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Member Organization that will serve as Fiscal Agent and ...

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SUMMARY OF AMENDMENT 1 TO VCT RFP #1, 02-12-04: Changes proposal deadline to March 8 (must be received at VCT office). Changes “Project Completion Criteria” to “Project Deliverables” (III.B). Changes “TACC Project Advisory Teams” to “TACC Project Mentors” (III.C.2.a). Replaces term “online courses” with “distance learning courses” on forms 5, 7, 8, and 10. Requires that project Phases I and II be addressed on Form 6 (Project Objectives and Method). Requires that the Phase I completion date be specified on Form 11 (Timeline). Limits the amount of VCT grant funds that may be spent in Phase I to one-third of total VCT grant funds received and requires that the amount be specified on Form 12 (Overall Grant Budget Summary). Total evaluation points of section are assigned to Forms 4-11 and Form 12 (100 total points). The RFP was amended 02-11-04, and the changes are included in the online RFP. Application Instructions Request for Proposals: Virtual College of Texas Grants for Development of Distance Learning Degree and Certificate Programs Table of Contents I. Background…………………………………………..……………………………………….2 A. Availability of VCT Funds……………………………………………………………….2 B. Grant Funds: Reason for, Source, Purpose……………………………………………….2 C. VCT Host-Provider Model Adapted for Degree and Certificate Programs………………2 D. Collaborative Models……………………………………………………………………..3 E. Plan for Success…………………………………………………………………………..3 II. Application Information…………………………………………….……………………….4 A. Notice of Intent (NOI) to Submit a Proposal……………………………………………..4 B. Amount of Grant Awards…………………………………………………………………5 C. Proposal Submission……………………………………………………………………...5 D. Proposal Format…………………………………………………………………………..5 E. Award Notification………………………………………………………………………..5 F. Eligible Applicants………………………………………………………………………...5 G. Local and In-kind Match Funds…………………………………………………………...6 H. Conditions Applying to All Grant Applications…………………………………………..6 I. Conditions Specifically Applicable to Collaboratives……………………………………..6 J. Priority Considerations…………………………………………………………………….7 K. Requests for Additional Application Information…………………………………………7 III. Project Guidelines…………………………………………………….……………………...8 A. Project Requirements………………………………………………………………………8 VCT RFP #1 – November 2003 (amended 2-11-04) 1
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SUMMARY OF AMENDMENT 1 TO VCT RFP #1, 02-12-04: Changes proposal deadline to March 8 (must be received at VCT office). Changes “Project Completion Criteria” to “Project Deliverables” (III.B). Changes “TACC Project Advisory Teams” to “TACC Project Mentors” (III.C.2.a). Replaces term “online courses” with “distance learning courses” on forms 5, 7, 8, and 10. Requires that project Phases I and II be addressed on Form 6 (Project Objectives and Method). Requires that the Phase I completion date be specified on Form 11 (Timeline). Limits the amount of VCT grant funds that may be spent in Phase I to one-third of total VCT grant funds received and requires that the amount be specified on Form 12 (Overall Grant Budget Summary). Total evaluation points of section are assigned to Forms 4-11 and Form 12 (100 total points). The RFP was amended 02-11-04, and the changes are included in the online RFP.

Application Instructions

Request for Proposals: Virtual College of Texas Grants for Development of Distance Learning Degree and Certificate Programs

Table of Contents

I. Background…………………………………………..……………………………………….2A. Availability of VCT Funds……………………………………………………………….2B. Grant Funds: Reason for, Source, Purpose……………………………………………….2C. VCT Host-Provider Model Adapted for Degree and Certificate Programs………………2D. Collaborative Models……………………………………………………………………..3E. Plan for Success…………………………………………………………………………..3

II. Application Information…………………………………………….……………………….4A. Notice of Intent (NOI) to Submit a Proposal……………………………………………..4B. Amount of Grant Awards…………………………………………………………………5C. Proposal Submission……………………………………………………………………...5D. Proposal Format…………………………………………………………………………..5E. Award Notification………………………………………………………………………..5F. Eligible Applicants………………………………………………………………………...5G. Local and In-kind Match Funds…………………………………………………………...6H. Conditions Applying to All Grant Applications…………………………………………..6I. Conditions Specifically Applicable to Collaboratives……………………………………..6J. Priority Considerations…………………………………………………………………….7K. Requests for Additional Application Information…………………………………………7

III. Project Guidelines…………………………………………………….……………………...8

A. Project Requirements………………………………………………………………………8B. Project Deliverables………………………………………………………………………..9C. Use and Disbursement of Grant Funds………………………………………………...…10

1. Use of Grant Funds……………………………………………………………………10 2. Disbursement of Grant Funds…………………………………………………………10

D. Timeline…………………………………………………………………………………..11

IV. Forms……………………………………………………………………………………...…12A. Applicant Identification and Assurances: Forms 1-3…………………………………….13B. Project Description: Forms 4-11…………………………………………………………19C. Budget: Forms 12-13 and Related Schedules……………………………………………28D. Interlocal Collaborative Agreement: Form 14………………………………………...…42

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Request for Proposals:Virtual College of Texas Grants for Development of Distance Learning Degree and Certificate Programs

NOTE: The words program and programs, as used in this RFP, refer to degree and certificate programs.

