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Memphis daily appeal. (Memphis, Tennessee) 1880-04-24 [p ]. · arrives anlly at ":10 a.m.; mall...

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RAILWAY KKCOUD. Arrival mad Departure of Tralaa. Train on the Paducab and Memphis road more ni Ioiiow.h: Mull leaves dullr at 4:00 p.m.; accoui-mlnto- n IftHveo dally at (1 :il am. Mull arrives dally iu V MU am.; acconiiuodauou arrive dally at 6 45 p la. Trains on the Memphis and Little Hock road move as follows: Mall leaven dally at :!() p ra.; freight letves diilly, excpt, Sunday, at rt :00 a m. Mtll ar- rives d illy at 1 1 lir p.m.; relgut arrives daily, ex- cept bunday, at n :05 p m. t rain on the MempliH andChailston road move as folium: MhII leaves dally at 11 :15 a.ui.; ol"er: vlll acoooimotlatlon leave dally, except bunnny. ai 4:40 p.m. Mall arrives dally at 1 :t0 P m vine accommodation arrives daily, except Huiioay, htTral?isaon' the MlsalMlpr-- l and Tennessee road move a follows: M ill leaves da ly ai 2 :4i P.m., bands acoominooalioii Ieve4 . ally, except auoday, nt 4:40 p m.; Irltii iesvea dally, exnept ouoday, at rl:4.-,a.i- n M .il arrives dally ai lo 4o a.m.; aardls ace .uin.odat on arnvrs l'f buiiday, at ortMJ a. in ; tieiaul arrive dally, P Iralns on the Louisville and Nashville road move as follows- - Kiie leaves at 1 1 :20 p in.; snail leaves dai fat (1:40 a.m.; Brosusvllla aocom m opt- ion leave duly. J"it 3 'iiday, at 4 :iJO p.m. ss arrives anlly at ":10 a.m.; mall arrives daily til 4:20 p.m ; Krowiwvtlle acccmuiodailou arrives d ill, except buiKlar. at H Aii a m. tialurday me ex- press ruus uiily to M'kruzie, connecting lorKasn-vine- . Huperinti iuLhI are mpiVtkd to notify this ojjlce promptly )f cKati'tC of tntta Peraonal aad fcieneral. Another track .s soon to be built between the Louisville acd (Ji:atUnocK depots at Nashville. The Pullman palace-ca- r company arc using papsr win els with steel tires on all new cars winch tht-- LuilJ. Harry Myer, a brakeman on the Atlantic nnd IVtciiio rj.id, full b:tweea two cars, neat VounstoD, Oiiio, Wednetd.ty, and had both li'K Cut Ollat A dispute between t ie trustee of the Cin- - cinnati Southi-t- road and Huston Sc Cj., tfce contractor who completed ttie road, is likely to end in litigation. A trestle burned neir Wsverly on the Nashville and fioith western road Wednts-da- y, has been repined, and traini are run-uia- x without detention. 'J'ue engineer of (ho Cincinnati Southern road has been instructed toalvertise lor no-poa- als t) cons-.iiic- t ILe lini b.tween lljycfl's station and UaatUnooita. Captain Il-n- Jl'Liuahlin is tliviticn en- gineer oj tbu Qrht one nuudred miles cf the 'J' x ts I'dCili j i zU'Siiun went from Fort Worth. His headquarters are ar. We itherford. Ground was boken on the Virginia, Ken- tucky and Unio r inroad Wedocsd,iy, four- teenth mutant. Work was beun at a po.nt near Hi Wa ker'i creek bridge, in h? coun- ty, Virginia. Toe rail-mi- ll of (ho Pennsylvania steel company produced, Tnurs lay ui;ht of last week, in lom than twelve nours, 'J b'oithed steel rails, of thd asri'Kate lHnith of ft w les i).'2 yards, and weigjiotf Md!s tons. The Pennsylvania railroad is rapidly adopt- ing tbe new ekctric VJ a. To stop or start a team tbe conductor pulls a em Ml curd which runs tUu entire ol each car. A slight touch of ton cord will rio the bell at the e. Captain T. M. Collyer.wl ilitn of Memphis, but to general traveling ugtnt of tbe (did old Baltimore and Onto rusd, took toe (Joid-iv- ii Sur last nivht ter Vicksbnrir, whence te noes to New Oileais by rail. Mrs. Collytr aiicumpanies him. KrncstO SiUm.iieh, resident eneinr of tbe Kvanbville, IlettlerNop anil tiaslivd e railroad, is now enured in makins a survey ol the routes between ilenderson and l'an; ville tor tbe conneclinn link to be constructed at as early a day as possible. "Now then," said tbe profrsor of color- blindness to the enpinwr, "pick out nil tbe reds that you see." The engineer looked wildly unund and prnbbtd tbe proles. 0:'s Bose. "That will do," mid tbe other of tbe onuiiniog to trd. "Your 9 itiS ctte is ready." Pat lt ci', lately a conductor on tbe Little Hock, Mississippi U.ver and J'exts road, baa dropped tbe bell-cor- d and ticket-punr- tor the throttle, and now runs tbe new Mason engine, recently put on tbe line. Pat is one of the o!dt and moat highly esteemed ol-- 1 ticers ot tho road. Dr. Stunditotd mutt huvj etna out of tbe big combiratioa pretty well fixed, as seven or eiyht permits were issued to him one day of last week tor the erection of buildings in Louisville. Knowing when one baa got enough in good horse Hense, and quitting is time is crl the same piece. Robinson's improved car jo trntl box is now invention, aad is now being manufac- tured by a company at Cilum'jus, Onto. The invention, although a recent one, has b en sutli:iently tested in actual service to estat-lis- a its cU'rn tj many advantages over the oir journal boxes low in use. K. U. II a ant one, master mechanic of the Kvansville, Ilenderson and Nashville and Nashville and ra'lro id, hs tend-- n d his resignation, R (ake effect et an early date, lie will leive Nashville Moaday lor Uuito d, Connecticut, and antume a position oa tbe New York acd New England railroal. Hi. Louis ia shipping Erit'n to Europe by way of liuotington nnd ltichaond. Tho grain is curried I rem St. L"uis to iiuntiogton in barges. Tlio business ia done by the Chesa- peake and Ohio railroad at very low rate?, and it is said over lour million bushels have passed up the Ohio under this arrangement. Cj1onil J. A Woods 10, suonrintendent of the Little ltoek, Mississippi K'VPr and Texas road, coraaienced at the bottom ol tbe lad- der seven or eight years ago, and has, by su- perior capacity alone, risen to bis present re- sponsible poHition. Tbe Pine UlulT I'rets, of Thursday, rays him a meritsd compli- ment in attributing to bun much of the credit for the exo tllent condition ot ttn roaj and its belongings. Cedar Key is the gulf terminus of the West India Transit railroad, and is a name applied to all the islands that dot a lovely harbor, every one of which is a perfect gem of beauty. Tbe railroad running troin Vrnandina to this punt shortens tbe distance and tbe tiipa from any of tbe Atlantio ports nnd States, and even tbe te tbwist, to all points on the (lulf of Mexico, especially to those of Tampa, Key West and Havana. There muit have been some queer fish among the Knoxville delegates to the Cincin- nati Southern banquet. The Enquirer, of tho twentieth, mentions a couple of them in the following strain: "Two of the delegates to Cincinnati on the occasion of tho lut-- i ex minion sold their return tickets to scalpers. They also secured passes to Chicago and n, and sold tbe return tickets to scalpers in the latter city. Tb names of these par- ties are well known in Knoxville," Oa taking possession of the Nashville and (TiatUnooja railroad, the L"uisville and Nasbvillo management found a ha!fdrz'n or more engines woich wore nt only tor the scrap heap, and tbey were taken to Louis- ville and sold to tbe junk-dealer- s. Two of them a fact of which the management were not aware bad copper from which the idnk-deale- rs realized some two thousand dollars more than they would had the engines been iron, ai supposed when the purchase was made. Captain Tom Williamson, a conductor on tbe I). K. V. road, la'ely discharged by the superintendent, hna been by the directory. The Columbia (Teon.) Sentinel, speaking of the dismissal, says: "Captain Williamson has always been recognised as one of the most accommodating and etticient railroad men in the State, and his removal, without ctnse, will prove not only detri- mental to the interests of the road, but meets with severe condemnation irora every citizen aiong its lino." The Atlanti Constitution savi: 'A dis- patch has been received by the Louisville and Nashville survey party calling tbni to Hen- derson, Kentucky. It is understood that Captain (iloster and bis associates will at once commence the survey of a short line from Henderson, Kentucky, to Kvansville, Indiana. The line will hs about fourteen miles lonir. Oae of tae assistants informed tbe rerorter that ferry would be arranged to crcs the Ohio, and tbat the track would run to thj banks of tbe river." Hale at tna Mobile and Xew Urleaaa. The Nw Orleans Times, of Thursdsr says: "Circuit Court Clerk F. A. WoilH y has returned from New York, wbithcr he went on buxine-- s connected with the sale of tbe New Orleans, Mobile and Texas road. Mr. Woo U y, who is the special muster for the sale, stated to tbe Timrs reporter that all arrangements lor the sale of tbe line had been completed, and, nothing occurring to prevent it. tbe rend would be sold ia front of the catouihous S Uurday mornioff. It is an open secret that th road will be bought by the Louisville and Nashville corporation, for which purpose President ll. Victor Newcomb and other ctlijials of that company will reach the ciiy in time to be present and bid at the sale." The t'hattaaooa-- a aad ltosae. Tueulsy last the stockholders of the Look- out Mountain railroad, tbe contemplated lite between Chattanooga and Home, Georgia, the stockholders of the Memphis branch, a proposed line between Memphis and H me, via Chattanooga, und the stockholders of the Kime and Kouierville railroad, another pro- posed line between Chattanooga and Rome, met in conference, when all conflicting inter- ests were consolidated into the Lookout Moun- tain railroad company, and all ditterences harmoniously adju-te- By tbia consolida- tion, the Timet atates, the Lookout Mountain railroad company receives one hundred and filly thousiDd dollars paid-i- n stock of the Kime and tanierville railroad, twenty-fou- r miles of graded road on the line in excellent order and reaay tor tbe cross-ties.al- so a two-sp- an bridge at Itomu, Georgia, crossing the Uostanaula river, besides twouty thousand dollars donations subscribed by property own- er along the line of the road. The contract for building tbe roud has boen traafrcd to H. G. Huston & Co.. the contractors who built one hood red and thirty six miles ot the Cincinnati Southern. They will at once . pro- ceed too organize their force, and intend to have the r"ad completed and trains running in seven months from date. The WelsaaJ Marloa and Memphis. Some time since, the Sclma, Marion and Memphis railroad, its road-be- d, Iranchises and material, was purchased at United States court sale by Mnjor J. J. I3u?by and others, at and for the sum of fittcen hundred dollars. The court txtended the time of confirmation of the sale tq the first ot May, so tbat all the bonds could come in and be filed. Tbe fol- lowing notification was tuade yesterday as to an hdvanoa of five brjiid'ed dollars in the bid, sod tbe matter will be heard y by Judge Hammond: Msm-aia- , Tkmn., April 23, To i. J. Busby, Ksq.: Tou are hereby notified tbat on Saturday, April 24, 1WK0, I will move, In the United Biates circuit court tor the Istrld of West Tennessee, for an or- der opening tbe bidding In tbe ease of L. V. Black-bu'- Q vs. the Seima. Marlon and Memphis railroad company, I baring ottered lo advance the bid made by you lor the railroad bed, etc., to two thouaud dollars. 8- - U- - By Smith A Collier, attorneys. The Jaeksoa and Kaehvllle. The Jackson Tribune, of tbe twenty-sscon- d, has tbe annex l information regard- ing this new lio : "Captain John U. Mann, Colonel E. W. Upshaw and Mr. L E. Moore, who left Jackson last week to view out a line for tbe survey of the projected Jack -- 00 snd Nashville railroad to the Tennessee river, Monday, having satisfactorily accom- - the ot jeot ot their trip. The lice Flished over by them will not probably be m iterially changed from tbe old survey from tus city to Lexington. From Lexington east the valley of Beech nver furnishes an easy t ne to tbe Tennessee river. Tbe Tennessee can be cioued conveniently at Perryville or li odie's landing. Captain Mann's party cl eiy inspected the river banks, and the between these points, and are satis-u- -J that somewhere near, or at one or the other of heee places, the road will probably 0 0)3. We understand that they found the ImO trOiu th j o.ty to the Tennessee nver ot isy pruHo. excepting in ono or two places. The route from the 'lennossee river to Nash- ville will for many reasons bkely be built on a line running through L'oden and Thus four counties, lianderaon, Decatur, Perry and Hickman, tot now tonched by a rai'roed.will be pierced tbroagh their center, and tbey will brobably contribute liberally to the construction of the road. If these coun- ties desire the road through their centers, they would be wise to offer strong induce- ments in the way of guaranteed rights of way and liberal subscriptions. But on any line front here to fcfashf ille likely to be adopted, rich mines and splendid farming sections are passed, and tbe road would have a large lo- cal patronBge for thirty aad forty miles on each side, Indeed, we know tbe country well enough to say that the local patronage ot the Jackson and Nashville mad would be as large or larger than any line in the State of tbe same length. We have strong hopes asd strong reasons to .believe tbat the road will be built and that speedily. We also feel afe in saying tbat Jackson will do her dutj iu the matter. Lit Nashville do hers acd the counties along tbe Jme ba prompt to con tribute as liberally as they may be able, and th pnternrisR will ba accomplished." Tears Before tike I'ubllc THE t CEtJUIfJE. Dr.C. McliANE'S UVER PILLS rrre not recommended as a remedy for all the ills that flesh fa heir to," but in affections of the Liver, andia all Bilious Complaints, Dyv' pepsia, and Sick Headache, or diseases of that character, they stand without a rival. ACUB AND FEVER. No better cathartic can be used prepara- tory to, or after taking quinine. . As a simple purgative they are unequaled. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. The genuine are never sugar-coate-d. Each box has a red-wa- x seal on the lid with the impression JJcLANE'S LIVER PILL. Each wrapper bears the signatures of C McLanb and Fleming Bros. ScJ Insist npon having the genuine Da. C. McLANE-SLIVEF- t PLLS, prepared by FLEMIXO BROS., Pittsburgh, Pa., the market beinjj full of imitations of the name McLane, spelled differently but same pronunciation. - ' INaflLIDS " AED 0THEB3 SEEKIKa . STREHGTH A11D EHEEGY, WITHOUT THE tJSE OP DRUGS," ARE RE- QUESTED TO SEND FOB THE ELECTRIC REVIEW. AN ILLUSTRATED JOUR-VA- WHICH IS PUBLISHED FOR FREE DISTRIBUTION. TEBAT8 upon HEALTH. HTGTEXE, and Vhy& IT cl Culture, svod 1 oompltsi encyclopedist of InforuisUion for Intulfcl U)4 toooa who sutler ft" era liYrvoua, Exhausting ana Painful Every ubject that bettrtt upon beftllb ud fauiDan happiness, rceeiven auDtioa iu lis palpal tn4 tb many a asked by nafl?rlDa lnv&i Ufe. wbo have dispfured or imtifl, are aimwerc-if- , and valuable informaLtoo ia t)luujwrcd ta til vtoo arm in n$riof Eptdionl advice. Tho aobjeci oi Stectrto Belts wrw Uudscine anti tbj handrji aud ou qoeaisooa of vital linportaitca to audtiriug husfcAuliT. aja duly coaakltred and ex platuvd. YOUNG MEN An othprs who ntiflV?r from Nerrons and PhTsIcal T Mbty. Loan ot Manly Viof, Pracnatnra Exhaiirttioa a.ul tho oianv ptoomv of "rly Indiitcre-Uji- i, .'tc, ait) eaMCssUly bDaiid by consulting IU ""ThLEOTKTO ItEVTBW wpotWi the onmlt.Rated fraiidi priacticvd bv quacks and mediOAl impontora who profvia to practice medicine," and point out the wily nlV, rumple, and. jdMUv Nad to Health, Vigor aii'f Kuery. . bend vrmr cdOruoa oa pcetal mrn 9nr a copy, and lufjrmattuu vrtb thoudauOJ ill beaD you Addrf the publishers P'JLVERMACHER GALVANIC CO., CO. EIGHTH & VINE $1BTS, CINCINNATI. O Coughs, Uroucliitls, Consumption What a Well-know- n llrisiltt aj sbsst Sllra's tsss llslsan. UOtUKBH, KKAD1 Oakind Station, Kt. riKNTT.KMKN The Omand for AlUn's Lass H.Ihmm is tnenaslnar crnstsptlr. Tbe ladles tri nK there s no mealolne ejvml to it for Croup una WtaoopliiK Coutflx. U 8. 