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Members Guide - Sept 2013

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  • 7/30/2019 Members Guide - Sept 2013



    Members GuideFrom September 2013

    Further inormation:



  • 7/30/2019 Members Guide - Sept 2013




  • 7/30/2019 Members Guide - Sept 2013




    4. Introduction

    5. Joining the Plan

    6. Your Contributions

    7. Company Contributions

    9. Investments

    10. Lie Assurance Cover

    11. Leaving Employment

    12. Taking Retirement Benefts

    Securing Pension Benefts

    13. Looking Ater Your Money

    14. PaySmart

    18. Temporary Absence

    Previous Pension Benefts

    18. State Pensions

    Page 19. Flexibility -

    Ceasing Membership


    Data Protection Act

    20. Tax Allowances

    Complaints Procedure

    21. External Agencies

    Amendment o the Plan

    and Discontinuance

    Assigning Your Benefts

    Plan Documentation

    22. Glossary

    27. Contact Details


  • 7/30/2019 Members Guide - Sept 2013





    GMG Liestyle Plan is our own in-house company

    pension scheme which is run rom Guardian

    Media Groups pensions department - see back

    cover or contact details.

    You will have already received an explanatorybrochure about the Liestyle Plan. This guide and

    the rest o the Liestyle Plan literature aims to

    provide you with essential inormation to help

    you get the best rom your membership o the

    Company pension plan.

    Where necessary, you should obtain your own

    independent nancial advice. You should always

    bear in mind that membership o the Liestyle Plan

    is likely to orm only a part o your overall nancialarrangements and you should always be mindul

    o other savings products in the market place.

    We have tried to explain the issues as clearly

    as possible and have kept the use o technical

    expressions to a minimum. Please reer to the

    glossary at the back o this guide which we hope

    will be o help. The exact terms and conditions

    governing the Plan are contained in the Trust

    Deed and Rules which are available or inspectionon request to the pensions department. Every

    eort has been made to accurately refect the

    Trust Deed and Rules in this guide, but i there

    are any dierences, the Trust Deed and Rules will

    always take precedence.

    A key part o your nancial planning is your

    pension. Next to a mortgage it is probably the

    single biggest investment you will make. As a

    member o the Liestyle Plan you have an ideal

    opportunity to build up the savings you will need

    in retirement.

    The earlier you start, the easier it is. As a rule

    o thumb, i you envisage retiring on a pension

    o hal to two thirds o your salary at retirement

    which is generally accepted as a reasonable

    retirement income then 15 to 20 per cent o

    your earnings all your working lie needs to be

    saved by you/your employer.

    I you dont get started until

    later you will need to save much

    more to reach the equivalent

    level o income. The

    key is to start saving

    as early as you can.

    Jh Wdma

    Pensions Manager

    It is imprtatthat ydrstad adta rspsiilityr th chics

    availal t ydr th Pla

  • 7/30/2019 Members Guide - Sept 2013



    Jiig th Pla

    Eligibility for the Lifestyle

    Plan is governed by your

    terms of employment.

    You will have received details

    of the arrangements for yourenrolment in the Plan when

    you received your copy of the

    explanatory brochure with

    your job offer/contract.


    Hw th Listyl Pla wrs

    You save within an investment und and build a

    pot o money (your personal Liestyle account)

    that you use to buy an income when you retire.

    You can choose to take up to 25% o this

    money as a tax-ree lump sum when you retire.

    The Company will pay money into your account

    on your behal. The more you save, the more the

    company pays in.

    The income you get when you retire will

    depend on the size o your personal

    investment pot which in turn depends on

    what youve saved, how investments have

    perormed and also on the market rate or

    buying a pension when you retire.





    Lmp Sm




    P L u S : L I F e A S S u R A n C e & S T A T e b e n e F I T S o n T o P

  • 7/30/2019 Members Guide - Sept 2013



    A grat way stig yrpsi rthr

    is thrghAdditial




    Yr Ctritis

    The Plan is registered with Her Majestys

    Revenue and Customs (HMRC). This means that

    membership o the Plan gives you the opportunity

    to make signicant tax ecient savings towards

    your uture and to benet rom substantial

    contributions rom the company.

    ordiary Ctritis


    contribution is 5% o your pensionable earnings.


    ie 2.5%. In this case the company will also

    contribute at hal rate.


    contributions which reduces the cost to you *

    see examples below. (Visit our website and try

    out the easy to use calculator to see how much

    tax you can save www.gmgpensions.co.uk ).

    Examples o cost or monthly salary o 2000

    YouR CHoSen

    ConTRIbuTIon RATe5% 2.5%

    Cst r tax savigs 100 50

    Lss tax savd* 32 16

    Actal cst t y 68 34

    * Most members (except very low earners) will pay less National Insurance

    contributions, as well as paying less income tax, by participating in

    PaySmart. PaySmartis a way or you to make contributions to the

    Liestyle Plan. Details oPaySmartare given on page 14 and on our

    website www.gmgpensions.co.uk. The example above is based on

    Income Tax and National Insurance rates or the 2013/2014 tax year.

    Additial Vltary Ctritis

    You can contribute up to 10% o your pensionable

    earnings, and up to 15% o non pensionable

    earnings, which also attract tax relie, thus

    reducing the cost to you. A very attractive

    advantage o the Liestyle Plan is that the

    company will also help you by paying 50% on top

    o whatever you contribute in AVCs.

