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!MEil[GAN ·NET .·TWINEcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGrace... · !MEil[GAN ·NET &...

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-·. VOLUME XXXI, Loca ;k and othet ... ............ ....... ....,.,. __ ... ............ -Low BA'aoKET£n.-A. informs ua that-bit barometer nigh "Vent lower than be k,ew it to go for ai. 1teen yeal'b. On one he uw it. indiekte 28 SO, but night it went below that point-to 28. -- - Tbt atorm Satnrd•1 lut did moob lojn,Y tbe R"llway tnck no the Southern · Seal Con aod 1\lanuel't The dally waa delayed the traok hnrog to be repaired before It oould oom _o The tnio did Dot arriYe bere until 9 o'olook- fhe hour• be- t biod time. .,. XARB.IAGES (II) lhl' 26!h lilt. al tb& R 0 0Atbodt't11 Jnlm li, b)' tho Vtn Arehoil!fto.,•o Ur Paul Hullod¥0. lO lJ[a• D10IOV ' Al Sl Pet or'-. P!>tlllltl'l Gm•t, on .Nov 2itb. by tbo ftey Walt er B 8mltb. Mr HenrY \Vat lll fludbury. ol P orU11t1l Oo.,., to Mllll Mary UliCOC:k, ol Flat lalaDd, Bon ...Uta Bay n•&TltB. Puaed awaypMcefull' on luL, DlAD)' yeara' vatlenl IDiferloJt, Leoorab Martin, wife of BeclOr Mullo, aged 61 yean ··NOTICE. THE ANNU of the Stookboldera lo the HARBOR GRAUE BANK FISHING CO., (LlmTED), 4l will be beld llt the OfBoe of the Coml)aoy, No t•t \\'ater Street. Uarbor Grace. at ll " m, oo tbal,tb or January. 1891 · PATRICK FARRELL, JOHN PATERt;ON. D irutor1 Harbor Graoe, Deo 2, 1890-Gcwtt• t lYiedical. Dr. Ptl ·l LLI ' (oP C.umoNE.+.B)r win be in Harbor Grace TO-DAY (Tues- day) and will stay For a Few Days at..SIMPSON'S Water Street, where he will be prepared to any patients that may wish to callnpon him. Declll No•. 19.tf. Statutorv ·Notice. In the' matlm of tlte .EstaU of C.&UBRINE THOlfEY,laU of HfJ'J'bor P URSUANT tO tbt "Truateea Act, 1878," notice ia hereby give n, tbat. all pera:>na claimidg to be orediton of, or who ha•., any olat•n or de mand upon or affecting the or Aaaeta of OAraKIUN& Taoxn,late of Ru- bor Oraett .1forenid, dt"OeUI'd, who died 1\t that place, and or "\u>ae Will probate was granted to JoaN P/.1Ell80N, tb e executor named ln the said wm. Hre requited to- send to the sairl exeontor or to t.be auhacriber \)D or before the Slat. day of Decem\)er oext., 1890, duly aiteated pnticulara of their olaim11 ; and notioe ia hereb7 given that after the aaid S 1st day of Deoe19 . ber next t.he t<tid executor will to dittrlbn.te the aaeta of said deceuAd •mongat the parties entitled thert5t.o, baviog regard only to the "laima of wbicb be then aball have bad notioe ; and tbe aaid. ex .. ecutor further giYet notice that he •ill not IJe liable for auete aaid cleceued ao dis- tributed or aoy par;; thereof to any person or 'persona of :.,hoee he ahall not have bad notioe at tbe'"tip:ie of the diatl'ibution of the said aaaet.ll or Pff t. thereof aa t.be oaae Qltty be. Dat.ed at St. .Tobn's, this lOth day of Nuveruber, A.D. 1890. . D. . BR >WNING, &I ' tor fo .. Bllid Executor. ;;;;,__ __ Dr. Phillips' . Preparation. E . llrl CARDS. ar:::o,i: o!t oeu of the hearl i't baa befn ueed in m1 auOC:\.'A. · It is made from otlloinal drugs. Aft.,r a abort uae 1 < tbe patient. become• much invigorated, he re- . THE SUBSCRiBERS ,Una bia and . ilf enabled to do bit buaineu u before. PricE', $1 per box, have new opened np a fullllne of XMAS free, with full dirtcliona aud advice. CA.lU>S, inOluciilur Boxed Cards, Ivory, DR. RRH.r.TPS. Nfltf. Ivory and Plusb.,Jland-Painted, Celnloid, \.. , -r:::-.-r c:::::t- 1 e. Cbromo <Jazdl, Opals, Opalines, &c.,-all A:-- of newest delign. · All that valuable PACKETS-from 8 e!ent& )ipwarda.-.:.. Prioelpt\l'clozeD at wholeaale rate. WATERSIDE ROPERTY . I -.a.uo ' situate on the Beach at Harbol' Grace, A :rtna Aaartment of and known as Thomey's Eatate, oonsist- N "Y •:• "OQDS ing of Dwelling House, Store, Shop, U Office, Wharf . Ale6, Dwelling House, lD pt<he'l'r LBATBE'D OXYDIZED Shop, Stable and Yard. on the north-east 1 uoat .. _, side of Road leading to Beaoh. 6o., 'fV71Ql..,_ble for For further particulars apply to Vm• and New Year Presents. HENRY THOMEY, " or, W. H. THOMPSON, N.B -<l11tpott ordm ....r .. u,. aad Harbor atteacltcS IO K. I'BRELON .• CO., n Aid of the New -- I G.BA ND in e\'ery department. M en'a three quarter :Boot.a baud-mado from II L ot or Gootl 1.\t 55 ce nta p or lb No 1 Oil Grain o.t eo per pair. L ot of 0 '.\ lico o.t 4 ce!ltu pcr,yo.r d Women' ..Split. Batts, 78 cents per pair. . Blnck Cobourg at cellt3 pe1 y tt l'd Lot of Obildr en'e Boots and Shoes, 115 coot.• Colored Wiucey nt G per yard per pair c I Boot Lnc•n n2 CCf1,tB t.' .o grou MeD·a liard llata, 2lS coats each Wlute Fl nnncl per ya l'd s Boya' Caya. 9 centa each '. 23 cont.; p;)t yurd Lot of Dreaa Gooda at ce!lt.s por ynl'd Other t binga t oo numorons to men tion o.t Lot of ToweJa at. 00 cente por dozen , correoponding l ow priie1S I must go as soon as filiT Sale commences right away. Remember, BOOKD YG at pticcd. DA VISt & C() ¥P ANY .. Nov. 27. Water Street; II arbor Gfacc. Pure, ma teri al Highly · concentrated, , Par \ly Dagested•. Easy by the wea kest stoma ch . . . . VER.."Y STR.EN"G- T :S:: GXV.ING- Al :!h :! t !MEil[GAN · NET & TWINE CO., 34 q6mmercial Street, BOSTON, \ MANUFACTURERS OF . COl>, HEL{l- tlNG & Ct \P L IN SEINES. -ALSO- \ tlERRIN.G f' O.F THE VERY BEST QUALITY AND MA.DJ<J O.b ' OUR- SHEPAR D G()LD 1\IEDAL T \VINES •• WGIIJ' /llfltll, St. Jol11'1 (oppolltl !ttl,., OOOt(f.UOC t Co.1) naiSi A Christmas Tree of whlcb we are th e excluaivo manufaclurera. Information wanted OJ' -ROBERT BAILEY, formerl7 of Harbor Grace, N ewf'ooodlan1, {liOn ot the late Oapt. BArtn.) !bn 2fewroun<lJ-nd about lilteen year• ago and wu 1-..t beard lfOm four 7ear• afo at Np.,tQ•q, Wellio1toh, will be th•nldull7 re. b7 D.l{. BROWNING, Sollot!A)r, St. Newfoolldlaod. l{oY, \8, lm.-ltera1d, ina. week. For Sale by Private Contract TRAT . Simple It& liMe 08 RaneJ 8VHt, opeoel .. U.1 of Cooh. rue ooailedi'a of - Shop, DweUID&'·Bo..- &J\C\ lo aid of tbe New Oa&bedral will be held durfoa Cbrt.&mu week io the Academy tlall. Coatrlbutlooe, ttitber of Money or Uaefol Ar· will be 1baokfally receiYed by the follow· Dl( Jaliiea who bue obarge Of tbe l't.blee : I Hikbest awards at Boston, 1869 ; Philadelphia. erica Exhibit ion, 1883. &;.V Hnnd for lllms tn\ Wl Ctttalogne. 1876 ; London Fieh Dec. 28,2m •. Mn...-Joffl( HoOAN, I Mn lt.uo P cnn•uau, .Alta. P. FABRIL, Mtu MADOI JoNte. & TINTYPES .. JOHN SKINNIER, · 1 1 Jt)tiN HAL { l'l tY, -Ar- '10\llllf P\lT 'L JJ f SJG"Bil & SllULPl'OR S T JO HN H OUSE Pasons' Photograph Rooms. tt Al}! oF 1 , \ 40 Upper Wate l' st:eet, All klode of Pbotoarepha, &o., oao CEMETER ' y O"'COR A 'TIONS ' H A.LIF AX, N. S. be taken lo aood •'Y'Ie aod ., low prioet t:. 1':'\. Eolaraemeot of Ploturea on be done at u -HI- f£i1'" A\lOOtumndution Cot' p .,, manent atnd low a prloe aod lo •• ROOd a et1la u aoy lm- T 1 n, ient. port.d work. Do DO& ••Dd yoor ploturo• ••• , Marble. Scotch and Q\.tin.cy ,'rn\\'ot:m .. tt• 1\0tl fro m Newfo u nd la ld will to be eo.Jaraad-tee our ftra&. Gram·tes d Outdoor Vie•• or alt-deaoriptiooe receiYa • • l \h'IIVII b& welcome . pfOmp& aod carefulaueotloo. ' Oct 17 LGO.I VIe•• for tale WORK euouted uodee \)lr hlnOI Iope r- Kooma oppoel$t ootoe or M...... tilton. a e roparty I or Sale Jobo Muoo & Oo. . OOTPOIU prom!)ll\ttl'ulllln . E DWARD P" oaoN" DESIONS rnmi•bed b1lencr or ·ltherwiae · ( ,.,''l£ltes t' TOOLS d p · r 1 T he otl'cr for ule, by private Loo iL < M UlUfAIYIIIIIDfl' fUHNif11 ft11 i, '...: 10 ••ter ar . ll or n 8 contmct, the F r··thold Propertlee, ll lllt ""' DB " D 326 & -827 Duckworth St., "i7..- Tbt Subaoriber b., ao• n baad ead for •'le regol6lle to Ute Faraltarellat,INGDfeotar- 14 a., &tit prtmlaet fro111 aoaod· ud .. a.aaed . . · Ut4etMde, CbaiN (all klada) lrdeboarda, \V a.Ptaadf, WlLclow Pol at Bedl,6o. llo St. John's. THE DWELLING-HOUSE P. 0: Hos Oot 6. 1890 two tenementa) wlt.h Out.Houeea and Oar- den, eit\lllt.e on St . Noad. Bt A BUILDING LOT lmmtdio.tely weet of the taat named Pro· perty, and fronting on Water SUed. -AMD- 1'WO aituate ou Wat.er IUMt, foot ot '-•• 8tree\ . - ..



