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MEMBER OF MONDI EUROPE ı MEMBER OF MONDI EUROPE ı M Repo… · 10 Frantschach Pulp & Paper 16...

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Page 1: MEMBER OF MONDI EUROPE ı MEMBER OF MONDI EUROPE ı M Repo… · 10 Frantschach Pulp & Paper 16 Frantschach Industrial Packaging 22 Frantschach Flexible Packaging 28 Frantschach Coating


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Key Figures 1999-2002


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The Frantschach GroupKey Figures for 1999-2002

in m EUR 1999 2000 2001 2002

Turnover 1,449 1,908 1,833 1,896Capital Expenditure 93 141 136 130Employees1 6,833 8,908 8,726 8,960

1 Number of employees at the end of the year

1 Number of employees at the end of the year

The Frantschach Packaging GroupKey Figures for 1999-2002

in m EUR 1999 2000 2001 2002

Turnover 662 1,119 1,535 1,588Capital Expenditure 64 106 133 127Employees1 4,429 8,156 8,004 8,251

2 The Frantschach Group

4 A Statement from the CEO

6 Acquisitions in the Past 12 Months

8 The 5 DivisionsThe Supervisory Board and the Board of Management

10 Frantschach Pulp & Paper

16 Frantschach Industrial Packaging

22 Frantschach Flexible Packaging

28 Frantschach Coating

34 Frantschach Release Liner

40 Under the Group Umbrella

42 A Strong Network


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… a growth-oriented solution provider in packaging and high performance materials,with a long-established reputation as one of the world's leading producers of highquality sack and kraft paper and industrial sacks.

With 66 production sites and a worldwide sales and service network in 30 countries,it offers a portfolio of optimal packaging solutions for a wide range of industries,including building, chemicals and consumer goods. Frantschach is committed to usingits sophisticated technological know-how and state-of-the-art equipment to developinnovations that enable its customers to stay on the leading edge of their markets.All over the world.

The Frantschach Group is …

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A Statement from the CEOStrategy driven successThe year 2002 was a challenging one for the paper and packaging industry. Thanks to the effectiveness of the strategies Frantschach has adopted in recentyears and the dedicated work of all our employees, we were able not only to stay on course in 2002, but also to set new records in both sales volume and earnings, despite the uncertain worldwide economic situation.

Ongoing progress and new marketsBacked by the full confidence of our shareholders, we were able to make maximumuse of our production resources, maintain a high level of employment and continueour expansion and investment programmes. This led to a solid financial year with a Group turnover of EUR 1,896 million. Our growth strategy was effectively implemented in important acquisitions that have, for example, increased our capacitiesin the rapidly expanding area of flexible packaging and have taken us into newgeographical markets, notably China. Our commitment to assuring customers firstclass quality through the latest technology was expressed in capital investmentsamounting to EUR 130 million.

InnovationWorking with customers to develop innovative solutions to meet their specificrequirements is part of the day-to-day responsibilities of the Frantschach staff. In order to intensify the Group’s focus on meeting and even anticipating rapidlychanging market needs, resources have been invested in a group-wide programmeto foster innovation. And, of course, the importance of innovation extends beyondthe realm of products and potential applications. It applies to all aspects of theGroup’s activities, including, for instance, the use of the latest IT technology in oure-sales platform Buy Online.

Good corporate citizenshipFrantschach has taken important steps in the areas of environmental protection, forest certification, and safety and health programmes for employees. The measureswe have adopted have, moreover, always applied without qualification to our newproduction sites, many of which are in countries of Central and Eastern Europe.

The year 2002 afforded an opportunity to reaffirm our corporate commitment inthese areas. In April, Anglo American, the 100 per cent owner of Mondi Europe,Frantschach’s major shareholder, issued new Business Principles applicable to all its subsidiaries. These guidelines define common values and standards, taking into account the increased demands now placed on companies with respect toresponsible action. We have taken extensive steps to assure compliance with theBusiness Principles.

Safety, health and environmental stewardship (SHE) continue to be top Frantschachpriorities. As a result of its comprehensive safety programme, Frantschach Pulp &Paper was able in 2002 to reduce lost time injuries by an impressive 68 per centcompared to the previous year. This brings it ever closer to its ambitious target of “zero” injuries. Achieving enhanced SHE performance in the other divisions willbe a major corporate focus in 2003 and the years thereafter.

“Our strategies have taken us where we wanted to go, putting us in an excellentposition to meet future challenges.”

Veit Sorger

A strong staffThe corporate Human Resources department established in 2001 has continued itscoordination of activities concerned with our employees and their needs. Through the seminars of the Frantschach Academy we have energetically pursuedthe goal of providing opportunities for continuing training that allows staff members to enhance both their job performance and their personal sense of accomplishment. A new initiative in 2002 was the establishment of the FrantschachIndustrial Packaging Sigma Project, in which highly talented employees are receiving demanding training in problem-solving management techniques.

OutlookAfter successfully completing an extensive programme of acquisition and consolidationduring the past few years, Frantschach is now big enough and strong enough to view the future with great confidence and anticipation. We expect to take fulladvantage of our position as a global player, increasing our activities in geographicalmarkets with high growth potential and weighing expansion possibilities in terms of their compatibility with our goals.

As a group with a firm base in Western, Central and Eastern Europe, we look forwardto the enlargement of the European Union in the near future. Our strategy of focusingon both the production possibilities and the market potential of CEE countries hascontributed substantially to our good results. Naturally, we also welcome promisingopportunities of doing business with partners inother parts of the world.

On behalf of my colleagues on the Board of Management, I would like to thank ourcustomers, employees and shareholdersalike for the role they have all played in making 2002 such a rewarding year for our Group.

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Acquisitionsin the Past 12 Months

Balkantron, Serbia, acquired in December FIP

Suprabal Papermill, Slovakia, acquired in January 2003 FPP

En Ping Shi Tecon Packaging Factory and Guangzhou Tecon Packaging Company, China, acquired in November FIP

JPJ Emballages, France, acquired in July FFP

FIP Mersin, Turkey, started up in June FIP

Wheatley Packaging Ltd., UK, acquired in June FFP

Nord-West Verpackung, Germany, acquired in February FFP

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Coating 226

Release Liner 56

B & K (40%) 174

Flexible Packaging 126

Industrial Packaging 553

Release LinerProduction volume128 million m2

2 plants

CoatingProduction volume 1.5 billion m2

Polymer-coated and laminated paper, cartonboard and other materials for packaging

7 plants

Flexible Packaging Production volume 470 million stand-up pouches and consumer bags 290 million m2 of film, paper and laminates

Film, paper, laminates and stand-up pouches

8 plants

Pulp & Paper Production volume 1.6 million metric tons (including 100% Âwiecie production)

Sack and kraft paperCCMMarket pulp

4 mills

B & KFilms and laminatesStand-up pouchesIndustrial sacks

10 plants

Industrial Packaging Production volume 2.6 billion units

Industrial sacks

38 plants

The 5 Divisions of Frantschach

Pulp & Paper 665

Turnover in 2002 by division, incl. inter-company sales (in millions of EUR)

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The Frantschach Group

Anglo American GroupMondi





Aylesford Newsprint


Frantschach AG


30% 70%

100% 100%








SUPERVISORY BOARD Frantschach AG Frantschach Packaging AG

Michael M. F. KAUFMANN Chairman Deputy ChairmanAnthony J. TRAHAR Deputy Chairman Deputy ChairmanGert E. SCHUMANN Member Chairman

David A. HATHORN Member MemberWalter LUKESCH Member MemberLadimir E. PELLIZZARO Member MemberErhard SCHASCHL Member –Andrew THOMPSON Member MemberHellwig TORGGLER Member MemberJacqueline USHER Member Member

Josef WALDMANN Works Council Delegate –Walter FANDL Works Council Delegate –Meinhard GARBER Works Council Delegate –Alfred GRUNNER Works Council Delegate –Gerhard KOCH Works Council Delegate –

MANAGEMENT BOARD Frantschach AG Frantschach Packaging AG

Veit SORGER CEO CEOPeter J. OSWALD Deputy CEO Deputy CEOPeter MACHACEK – MemberFranz J. HIESINGER – Member

Supervisory Board and Board of Management

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Frantschach Pulp & Paper is the global leader in the manufacture of high quality sack and kraft paper,an important European producer of market pulp and,jointly with Mondi Europe, a major European supplierof corrugated case materials (CCM). With four production sites in Europe and an outstanding salesand logistics network, it is uniquely positioned tooffer customers a full range of paper grades wheneverand wherever they wish.

Pulp & Paper FPP


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Frantschach Pulp & Paper is the global leader in the manufacture of high quality sack and kraft paper,an important European producer of market pulp and,jointly with Mondi Europe, a major European supplierof corrugated case materials (CCM). With four production sites in Europe and an outstanding salesand logistics network, it is uniquely positioned tooffer customers a full range of paper grades wheneverand wherever they wish.