I. Background

A. Availability of VCT Funds

The Texas Association of Community Colleges announces the availability of $560,000 in VCT funds that will be used to fund competitive grants for developing distance learning degree and certificate programs. Credit programs developed with grant funds will be made available to other colleges through a VCT host-provider model adapted for degree and certificate programs, as explained in I.C below. Continuing Education programs will be made available to other colleges by adhering to the basic principles specified in the VCT Continuing Education MOU.

B. Grant Funds: Reason for, Source, Purpose

The collaborative degree/certificate initiative builds upon two-year colleges’ five years of success in sharing individual courses through VCT. This accomplishment earned a Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board Star Award for Closing the Gaps, Texas’ plan for increasing access to higher education. These five years of success also are the reason the 78th Session of the Texas Legislature allocated almost $600,000 in additional funding to VCT. The allocation represents an invitation, perhaps a challenge, to two-year colleges to extend access to higher education even further.

It is imperative that grant funds be awarded only to projects that address well defined needs, have clearly identified goals, and are driven to succeed. Colleges that develop entire degree or certificate programs with the support of grant funds and then proceed to make those programs accessible statewide through VCT will make a major contribution to Closing the Gaps.

C. VCT Host-Provider Model Adapted for Degree and Certificate Credit Programs Following a host-provider model adapted for degree and certificate programs, each pair of host-provider partners will sign an MOU that specifies:

The specific host college’s courses to be taken by students in a given programStudents will enroll at the host college for as many courses as possible--as a minimum, all courses in the common core. Some of these courses may be provided by other colleges via VCT following the host-provider model for individual courses.

The specific provider college’s courses to be taken by students in a given programStudents will enroll at the provider college for program-specific courses.

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Ultimately, all courses will be transferred to the provider college, which will award the degree or certificate. The number of courses for which students enroll directly at the provider college will vary by program, but a minimum of twenty-five percent of the credit hours required by a degree or certificate must be awarded directly by the degree/certificate-granting college, per SACS requirements. In some semesters, students will enroll concurrently in the host and provider colleges.

Both host and provider colleges will cooperate to ensure that the student is supported by all requisite services throughout the degree or certificate program. Any special services required of the host colleges will be specified in the MOU.

D. Collaborative Models

Four models, listed below, have been identified for collaborating to share degree and certificate programs through VCT. Each model encompasses the common elements specified in I.C. above. More complete explanations of the models are included in the concept paper on collaborative degrees and certificates. The first three models apply to distance learning degree programs; the fourth includes an onsite component. This RFP seeks proposals that apply to the development of electronic distance learning only.

Model 1. One Provider College: A single college acts as the provider of a distance learning program to host colleges. All credit transfers ultimately to the provider for award of degree or certificate.

Model 2. Dual Providers: Two colleges partner to develop and deliver a distance learning program. Both colleges’ names are on the diploma. Together, the partnering colleges serve as providers to host colleges. All credit ultimately transfers to the providers, which will jointly award the degree or certificate.

Model 3. Multiple Providers: Two or more colleges collaborate in developing a program’s distance courses; they may further collaborate in the delivery, each college being responsible for a part of the curriculum. The colleges collaborating in the development serve as providers to host colleges throughout the state. All credit ultimately transfers to one college for award of the degree or certificate (not jointly awarded).

Model 4. One Provider, Onsite Component: Host colleges accommodate onsite delivery (traditional classroom or lab) of selected courses belonging to another college’s program. Other courses in the program may be delivered via distance learning.

E. Plan for Success

General oversight of funded projects will be the responsibility of peers who serve on the Texas Association of Community Colleges Distance Leaning Advisory Committee (TACC DLAC), which is composed of representatives from the six TACC-defined regions of Texas. Each funded project will be assigned to small teams of TACC DLAC members who will serve as TACC project advisors. The purpose of the TACC Project Advisory Teams is to help ensure the success of all projects. Each team will aid in securing help for any project needing assistance, review

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quarterly project reports, and confirm statements of work completion that must accompany college’s invoices for payment.

The collaborative relationships that have evolved through VCT, the Internet Teachers at Every College project, and other statewide projects and initiatives also may play a significant role in ensuring the success of program development projects. All project personnel are encouraged to share their knowledge and expertise in developing distance learning courses and programs with other colleges awarded grants.

II. Application Information

A. Notice of Intent (NOI) to Submit a Proposal

Note: The term applicant refers to an individual college or to a collaborative of two or more colleges intending to submit a proposal. Applicant Institution is the college that will serve as the fiscal agent for a collaborative.

Prospective applicants are requested to submit an NOI. It should be received by TACC no later than January 15, 2004. For a college collaborative, the NOI should be submitted only by the designated Applicant Institution. The NOI may be submitted via email as an attached Word document to: Ron Thomson ([email protected]) or by the U.S. Postal Service or express delivery service to:

Texas Association of Community Collegesc/o Virtual College of TexasACC-Pinnacle Campus7748 Hwy 290 WestAustin, TX 78736

Confirmation of NOI’s will be by email if submitted by email or U.S. Postal Service if submitted by other means.

