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MediWales Directory 2009

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MediWales Annual Review and Directory 2009
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annual review and directory 2009


Page 2: MediWales Directory 2009

The Manufacturing Engineering Centre has

a history of leading edge research in key

areas of advanced manufacturing

technology and product development. Its

80-strong team has an enviable track record

of collaboration with industry,

and has been awarded a number

of major prizes. The Centre houses one

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manufacturing and IT in Europe, supporting

industry throughout Wales, and beyond.

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technologies, making them available to Welsh industry.

Commercial applications for the Centre’s expertise and

facilities are spread across all aspects of design and

manufacturing. Most recently the MEC has invested £2 million

to establish the first R&D facilities in the UK dedicated to the

manufacture of micro-tooling & fabrication.

ExpertiseThe MEC has developed an international reputation for its

leading edge research in areas such as rapid manufacturing,

high-speed automation and intelligent control, robotics,

quality engineering, and enterprise information

management. The MEC has an established

professional Project Management system, which it

applies to all industrial projects. The system

ensures that milestones are achieved and

is sufficiently flexible to allow every

project to benefit from the entire

resources and expertise

that is to be found

within MEC.

The MEC offers specialist services

for technology transfer, consultancy

and research in the following areas:

● Rapid prototyping (SLA, SLS, FDM, Jet-modelling)

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● Rapid metal casting

● CAD modelling and concept refinement

● Injection moulding

● Micro-fabrication and micro-tooling

● Precision measurement

● Reverse engineering

● State-of-the-art CNC machining

● Laser milling

● Automated visual inspection

● Automation and robotics

Manufacturing Engineering CentreCardiff University,

PO Box 925, Cardiff CF24 0YF

T: 029 2087 4641E: [email protected]


The LEADING EDGEin manufacturingtechnology and product development

Page 3: MediWales Directory 2009

annual review and directory 2009

Now well into a new financial year, our Annual Review and Directory looks back atthe year’s activities, and summarises our goals for the future.

This annual edition marks the beginning of the publishing year for the MediWalesReview: working hand-in-hand with our events programme, thesecommunications channel vital and current information to our members.

In the Review we’re able to address issues of importance to everyone in thebioscience and medical technology sectors, exploring the projects and productsundertaken by key organisations.

The Review has two main functions: it firstly helps readers to understand thisgrowing and diverse sector from varying perspectives; and secondly, it provides aplatform for organisations within Wales to promote their innovations andcollaborations.

If you have a product, project, or research activity that you would like to see writtenup in one of the MediWales Reviews, simply email Jessica Fisher with a few linesdescribing what you do, and we’ll get in touch to find out more.

Alternatively, if you have a product/project that you would like to promote to alarger, national network, please contact Coralie Palmer the editor of the MedilinkUK Review.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Jessica FisherCoordinator

Gwyn Tudor, Forum Manager: Responsible for strategic direction, business planning and lobbying roles with Welsh and UK bodies.

Debbie Laubach, Project Manager: Responsible for membership services, events, project management and financial administration.

Jessica Fisher, Coordinator: Responsible for the MediWales Review, events organising and market research projects.

Jane Medley, Administrator: Responsible for management of the MediWales database, the website and related communications.

Coralie Palmer, Editor of the Medilink UK Review.

[email protected]@[email protected]@mediwales.com


7 Schooner Way,Atlantic Wharf,Cardiff CF10 4DZT/F: 029 2047 3456



Chairman: Greg Baily

Looking BackContents

Continued Growth 4

Events Preview 6

Structure & Management 7

Summary 9

Members’ Classification 12

Members’ Directory 14

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Since the last Annual Review, MediWales hasmaintained sound and continual growth. Thisis largely due to a concerted step-up in thequality and consistency of our seminars: thetime spent developing relationships with oursector-leading speakers has strengthenedour position as the main point of contact forthe sector.

MediWales gained a new member of staff lastSeptember. This increase in man-power hasenabled us to dedicate more time to our coreactivities; a push that is reflected in the positiveresponses from our members and the widersector: the number of delegates attending ourevents has almost doubled from 252 to 438 andmembership has significantly increased from 92to 115 members.

These statistics reflect the improved platformMediWales has developed to represent theinterests of our members. Our growth is also

A concomitant result of this independence is theincurred knowledge from research andcollaborative engagements with independentconsultants and specialists. These new andexisting relationships work as a strategic tool ingaining access to wider groups and networks thatare important to the Welsh sector. Our closeassociation with International Business Wales andour conviction that international trade representsthe future of the sector in Wales, has led tocollaboration on two USA and Arab States tradeevents. Similarly, research with BERR (UKdepartment for Business Enterprise andRegulatory Reform) has demonstrated theimportance of international markets - especiallythe US market - to companies in our sector; atheme which runs through our latest issue of theMedilink UK Review.

The Medilink UK Review was launched last year.This biannual publication provides a national voicefor the medical technology and biosciencesectors. The Review discusses current issues,detailing information about projects and productsunderway throughout this diverse and activesector. The editorial panel is comprised of seniormanagers from every one of the UK’s regionalmedical technology networks. With an audienceof 10,000, we hope this publication will becomethe definitive publication for show-casing medicaltechnology advancements across the UK, whilstdiscussing sector needs from an industryperspective.

Our increase in staff and clearer objectives hashelped us meet and largely exceed our targetslaid out in the 08-9 business plan. Now preparingfor the year ahead, we have identified three keyobjectives that we wish to pursue:

Firstly the issue of market access, both in the UKand internationally, is a topic that has been clearlyvoiced as a priority by our members and directors.

highlighted by our continued engagement withWelsh Assembly Government: the Chief MedicalOfficer was a guest speaker at our 2008Innovation Awards dinner; Jennifer Frost, DeputyChief Scientific Advisor is now an observer on ourboard of directors; and our latest event -discussing issues on clinical access - receivedstrong support and participation from key WelshAssembly Government figures.

Although our links with government havecontinued to improve, MediWales continues tomature as a commercial enterprise, thuslessening its dependence on government funds.MediWales now earns more than half its ownincome, being grant-aided to no more than 38% ofits costs. This position encourages us to maintaincommercial awareness, which is reflected in thesignificant increase in sector support contractscompleted.


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annual review and directory 2009

In light of this, activity that was initiated by ourclinical access event in March will be followed upthroughout the year. Through dedicatedpublications on this issue and on-goingengagement with key players, we aim to bridgethe gap between clinicians and academics withmanufacturers looking to have their productsevaluated or trialled. A subsidiary result of theclinical access initiative has been a significantlyimproved level of contact with clinical experts.These valuable connections will be capturedwithin an improved database, reflecting ourmantra to improve NHS, academic and industrycontact.

Secondly, we aim to highlight the sector’ssuccesses and financial worth in order to raisebioscience recognition. This objective is largelybeing achieved through the sector mappingproject we are currently completing on behalf ofthe Welsh Assembly Government’s Department ofEconomy and Transport. This project is the mostthorough bioscience mapping exercise ever

As always, we have a promising eventscalendar, giving a platform for issues such ascommunity healthcare; responding to thecurrent economic situation with a dedicatedevent on funding and finance; an eventexploring clinical trials operations in Wales; andthe ever popular ‘Members’ Showcase’. Weexpect participation and publicity for our 09Innovation Awards to increase following fromthe success of 08. And we’d like to congratulateone of our Welsh members - Home TelehealthLtd – who went on to win the national UKAwards in the same category of ‘Collaborationwith the NHS’.

undertaken in Wales and will largely be used toguide policy; make a case for greater sectorsupport; and demonstrate the true size andsignificance of bioscience in Wales. At a widerlevel, BERR is currently engaged in mapping theentire UK life science sectors; a body of workwhich is well overdue and integral in developingthe importance of the sector to the UK economy.

Our third objective is to maintain a high level ofcommunication and engagement with the sector.MediWales is the only forum in Wales dedicated tothe bioscience and med tech sector. In light ofthis, we are committed to developing our role aspoint of contact and source of market intelligencefor the sector. While lobbying the needs of ourmembers will be a priority, we will also continueto produce the MediWales Reviews, mainlydesigned to promote the Welsh sector, while alsodeveloping the Medilink UK Review.

In addition to our core events, we have alreadyassisted the Welsh Assembly Government indelivering the New Technologies in Healthcareconference in May and we have worked withInternational Business Wales to produce twoevents to encourage trade with China and EastAsia. And of course, we hope to be involved inBioWales 2010 - Wales’s largest med techconference.

MediWales would like to take this opportunity towelcome our 24 new members; our newDirector Paul Michael from GE; and our newObserver Owen Crawley, Chief Scientific Adviser(Health), Welsh Assembly Government: we lookforward to working with you all.

Gwyn TudorForum Manager


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6 Events PreviewMediWales events for the coming year arealready being discussed and developed withour directors in light of our members’feedback.

MediWales Innovation Awards Dinner 2009Our annual Awards dinner has over the last fouryears grown to become MediWales’s featureevent of the year. Application forms for the 2009Awards will go out at the end of August, withjudging being made in early October. As always,winners will then automatically be entered forthe Medilink UK National Health TechnologyAwards – where in 2008, MediWales memberHome Telehealth Ltd won the award for bestcollaboration with the NHS.

MediWales Joint EventsIncreasingly, MediWales will be working todevelop shared events with regular collaboratingorganisations, such as International BusinessWales and The Welsh Wound Network; newventures are underway with organisations suchas the Health Technologies KTN. Similar to lastyear, MediWales will again be largely involved inthe organisation, promotion and presentation ofBioWales 2010, a fundamental conference andbiopartnering event for the Welsh bioscienceand health technology sectors.

MediWales Core Seminars

Each of our forthcoming MediWales seminarsaddresses a topic of fundamental concern tothe medical technology sector. Feedback fromour own members and from the regional andnational networks that we work with haveshaped both the content and character of theseseminars.

Future Trends: Opportunities in Community Healthcare

Community healthcare such as Telecare andTelehealth is providing a growing number ofpeople with primary care within their ownhomes. This event will discuss this shift inhealthcare delivery, detailing technologicaladvances in this area, whilst exploring howcompanies in the sector are adapting to thisnew area of technology.

Funding and Finance: a response to the current economic situation

Presentations from corporate financecompanies, business and economic advisors,and public sector funding bodies will giveadvice on how SMEs and larger companies canget funding and finance in this currenteconomic climate.

Clinical Trials Operations in Wales (ongoing)

Building on from the event in March,MediWales is aiming to develop a clinical trialsand product evaluations route map. This mapwill hopefully give companies in Wales aclearer idea of how to access clinical expertise.Working groups are being established in orderto ease communications between clinicians,academics and manufacturers to make theoverall process more efficient.

Members’ Showcase

This annual event gives MediWales’s membercompanies an opportunity to promote theirproducts and services to each other.

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annual review and directory 2009

Mr David Ford, Swansea Schoolof MedicineThe School of Medicine at Swansea Universityis Wales’s new second medical school. It runsan innovative graduate entry medicalprogramme, and undertakes a wide range ofbiomedical, clinical and population research,supported by high-performancesupercomputing.

Professor Paul J Smith, School ofMedicine, Cardiff UniversityThe Cancer Biology and Biophotonics groupencompasses basic cellular research, systemsbiology, anticancer drug discovery and leadsthe UK Optical Biochips Consortium,developing micro- and nanotechnologies for thelife sciences.

Dr Paul Michael, GE HealthcareGE Healthcare is a world leader in medicaldiagnostics and life sciences. Focussed onenabling molecular medicine, the companyworks through business areas in diagnosticimaging, protein separations, consumables andcellular technologies


Dr Owen Crawley - Observer, Chief Scientific Adviser (health), WelshAssembly Government. Owen provides professional scientific advice tothe Department for Health and Social Servicesand other departments of the AssemblyGovernment to improve and protect health andpromote delivery of effective healthcare.

Dr Sharon Thomas – Observer,Welsh Assembly GovernmentTechnology and Innovation Group supports andencourages technology transfer betweencompanies, creates links between academiaand business and helps those seeking toexploit the commercial potential of researchand development.

Structure and Management 7

The Team:

Gwyn Tudor, Forum Manager: Responsible forstrategic direction, business planning andlobbying roles with Welsh and UK bodies.

Debbie Laubach, Project Manager:Responsible for membership services, events,project management and financialadministration.

Jessica Fisher, Coordinator: Responsible forthe MediWales Review, events organising andmarket research projects.

Jane Medley, Administrator: Responsible formanagement of the MediWales database, thewebsite and related communications.

Coralie Palmer, Editor of the Medilink UKReview.

The Directors:

Mr Greg Baily – MediWales Chairman, Arjo Huntleigh (Part of the Getinge Group)Huntleigh designs, manufactures and globallydistributes a wide range of medical devices.These include pressure relieving surfaces,wound treatment, bedframes, patient monitors,DVT prevention, lifts and hoists.

