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Memorandum - CCRPC

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Memorandum To: Champaign County Regional Planning Commissioners From: Brandi Granse, Early Childhood Division Director Date: Wednesday, December 13, 2017 Re: Materials for RPC December 22, 2017 Meeting I recommend that you accept and place on file at the December 22, 2017 Regional Planning Commission meeting the following: The Head Start/Early Head Start November 2017 management report which includes: the October enrollment report; the October attendance and meal counts report; the October reports for family support services, and health and disability services; the November Head Start and Early Head Start financial reports; the listing of materials the Office of Head Start added to its website in October; The Policy Council minutes for the October 2017 meeting. Please contact me if you have any questions regarding these materials.
Memorandum To: Champaign County Regional Planning Commissioners From: Brandi Granse, Early Childhood Division Director Date: Wednesday, December 13, 2017 Re: Materials for RPC December 22, 2017 Meeting
I recommend that you accept and place on file at the December 22, 2017 Regional Planning Commission meeting the following:
The Head Start/Early Head Start November 2017 management report which includes:
• the October enrollment report; • the October attendance and meal counts report; • the October reports for family support services, and health and disability services; • the November Head Start and Early Head Start financial reports; • the listing of materials the Office of Head Start added to its website in October; • The Policy Council minutes for the October 2017 meeting.
Please contact me if you have any questions regarding these materials.
Champaign County Head Start/Early Head Start Governing Body and Policy Council Monthly Report
MONTH/YEAR: November 2017
ENROLLMENT Month Head Start Funded Early Head Start Funded Daily Average
Enrollment Enrollment Enrollment Enrollment Attendance* September 2017 435 435 141 141 88.95% Daily average attendance rate for the month of September exceeded the minimum requirement of 85% October 2017 435 435 141 141 87.38% Daily average attendance rate for the month of October exceeded the minimum requirement of 85%. November2017
August 2018
*HS had 13 withdrawn/abandoned spots and EHS had 6 withdrawn/abandoned spots due to lack of transportation, family moved out of area, high co-payments, and attending other pre-school programs.
Hndstart A program of the Champaign County Regional Planning Commission
1776 E. Washington St. Urbana. IL 61802
P 217.328.3313 F 217.328.2426 TTY 217.384.3862 CCRPC.ORC /I Head Start
June2018 July 2018
969 1,041
DIRECTOR'S MONTHLY HIGHLIGHTS - Brandi Granse, Early Childhood Division Director
• The RPC Social Services and Early Childhood Division are cotlaborating on the development of an organizational wide Cultural Competency Plan.
• On October 12, I attended the Illinois Head Start Association's Directors Fall Meeting. This was an opportunity to hear updated information from the State and National levels as well as network with many Directors in the state of Illinois.
• I participated in the Rantoul Family Meettng on October 17 to share a potential opportunity to expand the 3 'f.z· hour program option to six hours. The expansion of hours will depend on receiving new grant funding.
• On October 18, U.S. Congressman Davis toured the Urbana Head Start center and visited with children, families • and employees. Families were able to share their families' stories and experiences at Head Start.
• At the end of October, I attended the Region V Leadership Conference along with Christy Norton, Dana Smith, and Dalitso Sulamoyo.
Head Start A program of the Champaign County Regional Planning Commission
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CHILD DEVELOPMENT REPORT- Christy Norton, Child Development Services Manager
• We continue to actively work to interview candidates and fill vacancies with qualified candidates.
• We contracted with Lisa Perry, Social/Emotional Classroom Support Liaison to help us in the interim during Elise Belknap's maternity leave. Lisa will begin training and shadowing Elise during November to prepare for her absence.
• Kathleen Liffick is working on a resource manual for site managers to easily access less used policies and procedures.
FAMILY SERVICES REPORT- Hollie Ronk, Child & Family Services Manager • We currently have Head Start 24 children enrolled that have IEPs and 8 Early Head Start children with IFSPs
• During the month of October, we had two on site dental clinics. There was one October 4 in Rantoul and one October 1 8 in Urbana.
