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MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECDRD Subject: Friedman Collection 16 September 1982 A review of the Friedman-Hagelin correspondence in the NSA History Collection provides some infonnation on the steps leading to the donation of Friedman's papers to the Marshall Library. This memorandum cites several pieces of that correspondence, the originals of which are at the Marshall Library. T542 believes that these letters were among those removed fran open shelves to the vault at the Marshall follo.ving a visit to the facility by members of the NSA History Staff in 1976. By the early 1960s the Friedmans had come to consider several options for retirement, with Mr. Friedman's health being the paramount consideration affecting travel, activities, or even pennanent relocation outside the Washington area. At some point during this period, Friedman and Boris Hagelin began to discuss the possibility of having Friedman write a book on cryptology, a history of Crypto AG, a biography of Hagelin, or some canbination of the three. The June 1963 letter (Tab A) was written while the Friedmans were in Southern France, staying in an apartment owned or leased by the Hagelin family. At the end of the letter, Friedwan noted: "I have so much material in my collection that would be highly useful if you would feel like injecting your biography & history of Crypto AG into a technical treatise of ciphering machines." The question, in Friedman's view, was ho.v to "get my library over here?" (Tab B) In 1964, Mrs. Friedman wrote Hagelin that Friedwan's health would not pennit him to continue plans for the proposed book, and that the related question of the moving or other disposition of their library would also have to be dropped. This seems to have put an end to speculation concerning a possible change of residences as well. (Tab C) For the two years that follow, the correspondence makes only the most infrequent references to the collection. The emphasis is on personal matters, primarily rredical problems. In a 10 August 1966 letter, however, Friedman reintroduced the subject, announcing to Hagelin his intention to give his papers and other materials to the newly established George c. Marshall Foundation. On 21 August Hagelin responded with the view that he considered this to be a correct decision, and also with a reminder that he would be interested in "any duplicates" fran the Friedmans' library. (Tab D) This request was followed up with an expression of similar interest in 1967. (Tab E) There are passing references at other points in the correspondence to the collection and its fate (among them Friedman's denunciation of the Internal Revenue Service's refusal to permit him to take a deduction on his papers until they were physically transferred to the Marshall Library) but nothing that provides significant infonnation. In short, neither the Friedman-Hagelin correspondence nor any of the other records checked in T542 collections makes explicit reference to a proposal fran Hagelin to buy Friedman's papers. Nor do these records reveal any references to an understanding that the collection might revert back to NSA after Mrs. Friedman's death. Note: other infonnation on NSA's connections with the Friedman Collection at the Marshall Library is contained in a 15 September memorandum (and enclosures) provided tol l Q4. William Nolte PL 86-36/50 USC 3605 @'pp roved for Release by NSA on 06-26-2015 pursuantto E .0. 1352a


Subject: Friedman Collection

16 September 1982

A review of the Friedman-Hagelin correspondence in the NSA History Collection provides some infonnation on the steps leading to the donation of Friedman's papers to the Marshall Library. This memorandum cites several pieces of that correspondence, the originals of which are at the Marshall Library. T542 believes that these letters were among those removed fran open shelves to the vault at the Marshall follo.ving a visit to the facility by members of the NSA History Staff in 1976.

By the early 1960s the Friedmans had come to consider several options for retirement, with Mr. Friedman's health being the paramount consideration affecting travel, activities, or even pennanent relocation outside the Washington area. At some point during this period, Friedman and Boris Hagelin began to discuss the possibility of having Friedman write a book on cryptology, a history of Crypto AG, a biography of Hagelin, or some canbination of the three. The June 1963 letter (Tab A) was written while the Friedmans were in Southern France, staying in an apartment owned or leased by the Hagelin family. At the end of the letter, Friedwan noted: "I have so much material in my collection that would be highly useful if you would feel like injecting your biography & history of Crypto AG into a technical treatise of ciphering machines." The question, in Friedman's view, was ho.v to "get my library over here?" (Tab B)

In 1964, Mrs. Friedman wrote Hagelin that Friedwan's health would not pennit him to continue plans for the proposed book, and that the related question of the moving or other disposition of their library would also have to be dropped. This seems to have put an end to speculation concerning a possible change of residences as well. (Tab C)

