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Membership - Unger Memorial Libraryunger.myplainview.com/hale center/1947/1947-02-28.pdf ·...

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Membership P• , st: ·1 00 Mt ernbers -;; T;;- 11-e ·verv····iiiccelafuViaTsTn!i,-- Glio.i\ nets. organiled Feb. 2nd, 184& 1450. · with 22 members, have now now reached' · a membershfp ot- 111- .memberi. · _ One of the flrat undertaklnqs of the organlaatlon waa the ta· tllh_!!ahment of a library for the hospital. Quite a number of books ban been dcnated and many more promised. The Chris· tlan c:burch Ia placing a Bible In each room of the hoapltal. The Bluebonnets have aubacrlb• ed for 12 leacllng maqazlnes for the · lioapltal. The Bluebonnets voted to fu· nlah the reception room at the hospital as their first proiect of the year. Fifteen cbalra have been purchased and plana have been. mad for . other fumlshlnqa. Th Bluebonnet officers wish to thank the membership for their hearty cooperation In each undertakings. The club has applied for a Jl!!Xt .. me!Jtlng _will be held Thursday, March the At the Fourth of July c:ele- reception room at the · ho•pltal the Bluebonnets had a at All mcm'eu arG bo th. The club also sponsored urged to bo pre< ent and help ' II home tol f llt ))lay, Which was -plcm the work for 1947. tnr. K:pn.S.; twa Donlg nn<l Mi ss Moly Cowlln,'both of Idona, Knns., nine l!randchllnnd nine grelltchlldron. All were p· resent tor thq funer- al <'xce(irthe mot h&. one · brother and tour of the grllndchilc1ren. Cti ,ich , · . . . ·' .. Rev. and Mrs. lohn B. --Hau · and thelr tlve year .old da"Ug4ter, Sha· ron, arrived here last ·Friday ttom Tahlequah, Okla., and the follow- Ing week end he presented his first mess ages ot t he Foursquare Gospel church,. Where he h11s imd cent paatora at Tahlequllh, Okla. where they founded and buUt the . Caney Four-Square Goapel Church. They bcrte also 11"ed at churches of that faith at To· ledo, Ohio, Weiner. Texas, cmd Miss W a nda ' Peterson 1943 graduate-or To Wed Hellie Sunda __ Y the L.J.F.E _ Bibl e College at Los ( j Angeles, Col. Mrs. Hall also at- Mr nnd Mrs. J. B. Peterson, of I tended the college. Ha le Cen ter, wish to an nounce · Bom In Arkanaaa o! the1r 1 She was born In Misso uri and Wflnda, to · waytl e I reilrea Tn Los Angeles. He was them .. John" n son Mr. nnd Mrs J V born In V4n Bu.rcn. Ad<, -- the He montloned the 00 '"h ,, 1 n' ' , , .,, ot fh <" Bnptlsf hom<' of Comedinn Bob Bums-. the Boy Sco ts g d ''' ·· I " ' ll n' e Centl'r Sunrl n\ und r<'Rred In Santa Pouln Cal )J ' Md said .,, 'I '2 111 thre<'· thlrt y : He anno un<:-ed th ut wlll =::-:=---- .... ----------------..0 r < f N A• , 1 '\JJi u• off iciate nt be held eoeh Saturday night, p• II ><' 11 )! ,. n t•Pre mon\' Friend . starting at seven-thirty, each Sun- Ioneer 1. f tlH 1 mq• 1 '" ' lt erl to at· dny morning wll h devotional tr nrl the c!'n ·· :' my._ sc rvh:e-s- stnfting at 11 ; and each' Sunday evening nt se ven thirty. De d .. Jen Additionallbs. Prayer serv.lc .es will b<> held each Ie Wedne•dny ni ght. Mailman·· Last . Friday - Mick Smith Writes Home Inn 01) Flight to Philipp . ines · "- -Sugar Available Sublet for hts Saturday night mnll <'d It nt c;u-nm Sun· After April First ser\'lces w1n be "The Balm of Gl· · lt•nrl " n sermon of theo abllity 4•H CLUB BOYS Tbe llat of o14 tlillll't ,.._ co Has Pipe for Hale to reports, Hunt Oil Aboard a C-54 Transport with secured five sl.rlngs of 32 comrude s roaring toward the "We just took off frqm Kwnjn- llou"•wi\ ,., w! ll h"' ,. an n<l<li - to heal In answer to pr aye r. sun- followed dim cattle tilllla 'WIIi lie n, aboa rd n C-54 Trnnsport tionnl ' '' " !'"""" ' .. r su;:ur n\'n il- day. morning he wi.ll present a MET TH. URSDAY when Hale Center was a COlli' hcnded for Gunm nnd th <;n on t <> nhl •· "" Apnl I ... ,. nrcl ing to an - st>rmon on "The Purpose of Com- town and Welt Taxa• Will 1111• • 'h M earmarked thr"e Philippines, Mlck Smith found for .. t!ounty project. time to ·. writ <> a lett er a bout his h{I'S st>ve rnl lease• fli ght to . his pnre nt s, Mr. and Mnnlln. Wt• .. lef t l••s AngPies n«Ull n """'nh .,r 1111· Washington munlon." sunday night he will The H1de Center boy' s 4- H club fenced range llas bHD llllll Sund uy morning at 11 n. m. ·Th <' ofli<' e of T•·mpor a n Contrql s. Tt11• speak on "Stnrvatlori Army" ;__a met in 'the llllCDnd grade room of bit the paat few · montlll, _al n. ew producer. Mrs. J ack Smith of Hule Center. tie wrote the lett er on the ntght plane wl' a-re In i• n fou- r-motored t<•n nd<lltim•"' P"l " "l ' of •ugar so ul stirrin g messnge or snlvn- t he word school Thursday, Feb. younger veneratiOU atal. JW craft wi th n crui sing spN•rt of n- "" AJ•ril 1. is mnde tim\· tion. 27. Manual Ayers, the new county In sorrow cmd humble napld fat actual drilling activities, from Kwnjallen to Guam, and No. 1 Ln Font, a bout bout 200 mil l's mph nncl n nuls - u;: ht ""' " ·•· .. r " stump --- --·- agent, was present. The club dt•· aa the 'honor-roD af ..