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  • 7/28/2019 Melanesia Farmer First Network_report07


    Melanesia Farmer First Network Wewak 2007 Project Start up Workshop 1

    Melanesia Farmer First NetworkProject Start up Workshop

    Wewak, Papua New Guinea27-29th November, 2007

    Facilitated by:

    Supported by:

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    Melanesia Farmer First Network Wewak 2007 Project Start up Workshop 2

    Participants:Name Address Email / Phone / skype

    1. Inia Barry (NetworkCoordinator, MFFN)

    MFFN. C/- KGAPO Box 742,Honiara, SolomonIslands

    (677) 39138(677) [email protected]: iniabw

    2. Aryamitra Maheshkar(VSO volunteer HELPResources)

    HELP Resources,PO Box 1071Wewak, SHP, PNG

    [email protected]

    3. Marilyn Peri(Coordinator, CBHCTari)

    PO Box 35, Tari,SHP, PNG

    Ph: 675 5408055 / M:[email protected]

    4. Rose Klali(Coordinator, CBHCWestern Highlands)

    PO box 456, MtHagen, WH, PNG

    [email protected]: 72231166

    5. Anastacia Mekea(Women and YouthCoordinator, OsiTanata)

    PO box 814, Buka,ARB, PNG

    Ph: 675 2799908M: 675 687 6009Email: c/- Ben, Osi Tanata

    6. Evah Kuamin (HELPResources)

    PO Box 1071Wewak, ESP, PNG

    Ph: (675)8561615Fax: (675) 856 1453M:[email protected]

    7. Pitakia Tikai (SearemProject Manager, KGA)

    PO Box 742Honiara,Solomon Islands

    Ph: (677) 39551M: (677) 78643Skype: pitakia

    8. Pedros Lifo (Bishop)(Program Coordinator -

    Ambunti, HELPResources)

    Ambunti CentrePO Box 738Wewak, ESP, PNG

    Ph: (675) 8585126Fax: (675) 8585124c/[email protected]

    9. Chris Maingu(Director, HELPResources)

    PO Box 1071Wewak, ESP, PNG

    [email protected]

    10. Tony Jansen (NetworkSupport Team,TerraCircle)

    34 Paterson Lane,Byron Bay, NSW,2481 Australia

    Ph: (61) 2 8003 [email protected]: tonywokaboutOr: tonyandcynthiabyronbay

    11. Godfrey A Kapoi(CommunityMobilisationCoordinator)

    Help ResourcesPO Box 1075Wewak, ESP, PNG

    (675) 856 1615

    12. Jill Bosro (ProgramManager, Ambunti,HELP Resources

    Po Box 1071Wewak, ESP, PNG

    Ph: (675) 8585126Fax: (675) 8585124

    [email protected]: merisepik

    FSA, Vanuatu, was unable to send a representative due to other commitments.

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    Melanesia Farmer First Network Wewak 2007 Project Start up Workshop 3

    ContentsParticipants: ................................................................................................................................................................................................2Contents......................................................................................................................................................................................................3Day 1 ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................5

    Introduction .................................................................................................................................................................................................5Presentation of Project Overview .............................................................................................................................................................5

    Project Overview ..................................................................................................................................................................................5A few of the achievements of the last project:...................................................................................................................................5The main difficulties .............................................................................................................................................................................5Why have a network ? .........................................................................................................................................................................6Scaling up what is the approach of the network............................................................................................................................6Project structure 3 main parts ..........................................................................................................................................................62. External Network..............................................................................................................................................................................63. Network management .....................................................................................................................................................................6Sustainabil ity.........................................................................................................................................................................................7

    Group discussion on network project .......................................................................................................................................................7Expectations for the week .........................................................................................................................................................................7

    Need to discuss / plan this week ........................................................................................................................................................7

    Need more information ........................................................................................................................................................................8Concerns (these were interpreted as general concerns in the context of the partners work) ......................................................8Anything else ........................................................................................................................................................................................8

    Partner Program Presentations ................................................................................................................................................................8HELP RESOURCES..................................................................................................................................................................................9

    Help Resources Organisational Structure .........................................................................................................................................9CBHC ........................................................................................................................................................................................................10

    Holistic Health involves:.....................................................................................................................................................................10CBHC Tari sustainable agriculture (MFFN and now Oxfam NZ) ..............................................................................................10HIV programs......................................................................................................................................................................................10Water and Sanitation ......................................................................................................................................................................10Sustainabil ity ...................................................................................................................................................................................10Structure of CBHC .............................................................................................................................................................................11Issues ..................................................................................................................................................................................................11

    Osi Tanata lukautim ples (in Kieta language) ......................................................................................................................................11

    Osi Tanata Program...........................................................................................................................................................................11New programs ....................................................................................................................................................................................11Special Program .................................................................................................................................................................................11Women and youth (Anastasias responsibil ity) ............................................................................................................................11Other Bougainvil le network partners ................................................................................................................................................11

    Kastom Gaden Association .....................................................................................................................................................................12The program of KGA ..........................................................................................................................................................................12New KGA organisa tional Structure...................................................................................................................................................13CONSTRAINTS:.................................................................................................................................................................................13Discussion...........................................................................................................................................................................................14FSA Plans for MFFN supported program: ......................................................................................................................................14

    Linkages and exchanges.........................................................................................................................................................................14Evening of Day One: Discussion about Genetically Modified Organisms.........................................................................................15PID presentation and discussion ............................................................................................................................................................15

    Steps in PID ........................................................................................................................................................................................15Group discussion................................................................................................................................................................................16Discussion: ..........................................................................................................................................................................................16Inia presented a slide show about PROLINNOVA:.........................................................................................................................16Sample from PROLINNOVA brochure: ............................................................................................................................................16Decisions by partners on the application of PID in their local programs. .....................................................................................17

    Partner program planning workshops ....................................................................................................................................................17Dates: ..................................................................................................................................................................................................17

    Policy working group................................................................................................................................................................................18Priority policies: ........................................................................................................................................................................................18

    Discussion: ..........................................................................................................................................................................................18Guidelines .................................................................................................................................................................................................18

    MFFN program ...................................................................................................................................................................................18Monitoring ...........................................................................................................................................................................................19Notes to discussion on guidel ines: ...................................................................................................................................................19

    ADVOCACY AIMS (2006).......................................................................................................................................................................19Goal: ....................................................................................................................................................................................................19

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    Melanesia Farmer First Network Wewak 2007 Project Start up Workshop 4

    Most Significant Change (MSC) monitoring tool ...................................................................................................................................20Steps to MSC......................................................................................................................................................................................20Stories from participants....................................................................................................................................................................20Yagolo story on seed saving and nutrition.......................................................................................................................................20Subsis tence farmers to commercial farming ...................................................................................................................................20Farmer who went to Vanuatu............................................................................................................................................................21Selection of story ................................................................................................................................................................................21

    Evening program:.....................................................................................................................................................................................21Communication Strategy.........................................................................................................................................................................22

    Current main communication strategies within organisations........................................................................................................22Scoring totals in order from most used form of communication to least used: ............................................................................23

