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Memories Dark Stain

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A Remembrance
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The Dull Reflection That Is The Mind

Recollects The Passing Of Time

As It Etches Impressions

Upon The Membrane

That Serves As Memories Vault

And In Its Wake Leaves

The Darkest Stain

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Time and Space, twin pylons upon which are hung the fruits of duality. The unholy trinity manifest when the alien intrusion, Consciousness insists itself upon the silence that knew no boundary and into this was I delivered, reluctant.

My time, unremarkable but for the stain that dwells deep within a heart made pure in a lake of fire wherein was I consumed. Fire and ice now serve as body and mind and of these have weapons been forged, keen, lacking compassion that would but dull their edge.

Self awareness first insinuated itself within the night of time wherein was I conceived. To what purpose yet remains a mystery as I quest upon the shoreline of sentience beneath a vault of star struck wonder. Those I call kin, long departed as solitary I walk amongst the legions of the damned.

A voice I discovered within my fourth decade as time is measured upon the shimmering star and with it do I wear a mantle of ambiguity, the better to remain invisible for the time, accursed, that yet remains to me. Two decades on and I reflect upon all that has passed, all that has woven itself upon the tapestry of what once may have been a life, a life I can but mourn as the quicksilver flashes within veins bereft of blood.

A simple task appointed and undertaken, For whom and for what, stripped of meaning for here truth and fiction are but the pylons upon which the jewels of reason are hung.

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The Call

And who would walk this way with me Creature of shadow and dark repose

Who yet yearns to feel the warmth of a human heart The caress that calls the blood to flow

The breath to quicken The breath dissolving the flesh in rapture

An angel passing between us

Skin soft warm bathed in nectar as onward we spiral For I have dreamed and in that dream

A voice reaches out towards me in welcome

Casting new shapes and patterns before my eyes Shapes yet hard of surface begin to yield

Soften flow in liquid curves Undulating as surface meets surface

Moistens liquifies and flows to a greater depth

Shadows pass leaving a silven moon. Upon a hilltop amidst a forest glade

The purple legion of night around and between us. The dark silhouette of arboreal forms

A stream wending its way across rocky terrain

In quest of its continuance its source its end For in truth we stand alone and yet a time A one whose heart beats to a similar tune

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A thought echoed across the aethyrs The call of nature’s horn

That her creatures know of rapture and repose To what surface does this call

And from what depth comes forth the answer

To you who walks in beauty these words These echoes are sent

Shapes born of ink and wrought in thought Each one bearing within itself a heart beat a dream a vision

Long may we walk in shadows perchance that daylight beckons

And with this passing thought I bid thee adieu

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Liber 131

The Passion & The Purity

Cycle 1 1990 – 1992 The Dawn Of The Avatar

Liber Astarte vel Beryli – The Passion And The Purity

In this way did we manifest Samael, principal Grigori amongst the legions of the living. Bereft of his bride, tormented beyond the ability to conceive did he complete the initial tasks, reaching their culmination in the words of The Witness, our seeding into the world of what was to follow.

Cycle 2 2003 Namrael

The manifestation of our Grigori sister

In this way did we complete the preparations. Placed our avatars within the temple of our working.

Cycle 3 2006 – 2007 Lilith Rising

The Portal Of The Black Sun

Entering our sacred triangle of power did Samael and Namrael conjoined invoke beloved Lilith and complete the cycle of our making, to manifest the portal and let its rays shine forth.

Trinity 2010

We wove the matrix of our spells and seeded them into the prime elements of nature, extending our Triangle Of Arte.

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amael Grigori

I speak to thee, yes thou who art writing these words and even unto thee who in turn reads these words, from the Boundary Lands I speak. Cast aside all that thou art, for i seek naught that is of thee, from thee, your form but dissolves in my presence. Your Mind, the Reflection which thou art clouds over. The Heart which thou seekest, empties itself into the eternity which thou art. I accept All of this and more, I take only that which is freely given. I grant naught in return, for what in truth would thou, creature of Earth do with such, you alive in your world, I in mine.