    You can pay a lump sum AVC each February

    based on any taxable benets in kind you

    receive. Ask the Pensions Department or more

    details i you are interested in this.

    You can also pay Extra Contributions (ECs) on top

    o AVCs and standard contributions. ECs attracttax relie, but do not attract a company top up.

    The maximum ECs you can pay will depend upon

    your taxable earnings and payroll deductions,

    such as National Insurance contributions,

    healthcare premiums etc.

    To start paying or increase ordinary contributions,

    AVCs or ECs, just ask the Pensions Department or

    a Contributions Form, or download one rom the

    library on our website www.gmgpensions.co.uk .

    There may be other ways o increasing your

    pension benets which suit you and your personal

    circumstances better than paying ECs through the

    Liestyle Plan. Beore investing in any nancial

    product you should take independent nancial advice.

  • 7/30/2019 Members Guide - Sept 2013



    Th Cmpayis cmmittdt wrig i

    partrship with

    mplys t

    hlp thm plaad prvid r

    a cmrtal



    It is possible to become a non contributing

    member o the Liestyle Plan. In this case, you

    would not pay any contributions but the company

    would make a xed contribution o 2.5% o pay.

    This category o membership is designed to help

    employees make a start with their pension savings

    when they cannot aord to pay themselves,

    although it must be stressed that a contribution

    o 2.5% alone cannot realistically be expected to

    provide a sucient income in retirement.

    The Government sets an annual allowance or tax

    relie on pension contributions. See page 20 or

    more details.

    Cmpay Ctritis

    I you pay the standard (5%) rate, the companys

    contributions will depend on your age

    AGe % oF PenSIonAbLe


    udr 45 8

    45 49 9

    50 54 10

    55 59 11

    60 pls 12

    Th cmpay will als add 50% t ay AVCs

    which y chs t ma.

    In addition to the above, the company meets

    the whole o the cost o lie assurance premiumsas well as paying all o the general administration

    costs o running the Plan.

    I you choose to pay at hal rate then the

    Company will pay hal o the rates shown.

    I you choose to become a non-contributing

    member then the company will pay a xed rate o

    2.5% o pay, irrespective o your age.

    Visit our website and use the calculators to seehow you can maximise the contributions you get

    rom the company - www.gmgpensions.co.uk

  • 7/30/2019 Members Guide - Sept 2013



    nts Ctritis


    you will remain a member o the Liestyle Plan

    although no contributions will be payable.


    o Maternity Pay, Paternity Pay or AdoptionLeave are calculated on the basis required by



    adoption leave, once you return to work the

    Company will pay a lump sum contribution o

    2.5% o your notional earnings (or the period o

    unpaid leave) into your Liestyle account.


    Pensionable Earnings actually paid to you whilst

    still in employment. Contributions are paid

    over to the Liestyle Plan by the company and

    credited to your Liestyle account normally on

    the last business day o each month.


    suspend or reduce contributions to the Liestyle

    Plan so that benets arising under the Plan do not

    exceed the Lietime Allowance (see glossary).

  • 7/30/2019 Members Guide - Sept 2013




    Please reer to our separate Investment

    Guide and website or detailed inormation

    regarding your investment choices. Briefy, your

    contributions, together with the companys

    contributions and anything you transer in,

    will all be allocated to your individual Liestyle

    account. You will receive a benet statement

    each year showing details o your individual

    account. The statement will show the value o

    the contributions you and the company have

    made during the year and will also give details

    o the way your account is invested.

    Chic Fds

    You have a choice over how to invest your

    own Liestyle account. You can spread your

    investment amongst the available unds

    in whatever way you choose. It is always

    important to keep an eye on your Liestyle

    account and you may wish to move between

    the available unds rom time to time.

    You are able to speciy investment in any o

    the ollowing unds in any proportions:-

    The Long Term Fund

    The Short Term Fund (Bonds Section)

    The Short Term Fund (Cash Section)

    UK Equity Fund

    Overseas Equity Fund

    Ethical Global Equity Fund

    Corporate Bond Fund

    UK Government Stocks Fund

    Index-Linked UK Government Stocks Fund

    Atmatic Ivstmt Stratgy

    I you dont eel comortable managingyour own investments, there is an automatic

    arrangement. Under this arrangement, your

    account is normally invested in the Long Term

    Fund, which is currently invested in a mixture

    o Equities and Bonds. The value o these

    investments can be volatile rom time to time

    and can sometimes suer sharp setbacks in

    times o economic or political diculty. Despite

    this volatility and the absence o guarantees,these types o investments are nevertheless

    generally considered to provide an appropriate

    vehicle or long term growth.

    As you approach retirement, it is usually helpul

    to try to reduce volatility by switching your

    Liestyle Account into the Short Term Fund

    which is currently invested in Bonds and Cash.

    Whilst Bonds can fuctuate, they tend to move

    in line with interest rates generally thus giving

    some stability to the pension which you can

    purchase with your accumulated account.

    However, Bonds cannot protect against

    changes in other actors which insurance

    companies use to determine annuity rates

    such as mortality trends. You should also bear

    in mind that the Short Term Fund might not

    be appropriate i you intend to choose a non-

    conventional annuity or income draw down

    arrangement (see the Liestyle Plan literature

    or more inormation regarding these choices

    at retirement).