    Timeline Exercise with group: Dec 2007-Dec 2008: ..........................................................................................................................23Other matters............................................................................................................................................................................................23

    Annual training course.............................................................................................................................................................................23Reports ......................................................................................................................................................................................................23Represen tation at meetings ....................................................................................................................................................................24Gender follow up on gender workshop in Honiara .............................................................................................................................24

    Partner start up dates for Restart after Christmas: ...............................................................................................................................24Evaluation .................................................................................................................................................................................................26The Most Signi ficant Change Approach: Summary of the Steps Used by Dart et al ........................................................................29

    The Most Significant Change Approach (according to Dar t et al ) ................................................................................................29

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    Melanesia Farmer First Network Wewak 2007 Project Start up Workshop 5

    Day 1

    IntroductionThe purpose of the three day workshop was to bring the partners together for planning at the

    start up of the new MFFN 2007-2010 project funded by Oxfam Australia and APHEDA.This project is the second phase of funding for the MFFN network which began in 2003. Theworkshop had 12 participants representing 4 of the 5 current MFFN network partner NGOs.Facilitation was done by Tony Jansen (TerraCircle) and Inia Barry (MFFN Coordinator). Theworkshop was followed by a one day field trip to HELP Resources project site in Ambunti in

    the central part of the Sepik river region.

    The aim of the workshop was:

    ! To introduce and plan the implementation of the new 3 year Oxfam Australia fundedMFFN project

    ! Share experiences on: Participatory Innovation Development approach; partner

    planning workshops already completed, and overall current partner programs and

    status.! Learn about the program of Help Resources and how MFFN partners can link and

    work with HELP Resources.

    Each year there will be one annual review and planning workshop involving all of the


    Presentation of Project OverviewTony gave a slide show of the main components of the new project:

    Project OverviewFunded by Oxfam Australian and APHEDA

    A few of the achievements of the last project:- Exchanges partners have learned from each other- Small grants - gap filling and strategic activities supported- MFFN is well respected network in Pacific region

    - Advanced participatory approaches and sustainable agriculture in region puttingfarmer first.

    - Overcame some communication problems - more to be done- Established a viable network

    (social capital and formal structures are in place)

    The main diff iculties- Internal barriers to change within partner organizations / varying capacity- Need for clearer policies and strategy for influencing role in region- Dependence at times on NC and network management not so active in

    implementation of the network as a whole- Irregular communication and reporting, perhaps overly flexible at times

    New Network Project Purpose and components:To provide more effective farmer centred SA services in rural areas of Melanesia to improve

    food security and livelihoods through NGOs gaining increased support, knowledge and

    connections between NGOs themselves, and other stakeholders.

    Component 1:

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    Melanesia Farmer First Network Wewak 2007 Project Start up Workshop 6

    Enhance the sharing of knowledge and experiences in SA between partners and through

    local sharing networks

    Component 2:

    Increase the linkages of partners to external resources, organizations (GO and NGO) and

    information in order to improve their SA programs and their influencing capability as a

    regional group networking to address wider issues

    Component 3:

    Engage in advocacy and influencing in the region and beyond on SA and farmer centred

    approaches to SA in Melanesia by taking partners experiences and issues to a wider


    Component 4:

    Effective network and project management

    Why have a network ?- Exciting and successful new approaches (technical, process and organisational) that

    MFFN partners are at the forefront of- Need to influence government, donors, regional and national organisations to have a

    wider impact and scaling up of local success- Partners can support, assist and inspire each other- Provide a voice for rural farmers in Melanesia and some representation of their needs

    at different levels

    Scaling up what is the approach of the network.- Up to two new members may join each year (i.e. 7-9 members by the end of the


    - Developing local networks led by each partner in their local area of influence- Documentation at partner and network level and the sharing of this documentation- Advocacy

    Project structure 3 main parts- Internal network- External network- Network management

    1. Partner programs ( internal network)- Local networking through joint field activities

    - Documentation- Staff / lead farmer ToT

    - Improved communication and ICT- Exchanges between partners and local networks- Partnership agreements: $A11,445 per year per partner (A$34k over 3 years)

    - Annual ToT type training course for all partners2. External Network

    - Share experiences of partners more widely (website, conferences, documentation,papers, meetings and advocacy)

    - Identify & direct resources from external network to partners and to grass roots levelin general

    - Key external network actors include: SPC, national departments of agriculture, FAO,PROLINNOVA, Seed Savers network, other donors, and many more

    3. Network management- Full time Network Coordinator (NC)- Housed under KGA in Solomon Islands

    - Network management / board

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    Melanesia Farmer First Network Wewak 2007 Project Start up Workshop 7

    - Network Support Team from TerraCircle (mentoring and backstopping NC, assistwith animation of external and internal network, information system).

    - M&E systems for each partner and network as a whole- Annual review and planning workshop

    Sustainability- Strengthening partners own programs and capacity / advocate increased support to

    NGOs from govt. and donors- Diversify support base of network- More effective use of resources- Decentralized activities and approaches (eg email) as fall back if no major network

    funds in future

    Group discussion on network project! Policies are needed for the network eg on genetic modified food and others. The

    network (with a common voice of members) is a good opportunity to push importantissues on regional level. Need to be clear about what are the areas for influencing

    priorities of the network.

    ! Opportunity to link more with Oxfam eg on coffee advocacy or fair trade or miningadvocacy.

    ! New mine planned in border area of ESP and Enga province will have an impact onESP communities in Sepik. HELP Resources is looking at these issues as part of itsdisaster preparedness program with Oxfam. Both Bougainville and SouthernHighlands are provinces where mining issues have or are impacting communities

    where the partners are working.! Are there strategies or guidelines for the networks engagement of government for

    example should it be on local (provincial level) or at national level? Need to clarify.! Is there a strategy or guidelines from MFFN for funding of activities? Discussion

    about wether this is needed or not. Felt it might be a danger if too prescriptive butguidelines might be useful. The new project has more of a structure for partnerfunding than in the previous phase which was explained.

    ! What is meant by scaling up? Discussion about different means to achieve widerreplication of success. For example the spread of soil improving

    methods/technologies. The Network aims to not only support and share experiencesbetween the partners but also to spread successful approaches to others and new areas

    beyond where the partners are currently operating.

    Expectations for the week

    Four blank charts were put onto the wall. The group was broken into 3 groups of 3 peopleeach to discuss ideas and write their points on cards for each of the following three headings:

    Need to discuss / plan this week! Strategies and outcomes from previous workshops

    ! Gender and human rights! Linkages with government agencies should be dealing with them as well in our

    network at local and network level! Management needs to make some decision and clearer guidelines on roles of NC and

    what should be referred to management! How to do documentation of IK how to acknowledge the farmer in terms of IPR

    when MFFN shares farmers knowledge.

    ! MOU on housing MFFN in KGA

    ! New MFFN partner (HELP resources)

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    Melanesia Farmer First Network Wewak 2007 Project Start up Workshop 8

    ! Policies for MFFN

    ! Linkage between MFFN partners! Exchange program between partners

    ! Current relationship between partners

    ! Strengths and weakness of MFFN

    ! MFFN budget in detail.

