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Men's Ministry 208 God Bless Israel Araneta

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May 11, 2008 | ISSN 0208 Iyar 6, 5768 Grain, New Wine & Oil Ministries, #4 Gen. Bautista Street, Bgy. Batis, San Juan Tes.! 744"5216 745"7164 $%ai! gn&'%(ya)''.*'% GOD BLESS ISRAEL MAY 5 2008 Israel’s 60 th  anniversary Photo taken by Sis. Ligaya backstage looking at the GNWOM messianic dancing in the center aisle while Ambassador Vapni !ront and center looks aro"nd in ama#ement. $o the le!t center is Pst. % rancis with the other V&Ps that incl"ded bishops 'ews and had the ()*** o+er!low the bo,es " p to the roo!top balconies  With a notice of just months, Israeli Ambassador  Zvi Vapni tasked Pastor Francis M. icolas to or!ani "e the me!a cel ebr ati on bef it tin! the #$ th  Anniversar% of Israel&s independence and rebirth. Wh% the ne'l% arrived ambassador chose a  pastor of a small church in a (oman )atholic nati on fil led 'i th ot her me!a chur che s, !li t" % movements and internationall% linked con!re!ations must have been done out of  !ratitude. After all, *W+M the past - %ears, has been observin! the e'ish Feasts of the /ord, even before it became +bvious to the spirituall% blind and *W+M had been faithfu l in !ivin ! her 0ithe of 0ithes that 'as monthl% !iven to the 1tate of Israel claimin! the *enesis 234 promise of, 5I 'il l bles s those 'ho bl ess %ou.6 In our Aurora  7oulevard da%s, 'e even e8perienced a  surveillance checkup on our small con!re!ation  from Israeli embass% securit% for the% did not kno' 'ho it 'as that 'as !ivin! them mone%9 And Wh%9  :ere 'as the !entile, observin! the 0orah9  Ma%be Pasto r Franci s 'as chosen also becaus e
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May 11, 2008 | ISSN 0208Iyar 6, 5768

Grain, New Wine & OilMinistries, #4 Gen. BautistaStreet, Bgy. Batis, San JuanTes.! 744"5216 745"7164$%ai! gn&'%(ya)''.*'%


Israel’ s 60th anniversary

Photo taken by Sis. Ligaya backstage looking at the GNWOM messianic dancing in the center aisle whileAmbassador Vapni !ront and center looks aro"nd in ama#ement. $o the le!t center is Pst. %rancis with the other

V&Ps that incl"ded bishops 'ews and had the ()*** o+er!low the bo,es "p to the roo!top balconies

  With a notice of just months, Israeli Ambassador

 Zvi Vapni tasked Pastor Francis M. icolas to

or!ani"e the me!a celebration befittin! the #$th

 Anniversar% of Israel&s independence and rebirth.

Wh% the ne'l% arrived ambassador chose a pastor of a small church in a (oman )atholic

nation filled 'ith other me!a churches, !lit"%

movements and internationall% linkedcon!re!ations must have been done out of

 !ratitude. After all, *W+M the past - %ears,

has been observin! the e'ish Feasts of the /ord,

even before it became +bvious to the spirituall%

blind and *W+M had been faithful in !ivin! her

0ithe of 0ithes that 'as monthl% !iven to the 1tateof Israel claimin! the *enesis 234 promise of, 5I

'ill bless those 'ho bless %ou.6 In our Aurora 7oulevard da%s, 'e even e8perienced a

 surveillance checkup on our small con!re!ation

 from Israeli embass% securit% for the% did not kno''ho it 'as that 'as !ivin! them mone%9 And Wh%9

 :ere 'as the !entile, observin! the 0orah9

  Ma%be Pastor Francis 'as chosen also because

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the% heard 'e had been shelterin! those of the

 e'ish faith like deported *oldman follo'ed b% 1tu 7loom or even an Israelo!ist like Pst. err% Paralte

;'ho has since left *W+M<.

  +r ma%be the Israelis reco!ni"ed that it 'ouldtake a =avid to slin!shot this !oliath me!a event to

commemorate a miracle3 a nation&s rebirth. After

all if it had been spearheaded b% an% of the me!achurches the other lar!e churches ma% have not joined in and the multicon!re!ation flavor 'ould

not have resulted. o one church dominated the

 function or the con!re!ation. We 'ere just !entileand e' jointl% celebratin!.

