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Angular JS 7/25/2015 1 parish.saintpats.org kofc809.org

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Angular JS


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Angular JSHTML enhanced for web apps!

Today’s Event hosts• St. Patrick’s Church & School - Tacoma• Knights of Columbus Tacoma Council 809


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Angular JSHTML enhanced for web apps!


Moderator: Joe Devlin

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Angular JSHTML enhanced for web apps!


Easy access to this slideshow and links at:http://vividventures.biz/d/?q=javascript

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A word from our hosts•St. Patrick’s Church – Tacoma

o The pastoral council has generously offered us this location for today, as part of the churches community outreach.

o Founded in 1892o Aligned with St. Patrick’s Catholic School linko Reference: The Bible APIo Working on the Engaged Church model

“Growing an Engaged Church” by Albert Winseman, Gallup Press, ISBN 978-1-59562-014-9

o Promoting personal development with Strengths Finder.“Strengths Finder” by Tom Rath, Gallup Press, ISBN 978-1-59562-015-6strengthsfinder.com


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A word from our hosts• Knights of Columbus www.kofc.org

o Founded in 1882o Dedicated to “Saving Lives and Changing Lives”o Promoting strong families through charitable giving and a AAA

rated life insurance and annuity program.o Local projects

Habitat for Humanity Build, Blood Drive, Ultrasound for pregnancy care & 4US.org, Coats for Kids, Wheelchair Mission.


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Introduction•Joe Devlin - moderator

o Member of St Patrick’s Parish and K of C council 809

o Working as a web host for small to medium sized businesses.

o Interested in Javascript for the obvious reasons that it is a must

for web development, plus for the purposes of getting people

together to code; JS is a universal standard that comes with

freely downloadable browsers and tools. We can easily



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Time management





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Rest Rooms• Down the hall past the fireside room


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Upcoming events


• Thur 27-Aug Javascript programming for beginners - S04• Sat 29-Aug Nodeschool• Thur 24-Sep Javascript programming for beginners - S05• Sat 26-Sep Weatherapp hackathon

• Sat 24-Oct var JavascriptCon = seminars * 8;I need some help marketing and planning this event.

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Schedule0830-0845 Set-up laptops, coffee tea and pastries0845-0900 Introduce ourselves0900-0920 Workspace setup,0920-1050 Angular prerequisites1050-1115 x1115-1130 x

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Rest Rooms• Down the hall past the fireside room


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• To make our meetup more personable I am inviting members to add links to their meetup.com introduction that directly references something related to Javascript or programming for example codepen.io or github.com.

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Attendee Introduction• Let each of us introduce ourselves

o My name is ____________. (First name)

o My github username is ______________.

o My codepen username is _____________.

o I (have/have not) updated my meetup profile with above links.

o The editor that I am using today is ____________.

o I am working on a Mac / PC / Linux


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Take away for today


• Pierce County Library applyo Teamtreehouse.com

o https://teamtreehouse.com/gateways/pierce_county_public_library/signup

o Why? Teachable, repeatable, powerful

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Setup for today


• AngularJS.org• https://github.com/angular/angular.js/wiki• Curran: Intro To Angular -> on github

• Reference • AngularJS by Example - Paktpub

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Setup for today


• Sign up for github if not already registered• Sign up for codepen.io if not already • Reference: • http://www.it-ebooks.info/

• Version control with git

• http://git-scm.com/doc

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Angular Prerequisites: Object Oriented Understanding


Reference: The Principles of Objected Oriented Javascript 2014 edition – No Starch Press p.66

OO is EPIC – Encapsulation, Polymorphism, Inheritance & Composition

AngularJS inheritance syntax is dependent on prototype chaining between objects, which can be discovered by inspecting the source at https://github.com/angular/angular.js/tree/master/src and searching the Angular.js text for ‘prototype’. Understanding prototype chaining helps understand code such as:

angular.module(‘theName') .controller(‘namedController', function($scope){});

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Angular Prerequisites: Understanding Scope (and Closure?)


