cooperation, Joint

    Ventures, Commercial Agreement with Technical Assistance

    Increase the number of Andalusian entities involved in Technology

    Transfer Operations, offering or requesting a certain technology,

    focusing particularly International ones.

    How i t works:

    (I) Publication of the call & Request of documentation (15 days)

    Once the call is open, organisations interested in participating

    must request the documentation.

    (II) Expression of Interest (EOI) from those entities interested in

    joining the program (1 month)

    Organisations interested must send the document EOI signed by their legal representative.

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    (III) Sign of the Transfer Protocols.

    After all EOI are processed and only the valid organisations are

    requested to sign the Protocol to join the Programme:


    (IV) Submit the projects.

    Intermediary organisations have 2 months to submit those

    projects in which they have given technical advice according to

    the terms of the call.

    (V) Evaluation and Results. (1 month)

    Projects are evaluated and final results are sent to every

    Intermediary organisation.

    (VI) Financial Issues. Send the invoice. (1 month)

    Intermediaries will receive 3.000 for every project that

    they have been awarded.

    An invoice for the total amount must be sent to

    CITAndaluca to receive the money.

    Tools used

    Spreadsheet templates designed to filling on the forms in order to

    automate the creation of a database with all the projects information.

    Spreadsheet templates designed to provide an easier and more

    homogeneous evaluation of the projects quality.

    Giving advice in IPR and contractual issues.

    Each Mediterranean region provides support to its research groups and

    companies on issues of both intellectual (I.P) and industrial property rights



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    ARTI relies on the support given by the Regional Technology Transfer

    Network where professionals working in the technology transfers offices

    within regional universities and other public research institutions may offer

    advice and consultancy services on IPR and contractual issues.

    ARTI is involved in the capacitating of technology transfer professional

    working in the offices, offering those training opportunities and assistance.

    Tools used

    Front offices services.

    Open workshops within PROs on intellectual property issues, with the

    goal of improving awareness among researchers on the importance of

    disclosing and protecting the results of their research efforts and derive

    some value (both economic and relational) from their work.

    Staff personnel of the Agency and the Regional Technology Transfer

    Network offering one to one first level consultancy services.


    The Technology Transfer Office of the National Hellenic Research

    Foundation provides support to its researchers on issues of both intellectual

    (I.P) and industrial property rights protection. In order to provide more

    effective and up-to-date information, the Technology Office collaborates

    with external experts (major lawyer brand with expertise on IP rights) while

    it has established important collaborations with relevant organisations, both

    at National (Hellenic Industrial Property Organisation) and International

    Level (EPO-European Patent Office, IPR Helpdesk), for better monitoring the

    international scene.

    The Technology Transfer Office has developed and published the Good

    Practices Guide on Management & Commercial Exploitation of IP fromsynergies between Public & Private Sector, which considered being the

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    bible, covering a variety of themes relevant to IP rights. Although the

    above Guide has been developed according to the latest legislative texts, it

    does not substitute them but can be used as a reference document or may

    be the starting point of further actions.

    Moreover, the Technology Transfer Office has successfully organised

    seminars on Intellectual Property Protection in which several external

    experts from both National (Hellenic Industrial Property Organisation) and

    International (EPO-European Patent Office, IPR Helpdesk) Organisations

    have been invited in order to provide researchers with key information. The

    above activity is concerned to be the key

    Tools used

    Dedicated web-space on the Technology Office Official Website with latest

    news and documents concerning I.P.R.


    Assist with the basics of IPR and contractual issues of technology transfer.

    Signposting to local collaborating organisations and professionals for further


    Organize seminars on IPR issues targeted to specific groups/discipline

    Useful because: Raise awareness on possibilities of technology exploitation

    Constitutes the initial steps to technology exploitation

    Facilitate the process of technology exploitation

    Tools used

    Local network of collaborating professionals.


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    Regional Clusters (who are also members of RIN) had recently organize

    specific event around collaborative projects and how partners could protect

    their own interest or invention if they are involved into projects together

    with large industries, SME, research labs or research institutes.

