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Memo to prospective voluneers, undated

Date post: 25-Nov-2021
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. I I i ... I I I . WASHINGTON . URBAN LEAGUE 1424 Sixteenth Street, N. W . Washington, D. C. 20036 ----- - -- FRO TO: •• l ~PECTlVE VOLUIITEERS \ ! (Mrs.) Secondris A. Hawkins, Director Membership and Volunteer Services Telephpne No.: SUBJECT!: v:lunteer I Opporr;cni. ties with the WUL 'i.'r . 265-8200 I . Lis ted pelow are the departments of program in the League with somJ· volunt eer needs identified, but all skills are welcomed and utilized . A i.ietailed description is i ound in the attached ·manual. A committment of a definjte block of time is r equired. J. co 1 1 oMIC DEVELOPMENT AND EMPLOYMENT - Interviewers for trainee positions and j eb . counse ling. / EDUCATION AND YOUTH INCENTIVES - Tutors - Junior or Senior High School VETJ RANS AFFAIRS PROGRAM - Specialists ta · assist returning veterans in finding jobs, render educationa l · cv1.mseling and guidance, and help solve housing needs, I HEl, TH AND WELFARE DEPARTMENT - Persons COl\cerned with the identification of health and welfare needs in the comunity and actively work towards change and improvement in the provision . of services to meet these needs. ~EiyHBORHOOD DEVELOPMENT CSNTER - Volunteers to work with neighborhood action groups or block clubs. Consumer Action Program, instructors for low income persons how to best spend their money and ge t full value for the purch a ses t hey me.ke . Effect changes in unfair selling and credit practices. Aid in or ganizing cooperative buying clubs. Senior Citizens Center, Volunteers to help plan and adminster· progr ams in Education (Basic) and assist in administration of Thrift Shop. Caretakers Youth Ceriters, Teenage and young pe 03ll:e (6-12) (13-17) S ki lls of any kind and Counselors needei. Housing- . Technical assistance needed in National Training Sit e Planning. f,a!!ADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT - Help develop broader Negro Leadearship baee thr oughout ' community. Volunteers with community organization background ne eded. PUBLtC REI.ATIONS DEPARTMENT - Volunteers with an interest in journalism, Clerical i skills needed, ME}IBERSHIP DEPARTMENT - Volunteers to pe rferm clerical duties, and recrui tme nt of new members and campaign workers. VOLUNTEER SERVICES - Volunteers with Clerical Skills, Editorial Background , pe rs ons with Interviewing te~hniques to aid other volunteers in job couns elin g and placement ATTACHMENT: VOL~EERING WITH THE WUL
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WASHINGTON . URBAN LEAGUE 1424 Sixteenth Street, N. W. Washington, D. C. 20036

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!(Mrs.) Secondris A. Hawkins, Director Membership and Volunteer Services Telephpne No.:

SUBJECT!: v:lunteer I Opporr;cni.ties with the WUL

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Listed pelow are the departments of program in the League with somJ· volunteer needs •identified, but all skills are welcomed and utilized • . A i.ietailed description is i ound in the attached ·manual. A committment of a definjte block of time is r equired.

J.co11oMIC DEVELOPMENT AND EMPLOYMENT - Interviewers for trainee positions and

j eb .counseling.

/ EDUCATION AND YOUTH INCENTIVES - Tutors - Junior or Senior High School

VETJ RANS AFFAIRS PROGRAM - Specialists ta ·assist returning veterans in finding jobs, render educational · cv1.mseling and guidance, and help solve housing needs,


HEl, TH AND WELFARE DEPARTMENT - Persons COl\cerned with the identification of health and welfare needs in the comunity and actively work towards change and improvement in the provision .of services to meet these needs.

~EiyHBORHOOD DEVELOPMENT CSNTER - Volunteers to work with neighborhood action groups or block clubs. Consumer Action Program, instructors for low income persons how to best spend their money and get full value for the purchases t hey me.ke . Effect changes in unfair selling and credit practices. Aid in organizing cooperative buying clubs. Senior Citizens Center, Volunteers to help plan and adminster· progr ams in Education (Basic) and assist in administration of Thrift Shop. Caretakers Youth Ceriters, Teenage and young pe03ll:e (6-12) (13-17) Skills of any kind and Counselors needei. Housing- . Technical assistance needed in National Training Site Planning.

f,a!!ADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT - Help develop broader Negro Leadearship baee throughout ' community. Volunteers with community organization background needed.

