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Page 2: Mercyhurst Magazine - Fall 1988

Fall 1988, Vol. 7, No. 1

Chairman of the Board of Trustees James A. Zurn

President Dr. William P. Garvey

Editor Mary Daly '66

Alumni Editors Gary L. Bukowski 73 Bonnie Clark '84

Sports Editor Greg Yoko '85

Features Editor Karen Merkle '84

Contributing Writer Joanne Druczak

Photography Louis Caravaglia John Landry Marine Bank John Pearson Photogenesis Wise Graphics

Printing Seneca Printing, Oil City, PA

Alumni Board


Lance J. Lavrinc '83, President Thomas P. Richter 73 , Vice President Joan Kostolansky Evans '60, Secretary


Helen Clancy Bavisotto '58, Corning, NY Patricia Murphy Bluemle '58, N. Tbnawanda, NY Alice Feehley Crotty '49, Erie, PA Margaret Anne Mooney Emling '37, Erie, PA Sr. Mary Lawrence Franklin '41, Erie, PA Deborah Duda Gale 77 , Palo Alto, CA Sally Carlow Kohler '51, Erie, PA Vivetta Petronio '58, Erie, PA Anthony Quint 78, Erie, PA James Sabol 70, Erie, PA Matthew Whelan '86, Erie, PA John Wiecek '88, Concord, OH

The Mercyhurst Magazine is published by t h e Office of Exte rna l Affairs a t Mercyhurs t College, Glenwood Hills, Erie, PA 16546.

c/ hurst Contents

page 2 page 7 page 13


Mercyhurst Breaks Enrollment Record. Mercyhurst started its 62nd year with a record enrollment of more than 2,000 students 1

Battle of Lake Erie: Perry vs Elliot controversy. As Erie commemorates the 175th anniversary of the Battle of Lake Erie, Dr. Allan Belovarac provides insight on the two historical figures who created a controversy that was almost as fiery as the battle itself 2

Sportsmedicine: one of the supermajors of the 90s. A look at one of the newest and most popular majors at Mercyhurst

What is a Mercy College? Sr. Maura Smith, superior of the Sisters of Mercy, reminds the faculty of the College's tradition

Mercyhurst's Old Fashioned 4th of July. 10,000 people from the Erie community celebrated Independence Day on the college campus



Alumni Profile: A gift of thanks. Ann Lecker Jackson, a silver anniversary class member, gives $25,000 to the college to celebrate the occasion 15

Departments On the Hill 7

Arts 12

Advancement 14

Sports 16

Alumni News 18

Class Notes 20

Honor Roll of Donors 25

On the cover: Mercyhurst College in its rustic environment. Fall photo captured by Sandra Wise of Wise Graphics, Erie, PA.

Page 3: Mercyhurst Magazine - Fall 1988

2,000 Students A Record Enrollment

When Mercyhurst opened its doors for the 62nd year, it welcomed a record breaking student body of 2,066 students and a freshman class that is the largest in the history of the college.

Four hundred and fifteen freshmen began their college careers as members of the Mercyhurst Class of 1992. They were among 1,150 who applied for admission to the col­lege. Another 105 students were admitted as transfer students.

Included in the total head count are 463 adult college students, 111 students study­ing at Mercyhurst's Corry Center, 182 students enrolled in the Mercyhurst Career Institute, and 41 graduate students.

"This year's record enrollment has nearly pushed the college past the number of students we can accommodate on our campus," explained Dr. William P. Garvey, who is in his ninth year as President of Mercyhurst. "It was for this reason that our college trustees directed us last March to cap the freshman class at approximately 400, and the total college enrollment at

about 2,000" According to Andrew Roth, director of

enrollment services at the college, "This is

the first time the college hit the 1,000 mark in freshman applications, and the first time in the 20 years of coeducation that male applicants outnumbered the women who applied."

This year's freshman class SAT scores were 31 points over last year's due to a record number of rejections and more students coming from the top tenth of their high school class. "The core of the class is very, very strong," Roth emphasized.

Garvey said that in placing limits on the college enrollment through an increase in admissions selectivity, trustees have opted for a higher quality student body that is consistent with the long-range goal for Mercyhurst to become one of the premier colleges in the region.

Garvey was quick to praise his admissions team whose fulltime staff includes seven Mercyhurst graduates — four men and three women.

Mercyhurst's freshman class includes 200 men and 216 women. Among these students are 127 Erie county residents, of which 48 live on campus. Seventy-nine percent of the total freshman class (330 students) are campus residents.

"Mercyhurst's freshman class includes 200 men

and 216 women. . . seventy-nine percent are

campus residents"

Roth, who is entering his seventh year as director of enrollment services at the col­lege, said that the Mercyhurst faculty has been a key factor in the school's enrollment success story. "Our controlled size gives us accessiblity to one another and that has always been one of the strengths of Mercy­hurst. And it certainly is one that we guard because we know it to be among the prime reasons why many of our students come here," Roth added.

Business remains the top drawing card among majors with 83 of the freshmen choosing it as their career path. Hotel Restaurant Management drew 69 new students, criminal justice 43, followed by 41 in education (elementary, early childhood and special ed), 32 in fashion merchandis­ing and interior design, 26 in sports-medicine, and 24 in music.

Roth commented that "Right now, our demographic base is strongest in western Pennsylvania, western New York, and northeast Ohio, but we are going to go fur­ther afield in our recruiting to broaden that base this year. We are beginning to enroll significant numbers from Philadelphia, New England, and student numbers from the upper mid-west have been steadily grow­ing. "In fact," Roth continued, "we will have a full-time recruiter in that part of the country this coming year."

Mercyhurst also has continued to increase its international base of students as part of its admissions strategy. This year, the col­lege has 60 foreign students including 25 from Canada, 19 from Ireland, 3 from England, 3 from South Africa, 2 from India, and one each from China, Costa Rica, Den­mark, Kenya, Peru, Korea, Pakistan, and the Bahamas.

"Our goal for the next decade is to have 1,500 applications, reject 500 students, and to enroll 400 from the remaining pool of 1,000 students," Roth projected. "We don't want to get any bigger," he acknowledged, "just better." "

FALL, 1988

Page 4: Mercyhurst Magazine - Fall 1988

Faculty Feature

The Battle Of Lake Erie And The Perry-Elliot Controversy

by Dr. Allan Belovarac '73

I n March of 1813, Master Comman­dant Oliver Hazard Perry reported for duty to Captain Isaac Chauncey,

commander of American naval forces on the Great Lakes. Perry was shortly after given command of the rough-hewn fleet on Lake Erie which was in the process of construc­tion, and he immediately threw himself into the task of completing, outfitting and man­ning his flotilla with boundless engergy and determination.

By early August, Perry had succeeded in hauling the fleet over the sand bar at the entrance to Presque Isle Bay and set sail

for his rendezvous with destiny against his British counterpart, the one-armed veteran of Trafalgar, Robert Barclay. Perry emerged from the engagement a victor and cele­brated hero, but his achievement was cloud­ed by a dispute that swirled around the actions of Perry himself and those of his second-in-command, Jesse Duncan Elliot. Factions on both sides of the issue formed shortly after the battle and in large part contributed to the animosity that ultimate­ly developed between Perry and Elliot.

This writer would like to provide a brief sketch of what happened that September

day in 1813 that resulted in a bitter animosity between Perry and Elliot as well as their respective friends and supporters.

The Battle of Lake Erie commenced just before noon on September 10 as the American fleet moved against the British from a windward position. This meant that Perry had the advantage of sailing with the wind, giving him more speed and maneu­verability than his British counterparts. Perry welcomed his good fortune as he realized he would have to force a close action with Barclay if victory were to be won.

Perry's lack of long range guns was


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counterbalanced by a predominance of car-ronades which, once within range, were ship killers. With this in mind, Rsrry established his order of battle so that his main body, consisting of his flagship Lawrence, the Caledonia, and the Niagara, under Elliot, would engage the British ships Detroit, Hunter and Queen Charlotte respectively.

"Critics of Perry charged later that in placing the

Niagara behind the Caledonia, he seriously

hampered Elliot's movements. . "

On seeing the order of British vessels dif­ferent from what he anticipated, Perry rear­ranged the order the Lawrence and the Niagara to better match up his own line with the British. The result was that the Caledoniay a slow-moving converted mer­chant vessel similar in size to the Hunter, separated the two more maneuverable brigs. Critics of Fterry charged later that in placing the Niagara behind the Caledonia, he seriously hampered Elliot's movements dur­ing the engagement.

"Perry's victory caught the imagination of a

nation starved for victory, as he penned the

cryptic but inspiring note: "We have met the

enemy and they are ours >>

As the battle began, the British commenc­ed firing with their long-range guns while Perry pressed the flagship Lawrence ahead as quickly as possible to employ his deadly carronadea Unfortunately, the fleet started to fall behind the Lawrence Seeing his ships drifting out of the battle and bearing the brunt of the British fire himself, Perry had the order vocally passed down the line to close up the line and engage the assigned opponent. Nevertheless, Perry's fleet con­tinued to get strung out as his own ship, the Lawrence, became the focus of firing from the British vessels Detroit, Hunter and Queen Charlotte

Finally, the Lawrence drew within car-ronade range supported by two small schooners and the Caledonia, which was struggling to keep up. However, as Perry's supporters later claimed, the Niagara con­tinued to fall back instead of closing up so that she could effectively make use of her deadly battery of carronades. Elliot's sym­pathizers contended that the light winds were the cause for the Lawrence not receiv­

ing support from the other ships, yet, the British ship Queen Charlotte was able to move up, passing the Hunter to support the Detroit. The Lawrence, under a blistering fire from all three vessels, soon became heavily damaged while the Niagara was relatively unscathed.

About 2:30 pm, the Niagara finally pulled clear of the Caledonia and was heading toward the head of the British line as the devastated Lawrence, now a battered hulk, drifted out of the battle. While Elliot was moving up the line, Perry made his famous passage from his flagship to the Niagara The battle then moved to its final phase as Perry headed his new flagship into a rak­ing position ahead of the Detroit whereby he could face his broadside into the bow of the Detroit and send a wall of shot down the length of her.

As the Detroit and Queen Charlotte maneuvered to prevent Perry from doing this, they collided and became entangled, thus rendering themselves helpless before the deadly guns of the Niagara. From this position, Perry pounded his opponents into submission, forcing their surrender shortly thereafter. Perry's victory caught the im­agination of a nation starved for victory as he penned his cryptic but inspiring note to General William Henry Harrison, "We have met the enemy, and they are ours. . ."

In the aftermath of the battle, discussion immediately arose regarding Elliot's con­duct with the Niagara during the engage­ment. Critics of Elliot charged that his two hour delay before entering the battle was deliberate and considered the reason to be either treachery prompted by jealousy of Perry, cowardice, or the hope of gaining glory for himself. These critics firmly believ­ed that by waiting for the moment when all seemed lost, Elliot was seeking to claim credit for the victory.

On the other hand, Elliot's defenders countered that the line of battle had been established by Perry and it was his duty not to break it. Since Elliot's position was behind the Caledonia, he had no right to alter that line, and to do so would have made him guilty of the grossest insubor-dinaton. These defenders argued that Perry was the best judge of how much damage had occurred on the Lawrence, and a signal from him would have been expected if he desired a change in position. No such signal was for­thcoming.

Another point of contention that emerged after the battle ended was whether Elliot was indeed heading away from the action when Perry boarded. The claim is that Perry, after assuming command of the Niagara, put on more sail and changed course ninety degrees to the right to bring his new flagship into close action. However, accounts favorable to Elliot state that Elliot was actually moving toward the enemy line when Perry came aboard, and indeed was in close action before Perry arrived. In his

action report to the Secretary of the Navy, Perry spoke of Elliot in a most complimen­tary manner. The sequence of events listed in the report spoke of Perry going aboard the Niagara after a freshening breeze had allowed Elliot to come into the fray.

At first, Perry did not allow himself to become involved in the controversy, but was finally drawn into it at the prodding of his associates and in reaction to Elliot's conti­nuing insistence on Perry clearing his name. The dispute blew all out of propor­tion mainly from the efforts of interested partisans on both sides. Relations between Perry and Elliott became so strained that Elliot ultimately challenged Perry to a duel (which Perry refused), while Perry demand­ed that the Secretary of the Navy court-martial Elliot for his actions in the battle (which was never acted upon). It would pro­bably never have grown so heated had it been confined to the two principal figures. Long after it should have been forgotten, the matter was magnified far out of propor­tion by the defenders of each man using cir­cumstantial evidence and conflicting accounts to prove their point one way or another.

a \. . the principal

characters in the Battle of Lake Erie were quite human. . . they experi­enced feelings of pride,

jealousy, and an intense concern for their per­

sonal reputations" After a careful examination of the

available material, it appears to this writer that Elliot's only real guilt seems to have been a reluctance to adjust to changing battle conditions. The Lawrence suffered badly as a result of his failure to react quick­ly, but to imply motivations of jealousy, treachery and cowardice does not do justice to the man. It would also have been better for him to have kept out of the resulting con­troversy which only further damaged his reputation. Perry made the same mistake as he allowed himself to be drawn into the conflict after originally remaining clear of it. His complete reversal from defending to condemning Elliot make his credibility and intentions vulnerable to attack.

If anything, the controversy has made it abundantly clear that the principal characters in the Battle of Lake Erie were quite human, that they experienced feelings of pride, jealousy, and an intense concern for their personal reputations. They apparently let these feelings get the best of them and created a controversy that was almost as fiery as the battle itself.

Dr. Allan Belovarac is the director of the history department at Mercyhurst.

FALL, 1988

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Sportsmedicine: A Super Major of the 90s

A few years ago, most people didn't know much about sports medicine; they were the guys with the first aid kits who paced the sidelines at football games, right? And who would have thought that a college degree in the field would ever be a possibility? But once again, Mercyhurst was at the forefront of educational advancement with a Sports-medicine major that has become one of the most popular not only with students, but also with employers who rate Mercyhurst's program as one of the best.

It all began when the college administra­tion looked into offering a physical therapy curriculum but found the costs of starting one up prohibitive. Thoughts then turned to sports medicine, a related field but not as expensive to operate. The college developed its program to concentrate not only on athletic injuries, but also broadened the term to include overall wellness and holistic health. In March of £985, Mercy­hurst was officially approved by the state to offer a Bachelor of Science Degree in Sportsmedicine. It was only the third col­lege in the nation to offer such a program, and it is a true sports medicine major — it's not housed in the physical education or biology departments, lb this day it remains the most comprehensive program of its kind within a 100 mile radius, and this year drew 26 Freshmen to take advantage of it.

by Karen Merkle '84

"Students entering the Sportsmedicine department choose from three 'tracks'

or areas of specialization... the Wellness Track, the

Athletic Training Track, or the Pre-Med Track."

Program director Janet Price and certified trainer Bradley Jacobson have been with the Sportsmedicine department from the beginning. It was their input — with the help of an understanding administration — that allowed Mercyhurst to take a unique approach to the field, to somewhat de-emphasize the medicine aspect and focus instead on "a more holistic concept of health," Price explains, "to substitute the positive for the negative and promote a quality lifestyle."

Students entering the Sportsmedicine department have the opportunity to choose from three "tracks", or areas of specializa­tion: they are the Wellness Track, the Athletic Training Track, or the Pre-Med Track. All majors though must take the 12 core courses that range from Anatomy, Human Growth and Development, Psychol­ogy, and Physics to more specialized classes like Kinesiology, Sociology of Sport, Theory/ Techniques of Emergency Health Care, and Basic Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries.

The Wellness Track is Price's field of expertise. This area doesn't merely em­phasize working with athletes — in fact, it's quite the opposite: it stresses the usefulness of fitness programs for the general populace. Students are prepared to become, for example, fitness specialists at gyms and health centers, or to develop corporate fitness programs for business and industry, lb that end, additional courses in market­ing, management, and administration round out the education a good wellness practitioner needs. And though they often deal with the business end of health, that doesn't take away from their true mission. "We heavily emphasize physical fitness, but also good nutrition and stress manage­ment," Price explains.

Though the image of an athletic trainer is still one of icing sprained ankles and tap­ing bruised ribs, the emphasis now is on prevention rather than cure. The Athletic Trainer Track, headed by Brad Jacobson and housed in a new facility next to the Campus Center, teaches students to prepare athletes for an injury-free season, and also to evaluate injuries and prescribe rehabilita­tion. Trainers help coaches of most sports to plan good pre-season conditioning to pre­vent the maximum number of injuries. But when injuries do occur, yes, it's the trainer on the sidelines or in the locker room who's


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often the first one there to examine and treat the athlete.

And before graduation, Wellness and Athletic Training majors will have put in some grueling internship hours. Student trainers are assigned to each sports team on campus to work and travel with the athletes before and during the season. They are also allowed to work and observe at the Hamot Sports Medicine Center. In total, 1500 hours of clinical work are necessary.

In the Wellness Track, students follow up the theory (classroom work) with the ex­periential (internship). Currently student assistants are being used in the on-campus fitness testing lab that Price has set up near her office. The goal of the testing center is to evaluate a person's current physical con­dition, suggest ways to improve it, and help the person plan for a healthy lifestyle. While currently most of the testing is done manually, some can be done by computer, and Price hopes to have a computer in the lab in the future.

The Pre-Medical Track is heavily concen­trated in the human sciences — biology and chemistry predominate. Students who com­plete this course of study have prepared themselves for medical school and can work toward a field of specialization. And in addition to these three tracks, a teacher's certification in biology is also offered. One reason for this, Jacobson suggests, is that many high schools, who would benefit from someone with this wellness and training ex­perience, may need him or her to do more than just work on their students' health. "There is always a need for competent biology teachers," he explained.

Upon graduation, Jacobson's students won't "officially" be athletic trainers but they will be prepared to take the Certify­ing exam offered by the National Athletic

Trainers Association (NATA), the governing body of the profession. The exam, offered four times a year in different parts of the country, consists of written, oral, and simulation tests. "Our graduates attest to the quality of our program: all have passed the test," Jacobson reports.

"When you have a health-related major, you have to have a high caliber stu­dent. They'll be dealing

with people's lives.''

All students in the major must go before a review board at the end of their Sophomore year. Performance and grades are evaluated. This is done, Jacobson ex­plains, to maintain the quality of the pro­gram, and because, "when you have a health-related major, you have to have a high-caliber student. They'll be dealing with people's lives."

While there is no mandatory testing of graduates from the Wellness school, Price adds that a certification from the American College of Sports Medicine is a highly and medically respected badge of honor. Cer­tification is available for a fitness/exercise specialist, a cardiac rehabilitation specialist, or a director of fitness. There are also various certifications in such fields as aerobic dancing and weight training.

a. . . about 99 percent of Mercyhurst's sports-

medicine graduates have been placed. . . one of the graduates is developing a corporate fitness program

for Dow Chemical."