    Need more information! Policies at government level. MFFN role is at regional level need to define MFFN

    role in advocacy. Partners role on their own how to influence policies withgovernment for sustainable approaches

    ! Does not mean that MFFN has to do this could be just linking up with relevantorganization and disseminate their information.

    ! Budget and partners network should there be a general guideline on small grant.Partners network how can we strengthen network. Budgetary headings within the

    grants have they been determined?! Climate change (for evening information sharing)

    ! Marketing (for evening information sharing)! HIV AIDS (for evening information sharing)! GMO (for evening information sharing)! Budget (small grant partners and network)

    Concerns (these were interpreted as general concerns in the context of the partners work)! Land issues

    ! Population! Appropriate flow of funds and resources! Transparency! Ownership by the local people of programs

    ! Crop genetic erosion! Pest and disease

    In addition there were two concerns about MFFN:

    ! Sustainability of MFFN program at end of Oxfam funding

    ! Monitoring and evaluation of MFFN the limited amount of information collectedand evidence of impact. Challenges of monitoring a network.

    Anything else! Awareness and advocacy

    Some changes were made to the workshop program to accommodate the issues raised.

    Partner Program PresentationsEach partner was asked to give a 15 minute presentation on their current organisational

    program. This was followed by 15 minutes of discussion. The aim was to share programsand give other partners information to help them to identify potential areas where they can

    share experiences.

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    Melanesia Farmer First Network Wewak 2007 Project Start up Workshop 9

    HELP RESOURCESChris Maingu presented the Help Resources program. Some of the diagrams he presented areincluded below.

    Help Resources Organisational Structure

    The agriculture and food security work and the MFFN activities will come under thelivelihoods program.

    ! A detailed presentation on the HELP Resources Men and Boys Behaviour changeprogram was made one evening.

    ! IN additiona all participants were given a tour of the HELP Resources centre andoffice in Wewak and visited one project field site at Ambunti and a nearby vocationalcentre and a guesthouse along the river.

    ! Tobias Niruwia is the HELP food security Coordinator.

    ! HELP has a good connection with NARI already. Would plan to invite DAL to come

    to the workshop as well.










    GENDER &
















    Information Services DISTRICT
















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    Melanesia Farmer First Network Wewak 2007 Project Start up Workshop 10

    CBHCMarilyn Peri presented on the CBHC program. CBHC has two main programs one is thecore health program currently funded by NZAID and the other is the agriculture focussed

    Community Health and Agriculture Support Program (CHASP) program funded initially byMFFN as a pilot and now by Oxfam NZ.

    Holistic Health involves:! Train community health volunteers and community health committees.! Village birth attendants! Training of trainers

    ! Community entry and mobilisation! (community centre)- in Hagen these have radios, communication equipment to talk

    with the office! link to cooperatives coffee and marketing! Community banking service and savings! Micro finance

    ! Womens skills cooking and sewing

    CBHC Western Highlands has recently signed an MOU with Fresh Produce Development

    Agency.(FPDA also based in western highlands) (this came about as a result of RolanGunn from CBHC attending an MFFN meeting in Honiara see the story in Most SignificantChange section)Community policing and community carpentry have been part of the program but are not very

    active at the moment. Although she reports that there has not been any tribal warinvolvement in communities that are part of CBHC Tari which is a significant achievementand reflects the level of change in those communities.

    CBHC Tari sustainable agriculture (MFFN and now Oxfam NZ)! CHASP livestock (rabbit, chicken and fish)! Linkage with national fisheries for machine to make fish feed.

    ! Entrepreneurial support supply materials, teach how to produce, help to look for

    markets, provide supplies and training to local farmers in that community! Support farm at koli seed saving.! Piggery very good for income generation

    HIV programs! HIV & AIDS (PJV partnership)! PLWHVA (People living with HIV AIDS)

    ! Awareness in schools, womens group, Provincial Aids Council linkage

    ! Want to support 50 per year - currently working with 13

    Water and Sanitation Partnership with EU and Oxfam assisting 5 communities with water projects.

    Sustainability CBHC currently works in Tari, Wewak and Hagen only. But have plans to expand to more

    places in the country. There are concerns over their capacity to do this.

    Want to look at fair trade coffee have asked Oxfam to help. Have made four exports of non

    fair trade coffee to date from Tari. A buyer in Mt Hagen is the exporter. It has resulted in abig increase in income to the growers and also part of the income goes into a savings scheme

    run by CBHC which is helping households to put the money to wiser use.How to maintain quality control with a cooperative in each community.Do training on quality control for coffee. Each community has their own export licence.Much of the coffee is sold to Coffee Pacifica in Goroka there is a factory.

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    Melanesia Farmer First Network Wewak 2007 Project Start up Workshop 11

    Structure of CBHCNHM Board (Nazarene Health Ministry Board)Director (Primary Health Care)District coordinator (Tari, Sepik, WHP)

    Issues! NZAID is currently reviewing the project. They are insisting CBHC has to have

    clearer exit plans for period beyond funding.! ITC and communication still problem want to get email and lap top working. Have

    to go to PJV right now to get email.! Help with Koli support farm want to certify trainers to go and teach in other


    Osi Tanata lukautim ples (in Kieta language)Osi Tanata was representing the Bougainville local network but Anastacia chose to present on

    her organization alone as she is not familiar with PEDC.

    Osi Tanata Program! Small scale business sewing and cooking for women! Report writing

    ! ToT

    ! Roles and responsibility for organizations and various skills for CBOs.

    New programs! Disaster Management Preparedness.

    ! OTIBS for unfortunate youths eg school drop outs

    Special Program! Goroka Water For Survival program Osi Tanata is coordinating a program of water

    supply in Bougainville for this organization. (same program/organisation as withCBHC - Oxfam NZ project with EU).

    Women and youth (Anastasias responsibil i ty)! Working with copra mill cooperative society trying to register with IPA. is a

    womens cooperative

    UNICEF identified drug and alcohol abuse as issue. They are planning on doing a proposalon awareness on these issues.

    Other Bougainvil le network partnersInia gave a brief presentation on the plans of PEDC and their local partners following his visit

    earlier this year.

    ! MFFN support will go to the partners to develop their ability for skills transfer inagriculture.

    ! PEDC has very good technologies and information but want to engage those

    specialised people through the network partners.! PEDC staff will travel with Osi Tanata to conduct training (and perhaps to do some

    assessment of what are the priorities in those areas).! Bougainville Food Security Network plans to hold a second meeting and make plans

    on how the program will work in February 2008.! Getting information from partner has been a problem Osi Tanata might be in a good

    position to support PEDC and facilitate reporting. Need is for a formal agreement on

    how this work.

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    Melanesia Farmer First Network Wewak 2007 Project Start up Workshop 12

    For more information refer to Inias report on his 2007 visit to Bougainville a summary ofwhich will be posted on the MFFN website.