AdvantageThe name sums it up: A new product range of sack kraft papers offering unbeatable benefitsin both quality and variety of applications. Through the use of pulp made from slowlygrowing trees with long fibres, extraordinary tear resistance is achieved, along with highextensibility and excellent runnability. For everyneed and all requirements, Advantage has the right solution.

Pulp & Paper FPP

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Our commitment to our core competenceWe have been making top quality sack and kraft paper for over a century and weintend to continue supplying our customers with the best solutions on the market,in a complete range of grades, with high availability. In order to assure cost efficientproduction and high quality output, we continually upgrade our machinery and facilities. And working with our customers, we use our extensive know-how to developsolutions geared to individual requirements. Today and also tomorrow.

Advantage for your benefitOur Advantage product range of high quality sack kraft papers, launched in 2001, is now firmly established on the market. This versatile portfolio provides solutionsfor applications of all types – in all industries, with all products, using differentkinds of filling equipment. It includes Advantage Kraft, Advantage Semi-Extensible,Advantage High Strength, Advantage Speed, Stabil and Select, as well as a full

range of bleached and polyethylene coated papers.

No matter in which of our mills Advantage papers are made,they always meet uniform specifications and the same stringentstandards of quality. Whichever grade you choose,Frantschach’s reliability stands behind it.

CCM products and market pulpOur corrugated case materials and market pulp are mostly soldin Europe, where the mills in Poland and the Czech Republicare also leading suppliers to their domestic markets.


Main Applications Key Products / SolutionsIndustrial sacks Sack paperConsumer bags and flexible packaging MF and MG kraft paperCorrugated boxes for consumer and industrial packaging Corrugated case materials (CCM)Filter and electrical applications Unbleached market pulpGraphic, publication and speciality paper grades Bleached market pulp

Divisional facts & figures

4 production sites: Austria, Czech Republic, Poland, SwedenTotal number of employees at the end of 2002: 2,254Turnover in 2002: EUR 665 millionAnnual production:1.6 million metric tons of sack and kraft paper, CCM and market pulp All mills have received ISO 14001 certification based on the fulfilment of stringent environmental criteria

Unique expertise:The provision of a wider range of high quality solutions than any other sack andkraft paper supplier

Advantage,always on target

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We have a full agenda for the year ahead. In our SHE programme, a continuing toppriority, we will intensify the safety training of our entire staff. We plan to continueimproving our productivity by 7 per cent. We will extend the coverage of ourAdvantage umbrella brand to include our machine glazed (MG) and machine finished(MF) kraft papers.

To increase efficiency and reduce costs we plan to rebuild two paper machines, PM7and PM8, at our Austrian mill, and to reconstruct the evaporation plant at ourSwedish mill. A second phase of the rebuilding of the wood yard at our Czech millwill be carried out.

We expect continuing high demand for our products in 2003, with sales increases insack and kraft paper and CCM. To complement our existing strengths in unbleachedpaper, we plan to continue increasing our output of bleached paper.

We are particularly encouraged by good sales potential in Asia and the Middle East, where we expect to increase our sales volume, and we intend to step up our salesefforts in the US. Thanks to our past strategies focusing on well-considered acquisi-tions, successful consolidation, best practicetransfer and enhanced productivity, we arewell prepared to meet the challenges ofincreased demand.

The year 2002 was a good one for us. The market sluggishness left over from 2001disappeared in the second quarter and demand quickly picked up in both our overseasand European markets. Cutbacks in sack kraft capacity by some of our competitors,resulting in lower output, as well as reduced American exports of containerboard toEurope, worked in our favour. With particularly strong demand in Asia, the MiddleEast and Africa, we were able to increase our sales volume of sack and kraft paperby around 11 per cent and of CCM by almost 9 per cent.

In order to stay on the leading edge of our industry, we continuously upgrade ourproduction equipment and facilities. In 2002 we invested EUR 40 million, whichincluded the rebuilding of four of our paper machines: PM3 in Poland, PM3 in theCzech Republic, PM6 in Austria and PM5 in Sweden. These improvements havemade it possible for us to produce larger quantities of paper faster, more cost efficiently and at an even higher level of quality. The rebuilding of the wood yardthat began in 2001 at our mill in the Czech Republic was continued. The goals of this project are to achieve greater efficiency and thus cost savings, as well as theproduction of higher quality pulp. Overall, we were able to improve our productivitymore than 20 per cent, from 477 metric tons per employee last year to 550 in 2002.

A major accomplishment in 2002 was the success of our safety programme, in whichevery employee is trained to recognise and respond appropriately to all possiblecauses of accidents. At the end of the year the figures showed that we had reducedthe lost time injury rate in the division by a total of 68 per cent. This took us con-

siderably closer to our safety goal of reducing the number of such injuries to zero.

At the beginning of May our mill in Poland received one of thatcountry’s most coveted business performance awards, “Orze∏

Rzeczpospolitej”, sponsored by a leading Polish magazine.The 500 companies competing for awards in three cate-

gories were judged on the basis of their increase inreturns, export proceeds and general economic per-formance, along with levels of investment and pro-ductivity.

In August 2002 the floods that raged throughlarge parts of Austria, Germany and the CzechRepublic also partially flooded our Czech mill onthe Elbe River. Thanks to optimal crisis manage-ment, destruction and downtime were kept to anabsolute minimum and no one was injured.
















Sack kraftand kraft paper683,000

Corrugatedcase materials684,000

Market pulp179,000

Sales in 2002 by market segment (in metric tons)

Highlights of 2002 Outlook for the future

Frantschach Pulp & PaperProductivity development in metric tons / employee:17.9% per year (1998 – 2002)

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click here

Industrial Packaging FIPFrantschach Industrial Packaging is the world’s leadingproducer of industrial sacks. With sales of 2.6 billionunits per year, the division provides customised packaging solutions for cement and other buildingmaterials, chemicals, food, animal feed and pet food.Its know-how, international sales and service networkand production facilities make it a partner extremelywell qualified to meet customers’ needs and to respondeffectively to changing market conditions.


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click here

Industrial Packaging FIPFrantschach Industrial Packaging is the world’s leadingproducer of industrial sacks. With sales of 2.6 billionunits per year, the division provides customised packaging solutions for cement and other buildingmaterials, chemicals, food, animal feed and pet food.Its know-how, international sales and service networkand production facilities make it a partner extremelywell qualified to meet customers’ needs and to respondeffectively to changing market conditions.

Buy Online for industrial sacksFrantschach’s innovative e-sales platform isunique in the sack industry. Not only can customers place orders online, they can alsotrack them all the way from production to delivery, as well as view their own company'sentire purchasing history at the click of a button.Transparency and enhanced administrativeefficiency guarantee substantial cost savings.Buy Online enables our partners to use today’s most advanced Enterprise ApplicationIntegration (EAI) and Web technologies, thus preparing them to meet tomorrow’s needs.

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Partnerships powered by cooperationOur ultimate goal is to enable our customers to excel in the markets in which they do business. On a day-to-day basis, this means that FIP engages in close cooperation with its partners in order to provide solutions that are both technologicallysuperior and best suited to meet changing market conditions. We recognise that the individuality of customers pertains not only to product needs, but also to organisational requirements. Our service is, therefore, geared to correspond to their group or single company structure.

Putting our resources at your fingertipsBuy Online, our well received B2B e-sales solution, is still unique in the sack industry. Only Frantschach offers customers the opportunity to place orders onlineand track them all the way through from production to delivery, providing totaltransparency, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Thanks to its simplification of the administrative tasks involved in procurement, Buy Online assures customersgreater efficiency and thus considerable cost savings.

The Frantschach industrial sackWith more than 80 years of experience in the industry, Frantschach IndustrialPackaging has a broad product portfolio, ranging from quickly fillable, air permeable, ultra-strong sacks for building materials to sophisticated sacks for chemicals, food, animal feed and pet food. Our versatile sacks offer features such as hermetic sealing, vacuum sealing and barrier liners. Available only fromFrantschach are the LC-Inliner, a one-piece plastic inner tube that makes it possible to completely fill sacks without leaving unused space at the bottom, and the PJ-Valve, which provides an absolutely leak-proof seal without the use of glue, heat or hot melt.

Reliability, the key to strength

Main Applications / Industries Key Products / SolutionsBuilding, chemical, food, animal feed and Valve sacks, including Minipack pet food industries sacks and Roto-Speed sacksChemical, food, animal feed, pet food, Open mouth sacksand pharmaceutical and health care industries Building, chemical, food, animal feed, pet food, Pinch bottom sacksand pharmaceutical and health care industriesBuilding, chemical, food, animal feed and Sewn sackspet food industriesBuilding, chemical, food, animal feed and Double fold sackspet food industries Automotive industry Bumper sacksBuilding, chemical, food, animal feed and SOS (self-opening) sackspet food industries

Divisional facts & figures

38 plants and 12 additional sales and service officesTotal number of employees at the end of 2002: 2,786Turnover in 2002: EUR 553 millionAnnual production: 2.6 billion units 4 business areas:

building materials and cementchemical industryfood industry animal feed and pet food industries

Unique expertise:A unique sales and service network and the first business-to-business e-sales platform in the industry

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In 2003 we will continue our focus on global growth, optimising the capabilitiesinherent in our organisation. We expect to see results from the FIP Sigma Project in 2003, as well as in the coming years.