For the two years that follow, the correspondence makes only the most infrequent references to the collection. The emphasis is on personal matters, primarily rredical problems. In a 10 August 1966 letter, however, Friedman reintroduced the subject, announcing to Hagelin his intention to give his papers and other materials to the newly established George c. Marshall Foundation. On 21 August Hagelin responded with the view that he considered this to be a correct decision, and also with a reminder that he would be interested in "any duplicates" fran the Friedmans' library. (Tab D) This request was followed up with an expression of similar interest in 1967. (Tab E)

There are passing references at other points in the correspondence to the collection and its fate (among them Friedman's denunciation of the Internal Revenue Service's refusal to permit him to take a deduction on his papers until they were physically transferred to the Marshall Library) but nothing that provides significant infonnation. In short, neither the Friedman-Hagelin correspondence nor any of the other records checked in T542 collections makes explicit reference to a proposal fran Hagelin to buy Friedman's papers. Nor do these records reveal any references to an understanding that the collection might revert back to NSA after Mrs. Friedman's death.

Note: other infonnation on NSA's connections with the Friedman Collection at the Marshall Library is contained in a 15 September memorandum (and enclosures) provided tol l Q4.

William Nolte PL 86-36/50 USC 3605

@'pp roved for Release by NSA on 06-26-2015 pursuantto E .0. 1352a


r REF ID:A4166996



Q~_ ------ REF ID:A41669.

!'~arch 19, 19c 4

Dear Annie and Boris,

It ls very ~eneroue and thoue-,htful ~f you to write again when we have not reciprocated. It is not that we haven't thought of you al~ost daily, and we speak of you constantly. But Bill kept saying 11 don't write just yet, I'll be feeling better soon•. We thought of you so often while you were at };en ton, and won­dered about Carola--ehe has never replied to my last letter. And one of the things I wonder about is juct what would have devekoped in Dill's condition if we had staid in Europe. Now havi~g come home, and he found that being home did not help hie anxiety or depression, I begin to wonder if it wasnt--all the ti~e--a pr,ysical deterioration that was causing the other. For now the ?~.D.' s here have really come to grips with his physical condition--having all these ~onths explained hie extreme ~atigue, his lose of weight, his dlzziness(resulting in a bad fall on the bathroom floor one nlrht), as merely the manifestations of his a~xiety and nervous tension. Then two weeks ago, while he was sitiing in liis big velvet chair in the living room, he had an atta·:k of what I certainly thought was a coronary occlusion--it was exactly like the fir~t coronary he had in 1955. Another one, laetins lens lone;, the next day. Dr. Talpers had r..n .MM~

enzyme test rr:ade, and a cardiogram, then declared his condition to be coronary lnsuff1c1ency. Pe has been restricted to the house, thou~-11 not strictly confined to bed all day, very light ~eals,and to have at all times pills to take the instant he feels an attack starting. He has been very, very short of breath, too and the most indescrlbablt exhaustion, at which times he grows ,sreen and white, his pulse is very,very slow--whereas in the at­tackd of pain his pulse races and stops alternately-- and he has difiiculty in keeping from collapse before he gets back to bed. Now yesterday I drove him in to the doctor's office for a check­up and to see a dermatologist in the same office buildin~(Bill has a small ek1n cancer on hie face which is to be removed next Friday). Dr. Talpers after his examinations and a chest X-ray, has now given him digitali$, to be taken three times daily; he is still confined to the house. Bill and I areboth so glad that the docotors dont make h'm go to hospital. Eill reacts very badly to hospitals and the doctors seem agreed that hopitals have only ana adverse effect on him. Hie emotuonal state seems a freat deal better. Pe is nervous, and has an occasional day of extre~e nervous tension; he ls sad rather than depressed. But r.e feels so discouraged because he never yet has felt strong enoush to really do anything in the way of desk work, let aloe anything other kind of work, of course. This brings me to the point of aaylns the next thing I regret very ~uch ~ust be said. Namely, that there seems no prospect i·:ha tever tr.at he will get enoush better to do the book on your life and works, Boris. We know what a great disappointment this will be to Annie, if not to you also; but you have the tapes,


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--~-... .-.;~ .. -(~.\.:.-:i·.;_-... ~=-·r7:· .. ~·~---··, ·-· ... r. ~., • -'. ~· .. r .... ': ••· ...... - r .. ·.i: •• :~{........ ..··-:~··!-:.one~·. ;:- ~- ~-"": ~ .. -.: . '1:·· ..... _ ... ':".··.~. ;·., ... !'"·) ··:--:: ~-"' "'\·~- ,,..