Loca;kand othet ~ms. ............... ~--~,,...,...,_ ....... ....,.,. __ ~ ... ~~'~ ............

-Low BA'aoKET£n.-A. fu~a informs ua that-bit barometer lai~ nigh "Vent lower than be k,ew it to go for ai.1teen yeal'b. On one o~:euion, he uw it. indiekte 28 SO, but laa~ night it went below that point-to 28. --

- Tbt atorm Satnrd•1 lut did moob lojn,Y ~ tbe R"llway tnck no the Southern Sbo~e.

· n~ar Seal Con aod 1\lanuel't The dally tra~o waa delayed the traok hnrog to be repaired before It oould oom_o throa~b The tnio did Dot arriYe bere until 9 o'olook- fhe hour• be-

t biod time. ~ .,.


(II) lhl' 26!h lilt. al tb& R 0 0Atbodt't11 ~L J nlm li, b)' tho Vtn Arehoil!fto.,•o 1-'.•rri"t~l, Ur Paul Hullod¥0 . lO lJ[a• ~lt1jtai01 D10IOV • '

• Al Sl Pet or'-. P!>tlllltl'l Gm•t, on .Nov 2itb. by tbo ftey Walter B 8mltb. Mr HenrY \Vatlll fludbury. ol PorU11t1l Oo.,., to Mllll Mary Gn~ UliCOC:k, ol Flat lalaDd, Bon ...Uta Bay

n•&TltB. • Puaed awaypMcefull' on l)uodo~y mornlo~ luL, ~t.cr

DlAD)' yeara' vatlenl IDiferloJt, Leoorab Martin, wife of BeclOr Mullo, aged 61 yean


ANNU A'~ l\IEET~NCJ of the Stookboldera lo the


will be beld llt the OfBoe of the Coml)aoy, No t•t \\'ater Street. Uarbor Grace. at ll " m, oo Wll;O~&SDA'Y, tbal,tb or January. 1891


Dirutor1 Harbor Graoe, Deo 2, 1890-Gcwtt• t


Dr. Ptl·l LLI ~S, ' (oP C.umoNE.+.B)r

win be in Harbor Grace TO-DAY (Tues­day) and will stay

For a Few Days at..SIMPSON'S J~~L, Water Street, where he will be prepared to ~ceive any patients that may wish to callnpon him. Declll

No•. 19.tf.

Statutorv ·Notice. In the' matlm of tlte .EstaU of C.&UBRINE

THOlfEY,laU of HfJ'J'bor G1'~, d«'~d.

P URSUANT tO tbt "Truateea Act, 1878," notice ia hereby given, tbat. all pera:>na

claimidg to be orediton of, or who ha•., any olat•n or demand upon or affecting the Ea~te or Aaaeta of OAraKIUN& Taoxn,late of Ru­bor Oraett .1forenid, dt"OeUI'd, who died 1\t that place, and or "\u>ae Will probate was granted to JoaN P/.1Ell80N, tbe executor named ln the said wm. Hre requited to- send to the sairl exeontor or to t.be auhacriber \)D

or before the Slat. day of Decem\)er oext., 1890, duly aiteated pnticulara of their olaim11 ; and notioe ia hereb7 given that after the aaid S 1st day of Deoe19.ber next t.he t<tid executor will p~ to dittrlbn.te the aaeta of said deceuAd •mongat the parties entitled thert5t.o, baviog regard only to the "laima of wbicb be then aball have bad notioe ; and tbe aaid.ex .. ecutor further giYet notice that he •ill not IJe liable for ~be auete e£ aaid cleceued ao dis­tributed or aoy par;; thereof to any person or

' persona of :.,hoee ol~ma he ahall not have bad notioe at tbe'"tip:ie of the diatl'ibution of the said aaaet.ll or Pff t . thereof aa t.be oaae Qltty be. ~ ·

Dat.ed at St. .Tobn's, this lOth day of Nuveruber, A.D. 1890. .

