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Melanie Heller_Hackathon Keynote

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  • 7/25/2019 Melanie Heller_Hackathon Keynote


    Like, Im sure all of you, when Caren came to us about this event

    we jumped at the chance to be a part of it. Tackling the problems of

    women advancing in the legal market is something that needs this kind of

    attention, and we at Bloomberg Law are thrilled to be part of this

    discussion. I dont need to reiterate the issues at hand the things many

    of us have experience, seen at our firms and read about, including in the

    Stanford white paper so often mentioned today.

    I was so excited and inspired to hear all the amazing and innovative

    ideas you have all come up with. They clearly transcend things

    attempted in the past, some of which simply gave lip service to the issue,

    and have the ability to truly transform the legal sphere. All the ideas

    presented were concrete, tactical solutions that we can put in place

    immediately, and many of them would apply outside of the legal arena as

    well. And each of these ideas embody Carens battle cry less talk, more


    But something I want to discuss with you today is what Ill call the

    other side of the problem the more overarching, systemic issue. The

    fact that the law firm environment simply isnt built to account for the

    lives of women the responsibilities that they have outside of the office,

    the fact that although the sea is shifting, women still bear responsibility

    for most household activities, including taking care of the children, thefact that the years that they are supposed to be working the hardest/

    longest often coincide with their childbearing years. The fact that there

    is limited flexibility in the way law firms currently deal with situations

    many of the solutions dont actually address the real problems. The fact

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    that large law firms are often more focused on the short term economic

    effects of things, and not focused enough on the long term effects on the

    law firm as a whole. The fact that we are still measured by the billable

    hour. The fact that we are scared to admit that maybe we need to treat

    women differently understand their concerns differently, and come up

    with solutions with them in mind.

    I believe that even if women can escape some of the problems

    detailed in the white paper lack of mentorship, less desirable work

    assignments, biased reviews, fewer business development opportunities

    they are nonetheless extracting themselves from the workplace for the

    overarching reasons just mentioned. They are capable of doing

    everything the men can do, they just dont want to make the necessary

    sacrifices. They are choosing to leave, because they feel like its not a

    career that appreciates their specific needs. If we really want to keep

    and advance women in the legal profession, we need to work on the

    things identified today, and alsowork to fix the systematic issues that

    exist that necessarily disadvantage women.

    A recent New York times article written by Judith Shulevitz, titled

    How to Fix Feminism says it well. The author wishes that the sacrifices

    one makes in ones career in order to spend time raising kids was valued,

    rather than looked down upon. True equality will take more than equal

    pay and better work conditions. It will require something more radical, a

    transvaluation of all values, in Neitzsches phrase.

    When I think back to the reasons I decided to leave BigLaw, the

    main one was not addressed in the White Paper. I dont have specific

    complaints about my experience in BigLaw. I didnt feel overwhelming

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    discrimination, and I do feel like opportunities were given to me.

    Generally I was given the same opportunities as my male peers, put on

    the good deals, etc. At both of my law firms, I had no problem finding

    formal and informal mentors, and incidentally my two greatest mentors

    were both men, who chose to take me under their wing and train me to

    work with their most important clients. I never worried about my path,

    and my ability to succeed. My evaluations certainly exhibited some

    unconscious bias youre not aggressive enough, youre too nice, etc

    but I never felt like those qualities were pushing me off track. Sure, did

    I face various levels of discrimination? Was I not invited to a golf event

    because it was assumed I dont golf? Was I told I had to be more

    aggressive with the other side (even though I had never given up a

    negotiation point that I was fighting for)? But those things didnt define

    my career and I wasnt letting them stop my path forward. In short, I felt

    very much that partnership was mine for the taking.

    What stopped me in my tracks was the fact that I did not have a

    balanced life. I was being encouraged to bill more and more time, to

    spend more and more time in the office, and beyond that, I was being

    asked to spend so much of my precious non-work time entertaining

    clients and prospective law firm laterals. I was told that this is what

    everyone does to make partner. I was single at the time, and I was

    becoming nervous that I was going to remain so. When I first approached

    the head of my group telling him I didnt think this path was for me, after

    the requisite you can do this, just stick with it this is the hardest

    part, he allowed me to go on a four month externship to a non-profit to

    recharge before returning back to my old job. I didnt say no to

    getting paid a BigLaw salary and working non-profit hours, but I knew it

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    wasnt going to solve my issue. And heres a perfect example what I

    mean by a solution that dont match the problem. I told him I didnt

    have a good work/life balance so he gave a four months break and then

    expected me to come back wanting to return to my 18 hour days? He

    essentially gave me a short-term solution to a long-term problem.

    Let me contrast that with a very similar story but at another firm.

