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Meeting of the verdun sud ouest good neighbourly relations committee - february 3 2016

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Meeting of the Verdun / Sud-Ouest Good Neighbourly Relations Committee New Champlain Bridge Corridor Project Mayor of the Borough of Verdun – February 3, 2016 Please note that the English version is used only for reference purposes . In case of discrepancy between the English and French versions, the French version shall prevail *

Meeting of the Verdun / Sud-Ouest Good Neighbourly Relations Committee New Champlain Bridge Corridor Project Mayor of the Borough of Verdun – February 3, 2016

Please note that the English version is used only for reference purposes . In case of discrepancy between the English and French versions, the French version shall prevail *

New Champlain Bridge Corridor Project


Verdun Philippe Dubeau Hubert Fortin Ann-Marie Gagné François Labelle Seraya Speer Billy Walsh – Business Community Mario Langlois – Community Organizations Sud-Ouest Natacha Alexandroff Daniel Brasseur Sarah Chouinard Michael Ryan Wiseman – Business Community Marie-Sophie Banville – Community Organizations Partners Dan Genest – Signature on the Saint-Laurent Jean-François Parenteau – Borough of Verdun Benoît Dorais – Sud-Ouest Borough James Byrns – Ville de Montréal Vincent Jarry – Infrastructure Canada

Committee Members

New Champlain Bridge Corridor Project


• Comité de suivi pour l’intégration du nouveau pont sur le Saint-Laurent et de ses accès (new bridge integration committee or CINPA) in the pre-project phase: its goal was to keep residents informed about the various aspects of the project and issue comments on urban integration surrounding the bridge and its access routes

• Inspired by the CINPA, the Good Neighbourly Relations Committee (the “Committee”) was created to encourage dialogue between SSL and the residents, business community and community organizations

• The Committee’s main objective is to proactively share all information related to: completed, ongoing and future work

anticipated impacts

related mitigation measures

• The meetings will provide an opportunity to:

answer questions

identify solutions to the various problems raised

discuss openly and transparently


New Champlain Bridge Corridor Project

SSL’s commitment

SSL has made a commitment to:

• listen to the Committee members, answer their questions and concerns and provide accurate, up-to-date information throughout the mandate

• give residents, businesspeople and community organizations the information they need and make this information easily accessible on different platforms

• find solutions to meet the concerns raised by the Committee


New Champlain Bridge Corridor Project

1. To inform you about the work that has been completed, the work that is underway and the works to be undertaken between now and April 2016

2. To explain how noise will be managed on the worksite

3. To answer questions, identify solutions and share ideas

Objectives of the meeting


New Champlain Bridge Corridor Project



Series Month Duration Time

1. Opening 10 min 7:00 to 7:10 p.m.


Completed, ongoing and future work • Atwater and LaSalle Boulevard interchange • Gaétan-Laberge sector and Wellington Street • Nuns’ Island

30 min 7:10 to 7:40 p.m.

3. Questions from the Committee 10 min 7:40 to 7:50 p.m.

4. Update on other major projects 10 min 7:50 to 8:00 p.m. 5. Noise management at the worksite 30 min 8:00 to 8:30 p.m. 6. Questions from the Committee 10 min 8:30 to 8:40 p.m.

7. Varia 10 min 8:40 to 8:50 p.m.

8. Questions from the general public 20 min 8:50 to 9:10 p.m.

9. Closure: next meeting and theme 5 min 9:10 to 9:15 p.m.

Work completed in recent months in Verdun / Sud-Ouest

New Champlain Bridge Corridor Project

• Construction of western jetty

• Pre-fabrication facilities on western jetty essentially finished

• First two pre-fabricated footings poured

• Demolition of May Street and central median on A15

• Demolition of superstructure of old Nuns’ Island bridge

• Transfer of operating and maintenance responsibility for the A15 and A10 roadway link from PJCCI to SSL

• Worksite facilities essentially finished

Overview of completed work


New Champlain Bridge Corridor Project

• The construction of the western jetty went very well – over 13,000 truck trips in two months Complaints were linked mainly to noise Limited impact on traffic: mitigation measures

• Pre-fabrication operations for the western jetty: no significant impact

• Demolition of May Street: Sensitivity to neighbourhood realities Major communications and coordination effort beforehand Noise and air quality monitoring: only a problematic situation

• Demolition of the superstructure of the old Nuns’ Island bridge: complaints related to noise but the thresholds allowed under the agreement with Infrastructure Canada were always respected

• Worksite facilities essentially finished: concern about security lighting on the western jetty