  0hat formulae allo'ed for A// ):>():?1 to

 partake of the joint celebration and 'hat a successful rejoicin! it 'as. As it 'as esus is /ord

and esus (ei!ns Ministries, ver% lar!e churches in

themselves !amel% joined in and provided baron!

clad securit% and discrete intelli!ence. 1an uanchurches from the Association of Pastors for

+utreach and Intercession ;AP+I< provided the

bulk of the 0reasur% 'hile @ol Adonai Foundationand )7 Asia took char!e of the dauntin! task of

 Production3 coordinatin! the musicians, dancers,

 sin!ers, performers and VIPs. esus, the :eart of Mission 0eam, Inc&s Intercessors led spiritual


 A nation that no lon!er e8isted for 2$$$ e8ile %ears,

'as reborn9 ations that 'ere freed from 1oviet

domination after the fall of the Iron )urtain like ?stonia, /ithuania, /atvia, ?ast *erman% cannot

compare. ot even Poland&s disappearance fromthe map for 2 %ears in the - th centur% 'hen she

'as partitioned b% Austria, Prussia B Austria

cannot compare. 0he e'ish nation 'as destro%edb% the (oman ?mpire, their survivin! people cast

out as e8iles and forbidden to 'orship at the

destro%ed temple site and antisemiticism became

the start of (eplacement 0heolo!%. 0he e'ish people 'ere scattered in a =iaspora that

e8perience persecutions, po!roms, !hettos,discrimination, scape!oatin! and the attemptedtotal e8termination of a people b% a"ism kno'n as

0he Final 1olution or the :olocaust.

  #$ %ears a!o on the ?ve of the 7ritish Mandate&s pullout from Palestine and after their =eclaration

of Independence on Ma% C, DC- in spite of the

DCE > vote for partition, Israel 'as attacked

 simultaneousl% at her birth b% multiarm% ?!%ptianordanian/ebanese 1audi 1%rianIraGi

and Palestian forces intent on abortin! the rebirth

of a nation. Israel has since then had to !o to 'arin the 1ue" )ampai!n of D#, 0he 1i8 =a% War of

D#E, 0he War of Attrition, the Hom @ippur War of

DE4, the /ebanon Incursion, the Intifada. What

are celebrated are not just its birth but her survivaland prosperit%. 1i8t% %ears a!o a !eopolitical

miracle happened 'ith the rebirth of a nation

'hose people 'ere scattered to the ends of theearth 2$$$ %ears a!o. 0hou!h scattered, these

chosen people did not become assimilated into the

different societies and countries the% 'ere forced tomi!rate to. 0hou!h numberin! about ,$$$,$$$

'orld'ide, the% are a people 'hose impact is

disproportionate to their si"e and number. 0he% are*od&s )hosen People.

 For almost # 'eeks of man% countless sleepless

ni!hts numerous coordinated and uncoordinated

meetin!s 'ere arran!ed b% te8t, phone call, fa8 andemail then venued at *W+M, AP+I, (ock'ell,

the Israeli ?mbass% and other churches and other

 sites to firsta!ree to support the nation of Israel,celebrate it !randl%, and 'ork to!ether as an arm%

of volunteers.

 Pst. Francis 'ith some consultation and our

 previous 2$$4 e8perience of *od 7less the Philippines a!ain chose the Araneta )oliseum.

 7ein! able to !et a Ma% date close to the actual

anniversar% da% 'as serendipit%, comin! up 'iththe mone% to reserve and confirm the eventJ'as a

minor miracle.

  )uriousl% last 1unda% eve 'as not bus% but

 Monda% Ma% itself it 'as bedlam at *W+M foras earl% as E4$AM 7ro. ?rnie, 'ho had taken a

'eek&s leave from 'ork had 7ros. omar and Ivan

in the first trip brin! the  st  of the collection bo8esand baskets and since there 'ere - of them 7ros

 ?ddie and ess took care of the 2nd   trip. At

*W+M sleepdeprived 1is. 7ituin, Mut%a, /i!a%a,*loria, Maricel and others 'ere makin! the I=s

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that 'ere overdue in a couple hours. 7% the time

the vans had left 1an uan it 'as alread% 4$AMand meetin!s 'ere %et to still be held at $$PM for

1ecurit% and 0reasur%.