    Kastom Gaden Association

    Pita Tikae made a presentation on KGA.The program of KGA

    KGA currently is involved in 13 main projects. These are:1. Searem Niu Plant long Gaden a project that is diversifying staple food crops

    (Sweet potato, cassava, African yam) through introduction of new varieties andsharing and awareness raising on conserving existing varieties. Funded by AusAID

    2. Sustainable Livelihoods for Isolated Rural Areas working with 3 remote regions

    to diversifying food crops and introduce new means of earning income based on foodprocessing and value adding. The project is also conducting in depth food security

    assessments and developing stakeholder networks for advocacy to improve servicesin each of the project areas. Funded by AusAID

    3. Feeding Village Poultry is a project that is working with department of agriculture,a college and farmer schools to research the right type of rations to feed local breeds

    of chickens. The rations are based on locally available or easy to grow ingredientsand the aim is to develop recommendations to improve small scale poultry raising at

    the village level. The project involves technical research, farmer field trials andnetworks. The project is funded by ACIAR

    4. Young Farmers Apprentice is a project that is supporting young people to havepractical agriculture skills training attachments with Kastom Gaden and the network

    of farmer schools. The skills are in organic farming, improved local poultry, agro

    forestry, and others. The project is funded by EU Micro Projects.5. Young Farmer Program is a project funded by Oxfam Australia that is providingin village training programs and support networks for young people to establishfarming livelihoods working with their families. The project works in 2 provinceswith local CBOs, resource people and youths. The project ran for 3 years and isabout to be completed but a new project is being discussed with Oxfam.

    6. Integrated Plant Protection for Solomon Islands. KGA Is one of a number ofNGO partners in this project led by the department of agriculture working with SPCand TerraCircle. The project is working on solutions and capacity building for anumber of major pest and disease problems on staple food crops and important cash

    crops. KGA is conducting farmer trials on taro disease management, farmer fieldschools on organic farming and has assisted with local language leaflets on disease

    management for yams, taro and water melon. Funded by ACIAR.

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    Melanesia Farmer First Network Wewak 2007 Project Start up Workshop 13

    7. AVRDC is about to start work with a network of groups including KGA on a projectto strengthen the supply of seeds for vegetable marketing to improve livelihoods.KGAs PMN seed network will be strengthened in this project. Funded by ACIAR.

    8. CIP is working with a range of stakeholders to conduct research into the removal of

    virus from sweet potato with expected increases in yields. This project is stronglylinked to the Searem project and provides technical capacity building. Funded byACIAR.

    9. Farmer Fresh is the marketing arm of KGA. Farmer fresh serves about 30

    customers in Honiara with a mixed basket of fresh organic produce sourced fromPMN/KGA member farmers. The project aims to become a self sustaining business.

    Farmer Fresh is currently supported by ICCO.10. Planting Material Network is a national farmers network funded by farmers own

    membership fees. The network produces and shares open pollinated locally adaptedvegetable seed more than 100 varieties. The network also forms the membership

    base for all of KGA projects.

    11. Tsunamiagriculture rehabilitation KGA is conducting some relief work inTsunami effected communities in Western and Choiseul Provinces. The projects

    involve supply of planting materials, home gardening skills training for displacedcommunities and bulking and reintroduction of pigs and chicken breeding stock lostin the disaster. The components are funded by World Vision and from a donation byLonely Planet through the Rain Forest Information Centre.

    12. MFFN funded by Oxfam Australia and APHEDA.13. Taking the first steps is an institutional strengthening project that is working with

    the staff and partners of KGA to facilitate a new organisational structure to respond tothe growth of the organization and the increasing demand for its services. The

    project is supported by TerraCircle and funded by Community Sector Program ofAusAID.

    New KGA organisational Structure

    CONSTRAINTS:! Geographic location of provinces! Lack of funds to support on going programs

    ! Transport, communication too expensive

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    Melanesia Farmer First Network Wewak 2007 Project Start up Workshop 14

    ! Lack of funds to support on going programs

    ! Transport and communication too expensive! Capacity too stretch.

    Discussion! Presented change in structure.

    ! Youth rural and urban! New structure presented and discussed! What about community contribution

    ! What about farmers paying something for services?! HELP would like food security officer to go to KGA and learn about bulking, village

    chickens project etc.

    ! Very good program to be promoting the local varieties of food.

    FSAPlans for MFFN supported program:

    ! Want to move planting materials (root crops and spices, wild yams) to six Rural

    Training Centres (RTCs). RTCs then bulking up the planting materials for localdistribution. Original source of materials is FSA farmers in Efate.

    ! Documentation: more on spices. Extension process for spice farmers will be thefocus.

    ! Contact person for FSA will be Peter Kaoh.

    ! Peter is to produce budget and is currently working on a three year plan.

    ! Peter was still to finalise RTC involvement and role in the program at an FSAmeeting.

    ! Charles from FSA was reluctant to have another meeting with other stakeholders assuggested by MFFN. He prefers to just get on with practical work and build the

    partnership through joint field work rather than meetings.! Cathy from VDRTC has been communicating with Peter.

    For more information refer to the Network Coordinators report on his recent visit to Vanuatuand discussions with FSA and other stakeholders.

    Linkages and exchangesA brainstorm using a linkages matrix was done with the group to discuss ideas for possible

    sharing of knowledge and experience between the partners based on the presentations:Partner KGA Osi Tanata CBHC FSA HELP

    KGA Coffee, qualitycontrol andmanagement /co-ops

    Men and boysbehaviourchange, DTP,libraryoperations

    Osi Tanata Poultry feed

    makingMen and boys


    CBHC Foodprocessing


    Media, DTP,ICT, Internet;Men and boysbehaviourchange


    HELP Attachments;local poultry;bulking of rootcrops

    Learn aboutlivelihoodprojects

    Spice valueadding.

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    Melanesia Farmer First Network Wewak 2007 Project Start up Workshop 16

    2. Verification, selection and recruitment3. Characterisation and analysis (facilitator and farmer)4. Form clusters of farmer innovators5. M&E set up and joint experimentation (involve technical people and researchers with

    farmer innovators (FI))6. FI-FI network visits7. Study tours8. New ideas tested

    9. Farmers visit FIs10.FIs as trainers

    Group discussionPoints to discuss:

    ! Can we adopt a PID approach in MFFN?! Could we document innovations through MFFN?

    Inia then presented a comparison of Participatory Technology Development methodologies

    and Participatory Innovation Development methodology.

    Discussion:! Some questions about the innovations case studies presented which generated a lot of

    interest and showed the potential for changing view points by showing how farmersinnovate themselves and how their innovation can be supported through partnerships.

    ! Comparison of PTD and PID PID works more on the creative side and starts fromthe positive rather than starting from the problems

    ! PID does not need to follow any criteria in selecting technology! Existing traditional technologies do not qualify for PID needs to be a modified or

    adapted technology.! The group agreed that MFFN could try to document innovations through network ! TJ suggested this could be a good starting point and focus for partner programs

    although this is not required and is simply one option for the local partner programs.

    ! KGA is already doing some documentation have started with documenting someinnovations gave example of Lionel Maelius use of Bixa as a decoy or trap plant to

    prevent damage of beans by a riptortus insects.