Growing with our global partners will continue to be a key strategy. Further integra-tion of application engineering into our International Key Account Management willbe carried out as a means of intensifying this cooperation. Possibilities of new glob-al partnerships will also be considered. We will proactively utilise the global marketopportunities open to us as a result of our extensive sales and service network.

Our e-sales platform Buy Online will be continuously improved in close cooperationwith our partners. Their needs and demands will be the guidelines that determinehow we use our state-of-the-art IT infrastructure.

Despite the difficult economic environment in 2002, we were able to make continuedprogress in FIP and to achieve satisfactory results. In particular, there were positivedevelopments in overseas markets. In November we acquired our first plants inChina, a transaction of great significance for the future of FIP in this rapidly developingmarket. At the end of the year we also purchased a company in Serbia.

Taking full advantage of opportunities to grow with our global partners was a toppriority. Comprehensive, global service to our multinational partners is an importantcornerstone of our strategy of global growth. Further development and fine-tuningof our International Key Account Management (IKAM) played a central role here. In order to increase our ability to support customers in meeting the technologicalchallenges of their respective industries, we integrated application engineering intothe IKAM structure.

In autumn we started a training programme directed towards meeting our needs forqualified managerial leadership in the years ahead. In a divisional FIP Sigma Project,modelled on programmes in the US, employees with high potential are receivingdemanding training in problem-solving techniques based on the Six Sigma methodology.

Following our extensive expansion and consolidation activities of the past twoyears, in 2002 we placed great emphasis on internal, organic improvements.

We built a second greenfield plant in Poland and opened up our second plant in Turkey. A key initiative in our focus on further

improvement and optimisation of the resources already at our disposal was an OEE (overall equipment efficiency)

project. Throughout the entire division, we systematicallyimplemented measures to achieve optimal machine utili-

sation and thus greater productivity.

The latest EAI (Enterprise Application Integration)technologies have now been implemented in the IT infrastructure of the division on a global basis.This not only guarantees the complete integrationof all existing legacy systems, but also enables usto quickly integrate any new system we encounter,whether as a result of an acquisition or of coordina-tion with our partners. In line with this, work con-tinued on the Industrial Sack Competitive Advantage

(ISCA) project of Frantschach’s Enterprise ResourcePlanning.
















Highlights of 2002

Food industry12%


Animal feed and pet food industries



Sales in 2002 by market segment (volume based)


Outlook for the future

Frantschach Industrial PackagingProductivity developmentin 1000 units / employee:11.3% per year (1998 - 2002)

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Frantschach Flexible Packaging is one of the leadingEuropean producers of high quality flexible packaging,specialising in diverse types of film, paper, laminates,stand-up pouches and consumer bags. It has a broadproduct portfolio of sophisticated solutions for consumer goods such as food, pet food, cleaning and personal care products, as well as for specialapplications in the paper and pharmaceutical industries.

Flexible Packaging FFP


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Frantschach Flexible Packaging is one of the leadingEuropean producers of high quality flexible packaging,specialising in diverse types of film, paper, laminates,stand-up pouches and consumer bags. It has a broadproduct portfolio of sophisticated solutions for consumer goods such as food, pet food, cleaning and personal care products, as well as for specialapplications in the paper and pharmaceutical industries.

Flexible Packaging FFP

Laser PerforationThe optimal solution for stand-up pouch packaging, especially for the new generationmade of laminated aluminium and plastic. With a laser, the perforation is scored on theouter layer of the laminate from which the pouch is made. The package can then beopened exactly along the perforated line. Easily. Cleanly. Without tearing elsewhere.

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The stand-up pouch We are a leading European producer of pre-made pouches for food, pet food, liquidhousehold products, personal care products and chemicals. This exceptionally con-venient and user-friendly packaging solution is extremely durable, both chemicallyand physically, and can be sterilised in a further production process. Options suchas reclosable openings, spouts, laser perforations, and a wide choice of differentsizes and shapes provide appealing convenience features for end users. Extensiveprinting possibilities enable modern product presentations that catch the eye ofconsumers and motivate purchase.

Printed film, paper and laminatesFrantschach Flexible Packaging is one of the leading suppliers to the fast growingconsumer goods industry in Central and Eastern Europe. Of special importance isthe food packaging segment, in which non-perishability and barrier characteristicsare essential. The packaging of frozen foods assumed an important position in ourproduct portfolio in 2002 when Frantschach acquired Wheatley Packaging Ltd., acompany whose innovative spirit has kept it on the leading edge of the UK market.Top quality printing also optimises the visual appearance of these products, maximising their on-the-shelf marketing power.

Consumer bagsFrantschach Consumer Bags is the European market leader in this segment. Half ofits turnover comes from customers in the pet food industry, where Frantschach’sexpertise in the hygienic packaging of food has important spillover effects. Andsince pet food usually has a high fat content, we use special coatings that provideeffective grease and aroma barriers, thus guaranteeing a longer shelf life.Photorealistic glossy printing, which in dog and cat food plays a decisive role inproduct selection, is provided by the most modern flexo printing machines in theindustry. Other important applications include bags for building materials, cat litterand charcoal.

Taking aim on the future Divisional facts & figures

8 production sites, including FFP Austria, FFP Hungary, FFP Poland, Wheatley Packaging Ltd. and Frantschach Consumer Bags converting plants in Austria, Czech Republic, Germany and Italy. FFP Sweden was transferred to Frantschach Coating at the beginning of 2003.Total number of employees at the end of 2002: 760Turnover in 2002: EUR 126 millionAnnual production: 470 million stand-up pouches and consumer bags, 290 million square metres of film, paper and laminatesPrinting capabilities:

All plants are equipped with modern rotogravure and flexo printing machinesAs many as ten colours are possible

Unique expertise: A technology leader in stand-up pouches and the European market leader in consumer bags

Main ApplicationsRetail packaging for consumer goods (pet food bags and pouches; frozen foods;chips packs; wrapping for confectioneries, bis-cuits, cheese, coffee and bread; as well as non-food products, including detergent bags, liquidsoap pouches, building materials and copy paper wrapping)

Key Products / SolutionsCustomised printed plastic films and laminates(of film, aluminium, and paper), with barrier and protective properties, for flexible packagingPre-made pouches and stand-up pouches madeof plastic laminatesConsumer bags

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In keeping with our proven growth strategy, we will continue to evaluate acquisitionopportunities in 2003. Our overall goals can be summed up very simply: We intendto increase our production capacity, continue to apply state-of-the-art technologyand further invest in the know-how of our staff in order to provide optimal supportfor our customers.

Outlook for the futureIn keeping with Frantschach’s strategy of focusing external growth in the rapidly

expanding area of flexible packaging, three acquisitions were made in 2002. In February the purchase of the German company Nord-West Verpackung greatlyexpanded the portfolio and strengthened the European market presence ofFrantschach Consumer Bags (FCB), which at that time was part of FrantschachIndustrial Packaging. Since the customer universe of FCB is more directly linked to that of Frantschach Flexible Packaging, FCB was shifted to our division at thebeginning of July.

A second important acquisition took us across the English Channel for the first time.In June 2002 the Frantschach Group purchased Wheatley Packaging Ltd. in centralEngland. Wheatley’s flexible packaging solutions for frozen foods and hygiene prod-ucts are an optimal enhancement of our product portfolio. In the frozen vegetablessegment we are now the market leader in the UK. Whereas Wheatley’s geographicallocation opens up a new market for us – for example, for stand-up pouches – weare also now able to sell the British manufacturer’s products on the continent.

In July Frantschach acquired the French distributing company JPJ Emballage, whichhad previously been responsible for the sale of our products in France. It has nowbeen integrated into Frantschach Consumer Bags.

In addition to our acquisitions, we also invested in new machinery at our existingplants. In FFP Austria, whose core competence is the production of stand-up pouch-es, four new ultramodern, high performance machines were installed – a stand-uppouch machine, a flexo printing machine, a rotogravure printing machine and a lami-nator – as well as a new completely automatic, computer controlled ink mixing sta-tion or “ink kitchen”. Towards the end of the year a stand-up pouch machine and alaminator were installed at FFP Hungary, in preparation for its entry into the stand-uppouch market. In 2002 we were able to achieve a double digit increase in productivityin our production of stand-up pouches.

