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MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL. SATURDAY, FEBKUAEY …...O, M-- , try CHICKA dayjTr nlal.it Becord--Holtuian...

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AKNOUNCLMENTS. ATTORKEY-GKK- . CRIMINAL COURT. TTORNF.Y -- GENERAL OF THE CRI TV. IN A 1. ' H'RT ' are aut hoi lse.1 to an , Mnv . KKllti a a csnuiuaie 10 t;orn of the Criminal Court, sub eet to the lwrn.wrauc convention. Ja27 TTi i OF THE CRIM A borlced to an Atorney-Ge- n SMI ol twtT ect to he uV dalon of the etilloii. Hh Ucm In May. 416 TTORNEY -- GENERA I OF THE CR1M IN A I. COITKT.-W- ea lorlred to aii nounce M. D. WELCH as lidate for Ai to mey -- General of the Crl i 'ourt. d FOR JUDGF. 1st CIRCUIT COURT. IT COURT Wt- ar ceP T. S'. RCiiS a b candidate for the office of Judge ol in. First Cirrult Court of Bhclby county, at t election. May a&th. ''!'! rl'IXJK KJRKT CIRCUIT COL'RT JSditor f Appeal: tn repwiie w the very coinpli mentary call In vour paper of yeaterday signed " One ot llie lui. ' I hereby announc myself a candidate lor Judge of the First Circuit Couil ofSShclbv county, del) C. W. I1EIKKELL FOR CLERK 1st CIBCUTrC 'UKT. I.vitK FIRST CIRCUIT mi i;t- - I I III' The friends of .1' ) ! N H. Bi WK.N ourl Clerk ireh election fibU M AN V FRIKN1K. FIKT t ilt: PIT COURT. We an C1LF.RK lo announce FRANK TAF1 as an asdtaal candidate for the office o Clerk of the First Circuit Court, at the ensu- ing March election. fel.l . FOR CLERK 2l CIRCUIT COURT. 1 LEI CIIUUIT COURT - Tu lie mldati foi Kin febl K s BATJXDERH. PEONl CIRCUIT (t)URT.-- We CLERK to announce B. R. HARRIS a an independent candidate lor the office ol Clerkot the second Circuit Conn, at the ensuing March election. ebl F'lR COUNTY CGlRT CLERK. ' lOCNTY OOUKT CLERK. We are a an ndep. Court Clerk, at the -- nsq.cg siarai election, i. NT V COURT CLKRK. I hereby COL' rr vsclf as an independent candi- date foi clerk of the County Court. J.J. SEARS. COURT CLKRK. We sre autbor-nuunc- e rOLNTY JOHN P. BOUOHNBB as an lndej ccclent candidate for theofflceo.' Ocunty Co irt Clerk-- Ja30 COURT CLERK. We arc COUNTY announce J. 8. CAKKU1 HEKs a candidate on the independent ticket for Clerk of the oui.ty ourt of Shelby county, at the ensuing March election. Ja.'iJ FOR SHERIFF. SHERIFF. I hereby announce myself as candidate tor to the office of Sheriff, at the ensuing Marcb election. A.P.H'KRY. jail sheriff of shel by county . CONSTABLE 14th CIVIL DISTRICT. rOSSTs.RLE.-I- u reply to a very in the Arri4L, signed "Cit-lsen- I hereby aunonnce myself as s candi- date fr Cou-Ubl- e of the Fourteenth Civil District, pledging alt, 11 elected, to per- form mv duty to the best of my abllit y. febl he.pe-lfu'ly- . G. GARRETT. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. A .i . id win be i at InaCsthoilc family, by a gent BOARD. and wife. References given. Ad- dress w tli :. ::n-- . C. U. S.. this office. fl cral experienced makers: also, a thorough operaloi on the rover Bskr Sewiig chine DUKE. MM 61 Linden street. lOOK-KF.- s FFR. pTsctlcnl book-keepe- r wonw liae a sn. nation E st referenees can be given, and can curt-- - ' ira te: a ldress box IT. Seuat'ibia, MfaW or this office. feblK s. situation as BOOK-KFEPE- bv a thoroughly competent gen- tleman, one who has bad xparience in many branches o' mercnt-J- business. Ke'er to Mr J. M. Keittiug.of the Appeal, of whom inquires maybe made personally or bylri- - TIOVKD-Wi- th one nnlnrnlsbed room. car. J m' lia i bv two single g. ntiemeu. or a and iady, at No. 110 Monroe st. febt5 Two nice ro.ms can be had, BOARt'FR- - or unfurnished, at No. 2H Pop- lar street, with board in a private famlty at reason ble BaSaa, inquire at this offloe, or at the house. Hjj FOR RENT. 'Smtm unar Uut head U uncrud at Jen JilINCK A handsome brick residence, Kvsi to business; apply to Mrs. BKi iWN, Gayoso House, Room No. JbT. feblT TAKEN UP. A"or--- e under- - thU head mU itwrted a! Ten OW.-o- ne red end whlte spotted dry t. and a spilt in the left. The owner cau get bm kT pro -- ing property and paying charge. I V. IN H 1 K. New Madison street,ea-- t ek the ' sti.oiic orphans' Asylum. feblB f . - of Fort PU kertng. LOST REWARD. 'oam viuirr fail send 40 be interted ax Ten ern. per ttne, each fwjertion. stolen, from V nlon fbru- - I bri- - ary. a bile die on. i the M ltb a ti .t .Htir I'im fiotiie ! on large l- -i .., -i: iv- -: oaces A libera! hip ax. reward ot hee.ven for his lef.irn to 1. Gl- - lagriT. rnerolTeuneaaceanaUutlerstrectt, .Mmij'i ICUI. FUR SALE GR RENT. WORKS. The Helena Iron Works." Iron- - Arkansas For particulars itAREAKoVX ftUO- - Loulsville, Ky Or r. 11. DADE, ja&idaw Helena. Arkansas THE GERMAN NATIONAL BANK OF MEMPHIS. DIRECTORS : Lwiia Hanaer. J. C. Neery,' Bcooloeld a Hauauer. Brooks, Neely A Co B S. Jonea, A L. Harris, Jones, Brown A Co. Harris, Cochran A Co. R. P. Walt, M. L. Meacbaia, B. P. Walt A Co. Meaeham 4 TreadweU. Thos. H- Allen. 6. L Oeniaon, Tboa H. Al!en Co, Orglll Bros. A Co. D. P. Haddea, J. C. Terry, P. P. Hadden Co. Price A TerTy. E. J. Taylar, of Taylor A Kullaud. OFFICERS : LOUIS HANAUtrt, Presidet, M. L. MEACHAM, t. MARTIN GRIFFIN, Cashier. H. E. GARTH Assistant Cashier, lata RASONIC DIRECTORY FOR 1870. ' O'.l m II SUSL No lis meets M Frldav of nionti. -- V. Hall cor. Madison andss-cond- . each rt. Maui. ws, W. M.; Ben. K. Pullen, Her o . : M Monday Id ev- - AMOKBOVA, moniu, i t s' Hall, corner ery Court and l Bin. John Zeut. W. M. ; John Beam.sh.Ss-- - M 1st Friday of each LauiTJ-- adlaoo and Hecond. K. W. MISi" No- lid Frldav of each -- monthio-i DeSoto. lalL J. D. Beaird, M B W.J W ; th FHday of - JCltWlSKl-SO- . his Hall, cor each mort Msdli .7 1. W li. ne Ol uonda W. M. j Loi ,sjec t Monday of Phk Chaptek. u. u j each monIh--s- J der. M B II- at Odd ifoi.ows' Hall. Lynn, M1. 1. H. Y.; M. C. bieever. h ueei td Monday of KrA (;,0,r.", 1.' Hall. John Zeut. ; earl COMMA o. 4 meets Sth Mon- ies). CTBWE Mellrrah, Com. ; an day ot Rosa Caoix, 18th, LBii-r- " or C7Lrnarlei W. Adam.. Sal, ST. W..; k.l. .(SoBiUason, BM, Bee. I. 0. 0. F. DIRECTORY. EiiCAsrinwT NO. S, I. O. O. F. Meets oif liur-da- nights of each on , D.C Xrader.CP ; A. liio"1 . Hon Vaw . nl.''' .a. O , M-- , try CHICK A day nlal .it Becord- - jTr Holtuian ijif Secretary, OFFICIAL. Proceedings of the Board cf Alder- men and Common Council. Cjty Bill, Memi-his- , i lb. Is, 1S70. At an adjourned meet ins if the Board f Mayor anil Aldermen n the city of leninhis hnlii on Friday evening, at hree o'clock, 10, iciu. Present his honor John Johnson, Mayor, Messrs. Chairman Normenv. llwyer. dallon. Hurt!', Oartwrisht, Hoist, Mot- et, Presoott and Round", Aldermen. A quorum being announced, the Chair-na- n took his seat and called the Board to irder. when the roll of Aldermen was ailed. By Alderman Presoott : ORDINANCE. Be it ordained. That section 5 of article .1, page ML, iu bound City Ordinances, be o amended tint the words " first and bird Tuesday in each ami every month" h.;U read, the " first and third Wednes-w- ) of each month," for the regular .neeiiiigs of the City Council. Parsed firm reading, when, the rule eiiig suspended, pa-so- second and final reading by the Hoard of Aldermen. Thereupon the Board adjourned. L. It. RICH AliOS, City Register. Crrv Hai.l, Mkmphi, Feb. IS, 1ST0. At an adjoOrned meetiiur of the City Counciluien of the eitvoi Memphis, on Friday, February IS, 1870, preseul, Hon. John Johnson, Mayor, l'resid-n- t Dixon, Messrs. G lane v. Kelly. ( has-e- . Graves. O. F. I'rescott, ll rinitni.'iatu, Duncan, Pop- per, Smith, Cobeo, Parker, James, Signai-m- , Twohig. Hallum, Hewitt, Miller, lovli, and Boon, Councilmen. A quo- rum being announced, the President took his seat, called the Board to order, and had the roll of Councilman called. The Board of Aldermen were notified that the Council were ready, and were in- vited u nneet in and joint enm-"i- l to consul' together as to the propriety )1 changing h - boundary oi the city, etc , when the Board of Aldermen appeareo and took their seats in the Council Cham- ber. Alderman Mallon moved that the ma- jority report On boundaries, presented at the last meeting, be adopted. MAJORITY REPORT. General Council of City of Memphis: Ge.nti.kjikn Your oouimittee.to whom was referred the matter of memorializing ;he Legislature on the subject of changiug lie Is undaries of the city, rcooiuiut'nd ihe fvllowing: lieiituiing at a point in the west line of Ihe State of Tennessee, whre a lino i tan from the west eotl of Bickford i avenue, parallel to the north boundary of the John Rice grant, inleraecta the same; thence along said line parallel to the north line of the John Rice five thou- - and acres, the middle of Bickford avenne, ml the middle line of Bickford avenuo produced eastward to the middle New I'aleigb Roati: thence along the middle of j ihe New Kaleigh Road tu the east line of t he t wn reserve; thence south ward along .he said east line of the town reserve to the middle ol the Old Raleigh Road, on Johnson's avenue ; thence east ward along the middle of the Old Raleigh Road to a point where the center line of Dunlap V 'venue produceu northward would inter- - sect the same; thence southward along ' - .u! produced line and the middle line of Dunlap avenue to the middle of Union venue; thence westward along the middle of V'don avenue to Ihe mid- - die of Wttlnui street; thence southward along the middle of VValuul street to the middle of the old Fort Pickering Raii-- j road; thenoe westward along the mid-di- e of the old Fort Pickering Ri.il-- I road or Broadway, to the middle j of Bayou Gayoeo;" thence southward up said bayou and along the middle (.; Jackson sireel; thence along the mid-- ! die of Jackson street and the prolotigs-- i (ion ol said street to the west line of the stale of Tennessee; thence northward ' with the west line of the State of Tennes-- i see to the beginning. PHIL. J. MALLOX, Chm. Imp't Com. of the Board Aldermen. J. M. GRAVES. Of the Council. MINORITY RKPORT. To the Honorable, the General Council of the city of Memphis: The undersigned, a minority of your Im- provement Committee, to whom was re- - lerred the question of designating new boundary lines for the city, liegs leave to dissent from the majority report, which ' proposes a boundary, that will then em- brace within the city limits, territory out--- i ie of th" limits of lsifci. without asking the consent of the citizens of that terri- - .... ... . , ....j. ...., mil n, mm the Legislature in l.-- annexed the Ninth nd Tenth Wards, without the consent of their citizens, a great injustice was com a well as to the city. Therefore, if the Leg- islature now in session, shall, upon your pctitions.eomptd any part ol either or both id said wards to remain, or oontinue as a j nrtion of the corporation of Memphis, without the expressed couseut of iheir naJMtti voters tor at least a majority of them), then a similar injusth-- e is commit- ted. We woul d therefore respectfnllv ask your Honorable Body, that in your pro- posed memorial to the Legislature, asking it to change your present city boundary lines, that if you design to place those lines outside of those which existed in is . that the people residing in the terri-tor- p. outside of said limits of lstto. and within the newly proposed iiue,be allowed to vole on ihe question, as to whether y desire to be a part of the corporation of the city of Memphis or not, under the condition's of the present city charter, aud that the people of the Ninth and Tenth Wards those parts tbat are to lie included, he allowed to viota s parately upon the question. Respect fit 11 v. J". P. PREsCOTT. After readtt'oi the majority aud minority reports, Councilman ifallilm offered the f illowifig resolution fee an amendment to majority report: 7,V)fic;.T hat the here after appointed, be tho hori icuiiural and agricultural lands within the corporate limits of the city ac- cording to their productive value, it being the intention of tho city government not onerously to lax said lauds, more than one acre not improved bv Imudins. L tt. On motion of Councilman Park.-- i the majority report was adopted. When the Council adjourned. L. B. RICHARDS, City Havk von read Herzoc's extraordinary advertisement in yesterday's issue? If not, don't tail to go to the house and see the bargain's. Remember at 11 F.K.OQ'S. Three ply Ingrain Straw Mattings, Oil Cloths, Shades, ele. K. 1 KUAN, 2t0 Second street. Joe Locke, 236 Main street, has all the latest, illustrated, scientific, literary, sporting, sensational, police, (ierman and Irish weeklies, and all the latest dailies and monthlies. WHAT SHOULD BE DONE? Merr.kmiA and J'roperly Ounern of Memphi: Your business w ill greatlt-in-- i ioiff, your property will rise in value, If the trade, aud wealth, and population of Arkansas and Missouri become tribu- tary to Memphis. This you know; and that it will be realiz-- d henever a rail-ro- d beginning at Hopcficid shall connect w.th the one which Kansas City and Springfield, Mo., are slartinz toward OUT city, and to accomplish which they are out nuineers and other compe- tent, h, live nu n. to select a route to the Arkansas line, and solicit subscriptions. Memphis must respond to Kansas Citv! WHI you SMS, then, consult vour pecu- niary interests by subscribing" the small amount neceaaary to start t wo competent men on that businsa liom our end of the projstsod road? The result of this survey, and tho sub- scriptions obtained tsdween here aud the Missouri line, in the next three months, will probal y be that capitalists and' wealthy corporations (other railroads, perhapsj, seeini: tt. feasilnlii v of thcen-t.oprls- e, and the help that will he : u rnished along the line of the road, will lake hold of the same, and sisjedilv finish thia great work. A cash subscription of &iuuu will send two competent gentlemen on this bnslneasfrom this point; men who are admirably (qualified, and will soon render a satisfactory aooount of their s. For this purpose our Chamber of ( oiumerce, on Thursday last, appointed a committee of gentlemen who will call on you fur subscriptions. We trust that you, as practical men, of foresight and public investment In 1 of this survey p sea you very lute ret urns in actual i at no distant . . .....1 il,.r i i the Commit-X- . lee a liberal reception. X. X. M Ann Ckas Trip to Nrw Okleash The antain W. It. phis on Tues-e- p.m. posl-is- it New Or-c- at Kepubjic festiyitiee on u til kets can , aud stale-thi- n rooius secured, upon appllc t to K A CO., ger Agents. LARRY HABMSTA .D tt CO., Ceneral Agents. .No. 12 Madison st. N. B. For choice rooms, make early application. KrsivKS Notice. No contracts or ol -- igatious assumed or made by any indl Tidunl owner or empli yee ot this office, will be paid at our counter or recognized ssi an onset to any bills due the saiue. Tbe party making any bill mast settle it himsvif in eron. THE MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL. SATURDAY, FEBKUAEY 19, 187Q. A SAD CASE. Father in Search of an Erring Child Fines Her In a House of Prostitution. Somi weeks agoaprominent a team boat- man, irell known to the fraternity from Pittsburg to the Gulf, came to thiscity nnd pl.t up at a second-clas- s hotel. He had with him, and, as he said, "under his care," very handsome and showy young lady, whom he registered as Miss , and whom he introduced as bis niece. At the hotel every attention was paid her, be- cause her "uncle" was known to have lots of money, and threw it up in the most reckleta manner. For a week or so the attentions of the uncle to the niece were most aisiduous, but gradually be began to neglect coming around to the hotel., and after paying the bill for the second week's board, lie ceased to show himself there at all. V'hen the third week's board was due, the proprietor carried their bill to the voting lady, and she promised to see Captain and have it paid. A day or two ehipsed anil the Captain did not come around, and she sent for a carriage and went cut ostensibly to find him. She was absent a couple of tours and on returning paid hdr bill. She retained the coach and after making a settlement with the land- lord, picked her trunks, and taking the same hack disappeared. Nothing was thought of the affair by the hotel-keene- r, and tb? matter had nearly gone out of his mind, when yesterday an old gentleman, with white hair and a long gray lieard, dimetohiin and asked him if Miss , from Cincinnati, had stopped at his hotel wit hit the past three weeki. At first he did not recollect the party, and answered "No," but after reflection he described the lady friend of the "gallant" captain aoeurt tely and asked if she were the party for wliom he was seeking. The old gen- tleman instantly answered that she was, and the landlord told him all that he knew of her, giving the number of the hack in which she went off. The stranger ouhear-in- g t lis seemed terribly agitated, but controlled his feelings and immediately started out to find the hackman. This was eiisily done, and when on meeting him Die old man asked about the lady, the driver told him to "jump in" and he woulc. carry bim whereshewastobe found. He got in, and was soon whirled to a fash-iona- b e bagnio and ushered into the parlor. The landlady asked him if be wished to see ar.y of the ladies, and on his answer- ing "yes," she called all of her boarders in. Foretiost in the troupe, singing a bawdy song, came the "niece" of the Captain. As soon as she entered the room the old man leaped to bis feet, stretched out his arms toward her and exclaiming, "my daughter, oh, mv danghter!"fell headlong to the floor. The girl rushed up to bim end '.brew herself down on his body, screaming and weeping in the most pit- eous manner. Water and the usual res- toratives were used, and the old niau soon reoovsred his senses only to receive a shock which again sent him into a swoon. While he was lying iu this condition, the daughter, the cause ot all his misery.ran to her rcoin.took her jewelry and such ready, money as she had, and throwing on a shawl, left the house. When the father stitfic:ently recovered to ask for her, sho was gane.'whither no one knew. After a diligent search for her throughout the house and premises, she was not found, and the poor old man left the house broken- -hearted. He is still in town, and still searching for his missing, erring child, to save her if it is possible. LAW REPORTS. Chancery Korean. The decrees filed yesterday were: Ha eB vs. Watt; reference. U nl in Bank vs. Smith; final. Par volt vs. Dennis; final. Irby vs. Williams; report confirmed. Apjersou vs. Trotter; on decision. Bros'n vs. Rogers; report confirmed. Bro zro vs. Sullivan ; as to indebtedness. Sleinkuhi vs. Wickersham; final and appea L Muiphy vs. Rhodes; demurrer over- ruled. Whipple vs. Garvin; fiual. Rice vs. Price; for complainant. Wri rht vs. Moon; motion to dissolve. Tayior vs. Armour; final. Mar.'om vs. Marconi; order of sale. Uleckley vs. Mellcroh; trustee ap- pointed. N"ea:is vs. Crowley: report confirmed. Tomenv vs. Katon; orderofsale. Mitchell vs Ryan; apt eal. Vaughn vs. Vaughn; as to fund-- . Muller vs. Frieh; as to funds. Mertill vs. Vamv,; reference. Will ams vs. Coffer ; judgment. McDowell vs. Jones; report onfirmed. Court stands adjourned until Monday, feornnrv jilst, 150, wnen the docket as heretoi'ore nublished will be ealled-t- he case ot uricK vs. Williams oein nrst order. Shelliy Circuit Court Judge Swayne. The nrgiiliient of counsel in thecaseof Mrs. Broker vs. Southern Life Insurance Company will be concluded this morning. This is a" suit on a policy of insurance for lo.ono on the life of E." J. Beoker. dee'd. The deieased Booker was an insurance agent, ind through the general agent of the company at .New Orleans obtaiued a ncUejr of insurance on his life for the ben- efit of his wife. The defense set up is: i. That the agent at New Orleans took the not? of Captain Booker for the pre- mium, when he ought to have received cash. i Tht the stamp on tho policy was not properly canceled. ;;. Thit the statements of Captain Book- er in r.- - application for insurance were untrue. It is in proof that the deceased Captain Booker understood that certain per cent-age- s due bim a sagent should be credited upon hs note; that he was born in Notta-wa- y county. Virginia, instead of Ott a way, assisted in the xlicy; that he lived in Jefferson ville, instead of New Orleans; that be was a steamboat agent, instead of steamboat agent and merchant; that he served in the Confederate army two years instead of four. Captain Booker died September 20, lSn, and the company re- fused to pay tiie policy for the above reasons. Captain F.stes concludes the ar- gument for the plaintiff this morning, when the case will be determined by thd jury. State vs. McAdama, prowling i under law); indictment quashed. By agreement of counsel the ease of State vs. E. C. Patterson and II. H. Thompion, murder, was called up for trial and four jurors obtained. The remaining jurors will probably be oblainod Municipal Court---Judg- e Fotite. Yestt rday, in the case of the State vs. M. Bell larceny the jury returned a verdict ot guilty, and fixed the period of imprlscnment at one year in the penneu- - t iary. State vs. Brown larceny continued. Stale vs. M. Mervin keeping house of ill fauif continued. 