D. . BR >WNING, &I ' tor fo .. Bllid Executor.

Diseas~s. ;;;;,__ __ Dr. Phillips' . Preparation.

E.llrl• ~~a~ CARDS. •u;.~~o:. ar:::o,i: o!t g:;~tf:wlle:dinw:~:

oeu of the hearl i't baa befn ueed in m1 j...pa:MUoa.:·~ wi~_.und,iapl:t~ble auOC:\.'A. · It is

made from otlloinal drugs. Aft.,r a abort uae

1< tbe patient. become• much invigorated, he re-. THE SUBSCRiBERS ,Una bia appeti~ and . ilf enabled to do bit

buaineu u before. PricE', $1 per box, poe~ have new opened np a fullllne of XMAS free, with full dirtcliona aud advice. CA.lU>S, inOluciilur Boxed Cards, Ivory, DR. RRH.r.TPS. f!<~rhlln•u. Nfltf. Ivory and Plusb.,Jland-Painted, Celnloid, \.. , -r:::-.-r c:::::t-1e. Cbromo <Jazdl, Opals, Opalines, &c.,-all A:-- ~~

of newest delign. · All that valuable PACKETS-from 8 e!ent& )ipwarda.-.:..

Prioelpt\l'clozeD at wholeaale rate. WATERSIDE ROPERTY . I -.a.uo ' • situate on the Beach at Harbol' Grace,

A :rtna Aaartment of and known as Thomey's Eatate, oonsist-

N"Y •:• "OQDS ing of Dwelling House, Store, Shop, ~ U Office, Wharf. Ale6, Dwelling House,

lD pt<he'l'r LBATBE'D OXYDIZED Shop, Stable and Yard. on the north-east 1uoat .. _, side of Road leading to Beaoh. SIL~ 6o., 'fV71Ql..,_ble for For further particulars apply to

Vm• and New Year Presents. HENRY THOMEY, " or, W. H. THOMPSON,

N.B -<l11tpott ordm ....r .. u,. aad prot~~ptlJ Harbor Grac~. atteacltcS IO •

K. I'BRELON .• CO., n Aid of the New --


G.BA ND in e\'ery department.

Men'a three quarter :Boot.a baud-mado from II Lot o r Gootl Yar~ 1.\t 55 centa por lb No 1 Oil Grain o.t ~2 eo per pair. Lot of 0 '.\lico o.t 4 ce!ltu pcr,yo.rd

Women'..Split. Batts, 78 cents per pair. . Blnck Cobourg at l~.t cellt3 pe1 y ttl'd Lot of Obildren'e Boots and Shoes, 115 coot.• Colored Wiucey nt G ccn~1 per yard

per pair c I Boot Lnc•n n2 CCf1,tB t.' .o grou MeD·a liard llata, 2lS coats each Wlute F lnnncl l~ ce:~t:t per yal'd


Boya' Caya. 9 centa each'. Mol~!rin . 23 cont.; p;)t yurd Lot of Dreaa Gooda at 8~ ce!lt.s por ynl'd Other t binga t oo numorons to m ention o.t Lot of ToweJa at. 00 cente por dozen , correoponding low priie1S

• I

must go as soon as pos~iele.

filiT Sale commences right away. Remember, ·~ro BOOKDYG at abov~ pticcd.

DA VISt & C()¥P ANY .. Nov. 27. Water Street; IIarbor Gfacc.



Highly ·concentrated, , Par\ly Dagested •. Easy a~sim.ilated by the we akest stom ach . . . .

VER.."Y STR.EN"G-T :S:: • GXV.ING-• Al :!h :! t

!MEil[GAN ·NET & .·TWINE CO., 34 q6mmercial Street, BOSTON, M~fl


-ALSO-\ tlERRIN.G f' ET~,


SHEPARD G()LD 1\IEDAL T\VINES •• WGIIJ' /llfltll, St. Jol11'1 (oppolltl !ttl,.,

OOOt(f.UOC t Co.1) naiSi

A Christmas Tree of whlcb we are the excluaivo manufacl urera.

Information wanted OJ' •

-ROBERT BAILEY, formerl7 of Harbor Grace, N ewf'ooodlan1, {liOn ot the late Oapt. ~••anr BArtn.) !bn c~t~ 2fewroun<lJ-nd about lilteen year• ago and wu 1-..t beard lfOm four 7ear• afo at Np.,tQ•q, Wellio1toh, Ne•d~ealand. ~n1 tororq~atloa will be th•nldull7 re.

~,.q b7 D.l{. BROWNING, Sollot!A)r,

St. Jo~n'a, Newfoolldlaod. l{oY, \8, lm.-ltera1d, lm,~ ina. week.

For Sale by Private Contract TRAT .

Fee~ Simple ~1perty It& liMe 08 RaneJ 8VHt, opeoel .. U.1 of Cooh. rue ~&net, ooailedi'a of - ~ Shop, DweUID&'·Bo..- &J\C\

lo aid of tbe New Oa&bedral will be held durfoa Cbrt.&mu week io the Academy tlall.

Coatrlbutlooe, ttitber of Money or Uaefol Ar· "ole~, will be 1baokfally receiYed by the follow· Dl( Jaliiea who bue obarge Of tbe l't.blee :

• I

Hikbest awards at Boston, 1869 ; Philadelphia. erica Exhibition, 1883.

&;.V Hnnd for lllmstn\Wl Ctttalogne.

187 6 ; London Fieh

Dec. 28,2m •. Mn...-Joffl( HoOAN, I Mn lt.uo Pcnn•uau, .Alta. P. FABRIL, Mtu MADOI JoNte.


1Jt)tiN HAL{l'ltY, -Ar- '10\llllfP\lT 'L JJfSJG"Bil & SllULPl'OR S T JOHN H OUSE Pasons' Photograph Rooms. tt tu!!~:FA!ron!n Al}! mPoRTE~ oF 1 , \40 Upper Watel' st:eet,

All klode of Pbotoarepha, TlntJp•~. &o., oao CEMETER' y O"'COR A 'TIONS ' H A.LIFAX, N. S. be taken lo aood •'Y'Ie aod ., low prioet t:. 1':'\.

Eolaraemeot of Ploturea on be done at u -HI- f£i1'" A\lOOtumndution Cot' p.,, manent atnd low a prloe aod lo •• ROOd a et1la u aoy lm- T 1 n, ient. B,):.u dur~t. port.d work. Do DO& ••Dd yoor ploturo• ••• , Marble. Scotch and Q\.tin.cy ,'rn\\'ot:m .. tt• 1\0tl from N ewfoundla ld will to be eo.Jaraad-tee our prl~~ea ftra&. Gram·tes d

Outdoor Vie•• or alt-deaoriptiooe receiYa • • l\h'IIVII b& welcome . pfOmp& aod carefulaueotloo. ' Oct 17

LGO.I VIe•• for tale - ~LL WORK euouted uodee \)lr hlnOI Ioper- v~-,::--~~~::---=p~----::=-_.;.;--Kooma dlr~tl7 oppoel$t ~bt ootoe or M...... tilton. • a u~b e roparty I or Sale

Jobo Muoo & Oo. . OOTPOIU ORDERSgiY•l~ prom!)ll\ttl'ulllln. E DWARD P" oaoN" DESIONS rnmi•bed b1lencr or ·ltherwiae · •

~..., ~ (,.,''l£ltes t' TOOLS d ~1 p · r 1 The !Snh<~criher otl'cr for ule, by private

LooiL< M UlUfAIYIIIIIDfl' fUHNif11ft11 i, '...: 10 ••ter ar.ll or n

8 contmct, the followiu~ F r··thold Propertlee,

ll lllt ""' DB " D 326 & -827 Duckworth St., "i7..-Tbt Subaoriber b., ao• n baad ead for •'le ·~ regol6lle to Ute Faraltarellat,INGDfeotar-14 a., &tit prtmlaet fro111 aoaod· ud .. a.aaed ~~. . . · Ut4etMde, BarNa~, CbaiN (all klada)

lrdeboarda, \V a.Ptaadf, WlLclow Pol at Bedl,6o. llo

St. John's. THE DWELLING-HOUSE P. 0: Hos ~~.

