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Member of the Helmholtz Association Detlev Reiter | Institute of Energy Research – Plasma Physics...

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Member of the Helmholtz Association Detlev Reiter | Institute of Energy Research – Plasma Physics | HYDKIN: towards online hydrogen and hydride kinetics to publicly expose A+M data in particular edge modelling applications




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Detlev Reiter | Institute of Energy Research – Plasma Physics |

HYDKIN: towards online hydrogen and hydride kinetics to publicly expose A+M data in particular edge modelling applications

Detlev Reiter | Institute of Energy Research – Plasma Physics | Association EURATOM – FZJ No 2

EMC3 (& B2)CFD, 2D & 3D

Charged fluid parcelsm – 100 m scale

EIRENE3D kinetic

Gyro centers,Entire SOL and Core

mm - m scale

ERO, PEPC“Real” ions (and electrons)PSI in plasma, near solid

(sub-) cm scale


Integrated edge plasma simulation: “From the barrier to the target”

Drift-Fluid turbulence:Attempt

PMI inside solid: TRIM.xxx, Material science etc…,nm-scale



Input:Transp. Coeff.

Input:Kinetic boundaryconditions

Mostly ITERcontractual work

Detlev Reiter | Institute of Energy Research – Plasma Physics | Association EURATOM – FZJ No 3

B2 – EIRENE (ITER, since 1991, TEXTOR, ASDEX,…many more see DPC talk)(FV, 2D)

OSM – EIRENE (D-IIID, ITER,….) see talk by David Elder

EDGE2D – EIRENE (JET, since 2007)(FD, 2D)

EMC3 – EIRENE (W7AS (1999) , TEXTOR, W7X,…ITER (2010)(MC, 3D)

FIDAP – EIRENE (Philips Lighting, finished, lamps marketed in 2008)(FEM, 3D)

+….many stand alone applications to specific physics questions

Atomic, Molecular and Surface physics is mainly integrated into fusion edge plasma codes via kinetic (Monte Carlo) solvers: DEGAS-2 (US), NIMBUS (stopped), NEUT2D (JP), EIRENE (EU) , …

Detlev Reiter | Institute of Energy Research – Plasma Physics | Association EURATOM – FZJ No 4

Numerical tool for the edge plasma transport:B2-EIRENE code package

B2: a 2D multi species (D+, He+,++, C4+..6+,…) plasma fluid code

EIRENE: a Monte-Carlo neutral particle, trace ion (He+, C+, C++) and radiation transport code.

Plasma flowParameters

Source terms (Particle, Momentum, Energy)Computational Grid

Self-consistent description of the magnetized plasma, and neutral particles produced due to surface and volume recombination and sputtering

see www.eirene.de


SOLPS4.3: ITER.org (Cadarache) – FZ Juelich jointly developed and applied: since about 15 years

Detlev Reiter | Institute of Energy Research – Plasma Physics | Association EURATOM – FZJ No 5

2004 reference 2009 reference

F46 F57

Calculations slow so use the previously studied variants to see the progression

Extend parallelization of EIRENE to B2-EIRENE (2008), + HPC-FF, ….



0.8 0.63



The geneology of ITER divertors2007-2009: New reference design B2-EIRENE: main ITER edge plasma design tool

Kukushkin A., Lisgo, S. et al. (ITER IO)Kotov. V., Reiter D. et al., (FZ-J)Pacher G. et al. (INRS-EMT, Varennes, Québec, Canada)

Detlev Reiter | Institute of Energy Research – Plasma Physics | Association EURATOM – FZJ No 6

B2 – EIRENE (ITER, since 1991, TEXTOR, ASDEX,…many more see DPC talk)(FV, 2D)

OSM – EIRENE (D-IIID, ITER,….) see talk by David Elder

EDGE2D – EIRENE (JET, since 2007)(FD, 2D)

EMC3 – EIRENE (W7AS (1999) , TEXTOR, W7X,…ITER (2010)(MC, 3D)

FIDAP – EIRENE (Philips Lighting, finished, lamps marketed in 2008)(FEM, 3D)

+….many stand alone applications to specific physics questions

Atomic, Molecular and Surface physics is mainly integrated into fusion edge plasma codes via kinetic (Monte Carlo) solvers: DEGAS-2 (US), NIMBUS (stopped), NEUT2D (JP), EIRENE (EU) , …

Detlev Reiter | Institute of Energy Research – Plasma Physics | Association EURATOM – FZJ No 7