    Inia presented a slide show about PROLINNOVA:Common elements of PROLINNOVA country programs:! Inventories and database of local innovations, innovators and supporting


    ! Setting up sub national / national multi stakeholder platforms for sharing andlearning

    ! Building capacity and documenting local innovation and facilitating a PIDprocess

    ! Farmer extensionists scientist planning and implementation of PID

    ! PM&E of joint activities, outcomes and impacts. For purpose of mutual learning

    Sample from PROLINNOVA brochure:

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    More information is available at the website: http://www.prolinnova.net

    Decisions by partners on the application of PID in their local programs.! CBHC could do a training in Tari with this approach (PID). CBHC clan recorders

    are currently doing a small arms survey and trauma cases.- Local stakeholders women groups, could invite NARI, ACIAR PNGfish

    farm training project and others. February could be a good time. HagenCBHC could also be involved.

    - Oxfam is going to extend CHASP program in Western Highlands Joseph iswriting the proposal.

    ! Osi Tanata could identify local farmers first. Come early to Bougainville. Couldlook at documenting PEDC innovations. Aim to hold meeting at PEDC with localstakeholders. Osi Tanata can take lead role to organise a meeting of Bougainville

    Food security Network.

    ! KGA: already started something a committee to identify local innovations.

    Teacher from KG6, DSAP, KGA, Claudine. Task is to come back with aninnovation each only 3 have been documented. PROLINNOVA wants 12

    innovations to be sent to them.! HELP: PID seems like a good concept. Believe there are innovations there. It is a

    good time to start next year. Could try using this method. Have been deliveringinformation to the rural areas but need to have means and ways of people working forthemselves. Good starting point would be training. February March would be time.

    Need to set dates and timeline (see timeline attached and partner workshops below).

    Partner program planning workshopsDates:

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    ! Bougainville: week of 3rd 9th Feb. 2008

    ! Wewak: 10-16th Feb 2008 (workshop will be in Ambunti)

    ! Tari: 17-23rd Feb. 2008

    ! KGA late Feb/early March 2008

    Policy working group

    Priority policies:A small working group came up with the following priority policies. The whole group then

    nominated organizations to draft the policies and suggest a time frame.Priority Policy Who to draft To be done by

    1 Gender HELP Feb

    2 Vision for Sustainable Living (iewhat does success of MFFNpartners look like at household

    and community level)

    (All partners to discussat partner planningmeetings)

    End of Feb summarise together

    3 Rural Infrastructure (includingroads, transport, energy,communication services asenabling rural agricultureimprovement)

    Study HELP to comeup with a concept onhow to


    3 Sustainable Agriculture (organic

    farming, position on GMO etc)

    KGA March

    4 Trade issues related to andimpacting on agriculture

    TerraCircle and NC April

    5 Capacity Building ? not yet assigned ? to be determined

    5 Movement of planting materials

    between countries (complyingwith quarantine requirements)

    NC Jan


    HIV (to be adapted from existingmaterials)

    HELP March



    Population growth & migration& youth.(Advocacy issue.)

    ? not yet assigned

    Discussion:! Some of these relate more to advocacy.! Population issues some debate on wether or not it is relevant. After discussion felt

    it would be good to have a dialogue between the partners on this issue and see if theycan come up with a advocacy position. Also emphasise who should be target groupsfor programs eg youths.

    ! HELP presented the Men and Boys behaviour change program to the partnerswhich generated a lot of interest and all the partners present would like to look atoptions to introduce similar programs in their areas.

    GuidelinesA small working group came up with the following priority guidelines. The group thensuggested the actual writing of guidelines be delegated to the NC with support from

    TerraCircle where required.

    MFFN program1. Guideline for engagement of government how and who to do what responsibility

    in network at different levels of government

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    2. Member organisations to have independent work plan for their MFFN supportedactivities

    3. Annual meetings (review and planning) and mid term meetings (MFFN Management)4. Partner proposal submission, financial (formats etc.)

    5. Participation of the local group owners/communities/local partners in the planning ofpartner programs.

    6. Budget allocation for partner programs: Management / admin costs, sustainableactivities, logistics, transparency, participatory.

    7. Job Description - Network Coordinator (to be prepared by TerraCircle)8. Role and responsibilities of Management and partners

    9. Role and responsibilities of implementing the network plans / communicate circularsand implement accordingly.

    Monitoring1. Review: mid term (local partners only) and annual (all partners)2. Reports (financial and narrative) quarterly reports to NC in the Oxfam format

    3. Need based activities (sharing ideas)4. Conflict resolution guideline to be drafted by HELP Resources

    Notes to discussion on guidelines:! Budget allocation for each partner.

    ! Impact monitoring would also be there.! Report periods: - 3 monthly reporting ? quarterly to begin with

    ! Should management approve small project plans ? felt that this should not be

    necessary more the issue of guidelines for MFFN funds.! Should have clear M&E agreements in place.

    ! Need guidelines on management representatives in general try to maintain the sameperson. If the rep cannot come then they need to appoint someone who is in a positionto commit the partner.

    ! Organisations should appoint someone to be the contact point for communication

    with the network. Focal point.! TJ to draft project approval guidelines.! Job description for NC TJ to draft and then circulate.

    ! Need to have participation and ownership of people in development of project.

    ADVOCACY AIMS (2006)The MFFN Advocacy Goals adopted in Tari (2005) during the advocacy training conducted

    by Oxfam Australia for MFFN and updated in the MFFN Arawa Workshop in 2006, were

    presented on a chart. Participants were asked to make comments on small yellow papers.

    Goal:To have a voice, be recognized and engage at national, regional and international levelsof decision making in order to have the issues of rural communities in agriculture

    livelihoods recognized and appropriate services supported

    1. NGOs are involved in decision making by government concerning internationaltreaties that effect rural communities (e.g. WTO, CBD, ITPGRFA, Cartagena

    Protocol) and on the issues of biosafety, PGRFA, and organic farming.2. Donors and regional organizations recognize the issues and needs of rural farmers

    and have funding and other support (e.g. training and capacity building)mechanisms suitable to local NGOs working on rural livelihoods,

    3. To strengthen partners capacity to develop, implement and manage MFFN

    advocacy plan and individual partner advocacy priorities.

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    Melanesia Farmer First Network Wewak 2007 Project Start up Workshop 20

    Most Significant Change (MSC) monitoring toolPartner were asked the previous day to prepare stories of Most significant change either at thecommunity or organisational level as a result of MFFN since the beginning of 2006 to the

    present. In practice only 3 stories were presented and one of these was older than the timeperiod suggested. None the less the MSC was done as an exercise to refresh partners use of

    this M&E tool.

    The method was introduced by Oxfam to their partners through a series of training workshop

    over recent years. Some additional information from the developer of MSC Jessica Dart isincluded in attachment 3. The MFFN has introduced Most Significant Change method in aworkshop in Tari in 2005. Stories were also presented at the 2006 Arawa workshop. Themethod was again presented to some of the new participants and partners.

    Steps to MSCThe typical steps for MSC are:

    ! Selection of domains for collection of stories

    ! Collection (written or spoken) of stories in the field over an agreed period of time! Record stories on a standard form

    ! Present stories for selection of stories different types of people can be bought

    together to select stories and give their reasons giving different view points fromeach

    ! Selected stories can be used as part of reports along with the reasons for theirselection.