The fact that about 99 percent of Mercy­hurst's Sportsmedicine graduates have been placed further validates the program's suc­cess. Within the Athletic Training Track, all the graduates have either gone on to graduate school in sports medicine or found work in the field. Three of Jacobson's trainers are now employed at the Hamot Sports Medicine Center, another is the head trainer at Behrend, and several more are working throughout the East. One of Price's graduates is working on developing a cor­porate fitness program for Dow Chemical. One student decided to go into physical therapy after graduation and is enrolled at

the University of Pittsburgh; another, from Mercyhurst's Pre-med program, is attending medical school in Philadelphia. "You can see that the impact of the program is being felt right in our area " Jacobson says. "But from all over, program directors are now looking for Mercyhurst graduatea It already has a reputation as a first-class program"

For the moment at least, with the pro­gram practically taking on a life of its own, all Price and Jacobson have to do is hang on. If the athletic training program keeps growing at the rate it has been — currently about 75 percent of all Sportsmedicine majors are in the Athletic Training Track — a third trainer may have to be hired to take some of the pressure off Jacobson and his colleague Lisa Bruno. Jacobson also reports that the NATA must evaluate the Mercyhurst program in order to accredit it. He says there should be no problem with that as the program has been set up accord­ing to NATA regulations and guidelines. While application for evaluation will be made this fall, there is a two year grace period: accreditation should be forthcoming in the fall of 1990.

"We feel it's a very demanding cur­riculum, very complete and thorough," Jacobson now says, although he admits to some skepticism about the success of the program when it was first suggested. He needn't have worried; Sportsmedicine looks to be one of the supermajors of the '90s, and Mercyhurst is leading the way.

Karen Merkle is a free lance writer in Erie, PA.

FALL, 1988

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What Is A Mercy College?


Message, witness, service. With those three words, Sister Maura Smith succinctly defined the mission of a Mercy education in a lunchtime presentation to members of the Mercyhurst College faculty at the annual opening day workshop.

"What is a Mercy College?" was the theme of the lecture, and the answers Sr. Maura, superior of the Erie Mercy order, provided to that question centered on the level of commitment to humankind in the students who receive a Mercy education. A question left largely unanswered was how deeply that commitment is felt and respond­ed to by Mercyhurst graduates, and how any lack in the fostering of social concern can be corrected by the administration, faculty, and the students themselves.

Tb first understand why a Mercy educa­tion is what it is, one must understand what it was, and what it was intended to be, Sr. Maura explained. "Early American Catholic colleges were founded by older religious orders of men, such as the Jesuits," she began. "American religious women then came to the rescue of women. The Sisters of Mercy developed colleges as extensions of their academics, educated their members, formed excellent faculties, and built the buildings at great expense to themselves." All of the Mercy colleges still in existence today — about 15 in number — can trace their roots back to the first great woman of the movement, Catherine McAuley, foun­dress of the Sisters of Mercy.

"Catherine McAuley of Dublin, Ireland clearly recognized that the way for women to escape poverty and oppression was

through education" Sr. Maura continued. She progressively promoted reasonably priced primary and secondary education for the middle class and free schooling for the poor. That spirit was emigrated to the United States by Sister Frances Warde, who opened her Mercy convent school in Pitts­burgh, continued across the country establishing educational facilities, and pro­moted not only schooling for the young, but also adult education for both men and women in the form of night schools.

The third woman of great vision bore a name highly recognizable to everyone in the Mercyhurst community. Mother Borgia Egan brought the tenets of Mercy education to Erie by founding the Mercyhurst Seminary and College in 1926. Her ideals were carried on in the person of Sister Carolyn Herrmann, who, Sr. Maura remind­ed, "had the foresight to accommodate to the needs of the time." She added that there have been and are many other "dedicated Sisters of Mercy who have nurtured the Mercy tradition of excellence."

But where does that leave us today? "A contemporary Catholic education," Sr. Maura said, "should be characterized by Christian values and tradition; academic excellence; a global vision; and orientation toward service and toward the future. A Mercy college also has special orientation to women and the materially poor." The educational philosophy has been best described as "Christian liberal arts"; that implies, she continued, that "the cur­riculum forms minds to a correct view of the universe and man's (and woman's) place in it as social and intelligent beings . . . and the milieu created is one where Judeo-Chrisitan values are accepted norms of behavior." She went on to challenge each member of the Mercyhurst community to compare the reality of the college today with its stated mission, to examine its cur­riculum and judge the ultimate product that is the result of a Mercy education.

We must question ourselves: Does the social message of the Church — and the news of Christ's word — permeate our classes, seminars, forums? What is our record in encouraging a global awareness, a realization of the interdependence of all peoples and the dependence of all on a healthy planet Earth? And, not of least importance, how do we foster service? Do our students get hands-on experience work­ing for and with others? "Service to others helps them to overcome self centeredness and grow in humane Christian attitudes," Sr. Maura stressed. "My plea to you . . . is that we take a long hard look a this special college to see if we do what we say we do.

"Our challenge," she concluded, "is to call ourselves back to the ideals expressed in our mission statement: to foster the growth and development of a Christian community dedicated to excellence in all areas — moral, spiritual, intellectual, creative, aesthetic, and, yes, athletic as well. As Sisters of Mercy, we sponsor institutions to address our enduring concerns. Tbgether with our co-workers and those we serve, we endeavor to model justice and to promote systemic change."


Page 9: Mercyhurst Magazine - Fall 1988

Mercyhurst On The Hill

McQuillen Named Dean Dukakis Visits 'Hurst

Dr. Michael J. McQuillen, a professor of history and faculty member at Mercyhurst for 17 years, has been named interim academic dean at the college.

He succeeds Dr. David D. Palmer, who has been named assistant to the president with special duties as coordinator of the arts. Palmer had been chief academic officer of the college since 1980.

According to college President Dr. William Garvey, "McQuillen's appointment will be as an interim dean for a period of up to two years." Garvey explained that last year a 10-member search committee had screened more than 100 applicants for the academic post and brought three candidates

to campus before deciding to recommend an interim dean while continuing their search.

He noted that McQuillen's appointment on a permanent basis "would take one of our finest faculty members out of the classroom entirely. And Teaching is Mike's first love." Garvey said that as interim dean, Dr. McQuillen will teach one course a year to keep in touch with students. "We will have to see if Dr. McQuillen wants to make the permanent career change from teacher to administrator," Garvey said.

"Dr. McQuillen is highly respected as a scholar and teacher among his peers, and in his new administrative post, I have asked him to concentrate on faculty development," he added.

McQuillen, a tenured faculty member at Mercyhurst, holds a Ph.D. in history from the University of Virginia, where he was a Woodrow Wilson Fellow. Dean McQuillen has been a member of the Mercyhurst Col­lege faculty policies and rank and tenure committees, former chairman of the division of social sciences, and a former director of the Egan Honors Program. For the past several years, he has written and lectured extensively on the subject of Star Wars and nuclear weapons.

He and his wife, the former Joy Knoll, have three children, David, Daniel, and Carolyn.

Presidential hopeful Michael Dukakis chose Mercyhurst College as the site to deliver his "Education and Our Future" address on April 22, as part of his pre-convention campaigning.

Speaking in the Zurn Recital Hall, Dukakis told the Mercyhurst student body and Erie community members, "I believe the most important educational priority fac­ing this nation is the teaching profession.

"Over the next five to ten years, one half of our public school teachers will retire. And their replacements are nowhere in sight. We already have 35,000 teaching vacancies in this country; and the shortage is greatest where the need is worse — in science and math and foreign languages. We've got to make teaching an honored and valued pro­fession once again."

269 Receive Degrees From 'Hurst Degrees were conferred on 269 students

at the Mercyhurst College commencement May 22. One hundred and twenty-eight Erie area students were among the recipients, and ten of the local graduates were among 16 students selected by the college as 1988 award winners. The commencement address was delivered by Dr. Daniel Bratton, Presi­dent of Chautauqua Institution in Chautauqua, New York. Bratton is the former President of Kansas Wesleyan College.

The top student honor, the Carpe Award, went to Michael Kelly, a student from Sutton, Ireland who came to Mercyhurst to major in hotel-restaurant management. Kelly was recognized for his personal integrity, social competence, and intellec­tual habits. He had been a four-year dean's

list scholar, president of the student govern­ment, a college senator, and an ex-officio member of the board of trustees. He was the college's first recipient of the J.F. Kennedy Scholarship. Kelly has been hired by Mar­riott Corporation and is working in Cleveland, Ohio, where he is one of the food-service managers at John Carroll University.

Other students winning awards were: Paul A. Cefrick, Pulaski, Pennsylvania, who received the Archbishop John Mark Gan­non Award in recognition of general scholastic excellence; Ellen M. Owen, of Erie, Pennsylvania, who received the Mother M. Catherine McAuley Award; Christohper J. Cuzzola, also of Erie, who received the Sister Carolyn Herrmann Alumni Service Award; Amy S. Ward of

East Springfield, who was presented the Sister M. Eustace Tkylor Leadership Award; and Betsey C. Glenn of Shaker Heights, Ohio, who won the James V. Kinnane Graduate Student Award.

Also presented were eight President's Associates Achievement Awards given in recognition of high achievement in an academic area. The awards went to Kim-berly A. Mastrian, Farrell, Pennsylvania (education); Scott R. Donnelly, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (hotel-restaurant manage­ment); P&ul A. Cefrick (natural sciences and mathematics); and to Erie students Marc McAndrew (business); Kathleen A. Ziegler, (human development-sportsmedicine); Ann M. Johnson, (Humanities); Jerome F. Anderson, Jr., (performing arts-music); and Larry J. Dombrowski of Wattsburg, (social sciences-criminal justice).

FALL, 1988

Page 10: Mercyhurst Magazine - Fall 1988

$1.6 Million D'Angelo Music Facility Opens


When the 66 music majors returned to campus this fall, their school of music had a new address. The finishing touches were being added to the $1.6 million D'Angelo School of Music, a splendid structure that attaches to the back of Zurn Hall.

The 17,440 sq. ft. building replicates the famous Juilliard School of Music, but on a smaller scale.

'The D'Angelo building is the finest musical facility

in the tri-state region/'

The three-story facility was designed by Erie architect Orlando Salata, who worked on its design for a year and a half with Sam Rotman, D'Angelo director.

And according to Rotman, "The D Angelo building is the finest musical facility in the tri-state region. It has been specifically designed to meet the needs of the music arts."

Rotman said that college officials brought in an acoustical consultant from Boston to assure that the structure would be as acoustically pure as possible. As a result, the walls are double studded and double insulated, and more than a foot of concrete and insulation was poured between floors.

Dedication ceremonies will be held October 16, when the facility will be named to honor its benefactors, Dr. George and Mary DAngelo, who eight years ago gave $1 million in seed money to establish a school of music. The D'Angelos will be recognized for their commitment to the per­forming arts in America, and for fostering and supporting the musical arts in Erie and at Mercyhurst.

Mercyhurst's new D'Angelo School resembles Juilliard in its design concept that provides one floor for practice, another for private teaching instruction, and a third floor for classroom teaching and ensemble


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rehearsals. And like Juilliard, the teaching classrooms have skylights and special out­door lighting. In addition, Mercyhurst's ensemble room, like Juilliard's has a 13' ceiling to provide unblemished acoustical conditions for up to 70 ensemble players.

On the main floor, there are eight faculty studios, and a 1,000 sq. ft. music library housing 6,000 records and 8,000 music scores. The library is equipped with 28 study modules, of which 16 are equipped with listening equipment, such as a tape deck, turntable, and compact disc player. The main floor is also the site of a magnifi­cent brick walled lobby, double glass doors, a 40 ft. skylight, and a floor of polished granite that also leads into Zurn Hall.

u The building replicates the famous Juilliard

School of Music but on a smaller scale"

The second floor has 25 practice rooms of various sizes and each has either a grand piano or conservatory upright. On the lower level, there are four classrooms for music instruction, a 1,000 sq. ft. ensemble rehear­sal room, a percussion room, and extensive space for music lockers.

One of the most interesting features of the D'Angelo building is found on the second floor of the practice rooms, where the 35 windows are each etched with a musical note. Some are in black representing quarter notes, and the others are in silver denoting half notes. When viewed in their entirety, the windows carry the first line of the piece, "The Great Gate of Kiev," from the composition "Pictures at an Exhibition" by Russian composer Modeste Mussorgsky.

The D'Angelo music school had been located for five years at St. Mark's Center on East Grandview Boulevard. And for the music students and music faculty, the new facility is quite a homecoming.

Nine Join College Faculty

Nine new faculty appointments were announced at the college's faculty workshop on September 2. Joining the Mercyhurst Family as fulltime faculty members are Shelle Barron, an instructor in graphic design. She holds a bachelor's degree in art from Mercyhurst College, and a MFA in painting from Edinboro University. Barron maintains a studio in downtown Erie and is the former art director at WQLN. Her works have won over 20 regional and national awarda

Janice (Penny) Haines joins the business division as instructor in account­ing. Haines has a bachelor of science degree from Gannon University, where she is an MBA candidate in human resource manage­ment. Her business experience includes ad­ministrative work for the City of Erie, controller of the Erie-Western Pennsylvania Port Authority, and four years as staff accountant for the firm Roots, Spitznas, and Smiley.

Dr. Reginald Harrison comes to Mercy­hurst from England. He joins the faculty as visiting professor in political science. He received a B.A. from DePauw University, a B Sc. in economics and political science in London; and a Ph.D. from Ohio State University. He is a former Fulbright Scholar. Most recently he was a senior lec­turer at the University of Lancaster in England. He is a distinguished academic with an international reputation for his work in European studies.

Brenna Lorenz joins the science division as an instructor in geology and chemistry. Dr. Lorenz received a B.S. in biology from Syracuse University, her M.A. in geology from SUNY at Buffalo, and a Ph.D. in earth sciences from Memorial University of New­foundland.

Dr. Patricia McGarrey joins the psychology department as an associate pro­fessor. McGarrey received her education at Edinboro University, where she earned both her bachelor and master's degrees, and at the University of Pittsburgh, where she received a Ph.D. in psychology. She has worked as a school psychologist in the Erie School district, maintains a private practice in Erie, and has worked with the Erie County Adult Probation Department and the Family Court of Erie County.

(Continued on Next Page)


Page 11: Mercyhurst Magazine - Fall 1988

Three New Trustees Named

Top: A. James Freeman; Bottom l-r: Myron Jones and Elizabeth Meehan Greenleaf

F a c u l t y (continued)

Paul MacPhail joins the music depart­ment as a vocal instructor and choral con­ductor. He earned his bachelor of music degree from the University of Cincinnati and a master's in music from Florida State University. He is a doctoral student at the University of Illinois. MacPhail has had ex­tensive training in opera and musical theatre, including roles at the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music, Brevard Music Center, and with the Cincinnati Opera.

Charles Miller is a new member of the business division in the area of manage­ment and marketing. He holds a B.A. from Ohio University and an MBA from West Virginia University. He comes to Mercy-hurst from Penn State-Behrend, where he had been an instructor for the past two years. Miller has had considerable market­ing experience in the business world and has published in numerous professional journals.

David Nordquest joins the political science department as an assistant pro­fessor. He received a bachelor's degree at Oberlin College, a master's and doctoral degree at Duke University. Dr. Nordquest's teaching experience has been at Bowling Green, North Carolina State, University of Wisconsin, and most recently at Behrend College.

Three new members have been added to the college's board of trustees. They are A. James Freeman, Myron Jones, and Mercy-hurst alumna Elizabeth Meehan Greenleaf.

Freeman, vice chairman of Lord Corpora­tion, has been with the international cor­poration since 1960. He has held corporate leadership roles as general manager of Hughson Chemical, corporate vice presi­dent, group vice president, executive vice president, and president of Lord Cor­poration. • A native of Boston and graduate of North­eastern University, he is a member of the board of directors of the United Way, Saint Vincent Health Center, the First National Bank of Pennsylvania, Eriez Magnetics, and the Boys and Girls Club of Erie.

Myron Jones is the owner and president of the JET Broadcasting Company. A member of the broadcast industry for the past 45 years, Jones founded WJETTV in 1966 and WJET-FM in 1986. He also owns WHOT in Youngstown, Ohio.

He is a member of the board of incor­porators of Saint Vincent Hospital, the Pennsylvania Association of Broadcasters, the National Association of Broadcasters, and the Association of Independent Metro­politan Stations He is a past member of the governmental affairs board of ABC (Washington). Jones is the recipient of the George J. Mead Award presented by the Erie Advertising Club for his distinguish­ed career in the communications industry.

Elizabeth Meehan Greenleaf is a 1952 graduate of Mercyhurst College, where she received her undergraduate degree in history. She has also studied at Penn State and at Indiana University of Pennsylvania. Active in community organizations in Meadville, Pennsylvania, she recently served as chairman of events and activities for the 1988 Meadville Bicentennial. She is a member of the Women's Literary Club, the Meadville Medical Center Auxiliary, and the Meadville YWCA.

Joseph Hohman returns to Mercyhurst for the second year, this time as a fulltime faculty member in the mathematics depart­ment. Last year, he was responsible for the administration of the micro-computer laboratory. He has a B.S. degree in elemen­tary education and an M.A. in mathematics from Penn State University.

In other appointments, Heidi Hosey was named director of the basic writing program at Mercyhurst. She received her bachelor's degree from Villa Maria College, and a master's degree from Gannon Univeristy. Hosey has experience in writing and research, having been a graduate assistant in the Writing Center at Western Illinois University.

* * *

Rebecca Martin is the new director of the Writing Center at Mercyhurst. She received her B.A. in English from Mercy­hurst in 1982 and taught English at Mercy­hurst Preparatory School. She was the assistant director of public relations at Mercyhurst in 1983.

SfS ?|C 3fC

Reverend Stephen Anderson has been named new chaplain at the college, replac­ing Fr. Charles Schmidt who is on a year's sabbatical. Fr. Anderson is also the chaplain at Mercyhurst Preparatory School.

David Pinto has been named director of the Hammermill Library. He earned his bachelor's of arts in philosophy and religious studies at the University of New

Mexico, a master's of art in political science/ public administration, and a master of library science at the School of Library and Information Studies at the University of California at Berkeley.

Earleen Glaser has been named reference librarian. Glaser has a master's degree in library sciences from Clarion University, an M.Ed, and bachelor's degree from Edinboro University.

JoAnn Israel Lanzillo '86 is the new cooperative education/internship coor­dinator; Joseph Streett has been appointed director of the Sisters of Mercy Institute for Religious Education and Lay Ministry; Wendy Terwilliger, personal counselor; and Roberta Bukowski, person­nel specialist.

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Robert Kraft joins the Mercyhurst Corry Center as administrative assistant, Val Leone and Dennis Cerami as assessment counselors at the Mercyhurst Career In­stitute; while Patrick Rossi will head the Institute's Municipal Police Training Program.

Henry Mayer, former vice president of Mellon Bank, has been appointed director of facilities management at Mercyhurst, and Lisa Bruno, is the new assistant athletic trainer.