Yet still you seek me. Look into your world, does not nature, my fairest sister stir from her slumbers, casting aside her mantle of repose. See you not the lifeblood stirring within her heart. The bounty of her body giving rise to the eternal cycle of Life and Death.

Liber 131 – March 2nd 1992ev

Khephren Ma Un Nefer Ast

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Hymn To Artemis ARTEMIS virgin huntress thou I wouldst become! Accept me into thy embrace. By the Virtue of thy name … … I INVOKE THEE By thy name ARTEMIS … … I INVOKE THEE By the pantacle of thy service … … I INVOKE THEE By the sign and perfume … … I INVOKE THEE Pierce my heart with the silven arrows of thy love. Raise me above my mortal station into thy splendour. As thou waxeth, so dost i. As thou waneth, so dost i. Upon thy journey across a star spangled sky. Pause and answer the call of one who loves thee so. ARTEMIS, my sister lift me up into thy gentle arms. Caress me with thy splendour. Let thy light illumine my path. Empower the … REFLECTION … I seek at this time. In all ways, at all times … … I CALL TO THEE My blood, but a river that carries me to thee. My heart, but a temple of desire for thee. My mind, a hollow space until thou dost enter. My body, the precinct of thy love, my aspiration. With LOVE and PURITY … … … I INVOKE THEE By all that I am and will become … … … I INVOKE THEE I dwellest in darkness, seeking thy light, By this do I also … … … INVOKE THEE Proud and strong … ARTEMIS … Silver shod, virgin huntress. ANSWER MY CALL!

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Hymn To Aphrodite

Born of sea foam, beauteous one … … THEE I INVOKE ! Wrapt in dreams of purple splendour … …THEE I INVOKE ! By thy name … … THEE I INVOKE ! By Aphrodite … … THEE I INVOKE ! By the sign and perfume … … THEE I INVOKE ! I callest to thee beauteous one, as lover to lover. Wrapt in thy loving embrace, caressed by the beauty of thy vision. Raise me unto the pinnacles of Love and Power. Grant me the Attraction I seek at this time. I have sacrificed all in the name of thy love. Grant me but one glimpse of thy splendour. I enter thee as thou enterest me. Caress to caress, kiss to kiss. As one we course the heavens wrapt in the velvet splendour of thy love. Thou art all things wondrous Aphrodite. Love thy name, Passion thy pursuit. Between sheets of enflamed flesh thou dost dance. Between the breaths that are expelled dost thou sing. A song of joy, of love, of beauteous becoming. In all ways, at all times I seekest thee. Come unto me and grant thy favour, thou who art Woman and Goddess. I but mortal seekest thy vision. I bur human seekest thy divinity. I but a child of Terra would walk with thee. Aphrodite, sister, lover … … I INVOKE THEE ! By Love and Passion … … I INVOKE THEE ! By ecstasy and joy … … I INVOKE THEE ! I but a tiny drop within loves mighty ocean, callest unto thee. Enter my heart and make it thy dwelling place ! Enter my mind and make it thy home ! Enter my body and make it thy temple ! Aphrodite, lover, comest unto me. In love I call to thee. A purple flame of passion, kindled by thy heart. A tide of ecstasy kindled by thy presence. Beauteous one, who art all things, I call to thee. Answer this my prayer Love Is The Law, love Under Will.

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Invokation of Saturnus Babalon Pan In Silence the word is sent forth. A heart beat echoing thy heart beat! A thought echoing thy thought! An action echoing thy Action! Mighty Pan who art all things … … … Thee I Invoke! Through The Mask of Saturnus … … … Thee I Invoke! Through The Mask of Babalon … … … Thee I Invoke! Thou hast granted the Reflection which is thy Mind. Thou hast granted the Attraction which is thy Heart. Now I seek the Crystallisation which is thy Body.