11ABTIM, LmeKlst.a Mold by all Mrdlrln" Pulers. J n staJiPf-l- Nrarsnrf nnsilivplr flsAtm 1 ?i' I Hrmtxla for the apredy vmI pnr aBent run. ni Aainlnal 1?mfasiona i.nrl TmnntencT bv th on It tru , sit., Ittt t i;fiifon In ih priiifmt limn f lb Psnsis. Tb K.M o lit) ss atUudaa " tit no l:n ut inBTMca. and dus o ajlin thr ordinary punuita uf life. Thia bmmW nf tniimsat bast aaasvt ba ! ia rmrj s p ana si nam ixwnna.no! ssjooss TWs a nwiaaiis nlWU tOI jircasjfcisoti. lfcncl ion sbsjijm us) t Issnl h. tlM UaalMl fyJMT-- t bn Da nviat rsusanal ataanfl Tst rlwoo aasl of anil Mt( Uli ry prrvalaul Uout.1. Tba knnadj tt t,te bm sftar H. f 0M ins k, f.l. IS 3 ainnrBl a 3 (!. Ikr H W DSisn. l'.MliMf sa4..H- -i Ha.. aBni.-a wl ias. (nn - r nraa W Sra . A - 1 V CoTltr&HEtofsfB MAR R I EMED v Mnrket mnA Hth Wtr eta, rT. l ol l!, WO. J. FLAHERTY &CO - U.MUEKTAKEIM, kpd Mannracturers of Flabertj's Pateat PreserTln? Casket or Corpse Cooler, 117 ana SIM MKCONU HT. MRMPHIM aKeo on band full lines ot Metallic Solid WIWalont, Rosvwoed Klnlsbed Casket and Cases, trimmed In tbe blKbest style ot HrU cr-Je- r Mall or Tleranh will hepTomntl lllxd.f!. O.I M1 'h....m.iIa i. ip tlio Htteeilv Cnre ol Sm. jli.nl WuEim-mi- . jrfMW f MaulnKHl. uud ttll ilionler bn.u.-li-l on liy iiulwcn Hi'" rexit'ss. Auy Drumfuit huh ilio Atliv-- t li t IJrON e CO., 7S Nsuss rC. Ti. Y. IEOIT E00FI1JG For KuMdinaa of all Classes. For circulars and price address W. G. HYNDMAN Sc. CO " ci?fciivT".vm. . JOHN MANODK.Gen"l A cent 1 US) Slain atreet. Memphis. Tran. A atwl ton-I'- (U K TO WtnUH S, Ctlln Ch't'lrrs mit J. sis-li- ol wiff. rhincta of Virfian Ity, MrrUHjr, Atlvk-- to Itrsde , . -- 4. - ',1 ... L r'. TI- - TsI.Tt-" LH.n, nillinf from tliurs. kMH mmwm, .." . , j BS. t'uTTs" BtSStmRT, m. K w..M. I'. LAUL.EDE HOTEL, . 5th, 6th and Chestnut Sis., ST.XOUIS, : : : MO. NANMOBs rCUKsH S O. aOaiS BILLiktU J. U. CBaJSAUia - RsTso fj 60 sod (3 per dir. aEIlC MEMPHIS D.&.IJL.Y A.PJP KL SATTJEDAY, APT?.TT, 24, 1880. FINANCE AND COHMEKCK. F1NANUK. Tbe banks complained of dallness yester day. The demand for money was light, also that for exchange. The latter was in sap-pl- y sufficient tor present requirements. The views respecting Charleston railroad stock are gradually stilfening, bat any transactions that may take place are carefully kept con- cealed. It is stated that 2'J can be sot and there is talk of 'Si being demanded with considerable confidence in holding. Eichanpe at oar banks quoted at Js discount on New York and other prominent eastern DOints: with three davs Brace, ii discount; selling at premium. On New Orleans, M discount; selling at par. Money is loaned at H per cent. Shelby county scrip is a noted at 91 buvinsr. and Hi sellinsr. LABI sales ofMemphij gas stock at 75 76jf; of Uanlt ot Uommerce stock", at SJ: oi Missis sippi and Tennessee first mortgage bonds, at 1.3: of Charleston railroad stocks, at Vi. thousand dollars of Peoples insurance stock was offering in our market yesterday at lo. UBMPHU BANK CLEARING3 - Cieannq. Balance. aprll 23, 1880 H3,oaa 63 9 41.75H 07 Same time lat week... ES9.8HU 85 168.072 40 dame time owl: belore 74,4'rt 82 193,807 Oil Total Oils weelt ti54,ttl 02 ltio,4l7 I BY TELEGRAPH. PARIS, April 23. Rentes, 83f, 55s. NEW ORLEANS, April 23. Sight ex- change on New York. $2 50 per 1000 premi- um. Ster.ing exchange bankers' bills, 4849a. LONDON, April 2;V Consols-mone- y. 98 11-1- 6; on account, 93 13 16; new hi, 104; i4. UlUr 4. 109; Illinois Central, Pennsylvania Central, 56; Erie, 444; seconds, 94; Reading, 34. NEW YORK, April 23 Money 64 per cent., closinir at 4 per cent. Prime mercan- tile paper, 5g6 per cent. Sterling exchange bankers' bills weak, 434; demand, 486ji. Dry goods imports for the week, 2 302,000. Gjvernrufnt bonds stron?; United SUtes cou-pn- rs of 1881, 10C8; new 5s, 103; new 108; new 4i, 107; Pacific 6s of 1895, 126. 3141c bonds, dttll lnlaiana 7 pnnSnU. 48? 1 Missouri, W.; St. Joseph, 106; Tennessee rjd, old, 33; Tennessee 6i, new, 2oi; Virginia 6j, old, 22; Virginia 6j, new, 22; Vir- ginia consols, 73 cifered; preferred, 78. Railroad bonds generally firm. The stock market was strong almost The entire day, the occasional reactions being very slight and followed by a further advance, the improve- ment beibg ?i o 24 per cent., and extended throughout the list but being most marked in PaciSc Mail, Canada Southern, the coal shares, iron Mountain and telegraph stocks. The- - market- - closed firm within a traction ot (he highest figures of tbe day. The Louis- ville and Nashville fell off from 136 to 135, rose to 739, and clnsed at 137Ji. Transsc-ioii- s aggregated 226,000 shares, ot which 9000 were Canada Southern, 3000 Lacka- wanna, 16,000 Erie, TOCO Hannibal and St. JosBpb, 11,000 . 7000 Kansas and Texas, 6500 Lake Shore, 6500 Nashville snd Chattanooga, 35,000 Michigan Central, 40C0 Louisville and Nashville, 1000 North- western, 14 000 New Jersey Central, 8000 Ohio and Mississippi, 15.000 Ootario and Western, 32,000 Pacific Mail, 12.000 St. Paul, 17,000 Wabash and Pacific, and 18,000 West- ern Union. Closing quotation as follows: Central Pscifio bonds, 119; Union Pacific firsts, 112; Union Pacific land grants, 110; Union Pacific sinking funds, 115 offered: Lehigh and Wilkesbarre, 113; St. Paul and Sioux City firsts, 101; Chicago, Columbus and Indiana Central firsts, no sales; Chicago, Columbus and Indiana Central seconds, no tale; Erie seconds, 91 5a Rock Island, 191; Panama, 186; Fort Wayne, 117K; Pituburg, 112J; Illinois Central, 106; Chicago, Burlington and Qumcy, 125Jg; Chicago and Alton. 1C9; Chicago and Al- ton preferred, 123; New York Cen- tral, 131Jf cft'ered; Harlem, 177; Lake Shore, 108J8; Canada Southern. 62; Michi- gan Central, 90Ji; Erie. 43; Erie preferred, 66; Northwestern, 94; Northwestern pre- ferred, 109; St. Paul, 79; St. Paul preferred, 103; St. Paul and Minneapolis, 59; St. Paul and Sioux City. 43; St. Paul and Sioux City preferred, 78: Delaware, Lackawanna and Western, 89; Morris and Essex. 107; Delaware and Hudson, 82 "4; New Jersey Central, 78; Reading, 67; Onio and Mississippi, 35; Onio and Mississippi preferred, 71; Chesapeake and Ohio, 21ji; Mobile and Ohio, 21; Cleveland and Colum- bus, 77: Chicago, Columbas and Indiana Central, 14 Jg; Ohio Central, ' 22; Like Erie nd Western, 33; Ontario and Western, 29 cifered; Burlington, Cedar Rapids aad Northern, 76; Alton and Terre Haute, 20; Alton and Terre Haute preferred, 66: Wabash, St. Louis and Par-if- i 40; Wa- bash, St. Louis and Pacific prp7erred,'67sB; Hannibal and St. Josenb. AAX: Hanmhli and St. Joseph preferred, Iron Moun tain, blHi St. Louis and San Francisco, 37 cft'ered; St. Louis and San Francisco pre- ferred, 53; St. Louis acd San Franc;spo, flret preferred, 72; Chioago, b. Louis and New Orleans, 33; Kansas and Texas, 37M; Union Pacific 8tck.6P;CentraiPaeific,74 j North- ern Pacific, 294; Northern Pacific, preferred, 63; Lou svilit and ijasbville, ?J?; Nash- ville and Chattanooga, 73; Louisville and New Albany, 85; Houston and Texas, 82; Western Union Trjejrap'd, 167&; At- lantic and Paciiic Telegraph, 44; Pacific Mail, 43'; Adams Express, 111; Wells and Fa'tro's ErpreBs, 105; American Ex- press, 58;United StatesFxpress,47;Quick-silver- , 10; CJuicksilver preferred, 69: Caribon, i ottered; Leadville. i Central Arizona, 6; Home Slake, 82; Standard, 28; Excelsior. 19; Little Pittsburg, 106 offereo ; Ontario, 35. The result of to day's transactions was not of a character to cheer the holder of cotton. Liverpool went eff on futures and the same in spots. New Yoik followed suit with a decline ot jc on spots, and a proportionate reduction in futures. Our market closed easy at quotations. The demand was somewhat better than yesterday, but buyers all claimed conctsiiOLS on quotations. Texterdaii. Day before. Inferior 7i 8- - . 8- - Dusty 8- -fi 1114 8- -a 1H4 Low ordinary a Q 8a Ordinary Oi tw a vS (,ool ordinary r?10a$ t?104n Lew middling aillj Mlddllnir rllVS (1 1 US liood middling -- s OIUh flll ia Middling lair ...- - 12i4 ai'i'-- i Kalr i. Nominal. Nominal. Clean stains....;.... 10-3- 11 10 ail-Mar- ket fiwer to sell. Sales. 1350 bales, in- cluding 1300 to exporters, 250 to Bpinners and 300 to speculators. COTTON STaTKMSNT. Stock, September 1, 1879 886 Keoelved y 554 Uecelved previously 395.20 895,756 Shipped to day P51.H29 89H.142 Supped previously. 815,015 81rl.B44 Stock, running account 79.408 IMPOSTS. Tuusfar this week. ....... ., 2.258 Thus far last week..... a.'.ins Since September 1st 8.(Li.".2 Memphis and Charleston R R. 73 Mississippi snd Tennessee H R 17 Louisville, Nashville and (it Southern B. R. 89 Memphis and I, title Hock K. R 41 Pduc;th and Memphis R. R. 8 Steamers 851 WHgous and other sources 25 Total. 561 EXPORTS. Thus far this wertr . 8.901 Thus tur last week . 9.102 Since September 1 st .81.rt44 MemphtsardChnrlestonR.lt 118 Mississippi nnd Tennessee R. R 1,174 Louisville, Nashville nnd (lient Southern... SteHiners, soutli 1:15 Total l,B2a I BY TELEGRAPH. The following are the latest telegrams of the domestic markets, as reported yesterday to the cotton exchange: Latent Slut rtf Ttiryrusnx. Market. Ketfpt. Uslveston Nomln'L 47 New Orleans Ky. 1.450 Mobile Dull. 517 SsvHiinab Quiet, fHH Clmrleston Kasy. 25:H Wlliuli.gtoiL DulL 7 Norfolk Dull. 820 Haiti mora Dull. 12 New York Kiisy. 4IH Boston Dull. 378 Plil'adelDbla OuleL H AUBiistw ju:et 106 Prwe MiMlinj. Hid 11'B 11, 12l Ills 11&8 1178 1 144 12l 12U 1148 Tbe toliowinit are the New York sool quo tations for vterday: Ordinary, 9?4C good ordinal v, lOc; low middling, ll?sc; mid- dling, lljc; cood middlftjg, 12s'c; mid- dling tair."12.?8c. At 10:30, nominal, lower to sell; 1:20, easy; 2:15, easy; 3:10, easy. Stock. 206 812 bales. Sales, 7021 bales. Con- tracts, 700 bales. The tone of the future market was as fo- llow: At 10:10. steady at decline; 10:50, barely steady; 11:45, steady; 12:45, essy; 1:50, easy; 2:30, sttMidy; 3:25, steady. Sales, 117.0C0 bales. The following shows the closing quotations of lulures in the New York market, yesterday. Alonili.. I Yexteniny. Djy before. January lO.90(?10.l9 11.04? 1107 Atull 11.58(?ll 55 11 riMfMl.ri9 May lt.S7rrlt.5S 11.7 It? 11.72 June 1 l.TOrTI 1.71 ll.8;tr 11.84 July 1 1.81 rT 11.82 011.95 August 11.89a 11 90 12.01a12.02 Sei'ieniber... ll.HOirii.H2 ll.74rtll.76 October ll.O'.li? 1111 11. 22r 11.24 November. .. 10 89r?10!Kl 10 97i? 11 Ol Deoeiuber. .. 10 8itT10 8S 10 9510.97 The New O. leans market closed dull; middling, 11J85. Snles. 2SO0 bales; receipts, 1460 bales. Slock, 211.062 bales. The Liverpool telegrams yesterday report- ed cotton very dull; middling uplands, 6?i-i- OrUans,6 15 16J. Sales, 5000 bales, ot wuich r bales were American. Receipts, 30.000 baits, of which 27,500 bales were Ameri- can. Liverpool market for futures ooened steady; April, 6 Aprd-Mav,- 6 25 32,613-16d- ; May June, June-Jul- 6 July-Augu- 6 27 SJd; August-Septembe- 6,6, 6 27 32d; September-Octobe- r, 6 13-16- October-No- - vember, 64&. At 4:10: April, 6 . 25-32- AprU-Ma- 6 25 32. 6Ud; May-Jan- e. June July, 6 ; July-Augus- t. 6 1316d; November-Decembe- r, () Manchester yarns and fabrics were dull and tending downward. At the close futures-wer- e steadier. Tbe following is tbe Liverpool cotton state- ment: Sales for the week, 39,000 bales; Amer- ican, 31,000; speculators took 1300; exporters took 4900; forwarded from ships' side direct to spinners, 1700; actual exports, 7000; total receipts, 98 000 American, 75,000; total stock, 702,000 American, 499 000; amount afloat, 319,000 American, 182,000. The movements at the ports were reported as follows: I Tlu I Jjaxl I TAta We k I Week. I Week Lal Tear. Rec'ts since Friday ;$5.903 . 3S.917 36 418 Exp'ta to (J Britain '46 8:12 ' 86,064 26 619 EiptstoContlBent 18.648 25899 8,06 Stock - 068,030 696,47a 401.946 Total receipts at all United States ports. 4,618 775; same date 1873, 4.283,182; same date 1877, 4,050,169. Increase ot receipts at United States porta this vear, 336,572. Total stock at all ports, 668,030, against 401.946 same time the year before; in 1877, 415,338. The following is the New York compara- tive cotton statement: Net receipts at all United States ports.... 86.000 Same week last year 86,000 Total receipts at all U. B. ports to date.. 4,618,000 Same date last year 4,271,000 Exports from all U. S. ports lor the week. 60,000 Same week last year 85,000 Total exports from U. S. ports to date... 8,104 0K) Same date last year 3,lll,lHiO Stock at all U. S. ports 668,000 Same time last year 402,000 fetock at all Interior towns 124000 Same lime last year , Oi.OoO Stock at Liverpool ,.. 752,000 Bame time last year. ... 606,000 Stock of American afloat for (it. Britain. 182,000 Same time last year.... 216,000 GENERAL TBiDE. The absorption of the farmers in the plant-i- n e operations of the season has still the effect of keeping general trade very quiet. In flaur and meal there was a little revival of strength yesterday in consequence of tome improvement in the western markets, and there was a sale of meal at $ 2 20. Corn was quiet, aad hay shows less activity; bran is still inquired tor with a bare market. Pota-"n&n- sr fire." the lot we mentioned as having arriyed on Wednesday does noc "go off;" the offers made are below holder's views and prices remain unsettled. Even in new potatoes, although they &re to be had at moderate prices, there is a very light business doing. Eggs and chickens remain steady, with a fair but moderate supply. J. La Croix, of the Memphis stock-yar- d, reports active receipt of stock, but good grades main- tain their price. Too piaeh compion' and iafertor has been arriving, tor which tto sale is slow at weak prices. Quotation belo are for round iota, at the landing and (he railroad depots, and. in elude neither drayage, ttoragtyjuor other expenses outside of the bare freight and charges up to the time of arrival. Jobbing and store sales are at higher rates, as they include drayage. Qtorage and profit of the dealer. Feed. Corn sales of 100 sacks white at 49.3; in store, 45(3465. Oats last sales at 4041c; in store, 4546;. Bran nominal; in store, 95s per cwt. Hay sales of 55 bales mixed at $17; in store, $ 11 15. Flour and Meal. Flour superfine, $4 4 25; extra, f4 504 75; doable extra, $5 5 25j treble extra, 5 505 75; family, 5 506; fancy. $6 256 50. Cornmeal quiet; $2 15(3 2 20; in store, $2 302 35. Vegetables. Potatoes unsettled ; in store, $1 50; in sacks, 40j bushel. New potatoes, $2 503 50 a bairel. Onions store, choice. 