Mr Andrew Thomas - MediWalesSecretary, MagstimMagstim develops, manufactures and marketsstate-of-the-art equipment for neurologists,neurophysiologists, neurosurgeons andpsychiatrists, enabling them to assess, protectand improve the functioning of the nervoussystem in various applications.

Dr Catherine Ramsay, 3MMicrobiology3M Microbiology in Bridgend is a leadingmanufacturer of rapid hygiene testing andmicrobial screening products for use in a widerange of manufacturers from food to toiletries,and for other applications including hospitalhygiene and biodetection systems for defenceagencies.

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annual review and directory 2009



Annual Review Summary


To be the representative body and point of contact for the medical and life science sectors in Wales.

To provide a forum for networking and encourage the exchange of ideas, collaboration and supply chain development between businesses, academia, NHS and government agencies

To promote members’ products, services and expertise.

To raise awareness of regulatory issues, vendor associations and finance opportunities for members.

To aid communication between members and interested organisations worldwide

To work with the Welsh Assembly Government and other bodies to identify and address the needs of the sector.


Members: 115

Companies: 91

Academic/NHS/Business Support: 24


Visits per month: 512 (up from 426) growing year on year.


MediWales Review: 3 x 2000 (2000 = no. people distributed to)

Annual Review and Directory: 1 x 2000 Medilink UK Review: 2 x 10,000

MediWales Events No. of attendees

Future Trends: 84

Money and Law: 42

The Academic Advantage: 67

Clinical Access: 52

MediWales Innovation Awards: 115

Business in the US & Arab States, IBWsupported (x2): 78

Total Event Attendance: 438

‘Delegate satisfaction recorded as over 95%satisfied or very satisfied.

Joint and Collaborative Events

BioWales Conference, Welsh AssemblyGovernment

Medilink UK Health Technology Awards 2009

Promotion of and attendance at ElectronicsKTN meeting at Zarlink

Welsh mission to Arab Health conference,Dubai

Welsh mission to Medica, Dusseldorf

Representation on UK Boards

CRC Cymru industrial advisory panel

BERR SME competitiveness working group

BERR bioscience sector metrics workinggroup

Geible Round CRC Cymru steering groupmeetings

UKTI international trade advisors forum

Welsh Wound Network, management teammeeting

AWMSG Industry Forum

Medilink UK directors’ meetings

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Offices in Cardiff and Cheltenham Tel: +44 (0)29 2022 9526


Patents Trade MarksDesigns Domain Names

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Boots Centre for Innovation was created in April 2007 to work closely with early stage companies or lone inventors to develop innovative new products and technologies for the health and beauty retail market.

The principle aim of the Centre is to mentor and support these innovators through each stage of product development and eventually launch exciting new consumer products exclusively on the shelves of Alliance Boots stores.

Boots Centre for Innovation welcomes entrepreneurs from around the world to present their health and beauty concepts for consideration. At its base in Swansea University, Boots Centre for Innovation provides:

● Business knowledge including: product development expertise, marketing skills and general business management

● Access to a wealth of scientific expertise

● Support in obtaining funding

● A gateway to Alliance Boots international retail network comprising more than 3,200 retail outlets and providing access to over 135,000 independent pharmacies

If you are not attending the exhibition, but would still like to submit an idea, please contact us on +44 (0)1792 513722, or by email on [email protected] or visit us at www.bootsinnovation.com

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3M Microbiology Abel & Imray

Aberystwyth UniversityAccelero Digital Solutions Ltd

Active Signal LtdApplied Enzyme Technology Ltd

AquaHeal LtdBIC Innovation Ltd

Biotec Services International LtdBiplas Medical Ltd

Boots Centre for InnovationBristol University - Clinical Biotechnology Centre

BTGC&G Medicare Ltd

Calon-Cardio Technology LtdCardiff & Vale NHS Healthcare Trust - Medical Physics and

Clinical Engineering DirectorateCardiff Medicentre

Cardiff University - CBSCardiff University - CITERCardiff University - MEC

Cardiff University - RACDCardiff University - Wound Healing Research Unit

Catalyst Venture PartnersCellPath Ltd

CerebraChapman Molony

ConvaTec LtdDentron Ltd

Design Reality LtdDr Bob Wallis

DTR Medical LtdE2L Products LtdEgin Cyfnngedig

Ensinger Precision Engineering LtdExcalibur Group

Excel Photonix Systems LtdExopack Advanced Coatings

Finance WalesFirefly Medical Ltd

Frontier MedicalFulcrum Direct Ltd

Gambit Corporate FinanceGE HealthcareGeldards LLP

George James LtdGiles Insurance Ltd

GX Design EngineersHaemair Ltd

Heritage Medical LtdHome Telehealth Ltd

Huntleigh Hyderus Cyf

International Business Wales Invacare Ltd

Isca Healthcare ResearchJara Consulting Ltd

Kinneir Dufort Design Ltd

Page 13: MediWales Directory 2009

Krysium Advisors LtdMA Consulting International Ltd

MedaPhor LtdMedical Device Consultancy

Melys Diagnostics LtdMicrobridge Services Ltd

MicroPharm LtdMolecular Light Technology Research Ltd

Mr Prashant MurugkarMuscagen Ltd

Neem Biotech LtdNightingale Care Beds Ltd

Norgine LtdOncomorph Analysis Ltd

OsteoTronix LtdOvasort Ltd

Patent Seekers LtdPDR

Penn Pharmaceutical Services LtdPerformance Health Products LtdPhoenix Medical Recruitment Ltd

Procela PartnersQioptiq Ltd

Ruskinn Technology LtdSarum Biosciences Ltd

Shakerscope LtdSilprotect Ltd

Simbec Research LtdSleepworks Products Ltd

Sony UK TecSt. Davids Assemblies Ltd

Sterilin LtdSurgical Materials Testing Laboratory

Swansea University - Centre for Complex Fluids ProcessingSwansea University - ILS

Swansea University - School of MedicineSynergy Health Laboratory ServicesTeamwork Technology Services Ltd

The Magstim Company LtdTianhai UK Ltd

Trojan Electronics LtdTT electronics integrated manufacturing services

UK Healthgateway LtdUltrawave Ltd

University of Bristol - Clinical Biotechnology CentreUniversity of Glamorgan - AIDC

UPG Global ManufacturingUrquhart-Dykes & Lord LLP

VenalinkWelsh Assembly Government - T&I

Welsh Assembly Government - Wales Innovators NetworkWentwood Medical Ltd

Withers & Rogers LLPWynne-Jones, Laine & James LLP

Xenos - the Wales Business Angel Network LtdXGEN

Zarlink Semiconductor

























M E M B E R S ’ C L A S S I F I C A T I O N

Page 14: MediWales Directory 2009


Directory 2009

3M Microbiology

3M Microbiology, Bridgend is a leading manufacturer of rapid hygiene testingand microbial screening products for use by dairy, food and beveragemanufacturers, personal care and toiletry manufacturers. The products arealso used in other applications including hospital hygiene, monitoring biocidetreatment of industrial waters and in biodetection systems for defenceagencies.

The Bridgend manufactured products are part of a wider portfolio from 3MMicrobiology which includes Petrifilm™ sample ready plates for enumeration ofmicroorganisms, Tecra™ pathogen test kits and a range of sample handlingand media products.

The Science ParkTechnology DriveBridgendGlamorganCF31 3NATel: 01656 641400Fax: 01656 768835Email: [email protected]: www.3m.com/microbiology

23 Windsor PlaceCardiffCF10 3BYTel: 029 2034 7030Fax: 029 2066 6637Web: www.patentable.co.uk

Abel & Imray is a leading firm of Patent and Trade Mark Attorneys handling allaspects of intellectual property including patents, trade marks and designs. Wehave expertise in all fields of medical and related technology. Our team ofbiotechnology and chemistry specialists has particular experience indiagnostics, gene therapy, drug delivery systems, protein engineering,pharmaceuticals and combinatorial chemistry. We have extensive experience ofmedical devices, including mechanical, optical and electronic medical devices.Our professionals have particular skills in the protection and exploitation ofintellectual property relating to those fields, as well as experience inmanagement and development of intellectual property portfolios.

CCSVisualisation CentreAberystwyth UniversitySY23 3BFTel: 01970 628504Email: [email protected]: www.aber.ac.uk/meansbusiness

Aberystwyth University offers a breadth of research activity of relevance to thehealthcare and medical sector. Access to these is provided by the AberystwythBioCentre (ABC) which offers an interface to businesses and other externalorganisations with an interest in research and development opportunities,consultancy, licensing and technology transfer in: plant breeding, animalscience & nutrition, pharmaceuticals & agrochemicals, microbiology,parasitology, food quality, diagnostic & analytical sciences, environmentalmanagement, proteomics, genomics & metabolomics, visualisation andhealthcare imaging.

Abel & Imray

Aberystwyth University

Accelero Digital Solutions Ltd

The Old MillAbbey RoadEwennyBridgend CF35 5BNTel: 01656 648 200Fax: 01656 648 100Email: [email protected]: www.accelero-digital.com

Accelero Digital Solutions provides software for effective mobile working usinga number of technologies.Our current product range includes a solution that implements a digital pen toimprove efficiency of processing data captured using traditional pen and paper.Significant cost and process improvements can be made where the data isentered onto one or more computer systems at a later date. Informationgathered using a digital pen can be made available to relevant personnel withinminutes of being written.The digital pen technology is sector independent and can provide benefitsacross a wide variety of uses. The digital pen is particularly effective wherecommunity based care is provided.

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annual review and directory 2009


Mindale HouseFfordd HendrePrestatynLL19 8PGContact: Warren WardTel: 01754 851111Fax: 0870 1308342Email: [email protected]: www.activesignal.com

ActiveSignal is the first company in the world to exploit the new bioscience ofexogenous pathway signalling. ActiveSignal technology is a highly intelligentmethod of activating cell-to-cell signalling for therapeutic purposes.Unlike pharmaceuticals, ActiveSignal products have a biological rather than achemical action, with little or no risk to the patient. The company hasdemonstrated the effectiveness of the technology with the Ion Extra supplementcapsule for humans and the Equiwinner patch for horses. Cell signallingdevices are likely to bring radical and rapid improvements in the treatment oreradication of a number of chronic human conditions. Licences are available forcell signalling against specific conditions. Patents worldwide.

The Gwent Group Monmouth House Mamhilad Park Pontypool Torfaen NP4 0HZ Contact: Guido Drago Tel: 01495 751100 E-Mail: [email protected]: www.aetltd.org

Applied Enzyme Technology Ltd (AET) was established in 1994 with coreexpertise and patents in protein stabilisation, which has resulted in thesuccessful stabilisation of many enzymes and antibodies in a number ofmedical biosensor devices.AET in partnership with Gwent Electronic MaterialsLtd are able to develop and manufacture biosensors for diagnostic, healthcareand point of care applications. Sensors being developed for clients include:glucose, cholesterol, creatine, ammonia, pyruvate, organophosphates, alcoholand cardiac markers. The Gwent Group of companies are capable ofmanufacturing up to 500,000 sensors per annum.

OpTIC TechniumFfordd William MorganSt Asaph Business ParkSt AsaphDenbighLL17 0JDEmail: [email protected]: www.aquaheal.co.uk (underconstruction)

AquaHeal Ltd is a new business spun out from Glyndwr University, Wrexham.Core business is centred around the development of novel hydrogeltechnologies for use in advanced woundcare.

Target applications include postoperative, chronic, pressure sores and burns.AquaHeal’s hydrogel systems also have uses in regenerative medicine andbiopolymer separations.

Consultancy services in polymer and polymerisation process design andoptimisation, polymer characterisation and formulation development are alsooffered.

Active Signal Ltd

Applied Enzyme Technology Ltd

AquaHeal Ltd

BIC Innovation Ltd

Pencoed Technology CentreBridgendCF35 5HZTel: 01656 861536Contact: Dafydd Davies,Prif Weithredwr/Chief ExecutiveEmail: [email protected] Web: www.bic-innovation.com

Based in Pencoed Technology Centre, South Wales and Parc Menai, Bangor,BIC Innovation is Wales’ leading innovation services business undertaking wideranging UK and international project work for clients. An experiencedhealthcare team in NPD, sales and marketing performance improvementmanagement to help you to drive your healthcare business forward.We offer:• Strategic Innovation and Development• Marketing Research• International Sales & Marketing Management• Technology & IPR Exploitation• NPD Processes and Management• Financial Management Services• Perfromance Improvement (Manufacturing Advisory Service Wales)• Total Project Management

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16Biotec Services International Ltd

Biotec HouseCentral Park, Western AvenueBridgend Industrial EstateBridgendCF31 3TYTel: 01656 750550 Fax: 01656 750569 E-mail: [email protected]: www.biotec-uk.com

Biotec Services International Limited is a Bridgend based Clinical Trials Supplycompany specialising in the import, Qualified Person certification, labelling,assembly, storage and world-wide distribution of clinical trial supplies for PhaseI to III trials and licensed medication. Biotec specialize in temperature sensitivepharmaceuticals and can store and ship pharmaceutical products at ambientconditions, 2-8°C, -20°C and -80°C. Working to both US and European Qualitystandards and with regular discussions with the Medicines and HealthcareProducts Regulatory Agency (MHRA), all of our procedures are managed to thehighest possible standards, conforming to cGMP and other relevant regulatorystandards.