The intent to submit a proposal should include:

Title of program to be developed Specification of the degree and/or certification earned through the program Format (online, interactive video) Name of submitting college (for collaboratives, the Applicant Institution, which is the

college serving as Fiscal Agent) Names of all collaborating colleges Collaborative degree model (see I.D.) that applies to the proposed program Contact person at the Applicant Institution (college serving as fiscal agent), including

email address, mailing address, and phone and fax numbers

If two or more applicants give notice of intent to develop the same program, the submitting colleges will be informed so they can determine if it would be appropriate to combine their proposals into one.

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B. Amount of Grant Awards

The maximum amount of a grant award is $80,000.

C. Proposal Submission:

Deadline: Proposals must be received no later than 5:00 pm, March 8, 2004.

Number of copies: Submit an original of the proposal signed in blue ink by the CEO of the Applicant Institution and secured by an appropriate fastener (not staples), plus 3 copies, stapled.

Submit to: Texas Association of Community Collegesc/o Virtual College of TexasACC-Pinnacle Campus7748 Hwy 290 WestAustin, Texas 78736

It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure timely delivery of a proposal. To confirm receipt of applications, applicants should send proposals with Certified Mail with Return Receipt Delivery.

Submission of a proposal signifies a good faith commitment that, if funded, the proposed program will: a) be sustained after grant funding ends by offering, evaluating, and updating it on a regular basis, and b) be made available to public two-year colleges throughout Texas following the terms of the host-provider model adapted for degree and certificate programs or the VCT Continuing Education MOU.

D. Proposal Format: Use Forms 1-14 and associated schedules included with this RFP. Margins: 1 inch right and left margins

½ inch top and bottom marginsFont size: no smaller than 11 point

E. Award Notification: It is anticipated that projects selected for funding will be notified of awards by early April.

F. Eligible Applicants: All Texas public, two-year colleges. Applicants may include:

Colleges that collaborate in the development of a distance learning degree or certificate program. Applicant colleges also may, but not necessarily, collaborate in the delivery, with each college being responsible for a specific part of the curriculum.

Colleges intending to jointly award a degree, with each institution’s name appearing on the diploma.

Single college committed to developing an online degree program.

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G. Local and In-kind Match Funds

Each college applying for a grant, whether applying as a single college or as a member of a collaborative, must provide a 10% match. The match may be local funds or in-kind. While equipment is not eligible for grant funding, it may be used as a match if this condition is met: the equipment is uniquely required by the program proposed for development--for example: a special microscope required to create images of cells for medical courses delivered online. Include equipment as match on Forms 12D and 13D at the bottom of the Materials section.

H. Conditions Applying to All Grant Applications

These conditions apply to all grant applications:

1. A complete application consisting of Forms 1-14 and all budget schedules will be submitted.

2. Additions or replacements to the proposal will not be accepted after the closing date.

3. Applicant commits to commencing and performing project activities according to the timelines described in the action plan.

4. Applicant commits to submitting quarterly reports in a format to be specified by TACC and in a timely manner.

5. TACC will not be liable for any costs incurred with the preparation and submittal of a proposal.

6. TACC reserves the right to reject any and all proposals or to negotiate portions thereof.

I. Conditions Specifically Applicable to Collaboratives

In addition to complying with all conditions in H above, collaboratives also are required to comply with the following.

1. Only members of the collaborative eligible for VCT funds as established in the RFP may receive VCT funds.

2. For legal purposes, the designated Authorizing Official (Applicant Institution’s CEO) and the designated Financial Officer for the grant must be selected from the organization serving as the Fiscal Agent. The designated Project Director may be from a different participating organization. (It is recommended, however, that the director also be associated with the institution that serves as fiscal agent.)

3. It is the responsibility of the members of the Collaborative to decide how they will select the designated grant officials. The members must choose the officials with the understanding that these individuals will represent all of the members of the Collaborative as a whole during the application process, and throughout the term of the grant if awarded.

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4. An organization applying for a VCT grant as a member of a Collaborative may not apply as an individual college for a grant for the same project proposed by the Collaborative. It may, however, apply for a grant for a different project, either as a member of a collaborative or as an individual college.

5. Each college participating in a collaborative that applies for a grant must sign and submitwith the application an Interlocal Collaborative Agreement. A sample interlocal collaborative agreement is included as Form 14.

J. Priority Considerations

Priority consideration will be given to:

Projects that assertively reach out to underserved populations

Programs that clearly address major needs across substantial areas of Texas

Programs that hold the potential to serve large numbers of students

Programs for which some work toward adapting them for online delivery has already been accomplished or initiated. For example:

Programs for which some individual program-specific courses have been developed, though the entire program is not available via distance learning. Such already developed courses may exist within the program of one institution or within a collaborative of colleges.

Existing distance learning programs that are in need of revisions, updates, media augmentation, and other improvements before making them available for statewide access.

Programs already selected for development and delivery online for which preliminary work has already been accomplished, e.g. overall blueprint for a distance learning program, established and functioning collaborative partnerships, or anything that places a project beyond the absolute starting point.

Programs supported by proposals that communicate creative use of technology, originality, collaborative adroitness, and enthusiasm for excellence and service.

K. Requests for Additional Application Information

Applicants must submit questions via email to [email protected] (not to the VCT listserve). Each question and written response will be posted to the VCT listserve. Then, the responses will be incorporated into FAQ’s posted at the VCT website. If a question is submitted to which a response has been given previously, VCT staff will respond only to the submitter; a second response will not be posted to the listserve. VCT staff and/or information posted to the VCT website serve as the official sources of information regarding grants and application procedures.