3Jo cases have been set for trial y Law Ccurt- - Judge Andersm. Yesterday, in the case of Peres vs. Er-lic- h, a judgment was rendered for the de- fendant. Fordo & Co. vs. Norville, Boon & Co., judgment for plaintiff. To-da- y the motion docket will be called; TO SUBSCRIBERS. Subscribers to the Daily and Weekly Ai'PEAL will please take notice that when their time is about to expire, the last pa- per w ill be sent to them with a cross mark belore ,heir names. Joe Locke has a full supply of late daily a id weekly papers. Ward's New Gas Bckner furnishes the best, cheatiesl and safest light. J. STOLTS, 56 Jefferson street. A ciotiD : plait Shirt for $"A at Wiggans ii Thorn's, 133 Clay Building. Rt v wood of Scbeuber Bros. Leave or- ders w.th L. Boescher, Main street. Rrown's Bronchial Troches clear and give strength to the voice of singers, and am indispensable to public speakers. "I recommend iheir use lo puhlic sneak- ers." , RF.V. E. H. CHAPIN. "Thy have suited my case exactly, re- lieving my throat, and 'clearing the voice so that I could sing with ease." T. Dt'CHARMK, thorister Parish Church, Mon- treal. Sold by all dealers in medicine, Frekfbom Dirt. Is thTre any hair coloring preparation, either here or in Europe, that resemble Pbslon's Vita-li- a, or Salvation for the Hair? Nut one It is a clear lluid that tlnv. fro... ik. k...' tie; diss not atalu the akin, and produces none but natural shades of color. It has uo sediment. Sold by all druggists and lancy goods dealers. God Ev and Peterson for March at Jofl Locke s, 23t;if Main street. TO ADVERTISERS IN THE APPEAL. After this date, advertisements will not be received from any but regular custom- ers and houses, unless Accompanied by tbe cash. The enforce- ment cf this rule Is rendered necessary by the di lenities of collection and the de- mands of a buainau that requires a caaA outlay in ail it department , for its proper and pnifi table conduct. Business men will. understand and appreciate the neces- sity foi this basts for our future. Tre Wbeklt A re eal is tbe largest single sheet published in the South. THE FREIGHT BLOCKADE. President Wicks' Letter to Chamber of Cojnmerce. President Wieka, of the M. A C. R. R., supposing that there would occur n meet- ing of merchants yesterday afternoon, sent to President Kelson, of the Chamber of Commerce, the statement of Mr. An derson, Superintendent ot Transportation, ' tbat up to the 17th ins!., the movement of cars for this month from Memphis, has i beeu, for through ireight, l(s cars; local and Mississippi Centra! freights, 314 ens. The loiter of President Wicks is as fol- lows: MEiiriiis and Charleston Ratlkoa n.l OFF1CK OK THK 1'HBlDENT, V Memphis, Tznn., February m le?0.) Thomas A. Nelson, Esq., Prettidunt Chamber of Commerce: Dear Sir: The enclosed note shows that the charges made through tho city papers in reference to preference being given to freight shipped from otuor points are without foundation. Permit mo to call your attention to the injury that may be done to the trade of Memphis by such notices. If believed by country dealers they would, of course, go to other points to make their purcha- ses This note is iulcnded to lie used as you may see proper. It will afford mo pleasure' at any time to do all we can for the mutual interests of the city and th M. C. R. R. Co. At this time we have a large accumulation ol through freight in our warehouses, nnd must get rid of it at once, as we risk fire and damage. We have stopped shipments of through freight to us, and trust that after a lew days we will be able to move all without delay. In future I trust our merchants will see the proper officers of tho road in reference to delays Instead of complaints through the papers, which do mure inju- ry than good to their trade. Respectfully, M. J. WICKS, President. . THE CANVASS. Editors Appeal: Tho communication signed "Fair Play," which appeared in your issue of Saturday, the 12th inst., is, in my opinion, calculated to lie injurious to the Democratic party of this county. "Fair Play" commences his remarks on the velvet glove principle, concealing the tiger's claw beneaihby suavely observing that he is a "Democrat of the straigbteat sect." To the word "straighUst" I ob- ject, coming from one who is so free with quotations of school-bo- y latin, even though it is but a quotation, for if any- thing is straight nothing can be straijriit-er- . But I pass this matter by; tho term is certainly expressive, and conveys, I presume, the idea of an immaculate Dem- ocrat, flow he exhibits this character in The spirit of his letter is n matter of wou- - der to all not seeing that writer's views as be does himself. But strange to say, after tho ingenious writer establishes to his satisfaction, I presume, t he law ot chang-ing- s, yasciil itions and waverings of opin- ions, which he does by au accidental ap- pearance of some such idea iu a latin sen- tence, be confesses to the appreciative pub-licth- he altered hisdetenuinationoi "ourwholo tickot." Alas for the whole ticket! Aud why has "Fair Play" donethis? Hestatesiuiply because "since then Major Strange has been brought out in a manner that might make any one feel proud." From tho writer's language, he was not one of the friends who brought ou'. Major Strange, and his argumeut fur his action iu the mutter at present ist that such a large call has b e., m id '; or, in o' her words, he hss followed a big crowd, echoing an idea he never originated. But lot us intelligently and fairly ex- amine Ihe magnitude of Mr. Slrange's call, as compared wilh that of the regular nominee of the Democratic parly. We concede the wealth of the genilenn n making the call on Mr. Strange, but we must remember they are only mere voters. The vole f a man wor.h fifty thousand dollars counts one; the vote of a man earniug two dollars a day counts one, also. Tho law of the laud perceives no difference. Now, the delegales of the Seventh Ward, for instance, represented more votes cast even at tka primary Ward meeting than the whole of Mr. Slrange's long list, and combining all the city op- posite Mr. Slrange's call, it will siiriuk into a small space, even with "Fair Play" as its advocilc. The whole of " Fair Play's " letter is such a medley of contradictions that it would lie useless to follow out his sophisms in detail. Afier declaring him- self a Democrat of th-- t " BtfSdgfctMl sect," be distinctly declares that he is no "mere party man, aud never was," although he coii'inuos "an Democrat all my life." An uiiconiiiroinisinas Democrat, anil nfli'l no piny Man! Strange paradox! I v ho can fathom so deep as to MM how such athtni; is possible? liut the writer wrongs himself; he was a mere party man, though but for a short time, lor he men- tions his original intention of going for the whole tickoi, though he acknowledges that he kuew It to bo au imperfect one. Was not that acting as a mere party man? I'ndoubediy; and surely "Fair Play" need not te told at this time that all true and staunch Democrats are aud must be SMS pariy men in that sense. It is very strange in au uncompromising Demo- crat " to brand the actiou of his party by following a party of bolters leti by such a leader as healed Mr. Strauge's call. " Fair Play's " Idea that u c the " straight est sect " aud the " mere party" men. he means, of course are trying to build up " a party again." is very good, and his arguments as to boa; we must set in order to succeed are so true I hat they evidently are the lingering echo of Lis sentiments when a " mere party " man. Ho says, to do this, "is it not by proving by our acts that all worthy and compe- tent men who enter our fold shall partici- pate equally with us in all our privi- leges?"' Certainly; "Fair Play" is un- doubtedly speaking sensibly how. But after uttering this d truth, what coursed ties the writer practically ad- vocate? Just the reverse of this. He advocates the defeat of Mr. Keillv, e. "competent man who entered our fold" when as an Irishman It had no earthly claim on him, when he might have gone over to tho ranks of our oppoueuts wilh more profit surely, as being ih- - stronger side. And worse than all'FairPlayVem-phasise- d reasons are because he objects to an "Irish succession" in oflLv. This is practicing what he preaches with a ven- geance. But in what consists the Irish succession so unpleasant to this moinber of the "straightest sect?" Simply one predecessor si nee th oilloe was established many years ago. Truly a startling suc- cession. Surely the animo-ii- y must be very strong that can bring forward such a jioor, prejudiced objection as this. "The whole world," wrote a monomaniac mu- sician, "is divided into two classes: Those who play the fiddle and those who do not." Memphis, si ems to imagine "Fair Play " is divide.l into two classes: Those who are Irishmen and those who are not. "O tempora ! O MSI f, The friends of Major Strange are to blame. They kaew of our Convention and its object. Surely they should have known nelorenaud the peculiar fitness ot lhat gentleman for the office of Clerk of th iwh ti, .hoirf h ! . .. known his being of the ni j.irity as "Fair Play" now asserts. aud knowing this, why SKM bring him before the Con- vention? Hid they consider of no im- portance the nomination of such Conven- tion Did tbey tear to trust the men who nominated General Wright, Wood- ward and others, with au opportunity to decide ou Mr. Strange? If not, then the qualities of M.jor cUrunge for the office must not be so very prominent, or it would not have taken tiuio to discover them till it was beyond the pow6r of tho Democratic jutrty to do anything in the matter. In any case the friends ot Major Strange did not certainly consult tiio wishes of the great Hemocra'.ie party, and oonseiiient!y should not, and cannot ex- pect its support. "Fair Play's" remarks respecting Mr. Reilly are very wtak and hollow. With regard to Mr. Loagtie's making his clerks comfortable for Hie, just Isstause he did well hlmserf, It is an iden that would be very popular wilh all employees, aud when "1'ront Street" acts up to it himself, then it will bo time anoni'li for him to expect Mr. Loague, for whom he apparent- ly enteriidus no very exalted opinion, to do likewis". Neither does any one iuia- - iy luties without adequate reward. Nor are any such whimsical grounds which could be found only with one of "Fair Play's" cultivated imagination placed before the public as reasons of Mr. Reilly's capacity for the office. He was nominated simply because be is known to be honest, cApnblo, gentlemanly, e.itentive and obliging, well acquainted with all the details of the office, a matter no' obtain- able iu Less lhau a year, aud iu ad- dition to this because be was popular with the Democratic party. Aud lie was not nominate 1 because he is au Irishman; or.as ''FairPlay" has it, ti'iitaa Irishman, while he stated lhat Mr. Loague none, vv ho cares whether he was or js of foreign blrtb, except bigots? Is he not an American citizen by : Constitution for aud signed by bis countrymeu, !o were nio foreign bom ias tint man of foreign blctij right to office as well as " Fair Play ?'T Doei not the old Cou-stituti- so assert? I totally object to the words Irishman, Gorman, or Frenchman, being introduced tor or against office. Iu conclusion, I have vet to learn what Is meant by "Fair Play's'' allusion to "un- reasonable deuiands ""on the part of Irish- men iu this cit v. When did Irish men de- mand Mr. Reilly's nomination? Never. But they will demand it, now that such a question U raised, and that nationality la made a lest of not eligibility. Thsy have a right to do so; for why should iheir countrymen, as such, be objected lo iu favor of any Independent candidate? They have always been faithful Dsnio- - crate. They have never held aloof iu a threatening attilude, to fall in with the most favorable pirtv. But, although " magnanimous," Irish- men are also nigh-spirite- and ready to resent a slur or stigma on their national- ity; hence it is unwise, and, mayhap, un- safe to the whole ticket, to act In the pre- judiced manner indicated bv ' the support-er- a of Mr. Strange. JL'STICK. LOCAL PARAGRAPHS. The cold sniip came in (inie toaave tho fruit. The cotton is beginning to disappear from the levees. Causey street Is the "most neglected" street In the city. Better beef never was brought to mar- ket than at present. There are two German, newspapers published in Memphis. Attention is called to the advertise- ment of the spring races of the Chickasaw Jockey Club. More nigger babies crawl the side- walks of Causey Btroet than any other street in the city. There are forty-two- - ''shoemaker" shops in Memphis, where over live pair of shoos are made weekly. The amount of cotton brought to town on wagons this year is said to be much less than on any previous year. Ice and snow remained on the gutters and streets yesterday all day. A colder day wenever experienced in this latitude. The magistrates' courts were duller, if possible, than ever, yesterday, not a case of any iniportauce having occurred du- ring the day. We learn that the Italian ball netted nearly nine hundred dollars. The Society proposo giving a grand reunion at fi eco as soon as spring opens. Tho French citizens in our midst are thinking of organizing n French 'society lor mutual aid and assistance, and for charitable and social purposes. Kggs are coming to the city in vast qiisntities now. The price per single dozen iu market is only twenty-fiv- o cents. At this rate, every body can afford to eat eggs. They are cheajor than beef. A beautiful sunshiny dny followed the storm of Thursday night, and with tho exception of the snow which remained on the sidewalks and streets all day yester- day, more lieautifnl weather never was seen in the latter part of February. James Fountain and D. V. Buydet, brakesmen and freight aernts on the Mis- sissippi and Tennessee Hailroad, were ar- rested yesterday on tho charge of break- ing open freight packages aud attracting valuables therefrom. They wili be tried this morning. ' We yesterday saw three mules, at dif ferent times, slip and fall on Jefferson street, between Main and Front streets. l no reason was the ice and snow on the pavement. Luckily, in no instance was the poor brute hurt. Th? iron crossings are a fruitful source of such accidents. We hope they will soon be removed. Mr. W. J. Mansford, of the Catholic Bookstore, on the corner or Second and Monroe streets, has our thanks for the very latest illustrated periodi-- . cals and serials. This establishment is one of the most complete in the South- west, aud we cordially recommend it to all those who are in the" habit of reading se- rial literature. A large portion of the Dalian delega- tion to our city from Louisville, went borne yesterday All these gentlemen express themserws highly delighted with the manner in which they were treated by our people, and think that Memphis is not the little " one-hors- e town " that they had been taught to believe. The alarm of fire rung night before last about nine o'clock was caused by the burning of the restdenoe of Cot. Knowl-ton- , Assistant Postmaster, in Fort Pick oring. understand that tlit fire was caused by the careless handling'of a kero- sene lamp. The loss is prnliablv four thousand dollnrs. All of Colonel Knowl-ton'- s furniture was saved. Candidates are not working as hard now as they were a few days ago. The bill postponing theelection to the last Sat- urday iu March has thrown a damper upon them. This procrastination plays "th" dickens" with their plans, and is auother illustration of the old and trite saying, " the best laid plans of men and mice gang aft aglee." Although the lakes "across the creek" are too high for fishing- with a hook and linp, we understand that seining and net- ting are as good as ever. Wo are sur- prised thai the gillnot is not more used by our market fishermen than it now is. It is safe, sure, and requires little or no atten'icu. Set it right and all the tinny denizens of the body of water in which it is set arc ready to drop in its jaws. Tho sidewalk on the west side of Second street, from the Greenlaw Opera House to Besl" street, is in a wretched condition. Every heavy rain washes dowu a portion of theblufl" or embank- ment tbero, and covers th? banquette with a debils of red clay and ?arth. which makes walking on it aiivtbinr but agree- able. Wo call Ihe attention of the author- ities to the fsct. The suggestion made by us yesterday morning in regard to the eieaniug and keening clean the streets ofJlie city we understand, aliout lo leted on by the Ueneral Council. Au orWianee will le introd m?ed in the Boards n- xt meeting which will cover the whole ground, and which wili s- cure us clean streets, free- dom from dust ami innd, and will also protect and preservo tho pavements that have cost us so dear. The Memphis Literary Society will meet as ususl this evening, the nub Inst., In the Common Law Courtrobtn, Green- law Block. The subject "Shall the nse of th UbM be excluded Public Schools" will ho discussed by our talent- ed tellow-citi.sn- s, L. A. Spicer and W. U. Eastland and others. Colonel Robert Crockett will also address the Society. The public, and especially those friendiy to tho cause of the Socie.y, are cordial fy invited to be present. M. J. BATES. Pres't. We hope tho Legislature will immedi-aiel- v repeal the iniquitous turnpike laws which have so long been oppressing citi- zens of this county. " General " W. J. Smith "Jerusalem"," is reaping the ben- efits of the imposition, whiie now sitting in Congress, in the place of the legally elected represent at ivn of this Congres- sional District, the Hon. John W. Left- - ioh. There is not a mtuyin Shelby county outside tho limits of the city of Memphis tbat will not subscribe to a" petition to re- move the privileges granted this " little rascal." The woman whom we reported as having committed felo de sc yesterday morning, n iiS named iloro, not ilore-iu- , as was st ated. We now doubt very much whether she really did commit snicide. since we have more closely investigated the case. It is true that she sent for, and bought twonty-liv- o cents worth of mor- phine, but after death the package was found untouched. She had been in the habit of taking ooium in ono form or an mueI ,'"r """ 'e'r".Ior,11"" 1 w supposed killed hersell with an overdose. A post mortem examination revealed the fact that- - her heart was the immediate cause of death. This much in justice lo the dead. The Italian Association were convened nigbi before last for the purpose of re- ceiving the Louisville guests. Colonel Gus. Signaigo presiding. A committee of five, consisting of Jas. Brlzziolara, Joe Ik.ro, P. Pcrrotl, A. Razzonlco and John A. Signaigo were appointed to receive their guests from Louisville. The com- mittee brought up the Loaisvilliaus and Introduced them to the Presldont, Colonel Gus. Signaigo. Three cheers were given them as they approached the stand. Mr. Longanoiti brietly but happily responded, returningthanlis'for tho honors conferred. Sewiral other speeches were made by Messrs. Riccajdi, Podexta, and Raazonico. inr friend .IamesBrizzolara, Esq., mado a most magnificent ellort, aud really sur-pass- u I the expectations of his warmest friends. Mr. Brizaolara will be a lawyer of no mean acquirements yet. We wish him all success. Job Locke, Sit Maiu street, has the Cincinnati Commercial and Enquirer. St. Louis Times, Republican and Democrat, Chicago Times and Tribmi, New York Herald, World, Times and Tribune, Lou- isville Courier-Journa- l, aud a host of other late dailies aud illustrated weeklies. Full Marble Chamber Sets, in oil walnut, varulshed walnut, oak and rose, for $DU per set, at E. FEGAN'S, 2fi0 Second stroct. Dam A Bowles, of the Pat Cleburne Saloon, ilo. d Adams street, have just re- ceived several barrels of tiue Jrinh whisky by direct importation from Dublin. This whisky was bought in Ireland by Mr. Duffy, on his late visit there. Lovers of the "potheen" should give them a call, PERSONAL. A. S. Wslcott, Esq., the well-know- cotton buver, returned on Wednesday from the Last. Thk appbal is the only Daily nape pn iblished in the city. Only twenty-flv- i tieuls a week NOTICE TO .WERTISERS. No sdvertlsemeni la inserted in the Si'jtBAY A ppsal unless especbdly ordered and paid for as an extra publkatlou. We giye our advertisers six days in the week the same as all other Memphis papers) and for tbe seventh day we chance one-slxt- b additional. RECORDER'S COURT. IDs Honor J. W. Hciles disposed of j twonty-tw- o cases yesterday. Fines, how- ever, were light, as only fifteen dollars was collected. , There wereeisht offer. 'lers charged with drunkenness. It (MS. them fire dollars-- i each. lieorge Smiley, a noted thief, whs ar- - raiKned issrore ins Honor on tho charge of trespassing and stealing. He borrowed a coat and pistol from a friend without the friend's consent. He was found gudty and fined fifteen dollars for trespassing. The ui'iKistralea will look after the charge, of stealing. Miss Belle Foriest is tho proprietress of a mansion in this city tbat is not licensed by law, and Miss Lizzie Taylor boards there. Officer Gallagher, hearing a dis- turbance In the house, arrested tho two mentioned above, and Tom Jertorson, with his friend Joe Leslie the two latter are colored. For having such com pun v i i her house, all four were fined litfn do!