Biplas Medical Ltd

3/4 Llantrisant Business ParkLlantrisantRhondda Cynon TaffCF72 8LFTel: 01443 237654Email: [email protected]: www.biplas.com

Innovative design and development company with manufacturing capability inplastic injection moulding. We develop devices using the latest technology inpolymer and metallurgy with the required electronics using our associatedpartner. Offering know-how and expertise based on our engineering andknowledge of a wide range of processes, capable of manufacturing the endproduct at a cost effective price. We are currently working on single usedisposable devices in the field of laparoscopy, gynaecology and urology. We areworking with leading clinicians in these areas to enable the use of appropriatetechnology and processes to develop devices with patient need being thepriority.

Boots Centre for Innovation

Institute of Life ScienceUniversity of SwanseaSwanseaSA2 8PPContact: Louise BryceMarketing ManagerTel: 01792 513722Fax: 01792 602679Email: [email protected]: www.bootsinnovation.com

Boots Centre for Innovation works closely with early stage companies orinventors to develop innovative new products and technologies within the healthand beauty sectors. The principle aim of the Centre is to mentor and supportthese innovators through each stage of product development and eventuallylaunch exciting new consumer products for the shelves of Boots stores. At its base in Swansea University, Boots Centre for Innovation providesbusiness knowledge, access to a wealth of scientific expertise, advice onobtaining funding and a gateway to 2,600 Boots stores in the UK with anintroducing to an international distribution and retail network.


FfostrasolLlandysulCeredigionSA44 5JTTel: 01239 851122Fax: 01239 858800Web: www.btgplc.comEmail: [email protected]

BTG is an international specialty pharmaceuticals company that is developingand commercialising products targeting critical care, cancer, neurological andother disorders. The company is also seeking to acquire new products todevelop and market to hospital specialists, and is building a sustainablebusiness financed by revenues from sales of its critical care products and fromroyalties and milestone payments on partnered products.

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17C&G Medicare Ltd

Russell House31 Russell StreetSwanseaSA1 4HRTel: 0871 218 1233Email: [email protected]: www.incostress.com

We manufacture and market our own innovation to control female incontinence.Incostress controls incontinence, supports the urethra and the bladder neckand at the same time allows natural exercise of the pelvic floor muscles. C&GMedicare Ltd are an International award winner. We are currently looking fordistributors for the product with a view to find a company to eventually licenceto. We supply to some NHS trusts, which is expanding. Our target market isaimed at women over the age of 18 (majority being 45+)

Calon Cardio-Technology Ltd

Institute of Life Science, Swansea University, Singleton Park,Swansea, SA2 8PP,Contact: Kevin FernquestTelephone: 00 44 (0) 1792 602861 E-mail: [email protected]

University Hospital of WalesHeath ParkCardiff CF14 4XWTel: 029 20742014Fax: 029 20742489Email:[email protected]

The Medical Physics and Clinical Engineering Directorate offers a wide range ofclinical, scientific and technical services. Clinical services in the MedicalPhysics area include medical imaging, vascular (Doppler) ultrasound, nuclearmedicine, bone densitometry and body composition determination.In Clinical Engineering we provide a very wide range of life-cycle equipmentmanagement services for medical equipment in our own and neighbouringTrusts.Our Mechanical Engineering section designs, develops and produces medicaldevices to take forward collaborative research ideas in a range of medicalareas.We provide direct clinical services in Rehabilitation Engineering, designing,developing and producing engineering solutions to meet the needs of individualclients.

Calon Cardio-Technology Ltd (CCTL) is developing the next generation ofimplantable micro blood pump for the treatment of heart failure. Current pumps have clinically proven that heart assist pumps are a safe andeffective. However, these devices have failed to exploit their market potential fortwo reasons: Current products are too large requiring highly invasive surgeryand they are expensive.CCTL’s technology addresses both these problems and promises to realise thevision of heart assist pumps becoming the routine method of treatment forheart failure.CCTL are collaborating with world leaders such as The Texas Heart Institute,The John Radcliff Hospital, Swansea University, The Technology Strategy Boardand Welsh Assembly Government.

Cardiff & Vale NHS Healthcare Trust – Medical Physics and Clinical Engineering Directorate

Heath ParkCardiffCF14 4UJTel: 029 2075 7744Fax: 029 2075 0239Email:[email protected]: www.cardiffmedicentre.co.uk

Cardiff MediCentre is a dedicated innovation and incubation centre supportingthe development of the life-sciences sector in Cardiff. With circa 25,000 sq ft ofoffice and laboratory space the centre offers specialist support and businessservices for high-growth early stage companies developing medical- andlifesciences- related technology. Established in 1987, the centre is governed bya joint venture involving Cardiff Council, the Cardiff & Vale NHS Trust, theWelsh Assembly Government and Cardiff University, providing MediCentretenants with unique access to public sector organisations geared towardssupporting economic growth and encouraging medical development.

Cardiff Medicentre

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18Cardiff University - Central Biotechnology Services

Cardiff UniversityHenry Wellcome BuildingSchool of MedicineHeath ParkCardiffCF14 4XNContact: Anna HurleyTel: 029 2068 7004Email: [email protected]: www.cardiff.ac.uk/medic/cbs

Central Biotechnology Services provides state-of-the-art, high throughputlaboratory facilities and highly skilled technical support, enabling theacceleration of research activities, the fostering of collaboration and therealisation of research potential. Academic consultancy and training are alsoavailable should your project require it. Based in Cardiff University, CBS aims toprovide its customers with an excellent, cost-effective service, offering advice,training and analysis using facilities across the broad spectrum of the lifesciences. We offer competitive services to industry and academia in the following fields:Genomics – qPCR, DNA Sequencing, DNA fragment analysis, andMicroarraying (Affymetrix and Illumina); High throughput assays using theMesoScale Discovery (MSD) platform; Proteomics; Biacore; Histology; FlowCytometry and Cell Sorting; Imaging; and Laser Capture Microscopy.

51 Park PlaceCardiffCF10 3ATContact: CITER ManagerTel: 029 2087 0129Fax: 029 2087 0129Email: [email protected]: www.cardiff.ac.uk/citer

Cardiff University - Cardiff Institute of Tissue Engineering and Repair

CITER brings together life sciences and clinical expertise from CardiffUniversity to advance technological developments in the field of tissueengineering and repair and ultimately to improve patient care and quality of life.CITER’s three strands of activity are: interdisciplinary research encompassingthe biomechanical, regulatory, ethical, physiologic and health service aspects oftissue engineering and repair; the provision and commercialisation of clinicalservice technologies; and education, training and knowledge dissemination -including an MSc in Tissue Engineering, an interdisciplinary postgraduatetaught scheme which may be of particular interest to representatives in thehealthcare sector.CITER’s range of services is potentially attractive to the NHS, pharmaceutical,biotechnology, engineering, devices and biomaterials companies.

Cardiff University – Manufacturing Engineering Centre

Queen’s BuildingNewport RoadCardiffCF24 0YFTel: 029 2087 4641Fax: 029 2087 4880Email: [email protected]: www.mec.cf.ac.uk

The award winning Manufacturing Engineering at Cardiff University hasexpertise in:• 3D CAD modelling of anatomical structure from CT/MRI data• Manufacturing of biomodels using rapid prototyping techniques such as SLS

& SLA• Design and manufacture of personalised implants with biocompatible

materials, for cranio-maxillofacial surgery such as cranioplasty and bonetumors

• Production of surgical tools to meet specific surgeons’ requirements• Development of surgical training models• Generation of finite element analysis models from CT/MRI data for

biochemical research.

Cardiff University - Research and Commercial Division

Cardiff University7th Floor, 30-36 Newport RoadCardiffCF24 0DETel: 029 2087 4837Fax: 029 2087 4189Web: www.cardiff.ac.uk/racd

The Research and Commercial Division at Cardiff University supports research,consultancy services and technology transfer activities across all academicschools and research centres. Cardiff University spends approximately £100million on R&D annually, of which approximately 60% is in Biomedical andrelated technology areas. The Division also supports an active programme ofpatenting and licensing technology and innovations to companies, theestablishment of spin-out companies as well as extensive range of consultancyand other knowledge transfer services.

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Upper Ground FloorSchool of MedicineCardiff UniversityHeath ParkCardiffCF14 4XNContact: Professor KG Harding Tel: 029 2074 4505Fax: 029 2074 6334Email: [email protected]: www.whru.co.uk

WHRU has three core activities:• Specialist clinical services• Research• Education and Training

The research work completed at the unit includes conducting clinical trials toICHGCP standards, biological research (with a particular emphasis onmicrobiology and material science), physical measurement (the interface ofmedicine and engineering/electronics) and health services research (includingHRQoL and health economics). The unit offers an MSc in Wound Healing andTissue Repair as well as a range of short courses.The unit collaborates with a number of other departments within the Universityof Wales and is part of the Cardiff Institute for Tissue Engineering and Repair.The target markets include health professionals working with non-healingacute or chronic wounds and health care companies involved in specialistwound care.

Catalyst Venture Partners

2 Queens Parade Bath BA1 2NJTel: 01225 331498Email: [email protected]: www.catvp.com

We are a corporate finance and fast-growth advisory firm specialising in thehealth, environmental, media and telecoms sectors. We work with ambitiousand entrepreneurial companies who are at the early and expansion stage oftheir development and seeking to raise between £500,000 and £5 million. Weaim to partner with companies over the long term. Our fees come mainly fromsuccess.

CellPath Ltd

Unit 80, Mochdre Enterprise ParkNewtownPowysSY16 4LETel: 01686 611333Fax: 01686 622946Email: [email protected]: www.cellpath.co.uk

CellPath Ltd is a market leading healthcare company, which specialises in themanufacture and distribution of products for use in the cellular pathologydisciplines of histology and cytology. CellPath also specialises inpharmaceutical promotion. Our in-house teams are specialists in the followingareas: process development; chemistry; analytical chemistry; productdevelopment; injection moulding; novel packaging design; artwork design;contract manufacture.CellPath’s latest initiative is CellNass - an archiving service for hospitals tostore specimen slides and blocks. CellNass is registered with the HumanTissue Authority for the storage of tissue.


2nd Floor OfficesLyric BuildingKing StreetCarmarthenSA31 1BDTel: 01267 244200Fax: 01267 244201E-mail: [email protected]: www.cerebra.org.uk

Cerebra is a charity helping brain injured children. It set up its InnovationCentre in conjunction with the Swansea Metropolitan University to provide aresearch and design service to help children, parents and carers find specialistequipment and adaptations that are not already available to buy. The InnovationCentre is made up of a small team of young and talented engineers anddesigners who are able to respond to requests to adapt or design and buildspecialist equipment.We have expertise in the areas of electronics, design and engineering, We alsowork with a range of industry partners and other charities in the developmentof products.

Cardiff University – Wound Healing Research Unit (WHRU)

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Cardiff Business Technology CentreSenghenydd RdCathaysCardiffCF24 4AYTel: 029 2009 9999Fax: 029 2066 4319Email: [email protected]: www.chapmanmolony.com

Chapman Molony are Patent and Trade Mark Attorneys with offices in Cardiffand Swansea. They are able to provide advice and assistance relating to theprotection, and enforcement of all aspects of intellectual property, includingpatents, trade marks, copyright and designs. Chapman Molony’s technicalexpertise lies in the field of engineering, electronic and medical technology butwork relating to other technical areas can also be handled. In addition toassisting clients in protecting their intellectual property, Chapman Molony offerin-house consultancy services and can undertake audits to identify protectableintellectual property, including new technology, trade marks, house-styles,brands, designs and copyright.

University of BristolLangford HouseLower LangfordBristolBS40 5DUTel: 0117 9289388Email: enquiries.cbc.nhsbt.nhs.uk

CBC has been producing biopharmaceuticals for clinical trials on behalf ofacademic and NHS sponsors since 2000. We provide translational researchservices to our sponsors as they progress from pre-clinical to clinical trials.CBC holds a Manufacturer’s Authorisation (Investigational Medicinal Products)granted by the MHRA in 2004, for the production of recombinant proteins andDNA plasmids. In 2007 this was extended to cover the GMP importation fromsuppliers outside the EU. As we are core funded by the DH through itsallocation of central R&D funds to the NHSBT, our academic and NHSsponsors are charged at cost for our services.