Oot 6. 1890 two tenementa) wlt.h Out.Houeea and Oar­

den, eit\lllt.e on Wate~ St . ~ear Noad. Bt

A BUILDING LOT lmmtdio.tely weet of the taat named Pro·

perty, and fronting on Water SUed. -AMD-

1'WO aituate ou Wat.er IUMt, foot ot '-••




. .

C1cd. bo~h lnt~nuillr and e.stemally. It ~:c'•lluic:h.Jyjo!f• rdinlt llhn~~et Wl.aDl J~;iio:f h~l!l l bO SOIIII'Ut f.I<IJU,


~Cb ·ver bottlo.

:'!...,::-:.:•: ~:!a!Mio:";- I!! 00:0 l't:TRIFIERla

.. c.:.-.--.:~ffY:; 's Sarsaparilla, . ~: i;: r·:-::::J t:=/..LTI! R~STOR.E:a

1"':'ill r --a !' \l .,.,. , ,... .(• ohkln diRuo; will C:.N l.w~• 1 •. 1t:•u:: 1. .:a:.: l!:l.!t Hhoam.

~~ r,:., nc ... c:.., $1:oo. •

I . 'rtrit:n I

:'ro~:-id:>~ o:- L .::.;.tlll A!;cnts ,.. • l"'C P rm: I'OPt'Utt "

r.·:;-l '!U'./ 0 ,. rm::.'c:ut::al .'f.tldlcinu, • ict:/t:! i:l1 t ... l.w ar:r; Ptrlumtrf. ·




Whither are IJOIDawl&b ba...,lar fee' io'ora1\ thaa are pulio.r &o· Dlab& ou the Faoea all auDDy aad feoea all ud, Hearta tba& are WNIJ 'aDd hearta 1na•••r11 E!'es that are bea•1 whh •~rrow gJU •hat are gleamiog with life, flicturea of pl~~&aure aod crouet licnog, all aoioa. God ODIJ koowa where!

flaods that hue earueatJ1 etrJYaD for bread, Haods t-bat are toiled with dlshuoor io&tead'; Hearts that are tuned to a purpO.e eablime, Hearte aU diacordao' aud jan~tled with crime, Sou fa that are pare and u wbL&e as the spow, _l)oule that are black ~ the. midoi~bt of froe ; Gay io tbei( gladoeu 011 druok.Jo deepalr, Goio", all goio~e. God oDIJ ltoowe wherls I

Some te the feast where the riobee~red wioe • And the rarest of jewels will sparkle and ahiue 'ome io their buo~rer will wander and ~ome Will aleep U"or awaken wheo moroiog sba!l como, Tile robed and the ra~rged. the foe a'ld the friend, All of tbelb hurrying on t-o the eod ; Nuring tbe Rrne with a eune .>r a prayer, Goio~r. all aoioll. God only k11owe where I

- Chicago Po1t.


Thanks to kind friends, Henniker's • downfall was, in a manner, aasured. The

sn.id kind friends weJe his fellow-workers \n her Majesty's office for the regulation of patents. With a unanimity that was positively refreshing, they one and alJ rleclared Henniker's downfall certain. No man, they affirmed, oould go on for so long as be had been doing. Flirta· tions with pretty actresses, supper-pnrti~s, cards, and the rest were all very mce things in their way, but, carried fo ex· ceSs, to a man of limited inc~.me they llleant ruin. Sooner or later tt would dome i and to Henniker, despite the fnot that ' blue blood" ran in hls .. veins, it would come a1 to any one else.

awkward girl wUh larae red hands and treQlendoua feet, who bluahea fearfu,lly whenever abe ia add....ad and hasn't a word to aay for bene)(; U is not difficult to undemand what tbe d4ughter of an uncultivated •ton-1plnner. brought up under the extremely retlping inftuence of Manchester society, will be like. Or perhaps she is one of the' loud' echool, bold and IJ)UCUllne, a perfect boy in pet­ticoats'. Thert~'s something rather .free and ea&'\" about the letter, now I come to tbin1i of it, though it ia written so nice: ly. However,88 I have decided thatsbe is to be my tutur\ wife, it is scarcely wise to pull her to pieces, I'm in· !or the race n~and it would only be the act of a verr, foolish man to depreciate • the prize;' and, pulling a writing-case to­wards him, be hastily wrote an accept­ance of Mr. Maitland's kind invitation, promiaing to be in Manchester on the day but one afterwards. · ~It was with no very pleasant feelings that Frank Henniker travelled down from Eus~n on the day appointed. The fact was, he felt somewhat disgusted with himself for the errand on which he W88

N0Rr.HERN . A.ss11ra,nce. Comp~y.

·--EST ~BLISHED 1886.

bound. He could not disgu~se from him· LONDON: l, ~I OURG.ATB BTRERT, EO salf that his going down to Manchester with the fixed· intention of marrying a A BBRDE~~ ; t, UNION TBRR.A.OB. girl for her money was extremely mean, ·


001111 .ur~-61 887) 1 sordid, and wrong. But then what was •\' ~

be to do? A drowning man cannot nf· i'lre Premlum.cft .......................... &.801,000

ford to be aorupuloue 88 to the natus:e of r!~r!';:~~:~:.::::::::::.::::::::·::: .: :::= the log that saves Mm. IC he disliked '-00umt4ated J"UDda. ................. a,Ml,OOG hii' present work now, he ought to have t ~· taken cate that his J'aat life should no!_ rbe u enlaned i.e eo:. powered to elfeot in· have rendered it necessary. Altogt.ther ttUranoefl n •II tdn()• of Pl·opeat1 in New· be felt very much" out ofsort.s," and the tnundland 't onrreot Ra~• of Premium. only reflection, frQm which he ~ould de· Tbe •bo¥e Oompanf b well known lor ita rive any consolation was tbut pro'>ably .iberality an!J promptnea in tettliaalouee, the girl WtiS ill-bred and vulgar, ana Pr01peotu181, Forma of ApplfD&tiosa to. woulo only be too pleased to barter all Fire aall Life Iuuranoe, and aU other ln· ~he money she had. for a reftned and £ormation oap be obtal~d at tbe oft!oe ot highly-connected husband, leavin,g all A. o. B.A. YW .ARD, love between tbelb out o! the queet1on. ' &t. Jon""'a,

When he (\~'rived at the London· road .tg.m /()If' NW1{ountf:rr,tl. statfon, he found the oarriaae, u ar-rana· w. H. THOM.P80N, ed, waiting for him 1 and lie oould JlOt Btd>-Aqi?U (()If' Harbor fhoce

. PHCENIX Fire As,urance Companf. --LONDON.

bow blm. wu the blot - ......... . --He oerialDiy wu a But hit triindllodllght warm ~_pJ)NOIMion ol his l&erliDJ JrobeUir-~ more~mlocled man &ban Walter llfltlaild n•l~nd. O~llf tbelil811D&D in a • ·.,all ware­houe in Spring Gardena. be bad, by dint of lteady fndustry and unweatYlDg per­eeveranoe, upiaed hlmnll to bfe preeeot position among the moet honoUred of Mancheeter merohantl· but, unlike the majority of mehho have risen solely through tbeit own exertiooe, his succeas had not made him ~t and self.,.. seriive-nor wu he in tJ:ie habit of bout­ing of his achievement. He knew that, comparatlnly apeakinr, he wu an ignor­ant man, ud he wu not ubamed to own !!i but he never diet eo obtrusively. aund to a fault. always willing to aufat any one 'in diatreaa, innocent u a child in many of the world's waya, wearing hll heart upon his sleeve, and J unaffected P"l_he day on which he wu orn, Walter 6ialtland, to thoai who knew him, wu a man to respect, ~ honour, and to love.


