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Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center Service Design Project. Brooklyn, NY.

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A holistic welcoming service I designed for the MSK Brooklyn Chemo Center. The goal was to provide the patient with as much comfort as possible, easing their transition into care.
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Atlantic Ave Flatbush Ave State St 3rd ave Pacic St 4th ave Hanson Pl BAM MSK Brooklyn Mark Morris Dance Group Library Brooklyn High School of Arts Botanical Friday, May 7, 2010
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Atlantic Ave

Flatbush AveState St3rd ave

Paci!c St

4th ave

Hanson Pl


MSK Brooklyn

Mark Morris Dance Group


Brooklyn High School of Arts


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Key Concepts

Community Outdoor Space:Personal and/or group involvement in public gardens for a change in atmosphere and alternative spaces to relax and recover

Movement group:Fostering exercise, stress relief, and peace of mind through instructor-led classes

Welcome Kit: This includes material that allows patients access to community resources & welcomes them to MSK Brooklyn

MyHealing: A way for patients to document their healing process

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Initial Research

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Public Library

• Remembered how during the last snow storm, all the neighborhood children were playing outside the library.

• Knew many people personally, knew the locals. 

• Crowd is very diverse

• Said that the neighborhood was always so full of people coming and going with the subway right there

• Volunteer groups in the area hold meetings at the library

• Offers a delivery service for seniors

[email protected]


Strong sense of community in the library

community garden nearby

volunteer groups

senior book delivery

•Favorite lunch place is Flying Saucer• Likes the community garden nearby*• Likes to have quite places to go on her lunch.• Feels that area would benefit from more park / outdoor areas

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Flying Saucer


Regulars: Writers, programmers, families, stay-at-home moms with kids, teachers, employees from Wells Fargo, and the nearby hospital

Middle aged working class demographic

Emily has been working there for 3 years but the café has been there for 10-11

“There is a divide between the area near Wyckoff gardens and the newer development”

“Small stores keep popping up on the block”

“a tight-knit and diverse community” she thinks it is segregated by class

" we are crazy and unreliable here"

feels there is a strong sense of community

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Excited to be apart of the neighbor hood

Great outdoor space

3 months old

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Community gardens

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 Description:Lindsey is a 50-year-old resident of Fort Greene who was diagnosed with ovarian cancer last year at MSK. The cancer spread and for some time she was bed ridden. Recently, however, she has healed and regained strength to do the things she loves, like walk her dog in the park. Lindsey’s doctor recommended she continue her treatment at the new MSK Brooklyn center, which is a few blocks from her apartment. Upon arrival for her first treatment at MSK Brooklyn, a man at the front desk, Carlos, greets Lindsey. He hands her a welcome kit, one of the items being an invitation to join a movement group at Mark Morris Dance Group. “Can you tell me more about this?” Lindsey inquires, showing him the card. Carlos explains that there is a group of patients at MSK Brooklyn who attend a free movement class at MMDG every Thursday. “You’re welcome to join them this week, if you’d like,” He offers. Lindsey remembers the fun she had in ballet class as a small girl. “I think I’ll give it a try,” she confirms. Lindsey begins attending the class and finds that the movement helps her feel better and more connected to her body and healing process. She also feels a bond with the other patients in the class that she never felt while she was at MSK at 53rd street. After a month of attending class, Lindsey relates her experience: “I always saw the Mark Morris building around here but never thought to step inside. It’s such a wonderful resource in this community and I’m glad I could become a part of it.” Components:Invite card, MMDG studio classroom Actors:MSK BK front desk staff, MMDG instructor, other MSK patients