Chapman Molony

Clinical Biotechnology Centre

ConvaTec Ltd

First Avenue Deeside Industrial Park Deeside Flintshire CH5 2NUTel: 01244 584000

ConvaTec is a leading developer and marketer of innovative medicaltechnologies that have helped improve the lives of millions of peopleworldwide. With four key business divisions – Ostomy care, Woundtherapeutics, Continence and Critical care and infusion devices – ConvaTecproducts support health care professionals from the hospital to the communityhealth setting. From its headquarters in Skillman, New Jersey, the companyoversees more than 8,000 employees in over 90 countries serving consumersand their health care professionals on six continents. For more information,please visit www.convatec.com.

Llys MyrddinEfailwenClynderwenCarmarthenshireSA66 7XGContact: Jonathan CopusTel: 01994 419792Fax: 01994 419796Email: [email protected]: www.dentron.co.uk

Dentron Ltd specialises in innovative medical devices. The best known is theBiogun, a wide spectrum electronic microbicide which kills micro-organisms(including the superbug MRSA) using a concentrated stream of electricallycharged air particles applied from a distance of 2-10mm. The device is used bypodiatrists, dentists and dermatologists for a variety of conditions includingtooth decay, gum disease, periodontitis, athlete’s foot, verrucae and otherwarts, fungal nail infections and foot ulcers. The method is safe, drug free andin most circumstances painless. Dentron is seeking distributors for the Biogunworldwide and also partners for a subsidised research project on woundcare.

Dentron Ltd

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94 Bowen CourtSt Asaph Business ParkSt AsaphDenbigshire LL17 0JETel: 01745 583 356Fax: 01745 583 356email: [email protected]: www.designreality.co.uk

Design Reality is a medium-sized, dynamic and thriving product designconsultancy with experience spanning the consumer, medical device,packaging, commercial and industrial sectors. We have successfully teamedexperience, knowledge, passion and skill to provide a holistic andcomprehensive solution to your design needs, from concept and innovation todevelopment and prototyping. Services: CAD design / Reverse Engineering / Digital visualisation / ProductionTooling / Advanced Rapid Prototyping / CNC capabilities / Conceptual sketchwork / Graphic design & print production / Marketing Research.Accredited to ISO9001, Investors In People and recently featured in the Hot 100Companies in Wales.

17 Clarion CourtClarion Close Enterprise ParkSwanseaSA6 8RFTel: 01792 797910Fax: 01792 797955Email: [email protected]: www.dtrmedical.com

DTR Medical is an innovative medical device and cleanroom contractmanufacturing company, with the ability to design, CE mark, manufacture andsterilise a wide range of medical devices and other healthcare products. Basedin Swansea, South Wales, DTR Medical custom built facilities includes aversatile ISO class 7 cleanroom complex operated by a highly trained team.Experienced in the manufacture and packing of many medical devices used inENT, vascular neurology, orthopaedic and general surgery, DTR Medical canalso handle design files and CE marking. The company already contractmanufactures a wide range of custom-built products for the pharmaceutical,biotechnology and diagnostic industries.

Design Reality Ltd

DTR Medical Ltd

E2L Products Ltd

19 White Swan CourtMonmouthNP25 3NYContact: Lyndon OwenManaging DirectorTel: 01600 714856Email: [email protected]: www.E2L.uk.comElectronic product designers offering

skills in electronic hardware and embedded software, mechanical, biochemicaland production engineering. A track record for original thinking and an in-house philosophy of design simplicity - recognised as ‘Ambassadors forInnovation’ by the Welsh Assembly Government.Customers range from multinationals, NHS to individuals with ‘the great idea’.A flexible commercial approach encompasses fixed price contract, joint ventureor even product rescue with licensing arrangements.E2L also has its own products: ‘MegaBee™’ assisted writing tablet for extremetetraplegic, motor neurone or stroke patients; ‘FAB™’ Frenchay alphabet boardfor AAT assessment; ‘MegaPhon™’ wireless voice amplifiers.Contract vacuum forming is also offered for small batch runs.

Llain DegLlanddaniel FabGaerwenSir Ynys MonˆLL60 6NNTel: 01248 848 068Mobile : 07962 268 461Email: [email protected]: www.egin.co.uk

Egin Cyfyngedig can help to turn your laboratory instruments and equipmentconcepts into reality. We offer modelling, simulation, prototyping anddevelopment of mechanical, fluidic and electronic systems at reasonable cost.We can help take devices past the approvals stage and into manufacture.With extensive knowledge of the business support infrastructure in Wales wecan assist with technology transfer, feasibility studies and finance forinnovation.

Egin Cyfyngedig

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Wilfried WayTonyrefailMid GlamorganCF39 8JQTel: 01443 678500Fax: 01443 676777Email: [email protected]: www.ensinger-online.com

Ensinger Ltd is an international organisation and market leader in themanufacture and distribution of thermoplastics for the medical industry, whichis supported by the production of precision machined components. We arecommitted to continued growth and are always at the forefront of technology;Ensinger Precision Engineering offers 3,4 or 5-axis CNC routing; 2,3 and 5-axisturning and 3, 4 and 5-axis milling.Ensinger is constantly looking for new and unique blends of materials that canbe developed for specific applications in the medical field. As certain materialsbecome standard commodities, Ensinger intends to continually invest inresearch and development to lead developments in this exciting industry.

Ensinger Precision Engineering Ltd

Excalibur Group

Sophia House28 Cathedral RoadCardiffCF11 9LJTel: 07971 004424Email: [email protected]:www.excaliburfundmanagers.co.uk

Excalibur Group is the medical science investment house founded by Sir ChrisEvans. It has €0.5bn of funds under management and specialises in investingventure capital in the medical sciences sector. Excalibur was formed through the combination of Merlin Biosciences andMerchant Ventures and is a group of 19 professionals with considerablecommercial, financial and technical experience. Excalibur recently set up an office in Cardiff as part of its wider strategy offocussing on the Welsh market.

Exopack Advanced Coatings

Ash Road NorthWrexhamLL13 9UFTel: 01978 660241Fax : 01978 661452Email: [email protected]: www.exopackadvancedcoatings.com

Exopack Advanced Coatings produces the inspire™ range of films and foams tomanufacturers in the wound care, ostomy and medical device sectors. Films,foams and adhesives can be combined in a variety of ways to create novelfeatures or brand identity. Several composites are available as part of thestandard inspire™portfolio with an added printing facility if required. Carbon-containing films that can be modified with silver or silver/silver chloride arealso part of the inspire™portfolio suitable for a variety of electrode applicationsincluding ECG, TNS, biosensors and cosmetic applications.Exopack Advanced Coatings also offers papers, films and specialty substratesfor press supplies, electronics and optical technologies.

Firefly Medical Ltd

Unit BCwm Cynon Business ParkMountain AshCF45 4ERIan MortimerGeneral ManagerTel: 01443 475539Fax: 01443 473379Email:[email protected]: www.fireflymedical.co.uk

Firefly Medical Ltd are an established innovative company, whose design teamhave over 6 years experience in the Design, Development and approval ofMedical Equipment. With expertise that has successfully brought over 100branded products to the medical market, we are able to identify clients’milestones in line with ISO 13485:2003, allowing us to develop your productfrom concept to saleable CE-marked medical devices. Utilising our Solid Edge CAD suite we can quickly turn your concepts into 3Dmodels, prototypes and ultimately full production devices. We have pro-formaregulatory documentation to speed up the development cycle and offer friendlyexpert advice to assist you in bringing your product to market. We alsodistribute medical products throughout the U.K with a dedicated sales team.

“For the avoidance of doubt, Firefly Medical Limited is in no way connected with Williams MedicalSupplies Limited. For further information on Williams Medical Supplies Limited please visitwww.wms.co.uk”

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Finance Wales plc provides commercial funding to small and medium-sized businesses throughout Wales, enabling them to realise their potential for innovation and growth.

Managing funds in excess of £280 million, the company has invested over £110 million through more than 2000 investments in businesses and leveraged more than £322 million of private sector investment.

A subsidiary of the Welsh Assembly Government, Finance Wales plc adopts a flexible, focussed investment approach and is involved in co-investment and follow-on deals with other commercial funders, including banks, venture capital funds and business angels.

Finance Wales makes commercial debt and equity investments from £5,000 to £2 million into startup and early stage businesses, as well as providing investment for more established companies with development capital, management succession or acquisition funding needs.

Visit www.financewales.co.uk for up-to-date information about the commercial investment opportunities available from Finance Wales plc.

Finance Wales plc

xénos the Wales Business Angel Network, is a business introduction service matching high net-worth individual investors with companies seeking growth funding who are prepared in return to offer an equity share in the business.A subsidiary of Finance Wales plc, xénos has a network of over 120 business angels seeking investment opportunities. Completed deals have involved a variety of sectors including IT, medical devices, environmental and manufacturing, as well as companies at various stages in their growth.xénos has facilitated more than £19.5 million of private sector investment in Wales-based businesses in the past decade through 130 deals. xénos is a member of the British Business Angels Association (BBAA) and the European Business Angels Association (EBAN)xénos business angels are involved in a range of deals, including:

• Start-up • Management buy-out/ buy-in• Expansion • Turnaround situations

Finance Wales plc xénos

Finance Wales, Oakleigh House, Park Place, Cardiff CF10 3DQT: 0800 587 4140, F 029 2033 8101, E: [email protected] www.financewales.co.ukxénos, Oakleigh House, Park Place, Cardiff CF10 3DQT: 029 2033 8144 F: 029 2033 8101 E: [email protected] www.xenos.co.uk

Frontier Medical

Newbridge Road Industrial EstateBlackwoodNP12 2YNTel: 01495 235800Fax: 01495 235808Email: [email protected]: www.frontier-group.co.uk

Frontier Medical manufacture and market a range of medical products in fourbroad business streams:• Sharpsafe is Europe’s leading brand of plastic sharps disposal containers• Repose is a range of inflatable polyurethane pressure redistribution devices

for the prevention and treatment of pressure ulcers, manufactured underlicense from the NHS

• eXchange is the brand under which products are made available toorganisations for harm reduction purposes amongst the intravenous drugusing community

• Multigate is the brand of swabs, dressings, bandages and packs sold tohealthcare organisations throughout the UK


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24Cardiff Business Technology CentreSenghenydd RdCardiffCF24 4AYTel: 029 2064 7019Email: [email protected]: www.fulcrumdirect.co.ukFulcrum Direct Limited provides

effective business planning and marketing services designed to helpcompanies achieve tangible results. Specialising in small and SME companiesin the Biosciences and Technology sectors, our mission is to provide highquality support using professionally qualified and experienced marketingAssociates to ensure profitable business results for our clients.You will benefit from our independent, cost effective approach using ourexpertise to help you understand your markets, develop workable, practicalmarketing strategies, carry out effective identification of profitable targetmarkets, maintain a pipeline of high quality prospects and develop anintegrated approach to marketing communications which maximises theeffectiveness of your messages, whatever channels you choose.

Fulcrum Direct Ltd

Kenneth Pollard House5-19 Cowbridge Road EastCardiff CF11 9AQTel: 02920 667799Email: [email protected]: www.gambitcf.com

Gambit Corporate Finance specialises in advising quoted and unquotedcompanies with turnover up to £200 million on corporate finance transactionswith particular emphasis on mergers and acquisitions, disposals, fundraisingand management buy-outs.Established in 1992, the firm offers a distinctive partner-led service and hasbuilt a strong track record of successful transactions in the medical sector inWales.

The Maynard CentreForest FarmWhitchurchCardiffCF14 7YTTel: 029 2052 6000Fax: 029 2052 6348Web: www.gehealthcare.com

GE’s Maynard Centre facility develops and manufactures reagents and reagentsystems to support customer research in genomics, proteomics and cellbiology. These reagents are frequently designed for use on the company’sinstrument platforms. Key target market sectors are the early stages of drugdiscovery programmes in the major pharmaceutical companies worldwide, inparticular high-throughput drug screening, metabolism and distributionstudies. The facility also offers a custom manufacturing service.

Gambit Corporate Finance

GE Healthcare

Geldards LLP

Dumfries HouseDumfries PlaceCardiffCF10 3ZFTel: 029 2034 1740Fax: 029 2925 6253Email: [email protected]: www.geldards.comCardiff based law firm Geldards

provides a full range of legal services to clients in both the life and bio-sciencesindustries. The firm’s dedicated Healthcare Team has a strong track record inmedical technology & know how licensing, research and developmentcollaborations, and patent, design and trade mark infringements, which hasbeen built from its prestigious client base including universities, hospitalsincluding medical teaching hospitals, GP and dental practices, pharmacies,manufacturers of life and bio-science products, and medical retailers.