-li- rs apiece, and in default of payment were "aenj up" for ten days. Ellen Stowe no relation, however, to Henry Ward Beecher's sister Harriot was guilty of a misdemeanor. She plead ner case wun as mucn earnestness as II ar-ri- could possibly have done, but, like her of Bvron fame, she failed to con- vince His Honor of her innocence, and was found gtuliy, and is now huntiug up more evidence among her papers, which no doubt will be forthcoming at some fu- ture time 'as soon as she serves the city ten days.) A Northern Man Desires to Contribute to the "Stonewall" Jackson Monument in Honor of Real Worth. Pearodv Hotel, February 17, 1870. The following proposition is submitted to the consideration of the invalids of the South. I hereby propose to give to Ihe Monument Association Jive Utousand do- llar, on the following terms and condi- tions: I will cure all manner of diseases, both chronic and acute, for a fee of one per cent, of what the invalid is worth in real or personal property, the fee to be de- posited with the cashier of the First Na- tional Bank, of Memphis, and if a cure is not effected in ninety days from com- mencement of treatment, the invalid to withdraw said amount without charge; but if a cure is perfected within said time, the amount so deposited is to bo eonally divided between tho A'fnwcicaK Jack-to- Monum'tnt Asxoeiation and myself, and so continued until the amount of five thou- sand dollars above is given to sajl associa- tion for said purpose. Dr. T. P. THORPE. Author and only practitioner in Psycolo-- gical Medicine. P. S. The following diseases are the doctor's specialities: Cancer, catarrh.piles, scrofula, in its worst forms, fever sores, and every disease arising from imprn-denc- e and a corrupt condition of tho blood, liver and kidney diseases, and nil female diseases, tumors, dropsy, leprosy, etc., etc. AMUSEMENTS. Concert. The grand vocal and instrn-meut- al concert to bo given by the Ger- man Casino, Gexangrfi ein, on Wednes- day, tho i'Sd inst., bids fair to be one of tho most delightful and enjoyable affnir of the aort ever given in Memphis. The pmi;r.imiiio embraces some of the very pearls of song, and the high character of those engaged in tho affair is a guarantee that surety thing wtD he managed in the very Ijest II1S nil fir The object of the as- sociation is purely charitable. Hnd all thone who wish to "enjoy good ninsic, anil at tho nne time to eontribute to a good cause, cannot do better than to invest :i dollar in the concert. We understand that Miss Wilkorson, Mesr. Professors Sebatsky, Seyfert, Schmidt, Kink and the Casino choir, consisting of twenty-tw- o singers, wiil be present, and " take a hand" iu the evening's entertainment. The Tiif.ater was not as well patron- ized last night as we could wish. The bill was a good one, and, as usnul with the company now occupying our cozy little stage, it was well and admirably per formed. Miss Titian v left nothing to lie desired, and Johnny Thompson proved himseir an that the most favorable of bis friends have claimed for him. The bill for the matinee y is one thuttought to till the house in every part. Look to the advertising columns on our tirsl page, and be sure to attend. Tho bill for to- night is also very attractive, and will, we hope, attract a full honse. The manage- ment of the Theater Shave done all that was possible to make this season a mem- orable onfl in the theatrical annuls of our city, and they should be supported to tho utmost of the means of our theater-goin- g pablic. Next week wo are lo have the Richings Troupe. Their programme is elsewhere announced, and promises every- thing tbat is desirable In English opera. Our people may prepare for a musical treat. Wonders of PsyCOloglcal Mec'icine Af-- flicted toad and be Wise. This is to certify that Dr. T. P. Thorpe has cured me af 'Lives Diska.se, which has caused uie sll manner of suffering for many years, inducing general derange- ment of mv whole system. About fur years ago 1 was taken with a white swklliso on one of my lower limoe, which continued exceedingly painful, sod the last th,ree months I have been en- tirely bli nd iu one eye. and partially so in the other, produced by general prostra- - tion of the nerves. I had tried the best medical skill in many parts of the count re to no purpose. All said 1 would have to j endure amputation of the limb, and also f0 blind tho rest ol my days. In fact. I had given up all bopeof living but a snort ' time, until I commenced with Dr. Thorpe three weeks ago, and, thank Heaven and Dr. Thorpe, I now feel like a well man, and intend commencing my avocation, ' which is railroad conductor", next week. My eyes now are as good as ever they were. I v ill be pleased to grant an inter- - viow to all who desire. J. J. OWEN, H Poplar street. Memphis, February 1", 1870. IIerzoo's astonishing bargains in Em- broideries, all the excitement this week. Largest assortment of tbe latest dai- - lies, weeklies and monthlies, at Joe Locke's, Main street. THE NICOLSOW PAVEMENT. ' Eiliton Appeal The surface of onr roads and streets will form a becomin:; subject lor a space In this paper, aud it la to be hoped they will be examined close- ly, for it may bo presumed there will not lie another fool of Montana pavement laid i in Memphis; aud since this is decaying rapidly, and the old system of graveling has p issed away, the next ntssattaa is, what is to succeed these different systems to give us permanent and healthy thor- oughfares. It is thought by a great many of oar people that If tho blocks bad beeu boiled in tar tbat it would have made a good and permanent pavement. This is all illusive. We believe tbat ibe use of wood fiber for streets is a great mistake, iu any shape or condition whatever. For instance, lakes block of wood aud cast it into a kettle of hot tar; it is thought that the tar will per- meate to tbe center, but the truth is that as soon us the latent sap.eveu in tolerably seasoned wood, feeia the heated tar it ex- pands and keeps '.he tar from penetrating the block. But let us give wood fiber the fairest trial; let it be put in an air-tig- cylinder, and by means of a poer steam en- gine, every particle of the sap sucked out by inoaus of a powerful vacuum. In this state a powerful mixture of corrosive sublimate is turued iu upon it. and with a Brninah forcing pump forced i'Uo. the' wood, and the pressure uoollc.l until every part of the timber is saturated to us cenirr. Now, corrosive sublimate, or the salts of mercury, is tho most ;'erfeot auticeptic or preservitig medium kuowu to the arts. 1'ar bears no comparison beside this pow- erful agent. What are the lessons to oe drawn from the above? They are, that while prepared timber will do good ser- vice in latitudes where the thermometer will not exceed fifty or sixty degrees, in other climates, where the thermometer that rauges aay eighty degrees Fahren- heit, j will decay rapidly nuder the etfects of the combined agent's of heat aud mois- ture. The advocates of wooden pave- ments, and those that hyive btirtat pocket-book- s, and pay heavy taxes, better shako off the film that covers their eves, am! look to the practical workings of t i a little more closely, and not conclude tat while tMugs work well in England France, and Chicago, or even Xew York' the same 1 things will always work-we- il in t Memphis, especially wueie heat and mois- ture Is concerned. CCBBINS. A CARD OF THANKS. I return my siucere thanks to th" offi- cers and members of Fire Engine No. J. also to my friends and neighbors, for their untiring efforts to save my house aud fur-- u It u re from fire on Thursday night. t. H. KNOVVXTON. vVelvet. Body and Tapes; ry Brussels, cheap fox cash, at K. FEOAN'3, 380 Second street. MEMPHIS REFERENCES. Dr. J. A. Clopton, of Huntsville, Ala., may b o onsulted atthe Overton Hotel, in Memphis, on tbe 21st and &1 instant. tie treats wltn perfect success, fii.Es, FlSTTLA, STBICTORSS. POLVTCS, TtTMORS, f .1 ma .... nt I ho RLinTlGH IZ 11 VFVS el-- ' i . ...o i DrTc. wfcS. to mmwof tbe first physi- - elans of the eity of Mswphts. j LETTER LIST. The following Is the list or letters remain- ing tn the Memphis Pustoffioe and not deliv- ered by carriers yesterday. Alt letters directed to street nnd numbers, i a delivered t ;omptly by carriers. LADIES' LIST. II. vers ran L Metcalf mrs L I Bayne miss M McDonald mrs I liuekhani mrs A Nelson miss F U Clinton mrs EY Puckett miss L lejvenport miss F Quirk in!. D Fleming miss F Kay nra C Oarrett mrs S W Kldley miss B II Hamilton miss L Hinliu miss L Humphries mrs L HmallmrsMJ Klein miss K Ftewart miss M Martin: miss L Wright miss M OKVTLEMEN'a LIBT. ArmstroiiR T J Hicks TJ Polk Dr T O Ad.ian C iiiKiil t t w Bledsoe W Hook H M PopeJsJ Black well S HumerC QuieleyJ D Bridges WU Johnson mr sieel Key a ...in L Jones 4 stomervllle ItR Clifford J M Jennings M Hneeds C col'd Collins TA Jones P HhehyMC Crofton J Kirk W H estrone JL Cone CA Keen-- l. simiu J Cobb cnut RL Kirkup A B eldR Dixon ti i.ke L, Fvans H P. J Pe.ith'irx-o- a J MlngeaOS Hon Frye W R Mar-lau- d E raster RE Match D Tucker CC - osu r C V Monroe T Thom pson cant OravesJ E Mlt'-hel- l st W it Oat! in J W Mcl ra-- W Vaughn W Oasson F Met adden J Vincent H 0 Huniey J fyjfaal Or A J Walker J N Had W K3 Pan let H Fi ll Marble Chamber Sets, In oil walnut, varnished walnut, oak and rose, for ,90 per set, at E. FK'i.W'S, t)0 Second street. FRBsn Norfolk Ovsterx. Beat brands of theso favorite oysters received daily by V. D. Fucha, u. 41 Jefferson street. Thk Appeal, is delivered for 25 cent a week. RIVER NEWS. BOATS LEAVING THIS DAY. White Klver... COMMKaCIAL... . S p.m White River... ...B. V. Walt i p.m Cincinnati S5H.VEK Moon . p.m Cincinnati Expebok h p.m Friar's Point. Si. W. Chkek .... ...5 p.m sit. Louts Ton JAsrtL ' p.m St. Louis. CLABA . p.m Clnclnuafl Coc:rrrss ..5 p.m S:. Louis Julia JI sa. ARRIVALS. Continental .St. Louis Clsra XI. Loola Jno. H. Uroesheck Cincinnati O.'n.'Auderson Erlar'a Point R P. Walt..- - White River Commercial White River Emperor .... ew tTleana ' Enmia Xo. 3 N'ew Orleans DEPARTL'RI. Em peror Clnci ana: Emma No. -- Cincinnati lien. Anderson Krlar'a Point W. A. Caldwell -- Arkansas River Continental New Orleans Jno. H. (iroesbeck .New Orleans IN POHT. R. P. Wait Comnieiclal Silver Moon Ouidon tiara RIVEirS. WEATHER AND BUSINESS Mi.Ytpais Gas Wobks, February 18. River fell 9 inches in past M bourn. Below hitjh-waie- r mark of WSt, U teet 7 inches. i Has. OOODWIK, Siiperlntendiint Gas Works. The Arkansas is falling, and has about three feet on the shoal places to Little Rock. White river is filliuir slowly with pieut y of water to Jackaonport. Weather cool and cler. Btisuitau fair. Sr. Locis, February ljj. The riyer is rising slowly. Loci.svii.le, February 18. The river is rising with 10 feet in the canal. Caiho, February 18. W. II. Brown. Memphis to St. Louis, lu last night : s tni!...n Morner. --V-w iirieansto ritts- f burg, and Virginia. New Orleans to Iaiu- - isville, 7 a.m.; I'live Branch. St. Louis t New Orleans, 11 a.m.; Anna, New Or- leans to Cincinnati, 12 m.; W. R. Arthur. New Orleans to St. Louis, i p.m.; Impe- rial, N.sw Orleans to St. 1. or.-- . 4 p.m. The river fell z inches. Weather clear. Mercury, 31. N ami villi:, February 18. The river is rising, with 8 fiot on Harpeth Shoals. The weather js clear and cold. New Ori.kans, February 18. Arrived : J. W. Gsrrtnt and bargrs from St. Louis. Departed: V. J. Lflwisi'oi L.mis. The weather is cold. Mercury W. Sr. Louis, ibruarv IS. Arrived: St. Luke, Atlantic and Mohawk. Departed: Hello Memphis and Ida Btoefcdato. The river is nsimr siowiy. The weather.' is clear and warmer. Louisville, February 18. Down: Belle Vernon. Up: Allegheny Belle. Clear an-- eon. Cincinnati, February 13. Tho river is rising, with S3 feel in the channoL Cold. MISCELLANNEOVS. The towboats Siella and Liberty No. 4 passed up yesterday. The Commercial brought in 47.1 bales cotton. The R. P. Walt arrived with L78 bales cotton. The Emma No. A added 400 bales cotton at this point for the Ohio. The Fairy Q.icen was welcomed along Black river very heartily. Her handsome cabin was universally admired, and Cap- tain Harry is doing a tine business. He is daily adding 10 his already long list of lrientls. TheGuidon, from the Arkansas, brought in 446 tales cotton, did not get in to leave as advertised, and the W. A. Cald- well went out in her place yesterday. Tho Julia, Captain Calaban, will pas up for Cairo and St. Louis y at noon. The Clara, Captain Fisher, gets away at 5 p.m. for Cairo aud St. Louis. She is the regular packet, aud couueets w.th the trains North aud F ist. The Tom Jasper, Captain Judd West, passes up this evening for St. Louis. Mr. Martin and Rob Osborne are her clerks. The Geo. W. Cheek leaves y for Friar's Point. Malone is master," and Mann y isarinus, clerk. The hinperor, Captain Weaver, will get away ai o p.m. for USSVO and Cincinnati. The gay Silver Moon, with Ben. Mer-- j rilees on the roof, leaves to-d- for Cairo, F.vansvllle, Louisvillo and Cincinnati. She is the regular packet, and has splen-- i did passenger accommodations. The R. P. Walt will get away y as as, for Jatasoiiport and all lanaiugs on White river. She connects with the Li tie Rock train, and with the Fairy tyueen for Black river. Captpin Ad. Storm is master, and Messrs. Walworth, Hall and Willis are her clerks. The United Statesman packet Commer cial, captain i.ut uiasa. will leave at o p.m. for ail landings on While river, con- necting with tho Little Ttock train and with the Usage for all landings above Augusta. She is a No. 1 steamer. Jimmy Thompson and Andy Granger are her sec- retaries. Freight is abundant ail along Ihe south- ern Ohio, as well as at St. Louis. The M. J. Wicks leaves St. Louis for this port Tho Belle Lee witl be in port to le.Ave on Wednesday for New Orleans. She will take all the sonthoru buuud cottou awaiting shipiueut. Parties Intending to visit Now Orjoms on Mardi Gras should not forget that the Great Republic takes excursionists for th round trip. Several stato-room- s havo already !een engaged. She leaven on Tuesday next. The Missouri is rising rapidly at St. Joseph. One-thir- d of the Anronaut V,i. 2 ha- - Hipmrnnuanai lur J JK.H). a. in i iv. i.. ..mi ;ueu ineir elslm in tbe United Staxesi Court, at Lonisviiu w owners of throe-fonrt- of the Richmond ana mey claim that as no ono else ex-o- the Ubollants, H. Woodfolk and L. A. Sherley, who own one-four- th of the boat, having any ownership in the asms they pray their rights may be oroteded by the Court, The cow steamer Wade Hampton leaves Louisviile to day for tho Mouth. An iron steamer and barge is in course of construction - . if llithti..... T ... i , m . I irge heating and annealing furnace is be ing erected lor the purpose of heating the plates of boiler iron that will bo usd in the vessels. The contractors, Messrs. House aud Deau, are the leatling foundry MsMoflowa, Th Miihrey is loading atKvausviUe for this port. capt. Heasley his purcnascd the L tah from Q,P Henry Symmes for $18,000 sod will place her iu the Arkansas trade. A compromise has; been eSi.vtPd be-- 1 tween this owners of the Big Sunflower and Era No. 8. by which the latter Sflln draws frcm the Kiinduwur river. Csptain Josh Throop has called his new boat the Mollle Ryan, Captain L' U. Silver has contrsctrd with the carandelet Msiiue iUi'.noy and Dock f !omn:l n v for a larirs flrMf-e!i- St I oioK i - - e - - -- . - - " : at.d New Orleans s'emer,the hull of wmva uas ior souie iili-- ' oeea partly con- - structed, after models by the famous builder. Prime Emerson, of the Memphis Dry Docks. Her dimensions will i.e ' lentcth. XS leet ; beam. 40 feet, aud bold, 6 feet ; cylinders, 2 lucuoa diameter, S feet stn ke. NOTICE. T BFO to Intorra my river Mends and the i niihllc irenera ly. thst I have bought M. Pyae A Co. a interest la the Meat and Steamboat Stores Supply Business Corner Promenade and Jefferson streets. SSfitttZZST' A' J" COnUa h s. y( 8SNNETT. STEAMBOATS. FOR NEW ORLEANH. I'or id Louts and ' :et Corareiny. The Unurp .steamer -- vfljs Oiive. Eranch, t feu a m. Asn, on xtreet ItHardi Gras Excursion Trip TO ftEW OHLEANS. The magnificent steamer GREAT REPU8LIC, W. B. Donaldson master. Will leave Memphis TI EsI) Y. 22d inat., at I o'clock p.m., positively. Parties wishing to visit Mew Orleans can Uon to C. L.H Ufl vertilng Ag nr 1 Promet LARKY HAWMCAB TFor choice rooms : ' ' FOK CINCINNATI. i Memphis and Cineianati Packet Company ror Cairo, aud I'lacnanatt. COCvTK.-S- iJn gryws, master This elegant MMBSBSK steajaei will leave as above THI-- s PAY. Ivih Inst., at S p.m. LARKY HAKMsTaU '.. Agent, feM'j 12 MaUtsou street Reeular Memphis and Cincinnati Packet. For Cairo, Louisville and Cincinnati. EMPEROR. Weave., master This elejpwt nossenser packet Will leave as above (ATCKI'Al , n in-- ', st 5 naa. E. A. i.r. Y i iVA vents, feh! IS JelTers."..! sir-e- t. Keic o- - mph ad Oi Innftt Packet -- mat i. s. niaater I S p.i i.L : O.. Aaeni", No. 12 Ma.li.-o- n itreet. FOR ST. LOUIS. Memphis and St. Louis U. S. Mai! Line For Oseeoh IrlJ. Hickm-n- . Belmont and Cairo. C nMnjiat Belmont with Ihe Iron M t R. R.. at OMsa with Iiii Central K. R.. lUid j bois up the Ohio river. OUAJU r. Abiams, master ThUspioiididp ste.imer will leave as ulsr THIS HAY'. 13th lu., at 3 p.m Freight received at Ui Loots fell IXBf. ALVE Memphis and St Louis U. S Maii Line Kor Ofceola, Madrid. Hlckram. Belmont and Cairo, Connectiu? at Belmogl with the Iron Afountain R. 11.. it nlro with lUinota Central Railroud, and JCXJA I atlahan. master Thiasplendi passenger - will leave as a ove THIS HAY. nil '.n-r- .. at 12 m. Freight received at tht-- 1 i Wharfbont. feow FLEM. C." Regtxtsr rcmr-h- n"d St. Lc lion Pack'- -l KorCahoa TOM JA-rs- K J. T. Wesl, saastei This elegant pa..cuger stcamt. will leave as avf SATUitHAY". itth St.. nt 5 p.m E. A. LEVY .i CO., Ac-nt- s, i slreeL FOR NEW ORLEANS. RegtiUr .Memphis and Ve r Orleans Wertnes-- i day Iacket for Vlck urg, Natchta and New or jOllillaTIJ LE1D, 3. M. White master ThU No. ! m! pa.senger , steamer w!U leave as J WEDXESHAY". I at p.m. LARKY HARMSTAD CO.. Agents feo.j 12 Madison si reet. FUR IiED RIVER. Regular Red Rtver Packet For Alexandria, shrev.-por- t an I JeffVrson. 23C. M. SHH33 V lil, H. 3 Carter, nisster j Ueory Warhain, cierk Inv es Metaphls for the above on MONDAY. ;ll lust., at 5 p :n. LARRY HAKMsTAl) A CO., Agents, feblS !: t. FOK WHITE RIVER. Memphis and River Packet Co. Wlnte River Line. For Monti White River. Clarendon, t De alt's RlnlT, fl sieauier I above: Pocihonl noInM o- - k Kiver, R. P. WAI Y !. storm, master TMsantl near asd ei.gant side-whe- IirfsseagLr sLeiuner. . hnllt expressly lor mis use.w.i. leave as aoove SATURDAY, !Mh Inst. ISB For f.tuit or oos.erv ..l tsvard or to w. a. K N I . A(jent. f!l No. I Mad son st iton block, AcguUr Memphis and Wi ie River United SUtes Mail Satar-- j iy PackeL For Helenc, Indian Bscr, O ireudou. DeVall'e blnfT. Little Ko-- , Lc re. West foiul, bcarcy, Angusta and Jackfoii porL OOMMEROIATj, Matt A. ilas.- - nijbster. t or UL'igDt or asii,K npuly on bunrd. or to J.. f.-- Eiliott line SpeeiJ, Safety, Coafurt. Memphis A White River 1: Pa-ke- f. For .'ielena. Friar s lo Bluff, Little R.N-k- . Hot Spriut es Arc, Augusts, Jaciuouportan DES AHC. - John D. Eiliott, Master - HAL at . K'lixt p.ao. Ith steari cs F. !ry Queen and r a! points on rpper White and " ' ' ELLIOTT A MILLER, Accents, Prrenena.leand je,ieiiusu .opu. Laailinc jaj Memphis and Arkansas River Packet j Compctny tVh ie River Line. ejHl-- . entirely new and elegant 1 p!t..senar packet, built cx- - tresly for the irade. It. P. WALT An fSTOB Master tAY, at RlVi.K 1 well- - auown parse ncer W. A. CALDWELL..: .Ton Bekby. Master L of lirfht draft, Wi Landing when at continue La tms ot another new Wult," now uii.li 15ih May next) tf in ie Ac . and Little Red to Uai emphis EVERY r p.aso apply on hoard he ofllee f me ouipauy. No. 3 K aulou BIock OHN 1. AU.iMS, PTsMent. INSURANCE. North British and Mercantile INSURANCE COMPANY OF London and Edinburgh established i8C3. Sobscrlhsd Capital, (gold) ?io,nrio,oco no Fire Reserve Fund, " .. l.asi,7: Tt Fire Reserve Premium 1 Total Assets, " Total Income for " .. 4.111,192 1 JOHN G. LONSDALE, No. 43 Kadison S roet, MEMPHIS, . - . TENNESSEE. feoll 810,000 fox SIO ! Prenicn when the Classes ar Ciaplels, wkkh ars now oeing rapidly tiled p. ADysjrraosa. The advantsgss of thts over oidiaary Life lusaraues t?cni. panies are: ..o pn can b.eak ti Uie free are SO . snu reaulred it. Lo n..l loaa Intervals, lhat any man can seem hte lauiliy a competency upcu lis dealij MASONICTWUTUAL Life Assurance Association , OF MEMPHIS. OFFICE Mo. 324 FRONT STREET. BOARD OF pi RECTO OS : Hori. p. t. sruaja, of Bcrugss Duncan. A. Vaocaro, ijq., ' A. Vaecaro a Co. J. S. 8tanton, of atantou A Moore. A, BMeksSS, Esq., of Busby 4 liatchett. Ed. Piakett, Jr, 01 itesslck Pickett, OFFICERS: D. C. TRADER, Pre. M. M. RA6AN, $c. H. TRADER, Treasarsr JR. HODGES, Examtnin, ijM. STEAMBOATS. NOTICE. Memphis and St. Louis Transportat- ion Company. TO THE JIKRCHANiSiOr MEMPHIS. The Mammoth Frelcht Steamer rES M. J. W!CKS &dCfc W. J. Ashford. master W. H. Cropper, clerk Will leave t I for Cairo and Memphis on S TVRDAV, fsM7 L.CTJnWi5Mwy.-- n ARKANSAS RIVRtt LINE. Memphis and Arkansas River Packet Company. U. S. Mail Line. Wintor AriRu;cmou t mm Represent Ulh water In the ) will ran the taut paasenner boat THOM. H. ALLS .Reese Prttonar-l- . t MART BOYD Haynso, ms CELKrtTE. Ed. Rowland, Master OCIDON Clay Rice, Master DARDtF.ULH Wm. R Nowiaott, i OZARK Sl&. Sum. niaisr KOBTOILsJOS - Hraltli, LEAVI'Q MKiilHI3 MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS AND FBI DAYS, At i o'clock p.m. VKa's arc . -t-- .. ..- - on time. Their e nnaor- -. jmrnui. and t arrange-i- n wranta. Meiar-hl-. IOHN D. Al W. H. KESNKUAY. o. 1 Madlsor. rtu, f. n'on Block. lebIT NOTICE. Orrics MsxPHfS A Au. Riyrs M KXi-u- Ten.., February CHANGE OF SCHEO iLE. raan-- I a rfver on MosnTS "Alci: aud Fwdats. at&o-rliK-- p.m. "fell. John "AM. FOR NEW MADRID. Rejoin' Pack.- - For New Mad- rid. Osceola, Haie s Point and all ay 'CALLATi v .... r.: Ucs cuira Muicr Tli sid3-whe- el r ts r p gr - packe above every TL'EaDAY aud tHTBCRNi si Agnt. street. FOR MOUND CITY. Fcr Arkansas and Texas. RAVELKRS aaSYM t; p ' he river " LAI l'wl to Che. trave, rsre nr. FOR ST. FRANCLs RIVER. Memphis and 3t. Francis River Tues- day Packet For Helena, Mariana. MadUa uJ Wntsknxr The new and elegant Pidawbee! Paweassr Packet. SAINT HlAMCtS, i.'spt. T. R. Bowman rtara A'. Patne. jra TILL hive Memphis for III d . a FN A. L'AN'iiUll.i.r. :.ud STadBBB KRANCI3 RIVERS every TUBbMi. ai I o'clock p.an. LARRY HARVsTAIi, A?ent, ehl I :.ull-..- n .tr-L NOTICE. Oyftci JlEirri Ji oia Beeret-ir- FREIGHT A riC'KEi AGENCY CARTER'S RED R!VEB LINE CF PACKETS ron Vicksburfl, Natchez, AlexaaUria, SSrcvt- - port and SfThe only Line giving T.irongh BtUsos Letting auU i tckets u the above point. sW Pssseng.'r-- . by this Line escape the an- noyance oi chunking boa".- -, aud the enor- mous charges al t jb Month Si Rsi River. The following are the uaei of '.lioateamer compo- - -- : s H. M. SHEEVE U.S. Carter, MOUNT .VI NEER. Cropater. SILVER BOW - This. Fes, WALTER B. OANCE ....LI S(sr For and all tlon call at the Qsssetml art- - ment. No. 1 Promeustle, Is l St.. General Ticket anil C eat. Notice. Uenerni Ticket Offloe r.f th? M. , and C. R. R. Maxi'His, Tux f. SHOCK la our only nr SH.. redeem our Euilgri.nl e- Sooth, ari'l none others need ieta at this office. A-- a. n.iCT ti.. for forked deeu riy For Halle's Point, Key Corner. Oyersburg. aud ail Intermediate Landlr-f-s. The splendid side-whe- passenger packet Q. n. Miller, master W. R. Parker, clerk. Will leave as itCove, LEAVES EVERY THURSDAY, AT 4 PM. For frelk-h- t or passage apply on hos-- d. fell FOR OSCEOLA. Regular Senn-- fekiy Paekes tar iis.ib. uior mediate Landings. I i t "i" stntt 'eartl for hatclue river. TH K STEAMaa ELLiE. K. LX Bmall ..muster. Will commence to ran t! Hatchle River na the nrst rise Ihe river, from Memphis usar Brownsville, weekly, ar U do tht business for the trade saUs'a.-- - dell W H. LAN FOR WHITE RIVER. White, Red and Black River Packet Company. u. s. masl um. The Splendid Sldewheel Passenger Seejer, XsII3Ii:ia.TY, JTo. a Fat. IL Wheat. Master. OOMI Mstt A. O IT-- II I h.in.uTnl.- - . .. ' ssaMsc V iw.41 w,. '"ff.ms. i.ii. l....T. wn -- '"' - ri:.ii-i- t riTr eavlag mi us Every foasday and Saturday, AT 5 O CT.OCK P.M. the sldewheel steamer OS AGE wll! connect with both ot these Boats at for Jsck-soupor- t. and all points ou BIJk RU er. 8, Preai'ent. J.JACK WI fee 301 trout Elock np-ttr- FOB NEW ORLEANS. Rsgalar Meapbis am New Orlean Paoiist. I I 1, jr. aid John B. BuiUvan. Clerk. the otuy .Memphis and New Or- - '"r pacaeu Leaves SSaaSfa WeOaesday January Sth. Wednesday. January l.w.b. JESS1 tieecuy, Febraarv M Wediieaday I - MUt R.HAIsTaI CO., deCT KLI.lOTT a MILLER. Agents. H. . HEZEKIAH, 81 JelTereoB Street, SHIRTS AMD UNDER CLOTHi.G,
Page 1: MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL. SATURDAY, FEBKUAEY …...O, M-- , try CHICKA dayjTr nlal.it Becord--Holtuian ijif Secretary, OFFICIAL. Proceedings of the Board cf Alder-men and Common Council.