-1 o14• Mrs. Maggard Named ro;n; vrowa 1111 to the .southeas ot No. 1 Fisher, s t T lc feet re.. . cou s -a • second test for nice. There are only thlrty-tltrl'<' f in' "''' """ · wi ll nt mid · Chairman of Yard girls w .. re Invited. . •• ,: I Beaut;flcat;on :;;,' .;"" :,":;'. ":;:.': := very nice nnd we cnn mo\'P nbout numed chnlrmnn . of thi s . commu- Nll<'red l_ n the lh·e Klock • show;) when Le. e Wa - rdlaw, 84-yeat-O . -. ld . will mco n n lot If It Country H•elce aood producer. The · local Boy Scouts took piny cnrds.or dominoes or do jus; Citizens Urged to nit>· for the County Wide BPnut!, whkh are coming soon. · t<'tlred farmer ond stockman and tholr monthly hikFriday, l'eb. ns we pl<>nse except stt'p m1tsid<' K . p . It p d fl<·utlon prog_rnm. r<>cen tly ndo(lt' Johnny {;rogg, an outstanding ----- 2121. for n morning pnpcr, ee p ou ry enne ed by women of communi ty. club member. hru; two . lill!l . ep ·he ..... " ..... at .............. The hlk <' wns somthlng new to "It took us 13 hours to fly to It's fllll'den plun1ing time and The appointment wa• made by will show at the Amarillo exhlbl· Ccillle to Jlcdtli In the Scout s. The Scoutmaster , VIc ;;:: of Plainview, Mr. Wardlaw mov.ed to tlie . .. and 11 took us thlrt e<' n plllntlngs Thnt usunlly Th<' ladles ha,·e adop- Ca udle hus two calv<>s he Is go- In 1900 a.nd carried the maU minutes to follow the troll. The morl'. truublt• fnr "l'ity-flt•d clue- lt•cl Pu ul' s Srnrlt•t Cllmb<'r Rose ing to show at Lubbtlek. trlnl l<'d them' t oo pasture south "Thl s Is u very nice, fril'n<llv unci··, t-h•• Cr<!Jl.l' Myrt l f' us the -J immy Lamb, Club reporter ustnu .tl>e old fashioned A ... or town . Ever)' Scout who wl'nt Bunch of men to l( l'it•"·'u··· ·' 110 '" been Plnln,·i,•w rluW<'(,_ nnd"'Mr" Mn _ .. on th <' tllke pussed a te st I ond uhnut on<•-half uf tlwm ar .. l ilf ll "d lnln Iii!All><' rit·u n ill<l iei) INI .. !hot Hnlt' .Ce nt:; INJURED WHILl: PLAYING t!'am to deliver the mall over the Several boys nr<• now set·ond Mnster ·· hu·kt•ns rllllil lll K "wild" Un<l lndlt's fn\'ure<l thP odopilon •of JO BETH· STUBBLEFIELD l<'>nll: ro ut e across thl' prairie. Muss Sct>ut s. '"""t of whom nre "At Kwn jnli•·n " ,. ' ""' 'lw rl<'<'t ""' '' ") ur ti n""' " '" !: . n ei g h !lor th<> snm•• fluwers Jo<' BPth Stuhhlefteld. slx-yenr- He started farming ond ra!Jinl working .on hnriKPS. Near- of ships thut· Wl' rf' ''"'d In thP A- 11>1( gu r<ten s Mrs. Magga rd urged nil Indies old dnu gh tl'l' of Mr. und Mrs. Jot: r a ttlt> In 1914. n .. wa-s never boy tn the troop-now Bum.b. c•f!Niment. ThN<' "'""' " Tlu·n'• n t'lly nr < l<nnnr t.' ngain" in this t•ommunit) tu get into the St ubbi Pfil'ld. Is bock In sehQ!!l marrlt.'d 0«0 '" <o< o< <>em oo< oU """' '• " '""'"" "''"""' ''''' "'' "" ' '' · "" "' <0. "' """'''"' , ... <o ..ow< o< ,,,,. o0- K• oomo <>o ........ - ehlo-k ••n rn•"''" within tlw gram. ti<!nCI! due to _ !\n )nJ.llry . re- Ellis county. Smith hi u <"OOl!t truetlon (ormnn llmll :-; nu.• tn rnoperate 1;1 celved l as t week. She has been for Con•oHtint"d Shnp)'llrds, ontl th e ir <'hi<· k< •ns pe nn.<' d. "A rec<• lvlng trea tmPnt for a long . N'EEDLE CLUB MET Feb. 19 ' "' und hi s volunt<•<• r grou1> hov•· · polwy th«' Constructio Started gosh on h<·r rorehend· whtct 1 she IN w. c. WILHITE ROME b"" '' nsslgnl'd to sa lvng<• war seusn n" will span• n lot 0 N B 'ld' I' 1 eod h h f 11 ,., "" '" '" ' "' " "' Moru<• "' ,.,.,,_, 00 """ . n ew uo onq ;,;';,' .,,.;:,,:;,. • ; ..,: ,,':;,.,; Fun<?ral Rervlct!s were held Saturday aft ernoon at the- Hale Comter Baptist chureh, with Rev. F. N. A. Alll'n, thl' pastor, tlfftl!IAtlng. Burlalwn R In the Halo Center home of Mrs. W. c. Wilhite Feb. . - • . St fl••r inl( from nl' umo _ Cnnstru<•tlon 11 few dnys Sev<>ral stltdl<' H rl'qulrred cemetery under the direction ol th w. M. Lemon•. Rome. lll. Delicious refreshment s wPre ::wom<'n don't "II' your floor• ,_ ,n·ri \l r<. rR<>n P a:n: dos<' the wound. thirteen mc•JUbrs 1'""0 u U• ". PIMti-Kott· ' ""'' lved m<'dll>LLI nttt ntlon nt tht ro•ld<' IICO, ·for Mr. on41 Mrs. f:. Har· PAY THAT WA_TER BILL T-4th Katheleon yeor. Hdw. odv Plnl n\'lew sanitarium . . Both nrf' ri a. who now opernt<' Kiker BEFORE MAtiCH TENTH. ,._, "" Mn. BoO - ,; 0 ,.;,, Mo , . _ ., 00 '' '"" · "" " <• """ w '' •ru<oo .oo CoUoo C.ru" "'' c., Co•••• ""'-' "'' """"""' - · • , ..... ,, , ... .,,., .. ' 0 <o o - Mo , w oo -' ""' < •P· ' """'' , .... ......... 0 fo- MO "" wolff ,,_ poy W"""ow, ..,, !JMO" on4 • ofo' . Ga« · . - .. rg . J nt u · . coted betwee n Kiker building and their water . and sewer bllls nol ter, Mrs. Hood, Fort Wotib. :·.· hOme of Mrs. G. E. R_ltchey. Her husband, who seriously Ill. twlcl' n wePk. Uw Plasu -Kote Walls Is building the structure tor later t'han the tenth of next meeting wfl! be Mid 1 Lubboek hnspltol t oday IFrldnyl. "Worn<>n don't wox your floors L. W. Walls blacksmlt h shop. later than th e tenth or the monb lS, . _ _ IB likewise a paUent---tltefO; - -- om>e- -& ·-yeOJf!!..t>Gdson'._-l'l4w. -84!1- .Uul- lllmlaJ:runllY tQ __ · · . __ ... month •. !lC:Cordltlll to
Page 1: Membership - Unger Memorial Libraryunger.myplainview.com/hale center/1947/1947-02-28.pdf · hospital as their first proiect of the year. Fifteen cbalra have been purchased and plana