Reference:‘You Don't Know JS: Scope & Closures’ 2014 edition – Oreilly p.66[2] Lexical scope – wikipedia

Scope – “the scope of a name binding – an association of a name to an entity, such as a variable – is the part of a computer program where the binding is valid: where the name can be used to refer to the entity.” [2]

within code blocks: pen http://codepen.io/NorthDecoder/pen/zGJExJ

at level3, level2 and level1 variables are hidden, at level2, level1 variable is hidden at level1, all variables are within lexical scope

{ var level3=3; { var level2=2; { var level1=1; } }}

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Angular Prerequisites: Understanding Scope (and Closure?)


JavaScript adding a method to an objectwith code : pen http://codepen.io/NorthDecoder/pen/zGJExJ

var object1 = { p1:”property1”, m1:function(){console.log('object1 method1');}}

function addMethodTo(obj){ obj.methodAMT1=function(){//do something;} }

addMethodTo(object1);object1.methodAMT1();//access newly added method

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Angular Prerequisites: Understanding Scope (and Closure?)


Compare previous code to AngularJS snippet, adding a method to an object with code [1]:

function GuessTheNumberController($scope) { $scope.verifyGuess = function () { $scope.deviation = $scope.original - $scope.guess; $scope.noOfTries = $scope.noOfTries + 1; } $scope.initializeGame = function () { $scope.noOfTries = 0; $scope.original = Math.floor((Math.random() * 1000)+ 1); $scope.guess = null; $scope.deviation = null; } $scope.initializeGame();} Reference: [1] AngularJS by Example – Paktpub pg. 12

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Angular Prerequisites: Understanding Scope (and Closure?)


Reference:[1] https://github.com/angular/angular.js/wiki/Understanding-Scopes#javascript-prototypal-inheritances

JavaScript Prototypal Inheritance – “see reference” [1]

With snippet : fiddle http://jsfiddle.net/5qjLd/function ParentScope(){ //aString, aNumber, anArray, anObject, aFunction}function ChildScope(){ }ChildScope.prototype = new ParentScope();var childScope = new ChildScope();

https://docs.angularjs.org/guide/scope• Scope Hierarchies

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Angular Prerequisites: Understanding Model, View Controller MVC


Reference: [1] wikipedia.org/ model view controller








+ rules


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Angular Prerequisites: Understanding Model, View Controller MVC


Reference: [1] wikipedia.org/ model view controller

“The central component of MVC, the model, captures the behavior of the application in terms of its problem domain, independent of the user interface. The model directly manages the data, logic and rules of the application.

A view can be any output representation of information, such as a chart or a diagram; multiple views of the same information are possible, such as a bar chart for management and a tabular view for accountants.

The third part, the controller, accepts input and converts it to commands for the model or view.”[1]

Teamtreehouse: what-is-an-mvchttps://teamtreehouse.com/library/angularjs/mvc-frameworks-in-angularjs/what-is-an-mvc

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Clone ‘Angular by Example’


Reference: x

1. On Github search for ‘angularjsbyexample’.

2. On your hard drive make a directory called coding_projects (or whatever you prefer)

3. Open a terminal window and change into that directory.

4. Assuming git is installed, in the terminal window at the command prompt type: git clone https://github.com/chandermani/angularjsbyexample.git

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Branches of ‘Angular by Example’


Reference: x

1. On Github in ‘angularjsbyexample’ note that branches are labeled Checkpoints n.x

2. In your browser just for command reference: http://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Branching-Branches-in-a-Nutshell

3. To see a branch history graph(copy and paste:) type at the command prompt: git log --oneline --decorate --graph –al

4. Remember: After exploring to get back to the Master branch type: git checkout master

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Branches of ‘Angular by Example’


1. Take note of the directory structure, ls –al or dir etc.

2. To get to Checkpoint 2 type at command prompt: git checkout 7937575

3. Now note the change in your directory structure caused by changing the branch with git. Switching branches changes files in your working directory!

4. Remember: After exploring to get back to the Master branch type: git checkout master

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‘Angular by Example’ – Guess the Number


1. In your finder or explorer change into the directory “GuessTheNumber”

2. Open the file GuessTheNumber.html in your browser.

3. Play the game for a couple of tries.

4. Open the page source and inspect the code

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That all folks !


• Thank you for attending the meetup.