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III. Project Guidelines

A. Project Requirements

1. All programs developed with grant funding must be made accessible to students at other colleges through an adapted VCT host-provider model. Applicants are encouraged to identify and include the names of colleges interested in or already committed to serving as hosts for proposed programs.

2. Grant-funded projects will clearly support one or more of these Closing the Gaps goals:

Goal 1: ParticipationBy 2015, close the gaps in participation rates across Texas to add 500,000 more students.

Goal 2: SuccessBy 2015, increase by 50 percent the number of degrees, certificates, and other identifiable success from high quality programs.

Goal 3: ExcellenceBy 2015, substantially increase the number of nationally recognized programs or services at colleges and universities in Texas.

3. Projects must be based upon a data-supported needs assessment, a well conceived project plan, and an evaluation strategy. Funded project should be ready to begin work upon award of grant.

4. Programs developed must be sustainable. Colleges involved must have the resources and the commitment to maintain the programs.

5. Projects will submit Quarterly reports to the appropriate Project Advisory Team of the TACC Distance Learning Advisory Committee.

6. The project will be completed within this time frame: Date of grant award through August 31, 2005.

7. Each applicant commits to developing a grant-funded program to the point of completion—completion being defined as the point at which the criteria prescribed in III.B. below are met.

8. When copyrightable material is developed in the course of or under this agreement, the college or colleges developing the material are free to copyright the materials or permit others to do so. Each college shall abide by its own intellectual property policy and, if any copyrightable materials are developed in the course of or under this agreement, the Coordinating Board shall have a royalty-free, non-exclusive, and irrevocable right to reproduce, publish, or otherwise use and to authorize others to use any materials for state government purposes.

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B. Project Deliverables (formerly “Project Completion Criteria”)

Project deliverables will be completed in two phases:

Phase I: Program plan and designPhase II: Fully produced program, ready for implementation

Activities comprising the two project phases should be addressed in Project Objectives and Methods (application Form 6). Participants in each project will determine for themselves the specific activities that are appropriate for each phase of their unique project.

1. Project Phases

Examples of products and activities that may be included in each phase are given below.

Phase I: Program Planning and Design

Course Syllabus Learning objectives for each module Outline of how the course learning objectives will be assessed Each module for courses identified and separated into its component parts Design of main navigational structure for all online courses Outline of all learning activities, exercises Text(s) and supporting materials identified Course reading assignments identified External links and related content identified for online courses Description of how standard course management tools will be used in online courses (not

specific to any particular instructional management system, e.g., WebCT, Blackboard). Tools may include course calendar, messaging, online testing, grade-keeping, discussion threads, etc.

Roles specified for facilitators at interactive video receiving sites Identification of all semester-specific issues and guidelines for addressing them, e.g.,

calendar for the semester including expected completion dates, vacations, etc. This is particularly relevant to interactive video classes.

2. Phase II: Program Production

Development of all course content, including production of all course media Development of all course exercises, activities and assessments, which correspond to

specific learning objectives Development of all online navigation and sub-navigation for online courses Testing of likely network connections with sample presentations from developed classes 

(applies to delivery of courses via interactive video) Comprehensive testing completed for all online courses of the program

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C. Use and Disbursement of Grant Funds

1. Use of Grant Funds

Funds granted must be used exclusively for the project purposes described on Application Forms 4-11.

Program funds shall not be obligated for expenditure prior to the effective date of the grant awards or after the ending date of the project.

Funds may be requested only for those items that are reasonable and necessary for accomplishing the objectives of the project as described in the proposal. All funds must be requested on TACC’s grant application budget forms. TACC shall be the ultimate source to determine the reasonableness and necessity of all expenditures.

Purchases of items not listed in the original budget, or that have not received prior approval through a grant adjustment, will not be reimbursed.

Funds will not be used to pay salaries of existing personnel.

2. Disbursement of Grant Funds

a. Reimbursements for Phase I and Phase II Expenses (added 2-10-04)

A TACC Project Mentor from the TACC Distance Learning Advisory Committee will be assigned to each project. The Project Mentor will serve three primary functions: advise and counsel projects as appropriate; review quarterly project reports; and authorize payments to colleges for the completion of each project phase.

At the end of the quarter in which a specific project phase is completed, each project will submit to their assigned TACC Project Mentor these three items:

Statement of Completion that documents all activities specified in the given phase have been completed

Summary invoice for costs incurred by all collaborating colleges to complete the given project phase (Note: a maximum of one-third of the VCT project funds may be expended in Phase I.)

Quarterly Report that provides details of the current quarter’s activities

For grant reimbursements to be made for a specific phase, the Project Mentor must authorize payment by endorsing the invoice, after reviewing the statement of completion and quarterly report.

After payment has been authorized by the Project Mentor, the invoice should be submitted to TACC at this address:

Texas Association of Community Collegesc/o Virtual College of TexasACC – Pinnacle Campus

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7748 Hwy 290 WestAustin, Texas 78736

TACC reserves the right to request additional documentation to ensure appropriate reimbursement of project costs.

b. Reimbursement for Initial Expenses

Before Phase I and Phase II payments are made as explained above, each college participating in a grant as a lead college or one of the other collaborating colleges may invoice up to $500 for planning activities. In the event that a project is terminated in the planning stage, a maximum of $500 per college may still be invoiced for up-front project planning activities.