In general, we had a very satisfactory year in terms of both sales volume and earnings.In our stand-up pouch business, new applications in new market segments and thusnew customers are continually being added. A testament to this is the fact that theturnover of FFP Austria grew 32 per cent in 2002. FFP Hungary was still undergoinga process of consolidation this year, but in the future it should also profit from thegrowth potential of this lead product. FFP Poland, which is one of the top threesuppliers of flexible packaging to its domestic market, had a good year. It was ableto improve its cost structure, win new customers and increase its turnover.

Highlights of 2002

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Frantschach Coating is a leading pan European producer of extrusion coated and laminated packagingmaterials, especially for the consumer goods, pharmaceutical, paper, corrugating, high performancematerials and industrial sack industries. Its high quality combinations provide reliable barriers againstmoisture, light, oxygen, grease, odours, aroma and gas diffusion.

Coating FC


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Direct Coating A new lidding concept provides maximum convenience. The use of an innovative film makesit possible for the first time to put a hermeticseal on untreated glass containers (for cosmetics,foods, etc.). Aluminium foil or paper based film provides perfect protection for the contents,yet is easy to peel off – and also offers idealconditions for appealing printing.

Frantschach Coating is a leading pan European producer of extrusion coated and laminated packagingmaterials, especially for the consumer goods, pharmaceutical, paper, corrugating, high performancematerials and industrial sack industries. Its high quality combinations provide reliable barriers againstmoisture, light, oxygen, grease, odours, aroma and gas diffusion.

Coating FC

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Copy paper packaging – as you like itWe offer a full range of copy paper packaging. The top of the line comes withrotogravure printing that conveys elegance. If flexo printing is desired, we can supplyall quality levels, from simple designs with one or two colours to top quality multicoloured prints. For customers who want transparent high gloss packaging, weoffer OPP ream wrapping with printing of the highest quality. The choice is yours.

Beyond packagingSophisticated modern coating techniques are increasingly being used in industriesother than packaging. Our Industrial Products group is concerned with just suchapplications, for example, the use of fibre reinforced films (Pro-therm®) for automotiveheadliners. This innovative development combines the advantages of glass fibre,nonwovens and polymers in a thin gauge material with outstanding mechanicalproperties. It enables better engineered and more cost efficient solutions for theproduction of foam based panels used in car ceilings.

Hermetic, convenient and attractiveIn cooperation with a big French multinational fast moving consumer goods companywe have developed a new lidding concept suitable for food, pharmaceutical and personal care products packaged in untreated glass or plastic containers. An innovativealuminium foil or paper based film serves as a hermetic seal that guaranteesabsolute hygiene and provides ideal printing characteristics. Furthermore, the lid canbe easily peeled off in one piece, which assures the highest level of customer convenience.

The art of perfect protection

Divisional facts & figures

7 production sites in 5 European countriesTotal number of employees at the end of 2002: 776Turnover in 2002: EUR 226 million Annual production: 1.5 billion square metres of polymer coated and laminated paper, cartonboard and other materials for packagingFive business segments:

Consumer PackagingIndustrial WrappingTransport PackagingIndustrial Products Coated Sack Kraft

Printing capabilities: Rotogravure and flexo printing machines with which individual customer wishes can be realised

Unique expertise:Use of high-tech laminating and extrusion coating techniques, as well as raw materials of the highest quality

Main Applications

Portion packs, dry foods (such as tea, coffee,baking mixes and spices), dehydrated foods,frozen foods, fresh foods, pet food, pharmaceu-tical products, medical packaging, cosmeticsand detergents

Cosmetics, dehydrated foods (such as packagedsoups and sauces)

Reel wrapping for the paper industry and otherreel wrapping applications

Ream wrapping for A4 copy paper and foliowrapping

Corrugated boxes, solidboard boxes and fibredrums for transport packaging

Processing paper for production of flexible PUfoam blocks

Inkjet photo base paperPET based image finishing filmsFibre reinforced films for car ceiling and motorinsulation constructionsVarious facings for insulation panels used in thebuilding industry

End uses: building materials, chemicals, food,animal feed and pet food, and agricultural prod-ucts

Key Products / SolutionsConsumer PackagingExtrusion coated and laminatedpaper/board/film/foil

Extrusion laminated polymer films (PET, PETmet., OPP, etc.)Industrial WrappingExtrusion coated or laminated kraft paper andliners (printed or unprinted)

Barrier coated paper and film (printed, up to 8colours)Transport PackagingExtrusion coated or laminated paper, liners andother substrates for corrugated case materials(CCM), solidboard liners and fibre drum materi-alsIndustrial Products (focus on materials for non-packaging applications)Olmo paper



Coated Sack KraftPE extrusion coated / aluminium laminated sackkraft paper for the industrial sack industry

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At the beginning of 2003, FFP Sweden, (the former PrintPac company) was integrated into our division. This is a further step in the optimisation of ourproduct portfolio, enabling us to offer customers enhanced printing capacity andquality.

In order to continually improve our service to multinational customers, in 2003we plan to fine-tune the IKAM policy introduced in 2002. Growing with our globalpartners will continue to be a key strategy.

During the coming year the measures already taken in Western Europe tostrengthen our sales force will be instituted in Eastern Europe, Asia and NorthAmerica. Our plants in Sweden will seek to establish a stronger market presencein Northern Europe.

The roll out of the Coating Competitive Advantage IT project begun in 2002 willbe completed.

In general, our division will contribute to the overall Frantschach effort to implementin the global arena the profitable, growth-oriented strategies that have driven oursuccess in Europe.

Outlook for the futureAt the beginning of 2002 we implemented a new market driven regional organisational

structure to enhance our ability to respond quickly and effectively to customerneeds. To support this, an International Key Account Management (IKAM) policy was developed and launched during the year, strengthening our partnerships withmultinational customers. Our goal is to understand customers in their entirety,including not only the hard facts of their technologies, but also the soft facts oftheir business. Identifying the ways in which our know-how is relevant to theirstrategies is an important aspect of furthering win-win relationships that contributeto the growth of both partners.

Our market driven approach has also been implemented in staffing. We havestepped up efforts to add the best people in the industry to the Frantschach team,with the intention of not only meeting customers’ expectations, but surpassingthem.

In 2002 we held three coating seminars in the Frantschach Academy to increase theproduct knowledge of our sales force and also to give interested customers theopportunity to find out more about Frantschach’s know-how. This was an innovativestep in the extrusion coating industry, where no other supplier shares its knowledgewith customers in this way. In addition to practical and technical knowledge, theseminars also covered the theoretical basics of the three subject areas treated: poly-ethylene, extrusion coating and flexo printing.

This year Frantschach Coating was also fully integrated into the group-wide purchasingnetwork of the Frantschach Group and affiliated companies. This brought us substantial cost savings in raw materials and inks. Overall, we were able to makegood progress in cost leadership this year and to enhance our productivity.

Optimising business processes is one of our top priorities, as this provides customerswith more and better information, better logistics and faster service. In 2002 webegan the roll out of the Coating Competitive Advantage project of Frantschach’sEnterprise Resource Planning Systems. This will improve productivity, increase speedand reduce costs.

Highlights of 2002

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Frantschach Release Liner is a global supplier ofhigh-tech polyolefin and silicone coated release linersbased on paper or other substrates. Its superiorproducts are suitable for demanding applications in the graphic arts, the automotive industry, and theproduction of reflective films (traffic signs), technical adhesive tape, medical supplies andhygiene products.

Release Liner FRL


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Frantschach Release Liner is a global supplier ofhigh-tech polyolefin and silicone coated release linersbased on paper or other substrates. Its superiorproducts are suitable for demanding applications in the graphic arts, the automotive industry, and theproduction of reflective films (traffic signs), technical adhesive tape, medical supplies andhygiene products.

Digital LinerSelf-adhesive digital printing films have to haverelease liners, coated on both sides with polyolefin and on one side with silicone, as a supporting base. A newly developed, patentedabsorption lacquer on the back side of therelease liner prevents the film side from pickingup traces of silicone. Surface tension remainsoptimal, providing the best conditions for the processing of the laminate in digital printing.

Release Liner FRL

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Innovation on a daily basisWe are not a standard product provider. On the contrary, our customers come to us with a wide variety of challenges and requirements, and our task is to developexactly the type of release liner they need. Our day-to-day work is thus driven bythe need to provide innovative solutions. Through flexibility in product development,dedicated customer service and speed of decision making, we are able to use ourextensive resources in ways that best serve customers’ needs.

A strong foundation for flexibilityWe began coating paper with plastic more than 50 years ago. In 1980 we introducedthe world’s first in-line coating system for siliconised papers with double-sided polyethylene coating. This revolutionary installation demonstrated how much couldbe gained if all steps of coating and printing were carried out in one operationalprocess. Today we have four highly sophisticated tandem extruders with integratedsilicone coaters, solely devoted to the specialised production of top quality high-techrelease liners. The technological superiority of their finely tuned, single run-throughoperation represents a substantial competitive advantage.