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Talbot HouseTalbot RoadLlantrisantCF72 8AFTel: 01443 443925Fax: 01443 238383Email:[email protected]: www.gilesinsurance.co.uk

Giles Insurance Brokers Ltd are specialists in the lifescience sector acting formore than 200 clients in the UK and overseas, from university spin-outs tomain market listed companies, including companies involved in the research,development and supply of pharmaceutical and medtech products, CROs andrelated service providers. We are proud to be sponsors of both OBN and theBIA.We offer a range of specialist insurance products and services, including:• Global clinical trials• Pharmaceutical and medical product liability• Bio-medical errors & omissions / professional indemnity• Medical malpractice• Intellectual property litigation and protection• R&D and supply chain protection• Marine and goods in transit• Directors & Officers indemnity

The MayfieldUsk, MonmouthshireNP15 1SYContact: Claire BanksBusiness Development ManagerTel: 01291 673437Fax: 01291 673438Email: [email protected]: www.gxl.co.uk

GX Design is Wales’ largest independent design consultancy. Our team has aproven track record of designing, developing and manufacturing high qualityinstruments, machines and products for the medical sector. As part of the GXGroup we deliver creative thinking and cutting edge technology; excellentservice and commercially effective solutions.Recent clients include: Bayer Diagnostics, Gyrus Medical, Rhytec, CLP, Pall,Medical Support Systems, Morecare and British Gas.

george james Ltd

Hotley Bottom laneGreat MissendenBuckinghamHP16 9PLTel: 01858 433 481Mobile: 07977 192209Email: [email protected]: www.georgejamesltd.co.uk

george james ltd offers talent management & evaluation, recruitment,fundraising, training, HR and coaching services.We cover biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, diagnostics,instrumentation, scientific software, fine chemicals and chemical technologycompanies.With a combined experience of over 150 years in the business areas we supportand over 50 years as a service provider we have a global reach and workextensively throughout Europe and also network into the US & Canada.We have a keen interest and track record of providing a broad range of costeffective services to SMEs and have a background of strong partnerships withindividual senior managers and with their businesses. We work at a wide rangeof levels of recruitment, at grades from £35K to £200K.

Giles Insurance Ltd

GX Design Engineers

Haemair Ltd

Unit 212 Digital Technium,Swansea University,Singleton Park,SwanseaSA2 8PPEmail: [email protected]: www.haemair.com

The Haemair mission is to produce respiratory aids that range from devicesthat support respiration for patients with deficient lungs via an easily reversiblefully external device to a prosthetic device that may replace human lungs. Thebasis of the device is a blood/air mass exchanger. This exchanger takes carbondioxide from the blood and transfers oxygen into the blood. It is compact,portable and suitable for conscious, active patients.The devices are aimed at both acute and chronic lung conditions. Unlike mostconventional treatments for lung deficiency, the devices do NOT use the lungs;thus they allow deficient lungs to rest and recover, rather than forcingdamaged lungs to work harder through mechanically supported breathing.Ultimately our patients should be allowed home.

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Unit 5 Woodland WayHeolgerrigMerthyr TydfilCF48 1SQContact: Lynn HeritageManaging DirectorTel: 01685 720070Fax: 01685 720079Email: [email protected]

Heritage Medical Ltd, has been appointed partner to Memometal in France toprovide a full presence for Memometal in the UK. Memometal are the leadingcompany in memory metal implants for hand and foot surgery. HeritageMedical have worked with Memometal for 6 years and this new venture willprovide immediate growth for both companies. Heritage Medical is alsoworking with a number of US and Israeli companies to introduce their productsinto Europe. It is our plan in 2009 to provide job opportunities within SouthWales and we are working with IBW to make that a reality.

Heritage Medical Ltd

Home Telehealth Ltd

Saint Line House Mount Stuart Square Cardiff CF10 5LR Tel: 029 2044 4795 Fax: 029 2044 4778 E-mail:[email protected] Web: www.hometelehealthltd.co.uk

HTL is a provider of Telehealth Managed Services dedicated to bringinginnovation to Health, Social Care Providers, Industry and Consumers.HTL’s objective is to leverage its experience of working within both the publicand private Healthcare markets on the delivery of new value-added servicesand solutions that deliver new applications generating improved clinical,operational and financial outcomes for our clients.The HTL portfolio of services, products and solutions extends across manysegments of Health and Social Care including Health and Wellbeing, ChronicDisease Management, Telehealth, Telemedicine, Telecare, AssistiveTechnologies, eHealth grouped into three segments: technology solutions,managed services, programme implementation.


Diagnostic Products DivisionUnit 35 Portmanmoor RoadEast MoorsCardiffCF24 5HNTel: 029 2048 5885Fax: 029 2049 0170Email: [email protected]: www.huntleigh-diagnostics.com

Huntleigh, a member of the Getinge group of companies is a leading globalprovider of innovative and high quality medical equipment for healthcareprofessionals. The Diagnostic Products Division can proudly boast world leadingbrands such as Sonicaid, Dopplex and Smartsigns, covering healthcarerequirements in obstetrics, vascular assessment and patient monitoring.The ISO 9001-accredited site at Cardiff is the largest manufacturer of foetalmonitors in the UK and its position has been strengthened with the introductionof portable foetal monitors, monitors with telemedicine capabilities andelectronic viewing and archiving systems.The Smartsigns Brand of Patient Monitors compliment the Obstetric andVascular business enabling us to offer complete solutions to medicalprofessionals world-wide.The site also offers expertise in electronic components and software thatsupport product lines throughout the entire group.

Hyderus Cyf

34 Maindee RoadCwmfelinfachYnysdduNewportNP11 7HRTel: 01495 2000321Fex: 01495 200019Email: [email protected]: www.hyderus.com

Hyderus is a strategic communications consultancy specialising in Influencingtreatment decisions and patient empowerment across Europe, buildingspecialist and general understanding of public health issues communicatingdevelopment and developing country health matters to policy makers, specialistaudiences and the general public and helping Welsh organisations tocommunicate with stakeholders in Wales and throughout the World.Within these disciplines we provide strategic consulting, qualitative marketresearch (through a partner company), commissioning and management ofquantitative research, stakeholder relations and public affairs in Wales and theUK, internal communications media and public relations in Wales and the UK,media and influencer relations in over 50 countries and crisis planning andmanagement.

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27International Business Wales

International Business WalesBiosciences and Healthcare TeamTrafalgar House5 Fitzalan PlaceCardiff CF24 0EDTel: 02920 442608Email: [email protected]: www.ibwales.com/bioscience

The Bioscience & Healthcare team in IBW focuses on identifying and assistingcompanies in the bioscience sector to locate and grow their business in Wales.This team consists of three people – Chris Williams (Team Leader), ChrisDavies (Business Development Manager) and Katie Weeks (Project Executive) –who are all scientists with track records in the commercial world, and thusable to talk shop knowledgeably with clients and understand their needs, bothfrom a scientific and a business perspective.Through teamwork and collaboration, the IBW team is exploring the businessstrategies and supply chains of existing bioscience companies in Wales toenable the development of an inward investment strategy that will enhance andgrow the current cluster in Wales. IBW also supports companies that wish toparticipate at international trade fairs and exhibitions such as Medica and ArabHealth.

Invacare Ltd

South RoadBridgend Industrial EstateBridgend CF31 3PYTel: 01656 664 321Fax: 01656 667 532Web: www.invacare.co.ukEmail: [email protected]

Invacare’s UK operations were founded in 1856 and the company now employsover 200 people on our Bridgend and Treforest sites. The company is ideallyplaced to provide the UK healthcare market with a range of products andservices that the meets both the public and private healthcare sectors. Due tothe level of growth we have been experiencing we have recently announcedthat we will be shortly shutting our Bridgend and Trefoest sites and mergingboth operations at a new facility in the South Wales area. The products areasthat we cover are:• Bathing and Hygiene• Moving and Handling• Beds• Pressure Care: Mattresses and Cushions — made at MSS Treforest• Mobility Aids• Respiratory

ISCA Healthcare Research

Hill HouseBelmont HillCaerleon NP18 1JXTel: 01633 423641Email: [email protected]: www.isahcr.co.uk

ISCA HEALTHCARE RESEARCH is a specialist consultancy providing expertservices in the development of medical devices, pre-clinical / clinical devicedevelopment, medical device clinical trials and clinical regulatorydocumentation. This expertise is based on >20years experience of workingwith medical devices and their clinical validation in the UK, Europe andInternationally.ISCA HEALTHCARE RESEARCH has extensive experience in the following areas:medical device development and clinical validation; medical device pre-clinical /clinical trials and project management; clinical trial documentation; MHRAsubmissions; clinical literature reviews for regulatory submissions; pre-auditreview of clinical regulatory submission documentation; medical and studyreport writing.

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95 Allt-yr-Yn AvenueNewportNP20 5DEContact: John CableTel: 01633 784344Mobile: 07887944285Email: [email protected] Consulting Ltd is a specialist

business-to-business sales and marketing consultancy with a strong presencein technology and engineering markets, providing:• Marketing strategy formulation and implementation• Positioning and branding• New product (service) development• Market entry and channel strategy• Sales strategy development• Sales management – performance, lead generation, qualification and

conversion• Key account management programmes• Integration of sales and marketing with other business process• Coaching and mentoring for senior managementJara Consulting - focused sales and marketing support from concept tocustomer.

Jara Consulting Ltd

Kinneir Dufort

5 Host StreetBristolBS1 5BUTel: 0117 901 4000Fax: 0117 901 4001Email: [email protected]: www.kinneirdufort.com

Kinneir Dufort is a leading international design consultancy. We are experts indelivering product innovation to the medical sector. Our award-winning teamsuccessfully develops projects from research and concept generation throughto design development and industrialisation. All of our clients benefit fromKinneir Dufort’s fully resourced, multi-disciplinary team equipped with thelatest CAD and prototyping technology. We have 31 years of medical experience demonstrated through a broad portfolioof highly successful projects. Key areas of expertise are research; creativity;mechanical and electronic product design; rapid prototyping and projectmanagement. Our clients also benefit from our ISO 13485/9001 accreditationwhich guarantees fully documented and efficiently managed projects.

Krysium Technologies Ltd

P.O Box 16 Leominster HR6 0DD Tel: 01568 610777 Fax: 01568 780477 E-mail: [email protected]

Services: We assist companies with developing their R&&D efforts intocommercial products, primarily for bio-diagnostic and processinginstrumentation. Products: Bio-detection systems for detecting organisms in raw milk, food,water and end-product applications.

MA Consulting International Ltd

Westfield HouseEwenny RoadBridgendCF35 5APTel: 0845 087 3288Fax: 01446 774352Web: www.maconsultinginternational.comEmail:[email protected]

MA Consulting International Ltd is a management development organisation,with experienced consultants located throughout the UK, all of whom areformer CEO’s and MDs of blue chip companies, or have at least 10 years seniormanagement experience, together with a broad spectrum of departmentalknowledge.We operate an entrepreneurial structure; our people are team-orientatedprofessionals working together within a culture of trust and mutual co-operation.Few organisations have such a high calibre team as MA Consulting. Our peoplehave chosen to join us and recognise the industry leading service they providewhen working as part of a mature and experienced team.

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292 Radnor Court256 Cowbridge Road EastCardiffCF5 1GZTel: 029 2078 5153Fax: 029 2039 8101Email: [email protected]: www.medaphor.com

MedaPhor is a joint venture between medical educationalists,computer/interactive media specialists and Cardiff University. The companyproduces e-learning ultrasound modules and organises regular 3-day “hands-on” ultrasound courses in Cardiff for obstetrics and gynaecology and is in theprocess of developing an innovative virtual reality simulator to provide practicalskills training away from the clinic.MedaPhor products and services are suitable for postgraduate students,gynaecologists, obstetricians, radiographers, midwives and nurses to developcritical knowledge and skills as part of their training. They are also suitable forpractitioners fulfilling their continued professional development (CPD) andtrainers as an indispensable teaching resource for the classroom andworkshops.MedaPhor is committed to creating high quality ultrasound training systems forworldwide medical healthcare.

Medaphor ltd

6 Bessborough DriveCardiffCF11 8NEContact: Trevor LewisTel: 029 2022 1640Fax: 029 2022 1579Mob: 07739 733177Email: [email protected]: www.medicaldeviceconsultancy.co.uk

The Medical Device Consultancy provides specialist business developmentassistance for medical device, diagnostic and related companies, includingpartner search and selection. Associates have particular strengths in qualitysystem establishment, improvement, auditing and regulatory compliance in theUS and Europe; marketing, strategic market research and planning. TheMedical Device Consultancy can deliver high quality consultancy advice andassist with implementation where appropriate.

Medical Device Consultancy

Melys Diagnostics Ltd

Whitland AbbeyWhitlandCarmarthenshireSA34 0LGContact: Prof Dawood ParkerTel: 01994 240265Fax: 01994 241176Email: [email protected]: www.melysdiagnostics.com

Melys Diagnostics is a medical devices company specialising in non-invasivetechnologies. The company has developed an Atrial Fibrillation ScreeningMonitor which has undergone clinical trials both in the UK and the US. Chronicatrial fibrillation (AF) is the commonest arrhythmia seen in medical practice.The detection of an abnormal heart rhythm associated with AF can be achievedin a few seconds with this monitor, and at low cost.