Unlortun,tely }'rank Henniker did not know him, and he wu obllaed to judge him by outward appearatloe. lfe felt •trongly that this old gentleman who ut at the bead of the table, who laughed 10 loudly·and so heartily at hie own jcok•, wh~ often dropped hi.a "h'a" and mit pro• nounoed bla words, wu a very vu)aar be­ing. Henniker had been brought tU> in an exclusive aet, with whom fault• of breeding were iniquities that could pever be atonid for, even l>y 'h• beet qualltlet ( of dia:poahion. At dinner, unconeoiouily / to hlmMIC, he could not help lhowing the direction in which · hia thouahts lay. However. it paaed off very very well, and Mr. Maitland.did not perceive that bla iueet wu • trifle Qffended, not to say dia­l!lJIIfed. with his waya. But once ortwiee BeDDiker cauaht tlie dauahter looking at him with an tzpreeion on her lace wliich ha eould not. un4atntand. It pualed him.

After diAper, in the drawing-room, lht lang aomeaonp for him ; •nd aaaln Hen· nlker wu t.hrowo in'o a etate of wonder­ment. Buell._ a thrilling voice, ao.toochina ln its tender pathos, lie h$<1 never beard:

Bot perhaps to no one-did Henniker'~ downfall seem more certain than to Hen· niker himself, as he satalone one evening in his room in Sloane Street. Clearly he hnd come very ·neatly to the end of his tether, and it was high time for him to look about and see by what means in his power he could avert the. coming blow. Looking at his relatives, he slw no one who could render him al)y assistanct. They had, it was true, "blue blood" in their veins; ·but, beyond, tbnt, with one exception-a rich, hachelor-unole out s-omewhere in Australia, of whom the family had heard nothing lor years-they were as poor as ciluroh mice. And the "blue blood" W88 hardly likel.Y to be of much advantage to him-unless in one way indee~ ; he might, by reason of ~ social posttlon, marry some one ~Jtb money, and so extricate him~lf'from l'lis c ifficulties.

help thinking, aa he lay back on it• otahr iotl8 and was driven alona towirda bi• destination, that for a vulgar cotton-spin­ner 1\Ir. Maitland seemed to have a very fair idea of what waa a aood carti.age, anq bad dis_played great Cute in the aeleotiop of it, But then he remembered that very probablr it had been .ohoaen for him,

J.P-.JJ.UlD Sl&EET 6 OILl~G 0&088 It ent~d him, .and he remained a. .. clnated b7. the plaoo all the time t.ha~ lbt W¥ alnjing. But, when he tbowed ~ymptomaofthe gr~atdelight that be felt. Mi .. - Maitland at once 1'011 from her ... ~ and '-'her coldly re!tiled . to ling anr more,

Mr. Mai,land waa .not at home,· tl)e outler who opened the door ilt ~be Mid­land's informed him, no~ havi~( yet,re·. turned from busineu, but·Misa llaitlQ.nd was in the drawlng.room, if he would be pleased to walk that war : .and tbitheJ' accordingly be directed h11 atepe, As l)e entered, a tall fntr girl of tibout twenty~ rose from her seat at the far ~nd of the room, where ahe had been reading, and advanced to meet, hiJD,•

- . ES'tKRLI~ REP IN 1782

T&USTEEB~BEOTOB8 JOMph Wm. Bueodale, Etq. Briatq• Do•lll. Etq. 'rh~ IJoa . ."/am-. Rfq. olobp CJJJ~top, EAq. Qpa.•l~ f;. Cq.o_p.e, Etq., ¥ .1'. tl"rp 4T~qr 'q.IJ,rL ~­~ ~. BQOdll4rt. ~· M. &bode HJ.Ifki.D• ~. 8lrJohal.abbook,'Bm., M.P., t.R. Ubarlea Tbomu Lu011, Eaq. Cbarlea MalfD&)', Elq. l'be floo. Edwlo B. _,onmaa. DadlaJ Robert Smltb, Eeq Wre. ~·m•• Thompeoo, Etq.

HeJlJllbr'a thouahfl, u be 1M ln.bla bed·rooJD Uat nlglit, were anything but pleaaao~. A.bove everything_ b_e tel& thol'Ouably angry and .dlaaatfdad with hlDlllll", He bad acted, It IIMD1ed to him, very like a fool. Be had come fro~ London full of aelf-concait, cop:~plaoe~· ly aatia~ed that tbe people he ;::J,.oiDI to see were •n inferior ora. of · on t.o

h;Tn'tt; tu~mn:o~:!t':r.~ ~~ The idea or marryi~g for money wu distasteful to Fran~ Henniker. Like ntost JJlen, no matter how "fllflt," he had

---.~ looked forward Jn his i~er jleart . to a time in the future when be-alioald find a woman who truly loved him, and abould lk 1ttl downlDto a quiet life and be v•ry bA·p y; ud thll ideal the thou_ght of m ng for money dlqlpated. That it

She was very dift'arent fror» his anticl· papons, he thouJtht, u he •hoo~ hands wieh her, This was certainly not ·~b_,e CCl)JlmOn iDiiJnificant·looklng Jirl be h$q prepared himself to see, On the con:­trary,'ahe was fnRniteJy more ladylik.e, both in her &-p~~ and manJler, ~hnq man.Y of the ari· ~ frierula bt h~q ten 1n London 1 an •be b•d one of ~be sweetest faoet he tbooah$ be bad eye, HID, With el4y arace abe b•de P.i~ wtlcome to th• holliCI, exoustna b~tr f~~

li QJan of cultiv&Yd •* woUld b.t Jnos~ .obJ~tiopable s ~a here be toiPIIl &h•Jn evel'}'. bit u re#ned Jn UWr bab~ u blmulf, apd wlth nona of ijl.e 01tenta. Uo~ dJap~y which hi had ., DOD#de~ ly eJpeo~·. It-wu ,..u, moQ morUf1, lpa:


/ - --..o:::w....-o~ 1a bel)OIIdble !or him so to do he had not 'be 11fghieet doubt, Without being conoeltecl, he yel knew that he wu Jnore. than .... blf pgd·looJdna, aaentleman, and~ of JD&IlDen and bearing

·, H.r:: GltE.r\_T :q~~ IEDY . EO:. 11

. ~S'~ rMPTr~O I lllm·l ~ ~ ,.; .~ <·tm be ourr JU b.J a , ..... ur h' d , · IV t•c::;ort to t ·Js stnn . -.t:'(l 1-rcpnrntion, n h M beet'\ P"~'4\ cd ~.Y the h~mdrcds o11.