Our production capabilities and the know-how we have acquired in decadesof experience enable us not only to recognise, but also to anticipate newglobal trends and, working with our customers, to develop appropriatesolutions.

Indispensable high-tech supportFrantschach Inncoat’s release liners are multilayer composites with excellentlay-flat characteristics, as well as outstanding dimensional stability and stiffness. The wide range of self-adhesive applications – in which theyplay a crucial role – bears witness to their popularity and usefulness.


We bend over backwardsto find the right solutions

Divisional facts & figures

One production facility, Frantschach Inncoat GmbH in Germany, and a Customizing, Logistics and Slitting Center in a suburb of Minneapolis in the USANumber of employees at the end of 2002: 222Turnover in 2002: EUR 56 millionAnnual production: 128 million square metresIndustrial leadership in responsible and successful pollution control

Unique expertise: Acknowledged in the self-adhesive market as the worldwide leader in quality,thanks to its in-line coating installation system, as well as its flexibility and creativityin product development

Main ApplicationsPrimarily in the following industries or areas:the graphic arts, reflective films (traffic signs),automotive, building, industrial adhesive tape,medical and healthcare, hygiene and personalcare

Key Products / SolutionsPolyolefin / silicone coated release liners usedfor products in the self-adhesive market

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We plan to continue expanding our global market position in PE coated release linersby placing even greater emphasis on areas other than our traditional target market,the graphic arts. Of particular interest to us are potential applications in the fieldsof building, tape, medical and health care, as well as hygiene and personal careproducts. We consider acquisition and investment in other countries to be interestinggrowth possibilities.

In the autumn of 2003, we will begin production of siliconised film, a new productthat will greatly strengthen our market position.

Through intensive training we intend to increase the product knowledge of ouremployees. In the context of an expanded SHE programme, we will seek to improvetheir abilities to meet challenges in the areas of safety, health and the environment.

Outlook for the futureThe year 2002 was the best ever in our history. Both sales volume and earnings

increased substantially, especially in the USA, where 60 per cent of our annual output is sold. Thanks to increased capacity resulting from new machines addedduring the past few years, we were also able to increase the number of solutionsfor applications outside the graphic arts industry to 20 per cent of our production.

During the year we began construction in Raubling of a major facility that will add a new product – siliconised film – to our portfolio. Production is scheduled to beginin October 2003. In preparation for this big step forward, we have continued theclose cooperation begun in 2001 with a number of film manufacturers to assure thatthe range of solutions we offer meets the needs of every market segment.

Our new Digital Liner, developed in 2002, is a revolutionary answer to “siliconetransfer” problems. These are caused by the unavoidable chemical phenomenonthat silicone, coated on a substrate, never cures 100 per cent. Small traces of it lefton release liners made for self-adhesive films are transferred to the film side duringnecessary rolling. In modern digital printing these residues conflict strongly withprinting inks. Frantschach Inncoat’s Digital Liner is coated with a patented back sidelacquer that absorbs and locks silicone traces, thus preventing any transfer andassuring the proper surface tension needed for perfect printing.

In cooperation with our partners in the pressure-sensitive market, a new systemusing Frantschach’s release liners was developed. This new solution greatly simplifiesthe application of self-adhesive films by allowing the films to be put into place and carefully adjusted before applied pressure causes adhesion. An innovative airdrainage system in the release liner, which is transferred to the adhesive, assures a uniform surface with easy evacuation of air bubbles. This pioneering newdevelopment has led to enormous time savings in the application of self-adhesivefilms, for example, those placed on trucks and airplanes.

Through our Competitive Advantage project further progress was made in EnterpriseResource Planning. In 2002 our IT systems were upgraded to assure even more efficient business processes, greater productivity and increased cost effectiveness.

Highlights of 2002

Advancement through creative technology: the production of a Digital Liner

drying tunnel

drying tunnel

drying tunnel

surface inspection

tandem extruder



silicone station



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Since its founding four years ago, more than 500employees from over 20 countries have participatedin the Academy’s seminars. The dynamic growth of the training programme is evident in the fact that the number of seminars offered jumped from 6 in 2001 to 22 in 2002 and the annual number ofparticipants, from around 100 to over 250.

In order to keep all employees up to date on theseminars offered, the Academy has a regular columnin Frantschach News, the Group’s popular staffnewsletter that is published three times a year.

The group-wide purchasing networkThe group-wide purchasing network sources the largequantities of raw materials and extensive servicesneeded by the production sites of the FrantschachGroup and affiliated companies. To maximise costsavings, the network focuses on volume aggregation,new product and application development, andimprovements in both service level and product quality.

In 2002 the plants of Frantschach Coating, as well asFrantschach Flexible Packaging’s recent acquisitionsin Germany and the UK, were fully integrated into thenetwork. The Neusiedler Group’s mill in Slovakia andits new acquisition in the Russian Federation were alsobrought on board, further strengthening our purchas-ing power.

In addition to increasing the number of sites served,the purchasing network also extended the scope of its sourcing activities in 2002 by launching newinitiatives for printing inks, electricity, truck transport,and travel and accommodation. Under the sourcinginitiative for travel and accommodation, carried out in cooperation with Frantschach’s corporate HumanResources programme, a corporate travel policy –covering such matters as air travel, car rentals, hotelaccommodation and corporate credit cards – hasbeen developed for the entire Frantschach Group.

A few selected annual supply figures indicate thedimensions of the group-wide purchasing programme:

116,000 metric tons of starch, 74,000 metric tonsof sodium hydroxide and 19,500 metric tons of hydrogen peroxide for 13 pulp and paper millstransport services encompassing a total volumeof 1.4 million metric tons3,700 metric tons of printing ink for 55 plants.

Promotion of innovation through joint product development with selected suppliers is a key elementof the network’s purchasing strategy. Following itssuccessful “Dispersion Glue for Sack Production”project, a further project focusing on all applicationaspects of printing inks was started in 2002.

State-of-the-art IT solutionsA critical aspect of Frantschach’s global growth strategyis its investment in and development of group-wideinformation technology systems. The chief responsibilityfor meeting this challenge is vested in a corporateteam known as the Frantschach ConsultingOrganisation (FCO), which coordinates the in-houseanalysis of operating requirements, as well as theneeded computer and network infrastructure.

Employing SAP as an enabling tool, Frantschach hascarried out its Enterprise Resource Planning throughdivisional Competitive Advantage projects managedby FCO. Through these projects standardised state-of-the-art IT systems are being put in place that notonly improve the productivity of Frantschach plants,but also assure better, more effective relationshipswith customers. Buy Online, the first and still uniquee-sales platform in the industrial sack industry, is anexample of Frantschach’s development of front officeIT solutions with direct customer benefits.

Under the Group Umbrella:

Corporate Functions

Business PrinciplesReaffirmation of Frantschach’s corporate commitmentsand standards regarding responsible action was a toppriority in 2002. In the spring Anglo American, the 100 per cent owner of Mondi Europe, Frantschach’smajor shareholder, issued new Business Principles,covering the four major areas of business integrityand ethics, corporate citizenship, employment andlabour rights, and safety, health and environmental(SHE) stewardship. These guidelines define commonprinciples and positions for the entire Anglo AmericanGroup. Good company management and the assumption of social, ethical and environmentalresponsibilities are regarded to be prerequisites forsustainable business success. At the end of 2002 aletter to Anglo American from the CEO assured fullcompliance of the entire Frantschach Group with theBusiness Principles.

Frantschach decided to undertake special efforts intwo of the areas covered by the Business Principles:It extended its SHE programme and reinforced competition compliance training.

SHEThe great importance of employees’ safety at work isundisputed. At Frantschach the Pulp & Paper divisionhas been a forerunner in the improvement of safetyperformance, coming closer each year to the ambitiousgoal of totally eliminating lost time injuries. In 2002Frantschach began a comprehensive initiative aimedat achieving similar success in the converting plantsof its other four divisions. A broad programme includ-ing safety audits followed by appropriate action plans and detailed reporting of safety data to theheadquarters of both Frantschach and Anglo Americanwas set in motion. In 2003 a SHE coordinator for the entire Group will be added to the corporate man-agement team.

In November 2002 Anglo American supplemented itsBusiness Principles with a set of “Golden Rules” ofsafety management, specifying rules of behaviour fora wide range of working situations. These guidelines,which will be implemented by Frantschach along withall other Anglo American subsidiaries, reflect “anapproach to safety that requires an absolute adherenceto standards at all times and an intolerance of unsafeacts or conditions.”

Competition compliance trainingIn order to further its reputation for integrityFrantschach updated its Competition ComplianceProgramme in 2002, emphasising to all its employeesthat the Group will not condone anti-competitivepractices of any kind. Under the supervision of thecorporate legal counsel, a training programme wasinitiated to help staff members fully understand whatkinds of activities must be strictly avoided.