Microbridge Services Ltd

c/o Manufacturing EngineeringCentreCardiff UniversityQueen’s BuildingNewport RdCardiffCF24 3AATel: 029 2087 4641Mobile: 07940 077 197Web: www.mec.cf.ac.ukEmail: [email protected]

MicroBridge Services Limited is a design, prototyping and batch manufacturingsolutions provider using micro engineering and micromachining. Companiesdeveloping new and innovative products can gain competitive advantage byincorporating micro technology and micro functional features. Productdevelopment and time-to-market can be shortened by MicroBridge’s cost-effective and comprehensive range of micro machining and micro mouldingservices.Typical applications of micro technology are medical and surgical devices, microdrug delivery systems, microfluidic diagnostic and Point-of-Care devices andimplantable devices.Technologies and services include micromachining, micro EDM, lasermicromachining, micro injection moulding, micro mould tool design andmanufacture and micro technology consultancy.

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Molecular Light Technology Research Ltd

MicroPharm Ltd

Station Road Industrial EstateNewcastle EmlynCarmarthenshireSA38 9BXTel: 01293 710 529Fax: 01293 710 529Email: [email protected]: www.micropharm.co.uk

MicroPharm has two divisions. The Therapeutics division specialises in thecontract filling of pharmaceutical products for systemic use. Both manual andautomated systems are available which enable the filling of as few as onehundred to several thousand units (vials or ampoules) in EU Grade A isolatorslocated in pharmaceutical cleanrooms. This division also manufacturesimmunotherapeutic products on contract, including antivenoms for use inAfrica.The Diagnostic division raises antisera on contract for a number of Europeancompanies and academic groups. Sheep are the preferred species but someother species may be available by arrangement.

5 Chiltern CloseCardiff Industrial ParkLlanishenCardiffCF14 5DLTel: 029 2072 7033Fax: 029 2074 7118E mail: [email protected]: www.mltresearch.com

Molecular Light Technology Research Ltd is a wholly owned subsidiary of Gen-Probe Incorporated, San Diego, USA, a global leader in the development,manufacture and marketing of rapid, accurate and cost-effective nucleic acidtests, used primarily to detect human diseases.Molecular Light Technology Research Ltd manufactures these tests for sale inthe European market.

Mr Prashant Murugkar

20 Heol Dewi SantSt James Mews HeathCardiffCF14 4NNTel: 07983 411193Email: [email protected]

I am a plastic surgeon with an interest in devices relating to electrocautery andsoft tissue repair. I am looking for help with financing, prototyping and licensingand am also interested in acting as a consultant on projects relating to surgicaldevices.

10, North RoadCardiff CF10 3DYContact: Dr Robin H DaviesTel: 029 2087 5830Fax: 029 2087 4149Email: [email protected]@Muscagen.comWeb: www.muscagen.com

Muscagen predicts and designs selective therapeutic agents in the G Proteincoupled Receptor (GPR) area with special interest in developing alleviatingagents in the fields of Alzheimer’s disease, incontinence, cardiovasculardisease, obesity and asthma

Muscagen Ltd

Neem Biotech Ltd

Units 1-3 Willowbrook Technical UnitsLlandogo RoadSt MellonsCardiffCF3 0EFTel: 029 2079 4796Email: [email protected]: www.neembiotech.com

Extraction of active compounds from plants and marine life, production,research and process development.Current products and research work: garlic; artemisinin; azadirrachtin;galanthamine; barley; horseradish.Future products: aloe ferox; devil’s claw; hoodia; celery; mussel; blueberries;bluebells; flax; shark liver oil.Relevant targeted market sectors (human and animal): pharmaceuticals;neutreceuticals; OTC.Looking to add to our current commercial relationships with companies andacademic institutions, both in the UK and overseas.

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31Nightingale Care Beds Ltd

Unit 20, Abenbury WayWrexham Industrial EstateWrexham LL13 9UZTel: 01987 661 999Fax@ 01987 661 705Web: www.nightingalebeds.co.ukEmail: [email protected] Care Beds Ltd is amanufacturer and supplier of Bariatric

Care Systems into the clinical sector. We have brought together a range ofequipment to compliment our ProAxis Plus bariatric bed to enable the care ofheavier patients with safety and dignity. We offer a 24/7 rental service withaverage delivery times of under 4 hours within the UK, this has recently beenenhanced with our fixed price Bariatric Package scheme which offers all theequipment required with one call at one price. All products are available forsale, with stock held for immediate delivery.

Norgine Ltd

New RoadTir-y-BerthHengoedCaerphillyCF82 8SJTel: 01443 812183Fax: 01443 816648Web: www.norgine.com

Norgine Ltd is the UK-based affiliate of Norgine, an independent pan-Europeanpharmaceutical company. With UK headquarters at Harefield, Middlesex and amanufacturing site at Hengoed. Norgine conducts an international business.Norgine employs about 600 people in the UK and a further 400 in its affiliatedcompanies. The company markets a broad range of prescription medicinesthrough a network of companies and distributor partnership throughoutEurope, the Nordic region, the Middle and Far East, South Africa, Australia,USA and Latin America.About 80% of sales derive from products used in the treatment of gastro-intestinal illness. Research and acquisition strategies reflect our interests ingastroenterology and hepatology.

Oncomorph Analysis Ltd

Oncomorph Analysis Ltdc/o Commercialisation andConsultancy ServicesAberystwyth UniversityVisualisation CentrePenglaisAberystwyth SY23 3BFTel: 01970 832 340Fax: 01970 622959Email: [email protected]: www.oncomorph.com

Oncomorph Analysis Ltd (a spin out from Aberystwyth University) is a medicalimaging software company. We are developing ground-breaking software toassist radiologists in diagnosing and staging prostate cancer. The company’stechnology will automate tumour visualisation and classification, to standardiseinterpretation of Magnetic Imaging Resonance (MRI) scans. Oncomorph isexpanding an IP portfolio in image analysis, generated from a successfulproduct development programme, and aims toward a pipeline of clinicalimaging technologies designed for FDA approval. Oncomorph’s automaticinterpretation of MRI data will improve the diagnostic accuracy of MRI, reducethe numbers of unsuccessful needle biopsies and standardise patient carepathways.

12 Technium OneKings RoadSwansea WaterfrontSwanseaSA1 8PHTel: 01792 485 705Web: www.osteotronix.com

OsteoTronix Ltd is a health care company based in Swansea. Our mission is thedevelopment and commercialization of a unique magnetic resonance baseddiagnostic technique for the in-vivo characterization of anatomical structures.Our revolutionary technology has applications in drug development, as well asin diagnosis and monitoring of treatment for a number of important diseasestates including osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, cancer, liver cirrhosis, anddiabetic wound care. We currently have collaborations underway withresearchers in academia as well as pharmaceutical companies, in the UK,Europe, and the US, and are developing both software and hardware products.Our current product is contract research and a research software license forcharacterizing fine structures in the body.

OsteoTronix Ltd

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32Ovasort Ltd

The MedicentreHeath ParkCardiff CF14 4UJTel: 01404 831 104Email: [email protected]

Ovasort Ltd is an SME based in Wales, UK that has developed a patented cellsorting process which has provided it with a novel protein discovery platform atthe cell surface when used with various mammalian cell lines.Danish Pig Production (Danish Bacon) have a world-wide licence to use theOvasort technology for breeding offspring of pre-determined sex in pigs, and amajor international cattle breeding partner has been granted a licence for thisutility in cattle for part of the world.

Patent Seekers Ltd

Imperial ParkNewportNP10 8UHContact: Timothy Parry (MBA, MCIPS)Business & Finance DirectorTel: 01633 816608 (Direct Line)Fax: 01633 810076Email: [email protected]: www.patentseekers.com

Patent Seekers is now the fastest growing exclusive technology researchcompany in the UK. We provide research for many leading patent attorneys,technology companies, universities and trade journal publications in the UKand USA. We have experience in patent and non-patent literature in areas suchas:• Diagnosis and treatment of cardiac arrhythmias, eye diseases, and

cardiovascular disease• Treatment of aneurysms• Treatment of various forms of cancer• Wound treatmentOur client portfolio has consistently grown and we have maintained ourcommitment to invest in the most extensive search databases, only employtechnically qualified staff and provide flexible services that will be of benefit toyou.

PDR – The National Centre for Product Design & Development Research

Western AvenueCardiffCF5 2YBTel: 029 2041 6725Fax: 029 2041 6973Email: [email protected]: www.pdronline.co.uk

PDR is an award-winning multi disciplinary design and developmentconsultancy offering genuine leading-edge expertise to medical companies onthe full spectrum of activities and processes required to bring new productopportunities to market successfully. For over 15 years, PDR’s talented team has undertaken many projects formedical companies, covering areas such as disposables, medical devices,surgical instruments, safety/waste disposal, hospital seating and beds. Clientsvary from small start-up businesses to some of the world’s leading blue chipsand medical establishments. Combined with the latest 3D CAD, 3D scanning, prototyping, machining, toolingand batch production technologies, all available in-house, PDR offers a broadspectrum of client support including user observation and reporting; initialidea conception; creative industrial design; mechanical engineering;prototyping and low batch manufacture.

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23-24 Tafarnaubach Industrial EstateTredegarGwentNP22 3AATel: 01495 711222Fax: 01495 711225Email: [email protected]: www.pennpharm.co.uk

Penn is a leading provider of integrated pharmaceutical development, clinicaltrial supply and custom manufacturing services to the international healthcareindustry. Our core services include formulation and analytical development,clinical trial manufacture, labelling, packing, storage, distribution, returns anddestruction, specialised contract manufacture, CMC consultancy and QualifiedPerson release services.Penn also offer High Containment Operations for the formulation andmanufacture of highly potent substances for use in clinical trials. Pennmanufactures to GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) and is licensed by theUK’s MHRA (Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency) and is FDA(US Food and Drug Administration) inspected.

Penn Pharmaceuticals Services Ltd

Performance Health Products Ltd

Unit 1 West SideCambrian Industrial EstateCoed Cae LanePontyclunCF72 9EXTel: 01656 745775Fax: 01656 742835Email: [email protected]: www.v-trak.com

PHP is specifically focused on efficacious posture management for wheelchairusers. The company coined the phrase ‘posture management’ to clarify thevery particular needs of its user profile. It specialises in the design andprovision of seating systems which can be configured for the individualcharacteristics of the varied and complex conditions encountered in thedisabled and the elderly. A four year product development programme isextending and refining the current product range. Its products are sold in 22countries including Japan and Saudi Arabia but are seen in many more asoriginal equipment on wheelchairs from a leading wheelchair manufacturer.Current markets targeted include the former Eastern Bloc countries.

The Counting House, Celtic Gateway, CardiffCF11 0SNTel: 02920 504040Fax: 029 2071 0488Email: [email protected]: www.phoenixmr.com

Phoenix Medical Recruitment Ltd was formed in 2000 as a specialistrecruitment, search and selection agency dealing primarily with sales positionswithin the pharmaceutical industry.Based in South Wales, Phoenix has established itself placing sales andmarketing candidates with many of the major pharmaceutical, medical device,healthcare companies in the UK.The company covers all levels of vacancies from trainee to Director level and isalways happy to discuss with clients their current or proposed recruitmentneeds.

Phoenix Medical Recruitment Ltd

31 Dean LaneWinchester SO22 5LLTel: 07767 888 899Email: [email protected]: www.procela.com

Procela Partners accelerate innovation in all aspects of biopharmaceuticalR&D. In the biotechnology field Procela Partners continue to build on theirreputation for helping start-ups translate science ideas into commercialrealities.

Whilst a potential product or service must ultimately stand or fall on it ownmerits, Procela commits to ensuring that the product proposition achieves thebest possible chance of reaching the market. Procela systematically formulatesthe most compelling market proposition for the technology based on theavailable scientific and competitive information, then targeting the propositiontoward high probability partners in its global pharma and biotech network.

Procela Partners

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The Qioptiq group is a unique, international group of companies addressing defence, aerospace, industrial, medical, and scientific markets with optical -mechanic solutions.

Group synergies, proven capabilities, customer base and market knowledge have been utilised to develop our compact automated Micro-plate Viewer.

The unit which processes a full 96 well plate in less than 2 minutes giving valuable time, lost in traditional hand/eye labour intensive viewing practices, back to the researcher, is particularly suited to use in medium to high throughput laboratories.

Operating in the visual spectrum the non - invasive, inverted imaging system is particularly suited to analysing and maintaining record of growth, confluence or other identified criteria in live, low contrast cultures such as found with Stem Cells and Cancer Tissues.

Simple to use the unit offers versatile image presentation of the entire well plate assessment.

Software image enhancement and illumination options can be used to view individual wells (flat or round bottomed) in greater detail.

Embedded software providing image data storage capability, is ideal for QA/QC through life recording of tasks/project history.