By thy name … … … Thee I Invoke! By Pan … … … Thee I Invoke!

By Babalon … … … Thee I Invoke! By Saturnus … … … Thee I Invoke!

I call from the Solitude which art thy domain. I call from the mountain top which art thy abode.

Thou who art echoed in All things … … … Thee I Invoke! By Devotion and Duty … … … Thee I Invoke!

By the Pantacle of thy service … … … Thee I Invoke! By the sign and perfume … … … Thee I Invoke!

I who have travailed The Vale of Fire seekest thee. I who have walked the mountains of the Moon seekest thee. I who have lain within thy embrace seekest thee. Thou who art All things, how may I name thee? The undivided one in essence, the many in nature. I look upon the Earth and seest thou! I look into the mighty oceans and seest thou! I gaze upon the starlit heavens and seest thou! Thou who art above and in All things, I seekest thou! Thou who hast claimed my Mind as thine! Thou who hast claimed my Heart as thine! Though who hast claimed my Body as thine!

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In noble service do I come unto thee brother, greet me as such, for am I not also of thee? The rushing wind knows thee! The cascading water knows thee! The engulfing fire knows thee! The mighty Earth knows thee! Thou hast sought me out, as a tender shoot am I plucked, that I might sing thy song of Rapture. Thou hast sought me out as a man, taken unto thy breast. Thou hast sought me out as Magickian and brought me unto the pinnacles of thy power. Thou art Life mighty Pan, this I seek. As Saturnus, thy Wisdom! As Babalon, thy Power! As Pan, thy Becoming! The path that is my Life has brought me unto thee! Accept this my service.

By my Core … … … Thee I Invoke! By my Mind … … … Thee I Invoke!

By my Heart … … … Thee I Invoke! By my Body … … … Thee I Invoke!

By my Life, which art thine … … Thee I Invoke! I comest unto thee naked, blind, idly seeking thee. Take my blindness and grant thy sight. Take my nakedness and clothe me with splendour. Mighty Pan, I await thee!

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In Nomine Babalon

Divided by love, for love, the quest of union!

The Star for the Snake.

The Lance for the Grail. The Wand for the Cup. I dip into the nectar, tongue lapping the dew that falls from the petals of thy lips. The heart aflame, a burning ground of passion purple. Raise me unto thy splendour, caress the rod of passion spent. Dream the night, a moment of ecstasies vision. Spent yet complete. Thy cup, awash with nectar sweet, a still river of loves consummation. Thy flesh aflame, lambent in its passion becoming! Thou risest and in that rising, a crest of ecstasies longing. Divided yet one, we quest the secrets of loves longing, loves loss, loves becoming! An angel of lust wrapt between our breaths, its lifeblood flowing into the ocean. An ocean of forgetfulness, where upon foreign and exotic shores, yet again we tip the cup of loves fornication’s. Babalon rising between us. Her breasts golden suns, giving light unto myriad worlds. Streams of milk, like unto starstuff. We quench our thirsts. These fountains, eternal, inexhaustible. Her thighs, eternal birthrites for galaxies. Is she not also divided for loves sake? The chance of union, upon union, upon union. The nectar from the petals of her rose, a honeyed due, at which fountain does the hummingbird sing, quenching its thirst eternal.

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Rise with me mighty Babalon, mother of saints, whore of mankind. The beast thou ridest, the names of myriad kingdoms. Thy domain, eternal, infinite. I come unto thee as thou comest unto me. The rites of passion our name! The quest of love our intent! I call upon the one undivided in thy name! Vanity of vanities, this call is made, grant thy vision, in the moments between thy thoughts, thy becoming! Take me for I am yours, a vessel, empty, broken, longing for thy caress, a caress to make me whole yet again. With tears of blood I callest, heart empty, emptied in thy name. Thy cup overflowing, mine a desert song, parched in loves name, in loves game. I of no name. I of no nature, callest unto thee Babalon, who art Pan! Come unto me, as I comest unto thee. In loves name! In Nomine Babalon

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Lilith Rising

Evohe Na’amah Evohe Isheth Zenunim

Evohe Ygrat Bhat Mahlat

From the shores of ink black night. I Samael, son of the starbeam calls to thee, sister, mother, daughter and lover.