tct)t imomnhs rcc01Ved by tho r! l,ropt·ictors. It is aok~owl

.t·ll~.cd hy nHlll)"' pt·omment• ph,\" -ic:inn · ~ o be t he most J·cH hlc p.· p:tl'l\tion ever in­l.-o<lu<·ctl lot• the l'clief and l·m·c of all L nng complnints, mul i otlerccl to the public, snnct ion<:d by the expeticnce of o·:at· iorty yaa1·s . Whon YCf:JOl't~cl \O in Reason it sol-lol!l f~1rls to effect n speedy . ' . fll l'C m tna mo~;t severe l':i~r~ FJ· Conghs, Bronchitis, Ci!Mi) ! \\rhooping Cough, Inil::~nzn, J thma, Colds, ~nr~ 'l;lll'ont, Pu.ins oz· Sore-. m·.· in the Chest nncl Side,. Lh~(·:· Oc~nnplnint, Bleeding ut the. Lunge, &c. Wistar's UalH:lm does not dry up a Cough, nnd leave the cau1e behind, as is the. case with t •• ost pl'cporntlons, but it Jc~n aucl cloon~e~ t1te • &IIUA"i ~ all ~~ I

that enaured him, • aDy rate amona the ycmnger mamben of hlj acquaintance, a beart.y weloome wherever be went. Bot to marry for DlODey--te alve up all his sentimental ide~~ of finding a dl1~11ition that would be thQJ'oughly conaaai;.l ~o his own-to marry a airl who in all pro• bnbility wou.l4 not hav~ a single th?ught ot feeling in coQlmon wttb bhn-thts wa11 indeed a b~tter pill to swellow.

I t was however po time for narpby­sentiment. Ruin wu ataring him in the t'ace and disgrace was not ao very far bind but that he ooald ee. tbe coming shadow. TMre could be no. dou~~ ,.bout it he muat many for money. DJ .. aree­able as the p,hyaiia ••!-t. it must be taken s

A•nd upon whom~,bcmm his choiCf' fall? Cogitatina Ul118 ·"UhiJl bJmaeJ r, hi a eye

fell upon a letter in a rJ.Ck .4bove the chim1..'ey-piece, the address of .tm~h was written in a pretty feminine band. ~ir• ly here 1\ '88 the very thing I Th~t sa~ft morning h,.., had received an lo'f'Jtation from an ex.<*.~dingly wealthy cotton·apin­ner in M'anch"'ter, to whom he had re· cently had the ppportunitr or being or some service ln ~wn, wing hlm to spend Whitauntlde trJtb hi~ Tbit cot­tonooSpiMer w11 a widower, and had an only child, a da~hter. 1'boqhttully Henniker o__pen .. 'be letter, and read it through. The contetl ran th111 :-

.. n. Midlllutd. ~. Ma1 ''· 18-"l'l.u ML- HIDJaa.-P.,... for whom I 1111

eotllll .. ...,....,, wltb• ao kMtr If Joa wUI do at tbe ~- of tptad18• Wbheaall• beN. Be •••-••• ~ ,...._. ,_ .,,... f08 laid •ll• ................ ~ ...... .

tor n,.. .rw ".~a .. . =~ ..

ther't abaence u a matLe: ot peoe11ityJ and then Jhe resumed her eeat"' aod thef entered into~nvenation. rnetlnotively, during it all. HeQniker felt thRt her clear brow.n eyet wer, eorutlnilina him closely, that ab• w~ ·u it wm, tummina him up, and IJlakJPI • ~ental .~l~~te of his value. Ht ~ ~ ~ke an tpterest Jn the Jlrl, and ttie Q)Oft tfR W~~~ h,e <o}~ th·at he had previou•ly ciPAI R.eJ' an lP,: justice.

The butler came in pmen~ly to 1po• Htnniker to his room, and, wlleA ~~

·yoon1 Jlllln went back, he found M.lJ• Maitland wij.}l her hat and Jacket on.

" I thought you -,ould perhaps like to look round the groallcil, If rou are not

t}red whh your journey,1 ~~said. He antlftred that he should be QJ)ly

too pte~; . .-R4 th.ey at ,onoe aallled out

tog,eth_-r. ~ ~~.tmDO .f.Jl. 4 well·~~ ~~·•"••~ GQlpj •tOP.J, ah~ffi!v~ hJ'P. . J~l.e d,~ · U'DO*~ --... _..

Then thtre wu the dapahter. B, bl4 Jmq{Jled btr _,oane ~d lJl.,.taied, •

f,QIJH re4rtaced orea~u,. li'Jao ".- ~ !, •a fo~ Ule Qlert t~~Jiia. "bo 1f.,Jal4 dro

Ate> b$1 ~ma at till 'ferf JJliJlUD~ O(Ql • riut J ud lbe hacl pJ0114 ~ be 110 fF ana awtet·lookin• a i!rl thAl hit ens• thougbta reprdlag 1111' IMm •on like laorUeJe. Be d•pted btmtelt for bavfna allowed auoh td ... to eome tn\o hie head. Vulgar indeed I Why, abe teemed to him the very ~nonlftoatJon of refinement and of .eryi)llng that ., ... ~.omanlr and ~11 Bo" pretty

ieli~' w"''-';Jl.•e· &bouJb* u he la1 bao)c- ln 'ii "Jiat r.'o cf ij rea· · ·~ itt» 'i ta ~~P~, ~WJi~P~•I> ~N~d ~)lw;,.~~

ehe had, what a sweet tremu ous jpp , what lovely hair I And he had aotua 1 thonaht of thia gir1u If be would be con• ferrina a favour.. u~n her by uklna her to marry him I He felt Uiat he wu ·a horrible wretch, and ouibt no lonpr to b,. allnwed to inhabit toe ll!fDe houe 'lth auch a cHvlnity.... dlvfntty ap.loat f~O~~f~~d ~~~~~:

ecriptibn• of ~ll~ n,J bo~rhqocJ', ipq'fed •Bi . ~A&HW! ; W ·. DfRJmttnJ, him her canine pM&~ l eJjo"", #-t:.C'!l'u., JIP lcetl& • domalaDC1a liD• ., •• ;Oriie•;a,. and did her beet to eatort.ip IJJ~P~ ,u-n· ltqr, ~ a.,.ow1;·~. • io~'l•li Ia oloN'ffolaJ., niker found himself ll•tenlna ·JA. ,. Wtf ~ all ·l'~ Uo ·~~.:OifSIP~R~ !~~~~~·t;" b~­t!)M pe could hardly han beUe.,.d P'J'· !!f!5'i J' ~~~l' ij,, - ,,, .. ~· silifl: ,T~ girl had a wonderfully a~ a:"'iAdi'..l f'l or~ ,.

1 "

traoth,e RIHWtl~~e wu 10 euy and ~aaollt:; ""; WJf' ~f~~Jr:~1,!:'. unaft'eoted, 10

1Jial1 "DitHII ..,. ICNJr \ ~,~:1 , "'''~~'~~ 1-td,....,

that abe wu beau • 1R-!&ft!:f•,a;,1 ... et···y-....... _ ttttmp ~ ,....,. _ H~ ~...,_ · m.,_~,c~. :~~ h~~:;~eJI::J~{-~met~ ad~.Yl&tt~' IR ••d oltllltJ will L . ~ ~

l 1 --' "'"' .a io\4 Ia ,...,nl, ••• are oor com p ete y ~ equa& n 1o11e .uner \a· Jo ~·•or wltb tb-tro~e bute. of goo4 IOOletf ln arac. and J&- ........... .., -... .. .._ ..... . finemaot, with tenfol~ more depth ol . . ,......,_ . .'.-::- .. ... ch~r an4 mJIJ!YJ-'OD, tha~ Henniker Jla~~a~~•. enjoyed bla-.Ik uM¥d ~:;oncl

wane before, Be u.- ~ (ba~ oom~m• waa 11110 Unttd·

~ton•lpliflWI dAtU-~ ll



Medals · Awarded. - -aii&Roaoa"..; 1101 .,._


.. \J Br,.REV. M. UAR\'&T. F.R.G.S.