Qioptiq Limited

Glascoed Road,St.Asaph,Denbighshire LL170LL.Tel. 01745 588000WEB www.qioptiq.com Contact. Chris Pye Tel. 01745 588253Email [email protected] Dennis Jones Tel. 01745 588376Email dennis.jones @uk.qioptiq.com

Sarum Biosciences Ltd

Sarum Biosciences Ltd Room 1.49A, c/o Redwood Building King Edward VII Avenue Cardiff CF10 3NB Tel: 07733322890 Email:[email protected]: www.sarumbiosciences.co.uk

Sarum Biosciences develops novel antibacterial technologies employingnaturally occurring bacterial viruses (‘bacteriophages’) to treat human diseasesand conditions. Its lead project is in the field of acne but is addressing othertreatment areas including Clostridium difficile which is becoming a greater andgreater health threat.

Ruskinn Technology Ltd/ Ruskinn Life Sciences ltd

Suite 3 Technium DigitalSony Technology CentrePencoedBridgendCF35 5HZTel: 01656 868540Fax: 01656 868541Email: [email protected]: www.ruskinn.com

Ruskinn Technology Ltd and Ruskinn Life Sciences Ltd manufacture andmarket a range of anaerobic and modified atmosphere workstations to themedical microbiology and research laboratory market, as well as specificallydesigned new gas-controlled incubated workstations for the IVF and stem cellmarkets.


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35ShakerScope Ltd

c/o Ventures LtdDigital TechniumSingleton ParkSwanseaSA2 8PPTel: 01792 513219Fax : 01792 513370Email: [email protected]: www.shakerscope.comwww.timesco-uk.co.uk

ShakerScope Limited is a spin-out company set up in 2005 by two consultantanaesthetists at Swansea’s Morriston Hospital to develop the ShakerScope®: aunique compact eco-friendly battery-free light source which enables a range ofessential medical instruments to be used in developing countries and difficultenvironments.The ShakerScope® has wide application to general practice, hospital medicine,paramedics, disaster management, veterinary and military use; and hasreceived international awards including the 2008 iF and Red Dot design awards. In November 2008 the directors granted exclusive license for manufacture anddistribution to TimesCo Limited. Launch is scheduled for September 2009.

Unit 8 Ystradgynlais WorkshopsYstradgynlaisPowysSA9 1BSTel: 01639 841669Fax: 01639 841669Email: [email protected]: www.silprotect.co.uk

Silprotect Ltd manufactures and markets silver ion-based disinfectants for usein medical, food and industrial areas. These simple-to-apply products give longterm durable protection against microbial growth on almost any surface. Theyare available as trigger sprays, aerosols and in fogging format.

Silprotect Ltd

Simbec Research Ltd

Merthyr Tydfil Industrial ParkCardiff RoadMerthyr TydfilCF48 4DRContact: Alan WoodwardManager, Business DevelopmentTel: +44 (0)1443 694309Fax: +44 (0)1443 692499E-mail: [email protected]: www.simbec.co.uk

Simbec Research, one of Europe’s longest established CRO, provides clinicaland bioanalytical contract services to the international pharmaceutical andbiotechnology sectors. Simbec conducts early clinical trials ranging from First in Human Phase Istudies in healthy subjects through to Phase IIa proof of concept trials inpatients, with full bioanalytical back up and related services, and particularexpertise in studies involving Ophthalmology, Dermatology and GammaScintigraphy imaging.Simbec is a division of Algorithme Pharma which also has Phase I andBioequivalence facilities in Montreal (Canada) and Baltimore (USA) and aglobal capacity to conduct multi-regional and multi-ethnic studies.

Sleepworks Products Ltd

18, Elwy RoadRhos on SeaColwyn BayConwyLL28 4SBTel: 01492 541886Email: [email protected]: www.snorekil.co.uk

Sleepworks Products Ltd are the manufacturers of Snorekil, an over thecounter anti-snoring device manufactured in Wales. Its inventor Paul Cattellhas over 35 years’ experience in the dental profession. Snorekil has won fourawards since its launch in December 2006 for its innovative design to solve aglobal problem. The company has a commitment to continued research anddevelopment and has recently introduced a smaller model to satisfy thedemands of an expanding world market, which enables us to offer customers achoice of size and to accommodate a wider client base.

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36Sony UK Tec

Pencoed Technology ParkPencoedCF35 5HZTel no: 01656 860 666Fax no: 01656 864 906Email: [email protected]: www.sonyuktec.co.uk

We are the only manufacturer of Professional and Broadcast Camera Systemsfor Sony Corporation with a worldwide customer base located outside of Japan.We also act as a Contract Electronics Manufacturer of professional, industrialand consumer electronic devices offering the complete business solution tovarious market leading companies.Our facilities include: State of the art SMT facility, Poke Yoke cell assembly, testjig design capability, Award winning Service and Customer Call Centre, EMC /EMI / Safety Approvals Laboratory, SCM services and DFM engineering support.We are also host to Digital Technium @Sony

St Davids Assemblies Ltd

Glasfryn RoadSt DavidsHaverfordwestPembrokeshireSA62 6RYTel: 01437 720555Fax: 01437 725500Email: [email protected]: www.stdavidsassemblies.co.uk

St Davids Assemblies Ltd is firmly established as one of the UK’s leadingmanufacturers of complex pressings, close-tolerance plastic mouldings andassemblies.The company’s longstanding reputation for innovation and quality combinedwith the latest production techniques and prototype development makes it anideal choice for any organisation seeking a manufacturing partner.From a purpose-built modern 33,000 sq ft factory in St Davids, products aredistributed world-wide to customers including Bosch Siemens, Flymo, Philips,Glen Dimplex, Jaguar, Kenwood, Moulinex and Russell Hobbs.

Sterilin Ltd

Angel LaneAberbargoedBargoedCaerphillyCF81 9FWUnited KingdomTel: +44 (0) 844 844 3737Fax: +44 (0) 844 844 2373Email: [email protected]: www.sterilin.co.uk

Sterilin Ltd specialises in the manufacture of single use laboratory plastics andcomprises four established product brands: Sterilin® Single Use Plastics;Iwaki® Tissue Culture Products; Sterilin Silicone Devices and Sterilin PackagingProducts.The Sterilin brand is synonymous with quality, reliability and user safety andoffers a wide range of products for the pharmaceutical, clinical and healthcare,medical devices and industrial packaging industries. All Sterilin products aremanufactured at the company’s ISO 9001:2000 accredited plant in South Wales,UK, where a commitment to the improvement in manufacturing processes andproduct development and clean room and microbiological research facilitiesensures that every item is made to the highest possible quality. Our worldwidedistribution network ensures access to the extensive Sterilin portfolio from allareas of the globe.

Surgical Materials Testing Laboratory

Princess of Wales HospitalCoity RoadBridgendCF31 1RQContact: Pete Phillips,Acting DirectorTel/Fax: 01656 752820/30Web: www.smtl.co.uk/www.worldwidewounds.com/www.dressings.org/

The Surgical Materials Testing Laboratory, part of the Welsh NHS, provides arange of testing and technical services to the NHS and the medical deviceindustry worldwide, including but not limited to:• Dressings testing (fluid handling and affinity, conformability, to BP and BS • requirements); Bandage testing to BS 7505;• Biological testing (cytotoxicity testing to ISO 10993-5, protein testing to

EN455-3);• Hosiery testing to BS 6612, 7672 and 7563;• Glove testing to EN 455;• Microbiological testing, including bioburden, endotoxin and barrier testing, as

well as antimicrobial testing (e.g., silver dressings);• Environmental monitoring of cleanrooms (to ISO 14644-1 and GMP);• Test method development, R&D and incident investigation.

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37Swansea University – Centre for Complex Fluids Processing

School of EngineeringSwansea UniversitySingleton ParkSwanseaSA2 8PPTel: 01792 295216Fax: 01792 295676Email: [email protected]: http://complexfluids.swansea.ac.uk

Internationally acknowledged research excellence in the areas of process,chemical and biochemical engineering underpins the Centre’s engagementwith industry within Wales and on a worldwide basis, in areas such bio-processing, foods processing, lubrication and filtration, by building on ourexpertise in colloids, rheometry and advanced surface characterisationtechniques. Complementing our existing commercial activities, the Centre isnow targeting engagement with the biomedical industrial sector. The Centre has a unique shared laboratory within NHS Hospital Morriston, andis developing new rheometrical approaches to monitoring and understandingblood coagulation, blood clot viscoelasticity and blood clot structure. Other bio-medically relevant areas of research include a novel polymer fabricationprocess that constructs porous polymer scaffolds and a collaborative projectwith a Welsh SME pioneering the development of an artificial lung.

Swansea UniversitySingleton ParkSwanseaSA2 8PPTel: 01792 602362Fax: 01792 513713Email: [email protected]: www.ils.swansea.ac.uk

The Institute of Life Science (ILS) is the £52m research institute of SwanseaUniversity’s School of Medicine, made possible through a unique collaborationbetween IBM, the Welsh Assembly Government and Swansea University. It ishoused in a purpose-built facility on the University campus, adjacent toAbertawe Bro Morgannwg University NHS Trust’s Singleton Hospital, withstate-of-the-art laboratories, a business development suite and IBMsupercomputer, Blue C. The ILS houses over 200 specialists, includingprofessor-led research groups, technology transfer experts and dedicatedbusiness support, actively seeking research collaboration and commercialengagement. The ILS is also home to the Boots Centre for Innovation.

Swansea University – Institute of Life Science

Swansea University - School of Medicine

Swansea UniversitySingleton ParkSwanseaSA2 8PPTel: 01792 602362Fax: 01792 513713Email: [email protected]: www.medicine.swansea.ac.uk

Swansea University’s School of Medicine is a centre of excellence in medicalresearch and education. Its principal activities include a four-year GraduateEntry Medicine Programme, a range of higher degree programmes andinterdisciplinary biomedical and health research housed at the Institute of LifeScience. Major initiatives at include the Centre for NanoHealth, a £22mcollaboration with Swansea University’s School of Engineering; the EPSRCNational Mass Spectrometry Centre, offering a comprehensive massspectrometry service for university research groups; and the HealthInformation Research Unit (HIRU) and Health Informatics ResearchLaboratories, which together form a major centre for UK health informaticsactivities.

Synergy Health Laboratory Services

Gavenny Court, Brecon Road, Abergavenny, MonmouthshireNP7 7RX T: 01873 856688 M: 07793 800729 F: +44 (0) 1873 858982 E: [email protected] W: www.synergyhealthplc.com

Synergy Health Laboratory Services (formerly JMJ Laboratories) was foundedover twenty years ago and provides fully accredited analytical services toclients in all industry sectors. Now a division of Synergy Health plc, we offeroccupational health screening, general pathology and workplace drug testing.Our analytical portfolio also extends to MRSA screening, virology andimmunology, biochemical and microbiological environmental monitoring,product and raw material bioburden determination, water testing, substanceidentification. Building on this expertise, we also offer consultancy, formaltraining in drug awareness, drug policy implementation and collection ofsamples on a nationwide basis.

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38Tredomen Innovation Centre Ystrad Mynach HengoedCF82 7FQ Tel: 01443 866311 Fax: 01443 866310 Contact: Keith Stock, ManagingDirectorEmail: [email protected]: www.teamworkict.com

Teamwork Technology Services are a leading independent Welsh basedprovider of Information & Communication Technology (ICT) consultancy andsupport solutions. We are active in the biotechnology, pharmaceutical and healthcare sectors andcan demonstrate a successful track record of supporting clients throughprofitable growth. Our independent experienced consultants advise and help implementappropriate ICT solutions and strategies. Our tailored outsourcing serviceallows clients to focus on their core business, they do not have to worry aboutthe day to day delivery or management of ICT.

Teamwork Technology Services Ltd

Spring Gardens, WhitlandCarmarthenshireSA34 0HRTel: 01994 240798Fax: 01994 240061Email: [email protected]: www.magstim.com

Magstim provides the means for neuroscientists to work with the human brainin awake subjects by manufacturing and supplying state-of-the-art clinical andresearch instruments. Magstim and Neurosign products cover the fields ofNeurology, Neurophysiology, Psychiatry and Cognitive Neuroscience as well asENT, Orthopaedic and Neurosurgery.Magstim maintains a strong commitment to R&D and product improvement.Collaborating with researchers in British and European major centres ofexpertise (as well as those in North America and Japan) ensures that Magstimremains informed about clinical and medical advances, enabling the companyto develop products at the forefront of technology.

