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Meljun Cortes Algorithm Greedy Algorithm Design Technique II

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  • 8/21/2019 Meljun Cortes Algorithm Greedy Algorithm Design Technique II


    Greedy Algorithm Design Technique

    Design and Analysis of Algorithms

    * Property of STI 

    Page 1 of 25

    Definition of Greedy algorithm

    Importance of Greedy algorithm design technique

    Types of Greedy algorithm

    Prim’s algorithm

    Kruskal’s algorithm

    Dijktra’s algorithm

    Huffman trees

    Sample problem using the application of Prim’s

    algorithm, Kruskal’s algorithm, Dijktra’s algorithm,

    and Huffman trees

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    Greedy Algorithm Design Technique

    Design and Analysis of Algorithms

    * Property of STI 

    Page 2 of 25

     Greedy algorithms are simple and straight forward


    Most greedy algorithms are easy to develop,

    implement, and time efficient.

    Suggests constructing a solution through a

    sequence of steps, each expanding a partially

    constructed solution obtained so far, until a

    complete solution to the problem is reached.

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    Greedy Algorithm Design Technique

    Design and Analysis of Algorithms

    * Property of STI 

    Page 3 of 25

    On each step, which is the central point of this

    technique, the choices made must be:


    Locally optimal


    Each step, it suggest a “greedy” grab of the best

    alternative available.

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    Greedy Algorithm Design Technique

    Design and Analysis of Algorithms

    * Property of STI 

    Page 4 of 25

    Example: Making Change Problem

    Consisting of available dollar coins (100 cents),

    quarters (25 cents), dimes (10 cents), nickels (5

    cents) and pennies (1 cent), make a change of a

    given amount using the smallest possible number

    of coins.

    To solve this problem, we use simple and formal

    algorithms as follows:

    Informal Algorithm Formal Algorithm

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    Greedy Algorithm Design Technique

    Design and Analysis of Algorithms

    * Property of STI 

    Page 5 of 25

    Greedy algorithm:

    Make a change for 2.89 (289 cents) where n =

    2.89 and the solution contains 2 dollars, 3

    quarters, 1 dime and 4 pennies.

    The algorithm is greedy because at every stage it

    chooses the largest coin without worrying about

    the consequences.

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    Greedy Algorithm Design Technique

    Design and Analysis of Algorithms

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    Page 6 of 25

    The greedy algorithm consists of four functions:

    1. A function that validates whether the selected

    set of items provides a solution.

    2. A function that validates the feasibility of a


    3. The selection function that tells which of the

    choices is the most capable.

    4. The objective function which does not appear

    explicitly, but gives the value of a solution.

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    Greedy Algorithm Design Technique

    Design and Analysis of Algorithms

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    Page 7 of 25

    Prim s algorithm: is an algorithm in graph theory

    that finds a minimum spanning tree for a

    connected weighted graph.

    Spanning tree of a connected graph is its

    connected acyclic subgraph like a tree that

    contains all the vertices of the graph [LEV07].

    Minimum spanning tree (MST) of a weighted

    connected graph is its spanning tree of thesmallest weight, where the weight of a tree is

    defined as the sum of the weights on all its edges


    Minimum spanning tree problem is the problem of

    finding a minimum spanning tree for a givenweighted connected graph [LEV07].

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    Greedy Algorithm Design Technique

    Design and Analysis of Algorithms

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    The illustration below is an example of minimum

    spanning tree:

    Minimum spanning tree from the given graph

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    Greedy Algorithm Design Technique

    Design and Analysis of Algorithms

    * Property of STI 

    Page 10 of 25

    Prim’s algorithm efficiency:

    O(n2) for weight matrix representation of graph

    and array implementation of priority queue

    O(m log n) for adjacency lists representation

    of graph with n vertices and m edges and min-

    heap implementation of the priority queue

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    Greedy Algorithm Design Technique

    Design and Analysis of Algorithms

    * Property of STI 

    Page 11 of 25

    an algorithm in graph theory that finds a minimum

    spanning tree for a connected weighted graph


    introduced by Joseph Kruskal

    an algorithm which finds a subset of the edges

    that forms a tree that includes every vertex, where

    the total weight of all the edges in the tree is


    If in case the graph is not connected, it finds a

    minimum spanning forest connected component.