    Technology Transfer Event

    A TT Event consists on the celebration of bilateral meetings between

    entities based on their technology profiles. There are different types of

    these events in the Mediterranean Regions:


    Regional Innovation Fair: Represents an important annual event where the

    regional research results and excellences are displayed and offered to the

    national market. It is difficult to obtain higher involvement from the


    Venture Contests:The real value for Apulia start up companies is offered by

    the assessment procedure from a panel of experts in the financial field. The

    chance to receive funding from investors at the end of the contest remains



    Organization of TT events in Crete and assistance for participation of

    Cretan entities in TT events abroad:

    Organization of thematic Brokerage Events

    Organization of incoming company missions

    Organization of outgoing company missions

    Co-organise Brokerage events abroad

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    Technology Transfer events are among the activities that can facilitate TT

    with the greater success:

    1. Bring together parties with real interest in collaboration;

    2. Thematic and focused events which multiply probabilities of reaching


    3. Face to face talks between parties are a lot more efficient


    The Technology Transfer Office of the National Hellenic Research

    Foundation organises working-group meeting between research institutes,

    enterprises and, in some cases, SME unions in order to explore the

    possibility of collaboration on a common ground / technologies.

    TTO organises working-group meetings in order to bring together and

    establish a communication bridge between research institutes, enterprises

    and SME unions in order to exchange information, share of ideas, identify

    common areas of interest and explore the possibility of creating a fruitful

    collaboration between actors (technology providers and technology


    More than 35 partnerships between NHRFs research groups and companies


    See above (fostering TT)

    Beside EEN action, MT as one of the Trans2Tech project, organized aEuropean conference in Aix en Provence named: Driving Innovation from

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    Science to Business. This one day conference gathered in 2008 more than

    100 specialists of TT coming from all over EU.


    This practice includes the following activities:

    Inventory of Technology Offers and Technology Requests.

    Matching between Technology Offers and Technology Requests.

    Follow-up of the results of the Technology Transfers.

    Fostering meetings between Universities/Research Centers and


    Programmes to help finance and promote Technology Transfer


    Giving advice in IPR and contractual issues.

    The mission of TTAndaluca is to promote and strengthen Industry Science

    relationships in order to fill in the gap and promote a better use of the

    public R&D financing opportunities.

    The four organizers of all the events are in charge of different tasks:

    IDEA and RETA are responsible for companies participation, detecting

    technology requests/offers.

    ROA is responsible for the research groups participation, detecting

    technology offers.

    CITAndaluca acts as intermediary between them all working as the

    general coordinator, managing TTAndaluca web site and coordinating

    the rest of the organizers.

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    A TT Event consists on the celebration of bilateral meetings between

    research groups and companies based on their technology profiles.

    2.2Best Practices


    The Regional Network of Technology Transfer Off ices from Publ ic

    Resear ch Or ganizat ions.

    It is a practice started in 2007 in the Apulia region which had just succeeded

    an assessment procedure held this year by the regional Government.

    Therefore, it will continue to operate with some further tools and targets

    until the next assessment deadline of 2013.

    It is aimed at increasing the value of the whole set of applied research

    projects occurring in the regional public research system, where the latter

    accounts for the majority of R&D and innovation expenditures undertaken in

    Apulia compared to the private research sector.

    The network is implementing several tools that foster the involvement of

    the main actors committed in technology transfer (triple helix model:

    institutions, academy and industry) and allow the implementation of

    common practices among them.

    In particular, the most appropriate tools are selected in order to exploit the

    IPR developed by research centers, improve their capability to achieve

    successful agreements with the industry and support the creation of new hi

    tech start up and spin off companies.

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    General impact on the regional system of innovation:

    Increase in overall technology transfer performances.

    Improve the valorisation of research results.

    Better awareness on IPR issues by researchers.

    Larger commitment in matching the innovation and technology offer

    with demand.

    Some quantitative outcomes related to the year 2008:

    Establishment of a complex network starting to operate with n.6 nodes

    represented by the Technology Transfer Offices of n.4 public

    universities (Universit di Bari, Politecnico di Bari, Universit del

    Salento,Universit di Foggia), n.1 private university (LUM) and by a

    coordinator (ARTI).