5 a barrel. Fruits and Berries. Apples, $4 a bar- rel. Oranges Messina, $4 505 50 a box; imperial. $6 per box. Lemons Palermo, f44 50 ber box; Messina, $5 per box. Bananas $ 12 a bunch. .Dried peaches, 9ja round. Nuts. Peanuts Red, 4u6s; Virginia 77c per pound. Almonds, 22a per pound. Pecans, 1015c, according to size. Brazil nuts, 12c per pound. Filberts, 14? per pound. Walnuts, 16o per pound. Cocoa-nuts- , a. Eggs and Butter. Eggs unchanged, 10$llc. Butter common, 1218c; me- dium, 2224s; choice, 2628s. Oleomar- garine in store, 2021c per pound. Poultry. Chickens, 34; spring chick- ens, $33 75. Ducks, $3. Geese, 14 50 4 75 per dozen. Turkeys, $9(312 per dozen. Groceries. Coffes. l4K15c for ordi- nary, 16s for fa-r- , ltGIUe tor good fair, lsK19i for choice. Tea imperial, 55 90c Rice Louisiana, 73a'' " "" Qyz 8Wc Saltmr- - ' - rouna, 8 - -- ay load, from store, $1 95 urrel: coarse, rjersack. SI 25(31 50: tinp. $1 75. Sugars Louisiana ooen kettle, 7 8c; yellow clarified, 9jJ'96c; white clari- fied, 9M10s; cut loaf, llMjtllM"; granu- lated, lilljyc; powdered, lKSlijc. Mo- lasses Louisiana sugarhouse scarce; 52 55c for anfermentinu. choice; reboiled choice, 51 55c; prime, 4648; fair, 4245c. Miscellaneous. Hominy, $3 403 50 a barrel. Grits, $3 403 50 barrel. Cirfer Missouri, half-barrel- s, $4 755; $8 509 a barrel. White beans medium, $1 '50 1 65; navy, $1 751 85. Cheese 11H 12c per pound. Ho Produce Pork clear sides, lco3e, 6.80c; clear rib, loose, 6.65c; shoulders, loose, 43c. Sugar-cure- d hams, packed, 9j 10 z. Ales orfc,$ll 75. Bacon clear side, pack- ed, 74Cj clear rib, 7.20c; shoulders, 5o. Lard tierce, 7c; pails, 8c. Bagging and Ties. Bagging flix. 94 10e; jute. 2 lbs., llllje; mixed, 10o. 2'iea, $2 853 per bundle. Twine, 13( 13c per lb. LiM and Cement. Lime, $1 a barrel. Louisville cement, $1 75 a barrel; Rusedale cement, $2 25 a barrel. Portland, $5 50. Memphis Dally Cattle Market. Messrs. Frey & Schilling, proprietors of the Southern stock yard. North Second street, report: Cattle. Steady and prices nnchaosred. Choice to extra corn fed steers, 1000 to 1100 pounds, $4 75(35; strictly good, $4 50(34 62; fair to good, 800 to 1000 pounds, $3 75(3 4 25; oxen, smooth and fat, $3 754; oxen, rough and fat, $3(33 50; cows and heifers, ia good condition, $3 254; light ca'tle, in fair to good flesh, $2 503 25; common and thin cattle, all descriptions, $1 50(225. Hogs. In good supply; trade dull and prices cominal. Best selections, small weights, say 125 to 150 pounds. $4(34 25; shoats and common light,$3 253 75; heavy, nominally $3 503 75. SfiKEF and Lambs. Scarce and active. Choice mutton grades, sheep, 90 to 110 lbs, $4 755; medium qualities, 80 to 90 lbs,$3 75 (34 25; common, per head, $1 50 2. Good to choice lambs, per head, $3(33 50: common and medium, per head, $1 502 50. Cows and Calves. Good to choice, $25 (335; common to lair, $18(322; inferior, $10 15. The extreme figures quoted are for excep tionally good stock, and are obtained only when the stock is strictly choice, and fully np to the grade specified. Memphis Vally Horse and Mole Market J. A. Forrest & Co., of the City stables, Monroe street, report as follows: Business rather dull; some mules are selling, but horses are quiet. Mules. Mules, 14J and 15 hands, $100 120; 15 and 15 bands, $120(3135; 15 and 16 hands, $135(3160. Horses. Good driving horses, $100(3150; combined saddle and harness, $125(3175; good working horses, $6585; plugs, $40 (360. I BY TELEGRAPH. NEW YORK, April 23. lour dull; supetfine western and State, $3 95(34 55. Wheat unsettled; ungraded spring, f 1 21(3 1 22. Coffee dull; Rio. cargoes, T2)(3 1534c; job lots, 13417c. Sugar quiet; fair to good refining, 7(37Mc. Molasses dull and weak. Rice quiet. Pork stronger; old mess quoted at $10 25; new mess, $10 75. Lard higher; prime steam, 7?sC. Whisky nominal, $1 10(31 11. CINCINNATI, April 23. F our stronger ; finally, $5(35 35; fancy, $5 506 35. Wneat strong and higher; choice red, $1 13; No. 2 red, winter, $1 13; No. 2 amber, $1 15. Corn firm; No. 2, 40(j41c. Oats quiet but firm; No. 2 mixed, 35c. Rye firmer, 81c. Barley dull; extra No. 3 fall, 90j. Pork firm, $10. Lard stronger, 6 856 90c. Bulk meats in gcol demand, 4, 6, 6c. Baco demand lair and and market firm, 4', 6 "'4, 7?85. Whisky active andfirm, $104. Buttr weaker; choice dairy, 22(32.3.-- ; choice roll, 18 20o. .LOUISVILLE, April 23. Flour qiiet; (xtra, $4 25(34 50; extra family, $4 50; A No. 1, $5(3 5 25; choice fancy, $66 25. Wheat nominal, none on the market, prices firmer. $11 05. Corn quiet; No. 2 white, 42(343c; No. 2 mixed, 4lo. Oats firmer; No. 2 white, 38c; No. 2 mixed, 35J$36o. Rye firmer; No. 2 fall, 81c. Hay eteaay, $15 (3 IS. Pork quiet, $11. Laid firmer; prime steam, 6 90s. Bulk meats s'eadv, 4M(6.i 6o. Bacon steady. 4.70(36(3 7,'.. Sugar-cure- d ' hams, 9410c. Whisky steady, $1 04. ST. LOUIS, April 23. Flour 'slow; choice, $5 bid cash. $5 10 April, $4 90 May. Wneat opened hieher, declined, and closed very un- settled; No. 2 red, $1 14M1 13 cash, $1 W4l 13Jsl 12M1 12,5 Mav. $1 081 0778(3l 084(ul 06(31 07 June, 98,l4'9s?89639tiB Ju'y. 907ic the year; No. 3 red. 97?ii; No. 4, 92o. Cornjlower; 33z cash. 33 Joo May, 33(s33Mo June, 34(331 July. Oits hiKtitr; 3031c casn; no options, live steady, 74s. Barley dull; choice spring, 75 80s. Whiskv steady, ti 06. Butter weak; creamery, 2528c; dairy, 2025c. Eggs quiet, 7ifc. Fork stronger; $10 25 asked casb, $9 90 bid May. Dry salt meats better, 3 80(g3 80, 6(36 05. 6 20 6 25c. Bacon bet- ter. 4.40. 6.80(36 85,77.10c Lird stronger, b.bOc bia. NEW ORLEANS, April 23 Flour de mand lair and prices higher; superfine, $4(3 A12X; double extra, $4 37K4 50; treble extra, $55 25; high grades, $5 25(36. Corn in good demand at full prices, 4852c. OaU quiet, 42c. Cornmeal dull, $2 25. Hay 8rce and firm: prime. $18(320; choice held at $25. Pork firmer. $11 12(311 25. Lard quiet; tierce lUlt; keg, 8c. Bulk meats scarce and firm; shoulders, loose, 4.!;fc; packed 44Mc; clear rib, 6c; clear, 6?c. Bacon demand fair and mar- ket firm; shoulders, 55J4'c; clear rib, 7l4'c; clear, 7Jc. Sugar cured bams steady with a fair demand; canvased. 99i?4C Whisky dull; western rectified, $1 05(31 10.' Coffee-dem- and active; Uio, cargoes, ordinary to prime, 13,,4(ftl5Kc Sugar quiet but firm; common to good common, i74c; fair to fully fair, 7M7aC;- - prime to choice, Vi&H4c; yellow clur.fied, Hg8c. Mo-lass- active and firm; common, 29 35c; fair, S3(i39c; centrifuea', 30( 40c; prime to choice, 40(352c. Kicn quiet; Lsuistana, ordi- nary tochoic?, 6(ii7J-c- . CHICAGO, Aprtl 23. Flour steady with a fair demand; western spring. $5 50; Minne- sota, $5 50(26 25; winter, $5 50(36 25 j ex- ports, $1 75(35 10. Wheat unsettled but generally higher, flnctuatinor raoidiy; No. 2 spring Chicsio, $1 13(31 13Jcash,$l 13 April, $1 I4 May, $1 20J4 June, $1 04, July: sales were made at $1 16 May, $1 09(3 1 11 June; No. 3 spring Chicago, $1 bid; rejected, 87c- - Corn strong anil higher, but closed easier; 3CJc cash, 3Ge bid May, 36Jc bid June, 36cJuly; sales were made st 3637o. OAts active, firm and higher; 29a cash. 30?a J May, 29f June. Rye firmer, 71Hc. Barley firmer, 81c. Pork strong and higher; $9 77K9 80 cash and May, $9 92J$9 95 June, $10 05(310 07 July; sales were made at $10 10(310 1 July. Lard exited and higher; 6 906.92Jc cash, 6.956 97c June, 7.02ic July. Bulk meats active, firm and higher, 4, 6.256.55c. Whisky steady, $1 07. Close. Wheat active but lower; $1 03 May, $1 08. June. Corn unsettled and lower; 36i36o May, 36j June, 36b July. Oits an,l tending downward; 29Jij May. P.irk in fair "demand but at lower rates; $9 70 asked May, $9 92K June. Lird easier but declined 2c. DSY GUOBS, BY TELEGRAPH. NEW YORK, April to: The order de- mand from interior jobbers is increasing, but personal selections continue light. Cotton goods were in moderate demand, and best makes firm in first hands. Prints remain quiet. Gingbams, lawns and dress goods were in fair request. Woolen goods were moving steadily on old orders, but the cur- rent demand is lieht. O JV 12 SIA.L EFFECTS OF FELLOWS'8 COMPOUND SYRUP OF HYP0P0SPHITES J 'Jt is Perfectly Safe, and the Taste Pleasant." THS first apparent effect Is to In tbe appotits It assists digestion, and causes the food to assimilate properly, thus the ays- - vm is nounsoeo. u aiso. or its tonlo action on tbe digestive or gans, Induces more coplons and reeuiar evacuations, its eneci on tbe mucous membrane Is such tbfit easy expectoration Is produced; Dot only are tbe air passages eas ly voided of tbe secretion already de- posited, but Its collection Is carried on In a healtby manner. whUs tbe formation of tubeele Is retaided. The rapidity with wbicb pailents take on tie while under tbe Influ- ence of tbe Syrup, of Ittelf Indicates tbat no other preparation ean bo better adapted to help and nour- ish tbe constitution, and hence be more efficacious in all depression ot spirits, shaking or trembling of the bands or body, cough, shortness of breath, or consumptive habit. Tbe nerves and muscles be- come strengthened and tbe blood purified. FEUOWS'S Compound Syrup of Ujpophosphites Speedily and permanently cures Congestion of the Lungs, Bronchitis. Consumption, Nervous Prostra- tion, Shortness ot Breath, Palpitation of tbe Heart, Trembling of tbe Hands and Limbs, Physical and Uental Cepie.aslot, Loss of Appetite, Loss of En- ergy, Loss of Memory. It wl'l rapidly improve tbe weakened functions and organs of tba body, which depend tor health upon voluntary, and Involuntary nervous action. It acts wl(h vWoi, gentleness ana suotitiy, owing to tae exuuiua -- mony of its ingredients, akin to pura - ' its taste la pleasant, and iw - .ood itself. Mold by all otas permanent. sgrisis. si a per pottle. mm Jk. H PLEHD1 1 OPPOKTISITY TO WIN A VI,UT1NR Vlh'Tn tilllKn nuTRllinTinm CLASS sc. AT NBW OBLEA.NS, TUBS DAY. MA 11, issu lzuia mommy urawuig. Louisiana State Lottery Company This Institution was reeularlv lDComorated h the Legislature of the S.ate for Educational and Charita- ble purposes In IHiW, for the term of Twenty fi ie Yean, to which contract tbe Inviolable faith of the State Is pledged, which pledge has been renewed by an overwhelming popular vote, securins Its fran chise In the new constitution adopt -- d December 2, ion,, wiiu a capuat oi 5l,mNMHJU. to wntcn it has since aoded a reserve fund of $350,000. lis Hlasle Number llitribatlon will take Dlace montnly. on the second Tuesday. It never scales or postpones. Look at the following Dis- tribution: CAPITAL FalZB, S80.000. 100,000 TICKETS AT TWO DOLLARS EACH. HALF-TICKET- ONK DOLLAR. LIST OF PBIZKS 1 Capital Prize 530,000 1 Capital Prize 10,000 1 Capital Prize 5,000 2 Prizes of $2,500 B.UrK) 6 Prizes of 1,000 (5,000 20 Prizes of 600 10,(XK) 100 Prizes of 100 10,000 200 Prizes of - 50 10,0 0 500 Prizes of 20 10.000 1000 Prizes of 10 10,000 APPROXIMATIOH PRIZES: 9 Approximation Prizes or $300 2,700 Approximation Prizes of 200. 1,800 9 Approximation Prizes ot 100...... ' U00 1857 Prizes, amounting to. $110,400 BesDOnslble oorresDOndlne airents wanted at all points, to whom a liberal compensation will be paid. Write, clearly stating full address, for further in- formation, or send orders by Kxpress or In a Besrls-tere- d Letter or Money Order by mall addressed only to 91. A. !. I PH1. New Orleaaa, La., or same person at No. Hilt Broadway, New York, or to D. L. GiLLBsriK, No. o West Court street, Memphis. Tennessee. x All our Brand Axlraontmary Dratemn are unarr the tupervvnon and management of 6NEKAL8 . T. BKAORKQARD and JURAL A. BARl.V. N.H.Thi Comnanv has NO AOBNTS in the BRITISH FOSSJiliSIOXS, and all persons pretend- ing to be so, and mlKiting orders by circulars or oihervixe, are S WINDLEKS- - FAHGY DYESrlGa Ijrt-fc- s Gioi-t- , shawls, btikt and CioLtuug dyed ksx desirable coltirf ; Crape Veils lived. DRY GLEANING. Dresses in nil fabrics cleaned without ripping or removing tlie trnnminij. Ihv most el:iborte priy Mid tbfiiiric.il dr.-si'- s ate than eleintly clean9d WM. I.TF,Alr Walnut 3t.. ClnetnnatO, 16 T" ;.-- - 1. tin iH- -l bv f.ir'lully packod. UU.11KE 1511'UKTKD HOFK'S JfilT KXTH(X Ike Trae Health Beverasre. Hlehly recommended for Narntnar Hlotbvra, 1'mn, Cold and Axrd people, convalescents, etc. Owing to Its wonderfully nutritious qualities, 11 Is especially recommended in Epidemics and In Fevers, where bodily prostration Is great, and life depends upon a nourishing stimu- lant. None genuine witbout tbe label of Tarrant at Co . Sole Agents, Mew York. For sale by all liranrlsta and nmenrs V. B. THAYER, MANUFACTURING JEWELER and OPTICIAN "Watches, Jewelry. Silverware, Clock, Spectacles. te. Repairing of One Watches and Chrono- graphs a specialty. Xo.307 MAIN STREET, UNDER PEABODY EOTBL. Old Gold and Silver wanted. A Teretable preparatioo nrl the only rare mmdy in toe world inr Knsni'i IIIivm., HnbrtM. and Al.L. Kldnry, !4Tfr and Iriaary xaaea ByTestlmonlals of the highest order in pi oof of these statements. BSFor the mn or IMialirtea, call for War. nrr's Sale Jialcatca Care. B"For the core or and tlie other dist-aso- for Warner' SjaTe Kidney and Aiiver Ctu-e- . SSriVarner's ? a f c It cm are ioll by lrucRists and Dealers In Medicine e verjwh ere. ERWAMB&CO, ' Proprietors, Ror heater. Si. Y. TS'nd for Pamphlet ud Xestuuouiaia. Sold wholesale in Memphis by MANSFIBLP A CO. J. 1 1511Y & CO., COTTON. 18 PKARL BTKKET, SIWTOBK.-Cotta- a HiolsnOI. ArrlTC. Orders aasonted lot tuurs deUTery. Casb advanoes made on Const .nmeata JUVEK REPOUT. Blvera aad Weather. Tbe followinsr official table gives particu- lars concerning the condition of rivers and weather at all important points: Officb Signal Sbrvicb U. 8. A. 1 M KM Phis, April 23, 1880. I Above low Changes. water. STATIOK3. Rise 1 Fall Feet. I Inches ncbes Inches Cairo 33 11 ClucUiuatL 14 5 11 Daveuport,. 0 "" Dubuque 11 Helena 35 10 Keokuk 10 Leavenworth 11 Little Rock 4 18 10 Louisville 8 2 5 irirmonla X5 S Nashville 23 Ha New Orleans "i" Puts burg 3 1 "'5 tShreveport. 17 . 3 o St. Louis 15 5 Vicksburg 42 5 Below high water of 1 874. t Low water, bench mark of 1870. MSTKOROLOGICAL REPORT. Time. Bar. The1 Wind. JJn Weather. 7:00 a-- 211.78 71 S.E. Cloudy. 2:00 p.m. 2!H6'. 81 S.W. Cloudy. 9:00 p.m. 2M-B- 75 3 . E. Clear. Maximum thermometer, 84 deg. Aliuimum thermometer, r)9 dex. BIT TELEGRAPH. Wheeling, V.Va , April 23. River 5 feet 9 inches, and falling. Weather clear and pleasant. ; Pittsburg, April 23. Koon River 3 feet 3 inches, and tailing Weather clear and warm. Night River 3 feet 2 inches, and stationary. Weather rainy and warm. - Cincinnati, April 23. Noon River 14 feet 3 inches, and tailing.' Weather cloudy and warm. Arrived: Vint shinkle, Memphis. Night Weather cloudy and warm. River 14 feet, and falling. ETAN8VTLLE, April 23. Noon. Weather cloudy and warm; thermometer 65to85deg. River falling, with 20 feet on the pauge. Business dull. Up: James W. Gaff and Paris C. Brown, 12:15 p.m. jBVicksbubg, April 23. Weatber clear and warm; thermometer 80 deg. River fallen 5 inches. Up: Golden City, 9 last night; John Means aad tow. 9 a.m. Down: W. P. Halliday, noon. Arrived: City of GreenvUle, 12 last night. St. IjOuib, April 23 Noon. Weather clear and warm. River falling slowly. Ar- rived: Grand Tower, Vicksburg; Baker and barges.New Orleans. No departures. Night River stationary, with 15 feet 8 inches on the gauge. Weather very warm. Departed: Belle Memphis, Memphis. New Orleans, April 23. Weather partly cloudy and warm; thermometer 84 deg. Ar- rived: New Mary Houston, Cincinnati; Iron Mountain and barges, St. Louis; Centennial, St. Louts. The steamers Charles Morgan, for Cincinnati, and James Howatd, for St. Louis, are receiving to leave LocisvnxE, ADril 23.--: Noon. River fall- ing, with 8 feet 7 inches in the canal and 6 feet 7 inches in the chute on the falls. Weath- er cloudy and warn. Arrived: James D. Parker, Cincinnati' to Memphis. Night River falling, with 8 feet 5 inches in the stnal and 6 feet 5 inches in the chute on the fills. Weather warm and partly cloudy, with indications of rain. Basinees good. Arrived: Golden Rule, Cincinnati to New Orleans. Caibo, April 23 Noon. Weather cloudy and warm. . Arrived ; . Se. Genevieve, St. Louis, 3 a.m. Departed: Henry Frank, New Orleans, 9 p.m.: Guiding Star, New Orleans, midnight r Bte. Genevieve, Memphis, 6 a.m. Night River 32 feet 10 inches, and tailing. Weather clear; thermometer 78 deg. Ar- rived: Commonwealth, New Orleans, 2 p.m ; Andy Baum, Cincinnati, 3 p.m. : Future City and, barge9, St. Louis, 5 p.m.; Simpson Hor- ner, St. Louis, 5 p.m. Departed: Common- wealth, St. Louis, 3 p.m.; Andy Baum, Mem- phis, 5 p.m. Hvveaaents at tbe Levee. j ARRIVALS. James Lee, Friars Point; City of Helena, Vicksburg; City of Vicksburg, St. Louisj Henry Frank, St. Louie: Silverthorn, Com merce; rvaue uooper, Arkansas n- - CilT0fV.