Completed work: comments


New Champlain Bridge Corridor Project

Complaint management (early June 2015 to January 29, 2016)



Total Atwater / Lasalle Gaétan-Laberge / Wellington Nuns’ Island

Closed Open Total Closed Open Total Closed Open Total

Noise - - - 4 1 5 16 - 16 21

Air quality - - - - - - - - - 0

Traffic 1 - 1 - - - - - - 1

Vibrations - - - 1 - 1 - - - 1

Light - - - - - - 2 - 2 2

Other - - - 1 - 1 8 - 8 9

Total 1 0 1 6 1 7 26 0 26 34


New Champlain Bridge Corridor Project

Main priorities for coming months in Verdun / Sud-Ouest

New Champlain Bridge Corridor Project


• Demolition of the old Nuns’ Island bridge and beginning of construction of the new bridge

• Reduction of the width of lanes on the A15 and reconfiguration of the route

• Partial demolition of Atwater and LaSalle overpasses

• Relocation of certain public utilities, including aqueduct conduits

New Champlain Bridge

• Placement of western jetty pre-assembly and loading facilities

• Pre-fabrication of first footings on western jetty

• Beginning of construction of western abutment


Verdun / Sud-Ouest Priorities: February to April 2016

New Champlain Bridge Corridor Project

1 2 3

Gaétan-Laberge and Wellington

Nuns’ Island

Atwater and LaSalle


Location of sectors Verdun / Sud-Ouest

New Champlain Bridge Corridor Project

Description of activity Approximate duration of work Projected timeframe of work

Legend: work and impacts

• Traffic: • Proximity of residences: • Public transit: • Cycling paths:

Minor impact Moderate impact

Major impact

Colour code


New Champlain Bridge Corridor Project

Design and planning are in development so changes are possible

Key current and upcoming activities Atwater and LaSalle Boulevard interchange

New Champlain Bridge Corridor Project

Objectives: Reconfiguration of the Atwater—LaSalle Boulevard interchange

Upcoming work:

• Excavation of soil containing asbestos between Atwater and Wellington

• Partial demolition of Atwater and LaSalle overpasses

• Relocation of aqueduct conduit between Atwater and Wellington


• Daytime work, whenever possible, when the impacts, especially in terms of noise levels, are high.

• Nighttime work, whenever possible, when the impact on daytime traffic would be too high.

Atwater and LaSalle sector


New Champlain Bridge Corridor Project

Work and impacts: Atwater and LaSalle sector

Excavation of soil containing asbestos Duration: 2 to 3 weeks per sector

Projected timeframe: early 2016 to end 2017

Best practices • Notices to residents and web broadcast • Security fence • Appropriate signage • Certified workers • Personal protective equipment required • Decontamination trailer • Disposal of soil at a site authorized by



New Champlain Bridge Corridor Project

Partial demolition of Atwater and LaSalle overpasses Duration: 2½ months

Projected timeframe: mid-March to May

Work and impacts: Atwater and LaSalle sector

Closure of Atwater Avenue and one lane of the A15S One weekend in April

Deviation of Atwater Avenue



Opening of a temporary entrance and deviation of A15 northbound lanes as of March

Duration: 18 months

Closure of LaSalle Street and one lane of the A15S One weekend in April

New Champlain Bridge Corridor Project

Work and impacts: Atwater and LaSalle sector

Relocation of aqueduct conduit Duration: 4 months

Projected timeframe: late February to June


New Champlain Bridge Corridor Project

Design and planning are in development so changes are possible

Key current and upcoming activities Gaétan-Laberge sector and

Wellington Street

New Champlain Bridge Corridor Project

Gaétan-Laberge sector and Wellington Street

Objective: Reconfiguration of Wellington Street and the Gaétan-Laberge sector

Upcoming work:

• Preparatory work


• Daytime work, whenever possible, when the impacts, especially in terms of noise levels, are high.

• Nighttime work, whenever possible, when the impact on daytime traffic would be too high.


New Champlain Bridge Corridor Project

1 2 3

Work and impacts: Gaétan-Laberge sector and Wellington Street

Preparatory work for the reconfiguration of the Gaétan-Laberge sector

Duration: 4 months Projected timeframe: March to June

Construction of an access ramp to A15

Deviation of northbound lanes beginning in April for 16 months


New Champlain Bridge Corridor Project

Design and planning are in development so changes are possible

Key current and upcoming activities Nuns’ Island

New Champlain Bridge Corridor Project

Nuns’ Island sector


Objective: Construction of the western approach to the new Champlain Bridge, the new Nuns’ Island bridge and the road link between them

Upcoming work:

• Demolition of piles and abutments of old Nuns’ Island bridge (underway) • Reconfiguration work for adjoining overpass • Drilling work for caissons for the western abutment of the new Champlain Bridge

(underway) and the new Nuns’ Island bridge • Pre-fabrication of footings


• Daytime work, whenever possible, when the impacts, especially in terms of noise levels, are high.