    Under the deault arrangements, your

    investments are normally automatically

    switched over the ten years beore your

    retirement rom the Long Term Fund into the

    Short Term Fund. In each o the ten years until

    retirement 10% o your accumulated account

    will be switched, so that during the last year

    beore retirement, the whole o your account

    will be in the Short Term Fund. Your retirementdate or this purpose is set to the deault (age

    65) although you can speciy your own Target

    Retirement Date thus giving you control over

    the switching into the Short Term Fund. You

    can change your Target Retirement Date at

    any time.

    The deault strategy has been designed to

    provide a careully worked out investment

    strategy that can be suitable or many

    members through their careers. However,

    there could be a number o reasons why

    you might want to override the automatic

    arrangements and make your own investment

    choices, perhaps ater seeking independent

    nancial advice.

  • 7/30/2019 Members Guide - Sept 2013



    Li Assrac Cvr

    Ctritry Mmrs

    In the event o your death in employment whilst

    a contributing member o the Liestyle Plan,

    the ollowing lump sum benet would become


    a) 3 times your Death Benet Salary plus the

    part o your account relating to your own

    AVCs and ECs.


    b) The greater o:-


    o your account relating to any transer rom a

    previous scheme)



    the part relating to your own AVCs and ECs

    The lump sum would be payable under trust and is

    currently tax ree provided it is below the Lietime

    Allowance - see Glossary.

    n Ctritry Mmrs

    In the event o your death in employment whilst a

    non contributing member o the Liestyle Plan, the

    ollowing benets would become payable:-

    A lump sum o 3 times your Death Benet Salaryplus a urther lump sum equal to the value o your

    Liestyle account. The lump sum would be payable

    under trust and is currently tax ree provided it is

    below the Lietime Allowance - see Glossary.

    nts Dath i emplymt bfts

    The trustees have eected insurance cover in

    respect o the liabilities or death benets to the

    extent that they exceed the values o members

    Liestyle accounts. In some cases it may benecessary to restrict the amount o lie assurance

    cover where the trustees insurance o the benet

    has been restricted by the insurers.

    Special conditions will apply to the death benets

    i you re-enter the Liestyle Plan ater ceasing

    active membership or join at a date later than

    when rst eligible.

    All benets payable on death in employment

    are subject to HMRC limits and may need to

    be restricted to ensure they do not exceed the

    prevailing limits.

  • 7/30/2019 Members Guide - Sept 2013



    Lavig emplymt

    Fr vry jiig th Pla , r atr,

    1st Sptmr 2013, trmiati

    mplymt th llwig ptis ar


    (a) All o the money paid into your Liestyleaccount can remain invested until you retire, when

    it can be used to buy a pension in the normal way.

    This includes your contributions and all o the

    money paid by the company. You can still choose

    rom the ull range o investment options.

    () At any time you can choose to transer your

    ull account to another pension arrangement.

    Fr ay wh jid th Pla prir t 1stSptmr 2013, ad wh lavs r

    cmpltig tw yars qaliyig srvic,

    y ca ithr:

    (a) Take a reund o the value o your

    contributions (any reund is subject to tax)


    () Within six months o leaving, you can transer

    out the ull value o your account to anotherpension arrangement.

    Paymt lmp sm Dath bfts

    Lump sum benets arising on death are paid

    under trust. This means that the trustees have

    to decide who is to receive the benet. The

    purpose o this arrangement is to ensure that the

    payment is ree rom inheritance tax under current

    legislation and that it can be paid quickly without

    needing to wait or probate etc.

    Although the trustees have the nal decision

    as to who should receive any death benet you

    are encouraged to complete a nomination

    orm to indicate your wishes regarding possible


    You should keep this orm up to date i yourcircumstances change.

  • 7/30/2019 Members Guide - Sept 2013



    Taig Rtirmt bfts

    The table below shows when Liestyle Plan benets can be taken.

    nrmal Rtirmt Ag

    The Plans Normal Retirement

    Age is 65, however your own

    Target Retirement Date

    (TRD) is more important.

    TRD controls the timing

    o the switching o your

    Liestyle account rom

    the Long Term und in to

    the Short Term Fund. You

    can set your TRD to suitwhen you think you will

    take your retirement


    Scrig Psi bfts

    Your pension is normally secured by the trustees

    by the purchase o an annuity with an insurance

    company. (Other options are available, via your

    adviser, and are brought to the attention o

    members in the brochure Your Pension - Your


    The Liestyle Plans advisers are responsible or

    advising the trustees on the choice o insurance

    companies or the purchase o each members

    benets. Quotations are always obtained or each

    members benets at the time o retirement rom

    the panel o insurance companies as notied by

    the advisers. However, you can i you wish speciy

    any insurance company to be used or the purpose

    o securing your benets.

    I you joined theLiestyle Plan beore6th April 2006

    I you joined theLiestyle Plan on or ater6th April 2006

    TAke beneFITS AnD SToP

    WoRkInG AT GMG

    TAke beneFITS AnD CARRY on

    WoRkInG AT GMG

    Ys, rm ag 50 Ys, t ly rm ag 55

    Ys, t ly rm ag 55 Ys, t ly rm ag 55

  • 7/30/2019 Members Guide - Sept 2013



    All o your account can be used to secure pension,

    and you will be able to choose the level o any

    built-in increases and the level o built-in spouses


    You may elect to take a tax ree lump sum o anyamount up to the maximum laid down in the Trust

    Deed and Rules which refects the requirements

    o Her Majestys Revenue & Customs (HMRC).