-- - -- ES. . ..sourf, Vicksbnrg; City of Hel- - &t. Louis; (Jons Millar, Cincinnati; Oj-ceo- la Belle, Onoeola; Silverthorn, Commerce; James Lee, Friars Point; fJatesville, St. Fran- cis river; Henry Frapk, New Orleans. - ; IN PORT. Jo3ie Harry, Katie Hooper, Mark Twain. BOATS DUE. Up. Silverthorn. Down. Ste. Genevieve, Guiding Star. BOAT3 LEAVING THIS DAT. Commerce Silverthorn, S. H. Whitehead master, b p.m. ' ,.) Dyeksburg Mark Twain, W. P. Hall master, b p.m. St. Louis Ste. Genevieve, D. A. Wist master, 5 p.m. White River Josie Harry, James Kin-ma- n master, 5 p.m. Arkansas River Katie Hooper, Eugene B. Smith master, 5 p.m. RECEIPTS YESTERDAY. City of Vicksburg 100 brls flour, 36 boxes eggs. JimesLee 33 sacks cotton-see- 40 pkgs sundries. City of Helena 1 bale cotton, 6 bags seed-cotto- n, 30 pkgs sundnei. Katie Hooper 170 bales cotton, 510 sacks cotton-see- d, 68 pkgs sundries. Batesville 1 bale cotton, 107 sacks cotton- seed, 6 head stock, 54 pkgs sundries. Local Pert Kates. The river is falling again, having receded three inches yfsterday. The City ot Helena departed on time yes- terday evening for St. Louis. Old Sol made the Neversweats hunt the shady side of freight piles yesterday. Business on the riparian -- bourse was as brisk as the torrid temperature would allow. - Receipts by river yesterday embraced 172 bales of cotton, 6 bags seed-cotto- n and 650 sacks seed. . The City of Vicksburg passed down yes- terday morning for Vicksburg. She added twenty tons of freight here. The Ste. Genevieve, Captain D. A. Wist, is the Anchor-lin- e packet this evening at five o'clock f or Cairo and St. Louis. Tbe Golden City, Captain J. D. Hegler, Adam Wayland clerk, will pass up morning at eight o'clock for Cincinnati. Tbe Marlin Speed will take the Katie Hooper's "place in the Arkansas river trade next Saturday, her repairs being about com- pleted. Tbo Mark Twain, Captain W. P. Hall, is the packet to-d- at twelve o'clock lor Djers-bur- g and ail way landings. Harry Terry is her clerk. The Katie Hooper, Captain E. B. Smith, is the packet this evening at five o'clock for all points on Arkansas river. - Jimmy Thompson is in the office. - The Henry Frank passed down last night for New Orleans with a big trip. She landed at Hopefield for a lot of oil-mi- lt products from Little Rock. Tbe Silverthorn, Captain S. H. White- head, is the packet this evening at five o'clock tor Commerce and the bends. Sid Wbeel.er is her clerk. " The Cons Millar departed yesterday even- ing for Cincinnati with 120 bales cotton, 100 barrels, 520 sacks oilmeal, 25 tons sundries, and a good trip of people. The Josie Harry, Captain James Hinman, is the packet this evening at five o'clock tor all points on White river, going through to Jacksonport. Walker Outlaw presides in her tflice. Pers.isl. J ake Cox and Wes Jacot s are pilots on the tow boat Norton. Pilots M. A. Cox and Sam Ilenderson have stood tbe color test at Pittsburg. Captain Owen Finnegan, a well-know- n Alabama river steamboatman, passed through tbe city yesterday on his way to Hot Springs. Captain Ed Nnwland fills the office of su- perintendent of tbe Arkansas river packet line figriBK Captain Harbin's rustication at Hot Springs. Captain James 0. Durff, of the Ledger, is quite ill, having suffered Thursday Blunt trom hemorrhage of tbe luags. Hi was, however, much better yesterday evening. Captain Sam Hilzbeim adds much of in- terest to the always interesting Pine Bluff Press in the way of river news. H;s chap- ter of "Riveries" is good reading, and no mistake. Lish Cannon, cholera-medicin- e tosser on the Katie Hooper, has purchased the bar privileges of the new steamer Dean Adams. Ue also owns the bars on the Mariin Speed, the Hattie Nowland and Coahoma. Captain It. A. Speed, supeiintendent of tbe coal interests of Brown & Jones, and Commodore John N. Harbin, superintendent of 4 he Memphis and Arkansas river packet company, have gone to Hot Springe. Tbe iuneral of Ciptain Wash Kerr took place at Iron ton, Ohio, yesterday, ft was intended to postpone tbe obsequies un'ilSun day, but it was found imio:sKle to preserve tbe body natil that time. A lumber of frif-cd- s of tbe deceased veteran were present, and tbe attendance wou'd have been very much larger but for the unexpected change of time. Diamond Joe, the upper Mississippi ad- miral, loves to make a public display of tbe gorgeousness of his dress, trom the huge dia mond which buttons his spotless shirt to tbe golden plates ot bis polished boots, darting t r. f V. i a nnnI;nU . Ik.. J changeful light of countless jewels. But be (is a good businessman all tbe same, as his Hot Springs railroad and fleet of tow boats and barges clearly prove. ! Picked ta Adrift. The Iron Mountain and five barges con- - taining 300,000 bushels of grain arrived at New Orleans yestetday from St. Louis. The Centennial was detained at New Or leans nntil yesterday morning loading with suirar. Captain W. F. Corkery. formerly owner of the tainous steamer Mary t,. fteene, ts steward on the Henry frank. Fly-tim- e has not fallen upon Cincinnati yet. Eleven boats left that port Wednesday, followed by ten the next day. The James D. Parker is said to be in letter condition now than before she had ber little encounter with the LouiBville dam. Five hundred bales of cotton were shipped by rail from Columbus to Mobile last Wednes- day, because previous engagements prevent- ed steamboats trom taking it. K vor men should be doing well in tbe Wamor. Cincinnati Commercial: Three ne a-- d fine steamers are now being built tor tbe tower Ohio the Gus Fowler, for a Cairo and Paducah diurnal; tbe Josh Throop, for the Evansvilie snd Cumberland river trade, and tbe H. T. Dexter, for a Cairo and Kvans- ville packet. These steamers, in every re- spect, worthily compliment three gallant old-time- rs who sleep the sleep that knows no waking. The New Orleans Picayune tells of a she- - negro steamboat cook who should have been put asbare from the on-sid- e of the boat: "Kate Robicson. colored, a cook on tbe J. B. M. Kehlor, was put off the boat at Baton Ruge, on tbe last down trip of that boat, for tbe following good reason: She had taken a dislike to some of the crew, and, it is said, put croton-o- il in the coffee which she gave them. Tbe second engineer, striker, and halfthe crew, were made very sick. It is reported she did this two years ago on the John F. Tolle." Wm. Miller, ot the Duquesne forge, gives the Pittsburg Telegraph some light on the recent frequent breaking of shafts on steam boats. HesajB: "The shafts of to-da- y are of the same diameter as during tbe earlier period of steamboating. Mean while, by tbe use of steel boilers, etj., the steam pressure carried has greatly increased, thereby increasing tbe power of the engines, and, of course, the strain on the shafts. Mr. Miller farther alludes to the tact that nowhere, except on inland waters, is a shaft permitted to rotate between bearings at least twenly-hv- e lett apart, as is the case with our large stern wheel boits. Mr. Miller has made hundreds ot shafts, and has never heard of a single case of fracture in a sidiwheel shaft, where the bearings are muca closer than in the stem-whe- el shaft. The latter is certain to 'sag between bearings, and this sagging, if it be only a very small traction of an inch, mast in time result in a crack. Mr. Miller suggests 'stiffness' or extra bits of timber in making the wheel, to prevent sagging." Iatereatlas; Iaaswaaee Deelaloaa. Cincinnati Gazette, Thursday: "Judge Avery, in the court of common pleas, yester- day disposed, on demurrer, of a series of four cases of considerable interest in insurance and nver circles. They were the cases of Thompson Dean transportation company vs. the Eureka insurance company, tbe same . the .National, the same . the Commercial.. the same vs. the Enterprise. These were several actions tried together against insur ance companies on policies on tbe steamboat Thompson Dean. The petition alleged that on tbe way down the river to New Orleans in loib tbe Dean was caught by the falling river, near Cumberland dam, and was com pelled to undergo certain expenditures for lighterage in otder to get over, which, aver aged npon the boat, freight and cargo, made two per cent, and a fraction of the whole, for the proper proportion of which, chargeable to the insurance company, by virtue of the pol icy, recovery was sought. Tbe defense was tbat the policies contained clauses by which tte suit was required to be brought within one year trom the time of loss, and that more than this time bad elapsed. To this the plaintiff demurred upen the ground that the actica was not for a losj under the policies, but for a general average loss. The oort held that general average might he denned m ta 1" 01 a part average iipon we WBOJ . by some partie - " "r,a I0 bepeW the 19..-- " --.interest for the penditare " ' "nIcn u w"uld include ex-T- expenditure in the present .e was ot the character to be subject of general average, and the only question was whether tbe insurance company should te compelled to contribute npon the same prin- ciple as an owner, or whether they could only be had under the policies. If under the poli- cies, the one year limitation would apply. Upcn a review of the authority the court held that the only relation of the insurance company was under the policies. These were contracts of indemnity binding them not to contribute as owner to a general average, but to indemnify the owner, lbe principle is that if tbe insured losses nothing directly, but is comrjelled bv tbe law ot general aver age to compensate fur expenditure incurred for his benefit, what the insured is thus obliged to pay is a loss by him for which the insurance company must indemnity mm. The comDanv is liable to him for indemnity only in case the expenditure is made to avert perils insured against, in sucn case contri bution oy me owner is a toss wiium me nolicv. For the recovery of this his action can only be under the policy. Demurrer overruled. nuvKHEvrsorocHix nteahkbi Niw York. Arjril 23. Arrived: Ohio. from Bremen. New York. April 22. Arrived: Neckar, from Bremen. Baltimore. ABril 23. Arrived: Peruvian. from Liverpool. New Orleans. ADril 2S. Arrivid: Chal- - mette. from New Y ork. Pnit.nEi.pnrA. Anrit 23. Arrived: Lord trough, 11 om LAverpoci. London, April 23. Arrived: Wisconsin and Uiopia,frcm New Ttrk. . from Liverpool, and Hobenstaufin, from Bro men. 'VvwHtifvivB A .. 'X? A rr!,ol Rl m. X. A ..a, ...... uv- ships Chancellor, Colon, Bin More, from Mic- - dieoorouga. London, April 23 Arrived: Steamships Par Una and Othello, from New York; Pierre- - mom ana waiaensian, irom roston. T.ivitiipftni- - Ann! 23. Arrived: Steamer Victoria, from Bjston. Lost twenty head of cattle and a number of sheep on the passage. DISFENSAUi. Dr. D. S. Jolmsonls FRITATK Medical Dispensary, . So. 17 JEFFEBS0N STREET, "Betweesi Mala aad ITraat. liemphta. 'PKSTABIJSHKD 1H 1860.1 DB. JOHNSON Is accnowledged or all parties In as bj far the most snoeessral pbjmclan In the treaUnent of prlTataorseeretdseasea, Quick, thorough and permanent cures guarantied In even ease, male or female. Beeent eases of tionarbra and syphilis eared In a few dan, without the ne ot mereorj, change of diet, or htadranee from baslness Secondary Syphilis, the last vestige eradlealed wltn oat the am of mercury. Involuntary loss of sev en stopped In a short time. Soflersrs from Impotency or loss of sexual powers restored to tree vigor In a few weeks. Victims of self-aba- and excessive venery, sneering from spermatorrhea and loss of physical and mental power, speedily and perma- nently eared. Particular attention paid to the Diseases of Women, and cures gparanleed. Throat and Long Diseases eared by new remedies Piles and old sores eared without the use of . emus-ti- e or the knife. All consultations strictly confidential.' ' , Kedldnes seat by express to all parts of the coun- try. Office hoars from 8 sv m. to 9 p. m, Sundays from 8 to 6 p. m. D. 8. JcWWflOrf. M n 37 Court Place, LOUISVILLE, KY., A reculartr e4ucted aasl leftilj qualloed ptsysfcima aol tb most auccesaful, a hi !rcUco win prove. Cares all forms of PRIVATE, CHRONIC and SXUAI D1S- - EASES Spermatorrhea and Ini potency, the tult of - la youth, kimI acesswt ia arotber causes, and producibff i"se of to UrA low in ftfrrti: NVrrouMieii, Eenicsl FniUeicni, (nicbt emir Son? bv dreios. DUauess of bicfat, DefecUT Menwry, D!T, Pimple on Kaoa, A rersion U Society ( Confustoo" of Idea, of Sexual Power, tc trtKWinj &iriuge iinproiier or unhanry, srs tborourhW mod curd. S VPHIIj IS Fw17 ettrt "ll!1 fromtti srstem; Qoxiorrha , GLEET, Stricture, Orchitis, Eetxia, ituptur;, Pties and other prirste disemse quickly cured. It t tbat aphy aiola n bo pay. peeial itteotien ic a certain class of disesuK", nnd treating thousands nunc Jly. acquires ftrrat skill. Physicians knowing w fact often recomniend person to my car. Wben ft is inconvenient ta nut the city for treatment, metUotne can he seat prtraj ao aaftly by mail or ex pre an whore. Cures Guar&u&toed ia mil Casac andertaKen. (.oasuitations personal ty by setter free and torliM, Charges reasonable and oorrcspondeswo stnc'ly imTHi filial. A PRIVATE COUNSELOR Of 100 pages, sent to any ftddrens, eenraly aeated, for hiry f50 csnta. Should be read by aJL Address aa abca Qaoatmuca.from B A. - Sundart M to 4- - Securities of following Railroads Alabama ft Chattanooga, Alabama Central, atlanilc A Quit, Atlanta A West Point, Hirers. Mobile Oblo, Hiss. Central. Miss, ft Tennemee, Montgomery A Kufaula, Mobile ft Montgomery, Memphis A Cbarlestoo, KO., Jackson ULN'tb'rn 8 ilma. Borne ft Dalton, 8 ft N. Alabama, Vlcksbun? ft Meridian, Vlcks., 8brereDort ft Tex. Send Hot of ebove secoriue., and any others held, to RIBKLANI A Jf tljL.IIi.KBI, , 47 Wllllaa MU Mrw Vsrk. A GOOD SAW MILL $QOO. No. 1 Plantation Sawmill Is designed Is be OUR by 8, 10 and 12 borse power Agricultural Engines. Witb this power trom 15C0 to 4000 Feet of Lumber can be cut la a day. A product 25 to 60 per eent Krrater than ean be cut wltb any reelpr'eatlng saw- mill lta tbe same power. Tbe mills ar. complete exoept saw. and will be put in tos ears In Cincinnati for the low price of S200. and warranted in erery articular. Sawmills of all sizes, Inglnes. Bo tiers, E baftlng, fl earing, e(o. Illustrated elrculars sent free. LINE fc BOOJLKT CO., John snd Water streets, Claclnaatl, Okio. H. K BKArlUll 8. R (At'UASI, J. H, FOHTOK. wrroisiiiSATjii Grocers, Cotton Factors, AND SA1,T AGENTS, Wo. 9 Union street. : ; : : Slemnhia. Twin. AHDBEW bTKWART, AM)KK Vir . Hew Orleans. b 2a I VI W. A. . V YX1IK, WHOLESALE GROCERS, COTTON FACTORS Nos. 356 ftSi S58 Front St., Memphis, Term. JLSO Stewart Brothers & Co., Cotton Factors and Commission Merchants. New Orleans, SAGE. W.-AcGAGE&BE- O. Cotton Wo. SOO PRniT MTRKKT... WKWPHIW. Tjv.TVlVsqwStKF; J,T. FABGMOI &GO. Wholesale Grocers and Cotton Factors. 309 Front street, Memphis, Tennessee. anu , Cotton Factors and Commission Merchants 180 Wravler street, .New Orleans. L.a. TS HAVS OPENED A PEBMANKNT BRANCH OF OUR HOUSE AT NEW ORLEANS TO MEET TBI VV wants of our trade, and eonslenmnrjia of cotton will baa eareful Mention. h. cisma Jokn it, Bnlllvaa. M. fSAIN & Co. . Wholesale Grocers, Cotton Factors, ! , ; v And Commission Hercliants, SOU 33roxat atroet, IsIarrnDlals, Tonn. Oetwrea Adasva JrSrrua. Oar L N. RAIKEY devotes bis wnole lime to the wignlG4 and Sale of kli Cotton Intrusted to An ermrro. W h rmr own fnrinn Wnrhnwu. ottmt WftAhlnptnn nnl flHnrt. LA fl PLASTER! TEOEN & HUNKINS, 8QO and 311 Nontli Twelfth wtreet it. I.nnla. ltliaonrl - - - J KEW of OISIOI! FINE CUSTOM-MAD- E ncHpaia. KsapU z&tu? A&UdUaa m it! MK GO. Iuiaiana. JB. XI. til UK. r sya - ti 2ta Clara, n. J, Clark. 200 to 600 Per Cent. Troflt. Investment. All Farmers ahonld Iu to psj. Send for and Price to k Vance S. k CO. J.B. ALDRICH & CO Wbolesaleand Betail Dealers la all kinds SEWING MACHINES! And Seiving-Xachin- e Goods. GKNEBAL iGXMTS FOB E. BUTTERICK & CO.'S PATTERNS Aad VAMUIOH SECOND ST., ntriNG BLOCK. Memttliift TrneM s&co. MARK CLOTH! WG! SPRING STOCK J 1ST GENTS' JWRN1811ING . OV LATENT lATTliKt. Suits Made to Order! GOOD GOODS 7? LOW PRICES 305 MAIN ST. ORGILL BRO SHELF & PLANTATION HARDWARE, Cutlery, tians, Castings, Carpenter and ItlackamltU Tools, Hoes, Trace, flames, liridles and Collars, PLOWS AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS OF EVKKT I1F.HCBIFTIOS, Agenfs for Jl. V. Avery & Non's Plows, Wm. Clore's Plows, 11. F, llow. TlitclielTs Cotton Mcrapers, James & Urali am Wagoos. llradrord's Grist nill, i Steam Injjiiie lioilers and Slacliinery, Bras Iroa tuteasa riuiass A Hteam Paaapa. Bakber Jt Ieatknr Baltlasr. NOS. 310-31- 2 FRONT STREET, MEMPHIS. THE 1LDKEDGE, Th Eintr Warhfnes. HOWE, SINGER, HlllTE, Daunt?S3, DOMISTIC, WUEELEK AM) wiLoy, WEED, AMERICAN B.J.SE O 5 TRADE UU Ts... tioaranteed PUBLICATIONS, No. 234 KECE1VEU. CrOODS Itlonnt's Pipe. SOLE PHOFIlIETOlaS Old. Tannissee lllF REGISTERED. Old Kentucky SOUR MASH" WHISKIES,- - 1T5-177-1- 79 Mam St., lileinTjliis, WEOLE3ALK AND RHSMIL DEALEB3 IN Carriages, Buggies, Wagons! AND ALL KIN U3 . OF CAHI11AGE AXI WAON MATESIAIS! W. bars recently ceatly enlargeJ our Stoibouw, and added to our former slock a full line of BB10LES, COLLAK9, HAMEs, TKAtE-lIIAl- S, HAIIEY AND HARNESS II A III WAKE AND MATEBIAL8 er all kinds. Oeneral Agents for the Celebrated Mil burn and Tennessee Farm Wagons !
Page 1: Memphis daily appeal. (Memphis, Tennessee) 1880-04-24 [p ]. · arrives anlly at ":10 a.m.; mall arrives daily til 4:20 p.m; Krowiwvtlle acccmuiodailou arrives d ill, except buiKlar.