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    Greedy Algorithm Design Technique

    Design and Analysis of Algorithms

    * Property of STI 

    Page 12 of 25

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    Greedy Algorithm Design Technique

    Design and Analysis of Algorithms

    * Property of STI 

    Page 13 of 25

    Step 1. Observe that in the given graph, the edge

    (g, h) is the shortest. In this case, either vertex g or

    vertex h could be represented.

    Step 2. The edge (c, i) creates the second tree.

    Choose vertex c as representative for second tree.

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    Greedy Algorithm Design Technique

    Design and Analysis of Algorithms

    * Property of STI 

    Page 14 of 25

    Step 3. Edge (g, g) is the next shortest edge. Add

    this edge and choose vertex g as representative.

    Step 4. Edge (a, b) creates a third tree.

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    Greedy Algorithm Design Technique

    Design and Analysis of Algorithms

    * Property of STI 

    Page 15 of 25

    Step 5. Add edge (c, f) and merge two trees. Vertex

    c is chosen as the representative.

    Step 6. Edge (g, i) is the next cheapest, but if we

    add this edge a cycle would be created. Vertex c is

    the representative of both.

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    Greedy Algorithm Design Technique

    Design and Analysis of Algorithms

    * Property of STI 

    Page 16 of 25

    Step 7. Instead, add edge (c, d).

    Step 8. If we add edge (h, i), this would make a


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    Design and Analysis of Algorithms

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    Page 17 of 25

    Step 9. Instead of adding edge (h, i) add edge (a,


    Step 10. Again, if we add edge (b, c), it would

    create a cycle. Add edge (d, e) instead to complete

    the spanning tree.

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    Greedy Algorithm Design Technique

    Design and Analysis of Algorithms

    * Property of STI 

    Page 18 of 25

    introduced in 1959 by Edsger Dijktra, who is a

    Dutch computer scientist

    a graph search algorithm that solves the single-

    source shortest path problem for a graph with

    nonnegative edge path costs, producing a shortest

    path tree [www.wikipedia.org]

    finds the shortest paths to a graph’s vertices in

    order of their distance from a given source it finds the shortest path form the source to a vertex

    nearest to it, then to the second and so on

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    Greedy Algorithm Design Technique

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    The algorithm repeats the following steps until all

    vertices are processed:

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    Greedy Algorithm Design Technique

    Design and Analysis of Algorithms

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    Page 20 of 25

    Huffman tree: is a binary tree which are based on

    the probability distribution of a symbol set and the

    principle that symbols occurring more frequently

    will be represented by shorter codes than other,

    less probable ones.

    Assume that the frequency of the character E in a

    text is 15% and the frequency of the character T is

    12%, as illustrated in the table below:

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    Greedy Algorithm Design Technique

    Design and Analysis of Algorithms

    * Property of STI 

    Page 21 of 25

    Three basic steps in constructing a tree:

    Step 1: Arrange the entire character set into a row

    and should be ordered according to its frequency

    from lowest to highest or vice versa.

    Step 2: Subsequently, we will look for the two

    nodes with the smallest combined frequencyweights and combine them to form a third node,

    ensuing a simple two-level tree.

    Step 3: Repeat Step 2 until all of the nodes on

    each level are combined in a single tree.

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    Greedy Algorithm Design Technique

    Design and Analysis of Algorithms

    * Property of STI 

    Page 22 of 25

    The process for building a tree starts with the leaf-

    level nodes representing the original characters

    arranged in descending order of value.

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    Greedy Algorithm Design Technique

    Design and Analysis of Algorithms

    * Property of STI 

    Page 23 of 25

    Huffman tree – part 2

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    Greedy Algorithm Design Technique

    Design and Analysis of Algorithms

    * Property of STI 

    Page 24 of 25

    Huffman tree – part 3

  • 8/21/2019 Meljun Cortes Algorithm Greedy Algorithm Design Technique II


    Design and Analysis of Algorithms