D. Timeline

January 15, 2004 Notice of Intent to apply for grant dueMarch 8, 2004 Application must be received in VCT officeApril 9, 20004 Projects selected and notifiedAugust 31, 2005 Grant-funded activities completed; grant-funds spent or encumberedOctober 31, 2005 Project wrap-up completedDecember 1, 2006 Final Financial Report due to TACC

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IV. Forms

The grant application consists of the forms listed below. Details on what should be included on a given form are included on each specific form. The application forms are available as Word files at the VCT website in the Projects’ area accessed from the site’s sidebar. Applicants may download files and enter the application information on them. The forms, however, may not be altered or amended, with one exception: additional rows may be added to budget tables if the tables as given are insufficient. Insert additional pages as necessary and appropriate. Do not exceed the maximum number of pages specified for each section, and adhere to format guidelines: 1 inch side margins, ½ inch top margins; font no smaller than 11 point.

A. Applicant Identification and Assurances FormsForms 1a and 1b: Collaborative Cover Page and Individual Institution Cover PageForm 2: Designation of Grant OfficialsForm 3: Certified Assurances

B. Project Description FormsForm 4: Abstract (revised Feb. 24, 2004)Form 5: Needs AssessmentForm 6: Project Objectives and MethodsForm 7: Instructional Strategies, Media and Special IssuesForm 8: Evaluation PlanForm 9: Project Management PlanForm 10: SustainabilityForm 11: Project Timeline

C. Budget FormsForm 12: Overall Grant Budget SummarySchedule 12A – Overall Summary of Eligible Personnel CostsSchedule 12B – Overall Summary of Contractual ServicesSchedule 12C – Overall Summary of TravelSchedule 12D – Overall Summary of Supplies and MaterialsForm 13: Individual College Budget SummarySchedule 13A – Individual College’s Summary of Eligible Personnel CostsSchedule 13B – Individual College’s Contractual ServicesSchedule 13C – Individual College’s TravelSchedule 13D – Individual College’s Supplies and Materials

D. Interlocal Collaborative Agreement: Form 14

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A. Applicant Identificationand Assurances

Forms 1a/b - 3

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To be submitted by the Applicant Institution only



MEMBER INFORMATION (Add additional rows to table if necessary)

Organization Name Name of Authorized Representative

Each member organization also must complete the Individual Institution Cover Page (Form 1B.)

Member Organization that will serve as Fiscal Agent and Applicant Institution:


Mailing Address:




___________________________________________Date: Signature of CEO of Applicant Institution

(Institution serving as fiscal agent)

Printed Name and Title

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To be submittd by an individual institution applying singly for a grant and each individual institution that is applying as a member of a collaborative._________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Name of Contact Person:

Title of Contact Person:

Mailing Address:

Telephone Number: Fax Number:

E-Mail Address:

Federal Tax ID #: Name of County:


TOTAL VCT FUNDS REQUESTED: (The amount requested by the individual college, not the total amount requested by a collaborative.)




Signature of College’s CEO

Printed Name and Title

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PROJECT DIRECTOR (May be from any college participating in a collaborative)



Organization Name:

Mailing Address:

Telephone: Fax #:

E-mail Address:

Signature: Date:

FINANCIAL OFFICER (Must be associated with college serving as the project’s fiscal agent)



Organization Name:

Mailing Address:

Telephone: Fax #:

E-mail Address:

Signature: Date:

AUTHORIZED OFFICIAL (For collaborataive, the CEO of the college serving as the project’s fiscal agent)



Organization Name:

Mailing Address:

Telephone: Fax #:

E-mail Address:

Signature: Date:

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Note, these assurances are taken from a TIF RFP. Any that are not applicable to the VCT grant should be identified.

The applicant hereby assures and certifies to the grant that:1. It possesses legal authority to apply for the grant; that a resolution, motion or similar action

has been duly adopted or passed as an official act of the applicant’s governing body, authorizing the filing of the application including all understandings and assurances contained therein, and directing and authorizing the person identified as the official representative of the applicant to act in connection with the application and to provide such additional information as may be required.

2. It is applying for funds to purchase services that are not already in the possession of the applicant.

3. The programs contained in its application meet all requirements, that all the information is correct, that there has been appropriate coordination with affected agencies, and that the applicant will comply with all provisions of the grant and all other applicable federal and state laws, regulation, and guidelines.

4. Fund accounting, auditing, monitoring, and such evaluation procedures as may be necessary to keep such record, as TACC shall prescribe, shall be provided to assure fiscal control, proper management, and efficient disbursement of funds received under the grant.

5. It shall maintain such data and information and submit such reports, in such form, at such times, and containing such information as TACC may require.

6. It will comply with Texas Government Code, Chapter 573, Vernon’s 1994, by ensuring that no officer, employee, or member of the applicant’s governing body or of the applicant’s contractor shall vote or confirm the employment of any person related within the second degree by affinity or the third degree by consanguinity to any member of the governing body or to any other officer or employee authorized to employ or supervise such person unless otherwise expressly provided by law.

7. Will insure that all information collected, assembled, or maintained by the applicant relative to the project will be available to TACC staff or its agents for copying or inspection during normal business hours.