FALL, 1988

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Page 13: Mercyhurst Magazine - Fall 1988



As families across the na­tion gathered to observe

America's 212th birthday, the Mercyhurst campus

played host to an estimated 10,000 Erieites at the col­

lege's annual "Old Fashion­ed Fourth of July"

celebration. College President Dr. William Garvey, who

started the Independence Day Celebration for the

Erie Community four years ago, sees the celebration as

part of the institution's town-gown commitment.

"It's our gift to the city and her people, and our way of extending our appreciation for the community support

we receive. In addition, it gives Erie the kind of

Fourth of July celebration that many cities across the

country enjoy," Garvey

explained. The celebration included

main stage performances of contemporary and tradi­

tional American bluegrass tunes, Top 40 music, an old

fashioned picnic supper, entertainment by the Erie

Commodore Perry Barber­shop Quartet, and a

vaudeville and mime show.

The evening was highlighted by a lawn con­

cert performed by the 33-piece Erie Concert

Band, and climaxed with a spectacular display of fireworks on the back


FALL, 1988

Page 14: Mercyhurst Magazine - Fall 1988

Mercyhurst The Arts

Promoting the Performing Arts

Putting the 'arts' back into 'liberal arts' is a top priority this year thanks to a deter­mined effort on the part of the Mercyhurst administration and faculty.

Led by Dr. David Palmer, newly-appointed Coordinator for Promoting the Performing Arts and Mercyhurst's delegate to the Arts Council of Erie, the college has renewed its commitment to fostering a healthy creative atmoshpere on campus, encouraging more cooperative relationships between the school's various performing arts depart­ments, and training students to be among the best-prepared artisans in their fields upon graduation.

"This metamorphis of the arts actually began a few

years ago with the establishment of a Division

of Performing Arts'" The reverberations of this effort will not

only be felt on campus in the form of increased activity in the dance, music, and theatre departments, but also in the sur­rounding community as well, as the people of the city are made aware of the quality of Mercyhurst's cultural offerings and are invited to take advantage of them.

This metamorphosis of the arts acutally began a few years ago with the establish­ment of the Division of Performing Arts. 'Tor years the college has been trying to be seen as the school for the performing arts," Dr. Palmer said. "Mercyhurst has a long tradition in that area," he continued, "We've always had theatre productions here, at least three every year, and it was 15 years ago, in 1973, that we introduced our dance

department." But perhaps the best example of growth

has been witnessed in the music depart­ment. Enrollment in the D'Angelo School of Music has nearly quadrupled in the past three years. A new music building — $1.6 million, three-level, 17,440-square-foot center of offices, practice halls, and classrooms will be christened this fall. Palmer, a former dean of the college and now special assistant to the President, noted that the college's recital series not only brings some of the most exceptional musical talent in the world to Erie, it gets hundreds of people to attend. "And the D'Angelo

Young Artist Competition is one of the most renowned of its kind in the world," he add­ed. Each year the competition has drawn capacity crowds, so next year, for the first time, the event will be held in the Warner Theatre, with the contestants accompanied, also for the first time, by a full orchestra.

"It's a great showcase for talents from around the country and the world," Dr. Palmer added. "Mercyhurst College has truly begun to establish itself with a na­tional reputation for this very prestigious event."

Not that the other performing artists on campus are slouching in the prestige department. The dancers present a number of productions each season, both on and off campus. But with the new oak floor on the Zurn Recital Hall stage, they won't have to be going off campus as much — only for large stage presentations, or when more seating room is necessary. And in addition to the regular theatre productions (which this year will include "H.M.S. Pinafore" and "Our Tbwn"), The National Playwrights Showcase (NPS) has just concluded another successful season.

"The National Playwrights Showcase is now respected

in the field of theatre much as the D'Angelo is

in the field of music: Each is hailed for its commit­ment to the discovery of

new talent9' This Mercyhurst-based organization

solicits plays from writers from around the country; committeepersons evaluate each play, winners are selected, and those plays are produced using local talent at the Mercyhurst Little Theatre. This year, for the first time, the plays were presented in a festival format, each play running one night each weekend for a month from mid-August to mid-September, thus giving the return­ing Mercyhurst students an opportunity to attend. Many previous NPS winners have gone on to be produced off-Broadway or by other community theatre groups. The ex­periment has paid off in that NPS is now respected in the field of theatre much as the D'Angleo is in the field of music: each is hailed for its commitment to the discovery of new talent.

Even with this activity, the goals of Dr.

by Karen Merkle '84

Palmer and the rest of the people involved with the arts at Mercyhurst haven't all been reached. Last year the dance, music, and theatre departments joined forces to present a milestone production of "A Chorus Line." Dr. Palmer hopes there are more such cooperative ventures in the future. Similar­ly, another goal involving an intermingling of disciplines would be to have a Mercy hurst orchestra play for dance productions. "We're beginning to look for ways the departments can collaborate," Dr. Palmer explained, " . . . ways in which thay can reinforce one another"

He and Mercyhurst President Dr. William Garvey are also looking to cultivate a stronger relationship with Erie's high school for the performing arts. Dr. Garvey is involv­ed as a trustee for the Foundation for the Performing and Visual Arts, an umbrella organization that encompasses the perform­ing arts school. He is planning to establish a four-year Mercyhurst scholarship to be awarded to a promising student from the performing arts school.

"The college has been very committed to establishing and supporting the arts at Mercyhurst," Dr. Palmer concluded. "Now we want the community to understand that not only is Mercyhurst where the arts are, but that they are welcome to attend and see what we can do."

Upcoming Events Art Show—the paintings of Dennis Bozic,

in the Cummings Gallery, October 9 through October 31.

D'Angelo Choir Concert—Christ the King Chapel, October 30, at 2:30 p.m.

"H.M.S. Pinafore'^-the Gilbert and Sullivan operetta, in the Mercyhurst Little Theatre, October 28, 29, 30, November 3,4, 5 at 8 p.m.

D'Angelo Wind Ensemble—Zurn Recital Hall, November 6, at 2:30 p.m.

Art Show—the paintings of Roger Clark, in the Cummings Gallery, November 6 through November 28.

D'Angelo Visiting Artist, Maria Bachman, violinist—Zurn Recital Hall, November 9 at 8:15 p.m.

D'Angelo Recital Series, John Browning, pianist—Tech Memorial Auditorium, November 13 at 2:30 p.m.

D'Angelo Percussion Ensemble—Zurn Recital Hall, November 15, at 8 p.m.

Dance Performance ("Peer Gynt" and others)—Zurn Recital Hall, December 9-10 at 8:15 p.m., December 11 at 2:30.


Page 15: Mercyhurst Magazine - Fall 1988

Sam Rotman The Magic of the Musician and Minister

This summer, even when just about everything else in Sam Rotman's St. Mark's office was packed and ready for the move to the new music building on the Mercyhurst campus, Beethoven, for the moment, was reprieved.

Rotman, the renowned concert pianist currently entering his third year as direc­tor of the D'Angelo School of Music, is recognized as a Beethoven specialist. That explains the display of Beethoven albums and manuscripts, and the statues that peer over his shoulder as he sits at the desk that will find a new home in his new office on main campus. "Beethoven's music runs such a gamut of emotion and quality," he enthuses; not coincidentally, Rotman himself faces each aspect of his life with a heady dose of that emotion. The benefit of that to Mercyhurst College and the D'Angelo School is a level of quality that is measurably increasing each year as Rotman continues to man the helm.

Since 1986, the School has shown tremendous progress. The 17 music majors of two years ago have grown to number 66. The D'Angelo Young Artist Competition, of which Rotman is executive director, is annually recognized as one of the premiere events of its kind in the country, if not in the world. Through the recital series, Rotman has worked to bring first rate classical artists to Erie, with an over­whelming response that averages about 1,000 in attendance per concert. And now the new music building, what Rotman calls "the most up-to-date facility for music in the tri-state area", will be opened this fall.

An impressive list of administrative achievements for a man touted by Keynote Magazine as "a pianist with abundant potential", following his debut at the age of 16 with the San Antonio Symphony. He had begun life in 1950, born six months after his immigrant parents (Romanian father, Czechoslovakian mother) came to America and settled in Texas. He began playing the piano at the age of nine, and received bachelor and master of music degrees from The Juilliard School, where his teacher, Jacob Lateiner, first introduced him to the music of Beethoven that he would come to love so fervently. Rotman was even featured in a 1970 public televi­sion special celebrating the 200th anniver­sary of Beethoven's birth.

After graduation in 1973, Rotman entered the Four th In t e rna t i ona l Beethoven Competition in Vienna; he was a winner, the one winner who had not studied at the Vienna Conservatory,

renowned for its Beethoven. He went on to participate — and win — in four other piano competitions in the U.S. and Europe. In 1978, he was a contestant in the prestigious Sixth International Tfchaikov-sky Piano Competition in Moscow. 'That ' s comparable to the Super Bowl here," Rot­man remembers. "I t ' s broadcast on national TV, it's a very big event. It was definitely the highlight of my musical life." Rotman then spent several years perform­ing on concert tours.

But what originally brought him to Erie was something that happened to him while a student at Juilliard: it was there that Rotman made a strong commitment to per­sonal faith in Christ. "It's of the utmost importance to me and a driving influence in all that I do," he explains. "I attribute a lot of what I've been able to accomplish to God, who has given me the strength and perserverance." So in 1979, Rotman accepted the position as pastor of the Harborcreek Evangelical Free Church and moved, with his wife Deborah and their children Simeon, now 14, Anna, 12, and nine-year-old Sarah, to the Erie area.

He was contacted here by Mercyhurst's then music department head Dr. Louis Mennini, whose late brother, Peter, was the president of Juilliard when Rotman studied there. Mennini encouraged Rot­man to try teaching, and in the fall of 1981, Sam joined the Mercyhurst music faculty. Since then, he has continued to tour some, and he has performed a number of concerts at Mercyhurst. He has also appeared three times with the Erie Philharmonic as guest soloist. And though his administrative

duties now consume much of his time, he still enjoys teaching piano majors and an occasional honors music appreciation course.

Rotman still seems amazed at the changes he's seen in the School of Music during the last few years; he attributes much of that success to the Mercyhurst administration. "The offices of the Presi­dent and the Dean have been tremendous in allowing me to see our concepts and dreams become reality," he says. "Of course the music faculty has done an excellent job. And the school owes so much to Dr. George D'Angelo. It's really been a partnership between Dr. D'Angelo's generosity and the school's support."

But there's always more to be done, and Sam Rotman has the initiative to do it. The D'Angelo Competition has already become one of international reputation that draws world-famous judges and the highest caliber contestants; in fact, it's such a hard to come by ticket that next year, for the first time, it will be held in the spacious Warner Theatre with the pianists accom­panied by the premiere edition of the D'Angelo Competition Orchestra, hope­fully to be conducted by Walter Hendl and comprised of professional musicians selected just for the event. An ultimate goal of Rotman's concerning the competi­tion is to have its winner be a student of the D'Angelo School.

For the School of Music itself, Rotman would like to boast of an enrollment of 110-120 music majors; he'd like to see Mercyhurst support its own symphony orchestra and other ensembles, including a good opera company and vocal depart­ment; and he'd like, on a more regular basis to join forces with other performing arts departments on campus (dance, theatre) to present productions like last season's "A Chorus Line". "I would hope," he says, "that the students from Mercyhurst would be able to go out and compete with students from Eastman, Juilliard, and Peabody. We want to prepare the students to go to the best possible graduate schools."

Down whichever path the D'Angelo School heads, Rotman has plans to be there to navigate. "I love my church, my family, and I like Erie very much," he says. "I think this school is doing very well, and I would like to continue to guide it." And knowing Sam Rotman, he'll probably go at it with all the intensity of Beethoven's Fifth.

FALL, 1988 13

Page 16: Mercyhurst Magazine - Fall 1988

Mercyhurst Advancement

Investing In The Future Thank You!

Eighty-five per cent of the student body at Mercyhurst receive some type of finan­cial assistance to help defray the cost of their education. This aid, based on academic standing and/or financial need, may be an honor scholarship, grant, workstudy money, or loan program.

Five students from Erie county are pic­tured with their scholarship sponsors, whose generosity to the college has helped make it possible for award recipients to attend the Hurst.

If you would like to help a student by establishing a memorial or tribute scholar­ship, please contact our advancement office.

Jill Dufala, a senior majoring in early childhood and elementary education, is the recipient of the Class of 1937 scholarship established last year by the anniversary class members at their 50th year reunion. Jill is the daughter of George and Judith Dufala of 5406 Lucky Lane. She is pictured with Pauline Urich Jageman '37 (standing) and Margaret Mahoney McMahon '37 (seated).

Kathryn Pettinano, a sophomore general studies student, has been awarded the Kim-mel and Porris Family Scholarship for 1988-89. Kathy is the daughter of James and Judith Pettinano of 2509 Bird Drive. The scholarship, given each year in memory of Sam and William Kimmel, is funded by members of the Kimmel and Rxrris families, and by Kimmel Pontiac Inc. Pictured with Kathy (center) are Ben Kimmel, President and owner of Kimmel Pontiac and his son Randy, vice president of the dealership.

David DiNicola, a junior year criminal justice major, is the 1988 recipient of the Dan Dascanio Memorial Scholarship. David is the son of Joseph DiNicola, 1754 West 24 Street, and the late Marianne DiNicola. He is pictured (far left) with scholarship spon­sors: (1-r) Mrs. Rose Dascanio, widow of Dan Dascanio, Bernard Dascanio, brother, and the originators of the memorial scholarship Gene and Gayle Giza.

Lesa Orlando (second from left) a freshman dietetics major, has been award­ed the newly established Dr. Florence L. Burger Memorial Scholarship. Lesa is the daughter of Joseph and Patricia Orlando, 1205 West 31 Street.

Julie Gettinger (third from left), a freshman psychology major, is the 1988-89 recipient of the Wolves Club of Erie scholar­ship. She is the daughter of Earl and Carol Gettinger of 5226 Clinton Street. Julie and Lesa are pictured with Mrs. Catherine Crawford, director of financial aid at Mercy­hurst College, and Charles Buzzanco, Presi­dent of the Erie Wolves Club.


Page 17: Mercyhurst Magazine - Fall 1988

Alumni Profile:

Ann Lecker Jackson '63 Her Gift Of Thanks

by Mary Daly '66

Ann Lecker Jackson graduated from Mercyhurst in 1963. Twenty-five years later, she celebrated the occasion by giving the college $25,000.

But 29 years ago, Ann Lecker from St. Marys, Pennsylvania, didn't want to go to Mercyhurst. Her heart was set on Penn State. "I received a $500 Senatorial scholar­ship, but that was not enough to get me there," she explained. "I was one of six children, and I was born late in my parent's life. By the time I was ready for college, my dad was retired. He was 68 and my mother was 59 years old."

About the same time that Ann received notice of the Senatorial scholarship, she also received a letter from Mercyhurst College telling her that she had been accepted into the Cadet Tbachers Program. The college and Erie Catholic Diocese offered her free tuition, room and board at Mercyhurst in exchange for two years of fulltime teaching in a parish school during her sophomore and senior yeara

For Ann's parents, it was almost too good to be true. Their youngest child, who was determined to go away to college, was going to be able to do just that. But Ann wasn't as enthusiastic: it wasn't Penn State. And so while 17-year old Ann Lecker wrestled with the good news-bad news, her parents simplified the choice: "Ann, it's either Mercyhurst or you stay home and work"

Ann came to Mercyhurst and loved every minute of it. 'Those four years were very special to me," she said. "They were a time to mature, to find out who I was . . . they were years filled with people who helped put life into perspective for me."

Jackson is deeply grateful to the Sisters of Mercy who began the cadet program. "It enabled me to get a college degree, and that led me down a totally different path of life from the one I would have traveled without additional education. I really believe that," she emphasized.

As a young girl, Ann described herself as (more impressionable than religious.' "It is only when you look back on your life that you are able to understand the importance of some of the early seeds planted by those who had experienced life a generation before you.

"It takes more than mastering textbooks to cope with the cards life deals us," Jackson reflected. "I have the Sisters of Mercy to thank for developing in me an inner strength and for planting the seeds of a bud­ding spirituality that took root in a time of adversity and since have become the cor­nerstone of my life."

And then she explained, "It was eight years after graduation. The year was 1971. The doctors removed a cancerous tumor from my husband, Steve. The prognosis was not good.

"Steve and I turned to God for strength and sought healing through prayer. We began to seek new meaning in our lives. Our relationship was no longer Steve and Ann. It was Steve, Ann, and God. And here it is, 17 years, four tumors, and four opera­tions later! The three of us are still together. And we are most grateful."

The Jacksons were doubly blessed last year. Once with Steve's quick recovery when the doctors removed another tumor from his lungs, and a second time when his business

venture turned to good fortune. As Ann explained it, about a year ago, her

husband had the opportunity to buy into Cain Chemical, an employee-owned com­pany in Houston, where he is an environ­mental engineer. The couple decided to invest their savings, and trusted in God that things would work out. And once again they did.

This year, Occidential Petroleum pur­chased Cain Chemical and as a result of that buyout, the Jacksons have become financially independent.

"When we sat down to decide who would benefit from our good fortune, Steve and I both wanted Mercyhurst on that list. And since this is my 25th year class reunion, $25,000 sounded like the right figure. We've established the Jackson Scholarship Fund at Mercyhurst College to yearly benefit a needy student such as I was at 17.

"And that makes me very happy. But the two people it has made the happiest are my parents — 97-year old Alfred and 88-year old Salome Lecker who still live in St. Marys.

Jackson added, "I will always remember seeing my dad's tears of pride when I graduated. How could I forget the college that made my parents so happy that day?" she asked.

"How could I forget the memories of people like Sr. Susanne, Sr. Angelica, Sr. Carolyn, or Anne Francis Cavanaugh?"

Then she paused and with a twinkle in her eyes, mused, "and how could I ever forget Sr. Eustace! Cadets were not allowed to get engaged in those days. But I had a ring until Sr. Eustace handed me the ultimatum: "Ann Lecker, you either give that ring back or you are out of the pro­gram."

And so to Sr. Eustace, Ann Lecker Jackson sends a special thanks: you see, that ring she gave back did not belong to Steve!"

Ann Jackson is the director of a preschool at St. Bernadette's Catholic Church, where she supervises 10 teachers and 110 pre­schoolers and kindergarten youngsters. For the past 15 years, Ann and Steve have taught adult Bible studies They reside with their two younger children at 16527 Clearcrest Drive, Houston, TX 77059. Their two older children attend Texas A&M University.

FALL, 1988 15

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Mercyhurst Sports

by Greg Yoko '85

Costello Joins Cardinals

From the moment we are introduced to the Hurst until long after we graduate, we are reminded to "seize the opportunity." Not many Mercyhurst athletes have done this more consistently than 1983 alum, John Costello.

Costello graduated from Mercyhurst with a bachelor's degree in police science and started "seizing the opportunity" during his junior year in a Laker baseball uniform.

His earned run average of 1.12 led all NCAA Division II pitchers in the country. With the assistance of his coach, the late Gary Cordes, Costello caught the attention of a few professional scouts when he averag­ed 10.7 strikeouts per outing.

Costello says that it was Cordes who opened the door for him.