MSK Movement Group

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for Delivery

Daily Delivery to MSK Cancer Center

Patients request books and the library delivers them to MSK


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MSK Welcome Kit

Description:Nicole is 30 years old. She lives with her husband in Manhattan. Nicole was diagnosed with cancer about a year ago, and is going to be coming to MSK Brooklyn to receive treatment. Being so young, cancer was the last thing on her mind before the diagnosis, this transition from her old life to her new life has been incredibly difficult and scary. Nicole does not know Brooklyn especially well and has mixed feelings about coming to the new center for treatment because she is used to going to the 53rd street building closer to her home.On arrival to MSK Brooklyn, Nicole is immediately greeted by an especially kind woman at the front desk, and is handed a special “Welcome Kit”. Nicole smiles and suddenly feels a little bit more at ease. Nicole opens the gift and finds several items; inside is hand-written encouragement note written especially for her by a MSK staff member/ volunteer, she also finds a gift certificate for the floral shop next door that allows her to go pick out a “free gift of choice” after or before her treatment. Included in the kit is also a “My Preferences” card, in which Nicole can fill out regarding her specific wants/needs when coming for chemo at MSK Brooklyn. Next, she finds another card that enables her to take a free movement class at the Mark Morris Center down the street. Inside is also a journal and camera, that will allow Nicole to document this process in whatever way she likes. Finally, Nicole finds a small package with a variety of herbal teas for her to enjoy. After opening her gift, Nicole is still stressed and anxious about treatment, but feels less alone, and feels like the people treating her truly care about her. The encouragement note gives Nicole that extra little bit of strength she needs, and the gift certificate for the flowers makes her feel like she has a special treat to be excited about.

Components:-Welcome Kit : Encouragement note Gift Card for Floral Shop Invite Card for dance center Journal, Camera “My Preferences” form Teas

Actors: MSK Front Desk Staff Patient

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Low techDocumenting the healing process



High tech


Sharedgroup blog

Notebookand camera

Shared wall/bulletin board

MyHealing:personal documentation

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 Description:John is 52 and lives right near MSK Brooklyn. He started his first chemo treatment strongly. Before being diagnosed with cancer he spent a lot of time outside as a park official. Being stuck inside all day was tiresome. To his surprise, inside the MSK BK Welcome Kit there was instructions on how to sign up for gardening sessions next door. He was very happy to have the ability to spend some time in a garden and help plant this seasons flowers. John shared with other patients “It’s like I am at work, and thats great because I love my job. I thought I would never work in a park again because I’ve been so weak.” 

Components:Sign up sheet, Botanica nursery Actors:MSK BK front desk staff, Botanica staff, MSK Patients

MSK/Botanica Green Space Partnership

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MSK Signs individual up for a time slot in

co-op garden.

Patient goes to Botanica to spend time in their green


Partnership with Botanica to do group

planting or volunteering in the


Planting team. Sign up for group

gardening at the co-op around the corner



GroupIndividual GreenSpace

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Mobile trees, bring them out during the day, in after hours.

Through partnership with flower shop next door, create mobile sidewalk garden space.

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Scheduled Activities









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MKS | Botanica Partnership for

group planting in the nursery

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Quick Review of initial research

Community & Outdoor Space:The AnticAALDCAtlantic Ave betterment AssociationPublic Library Botanica Garden centerSidewalk GardenRegularly Scheduled ActivitiesCommunity GardenHealthy Food Options Flying SaucerBrooklyn Botanic Garden

Movement/Dance:Dance and Yoga classes

Welcome:Personalized Welcome, written notes, and flower arrangement My Preferences Camera & Journal

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Treated like honored guests


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Life Essentials, A welcoming.

2- Nurses at MSK Brooklyn write letters to the patients coming in for their first visit.

3- Patient arrives for first visit.

4- After check in process is complete, nurse at front desk gives Helen the Life Essentials.The nurse explains to Helen that the box contains special items to help her through thetreatment process and tells Helen that she can open it whenever she feels like it.

5- Since their is no wait time, Helen goes to receive treatment immediately.

6- During the infusion process, Helen decides to see what is in the gift.

- Inside Helen first finds a letter with her name on it, the letter says “read later...”So Helen puts the letter aside.