PUBLtC REI.ATIONS DEPARTMENT - Volunteers with an interest in journalism, Clerical i skills needed,

ME}IBERSHIP DEPARTMENT - Volunteers to perferm clerical duties, and recruitment of new members and campaign workers.

VOLUNTEER SERVICES - Volunteers with Clerical Skills, Editorial Background , per s ons with Interviewing te~hniques to aid other volunteers in job counseling and placement •


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Cultural field trips, ed~cational and recreation al events with , emphasis on Negro .history and culture for children of Jr. Hi gh age . • Grou1 will aime for 100 Negro and 100 white children. Activiti es

I will be carried out in small groups of 10 children. Ne dd ed are ·volunteers to p lan events, r~cruit children ·and to serve as grou p leade rs and aides. First meeting, Monday Apri l 8, 1 p . rn . or at 8 p.m. Contact: Mrs. Caro\ / lard,.J~r Mr~ . L_in_da Uh~felder , Telephone 265-8200. /T/.·W. \ r / a,L..l,,r,tt n, 20~1-'lf'"J-GU ·


Patterned after "Experiment in Int ernational Living, " this pro­gram will seek to find 10 Negro and 10 white f amiliei wh o would be interested in a two-week's family exchange of a Jr. High-age son or daughter. Neede d are persons interested in p l anning, recruitment or in being a host family. Contact: · MrslY1Carol Ward or Mrs . Lind;,i., Uhlfelder, Telephone 265-8200. \J::;;l,r,-F- /f fr'::, H C-lW }{(r1 ~-.1..b"7·· ~ 2tC


Financed by a Ford Foundation Grant, the United Ch~r ch of Chri s t has called · upon the Urbin League to carry out, over a period of 6 0 days, a survey of local radi~. TV and press • edia. These media will be observed to determine: how the Negro is depicted t hrough c ov e r a ge of news events, the extent of coverage of news of particular int e r es to Negroes, news treatment of Negro· leaders, manner of coverag e of racial issues; employment of Neg roes in all media, etc. Findings will be documented and _used in efforts to effect desirable changes~ media policies. If local project is successful it mi ght be used as pilot program for other cities. Needed are person~ to assist in monitoring and persons with trail'}-ing i .n. s~atistics. Contact: Horace Morris, 265-8200 . /J ?v..; , /-lfZ..L<.,;}/21 ,).;:;,


A project planned in conjunction with the "Poor People's Camp a i gn to minimize the tensions created by rumors, distorted or . misinter ­preted news coverage of Campaign events. Volunteer, impartial observers will cover planned events (i.e. a scheduled visit by dele ­gates to the office of an official for lobbying purpos es); volunteer then reports his on-the-scene observancei to ~he Urb an League. Contact: David Rusk 265-820_0. fj) Y"(:i f+<:. u.,,J /..J.,'! rP

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Program for tutoring Jr. High 'students in area where high school drop-out rate is highest, has · been in q,eration for some time. Volunteers asked to spend 1 . to 1-1/2 hours, one evening a week during one school year, or a three..:mo·nth summer program or both. Mathematics and reading are primary areas where assistance is needed, however, persons wi~h· training in other specialized areas can be use~ Contact: 265-8200: .'nl).~ /f:Zu_)'/,{t 173,


Northern Virginia program directed by Alexandria Urban League which seeks to· traing a~d improve the skills of domestic workers and thereby enable them· to demand a better wage. This is a two- year program, financed by a Federal grant. Project aims toward formation of· a cooperative which would r~ise wage scale and provide medical ani vacation benefits. Needed are women· to assist in training, r~cruit­ment and placement of domestic workers trained in this · program . Contact: Alexandria Urban Le~gue 836-2551. ()/),; Wd.h.t2


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