tb\ impr~oated e11g, •• ahoq iu ita nrinus ltaj(H, under Mr. ~ellaelfl'~ mtt!t'OeCOJ'4'. Wben fertUiaed tbe qg U. "ptl:e~· io I he gl~~~~~­\ooobator wlatre 'be wattr · 11 JD mot ina •n•l oooalautly r6uetied. llatcl:mtr h-tere. ®e ca•' 1M iD three l)f' (our.hQJifj. the 'ferj tie~iDII!D$r of life, tbeeltJC behig pvrfectly t.ranap~lll. Co!rtaln myate.rioua roo•eruenll a_ru ciiCtC' ·tbl~e-the firflt pulaiOPI Of th"t myatortOUI •om.t'thUI!.! we CHII life. t;lh:ht lilomeurs are tuu.lt: "'"'~>"7t~e wuor or tho creature thalli to b_, form~d wlthlll ... ~. this apt'c1: 01 mnttt•r, ISO am alL 11~ to -tu~ bnro!ll' disecr nibl,..l•v tl11• 11•~1'•1 •·)O. ln 1\not!ier hour

, or t ,, o I a u1 ;.:c lltt: ~l'r•utnal tli•k RIV" ly work· in~: •! •'Ht Itt~ 1111l tlal l•l •\'br p le n( lbllll.!t: wh1•re, bour 11f H r l11l If. lltot l u r 111 urrin.: h•w. tht< outhnt! of thu lllt ~lJr)n ;, bvr.omaut: ulur tl 1\llt\. lll(lru ,.._; . ble. Twu Iiiii-; •hrhtl bpccks- (h~r,,turc. cye~­nrc &c>cn After, tl•c third d~y ; :\nll.tottu:•.lun,.: hkc tl.u ou1luw of n h~:ld uud ~ t:ul. El.l(ht _1lnys ulcrP-l'. nml tbNI n llc .• n•i(ul Fi~:ht preeool.! atslllf - tho tbrobt.in~.i oi tltc h~!\rt t1rl:! eeeu. Ltftl h11, rnuly u.t .. l>li ilaetl it~/{, l=ua liulo ~og.ioo tbat prupj.>ls tbc hloorl nud ~t.ri~s tho bo aldht~ ma­terials to tht: \'trioue or~e,,n!l hM b~uu t~ beat, "ud 1100n thu lltollr~ ouic coolish, pttrroet io evcry­·l'a' L. l11 et·cu lutc.lcr the lllicroeo9po. O o tlao twelfth or fourteenth th\·. if the lllroperatuyt of ;lu de,c:ree11 h'IB he<-n m untaiuurl, \bo Y?lllli:l C·ld

hr~1tkt1 throu~h itsl\lu•ll 111. It~ ~~~en IIIOY'.n.: ~~~?~~ 11lowll'. h11vin!.( itll y.r: ., ' ti~O)II:tl to tl.. l tiiS ~ac hd[l~ it to tl 1nt, n11tj Ol!lo @Upp~it:s n tttrt ml•~l. J n eil!bt lJf' ten d •J, Ut')r..; it hnJ cntt·n up 1111 l'nc, Md no~· it it stron)! 1111 ltnctivc and ClD d rt 11bout "ilh natooi!ihint: tnpi•Hty.,<Jt 010 n_o•v rnnioraln an indt~peudt•nt ert.\_lence norl pron_tlo fo r itauJC. J tl IIICieutillc nuril-' DOW tnki.'S It, Ylth half a nulhon other• tb·tt htl\'<! rcAtlh<!tl the S\mo llnlle o f 118\'eiOJ)IllOOt, llnd " ploota'' thum f.-r on~ in tht: wat"t of t he bAV J.f the to!.ltpl' ,1turc of tbc "'otf.'r honld be l"w - ally :33 to U dc'l(t ces-tha b11tcl•ing proccja ~ould Pxteod orcr torty dt~yr. Accordio~ to t he IIIJI~O of de,·elo!)olent the yoousr cll•l ore moverl from .one compt.rtm\!nt t) ctnother b1 m •nus of tbe eipbon. ~0 1\S IP teivo them cuarc Plhce As 11oou as t h .l'Oik~•"o ,dis'llponra •,b'cy are reA<iy rnf "life nn. th& ocean W!\\'ll," wh4tre l'btnru b:~.s provided fo r them abu~dant C.locno tlie a warm­io~ aoimal-oulro Tho battle o r life bRa oow be­guo with the yooost cod!fry They bavo numcr ­oue foes to eocouotu, wtlom they muat fiubt o r elude u bea~ ' .bey c3o: ~ ceuelea .. wnr ia ragio~ io the oceao-one tribe of ita iob11bitao•a ia preyio.sr oo another. aoli life la of ama\1 account. Of tbeae youna cod fry it it calculated t hllt pro­bably 20 per ceo~ will aurvive to maturity lu theae ebolcercd bays tbeir chnncu of lifo nee greatly \JlCfllaled. lt reqnirea three or fonr


After teo winutei' eteamfiia we turned a pro­Je. otiult poin{ and flnd onreel YPI cloee to Dilrlo ~al~ud aud' aj)¢b3•·hina;r n long fht-roofed wood­eo building, two atoriee iu Jaeijlht. erec ted on n little sheltered cove oo the soulbern side of tl11: Jaaorl This is the famous harclfery, which i~ eeYenly·fi\•O feet in length, forty-he feet iu brearlth and twtmlv tbreo iu height. Jt ia auh · ataotially b;ilt, witliout aoy protentioos W> archi· tectual elJI!ct

On laodtoa;r my firet iu~rorluction ia to the cQd tiah from wbirb tho ovA ore obfain,ed 'J'wo 0' three planks are removed from the flooring or the wnarf, uncovcrin~ a larJ:O tl\r.k io the ceut ru, through wbiob tbe •e&watcr fiowa freely. T o my utouiabmeot I see acoree o f grel\t codfi~h diaportLog themaeiYell, s•immiO$r round nnd rouod &od ah:ufully ollaaio~: nob other. They "re · wall-fed and aeem quite bappy. After ·A time aome of them becoa:e qolle tame nod will come to tbe aorf11ce and anbmit to be patte9 oo the bead aod take food from tbe band. It w111 feedln~r-til1lt• Aod a larQe bucketful of aquirla. chopped ln amall pleeoa Will 1brown lntll th'e taolc. Thou o'mo a l'U~h •ad ·~ anrAmble -'3 c!uhio!f and apl111hiog that mtrla the lll'ater boil u if a quail bad atru11k it. The pieeea of rqnld wert IO&ttered over the an rfaoe. but oot ooe aver touobed tha botton. T he •oracloua cod s:!Obbled op every mortal u it. fell, and their dull eyu aeemed to uk for more. Between 600 and 700 oodfiab, male aod female, were awimmink abou.~ io thla faolt, a wlre-oeuiusr 1111 around Ita aidea prnentlog their uupe. They h~~ been telfen Ia uete or ou hooka. Some of 'hem ue injured by t!le latter proceet. 1 aotll!td ooa poor fellow, a part. of whoN upper jaw bad been toro off by the book ;- but be did oo~ IHID &.o mlod i~ aod •u apparently 11 aportln u &be otbere. •