TTORNF.Y --GENERAL OF THE CRITV. IN A 1. ' H'RT ' are aut hoi lse.1 to an

, Mnv . KKllti a a csnuiuaie 10t;orn of the Criminal Court, sub

eet to the lwrn.wrauc convention. Ja27

TTi i OF THE CRIMA borlced to anAtorney-Ge- n

SMI ol twtT ect to he uVdalon of the etilloii. HhUcm In May. 416

TTORNEY --GENERA I OF THE CR1MIN A I. COITKT.-W- ea lorlred to aii

nounce M. D. WELCH as lidate for Aito mey --General of the Crl i 'ourt. d


IT COURT Wt- arceP T. S'. RCiiS a

b candidate for the office of Judge ol in.First Cirrult Court of Bhclby county, at t

election. May a&th. ''!'!rl'IXJK KJRKT CIRCUIT COL'RT JSditorf Appeal: tn repwiie w the very coinpli

mentary call In vour paper of yeaterdaysigned " One ot llie lui. ' I hereby announcmyself a candidate lor Judge of the FirstCircuit Couil ofSShclbv county,

del) C. W. I1EIKKELL


I.vitK FIRST CIRCUIT mi i;t- -

I I III' The friends of .1' ) ! N H. Bi WK.N

ourl Clerkireh election


FIKT t ilt: PIT COURT. We anC1LF.RK lo announce FRANK TAF1as an asdtaal candidate for the office oClerk of the First Circuit Court, at the ensu-ing March election. fel.l .