8. It will comply with the State of Texas Uniform Grant Management Standards (UGMS) as amended January 1998, developed under the directive of the Uniform Grant and Contract Management Act, Texas Government Code, Chapter 183. (Applies to Public Libraries only.)

9. It will comply with all federal statutes relating to nondiscrimination which include, but are not limited to, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. 2000d et seq.), which prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color or national origin; Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, as amended (20 U.S.C. 1681et seq.), which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended (29 U.S.C. 794), Subtitle A, Title II of the Americans With Disabilities Act (42 U.S.C. 12131-12134) and the Department of Justice implementing regulation, 28 CFR Part 35, which prohibit state and local governments from refusing to allow a person with a qualified disability from participating in a service, program, or activity simply because the person has a qualified disability; the Age Discrimination Act of 1974, as amended (42 U.S.C. 6101 et seq.), which

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prohibits discrimination on the basis of age; and the Department of Justice Nondiscrimination Regulations, 28 CFR, Part 42, Subparts C, D, and G.

10. It will in the event a federal or state court or federal or state administrative agency makes a finding of discrimination after a due process hearing, on the ground of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, or disability against the project, forward a copy of the finding to TACC.

11. It will comply with the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 (41 U.S.C. 701 et seq.) by certifying that it will not engage in the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of a controlled substance in conducting any activity with the grant; it will publish a statement notifying employees that these activities are prohibited in the applicant organization’s workplace and specifying the actions that will be taken against employees for violation of such prohibition; and by maintaining on file the place(s) that work is performed in connection with the grant listing street address, city, county, state and zip code.

12. It will provide an Equal Opportunity Program if required to maintain one, where the application is for $500 or more.

By execution of this form the applicant certifies that it agrees to abide by the above-referenced assurances. The assurance with regard to the above laws and regulations shall obligate the applicant organization for the period during which State financial assistance is extended.

Organization Name:

By: ______________________________________________ Signature – Project Director Typed or Printed Name


Date of Signature

By: ______________________________________________ Signature of Authorized Official

(CEO of Applicant Institution)

Typed or Printed Name


Date of Signature

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B. Project Description

Forms 4 - 11

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FORM 4: ABSTRACT (revised Feb. 24, 2004)

The abstract has two parts: Part I: Summary of Basic Project Elements and Part II: Narrative. In Part I, provide the information requested. In Part II, summarize in a narrative, maximum of 2 additional pages, the following: the need for the program, proposed activities, intended outcomes and how they will be measured, how program quality will be ensured, and any other proposal elements deemed to be critical to a full understanding of the project.

Abstract Part I:  Summary of Basic Project Elements: 1.  Program Name: ________________________________________                                            Check all that apply: ____ Degree Program       

____ Certificate Program____ Credit____ CE

 2.  Distance Learning Format (online, interactive video): 3.  Collaborative Model - Which collaborative model applies to this project?

(See RFP Section I.D. Collaborative Models.) 4. Collaborating Colleges - Identify collaborating colleges and succinctly state the role of

each.             Lead College:               Other Collaborating Colleges (Include as collaborating colleges any that have already

agreed to serve as host colleges. If no host colleges are included here, it will be assumed that none have identified yet.):

 5.  Courses in the Program      List the distance learning courses that are to be developed/produced from scratch by

the project, i.e., the courses for which no prior work has been accomplished to move them into distance learning formats:

       List any distance learning courses for which substantial development work has

already taken place but will require additional work by the project to make them ready for delivery, and succinctly specify the additional work to be done for each.

       List any distance learning courses that are already fully developed, ready for delivery,

and will require no additional work by the project:  

6.   Budget - Total Amount of Project Budget:

            Amount for Phase I:            Amount for Phase II: 

Amount to be received by each participating college:  Abstract Part II:  Narrative

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Provide data that show how the proposed distance learning program addresses workforce needs and student demand. Specify if the need addressed is regional or statewide. Include data such as businesses hiring program graduates, anticipated number of jobs, students, etc. Explain why the proposed program is a priority for distance learning delivery. Specify how the program will make a difference and the measures that will be used to gauge the program’s impact. State how the program addresses Closing the Gaps. Note: Include data tables and similar information in appendices. 2 pages maximum_________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Identify project objectives and the methods or activities that will meet the stated objectives. Objectives should be specific, identifying what needs to be done to develop the proposed program. Clearly identify, sequence, and describe project objectives and activities. Specify party or parties responsible for accomplishing objectives and activities, and indicate outcomes. The project’s methodology should make apparent that a quality distance learning program will result. Ensure that requirements of RFP Section III.B related to project deliverables are addressed. 3 pages maximum.