,'\.~~~~~·.r~:-·'_.'f.<.··:Bll~···w:int.e ·you -go· ... a~e&~iit~:8ifi§~~·d ±9~e±~ ·t~·:·f~r-ge~;:~~(. ·~-~~-:·:"~~·',<.-.;.all about any.> in~.r~al , .. dt' _or ___ 1(._~ __ em~n ~ll!r.~ any verbal under~.,•.-:;:, ;::::;..~~:~· ~-:~:.::.-:::""ata.nd~ng .there may have::.: be en bet.ween' you,: .. ;two.~, ... He· ·does· indeea:·.~~:-<:f:~;~ ~,. -~.~::_:;..'.,·{:·:~;;.think there· should<be a biogrpahy of·. you,' as AI:J.nie. will agree.-·/.:··:.:--.::·-.·;. :;.~.~-. :·;.·3~:~< :: I. am·:· sure:·· an<:I t~e· exiE,:J,tence of the· tapes.with.· the.!: '~know-how'~ ".'~·'·:~!'. -.: · :: .

. ..-:~·::;:::,.:.::.:.:··-~·:.:.',,brought forth in. those.1nterv1ews~.:between·you two,··ahould. be;.:?~'.-·)·>'. ··:..:-~:~{~;:.·~~>;;_of· great: a.esis.tance·,·in prepara tfon: of'· a" life and· works -of··,.Bor.1s_.~:).-)\( .. .;..::/ .. ; ~~~:":'\~< ~-. Hagel1.n" ~·'" No". dont".:put" it off--tha t 1 a·. my·· admonition .. to_·:you· •. <? .. ~:-;··.' .. ;.~'; Y--:·~~<;'. .. ·.-.·.-,::; .r:_mean;:,1 t--DONT' .. LET .... TIME :GE'J:.'AWAY·/FROM> YOU •. ~- .DO :·:IT'.·'.NOW!":.~ >::·;· '.::.~·>'; ',,~·:> .·.-: -~- "~'\..:·, .. ·;~:: .. ·/· ->~ ~~~ ~'.~~- .. <.".)_:~~Y'·> :.-. > <:,. ·. ·'?''. :· ~ .. .-;~~ :_ . .'.-'·~ : : ·:·/ .. -~.::: ~'~=.= -. ·~ .. ~'- ":.-·:·~-··: . ,. : ... :;.~ .. < .. : .,=·,.--_~~-•. ~- ·: .. ·=-::·:,':. :-::: \ : .:-~~:~~:::} .. ~ ... -,.:,.:.-·." .. ~--:~J>os ·for the··.books--the·library, ·:r· mean, '·he feels ... tha..t:-can··slide ·;··:.-::·.: .. : ).·-t::-.<~:~_?'.._for~ a'.·;Wile·. ·<·Par~icularj:y· since· you ··aay·:·1t will be·: .. "perhaps =two .. G.\r~_:::.·:.:..;:

,c;;_,:.~:·;~ :.~:.:\YT::' yea~s befor~ · tJ:e .n~w ·Pl2:-nj;' is f.1n1shed, ~~and secon~li: .. <'beca~se_-.:~· .. :F. >.'.~,~ ·,·_._~-:-~·-:"';·>~..>'." h1s .doctors_,::q.o·-not wis}1 him to:amke ·any _pec1sions ·.·while i.n ·th.is~.'.;~~ .. ~·~ ·:::--~.~{:.';i·' .. .;;i<='; ·condl t1on ~-:'. .. :~-·~I ·real ixe .. the "two · thi_ngs, the ·book· to 'be· wr1 ttea·,~~::~~.~:;~~:::.·'.·,: ·; :·<·,;;:-:;.:: .. _·:.-.·.:and: the· books of· hie c·ollection ·.were·· tied up::together: .--·so ·m::··· : .. :_:-.· ~)·_;:.. · ·>.-.~2>~:-.·~-;}~·;·'. that~· now ·he"'has 'relinquished :the·= n;aking or·· the.: LIFE, "'the~ ot e e·r:~:-~;:(;-?;:_ · ~- ~·--~~{.~:;:;(; .. ~:;1': 1s ·wit~out·' .. 1 ~s .. "count.~,rpa~t :·in ··the _agreement .. ," a!l.d' t,herefore '.. ~hf:'_~f~·"e,;;:\:· .:···.,.L_~-,d·.~~ ... ~:· whole :thing. ~~s- out<·· At any .. ' rat~,. the selling of::the .. books . is .. ~·:~=:~·"" <. .. {;·· .... ··.'?,'_',.:,_··just·: one· "more of ·.the:' tbi;ngs: that, .. b1.s.··"doc.tors ·tell':. him he·.-. mus.t>:n ;~lt}.-'" ..

·.~' ~ .:.~.:- ;.'·,.o:,\·: :.:our\-house ·needs so much" wo.rk ·done'· on ··1 t--the'" inside has· not.:·:_:· .. ~~<.,,;,.: ~--\ ... ·. . . . : -... ~ . ,· ·.- .. ·;., .. •.,,.:·.•-·

. ~--~::,::,.;-~:>'.':·.:been .decorated· for .l.l'·years, _:·But ·_he·:.is dn-_:.no .:9_ondltion ".to.:. Bi.:~·;.-.~·.-'. . .";.-,_ .. ~- ~;~·~.-:~~··::>'~;.-~-'.stand .. ·.:the-.mess ·or: .. a '_comp;tete ·:tear·-up ·'while· the\work~ .. "is ·Zbeing.~~;._·:<:· ·.;.:-~::~. ·)~· ·:_: .. { ... : ··;·;;:-··aone • .-"."We· shall'" have.~: the exterior .. :painted '.this .. _spring--even·.;\\:<:\'t_{

: :~: -~::: ;~~.: ': /~~·: ~e\~·~·P:~r,~_:\~~.~.;: ~:~ _IsJ ~ .. ~. ':· p~~ ~~ ~~' ~~:;~'. ~.::~:~·t!; ~ ~-~ ·~~~\¥~;~;::~·f'.·\i~:f:~:~: ;·~:.::. <·~? .. :::··: ~?t·)1~:: '.::_ii:;· .-~·.-:--~:~~~ <::".>'r-.·we· ·are· :.~o ·· delig.hted th~ t····tbe .. family news \is'·· good/. as .. :' you·~· say,~-~-.<~;.:<;·,.· .·~~~;~,:~·.i.<·:···.·;':.and"how wonderful. tha fall··: your American. co_nnections·.-. will ·belr>~· ··\;·::~.:>

-:_~-1.. ... <.:~~.:.~:-'' with .you next· summer ... _: •• We are eo -sorry .. to hear,of your::long•.:_,,'.:~~~~:\:>. '. ·,.'. .. _:i.~~.' :-. ~,:.·:·;:bo\,1. t'~'wi th· bI?dmch'- tis. It· i~ · such ·a·· nasty· thing to '.~get .. over ... ·--·<.·~\,;<~~ ..