1 LEI CIIUUIT COURT - Tu liemldati




CLERK to announce B. R. HARRISa an independent candidate lor the officeol Clerkot the second Circuit Conn, at theensuing March election. ebl




Court Clerk, at the -- nsq.cg siarai election, i.NT V COURT CLKRK. I hereby

COL' rr vsclf as an independent candi-date foi clerk of the County Court.


COURT CLKRK. We sre autbor-nuunc- e

rOLNTY JOHN P. BOUOHNBBas an lndej ccclent candidate for theofflceo.'Ocunty Co irt Clerk-- Ja30

COURT CLERK. We arcCOUNTY announce J. 8. CAKKU1 HEKs acandidate on the independent ticket forClerk of the oui.ty ourt of Shelby county,at the ensuing March election. Ja.'iJ


SHERIFF. I hereby announce myself ascandidate tor

to the office of Sheriff, at the ensuing Marcbelection. A.P.H'KRY.

jail sheriff of shel by county .


rOSSTs.RLE.-I- u reply to a veryin the Arri4L, signed "Cit-lsen-

I hereby aunonnce myself as s candi-date f r Cou-Ubl- e of the Fourteenth CivilDistrict, pledging alt, 11 elected, to per-form mv duty to the best of my abllit y.febl he.pe-lfu'ly- . G. GARRETT.


A .i . id win be i at

InaCsthoilc family, by a gentBOARD. and wife. References given. Ad-dress w tli :. ::n-- . C. U. S.. this office. fl

cral experiencedmakers: also, a thorough

operaloi on the rover Bskr Sewiigchine DUKE.

MM 61 Linden street.lOOK-KF.- s FFR. pTsctlcnl book-keepe- r

wonw liae a sn.nation E st referenees can be given, andcan curt-- - ' ira te: a ldress box IT. Seuat'ibia,MfaW or this office. feblK

s. situation asBOOK-KFEPE- bv a thoroughly competent gen-

tleman, one who has bad xparience in manybranches o' mercnt-J- business. Ke'er toMr J. M. Keittiug.of the Appeal, of whominquires maybe made personally or bylri- -

TIOVKD-Wi- th one nnlnrnlsbed room. car.J m' lia i bv two single g. ntiemeu. or a

and iady, at No. 110 Monroe st. febt5

Two nice ro.ms can be had,BOARt'FR-


or unfurnished, at No. 2H Pop-

lar street, with board in a private famlty atreason ble BaSaa, inquire at this offloe, or atthe house. Hjj


'Smtm unar Uut head U uncrud at Jen

JilINCK A handsome brick residence,Kvsi to business; apply to Mrs.BKi iWN, Gayoso House, Room No. JbT. feblT


A"or--- e under- - thU head mU itwrted a! Ten

OW.-o- ne red end whlte spotted dry t.and a spilt in the left. The owner cau getbm kT pro -- ing property and paying charge.I V. I N H 1 K. New Madison street,ea-- t

ek the ' sti.oiic orphans' Asylum. feblB

f . - of Fort PU kertng.


'oam viuirr fail send 40 be interted ax Tenern. per ttne, each fwjertion.

stolen, from V nlonfbru- -I bri- -ary. abiledie on. i

the M ltb ati .t .Htir I'im fiotiie ! onlarge l- -i ..,

-i: iv--: oaces A libera!hip ax.reward ot hee.ven for his lef.irn to 1. Gl- -

lagriT. rnerolTeuneaaceanaUutlerstrectt,.Mmij'i ICUI.


WORKS. The Helena Iron Works."Iron--

Arkansas For particularsitAREAKoVX ftUO- -

Loulsville, KyOr r. 11. DADE,ja&idaw Helena. Arkansas





Lwiia Hanaer. J. C. Neery,'Bcooloeld a Hauauer. Brooks, Neely A Co

B S. Jonea, A L. Harris,Jones, Brown A Co. Harris, Cochran A Co.

R. P. Walt, M. L. Meacbaia,B. P. Walt A Co. Meaeham 4 TreadweU.

Thos. H- Allen. 6. L Oeniaon,Tboa H. Al!en Co, Orglll Bros. A Co.

D. P. Haddea, J. C. Terry,P. P. Hadden Co. Price A TerTy.

E. J. Taylar, of Taylor A Kullaud.


LOUIS HANAUtrt, Presidet,M. L. MEACHAM, t.


H. E. GARTH Assistant Cashier,lata


' O'.lm II SUSL No lis meets M Frldav of

nionti. --

V.Hall cor. Madison andss-cond- .

eachrt. Maui. ws, W. M.; Ben. K. Pullen,

Her o . : M Monday Id ev- -AMOKBOVA,

moniu, i t s' Hall, cornereryCourt and l Bin. John Zeut. W. M. ; JohnBeam.sh.Ss-- -

M 1st Friday of eachLauiTJ-- adlaoo and Hecond.K. W. MISi"

No-lid Frldav of each--

monthio-iDeSoto. lalL J. D. Beaird,

M B W.JW ; th FHday of-JCltWlSKl-SO- . his Hall, coreach mortMsdli.7 1. W li.ne Ol

uonda W. M. j Loi ,sject

Monday ofPhk Chaptek. u. u jeach monIh--s- J

der. M B II-at Odd

ifoi.ows' Hall. Lynn, M1. 1. H. Y.;

M. C. bieever. h

ueei td Monday ofKrA (;,0,r.", 1.' Hall. John Zeut. ;


COMMA o. 4 meets Sth Mon-ies).CTBWE Mellrrah, Com. ;anday ot

Rosa Caoix, 18th,LBii-r-" orC7Lrnarlei W. Adam.. Sal, ST. W..; k.l.

.(SoBiUason, BM, Bee.

I. 0. 0. F. DIRECTORY.

EiiCAsrinwT NO. S, I. O. O. F. Meetsoif liur-da- nights of each

on , D.C Xrader.CP ; A.liio"1 .Hon

Vaw .nl.''' .a.O , M-- , try

CHICK Aday nlal .it Becord- -

jTr Holtuianijif Secretary,


Proceedings of the Board cf Alder-

men and Common Council.

Cjty Bill, Memi-his- , i lb. Is, 1S70.

At an adjourned meet ins if the Boardf Mayor anil Aldermen n the city ofleninhis hnlii on Friday evening, athree o'clock, 10, iciu. Presenthis honor John Johnson, Mayor,

Messrs. Chairman Normenv. llwyer.dallon. Hurt!', Oartwrisht, Hoist, Mot-et, Presoott and Round", Aldermen.

A quorum being announced, the Chair-na- n

took his seat and called the Board toirder. when the roll of Aldermen wasailed.By Alderman Presoott :

ORDINANCE.Be it ordained. That section 5 of article

.1, page ML, iu bound City Ordinances, beo amended tint the words " first andbird Tuesday in each ami every month"h.;U read, the " first and third Wednes-w- )

of each month," for the regular.neeiiiigs of the City Council.

Parsed firm reading, when, the ruleeiiig suspended, pa-so- second and final

reading by the Hoard of Aldermen.Thereupon the Board adjourned.

L. It. RICH AliOS,City Register.

Crrv Hai.l, Mkmphi, Feb. IS, 1ST0.

At an adjoOrned meetiiur of the CityCounciluien of the eitvoi Memphis, onFriday, February IS, 1870, preseul, Hon.John Johnson, Mayor, l'resid-n- t Dixon,Messrs. G lane v. Kelly. ( has-e- . Graves. O.F. I'rescott, ll rinitni.'iatu, Duncan, Pop-per, Smith, Cobeo, Parker, James, Signai-m- ,

Twohig. Hallum, Hewitt, Miller,lovli, and Boon, Councilmen. A quo-rum being announced, the President tookhis seat, called the Board to order, andhad the roll of Councilman called.

The Board of Aldermen were notifiedthat the Council were ready, and were in-

vited u nneet in and joint enm-"i- lto consul' together as to the propriety

)1 changing h - boundary oi the city, etc ,when the Board of Aldermen appeareoand took their seats in the Council Cham-ber.

Alderman Mallon moved that the ma-jority report On boundaries, presented atthe last meeting, be adopted.

MAJORITY REPORT.General Council of City of Memphis:

Ge.nti.kjikn Your oouimittee.to whomwas referred the matter of memorializing;he Legislature on the subject of changiuglie Is undaries of the city, rcooiuiut'nd

ihe fvllowing:lieiituiing at a point in the west line of

Ihe State of Tennessee, whre a linoi tan from the west eotl of Bickfordi avenue, parallel to the north boundary

of the John Rice grant, inleraecta thesame; thence along said line parallel tothe north line of the John Rice five thou- -

and acres, the middle of Bickford avenne,ml the middle line of Bickford avenuo

produced eastward to the middle NewI'aleigb Roati: thence along the middle of

j ihe New Kaleigh Road tu the east line oft he t wn reserve; thence south ward along.he said east line of the town reserve tothe middle ol the Old Raleigh Road, onJohnson's avenue ; thence east ward alongthe middle of the Old Raleigh Road to apoint where the center line of Dunlap

V 'venue produceu northward would inter- -

sect the same; thence southward along'- .u! produced line and the middle line of

Dunlap avenue to the middle of Unionvenue; thence westward along the

middle of V'don avenue to Ihe mid- -

die of Wttlnui street; thence southwardalong the middle of VValuul street to themiddle of the old Fort Pickering Raii-- jroad; thenoe westward along the mid-di- e

of the old Fort Pickering Ri.il-- Iroad or Broadway, to the middle

j of Bayou Gayoeo;" thence southwardup said bayou and along the middle(.; Jackson sireel; thence along the mid-- !die of Jackson street and the prolotigs-- i(ion ol said street to the west line of thestale of Tennessee; thence northward

' with the west line of the State of Tennes-- isee to the beginning.

PHIL. J. MALLOX,Chm. Imp't Com. of the Board Aldermen.

J. M. GRAVES.Of the Council.

MINORITY RKPORT.To the Honorable, the General Council of

the city of Memphis:The undersigned, a minority of your Im-

provement Committee, to whom was re- -lerred the question of designating newboundary lines for the city, liegs leave todissent from the majority report, which

' proposes a boundary, that will then em-brace within the city limits, territory out--- i

ie of th" limits of lsifci. without askingthe consent of the citizens of that terri- -

.... ... . ,....j. ...., mil n, mmthe Legislature in l.-- annexed the Ninth

nd Tenth Wards, without the consent oftheir citizens, a great injustice was com

a well as to the city. Therefore, if the Leg-islature now in session, shall, upon yourpctitions.eomptd any part ol either or bothid said wards to remain, or oontinue as aj nrtion of the corporation of Memphis,without the expressed couseut of iheirnaJMtti voters tor at least a majority ofthem), then a similar injusth-- e is commit-ted.

We woul d therefore respectfnllv askyour Honorable Body, that in your pro-posed memorial to the Legislature, askingit to change your present city boundarylines, that if you design to place thoselines outside of those which existed inis . that the people residing in the terri-tor- p.

outside of said limits of lstto. andwithin the newly proposed iiue,be allowedto vole on ihe question, as to whether

y desire to be a part of the corporationof the city of Memphis or not, under thecondition's of the present city charter, audthat the people of the Ninth and TenthWards those parts tbat are to lie included,he allowed to viota s parately upon thequestion. Respect fit 11 v.

J". P. PREsCOTT.After readtt'oi the majority aud minority

reports, Councilman ifallilm offered thef illowifig resolution fee an amendmentto majority report:

7,V)fic;.T hat the hereafter appointed, betho hori icuiiural and agricultural landswithin the corporate limits of the city ac-cording to their productive value, it beingthe intention of tho city government notonerously to lax said lauds, more than oneacre not improved bv Imudins.

L tt.On motion of Councilman Park.-- i the

majority report was adopted.When the Council adjourned.


Havk von read Herzoc's extraordinaryadvertisement in yesterday's issue? Ifnot, don't tail to go to the house and seethe bargain's. Remember at 11 F.K.OQ'S.

Three ply Ingrain Straw Mattings,Oil Cloths, Shades, ele. K. 1 KUAN,

2t0 Second street.

Joe Locke, 236 Main street, has allthe latest, illustrated, scientific, literary,sporting, sensational, police, (ierman andIrish weeklies, and all the latest dailiesand monthlies.


Merr.kmiA and J'roperly Ounern ofMemphi: Your business w ill greatlt-in-- i

ioiff, your property will rise in value,If the trade, aud wealth, and populationof Arkansas and Missouri become tribu-tary to Memphis. This you know; andthat it will be realiz-- d henever a rail-ro- d

beginning at Hopcficid shall connectw.th the one which Kansas City andSpringfield, Mo., are slartinz toward OUTcity, and to accomplish which they are

out nuineers and other compe-tent, h, live nu n. to select a route to theArkansas line, and solicit subscriptions.

Memphis must respond to Kansas Citv!WHI you SMS, then, consult vour pecu-

niary interests by subscribing" the smallamount neceaaary to start t wo competentmen on that businsa liom our end of theprojstsod road?

The result of this survey, and tho sub-scriptions obtained tsdween here aud theMissouri line, in the next three months,will probal y be that capitalists and'wealthy corporations (other railroads,perhapsj, seeini: tt. feasilnlii v of thcen-t.oprls- e,

and the help that will he: u rnished along the line of the road, willlake hold of the same, and sisjedilv finishthia great work. A cash subscription of&iuuu will send two competent gentlemenon this bnslneasfrom this point; men whoare admirably (qualified, and will soonrender a satisfactory aooount of their s.

For this purpose our Chamber of( oiumerce, on Thursday last, appointed acommittee of gentlemen who will call onyou fur subscriptions. We trust that you,as practical men, of foresight and public

investment In1 of this survey p sea you very

lute ret urns in actual i at no distant. . .....1 il,.r i i the Commit-X- .

lee a liberal reception. X. X.

M Ann Ckas Trip to NrwOkleash The

antain W. It.phis on Tues-e-

p.m. posl-is- it

New Or-c- at

Kepubjicfestiyitiee onu til kets can

, aud stale-thi- n

rooius secured, upon appllc t toK A CO.,ger Agents.

LARRY HABMSTA .D tt CO.,Ceneral Agents. .No. 12 Madison st.

N. B. For choice rooms, make earlyapplication.

KrsivKS Notice. No contracts or ol --

igatious assumed or made by any indlTidunl owner or empli yee ot this office,will be paid at our counter or recognizedssi an onset to any bills due the saiue.Tbe party making any bill mast settle ithimsvif in eron.


Father in Search of an Erring Child

Fines Her In a House of Prostitution.

Somi weeks agoaprominent a team boat-man, irell known to the fraternity fromPittsburg to the Gulf, came to thiscitynnd pl.t up at a second-clas- s hotel. Hehad with him, and, as he said, "under hiscare," very handsome and showy younglady, whom he registered as Miss , andwhom he introduced as bis niece. At thehotel every attention was paid her, be-

cause her "uncle" was known to have lotsof money, and threw it up in the mostreckleta manner. For a week or so theattentions of the uncle to the niece weremost aisiduous, but gradually be began toneglect coming around to the hotel., andafter paying the bill for the second week'sboard, lie ceased to show himself there atall. V'hen the third week's board wasdue, the proprietor carried their bill tothe voting lady, and she promised to seeCaptain and have it paid. A day ortwo ehipsed anil the Captain did not comearound, and she sent for a carriage andwent cut ostensibly to find him. She wasabsent a couple of tours and on returningpaid hdr bill. She retained the coach andafter making a settlement with the land-lord, picked her trunks, and taking thesame hack disappeared. Nothing wasthought of the affair by the hotel-keene- r,

and tb? matter had nearly gone out of hismind, when yesterday an old gentleman,with white hair and a long gray lieard,dimetohiin and asked him if Miss ,

from Cincinnati, had stopped at his hotelwit hit the past three weeki. At first hedid not recollect the party, and answered"No," but after reflection he describedthe lady friend of the "gallant" captainaoeurt tely and asked if she were the partyfor wliom he was seeking. The old gen-tleman instantly answered that she was,and the landlord told him all that he knewof her, giving the number of the hack inwhich she went off. The stranger ouhear-in- g

t lis seemed terribly agitated, butcontrolled his feelings and immediatelystarted out to find the hackman. Thiswas eiisily done, and when on meetinghim Die old man asked about the lady,the driver told him to "jump in" and hewoulc. carry bim whereshewastobe found.He got in, and was soon whirled to a fash-iona- b

e bagnio and ushered into the parlor.The landlady asked him if be wished to

see ar.y of the ladies, and on his answer-ing "yes," she called all of her boarders in.Foretiost in the troupe, singing a bawdysong, came the "niece" of the Captain.As soon as she entered the room the oldman leaped to bis feet, stretched out hisarms toward her and exclaiming, "mydaughter, oh, mv danghter!"fell headlongto the floor. The girl rushed up to bimend '.brew herself down on his body,screaming and weeping in the most pit-

eous manner. Water and the usual res-

toratives were used, and the old niau soonreoovsred his senses only to receive ashock which again sent him into a swoon.While he was lying iu this condition, thedaughter, the cause ot all his misery.ran toher rcoin.took her jewelry and such ready,money as she had, and throwing on ashawl, left the house. When the fatherstitfic:ently recovered to ask for her, showas gane.'whither no one knew. After adiligent search for her throughout thehouse and premises, she was not found,and the poor old man left the house broken-

-hearted. He is still in town, and stillsearching for his missing, erring child,

to save her if it is possible.