"He saw I had potential. He pushed me to get signed," reflects the 27-year old right­hander. "Coach Cordes was a good man. He was a good friend, plus a coach and teacher. He was one of the most influential people in my life"

Yet, pitching for Mercyhurst didn't resemble pitching professionally, even in the minor leagues. "At Mercyhurst, I simply threw the ball past people," explains Costello, who consistently throws between 88-90 miles per hour. "When I started play­

ing Class A ball in Erie, I learned quickly that I would need more than just speed."

Since his professional debut with the Erie Cardinals in 1983, Costello moved up the ladder toward his dream each year. And in addition to developing a slider and a change-up to compliment his fastball, he was moved from a starter to the bullpen.

One of the highlights of his minor league career was the 1985 season where he finish­ed the season with 127 strikeouts.

This season, Costello received the promo­tion to the big leagues on May 31, after recording 11 saves at Louisville (Class AAA). Two days later, five years after being selected in the 25th round of the free agent draft, St. Louis head coach Whitey Herzog was forced to summon Costello to the mound. This was despite Herzog's intention to bring Costello along slowly.

Costello entered the game with the bases loaded and one-out in the 13th inning at Philadelphia. Two-outs later, Costello was floating on a cloud into the dugout. He had made it out of the jam unscathed. He pro­ceeded to strike out the side in the 14th to earn his first major league victory.

Now, less than four months later, Costello's position on the St. Louis roster is relatively secure. He had just received some additional security the day of this August 16th interview.

"With today's trade of John Tudor, I have a spot on the roster for the remainder of the season," said Costello. "In fact, Whitey (Her­zog) has said that the only way I would not be on the team next year would be if I pitched myself off. Obviously, I do not anticipate doing that."

Another thing which he doesn't plan on doing is to drive limosines . . . at least not someone else's. In the past off-seasons, he would return to New York and drive limos to make extra money. "I actually made more money driving than I did pitching," revealed Costello.

However, with his promotion to the big leagues, Costello's salary jumped from the neighborhood of $12,000 to nearly $70,000 when his incentives are included. And while on the subject of incentives, Costello is also a newlywed. John and his wife, Marie, also a New York native, were married January 30th of this year. They intend to make St. Louis their new home. And like a dream come true, they hope to live happily ever after.

Copeland Heads Hoopers

p V

• f

V \ m

Dr. Barry Copeland has joined the Mercy­hurst Family as the new head coach of men's basketball. ,

"After reviewing the credentials of 125 ap­plicants, we feel that we have found the model coach to lead our basketball pro­gram," said Dr. William Garvey, college President, at the May 5th news conference where Copeland's appointment was an­nounced.

Dr. Copeland begins his Mercyhurst duties after serving as an assistant coach at Syracuse University since 1984. During his tenure at Syracuse, the Orangemen cap­tured the Big East Conference Champion­ship (1986 and 1987) and advanced to the NCAA Division I Final Four last season.

A 1977 graduate with a bachelor of science degree in health, physical education and recreation from Central Michigan University, Copeland also earned his master's degree from CMU in 1979. He completed his doctorate in education from Northwestern State University of Louisiana in 1982.

Dr. Copeland, 33, served as an assistant coach at CMU, NWSU, and at the Univer­sity of Wisconsin at Green Bay before join­ing the Syracuse staff in 1984.

He takes over the Laker program, which had been guided by Billy Kalbaugh since the 1981 season. Kalbaugh resigned this past spring after compiling a 102-89 career mark, including last season's 11-17 campaign.


Page 19: Mercyhurst Magazine - Fall 1988

Athletic Department Notes

Erie native Ken Brasington has taken over as head football coach at Mercyhurst. He is one of two coaches remaining from the original coaching staff.

Luke Ruppel, who has guided the Mercy­hurst women's basketball program for the past two seasons, has taken over the addi­tional duties of assistant athletic director.

Greg Yoko, Mercyhurst Class of 1985, has returned as the Lakers sports information director and publication assistant.

Trevor Warren joins the Mercyhurst coaching staff as the head men's soccer coach and head women's softball coach.

Joe Jordano, another Erie native, has been assigned the duties of director of athletic marketing, in addition to his pre­sent position as head baseball coach.

Bob Powell is the Lakers new head golf coach, as well as the men's basketball assistant coach.

Norm Lindamood has been named Mercy-hurst's new head crew coach. He is the former head coach of women's crew at Marietta.

Dr. Barry Copeland, and Rick Gotkin take over the men's basketball and hockey programs, respectively.

John Leisering, Mercyhurst Class of '81 begins his second year as Laker athletic director.

Sports Update

In order to better meet the needs of the increased student body, the college has ex­panded its athletic facilities and program offerings.

Two of the most dramatic changes have been the addition of two new varsity sports, women's soccer and men's ice hockey. In addition, the Campus Center and athletic fields have been improved and remodeled and the college has acquired the use of the athletic fields at the former Kanty Prep school site on East 38th Street.

Women's soccer *

The 1987 season was the first inter­collegiate campaign for the Mercyhurst women's soccer program. After a year (1986-87) as a club sport, the Lady Lakers began varisty action last year.

"The growth of women's high school and college soccer warranted Mercyhurst's at­tention," explains President William Garvey, "We were looking to add another women's sport and there was plenty of student interest in soccer. It was a natural extension for the college athletic depart­ment."

Andy Roth, Mercyhurst's director of admissions, has guided the Laker women's program for the last two years. He is leading the troops again in 1988.

The Lady Lakers completed their first 15 game schedule with a respectable 6-7-2 record. The 16 player squad, made up of eight freshmen, claimed the first win in the history of the program against Bethany Col­lege (WV) by a count of 4-2.

Freshman Jen Hart, an Erie native who graduated from Mercyhurst Prep high school, led the team in scoring with 24 points (nine goals and six assists.) Another Erieite, Sara Marchini '88, served as goal­keeper for the first season.

Beginning just its second full inter­collegiate season, the Mercyhurst women's soccer team expects to improve their record this years. "Having started the program in the fall of 1986 as a club sport," Coach Roth explains, "and then playing very com­petitively in 1987 during our first inter­collegiate season, we have high expectations for the future.

"We've had a tremendous recruiting season. If the team can improve as much this year as it did last year, we will begin to receive some national attention. By 1989 or 1990, we should be challenging for a NCAA championship tournament bid," pro­mises Roth.

Men's ice hockey

Another program which performed as a club team for a season before jumping to varsity status was men's hockey. Dr. Robert Cisek, chairman of the college's business department, headed the club program and served as an assistant coach last year. He will assist again in 1988.

"We started hockey as a club program," explained Ibm Billingsley, director of ad­ministration at the college, "but the interest at Mercyhurst and in the community was so high that we decided to institute it as a varsity sport immediately after the first year."

The Lakers finished their inaugural var­sity slate with a stellar 16-7 record, in­cluding victories over Navy, Syracuse, Rutgers, and Duquesne.

Freshman Sean Hennessey of Hamburg, NY paced the Mercyhurst scoring attack. He compiled a team leading 35 points, including 35 goals.

This season, the Lakers will be led by head coach Rick Gotkin, a former assistant coach at Rochester Polytech Institute, and graduate of SUNY-Brockport.

Mercyhurst utilizes the 5,000 seat Erie Civic Center for the majority of the home schedule while also using the Glenwood Arena.


In addition to utilizing the Erie Civic Center for hockey, Mercyhurst has begun to reach beyond the boundaries of Parade Boulevard and Briggs Avenue on East 38th Street. The athletic fields at the old Kanty Prep high school at 3002 East 38th Street, are being leased by the college for its baseball and softball teams. However, Laker football and soccer teams have also practic­ed at the facility.

The main campus, which has also under­gone some growth changes, now sports three athletic fields which are used extensively by both soccer programs, football, and in-tramurals.

And the Campus Center has not escaped improvement. The most noticeable altera­tion is the new floor surface. The original hard rubber floor has been replaced with a modern all wood floor that has reduced the number of leg injuries dramatically.

For those alums who have not visited the Campus Center since 1984, a number of other cosmetic and necessary changes have taken place. Indoor rowing tanks for crew, a nautilus weight center and offices have been added to the north side of the facility. The sportsmedicine and athletic training programs facilities have been expanded. An extension to the east side of the Campus Center provides room for program expan­sion, while at the same time providing two more locker rooms and some needed storage areas.

Finally, the most recent cosmetic altera­tion occurred this past spring when a lobby and reception area were constructed at the main entrance to the Campus Center.

Off-campus, the Mercyhurst College boat-house has undergone extensive renovations. The boathouse is now double the size of the original structure built in 1972. (SHI

Reporter's Notebook

(The following article was sent to Presi­dent Garvey from Keith S. Sheldon, manag­ing editor of the Evening Observer, Dunkirk, NY)

Words of praise: Like many area residents, we have watched a variety of athletic teams (high school and college) for a number of years both on and off the field. One cer­tainly stands out in the area of deportment.

The Mercyhurst College baseball team of Erie, Pennsylvania, recently played a doubleheader at Fredonia State University. Afterward, they ate at Wendy's in Fredonia. Without a doubt, they were the best-behaved group of young men (and women) we have seen in a long time. Their coaches should share in the credit.

Greg Yoko is the director of sports infor­mation at Mercyhurst College as well as publication assistant

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Mercyhurst Alumni News

Liebel Named Alumni Of The Year

Patricia Liebel

Patricia J. Liebel '53, received the 1988 Distinguished Alumni of the Year Award at homecoming celebration on September 17.

An Erie native and graduate of Academy high school, Pat has spent the past 38 years in city government and school district ad­ministration.

Recognized as a leader in the Erie com­munity, Pat has been the business admin­istrator of the city of Erie since 1973, serving as the director of administration in Mayor Louis J. Tullio's cabinet.

Liebel has distinguished herself in service to her city, college, and profession, and as such, has received numerous local and state awards.

In 1987, she was elected the first woman President in the 85-year history of the Erie Area Chamber of Commerce and named "Woman of the Year" by the Erie & Chautauqua Magazine She was honored as Democratic Woman of the year in 1986, and was a recipient of the Mercyhurst College 60th Anniversary Achievement Award.

She is a past recipient of the coveted Liberty Bell Award presented by the Erie County Bar Association and was named Person of the Year by the Erie Area Chamber of Commerce. She is a former director of the Mercyhurst alumni associa­tion and is a current member of the Mercy­hurst College board of President's Associates.

"I have received many honors but none that means more to me than being choosen Mercyhurst's distinguished alumna. This is where I was given my start as a woman pro­fessional," Liebel said. "I have always thought of Mercyhurst as the majestic overseer of our city — a place where the untiring sacrifice of the past and the excellent service of today combine to meet Erie's needs and to produce Erie's future," she explained. "Mercyhurst continues to provide a rich philosophy of education based on quality professionals, advanced technology, and deep moral values . . . and it is for these reasons, especially, that I con­tinue my loyalty and love for the institution, and my sense of pride in being one of her graduates."

Shy a Few Credits?

Are you one of a group of Mercyhurst "alums" who is a few credits away from completing your degree? Or do you know someone who is?

The office of alumni relations is currently looking at the possibility of developing a program that would make it possible for you to complete your degree and get a diploma from Mercyhurst College.

If you would be interested in such a pro­gram, we need to hear from you. Although this degree completion program is cur­rently in the inception stage, your response will determine whether or not the program becomes a reality.

Interested alumnae(i) may contact Bonnie Clark, director of alumni relations, at (814) 825-0538 for more information on this special program.

Need A Transcript?

If you are job hunting and need a transcript, most employers will accept a "student" transcript. This transcript lists your academic record and is free of charge. It does not, however, carry the registrar's signature or seal of the college.

Academic institutions or state depart­ments of education will require an "official" transcript with the registrar's signature and college seal. The cost is $2.

Requests for transcripts must be made in writing by alumni and sent to the Registrar's Office of Mercyhurst College.

New Alumni Director Named

Bonnie Clark

Bonnie Clark, a 1984 psychology graduate of Mercyhurst College, has been named director of alumni relations at the college.

A dean's list scholar, Bonnie joined the advancement office following graduation, where she was the administrative assistant to the director of alumni relations and development for two years. In 1986, she returned to the classroom to receive her teacher certification in elementary educa­tion. Clark rejoined the college last year as personnel specialist.

Bonnie has taught remedial reading to middle school students for two years and was a substitute teacher in two Erie-area school districts. Her husband, Larry, is a mechanical engineer at the General Elec­tric Erie Works. They have two daughters, Amy 17, and Lisa, 15. According to Gary Bukowski, director of inst i tut ional advancement, "Bonnie possesses the imagination, energy, maturity, and skills which will enable the college to better serve the needs of Mercyhurst alumni. We are delighted to have such a splendid alumna join us."

Mrs. Clark can be reached by calling the alumni relations office at (814) 825-0538.


Page 21: Mercyhurst Magazine - Fall 1988

Let's hear it from the men

Can you believe it! On February 9, 1969, Mercyhurst College turned coeducational. Those first years with men on campus cer­tainly were different.. . for all of us. But especially for you. We'll be commemorating 20 years of coeducation next year and we want to hear from you. So do a little reminiscing and then write us. Tfell us your best memories of Mercyhurst. . . your fun­niest . . . how you happened to come to Mercyhurst. . . the person who had the greatest influence on you during your career at the Hurst. . . what you have been doing since graduation . . . and, yes, send us a recent picture if possible. And by the way, we see the Big Boy is back at Elby's. We'd like to hear about its return in the 70s from our campus! It's your turn to write "Mercyhurst History"

Send your correspondence to the editor of the Mercyhurst Magazine.

You Can Help If you are aware of entry-level positions

within your company's organization, please let our career services office know so that credentials can be forwarded of fellow Mercyhurst graduates seeking employ­ment. Your help will be greatly ap­preciated.

Alumni Calendar Buffalo "Get-Together" following Mercyhurst

vs. Buffalo State football game

Syracuse Alumni brunch Parents' Weekend at Mercyhurst Parents' Phonathon Erie Alumni "Night Out" dinner (tentative)

Erie Alumni home hockey opener "blast" Annual Alumni Phonathon

For more information on any event or for confirmation, contact the Alumni Office.

If your Alumni Club would like to host a get together, contact Bonnie Clark, 814-825-0538.

October 8 October 16 October 28-30 November 2-6 November 10

November 12-13 February 5-16

We Made It! Are you a crossword puzzle addict and a New York Times subscriber? If so, then you've

seen this puzzle that appeared in the May 24,1988 edition. But if you missed it, we thought you'd like to see for yourself: Mercyhurst College made the New York Times! (See 55 Down).

Crossword Edited by Eugene T. Maleska

ACROSS 1 Waft 6 Cicatrix

10 Cobblers 14 Studio stand 15 Irish 16 Killer whale 17 Macaw 18 French

number 19 Spree 20 Get a sound

sleep 22 Exclusive shop 24 Letters at

Calvary 26 Salon specialty 27 They have

listings 31 Subway gates

35 French pronoun

36 Gloria _ 38 Film: Comb,

form 39 Spanish

greeting 40 a time 41 Bounder 42 Speech

problem 44 High point for

Moses 45 Ceremony 46 Range of Minn. 48 Exercise-bike

adjunct 50 Charlie

Brown's expression

52 Easy task 53 More comely 57 Purposeful

gait 61 Desolate, once 62 Unprejudiced 64 Vacancy sign 65 Ron Howard

TV role 66 Number of

feline lives 67 Happening 68 Cervine

creature 69 ft>pular Anglo-

Nigerian singer

70 Change colors DOWN

1 ftil of wash 2 Hopping

herbivore 3 "The corn

high..." 4 Fruit fall 5 Show off 6 Amex overseer 7 Place for corn 8 Likely

1523 EAST 38 ST. • ERIE • 825-6268 Owned by the Glenhurst Corporation of Mercyhurst College.

S p e c i a l i z i n g i n : • Fresh Seafoods • Pr ime Cuts of Beef and Veal • Exciting Daily Specials

(probably) 9 Formal

demands 10 Prudent 11 Basra's locale 12 Color of

unbleached linen

13 Eastern beverage

21 They get voted on

23 Trotyl, for short

25 Tabriz native 27 Sphere 28 Ewing


29 At for words

30 I\)ol member 32 Legitimate

33 Related maternally

34 Hebrew feast 37 Electric


43 Penn, to Teller 45 Chide 47 Leatherwing 49 Make a



51 Photo finish 53 Trudge 54 Hitchcock film 55 Mercyhurst

College site 56 Tear 58 " Three

Lives" 59 Refute 60 Small suffix 63 Maiden-named

Soup and Salad Bar Old Salty 's Specials Pizza & Subs

Served All Day S e r v i n g :

Lunch 11:00 til 2:00 Monday thru Friday Dinner Mon.-Sat. 5:00 til 9:00 Bar Menu Served Mon.-Sat. til 10 pm

Private Parties up to 60 people Visa & MasterCard Accepted

Er ie C o u n t y a lums : u s e you r L a k e r Inn A l u m n i Discoun t c a r d and rece ive 10% off d i n n e r e n t r e s . Val id eve ry Tuesday , Wednesday , a n d T h u r s d a y . If you 've lost y o u r c a r d , o r a r e p l a n n i n g a r e t u r n vis i t t o t h e a r e a , w r i t e or cal l t h e L a k e r I n n for a n a l u m n i c a r d .

MOVING? Please notify us 6 weeks in advance. Attach label from your latest issue.

lb change or correct address, send this form to Alumni Office, Mercy­hurst College, Erie, PA 16546.


New Address



FALL, 1988 19

Page 22: Mercyhurst Magazine - Fall 1988

Class Notes by Joanne Druzak

A o ELIZABETH (DONATELLI) LOFINK is **^ the proud grandmother (first time) of a grandson. Stephen Daniel Lewis was born January 22, 1988. Elizabeth and husband, William, reside at 3607 Fleming Avenue, Pitts­burgh, PA 15212.

A Q ALICE (FEEHLEY) CROTTY is one of six ™* new members voted onto the college's alumni board. Alice recent- ^ ^ ^ ^ ly retired after teaching for 21 years in the English depar tment of Tech Memorial High School in ™ — ^ ^ " Erie. During those years she had the opportunity to serve as advisor to the junior and senior classes— Student Council, National • • \ ^ H H F ^ Honor Society, and Ylteens. She also served as chairman of the English department. Alice is active in the Erie AAUW, Stock Investment, Book Discussion Groups, and volunteer work as a substitute reader at the Erie Blind Center. Alice, who served two terms as President of the Mercyhurst Erie Alumni, welcomes the oppor­tunity to serve her alma mater. Husband, Dick, is an active realtor with Holland Metro of Erie. One of Alice's daughters is also an alum of the the College, MARY BETH (SULLIVAN) WACHTER 7 3 . The Crottys reside at 128 Kraus Drive, Erie, PA 16511-1519.

-* Dr. MARGARET ANN JETTER, a pro-&*- fessor of library science at Clarion Univer­sity of Pennsylvania, spoke earlier this year at the Belles Lettres Club in Oil City. The topic for discussion was "Children 's Literature . . . Not Only for Children." From her extensive work in the fields of education and library, Margaret was well prepared with books for display and a demonstration of "read-aloud" techniques. She resides at 405 Innis Street, Oil City, PA 16301.