The Frantschach AcademyThe Frantschach Academy plays a vibrant role in theFrantschach organisation. For employees, its regularseminars provide opportunities to receive and shareknowledge about the Group’s core businesses – afunction that is particularly important for the rapidintegration of new employees. And participation notonly increases the skills and understanding of staffmembers, it also heightens their motivation to optimisetheir own performance. In bringing together peoplefrom many different countries with various types ofjob responsibilities, the Academy makes a significantcontribution to Frantschach’s development as a wellintegrated multinational concern.

For interested customers, to whom participation inseminars is open, the Academy offers an innovativeway to learn more about Frantschach’s know-how andto strengthen their ties with the Group. For suppliers,a number of whom serve as external experts for particular seminars, opportunities are presented toexplain their products and services in detail toFrantschach employees.

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MONDI SALES BENELUX B.V.Watercirkle 302NL-1186 NE Amstelveen, NetherlandsTel.: +31 20 345 6282Fax: +31 20 640 8034E-mail: [email protected] RIBBERINK


FRANTSCHACH INDUSTRIAL PACKAGING GMBHKelsenstrasse 7, A-1032 Vienna, AustriaTel.: +43 1 79523 0Fax: +43 1 79523 964E-mail:[email protected]@frantschach.comThomas OTTReinhard WALDHERR

FRANTSCHACH INDUSTRIAL PACKAGING AUSTRIA GMBHBahnhofstrasse 3, A-8740 Zeltweg, AustriaTel.: +43 3577 9001 0Fax: +43 3577 9001 109E-mail: [email protected] RANINGER

FRANTSCHACH PACKAGING BELGIUM SARue Ternard 77, B-1480 Tubize, BelgiumTel.: +32 2 355 79 61Fax: +32 2 391 40 50E-mail: [email protected] DE KEE

FRANTSCHACH INDUSTRIAL PACKAGING BELGIUM SANijverheidslaan 11, B-8970 Poperinge, BelgiumTel.: +32 57 33 36 88Fax: +32 57 33 79 12E-mail: [email protected] DE KEE

FRANTSCHACH PACKAGING HOLDING BELGIUM N.V.Battelsesteenweg 455 EB-2800 Mechelen, BelgiumTel: +32 15 29 25 30Fax: +32 15 29 25 39E-mail: [email protected] DE KEE

FRANTSCHACH INDUSTRIAL PACKAGING CZECH A.S.Litomerická 272CZ-41108 Stetí, Czech RepublicTel.: +420 411 80 29 50Fax: +420 411 80 29 70E-mail: [email protected] SAMES

FRANTSCHACH INDUSTRIJSKO PAKIRANJEBana J. Jelacica 32HR 31550 Valpovo, CroatiaTel.: +385 31 650 666Fax: +385 31 651 740E-mail: [email protected]

[email protected] SMAJLAGICEmil TEMENUGOV

FRANTSCHACH INDUSTRIAL PACKAGINGDEUTSCHLAND GMBHThüringenstrasse 1-3D-97762 Hammelburg, GermanyTel.: +49 9732 7878 700Fax: +49 9732 7878 701E-mail:[email protected]@frantschach.comArmand SCHOONBROODWolfgang HÖPER

FRANTSCHACH INDUSTRIAL PACKAGINGDEUTSCHLAND GMBHErich-Hausmannstrasse 1D-04687 Trebsen, GermanyTel.: +49 34383 91 110, +49 34383 91 112Fax: +49 34383 91 114E-mail: [email protected] LÖTZSCH

FRANTSCHACH INDUSTRIAL PACKAGINGDEUTSCHLAND GMBHWerk Sendenhorst, Herkulesweg 1D-48324 Sendenhorst, GermanyTel.: +49 2526 304 10Fax: +49 2526 304 65E-mail:[email protected]@frantschach.comArmand SCHOONBROODWolfgang HÖPER

FRANTSCHACH INDUSTRIAL PACKAGINGDEUTSCHLAND GMBHWerk Goslar, Wolfenbüttelerstrasse 42D-38642 Goslar, GermanyTel.: +49 5321 730Fax: +49 5321 73146E-mail: [email protected]@frantschach.comArmand SCHOONBROODWolfgang HÖPER

FRANTSCHACH EMBALLAGE INDUSTRIELFRANCE SA832, rue de l’Horlogerie, B.P. 197F-62404 Béthune, Cedex, FranceTel.: +33 321 61 45 45Fax: +33 321 61 45 49E-mail: [email protected]

[email protected] DE KEEJan GORISSEN

FRANTSCHACH EMBALLAGE INDUSTRIELPROVENCE SASZone Industrielle de Rousset-PeynierF-13106 Rousset, Cedex, FranceTel.: +33 321 61 45 45Fax: +33-321 61 45 49E-mail: [email protected] DE KEE

FRANTSCHACH OMYA SAUsine D’Omey - B.P. n°2F-51240 La Chaussée sur Marne, FranceTel.: +33 32 669 29 27Fax: +33 32 669 29 77E-mail: [email protected] LAMARCHE

FRANTSCHACH HELLAS A.E.Industrial Zone of Thessaloniki 57022, GreeceTel.: +30 231 0723 280, +30 231 0723 288Fax: +30 231 0723 289E-mail: [email protected] KOPSIDES

I.P.I. SPAVia Zanchetta 27I-35010 San Pietro in Gù (PD), ItalyTel.: +39 049 945 53 33Fax: +39 049 945 53 34E-mail: [email protected] FEDALTO

GRADISAC SPAVia dell' IndustriaI-34072 Gradisca d' Isonzo (GO), ItalyTel.: +39 0481 960 530Fax: +39 0481 960 550E-mail: [email protected] FEDALTO

GRADISAC TOLENTINO SRLVia G. Falcone 1I-62029 Tolentino (MC), ItalyTel.: +39 0733 955 011Fax: +39 0733 967 505E-mail: [email protected]

[email protected] FEDALTOFranco LEGHISSA

FRANTSCHACH INDUSTRIA IMBALLAGGI ITALIA SPAVia Balilla 32I-24058 Romano di Lombardia, ItalyTel.: +39 0363 91 62 39Fax: +39 0363 91 20 18E-mail: [email protected]

[email protected] FEDALTORaffaello MAZZOLA

JORDAN PAPER SACKS CO LTDP.O. Box 119, Ain AlbashaJOR-19374, JordanTel.: +962 6 534 3959Fax: +962 6 533 1075E-mail: [email protected] Hafez ABKI

FRANTSCHACH INDUSTRIAL PACKAGINGNETHERLANDS NVFort Willemweg 1NL-6219 PA Maastricht, NetherlandsTel.: +31 43 329 92 99Fax: +31 43 321 04 14E-mail:[email protected]@frantschach.comArmand SCHOONBROODRoger HAMERS

FRANTSCHACH INDUSTRIAL PACKAGINGNORDIC ASNO-1501 Moss, NorwayTel.: +47 69 24 26 00, +47 69 24 26 01Fax: +47 69 25 30 16E-mail:[email protected] MARTHINSEN



FRANTSCHACH PULP & PAPER GMBHKelsenstrasse 7, A-1032 Vienna, AustriaTel.: +43 1 795 08 0Fax: +43 1 795 08 952E-mail: [email protected]

[email protected] MACHACEKConny JOSEFSSON

FRANTSCHACH PULP & PAPER AUSTRIA AGSales OfficeKelsenstrasse 7, A-1032 Vienna, AustriaTel.: +43 1 79508 0Fax: +43 1 79508 952E-mail: [email protected] FINSTERER

FRANTSCHACH PULP & PAPER AUSTRIA AGPaper MillA-9413 St. Gertraud/Lavanttal, AustriaTel.: +43 4352 530 0Fax: +43 4352 530 73E-mail: [email protected] TAUBER

FRANTSCHACH PULP & PAPER CZECH ASLitomerická 272CZ-411 08 Stetí, Czech RepublicTel.: +420 416 80 20 25Fax: +420 416 80 20 38E-mail: [email protected]

[email protected]ás SABATKATimo TOIVONEN

FRANTSCHACH PULP & PAPER SWEDEN ABS-873 81 Väja, SwedenTel.: +46 612 83000Fax: +46 612 83030E-mail: [email protected]

[email protected] PÄRSSINENSven ALMQUIST

FRANTSCHACH ÂWIECIE SAul. Bydgoska 1, PL-86100 Âwiecie, PolandTel.: +48 5233 21500Fax: +48 5233 21931E-mail:[email protected]@frantschach.swiecie.pljan.zukowski@frantschach.swiecie.plKrysztof SEDZIKOWSKIFlorian STOCKERTJan ˚UKOWSKI

Sales & Service

FRANTSCHACH PULP & PAPER SUDAMERICA SAAv. Corrientes 327, piso 3AR-(C 1043 AAD) Buenos Aires, ArgentinaTel.: +54 11 4315 9033Fax: +54 11 4315 9600E-mail: [email protected] ZIMMERMANN