    ! The steps continue with regular collection, and selection of stories.

    Stories from participantsYagolo story on seed saving and nutri t ionCommunity health volunteer Yagolo from Wiayabia community gave medicine to a sickchild. But it did not improve. He had some rabbits at his home. Later we found the child wasmalnourished and that was why it was crying all the time. CBHC/CHASP introduced seedsaving and the importance of Soya bean and peanut for nutrition. But his soil was poor. Sohe used rabbit manure to grow Soya bean. He could buy peanuts in the market. The childchanged over a few months to being very healthy. He became a living testimony to the

    program. The father used to say that is a CBHC child from Soya beans and peanuts

    improving the health of his child. He is now a leading seed saver and sharing seeds with theother farmers.

    Story from Marilyn Peri, CBHC Tari

    Subsistence farmers to commercial farmingAfter one of our staff members (Rolan Gunn) went to visit Kastom Gaden in Solomons and

    came back excited with so many ideas on what to do. Wagi valley in Western highlands isknown as land of unexpected. It has two mountains on either side and the wagi river in the

    middle separating the two districts. The land is very fertile. Subsistence farmers gardeningis the basis for survival. They have enough to eat but still lacking basic services. The surplus

    food is there but they could not get enough income. They just grow to eat. Gardening wasthe main activities so we negotiate with FPDA. Provided a trainer to train CBHC volunteer

    farmers to grow commercial products for sale. CBHC communities and FPDA signed anMOU. FPDA provide vegetable markets at mines and supermarkets. They have a container

    in Hagen. The communities contact FPDA to let them know what they have to sell. It hasbeen going on since Rolan attended the workshop. Now CBHC does not need to be the linkbut now they linked directly to FPDA. When the money comes at the end of the week it goesinto their own individual savings accounts as part of the community banking. FPDA writes a

    cheque each week with a breakdown for each farmer according to what they supplied. Thecommunity then puts this into each families account. They are managing money well they

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    Melanesia Farmer First Network Wewak 2007 Project Start up Workshop 21

    just take out what they need for seeds or labour and leave the rest in the account. In 2007 Ivisited the community and there was a plot of land on the hillside that used to be covered incoffee trees. All the coffee had been removed but I saw a very big area of cabbage. Therewere nice lines across the slope. It was a huge area. The farmer said he just got one packet of

    seed from Rolan and they earned 500kina. It really impressed them they bought more seedand medicine to plant more. He planted 1600 cabbage in his nursery. He said that he used to

    be a driver (PMV) he used to get 50 or 100kina day. But he never had enough money the car consumed a lot of money. I left my car and started gardening. Usually can sell one

    cabbage for 3kina. He had another big nursery ready to plant. He took the coffee outbecause he feels cabbage is better. His wife did not want him to take the cabbage out. But

    he took them out slowly coffee only comes in season.Story by Rose Klali, CBHC Western Highlands.

    Farmer who went to VanuatuFrank Lave went on an MFFN exchange to Vanuatu. He saw the use of spices and gliricidato improve soil fertility. Frank was very interested in this technology. When he got back he

    went into this method because he became convinced that this could improve his soil at home.He established a plot of gliricidia. He set up strips of gliricidia and between grow beds of

    vegetables. He prunes the gliricidia as mulch onto the beds of vegetables. This is very richfertiliser and the trees provide nitrogen in the soil. Without using fertiliser he grows a lot ofcabbage for Gizo market. Good thing about this is that the experience is being shared withmany others through Franks farmer school. Some of the other farmers are now starting to useglircidia as well and they can grow now without using fertiliser.

    Is significant because it shows a method growing without the use of fertiliser.

    Story from Inia Barry and Pita Tikae, Kastom Gaden

    Selection of storyThe story chosen by the group after two rounds of voting was the subsistence farmer tocommercial farmer. The reasons given were:

    ! The story is inspiring that people were able to make the change to a serious level ofmore commercial production, changing their lives.

    ! The story shows an exit strategy for the NGO in that they facilitated contact and anew

    source of information, training and a market, but were then able to move on and leavethe farmers dealing directly with the buyer and with their own skills.

    ! the community who took on the new growing were able to save their money in acommunity banking scheme and reinvest to keep their farming business going.

    ! Concerns about the story included the uncertainty about wether the farmer was usingagro chemicals and the risks this might have on health and environment and

    dependance of the farmer.

    ! Also it was unclear if the farmer was putting too much effort into one cash crop at the

    expense of other household activities and self reliance.

    Evening program:Presentation on Men and Boys Behaviour Change program of HELP Resources developed

    with Family Planning Australia.1. Understand men / masculinity2. Men as fathers3. Men as partners

    4. Family planning5. Drugs and alcohol

    6. Mens health and sexuality

    7. HIV & AIDS8. STIs

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    9. Working with Young MenThe partners were impressed with the program and most would like to explore if there is wayHELP resources can assist them to introduce similar programs in theirorganizations/communities

    Day 3Tony presented a summary of the decisions made in the first two days for discussion and


    Communication StrategyThe plan put forward in the project proposal of a TOR for developing a communicationstrategy was discussed. It was felt it should include the following:

    ! Look at the current and potential methods of communication of the partners

    ! See the potential of each partner and how to build on their strengths!

    Content and information sharing how it is and could be done! Identify different types of communication that contribute to a strong network (eg

    between management, between different levels of organization, between outsideactors etc)

    ! Assist partners with communication work

    ! Develop communication tools to improve the flow of information! Share the current communication strategies of each partner

    It was decided to do the last point during this workshop and Evah from HELP facilitated a

    discussion on communication.

    Current main communication strategies within organisationsPartner Comm strategies Effective / not effective

    HELP Resources Radio (5)Telephone (3)

    Training (ToT) (5)

    DTP (4)

    Email (internet) (5)

    Meetings (4)

    Very effective esp to rural areasLimited many areas no phone including AmbunitVery effective biggest strength for communication is in hereGood in urban but in many rural areas people do not read andwrite. Unless it is put in local language or tok pisinGood for partners and donors communication is our onlyoption for communication with donors only visit once in awhile.Regular meetings of all staff every fortnight.This help program coordinators because they have to hand in aweekly report to External Liason Officer. She then compilesinto quarterly report.