Membership P•,st: ·1 00 Mternbers

-· -;;T;;-11-e --=~""at~.--~e--oun'tY -Cifuei'on;-- ·verv····iiiccelafuViaTsTn!i,--Glio.i\ nets. organiled Feb. 2nd, 184& 1450. · with 22 members, have now now reached' · a membershfp ot-111- .memberi. ·

_One of the flrat undertaklnqs of the organlaatlon waa the ta· tllh_!!ahment of a library for the hospital. Quite a number of books ban been dcnated and many more promised. The Chris· tlan c:burch Ia placing a Bible In each room of the hoapltal. The Bluebonnets have aubacrlb• ed for 12 leacllng maqazlnes for the · lioapltal.

The Bluebonnets voted to fur· · nlah the reception room at the

hospital as their first proiect of the year. Fifteen cbalra have been purchased and plana have been. mad for .other fumlshlnqa.

Th Bluebonnet officers wish to thank the membership for their hearty cooperation In each undertakings.

The club has applied for a


Tb~- Jl!!Xt .. me!Jtlng _will be held Thursday, March &.~In the

At the Fourth of July c:ele- reception room at the · ho•pltal b~tlon. the Bluebonnets had a at t~o-thlrty. All mcm 'eu arG bo th. The club also sponsored urged to bo pre<ent and help

' II home tolf llt ))lay, Which was -plcm the work for 1947.

tnr. K:pn.S.; twa sl s,~ters, Donlg nn<l Miss Moly Cowlln,'both of Idona, Knns. , nine l!randchlld· r~n nnd nine grelltchlldron.

All were p·resent tor thq funer­al <'xce(irthe moth&. one ·brother and tour of the grllndchilc1ren.

B\111~ Cti,ich , Olit·all'o;-~> ·

. . . ·' .. Rev. and Mrs. lohn B. --Hau ·and

thelr tlve year .old da"Ug4ter, Sha· ron, arrived here last ·Friday ttom Tahlequah, Okla., and the follow­Ing week end he presented his first messages ot the Foursquare Gospel church, . Where he h11s

imd ;i{e-;~. cent paatora at Tahlequllh, Okla. where they founded and buUt the . Caney Four-Square Goapel Church. They bcrte also 11"ed at churches of that faith at To· ledo, Ohio, Weiner. Texas, cmd

Miss Wa nda' Peterson »;~~a:~l~~:a:· 1943 graduate-or

To Wed Hellie Sunda __ Y the L.J.F.E _ Bible College at Los ( j Angeles, Col. Mrs. Hall also at-

Mr nnd Mrs. J. B. Peterson, of I tended the college. Hale Cen ter, wish to announce · Bom In Arkanaa a

approl)clllng_~ o! the1r 1 She was born In Missouri and ~nug ht<'r, Wflnda, to · waytle I reilrea Tn Los Angeles. He was them .. John" n son ~r Mr. nnd Mrs J V born In V4n Bu.rcn. Ad<, -- the He montloned the 00

'"h ,, 1 n' ' , , • .,, ot fh <" Bnptlsf hom<' of Comedinn Bob Bums-. the Boy Sco t s g d ''' ·· I " ' ll n' e Centl'r Sunrln\ und r<'Rred In Santa Pouln Cal )J ' Md said

.,, 'I • ' 2 111 thre<'· thlrt y : He announ<:-ed thut servlc~s wlll =::-:=----....----------------..0 r < f N A• , 1 '\JJiu• officiate nt be held eoeh Saturday night, p• II ><' 11 )! ,. n t•Premon\' Friend . starting at seven-thirt y, each Sun- Ioneer 1. f tlH 1 mq• 1 ar~" '" ' lt erl to at· dny morning wll h devotional t r nrl th e c!'n ·· :' my._ scrvh:e-s- stnfting at 11 ; and each'

Sunday eveni ng nt seven • thirty. De d .. Jen Additionallbs. Prayer serv.lc.es will b<> he ld each Ie

Wedne•dny night.

Mailman·· Last. Friday --;:un~~ ~Y%:~e:~ Mick Smith Writes Home

.-;;· ·~-t- -o~·r· "-P-'·i·~~::\eases Inn 01) Flight to Philipp. ines · "- -Sugar Available Sublet for hts Saturday night

~8royb.nbly mnll<'d It nt c;u-nm Sun· After April First ser\'lces w1n be "The Balm of Gl· · lt•nrl " n sermon of theo abllity 4•H CLUB BOYS Tbe llat of o14 tlillll't ,.._ co Has Pipe for Hale •t\"<~ordiiDII to reports, Hunt Oil Aboard a C-54 Transport with secured five sl.rlngs of 32 comrudes roaring toward the "We just took off frqm Kwnjn- llou"•wi\ ,., w! ll h"' ,. a n n<l<li - to heal In answer to prayer. sun- followed dim cattle tilllla 'WIIi

lien, aboa rd n C-54 Trnnsport tion nl ' ''" !'""""' .. r su;:u r n\'n il- day. morning he wi.ll present a MET TH.URSDAY when Hale Center was a COlli' hcnded for Gunm nnd th <;n on t <> nhl •· "" Apnl I ... ,. ,·nrcl ing to an - st>rmon on "The Purpose of Com- town and Wel t Taxa• Will 1111• •