A female ood8ah Jielda Ia a MMOo from two and a balf to ~!$rbt or aloe ruilllone of Oft. ao. cordlo~r to her alae. Her e(lawohll' time exteodt onr tilt or eight weeka. Tbe o'fa ripen lll'ad ~,~ al­ly, aucl pua from the ftah ooly when ripe. Hence the object of keapioa them iu confi~?l!ment The uperieoced eye or tbe auperinteodout. tolls him wheu the ova are rip~. Tbe mother-t111ll i i carefully lirted out of the water, laid oo a t.ablo or on the floor Gentle preuure i1 applied, or. in teobuical lau~rnage, tbe fish il ' ' etri~ped.'' l'llilt froto tbe malo I• poured over the expresatd on, an~ tbua fertilized lbey are iromedi&tely traoalerred lo the hatehiDjl•j~~te. ~fhe parent ftllb are retaroed to the tank to await the next period Of lDCtlblltibD. '

1'be &d••etAae of tbll artillct:.l prooeu ia t hAt from 60 to eo per ceot of U:rae GV& are brou~o.bt to life and the Joana fry placed io the water ; whorf'a. lo the o111aral wa.r it 1• found tbat bot ooe in t•euty tbooaaud i; batobed. So jlre&t Ia Ute deetraotioo of ood ou aod youog Cry io the aea that it. 11 pretrs, cort3io tb&t ouly a einalo egsz OIJt of nery t.-o and a quarter million11 thro"'n· iotp lhe f"ltera reacbra m.lturity. Not ol'l7 does the art(Jleial method brioa to life a lar~re per­oe'otaa'6.._of on, bn t. wbeo ba~hed, t he yC~uou fry au taken care oJ till thty are bi4; aoou~el't to ewim awiftlj and uoapo lbelr foea. . , • .

for a ooc.tffsb to r<!ncb tnatnfity a••d to become C!\pable or repeating the 11fory .or Its bir th The l~tw of all fltb -life i~ that where they C)U'Ie io~o oxiateoce tmd apen~ tht!ir e r ly da.ra there they return to apnwu On' tltii priucipUI depend• tbl) po,uibility of ~eking exb~uatcd tlahing­gronud ...

M r Neibell lll'ill prob:1bly "plant'' 101) 000,000 or )'ODUif COd lbi8 11ea~on, If A litth or thetu , Or 20,000.000. aurvl"e till tlteir tbird or fo urtb yenr 1 bey will retnro to tbit great b:\l' to a pawn led by no uuerriug iostiocc. nod th:' tl como wlthi~ reACh ot tbo flehermao'11 nrm. lf they o~uld nil be uaplured. tl:ea~> :.?IJ 000.000 cod wonld be worth wboo curcJ 62 000 0 Tbia will help to ahow tbe cnormooa profi.t ton o\tioo o{ tbe art·licial provaiati:m or codti•h. · (To Lt collli,~Uttl)

GE L . . !s~ur ~c . ,! ca~ pamr.

I - .--\

·Ff~E ~~u LrFE. ESTABLISHED A.D. 1887

\. . --·- · TIEA.D ~0 FE'-TOE :


Capital :-£1,000.0 0 0 Stg I nsurnnoos e.lli ed on almost. nll kirtda ot

oroper ty in N ewfouudi.anll at low-•st posaible 'l\1.&9

J. A t"'G tJ.::>IlJ:3 CLIFT, ' . ... • ... A~ at lot' .\' ewfoun.Jlantl

. E . 13. THOMPSON, AJ~lll t'iJr llarbor GraM


STEWaRT r1U N & Co., Shi'pping aud· Cotttm ission

) Merchn uts~ 22 s6. John Street, Mrntreal.

: Specitd 1\ttAutiJ)n givotJn to the 1!Ble of l!'iala .toc.l L•'t u )'ns.

·· Alii(), to tho buyin.:t •• hd ;hipJ)ing·of Flour \nd Pro\"i.iiOn$ .Ut<l t~cn{ t'Al Procluce.

~-. (' 'J,. A·l•lr~>.~-~ln;,ll, \I " lt!'f'IAI.

W. J~ ~ ij_USS.E" LL', PR.ACTfC:\L P \IXfER, ·

fl'atcr, . lrt:eJ, 12ear l""icto1·ia Street. HAHBOli GRACE, .NFLD . .

. , ~ . \

Work •in t'hoo..!iffut:tM- brancbd of the trade executed ..r:ith 'clMlpArol-t.

li:-(i!lllltee f\nnwh.~tl ou ilpJ?IiC'lljon. Vonilt inn Blin•! t~fht :t 'ln,l r1•nOYatecJ.

-;;~' ~ I

ijormtfll'& E~ • • ' '0·1JUII\Tt \'t; u.,ltl aod lueo lee #

I UWl:Q>\OLLt;U I F .. ~ tbe Relief and CURE oil' , Ell\IOUS Ut BtL II 1 [~orol.<hos, Rn£0.)(ATIS)( iL£RrL~NeSs :'t.XI:AI, \\' tA~r.ss, and all N'er•nne Oiae:~sc• ~~~'"bliihetl 1844. Co~ .. .fur,TATION·ANP C.:A1'.\LOOUE F'nu: A . NoaUAN \1 E , 4 Q ut:cN ~T L.. l'ono~To, On.

N H-Tbe11e Appliances nre largely imitated llul oover equ~~ollcd, ·

I • SopSJly~lw

Newfound land. ERS .


.·• No: 3j .1. 00. Offer Wadham Island •

.[.'ltit~cle ...... ·Ulc. 1'5' sr,• ~ ortb: . ~ngito<la ... 6;J(1 ·l:l' 12• \\'c4f.

; to plaoo of tbo 4th OrJur lo~i:c"d Wblu Lfabt bert~tororll• ubtbited ,at <h!• ::HI\t.ioo, tbece bu beeQ 'ln• t4'1ll'd ft •Ph Otdt~r 1) O!)trlc Jleyof"DI Llrht nf ''\ tldu, elvi~(C ·.-bidS fluhea ~,.,., 80 IOOObdt\• • • · '

1\o. 4, .1890. Port-att-~sque.

A Uell • Buoy bll 08110 IDOorid Ia 7 r.u..­water to deuoa. t he potitiou or tbt nv •. ~ ll•t•f•lo Rook:.

Vctuela eoterln~ •be Utt.rbor ,., the ooaN o£.-..L ehfp'e ruu a~oald kup cbe l:lii01fDD U.. Port r


No, 6, 189Q • • G-rand BaP-lr:; Fo,.tuna Latl&od ... - •• 7° QS ~ortbt ADIPfoldiilitt Loa~l&ade ••• 66°" ao• w .. t r

Tla• Ucla• Ia &It•


.. . .. , .

• !

Aa ocr readers will remAmber, we have be- . • Core in tbet~e columna inaiated on the need

that now exiate oC oaTpeople engaging•in the . irodn and pickled hAt ring trade on the we~~t­ern coaat of thit colony. There oannot ·be the abadow of a dou'Jt that each could be en" tered upon hy them with the greattat aucoeu : u muob aa, if not more than, altenda ita pro¥eeution eicher by Arueria.n or Provincial fishermen. The que11tion will occor to all aenaible minda- wby not 1 Rave not OUl'

people ·ever~hing i~ their favor 1 Surely they hue. Why not, then', ept.er upon the buaineu1 Wbo amon1 nJ will take the iaitiatlvA t Let it not be forgotten that the above tr•:le would be Jlroaeouted at a aeuon when the atap!A bualneu of tha colony ia over, whAn, untor\nnately, lucrative employ­ruent for our people ill not to bA bad-the ooant.ry cannot furniab it,

-a a r~ .~ .. ..,, .... • · n • ...., .. "' ,., g, ................... ,.,., •• -............ ~ ... ,... •. , ..... . .. ..., ................... ...