    My close friend Liz, who is now a partner at an AmLaw 100 firm, and has

    been for years, approached the head of her group when she was a mid-

    level associate and said something similar. The head of her group asked

    what it would take to make her feel more comfortable staying. She said

    she didnt want to travel anymore. She was honest about the fact that

    she didnt feel like she was ever going to meet someone, get married,

    have kids, because she was constantly on the road. So the partner told

    her he would only staff her on deals that required no travel.

    Furthermore, he told her he didnt care where she worked from, offering

    her a little more flexibility. As she described it to me, this was the first

    time she realized that she could do the job and also have a family. That

    was six years ago now. In that time, she made partner, got married, had

    two kids and opened a new office of her firm in the southwest.

    The solutions we provide have to be responsive to the actual

    problems. My firm dealt with my complaint by offering up a solution that

    was used in the past for someone who had burnt out and needed a break.

    It wasnt responsive to my request, and therefore didnt succeed. My

    friends solution was created for her, and gave her what she specifically

    needed. It allowed her to stay and succeed. Mine just pushed off the

    day I was going to leave.

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    This is fundamentally my issue with the idea of flextime as a

    solution for women. Putting aside the issues raised in the White Paper

    about flextime being stigmatized, and people on flextime being perceived

    as no longer being on track for partner, I have a different issue. While

    flextime arrangements allow lawyers to have a reduced billable hour

    workload, as currently implemented at many firms, it doesnt actually

    provide real flexibility for those people. If a client needs you, or if

    something need to get done, youre still not going to be able to attend

    that dance recital or class trip. And the fact that reduced billable hours

    automatically leads to reduced pay (even when the law firm isnt

    necessarily getting reduced value) is another problem too.

    So when I finally decided to leave practice, like so many other

    women I know, it wasnt because I didnt think partnership was

    attainable. It was because I had decided I didnt want it. I had plenty of

    mentors at the firm, but none of the women were people I aspired to

    become. They all had been asked to give up everything, and when they

    became partner, they found that life had in many ways passed them by. I

    was not interested in making the sacrifices I felt I was going to have to


    I think thats something we dont always talk about in relation to

    this problem, the lack of female role models at firms and the impact that

    has on female associates. In my group, the only female partners were

    single and unmarried, or divorced and unhappy. There were certainly

    successful, happy, female partners at the firm with families, but not in

    my practice group, and thats what I needed to see. Retaining anyone at

    a law firm is dependent upon them seeing people at your firm who then

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    can imagine becoming. I dont just mean seeing women at the top. I

    mean seeing women who have the things you want, whether its a spouse

    or partner, kids, or just general flexibility to have a life outside of work.

    A different friend of mine was preparing to leave our law firm right as the

    firm was planning to put her up for partner. Ironically, she was leaving to

    go to Goldman Sachs where the work was no less intense, but the hours

    more predictable. When the head partner begged her not to leave

    promised her partnership in the next year or two and pointed to the

    female partners in her group, her response was thats exactly why Im

    leaving they are exactly what I dont want to become. When the prize

    becomes something people dont want, its hard to keep them around.

    Just yesterday, LeanIn.Org launched a new campaign called

    Together Women Can. In Sheryl Sandburgs own words: The campaign

    emphasizes that women can be powerful allies for each other at work

    and are uniquely qualified to do so because we experience many of the

    same challenges. When a woman helps another woman, they both benefit.And when women celebrate one anothers accomplishments, were all lifted

    up. One takeaway from the campaign is that women are in the best

    position to change the status quo that defines full dedication as giving

    100% of your attention to work. Since few women can do that, its

    another way of unconsciously excluding women. The campaign pushes

    women to redefine success in a way that transcends the status quo, and

    leaves room for women to succeed. As women take positions of power in

    law firms, and corporations, the idea is that they will be the ones to

    spearhead the change. And as more junior women see senior women who

    they can aspire to be, people like my friend Liz who have achieved that

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    work/life balance, I believe we will have more women wanting to stay in

    the profession.

    But in a world where billable hours are the only real measure if

    success, it really is difficult to create balance. Every hour out of the

    office is an hour not billed. Furthermore, and I saw this happen

    repeatedly, women who decided to have families were written off

    immediately. The women who redeemed themselves were the ones that

    created full work flexibility by finding full-time coverage for their kids.

    In my role as staffing coordinator at a large firm, I often was faced with

    resistance when partners were asked to work with people who had

    flexible arrangements or who wanted to make it home for dinner with

    their kids but were then available to log back on and work from home,

    one of them who even offering to come back to the office after putting

    her kids to sleep. This woman would have been out of pocket for 2 hours

    and back online, but many partners were unwilling to work with her on

    these terms. Thats what I mean about thinking short term instead of

    long term this woman was asking for a small concession but since it did

    not confirm to the norm, it was rejected. (Unsurprisingly, this associate

    eventually left the firm for an in-house role that afforded her more

    flexibility.) Im starting to think, after reading the Stanford White Paper,

    and reflecting upon the stories I just relayed, that the billable hour issue

    really is, at the heart of it, a feminist one. Maybe its the one we should

    all consider tackling first.