52 Sr. M. ANDRE AHEARN, RSM celebrates her golden jubilee as a member of the

Sisters of Mercy of Erie. Sister was a member of Beloved Disciple Parish in Grove City, PA. She earned a bachelor's degree from Mercy­hurst, and a master's degree from the Eastman School of Music in Rochester, NY. She also studied at Christ iansen Choral School, Duquesne University, the Catholic University of America, and the University of Notre Dame. In her ministry, Sister Andre has been an elementary school music teacher, a choral instructor at Mercyhurst Seminary and at St. Justin High School in Pittsburgh, PA, and an instructor in piano and music at Mercyhurst College She also served as director of the Mercy Formation Program. Currently, Sister is a piano instructor and choir director at St. George Parish of Erie She resides at Saint George Con­vent, 5201 Peach Street, Erie, PA 16509.

^ o Sr. BERNADETTE BELL, RSM, principal **** of St. George School in Erie, was one of 81 outstanding elementary and secondary school principals selected to attend a week-long summer session of the National Catholic Prin­cipals Academy in Washington, DC this summer. The academy was designed to

recognize exceptional Catholic school prin­cipals, and to build a national support network of principals committed to leadership in Catholic education. The academy provides opportunities for participants to increase their skills and share their knowledge with their peers. They spend a week developing materials and programs that can be made available for the future training of Catholic school principala Sister Bernadette resides at Mercy Campus House II, 501 East 38 Street, Erie, PA 16546.

- A PATRICIA (ROYER) SCHLOSS and «> 4 SUZANNE (HANRAHAN) DALTON '59 recently met at a Liturgy Workshop in Las Vegas, NV. It was in a small discussion group, to which they had been assigned, that they realized they were both Mercyhurst alumnae. Since then, the two have had great fun going to luncheons, visiting each other, going through yearbooks and recalling their college years. Both Pat and Suzanne are involved in their parishes. Suzanne is a substitute teacher in the public school system, and P&t is a social worker in the Veterans Administration. Pat and hus­band, George, reside at 6304 Carl Avenue, Las Vegas, NV 89108; Suzanne resides at 7409 Bagdad Court, Las Vegas, NV 89128.

~ _ Sr. ANITA SONGER, RSM, executive & • directo of The Mercy Center on Aging in Erie, celebrates her golden anniversary as a Sister of Mercy this year. The Center's staff and residents recently honored Sister Anita with a special mass and open house reception. She resides at the Mercy Campus House I, 501 East 38 Street, Erie, PA 16546.

58 Dr. VIVETTA PETRONIO has been elected as a new member of the Mercy­

hurst College alumni board. She is the depart­mental director of Foreign Languages and Associate Professor of French at the college. After receiving a bachelor's degree from Mercy­hurst, Vivetta continued her education, earn­ing a master's degree from Middlebury College and her Ph.D. from Yale University. She resides at 3324 West 12 Street, Erie, PA 16505.

60 JOAN (KOSTOLANSKY) EVANS was recently elected to a second term as secre­

ta ry of the Alumni Association. Joan is on the faculty at Blessed Sacra­ment School in Erie. She resides at 4305 Feidler Drive, Erie, PA 16506.

R 1 JUDITH WIECZOREK has been named ^ - l the director of the Center for Erie Jewish History at Mercyhurst Col­lege. Judy joined the Mercyhurst Family in 1964 as an instructor and ex­ecutive secretary of the alumni association. She is a tenured faculty member at Mercyhurst and cur­rently holds the rank of I associate professor of!

sociology. She holds a master's degree from Marquette University. Wieczorek resides at 3844 Hamilton Road, Erie, PA 16504.

a Q MARY ANNE (ZEITLER) HANNIBAL *>0 a n JEAN (JACOB) KAMATS receive all the credit for organizing a "Cadet Graduate" reunion, which took place on the Mercyhurst campus in August. The weekend's activities included registration and a get-together on Fri­day; a tour of the campus, with dinner in Sullivan Hall on Saturday; and Mass in the Chapel on Sunday. Saturday's excellent dinner was the highlight of the weekend, with past-President, Sr. Carolyn Herrmann, and Presi­dent, Dr. William Garvey, in attendance. Mary Anne thanks everyone at the college who made the extra special effort in welcoming the Cadets back to their alma mater . . .they had a wonder­ful time! In addition to Mary Anne and Jean, those in attendance included: MONICA (McELHINNY) ADDISON, ANN COMSTOCK, MARY MARGARET (WARD) HAJDUK, ANNE LOGUE, LOUISE (CURRY) MASON, KATHRYN (GOETZ) McKEOWN, MARY MARGARET (ANIBALDI) PATRICK, JUDITH PORTER, SUZANNE (STEINES) ROBERT­SON, SUZANNE (RIDDLE) SELLENY, PAMELA (ALLIO) STEINBUCH,

CATHERINE (CONSIDINE) STEMMLER, and KATHLEEN (HARTSELL) STEPHENS. Erie day students also attending were: JANE CARNEY, CAROLE KAMINSKI, and JEANNE (KEIM) PHILLIPS. Mary Anne resides at 5032 Deerfield Drive, Fairview, PA 16415; Jean resides at 56 Woodland Heights, RD #1, Springville, NY 14141.

MARY (PATALON) SCHAAF was on hand as one of the presenters for "Women's Seminar Day" in Erie this past May. The seminar was geared toward helping busy women cope with multiplicity of roles. The sponsors of the event wanted the day to be informational and to reach a wide variety of women — housewives, work­ing women, and professionals. Tbpics included: "Secrets of Savvy Investing," "Assertive Com­munication," "Children and School Readiness," and "Health Products for Women" Mary resides at 7489 North Shore Drive, Erie, PA 16511.

— v̂ JAMES SABOL, another of the newest • " members voted onto the alumni board, is a

successful artist in our area. Jim notes that since 1981, he has worked at developing a pen and ink style that has showcased Erie's historical land­marks, including a series of Merychurst campus sites. His works have been chosen by the City of Erie to represent the city all over the world. These scenes of Erie have made their way to Europe, South America, Africa, China, and the Soviet Union. Jim has taught art at Cathedral Prep since 1971. Most recently, he has been honored by Mercyhurst in being named the 1987 reci­pient of the "Distinguished Alumnus of the Year" and the first male alumnus to be given that distinction by the college. Jim and wife,


Page 23: Mercyhurst Magazine - Fall 1988

LYNNE (DIETER) SABOL 7 1 , have two children: Emily Lynne, seven years old; James Joseph, almost three years old. The Sabols reside at 419 Sybil Drive, Erie, PA 16505.

72 MARY (MULLEN) GUIENDON is an elementary school teacher at C. Wayne

Collier Elementary School in North Carolina. She stresses the importance of hands-on learn­ing in her classroom of fifth graders, which instills within the children a desire for educa­tion. Mary has never considered any vocation but education, and she was greatly influenced by her mother, HELEN (FABIAN) MULLEN '47, who is Dean of Robert Morris College in Coraopolis, PA. Husband, Joseph, is the assis­tant superintendent of Fort Bragg Schools. Mary, Joe, and children Meghan and Bobby, reside at 602 Danforth Place, Fayetteville, NC 28303-2612.

- o THOMAS P. RICHTER was recently *** elected vice president of the Alumni

Association. He and wife, SHEILA (WALSH) RICHTER 7 7 , welcomed their second son, David Adam, who was born March 1. David joins brother T.J. at home, where the family resides at 221 Forest Drive, Erie, PA 16505.

- . GARY DUDENHOEFER reports that he • ^* has been promoted to senior member of the

publications staff at Unisys in Reston, VA. His department is responsible for the preparation of all documentation (system manuals, operator's guides) for the systems Unisys delivers to the Government. Gary notes that after six years in engineering, he finds it a real pleasure to get back into the writing field. He and wife, MARY ANN (FERRARO) DUDEN­HOEFER '80, reside at 123 South Cameron Street, Sterling, VA 22170.

JUDITH (GORMONT) EMICK has been pro­moted to the position of branch manager with Marine Bank. Judy and husband, MICHAEL EMICK 75 , reside at 2147 Delphos Drive, Erie, PA 16509-4117.


are first-time parents . . . to twin boys! Born April 13 was Justin, weighing 7 lbs. 5 oz., who was followed by Jordan, weighing 6 lbs. 5 oz. Danny is employed at the Greater Erie Com­munity Action Committee (GECAC) as a voca­tional counselor for welfare recipients. GECAC helps in the training and placement of people of all ages, including senior citizens, with approximately 20 training sites in the Erie area. Kathy is director of Elementary Educa­tion and Middle Schools of Millcreek Tbwnship. They reside at 5349 Gardner Drive, Erie, PA 16509.

BARBARA (HEWITT) WEBER exchanged nup­tial vows with Frederick Weber at St. Peter's Cathedral in Erie on June 4. A reception was held in the new Sullivan Hall on the Mercy-hurst campus. Barb earned a BA in English from Mercyhurst, and a masters degree in

broadcasting management from the Boston University School of Public Communications. She is currently employed at Gannon Univer­sity's Nash Library. Husband, Fred, is a graduate of Pennsylvania State University — Harrisburg Campus. He works as a production cost estimator at Prescdltech of Erie. Following a honeymoon trip to Lancaster and Bird-in-Hand, PA, the newlyweds reside at 636 Maryland Avenue, Erie, PA 16505.

—— MICHAEL DeNIRO, sales representative • • for Dun & Bradstreet Credit Services, was

awarded the "Leadership/Vision Award" at the company's national sales meeting in Fort Lauderdale, FL. Nominees for the award were selected from 650 sales reps across the country. Mike was chosen on the basis of customer focus — having met with customers, understood their business problems, and fulfilled the role of con­sultant in developing product and service solu­tions matching his customers' needs. He resides at 87 Niagara, North East, PA 16428.

THOMAS ERICSON is an attorney with the law firm of Ericson & Uberti in West Chester, PA. Tbm resides at 505 Woodhaven Road, West Chester, PA 19380.

DEBORAH (DUDA) GALE wed Christopher Gale on April 30 at Saint Stephen's Catholic Church in Oil City, PA. After receiving a BA in sociology from Mercyhurst, Debbie went on to earn her master's degree from the University of Santa Clara, CA. She is employed as a finan­cial marketing manager at Apple Computer, Inc. in Cupertino, CA, where her husband works as a corporate finance manager. Chris is a 1973 graduate of St. Columbus College in St. Albans, England, and a 1976 graduate of Nottingham University, also in England. Following a wed­ding trip to Barbados, the couple reside at 20903 Saraview Court, Saratoga, CA 95070.

DENISE (CORBIN) ORDER and husband, Richard, have relocated from New York, NY to Simsbury, CT. Richard is associated with the law firm of Updike, Kelly & Spellacy, PC. of Hartford, CT. The Orders reside at 23 Banks Road, Simsbury, CT 06070.

- f t ROBERTA (DONELY) BUKOWSKI has • O joined the Mercyhurst administration as

personnel coordinator. A business graduate of the college, she was affilitate for ten years with the Erie Area Chamber of Commerce. Roberta and her husband, Gary Bukowski 7 3 , are the parents of Ryan Michael, 23 months old. They reside at 4210 Briggs Avenue, Erie, PA 16504.

EDWARD ERICHSON recently wed Carol Plymire in the Prince of Peace Lutheran Church. Ed earned a bachelor's degree in psychology from Mercyhurst and a bachelor's degree in computer science from Edinboro University. He is assistant manager in the data processing department at the Times Publishing Company of Erie. His bride is a visual display terminal operator at Erie Insurance Exchange. Following a honeymoon in the Hawaiian Islands, the couple reside at 1022 West Fifth Street, Erie, PA 16507.

CYNTHIA (CIFELLI) FARGO has joined the national real estate organization of Helmsley-Greenfield, Inc., in Pittsburgh, PA. Helmsley-Greenfield is one of the nation's largest full-service real estate firms, handling commercial office leasing, sales brokerage, management, and insurance. Cindy is a leasing agent repre­senting USX Tbwer, a 64-story building located

in downtown Pittsburgh. She also represents companies leasing space in other properties not managed by Helmsley-Greenfield. Prior to join­ing the firm, Cindy had been an assistant business manager and leasing consultant for Johnstown American Properties, Inc. She has worked in the area of public accounting and in corporate financial planning for both Lord Cor­poration and US West Direct. She holds a BA in business from Mercyhurst and an MBA from Penn State University, where she was an in­structor of accounting for the continuing educa­tion program. She is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Cindy and husband, Brian, reside at 110 East Foster Avenue, Apartment #501, State College, PA 16801.

ANTHONY QUINT will officially begin his term of membership on the alumni board at the Homecoming '88 board meeting in September. Tbny received a BA in political science from Mercyhurst, with a minor in criminal justice. He is an active participant in alumni functions, including its annual Phonathon. From 1976-1982, he worked extensively with the Big Brothers of Erie County. Tbny has a successful background in sales, marketing, management, and advertising. He and wife, Nancy, and son, Nicholas, reside at 4206 Wayne Street, Erie, PA 16504.

THOMAS STAINBROOK has been promoted to regional director of Loss Prevention for Fisher Big Wheel, Inc. He will be directing the Loss Prevention Program for 50+ retail stores in Indiana, Michigan, and Ohio. Tbm, along with wife Joyce, son Adam, and daughter Katherine, reside at 601 Sixth Street, Fremont, OH 43420.

DIANE WAWREJKO has accepted a tenure-track faculty position in dance at Wheaton Col­lege in Illinoia After receiving her BA in dance from Mercyhurst, Diane went on to earn an MFA in choreography and performance from Arizona State University in 1986. Since then, she has appeared nationally on PBS with the National Ballet of China's first US tour. She has also appeared on television stations in Pitts­burgh, PA for her work and development of pre­school dance programs. Diane resides at 595 East Thornhill, Apartment #5-208, Carol Stream, IL 60188.

- Q MARGARET (DAMICO) BARBER • " informs us a part-time nursing job and

three children keep her busy. Erin is seven years old, Bryan is five, and Meghan is three. Husband, Steve, was recently promoted to pro­duct engineer, Marine and Military Group for Aeroquip Corporation. The Barbers reside at 134 East Raymond Street, Van Wert, OH 45871.

NADINE BELOVARAC recently received her teaching certification from Arizona State University, and has subsequently accepted a position to teach social studies at South Moun­tain High School in Phoenix, AZ. Nadine resides at 1050 South Longmore, Apratment #332, Mesa, AZ 85206.

REBECCA (ZUKAS) FORSYTHE has an 18-month-old daughter named Ariel. She and husband, Scott, are back in Pennsylvania after spending time in Germany and California. Rebecca is in the field of nursing at Shenango Valley Medical Center and her husband is a truck driver for Joy Cone Company. Rebecca would love to hear from her friends. The family resides at 519 Main Street, West Middlesex, PA 16159.

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DIANE (GRANT) HATCHER is now living in Tfexas with husband, Bill, daughter, Laura (six years old), and two step-children (ages 11 and 12). Diane would enjoy hearing from old friends too. The Hatchers reside at 6607 Lake Cliff, San Antonio, TX 78244.

MICHAEL HELLER has been promoted to Associate with the firm of Root, Spitznas & Smiley, Inc., a major accounting firm in Erie He and wife, NANCY (KNOBLOCH) HELLER, have three children (with another one on the way!): Nathan, seven years old; Colleen, four; and Daniel. S s ^ ^ H H U ^ j J Nancy has informed us that the "Gang of 7 9 " recently met for an evening of "catching up.* Alums in attendance were: LESLIE (ELLER) BARRELL and husband, John; JoANN DeSAN-TIS; NADINE BELOVARAC; and Mike and Nancy. Others whose work schedules kept them away were: MARGARET (DAMICO) BARBER and REBECCA (ZUKAS) FORSYTHE. The group started out with "catch-up hour" at JoAnn's, dinner at the Stonehouse Inn, followed by a "wrap-up" at the Hellers. The third annual reunion was enjoyable, and the gang would love to find other "lost" gang members to join them for future get togethers. The Hellers reside at 719 East 43 Street, Erie, PA 16504.

JAMES PASKERT has joined Fast Food enter­prises, the local Burger King franchise, as a district manager. His responsibilities include the operational supervision of three local Burger King restaurants. Previously, Jim work­ed for four years in management capacities with Progressive Casualty Insurance Company of Cleveland, OH. He also spent five years with Tkco Bell Corporation as a district manager and a regional training center manager. Jim and wife, Patricia, reside at 7606 Daggett Road, Girard, PA 16417.

jw* JOHN BURTON has joined the staff of the O " Erie Day School. His academic responsibil­ities will include programs in public speaking, debate, mime, dramatic reading, comedy, and music appreciation. John studied theater and music at Mercyhurst, and has been the direc­tor of Youtheatre for the Erie Playhouse since 1985. He resides at 6794 Buffalo Road, Harbor-creek, PA 16421.

CINDY (SIMS) CARNEY and husband, Douglas, welcomed their second child in April. Daughter Kalyn Elizabeth joins her brother, Shaun Douglas, where the Carneys reside at 4006 Sunset Boulevard, Erie, PA 16504.

CORRINE (HALPERIN) EGAN is executive director of the Northwestern Pennsylvania Area Labor Management Council. She is well known locally for her work as a founding member and the current President of Erie 80, an organiza­tion of entrepreneurial women who believe in the value of networking. Corrine attended the University of Michigan, Wayne State Univer­sity, Pennsylvania State University — Behrend College, and graduated magna cum laude from Mercyhurst. After stints as executive director of the Council on Volunteers for Erie County (1971-78), executive director of the Young Women's Christian Associations of Erie (1978-1981), and director of the Office of Community Education at Mercyhurst, she became executive director of the NPALMC in

1986. Corrine is on the advisory board of the Hospitality House for Women, the Women's

Center of Saint Vincent Health Center, and is a President's Associates of the college. She and husband, Leo, along with three children by a previous marriage, reside at 2948 Willowood Drive, Erie, PA 16506.

VALERIE (HARTLE) EWING wed Fred Ewing on May 14 in the Ford Chapel at Allegheny Col­lege. They spent their honeymoon in Niagara Falls and Tbronto, Canada. Valerie is employed as a caseworker at the Crawford County Mental Health/Mental Retardation Program. Fred, a 1975 graduate of Allegheny College, owns and operates a farm in Linesville, PA where the couple reside.

THOMAS GAY is vice president in charge of mortgage lending at Liberty Savings Bank in Warrenton, VA. Ibm and wife, Pamela, have three sons: Christopher, who is almost six years old; Patrick, three; and Eric, two. The family resides at 340 Rock Springs Road, Warrenton, VA 22186.

PAUL VITELLI has been employed since 1980 by the Big Boy Restaurants of America in Cleveland, OH as a trainer manager. He and wife, Cheryl, have three children: Leigh Anne, seven; Matthew, four; and Kristen, two. The Vitellis reside at 2978 Lost Nation Road, Willoughby, OH 44094.