  0he temperature 'as in the hi!h 4$s 'ith thehumidit% in the D$s %et as earl% as noontime people

'ere linin! up to reserve their place to !et into the

)oliseum since it 'as %irst -ome %irst Ser+ed.

  0he *reen *ate !eneral admission and VIP

entrance had the lon! line snake back to the south

 !ate parkin! lot 'ith the most part people happ% tobe there. Pst. Francis had a van 'ith 7ros. oel,

 /ino, ?ddie, 7on!, omar, onathan, 7ob?, erick,

 ess, Ariel and others holdin! several hundred

tickets to be !iven out prioriti"in! those from the provinces, those 'ho !ot their instructions from

their pastors, and listened to =ZA1.

 Almost 24$$$ tickets 'ere printed aside from the

thousands of posters that 'ere distributed to ensurea full house. 7etter an oversubscription than a

 o1ho'. 0hese tickets then had to be e8chan!ed for

an Araneta )oliseum ticket to !et in and almos

E$$$K 'ere able !et in3

 ?ven 7ro. =ennis brou!ht taho for distribution

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  Pastor Francis spotted at the *reen *ate tr%in!

to identif% the VIPs 'ho should be ushered to thecenter seats or even the >pper/o'er 7o8es. 0he

 press of the people challen!ed the checkers and

 securit% and 'e thank *od that there 'as covera!eand protection3 not one lifelimb threatenin!

 situation ever arose and 'as e8perienced. 0he onl%

damper 'as 'hen L)P=&s 5Major 0orres6 calledup before the start, to 5ask for their 1+P6 or the

 police 'ould be pulled out to 'hich Pst. Francis

had to sa%, 5si!e po, !o ahead6 for their 'as +

 M+?H %et to be !iven out for e8tortion. Acorruption that one church!oer said 5the% ;the

 police< 'ould be visited b% a pla!ue96

  0he strate!% of usin! the beauteous 1is. P,1arah and others to diffuse demandin! VIPs

 !enerall% 'orked thou!h the 'rath of the arro!ant

and airheaded had to deflected sometimes b% Palone as the% 'ere put In :arm&s Wa% thou!h 7ro.

 ?lmer at times 'as there for assistance 'hile 7ro.

 (od took care of the ushers inside.

  0he *ates 'ere opened after C3$$PM but the

airconditionin! must have been at half po'er forthose 'ho 'ere practicin! 'ere soaked in their

 s'eat. 0he Pre?vent sho'in! of videos of

 sponsors and plu!s of @AF=ZA1)7Z+?A71 :erbs =unamis and Victor% Videos and (ecover

 All Ministries po'erpoint started past C4$PM and

the event started b% almost #3$$PM first 'ith anethnic dance number b% /%ceum. 0he Master of

)ermonies and voice overs 'as b% Mari @aimo

husband of the d%namic perfectionist director

 ?nchan!. :e 'elcomed the people statin! that theevent toda% 'as a joint effort of from the ?mbass%

of Israel, the 1%na!o!ue of Makati, the Philippine

*overnment and different sectors of the Filipino

 people as 'ell as the bod% of )hrist in the Philippines.

 People 'ere still comin! in from the (ed *ate as2 shofars 'ere blo'n on sta!e. 7lo'ers included

 7ro. oni, =on!, Al Allani!ue, Mari @aimo, Mike

 7asilio, *ab Montillo, and others.

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  0he beautiful cover of the 1ouvenir Pro!ram

that 'as bein! sold for P$$.$$. 0he !oal 'as not just to part% but to bless. After pa%in! for the

coliseum, printin! and production, the net 'ill be

 !iven to the 1tate of Israel. A blessin! from the

 people of the Philippines.

  Pastors and attendees puttin! their raffle tickets

in the ne'l% painted tambiolas to be dra'n b% the)ommittee on 7lessin!s 'hose major pri"es

included a car, motorc%cles and major appliances.

 0he intercessors in the Pra%er (oom 'ith full time

 praise B 'orship and fullvolume pra%in! 