Arrival mad Departure of Tralaa.Train on the Paducab and Memphis road more

ni Ioiiow.h: Mull leaves dullr at 4:00 p.m.; accoui-mlnto- n

IftHveo dally at (1 :il am. Mull arrivesdally iu V MU am.; acconiiuodauou arrive dallyat 6 45 p la.

Trains on the Memphis and Little Hock road moveas follows: Mall leaven dally at :!() p ra.; freightletves diilly, excpt, Sunday, at rt :00 a m. Mtll ar-

rives d illy at 1 1 lir p.m.; relgut arrives daily, ex-

cept bunday, at n :05 p m.t rain on the MempliH andChailston road move

as folium: MhII leaves dally at 1 1 :15 a.ui.; ol"er:vlll acoooimotlatlon leave dally, except bunnny. ai4:40 p.m. Mall arrives dally at 1 :t0 P mvine accommodation arrives daily, except Huiioay,

htTral?isaon' the MlsalMlpr-- l and Tennessee roadmove a follows: M ill leaves da ly ai 2 :4i P.m.,bands acoominooalioii Ieve4 . ally, except auoday,nt 4:40 p m.; Irltii iesvea dally, exnept ouoday, atrl:4.-,a.i-

n M .il arrives dally ai lo 4o a.m.; aardlsace .uin.odat on arnvrs l'fbuiiday, at ortMJa. in ; tieiaul arrive dally,P

Iralns on the Louisville and Nashville road moveas follows- - Kiie leaves at 1 1 :20 p in.; snailleaves dai fat (1:40 a.m.; Brosusvllla aocom m opt-ion leave duly. J"it 3 'iiday, at 4 :iJO p.m. ss

arrives anlly at ":10 a.m.; mall arrives dailytil 4:20 p.m ; Krowiwvtlle acccmuiodailou arrivesd ill, except buiKlar. at H Aii a m. tialurday me ex-

press ruus uiily to M'kruzie, connecting lorKasn-vine- .

Huperinti iuLhI are mpiVtkd to notify this ojjlcepromptly )f cKati'tC of tntta

Peraonal aad fcieneral.Another track .s soon to be built between

the Louisville acd (Ji:atUnocK depots atNashville.

The Pullman palace-ca- r company arc usingpapsr win els with steel tires on all new carswinch tht-- LuilJ.

Harry Myer, a brakeman on the Atlanticnnd IVtciiio rj.id, full b:tweea two cars, neatVounstoD, Oiiio, Wednetd.ty, and had bothli'K Cut Ollat

A dispute between t ie trustee of the Cin--cinnati Southi-t- road and Huston Sc Cj., tfcecontractor who completed ttie road, is likelyto end in litigation.

A trestle burned neir Wsverly on theNashville and fioith western road Wednts-da- y,

has been repined, and traini are run-uia- x

without detention.'J'ue engineer of (ho Cincinnati Southern

road has been instructed toalvertise lor no-poa- als

t) cons-.iiic- t ILe lini b.tween lljycfl'sstation and UaatUnooita.

Captain Il-n- Jl'Liuahlin is tliviticn en-

gineer oj tbu Qrht one nuudred miles cf the'J' x ts I'dCili j i zU'Siiun went from Fort Worth.His headquarters are ar. We itherford.

Ground was boken on the Virginia, Ken-tucky and Unio r inroad Wedocsd,iy, four-teenth mutant. Work was beun at a po.ntnear Hi Wa ker'i creek bridge, in h? coun-ty, Virginia.

Toe rail-mi- ll of (ho Pennsylvania steelcompany produced, Tnurs lay ui;ht of lastweek, in lom than twelve nours, 'J b'oithedsteel rails, of thd asri'Kate lHnith of ft w lesi).'2 yards, and weigjiotf Md!s tons.

The Pennsylvania railroad is rapidly adopt-ing tbe new ekctric VJ a. To stop or start ateam tbe conductor pulls a em Ml curd whichruns tUu entire ol each car. A slighttouch of ton cord will rio the bell at the e.

Captain T. M. Collyer.wl ilitn of Memphis,but to general traveling ugtnt of tbe (didold Baltimore and Onto rusd, took toe (Joid-iv- ii

Sur last nivht ter Vicksbnrir, whence tenoes to New Oileais by rail. Mrs. Collytraiicumpanies him.

KrncstO SiUm.iieh, resident eneinr oftbe Kvanbville, IlettlerNop anil tiaslivd erailroad, is now enured in makins a surveyol the routes between ilenderson and l'an;ville tor tbe conneclinn link to be constructedat as early a day as possible.

"Now then," said tbe profrsor of color-blindness to the enpinwr, "pick out nil tbereds that you see." The engineer lookedwildly unund and prnbbtd tbe proles. 0:'sBose. "That will do," mid tbe other

of tbe onuiiniog to trd. "Your 9 itiSctte is ready."

Pat lt ci', lately a conductor on tbe LittleHock, Mississippi U.ver and J'exts road, baadropped tbe bell-cor- d and ticket-punr- torthe throttle, and now runs tbe new Masonengine, recently put on tbe line. Pat is oneof the o!dt and moat highly esteemed ol-- 1

ticers ot tho road.Dr. Stunditotd mutt huvj etna out of tbe

big combiratioa pretty well fixed, as sevenor eiyht permits were issued to him one dayof last week tor the erection of buildings inLouisville. Knowing when one baa gotenough in good horse Hense, and quitting istime is crl the same piece.

Robinson's improved car jo trntl box isnow invention, aad is now being manufac-tured by a company at Cilum'jus, Onto. Theinvention, although a recent one, has b ensutli:iently tested in actual service to estat-lis- a

its cU'rn tj many advantages over theoir journal boxes low in use.

K. U. II a ant one, master mechanic of theKvansville, Ilenderson and Nashville andNashville and ra'lro id, hs tend-- n dhis resignation, R (ake effect et an early date,lie will leive Nashville Moaday lor Uuito d,Connecticut, and antume a position oa tbeNew York acd New England railroal.

Hi. Louis ia shipping Erit'n to Europe byway of liuotington nnd ltichaond. Thograin is curried I rem St. L"uis to iiuntiogtonin barges. Tlio business ia done by the Chesa-peake and Ohio railroad at very low rate?,and it is said over lour million bushels havepassed up the Ohio under this arrangement.

Cj1onil J. A Woods 10, suonrintendent ofthe Little ltoek, Mississippi K'VPr and Texasroad, coraaienced at the bottom ol tbe lad-der seven or eight years ago, and has, by su-

perior capacity alone, risen to bis present re-

sponsible poHition. Tbe Pine UlulT I'rets,of Thursday, rays him a meritsd compli-ment in attributing to bun much of the creditfor the exo tllent condition ot ttn roaj andits belongings.

Cedar Key is the gulf terminus of the WestIndia Transit railroad, and is a name appliedto all the islands that dot a lovely harbor,every one of which is a perfect gem of beauty.Tbe railroad running troin Vrnandina tothis punt shortens tbe distance and tbe tiipafrom any of tbe Atlantio ports nnd States,and even tbe te tbwist, to all points on the(lulf of Mexico, especially to those of Tampa,Key West and Havana.

There muit have been some queer fishamong the Knoxville delegates to the Cincin-nati Southern banquet. The Enquirer, oftho twentieth, mentions a couple of them inthe following strain: "Two of the delegatesto Cincinnati on the occasion of tho lut-- i exminion sold their return tickets to scalpers.They also secured passes to Chicago and n,

and sold tbe return tickets to scalpersin the latter city. Tb names of these par-ties are well known in Knoxville,"

Oa taking possession of the Nashville and(TiatUnooja railroad, the L"uisville andNasbvillo management found a ha!fdrz'nor more engines woich wore nt only tor thescrap heap, and tbey were taken to Louis-ville and sold to tbe junk-dealer- s. Two ofthem a fact of which the management werenot aware bad copper from whichthe idnk-deale- rs realized some two thousanddollars more than they would had the enginesbeen iron, ai supposed when the purchasewas made.

Captain Tom Williamson, a conductor ontbe I). K. V. road, la'ely discharged by thesuperintendent, hna been by thedirectory. The Columbia (Teon.) Sentinel,speaking of the dismissal, says: "CaptainWilliamson has always been recognised asone of the most accommodating and etticientrailroad men in the State, and his removal,without ctnse, will prove not only detri-mental to the interests of the road, butmeets with severe condemnation irora everycitizen aiong its lino."

The Atlanti Constitution savi: 'A dis-

patch has been received by the Louisville andNashville survey party calling tbni to Hen-derson, Kentucky. It is understood thatCaptain (iloster and bis associates will atonce commence the survey of a short linefrom Henderson, Kentucky, to Kvansville,Indiana. The line will hs about fourteenmiles lonir. Oae of tae assistants informedtbe rerorter that ferry would be arrangedto crcs the Ohio, and tbat the track wouldrun to thj banks of tbe river."

Hale at tna Mobile and Xew Urleaaa.The Nw Orleans Times, of Thursdsr

says: "Circuit Court Clerk F. A. WoilH yhas returned from New York, wbithcr hewent on buxine-- s connected with the sale oftbe New Orleans, Mobile and Texas road.Mr. Woo U y, who is the special muster forthe sale, stated to tbe Timrs reporter that allarrangements lor the sale of tbe line hadbeen completed, and, nothing occurring toprevent it. tbe rend would be sold ia front ofthe catouihous S Uurday mornioff. It is anopen secret that th road will be bought bythe Louisville and Nashville corporation, forwhich purpose President ll. Victor Newcomband other ctlijials of that company will reachthe ciiy in time to be present and bid at thesale."

The t'hattaaooa-- a aad ltosae.Tueulsy last the stockholders of the Look-

out Mountain railroad, tbe contemplated litebetween Chattanooga and Home, Georgia,the stockholders of the Memphis branch, aproposed line between Memphis and H me,via Chattanooga, und the stockholders of theKime and Kouierville railroad, another pro-posed line between Chattanooga and Rome,met in conference, when all conflicting inter-ests were consolidated into the Lookout Moun-tain railroad company, and all ditterencesharmoniously adju-te- By tbia consolida-tion, the Timet atates, the Lookout Mountainrailroad company receives one hundred andfilly thousiDd dollars paid-i- n stock of theKime and tanierville railroad, twenty-fou- r

miles of graded road on the line in excellentorder and reaay tor tbe cross-ties.al- so a two-sp- an

bridge at Itomu, Georgia, crossing theUostanaula river, besides twouty thousanddollars donations subscribed by property own-er along the line of the road. The contractfor building tbe roud has boen traafrcd to

H. G. Huston & Co.. the contractors who

built one hood red and thirty six miles ot theCincinnati Southern. They will at once. pro-

ceed too organize their force, and intend tohave the r"ad completed and trains runningin seven months from date.

The WelsaaJ Marloa and Memphis.Some time since, the Sclma, Marion and

Memphis railroad, its road-be- d, Iranchisesand material, was purchased at United Statescourt sale by Mnjor J. J. I3u?by and others,at and for the sum of fittcen hundred dollars.The court txtended the time of confirmationof the sale tq the first ot May, so tbat all thebonds could come in and be filed. Tbe fol-

lowing notification was tuade yesterday as toan hdvanoa of five brjiid'ed dollars in the bid,sod tbe matter will be heard y by JudgeHammond:

Msm-aia- , Tkmn., April 23,To i. J. Busby, Ksq.:

Tou are hereby notified tbat on Saturday, April24, 1WK0, I will move, In the United Biates circuitcourt tor the Istrld of West Tennessee, for an or-

der opening tbe bidding In tbe ease of L. V. Black-bu'- Q

vs. the Seima. Marlon and Memphis railroadcompany, I baring ottered lo advance the bid madeby you lor the railroad bed, etc., to two thouauddollars. 8- - U- -

By Smith A Collier, attorneys.

The Jaeksoa and Kaehvllle.The Jackson Tribune, of tbe twenty-sscon- d,

has tbe annex l information regard-ing this new lio : "Captain John U. Mann,Colonel E. W. Upshaw and Mr. L E. Moore,who left Jackson last week to view out a linefor tbe survey of the projected Jack --00 sndNashville railroad to the Tennessee river,

Monday, having satisfactorily accom- -

the ot jeot ot their trip. The liceFlished over by them will not probably bem iterially changed from tbe old survey fromtus city to Lexington. From Lexington eastthe valley of Beech nver furnishes an easyt ne to tbe Tennessee river. Tbe Tennesseecan be cioued conveniently at Perryville orli odie's landing. Captain Mann's partycl eiy inspected the river banks, and the

between these points, and are satis-u- -J

that somewhere near, or at one or theother of heee places, the road will probably0 0)3. We understand that they found theImO trOiu th j o.ty to the Tennessee nver ot

isy pruHo. excepting in ono or two places.The route from the 'lennossee river to Nash-ville will for many reasons bkely be built on aline running through L'oden andThus four counties, lianderaon, Decatur,Perry and Hickman, tot now tonched by arai'roed.will be pierced tbroagh their center,and tbey will brobably contribute liberally tothe construction of the road. If these coun-

ties desire the road through their centers,they would be wise to offer strong induce-ments in the way of guaranteed rights of wayand liberal subscriptions. But on any linefront here to fcfashf ille likely to be adopted,rich mines and splendid farming sections arepassed, and tbe road would have a large lo-

cal patronBge for thirty aad forty miles oneach side, Indeed, we know tbe countrywell enough to say that the local patronageot the Jackson and Nashville mad would beas large or larger than any line in the Stateof tbe same length. We have strong hopesasd strong reasons to .believe tbat the roadwill be built and that speedily. We also feelafe in saying tbat Jackson will do her dutj

iu the matter. Lit Nashville do hers acd thecounties along tbe Jme ba prompt to contribute as liberally as they may be able, andth pnternrisR will ba accomplished."

Tears Before tike I'ubllcTHE t CEtJUIfJE.


rrre not recommended as a remedy for all theills that flesh fa heir to," but in affections ofthe Liver, andia all Bilious Complaints, Dyv'pepsia, and Sick Headache, or diseases ofthat character, they stand without a rival.

ACUB AND FEVER.No better cathartic can be used prepara-

tory to, or after taking quinine.. As a simple purgative they are unequaled.

BEWARE OF IMITATIONS.The genuine are never sugar-coate-d.

Each box has a red-wa- x seal on the lid withthe impressionJJcLANE'S LIVER PILL.

Each wrapper bears the signatures ofC McLanb and Fleming Bros.

ScJ Insist npon having the genuine Da.C. McLANE-SLIVEF- t PLLS, prepared by

FLEMIXO BROS., Pittsburgh, Pa.,the market beinjj full of imitations of thename McLane, spelled differently butsame pronunciation. - '






TEBAT8 upon HEALTH. HTGTEXE, and Vhy&IT cl Culture, svod 1 oompltsi encyclopedist ofInforuisUion for Intulfcl U)4 toooa who sutler ft" eraliYrvoua, Exhausting ana Painful Everyubject that bettrtt upon beftllb ud fauiDan happiness,

rceeiven auDtioa iu lis palpal tn4 tb many a

asked by nafl?rlDa lnv&i Ufe. wbo have dispfuredor imtifl, are aimwerc-if- , and valuable informaLtoo iat)luujwrcd ta til vtoo arm in n$riof Eptdionl advice.Tho aobjeci oi Stectrto Belts wrw Uudscine anti

tbj handrji aud ou qoeaisooa of vital linportaitcato audtiriug husfcAuliT. aja duly coaakltred and explatuvd.

YOUNG MENAn othprs who ntiflV?r from Nerrons and PhTsIcal TMbty. Loan ot Manly Viof, Pracnatnra Exhaiirttioaa.ul tho oianv ptoomv of "rly Indiitcre-Uji- i,

.'tc, ait) eaMCssUly bDaiid by consulting IU

""ThLEOTKTO ItEVTBW wpotWi the onmlt.Ratedfraiidi priacticvd bv quacks and mediOAl impontora whoprofvia to practice medicine," and point out thewily nlV, rumple, and. jdMUv Nad to Health, Vigoraii'f Kuery. .

bend vrmr cdOruoa oa pcetal mrn 9nr a copy, andlufjrmattuu vrtb thoudauOJ ill beaD you

Addrf the publishersP'JLVERMACHER GALVANIC CO.,


Coughs, Uroucliitls, ConsumptionWhat a Well-know- n llrisiltt ajsbsst Sllra's tsss llslsan.

UOtUKBH, KKAD1Oakind Station, Kt.

riKNTT.KMKN The Omand for AlUn's LassH.Ihmm is tnenaslnar crnstsptlr. Tbe ladlestri nK there s no mealolne ejvml to it for Croup unaWtaoopliiK Coutflx. U 8. 11ABTIM, LmeKlst.a

Mold by all Mrdlrln" Pulers.