Regus Cardiff CityHaywood House NorthDumfries PlaceCardiffCF10 3GATel: +44-(0)29-20647384Fax: +44-(0)29-20646101E-mail: [email protected] office website: www.c-thme.com

Tianhai UK Ltd, located in Cardiff, is a European subsidiary of ChongQingTianHai Medical Equipment Co. Ltd, a Hi-tech company established in 1995specialising in R&D; manufacturing; sales and marketing; and after salesservice of medical equipment used in hospitals, clinical laboratories, researchinstitutes. Three Main Technology Lines:1) Clinical Inspection Analysis & Diagnostic Technology: Urinalysis; BloodAnalysis; Medical Image; Analysis; Traditional Chinese Medical Diagnosis2) Blood Purification Technology: Hemodialysis Machine; Multifunctional Pump3) LED-based Medical Illumination Technology: LED Medical IlluminationProductsTianhai UK Ltd is at its early stage aiming to strengthen the cooperation withENFIS; to promote medical equipment in UK market; to meet with potentialdistribution partners; to meet with possible new clients and associates; to seekmore partners in the sustainable energy.

The Magstim Company Ltd

Tianhai UK Ltd

Trojan Electronics Ltd

Units 8,10 & 11Garngoch Industrial EstateGorseinonSwanseaSA4 9WGSales: 0870 787 5667Factory: 01792 892221Fax: 01792 891119Email: [email protected]: www.trojanelectronics.co.uk

Trojan Electronics specialise in supplying electronic sub-contract services.Whether you require a full turnkey solution or you prefer to free-issue yourcomponents Trojan can cater for your needs. Our flexible approach means nojob is too big or small: whether it is for a new product launch, internal shortterm capacity problem or scheduled orders we can cater for your specificrequirements. Surface mount & through hole placement. Free-issue or fullprocurement and full product assembly & test service. Prototype to volumeproduction, lead free & leaded assembly. Quick response & turnaround timesand full MRP system offering full traceability - competitive prices.

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Tregwilym Industrial Estate Rogerstone, Newport NP10 9YATel: 01633 892345 Fax: 01633 895755E-mail: [email protected]: www.ttelectronics-ims.com

Delivering electronic manufacturing solutions. TT electronics integratedmanufacturing services is the largest UK-owned provider of comprehensiveelectronics design, manufacturing and product management services. With 3 sites accredited ISO13485, in the UK, USA and China, we offer acomplete range of value added services covering design services and processoptimisation, turnkey manufacturing, system integration and tailored logisticsthrough to after sales support. We provide product life-cycle cost efficiencycombining UK and US-based NPI and low- to mid-volume production with ahigh volume low cost manufacture from our facilities in China and Malaysia,both supported by local programme management.

TT electronics integrated manufacturing services

100 Pall MallSt JamesLondonSW1Y 5HPTel: 0207 664 8711Contact: Jon Wilks, DirectorEmail: [email protected] Lilley, DirectorEmail: [email protected]

UK Healthgateway is the specialist UK health market entry expert. We offer:• Distributor search• Regulatory certification (CE all grades)• Market research• Clinical product assessment & trials• Commercial planning• Clinical PR and product advocacy• Legal and financial planningOur network of expert Associates are the best in the business and our clientsbenefit from an unrivalled contacts network and NHS process understanding.Whether your product is equipment, device, consumable or pharmaceutical, wewill make your market entry successful.

UK Healthgateway Ltd

Ultrawave Ltd

Eastgate Business ParkWentloog AvenueCardiffCF3 2EYUKTel: 0845 330 4236Fax: 0845 330 4231Email: [email protected]: www.ultrawave.co.uk

Ultrawave are one of the UK’s largest manufacturers of precision ultrasoniccleaning equipment and have been supplying systems to companies across awide range of industries since 1990.Amongst the extensive Ultrawave product portfolio is the hygea™ range ofHTM2030 compliant, validated ultrasonic cleaners for surgical instruments.Used in many sectors from dental and podiatry through to Sterile ServiceDepartments, Ultrawave’s ultrasonic cleaning baths are an essential part ofthe instrument decontamination process. In edition to catalogue items,Ultrawave can manufacture bespoke cleaning systems designed specifically forthe user’s requirements. Ultrawave’s custom ultrasonic systems are widelyused in the medical device manufacture and pharmaceutical industries.

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40University of Glamorgan – National AIDC Centre for Wales

Faculty of Advanced TechnologyUniversity of GlamorganPontypriddCF37 1DLTel: 01443 654542Fax: 01443 654087Email: [email protected]: www.aidcwales.org

The National AIDC Centre for Wales (Automatic Identification and DataCapture) is established as a Knowledge Transfer Centre under the A4Bscheme run by the Welsh Assembly Government. Its aim is to helporganisations take advantage of cost saving technologies such as bar codes,RFID, smart cards etc.We undertake feasibility studies up to three days FOC under the de minimisrules of the EU, which results in an outline specification for system changes.Help in introducing these changes may be via commercial suppliers, or can bevia other University backed schemes such as Knowledge TransferPartnerships.

Cwm Cynon Industrial EstateNorth PlateauMountain AshRCT CF45 4ERTel: 01443 471 200Fax: 01443 475 867Email: [email protected]: www.upgintl.com

UPG is an innovative global provider of product development andmanufacturing solutions servicing the medical market with tooling design andconstruction, custom injection moulded plastic components, semi-finishedsub-assemblies to multifaceted fully finished final products. This includesminimally invasive surgical devices; respiratory, anaesthesia and catheterdevices; infusion, diagnostic instruments and devices; and patient monitoringsystems. UPG global expertise and processes are tailored to meet thestringent demands for today’s healthcare products.

UPG Global Manufacturing

Churchill House Churchill Way Cardiff CF10 2HHTel: 02920 642150 Fax: 02920 340600 Email: [email protected]: www.udl.co.uk

In an increasingly competitive world and global market, the protection ofIntellectual Property is vital to commercial success. Particularly in the medicalsector where many of the major players are based in the US or Japan, Welshinnovators need to keep ahead of the game. UDL is the largest firm of patent and trade mark attorneys in Wales. Throughits many years of experience working in the medical field, UDL has theexpertise to advise you on all aspects of patents, trade marks and designs. Tofind out how we can help you protect some of your most valuable assets, visitour website or contact Mark Davies or Michelle Ward.

Urquhart-Dykes & Lord LLP


Unit 46, First AvenueZone 2, Deeside Industrial ParkDeesideFlintshire CH5 2NUTel: 01244 287050Fax: 01244 289175Email: [email protected]: www.venalink.co.uk

Since 1999 Venalink have been at the forefront of Monitored Dosage Systems inEurope. During this time we have amassed a wealth of knowledge in the choice,setting up and use of systems in the community, nursing / care homes andhospitals. All Venalink packs conform to strict FDA regulations and are barrierproofed to a minimum of USP class ‘B’ in terms of moisture and gaspermeation.Being a totally disposable system, they are hygienic and require no cleaning orsterilisation between uses.

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Llwyn IfanPorthyrhydCarmarthenSA32 8BPTel: 01267 275205Email: [email protected]

Dr Bob Wallis

My expertise is to add value to research results by targeting future researchand exploiting the findings. I can:• Audit intellectual property and scientific expertise.• Draw up realistic and carefully targeted research plans.• Draw up business plans for research based companies.• Help with finding finance for good research projects.• Manage Research & Development projects.• Mentor and facilitate research projects.• Participate in Scientific Advisory Board meetings.• Participate in Management Board Meetings.• Find partners for research collaborations and licence deals.• Carry out technical assessment of research projects for either grant

applications or commercialisation.• Provide operational or interim management support.

Plas GlyndwrKings WayCardiffCF10 3AHTel: 029 2082 8712Email: [email protected]

The Technology and Innovation team support individuals in making theirbusinesses more innovative and help those businesses to develop newproducts, services, processes and embrace technological change. Thedepartment works closely with other organisations to help businesses accessthe whole range of support and expertise that is available to supportbusinesses along their journey of innovation.The assistance provided includes:-• Free impartial advice from locally-based specialist advisors• Support for research & development and new product and process

development• Professional help to identify, protect and commercialise intellectual property• Access to specialist equipment, facilities and expertise• Networking opportunities• Strategic innovation support for key sectors• Support for innovators• Links to internationally respected academic resources in Wales• E-Business programme (deployment of ICT within and between businesses • at a range of levels, to enhance and improve business operations).The team help deliver the Welsh Assembly Government’s Innovation ActionPlan which aims to strengthen Wales as a knowledge based economy, as wellas the Nexus Report which aims to maximise the economic potential of ouruniversities and colleges.

Welsh Assembly Government – Department for the Economy and Transport

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42Welsh Assembly GovernmentPlas GlyndwrKingswayCardiff CF10 3AHTel: 01745 586236Email: [email protected]

The Wales Innovators Network (WIN) is funded by the European RegionalDevelopment Fund to provide a free and impartial service devised specificallyfor individual innovators and inventors living in Wales who are involved inproduct, process or technology development.WIN provides confidential 1-1 advice through dedicated Innovation Managerson the subjects of Confidentiality and Intellectual Property, Market Research,Design and Feasibility, Prototyping, Access to funding.WIN also offers networking opportunities as it hosts regular evening meetingsto bring together its like minded inventors and innovators at regional venues.

The ManseTabernacle LaneLlanvachesMonmnouthshireNP26 3BLTel: 07748 637400E mail: [email protected]

Wentwood Medical Ltd provides sales and marketing expertise to thebiotechnology and pharmaceutical sectors in the UK and Europe. Our servicesinclude:• Strategic brand planning services, strategic marketing formulation and plan

development. Integrated customer plan development, customer targetingstrategy development, strategy implementation, operational brandmanagement services and brand enhancement programmes.

• Pre-launch activities (market assessment, market shaping), brand supportprogrammes, patient programmes and aligning to NHS customers.

• Marketing material production, web site design, customer, key opinion leadermanagement and development. NHS funding expertise, NHS liaison, PCTcontact

• Communication with policy, formulary, funding & commissioning decisionmakers and Government lobbying. Sales targeting strategies and sales forcere-design

• Alliance management - co-promotional activities, start up company Sales,marketing and business development support

Wales Innovators Network

Wentwood Medical Ltd

Withers & Rogers LLP

1 Redcliff Street Bristol BS1 6NP Tel: 0117 9253030 Fax: 0117 9253530 Email: [email protected]: www.withersrogers.com

Withers & Rogers LLP provides a comprehensive range of services inintellectual Property with strong specialist teams in all important technical andlegal disciplines. The firm’s Patent and Trade Mark practitioners are evenlyspread across three offices in Bristol, London and the Midlands. We have extensive experience in working in the healthcare sector and have anestablished multi-disciplinary healthcare practice group. Consequently, thehealthcare practice group is technically qualified to work in all areas of the healthcare sector including chemical, biotechnology and pharmaceuticals,spinal implant technology, surgical instruments and medical imaging.

Wynne-Jones, Laine & James LLP

Essex Place22 Rodney PlaceCheltenhamGL50 1JJTel: 01242 267 600Fax: 01242 224 183Email: [email protected]: www.wynne-jones.com

Wynne-Jones, Lainé & James is a long established firm of Chartered andEuropean Patent and Trademark Attorneys, with offices in Cheltenham andCardiff. We have an excellent reputation locally, nationally and internationally,especially in troubleshooting particularly difficult cases. Our impressive clientlist includes private individuals, multi-nationals, household names, largetechnology-based companies and universities. We provide a premium qualityservice and our goal and focus is always on the business needs and objectivesof the client. Intellectual property (IP) plays a vital role in the modern business environment.Whether it be protecting and realizing the value of inventions, proprietarytechnology, brands or original designs, getting the right advice is the key.

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11 Fort StreetCardiff CF24 1QQTel: 07799 431 060Fax: 029 2049 8447Email: [email protected]: www.xgen.org.uk

XGEN – a unique amalgamation of the UK’s top micromachining and MNTorganisations – has established an international reputation for technicalinnovation and expertise. Laser Micromachining Limited, MicroBridge and metaFAB, supported by theWelsh Assembly Government, solve complex applications problems. Bycombining their skills, experiences, know-how and technology, XGEN is able tomeet specialised customer requirements and enable the development ofpractical, successful and cost-effective solutions for large and smallbusinesses alike.XGEN is a one-stop-shop that ensures a streamlined service and increasedmanufacturing efficiency through collaboration and innovation.

Zarlink Semiconductor

Castlegate Business ParkPortskewettCaldicotNP26 5YWTel: 01291 435300Fax: 01291435291Email: [email protected]: www.zarlink.com

Zarlink’s Advanced Packaging Business delivers a competitive advantage for itscustomers through miniaturising electronic circuits, enabling wirelessconnectivity and developing novel energy sources for medical devices.With a track record of success in designing and developing miniaturisedelectronic modules, Zarlink’s Advanced Packaging Business is at the heart ofmission-critical projects in such applications as pacemakers, neuro-stimulators, catheters, sensors, hearing aids and patient monitoring.Technology development is underpinned through TSB and FP6/7 collaborationswith leading research organisations and companies where Zarlink plays aleading role in management and exploitation. Current projects include energyharvesting, In/On body wireless communications and embedded components todrive the next generation of 3D miniaturisation.