1ome of the dancers rela8in! durin! the rehearsal

 period had been there since -4$AM also patientl%

'aitin! to be fed durin! lunch and dinner.

 /ookin! do'n at the sta!e 'ith the dancers.

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  In the audience pockets of dancers carried fla!s,

banners , tambourine from different churches and schools follo'ed b% the fla!s of Israel and the

 Philippines 'ith 1am )oncepcion leadin! the

 Philppine ational Anthem and 1hira ?re" sin!in!the :atikva.

 Vie' of the cro'd from sta!e side and from the center 

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 From the balcon% lookin! do'n to'ards the sta!e

Vie' of the last ro' people some even standin! up ne8t to the rooftop, the menorah

1is. )arol sharin! *od 7less Israel !ot A%en and Franco /aurel to sin!. Mike :anopol pla%in! 

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  1tudents from 0he /e'is )olle!e of 1orso!on

)it% performed a dance number mimin! 0he /ord&s Pra%er. 0hese students traveled 4 hours b% bus to

be billeted at the *W+M 7uildin! 1aturda%

'hich 'as also filled 'ith visitors from )ebu and1iar!ao. With ever%one so bus% 'e hope the% could

come back so a better 'elcome could have been

e8tended to them as the% learned feastin!, and fastin!.  Mike :anopol !uitared and san! 1h&ma Israel

then openin! videos 'ere sho'n of Israel&s rebirth

#$ %ears a!o, Israel as *od&s people and the Philippines& role in Israel&s journe%.

Welcome remarks 'ere then !iven b% Pst.

 Francis icolas 'ho !reeted and 'elcomed thedifferent di!nataries diplomats and the pioneers of

 PhilippineIsrael relations and those 'ho sheltered

refu!ees from a"ism includin! the !randchildren

of President Lue"on and the 1umulon!s.  0he *od 7less Israel 7and 'ho had practiced at

*W+M for man% da%s, pla%ed and san! /ord

*od of Abraham, I Will 0ell and 7aruch Adonaiand aside from Mike the% included3 ?d 0orda,

1tephanie =un!an, @ristopher ?duarte, ernanrd

)aranto, onathan Antonio, Ferdie )astroverde, a% *anibe, 1her%ll (ono, )arissa 7ruan, *i!i

)astroverde, )rist% 7eatri", ?ncar, ?sther *arcia,

*lenda 7a!itan, ichelle Montillano, Michelle 7ali'a!, Pun"e )ru", ?va Marie (ana, @aei (ana,

 Aurora /ope", Feh 0a%ta%, ?mma (oco, (i"a ?u!enio, effre% ?u!enio, effre% ?u!enio, )

 Morales, @athrina =un!can, (onaldo Man!alili,)elso )han, /ouie 0ra"ona, i!!s aralve, Michael

1uma!asa%, Amalia ?u!ion, *len arvae", Pepper

 ?smas, eil Acebron and man% others.  +ur o'n Pepper ?smas 'as the mainsta% soloist

and san! 0his is M% ame 'hile the husband of

*i!i, 1ev 1armenta read the names of *odincludin!3 Adonai, ?l?l%on, ?l+lam, ?l1haddai,

 Adonai?lohim, AdonaiHireh, Adonaiissi,

 Adonai(opheaka, Adonai1halom, Adonai0sidkenu, AdonaiMekaddishkem, Adonai1abaoth, Adonai1hammah, Adonai(ohi, Adonai:oseenu,


  Mrs. ini Lue"on Avancena, dau!hter of President Manuel /. Lue"on and Manolo Lue"on

 III !ave a short messa!e 'hile from the famil% of

 /oren"o 1umulon!, Ms. Mikee )onjuan!co a'orski read a short solicitation.

  A !reetin! video from the President of Israel

that 7ro.Arnold7ituin found online 'as pla%ed

 follo'ed a speech b% 7ishop Arnold )abalGuintoand an enthusiastic appreciative response from

 Ambassador Vapni.