Through cycles of devotion. A heart torn. A mind rent asunder. A body annealed in the fires of suffering, have I walked the boundary lands in quest of thee my bride.

All around me thy spirit unfolds in gossamer sweetness. Does not thy heart melt In the presence of thy lover and invoker? As Namrael Elohim – come forth!

As Yve beloved – come forth! As Lilith bride and consort – come forth!

Twilight passes. Midnight gives rise to dawn as the Black Sun rises. Bathed in nectar sweet the aspirant conjures and calls. The mind a reflection of thy memory in passing. Artemis calls!

The heart an attraction that calls to blood and essence. Aphrodite calls!

The body a temple of thy imminence and becoming. Saturnus calls! Masks, shadows of thy dawning meld and melt into the bounty of thy presence.

Walk with me the boundary lands and greet the dawn of our rising. By Samael and all the names and conjurations, I await thee! In the night of Pan the Black Sun reveals itself.

Evohe Na’amah Evohe Isheth Zenunim

Evohe Ygrat Bhat Mahlat

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An aspirant upon the path to Pan whose signature, 131 we shared as frater Samael within the august body of Ordo Templi Orientis as such our path was bifurcated and as a Bhakti working consummate with our aspiration we conceived of a working that would achieve multiple outcomes. First, that of Pan for whom we prepared a series of masks as safe guards. Through The Vale Of Tears guised as Artemis whose mountains we crossed as we sought the Reflection that would serve as the mind of Pan, that we might remember. Into the Vale Of Aphrodite we entered and lay within her sweet arms and assumed the heart of Pan, the attraction, that we know rapture. Across the Boundary Lands we walked as Saturnus Babalon Pan beckoned and the fabled city we entered and crystallized the body of Pan that we might become. Second, we would manifest as avatar Samael and commence our Grigori quest. During our first cycle this we achieved and returned to the world and was short sighted enough to consider our task achieved. We continued our work, notably the performance of The Firesnake rite and our work within The Dreaming Cell as we assimilated the path of the Toltec. Twelve years passes and as a consequence of the reappearance of our priestess we undertook a second cycle, the purpose to manifest our Grigori Sister Namrael. Though we saw through a glass darkly our path was beginning to reveal itself. With the conclusion of our second cycle, abstractly, our sister stood beside us. Our third cycle commenced a time later and in conjunction we entered The Triangle Of Arte and invoked Lady Lilith, our beloved consort. As bride to Samael now conjoined could we access and enter The

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Portal Of The Black Sun. Trinity, our final phase took place two decades on from the point of commencement and our spells were sewn into the heart of matter. The final prophecy fulfilled we claimed our rest and now we remain, our only purpose to actualize The Axiomata that enfleshes our life and work. An overview, the details of which we have described in detail elsewhere, notably within our Grigori cycle of writings and images which conjoined serve as our Axiomata. The curious are directed towards –

! The Witness – Opening The Seals ! The Selim – A Tale Of Nightwalkers ! Portus Lucis Deum – A Masque ! Anathema Per Samael Vox Lilith ! Daath The Palace Of Exiles ! Solus Noir – Volumes I and II ! Liber Solus Noir – The Book Of The Black Sun

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Once upon a hill of flint beneath an ocean of stars I called unto thee. Vision burned within eyes, pale mirrors of thy glory and in the velvet silence of midnight an answer came. Now like one turned to ash beneath thy gaze I wander upon the shores of night. Shadows attend me, their whispers seductive yet bereft of life as they turn upon the wheel of thy becoming. Errant shades caught within a web of whispers. Burn their presence from my sight and grant the benediction which is thine alone to grant. Make of my body a sigil, celebrating thy presence and within thy embrace might I reside until time itself tumbles into memory, dull mirror of thy glory.