'h M earmarked thr"e Philippines, Mlck Smith found for Ual~> .. t!ounty project. time to ·. writ <> a letter about his

h{I'S st>vernl lease• fli ght to . his pnrents, Mr. and Mnnlln. Wt• .. left l••s AngPies n«Ull n """'nh .,r 1111· Wash ington munlon." sunday n ight he will The H1de Center boy' s 4-H club fenced range llas bHD llllll Sund uy morning at 11 n . m. ·Th <' ofli<'e of T•·mporan Contrql s. Tt11• speak on "Stnrvatlori Army" ;__a met i n 'the llllCDnd grade room of bit the paat few ·montlll, _al

n.ew producer. Mrs. Jack Smith of Hule Center. !e~lln4-Test Undertak~n tie wrote the letter on the ntght

plane wl' a-re In i• n fou-r-motored t<•n nd<lltim•"' P"l" "l ' of •ugar soul stirring messnge or snlvn- the word school Thursday, Feb. younger veneratiOU atal. JW craft wi th n cruising spN•rt of n- r nlint~ -· <1 - "" AJ•ril 1. is mnde tim\· tion. 27. Manual Ayers, the new county In sorrow cmd humble napld

fat actual drilling activities, from Kwnjallen to Guam, and No. 1 Ln Font, a bout

bout 200 mil l's mph nncl n nuls - u;: ht ""' " ·•· .. r " > in.;:l~ stump --- --·- agent, was present. The club dt•· a a the 'honor-roD af ..-1 o14•

~~; :~"~~~ ~:;tut ~~~0 ;'; 111:\:.~ N,:\ i'//;:.,~ ;~·~·,~ :.':,';;.~.n~~Y~;~ru~:~·· ·;:;; Mrs. Maggard Named ~~;~:~ P~~;~1• ro;n; :,~~~~~HP::~~ ~;n:r,:~::.::;~ vrowa 1111

• to the .southeas ot No. 1 Fisher, ,~;.~ s t T lc

feet ~JDst re. . . cou s -a • second test for

nice. There are on ly thlrty-tltrl'<' f in' " ' ' ' """· wi ll (• Xplr~ nt mid · Chairman of Yard girl s w .. re Invited. . ::;:.:,.;':;~, •• ;";. .'~;; ,~':: ,: I ~;~·- ,,~·.:;,: , :: ,.;";,:::,•;;,•,.,'"" Beaut;flcat;on Proje~t .:~,:;"';, •:;;,' .;"" :,":;'. ":;:.': ./~:',,;;;'" ;:.~:· := very nice nnd we cnn mo\'P nbout numed chnlrmnn . of thi s . commu- Nll<'red l_n the lh·e Klock • show;) when Le. e Wa-rdlaw, 84-yeat-O. -. ld. will mcon n lot If It Country H•elce

aood producer. The · local Boy Scout s took piny cnrds.or dominoes or do jus; Citizens Urged to nit>· for the County Wide BPnut!, whkh are coming soon. · t<'tlred farmer ond stockman and tholr monthly hike· Friday, l'eb. ns we pl<>nse except stt'p m1tsid<' K . p . It p d fl<·utlon prog_rnm. r<>cen tl y ndo(lt' Johnny {;rogg, an outstanding ~=:~ mnthllca'!!~~:....dle~:z ----- 2121. for n morning pnpcr, eep ou ry enne ed by women of thl~ community. club member. hru; two . lill!l.ep ·he ..... " ..... at ..............

The hlk <' wns somthlng new to "It took us 13 hours to fly to It' s fllll'de n plun1ing time and The appointment wa• made by will show at the Amarillo exhlbl· Ccillle to Jlcdtli In liUir -~·-the Scouts. The Scoutmaster, VIc ~~~~!u~~~·d '~:~~" or;v~o:t~~:.~jn:~~~ ~::~~~:~~~"~,:~;• • ;;:: :,repg::~!n~h;~; ~.r:ir~~~1

of C1~;;e~~oj::t. Plainview, :,1

,~:;,.,~n:u~:~on!·1~~bo!~m~~.WM!; Mr. Wardlaw mov.ed to tlie ~~';'bbo;sal~ef~-.:;:~rn7.::~ . .. ~:~n~ and 11 took us thlrt e<'n hour~ ~url y plllntlngs Thnt usunlly Th<' Pl nln \'l~w ladles ha,·e adop- Caudle hus two calv<>s he Is go- ~loins In 1900 a.nd carried the maU minutes to follow the troll. The morl'. ~;:~;~,:~-~ truublt• fnr "l'ity-flt•d clue- lt•cl Pu ul' s Srnrlt•t Cllmb<'r Rose ing to show at Lubbtlek. ~"o;n ~::~on fro~· ;~;b~~D 1~0:, trlnl l<'d them' too pasture south "Thl s Is u very nice, fril'n<llv unci··, t-h•• Cr<!Jl.l' Myrt lf' us the -J immy Lamb, Club reporter ustnu .tl>e old fashioned ha~k A ...

or town. Ever)' Scout who wl'nt Bunch of men l( oln ~: to ~\n nll n. ~"'"'" 1 l( l'it•"·'u····' 110

'" bee n Plnln,·i,•w rluW<'(,_ nnd"'Mr" Mn ~ • _ .. on th<' tllke pussed a test I ond uhnut on<•-ha lf uf tlwm ar .. l ilf ll "d lnln Iii!• All><' rit·un r<' ~ urd · ~ ord ill<l iei) INI .. !hot Hnlt' .Cent:; INJURED WHILl: PLAYING t!'am to deliver the mall over the Several boys nr<• now set·ond Mnster Mason ~. • n~: ·· hu·kt•ns rllllil lll K "wild" Un<l lndlt's fn\'ure<l thP odopilon •of JO BETH· STUBBLEFIELD l<'>nll: rout e across thl' prairie.