    This is typically 25% o your individual account at


    Details o the choices available to you at

    retirement can be requested rom the Pension

    Department at any time.

    Lig atr yr my

    The day to day running o the Liestyle Plan is

    dealt with rom the Guardian Media Groups

    pensions department - see back cover or contact


    The Liestyle Plan has trustees who are ultimately

    responsible or the proper running o the Plan.

    Some o the trustees are elected by the members.

    The trustees have adopted regulations governingthe procedures or election o trustees which they

    may review and amend rom time to time.

    Audited accounts are prepared every year and are

    available or inspection.

    Additional inormation is disseminated to

    members on a regular basis in the orm o

    newsletters (also including a summary o the

    audited accounts), statements o account,

    illustrations o benets and via our website,

    www.gmgpensions.co.uk .

    The Liestyle Plans investments are

    handled by independent investment

    managers appointed by the trustees. The

    investment returns are regularly monitored

    by independent advisers. The costs o

    investment management are deducted

    rom the unds. Each year you will be given

    details o the investment returns along

    with other nancial inormation about theLiestyle Plan. Every week the latest unit

    prices are available on our website at

    www.gmgpensions.co.uk .

    Your money is held in a und that the

    Company cannot touch. The value o

    your Liestyle account may go up or down

    depending on investment returns. Whilst

    there are no guarantees about how much

    your pension will be when you retire, theCompany cannot access your money once it

    is in your Liestyle account.

  • 7/30/2019 Members Guide - Sept 2013



    Hw ds PaySmart actally wr?


    equivalent to the contribution you would have

    paid to the Liestyle Plan. Your gross pay reduces.


    contributions into the Plan and your net pay

    rises by the amount o the National Insurance

    contributions you would have paid on your Plan



    the Plan by the amount you would have paid

    in so that the total contribution paid into your

    personal account in the Plan is unchanged.


    will continue to be used or the calculation othe benets provided by the Plan and all other

    contractual benets provided by the Company

    (but not State benets). Your pay will be

    reviewed annually in the normal way.

    Hw mch natial Israc will y sav

    thrgh PaySmart?

    The National Insurance savings you can make

    depend on how much you earn and the level o your

    contributions to the Liestyle Plan. E.g. or the taxyear 2013/14 the National Insurance rates were:

    12% on annual earnings between 7,755 and


    2% on annual earnings over 41,450.

    The table below shows examples o the annual

    National Insurance savings based on dierent

    contribution rates and a range o salaries.




    InsuranceSaving Member

    paying 2.5%



    InsuranceSaving Member

    paying 5%



    Insurance SavingMember paying

    5% Contributions

    and 10% AVCs

    20,000 60.00 120.00 360.00

    30,000 90.00 180.00 540.00

    50,000 25.00 50.00 150.00

    Figures are or illustration purposes only and are based on National

    Insurance rates applicable or the tax year 2013/14.

    PaySmart - a smartway payig r yrpsi

    PaySmart is a more tax efcient

    way o making your contributions

    to the Liestyle Plan, which saves

    both you and the Company

    money. A major advantage o

    paying contributions into pension

    schemes, such as the Liestyle

    Plan, is that you pay less income

    tax. By paying your contributions

    via PaySmart, you also pay less

    National Insurance contributions.

  • 7/30/2019 Members Guide - Sept 2013



    erllig i PaySmart

    The Company will automatically enrol you

    in PaySmartas soon as you join the Liestyle

    Plan, unless you conrm beorehand that

    you dont want to be included. However,

    you wont be enrolled in PaySmarti you

    earn less than a certain level o pay (7,800a year or 2013/2014), since some o your

    State benets could be adversely aected.

    The minimum pay level or inclusion in

    PaySmartis reviewed each year.

    Why d w prat PaySmart?

    The cost o providing a pension has risen

    signicantly in recent years. PaySmart is a

    way or both members o the Liestyle Plan

    and the Company to make savings in away that is acceptable to HM Revenue &

    Customs. Your savings increase your take-

    home pay, or you can use these savings

    to increase your pension contributions.

    The Company uses its saving on National

    Insurance to help meet a small proportion o

    its signicant contributions to the Plan.

    D thr cmpais prat similar

    arragmts?Yes, including many large employers like

    Tesco, Sainsburys, BT and Orange.

    Am I ligil r PaySmart?

    Most Plan members are automatically

    eligible or PaySmart. However, PaySmart

    may have a negative impact on the

    entitlement to some State benets or

    members who earn less than a certain level

    o pay (7,800 or 2013/2014). For thisreason, they are not automatically eligible or

    PaySmart, although they may participate at

    their request, having weighed up all the pros

    and cons.

    Any members whose pay would be reduced

    below the National Minimum Wage as a

    result o PaySmartare also excluded in order

    to comply with this requirement.

    What i I dt wat t pay myctritis via PaySmart?

    You can choose not to participate in

    PaySmartat anytime by completing a Non-

    participation in PaySmart orm available on

    the pensions website.

    PaySmart ad AVCs

    I I pay Additial Vltary

    Ctritis (AVCs) r extra

    Ctritis (eCs), will ths

    icldd i PaySmart?