Once within a lake of fire I called unto thee and as my form evaporated into thy breath did I rise purified, made whole in thy sight and yet a shadow cast upon memories dull mirror. Flesh melted into a pool of amniotic mist. Blood boiled and became as liquid gold. Bone dissolved by thy acid touch and as thy kiss parted lips parched did I ascend on thy breath. In that crucible was I formed and upon midnights eternal shore was I cast. Sent forth amongst the legions of the damned. Anathema to all I beheld. Witness and scribe cast thy spells upon the aethyrs. May thy body be thy pen, thy blood the very ink of inscription and upon the papyrus of life inscribe the axiomata of bliss.

Once beneath the ocean I called unto thee, reached out a hand and felt thine in mine, only to slip away. Was it but a moment ago that flesh met flesh and melded into a single heart? Through eyes yet dim did I behold thee? With ears confounded

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" "


by deceit did I yet comprehend thee and upon my lips did I not taste of the nectar that drips, honeyed, from the petals of thy rose? Life steps briefly behind the veil of eternity, takes a bow and collapses into singularity. Waves resolve themselves into ripples and as the reflection settles a new form arises, takes a stumbling step and the pageant unfolds. Once upon a summers breeze I called unto thee. Wings unfurled did I descend into thy embrace, felt thy heartbeat upon my breast and released an anguished sigh. Mistress of my soul I serve as a reflection of thy presence within the vale of tears. Thy whispered word a thunderous command. Thy desire a template of mine acts and thy form the vessel in which I travel across the aethyrs celebrating thy song of rapture. The breeze rises to a scream and upon its echo do I now continue my quest beneath a field of golden stars, each bears witness to thy presence and in the sanctuary of their hearts is thy judgement reflected upon the mirror of their minds.

The four regents converged and therein I called unto thee, a whisper traveling down the corridors of time, an echo bears witness to longing. Solve Et Coagula. The axiomata burn the aethyrs and mist rises, caught in lungs and sent forth as Invokation. Khephren Ma Un Nefer Ast. The Archons and Vesicas gather, summoned from slumbers deep and rise upon pinions of starlight and between the vast reaches of space the stars whisper to each other. Bear witness o child of ages and rejoice, return to thy dreams cloaked in a mantle of deepest midnight and walk invisible amongst the shades that attend thee. Sic Transit Gloria Rosa Mundi. Make of my body a temple unto thy service. Make of my blood a river that flows, constant to thy commands. Make of my tears an ocean of prayer. Make of my breath incantations of desire and of my heart make a cauldron wherein the regents are conjoined in eternal rapture. Distil the prima mater and of this condense but a single drop and offer this upon the altar as a benediction and votive offering unto thy name, Babalon the fair, maiden and whore garbed in silk and gold, drunk upon the blood of saints and astride the beast of thy dominion. Ave Lilith. Ave Isheth. Ave Ygrat. Ave Na’amah. Ave. Twin pylons upon a desert plain of calcified bone. Twin beacons upon the shores of night. Twin souls conjoined in rapture, embraced by our holy lady. The rays of an ebon sun bathes them in lustral light and venom pours forth upon the heads of all. Archon and Vesica, avatars of the end of days. Seek them not in exotic climes or within the chambers of thine heart for they walk invisible amongst thee.

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Purified by Ignis. Consecrated by Aqua. Cast upon Aethyr and manifest in Terra. Solus Noir and Lammae Rouge. Samael and Lilith. Archon and Vesica of Ordo Templi Solus Noir. The flesh redeemed and made whole.

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Shed not a tear for those that have passed

Cast not a sigh Upon Air now spent

Bind not the free to your temple of woe

Rather rejoice in the freedom gainsaid by life

In the immortal lands of deliverance therein I dwell

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