    KGA Email (internet) (5)

    SMS (1)Telephones (3)

    Newsletters (3)HF Radio (5)Skype (3)Meetings (4)Trainings (5)

    Very effective within office and partners and for file sharingJust starting to use itExpensiveDont have person to do it in org resigned

    Very good because reaches all areasUseful for few limited partnersMonthly and weekly

    CBHC Email (internet) (3)

    HF radio (3)Meetings (5)Telephones /(2)mobile (5)

    Cannot check email every day every few days

    UnreliableDigicell in Hagen but not in Tari

    Osi Tanata Trainings (5)

    Meetings (3)Emails (internet)(1)

    Radio (5)

    Mobiles (5)

    Very effective can make personal contact with community depends on request

    Only a few staff have access to email

    New office does not have radio but used to be very effectiveVery effective.Can be a good way to get messages through

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    Fax (5)

    Scoring totals in order from most used form of communication to least used:- Meetings (16)

    - Training (15)- Email (15)

    - Mobile (13)- HF radio (12)

    - Telephone (10)

    - Newsletter and DTP (7)

    - Radio (4)- Fax (4)

    - Skype (3)- SMS (1)

    Each partner was asked to nominate their network contact person or network liason officerfor the new project:Partner Contact person Most reliable

    means ofcommunication

    How Often ContactFrequency MFFN

    HELP Resources Evah Kuamin(ERM)M:6947017




    KGA Pita Tikai

    M: 78643






    CBHC Marilyn PeriM: 6958771


    Monthly PJV,weekly KoliDaily


    Osi Tanata AnastasiaM: 6876009


    Fortnightly Fortnightly

    FSA Peter Kaoh1

    Email Weekly Fortnightly

    See participant list for more contact details.

    Timeline Exercise with group: Dec 2007-Dec 2008:A timeline was developed for the first year of the project with the group. The timeline isattached in annex 1.

    Other mattersGeneral discussion on need for network to move beyond only being a support system for

    partners to having an impact in the region as a network itself this is what really adds valueand justifies the existence of the network otherwise it could be seen as only being a grant

    program for the partners.

    Annual training courseEach year the network will hold one ToT course for all the partners as a group. After some

    discussion, the annual training course is suggested to be held in Vanuatu in July 2008. NCwill confirm if this is acceptable with FSA. NC to circulate a brief description about theproposed topic (marketing and market chains) and ask partners to put forward any ideas forother training topics or their comments on this topic. A decision can then be made by emailand resource people found for the training ideally from within the partners but recognisingthat this may not be possible.

    Reports! Partners agreed to use the same format as the network will report to Oxfam with (to

    be sent out by NC).

    1 Peter did not attend the workshop so an assumption was made here.

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    ! ! ly report to management to be provided by the NC format to be developed byTerraCircle and NC based on the Network information system.

    ! All reports can be summarised on the MFFN website.

    Representation at meetingsProcedure is needed on attendance at regional meetings where possible should send relevant

    people from partner organization.

    NC should check with management and seek approval before attending regional meetings inorder to prioritise the relevance and also assess who is appropriate to attend.

    Gender follow up on gender workshop in Honiara! Partner workshops in February and March 2008 are to build on outcomes from

    Honiara Gender workshop. At a minium the gender analysis tools introduced in the

    Honiara workshop should be used to assess any gender implications of partner

    programs. The use of tools will be one indicator to assess the success of partnerplanning workshops.

    ! NC to follow up with what Oxfam expectations are as follow up to Honiara

    workshop. Partner M&E reporting will be expected to be with gender disaggregatedinformation.

    Partner start up dates for Restart after Christmas:HELP: 2nd Monday JanKGA: 14th Dec Jan 14 th

    OSI TANATA; 3rd

    weekCBHC: 2nd week January

    FSA not known.

    The workshop closed at midday on Thursday 29/11/07 and was followed by a managementmeeting with one representative from each partner.On Friday the participants had a field visit to Ambunti to see the work of HELP resources andtheir CBO partners in one area of the Sepik river.

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    Melanesia Farmer First Network Wewak 2007 Project Start up Workshop 25

    ANNEX 1

    Timetable Year one (Dec 07 Dec 08)

    Partner Dec-07 Jan-08 Feb-08 Mar-08 Apr-08 May-08 Jun-08 Jul-08 Aug-08 Sep-08 Oct-08 Nov-08 Dec-08INTERNAL NETWORK

    Bougainville planning PPWPPWReport M&E visit M&E visit

    HELP planning PPWPPWReport M&E visit M&E visit

    CBHC M&E visit PPWPPW

    Report M&E visit

    KGA planning PPWPPWReport M&E visit M&E visit

    FSA M&E visit M&E visit



    1/4lyreport toNC

    1/4lyreport toNC

    1/4lyreport toNC

    Annualreport onPartnerprogram


    NC Senddiscussio

    n for ToTtopic marketingandmarketchains


    topic andresourcepeople

    Send outinfo fornomination ofpartic.

    Confirmation ofparticipants/venue


    2008 ToTVan.

    Workshop followup

    Detailedinfo sentout andnominations formeeting

    Annualreviewmeeting -Tari - 1stweek



    Reporting byNC to

    partners andOxfam

    TC andNCdevelopnetworkM&Esystem

    1/4lyreport tomanagement

    TC andNCdevelopnetworkM&Esystem


    1/4lyreport tomanagement

    6 monthlyReport toOxfam

    1/4lyreport tomanagement

    1/4lyreport tomanagement

    Annualreport toOxfam


    Planningforpartnerworkshop invitestakeholdersregional

    Constitutionsent to




    sent toManag



    Innovationsdocumentation onwebsite

    Sendoutinfo to


    al newmembers



    NC tosubmitindicativeplan toAPHEDA

    On goingadvocacyprogram

    Finalisejointactivitieswith SPC


    Inviteregionalpartnersto ToT

    Inviteregionalpartnersto annualreview


    Movement ofplantingmaterialspolicydraft

    GenderandHumanrights &Ruralinfrastructure draft

    Vision forSustainable living &SA draft

    Tradeissues &HIV policydraft

    Capacitybuildingandpopulation policyinput?


    PPW = partner planning workshopM&E = periodic visit by NC and/or management member and/or TerraCircle NetworkSupport Team member to the partners

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    Melanesia Farmer First Network Wewak 2007 Project Start up Workshop 26

    ANNEX 2

    EvaluationThe evaluation was done through rapid one on one interviews with each of the workshop

    participants.What were three things that weremost useful to you about theworkshop?

    Any suggestions to improve inthe future?

    Any othercomments

    Chris Useful to get the partners together andtalkPresentation on PID is very useful andcan learn and adapt from

    Management meeting has to happenEvening presentations

    Well done in an informalatmosphere.Looked at some innovative thingsfarmers are doing would be

    good to look at innovations interms of what partners are doing(process, activities, approaches) Pity FSA was not here.

    Could be morepreparation forevening sessions.

    Aryamitra Partners knowledge has been upgraded

    Nicely facilitated as per the need egwanted to discuss on GMO

    It was participatory

    No suggestions very satisfied. No additional


    Rose Formation of MFFN is impressive.Good to have network to represent theorganizations in terms of advocacy.Good to know each others organizations

    and activities and sharing experiences.Learned from each other for exampleabout GMO.The visit to Ambunti showed how peopleconcerned about their people can do

    something to help them. Good to seeskilful people taking their skills back tothe village.

    I am clear what MFFN is now. I havesome ideas about how to be moreinnovative and want to come up withideas to strengthen MFFN.

    Each year we should come upwith what we have done. Its notso good that each time newpeople come people who are

    clear with the network have toreally implement something andcome back and report back aboutwhat they have achieved. Its nogood to attend a workshop and

    not do anything.Maybe we should look beyondinstead of reporting on what has

    been done. Need to look at whatis the future plans, what are theylearning.