MARK ZETTS and LISA (McGEE) ZETTS announce the birth of a baby boy, Michael Philip, born June 10. Mark is the director of campus dining at Youngstown State University in Ohio. Lisa teaches kindergarten for Canfield local schools. The Zetts reside at 6969 Raccoon Road, Canfield, OH 44406.

R 1 THOMAS DORE, Jr., formerly director of "•*• alumni relations at Mercyhurst, has taken a position with Johnson & Johnson Corpora­tion. After graduation, Ibm joined the admis­sions staff here at the college, and was subsequently promoted to director of alumni relationa Ibm notes that after seven fulfilling years of working with prospective students and very dedicated alumni, he will always have strong ties to the college. The Dores reside in Erie, PA.

LINDA (FIRST) FRISINA is a customer service representative in the Southeast Region of the USAA Insurance Company located in Tampa, FL. She and husband, STEPHEN FRISINA '80, reside at 12303 Yellow Rose Circle, Riverview, FL 33569.

MARY BETH (BARRETT) HABEL and hus­band, Daniel, are the proud parents of daughter, Catherine Eileen born May 10 and weighing 6 lbs. 13 oz. Mary Beth tells us that Cathy is a real joy and motherhood is wonderful! The Habels reside at 20312 Highland Hall Drive, Gaithersburg, MD 20879.

JOHN LEISERING has been named director of athletics at Mercyhurst College. Leisering received his bachelor's 1 ^ ^ ^ degree in business admin­istration and worked in the broadcast industry for 11 years before joining the Mercyhurst Family. He B resides with his wife, Kate, ^^^ and three children at 2701 Plum Street, Erie, PA S 16508. \

* • * » * .

MARK SWARTSWELDER has been an agent with the Alcohol, Tbbacco, and Firearms Bureau since August of 1987. In April, he at­tended a two-month training session in Glencoe, GA. Mark is married with two children: three-year-old Mark and one-year-old Lauren. The family resides at Three Arnold Place, Hunt Club, Newark, DE 19702.

ft9 VALERIE (KAMINSKI) LAUFENBERG O ^ wed husband, Richard, in March at the St. Andrew Catholic Church in Erie. Valerie is an administrative assistant at the Americans for the Competitive Enterprise System. Her hus­band is employed as a carpenter foreman at Baldwin General Contractors, Inc. Following a wedding trip to Montego Bay, Jamaica, the Laufenbergs reside at 1017 Newton Avenue, Erie, PA 16511.

NANCY PAT SCANLON wrote recently to inform us she has received her bachelor of arts degree from the Henry W. Grady School of Jour­nalism and Mass Communications at the University of Georgia. She graduated with a 3.92 GPA, and was inducted into "The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi." Nancy Pat also made the Dean's List each of the four quarters she attended UGA . . . all this while holding down two jobs! Congratulations, Nancy Pat. She now works as the copy editor for The Saratogian. She resides at 157 Circular Street, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866.

83 MARY KAY (VONA) ABERNATHY was recently installed as an honorary member

in the National Business Honor Society of Delta Mu Delta — Chapter Delta Omicron. Mary Kay is head of human resources at Price Waterhouse in 1km-pa, FL. She resides at 1427 40 Avenue, NE, St. Petersburg, FL 33703- mry^^m /

KAREN (HUBIAK) GERLACH and husband, Robert, welcomed a son, Nicholas Robert, born March 14 and weighing 8 Iba The Gerlachs reside at 2846 Homer Avenue, Erie, PA 16506.

LISA (COSTELLO) HECKMAN has been named director of student activities at John Carroll University in Cleveland, OH. Lisa receiv­ed her master's degree in student personnel, and guidance and counseling from Gannon University in 1985. Her husband, John, recently received his CPA and is an auditor for Peat Marwick Main & Com­pany. The Heckmans reside at 26151 Lakeshore Boulevard, Apartment #2122, Euclid, OH 44132.

LANCE LAVRINC, formerly vice president of the Mercyhurst Alumni Association, has been elected President of the Association. Lance is employed at Lumbermen's Underwriting of Pitts­burgh, PA as a loss preven­tion engineer. In his work, he travels extensively throughout the north­eastern United States. He resides at 11739 J o a n B Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15235-3136.


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BRUCE MILLER tells us he has accepted a position as a contracts negotiator with the US Air Force Systems Command, Aeronautical Systems Division at Wright-Patterson AFB near Dayton, OH. He and wife, MARYGRACE (YAKOVAC) MILLER, are expecting their second child in September. The Millers reside in Kettering, OH.

PATRICK WYNN has been promoted to general manager of Marriott Timesharing Resorts in Orlando, FL. Pat's wife, KELLY (MEYER) WYNN '84, is Foodservice Director at Parkside Lodge of Orla:ndo, a drug and alcohol rehabilitation center. The Wynns reside at 432 Hunter Circle, Kissimmee, FL 32758.

84 JULIE (BISSELL) BOZICH wed Gerald Bozich in a lovely April 30 ceremony at

Christ the King Chapel on campus. Julie and Gerald were married by Rev. Gregory Edwards, a cousin of the bride. A reception at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Social Hall followed. Julie is a cutomer representative at National Fuel in Erie, and her husband, an Air Force veteran, is production supervisor at Inland Container, also in Erie. Following a Key West, FL honey­moon, the couple reside at 1941 Depot Street, Harborcreek, PA 16421.

CATHERINE (BROWN) CRAWFORD and hus­band, Robert, are the proud parents of baby boy, Paul Joseph. Cathy is director of financial aid at Mercyhurst. The Crawfords reside at 18 East 31 Street, Erie, PA 16504.

RICHARD FORSGREN has been named direc­tor of the photography department of the Times Publishing Company in Erie. Rich resides at 1539 West Grandview Blvd., Erie, PA 16509.

THOMAS FRANK and wife, Mary Jane, are the happy parents of newborn son, Brendan Ellis. He was born March 15, weighing 8 lbs. 14 oz. Tbm notes that Brendan has the poten­tial to be a 6* 4" swing man for the 2006 Laker basketball team. The Franks reside at 603 North Pine Street, Mt. Prospect, IL 60056.

HOLLY (WILCHER) GATTI and Michael Gatti were married on May 21 at Mount Calvary Catholic Church in Erie. Holly is currently employed as a secretary at Erie Insurance Group. Holly's husband is employed by Marine Bank. Following a wedding trip to San Diego, CA, the couple reside at 15 Sanford Place, Erie, PA 16511.

JOHN KUHL, assistant manager of dining ser­vices at the University of Rochester in New York, was chosen as one of only 25 participants from across the nation to attend the 1988 Na­tional Association of College and University Food Service Leadership Institute. NACUFS is a professional organization dedicated to advan­cing the standards of food service on school, col­lege, and university campusea Since receiving his degree in HRIM three years ago from Mercy­hurst, John has been affiliated with the Univer­sity of Rochester. He resides at 225 Alexander Street, Apartment #1, Rochester, NY 14607.

HEATHER (WILSON) McSHANE has joined the staff of Jack O'Brien Advertising of Erie. Her duties include assisting with accounts, the

preparation of new business presentations, and planning video and audio production. Heather is also active in singing organizations, includ­ing the Erie Philharmonic Chorus. She resides at 1016 Silliman Avenue, Erie, PA 16511-1960.

a ^ MICHAEL HANES and Chr is t ine 8 0 Leonardi were married at Christ the King Chapel on campus in May. The bride is the daughter of Don Leonardi, long-time employee in the maintenance department at Mercyhurst. Both Michael and Christine work at Oil City Area Heal th Center; Mike as an a r t psychotherapist, and Chris as a master's level psychologist. Following a honeymoon in Key West, FL, the couple reside at 301 Innis Drive, Oil City, PA 16301.

PAMELA (THEUERKAUF) MILLIN exchang­ed wedding vows with Peter Millin in Saint Peter's Cathedral at a May 21 ceremony. A lovely reception followed at the Kahkwa Club in Erie. Pam earned an associate's degree in culinary arts from the Culinary Institute of America, and a bachelor's degree in HRIM from Mercyhurst. She is a demi-chef patissier at Vista International Hotel in Pittsburgh, PA, where her husband is employed as a chef de partie. Peter is a graduate of Gesamtschule Lampertheim and Hotel und Gastatten-fachschule Bad Uberkingen, both in West Ger­many. Following a Palm Beach, FL honeymoon, the couple reside at 200 South Matilda, Apart­ment #2, Pittsburgh, PA 15224.

BETH (FARNEN) VALKOSKY wed Edward Valkosky on May 14 at The St. Matthew-in-the-Woods Catholic Church in Erie. Beth received a BA in art education from Mercyhurst, and her husband attended the Pennsylvania State University at Erie — Behrend College. He is employed as a tool and die maker at Triangle Tbola After enjoying a honeymoon in Florida, the couple reside at 8501 Parson Road, Erie, PA 16509.

GREGORY YOKO has been named sports in­formation director and publications assistant at Mercyhurst. For the past three years, he has served as sports information direc­tor, head men's cross coun­try coach, and assistant track coach at Loras Col­lege, a Division III institu­tion in Dubuque, IA. While at Loras, Greg garnered ^ ^ ^ seven national and t w o ^ H i / k local awards for his publications as the SID. He is married to the former Kimberly Becker, who is a 1987 accounting graduate of Loras College. They reside at 611 East 38 Street, Erie, PA 16504.

86 PATRICK CALLAHAN and ELIZABETH LAWLER '87 announce their wedding

engagement; a June 1989 wedding is planned in West Chester, PA. Patrick is a criminal justice and securi- - i " W r ^ M > ty loss prevention graduate employed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. El izabeth, an HRIM graduate, is employed by ^ ^ ^ ^ H / the Marriott Corporation I ^ B at Lankenau Hospital in Philadelphia, PA. She resides at 1303 Grove Road, West Chester, PA 19380; Pat is a resident of Silver Springs, MD.

KEVIN JULIUS wed Regina Guzel on June 11 at the First United Methodist Church in

Canonsburg, PA. Kevin teaches at the J.S. Wilson Middle School in Erie Prior to her mar­riage, Regina was a counselor at the Children's Home of Bradford in Bradford, PA. Following their honeymoon in Washington, DC, the cou­ple reside at 37-A Cherry wood Lane, RD #10, Erie, PA 16509.

MAUREEN (CASEY) RENOUF and CHRISTOPHER RENOUF '87 were married on May 14 at The Good Shepherd Church in Long Island, NY. Chris is a restaurant manager for Courtyard by Marriott, and Maureen is employed by the Sheraton Corporation. The couple spent their honeymoon in Bermuda, and now reside at 5-14 Heritage Square Apart­ments, Aberdeen, NJ 07747.

LORI (MARWOOD) WHEELER wed Donald Wheeler on May 14 at St. John's Episcopal Church in Franklin, PA. Lori is employed by the Shields Rubber Corporation of Erie. Her husband, who attended Slippery Rock Univer­sity in Pennsylvania, is an employee of Erie Beer Company. Following a Caribbean cruise, the couple reside at 217 Lincoln Avenue, Erie, PA 16505.

MATTHEW WHELAN, assistant director of admissions at Mercyhurst, will be joining the alumni board this fall. Matt accepted the posi­tion as an admissions counselor in August '86, and has worked closely with prospective students since then. He now looks forward to working with the College's alumni body. He received a BA in criminal justice with a con­centration in pre-law. While a student at Mercy­hurst, Matt received the "Sr. Eustace Taylor Leadership Award," "Sister Carolyn Herrmann Senior Service Award," "President's Achieve­ment Award for Academic Excellence in Criminal Justice," "Alpha Phi Sigma National Criminal Justice Honor Society" and "Student Government Outstanding Service Award." Matt resides at 613 East 38 Street, Apartment #3, Erie, PA 16504.

o - JULIE (MINZENBERGER) BLASZCZYK O * exchanged wedding vows with Anthony Blaszczyk during a May 14 ceremony at the St. George Catholic Church in Erie. Julie is employed by Kaufmann's department store, and Tbny is a radiologic technologist at Hamot Medical Center. The couple shared a special Caribbean honeymoon cruise and now reside at 720 Mineo Drive, Erie, PA 16509.

TONI (MYERS) CRENSHAW, formerly of Erie, has joined Peat Marwick as an accountant in its Pittsburgh business office. She earned her BA in accounting at Mercyhurst, cum laude, and was a member of Delta Mu Delta National Business Honorary Society. Tbni resides at 1306 Sheffield Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15233.

HELENE (FARRELL) DOVISHAW and John Dovishaw, Jr. exchanged nuptial vows at the St. Andrew Catholic Church in Eria Helene receiv­ed her associate's degree at the Fashion In­stitute of Technology in New York, NY and went on to earn a bachelor's degree in Fashion Merchandising from Mercyhurst. John is a graduate of the Pennsylvania State University. He is assistant manager at The Sharper Image Company in Cleveland, OH. Following a New England honeymoon, the couple reside at 536 Seminole Drive, Erie, PA 16505.

CARL KOVSKI wed Sharon Milano of Fairview, PA on April 16 at Holy Cross Catholic Church. The bride is an Edinboro University graduate, who is a group supervisor at Lollipop U. Day Care Center in Fairview. Carl is a maintenance

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supervisor at Fairview manor. After a wedding trip to Seven Springs Resort in Champion, PA and Pittsburgh, PA, the Kovskis reside at 7604 Lakewood Drive, Fairview, PA 16415.

WILLIAM NESDORE has joined Root, Spitz-nas & Smiley, Inc. of Erie as a staff accountant in the firm's accounting and auditing depart­ment. Bill resides at 5957 Jodie Lane, Apart­ment #4, Erie, PA 16509.

CHRISTOPHER PARKER, a criminal justice police science/security graduate, called to tell us he is currently training as a narcotics agent with the Bureau of Narcotics and Drug Control in Greensburg, PA. Chris resides in Conneaut Lake, PA.

LISA (PALLOTO) WAYAND and Joseph Wayand exchanged marriage vows on May 28 in Christ the King Chapel on campua Prior to her marriage, Lisa was a graphic designer at Howell Press Publishing in Charlottesville, VA. The groom is a graduate of the Pennsylvania State University, and works as an accountant/ management trainee at United Telephone System. The couple spent their honeymoon traveling through the New England states. They reside at 3241 Westdale Court, Waldorf, MD 20601-8943.

Q Q KAREN MACKENNA is engaged to IAN 8 8 HESSEL '89. Their June 3,1989 wedding ceremony will take place in Buffalo, NY. Ian is from Lambton Germiston, South Africa, and Karen resides at 2336 Jamaica Drive, Wind-wood, Wilmington, DE 19810.

BRIGID NEE is one of two new admissions counselors hired by the college. She resides at 4312 Wayne Street, Erie, PA 16504.

JAMES SHAFFER has joined Pfeat Marwick as an assistant accountant in the firm's Pittsburgh office. Peat Marwick has 137 offices throughout the United States. The Pittsburgh office pro­vides accounting, auditing, tax and manage­ment consulting services to a broad range of corporations, private businesses, institutions, and individuals in western Pennsylvania, West Virginia, eastern Ohio, and western Maryland. Jim resides in Pittsburgh, PA.

BERNARD VALENTO has joined the college as an admissions counselor. Bernie resides at 613 East 38 Street, Apartment #6, Erie, PA 16504.

JOHN WIECEK's nomination to the alumni board has been approved by the current membership, and he will begin his term in September. John is a sargeant with the City of Eastlake Police Depart­ment. His academic history includes: 1977 — associate of applied science in law enforcement from Lakeland Community Col­lege in Mentor, OH; 1980 — bachelor of science in criminal justice from Lake Erie College, Gar­field Division; 1988 — master of science in criminal justice administration from Mer-cyhurst. Awards and commendations include: 1979 — Exceptional Service Award from the Eastlake Police Department; 1982 - Medal of Honor from the Lake County Chiefs of Police; 1984 — Combat Cross from the Lake County Chiefs of Police. John resides in Concord, OH.

KATHLEEN WINSCHEL, RD, chief clinical dietitian at Metro Health Center of Erie, has been accepted into the American Dietetic Association. Kathy resides at 5407 Somerset Drive, Fairview, PA 16415.


H. Virginia "Ginny" Anderson '37 Madeline (Burg) Heintz, mother of Ellen (Heintz) Munson '38 Dr. M.L. Sullivan, sister of Britta Marie (Sullivan) Ladd '38 Helen (Gowans) Slack '38 Mary Jean (McClafferty) Keefe '40 Robert Parker, husband of Jeanne (Farrell) Parker '52 Mary Daniels, daughter of Diane (Weigle) Daniels '71 Ernest J. Boback, father of James Boback '76 Edith F. Regan, mother of Eileen (Regan) O'Brien '79 and mother-in-law of William O'Brien '79 Cereta Ann "Rita" White '87 Leslie Camillaci, freshman, sister of Michelle Camillaci '88

* * * * *

Josephine D'Angelo, mother of Dr. George D'Angelo who is a college trustee Maggie Dixon, mother of James Dixon, Sr. and grandmother of James Dixon, Jr. who both work in the maintenance department Florence "Petey" Grant, mother of Kathleen Grant who works in the business office Marie Meagher who was a charter member of the Mercyhurst Carpe Diem Society Marilyn Pinto, mother of David Pinto who is director of the Hammermill Library, and mother-in-law of Erica Pinto who is an instruc­tor in the HRIM department

It's News To Us . . . If you tied the knot, had a baby, received a promotion, a transfer, a new job, a graduate degree, an award, an appointment, or anything

else you would like your classmates to know about, you can help us fill the Class Notes pagea Just fill out the form below with your news. We also welcome professional photographs. We will make every effort possible to print your

news in the next issue. But be patient. Because of early deadlines, publication may be delayed. Mail your news to Joanne Druczak, Alumni Office, Mercyhurst College, Erie, PA 16546.

Name Class.



Phone. Degree.

State .Zip

• Check if this is a new address

News item:

Name of spouse Mercyhurst Class/Degree _ Include maiden name if spouse is a Mercyhurst alum and the names of children and ages.

We also welcome letters to the editor.