J n staJiPf-l- Nrarsnrf nnsilivplr flsAtm1 ?i' I Hrmtxla for the apredy vmI pnr aBent

run. ni Aainlnal 1?mfasiona i.nrl TmnntencT bv th on Ittru , sit., Ittt t i;fiifon In ih priiifmt limn f lb Psnsis. TbK.M o lit) ss atUudaa " tit no l:n ut inBTMca. and dus o

ajlin thr ordinary punuita uf life. Thia bmmW nf tniimsat bastaaasvt ba ! ia rmrj s p ana si nam ixwnna.no! ssjooss TWsa nwiaaiis nlWU tOI jircasjfcisoti. lfcncl ion sbsjijm us) t

Issnl h. tlM UaalMl fyJMT-- t bn Da nviat rsusanal ataanfl Tst rlwooaasl of anil Mt( Uli ry prrvalaul Uout.1. Tba knnadj tt

t,te bm sftar H. f 0M ins k, f.l. IS 3 ainnrBl a3 (!. Ikr H

W DSisn. l'.MliMf sa4..H- -i Ha.. aBni.-a wl ias.(nn - r nraa W Sra . A - 1

VCoTltr&HEtofsfBMAR R I E M E D vMnrket mnA Hth Wtr eta, rT. l ol l!, WO.


kpd Mannracturers of Flabertj's PateatPreserTln? Casket or Corpse Cooler,

117 ana SIM MKCONU HT. MRMPHIMaKeo on band full lines ot Metallic SolidWIWalont, Rosvwoed Klnlsbed Casket and

Cases, trimmed In tbe blKbest style ot HrU cr-Je- r

Mall or Tleranh will hepTomntl lllxd.f!. O.I

M1'h....m.iIa i. ip tlio Htteeilv Cnre ol Sm.

jli.nl WuEim-mi- . jrfMW f MaulnKHl. uud ttll ilionlerbn.u.-li-l on liy iiulwcn Hi'" rexit'ss. Auy Drumfuithuh ilio Atliv-- t

li t IJrON e CO., 7S Nsuss rC. Ti. Y.

IEOIT E00FI1JGFor KuMdinaa of all Classes.

For circulars and price address

W. G. HYNDMAN Sc. CO" ci?fciivT".vm. .

JOHN MANODK.Gen"l A cent1 US) Slain atreet. Memphis. Tran.

A atwl ton-I'- (U K TO WtnUH S,Ctlln Ch't'lrrs mit J.

sis-li- ol wiff. rhincta of VirfianIty, MrrUHjr, Atlvk-- to Itrsde

, . --4. -

',1 ... L r'. TI- - TsI.Tt-" LH.n,

nillinf from tliurs. kMH mmwm, .." . , j

BS. t'uTTs" BtSStmRT, m. K w..M. I'.LAUL.EDE HOTEL,. 5th, 6th and Chestnut Sis.,ST.XOUIS, : : : MO.

NANMOBs rCUKsH S O.aOaiS BILLiktU J. U. CBaJSAUia- RsTso fj 60 sod (3 per dir.


F1NANUK.Tbe banks complained of dallness yester

day. The demand for money was light, alsothat for exchange. The latter was in sap-pl- y

sufficient tor present requirements. Theviews respecting Charleston railroad stockare gradually stilfening, bat any transactionsthat may take place are carefully kept con-

cealed. It is stated that 2'J can be sotand there is talk of 'Si being demandedwith considerable confidence in holding.Eichanpe at oar banks quoted at Js discounton New York and other prominent easternDOints: with three davs Brace, ii discount;selling at premium. On New Orleans, Mdiscount; selling at par. Money is loanedat H per cent. Shelby county scripis a noted at 91 buvinsr. and Hi sellinsr. LABI

sales ofMemphij gas stock at 75 76jf; ofUanlt ot Uommerce stock", at SJ: oi Mississippi and Tennessee first mortgage bonds, at1.3: of Charleston railroad stocks, at Vi.

thousand dollars of Peoples insurancestock was offering in our market yesterdayat lo.

UBMPHU BANK CLEARING3- Cieannq. Balance.

aprll 23, 1880 H3,oaa 63 9 41.75H 07

Same time lat week... ES9.8HU 85 168.072 40dame time owl: belore 74,4'rt 82 193,807 OilTotal Oils weelt ti54,ttl 02 ltio,4l7

I BY TELEGRAPH.PARIS, April 23. Rentes, 83f, 55s.NEW ORLEANS, April 23. Sight ex-

change on New York. $2 50 per 1000 premi-um. Ster.ing exchange bankers' bills,4849a.

LONDON, April 2;V Consols-mone- y. 9811-1- 6; on account, 93 13 16; new hi, 104;i4. UlUr 4. 109; Illinois Central,

Pennsylvania Central, 56; Erie,444; seconds, 94; Reading, 34.

NEW YORK, April 23 Money 64 percent., closinir at 4 per cent. Prime mercan-tile paper, 5g6 per cent. Sterling exchange

bankers' bills weak, 434; demand, 486ji.Dry goods imports for the week, 2 302,000.Gjvernrufnt bonds stron?; United SUtes cou-pn- rs

of 1881, 10C8; new 5s, 103; new108; new 4i, 107; Pacific 6s of 1895, 126.3141c bonds, dttll lnlaiana 7 pnnSnU. 48? 1

Missouri, W.; St. Joseph, 106; Tennessee rjd,old, 33; Tennessee 6i, new, 2oi; Virginia6j, old, 22; Virginia 6j, new, 22; Vir-ginia consols, 73 cifered; preferred, 78.Railroad bonds generally firm. The stockmarket was strong almost The entire day,the occasional reactions being very slight andfollowed by a further advance, the improve-ment beibg ?i o 24 per cent., and extendedthroughout the list but being most markedin PaciSc Mail, Canada Southern, the coalshares, iron Mountain and telegraph stocks.The- - market- - closed firm within a traction ot(he highest figures of tbe day. The Louis-ville and Nashville fell off from 136 to 135,rose to 739, and clnsed at 137Ji. Transsc-ioii- s

aggregated 226,000 shares, ot which9000 were Canada Southern, 3000 Lacka-wanna, 16,000 Erie, TOCO Hannibal and St.JosBpb, 11,000 . 7000 Kansasand Texas, 6500 Lake Shore, 6500 Nashvillesnd Chattanooga, 35,000 Michigan Central,40C0 Louisville and Nashville, 1000 North-western, 14 000 New Jersey Central, 8000Ohio and Mississippi, 15.000 Ootario andWestern, 32,000 Pacific Mail, 12.000 St. Paul,17,000 Wabash and Pacific, and 18,000 West-ern Union. Closing quotation as follows:Central Pscifio bonds, 119; Union Pacificfirsts, 112; Union Pacific land grants, 110;Union Pacific sinking funds, 115 offered:Lehigh and Wilkesbarre, 113; St. Paul andSioux City firsts, 101; Chicago, Columbus andIndiana Central firsts, no sales; Chicago,Columbus and Indiana Central seconds,no tale; Erie seconds, 91 5a Rock Island,191; Panama, 186; Fort Wayne, 117K;Pituburg, 112J; Illinois Central, 106;Chicago, Burlington and Qumcy, 125Jg;Chicago and Alton. 1C9; Chicago and Al-

ton preferred, 123; New York Cen-tral, 131Jf cft'ered; Harlem, 177; LakeShore, 108J8; Canada Southern. 62; Michi-gan Central, 90Ji; Erie. 43; Erie preferred,66; Northwestern, 94; Northwestern pre-ferred, 109; St. Paul, 79; St. Paulpreferred, 103; St. Paul and Minneapolis, 59;St. Paul and Sioux City. 43; St. Pauland Sioux City preferred, 78: Delaware,Lackawanna and Western, 89; Morris andEssex. 107; Delaware and Hudson, 82 "4;New Jersey Central, 78; Reading, 67; Onioand Mississippi, 35; Onio and Mississippipreferred, 71; Chesapeake and Ohio, 21ji;Mobile and Ohio, 21; Cleveland and Colum-bus, 77: Chicago, Columbas and IndianaCentral, 14 Jg; Ohio Central, ' 22; Like Erie

nd Western, 33; Ontario and Western,29 cifered; Burlington, Cedar Rapids aadNorthern, 76; Alton and Terre Haute,20; Alton and Terre Haute preferred, 66:Wabash, St. Louis and Par-if-i 40; Wa-bash, St. Louis and Pacific prp7erred,'67sB;Hannibal and St. Josenb. AAX: Hanmhliand St. Joseph preferred, Iron Mountain, blHi St. Louis and San Francisco,37 cft'ered; St. Louis and San Francisco pre-ferred, 53; St. Louis acd San Franc;spo, flretpreferred, 72; Chioago, b. Louis and NewOrleans, 33; Kansas and Texas, 37M; UnionPacific 8tck.6P;CentraiPaeific,74 j North-ern Pacific, 294; Northern Pacific, preferred,63; Lou svilit and ijasbville, ?J?; Nash-ville and Chattanooga, 73; Louisville andNew Albany, 85; Houston and Texas,82; Western Union Trjejrap'd, 167&; At-lantic and Paciiic Telegraph, 44; PacificMail, 43'; Adams Express, 111; Wellsand Fa'tro's ErpreBs, 105; American Ex-press, 58;United StatesFxpress,47;Quick-silver- ,

10; CJuicksilver preferred, 69: Caribon,i ottered; Leadville. i Central Arizona,6; Home Slake, 82; Standard, 28;Excelsior. 19; Little Pittsburg, 106 offereo ;Ontario, 35.

The result of to day's transactions was notof a character to cheer the holder of cotton.Liverpool went eff on futures and thesame in spots. New Yoik followed suit witha decline ot jc on spots, and a proportionatereduction in futures. Our market closed easyat quotations. The demand was somewhatbetter than yesterday, but buyers all claimedconctsiiOLS on quotations.

Texterdaii. Day before.Inferior 7i 8- - . 8- -Dusty 8- -fi 1114 8--a 1H4Low ordinary a Q 8aOrdinary Oi tw a vS(,ool ordinary r?10a$ t?104nLew middling ailljMlddllnir rllVS (1 1 USliood middling --s OIUh flll iaMiddling lair ...- - 12i4 ai'i'--iKalr i. Nominal. Nominal.Clean stains....;.... 10-3- 11 10 ail-Mar- ket

fiwer to sell. Sales. 1350 bales, in-cluding 1300 to exporters, 250 to Bpinnersand 300 to speculators.

COTTON STaTKMSNT.Stock, September 1, 1879 886Keoelved y 554Uecelved previously 395.20 895,756Shipped to day P51.H29 89H.142Supped previously. 815,015 81rl.B44

Stock, running account 79.408IMPOSTS.

Tuusfar this week. ....... ., 2.258Thus far last week..... a.'.insSince September 1st 8.(Li.".2Memphis and Charleston R R. 73Mississippi snd Tennessee H R 17Louisville, Nashville and (it Southern B. R. 89Memphis and I, title Hock K. R 41Pduc;th and Memphis R. R. 8Steamers 851WHgous and other sources 25

Total. 561EXPORTS.

Thus far this wertr . 8.901Thus tur last week . 9.102Since September 1 st .81.rt44MemphtsardChnrlestonR.lt 118Mississippi nnd Tennessee R. R 1,174Louisville, Nashville nnd (lient Southern...SteHiners, soutli 1:15


The following are the latest telegrams ofthe domestic markets, as reported yesterdayto the cotton exchange:

Latent Slut rtfTtiryrusnx. Market. Ketfpt.

Uslveston Nomln'L 47New Orleans Ky. 1.450Mobile Dull. 517SsvHiinab Quiet, fHHClmrleston Kasy. 25:HWlliuli.gtoiL DulL 7Norfolk Dull. 820Haiti mora Dull. 12New York Kiisy. 4IHBoston Dull. 378Plil'adelDbla OuleL HAUBiistw ju:et 106


Hid11'B11,12lIlls11&811781 14412l12U1148

Tbe toliowinit are the New York sool quotations for vterday: Ordinary, 9?4C goodordinal v, lOc; low middling, ll?sc; mid-dling, lljc; cood middlftjg, 12s'c; mid-dling tair."12.?8c. At 10:30, nominal, lowerto sell; 1:20, easy; 2:15, easy; 3:10, easy.Stock. 206 812 bales. Sales, 7021 bales. Con-tracts, 700 bales.

The tone of the future market was as fo-llow: At 10:10. steady at decline; 10:50,barely steady; 11:45, steady; 12:45, essy;1:50, easy; 2:30, sttMidy; 3:25, steady. Sales,117.0C0 bales.

The following shows the closing quotationsof lulures in the New York market, yesterday.

Alonili.. I Yexteniny. Djy before.

January lO.90(?10.l9 11.04? 1107Atull 11.58(?ll 55 11 riMfMl.ri9May lt.S7rrlt.5S 11.7 It? 11.72June 1 l.TOrTI 1.71 ll.8;tr 11.84July 1 1.81 rT 11.82 011.95August 11.89a 11 90 12.01a12.02Sei'ieniber... ll.HOirii.H2 ll.74rtll.76October ll.O'.li? 1111 11. 22r 11.24November. .. 10 89r?10!Kl 10 97i? 11 OlDeoeiuber. .. 10 8itT10 8S 10 9510.97

The New O. leans market closed dull;middling, 11J85. Snles. 2SO0 bales; receipts,1460 bales. Slock, 211.062 bales.

The Liverpool telegrams yesterday report-ed cotton very dull; middling uplands, 6?i-i-

OrUans,6 15 16J. Sales, 5000 bales, ot wuichr bales were American. Receipts, 30.000

baits, of which 27,500 bales were Ameri-can.

Liverpool market for futures ooened steady;April, 6 Aprd-Mav,-6 25 32,613-16d- ;May June, June-Jul- 6 July-Augu-

6 27 SJd; August-Septembe- 6,6, 6 27 32d;September-Octobe- r, 6 13-16- October-No- -

vember, 64&. At 4:10: April, 6 .25-32-

AprU-Ma- 6 25 32. 6Ud; May-Jan- e.

June July, 6 ; July-Augus- t. 6 1316d;November-Decembe- r, () Manchesteryarns and fabrics were dull and tendingdownward. At the close futures-wer- e

steadier.Tbe following is tbe Liverpool cotton state-

ment: Sales for the week, 39,000 bales; Amer-ican, 31,000; speculators took 1300; exporterstook 4900; forwarded from ships' side directto spinners, 1700; actual exports, 7000;total receipts, 98 000 American, 75,000;total stock, 702,000 American, 499 000;amount afloat, 319,000 American, 182,000.

The movements at the ports were reportedas follows:

I Tlu I Jjaxl I TAta We kI Week. I Week Lal Tear.

Rec'ts since Friday ;$5.903 . 3S.917 36 418Exp'ta to (J Britain '46 8:12 ' 86,064 26 619EiptstoContlBent 18.648 25899 8,06Stock - 068,030 696,47a 401.946

Total receipts at all United States ports.4,618 775; same date 1873, 4.283,182; samedate 1877, 4,050,169. Increase ot receipts atUnited States porta this vear, 336,572. Totalstock at all ports, 668,030, against 401.946same time the year before; in 1877, 415,338.

The following is the New York compara-tive cotton statement:Net receipts at all United States ports.... 86.000Same week last year 86,000Total receipts at all U. B. ports to date.. 4,618,000Same date last year 4,271,000Exports from all U. S. ports lor the week. 60,000Same week last year 85,000Total exports from U. S. ports to date... 8,104 0K)Same date last year 3,lll,lHiOStock at all U. S. ports 668,000Same time last year 402,000fetock at all Interior towns 124000Same lime last year , Oi.OoOStock at Liverpool , . . 752,000Bame time last year. ... 606,000Stock of American afloat for (it. Britain. 182,000Same time last year.... 216,000

GENERAL TBiDE.The absorption of the farmers in the plant-i- n

e operations of the season has still theeffect of keeping general trade very quiet.In flaur and meal there was a little revival ofstrength yesterday in consequence of tomeimprovement in the western markets, andthere was a sale of meal at $2 20. Corn wasquiet, aad hay shows less activity; bran isstill inquired tor with a bare market. Pota-"n&n- sr

fire." the lot we mentioned ashaving arriyed on Wednesday does noc "gooff;" the offers made are below holder's viewsand prices remain unsettled. Even in newpotatoes, although they &re to be had atmoderate prices, there is a very light businessdoing. Eggs and chickens remain steady,with a fair but moderate supply. J. La Croix,of the Memphis stock-yar- d, reportsactive receipt of stock, but good grades main-tain their price. Too piaeh compion' andiafertor has been arriving, tor which tto saleis slow at weak prices.Quotation belo are for round iota, at the

landing and (he railroad depots, and. inelude neither drayage, ttoragtyjuor otherexpenses outside of the bare freight andcharges up to the time of arrival. Jobbingand store sales are at higher rates, as theyinclude drayage. Qtorage and profit of thedealer.Feed. Corn sales of 100 sacks white at

49.3; in store, 45(3465. Oats last sales at4041c; in store, 4546;. Bran nominal;in store, 95s per cwt. Hay sales of 55bales mixed at $17; in store, $11 15.

Flour and Meal. Flour superfine, $44 25; extra, f4 504 75; doable extra, $55 25j treble extra, 5 505 75; family,

5 506; fancy. $6 256 50. Cornmealquiet; $2 15(3 2 20; in store, $2 302 35.

Vegetables. Potatoes unsettled ; in store,$1 50; in sacks, 40j bushel. New potatoes,$2 503 50 a bairel. Onions store, choice.

5 a barrel.Fruits and Berries. Apples, $4 a bar-

rel. Oranges Messina, $4 505 50 a box;imperial. $6 per box. Lemons Palermo,f44 50 ber box; Messina, $5 per box.Bananas $12 a bunch. .Dried peaches,9ja round.

Nuts. Peanuts Red, 4u6s; Virginia77c per pound. Almonds, 22a per pound.Pecans, 1015c, according to size. Brazilnuts, 12c per pound. Filberts, 14? perpound. Walnuts, 16o per pound. Cocoa-nuts- ,

a.Eggs and Butter. Eggs unchanged,

10$llc. Butter common, 1218c; me-

dium, 2224s; choice, 2628s. Oleomar-garine in store, 2021c per pound.

Poultry. Chickens, 34; spring chick-ens, $33 75. Ducks, $3. Geese, 14 50

4 75 per dozen. Turkeys, $9(312 perdozen.

Groceries. Coffes. l4K15c for ordi-nary, 16s for fa-r- , ltGIUe tor good fair,lsK19i for choice. Tea imperial, 5590c Rice Louisiana, 73a'' " ""

Qyz8Wc Saltmr- - ' - rouna, 8

- -- ay load, from store, $1 95urrel: coarse, rjersack. SI 25(31 50: tinp.

$1 75. Sugars Louisiana ooen kettle, 78c; yellow clarified, 9jJ'96c; white clari-fied, 9M10s; cut loaf, llMjtllM"; granu-lated, lilljyc; powdered, lKSlijc. Mo-lasses Louisiana sugarhouse scarce; 52 55cfor anfermentinu. choice; reboiled choice, 51

55c; prime, 4648; fair, 4245c.Miscellaneous. Hominy, $3 403 50 a

barrel. Grits, $3 403 50 barrel. CirferMissouri, half-barrel- s, $4 755; $8 509

a barrel. White beans medium, $1 '501 65; navy, $1 751 85. Cheese 11H12c per pound.