    Because it just cant be that the only choice for a women who

    happens to be a mother, or wants to be a mother, is to get fulltime help

    at home to give her the same billing flexibility as then men, or leave the

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    job. That cannot be what we want the solution to be. Thats why, in

    addition to the solutions we have come up with today, we need to also

    start working to change the way we think about commitment, and

    success, at the law firm. What if success and commitment was tied to

    outcome, not billable hours. You could get the same result from your

    lawyers and incentivize them to be more efficient with their time.

    I happen to work for a company that has made a commitment to

    advancing women, and incidentally fulfills a number of the

    recommendations detailed in the White Paper, so there is proof that if

    you want to fix these things, you can. Mike Bloomberg himself has put

    multiple women at the top of his management structure Patty Harris is

    the head of Philanthropy, something that we all know is extremely

    important to him; Patty Roskill is the CFO; Beth Mazzeo is the COO. At

    every major management meeting, when people present to Mike, they

    see him flanked by these powerful women. And he has made sure the

    company understands that diversity is a priority and he holds his leaders

    accountable for doing the same. Furthermore, we are measured on what

    we accomplish, not how many hours it takes us to do it. When you talk

    about more action; fewer words, its clear that Bloomberg isnt just

    saying it, hes doing it. And this obviously trickles down through the


    In my division, the Legal Division, there are more women than men

    reporting to the President. I can tell you that personally I know my

    performance is measured on what I accomplish rather than what hours I

    spend in the office. I am given the flexibility to attend the out of work

    things that are important to me, or necessary for me to be at. I love my

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    job, Im excited to go to work every day, because in my job I dont have

    to apologize for devoting time to my family, for attempting to be home

    for dinner and bedtime every night and then logging back in at night, if

    need be. Of course I give things up at home too. I skip more things at my

    kids school than I go to; my nanny takes my kids to their doctors

    appointments; I am yet to attend a school trip. However, I am allowed to

    go to the things that are important with no prejudice. And frankly my

    boss, David Perla, one of the judges here, attends to his family as well.

    And we all respect him for it. We work in an environment where

    balancing the two is a constant struggle, but is done openly, and women

    and men alike can have balance and also succeed.

    In order to provide people flexibility and balance in the law firm

    environment, I think we need to relax some of our existing conventions.

    To find a way to assess performance in a way that transcends the need to

    hit a specific billable hour requirement, and get people truly comfortable

    with the idea that people can work everywhere. Technology, including

    Bloomberg Law, the tool I work on, are now accessible to people no

    matter where they are. People can access their secure networks,

    collaboration tools and internal databases and document repositories,

    from home. There is no reason why someone couldnt go home, put his

    or her kids to sleep and then log back on and continue to work. When I

    was in charge of staffing, partners often resisted working with associates

    who sought to have this arrangement, and we let them do that. I think

    we need to stop allowing partners to say no. We need to force the issue.

    And we have to find a way to support women through the years

    where they have the largest childbearing burden. I promise you, if you

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    can help them get through those years and in the scheme of things,

    there arent that many years where our kids demand that much of our

    time - youll have them in the profession for many years to come. Its a

    small investment for a large gain.

    Its about thinking long term, not short term. Let me tell you a

    story that illustrates what I mean. When I interviewed at Bloomberg back

    at the end of 2011 I was 7 months pregnant. I was unhappy in my current

    position, but figured no one would hire someone that pregnant. I

    interviewed anyhow, at the suggestion of a friend. That same person

    coached me to not be apologetic about the pregnancy it was nothing to

    be embarrassed about and had nothing to do with my ability to do the

    job. Nonetheless, I was shocked to receive a job offer that would give

    me a three month maternity leave after only working for two months. A

    number of months after returning to work I told my boss that I thought he

    was brave to hire someone so pregnant. He looked at me, confused, and

    said, You were the right person for the job. We had looked for a while

    before meeting you. We were willing to lose you for 3 months to have

    you for the duration.

    And thats really what it comes down. Its really simple. We need

    to think about the long game. We need to stop thinking that a maternity

    leave, going on flextime to raise a child, or trying to achieve balance

    between work and family is something insurmountable. We need to

    consider different possibilities for different people, with no prejudice.

    Its not worse, or less committed, to take time off or have a reduced

    schedule its just a different way to get there. We need to stop thinking

    that its anti-feminist to treat women differently. We are different. We

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    have different needs and different concerns, and we need different


    We need to decide where we want women to be at our law firms

    and organizations presumably with equal representation in the partner

    ranks, C-level positions and on committees and then we need to work to

    get there. Its short term thinking that gets us in trouble. If we want

    women in those roles, we need to create an environment that makes that

    possible, and we need to make it happen now. All law firms say that

    retaining women is important to them. If so, lets aspire to have less

    talk, and more action.