• We currently have 271 Hearing and vision screening completed in Head Strat and 97 hearing and vision screenings completed in Early Head Start.
FAMILY SERVICES REPORT- Dana Smith, Child & Family Services Manager • Cumulative enrollment is 128 EHS and 349 HS • Twenty-eight homeless families have been enrolled (totaling 28 children). Eleven of the families have acquired
housing since enrollment. • One hundred eighty-eight families are engaged in the family partnership agreement goal setting process.
CHAMPAIGN - Marcia Stutler, Site Manager • Marcia and two EHS teachers attended hearing and vision training .
• CLASS observations were completed at Urbana and Savoy Head Start centers .
• SmileHealthy visited all of the classrooms .
• Home visits and parent teacher conferences were completed .
• Book Mentors visited our HS classrooms .
RANTOUL - Sherri Frichtl, Site Manager • Rantoul Fire Department came out October 1 1 and 13 .
• Room 107 held a Family event October 25m *October Parent Meeting was held the 17 .
• WILL Book Mentor came out read "Diary of a Worm· WILL Family Event Bee Pollinatarium October 26 .
• Family Pictures were held October l 9. Pictures were taken by Plant's Photo
Head Start A program of the Champaign County Regional Planning Commission
1776 E. Washington St Urbana, IL 61802
P 217.328.3313 F 217.328.2426 TTY 217.384.3862 CCRPC.ORC /I Head Start
SAVOY - Pam Williams, Site Manager • Savoy Head Start began the month of October with a visit from the Savoy Fire Department. The children
learned about fire safety and each family had an opportunity to receive a smoke detector for their home. Their favorite part was climbing on the truck and seeing all the equipment.
• WILL Book Mentors came for the first time this year. They read The Diary of a Worm and gave each child a
science journal and each class a worm farm for their science area. The children are still using their science journals and recording the worms' activity.
• Our October Family Meeting was held on Thursday, October 19. The families enjoyed dinner, elected officers for their committee, and discussed ideas for future meetings.
• Four of our classes visited the Apple Orchard this month. They walked through the apple orchard and the pumpkin patch and got to sample pumpkin donuts and apple cider.
• WILL provided a family field trip to the U of I Pollinatarium on October 26. WILL certainly enriches our program and we are thankful.
• Savoy Head Start finished the month of October with a day of Home Visits. The teachers went out into the community, visited the children's homes and discussed progress with the parents.
URBANA - Pamela Brown, Site Manager • SmileHealthy, Book Mentors, and U of I extension visited the site during the month of October.
• US Congressman Rodney Davis toured the site of October 18.
• Chief Bauer Heating and Air Conditioning handed out pumpkins to the families on October 26.
• Home visits were completed on October 27.
Off-Site Programming - Michael Hogue, Off-Site Programming Manager
• Off Site Programming had three very well attended Family Get Togethers/Family Events. The event at the Hardy's Reindeer Ranch was held on October 2 and approximately 120 children/families attended. The Get- Together with Bright Starts at Urbana Early Childhood had approximately 80 children and families participating. The collaboration with Bright Starts continues to be very successful. In addition, Michael Hogue and his staff in combination with WILL had over 100 children and families in attendance at the family night at the U of I Pollinatarium.
• Michael and his staff attended a Ready for Kindergarten training on October 12. This is the curriculum the home based option has used the last two years and is now the curriculum for families throughout the entire program. Michael along with CU Early's director, Kelly Russell, are writing a grant through United Way to continue the funding for this curriculum.
• The FCC provider contracts are complete and have been signed by all the FCC providers .
• The HB option attended a field trip to Curtis Orchard to taste fruits and discuss the way fruits are grown and harvested.
• Off Site Programming has completed their home visits for the fall.
Head Start
A program of the Champaign County Regional Planning Commission
1776 E. Washington St. Urbana. IL 61802 rf1 Head Start P217.328.3313 F217.328.2426 TTY217.384.3862 CCRPC.ORC
Rebecca Brown
From: Sent: To: Subject
Office of Head Start <no-reply@hsicc org> Tuesday, November 07, 2017 10:00 AM Rebecca Brown New on the ECLKC October 2017
View the web version
f Like U1 »FollDWU.