. ";o;,s-:>:::-:·,:~> .. -~~We· :hope· yoµ '~ill'.'be ·cin ::the· heart of spring' soon.>> we· have aad : .. ~/::,'.·!,:.}€':· .<· ;\::...: ··:>··.··a· 1ong and· .nasty '.winter; with horrible ·Winds," "and ·only;· ONE .. :warin '. ~< <··:;·

1 ::,..:<::~::/'"~ ·.-... ~sunny day. so ·rar/" we· riotic ·tt· -more·· than m~st_.·pereoner althouBh..-.::~: .. ~~f~ ~ .. ,~. ,,.,._._.._';_·.-.' EVERYbody~_complaine--becauee the .winds are so ·hard on .Bill{even:_ .. ~::~~:.-·.::­./.~~-·;i"··: :: 7:.·'.·.,.though he ;.aoes··not go·'.out"'.of the house) -:because-.they",~r.1ng on~\\_./._,-~--~::-

• •.. ~ .. ~~}}~-~,/"~)\\: eh:?r,_;~~,~·s: .. ;or.?~~~~-\h .: >.·.: ~~::.<:·:?.· .--.>. ::. '.·-_:'·.-.~:~{ ..... > .: ·. :.- ~- <.~"< . .':~.J;::._i/f~ .. -;. __ :~:-:(\~~;:~.:;··~;;;N'/:~:;:~::;~ ·~ ::.: .. :.-:/_.): :.>~:_::: Please ... thank Gunnar, and-· Kirsten ·again ·for'.'looking·:· after our··:". ·:·~:s:;::~~-~-1 .. :~.::,~:::~';.:,::.-.·.-:i~f· ma11".Wh ich ··got· sent ·up t~-~ Sweden..-:· ~·'Just· yesterday· a ·'letter -call!e: ~::'{~~ '_.-.:-;.~·,"'·.-'::·_which had·· gone to Menton,··then Sweden.(This one puzzles us -becau.e.e-::·:·

::>::'<~--,~;·".. <:1 t· is ·'.-from·:·the · Bri ti eh Internal Revenue .abo"dl.ttl. some foreign ,4ivi"". : .... ~<-·: ·_~,::·-. ., .. :·:.-,.:>dende--and"we have. nos such investments or,1ncome.·· rt: must be~·-. ... -:).:?··

. ::·_~·' . .-::,:;_: .-~-.<-~our ·book .. royalttes- wh.ich· are ·meant.· But how odd tha~ ·they· -trace·d::;:'}':; ! .. ':·"'"•:_·".:~~:'.~·:·_,:>~ UB 'and got··our address·'_ in Menton!··, The" thinking'· back ·of it~".!'·<~~ .. ~~~-·::.::'._;~

'· \:.·._, ... >:~~:··suppose: that if· we are ·ibi v tng in Europe .-we are taxable. f~r. the,; ___ ·_,::~.:"~/-. .:._2··.·~::. ~·'. \::.~-roy~lties~ arid we are not·:·.taxad·on them as ·u.s. · c_itizens.· Well,,·~-~;-.-.:.;._ ... , ... ,_.·. :·. ·~ · < :-="the··-.1ntr1ca_te_::~ay~: .. of .. the --:'·' rev~nue_rs~'· ~re >beyond" ~nd_er,s~an~_lng,~:. :-·:.':>-::_". \.;;~;~;;:}/·::-:~~.:--a~~~·~~~ .. --~,<·.~\.·:·:·.·.'·::~..::·'.~---~-:.:_..,,::; ~ti'/,:._·: . :·.:<~ ~~_:>: ·. · ,· ,_-· :~:-.·:~ .. ·; .. :> ~i'; ~ -·.\.:~-~.'7::].':<·r_-.-~-:~-:'..: .:-.. <;.\~--:~);~~-~i:,.~ ·:. ~-" ._·:·.·.··":···'want'· do you· think ·1s facing us in ·world' ·Affairs, ,·Boris? .. ·. Bi11 ·:···- ·.-'_-:.·.:·:·. _-, ... :_·.'. ... :·::.thinks the world:has:gone to the do3s, and I muet·confess-I agree·.~:;,:~ _·:.". ··<=< : .... ,_.with him,· when· I see· the runnlngs-.'!Lround and the· car_ryings-on of :·:· ~'·

...... -:::- <:·::·the :Mao Tse''I\lngs,:the De_Gaulles, and the-Krushevs·,~.:.not·.to.mention) .'"-~ .. - .-_ .... :r. the.· CastrOE;!•: -· . - . _: ·. ;: :· .. :, ·:.· '. . . ·:.'', ·. :. ·-. ·-_.·;· -~' ._:.- ·:·_;_--.·-.· ·-·"~·:··