Chancery Korean.The decrees filed yesterday were:Ha eB vs. Watt; reference.U nl in Bank vs. Smith; final.Parvolt vs. Dennis; final.Irby vs. Williams; report confirmed.Apjersou vs. Trotter; on decision.Bros'n vs. Rogers; report confirmed.Bro zro vs. Sullivan ; as to indebtedness.Sleinkuhi vs. Wickersham; final and

appea L

Muiphy vs. Rhodes; demurrer over-ruled.

Whipple vs. Garvin; fiual.Rice vs. Price; for complainant.Wri rht vs. Moon; motion to dissolve.Tayior vs. Armour; final.Mar.'om vs. Marconi; order of sale.Uleckley vs. Mellcroh; trustee ap-

pointed.N"ea:is vs. Crowley: report confirmed.Tomenv vs. Katon; orderofsale.Mitchell vs Ryan; apt eal.Vaughn vs. Vaughn; as to fund-- .Muller vs. Frieh; as to funds.Mertill vs. Vamv,; reference.Will ams vs. Coffer ; judgment.McDowell vs. Jones; report onfirmed.Court stands adjourned until Monday,

feornnrv jilst, 150, wnen the docket asheretoi'ore nublished will be ealled-t- hecase ot uricK vs. Williams oein nrstorder.

Shelliy Circuit Court Judge Swayne.The nrgiiliient of counsel in thecaseof

Mrs. Broker vs. Southern Life InsuranceCompany will be concluded this morning.This is a" suit on a policy of insurance for

lo.ono on the life of E." J. Beoker. dee'd.The deieased Booker was an insuranceagent, ind through the general agent ofthe company at .New Orleans obtaiued ancUejr of insurance on his life for the ben-efit of his wife. The defense set up is:

i. That the agent at New Orleans tookthe not? of Captain Booker for the pre-mium, when he ought to have receivedcash.i Tht the stamp on tho policy was not

properly canceled.;;. Thit the statements of Captain Book-

er in r.- - application for insurance wereuntrue.

It is in proof that the deceased CaptainBooker understood that certain per cent-age- s

due bim a sagent should be creditedupon h s note; that he was born in Notta-wa- y

county. Virginia, instead of Ott a way,assisted in the xlicy; that he lived inJefferson ville, instead of New Orleans;that be was a steamboat agent, instead ofsteamboat agent and merchant; that heserved in the Confederate army two yearsinstead of four. Captain Booker diedSeptember 20, lSn, and the company re-

fused to pay tiie policy for the abovereasons. Captain F.stes concludes the ar-gument for the plaintiff this morning,when the case will be determined by thdjury.

State vs. McAdama, prowling i underlaw); indictment quashed.

By agreement of counsel the ease ofState vs. E. C. Patterson and II. H.Thompion, murder, was called up for trialand four jurors obtained. The remainingjurors will probably be oblainod

Municipal Court---Judg- e Fotite.Yestt rday, in the case of the State vs.

M. Bell larceny the jury returned averdict ot guilty, and fixed the period ofimprlscnment at one year in the penneu- -t iary.

State vs. Brown larceny continued.Stale vs. M. Mervin keeping house of

ill fauif continued.3Jo cases have been set for trial y

Law Ccurt- - Judge Andersm.Yesterday, in the case of Peres vs. Er-lic- h,

a judgment was rendered for the de-fendant.

Fordo & Co. vs. Norville, Boon & Co.,judgment for plaintiff.

To-da- y the motion docket will be called;


Subscribers to the Daily and WeeklyAi'PEAL will please take notice that whentheir time is about to expire, the last pa-

per w ill be sent to them with a cross markbelore ,heir names.

Joe Locke has a full supply of latedaily a id weekly papers.

Ward's New Gas Bckner furnishesthe best, cheatiesl and safest light.

J. STOLTS,56 Jefferson street.

A ciotiD : plait Shirt for $"A at Wiggansii Thorn's, 133 Clay Building.

Rt v wood of Scbeuber Bros. Leave or-ders w.th L. Boescher, Main street.

Rrown's Bronchial Troches clearand give strength to the voice of singers,and am indispensable to public speakers.

"I recommend iheir use lo puhlic sneak-ers." , RF.V. E. H. CHAPIN.

"Thy have suited my case exactly, re-lieving my throat, and 'clearing the voiceso that I could sing with ease."

T. Dt'CHARMK,thorister Parish Church, Mon-treal.Sold by all dealers in medicine,

Frekfbom Dirt. Is thTre any haircoloring preparation, either here or inEurope, that resemble Pbslon's Vita-li- a,

or Salvation for the Hair? Nut oneIt is a clear lluid that tlnv. fro... ik. k...'tie; diss not atalu the akin, and producesnone but natural shades of color. It hasuo sediment. Sold by all druggists andlancy goods dealers.

God Ev and Peterson for March at JoflLocke s, 23t;if Main street.


After this date, advertisements will notbe received from any but regular custom-ers and houses, unlessAccompanied by tbe cash. The enforce-ment cf this rule Is rendered necessary bythe di lenities of collection and the de-mands of a buainau that requires a caaAoutlay in ail it department , for its properand pnifi table conduct. Business menwill. understand and appreciate the neces-sity foi this basts for our future.

Tre Wbeklt A re eal is tbe largestsingle sheet published in the South.


President Wicks' Letter to Chamber ofCojnmerce.

President Wieka, of the M. A C. R. R.,supposing that there would occur n meet-ing of merchants yesterday afternoon,sent to President Kelson, of the Chamberof Commerce, the statement of Mr. Anderson, Superintendent ot Transportation,

'tbat up to the 17th ins!., the movement ofcars for this month from Memphis, has i

beeu, for through ireight, l(s cars; localand Mississippi Centra! freights, 314 ens.The loiter of President Wicks is as fol-lows:

MEiiriiis and Charleston Ratlkoa n.lOFF1CK OK THK 1'HBlDENT, V

Memphis, Tznn., February m le?0.)Thomas A. Nelson, Esq., Prettidunt Chamber

of Commerce:Dear Sir: The enclosed note shows

that the charges made through tho citypapers in reference to preference beinggiven to freight shipped from otuor pointsare without foundation.

Permit mo to call your attention to theinjury that may be done to the trade ofMemphis by such notices. If believed bycountry dealers they would, of course,go to other points to make their purcha-ses This note is iulcnded to lie used asyou may see proper. It will afford mopleasure' at any time to do all we can forthe mutual interests of the city and thM. C. R. R. Co. At this time we havea large accumulation ol through freightin our warehouses, nnd must get rid of itat once, as we risk fire and damage. Wehave stopped shipments of throughfreight to us, and trust that after a lewdays we will be able to move all

without delay.In future I trust our merchants will

see the proper officers of tho road inreference to delays Instead of complaintsthrough the papers, which do mure inju-ry than good to their trade.

Respectfully, M. J. WICKS,President.


Editors Appeal: Tho communicationsigned "Fair Play," which appeared inyour issue of Saturday, the 12th inst., is,in my opinion, calculated to lie injuriousto the Democratic party of this county.

"Fair Play" commences his remarks onthe velvet glove principle, concealing thetiger's claw beneaihby suavely observingthat he is a "Democrat of the straigbteatsect." To the word "straighUst" I ob-ject, coming from one who is so free withquotations of school-bo- y latin, eventhough it is but a quotation, for if any-thing is straight nothing can be straijriit-er- .

But I pass this matter by; tho termis certainly expressive, and conveys, Ipresume, the idea of an immaculate Dem-ocrat, flow he exhibits this character inThe spirit of his letter is n matter of wou- -der to all not seeing that writer's views asbe does himself. But strange to say, aftertho ingenious writer establishes to hissatisfaction, I presume, t he law ot chang-ing-s,

yasciil itions and waverings of opin-ions, which he does by au accidental ap-pearance of some such idea iu a latin sen-tence, be confesses to the appreciative pub-licth-

he altered hisdetenuinationoi"ourwholo tickot." Alas for the

whole ticket! Aud why has "Fair Play"donethis? Hestatesiuiply because "sincethen Major Strange has been brought outin a manner that might make any one feelproud." From tho writer's language, hewas not one of the friends who broughtou'. Major Strange, and his argumeut furhis action iu the mutter at present ist thatsuch a large call has b e., m id '; or, ino' her words, he hss followed a big crowd,echoing an idea he never originated.

But lot us intelligently and fairly ex-

amine Ihe magnitude of Mr. Slrange'scall, as compared wilh that of the regularnominee of the Democratic parly. Weconcede the wealth of the genilenn nmaking the call on Mr. Strange, but wemust remember they are only mere voters.The vole f a man wor.h fifty thousanddollars counts one; the vote of a manearniug two dollars a day counts one,also. Tho law of the laud perceives nodifference. Now, the delegales of theSeventh Ward, for instance, representedmore votes cast even at tka primary Wardmeeting than the whole of Mr. Slrange'slong list, and combining all the city op-posite Mr. Slrange's call, it will siiriukinto a small space, even with "Fair Play"as its advocilc.

The whole of " Fair Play's " letter issuch a medley of contradictions that itwould lie useless to follow out hissophisms in detail. Afier declaring him-self a Democrat of th-- t " BtfSdgfctMl sect,"be distinctly declares that he is no"mere party man, aud never was,"although he coii'inuos "an

Democrat all my life."An uiiconiiiroinisinas Democrat, anil

nfli'l no piny Man! Strange paradox!I v ho can fathom so deep as to MM how

such athtni; is possible? liut the writerwrongs himself; he was a mere party man,though but for a short time, lor he men-tions his original intention of going forthe whole tickoi, though he acknowledgesthat he kuew It to bo au imperfect one.Was not that acting as a mere party man?I'ndoubediy; and surely "Fair Play"need not te told at this time that all trueand staunch Democrats are aud must beSMS pariy men in that sense. It is verystrange in au uncompromising Demo-crat " to brand the actiou of his party byfollowing a party of bolters leti by such aleader as healed Mr. Strauge's call.

" Fair Play's " Idea that u c the" straight est sect " aud the " mere party"men. he means, of course are trying tobuild up " a party again." is very good,and his arguments as to boa; we must setin order to succeed are so true I hat theyevidently are the lingering echo of Lissentiments when a " mere party " man.Ho says, to do this, "is it not by provingby our acts that all worthy and compe-tent men who enter our fold shall partici-pate equally with us in all our privi-leges?"' Certainly; "Fair Play" is un-doubtedly speaking sensibly how. Butafter uttering this d truth,what coursed ties the writer practically ad-vocate? Just the reverse of this. Headvocates the defeat of Mr. Keillv,e. "competent man who entered our fold"when as an Irishman It had no earthlyclaim on him, when he might have goneover to tho ranks of our oppoueuts wilhmore profit surely, as being ih- - strongerside. And worse than all'FairPlayVem-phasise- d

reasons are because he objects toan "Irish succession" in oflLv. This ispracticing what he preaches with a ven-geance. But in what consists the Irishsuccession so unpleasant to this moinberof the "straightest sect?" Simply onepredecessor si nee th oilloe was establishedmany years ago. Truly a startling suc-cession. Surely the animo-ii- y must bevery strong that can bring forward such ajioor, prejudiced objection as this. "Thewhole world," wrote a monomaniac mu-sician, "is divided into two classes: Thosewho play the fiddle and those who donot." Memphis, si ems to imagine "FairPlay " is divide.l into two classes: Thosewho are Irishmen and those who are not."O tempora ! O MSI f,

The friends of Major Strange are toblame. They kaew of our Conventionand its object. Surely they should haveknown nelorenaud the peculiar fitness otlhat gentleman for the office of Clerk ofth iwh ti, .hoirf h ! . ..

known his being of the ni j.irityas "Fair Play" now asserts. aud knowingthis, why SKM bring him before the Con-vention? Hid they consider of no im-portance the nomination of such Conven-tion Did tbey tear to trust the menwho nominated General Wright, Wood-ward and others, with au opportunity todecide ou Mr. Strange? If not, then thequalities of M.jor cUrunge for the officemust not be so very prominent, or itwould not have taken tiuio to discoverthem till it was beyond the pow6r of thoDemocratic jutrty to do anything in thematter. In any case the friends ot MajorStrange did not certainly consult tiiowishes of the great Hemocra'.ie party, andoonseiiient!y should not, and cannot ex-pect its support.

"Fair Play's" remarks respecting Mr.Reilly are very wtak and hollow. Withregard to Mr. Loagtie's making his clerkscomfortable for Hie, just Isstause he didwell hlmserf, It is an iden that would bevery popular wilh all employees, audwhen "1'ront Street" acts up to it himself,then it will bo time anoni'li for him toexpect Mr. Loague, for whom he apparent-ly enteriidus no very exalted opinion, todo likewis". Neither does any one iuia- -

iyluties without adequate reward. Nor areany such whimsical grounds which couldbe found only with one of "Fair Play's"cultivated imagination placed before thepublic as reasons of Mr. Reilly's capacityfor the office. He was nominated simplybecause be is known to be honest, cApnblo,gentlemanly, e.itentive and obliging,well acquainted with all the detailsof the office, a matter no' obtain-able iu Less lhau a year, aud iu ad-dition to this because be waspopular with the Democratic party. Audlie was not nominate 1 because he is auIrishman; or.as ''FairPlay" has it, ti'iitaaIrishman, while he stated lhat Mr. Loaguenone, vv ho cares whether he was or jsof foreign blrtb, except bigots? Is he notan American citizen by : Constitution

for aud signed by bis countrymeu,!o were nio foreign bom ias tint

man of foreign blctij right to office aswell as " Fair Play ?'T Doei not the old Cou-stituti-

so assert?I totally object to the words Irishman,

Gorman, or Frenchman, being introducedtor or against office.

Iu conclusion, I have vet to learn whatIs meant by "Fair Play's'' allusion to "un-reasonable deuiands ""on the part of Irish-men iu this cit v. When did Irish men de-mand Mr. Reilly's nomination? Never.But they will demand it, now that such aquestion U raised, and that nationality lamade a lest of not eligibility. Thsy havea right to do so; for why should iheircountrymen, as such, be objected lo iufavor of any Independent candidate?They have always been faithful Dsnio- -

crate. They have never held aloof iu athreatening attilude, to fall in with themost favorable pirtv.

But, although " magnanimous," Irish-men are also nigh-spirite- and ready toresent a slur or stigma on their national-ity; hence it is unwise, and, mayhap, un-safe to the whole ticket, to act In the pre-judiced manner indicated bv' the support-er- a

of Mr. Strange. JL'STICK.


The cold sniip came in (inie toaavetho fruit.

The cotton is beginning to disappearfrom the levees.

Causey street Is the "most neglected"street In the city.

Better beef never was brought to mar-ket than at present.

There are two German, newspaperspublished in Memphis.

Attention is called to the advertise-ment of the spring races of the ChickasawJockey Club.

More nigger babies crawl the side-walks of Causey Btroet than any otherstreet in the city.

There are forty-two- - ''shoemaker"shops in Memphis, where over live pairof shoos are made weekly.

The amount of cotton brought to townon wagons this year is said to be muchless than on any previous year.

Ice and snow remained on the guttersand streets yesterday all day. A colderday wenever experienced in this latitude.

The magistrates' courts were duller, ifpossible, than ever, yesterday, not a caseof any iniportauce having occurred du-ring the day.

We learn that the Italian ball nettednearly nine hundred dollars. The Societyproposo giving a grand reunion at fi ecoas soon as spring opens.

Tho French citizens in our midst arethinking of organizing n French 'societylor mutual aid and assistance, and forcharitable and social purposes.

Kggs are coming to the city in vastqiisntities now. The price per single dozeniu market is only twenty-fiv- o cents. Atthis rate, every body can afford to eat eggs.They are cheajor than beef.

A beautiful sunshiny dny followedthe storm of Thursday night, and with thoexception of the snow which remained onthe sidewalks and streets all day yester-day, more lieautifnl weather never wasseen in the latter part of February.

James Fountain and D. V. Buydet,brakesmen and freight aernts on the Mis-sissippi and Tennessee Hailroad, were ar-rested yesterday on tho charge of break-ing open freight packages aud attractingvaluables therefrom. They wili be triedthis morning. '

We yesterday saw three mules, at different times, slip and fall on Jeffersonstreet, between Main and Front streets.l no reason was the ice and snow on thepavement. Luckily, in no instance wasthe poor brute hurt. Th? iron crossingsare a fruitful source of such accidents.We hope they will soon be removed.