    We need to comeup with new ideasand innovations inour organizations

    not just keepdoing the samething. Learn fromwhat we havedone and

    improve. Ourgroup was veryflexible and open

    to each other. Weshould focus moreon the timetable tomake sure that wecover what weneed to cover ineach session. Wewere very relaxedabout the time.

    Make eachsession timebound.

    Anastacia Privilege to know the differentorganizations how they operate, theirprograms.Getting to know participants.

    How MFFN works I attended earlierArawa workshop but I did not reallyunderstand how the network works. NowI understand it is focussed onagriculture, local knowledge, how tobuild up the local knowledge. Found itvery interesting. Trying to build up whatis already in the local place and build it

    up.GMO had heard about it but did not

    pay attention. Now realise that localpeople do not realise what is inside

    Should be a prior notification withmore time. (notice was only shortand not given any chance toprepare).

    Should have more time structurein discussions. Sometimes thediscussion leads to participantsminds drifting a bit. Should bemore limited in time for groupwork so that do not lose focus.

    Happy to be here.I learned morefrom eachorganization,

    especially KastomGaden, operates.They have theirown resourcesand doingsomething withthose resources eg making their

    own poultry feedand planting

    materials. In ourplace people are

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    Melanesia Farmer First Network Wewak 2007 Project Start up Workshop 27

    imported foods. Realise we need to bemore aware of what we are eating Iwant to share this with my family.Poverty of information in this area.

    often not lookingafter their plantingmaterials.Impressed thatthis is working.

    I think especially

    helping themothers would bae good programfor Osi Tanata have a lot of newideas to suggest

    for myorganization.

    Pita Understanding of each organization andwhat they are doing. Have only reallynow understood what MFFN is doingand who are the partners and what theyare doing.

    Made some good recommendations for

    NC to work on the program.Highlight was visit to Sepik and to seecommunity based training and howpeople at the community are strugglingto improve their lives by setting upvocational training centres. Wonder ifKGA can learn from the communicationcentre approach that is being used by

    HELP Resources.Good to work with small group and makedecisions and discuss and share witheach other. One advantage of nothaving too many people moreinvolvement and interaction betweenpeople.

    There should be some kind ofinformation provided prior to theworkshop so that I can prepare forthe workshop and be aware ofwhat will be discussed and what

    are the expectations that will be

    discussed.Some of it was new so it wasdifficult to contribute while I was

    just finding out what this work isabout.

    All the food andlogistics is good.Plan to shareinformation withKGA about the

    network and how

    it will work withKGA. Want todiscuss whowould beappointed to bethe ongoingMFFN networkliaison person.

    Marilyn To know about the other partners andwhat they are doing. We have a networkand bring some new things into ourprogramVery interested in Men and Behaviourchange.We are helping a lot of ordinary people

    but need to find out help to involveyouths more and this could help.GMO very interesting and learningmore about organic farming.Currently partners being encouraged toliase with CBOs and be involved using

    a wider kind of approach than just thepartners is very good.

    Opportunities for the network toimprove to help to look formarkets and liase with otherfunders and donors to see whatthey can do for us.

    Especially the need is for

    marketing opportunities wouldbe good to learn more aboutmarketing and organic marketingin particular.

    No additionalcomments

    Bishop Innovation approach - very importantthing that I have learned. Way that newthings can be implemented can be donein each communityPartnership program and workingtogether is very important working outthe new project together is very good.

    Very good ideas have been raisedduring the meeting things we dontknow here we can utilise the otherpartners to work together.

    First time to come but found it veryinteresting and very challengingworkshop. Looking at different concepts

    Use of technology - need to havebetter communication between thepartners. Want to be able tocommunicate with partnersdirectly and keep track of thingsso we know what we are doing.Some of the programs we have to

    share together so they can beapplied at the local level by allpartners.

    No additionalcomments

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    Melanesia Farmer First Network Wewak 2007 Project Start up Workshop 28

    and areas to apply in the partnerorganizations.I plan to apply these ideas in Abunti bylooking for local innovations and seeinghow I can encourage the adoption and

    sharing of new ideas.Talked with Pita about local knowledge

    of pesticides and how the farmers cancome up with their own solutions wantto learn more from KGA on this.

    Evah Did not do evaluation

    Jill Did not do evaluation

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    Melanesia Farmer First Network Wewak 2007 Project Start up Workshop 29

    ANNEX 3

    The Most Significant Change Approach: Summary of the StepsUsed by Dart et al

    The Most Significant Change Approach (according to Dart et al )Purposes: 1. Collect data about the impact of the project as a whole

    2. Promote organisational learning within the project team

    STEPS (What) Why How1. Overview of process/ Tastetest

    FamiliarityDecision making/planning

    Short summary to illuminatewhat the approach is, itspurposes and its potentialbenefits and challenges.

    Read Dart et al

    Trial process i.e. agree to bringstories to next LC or have timefor writing at the beginning andthen go through a selectionprocess.

    2. Participants establish four (?)domains of change(domains=loose categories ofchange used to distinguishdifferent types of stories)

    Promote ownership of evaluationin terms of addressing felt needs

    Domains help to distinguishdifferent types of stories souseful to ensure coverage ofmulti-faceted nature of change

    Domains provide categorieswhich can be easily used in asecondary analysis.

    Modified Delphi technique(Brainstorm on post its, clumpin categories, prioritise in L. C.,circulate across all LCparticipants for collectiveprioritising)


    Distil from first round of stories

    3. Establishing a referencegroup? (reps from each projectregion + Project manager)

    To capture learning

    To encourage adaptation to localconditions

    To coordinate process

    Margot, Robyn, Judy, Rosie,Chris, others ????

    4. Collecting stories To identify significant changeswithin each domain

    To document significantchanges at the school andproject levels

    Written on proformas (in or outof Learning Circles)

    Verbally (recorded andtranscribed)

    Nominate particular domain ofchange that story addresses

    Can be first hand or secondhand

    By Learning Circle participants


    by others

    5. Reviewing stories andselecting most significant

    To make explicit what individualsand the wider group value as

    significant change

    Each LC reviews own storiesand selects one for each domain

    represented.The four selected from each LC

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    To broaden understandings ofwhat is seen as significantchange in each school, LearningCircle and/or the project as awhole.

    To provide a source of

    evaluation information tostakeholders.

    (ie 12 in all) could then be usedfor a further round of review byeach Learning Circle.

    Selection process: each story

    read out and name recorded onwhiteboard under particular

    domain. All stories in onedomain considered together. Afacilitated discussion is followedby voting. Each person has onevote for each domain + has tostate reasons for selection.

    Discussion used to achieveconsensus if possible.Discussions recorded on tape orby a note-taker.Each LC documents whichstories they selected and whatcriteria were used and attachesto the story (to be shared with


    6. Sharing stories with a wideraudience

    To deepen organisationallearning about the changesengendered by the project

    Booklet of stories selected overthe year + comments + infoabout the process distributedto project stakeholders

    7. Secondary analysis of the

    stories en masseTo identify main themes,

    difference among stories etc

    To theorise about change

    For further publication viaarticles, conference papers

    Stories collected, transcribed

    and entered onto a database.

    Analysis of stories en masse via coding and categorising