Muss Sct>uts. '"""t of whom nre "At Kwnjnli•·n " ,. ' ""' 'lw rl<'<'t " " ' '' " ) ' " ~ ur ti n""' " '" !: . neigh !lor th<> snm•• fluw ers Jo<' BPth Stuhhlefteld. slx-yenr- He started farming ond ra!Jinl working .on me~lt hnriKPS. Near- of ships th ut· Wl' rf' ''"' d In thP A- 11>1( gu r<ten s Mrs. Magga rd urged nil Indies old dnugh tl'l' of Mr. und Mrs. Jot: r a ttlt> In 1914. n .. wa-s never ly· ·~_vt>i'y boy tn the troop-now Bum.b. c•f!Niment. ThN<' "'""' " Tlu·n'• n t'lly nr <l<nnnrt.' ngain" in thi s t•ommuni t) tu get into the St ubbiPfil' ld . Is bock In sehQ!!l O· marrlt.'d

0«0 '" "'""~ <o< o< <>em oo< oU """''• " '""'"" "''"""' ''''' • "'' "" ' ''·"" "' <0. " ' """'''"' ··~- , ... <o .. ow<o< ~Mo< ,,,, . o0- K• oomo ~ <>o ........ -ehlo-k ••n rn•"''" within tlw ~It\ gram. ti<!nCI! due to _!\n )nJ.llry . ~he re- Ellis county.

Smith hi u <"OO l!t truetlon (ormnn llmll :-; nu.• U ~!- kt•ct tn rnoperate 1;1 celved last week. She has been for Con•oHtint"d Shnp)'llrds, ontl k< · <•pln ~: th e ir <'hi<· k<•ns penn.<'d. "A rec<•lvlng trea tmPnt for a long.

N'EEDLE CLUB MET Feb. 19 '"' und hi s volunt<•<• r grou1> hov•· ·~ .,,.<1 ~~t·l ~ l,hnr · polwy durin~ th«' Constructio Started gosh on h<·r rorehend· whtct1

she IN w. c. WILHITE ROME b"" '' nsslgnl'd to sa lvng<• war ~ n r<l t• n seusn n" w ill span• n lot 0 N B 'ld' I' 1 eod h h f 11 ,., •~~· c~o "" '" '" ' "'" "' Moru<• "' ,.,.,,_,00""" . n ew uo onq ;,;';,' .,,.;:,,:;,. • ; ..,: ,,':;,.,;

Fun<?ral Rervlct!s were held Saturday aft ernoon at the- Hale Comter Baptist chureh, with Rev. F. N. A. Alll'n, thl' pastor, tlfftl!IAt• lng. Burlalwn R In the Halo Center

home of Mrs. W. c. Wilhite Feb. . - • . St •fl••r inl( from nl' umo _ Cnnstru<•tlon bt>~ nn 11 few dnys Sev<>ral stltdl<'H w~:>re rl'qulrred cemetery under the direction ol th w. M. Lemon•. F~nerat Rome. lll. Delicious refreshment s wPre ::wom<'n don't "II' yo ur floor• ,_,n·ri \ l r<. M«rR<>n P Tod~ ~~~-.,~~: :.~r~-1'~; :to~~~~dtr~~d ~~r;::~;. a:n: dos<' the wound.

~~Jl',-',.fe.-.'COl\duCla-' -served ~o thirteen mc•JUbrs ~nd 1'""0 u w~~· k. U•". PIMti-Kott· ' ""'' lved m<'dll>LLI nttt•ntlon nt tht• ro•ld<'IICO, ·for Mr. on41 Mrs. f:. Har· PAY THAT WA_TER BILL th~Jtor!'ero T-4th Katheleon "::~_6 yeor. ~odson " Hdw. odv Plnln\'lew sanita rium . . Both nrf' ria. who now opernt<' th~ Kiker BEFORE MAtiCH TENTH. ,:'~~ ,._, "" Mn. BoO- ,;

0,.;,, Mo , . _ ., 00' ' '""· "" " <• """ w ' ' ~·•~ •ru<oo .oo CoUoo C.ru" "'' c., Co•••• ""'-' "'' """"""' - · • ,.....,, , ... -~M'.,...~.,. .,,., .. -~ ' 0 <o ~<o o - Mo , w oo -' ""' < •P· ' """'' ,.... '~ ......... 0 fo- MO "" wolff ~-· ,,_ poy W"""ow, ..,, !JMO" on4 • ofo' . Ga« · . - .. rg . J surg~ nt u · . coted between Kiker building and their water .and sewer bllls nol ter, Mrs. ~ohn Hood, Fort Wotib. :·.·

hOme of Mrs. G. E. R_ltchey. Her husband, who I ~ seriously Ill. twlcl' n wePk. Uw Plasu -Kote Walls Is building the structure tor later t'han the tenth of th~ next meeting wfl! be Mid


Lubboek hnsplt ol today IFrldnyl. "Worn<>n don't wox your floors L. W. Walls blacksmlt h shop. late r than the tenth or the monb

''"'~'"- • ·'""'Ill'~'~~ lS, . _ _ IB likewise a paUent---tltefO; - -- om>e--&·-yeOJf!!..t>Gdson'._-l'l4w. -84!1- .Uul- lllmlaJ:runllY tQ __ · · . __ ... month •. !lC:Cordltlll to

Page 2: Membership - Unger Memorial Libraryunger.myplainview.com/hale center/1947/1947-02-28.pdf · hospital as their first proiect of the year. Fifteen cbalra have been purchased and plana

tub qperilliCI to dJatnoH a etrl""a· achu cmd :pcdaa. ca nt ~· tUN USUt4 bcmdt to t eep your old CClf 11111A$D9 llllOOtbtr. Wbttht f It'S a '37 Or a '0, JWl CO, llldl i4pJCU' attu.tion ~ .IZ) EIUENCED llliC~I ore Nad.y to llt lp J I'Jif"1f$tl!l prompt 1e0 . ...---

See ·The


Chisel Plow

On Display Here

We wefe recently li.Omed avents

for thl• popUlar plow, and we m,

Yt,(l,."you to com! tn ant' aeo lt.