FRANTSCHACH PULP & PAPER BENELUX B.V.Watercirkle 302NL-1186 NE Amstelveen, NetherlandsTel.: +31 20 6402 485Fax: +31 20 6402 329E-mail: [email protected] RIBBERINK

FRANTSCHACH PULP & PAPER DEUTSCHLAND GMBHOberbaumbrücke 1D-20457 Hamburg, GermanyTel.: +49 40 303876 0Fax: +49 40 303876 20E-mail: [email protected] BREITER

FRANTSCHACH PULP & PAPER SCANDINAVIAS-873 81 Väja, SwedenTel.: +46 612 830 00Fax: +46 612 830 30E-mail: [email protected] PISANO

FRANTSCHACH PULP & PAPER ITALIA SRLPiazza Fidia 1, I-20159 Milan, ItalyTel.: +39 0266 825031Fax: +39 0266 823137E-mail: [email protected] BALDOVINO

FRANTSCHACH PULP & PAPER T&D ABS-873 81 Väja, SwedenTel.: +46 612 830 00Fax: +46 612 830 30E-mail: [email protected] RÜF

FRANTSCHACH PULP & PAPER ASIA LTD96 Somerset Road#09-05/06 UOL BuildingSingapore 238 163Tel.: +65 6 734 9248Fax: +65 6 732 0793E-mail: [email protected] TOBISSON

FRANTSCHACH PULP & PAPER UK LTD61 Church Street, HungerfordBerkshire RG17 0JH, United KingdomTel.: +44 1 488 6808 22Fax: +44 1 488 6808 33E-mail: [email protected] GOGGS

MONDI SALES EUROPE GMBHKelsenstrasse 7, A-1032 Vienna, AustriaTel.: +43 1 795 08 0Fax: +43 1 795 08 970E-mail: [email protected] STOCKERT

MONDI SALES DEUTSCHLAND GMBHOberbaumbrücke 1D-20457 Hamburg, GermanyTel.: +49 40 3009170Fax: +49 40 30091770E-mail: [email protected]

[email protected] DE JONGKirsten KONKOL

MONDI SALES ITALIA SRLPiazza Fidia 1, I-20159 Milan, ItalyTel.: +39 0266 825031Fax: +39 0266 823137E-mail: [email protected]

[email protected] BALDOVINOGiovanni MONDINI

MONDI SALES UK LTDHanover House203 High Street, TonbridgeKent TN9 1LB, United KingdomTel.: +44 1 732 77 1444Fax: +44 1 732 77 0113E-mail: [email protected]

[email protected] BETTHamish BETT

A Strong Network

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WHEATLEY PACKAGING LTDAtkinson’s WayFoxhills Industrial ParkScunthorpeNorth Lincolnshire, DN15 8QJ, United KingdomTel.: +44 1724 295 800Fax: +44 1724 854 652E-mail: [email protected] RILEY

FRANTSCHACH CONSUMER BAGS GMBHKelsenstrasse 7, A-1032 Vienna, AustriaTel.: +43 1 79523 0Fax: +43 1 79523 976E-mail: [email protected]

[email protected] EGGERThomas POLANYI

FRANTSCHACH CONSUMER BAGS AUSTRIA GMBHBahnhofstrasse 3, A-8740 Zeltweg, AustriaTel.: +43 3577 9001 0Fax: +43 3577 9001 125E-mail: [email protected] GASS

FRANTSCHACH CONSUMER BAGS CZECH A.S.Volynskych Cechu 733CZ-438 40 Zatec, Czech RepublicTel.: +420 415 712 845Fax: +420 415 735 950E-mail: [email protected] SOUCEK

FRANTSCHACH CONSUMER BAGS CZECH A.S.Litomerická 272CZ-41108 Stetí, Czech RepublicTel.: +420 411 80 29 50Fax: +420 411 80 29 70E-mail: [email protected] SOUCEK

FRANTSCHACH CONSUMER BAGS DEUTSCHLAND GmbH & Co. KGBismarckstrasse 1D-51789 Lindlar, GermanyTel.: +49 2266 902 0Fax: +49 2266 902 100E-mail: [email protected] GASS

NOVASAC SRLVia MazziniI-35010 San Pietro in Gù (PD), ItalyTel.: +39 049 94 58 400Fax: +39 049 94 55 204E-mail: [email protected]

[email protected] VOLPATOCarlo SINIGAGLIA

Sales & Service

FRANTSCHACH CONSUMER BAGS FRANCE SASZAC de l`Ormeau – BP 10230, rue Jean RostandF-77382 Combs La Ville Cedex, FranceTel.: +33 1 60 34 22 00Fax: +33 1 60 34 22 09Jean-Paul JEGADEN


FRANTSCHACH COATING GMBHKelsenstrasse 7A-1032 Vienna, AustriaTel.: +43 1 79523 0Fax: +43 1 79523 945E-mail: [email protected] SCHÄBINGERMichael KOCH

Production Units

FRANTSCHACH COATING AUSTRIA GMBHBahnhofstrasse 3, A-8740 Zeltweg, AustriaTel.: +43 3577 9001 0Fax: +43 3577 9001 451E-mail: [email protected] HOF

FRANTSCHACH BELCOAT N.V.Adolf Stocletlaan 11B-2570 Duffel, BelgiumTel.: +32 15 30 03 00Fax: +32 15 30 02 80E-mail: [email protected] GIJBELS

FRANTSCHACH COATING CZECH A.S.Litomerická 272CZ-411 08 Stetí, Czech RepublicTel.: +420 411 802 643Fax: +420 411 802 007E-mail: [email protected] CHRAMOSTA

FRANTSCHACH COATING FRANCE SASGournay PlantZone IndustrielleF-76220 Gournay-en-bray, FranceTel.: +33 2 328 994 60Fax: +33 2 328 994 69E-mail: [email protected] GIJBELS

FRANTSCHACH COATING SWEDEN ABÖrebo PlantPappersbruksallén 3AS-702 15 ÖrebroPostal address:P.O. Box 926S-701 30 Örebro, SwedenTel.: +46 19 354 500Fax: +46 19 32 28 44E-mail: [email protected] ERKEN

FRANTSCHACH COATING SWEDEN ABTimra PlantKabelvägen 1-5, S-86136 Timra, SwedenTel.: +46 60 59 57 00Fax: +46 60 57 40 07E-mail: [email protected] ERKEN

FRANTSCHACH FLEXIBLE PACKAGING SWEDEN ABSvarvarevägen 3SE-686 22 Sunne, SwedenTel.: +46 565 169 00Fax: +46 565 169 20E-mail: [email protected] MIKOLASEK

Sales & Service

FRANTSCHACH COATING ITALY SRLSalita S Caterina 5IT-16123 Genova, ItalyTel.: +39 010 54 33 23Fax: +39-010-54 34 79E-Mail: [email protected] LEUMANN

FRANTSCHACH COATING NETHERLANDS B.V.Fort Willemweg 1NL-6219 PA Maastricht, NetherlandsTel.: + 31 433 299331E-Mail: [email protected] GIJBELS

FRANTSCHACH COATING UK LTDMedway HouseNew Hythe Lane, LarkfieldAylesford, Kent ME20 6SHUnited KingdomTel.: +44-1622-882 635Fax: +44-1622-882 669E-Mail: [email protected] Neil BURNS

FRANTSCHACH COATING SOUTH EAST ASIA96 Somerset Road/UOL Building9th Floor/0506Singapore 238 163Tel.: +65-673-201 66Fax: +65-673-207 93



FRANTSCHACH INNCOAT GMBHAngererstr. 25, D-83064 Raubling, GermanyPostal address: Postfach 1262D-83061 Raubling, GermanyTel.: +49 8035 901 0Fax: +49 8035 901 234E-mail: [email protected] LUDWIG

Sales & Service

FRANTSCHACH INNCOAT USA INC.5261 Ashton Avenue Northeast Fridley, MN, USA 55421Tel.: +1 763 574 2636Fax: +1 763 574 7250E-mail: [email protected] LIEB


BISCHOF + KLEIN GMBH & CO KGRahestrasse 47D-49525 Lengerich, GermanyTel.: +49 5481 920 0Fax: +49 5481 920 541E-mail: [email protected] PFENNIGHorst SUNDERMANN

NAPIAG KUNSTSTOFF VERARBEITUNG GMBHWerk ZeltwegBahnhofstrasse 3, A-8740 Zeltweg, AustriaTel.: +43 3577 22 541 0Fax: +43 3577 25 050Wolfgang H. LOTZ

BISCHOF + KLEIN (UK) LTDRoad 2, Hortonwood Industrial EstateTelford, Shropshire TF14GWUnited KingdomTel.: +44 1952 60 68 48Fax: +44 1952 60 66 98E-mail: [email protected]ünther EICKHOLT

BISCHOF + KLEIN BELGIUM NVHavenstraat 17B-1800 Vilvoorde, BelgiumTel.: +32 2 257 10 60Fax: +32 2 257 10 79Ulrich DRÖGSLERLouis SERVRANCKX