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Describe, as initially envisioned, instructional strategies to be used in the program’s courses, e.g., online tutorials, demonstrations, simulations, threaded discussions, directed reading, labs, special projects, etc. Specify type of media to be used, e.g., workbooks, PowerPoint, videotape, streaming media, etc. Identify program requirements that may present special challlenges in the distance learning format(s) to be used and describe how they will be resolved or what processes will be used to find a resolution. Identify any special challenges (e.g., labs, internships) that may be presented by the collaborative model that this program follows and explain how they will be addressed. 3 pages maximum_________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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The evaluation plan should address how the product (distance learning courses comprising a program) will be evaluated throughout the development process AND how the entire program will be evaluated once all development is completed. A plan for evaluating the full program, once completed, must be given even though it may not be possible to conduct and complete the evaluation within the grant period’s time frame. Further, the evaluation plan should specify how the development process itself will be assessed and adjusted as the project progresses to ensure that it supports the development of a quality distance learning program. The evaluation plan must include the following: * Who is responsible for conducting the evaluation plan; * Evaluation critera that relates to stated objectives; * How evaluation data will be collected throughout the life of the project; * How evaluation data will be analyzed; * How evaluation data will be reported and used to improve project. 3 pages maximum_________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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How will the project be organized, structured, and administered to ensure successful completion? How will collaboarating colleges interact throughout the project? Specify key project personnel at each college, the roles and responsibilities that they will fulfill, and their qualifications. 2 pages maximum

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Address ways the applying college(s) intend to sustain the program, including revising/updating it and keeping it current with advances in distance learning technology. Indicate if collaborative relationships established to develop the program will be maintained, and if so, how. 2 pages maximum

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Include a detailed timeline for all project objectivies and activities. Document when outlined objectives are expected to be met as well as major milestones projected over the life of the project. Refer to RFP page 11 for anticipated starting and ending dates for the grant project. All obligations of funds for activities and services conducted shall occur within those dates. 3 pages maximum

What date will Phase I activities be completed?Refer to Section III.B.

Phase I Completion Date: ____________

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C. Budget

Forms 12 – 13and Related Schedules

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This overall budget summary includes costs of the Applicant Institution and all other collaborating colleges.


BUDGET SCHEDULE VCT Funds Local Funds/In-kind TotalPersonnel $0.00

Contractual Services 0.00

Travel 0.00

Supplies and Materials 0.00

TOTAL DIRECT EXPENSES $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

How much of the total budget will be required for Phase I activities? No more than one-third of total VCT funds may be applied to Phase I.

Refer to RFP Sections III.B and III.C.2.

Amount Required for Phase I: ___________

I approve the budget for this project and agree to abide by all financial guidelines.

Signature of Financial Officer Signature of Authorized Official

Typed or Printed Name and Title Typed or Printed Name and Title

Date Date

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“Eligible Personnel Costs” are those personnel costs that may be paid with grant funds. Substitutes may be paid to cover duties of faculty released to work on the project. Stipends may be paid to faculty who work on the project on their own time. Payment for release time is not allowed. Hourly personnel may be hired for specific tasks and responsibilities, with the exception of project management.


Type of Expense Quantity/ Duration

VCT Funds Local/In-kind Funds


Substitutes $0.00Stipends 0.00Hourly 0.00Total Direct Expenses $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

JustificationIn the space below, briefly describe the basis for arriving at the cost of each line item, including the type of service, number of hours, and rate per hour.

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Eligible contractual services include production (encompassing design and development), project consultants, and training._________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Type of Expense Quantity/Duration

VCT Funds Local Funds Total

Section 1: Production (including design, development) $0.00

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Total Section 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Section 2: Project Consultants $0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Section 2 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Section 3: Training $0.00

0.00 0.00 0.00

Total Section 3 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

TOTAL DIRECT EXPENSES SECTION 1 + 2 + 3 = $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

JustificationUse the attached justification form to justify and briefly describe the basis for arriving at the cost of each line item, including the type of service, number of hours, rate per hour, and travel costs for consultants, if any.

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Travel costs may not exceed the state rate: 35 cents per mile, $80/night Lodging, $30/day per diem for meals. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Type of Expense VCT Funds Local/In-KindFunds


Transportation $0.00

Lodging 0.00

Meals 0.00


$0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Justification:On the attached page justify and briefly describe the basis for arriving at the cost of each line item. Describe the applicant’s travel policy (i.e., mileage and per diem reimbursement rates). Specify purpose for each item of travel. Break out costs of each trip to separately show the specific costs of transportation and per diem.

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Equipment and software are not eligible as costs to the grant. It is assumed that these items will be provided by colleges. Program-specific equipment, however, may be used as local/in-kind match. See RFP Section II.G. Include equipment as match at the end of the Materials section. Justify equipment used as match on a page inserted after this schedule. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Type of Expense Quantity VCT Funds Local / In-Kind Total

Section 1: Supplies $0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Total Section 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Section 2: Materials $0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

0.00 0.00

0.00 0.00

0.00 0.00

0.00Total Section 2 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

TOTAL DIRECT EXPENSES SECTION 1 + 2 = $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

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Personnel $0.00

Contractual Services 0.00

Travel 0.00

Supplies and Materials 0.00

TOTAL DIRECT EXPENSES $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

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“Eligible Personnel Costs” are those personnel costs that may be paid with grant funds. Faculty release time is not an eligible personnel cost, but the cost of substitutes who teach classes otherwise taught by faculty are. Hourly personnel may be hired for specific tasks and respnsibilities, with the exception of project management. Stipends may be paid to faculty who work on the project on their own time._________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Type of Expense Quantity/ Duration

VCT Funds Local/In-kind Funds


Substitutes $0.00Stipends 0.00Hourly $0.00Total Direct Expenses $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

JustificationIn the space below, briefly describe the basis for arriving at the cost of each line item, including the type of service, number of hours, and rate per hour.