Ritchey-McMennamy Motor Co


Barbara Laney Is In College At Abilen2 Christion-

Bnfborn_"t.aney, daughter of Mr. ·-1md MB.·Coke- L.,.~-y-·oHJah•-EloriO-f h.'r, hM tnroHCd Rll n Anoth~r

, student In Allillehe ChrlsHon of tht' Hom& l>e•oon,•tratton l&f:C. AbilenE'. TexAs. was the valentine party

She ls one _o n!l9 new 4 a t t he borne of Mrs. ·Roy cnrollect _!!Y Abi1eno law. IE"Jff' for ·n-~ spring st.-mester In Inlertsting dJ,cusslons a n rorty fltSI ro.gtilar seAAion. bring- hOUst'hold accessory demonstra .. lng th(' achooi'K total .enrollment tlon!l by each membot o r tho club to nineteen · hundred o.nd thirty ht>ndllned th9 meeting. . !ilX. Rerreshments w~re served with

MIM Lnne.y ~rnduatod· from ttl \'alentino moUf ·cah-100 out ·lTn-le - Ctrnu~:r high i::('l H 'M''Il' tn -plnte f n \'nn.

I of 1 !l46 o.nr\ h a."' bef.ln Raa.l Vat• nttnta

John:n.y Faith Owners Doyle

Arch Goudie,. Market Manager . . . . .

CENTRAL . ; ... ........

Food Market l.Jt>{Wtt' s Buslnl:'U College AJtc;h:tln Jt thP hofltflss wcr

; Plnlnvlew f~r l hP pnst dx m onths. U t lle Ml.or.s e·1::l~Q~or~i;n;;~EI:•:in~·e ~l~ln~l'l~·:l::::::::::::::::::: Also ottt.•ndins:. t he collego j hit nntl Elni.n(' who were t-mo--'Uidet"-dt'lm;lttt--t ttl- -thto- -L-nn~ -41'~~--in-- · ·

C\1\rn MaP. .. . NlnC' m C'mbors, two visitors and , . ~('V<"n c-hltdN>n wJ?ro !)resent.

· . lt.~s o Boy . · Mr· nnd Mr>. Wolh"' Hoi!, "' Bill Ch.opmon AttenCls

~=~~ c:,~,~~rbo;(· ~~t7:.' ~~.~~~~~n~h: l Wi:Jter :· Sewer Sch.oof Plaill\-if•w hoJ>pit nL Tht• new n. -, Rill Chnpmnf!,_ J.<lCDl. l\!nte.r SU· l'lvn.l wetgh~d In nt 7 pound s, ~~ i N·rlnt£'nd('nt, r('C'Cntly rrOm Brf· oun('(>!l twc:l luu bi'<"R nnrn<"d Dt>n · nn. TPx.nR. whtmt pe d.1tended n nit~ Milea. fnur • dn_l,· wnt <>r sthool. ·

ll<' ma~t" the trio with S. E.

• • •

Rnl!'~t. wnter sup9tlnt.endcnt Plnln\'IPw, Pnul 9 ryrui. taX nn·d •t·ntN fpe C'ollPAtor fnr Plaln\rtew: n C. St R!'Ifl('1d, Mnlndor. nreal­t1('n t of thf' Cnnror.k ·ond Sewer As,.nrlntlon. and l . J. Carroll, P tH11tC'nh . ' ' '('<" _ f\festd('nt .

Thc> .llrouo also went throua h ~he ltiant wnter wnrk &ewer and wniPrwr.rk plants nt Au!Uin. Sl or}l: d ub

~-.-· --


CAR TROUBLES lf youf cor Is getting «-bit lOose tn thl'

we -know how to ~nlte hrir like n again, with rnuch of the· vim on d vi~l'r

youngl!r , dnyA.

Our mechnnlc'~l treatment mny prevent costly· motor troubles lO.ter on it' you cnll us promptly.


.. Oa. Ccm, TractOrt. Truck._ Irrl9atloo MotorL

. Hale Center

Certified Field Seed ~tr. o.nd Mr-s. Robby Thomt~~3

t"ndNI the Nels • Barton weddlng at Abemnthy Sundny •

One farmer tells And we don't have enough Storage Space for it ot at present. So we .OFfER. YOU •••••

.s-oc Per Sack Discount On lmm!!diote Soles ond.Removol of this S0od

!: S IU U 'S F 0 R FE f.D S. and S E E D S

Mn. FARMER, It you're lntereated 10 JnstulUng an -lrriaatJon Well, ll 't Ume t o IN t~e Job ~O.JlO now,

!At Ua Quol• YOu A -

TURNKEY JOI Wo I'H11oro· .;;.o;;;-~~--·----


l otlill• .,..... 1'iilr Itt .....

!Jflip!oyed. q_l\egj$_t;t're,cl D r1.1ggist, who will be here in ·ap­'i)rc)li:ii11fafilV' ltrelayt·vn wiil m ointciin a •••

· Aitrf>mpfet:e ·stock. Of

P~~~c~ri~;it · Items '.Iff: ~ ~·

··· At-- All Times -¥--------------·- -.... .

. •.•. ot alttimes, I will GUARANTEE you o SAVINGS of. at least ••

15to 20% On Any Prucriptio~ Filled By Us

If you have refills and wont u' to so·te you mane.y on t~em, please get your copies and bring them-to us.

We would also like t~ call otten tian to our· • •


Food Department WE SERVE DELICIOUS· • •


Also •••

. Hamburgers;- -chip.Steak · Sandwiche-s-- · ·1:. o~d any ather SonCiwiches, all at MOEDERAT€ PRICES.

. Complete Fountain Services- .



I •

. . ' "!o ?'s;m"'r'"'' save cone rete sav•ng~ .. o,n . aJeV~ •t9pl11

• • .. . .. ¥ ~- • - .. .. ~,. . . ....... . . t: .... :.,. ;

Items. I invite you ·. check the prices liJted PI!IOw<-Ogoinst t liose of a~y. s.tore i~tho~~'i.ntry, f!9~~less of size.~: - · .. .

-~ - -.\-·--~~-...-- . i..~:&... '< ·~

Jd_ - ---..,.....-... ~.-. .:·~· ... ~. '

.·Yi ii:~:t-

Drlne ··-s-- :~. -- .. .. · . . -- ~-- , __ :.

· · ··~mpo_o


Alka-Seltzer :~z~ent 43·o . .

30c SIZe



Vapo-Rube ...

53c 35c Size · ·

. ' • ~ :



MOdart Fluff

._Shampoo 38c

SOc Menth,blat:um, Special 33c . :0

LIMIT, one to a .penon, because its on to stay, Qnd you may buy another the next day.