    Development of an organizational model.

    Implementation of common operational tools (information and

    communication tools, regulations and praxis).

    Improvement of specialized competences by personnel (64 hours of


    Implementation of several research exploitation tools (defeasance

    clauses, option contracts, licensing contracts, material transfer

    agreements, non disclosure agreements, procedures for licensing, etc.)

    and a guideline for the negotiation of research results.

    Realization of n.39 tutorials to researchers within Universities on IPR

    and technology transfer issues.

    Support to the international deposit of n.33 new patents filed by the

    Universities involved in the network.

    Support to the creation of n.11 new spin off companies and the

    development of n.7 existing ones.

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    Organization of a business plan competition (n.50 entrepreneurial

    groups involved) and an investment contest for innovative start up

    companies (n.12 start up selected).

    Organization of a three days event named Innovation Fair (13000 square

    metres exhibition; n.100 exhibitors; more than 4500 visitors; more than

    2000 high school students; about 500 speakers to a total of n. 150

    workshops and conferneces; n. 40 prototypes displayed).


    It is not easy to distinguish between tools and activities which may run in

    parallel and interact with each other. There is also a selection of active

    tools and methods (e.g. Promotion of profiles and TT events) which

    facilitate directly Technology Transfer and more passive tools (e.g. CMS

    Tool) which may not directly assist in TT, but are of great help to the

    practitioners of TT. All activities described in this questionnaire are of great

    importance to (T)TT.

    We would single out two of them as the ones with the greater direct impact:

    1. In terms of absolute numbers and statistics the clear winner is the

    combined tool of Dissemination of Technology Offers and Technology

    Requests and Matching between Technology Offers and Technology

    Requests. The key elements for this activity are:

    The careful selection of profiles to be disseminated based on quality of


    Very careful matching of profiles to client's activities. Done on a client

    to client and not on a profile to profile basis.

    Continuous communication with the client to identify specific needs and


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    Use of expert media to disseminate monthly a profile of excellent

    quality, highly relevant to local economy.

    Follow up

    2. TT events. Brokerage events organised on the occasion of

    fairs/exhibitions and/or conferences provide a good opportunity for TT

    agreements. Also outgoing / incoming company missions provide a more

    targeted and easily manageable way to bring two interested parties

    together. Key elements for the success of such activities are:

    Identification of the theme of the event and the relevance of the needs

    and competences of clients.

    Identification of the appropriate entities for participation.

    Careful selection of the participants.

    Careful and detailed preparation of participants before the event with

    the help of the TT officer/consultant.

    Willingness of the parties to collaborate.

    Follow up

    The Best Practice among TT activities is continuous communication with the

    client, good knowledge of their needs / competences and provision of tailor-

    cut services to satisfy these needs / competences.


    In response to the low level of commercialization of R&D results, the Greek

    Ministry of Development, developed the Operational Programme

    Competitiveness 2000-2006. One of the objectives of the OP regarding

    research and technological development -which were managed and carried

    out by the General Secretariat for Research and Technology- , as a

    prerequisite for improving Greek economic competitiveness, was to support

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    research units for standardisation and commercial exploitation of research

    results (via the creation of Spin-off companies) PRAXE measure.

    More specific, the measure aimed to:

    Increase the level of commercialisation of R&D results

    Developing an environment favourable for entrepreneurial activities

    Developing co-operation between Greek universities and R&D


    The measure included two phases. In the first phase a relatively small

    amount (up to GRD 15 million) was used to finance the perfection of the

    prototype and all supplementary work (measurements, tests, studies, etc.)

    and to found the company if this has not already been done. In the second

    phase support was provided for the company that is to exploit the product.

    The second phase has been brought out in three rounds.

    The supported projects have activities in the fields of:

    Development of legal or administrative framework within universities

    and R&D institutions, which influence application of research results in

    business and creation of favourable business environment in

    universities and R&D institutions.

    Creation of spin-off enterprises, patenting, licensing policy

    development, financing and access to (international) capital markets.

    Enhancing the contract research and R&D-related cooperation

    improvement of exchange of information and co-operation between

    local and international partners.