EMC3-EIRENE:FZJ: mainly tokamak applications (RMPs)

Example: DIII-D ELM mitigation scenarios

Goal: quantify PSI, when RMPs are applied in ITER (since July 2010: FZJ-IPP-CEA)

Detlev Reiter | Institute of Energy Research – Plasma Physics | Association EURATOM – FZJ No 8

Hydride Collision Databases for Technical Plasmas and Fusion Plasmas

Methane (CHy) C2Hy C3Hy Silane (SiHy)

Reviewed EIRENE database Series 2002-…., (several IAEA CRP’s)FZ-Jülich (R. Janev, D. Reiter et al.) www.eirene.de www.hydkin.de



JUEL 4005, Oct. 2002Phys. Plasmas, Vol 11,2, (2004) 780

JUEL 3966, Feb 2002Phys. Plasmas, Vol 9, 9, (2002) 4071

JUEL 4038, Mar. 2003Contr. Plas.Phys, 47, 7, (2003) 401-417

JUEL 4105, Dec. 2003Encycl. Low. Temp. Pl. 2007 (in russian)

Detlev Reiter | Institute of Energy Research – Plasma Physics | Association EURATOM – FZJ No 9


Online data baseand data analysis tool-box:

- CR model condensation- Sensitivity analysis- Fragmentation pathway analysis- Reduced models

• Hydrocarbons• Silanes• H, H2, H3

+,….• W, W+, ….W 74+

• N, N2

Basic input for EIRENE: A&M data, ( & surface data)Goal: publicly expose raw data used in any modelling

Next GOAL: BeH, BH, ……

Detlev Reiter | Institute of Energy Research – Plasma Physics | Association EURATOM – FZJ No 10

raw data


EIRENE3D Monte Carlokinetic transport


2004 -- ……(ongoing)


JT-60, LHD, …..ITER

Spectral (time scale) analysis

fragmentation pathways

Sensitivity analysis

Detlev Reiter | Institute of Energy Research – Plasma Physics | Association EURATOM – FZJ No 11

Molecular Data analysis (www.HYDKIN.de): IAEA, Data centers (ORNL, NIFS, …)

CH4 C2H6 C3H8

DE RKJ 2009 JR 2004 JR 2004

DE+ RKJ 2009 JR 2004 JR 2004

I-DI RKJ 2009RKJ 2009

##JR 2004 ##

DI+ RKJ 2009 JR 2004 # JR 2004 #

CX-PR JR 2002 JR 2004 JR 2004

R-DR JR 2002 RKJ 2009 RKJ 2009

JR 2002

R. K. Janev and D. Reiter, Phys. Plasmas 9, 4071 (2002);

JR 2004

R. K. Janev and D. Reiter, Phys. Plasmas 11, 780 (2004)

RKJ 2009

D. Reiter, R. K. Janev, Hydrocarbon collision database: revisions, upgrades and extensions, Atomic and Plasma-Material Interaction Data for Fusion, Vol 16, IAEA, Vienna, (2010) , and: Contr. Plasma Phys. (2010)

# new experiments planned in 2010, Univ. Louvian la Neuve, P. Defrance  et al.# # Revision planned in 2010, Univ. Innsbruck, T. Märk et al

DE: Dissociative excitation of neutral moleculesDE+: Dissociative excitation of molecular ionsI-DI: Ionisation and Dissociative Ionisation of neutral moleculesDI+: Dissociative Ionisation of molecular ionsCX-PR: Charge exchange and particle re-arrangementR-DR: Recombination, Dissociative Recombination

2010Upgrade disabled:

published exp. Datainconsistent

2010Upgrade ongoing:

more low T reactions:Particle exchange

Detlev Reiter | Institute of Energy Research – Plasma Physics | Association EURATOM – FZJ No 12


Major difference to other online A@M toolboxes:

Not COLL. RAD., but SPECTRAL A@M modelling

(needed in codes for time-scale analysis)

Online sensitivity analysis possible !