... H""••.e Will-Give You -the Prices If ·You- Will Give Us a Trial! • I ' '

l I

Page 3: Membership - Unger Memorial Libraryunger.myplainview.com/hale center/1947/1947-02-28.pdf · hospital as their first proiect of the year. Fifteen cbalra have been purchased and plana

SELL YOUR FARM ·saay Chich

Leases or._ Roy.alt:~es - ·~· - "~~~o. SUPPLIES SEE

Hudson &- Scal_iD~_, .. · Real Estate Leases Royalty


i~· · . .G. ""-oC~· LAYUIQ-

. Supply Y li.ur Ham With

P.G.C. ·Laying Mash P.G.C. LA YlNG MASH con.

9~::.~ ;::; \':':~~~~~~:~~~~~p: plyina: aD· assenL.tal proteUU. vitamins. minerals . and other ltnport&nt food . element• to help lner(laat> ("lifE production fUJ.d maintain th('l "·Jtall1y o f tefl la.ylna hen.

E&'vs ~roducftd on P.C.C FE'EPS art- h ti,.h tn vlta.mmt aftd-1004.. v.J.ue--.



Wheat Growers An'n. Glen ·Rogers, Manager

Have f ou !ver '

-~A Gacltet like Tlis l

It i • 'llfHT MlTlr ,. ,., u,6dlt ... ,... .... ,,_ .,...._.



Chicken Feeders Water Fountains


Stone Water Fountains and Feeders

Ga~~ed Water Fountains Water. Press·ure Sprayers

Carts for Cleaning Houses & General Use

-0. F. Reed Hardware


· · · mlstt-r, to ~!'I the most dr1"lng Jll~asur(' out af your t"ar 11 you Ignore minor tltllnent !l. Wt.~ -t ftkc.> <'"-rt.- uf an\' rtl·

pt..u jobs, adequat.e l)', '~tflclentb. Jne..pcntiV~Iy. .


Ritz Garage W. L WALDEII, eWIIER

Rus Upt8UJ1'0Ve. ~. now bock at th.e Ritz Garage

l"nruly Colrl PopA -


lncludlnllt' three­f'l\'ersea In Africa Sardcnta, and NAnlE-tt. . ttatv. Re re.enUsttd Jn November nntt IIi now lltBtiOnt"d t\L th" 'Fort Worth- Armv A'r Field, ·

Tht' ('OUOlt" vh.11l rd . Mi-. nntl 'Mrs 1 .. Flnkc tu)d ramlly In mtd·F~b-­"'-HU'V.

SHIP BY TRUCK Jo'ot Short or Long Dlstoncea

Hauling, Sec


BOGGUS BROSE. IUTAIII! ~r Pboa.e 4201, Bale Center_..-


Mrs. Wa.yno Brownd Local Repreacnlatlve

Phone 2091


--Texico Products Washing and Greasing Servic:es

PAID MOTOR Phone 2241

We Feature--

BordeQ_'§ Ic~ __ Cream

were f4ee,,

IOil«>YJL.JO-""'!"-".'-P.!!!,o..!I•!L-,----"-.t -DoWn4 tnaln. street. n youni · -l~ .onJllL_hlc;y~, __ He

pumved the paddles Of h iS. 'cyt:le madly for n moment, a nd oga.1n the shrill Outbur~~;t of a siren -on th~ bfeyclc · .edfoed dq_wn -the street.

A-udell 'King, daughter Mr. a.nd Mtt. R. K .. King . of. Halo Center, 'hO.lf enrolled OS a (feshman stu~

Bulld.ln,g,.J.deJtt In Abilene Chrlstlon Col~ Jeg1l, . J•bll•enc, ·Texas.

She 1s orie or 199 new students

Hammit & Anderson





Where the Go,od. Wheat Glows-

Ha'rve•t Queen·;• & -El-evator ·Ca.

Plainview . u-~•!to:re-lte-JPrOIIch••JI..:-I'>-.,e..JOlO.,&dolii..II!>.!!J!~~I~;;:;~:.-:__b~_:Y. _·A~b:lleno Chrlslnn Cot-

since he was 11 years"ola; • ·_ ot Sweetwatef are vtslllrig hei parents,

.. W. A. Hant ock Of lllco was ·in Hale Center - .. ~ Eld. E. C. · Mahuroy WlU preach each

,"::""----------·-----------~l·ct;~piCt.-sili~oc Depadmtlit STOVALL • BOOHER RADIATOR SERVICE

Saturdtiy b_etore at the Primitive Church ~lf.-Hoope<M•=· ,.··.ent of'"the Hale Center school board, ·o.n~

Is open tor_ a · supe~ntendent,

West Texas Chamber or Commerce News, Hale Center wn~ as the place.·Where "flap ~ack.s do not grow without cultlv"­Whef e any~bing wm grow wlth 'attention. It ls tn the ·Centt-r

· y tn ,West Te~as and th-c~~m-"Ot th~ Plains. Where tpk~ _t_ime. _to examine the great productive soil ·and

supply or good shultoW' water,· tledde ' th la l s' lndeed thf'

Delphian Club Enteralned by' Mrl. Trtplett 'f.j'ODk T!lplett entertalae4 ·the Hale C_eat• Delpblan ClUb wtth the fahowtno •lliten CUld inembert auea.cUa91 M••·

Rou, Hu.dlo~ Bol••· Searl. cox. Underwood., Joba~n. cmd H. Tbomaa;

WAS H-1 N G T 0 N


Jo'amHy t rudt> l!i one or lhC' prlndpa l rilm s o( our

~afe. The ut mosphcre tnvl tt'S convcrso.flon nnd t he menues w ill )»lease t•\'Cry member ·of the fn·

m lly . B~l!'g your frtmlly tu sec us 1\<"Xl Sunday.

JACK'S CA.FE "Wb ere Friends Meet and. E::R"


Plenty ot ,JJot Water ancl., Ste_a m

Prompt, Courteous Attention


Wf' Als u D<• W N Wn,;h, l!nu~-:h l)ry

und Finish Work

Pick -up n nct 1.~11\'(•ry Sn\ in·s ln '1\J\\ n Bufm n orida, Proprietor


Here's the Way to

Plalavlew, T~u

WATER WELL DIIJLJ.IIIO -Bouae Welb, Stock w.u.;..