1even !overnment officials and seven churchleaders 'ere then called to the sta!e. Mr. )iso

 Padilla for business, 1enator (ichard *ordon,

 7asilio Hap from the 7ulletin 0oda%, )onnie (e%es

 from )7 Asia, Alvin de la Fuente from 0rumpets, ade del Mundo the >ndersecretar% of :ealth and

 (obert /ee 'ere joined b% 7ishops ?ddie

Villanueva, =an 7alais, /eo Alcon!a, ?f 0indero)hito 1anche", (aniel ebap and 7o% (amos as

the% all shared the candle li!ht 'hile !lo'sticks in

the cro'd 'ere a!itated. It 'as a birthda% socandles had to be lit as a s%mbol of hope and

 promise believin! too 5that 'e are sealed in :im

'ith the :ol% 1pirit, the pled!e of our inheritance,to the redemption of *od&s o'n possession, to the

 Praise of :is *lor%6

  7ishop /eo Alcon!a ?8ecutive Area =irector ofthe International 7ible 1ociet% in ?ast Asia,  than

 !ave a short pra%er of unit% and solidarit% 'ith

 Israel follo'ed b% 1pecial *uest Franco /aurel

'ho san! 7ehold the =a%s are )omin! that led tothe e8hortation b% 7ishop 0endero, ational

 =irector of the Philippine )ouncil of ?van!elical

)hurches ;P)?)< since DD4 up to the present. P)?) is the lar!est net'ork of evan!elical

)hristians in the Philippines composed of 2,$$$

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evan!elical churches, ## denominations, $

 parachurch and mission or!ani"ations

+ffertor% son!s 'ere then sun! b% A%en Munji

 /aurel 'ho san! Pst. )hin! icolas& son! Invitation to the Abundant /ife, Ma8i *olo% san!

 :i!h'a%s to Zion and (a% An Fuentes san! )ould

Hou be Messiah. For almost 4$ minutes - !old'rapped offertor% bo8es and buckets 'ere

 positioned, passed around to collect the blessin!s

that came not just in the form of mone% butcellphones, rin!s, cufflinks, 'atches9

  0he li!hts 'ere dimmed and Peace Plans video'ere sho'n. 0he D#$s 5?lvis of the Philippines6

 ?ddie Mesa then san! the theme son! from theDE$s movie, ?+=>1 entitled 0his /and is Mine

  7ishop ?ddie ). Villanueva, the former

communist atheist but no' one of the most po'erful

 preachers in the 'orld, founder of the million

member esus is /ord )hurch !ave the Word pra%in! for Peace and for the e's. A successful

 second offerin! 'as e8horted b% 7ishop )hito

1anche" of the (iver of *od )hurch and more people !ave and re!ave.

Videos 'ere sho'n of erusalem :ouse of

 Pra%er for All ations, the )hristian Friends of

 Israel, the International )hristian ?mbass% of erusalem, Mt. Zion Ministries, =unamis

 International 1chool of Missions and @ol Adonai

 Foundation.  (affle 'inners 'ere then announced b% Mari

and Ptr. Victor 7uenaventura of (ecover All

 Ministries and 'ith that the end of the event started'ith 1am )oncepcion sin!in! 1hout for o%. 0here'ere announcements for the Ma% 4 Parade for

 Israel at the A%ala )enter, the ul% E2#

 erusalem 1ummit Asia and the *od 7less Israel 7and san! Prepare He the Wa% as the audience

reluctantl% left b% $$$PM.

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)ountin! the coins, bills, checkin! the items b% As soon as the bo8es and buckets 'ere brou!ht to

 (oom 43 0reasur% securit% b% sheer number and the postin! of *W+M Men led b% 7ro.

 Ariel?lmer?ric outside allo'ed the countin! to be

 started b% D$$AM and be finished b% 2$$AM but'ith onl% 2 1*V ?8ternal Auditors the certif%in!

count 'as not finished b% C4$AM. Wearin! !loves,

masks and 'ith snacks provided b% Fel% 0an. :omeb% $$AM. For some, 2C hrsK on their feet.

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Grain, New Wine & Oil Ministries-small in

number but large at heart. The big big little

church that did it by the power of the oly !pirit"

The #oers$ The Mo%ers$$Gentile and ew. Than'

 you (ord. Than' you for the blessings and gi%ing

us )srael in our lifetime. To God go the Glory$$

 *nother GNWOM lifetime e+perience$