Perhaps in the future: Revised data reduction scheme (ILDM rather than CR):Dauwe,Tytgadt, Reiter, JUEL 4229, Nov. 2006,Availabe on www.eirene.de/html/relevant_reports

Detlev Reiter | Institute of Energy Research – Plasma Physics | Association EURATOM – FZJ No 13

HYDKIN.de: online sensitivity analysis

Analytic solution for sensitivity,online


Identify, print and plot the mostsensitive parameters:

If <rate> changes by x %Then nY changes by x * Z %

Breakup of CH4 @ 40 eV(143 parameters)

At 40 eV (TEXTOR)Only DE, I, DI processes are relevant,(nearly) no dependence on transport at all

Phys. Scr. T138 (2009) 014014

Detlev Reiter | Institute of Energy Research – Plasma Physics | Association EURATOM – FZJ No 14

HYDKIN.de: online sensitivity analysis Phys. Scr. T138 (2009) 014014

Analytic solution for sensitivity,online


Identify, print and plot the mostsensitive parameters:

If <rate> changes by x %Then nY changes by x * Z %

Breakup of CH4 @ 2 eV(143 parameters)

At 2 eV (detached divertor, PSI-2)Only CX, DR processes are relevant,strong dependence on transport details

Detlev Reiter | Institute of Energy Research – Plasma Physics | Association EURATOM – FZJ No 15

TRIM-codes family, online database for fully kinetic reflection velocity space PDFs

Particle reflection coefficient, D --> FE, 30 degree












1 10 100 1000 10000


Eckstein 1983



SDTrimSP 2007

Detlev Reiter | Institute of Energy Research – Plasma Physics | Association EURATOM – FZJ No 16

Storing full 3D pdf of reflectedparticles, for given incident energy (12) and angle (7)i.e. 84 tables for each target-projectile combination

Next: similar database forsputtering.

TRIM database (www.eirene.de)

Detlev Reiter | Institute of Energy Research – Plasma Physics | Association EURATOM – FZJ No 17

Goal: replace various scalings (e.g. Yamamurafor incident angle dependence) by full database,same format as for EIRENE-reflection database

Still not decided:how to parameterizea) Surface roughness,b) Material mixing

Universal sputtering law: Janev,Ralchenko, et al.for normal incidence yield.

Detlev Reiter | Institute of Energy Research – Plasma Physics | Association EURATOM – FZJ No 18

Backup slides

Detlev Reiter | Institute of Energy Research – Plasma Physics | Association EURATOM – FZJ No 19


Detlev Reiter | Institute of Energy Research – Plasma Physics | Association EURATOM – FZJ No 20

Revisions 04-09:APID Vol. 16 (2009)

Issue: backward compatibility

Detlev Reiter | Institute of Energy Research – Plasma Physics | Association EURATOM – FZJ No 21

NEW: surface reflection database

NEW: added after Juel-Reports and PoP papers

Detlev Reiter | Institute of Energy Research – Plasma Physics | Association EURATOM – FZJ No 22

Choose plasma background

Integration time

Graphical presentation

Detlev Reiter | Institute of Energy Research – Plasma Physics | Association EURATOM – FZJ No 23


Reflect input as selected

(composition, initial condition,Influx, transport losses, per species)


All individual rates used

Output for interface to EIRENE

Detlev Reiter | Institute of Energy Research – Plasma Physics | Association EURATOM – FZJ No 24

Solution, vs. time (distance)

Here: 0 1e-4 s

Species selected for printout and plotting

Detlev Reiter | Institute of Energy Research – Plasma Physics | Association EURATOM – FZJ No 25

Online solution of time-dep. (1D) Hydrocarbon breakup, for any prescribed divertor plasma conditions, up to C3H8

Same, integration time 0 1e-3

Runtime of online code is independentof chosen time interval for integration

(same for 1e-6 or 1e+6 s)

Detlev Reiter | Institute of Energy Research – Plasma Physics | Association EURATOM – FZJ No 26

Detlev Reiter | Institute of Energy Research – Plasma Physics | Association EURATOM – FZJ No 27

Spectral analysis:Identification of reduced models:ILDM

Detlev Reiter | Institute of Energy Research – Plasma Physics | Association EURATOM – FZJ No 28

Very complex reaction chains (approx. 500 individual processes)in fusion plasmas: catabolic sequence dominant, little: anabolismEigenmode analysis of reaction rate equations very simple:Define “Stiffness parameter”: λmax/ λmin,, ratio of max. to min. eigenvalues

fast slow

Detlev Reiter | Institute of Energy Research – Plasma Physics | Association EURATOM – FZJ No 29


Combustion and flame modelling is mathematically analogto diffusion-reaction modelling of ITER divertor detachment.

Unfortunately: reduced models („intrinsic low dimensional manifolds, ILDM“) only applicable at very low plasma temperatures

Full reaction kinetics required