Mr. W. J. Mansford, of the CatholicBookstore, on the corner or Second andMonroe streets, has our thanks forthe very latest illustrated periodi-- .

cals and serials. This establishment isone of the most complete in the South-west, aud we cordially recommend it to allthose who are in the" habit of reading se-rial literature.

A large portion of the Dalian delega-tion to our city from Louisville, wentborne yesterday All these gentlemenexpress themserws highly delighted withthe manner in which they were treatedby our people, and think that Memphis isnot the little " one-hors- e town " that theyhad been taught to believe.

The alarm of fire rung night beforelast about nine o'clock was caused by theburning of the restdenoe of Cot. Knowl-ton- ,

Assistant Postmaster, in Fort Pickoring. understand that tlit fire wascaused by the careless handling'of a kero-sene lamp. The loss is prnliablv fourthousand dollnrs. All of Colonel Knowl-ton'- s

furniture was saved.Candidates are not working as hard

now as they were a few days ago. Thebill postponing theelection to the last Sat-urday iu March has thrown a damperupon them. This procrastination plays"th" dickens" with their plans, and isauother illustration of the old and tritesaying, " the best laid plans of men andmice gang aft aglee."

Although the lakes "across the creek"are too high for fishing- with a hook andlinp, we understand that seining and net-ting are as good as ever. Wo are sur-prised thai the gillnot is not more usedby our market fishermen than it now is.It is safe, sure, and requires little or noatten'icu. Set it right and all the tinnydenizens of the body of water in which itis set arc ready to drop in its jaws.

Tho sidewalk on the west side ofSecond street, from the Greenlaw OperaHouse to Besl" street, is in a wretchedcondition. Every heavy rain washesdowu a portion of theblufl" or embank-ment tbero, and covers th? banquettewith a debils of red clay and ?arth. whichmakes walking on it aiivtbinr but agree-able. Wo call Ihe attention of the author-ities to the fsct.

The suggestion made by us yesterdaymorning in regard to the eieaniug andkeening clean the streets ofJlie citywe understand, aliout lo leted on bythe Ueneral Council. Au orWianee willle introd m?ed in the Boards n- xt meetingwhich will cover the whole ground, andwhich wili s- cure us clean streets, free-dom from dust ami innd, and will alsoprotect and preservo tho pavements thathave cost us so dear.

The Memphis Literary Society willmeet as ususl this evening, the nub Inst.,In the Common Law Courtrobtn, Green-law Block. The subject "Shall the nseof th UbM be excluded PublicSchools" will ho discussed by our talent-ed tellow-citi.sn- s, L. A. Spicer and W. U.Eastland and others. Colonel RobertCrockett will also address the Society.The public, and especially those friendiyto tho cause of the Socie.y, are cordial fyinvited to be present.

M. J. BATES. Pres't.We hope tho Legislature will immedi-aiel- v

repeal the iniquitous turnpike lawswhich have so long been oppressing citi-zens of this county. " General " W. J.Smith "Jerusalem"," is reaping the ben-efits of the imposition, whiie now sittingin Congress, in the place of the legallyelected represent at ivn of this Congres-sional District, the Hon. John W. Left- -

ioh. There is not a mtuyin Shelby countyoutside tho limits of the city of Memphistbat will not subscribe to a" petition to re-

move the privileges granted this " littlerascal."

The woman whom we reported ashaving committed felo de sc yesterdaymorning, n iiS named iloro, not ilore-iu- ,

as was st ated. We now doubt very muchwhether she really did commit snicide.since we have more closely investigatedthe case. It is true that she sent for, andbought twonty-liv- o cents worth of mor-phine, but after death the package wasfound untouched. She had been in thehabit of taking ooium in ono form or anmueI ,'"r """ 'e'r".Ior,11"" 1

w supposed killedhersell with an overdose. A post mortemexamination revealed the fact that- - herheart was the immediate cause of death.This much in justice lo the dead.

The Italian Association were convenednigbi before last for the purpose of re-ceiving the Louisville guests. ColonelGus. Signaigo presiding. A committee offive, consisting of Jas. Brlzziolara, JoeIk.ro, P. Pcrrotl, A. Razzonlco and JohnA. Signaigo were appointed to receivetheir guests from Louisville. The com-mittee brought up the Loaisvilliaus andIntroduced them to the Presldont, ColonelGus. Signaigo. Three cheers were giventhem as they approached the stand. Mr.Longanoiti brietly but happily responded,returningthanlis'for tho honors conferred.Sewiral other speeches were made byMessrs. Riccajdi, Podexta, and Raazonico.inr friend .IamesBrizzolara, Esq., mado

a most magnificent ellort, aud really sur-pass- u

I the expectations of his warmestfriends. Mr. Brizaolara will be a lawyerof no mean acquirements yet. We wishhim all success.

Job Locke, Sit Maiu street, has theCincinnati Commercial and Enquirer. St.Louis Times, Republican and Democrat,Chicago Times and Tribmi, New YorkHerald, World, Times and Tribune, Lou-isville Courier-Journa- l, aud a host ofother late dailies aud illustrated weeklies.

Full Marble Chamber Sets, in oilwalnut, varulshed walnut, oak and rose,for $DU per set, at E. FEGAN'S,

2fi0 Second stroct.

Dam A Bowles, of the Pat CleburneSaloon, ilo. d Adams street, have just re-

ceived several barrels of tiue Jrinh whiskyby direct importation from Dublin. Thiswhisky was bought in Ireland by Mr.Duffy, on his late visit there. Lovers ofthe "potheen" should give them a call,


A. S. Wslcott, Esq., the well-know-

cotton buver, returned on Wednesdayfrom the Last.

Thk appbal is the only Daily napepniblished in the city. Only twenty-flv- itieuls a week


No sdvertlsemeni la inserted in theSi'jtBAY A ppsal unless especbdly orderedand paid for as an extra publkatlou. Wegiye our advertisers six days in the weekthe same as all other Memphis papers)and for tbe seventh day we chance one-slxt- b



IDs Honor J. W. Hciles disposed ofj twonty-tw- o cases yesterday. Fines, how-ever, were light, as only fifteen dollarswas collected. ,

There wereeisht offer. 'lers charged withdrunkenness. It (MS. them fire dollars-- i

each.lieorge Smiley, a noted thief, whs ar--

raiKned issrore ins Honor on tho charge oftrespassing and stealing. He borrowed acoat and pistol from a friend without thefriend's consent. He was found gudty andfined fifteen dollars for trespassing. Theui'iKistralea will look after the charge, ofstealing.

Miss Belle Foriest is tho proprietress ofa mansion in this city tbat is not licensedby law, and Miss Lizzie Taylor boardsthere. Officer Gallagher, hearing a dis-turbance In the house, arrested tho twomentioned above, and Tom Jertorson,with his friend Joe Leslie the two latterare colored. For having such com pun v i iher house, all four were fined litfn do!-li- rs

apiece, and in default of paymentwere "aenj up" for ten days.

Ellen Stowe no relation, however, toHenry Ward Beecher's sister Harriotwas guilty of a misdemeanor. She pleadner case wun as mucn earnestness as II ar-ri-

could possibly have done, but,like her of Bvron fame, she failed to con-vince His Honor of her innocence, andwas found gtuliy, and is now huntiug upmore evidence among her papers, whichno doubt will be forthcoming at some fu-ture time 'as soon as she serves the cityten days.)

A Northern Man Desires to Contribute to

the "Stonewall" Jackson Monument in

Honor of Real Worth.

Pearodv Hotel, February 17, 1870.

The following proposition is submittedto the consideration of the invalids of theSouth. I hereby propose to give to IheMonument Association Jive Utousand do-llar, on the following terms and condi-tions: I will cure all manner of diseases,both chronic and acute, for a fee of oneper cent, of what the invalid is worth inreal or personal property, the fee to be de-posited with the cashier of the First Na-tional Bank, of Memphis, and if a cure isnot effected in ninety days from com-mencement of treatment, the invalid towithdraw said amount without charge;but if a cure is perfected within said time,the amount so deposited is to bo eonallydivided between tho A'fnwcicaK Jack-to-

Monum'tnt Asxoeiation and myself, and socontinued until the amount of five thou-sand dollars above is given to sajl associa-tion for said purpose.

Dr. T. P. THORPE.Author and only practitioner in Psycolo--

gical Medicine.P. S. The following diseases are the

doctor's specialities: Cancer, catarrh.piles,scrofula, in its worst forms, fever sores,and every disease arising from imprn-denc- e

and a corrupt condition of thoblood, liver and kidney diseases, and nilfemale diseases, tumors, dropsy, leprosy,etc., etc.


Concert. The grand vocal and instrn-meut- al

concert to bo given by the Ger-man Casino, Gexangrfi ein, on Wednes-day, tho i'Sd inst., bids fair to be one oftho most delightful and enjoyable affnirof the aort ever given in Memphis. Thepmi;r.imiiio embraces some of the verypearls of song, and the high character ofthose engaged in tho affair is a guaranteethat surety thing wtD he managed in thevery Ijest II1Snil fir The object of the as-

sociation is purely charitable. Hnd allthone who wish to "enjoy good ninsic, anilat tho nne time to eontribute to a goodcause, cannot do better than to invest :i

dollar in the concert. We understandthat Miss Wilkorson, Mesr. ProfessorsSebatsky, Seyfert, Schmidt, Kink and theCasino choir, consisting of twenty-tw- o

singers, wiil be present, and " take ahand" iu the evening's entertainment.

The Tiif.ater was not as well patron-ized last night as we could wish. The billwas a good one, and, as usnul with thecompany now occupying our cozy littlestage, it was well and admirably performed. Miss Titian v left nothing to liedesired, and Johnny Thompson provedhimseir an that the most favorable of bisfriends have claimed for him. The billfor the matinee y is one thuttoughtto till the house in every part. Look tothe advertising columns on our tirsl page,and be sure to attend. Tho bill for to-night is also very attractive, and will, wehope, attract a full honse. The manage-ment of the Theater Shave done all thatwas possible to make this season a mem-orable onfl in the theatrical annuls of ourcity, and they should be supported to thoutmost of the means of our theater-goin- g

pablic. Next week wo are lo have theRichings Troupe. Their programme iselsewhere announced, and promises every-thing tbat is desirable In English opera.Our people may prepare for a musicaltreat.

Wonders of PsyCOloglcal Mec'icine Af--

flicted toad and be Wise.

This is to certify that Dr. T. P. Thorpehas cured me af 'Lives Diska.se, whichhas caused uie sll manner of suffering formany years, inducing general derange-ment of mv whole system. About furyears ago 1 was taken with a whiteswklliso on one of my lower limoe,which continued exceedingly painful,sod the last th,ree months I have been en-tirely bli nd iu one eye. and partially soin the other, produced by general prostra- -tion of the nerves. I had tried the bestmedical skill in many parts of the count reto no purpose. All said 1 would have to j

endure amputation of the limb, and alsof0 blind tho rest ol my days. In fact. Ihad given up all bopeof living but a snort '

time, until I commenced with Dr. Thorpethree weeks ago, and, thank Heaven andDr. Thorpe, I now feel like a well man,and intend commencing my avocation,

'which is railroad conductor", next week.My eyes now are as good as ever theywere. I v ill be pleased to grant an inter- -viow to all who desire.

J. J. OWEN, H Poplar street.Memphis, February 1", 1870.

IIerzoo's astonishing bargains in Em-broideries, all the excitement this week.

Largest assortment of tbe latest dai- -lies, weeklies and monthlies, at JoeLocke's, Main street.


Eiliton Appeal The surface of onrroads and streets will form a becomin:;subject lor a space In this paper, aud it lato be hoped they will be examined close-ly, for it may bo presumed there will notlie another fool of Montana pavement laid


in Memphis; aud since this is decayingrapidly, and the old system of gravelinghas p issed away, the next ntssattaa is,what is to succeed these different systemsto give us permanent and healthy thor-oughfares.

It is thought by a great many of oarpeople that If tho blocks bad beeu boiledin tar tbat it would have made a good andpermanent pavement. This is all illusive.We believe tbat ibe use of wood fiber forstreets is a great mistake, iu any shape orcondition whatever. For instance, lakesblock of wood aud cast it into a kettle ofhot tar; it is thought that the tar will per-meate to tbe center, but the truth is thatas soon us the latent sap.eveu in tolerablyseasoned wood, feeia the heated tar it ex-pands and keeps '.he tar from penetratingthe block.

But let us give wood fiber the fairesttrial; let it be put in an air-tig- cylinder,and by means of a poer steam en-gine, every particle of the sap sucked outby inoaus of a powerful vacuum. In thisstate a powerful mixture of corrosivesublimate is turued iu upon it. and with aBrninah forcing pump forced i'Uo. the'wood, and the pressure uoollc.l untilevery part of the timber is saturated tous cenirr.

Now, corrosive sublimate, or the salts ofmercury, is tho most ;'erfeot auticeptic orpreservitig medium kuowu to the arts.1'ar bears no comparison beside this pow-erful agent. What are the lessons to oedrawn from the above? They are, thatwhile prepared timber will do good ser-vice in latitudes where the thermometerwill not exceed fifty or sixty degrees, inother climates, where the thermometerthat rauges aay eighty degrees Fahren-heit,


will decay rapidly nuder the etfectsof the combined agent's of heat aud mois-ture. The advocates of wooden pave-ments, and those that hyive btirtat pocket-book- s,

and pay heavy taxes, better shakooff the film that covers their eves, am!look to the practical workings of t i

a little more closely, and not concludetat while tMugs work well in EnglandFrance, and Chicago, or even Xew York'the same1 things will always work-we- il in


Memphis, especially wueie heat and mois-ture Is concerned. CCBBINS.


I return my siucere thanks to th" offi-cers and members of Fire Engine No. J.also to my friends and neighbors, for theiruntiring efforts to save my house aud fur-- u

It u re from fire on Thursday night.t. H. KNOVVXTON.

vVelvet. Body and Tapes; ry Brussels,cheap fox cash, at K. FEOAN'3,

380 Second street.


Dr. J. A. Clopton, of Huntsville, Ala.,may b oonsulted atthe Overton Hotel,in Memphis, on tbe 21st and &1 instant.tie treats wltn perfect success, fii.Es,FlSTTLA, STBICTORSS. POLVTCS, TtTMORS, f

.1 ma .... nt I ho RLinTlGH IZ 11 VFVS el-- '

i . ...o i

DrTc. wfcS. to mmwof tbe first physi--elans of the eity of Mswphts. j


The following Is the list or letters remain-ing tn the Memphis Pustoffioe and not deliv-ered by carriers yesterday.

Alt letters directed to street nnd numbers,i a delivered t ;omptly by carriers.

LADIES' LIST.II. vers ran L Metcalf mrs L IBayne miss M McDonald mrs Iliuekhani mrs A Nelson miss F UClinton mrs E Y Puckett miss Llejvenport miss F Quirk in!. DFleming miss F Kay nra COarrett mrs S W Kldley miss B IIHamilton miss L Hinliu miss LHumphries mrs L HmallmrsMJKlein miss K Ftewart miss MMartin: miss L Wright miss M

OKVTLEMEN'a LIBT.ArmstroiiR T J Hicks TJ Polk Dr T OAd.ian C iiiKiil t t wBledsoe W Hook H M PopeJsJBlack well S HumerC QuieleyJ DBridges W U Johnson mr sieel Key a

...in L Jones 4 stomervllle ItRClifford J M Jennings M Hneeds C col'dCollins T A Jones P HhehyMCCrofton J Kirk W H estrone JLCone C A Keen-- l. simiu JCobb cnut R L Kirkup A B eldRDixon ti i.ke L,

Fvans H P. JPe.ith'irx-o- a J MlngeaOS HonFrye W R Mar-lau- d Eraster R E Match D Tucker CC- osu r C V Monroe T Thom pson cant

OravesJ E Mlt'-hel- l st W itOat! in J W Mcl ra-- W Vaughn WOasson F Met adden J Vincent H 0Huniey J fyjfaal Or A J Walker J NHad W K 3 Pan let H

Fi ll Marble Chamber Sets, In oilwalnut, varnished walnut, oak and rose,for ,90 per set, at E. FK'i.W'S,

t)0 Second street.

FRBsn Norfolk Ovsterx. Beat brandsof theso favorite oysters received daily byV. D. Fucha, u. 41 Jefferson street.

Thk Appeal, is delivered for 25 cent aweek.


BOATS LEAVING THIS DAY.White Klver... COMMKaCIAL... . S p.mWhite River... ...B. V. Walt i p.mCincinnati S5H.VEK Moon . p.mCincinnati Expebok h p.mFriar's Point. Si. W. Chkek .... ...5 p.msit. Louts Ton JAsrtL ' p.mSt. Louis. CLABA . p.mClnclnuafl Coc:rrrss ..5 p.mS:. Louis Julia JI sa.

ARRIVALS.Continental .St. LouisClsra XI. LoolaJno. H. Uroesheck CincinnatiO.'n.'Auderson Erlar'a PointR P. Walt..- - White RiverCommercial White RiverEmperor .... ew tTleana


Enmia Xo. 3 N'ew Orleans

DEPARTL'RI.Em peror Clnci ana:Emma No. --Cincinnatilien. Anderson Krlar'a PointW. A. Caldwell --Arkansas RiverContinental New OrleansJno. H. (iroesbeck .New Orleans

IN POHT.R. P. Wait Comnieiclal Silver MoonOuidon tiara

RIVEirS. WEATHER AND BUSINESSMi.Ytpais Gas Wobks, February 18.