    Yes, unless you choose not to participate

    in PaySmart, all contributions that you paywill be made via PaySmart. Remember that

    the more contributions you pay through

    PaySmart, the less you pay in National


  • 7/30/2019 Members Guide - Sept 2013



    PaySmart ad yr payad fts

    Will my thr pay-rlatd fts

    asd my rdcd pay, atr

    ctritig thrgh PaySmart, r my

    rigial ctractal pay?

    None o the earnings-related benets you

    receive as part o your Company benets

    package will be aected. And your contractual

    pay beore PaySmartwill continue to be used to

    calculate any bonuses or pay increases.

    Hw ds PaySmart act my thr

    Cmpay fts?

    PaySmartis part o your contractual terms and

    conditions because your gross pay is reduced

    and an additional pension payment is made

    by the Company instead. Its your contractual

    pay beore the PaySmartreduction that is used

    to determine any other pay and pay-related

    benets your lie assurance cover, sick pay,

    shit pay and severance terms etc. So there will

    be no reduction in your Company benets or

    other pay as a result o being in PaySmart.

    As my ctractal pay is rdcd dr

    PaySmart, will this act th amt

    mrtgag r la I cld rciv?

    No. As now, reerence letters provided by the

    Company or mortgage or loan purposes

    will reer to your contractual pay beore any

    adjustment or PaySmart.

    PaySmart ad Stat fts

    Hw ds PaySmart act my Stat

    psi fts?

    Your Basic State Pension will not be aected

    i you make PaySmartcontributions.

    As well as the Basic State Pension, theState currently provides an earnings-

    related pension (known as the State

    Second Pension, or S2P). I you earn

    between 15,000 and 40,040 a year

    (2013/14 tax year), PaySmartwill result in

    a small reduction in the amount o your

    S2P entitlement. Typically, however, this

    reduction will be more than oset by the

    saving you make in National Insurance


    Is PaySmart sital r vrydy?

    The Company does not possess enough

    detailed inormation about your personal

    circumstances to conrm denitively

    whether you may be adversely aected.

    Thereore, you should consider your own

    circumstances based on the inormation

    in this guide. This will be o particular

    relevance to you i you are in receipt o Child

    Tax Credits or Working Tax Credits. It may

    also aect the calculation o any statutory

    maternity, paternity or adoption pay.

    Will th CSA paymts I ma


    Possibly. CSA payments are calculated

    using your weekly net income (gross weekly

    income less income tax, National Insurance

    and pension contributions). Participating

    in PaySmartresults in an increase in yournet pay. I your net weekly pay increases,

    it could be that CSA payments would also

    increase. However, the CSA only need to be

    advised i your net weekly income changes

    by 5% or more.

    What at stattry pay r

    matrity lav?

    Statutory maternity pay (SMP) will be

    based on your pay ater any reduction dueto PaySmart. This means that SMP would

    reduce slightly or someone participating in

    PaySmart. I you think you may be in receipt

    o SMP in the near uture then you should

    consider whether to continue participating

    in PaySmart.

    Ca I chs t t ctrit

    via PaySmart?

    We believe the vast majority o members willbenet rom PaySmart. But i you dont want

    to participate in PaySmartyou dont have to.

    To stop paying contributions via PaySmart,

    youll need to complete a Non-Participation

    in PaySmart orm. But remember, i you

  • 7/30/2019 Members Guide - Sept 2013



    choose not to participate in PaySmart, you wont

    be taking advantage o the National Insurance

    savings you could otherwise make.

    I I chs t t participat iitially ca I

    cm ac it PaySmart?

    Yes, you can come back into PaySmartby

    completing a Request to participate in PaySmartorm. Please contact the Pensions Department i

    you wish to do this.

    What d I d t d t ft rm


    You dont need to do anything. I you are eligible

    to contribute via PaySmart, all your contributions

    will automatically be paid via PaySmart.

    Ca th Cmpay withdraw PaySmart?PaySmartis a contractual change to your earnings

    and contributions to the Plan. However, because

    circumstances can change, the Company reserves

    the right to withdraw PaySmartand reintroduce

    direct employee contributions. Your contractual

    earnings would then be increased by the amount

    o your Plan contribution to what they would have

    been had PaySmartnever existed. The Company

    does not accept any liability or responsibility to

    provide any orm o compensation or any benets

    lost rom ceasing to operate PaySmart.

    Cld HM Rv & Cstms a


    At present, the Revenue allows the PaySmart

    scheme to operate. However, a change in the law

    or in Revenue practice could mean that PaySmart

    will need to be withdrawn. I this happens, we

    will let you know. Rest assured, though, that thesignicant Company contributions will remain.

  • 7/30/2019 Members Guide - Sept 2013



    Tmprary Asc

    Contractual paid leave is treated normally

    or every purpose o the Liestyle Plan. In

    the event o temporary absence or other

    reasons it may be necessary to restrict the

    amount o death in employment benets

    where the trustees insurance o the benethas been restricted by the insurers.

    Prvis Psi bfts

    I you have pension benets with your

    previous employers company pension

    scheme, or perhaps in a personal pension,

    you may wish to transer these in to the

    Liestyle Plan. Please contact the pensions

    department i you are interested intranserring previous pension benets.