    The PRAXE measure was financed by EU structural funds, the private sector

    and the Greek government.

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    During the first round of the second phase of the measure 16 projects were

    approved, at the second round also 16 projects were approved and at the

    third 4 projects were approved. A sum of 36 spin-off companies was

    established, of which 16 were set up in the region of.

    A new program has been announced by GSRT regarding the creation

    support to new innovative enterprises, notably highly knowledge intensive

    (spin off and spin out) and it will be carried out within the period 2009-

    2011. 33 projects for the establishment and/or growth of spin off and spin

    out firms shall be supported with the budget available.


    ValorPACA is an organization that makes the interface between the

    university research lab and the industry and packages the TO in order to

    make it available in a more understandable way for the industry. Therefore,

    ValorPACA has contact with both research labs (mixed units from university

    and National Scientific Research Center) on one side and with the industry

    on the other side. The objective of ValorPACA is to mutualism the efforts

    made by the TTO of the 6 universities of PACA and increase the quality level

    of proposals coming from research labs in PACA. During 2009 ValorPACA

    spent 2.3M used to mature 23 projects through patenting process and

    market studies (www.valorpaca.fr). 1.5M of the 2.3 were used to supportthe maturing of projects and creation of spin offs from the university.

    Beside the National Scientific Research Center and the universities, large

    research institutes like INRA (Agro-Food), INRIA (ICT), INSERM (Health), CEA

    (Nuclear Energy) have their TTO.


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    TTAndaluca is a work methodology established by CITAndaluca and three

    relevant agents of the Innovation System with the aim of joining and leading

    forces to get the best use of the large public investments made in R&D and

    Innovation by the Industrial Sector in Andalusia. This work methodology


    The detection of the specific sectors/subsectors of activity where it is

    necessary to stimulate innovation and technology transfer,

    And, acting on them through specialized technology transfer events in

    which, thanks to the synergy between the organizers, we bring entities

    with potential for collaboration together, provide more adequate public

    funding for their projects and give advice to ensure a good project


    The mission of TTAndaluca is to promote and strengthen Industry Science

    relationships in order to fill in the gap and promote a better use of the

    public R&D financing opportunities.

    There are four agents involved in TTAndaluca that has been conveniently


    Agencia IDEA: Agency for Innovation and Development of Andalusia.

    RETA: Technological Network of Andalusia.

    Red OTRI Andaluca, ROA: Andalusian Network of Research Results

    Transfer Offices.

    CITAndaluca: Innovation and Technology Transfer Centre of Andalusia.

    These four agents depend of the Regional Ministry of Innovation, Science

    and Enterprise of the Regional Government of Andalusia.

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    The added value of this initiative is the use of synergies between the

    agents involved. Each agent was created by the Regional Ministry of

    Innovation, Science and Enterprise with a different mission but with the

    same objective: to foster Innovation in Andalusia, and this initiativejointhe

    services offered by them, giving a coordinate answer to Andalusian

    companies and research groups in Technology Transfer and Innovation


    The tools used in TTAndaluca are:

    www.ttandalucia.com This is TTAndaluca web site. Each TT Event has

    its own web page on this site. On the website of a TT Event, users can

    register, add a profile, view technology profiles of the catalogue and

    select those profiles that interest them.

    GeoP It is a tool that belongs to CITAndaluca. CITAndaluca use this

    tool to make the dissemination of each TT Event.

    Meeting Planner Its a software developed of the Enterprise Europe

    Network. CITAndaluca use this software to make the agendas for


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    The Mediterranean countries have developed their own strategy for

    technology transfer. In the different regions there are some actions to

    achieve the process of diffusing research results on the market.

    This manual has included the good and the best practices in the

    Mediterranean area, describing the TT activities which are carried out by

    the participating organisations.

    The manual has allowed to exchange views and experiences within other

    European regions. It has confirmed that our regional polices are going in the

    right direction and it has also provided the opportunity for local actors to

    improve their support measures for starting up creation and innovation.