Explore the content posted to or distributed by the Early Childhood Leaming and Knowledge Canter (ECLKC)
last month. These resources and email announcements may be helpful for Head Start programs and other early
childhood staff. Find tools and information related to your work with children and families. Select the links below to
get started.
News from the Office of Head Start
• Federal Register Alert: Head Start Child and Family Experiences Survey (FACES) (email)
• Office of Head Start (OHS) FY 18 Monitoring Kickoff (webcast)
• Supporting Head Start and Early Head Start Grantees In the U.S. Virgin Island• and Puerto Rico
• Dlsabllltlee Servlcn Newsletter Issue 7: Ongoing Child Ae1essment to Support Leaming (email)
• ELOF2GO Introduction (video)
• Home Visitors Series:
o Leaming at Homa: Supporting Parents to Promote Infant-Toddler Development (webinar)
o OpenDoors: A Resource to Support the Home-Based Option (webinar)
• Reaourc11 Supporting lndlvlduallzatlon
• Brush Up on Oral Health: Follow-up Oral Health Care (October 2017) (email)
• Improving OAE Screening and Follow-Up Practlc11 for Children Birth to 3 Years of Age (email)
• Welcome to Early Childhood Screening Weeki (email)
• When Screening la Done: Next Steps (email)
Parent, Family, and Community Engagement:
• Credentialing and Degree Program• Databases for Head Start Staff Who Work with FamlllH
• Nov. 7: BabyTalks: Responsive Careglvlng to Support Children's Social and Emotional Development
• Nov. 8: STEAM Day Twitter Town Hall
• Nov. 9: MyPeers Orientation
• Nov. 10: Delivering the Parenting Curriculum and Using Data for Continuous Improvement: Initial Implementation
• Nov. 14: Improving OAE Screening and Follow-up Practices for Children Birth to 3 Years of Age
• Nov.14: MyPeers Orientation
• Nov. 17: Teacher Time: Social and Emotional Development for Preschoolers
• Nov. 21: MyPeers Orientation ,.
• Nov. 21: Live Chats with the Head Start Dlsabllltles/lncluslon Network
• Nov. 29-Dec. 1: Zero to Three Annual Conference
• Nov. 29: Coaching Comer Serles
• Nov. 30: MyPeers Orientation
Stay Connected. Follow the Office of Head Start on Twitter, Facebook, and Google+. Visit the Family Room blog to learn more about the activities of the Administration for Children and Fam Illes {ACF).
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Minutes of Regular Champaign County Head Start/Early Head Start
Policy Council Meeting
DATE: Monday, October 23, 2017 TIME: 6pm PLACE: Champaign Early Childhood Center, 809 N. Neil Street. Champaign, IL 61820 PARENT REPS PRESENT: Rita Conerly, Kyle Hubert, Jayda Kilduff, L. Felix Lockhart, Nikki Morse, Briseida Rosas COMMUNITY REPS PRESENT: Jennifer Ball, Pius Weibel RPC STAFF PRESENT: Brandi Granse, Christy Norton, Rebecca Brown
MEETING MINUTES I. Call to Order, Roll Call
Ms. Conerly called the meeting to order at 6:1 O pm. Roll was taken and a quorum declared present.
II. Audience Participation There was none.
Ill. Minutes A. Minutes of Previous Policy Council Meeting (September 25, 2017) (attachment)
Mr. Weibel moved, seconded by Mr. Lockhart, to approve the minutes of the September 25, 2017 meeting as submitted. The motion carried unanimously.
IV Financial (Elizabeth Murphy) A. Financial Report -September 2017 (Attachment)
Ms. Granse stated 58% of the grant year has passed. Spending is right on target as the reports show the spending level of the Head Start grant to be at 62% and the spending level of the Early Head Start grant to be at 56%. There is nothing out of the ordinary in the spending.
The members discussed the Financial Reports.