• Nighttime work, whenever possible, when the impact on daytime traffic would be too high.

New Champlain Bridge Corridor Project

Demolition of the old Nun’s Island bridge and construction of the new bridge


Phase 3: Reconfiguration of overpass (upcoming)

Phase 4: Construction of new bridge (upcoming)

Phase 2: Demolition of piles and abutments (underway)

Phase 1: Demolition of bridge superstructure (completed)

New Champlain Bridge Corridor Project

Construction of the new Nuns’ Island bridge

• Construction from a jetty and barges • Construction period: March 2016 to September 2017 • Construction priority: southbound direction, which will be

open to traffic in July 2017 26

New Champlain Bridge Corridor Project

Work and impacts: Nuns’ Island

Drilling of caissons for new Nuns’ Island bridge Duration: 4½ months

Projected timeframe: March and mid-July


New Champlain Bridge Corridor Project

Reconfiguration of the overpass Duration: 2 months

Projected timeframe: late February to late April

Work and impacts: Nuns’ Island


New Champlain Bridge Corridor Project

Work and impacts: Nuns’ Island

Drilling of caissons for western abutment Duration: 1½ months Projected timeframe:

mid-January to late February


New Champlain Bridge Corridor Project

Anticipated impacts

New Champlain Bridge Corridor Project

Anticipated impacts

• Traffic

• Noise

• Air quality

• Light


New Champlain Bridge Corridor Project


• Minimal impact for the next three months: short-term hindrances except for the closure of Atwater and LaSalle for one weekend each in April

• Reduction of width of lanes on A15 between Atwater and LaSalle

• PJCCI blitz from April 29 to May 1: to be clarified

• Major changes in habits of road users beginning June/July 2016, especially in the Gaétan-Laberge sector


New Champlain Bridge Corridor Project 33

M1: Sud-Ouest / Argenson M2: Sud-Ouest / Butler and Charlevoix M3: Verdun I1: Sax I2: Pointe-Nord I3: Cours des Fougères

Noise management


D / E / N

Excavation of soil containing asbestos D M3 61 75 To come To come

Partial demolition of overpasses D M3 61 75 83 Yes

Relocation of aqueducts D M3 61 75 90 Yes


Construction of access ramps D M3 61 75 67 No

D 64 / 57 75 60E 59 / 52 64 / 57 57

N 57 / 52 62 / 57 57

Drilling of piles for west abutment D I2 / I3 64 / 57 75 74 / 71Monitoring


Demolition of old bridge D I1 57 75 73Monitoring


Drilling of piles for new bridge D I1 57 75 To come To come

Partial demolition of the overpass D I1 57 75 69 No

Preparatory work for overpass D I1 57 75 To come To come

Estimated noise in


Measures required

West jetty – Prefabrication of footings I2 / I3 Monitoring


Ambiant noise in


dBA criterion





ns’ Is


Activity Exposed

sensitive area

New Champlain Bridge Corridor Project

Air quality management

• No expected impact in sensitive areas

• Monitoring mainly for demolition activities


New Champlain Bridge Corridor Project

Light management


• Problem essentially limited to the western jetty: biggest worksite facilities for the project, near the Pointe-Nord on Nuns’ Island

• Human health and safety imperative and operational security

New Champlain Bridge Corridor Project

Next meetings

New Champlain Bridge Corridor Project

• Good Neighbourly Relations Committee: April 7 (AEC) in the Sud-Ouest Theme: Urban integration, architecture and landscaping

• Public information meeting: May 11 (AEC) on Nuns’ Island

• Projected worksite visit: toward the end of May (AEC)

• Good Neighbourly Relations Committee: June 8 (AEC) in Verdun

Theme: 2016 traffic management and control plan Note: Consider adding a specific discussion forum for the May Street sector

Next meetings (for discussion)


New Champlain Bridge Corridor Project

• Newsletter: sign up on the website

• Leaflets delivered to doors, if required, and notices in local newspapers

• Subscribe / contact us: Website: www.newchamplain.ca Email: [email protected]

Phone: 514-876-1020 Twitter @NEW_CHAMPLAIN



New Champlain Bridge Corridor Project