    After the study of all the good and best practices in the manual, we can

    make a list of strengths and weaknesses in the Mediterranean region:

    Services in IPR

    Programmes to help finance and promote TT


    Technology Transfer Event

    Dissemination of Technology Offers and



    Promotion/Dissemination of partnership profiles

    European program Seminars / WorkshopWEAKNESSES

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    The regions of Apulia, Crete, Attica and Andalusia carry out activities to

    provide to local entities services on IPR. They organize seminars on

    Intellectual Property Protection in which several external experts from

    both National and International. Companies are invited in order to

    provide researchers with key information.

    This practice is useful because it raise awareness on possibilities of

    technology exploitation. It is the initial step to achieve the market

    exploitation of the technology.

    In the Med area, the different organizations develop programs to help

    finance and promote Technology Transfer projects. Successful cases are:

    o All the regions identify clients needs, search funding opportunities

    and provide custom-made information individually to each interested

    client. They give support and assistance on the participation

    procedures. They make diffusion of funding opportunities in their

    newsletter and actively promote selected items individually to

    clients. All of them use their CRM tool, monthly newsletter, NCP

    network partners, CORDIS.

    o All regions provide services that have direct effects on spin-off

    creation and development.


    The specific goals of the programs are to convert knowledge into

    innovative products, procedures & services and support the

    introduction of technology into enterprises and SMEs and Invest in

    enterprises that are directly linked to research & innovation.

    Technology Transfer Events is one of the most important activities to

    achieve technology transfer within a region. Different types of Technology

    Transfer events have been found:

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    o Annual events where the regional research results and excellences

    are displayed and offered to the national market.


    Workinggroup meetings between research institutes, enterprises and

    SME in order to explore the possibilities of collaboration on common


    o Thematic brokerage events (national and international)

    o Incoming company missions

    Before the dissemination of TOs and TRs, it is necessary have a good tool

    to match TOs and TRs.

    o Internal Web- Based database for managing, filtering and matching

    TOs and TRs.

    o Especially remarkable is the Andalusian region, which has developed

    a methodology for matching TO and TR that is also capable of

    obtaining strategic conclusions, boosting the innovation cycle of the

    region where it is applied. It is also used for policy definitions.

    Dissemination of Technology Offers and Technology Requestsis other

    important activity to facility possible technology transfer in the Med area.

    This activity consists of:

    o Active promotion of selected TOs and TRs to potentially interested


    o Promotion through targeted mailing, personal contact and



    It cannot be said that the Mediterranean region, as a whole, has got any

    weakness in terms of technology transfer, since all the regions have

    implemented interesting and useful practices for improving the technology

    transfer in its influence area.

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    Nevertheless, we can find that there is a group of practices that have been

    applied in a lower term by the regions, or even not applied. Since this

    cannot be considered a weakness, it is recommended that these practices

    are spreaded through all the regions, since they can provide new tools and

    also a new perspective to the knowledge and technological needs of the

    regions, and making this way a better understanding of it.

    Mediterranean regions need to increase their efforts to promote

    European programs between their regional companies and research groups:


    Organizating Info-days on FP7 during every cycle of calls proposals.

    Info-days are important for early dissemination of information on just

    announced open calls and a good opportunity for networking with EU


    o Organizing European program seminars and workshops joined to the

    Technology transfer event. This seminar greatly facilitates the

    creation of consortia for submission of projects proposals and the

    promotion or diffusion of partnership profiles.

    Provide advice and support for the creation of spin-off companies to

    researchers for the exploitation of innovative and exploitable technologies.

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    For further information:

    European Service Network: www.esn.be

    Innova Europe: www.innova-europe.lu

    Intrasoft Internacional: www.intrasoft-intl.com

    Strategic Information Management Services:


    The Practice Development Institute: www.pdiblobal.com

    Enterprise Europe Network: http://www.enterprise-europe-network.ec.europa.eu/info/network_en.htm

    CESEAND: www.ceseand.net

    IPR Helpdesk: www.ipr-helpdesk.org

    European Regions Research and Innovation Network: www.errin.eu/en/

    Partnerships for Research and Innovation (UK):


    Open Innovation: www.openinnovation.net