B. Credit Card Expenditures - September 2017 (Attachment) Ms. Granse stated the highlighted lines on the report are the expenditures paid with a credit card. The program has credit cards with Sam's Club and Walmart. The program also uses a Visa card and a gas card.
Ms. Granse said she spoke to the fiscal specialist and there is nothing out of the ordinary in the credit card report. The credit cards were used to purchase items such as school supplies,
1 776 E. Washington St. Urbana. IL 61802
P 217.328.3313 F 217.328.2426 TTY217.384.3862
landscaping, conferences and training and medical supplies. The landscaping included work on the new playground at Urbana and work at the other sites to get ready for the new school year.
The members reviewed the Credit Card Expenditures.
Ms. Kilduff made an omnibus motion, seconded by Mr. Hubert, to accept and place on file the September 2017 Financial Reports. The motion carried unanimously.
V. Personnel (Becky Krueger) A. Recommended for Hire/Separation (Attachment)
Ms. Conerly asked what is the Professional Devel'opment and Instructional Leader position.
Ms. Norton replied the Professional Development and Instructional Leader position was created in accordance with Head Start Performance Standards and the Illinois State Board of Education Preschool for All grant. Both are now requiring an additional level of support for teachers in the areas of professional development and coaching That is what this position will be doing. The person will be working with teachers in their teaching methods, concerns the teachers have and providing orientation and on-the-job training in the classroom for the new teachers.
Ms. Conerly asked if the Professional Development and Instructional Leader will be housed at the RPC and going out to all the classrooms.
Ms. Norton responded the caseload for the position is 1 O classrooms. The caseload will be a revolving caseload. The classrooms with the most need will be the classrooms on the Professional Development and Instructional Leader's caseload. It is still being decided where the person will be housed. It is possible that the person could be housed at one of the sites instead of the RPC. Ms. Norton said the Professional Development and Instructional Leader will report to her.
Ms, Conerly asked if the need would be based on the GOLD assessment reports.
Ms. Norton replied it could be from the GOLD assessments, the CLASS assessments or by teacher's request. The teachers might have some difficult children or may just want some additional support and help.
Ms. Granse stated that this position is funded directly from both the Preschool for All and Preschool for All Expansion grants.
The members discussed the Recommended for Hire/Separation.
Mr. Weibel moved, seconded by Ms. Kilduff, to approve the Recommended for Htre/Separation. The motion carried unanimously.
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VI. October Management Report (Brandi Granse, Christy Norton) (Attachment) Ms. Norton stated a lot of work has been done in September and October on getting plans ready for the new school year. Meetings were held with the program's T & TA consultant on the training and technical assistance plan for the new school year. The main focus of the plan is to provide CLASS training to the classrooms due to the Federal review due this year on CLASS. Also included in the plan is some coaching training for the managers.
Ms. Norton said the fall checkpoints for GOLD were just completed and reports are being complied. This checkpoint is the baseline for the children for the school year. It has been a struggle with Teaching Strategies GOLD this year due to changes in their programming. We are not the only program having issues with the Teaching Strategies GOLD program.
Ms. Norton stated teachers will be conducting home visits on October 27. The teachers will have a month to complete home visits with all their families.
Ms. Granse said she wrote another Illinois State Board of Education grant specifically to expand the 3 1h hour classrooms in Rantoul to 6 hours. If the program is awarded the grant. all the classrooms will be either 6 or 1 O hours. Expanding the two classrooms to six hours will require two additional classrooms and there are not enough classrooms at the Rantoul center. The program will enter into a new collaboration with the Multicultural Center in Rantoul to house the two extra classrooms
Ms. Conerly asked if transportation will be an issue with getting the children to the Multicultural Center.
Ms. Conerly asked if the Multicultural Center was charging a fee for housing two of our classrooms.
Ms. Granse responded not this year. If the program continues to next year, 1t will be an extended day and the Multicultural Center will work with Child Care Resource Services and the hours will be from 5:30 am to 5:30 pm.
Ms. Granse stated there has been a problem with the application process for this new expansion grant. Several programs in the state had trouble getting their grant applications submitted and were given a deadline. Some of the programs that got their applications submitted on time were not happy with the extension given. Since there will probably be a protest, it does not look like any of the grants will be awarded this time.