7- Helen looks through the rest of the box and finds aromatherapy samples, herbal tea, a gift card for complimentary flowers, a pass for Mark Morris, a deck of cards, sleep mask, luna bar, and journal.

8- Helen feels taken care of, and is excited to use the contents of her gift.

11-Later that night at home, Helen opens the letter. She sees that it is a notefrom the nurse that was taking care of her that morning. She truly feels like someone at the new center cares about her and knows who she is.

14- The next week before treatment, Helen goes to the floralshop next door to pick out her free gift with the card she received.

17- Later that month, Helen decides to use her Mark Morris Movement pass.At the class, she meets other people going through the same thing she is. This makes her suddenly feel like she is part of a community.

-Throughout this whole process, Helen is writing in her journal, and uses it to help her sort out everything she is going though.

13- Helen experiments with the various aromatherapy oils at home,she decides that she likes lavender the best, but she rarely uses itbecause of sensitivity to smell.

15- Helen goes back to MSK BK for the next infusion.She feels a connection with the nurse ever since she was given the letter. This also makes her feel like she is entering a community that cares when she comes to treatment.

9- MSK BK stocks simple snacks and teas at the self surve center, so when patientscome to treatment they can have them if they choose.

10- When leaving, the nurse tells Helen that she is able to request a certain tea or snack they have for her next visit if she feels like it.The nurse explains, this is only an option, and if Helen wants a differenttea of snack when she arrives, they will happily get it for her instead.

16- Helen brings her eye mask with her that she recieved in herLife Essentials box.

Next Appointment -

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MyPreferencesCustomize each visit




Read Any other special requests? Let us know:________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


tea:___________juice: __________water: fresh/sparklingOther*________

At MSK every visit is about you

Blanket PillowEar PlugsEye MaskNeck PillowOther*________


Fruit_______SaltinesLuna BarCli! BarOther*________


*Note you will be charged for items we have to seek outside of MSKBK

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Helen is 39 years old. She lives in Brooklyn with her husband and two children. Helen was diagnosed with cancer a year ago and has been in treatment at the 53rd st. location. She switched to MSK BK because of the lack of wait time. Helen was a day care teacher before the diagnosis, she can no longer work and is usually to sick to leave the house. Helen is very close with her family and has a large extended family that has helped her a lot through the process. Helen's favorite things to do when she feels well include spending time with her children, reading, cooking, and gardening in her yard. The Illness has take a huge toll on her and the family but she is strong and determined to Fight for it.

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Hand written welcome note

Entry pass for a free movement class card for MSK Mark Morris Classes

List of options to customize your visit

Aromatherapy Samples

Herbal Tea Samples

Flower arrangement gift card



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Life Essentialsa welcoming

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Sendoff: Patients go home with thoughtful life essentials

Welcome: Warm first impression, openhearted, & personal

Transition: Brings the patient to a healing atmosphere, reoccurring every visit

Solution to Design Brief

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Taking care of patients who are new to the space and making them feel more comfortable by creating a

lasting, thoughtful, and warm welcome.

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Life Essentials,a welcoming

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•39 years old.

•She lives in Brooklyn with her husband and two children.

•Helen was diagnosed with cancer a year ago and has been in treatment at the 53rd st. location.

•The Illness has take a huge toll on her and the family but she is strong and determined to Fight for it.

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Final Prototype

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Volunteer staff at MSK make up the welcoming kit

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A nurse named Katie at MSK Brooklyn writes a letter to Helen before coming in for her first


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Helen arrives for first visit, after her check in she is given the welcome kit at the front desk

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While receiving treatment she opens the welcome kit

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Helen explores what is inside the package

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The contents of this package are available to the patients in a self serve refill area

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Katie tells Helen that she is able to request a certain tea or snack for her next visit. There is also the option

to fill out a preference form and have the contents waiting on her next arrival

When leaving...

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Helen fills out the preferences, hands it to Katie

Katie then walks to the refill station and prepares her welcome kit for her next visit

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Back at home

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