    Stat Psis

    The State scheme currently consists o two

    levels o benet:

    The Basic State Pension

    The State Second Pension (S2P)

    The Basic State Pension is a fat rate old age

    pension, paid to everyone who has paid

    sucient National Insurance Contributions,

    and is unaected by your membership o

    the Liestyle Plan.

    S2P was introduced in 2002, replacing the

    previous second tier o state pension, the

    State Earnings Related Pension Scheme

    (SERPS). You accrue S2P depending on thelevel o your earnings and the National

    Insurance Contributions you pay.

    You can request an estimate o your State

    Pension online at: www.gov.uk/state-

    pension-statement .

    Under the current state scheme, members

    with relatively low earnings and who

    may get small private pension benets

    at retirement could potentially receivelower means-tested state benets rom

    the Government. It is impossible to know

    precisely what state benets will be in uture

    and to what extent they will be means-

    tested. Thereore, it is extremely dicult

    or anyone to advise relatively low paid

    members whether or not to contribute to the

    Liestyle Plan and build up a relatively small

    pension und which might reduce the level

    o uture state benets.

    Planned Changes A Single Tier State


    Government proposals, announced in 2013,

    (Parliament has to agree to changes

    before they become law) are:-















  • 7/30/2019 Members Guide - Sept 2013



    Flxiility - Casig activmmrship whil stillwrig at GMG

    You can do this: For example, you could

    transer your accumulated Liestyle account

    elsewhere (or wider investment choices)

    or, rom age 55 onwards, you could takeretirement benets, whilst still working at

    GMG. You will also immediately rejoin the

    Plan (ater 28 days notice) and build up

    a new liestyle Plan account. Contact the

    pension department i you are interested.


    In the event o your divorce, one o the

    options available or dealing with your

    benets under the Liestyle Plan is or the

    court to make a Pension Sharing order.

    The order would speciy an amount to be

    deducted rom your Liestyle Account. The

    amount could then be transerred into a

    pension arrangement nominated by your


    The Trustees have established scales o

    administration charges or dealing with

    Pension Sharing court orders. These charges

    would be payable by divorcing couples.

    Details o the charges are available rom the

    pensions department.

    Data Prtcti Act

    Under the Data Protection Act 1998, the

    Trustees and your employer have a legal

    obligation and a legitimate interest to

    process data relating to you or the purpose

    o administering and operating the Plan

    and associated benets. This may includepassing on data about you to the Plans

    actuary, auditor, administrator and such

    other third parties as may be necessary or

    the administration and operation o the Plan

    and associated benets. The inormation is

    kept secure and is only disclosed in limited


    By joining the Plan you are agreeing to this

    data being held and used in this way. It isimportant that the data held about you is

    correct. You should notiy the Trustees (via

    the pensions department at the address

    shown on the back page) and your employer

    (please see HR Department) o any change

    to your personal circumstances which may

    result in a change to the data held in respect

    o you. You should also notiy the Trustees

    and your employer i you suspect that there

    are inaccuracies in this data.










    The state system is already highly complex

    and subject to uture changes, particularly

    with changes in government. For low

    earners, what is currently uncertain is

    whether, when you retire, your private

    savings could reduce your entitlement to

    state benets. What is certain is that any

    pension benets you save or personally will

    be yours at retirement. Also remember that

    i you save or your pension in the Liestyle

    Plan you will benet rom signicant

    Company contributions.

    You can get more inormation on all aspects

    o the State Pensions rom the Governmentsocial website: www.gov.uk/state-


  • 7/30/2019 Members Guide - Sept 2013



    Tax Allwacs


    To qualiy or tax relie, total contributions

    (rom both you and the Company

    and across all tax-approved pension

    arrangements) in any year must be within

    the Annual Allowance. For the purposes othe Plan, the year over which you will be

    assessed will be each Plan year.

    The Annual Allowance is 50,000 or

    2013/2014, but reduces to 40,000 or

    2014/2015. Any excess contributions over

    the Annual Allowance will be taxed at your

    ull marginal rate o income tax.

    I any individual exceeds the AnnualAllowance (AA) in any tax year, rather than

    immediately triggering additional tax, they

    can carry orward any unused AA rom

    the previous 3 years to oset this years


    bfts at Rtirmt

    There is a limit on the total value o pension

    benets that qualiy or tax relie. This

    limit is known as the Lietime Allowance

    and applies to all o the benets you build

    up over your entire working lie across all

    pension schemes. The limit is 1.5m until

    5th April 2014. From 6th April 2014, the limit

    will reduce to 1.25m.

    I you build up benets above the Lietime

    Allowance, they will be subject to tax,although the Government intends to allow

    individuals to protect their rights where they

    have already built-up large benets prior to

    5th April 2014.

    Few members are likely to build up a und

    value even approaching the Lietime

    Allowance. However, i you think you may

    be aected by this limit please contact the

    Pension Department or an estimate o thevalue o your Liestyle Plan benets.

    Cmplaits Prcdr

    The Trustees o the Liestyle Plan have

    established procedures or dealing

    with disputes in accordance with the

    requirements o the Pensions Act 1995.

    In the rst instance it is hoped that all

    questions and complaints will be dealt with

    successully on an inormal basis either by

    the pensions department or in some cases

    by individual trustees. However, i you are

    dissatised with the response to a question

    or complaint and wish to bring a ormal

    complaint you will need to ollow the ormal


    I you wish to make a ormal complaint you

    should contact the pensions department orMembers Notes on the Internal Disputes

    Resolution Procedure and a orm to use in

    making the complaint.