Page 27: Mercyhurst Magazine - Fall 1988

Alumni Donors to the Annual Fund Donations represent a 30% Alumni participation

Contributions between July 1, 1987 and June 30, 1988


President's Club

Founder's Club

Laker's Club

Cornerstone Club

Honor Roll

$1,500 and up

$1,000 -


$250 -






29 Class Participation 16.6% Donor

Margaret Mary Reese Eustace

30 Class Participation 71.4% Founder's Club

Margaret Burkhardt Kirk Honor Roll

Bianca Surgo Abramoski Donor

Agnes Bremer Friant Maurine Brewster Kapp Cecilia Rybinski

31 Class Participation 36.3% Honor Roll

Irene Dolan Carlson Edana Duguay Helen Huether Storey Mary McCrady Thompson

32 Class Participation 60.0% Honor Roll

Natalie Ford Allen Veronica Pyne Alice Dolan Stainbrook

Donor Mary Cronin Foht Cleland Driscoll Kelly Marie Cieslinski Kowalik

33 Class Participation 33.3% Donor

Honey Daly Aiello S. Jeanette Bonnell Catherine Ryan Gray Jane Turgeon Hurley Margaret Blair Maclnnes Helen Kowalski Reski

34 Class Participation 50.0% President's Club

Helen Loebelenz Boyle Laker's Club

Alice Reeder Lockhart Honor Roll

Margaret Bacon Virginia Renz Dwyer Margaret Clark Filson

Donor Catherine O'Leary Crowley Concetta Galbo Frachella Ruth Sterrett Konnerth Irene Strahl Miller

35 Class Participation 45.0% Honor Roll

Kathryn Reiser Brugger Donor

Margaret Clemens Crawford Martha Myer Flanagan Iva Kreider Foster Kathryn A. Harrington Margaret Mullaney Hogle Anna McGrath Kuhns K. Jane Conner Lampman Mary A. Skene

36 Class Participation 60.0% President's Club

Anonymous Founder's Club

Alice Martin Brugger Cornerstone Club

Virginia Mehler Peter Honor Roll

Ruth Headley Braunger Catherine M. Durkin Marie Dillon Loguidice Grayce-Marie Souders Reiser

Donor Mary Moran Cotter Muriel Lehman Flecken Elizabeth Montgomery Fleming Susan Neiner Sternberger Anne Weiner

37 Class Participation 66.6% Laker's Club

Margaret Anne Mooney Emling Honor Roll

Inez Bellotti Pauline Urich Jageman Eleanor O'Sullivan Keller Martha Kettering Kessler Margaret McMahon Adeline B. Morelli Mary Ciaiola Simson

Donor H. Virginia Anderson (Deceased) Elba Armstrong Blila Adele Callahan Anna Chambers Finegan Rita Rectenwald Kantz Mary T. Klan Betty T&ylor Kleindinst C. Jane Hurley Martin Jane Sawdey McCarthy Alice Lyman Pratt Katherine Lechner Tellers Jean Lacey Weber

38 Class Participation 56.6% Founder's Club

Frances Malaney Laker's Club

M. Rita Brennan Cornerstone Club

Madeline Wilbert McDowell Honor Roll

Florence O'Neil Bernard Helen M. Durkin Annette Miller Greiner

Sr. Carolyn Herrmann Britta Sullivan Ladd Mary Mead Thomsen

Donor Helen Barry Heinlein Pauline O'Laughlin

Hergenrother Marie O'Malley Kane Margaret Thompson Kirwin Margaret O'Sullivan Lardie Ellen Heintz Munson Mary Massello Pirrello Elizabeth Harrington Sullivan

39 Class Participation 42.8% Honor Roll

Ruth Hays Baker Edna Londregan Betty Meyer Schreier Eileen Richard Wardell

Donor Mildred Rosa Bajic Ruth Scobell Barrett Marguerite O'Donnell Hannon Frances Hauser Jones Catherine Sins Lefaiver Eugenia Andrecovich O'Brien Catherine Knauer Rose Mary Kuhn Schultz

40 Class Participation 40.0% Cornerstone Club

Marie Mclntyre Day Honor Roll

Carol Russell Cochran Mary Annice McCray Virginia Hileman Woods

Donor Josephine Murf Casavale Helen Patterson Crosby Collette Gabreski Ruth Weber Hanhauser Ruth Frost McManus Mary Matlehner McMurray Gertrude Pletz Merski Mary Cerk O'Connell Mary Mahoney Schmidt Janet Eichenlaub Woodward

41 Class Participation 50.0% Honor Roll

Ruth D. Brugger Helen Sullivan

Donor Anne E. Crowley Rosemary Klos Jankowski Rita McCann Milan Sr. M. Tferesina O'Toole Eleanor Dumitru Romcea Betty E. Schutt Maryalys Klinger Sell Mary I. Winston

FALL, 1988 25

Page 28: Mercyhurst Magazine - Fall 1988

42 Class Participation 50.0% Cornerstone Club

Claudia Evans Garvey Honor Roll

Giovina Musi Bradley Burnham Nehin Cutler Amelia O'Dea Hopkins Genevieve Grotz Howen Elizabeth Donatelli Lofink Rosemary Ullrich

Donor Margaret Aaron Asel Regina Brugger Mary Parmeter Cawley Pauline Lynch Elliott Feme Striffler Erskine Mary Hilkert Hendriksen Merri Holway Mary Walsh Kelly Norma Brownyard Kirsch Virginia Kopec Catherine McMillan Valma Blakey Mumford Jeanne Maley Pfadt Helen Mault Robinson Dorothy Wadlinger Ronan

43 Class Participation 42.8% Cornerstone Club

Harriet Milloy Schaper Honor Roll

Nora Stephens Downey Gloria M. Lutz Frances Mientkiewicz Jeanne Fairgraves Weber

Donor Mary Linney Avery Gene Hendrickson Coda Dorothy O'Hara Downs Mary C. Kloecker Featherstone Rita E. Franklin Kathryn Tansey Sackett Dorothy Szyplik

44 Class Participation 41.9% Cornerstone Club

Eileen Walsh Thompson Honor Roll

Mary Walsh Seubert Donor

Evelyn Gerbracht Butler Mary Taylor Elliott Margaret Johnston Evans Eva M. Jacobs Eyermann Mary Baltus Hymers Regina English Ingram Elaine Cleveland Loose Patricia Buffington McGrath Gloria Heberle Sullivan Gloria Corrado Uhler Wanda Grabowski Yost

45 Class Participation 47.0% Founder's Club

Loretta Crowley Bauer Honor Roll

Julia Reagle Brown Margaret Savage Darragh Patricia DeForeest McCotter

Donor Margaret Scullion Cannon Dorothea Busche Higgins Charlotte Rumsey Jackson Alvina McDermott Johnston Elizabeth Rogers Kulyk Dorothy Harrington Meseck Margaret Sullivan Polito Rosemary Held Schitea Marie Wolman Seetch


Marilynne Cooper Sullivan Marjorie Puchner Treis Rita Rittenhouse Wiesner

46 Class Participation 47.6% Honor Roll

Joanne Videtto George Mary Dobosiewicz Horkowitz

Donor Virginia Walsh Braun Helen Martin Calhoun Anne Devine Farnon Mary McDowell Gardner Anne Cleary Joyce Tferesa Lennon Quinlan Marie Gould Seaton F. Joan Wadlinger

47 Class Participation 35.9% Cornerstone Club

Dorothy Donatelli Cibulas Honor Roll

Sarah Brigham Miller Helen Fabian Mullen Dorothea Smith O'Donnell Janette Fournier Regner

Donor Dolores Ernst Aube Geraldine Meahl Baron Mary L Costanzo Mary Masterson Fitzgerald Mary E. Henretty Mary Mohr Lamp Marcelene Schwabenbauer Mary Doyle Sprague Margaret Peck Trojanowski

48 Class Participation 41.8% Honor Roll

Margaret Blatty Constance Schneider Dean Marilynn Miller Jewell Joan Knapp Spakowski

Donor Doris Wright Atkinson Helen Jean Walters Donley Jeanne Lawler Hacherl Elizabeth Ahlgren Jeska Betty Rock Kirby Mercedes Baumbeck Lawry Rose Buehler Martyn Marjorie Dean McLean Eva Patrick Murphy Sally Gunn Ortolani Theresa Sabella Palumbo Danula Tblerski Shearon Audrey Welther Twiss Constance Finch Wendlandt Natalie Cooper Woehrlen

49 Class Participation 46.3% Founder's Club

Audrey Sitter Hirt Cornerstone Club

Alice Feehley Crotty Honor Roll

Elizabeth Smith Hartnett Patricia Goodwin Jaffe M. Carol Reynolds McCloskey Dorothy Maloney Stiglmeier

Donor Rita Gutman Blau Margaret Bodenschatz Cannin Joan Cavanaugh Lucille Heidt Clark Theresa A. Dietsch Jane Eckenrode Drew Ellen Hickmott Ehrhart Dolores Fitzgerald Coletta Crawford Ginnard

Carolyn Wick Haley Mary Claire Jones Tferesa Marshall Kelly Rose Ratajczyk Leonette Mary Black Morton Elaine Forgette Murray Virginia Stephens Pbmpeani Jean O'Neil Rubino Jean Brauch Scott Eileen Held Van Scoter

50 Class Participation 47.8% Cornerstone Club

Patricia Vanderveldt Wood Patricia Sontheimer Yahn

Honor Roll Marilyn Langmyer Angevine Colleen McMahon Doyle Dorothy Zak Markes Mary Davis Swanson Ann Hantz Tbrrell Janet Blackmore Walker

Donor Carolyn Cairns Brabender Catherine Larkin Crowley Patricia Jack Fessler Miriam Gemperle Audrey Dudenhoeffer Hersch Lois Youngberg Jordan Agnes T. Kalata Jane Kelly McCrone Mary Kenny Phelan P. Ann Hamilton Rand Helen Walsh Redmond Esther Fedei Taccone Kathleen Rahill Trimbach Cecile Jewell Wolszon

51 Class Participation 54.2% Honor Roll

Joan Oster Harf Sara Carlow Kohler Dolores Wally Smith

Donor Rayetta R. Beaver Mary Stephens Boyce Pauline Speno Cheche Margaret Krebs Dale Margaret Dease Ann M. Deckop Mary Holahan Feeney Eileen Joyce Gugino Aileen Yueh Huang Margaret Ann Jetter Veronica Nakich Kraus Margaret Phelan O'Connell Rosemarie Irrgang Sargent Mary Witt Sprowls Dorothy Klein Steigleder Claire Kraus Weber

52 Class Participation 39.5% President's Club

Elizabeth Meehan Greenleaf Laker's Club

Mary Babowicz Maier Honor Roll

Elizabeth Ibdd Dyring Jeanne Farrell Parker Mary Jo Royer Rodgers

Donor Lydia Davey Asplund Ruth Beck Bean Margaret Young Dunn Joanne Travers Kingston Janet Sabella Miller Arlene Murphy Nuckton Therese Strobel Raven Dorothy Szawczuk Reese

Bernadette Metzner Roche Elizabeth Peters Strong Norma Hoffman Watkins Patricia Burkhart White

53 Class Participation 32.0% Cornerstone Club

Janet Davis Aroh H. Patricia Curran

Honor Roll Florene Cherry Joyce

Donor Julie Tech Carrig Camilla DeCampli Fellner Joan Davis Goodknight Margaret Green Graves Mary Benek Higgins Louise M. Kamenjar Mary Dwyer Kaufman Mary Rawa Kingsley Patricia J. Liebel Helen Fogarty O'Connell Rita Shanahan Schiffhauer Mareanne Cole Simmons Frances J. Sullivan

54 Class Participation 41.9% Donor

Geraldine DeFazio Dougherty Mary Julia Ellermeyer Mary Anne Hayes Greg Donna Albrycht Hausman Sr. Edna Herbst Geraldine Kingston Kearney Vija O'Deiko Liepa Ingeborg Loesch Nelson Ann Kennedy Powers-McMahon Mary Mullaney Schenk Patricia Royer Schloss Mary O'Donnell Schultheis Janet Bremmer Willis

55 Class Participation 35.2% Honor Roll

Mary Nash McCormick Donor

Barbara Buerkle Bowen Lorraine Reichel Candela Margaret Kelsey Held Jane Conrath Husband Patricia Egan Langmyer Marjorie Williams Laughlin Margaret Foley Ringwood Mary Ann Scirto Mary Kienzle Smith Mary Theuerkauf Travers Frances Chang Tu

56 Class Participation 54.7% Honor Roll

Josephine Ciancaglini Mary Pyne Lillis Mary Haughton Loftus Lorraine Enright Rogers

Donor Barbara Coole Ayers Patricia Murphy Azzarello Jean Bryson Burney Patricia Maley Burns Martha McNulty Cuddy Roberta Bartkowiak Gammon Phyllis Narby Graney Mary McCarthy Haney Dorothy Rudge Herschel Carol Kelly Hession Kathleen Cooper Hunter Judith Roseberry Kohl Joan Szymanski Mancuso Jean Lee Mangold


Page 29: Mercyhurst Magazine - Fall 1988

Marilyn Genck Newsham Georgia Lackey Patriarca Alyce Weber Piskura Virginia Guy Pollock Margaret Hirsch Whyte

57 Class Participation 39.5% Founder's Club

Rita Walter Weiss Honor Roll

Ann Schultz McCormick Barbara Story Walk

Donor Sheila Flynn Bianchi Dorothea Morell Brown Noel Jaeger Burgoyne Patricia Klein Burton Mary Stephany Christenson Jeanette Mancuso Gerace Julia M. Kelly Ann McGinnis Minnium Priscilla Prenatt Oliver Marjorie Karaffa Rodenbaugh Marcia Meagher Shramek Mary Bittner Simpson Rose Zinni Szadek Charlotte Tisdel Ttesoniero Josephine M. Unger

58 Class Participation 35.2% Cornerstone Club

Barbara Jakubowski Costello Honor Roll

Elizabeth Schnatter Guelcher Elizabeth Wahl Hilbert Vivetta Petronio

Donor Mary Cunningham Cavanaugh Linda M. Collin Sylvia Haise Colson Catherine Misfeldt Dickey Mary Hagendish Doty Ruth Friel Doyle Joanne Schmalzried English Saranne Durkin Karalus Mary Carrig Kern H. Maureen Clancy Merrill Catherine Burns Plavcan Marguerite McLaughlin Weibel Jean Criswell White

59 Class Participation 40.3% Honor Roll

Martha Lally Furey Judith Aquino Hokaj Elaine Schwab Anna Marie Bergan Tfeed

Donor Berley Schaff Adams Elizabeth Phelan Amari Barbara DeSantis Bates Angela Moore Bishop Carol A. Bocan Eleanor Cavanagh Bruckwick Patricia Hooper Connolly Lucille P&yne Dadeo Nancy Plunkett Evans Martha Wurst Hilbert Susan McCartney Horowitz Jane Wilcox Koszalka Joan Imhof Lockhart Marlene Canton Lucas Marguerite O'Connor Mauro Rosemary Crawford McGinley Frances Reynolds Quadri Mildred Manzione Schwarz Eleanor Broscoe Steines Rosemary Wiesen Vorhaben Lois Vosmus

60 Class Participation 35.6% Cornerstone Club

Patricia Green Conner Jane Canada McNierney

Honor Roll Barbara Chambers Joan Kostolansky Evans Barbara Ayers Frederick Sr. Bernadette Marie Leon

Guerrero Mary Lou Kelly

Donor Janet McGough Balonick Barbara Donatelli Bentze Lynda Rosinski Deirossi Rose Laskey Disorbo Mary Bescher Johnson Patricia Cavanaugh Kirk Elizabeth Dorsogna Kissel Charlotte Gray Kneidinger Dolores Natili Leal Laurel Lockhart Irene Mando Gayle Cummings Martin Janet Kuss Martin Mary Stark Miller Therese DeMatteo Mueller Adele Ontko Marlane Franco Paruso Virginia Foht Strucker Marilyn Smith Welch

61 Class Participation 42.8% President's Club

Judy Wieczorek Honor Roll

Virginia Rossoni Adair Susan J. Hall Rita Hinman Lohan Gretchen A. Malley Eileen Quinn Nill

Donor Georgia Loomis Alford Mary Cassidy Casey Mary Zimmerman Doolin Maria H. Jalics Judith Doehla McCarthy Nancy Killmeyer McNelis Patricia Goss Mihalak Rita Nerz Maureen Schedlin Nickel Margaret Morgan Parmerter Susan Stark Quattro Virginia Accetta Rathbun Patricia Pepper Shevchuk Nancy Lymph Soliwoda

62 Class Participation 36.2% Honor Roll

Kathleen Dwyer O'Brien Mary Stadter Rinderle

Donor Shirley J. Banic Susan Bye Cain Patricia Sullivan Crowley Denise Dwyer Sondra Konkoly Eckstein Marilyn Millard Gunther Trudi Friant Harclerode Michele Corrigan Hittie Camillia Kwolek Matusz Jeanne Jackson McGinley Rita Quinn McGowan Cynthia Percenti Ann Fondy Pysh Judith Jones Roche Susan Cutter Snyder Myra Williams Spangenberg

Roberta Donohue Van Jacqueline Pontello Vesely Therese T&ccone Wilson

63 Class Participation 31.0% President's Club

Ann Lecker Jackson Founder's Club

Elizabeth A. Yonushonis Kubiak

Cornerstone Club Kathryn Reese Guhl Colleen McCafferty Moren

Honor Roll Paulette O'Gorman Brown Reinette Boling Jackovic Loretta Stadelmaier Power Barbara Barrett Schumacher

Donor Rita Strobel Bajura Barbara Mikolajczyk Cyterski Nancy Ryby Delp Sheila Himes Fiscus Mary Cuddyre Ghezzi Yvonne Spirito Kemock Judith Spaeder Kendziora Bonita Kinsinger Barbara Sabo Leo Margaret Glembocki Mango Michaelene Kroko McCahan Judith Wozniak Perschler Carolyn Anderson Ruth Amy Skinner Sargent Mary Kern Springer Nancy August Voskuhl

64 Class Participation 38.7% Cornerstone Club

Barbara Behan Carol Weber Collis Emily Lincoln Costigan Virginia Curnutte Umpirowicz

Honor Roll Marion Michaels Markowicz

Donor Geraldine Walko Allison Delores Waida Bargielski Mary DeFonzo Budny Mary Nash Butke Judith Young Crews Mary Joyce Demetter Wendy Beezub Devarieux Kathleen Bates Dilley Suzanne Gloekler Esser Mary Babko Farwell Patricia Gillot Fluckiger Joan Kreutter Jarzomski Mary Widowski Kananen Maryann Cuneo Komazec Carol Mueller Lyons Theresa Donohue Medlock Nancy Nolan Norberg Carol Fuller Palcic Marilyn Smith Pluta Ellen Becker Scharff Mary Hammond Schnabel Laurel T&rby Skalko Anita Dorsogna Sullivan Judith Cromie Swenson Marilyn Schreiner Wagner Angela Mithadas Walsh

65 Class Participation 40.2% Cornerstone Club

M. Phyllis Aiello Marjorie Windsor Zalar

Honor Roll Mary Mahaney Baumeister Susan Smith Beidler

Margaret Hock Heetmann Judith Figaski Mastrian

Donor Mary Kelly Anderson Suzanne Matthews Bleil Judith Feldbauer Brody Karen Bobish DeCarlo Virginia Gorsak DeGironimo Patricia Hodgkiss Elder Anne Ledoux Erwin Elizabeth Bott Fitzgerald Sandra Salvato Gramata Ann McCarthy Hebert C. Mary Coletta Hoke Patricia Lawlor Frances Walczak Matusiak Elaine Berchtold Migchelbrink Mary K. Naegle Marjorie Neverdale Pbdlogar Rosemarie Pucci Quagliariello Katherine M. Scott Velma Cloyd Shipley Maryann Sabolski Sieczka Joyce Almeda Smith Helen Balzer Spalthoff Camilla Kane Stadtmueller Elizabeth Cicholski Vargo Marlene DeSantis Waldron Ann Langmyer Ward Kathie Davis Winseck Catherine Dumphrey