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Eligible contractual services include production (encompassing design and development), project consultants, and training._________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Type of Expense Quantity/ Duration

VCT Funds Local/In-kind Funds


Section 1: Production (including design, development) $0.00 0.00

0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Section 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Section 2: Consultants $0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Section 2 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Section 3: Training $0.00 0.00

0.00 0.00

Total Section 3 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00


$0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Justification: On the attached page, justify and briefly describe the basis for arriving at the cost of each line item, including the type of service, number of hours, rate per hour, and travel costs for consultants, if any.

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Travel costs may not exceed the state rate: 35 cents per mile, $80/night Lodging, $30/day per diem for meals._________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Type of Expense VCT Funds Local/In-KindFunds


Transportation $0.00

Lodging 0.00

Meals 0.00


$0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Justification:On the attached page justify and briefly describe the basis for arriving at the cost of each line item. Describe the applicant’s travel policy (i.e., mileage and per diem reimbursement rates). Specify purpose for each item of travel. Break out costs of each trip to separately show the specific costs of transportation and per diem.

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Equipment and software are not eligible as costs to the grant. It is assumed that these items will be provided by colleges. Program-specific equipment, however, may be used as local/in-kind match. See RFP Section II.G. Include equipment as match at the end of the Materials section. Justify equipment used as match on a page inserted after this schedule. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Type of Expense Quantity VCT Funds Local/In-kind Funds


Section 1: Supplies $0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Total Section 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Section 2: Other Materials $0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Total Section 2 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00


$0.00 $0.00 $0.00

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D. InterlocalCollaborative Agreement

Form 14

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Note: This agreement is taken from a TIF RFP. Any element not applicable to the VCT grant should be identified and removed.


STATE OF TEXAS, County of [name]

This Agreement is entered into by and between [list participating organizations], hereinafter referred to as [name of Collaborative].


WHEREAS, [list participating organizations] wish to file a grant application with the Texas Association of Community Colleges, State of Texas, for funding in the amount of for [name of grant], and

WHEREAS, [list participating organizations] have agreed to contribute the total of in matching funds/in-kind contributions if the said application is approved; and

WHEREAS, the source of funds would not normally be used for this purpose; and

WHEREAS, [list participating organizations] believe it to be in their best interests to join in the application to develop a project; and

WHEREAS, [list participating organizations] agree to each accept the responsibility to adhere to all pertinent federal, state, and local laws and TACC-specified regulations; and

WHEREAS, this agreement certifies that the objectives of the grant application submitted to the Texas Association of Community Colleges have been reviewed and that it is mutually agreed to cooperate to whatever extent is necessary in carrying out the work plan described in the application; and

WHEREAS, this agreement certifies that it is understood by all of the participating entities that it is the responsibility of the members of the collaborative to determine how to disburse funds among the members, resolve grievances, and subcontract with other organizations and individuals as needed.


ARTICLE I. PURPOSE The purpose of this Agreement is to allow [list participating organizations] to file an application for a [name of grant] with the Texas Association of Community Colleges.

ARTICLE II. TERMThe term of this Agreement shall commence upon the execution of this Agreement and end [date].

ARTICLE III. CONSIDERATION As consideration for this agreement, [list participating organizations] agree to contribute a total of in local funds for the enhancement of the project in the amounts as follows:

[Name of organization] -

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[Name of organization] - [Name of organization] -

ARTICLE IV. ALLOCATION OF FUNDS 4.01 The specific allocation of TIF funds is to [name of fiscal agent organization], who will then distribute funds as appropriate among the members, as specified in the Request for Proposals. By signing this Agreement, all the participating entities certify that each member will be held responsible for assuring that the financial records and project are managed according to TACC guidelines.

4.02 In the event of the mismanagement of funds at the member organization level, this Agreement assures that each organization is responsible for managing its funds and project according to TACC guidelines. Organizations following TACC guidelines will not be held accountable if a member or members within the Collaborative do not follow TACC guidelines.

ARTICLE V. AMENDMENTS This agreement may be amended by the mutual agreement of the parties hereto in writing to be attached to and incorporated into this agreement.

ARTICLE VI. LEGAL CONSTRUCTIONIn case any one or more of the provisions contained in this agreement shall be held to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable in any respect such invalidity, illegality, or unenforceability shall not affect any other provision thereof, and this agreement shall be construed as if such invalid, illegal, or unenforceable provision had never been contained herein.

ARTICLE VII. ENTIRE AGREEMENTThis agreement supersedes any and all other agreements, either oral or in writing, between the parties hereto with respect to the subject matter hereof, and no other agreement, statement, or promise relating to the subject matter of this agreement that is not contained herein shall be valid or binding.


Each member of the collaborative effort understands the agreement and agrees to be bound by its terms.

__________________________________ ________________________________MEMBER ORGANIZATION MEMBER ORGANIZATION

___________________________________ _________________________________Signature of Authorized Representative Signature of Authorized Representative

__________________________________ _________________________________ Printed Name of Representative Printed Name of Representative

_____________________________________ _________________________________ MEMBER ORGANIZATION MEMBER ORGANIZATION

___________________________________ ___________________________________ Signature of Authorized Representative Signature of Authorized Representative

__________________________________ ___________________________________ Printed Name of Representative Printed Name of Representative

VCT RFP #1 – November 2003 (amended 2-11-04) 44

Dwayne Herring, 10/20/03,
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