    The rst stage o the procedure is initiated

    by either yoursel, or someone nominated to

    act on your behal, making a complaint to

    J. Woodman, Pensions Manager, Guardian

    Media Group plc (address on back cover).

    On receiving your complaint the pensionsmanager will respond to it within two


    I you are dissatised with the reply you

    receive you may reer the case to the

    trustees or reconsideration. On receiving

    your complaint the Trustees will respond to it

    within two months.

  • 7/30/2019 Members Guide - Sept 2013



    extral Agcis

    Th Psis Advisry Srvic (TPAS)

    The Pensions Advisory Service (TPAS) is

    an independent voluntary service that

    provides ree help and advice to members

    and other beneciaries o occupational and

    personal pension schemes. TPAS is availableat any time to assist members and other

    beneciaries o the Plan, in connection with

    any pensions query they have or any diculty

    they have ailed to resolve with the trustees

    or administrators o the Plan. You can contact

    TPAS through your local Citizens Advice

    Bureau or at 11 Belgrave Road, London,

    SW1V 1RB.

    Tel: 0845 6012923Website: www.pensionadvisoryservice.org.uk

    Th Psis omdsma

    The Pensions Ombudsman can investigate

    and determine any complaint or dispute

    o act or law relating to an occupational

    pension scheme made or reerred in

    accordance with the Pensions Act 1993. The

    Ombudsman may be contacted at

    11 Belgrave Road, London, SW1V 1RB.

    Tel: 020 7630 2200

    Email: [email protected]

    Website: www.pensions-ombudsman.org.uk

    Hw t trac ld psis

    The Trustees have given inormation about

    the Plan, including details o an address

    at which they can be contacted, to the

    Register o Occupational and Personal

    Pension Schemes. A tracing service run bythe Registrar may be o help to you i you

    need to contact the trustees o a previous

    employers pension scheme and cannot

    trace them yoursel. The Pensions Tracing

    Service can be contacted at Pension Tracing

    Service, Tyneview Park, Whitley Road,

    Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE98 1BA.

    Tel: 0845 6002 537

    Th Psis Rglatr (TPR)

    TPR is a regulatory body that is responsible

    or overseeing the running o occupational

    pension schemes and is able to intervene

    where trustees, employers or proessional

    advisers have ailed in their duties. TPR may

    be contacted at Napier House, Traalgar Place,

    Brighton, East Sussex, BN1 4DW.

    Tel: 0845 600 0707Email: [email protected]

    Website: www.thepensionsregulator.gov.uk

    Amdmt thPla ad Disctiac

    The Trust Deed and Rules contains

    provisions or the amendment o the Plan

    and also or the termination o the Plan

    or the termination o participation in the

    Plan o any employer. In the event o anyemployer ceasing to contribute to the Plan

    any relevant members accounts would be

    used to secure benets or or in respect o

    each relevant member. In such a case you

    would receive the appropriate amount o


    Assigig yr fts

    You are not allowed to assign your benets

    under the Plan or use them as security or

    a loan.

    Pla Dcmtati

    Any Plan member may request to see the

    Trust Deed and Rules and the latest annual

    report and accounts.

  • 7/30/2019 Members Guide - Sept 2013




    This glossary aims to provide a relatively

    straightorward explanation o some o the

    technical expressions used in this Members Guide.

    The exact interpretation o words used is always

    subject to the denitions used in the Trust Deed

    and Rules o the Liestyle Plan.

    Additial Vltary Ctritis

    In addition to Ordinary Contributions o 5% o

    your pay, you can also pay Additional Voluntary

    Contributions (or AVCs). You can contribute up

    to 10% o pay as AVCs.

    For every 1 you pay as AVCs, the Company

    pays 50p more into the Liestyle Plan. So, i you

    contribute AVCs o 10% o your pay, the Companywill contribute a urther 5% o your pay.

    Aal Allwac

    The total contributions in respect o an individual

    (employee and company) paid into the Liestyle

    Plan, plus any other pension arrangement, that

    are eligible or tax relie. The Annual Allowance is

    50,000 or 2013/2014, but reduces to 40,000

    rom 6th Apr il 2014.


    An annuity is the pension purchased at retirement

    using your Liestyle Account (ater taking any tax-

    ree cash). An annuity is payable or your lietime

    and can continue at a lower level to your spouse in

    the event o your death ater retirement.


    This means one or more persons or bodies as the

    trustees consider would be appropriate recipients

    o all or part o the lump sum benets payable on

    a Members death.

    Civil Partr

    A partner o the same sex with whom you haveentered into a legally recognised relationship (i.e. a

    civil partnership). Civil Partnerships rst started in

    the UK on 5th December 2005.

    Crprat bds

    These are similar to government bonds, but they

    are issued by non government agencies and

    companies. Interest is paid at a xed rate over

    the term o the bond and the capital is repaid at

    the end o the term. Corporate bonds are rated byindependent organisations according to their ability

    to be able to pay the interest payments and the

    capital at the end o the term. Investment grade

    bonds are those rated AAA, AA, A and BBB, with

    the highest rating AAA, ollowed by AA, A and BBB.

    Corporate bonds rated below this are known as sub

    investment grade, high yield or junk bonds.

    The Liestyle Plan unds only invest in investment

    grade bonds rated AAA, AA and A. See theInvestment Guide or urther details.