Ho Produce Pork clear sides, lco3e,6.80c; clear rib, loose, 6.65c; shoulders, loose,43c. Sugar-cure- d hams, packed, 9j 10 z.Ales orfc,$ll 75. Bacon clear side, pack-ed, 74Cj clear rib, 7.20c; shoulders, 5o. Lard

tierce, 7c; pails, 8c.Bagging and Ties. Bagging flix. 9410e; jute. 2 lbs., llllje; mixed, 10o.

2'iea, $2 853 per bundle. Twine, 13(13c per lb.

LiM and Cement. Lime, $1 a barrel.Louisville cement, $1 75 a barrel; Rusedalecement, $2 25 a barrel. Portland, $5 50.

Memphis Dally Cattle Market.Messrs. Frey & Schilling, proprietors of

the Southern stock yard. North Second street,report:

Cattle. Steady and prices nnchaosred.Choice to extra corn fed steers, 1000 to 1100pounds, $4 75(35; strictly good, $4 50(34 62;fair to good, 800 to 1000 pounds, $3 75(34 25; oxen, smooth and fat, $3 754;oxen, rough and fat, $3(33 50; cows andheifers, ia good condition, $3 254; lightca'tle, in fair to good flesh, $2 503 25;common and thin cattle, all descriptions,$1 50(225.

Hogs. In good supply; trade dull andprices cominal. Best selections, small weights,say 125 to 150 pounds. $4(34 25; shoats andcommon light,$3 253 75; heavy, nominally$3 503 75.

SfiKEF and Lambs. Scarce and active.Choice mutton grades, sheep, 90 to 110 lbs,$4 755; medium qualities, 80 to 90 lbs,$3 75(34 25; common, per head, $1 50 2. Good tochoice lambs, per head, $3(33 50: commonand medium, per head, $1 502 50.

Cows and Calves. Good to choice, $25(335; common to lair, $18(322; inferior, $10

15.The extreme figures quoted are for excep

tionally good stock, and are obtained onlywhen the stock is strictly choice, and fully npto the grade specified.Memphis Vally Horse and Mole Market

J. A. Forrest & Co., of the City stables,Monroe street, report as follows: Businessrather dull; some mules are selling, buthorses are quiet.

Mules. Mules, 14J and 15 hands, $100120; 15 and 15 bands, $120(3135; 15

and 16 hands, $135(3160.Horses. Good driving horses, $100(3150;

combined saddle and harness, $125(3175;good working horses, $6585; plugs, $40(360.

I BY TELEGRAPH.NEW YORK, April 23. lour dull;

supetfine western and State, $3 95(34 55.Wheat unsettled; ungraded spring, f 1 21(31 22. Coffee dull; Rio. cargoes, T2)(31534c; job lots, 13417c. Sugar quiet;fair to good refining, 7(37Mc. Molassesdull and weak. Rice quiet. Pork stronger;old mess quoted at $10 25; new mess, $10 75.Lard higher; prime steam, 7?sC. Whiskynominal, $1 10(31 11.

CINCINNATI, April 23. F our stronger ;

finally, $5(35 35; fancy, $5 506 35. Wneatstrong and higher; choice red, $1 13;No. 2 red, winter, $1 13; No. 2 amber, $1 15.Corn firm; No. 2, 40(j41c. Oats quiet butfirm; No. 2 mixed, 35c. Rye firmer, 81c.Barley dull; extra No. 3 fall, 90j. Pork firm,$10. Lard stronger, 6 856 90c. Bulkmeats in gcol demand, 4, 6, 6c. Bacodemand lair and and market firm, 4', 6 "'4,7?85. Whisky active andfirm, $104. Buttrweaker; choice dairy, 22(32.3.--; choice roll,18 20o.

.LOUISVILLE, April 23. Flour qiiet;(xtra, $4 25(34 50; extra family, $4 50; ANo. 1, $5(3 5 25; choice fancy, $66 25.Wheat nominal, none on the market, pricesfirmer. $11 05. Corn quiet; No. 2 white,42(343c; No. 2 mixed, 4lo. Oats firmer;No. 2 white, 38c; No. 2 mixed, 35J$36o.Rye firmer; No. 2 fall, 81c. Hay eteaay, $15(3 IS. Pork quiet, $11. Laid firmer; primesteam, 6 90s. Bulk meats s'eadv, 4M(6.i

6o. Bacon steady. 4.70(36(3 7,'..Sugar-cure- d ' hams, 9410c. Whiskysteady, $1 04.

ST. LOUIS, April 23. Flour 'slow; choice,$5 bid cash. $5 10 April, $4 90 May. Wneatopened hieher, declined, and closed very un-

settled; No. 2 red, $1 14M1 13 cash,$1 W4l 13Jsl 12M1 12,5 Mav.$1 081 0778(3l 084(ul 06(31 07June, 98,l4'9s?89639tiB Ju'y.907ic the year; No. 3 red. 97?ii; No. 4,92o. Cornjlower; 33z cash. 33 Joo May,33(s33Mo June, 34(331 July. OitshiKtitr; 3031c casn; no options, livesteady, 74s. Barley dull; choice spring, 7580s. Whiskv steady, ti 06. Butter weak;creamery, 2528c; dairy, 2025c. Eggsquiet, 7ifc. Fork stronger; $10 25 askedcasb, $9 90 bid May. Dry salt meats better,3 80(g3 80, 6(36 05. 6 20 6 25c. Bacon bet-ter. 4.40. 6.80(36 85,77.10c Lird stronger,b.bOc bia.

NEW ORLEANS, April 23 Flour demand lair and prices higher; superfine, $4(3

A12X; double extra, $4 37K4 50; trebleextra, $55 25; high grades, $5 25(36.Corn in good demand at full prices, 4852c.OaU quiet, 42c. Cornmeal dull, $2 25. Hay8rce and firm: prime. $18(320; choice heldat $25. Pork firmer. $11 12(311 25. Lardquiet; tierce lUlt; keg, 8c. Bulkmeats scarce and firm; shoulders, loose,4.!;fc; packed 44Mc; clear rib, 6c;clear, 6?c. Bacon demand fair and mar-ket firm; shoulders, 55J4'c; clear rib, 7l4'c;clear, 7Jc. Sugar cured bams steady witha fair demand; canvased. 99i?4C Whiskydull; western rectified, $1 05(31 10.' Coffee-dem- and

active; Uio, cargoes, ordinary toprime, 13,,4(ftl5Kc Sugar quiet but firm;common to good common, i74c; fairto fully fair, 7M7aC;- - prime to choice,Vi&H4c; yellow clur.fied, Hg8c. Mo-lass-

active and firm; common, 29 35c; fair,S3(i39c; centrifuea', 30( 40c; prime tochoice, 40(352c. Kicn quiet; Lsuistana, ordi-nary tochoic?, 6(ii7J-c- .

CHICAGO, Aprtl 23. Flour steady with afair demand; western spring. $5 50; Minne-sota, $5 50(26 25; winter, $5 50(36 25 j ex-ports, $1 75(35 10. Wheat unsettled butgenerally higher, flnctuatinor raoidiy; No. 2spring Chicsio, $1 13(31 13Jcash,$l 13April, $1 I4 May, $1 20J4 June, $1 04,July: sales were made at $1 16 May, $1 09(31 11 June; No. 3 spring Chicago, $1 bid;rejected, 87c- - Corn strong anil higher, butclosed easier; 3CJc cash, 3Ge bid May,36Jc bid June, 36cJuly; sales were madest 3637o. OAts active, firm and higher;29a cash. 30?a J May, 29f June. Ryefirmer, 71Hc. Barley firmer, 81c. Porkstrong and higher; $9 77K9 80 cash andMay, $9 92J$9 95 June, $10 05(310 07July; sales were made at $10 10(310 1July. Lard exited and higher; 6 906.92Jccash, 6.956 97c June, 7.02ic July. Bulkmeats active, firm and higher, 4, 6.256.55c.Whisky steady, $1 07.

Close. Wheat active but lower; $1 03May, $1 08. June. Corn unsettled andlower; 36i36o May, 36j June, 36bJuly. Oits an,l tending downward;29Jij May. P.irk in fair "demand but atlower rates; $9 70 asked May, $9 92K June.Lird easier but declined 2c.


NEW YORK, April to: The order de-mand from interior jobbers is increasing, butpersonal selections continue light. Cottongoods were in moderate demand, and bestmakes firm in first hands. Prints remainquiet. Gingbams, lawns and dress goodswere in fair request. Woolen goods weremoving steadily on old orders, but the cur-rent demand is lieht.




'Jt is Perfectly Safe, and theTaste Pleasant."

THS first apparent effect Is to Intbe appotits It assists

digestion, and causes the food toassimilate properly, thus the ays- -vm is nounsoeo. u aiso. or itstonlo action on tbe digestive organs, Induces more coplons andreeuiar evacuations, its eneci ontbe mucous membrane Is such tbfiteasy expectoration Is produced; Dotonly are tbe air passages eas lyvoided of tbe secretion already de-posited, but Its collection Is carriedon In a healtby manner. whUs tbe

formation of tubeele Is retaided. The rapidity withwbicb pailents take on tie while under tbe Influ-ence of tbe Syrup, of Ittelf Indicates tbat no otherpreparation ean bo better adapted to help and nour-ish tbe constitution, and hence be more efficaciousin all depression ot spirits, shaking or trembling ofthe bands or body, cough, shortness of breath, orconsumptive habit. Tbe nerves and muscles be-come strengthened and tbe blood purified.

FEUOWS'SCompound Syrup of Ujpophosphites

Speedily and permanently cures Congestion of theLungs, Bronchitis. Consumption, Nervous Prostra-tion, Shortness ot Breath, Palpitation of tbe Heart,Trembling of tbe Hands and Limbs, Physical andUental Cepie.aslot, Loss of Appetite, Loss of En-ergy, Loss of Memory. It wl'l rapidly improve tbeweakened functions and organs of tba body, whichdepend tor health upon voluntary,and Involuntary nervous action. It acts wl(h vWoi,gentleness ana suotitiy, owing to tae exuuiua --

mony of its ingredients, akin to pura - 'its taste la pleasant, and iw - .ood itself.Mold by all otas permanent.

sgrisis. si a per pottle.mmJk. H PLEHD1 1 OPPOKTISITY TO WIN

A VI,UT1NR Vlh'Tn tilllKn nuTRllinTinmCLASS sc. AT NBW OBLEA.NS, TUBS DAY. MA11, issu lzuia mommy urawuig.Louisiana State Lottery Company

This Institution was reeularlv lDComorated h theLegislature of the S.ate for Educational and Charita-ble purposes In IHiW, for the term of Twenty fi ieYean, to which contract tbe Inviolable faith of theState Is pledged, which pledge has been renewedby an overwhelming popular vote, securins Its franchise In the new constitution adopt --d December 2,

ion,, wiiu a capuat oi 5l,mNMHJU. to wntcnit has since aoded a reserve fund of $350,000. lisHlasle Number llitribatlon willtake Dlace montnly. on the second Tuesday. Itnever scales or postpones. Look at the following Dis-tribution:



1 Capital Prize 530,0001 Capital Prize 10,0001 Capital Prize 5,0002 Prizes of $2,500 B.UrK)6 Prizes of 1,000 (5,000

20 Prizes of 600 10,(XK)100 Prizes of 100 10,000200 Prizes of - 50 10,0 0500 Prizes of 20 10.000

1000 Prizes of 10 10,000APPROXIMATIOH PRIZES:

9 Approximation Prizes or $300 2,700Approximation Prizes of 200. 1,800

9 Approximation Prizes ot 100...... ' U00

1857 Prizes, amounting to. $110,400BesDOnslble oorresDOndlne airents wanted at all

points, to whom a liberal compensation will be paid.Write, clearly stating full address, for further in-

formation, or send orders by Kxpress or In a Besrls-tere- dLetter or Money Order by mall addressed only

to 91. A. !. I PH1. New Orleaaa, La.,or same person at No. Hilt Broadway, NewYork, or to D. L. GiLLBsriK, No. o West Courtstreet, Memphis. Tennessee. x

All our Brand Axlraontmary Dratemn are unarrthe tupervvnon and management of 6NEKAL8 .T. BKAORKQARD and JURAL A. BARl.V.

N.H.Thi Comnanv has NO AOBNTS in theBRITISH FOSSJiliSIOXS, and all persons pretend-ing to be so, and mlKiting orders by circulars oroihervixe, are S WINDLEKS- -

FAHGY DYESrlGaIjrt-fc- s Gioi-t- , shawls, btikt and CioLtuug dyed ksx

desirable coltirf ; Crape Veils lived.

DRY GLEANING.Dresses in nil fabrics cleaned without ripping or

removing tlie trnnminij. Ihv most el:iborte priyMid tbfiiiric.il dr.-si'- s ate than eleintly clean9dWM. I.TF,Alr Walnut 3t.. ClnetnnatO,16 T" ;.-- - 1. tin iH- -l bv f.ir'lully packod.

UU.11KE 1511'UKTKDHOFK'S JfilT KXTH(X Ike TraeHealth Beverasre. Hlehly recommended forNarntnar Hlotbvra, 1'mn, Cold and Axrdpeople, convalescents, etc. Owing to Its wonderfullynutritious qualities, 11 Is especially recommended inEpidemics and In Fevers, where bodily prostrationIs great, and life depends upon a nourishing stimu-lant. None genuine witbout tbe label of Tarrantat Co . Sole Agents, Mew York. For sale by allliranrlsta and nmenrs



"Watches, Jewelry.Silverware, Clock,Spectacles. te.

Repairing of One Watches and Chrono-graphs a specialty.

Xo.307 MAIN STREET,UNDER PEABODY EOTBL.Old Gold and Silver wanted.

A Teretable preparatioo nrl the only raremmdy in toe world inr Knsni'i IIIivm.,HnbrtM. and Al.L. Kldnry, !4Tfr andIriaary xaaeaByTestlmonlals of the highest order in pi oof

of these statements.BSFor the mn or IMialirtea, call for War.

nrr's Sale Jialcatca Care.B"For the core or and tlie other

dist-aso- for Warner' SjaTe Kidneyand Aiiver Ctu-e-.

SSriVarner's? a fc It c m

are iollby lrucRistsand DealersIn Medicineeverjwhere.ERWAMB&CO,

' Proprietors,Ror heater. Si. Y.

TS'nd for Pamphletud Xestuuouiaia.

Sold wholesale in Memphis byMANSFIBLP A CO.

J. 1 1511Y & CO.,


HiolsnOI. ArrlTC.Orders aasonted lot tuurs deUTery.

Casb advanoes made on Const .nmeata


Blvera aad Weather.Tbe followinsr official table gives particu-

lars concerning the condition of rivers andweather at all important points:

Officb Signal Sbrvicb U. 8. A. 1

M KM Phis, April 23, 1880. I

Above low Changes.water.STATIOK3. Rise 1 Fall

Feet. I Inches ncbes Inches

Cairo 33 11ClucUiuatL 14 5 11Daveuport,. 0 ""Dubuque 11Helena 35 10Keokuk 10Leavenworth 11Little Rock 4 18 10Louisville 8 2 5irirmonla X5 SNashville 23 Ha

New Orleans "i"Puts burg 3 1 "'5tShreveport. 17 . 3 oSt. Louis 15 5Vicksburg 42 5

Below high water of 1 874.t Low water, bench mark of 1870.

MSTKOROLOGICAL REPORT.Time. Bar. The1 Wind. JJn Weather.

7:00 a-- 211.78 71 S.E. Cloudy.2:00 p.m. 2!H6'. 81 S.W. Cloudy.9:00 p.m. 2M-B- 75 3 . E. Clear.

Maximum thermometer, 84 deg.Aliuimum thermometer, r)9 dex.

BIT TELEGRAPH.Wheeling, V.Va , April 23. River 5 feet

9 inches, and falling. Weather clear andpleasant. ;

Pittsburg, April 23. Koon River 3 feet3 inches, and tailing Weather clear andwarm. Night River 3 feet 2 inches, andstationary. Weather rainy and warm.- Cincinnati,April 23. Noon River 14 feet3 inches, and tailing.' Weather cloudy andwarm. Arrived: Vint shinkle, Memphis.Night Weather cloudy and warm. River14 feet, and falling.

ETAN8VTLLE, April 23. Noon. Weathercloudy and warm; thermometer 65to85deg.River falling, with 20 feet on the pauge.Business dull. Up: James W. Gaff andParis C. Brown, 12:15 p.m.jBVicksbubg, April 23. Weatber clearand warm; thermometer 80 deg. River fallen5 inches. Up: Golden City, 9 last night;John Means aad tow. 9 a.m. Down: W. P.Halliday, noon. Arrived: City of GreenvUle,12 last night.

St. IjOuib, April 23 Noon. Weatherclear and warm. River falling slowly. Ar-rived: Grand Tower, Vicksburg; Baker andbarges.New Orleans. No departures. NightRiver stationary, with 15 feet 8 inches on thegauge. Weather very warm. Departed:Belle Memphis, Memphis.

New Orleans, April 23. Weather partlycloudy and warm; thermometer 84 deg. Ar-rived: New Mary Houston, Cincinnati; IronMountain and barges, St. Louis; Centennial,St. Louts. The steamers Charles Morgan, forCincinnati, and James Howatd, for St. Louis,are receiving to leave

LocisvnxE, ADril 23.--: Noon. River fall-ing, with 8 feet 7 inches in the canal and 6feet 7 inches in the chute on the falls. Weath-er cloudy and warn. Arrived: James D.Parker, Cincinnati' to Memphis. NightRiver falling, with 8 feet 5 inches in thestnal and 6 feet 5 inches in the chute on thefills. Weather warm and partly cloudy, withindications of rain. Basinees good. Arrived:Golden Rule, Cincinnati to New Orleans.

Caibo, April 23 Noon. Weather cloudyand warm. . Arrived ; . Se. Genevieve, St.Louis, 3 a.m. Departed: Henry Frank, NewOrleans, 9 p.m.: Guiding Star, New Orleans,midnight r Bte. Genevieve, Memphis, 6 a.m.Night River 32 feet 10 inches, and tailing.Weather clear; thermometer 78 deg. Ar-rived: Commonwealth, New Orleans, 2 p.m ;Andy Baum, Cincinnati, 3 p.m. : Future Cityand, barge9, St. Louis, 5 p.m.; Simpson Hor-ner, St. Louis, 5 p.m. Departed: Common-wealth, St. Louis, 3 p.m.; Andy Baum, Mem-phis, 5 p.m.

Hvveaaents at tbe Levee.j ARRIVALS.