River fell 9 inches in past M bourn.Below hitjh-waie- r mark of WSt, U teet 7inches. i Has. OOODWIK,

Siiperlntendiint Gas Works.The Arkansas is falling, and has about

three feet on the shoal places to LittleRock. White river is filliuir slowly withpieut y of water to Jackaonport. Weathercool and cler. Btisuitau fair.

Sr. Locis, February ljj. The riyer isrising slowly.

Loci.svii.le, February 18. The river isrising with 10 feet in the canal.

Caiho, February 18. W. II. Brown.Memphis to St. Louis, lu last night :

s tni!...n Morner. --V-w iirieansto ritts-f burg, and Virginia. New Orleans to Iaiu- -

isville, 7 a.m.; I'live Branch. St. Louis t

New Orleans, 11 a.m.; Anna, New Or-leans to Cincinnati, 12 m.; W. R. Arthur.New Orleans to St. Louis, i p.m.; Impe-rial, N.sw Orleans to St. 1. or.-- . 4 p.m.The river fell z inches. Weather clear.Mercury, 31.

N ami villi:, February 18. The river isrising, with 8 fiot on Harpeth Shoals.The weather js clear and cold.

New Ori.kans, February 18. Arrived :

J. W. Gsrrtnt and bargrs from St. Louis.Departed: V. J. Lflwisi'oi L.mis. Theweather is cold. Mercury W.

Sr. Louis, ibruarv IS. Arrived: St.Luke, Atlantic and Mohawk. Departed:Hello Memphis and Ida Btoefcdato. Theriver is nsimr siowiy. The weather.' isclear and warmer.

Louisville, February 18. Down: BelleVernon. Up: Allegheny Belle. Clearan-- eon.

Cincinnati, February 13. Tho river isrising, with S3 feel in the channoL Cold.

MISCELLANNEOVS.The towboats Siella and Liberty No. 4

passed up yesterday.The Commercial brought in 47.1 bales

cotton.The R. P. Walt arrived with L78 bales

cotton.The Emma No. A added 400 bales cotton

at this point for the Ohio.The Fairy Q.icen was welcomed along

Black river very heartily. Her handsomecabin was universally admired, and Cap-tain Harry is doing a tine business. Heis daily adding 10 his already long list oflrientls.

TheGuidon, from the Arkansas, broughtin 446 tales cotton, did not get in toleave as advertised, and the W. A. Cald-well went out in her place yesterday.

Tho Julia, Captain Calaban, will pasup for Cairo and St. Louis y at noon.

The Clara, Captain Fisher, gets away at5 p.m. for Cairo aud St. Louis. She is theregular packet, aud couueets w.th thetrains North aud F ist.

The Tom Jasper, Captain Judd West,passes up this evening for St. Louis. Mr.Martin and Rob Osborne are her clerks.

The Geo. W. Cheek leaves y forFriar's Point. Malone is master," andMann y isarinus, clerk.

The hinperor, Captain Weaver, will getaway ai o p.m. for USSVO and Cincinnati.

The gay Silver Moon, with Ben. Mer-- jrilees on the roof, leaves to-d- for Cairo,F.vansvllle, Louisvillo and Cincinnati.She is the regular packet, and has splen-- idid passenger accommodations.

The R. P. Walt will get away y

as as, for Jatasoiiport and all lanaiugson White river. She connects with theLi tie Rock train, and with the Fairytyueen for Black river. Captpin Ad. Stormis master, and Messrs. Walworth, Halland Willis are her clerks.

The United Statesman packet Commercial, captain i.ut uiasa. will leave at op.m. for ail landings on While river, con-necting with tho Little Ttock train andwith the Usage for all landings aboveAugusta. She is a No. 1 steamer. JimmyThompson and Andy Granger are her sec-retaries.

Freight is abundant ail along Ihe south-ern Ohio, as well as at St. Louis.

The M. J. Wicks leaves St. Louis forthis port

Tho Belle Lee witl be in port to le.Aveon Wednesday for New Orleans. Shewill take all the sonthoru buuud cottouawaiting shipiueut.

Parties Intending to visit Now Orjomson Mardi Gras should not forget that theGreat Republic takes excursionists forth round trip. Several stato-room- s havoalready !een engaged. She leaven onTuesday next.

The Missouri is rising rapidly at St.Joseph.

One-thir- d of the Anronaut V,i. 2 ha--Hipmrnnuanai lur J JK.H).

a. in i iv. i.. ..mi ;ueu ineir elslm intbe United Staxesi Court, at Lonisviiu wowners of throe-fonrt- of the Richmondana mey claim that as no ono else ex-o-

the Ubollants, H. Woodfolk andL. A. Sherley, who own one-four- th of theboat, having any ownership in the asmsthey pray their rights may be orotededby the Court,

The cow steamer Wade Hamptonleaves Louisviile to day for tho Mouth.

An iron steamer and barge is in courseof construction- . if llithti..... T ... i , m

.I irge heating and annealing furnace is being erected lor the purpose of heating theplates of boiler iron that will bo usd inthe vessels. The contractors, Messrs.House aud Deau, are the leatling foundryMsMoflowa,

Th Miihrey is loading atKvausviUefor this port.

capt. Heasley his purcnascd the L tahfrom Q,P Henry Symmes for $18,000sod will place her iu the Arkansas trade.

A compromise has; been eSi.vtPd be-- 1tween this owners of the Big Sunflowerand Era No. 8. by which the latter Sfllndraws frcm the Kiinduwur river.

Csptain Josh Throop has called his newboat the Mollle Ryan,

Captain L' U. Silver has contrsctrd withthe carandelet Msiiue iUi'.noy and Dockf !omn:l n v for a larirs flrMf-e!i- St I oioKi - - e - - -- . - - " :

at.d New Orleans s'emer,the hull ofwmva uas ior souie iili-- ' oeea partly con- -

structed, after models by the famousbuilder. Prime Emerson, of the MemphisDry Docks. Her dimensions will i.e


lentcth. XS leet ; beam. 40 feet, aud bold, 6feet ; cylinders, 2 lucuoa diameter, S feetstn ke.

NOTICE.T BFO to Intorra my river Mends and thei niihllc irenera ly. thst I have bought M.Pyae A Co. a interest la theMeat and Steamboat Stores Supply Business

Corner Promenade and Jefferson streets.SSfitttZZST' A' J" COnUa

h s. y( 8SNNETT.



I'or idLouts and ' :et Corareiny.The Unurp .steamer

-- vfljs Oiive. Eranch,t feu a m.Asn,on xtreet

ItHardi Gras Excursion TripTO ftEW OHLEANS.

The magnificent steamer

GREAT REPU8LIC,W. B. Donaldson master.

Will leave Memphis TI EsI) Y. 22d inat., atI o'clock p.m., positively.

Parties wishing to visit Mew Orleans can

Uon to C. L.H Uflvertilng Ag nr 1 PrometLARKY HAWMCAB

TFor choice rooms :'



Memphis and Cineianati Packet Companyror Cairo, aud I'lacnanatt.

COCvTK.-S- iJn gryws, masterThis elegant MMBSBSK steajaei

will leave as aboveTHI-- s PAY. Ivih Inst., at S p.m.

LARKY HAKMsTaU '.. Agent,feM'j 12 MaUtsou street

Reeular Memphis and Cincinnati Packet.For Cairo, Louisville and Cincinnati.

EMPEROR. Weave., masterThis elejpwt nossenser packet

Will leave as above(ATCKI'Al , n in-- ', st 5 naa.

E. A. i.r. Y i iVA vents,feh! IS JelTers."..! sir-e- t.

Keic o-- mph ad Oi Innftt Packet --

mat i.s. niaater

I S p.ii.L : O.. Aaeni",No. 12 Ma.li.-o- n itreet.


Memphis and St. Louis U. S. Mai! Line

For Oseeoh IrlJ. Hickm-n- . Belmont andCairo. C nMnjiat Belmont with Ihe

Iron M t R. R.. at OMsa withIiii Central K. R.. lUid j

bois up the Ohio river.OUAJU r. Abiams, master

ThUspioiididp ste.imerwill leave as ulsr

THIS HAY'. 13th lu., at 3 p.mFreight received at Ui Lootsfell IXBf. ALVE

Memphis and St Louis U. S Maii Line

Kor Ofceola, Madrid. Hlckram. Belmont andCairo, Connectiu? at Belmogl with the

Iron Afountain R. 11.. it nlro withlUinota Central Railroud, and

JCXJA I atlahan. masterThiasplendi passenger -

will leave as a oveTHIS HAY. nil '.n-r- .. at 12 m.Freight received at tht-- 1 i Wharfbont.feow FLEM. C."

Regtxtsr rcmr-h- n"d St. Lclion Pack'- -l KorCahoa

TOM JA-rs- K J. T. Wesl, saasteiThis elegant pa..cuger stcamt.

will leave as avfSATUitHAY". itth St.. nt 5 p.mE. A. LEVY .i CO., Ac-nt- s,

i slreeL


RegtiUr .Memphis and Ve r Orleans Wertnes-- iday Iacket for Vlck urg, Natchta

and New or

jOllillaTIJ LE1D,3. M. White master

ThU No. ! m! pa.senger ,

steamer w!U leave as JWEDXESHAY". I at p.m.

LARKY HARMSTAD CO.. Agentsfeo.j 12 Madison si reet.


Regular Red Rtver Packet For Alexandria,shrev.-por- t an I JeffVrson.

23C. M. SHH33 V lil,H. 3 Carter, nisster j Ueory Warhain, cierk

Inv es Metaphls for the above onMONDAY. ;ll lust., at 5 p :n.

LARRY HAKMsTAl) A CO., Agents,feblS !: t.


Memphis and River Packet Co.Wlnte River Line.

For Monti White River. Clarendon, t

De alt's RlnlT, fl

sieauier Iabove:Pocihonl noInM o- - k Kiver,

R. P. WAI Y !. storm, masterTMsantl near asd ei.gant

side-whe- IirfsseagLr sLeiuner. .

hnllt expressly lor mis use.w.i. leave asaoove

SATURDAY, !Mh Inst. ISBFor f.tuit or oos.erv ..l tsvard or to

w. a. K N I . A(jent.f!l No. I Mad son st iton block,

AcguUr Memphis and Wi ie River UnitedSUtes Mail Satar-- j iy PackeL

For Helenc, Indian Bscr, O ireudou. DeVall'eblnfT. Little Ko-- , Lc re. West foiul,bcarcy, Angusta and Jackfoii porL

OOMMEROIATj,Matt A. ilas.-- nijbster.

t or UL'igDt or asii,K npuly on bunrd. or toJ..


Eiliott line SpeeiJ, Safety, Coafurt.

Memphis A White River 1: Pa-ke- f.

For .'ielena. Friar s lo Bluff,Little R.N-k- . Hot Spriut es Arc,Augusts, Jaciuouportan

DES AHC. - John D. Eiliott, Master-

HAL at . K'lixt p.ao.Ith steari cs F. !ry Queen andr a! points on rpper White and

" ' 'ELLIOTT A MILLER, Accents,

Prrenena.leand je,ieiiusu .opu. Laailincjaj

Memphis and Arkansas River Packet j

Compctny tVh ie River Line.

ejHl-- . entirely new and elegant1 p!t..senar packet, built cx- -

tresly for the irade.It. P. WALT An fSTOB Master

tAY, atRlVi.K

1 well- -auown parse ncerW. A. CALDWELL..: .Ton Bekby. Master

Lof lirfht draft, WiLanding when atcontinue La tmsot another newWult," now uii.li15ih May next) tf

in ie Ac . and Little Redto Uai emphis EVERY

r p.aso apply on hoard heofllee f me ouipauy. No. 3

K aulou BIockOHN 1. AU.iMS, PTsMent.


North British and Mercantile


London and Edinburghestablished i8C3.

Sobscrlhsd Capital, (gold) ?io,nrio,oco no

Fire Reserve Fund, " .. l.asi,7: Tt

Fire Reserve Premium 1

Total Assets, "Total Income for " .. 4.111,192 1


No. 43 Kadison S roet,


810,000 fox SIO !Prenicn when the Classes ar Ciaplels,

wkkh ars now oeing rapidly tiled p.ADysjrraosa. The advantsgss of thtsover oidiaary Life lusaraues t?cni.panies are: ..o pn can b.eak ti Uie freeare SO . snu reaulred it. Lo n..lloaa Intervals, lhat any man can seem

hte lauiliy a competency upcu lis dealij

MASONICTWUTUALLife Assurance Association




Hori. p. t. sruaja, of Bcrugss Duncan.A. Vaocaro, ijq., ' A. Vaecaro a Co.J. S. 8tanton, of atantou A Moore.A, BMeksSS, Esq., of Busby 4 liatchett.Ed. Piakett, Jr, 01 itesslck Pickett,

OFFICERS:D. C. TRADER, Pre. M. M. RA6AN, $c.H. TRADER, Treasarsr

JR. HODGES, Examtnin, ijM.


NOTICE.Memphis and St. Louis Transportat-


The Mammoth Frelcht Steamer

rES M. J. W!CKS &dCfcW. J. Ashford. master W. H. Cropper, clerk

Will leave t I for Cairo and Memphison S TVRDAV,

fsM7 L.CTJnWi5Mwy.-- n


Memphis and Arkansas River PacketCompany.

U. S. Mail Line.

Wintor AriRu;cmou t

mm Represent Ulh water In the) will ran thetaut paasenner boat

THOM. H. ALLS .Reese Prttonar-l- . t

MART BOYD Haynso, ms

CELKrtTE. Ed. Rowland, MasterOCIDON Clay Rice, MasterDARDtF.ULH Wm. R Nowiaott, i

OZARK Sl&. Sum. niaisrKOBTOILsJOS - Hraltli,



At i o'clock p.m.

VKa's arc . -t-- .. ..-- ontime. Their e nnaor- -.

jmrnui. and t arrange-i- n


Meiar-hl-. IOHN D. AlW. H. KESNKUAY. o.

1 Madlsor. rtu, f. n'on Block. lebIT


Orrics MsxPHfS A Au. RiyrsM KXi-u- Ten.., February


raan-- Ia rfver on MosnTS "Alci: aud

Fwdats. at&o-rliK-- p.m."fell. John "AM.


Rejoin' Pack.-- For New Mad-rid. Osceola, Haie s Point and all


'CALLATi v .... r.:Ucs cuira Muicr

Tli sid3-whe- el r ts r p gr - packeabove every TL'EaDAY aud

tHTBCRNi si Agnt.street.


Fcr Arkansas and Texas.RAVELKRS aaSYM t;p ' he river "

LAI l'wlto Che.trave,rsre nr.


Memphis and 3t. Francis River Tues-

day PacketFor Helena, Mariana. MadUa uJ Wntsknxr

The new and elegant Pidawbee! PaweassrPacket.

SAINT HlAMCtS,i.'spt. T. R. Bowman rtara A'. Patne. jra

TILL hive Memphis for IIId . aFN A. L'AN'iiUll.i.r. :.ud STadBBBKRANCI3 RIVERS every TUBbMi. ai I

o'clock p.an.LARRY HARVsTAIi, A?ent,

ehl I :.ull-..- n .tr-L

NOTICE.Oyftci JlEirri





ronVicksburfl, Natchez, AlexaaUria, SSrcvt- -

port and

SfThe only Line giving T.irongh BtUsosLetting auU i tckets u the above point.sW Pssseng.'r-- . by this Line escape the an-

noyance oi chunking boa".--, aud the enor-mous charges al t jb Month Si Rsi River.

The following are the uaei of '.lioateamercompo- - -- : sH. M. SHEEVE U.S. Carter,MOUNT .VI NEER. Cropater.SILVER BOW - This. Fes,WALTER B. OANCE ....LI

S(sr For and alltlon call at the Qsssetml art--ment. No. 1 Promeustle, Is l St..

General Ticket anil C eat.

Notice.Uenerni Ticket Offloe r.f th? M., and C. R. R.

Maxi'His, Tux f.SHOCK la our only nrSH.. redeem our Euilgri.nl e-

Sooth, ari'l none others need ietaat this office. A-- a.n.iCT ti..

for forked deeu riyFor Halle's Point, Key Corner. Oyersburg.

aud ail Intermediate Landlr-f-s.

The splendid side-whe- passenger packet

Q. n. Miller, master W. R. Parker, clerk.Will leave as itCove,

LEAVES EVERY THURSDAY, AT 4 PM.For frelk-h- t or passage apply on hos-- d. fell


Regular Senn-- fekiy Paekes tar iis.ib.uior mediate Landings.I i t "i" stntt


for hatclue river.TH K STEAMaa

ELLiE.K. LX Bmall ..muster.

Will commence to ran t!Hatchle River na the nrst riseIhe river, from Memphisusar Brownsville, weekly, ar U do thtbusiness for the trade saUs'a.-- -

dell W H. LAN


White, Red and Black RiverPacket Company.

u. s. masl um.The Splendid Sldewheel Passenger Seejer,XsII3Ii:ia.TY, JTo. a

Fat. IL Wheat. Master.


IT-- II I h.in.uTnl.- - . .. ' ssaMscV iw.41 w,. '"ff.ms.i.ii. l....T. wn-- '"' - ri:.ii-i- t riTr eavlag mi us

Every foasday and Saturday,AT 5 O CT.OCK P.M.

the sldewheel steamer OSAGE wll! connectwith both ot these Boats at for Jsck-soupor- t.and all points ou BIJk RU er.

8, Preai'ent.J.JACK WIfee 301 trout Elock np-ttr-


Rsgalar Meapbis am New Orlean Paoiist.I I 1, jr. aid

John B. BuiUvan. Clerk.the otuy .Memphis and New Or- -

'"r pacaeu Leaves SSaaSfaWeOaesday January Sth.Wednesday. January l.w.b.JESS1 tieecuy, Febraarv MWediieaday I - MUt


H. . HEZEKIAH,81 JelTereoB Street,