    Dath bft Salary

    This means the highest total o any consecutive

    12 months Pensionable Earnings in the 48 months

    prior to date o death.

  • 7/30/2019 Members Guide - Sept 2013



    Dfd Ctriti Psi Schm

    See Money Purchase Pension Scheme on page 25.


    Ordinary shares in companies ie stock market

    investments. In the context o the Liestyle

    Plan we usually mean investment in a pooled

    und which comprises shares in a wide rangeo companies rather than shares in just one

    company. UK equities reers to pooled unds

    investing in companies quoted on the London

    Stock Exchange although most o these

    companies do have trading operations all over the

    world. Similarly each o the overseas regions (eg

    Europe, North America, etc) reers to the stock

    market grouping or the particular pooled und.

  • 7/30/2019 Members Guide - Sept 2013



    extra Ctritis

    I you are already contributing Ordinary

    Contributions o 5% o your pay and Additional

    Voluntary Contributions o 10% o your pay, you

    can still save even more into the Liestyle Plan. Such

    urther savings would be Extra Contributions (ECs).

    Whilst the Company does not pay any morecontributions in respect o your ECs, you would still

    get tax relie on them.

    Gvrmt Stcs

    Sometimes called Gilts. These are securities issued

    by the UK government and thereore the interest

    payments and the capital repaid at the end o

    the term are guaranteed and can be regarded as

    absolutely secure.

    Listyl Acct

    We allocate all your contributions and the

    Companys contributions or you into your Liestyle

    account which is then invested. Your Liestyle

    account is thereore part o the overall unds o the

    Liestyle Plan, but we keep track o the contributions

    and changes in value or each member separately.

    Lg Trm Fd

    This is part o the Liestyle Plans unds. It is our ownin-house description or the und which is designed

    to meet the needs o a typical member during the

    majority o his or her career. It will be invested in

    the types o investments which suit this objective.

  • 7/30/2019 Members Guide - Sept 2013



    Litim Allwac

    This is the limit on the amount o an individuals

    pension benet (unds) that qualies or tax relie.

    It applies when benets are taken and applies

    to all pension benets that individuals build up

    over their entire working lie accross all pension


    The lietime allowance is reducing to 1.25m rom

    April 2014. (For 2013/2014 it is 1.5m)

    My Prchas Psi Schm

    The Liestyle Plan is sometimes reerred to as a

    Money Purchase pension scheme or a Dened

    Contribution pension scheme. This means that

    contributions made by you and the company

    are invested until you are ready to draw your

    benets. The benets at retirement may bepartly in the orm o a lump sum and the balance

    o your accumulated account is then normally

    used to buy an annuity with an insurance

    company. There are a variety o choices available

    to you at retirement see Liestyle booklet Your

    Pension Your Choice or more inormation.

    ordiary Ctritis

    In the Liestyle Plan, members have a

    choice o how much to pay. They can contribute0%, 2.5% or 5% o pay as Ordinary Contributions.

    The more a member pays, the higher the

    Companys contributions into the Liestyle Plan.

    Further contributions can be made, in the orm

    o Additional Voluntary Contributions and Extra



    A eature o the Liestyle Plan that enables you to

    pay your ordinary contributions, AVCs and ECs in

    a more tax ecient manner, meaning both you

    and the company pay less National Insurance

    contributions, in addition to you paying less

    Income Tax.

    Psial earigs

    This means actual salary including bonuses or

    overtime. Any such item may be excluded i

    notied by the company beore it is paid.

  • 7/30/2019 Members Guide - Sept 2013



    I y dt lcmrtalmaagig yr

    w ivstmts,thr is a




    Shrt Trm Fd

    This is a part o the Liestyle Plans unds. It is our

    own in-house description or the und which is

    designed to meet the needs o a typical member

    as he or she approaches retirement. It will be

    invested in the types o investments which suitthis objective.

    Stat Psi Ag

    This is the age at which your State Pension is

    payable and is specic to your date o birth.

    You can check your own State Pension Age on the

    online calculator at www.gov.uk/calculate-state-



    In our deault arrangement, investments in your

    Liestyle account are automatically moved rom

    the Long Term Fund into the Short Term Fund

    as you approach retirement to gradually reduce

    volatility. For many members this can be a suitable

    arrangement and it is thereore a vitally important

    eature o the Liestyle Plan. This is now oten

    reerred to as liestyle switching and is refected

    in the name o our company pension plan!

    Targt Rtirmt Dat (TRD)

    This is the date you set or yoursel to control the

    timing o the switching o your Liestyle account

    rom the Long Term Fund into the Short Term

    Fund. It does not mean you must retire at TRD. It

    is simply the way in which you can have personalcontrol over your Liestyle account in the years

    leading up to your expected retirement. You can

    change your TRD at any time to refect the best

    estimate o when you think you may draw your


  • 7/30/2019 Members Guide - Sept 2013



    Ctact DtailsFor urther inormation

    about the Liestyle

    Plan, please contact the

    Pensions Department.

    See overlea or details.

  • 7/30/2019 Members Guide - Sept 2013



    The Pensions DepartmentGuardian Media Group plcCenturion House, 129 Deansgate,Manchester M3 3WR

    Tel: + 44 (0)20 3353 2000Fax: + 44 (0)20 3353 3125

    Email: [email protected]