James Lee, Friars Point; City of Helena,Vicksburg; City of Vicksburg, St. LouisjHenry Frank, St. Louie: Silverthorn, Commerce; rvaue uooper, Arkansas n- -

CilT0fV.-- - -- ES.. ..sourf, Vicksbnrg; City of Hel- -

&t. Louis; (Jons Millar, Cincinnati; Oj-ceo- la

Belle, Onoeola; Silverthorn, Commerce;James Lee, Friars Point; fJatesville, St. Fran-cis river; Henry Frapk, New Orleans.

- ; IN PORT.Jo3ie Harry, Katie Hooper, Mark Twain.

BOATS DUE.Up. Silverthorn.Down. Ste. Genevieve, Guiding Star.

BOAT3 LEAVING THIS DAT.Commerce Silverthorn, S. H. Whitehead

master, b p.m. ' ,.)Dyeksburg Mark Twain, W. P. Hallmaster, b p.m.

St. Louis Ste. Genevieve, D. A. Wistmaster, 5 p.m.

White River Josie Harry, James Kin-ma- n

master, 5 p.m.Arkansas River Katie Hooper, Eugene

B. Smith master, 5 p.m.RECEIPTS YESTERDAY.

City of Vicksburg 100 brls flour, 36 boxeseggs.

JimesLee 33 sacks cotton-see- 40 pkgssundries.

City of Helena 1 bale cotton, 6 bags seed-cotto- n,

30 pkgs sundnei.Katie Hooper 170 bales cotton, 510 sacks

cotton-see- d, 68 pkgs sundries.Batesville 1 bale cotton, 107 sacks cotton-

seed, 6 head stock, 54 pkgs sundries.

Local Pert Kates.The river is falling again, having receded

three inches yfsterday.The City ot Helena departed on time yes-

terday evening for St. Louis.Old Sol made the Neversweats hunt the

shady side of freight piles yesterday.Business on the riparian -- bourse was as

brisk as the torrid temperature would allow.- Receipts by river yesterday embraced 172bales of cotton, 6 bags seed-cotto- n and 650sacks seed. .

The City of Vicksburg passed down yes-terday morning for Vicksburg. She addedtwenty tons of freight here.

The Ste. Genevieve, Captain D. A. Wist,is the Anchor-lin- e packet this evening at fiveo'clock f or Cairo and St. Louis.

Tbe Golden City, Captain J. D. Hegler,Adam Wayland clerk, will pass up

morning at eight o'clock for Cincinnati.Tbe Marlin Speed will take the Katie

Hooper's "place in the Arkansas river tradenext Saturday, her repairs being about com-pleted.

Tbo Mark Twain, Captain W. P. Hall, isthe packet to-d- at twelve o'clock lor Djers-bur- g

and ail way landings. Harry Terry isher clerk.

The Katie Hooper, Captain E. B. Smith, isthe packet this evening at five o'clock for allpoints on Arkansas river. - Jimmy Thompsonis in the office.- The Henry Frank passed down last nightfor New Orleans with a big trip. She landedat Hopefield for a lot of oil-mi- lt productsfrom Little Rock.

Tbe Silverthorn, Captain S. H. White-head, is the packet this evening at fiveo'clock tor Commerce and the bends. SidWbeel.er is her clerk.

" The Cons Millar departed yesterday even-ing for Cincinnati with 120 bales cotton, 100barrels, 520 sacks oilmeal, 25 tons sundries,and a good trip of people.

The Josie Harry, Captain James Hinman,is the packet this evening at five o'clock torall points on White river, going through toJacksonport. Walker Outlaw presides inher tflice.

Pers.isl.J ake Cox and Wes Jacot s are pilots on the

tow boat Norton.Pilots M. A. Cox and Sam Ilenderson have

stood tbe color test at Pittsburg.Captain Owen Finnegan, a well-know- n

Alabama river steamboatman, passed throughtbe city yesterday on his way to Hot Springs.

Captain Ed Nnwland fills the office of su-perintendent of tbe Arkansas river packet linefigriBK Captain Harbin's rustication at HotSprings.

Captain James 0. Durff, of the Ledger, isquite ill, having suffered Thursday Blunttrom hemorrhage of tbe luags. Hi was,however, much better yesterday evening.

Captain Sam Hilzbeim adds much of in-

terest to the always interesting Pine BluffPress in the way of river news. H;s chap-ter of "Riveries" is good reading, and nomistake.

Lish Cannon, cholera-medicin- e tosser onthe Katie Hooper, has purchased the barprivileges of the new steamer Dean Adams.Ue also owns the bars on the Mariin Speed,the Hattie Nowland and Coahoma.

Captain It. A. Speed, supeiintendent oftbe coal interests of Brown & Jones, andCommodore John N. Harbin, superintendentof 4 he Memphis and Arkansas river packetcompany, have gone to Hot Springe.

Tbe iuneral of Ciptain Wash Kerr tookplace at Iron ton, Ohio, yesterday, ft wasintended to postpone tbe obsequies un'ilSunday, but it was found imio:sKle to preservetbe body natil that time. A lumber offrif-cd-s of tbe deceased veteran were present,and tbe attendance wou'd have been verymuch larger but for the unexpected changeof time.

Diamond Joe, the upper Mississippi ad-

miral, loves to make a public display of tbegorgeousness of his dress, trom the huge diamond which buttons his spotless shirt to tbegolden plates ot bis polished boots, dartingt r. f V. i a nnnI;nU . Ik..

J changeful light of countless jewels. But be(is a good businessman all tbe same, as his

Hot Springs railroad and fleet of tow boatsand barges clearly prove.

! Picked ta Adrift.The Iron Mountain and five barges con- -

taining 300,000 bushels of grain arrived atNew Orleans yestetday from St. Louis.

The Centennial was detained at New Orleans nntil yesterday morning loading withsuirar.

Captain W. F. Corkery. formerly owner ofthe tainous steamer Mary t,. fteene, ts stewardon the Henry frank.

Fly-tim- e has not fallen upon Cincinnatiyet. Eleven boats left that port Wednesday,followed by ten the next day.

The James D. Parker is said to be in lettercondition now than before she had ber littleencounter with the LouiBville dam.

Five hundred bales of cotton were shippedby rail from Columbus to Mobile last Wednes-day, because previous engagements prevent-ed steamboats trom taking it. K vor menshould be doing well in tbe Wamor.

Cincinnati Commercial: Three ne a--d

fine steamers are now being built tor tbetower Ohio the Gus Fowler, for a Cairoand Paducah diurnal; tbe Josh Throop, forthe Evansvilie snd Cumberland river trade,and tbe H. T. Dexter, for a Cairo and Kvans-ville packet. These steamers, in every re-spect, worthily compliment three gallant old-time- rs

who sleep the sleep that knows nowaking.

The New Orleans Picayune tells of a she- -negro steamboat cook who should have beenput asbare from the on-sid- e of the boat:"Kate Robicson. colored, a cook on tbe J. B.M. Kehlor, was put off the boat at BatonRuge, on tbe last down trip of that boat,for tbe following good reason: She had takena dislike to some of the crew, and, it is said,put croton-o- il in the coffee which she gavethem. Tbe second engineer, striker, andhalfthe crew, were made very sick. It isreported she did this two years ago on theJohn F. Tolle."

Wm. Miller, ot the Duquesne forge, givesthe Pittsburg Telegraph some light on therecent frequent breaking of shafts on steamboats. HesajB: "The shafts of to-da-y areof the same diameter as during tbeearlier period of steamboating. Meanwhile, by tbe use of steel boilers,etj., the steam pressure carried hasgreatly increased, thereby increasing tbepower of the engines, and, of course, thestrain on the shafts. Mr. Miller fartheralludes to the tact that nowhere, except oninland waters, is a shaft permitted to rotatebetween bearings at least twenly-hv- e lettapart, as is the case with our large stern wheelboits. Mr. Miller has made hundreds otshafts, and has never heard of a single caseof fracture in a sidiwheel shaft, where thebearings are muca closer than in the stem-whe- el

shaft. The latter is certain to 'sagbetween bearings, and this sagging, if it beonly a very small traction of an inch, mast intime result in a crack. Mr. Miller suggests'stiffness' or extra bits of timber in makingthe wheel, to prevent sagging."

Iatereatlas; Iaaswaaee Deelaloaa.Cincinnati Gazette, Thursday: "Judge

Avery, in the court of common pleas, yester-day disposed, on demurrer, of a series of fourcases of considerable interest in insuranceand nver circles. They were the cases ofThompson Dean transportation company vs.the Eureka insurance company, tbe same .

the .National, the same . the Commercial..the same vs. the Enterprise. These wereseveral actions tried together against insurance companies on policies on tbe steamboatThompson Dean. The petition alleged thaton tbe way down the river to New Orleansin loib tbe Dean was caught by the fallingriver, near Cumberland dam, and was compelled to undergo certain expenditures forlighterage in otder to get over, which, averaged npon the boat, freight and cargo, madetwo per cent, and a fraction of the whole, forthe proper proportion of which, chargeable tothe insurance company, by virtue of the policy, recovery was sought. Tbe defense wastbat the policies contained clauses by whichtte suit was required to be brought within oneyear trom the time of loss, and that more thanthis time bad elapsed. To this the plaintiffdemurred upen the ground that the acticawas not for a losj under the policies, but fora general average loss. The oort held thatgeneral average might he denned m ta 1"01 a part average iipon we WBOJ .

by some partie - " "r,a I0bepeW the 19..-- "

--.interest for thependitare " ' "nIcnu w"uld include ex-T-

expenditure in the present.e was ot the character to be subject ofgeneral average, and the only question waswhether tbe insurance company should tecompelled to contribute npon the same prin-ciple as an owner, or whether they could onlybe had under the policies. If under the poli-cies, the one year limitation would apply.Upcn a review of the authority the courtheld that the only relation of the insurancecompany was under the policies. These werecontracts of indemnity binding them not tocontribute as owner to a general average, butto indemnify the owner, lbe principle isthat if tbe insured losses nothing directly,but is comrjelled bv tbe law ot general average to compensate fur expenditure incurredfor his benefit, what the insured is thusobliged to pay is a loss by him for which theinsurance company must indemnity mm.The comDanv is liable to him for indemnityonly in case the expenditure is made to avertperils insured against, in sucn case contribution oy me owner is a toss wiium menolicv. For the recovery of this his actioncan only be under the policy. Demurreroverruled.

nuvKHEvrsorocHix nteahkbiNiw York. Arjril 23. Arrived: Ohio.

from Bremen.New York. April 22. Arrived: Neckar,

from Bremen.Baltimore. ABril 23. Arrived: Peruvian.

from Liverpool.New Orleans. ADril 2S. Arrivid: Chal- -

mette. from New Y ork.Pnit.nEi.pnrA. Anrit 23. Arrived: Lord

trough, 11 om LAverpoci.London, April 23. Arrived: Wisconsin

and Uiopia,frcm New Ttrk. .

from Liverpool, and Hobenstaufin, from Bromen.'VvwHtifvivB A .. 'X? A rr!,ol Rl m.X. A ..a, ...... uv-

ships Chancellor, Colon, Bin More, from Mic- -dieoorouga.

London, April 23 Arrived: SteamshipsPar Una and Othello, from New York; Pierre- -mom ana waiaensian, irom roston.

T.ivitiipftni- - Ann! 23. Arrived: SteamerVictoria, from Bjston. Lost twenty head ofcattle and a number of sheep on the passage.

DISFENSAUi.Dr. D. S. Jolmsonls

FRITATKMedical Dispensary,

. So. 17 JEFFEBS0N STREET,"Betweesi Mala aad ITraat. liemphta.


DB. JOHNSON Is accnowledged or all parties Inas bj far the most snoeessral pbjmclan

In the treaUnent of prlTataorseeretdseasea, Quick,thorough and permanent cures guarantied In evenease, male or female. Beeent eases of tionarbraand syphilis eared In a few dan, without the n e otmereorj, change of diet, or htadranee from baslnessSecondary Syphilis, the last vestige eradlealed wltnoat the am of mercury. Involuntary loss of sev enstopped In a short time. Soflersrs from Impotencyor loss of sexual powers restored to tree vigor In afew weeks. Victims of self-aba- and excessivevenery, sneering from spermatorrhea and loss ofphysical and mental power, speedily and perma-nently eared.

Particular attention paid to the Diseases ofWomen, and cures gparanleed.

Throat and Long Diseases eared by new remediesPiles and old sores eared without the use of . emus-ti- e

or the knife.All consultations strictly confidential.' ' ,Kedldnes seat by express to all parts of the coun-

try.Office hoars from 8 sv m. to 9 p. m, Sundays

from 8 to 6 p. m.D. 8. JcWWflOrf. M n

37 Court Place, LOUISVILLE, KY.,A reculartr e4ucted aasl leftilj qualloed ptsysfcima aol tbmost auccesaful, a hi !rcUco win prove.

Cares all forms of PRIVATE,CHRONIC and SXUAI D1S- -EASESSpermatorrhea and Inipotency,

the tult of - la youth, kimI acesswt iaarotber causes, and producibff i"se of to UrA

low in ftfrrti: NVrrouMieii, Eenicsl FniUeicni, (nicbt emirSon? bv dreios. DUauess of bicfat, DefecUT Menwry,

D!T, Pimple on Kaoa, A rersion U Society (Confustoo" of Idea, of Sexual Power, tc trtKWinj

&iriuge iinproiier or unhanry, srs tborourhW mod

curd. S VPHIIj IS Fw17 ettrt"ll!1 fromtti srstem; Qoxiorrha ,

GLEET, Stricture, Orchitis, Eetxia, ituptur;,Pties and other prirste disemse quickly cured.

It t tbat aphy aiola n bo pay. peeial itteotienic a certain class of disesuK", nnd treating thousands nuncJly. acquires ftrrat skill. Physicians knowing w fact often

recomniend person to my car. Wben ft is inconvenient tanut the city for treatment, metUotne can he seat prtrajao aaftly by mail or ex pre an whore.

Cures Guar&u&toed ia mil CasacandertaKen.(.oasuitations personal ty by setter free and torliM,Charges reasonable and oorrcspondeswo stnc'ly imTHi filial.A

PRIVATE COUNSELOROf 100 pages, sent to any ftddrens, eenraly aeated, for hiryf50 csnta. Should be read by aJL Address aa abcaQaoatmuca.from B A. - Sundart M to 4- -

Securities of following Railroads

Alabama ft Chattanooga, Alabama Central,atlanilc A Quit, Atlanta A West Point,Hirers. Mobile Oblo,Hiss. Central. Miss, ft Tennemee,Montgomery A Kufaula, Mobile ft Montgomery,Memphis A Cbarlestoo, KO., Jackson ULN'tb'rn8 ilma. Borne ft Dalton, 8 ft N. Alabama,Vlcksbun? ft Meridian, Vlcks., 8brereDort ft Tex.

Send Hot of ebove secoriue., and any others held,to RIBKLANI A Jf tljL.IIi.KBI, ,

47 Wllllaa MU Mrw Vsrk.


No. 1 Plantation Sawmill Is designed Is beOUR by 8, 10 and 12 borse power AgriculturalEngines. Witb this power trom

15C0 to 4000 Feet of Lumbercan be cut la a day. A product 25 to 60 per eentKrrater than ean be cut wltb any reelpr'eatlng saw-mill lta tbe same power. Tbe mills ar. completeexoept saw. and will be put in tos ears In Cincinnatifor the low price of S200. and warranted in erery

articular. Sawmills of all sizes, Inglnes. Bo tiers,E baftlng, fl earing, e(o.Illustrated elrculars sent free.

LINE fc BOOJLKT CO.,John snd Water streets, Claclnaatl, Okio.

H. K BKArlUll 8. R (At'UASI, J. H, FOHTOK.

wrroisiiiSATjiiGrocers, Cotton Factors,

AND SA1,T AGENTS,Wo. 9 Union street. : ; : : Slemnhia. Twin.AHDBEW bTKWART, AM)KK Vir .

Hew Orleans.

b2a I VI

W. A.



WHOLESALE GROCERS, COTTON FACTORSNos. 356 ftSi S58 Front St., Memphis, Term.


Stewart Brothers & Co.,Cotton Factors and Commission Merchants.

New Orleans,




J,T. FABGMOI &GO.Wholesale Grocers and Cotton Factors.309 Front street, Memphis, Tennessee.anu ,

Cotton Factors and Commission Merchants180 Wravler street, .New Orleans. L.a.TS HAVS OPENED A PEBMANKNT BRANCH OF OUR HOUSE AT NEW ORLEANS TO MEET TBIVV wants of our trade, and eonslenmnrjia of cotton will baa eareful Mention.

h. cisma Jokn it, Bnlllvaa.

M.fSAIN & Co.. Wholesale Grocers, Cotton Factors,

! , ; v And Commission Hercliants,SOU 33roxat atroet, IsIarrnDlals, Tonn.Oetwrea Adasva JrSrrua.Oar L N. RAIKEY devotes bis wnole lime to the wignlG4 and Sale of kli Cotton Intrusted toAn ermrro. W h rmr own fnrinn Wnrhnwu. ottmt WftAhlnptnn nnl flHnrt.


8QO and 311 Nontli Twelfth wtreet it. I.nnla. ltliaonrl

- - -





ncHpaia. KsapU

z&tu? A&UdUaam it! MK GO.

Iuiaiana.JB. XI. til UK.

r sya - ti 2ta

Clara, n. J, Clark.

200 to 600 Per Cent. Troflt.Investment. All Farmers ahonldIu to psj. Send for

and Price to

k Vance

S. k CO.

J.B. ALDRICH & COWbolesaleand Betail Dealers la all kinds

SEWING MACHINES!And Seiving-Xachin- e Goods.




Memttliift TrneM






Suits Made to Order!GOOD GOODS 7? LOW PRICES

305 MAIN ST.


Cutlery, tians, Castings, Carpenter and ItlackamltU Tools, Hoes,Trace, flames, liridles and Collars,


Agenfs for Jl. V. Avery & Non's Plows, Wm. Clore's Plows, 11. F,llow. TlitclielTs Cotton Mcrapers, James &

Uraliam Wagoos. llradrord's Grist nill,i Steam Injjiiie lioilers and Slacliinery,

Bras Iroa tuteasa riuiass A Hteam Paaapa. Bakber Jt Ieatknr Baltlasr.


Th Eintr Warhfnes.




















Old. TannisseelllF



1T5-177-1- 79 Mam St., lileinTjliis,WEOLE3ALK AND RHSMIL DEALEB3 IN

Carriages, Buggies, Wagons!AND ALL KIN U3 .OF

CAHI11AGE AXI WAON MATESIAIS!W. bars recently ceatly enlargeJ our Stoibouw, and added to our former slock a full line of


HAIIEY AND HARNESS II A III WAKE AND MATEBIAL8er all kinds. Oeneral Agents for the Celebrated

Mil burn and Tennessee Farm Wagons !