Ms. Granse stated the AFCME union contract was ratified by the union on September 21, 2017 and approved and signed by the County Board on September 22, 2017;
Ms. Granse said she had a meeting with Carle Clinic representations to discuss how to share data and get information from their EPIC system. It is hoped to be able to collaborate with them to make it easier to get the health data needed to save time for staff and parents and to help reduce the duplication of services. They are very interested in working with us and other school districts in the area.
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Ms. Granse reported she has recruited a University of Illinois student to collect data to use for the Illinois State Board of Education competitive grants due in February/March 2018.
The members discussed the Management Report.
Ms. Kilduff moved, seconded by Mr. Hubert, to accept and place on file the October Management Report. The motion carried unanimously.
Vll. Old Business There was no Old Business conducted at this meeting.
VIII. New Business: A Program Information Report Performance Indicators Report
Ms. Granse said every year the program is required to submit information to the Office of Head Start on a variety of topics about the staff and families. This report captures a lot of that information in a summary format. The report includes information on our grant. grants at the State level and grants at the National level.
Ms. Granse stated the program met the 10% requirement of children with disabilities and most of the children were up-to-date with their medical information with the exception of Early Head Start. There are a lot of screenings required for Early Head Start aged children and it is sometimes hard for parents to get all those completed.
The members discussed the Program Information Report Performance Indicators Report.
B. Head Start/AFSCME Union Contract 2017-2018 Ms. Granse said the contract is still in the process of being signed by the union. She asked to have the union contract tabled to the next meeting.
C. 2016-2017 Self-Assessment Ms. Granse stated she would like the Policy Council to review the Selif-Assessment report. She said that she would like to have Policy Council members and members of the RPC Board and County Board involved in next year's self-assessment. There were several community representatives who helped with the Self-Assessment report this year. She asked the members to let her know if they had any further recommendations for the Self-Assessment.
Ms. Granse said she will also be presenting the Self-Assessment to the RPC Commissioners in November. Any recommendations from the Commissioners and Policy Council will be incorporated into the report. She stated she will bring the report back to the Policy Council in November for their approval.
Mr. Hubert asked when will be report be completed.
1776 E. Washington St. Urbana. IL 61802
P 217.328.3313 F 217.328.2426 TTY 217.384.3862
Ms. Granse responded she would like to have the Self-Assessment completed no later than the end of November.
IX. Governance Training There was no Governance Training conducted at this meeting.
X. Committee Reports A. Chairperson's Report - Rita Conerly
Ms. Conerly stated the tatest update for the Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center (ECLKC) is in the meeting packet for informational purposes.
B. Operations Committee Report There was no report from the Operations Committee at this meeting.
C. Personnel Committee Report There was no report from the Personnel Committee at this meeting.
D. Parent Ambassador Program - Jayda Kilduff Ms. Kilduff said she had a phone conference with all the other Parent Ambassadors on October 10, 2017. She stated that Mr. Hubert had arranged for Congressman Rodney Davis to visit the Urbana Head Start site.
Ms. Granse stated she was very appreciative of Ms. Kilduff, Mr. Hubert and Mr. Lockhart sharing their stories with Congressman Davis.
E. Treasurer's Report (Attachment) There was no treasurer's report presented at this meeting.
F. Reports to and from Parent Representatives Ms. Conerly stated she wanted to say thank you to her site for the professional way they handled a situation with her family. She was very appreciative of the way things were handled.
XI. Dinner at next meeting Dinner for the next meeting was discussed. Members asked Ms. Granse to check with the cook at the site to see if she would be willing to make dinner for the Policy Council for future meetings ..
XII. The meeting adjourned by consensus of Policy Council members at 7:25 pm.
Respectfully Submitted
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HS-EHS November 2017 Management Report for December 2017 RPC Meeting
Memo - RPC December 2017 Meeting approve and place
HS-EHS November 2017 Management Report for December 2017 RPC Meeting.pdf
Scanned from a Xerox Multifunction Printer.pdf