SOLEM SABP Wasserbillig No. 6L-6601 Wasserbillig-Mertert, LuxembourgTel.: +352 75 07 911Fax: +352 74 96 46E-mail: [email protected] BEEKING

HUECOPACK S.A.P.I. “PLA DE LA BRUGUERA”cl. Segarra 22E-08211 Castellar del Valles, Barcelona, SpainTel.: +34 93 714 39 61Fax: +34 93 714 47 95E-mail: [email protected] DE LA HUERTAJorge PAEZ SCHULZ

B + K FRANCE SAS15, rue des papetiersF-27502 Pont-Audemer, Cedex, FranceTel.: +33 2 32 56 79 10Fax: +33 2 32 56 79 11Ulrich DRÖGSLERAlain PINSON

B + K POLSKA SP. Z O.O.Ulica Eichendorffa 3PL-47344 Walce, PolandTel.: +48 77 4 66 00 01Fax: +48 77 4 66 00 02E-mail: [email protected] MAICHERHorst WEBER

B + K MIDDLE EAST COMPANYP.O. Box 3319 Al-Khobar 31952Saudi ArabiaTel.: +966 3 812 21 11Fax: +966 3 812 13 33Yusif A. ALSUWAILEM


FRANTSCHACH INDUSTRIAL PACKAGING(MALAYSIA) SDN BHD.Lot Nos. PT 5034 & 5036Jalan Teluk Datuk 28/40MY-40000 Shah Alam SelangorDarul Ehsan, MalaysiaTel.: +60 3 511 5133, +60 3 511 6275Fax: +60 3 511 5129E-mail: [email protected] Kong YAP

FRANTSCHACH IPP ÂWIECIE SP. Z O.O.ul. Bydgoska 1, PL-86100 Âwiecie, PolandTel.: +48 5233 21 171Fax: +48 5233 21 923E-mail: [email protected] ROZIO

FRANTSCHACH IPP MIELEC SP. Z O.O.ul. Wojska Polskiego 3PL-39300 Mielec, PolandTel.: +48 17 788 40 31Fax: +48 17 788 40 30E-mail: [email protected] ROZIO

FRANTSCHACH INDUSTRIJSKE VRECE DOOVojkova 1, SI-65210 Anhovo, SloveniaTel.: +386 65 52581Fax: +386 65 52579E-mail: [email protected] SMAJLAGIC

FRANTSCHACH EMBALAJE INDUSTRIAL IBERICA SACtra. Nacional II, Km. 582E-08630 Abrera (Barcelona), SpainTel.: +34 93 770 22 02, +34 93 773 80 91Fax: +34 93 770 22 02E-mail: [email protected] MORLANS

FRANTSCHACH ROTHRIST AGIndustrieweg 4, CH-4852 Rothrist, SwitzerlandTel.: +41 62 785 32 16Fax: +41 62 785 32 33E-mail: [email protected] C. SCHNEIDER

FRANPACK ISTANBUL KAGIT TORBA SANAYI VETICARET A.SÇayiryolu Sokak No: 7 Kat: 3 Üçgen Plaza81120 Içerenköy/Istanbul, TurkeyTel.: +90 216 574 18 90Fax: +90 216 574 18 89E-mail: [email protected] BULUM

FRANPACK MERSIN AMBALAJ A.SYalçin Alaybeyoglu Bulvari E Adasi SerbestBölge/Mersin, TurkeyTel.: + 90 324 238 26 60Fax: + 90 324 238 64 47E-mail: [email protected] BULUM

FRANTSCHACH INDUSTRIAL PACKAGING LTDMedway House, New Hythe LaneAylesford, Kent ME20 6SH, United KingdomTel.: +44 1622 71 78 55Fax: +44 1622 71 08 27E-mail: [email protected] SCHOONBROOD

FRANTSCHACH INDUSTRIAL PACKAGING -LEBANON S.A.L.8th floor, Doumit Bldg.Antelias, LebanonP.O. Box 11-3121Tel.: +961 1 45 22 990Fax: +961 1 44 14 555E-mail: [email protected] LAHAM

PAP SAC MAGHREB S.A. - FRANTSCHACHINDUSTRIAL PACKAGING MOROCCOSiège Social/Usine: Lot.Zoubir E07 - LissasfaCasablanca, MoroccoE-mail: [email protected] BENZAKRI

EMBAL SAC S.A.R.L. - FRANTSCHACH INDUSTRIAL PACKAGING MOROCCOrue del’Océan - Quartier IndustrielB.P. 6042, Anza - Agadir, MoroccoTel.: +212 22 89 42 42Fax: +212 22 89 4040E-mail: [email protected] BENZAKRI

ENSACHAGE MODERNE SARL1, rue Boukrea, Quartier Industrial DokkaratFes, MoroccoTel.: +212 55 62 48 54E-mail: [email protected] BENZAKRI

MODERN PAPER SACKS INDUSTRIAL LTD.P.O. Box 691758JO-11169 Amman, JordanTel.: +962 6567 3573Fax: +962 6567 3572E-mail: [email protected] ZABIAN

FRANTSCHACH HUNGARIA IPARIPAPÍRZSÁKGYÁRTÓ KFT.(FIP Hungary Ltd.)Köhidpart dulo 2H-2600 Vac PF. 198HungaryTel.: +36 27 316 331Fax: +36 27 316 274E-mail: [email protected]örgy GABOR

Sales & Service

FRANTSCHACH INDUSTRIAL PACKAGING GMBH (EXPORT)Kelsenstrasse 7, A-1032 Vienna, AustriaTel.: +43 1 79509 4805Fax: +43 1 79509 941E-mail: [email protected] VÖLKER

FRANTSCHACH INDUSTRIAL PACKAGING GMBH (MIDDLE EAST)Zeina Building4th Floor, # 401Queen Noor St., ShemaisaniAmman, JordanTel.: +962 6 565 3328Fax: +962 6 565 3717E-mail: [email protected] MUFLEH

FRANTSCHACH INDUSTRIAL PACKAGING ASIA BHD SDNLot Nos. Pt 5034 & 5036Jalan Teluk Datuk 28/40MY-40000 Shah Alam SelangorDarul Ehsan, MalaysiaTel.: +60 3 511 51 33Fax: +60 3 511 51 29E-mail: [email protected] Kuang LIM

FRANTSCHACH INDUSTRIAL PACKAGING GMBH (RUSSIA)Institut ChimphotoLeningradskij Prospekt 47, Room 404RUS-125167 Moscow, RussiaTel.: +7 095 785 2394Fax: +7 095 785 2394E-mail: [email protected] FELDMAN


SUEZ BAG SAE35, Ramses StreetP.O. Box 1002 MaandiEG-11511 Cairo, EgyptTel.: +20 2 517 26 77Fax: +20 2 517 26 78Sherif MONIR

TCL PACKAGING LIMITED (TPL)Southern Main RoadTT-Claxton Bay, TrinidadTel.: +1 868 659 2381Fax: +1 868 659 0950Omar YUSSUFDeo MANAN


FRANTSCHACH FLEXIBLE PACKAGING GMBHKelsenstrasse 7, A-1032 Vienna, AustriaTel.: +43 1 795 23 0Fax: +43 1 795 23 967E-mail: [email protected] J. OSWALDThomas POLANYI

FRANTSCHACH FLEXIBLE PACKAGING AUSTRIA GMBHStockerauer Strasse 110A-2100 Korneuburg, AustriaTel.: +43 2262 720 93Fax: +43 2262 720 93 12E-mail: [email protected] HUBERTPeter KORNFELD

FRANTSCHACH FLEXIBLE PACKAGING HUNGARY LLCTevan Andor u. 2H-5600 Békéscsaba, HungaryTel.: +36 66 540 300Fax: +36 66 540 331E-mail: [email protected]örgy BATIZI

FRANTSCHACH FLEXIBLE PACKAGING POLAND SP. Z O.O.Solec, gm Góra KalwariaPL-05-532 Baniocha, PolandTel.: +48 22 701 9000Fax: +48 22 701 9091E-mail: [email protected] KROGULSKI



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Editor: Robert Pachler, Frantschach AG, Kelsenstrasse 7, A-1032 Vienna, Austria, Tel.: +43 1 795 08 0Concept & Design: Scholz & Friends ViennaPhotographer: Studio LaxenburgPrint: Ueberreuter Print und Digimedia GmbHText: Austria Sprachendienst International, Vienna

FRANTSCHACH AGKelsenstrasse 7A-1032 Vienna, AustriaTel.: +43 1 795 08 0Fax: +43 1 795 08 952E-mail: [email protected]

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FRANTSCHACH AGKelsenstraße 7A-1032 Wien, ÖsterreichTel.: +43 1 795 08 0Fax: +43 1 795 08 952E-Mail: [email protected]


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