6" or B .. . hole - $1.00 10" hole - • 1.!50 12" hole - $2.00

Inquire Frant'a .Croc•rr 2 miles no rth l.ubook.-on-

~l.al.nvlcw Highway or -Phone 2-5203 · · A. D. tnyloi


Cabinets Of All Kinds

M~ C. HANCOCK llale ( '.-ntn, 'fuaa l'll ONE 42 31


801-8-1 f West Eighth Street Plainview, Texas

E . O, IIICHOLI. M , .D. Surgery and con~ultntion

J. H. n.ANSEN, M. 1).

X-Ray and SurKery

E. 0 , NICHOLS. fll. M. D. Surgery nnd G yneCoto~:y

E. M. SMITH Obstetrles

lto\RL ZlHII. M. D. F.yo, Ear, Nosl' nn~ Throat

BUGK 8. 0'111!11. N, D.

LAIIDRUI C. SM11'11. X. D.

lntcrnni . Medclne

G£0, 1L SWARTZ. M. Do Ner\·ou:s 8:nd Mental DJM ....

G. W, WAGIIER; M. D. Cob.sulto.nt Pe41a.trlclan


HAiuiiETT J, BBOWI't. ' R. N: EDMUND MATTOS, 1 . &. Sllp\•rlnttmdcnl of NurseJ Superint~nl'lont of Ho~

L£ I. SOUCY, M. T . {A.S.C.P. )o s ; H. EMANUELBU, 8. . i"r•'f• Chlcr or L.nboratory S('rvlce Chief o/ Phyi:Uca.l Tb.eran



Graham-Hoe me Plow


Buta ne ·. Pror.ane farm Fue 1


!Butane Applianc:es

Fuel Bottle1

Phillips bb Gas & Oil

Le-e Tires & Tube;

Champion .. Si)ark Plugs

Phillips Batteri.es

Fat Profit"s-~ ~~,. ..... DAY PRONE

'Til• llJQger. Jatttr tmd bealtbter your a:ntia.ols, tU

_ llltlJoi o4 flitter, '!"" Jliur· proillo. ·lt'ojao4. boaltby, · - !l•doi!IOIO pou~ to :r,our u ...

't~oy lor

Slop cro&lon -- Prevent 'a!owJ.ng . .. The· work o r t.bta JIOJmla r plow by'fpas1e11 the water· through the top 101L

·Your eh'&ne!ft tot 8. crOp f1 bettet whe.h you plow an4 CU1•

Uvetc the "GRt.~ • 110!!:1\IE WAY'·, So little molature " ~~.'red .. ' p.'owina eoota ,,.. cut ·ln. half aq4 ~ 11oi4 lp ~, ...... lidou.bl.eit . . . '. .

Page 4: Membership - Unger Memorial Libraryunger.myplainview.com/hale center/1947/1947-02-28.pdf · hospital as their first proiect of the year. Fifteen cbalra have been purchased and plana

DRESSES •••. 20 Per.Cent ~ff.

~LtPS ... 2·0 PER CENT OFF



.... -!I





Hammit & Anderson

Service plus . T~ our . motta! Drive. In rog\tlarly · f-or prompt, courteous ·Otten· tlon ·and ·sinclair Product·•·





Motons.ts FR\,,ritt• Wo Offer-





•• New Merchandise New Brands Men's Smart

Hats -·c·-- ? ,50

Sweaters, 1.00

THE ldnd of CHICKS you ha'l'e alwaye wanted. Blgll PedJgreo. R.O.P Sired. Or· der . now. Supply., Umlted.

Feeds and SuppUea 1. V. LYNCH POUl-TRY

FARM HATCHERY ··· Hale Center. Texas

Sl!\•ernl other ., - -· · --o--:- Are you interested veloprnent s Jlolleduled lo be nounced within the next week SUGAR BEET HARVESTING

FoiiOwlng Is n list of buUdtng

~~~llll~s. I.SUPd t.he pnst row Why not form a "pool" and pu . PniP Kl st"r, 8-29-46, tile house, nOW the equipment We Wjlf need this

2!l x 3o': W. 0. Covey, 9-2-46; tile, house. 26 x 30; Chns. Mler, 10-18· · · 46. stucco f1ouse, 20 ic 40; Mli. J. we. wil( buy the machines and :;R~;t" ,~=~~g~~:.~~~r~c:t~~~~ them out or we wilt finance y9ur pool. S-46: A. L. Dedman, -----------1 rrnnlP house, 20 X 22: _:.,~,-ljiJI---- ····- ---'H'-01~-- .wlU..Oe- ~0'--to-dkcuss ~~'· ~~~~~:.~ 'tl~!' ~n~~tsr~!':ne ot- : both plans with-you.

RITZ .THEATER S~~day & Monday

firP nnd warp hottse, 12-6-46, ~4 ·x r.o: Dick Rl<'t>. 12·16-46, box nl\d >I U('{'O house, 18 · >< .24; Clark and Claunch, 12-6-46, shcct Iron ad· dltlon. 14 x 36; Odell Walls. frllme and stucco house, 1·24-47, 18 x .U;

BrolhPrli, 2-4·17, tUe 24 '!' 40. Also Included

First Nation BANK


"A Good Bank CarefuUy ~anaged"


9r did you over · hunt tor a swit<'l1 In tho dark and moaa ~~~the wu .l '>nper. See our dlsploy , on pinto . that'll tit· rl&ht where your old .plat .• _Is. and cUmjnate thls diUieulty.

Or dl!l you ner try . to &lave a Picnic In tile hcrcll Jai4 ot ~bt h1 the. ltllllmer Cllld hn.,- tile buga take oyu, Our In~•~ repel· ltl)l bulb wtlJ ftlGke Olltdocir cn:ll­'llilltt a pleQ~au i11JtH4 of a

cCitQitil!Jih, . · ' No on• got tile conect eppwer

for my "WIIat's'll", so 1 a'ft\·ild a a dollar. FIRE 1& tlle eorrect nn•w•• • . Hero's on& tor &hitS week: "-A ,,.,

omh msl$1or la ·tn . .seriO!J Wlth to·1111·

~~:! ~·~~!rstot:~ :!.,::!,~c'!' ~h~~ c:lreult?

. My wlfo suro · Ukoa the '-"n1,11 • Silver" Cookera wo Jlllt 10\ ln. sn~

-~~ ~':to~an.v preten:.ec~ .tllom to

Wo "Wlt""'''t!Q-4-,Butalfe