·_. _.~'.:: .... · ·/'·-:re are eo disgusted with·:.-ourselbes that ·in our. o.~~- state ~f.:_he~lt~._: : · · ·: · · ·rorgot Annie• s birthday .... Please· forµ:1 ve us. : ·· · : "· · · : .. , ·. :. · ·,... .'· ·. ·


~~1.,.,,... ~/;Nc-.,_7,,F,.. &v17ZJ ,L)o'l.n-?rT/;r - --- ---f. .· •,' , .. · · . > .. · ~) .. ~ ... r • -~ • ... :~: .• ~;: a?-~ ("("'7fUCI£¢ ~/>(-./'.,.. , ·q,c: REE TD.:~4.l'Jf69.~f6/'··,:·: .. !\·>::·);'_:' :~:;·-~·!:·.- :.';;;,,_~:

: .L -~ /.~ ~ : r _; .· ,: ·.;:;·~· .... :• ."., . ' . . .)... . . ~- .: .... ·' .

. . -.r . .- --··· . ,. . ___ , . ._ .. ,:- ~-,.~:··,-- ----::·---· ;:-·- ·. '· .... '

,I;~ ... ·.:.~::.:,:,~.;~_::•; >;~,;-~_·._;s~_;:t_; • ~· ;. • :·:; ~ ''."t ' • • • . . . . .. • ' .. · . :. ' ; ~?: .. ~:·:~·~'.~·,'.i~J< :? ; : \, ' .. -·· ~: ,> . - ... ·' . . ' .(, . -~: '\.:_, ~' :··: ;:·-:.•': :· ·:" . . . . '· .• .;-· c

>}·~ ": ,;:· ~.-:.- _-; You ho.ve-· no.· doubt· bcen'-,4onderli).~ .CJ.bout.· r.:y ... +on3,.__·a.i.~enc~ ~.-:t<·;~~ii../~-. ·~·'.\. ~ ·.~\ ";·-.·._.., :_..· · th-1. nk tlia. t, vou. ,., .211 '.under a ta.nd.~_somG ·. of.:1'.the ... cauriEH~. _'for·: my~--~-~.-;:,:;,.~~::··./'.·,·· :':L:~~ ·'. ·;: ,:· ... ; .. !-ong_--cqn"t.~nued .~ucce~aion_· of:;, 'i'l~nesses ;that": :ha.ve. ·p1n~ed_ ~;:..~~~-~: .. :,~;,_.;;.~,; ;::·:;\ ·> · .. ~\·;-::-·j::e· for·:·so ~nJ ye3rc .- ·. Foll~\i,l;~ .. the· ··recqu:menda.tlons.:,of ·: r:.Y.n:~'~::~:,.:'.· -~:.:; ~':~·.];~~:~;.':\<·~two. phys 1c 1an:n· ·bac~ · 1n.-:.•ts:3 ·:that · T .ehould ·go_-. a.way a.r.4 lca~.c:i::~.;.;·-~,,~: _.~'. :;>',/.. ;·_' .. ·~.my :troubl.ec · .bchlnd me·, ... ~1·>tholl3ht 1 t . l·10uld --be .. ;bene::f 1c 1al. < ;, :·::-- .' "!_ ... '., ) ~-~ · ,._.-.'~~-'.>And~. ~·r.aeed ··af teri the ':<r irs-tr fe.\-f ... -wee 1rn ·.I ·d j d ".tr.iprove. ·---:·nut·· .. ~ t·~.., !·..;-.~;}t/

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~.'.;::/.::<\-~::-· .... ?··~a~.-· turned ::1:>ut".·_ -~hat ·::~~\·!~Gtl .P.hJ:.S_ic~l det~r1~ra.t~~ns_:t~.~~- ·-~he.·;:.:·.~· '.:X}:, ~-·.:..:.:~· !_·;_>. ·;- ~ :-cpeych1 c. -!>roblems : tha. t,; ;:l.-• ~1d.; r;o:t ·:seon:: able .. ;to : conqu'if~I< _::...- ·. h~ve· ... :-:··Y;::'f

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