66 Class Participation 45.7% Honor Roll

Patricia Dubiel Birk Mary Daly Tferesa DeFino Mannen Gail Wozniak McMahon Kathleen Keim Meko Frances Catalano Minden Andrea Fitzgerald Stubler Genevieve Mastrian Wiesen

Donor Sandra Selva Belfiore Cecile A. Ceremuga Marina Pfetrone Cockrell Sarah Schmitt Donadoni Kate Alexick Fatter Karen Wilson Flynn Dorothy Delaney Glover Mary Burckart Havasi Linda Culver Hokaj M. Ruth Hull

Christine Valentine Johnston Marlene Guerra Landon Anne David Lynch Maureen Bees Madonia Janet Norwicki Manzella Susan Spangenberg May Margaret Sandle McBride Antoinette Cuneo Pavlik Mary Berloffa Tfemple Mary Kraus Tirak Mary Rittle Tbmasello Carol Kruszewski Weir Sabina M. Wells

67 Class Participation 36.3% Laker's Club

Beverly Heintz DiCarlo Honor Roll

Rita Radanovich Bell Donor

Rosalie E. Barsotti Jeanne Bricher Bender Catherine Purcell Bricker Kristine Monroe Camp Mary Lou Gonda Ferralli

FALL, 1988 27

Page 30: Mercyhurst Magazine - Fall 1988

Mary Mehl George Constance Fuhrman Haibach Suzanne Geltch Heher Patricia Tucker Heibel Mary Bernas Heiges Barbara Ann Kosciolek Divina Barbush Leitch Donna Gemma Nolfi Jane Prosser Parrish Judith Bauer Salcedo Judith Oliver Samson Karen Lynch Strub Marion Hughes Young

68 Class Participation 40.1% Founder's Club

Margaret Meager Pietraszek Laker's Club

Camille Tyczkowski Schroeck Bernadette Hordinski Triola

Cornerstone Club Marlene Di Tullio Mosco Judith Sandrock Rawa

Honor Roll Kathleen Deger Byrnes Marcia Bojalad Hope Judy Williams Lindsay Mary Patalon Schaaf

Donor Monica McElhinny Addison Edrye M. Boraten Mary C. Brown Mary Kiebort Brown Kathleen Airo Buczynski Linda Salem Burtis Sandra Crytzer Burton Jane A. Carney Cheryl Kremp Carver Maryann Coppola Chernowski Susan Donahue Deet Mary DeSantis Madeline T. Furgiuele Ann O'Laughlin Greene Jeannine Phillips Hanley Mary Zeitler Hannibal Anne Canali Hermann Kathy Icardi Hummel Patricia Bruschi Jaraczewski Sharon Jenkins Jean Jacob Kamats Carole A. Kaminski Sharon Lebosky Korb Elaine Bigwood Lewis Patricia Nicolette Loncto Louise Curry Mason Linnie McAllister Kathryn Goetz McKeown Jeanne Keim Phillips Rita Banic Pyrdek Donna Rossoni Radloff Suzanne Steines Robertson Kathryn Auer Rote Shirley Miller Schilling Velia Grazioli Sebald Barbara Kahl Shutes Marjorie Rogers Smith Diane Doleski Weber

69 Class Participation 33.3% President's Club

Elaine Kolat Kavanagh Cornerstone Club

Mary Morton Bliley Joyce Metzler McChesney

Honor Roll Kathleen Causgrove Aufrecht Daniel V. Burke Patricia H. Downs Marcella Mikulec Galitsky

Barbara Gutoski Johnson Janet Gustavson Miller

Donor Judith Lynch Allison Jean Bajorek Patricia Beisel Mary Park Burlingham Denise Madden Campedel Rita Adams Daub Rosanna Pilarski DeNiro Ellen McWilliams Doane Kathryn Welsch Ishler Maria Billitier Kingston Belle Anderson Koncewicz Martha Duska Kurtzhals Elizabeth Pepper Laidlaw Nancy Regruth Latimer Mary Jo Lipani Rita Kasun Losz Mary Pacileo Paulitz Rhonda Wimmer Petruzzi Diane Zareski Piper Kathleen Cermak Polito Patricia Trabold Preusser Carolyn Funari Radkowski Therese Zupsic Reese Sylvia D'Aurora Reising Ann Brugger Schoeller Emily Fatica Sertz Mary Strong Sharer Kathleen Kelley Smith Martha Ann Soroka Marie O'Hara Spak

70 Class Participation 27.0% Laker's Club

Christine Dworakowski Dehouske

Cornerstone Club Barbara Liedtke Hutzelman

Honor Roll Jane Craig Burke Louise Durr Guarnacci Judy Duerr Jeanblanc Roberta Carson Kase Donor Sandra Przybyszewski Berchtold Rosemary Blieszner Elaine Marsh Britton Jean Pblak Coleman Rose V. Connell Susan Gardner DeCarlo Nancy Collman Donnelly Christine Bogdanski Finnegan Maryanne Ruscio French Isabella Hagelstein Nancy Carnicelli Jordan Julianne Pascarella Karsznia Eileen Kraus Loretta Guiffre Latore Barbara Scully Liston Linda Koper Lutterbaugh Sharon Malizia Margaret Edwards Moriarty Deborah O'Keefe Pamela Kline Parenti Gail Dunningham Rieder Charlene Wujcik Rogers Mary Schlegel Samios Karen Burke Traskey Lori Weiner Mary Pasikoski Widmann Kathleen Sullivan Yates Jane Pepper Yurga

71 Class Participation 27.0% Laker's Club

Jeanne Kuchcinski Britt Claudia Weeks Seegraber

Cornerstone Club Nancy R. Ryan Margaret Fee Wargo

Honor Roll Jean M. Bojalad Mary Turek Margolis Maryann Schneider Yochim

Donor Julia Bandecca Susan Quadri Blecki Jeanne Burchell Brown Barbara Smith Coates Joann Smith D'Ambrosio Mary Bartran Harvey Mary Pat Helbig Sue Luttrell Hollandsworth Margaret Froncek Kubiak Mary McCarthy Lahiff Gretchen Meehan Langner Anne Meyer-Wilber Frances Jurewicz Moyles Collette Pariseau Carolyn Billig Rapp Dolores Krasinski Stockman Sr. Susan L. Walsh Wendy McCabe Weber Catherine Weisz

72 Class Participation 32.3% President's Club

Stephen Gutting Honor Roll

Carol Klakamp Axelrod Donor

Dennis Andres Mary Cosgrove Andres Mary O'Dowd Bauer Betsy Bierfeldt Kathleen Maloney Campbell Kathleen Caulfield Mary Burke Chivers Patricia Sutto Chiz Darlene Hilfiker Cushman Mary L. DeLuca Robert Dillemuth William Dopierala Stephanie Leon Fragle Lucy V. Hackenberg Rebecca Perry Kalista Beverley Skrobacz Kostek Mary-Jean McGarrity Albert P. Messina Susan Forstrom Michaud Yvonne Mollica Janet Adams Phillips Mary S. Rasely Barbara Baum Rendos Juanita Stein Ried Susan Dieteman Schmitt Patricia Schramm Anita Solymosi Walker Judith Szoda Weigold Linda Ruddy Zaycosky

73 Class Participation 27.3% Cornerstone Club

Gary L. Bukowski Linda Thanos Parks Robert W. P&rks

Honor Roll Allan Belovarac Susan Dwyre Mary Jawdy Santucci

Donor Bridget Sullivan Allburn Barbara Lyon Andrews Cheryl Courtney Bates Mary Popovich Bello Paul Buckley Kathleen Bennett Burgett

William Chiodo Kathleen Claffey Jane DeSantis Patricia Jurewicz Flynn Salvatore Gallo Gail Gerono Ellen Gloekler M'Lynn Souders Gorny Jane Steinbaugh Hynes Denice Manus Joseph Marrelli Ronald S. Mazanowski Paul J. McAndrew Margaret Benedict McEwen Joan Page Moore Gerald Moryc Mary Calhoun Norcini Kathryn Heintz Pashke Mary Ellen Dahlkemper

Razanauskas Thomas Richter Phyllis Rzodkiewicz Wanda Anderson Salvia Mark R. Santia Marlene Smith David G. Stephany Karen Stofan

74 Class Participation 30.1% President's Club

Mary Kierzek Copple Founder's Club

Dario Cipriani Cornerstone Club

Jon T. Myrick Honor Roll

Lee Pitonyak Belovarac Rosemary Slater Johnson William A. Kech Chris Dodd Pettinelli Robert Pettinelli Holly Henes Runo Jane F Scura Kim F Wontenay

Donor Eleanore Anderson Mary Ambron Baldwin Christine Shenk Borden Kenneth C. Burkhart Carol G. Carion William Chatenka Margaret Beirne Cregier Gary Dudenhoefer Russell J. Felix Pam Habib Paul J. Hanes Audrey Van Horn Hartmann Phyllis M. Herbstritt Maureen Hunt Hinkle Mary K. Hoffman C. Steven Kim John W. Lawson Susan Robinson Livingston Frances Merry Makrush Jacquelyn Wlodarczyk

Mazanowski Jeff McConnell Tina Pastore McCracken Mary Michener Rosaemary Pitonyak Nicosia Arthur Oligeri Georgiana Rudella John G. Ryck Kathleen Thompson Swanson Frances Daniels Tucker Julie Samick VanVolkenburg John Wojdyla Debra Stone Wright Stephen Wright Marcia Sluser Zaremski


Page 31: Mercyhurst Magazine - Fall 1988

75 Class Participation 20,5% President's Club

Kim Hedstrom Gutting Honor Roll

John B. Crupi Russell Franklin Catherine Riehl McMillin Beverly Welsh Pini John P. Welsh

Donor Tbd Allen Dianne Walsh Astry Mary Ann Bryan Daniel M. Bukowski Kathleen Jurkiewicz Bukowski Bruce A. Chase Mary McFarland Chatenka Mary Waida Coan Evelyn Bogdanski DePalma Mary M. Dietrich James W. Gorzynski Cheryl Hellman-Lossie Charlene Kolupski F. Kevin Koob Patricia Campbell Kubicek Debbie Zera Laughlin William Martin Mary Jane McWilliams Linda Hubler Moehler Peggy Ogorchock Mowery Mari Garofolo Musial Mark S. Musial Cheryl Frisina Peterson Louise Herbst Rosenfeld Jon Sedelmyer James J. Smith Gordon J. Stark Laura Grotzinger Thomforde David E. Tbmczak Sam Veneziano Rita M. Vicini Nancy Nies Washek Kathryn Zboyovski

76 Class Participation 23.3% Honor Roll

Lupe' Billingsley Patty Malloy Crupi William R. Guyton H. Daniel Hill, III Michael Lattanzio Debra Mattes-Kulig Peggy Weber Rogers Frank Sirotnak

Donor Kathleen-Gail Atkinson Joseph Castrignano Joseph Cook Thomas Crofoot Valerie Sherrange Crofoot Robert Curtis Julia A. Cutler John L. Daly Edward J. Danial Margaret A. Davis Renate Ferro Robert Fulton David Giancola Mary Debias Graeb James Hallamyer Denise Hartman C. Jeffrey Heintz Harold T. Herrmann Shirley Hordinski Tom Jaworek Marianne Shertzer Leister Cynthia Bornstein Leopold Jeanne Quinn Lillis

Andy Martin Joan Martin Daun Miller Joel E Miller Dianna Vacco Mroz Lynn M. Niederlander Ruth Gleisner Oligeri Roy Paul Reeves Robert Repko Thomas Ritchie Patricia Kazy Rotar Debra Weber Sardini Judith L. Przybyszewski Sipple Robin Stegenga-Fox Paul Tbraldo Elisa Censullo Wallace Richard Washek Cynthia Kowalewsky Way Mary Siudzinski Weismiller Timothy Yeager

77 Class Participation 25.4% Laker's Club

Jeffrey M. Best Rosemary D. Durkin

Cornerstone Club Raymond Tipton

Honor Roll Cindy Belczyk Patrick Condrin Deborah Duda Gale Robert J. Gaughan Anne Pembroke James A. Varhol Kenneth M. White

Donor Leslie Blair Ahrens Joni Foster Amendola Diane Micklick Baranowski M. Lisbeth Page Barton Gary J. Bujalski Denis Coan Mary Fischer Deschamps Anita Seekins Festa Edward Flood Raymond E. Forster John W. Hayden Thomas P. Hubert Donna Shamy Jaworek Mary Beth Graf Kim Mark D. Long Regina Scura Merz Maureen Neary Murabito M. Katherine Murray Denise Corbin Order Daryl T Pierce Patricia Hastings Pierce Carol Okin Quartuccio Sheila Walsh Richter Eileen DelSordo Ritchie Harold Rodenhaver Maryjo Rutkowski David Schroeder Susan Sweterlitsch Sciacca Ronald L. Smalstig Patricia K. Smith Joseph Snyder Edward J. Stolarski, Jr. Denise Luzzi Stomieroski Judith Mahoney Streich Deborah Sturm Beverly Verbeke

78 Class Participation 15.9% Cornerstone Club

Roberta Donley Bukowski Honor Roll

Joseph F. Guzowski Howard M. Hendricksen

Donald McDowell James R. Scarpitti Robin Windrow

Donor Denise Arnold-Hayden Judith Skrzypczak Bekeny Margo Bowen Constantino Cynthia Patrizio Coppins Anne Schilling Detweiler Ronald Goldfarb Mary E. Haug Valorie A. Mclntyre Sharyn Hurst Nutter Joseph A. Pryber Anthony J. Quint Robert R Radziszewski Amy Fitzgerald Roach Barbara J. Ronksley Stephen P. Rutkowski Kimberly A. Schade John M. Schmitt Rev. Angelee C. Smith Kathleen Megnin Smith Thomas Stainbrook Mark A. Tbppo Sandra Pulinski Veihdeffer George Venuto Diane Wawrejko

79 Class Participation 23,1% Honor Roll

Elaine Hilsinger Condrin Jane Craig Stephen G. Joyce Lawrence L. Kohler Roseane Law Phyllis Pieffer Tbmayko Ray C. Weitzel

Donor Margaret Damico Barber M. Christine Bittorf Lynn Marcotuli Budziszewski Timothy Burrows Gary J. Calabrese David Cherico Ronald Coleman Patricia Johnston Davis Philip A. Dubsky Shelagh Murphy Dubsky Aline Deyot Fracassi Paula J. Fritz David A. Gray Michael E. Heller Nancy Knobloch Heller Paul Huber David L. Hunter Carolyn Phillips Komo Rosella Bender Kwitowski Mary J. Leone Donald Mihoci Andrew Miller Janet Artuhevich Miller Mary A. Moryc Anne Valentine Neubert Melissa McMurray Northey Eileen Regan O'Brien William F O'Brien Gregory Orlando James M. P&skert Richard S. Porris Carolyn Quinter Patricia Kohler Radziszewski Kevin J. Rozich Lisa Parlavecchio Salada Charlene Schmidt Salvia Karen Kelly Schmitt Kathleen A. Sellers-Hansen Susan Brojek Verbosky Charles M. Wolfram Margery A. Zimmerman

80 Class Participation 20.7% Cornerstone Club

Roberta Bogart Batten Honor Roll

Richard P. Fischer William Parlock Thomas J. Peganoff

Donor Jane McLaughlin Blackburn Joann Alexander Delia Rocca Mary Ferraro Dudenhoefer Pauline Fisher Stephen Flatley Nancy H. Foust Jeanne Fox Robert J. Franz Stephen J. Frisina Mary Ellen Gerrity Jeanne Mates Gleason John Gleason Judith A. Gluvna Rev. Walter R. Green Eileen Crerand Herrmann Amy Blood Karstedt Mark A. Kwitowski Mary Deger Laughlin Kathleen Bowen Loper Melinda Mickler Marcum James F. McElrath, Jr. Luanne Miller Joyce Murray Barry L. Neeb Regina O'Connor Ferguson Mary Jo Cancilla Pittock William R. Rice Mark A. Richert Jeanne Sabol Richard Shaheen Victoria Martinago Shaheen Christine Higgins Smith Melanie R. Titzel Robert J. Tobin Therese T Tolomeo Paul E. Vitelli Bernardine Borinski Vojtko Gerard Waidley Colleen P. Walsh Eugene J. Weber John J. Woodruff Lisa McGee Zetts Mark Zetts Eileen Zinchiak

81 Class Participation 18.2% Cornerstone Club

Kevin A. Downey Honor Roll

Thomas J. Dorei Jr. Mary Barrett Habel Jean B. James Patricia A. Luke-Perless Anne O'Neill-Klemensic Pierre W. Priestley

Donor Richard A. Alessi Julie Zaffino Allen Dwayne P. Blore Marianne G. Brown Kenneth B. Chapin Christine McCloskey Eacho Andrew N. Findlay Linda First Frisina Anne DelMedico Gorey Susan Gustafson Hunter Karen A. Jaskiewicz Jerome Jaworowski Barbara L. Kaminski Andrew E. Kwiatkowski

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Page 32: Mercyhurst Magazine - Fall 1988

Barbara Kowalski Kwiatkowski John M. Leisering Elaine M. Loftus Glenn A. Luebke Darlene R. Lyons Lorie Chylak McClure Ann Rock Mihoci Scott A. Morrow Elizabeth Neff Diane E. Parsons Sandra Kronenwetter Quiggle Richard F. Seibel Catherine Vilardo Strobl Diane L. Witherup

82 Class Participation 19,3% Honor Roll

Christopher J. Meyers Donor

Kathleen Orchard Bennett Robert J. Breakstone Frank Bugaj Linda Boddorf Calabrese Jeffrey A. Davis Robert Delia Rocca Charles R Deufel, Jr. Carla-Jo Gasparello Andrew J. Giachino Lynne A. Greco Christine M. Hafner John E. Harrington Laurie Mahnken John Barbara J. Johnson Karen L. Kolpien-Bugaj Julie M. Madonia Patricia A. May Barbara Rex McNaughton Jacqueline Dorich Meyers Andrea Herrmann Michali Mary Marchione Ricci Janet M. Ruyak Ravinder Sabherwal Bonnie James Shaker Steven Spies Martha Stahon Leonard Swisher Tferesa M. Borowski Taylor Mary Gausman Tfeufel Michael J. Wallenhorst Carla Cappabianca Watson Judith W. Willow

83 Class Participation 22.5% Honor Roll

Mary G. Collins Elizabeth A. Donne Robert Fessler

Donor Mary Auteri Frances M. Brennan Rose M. Brinker Patrick I. Cannon Joan Podolinski Clover Debra Kay Conley Maureen Doyle Karl Ebert Sue A. Ennis Leann Felmlee Michael C. Fitzgerald Elaine Zasada Flick Gina Frisina Marsha Fronzaglia Maureen A. Gallagher Amy J. Gillespie Carolyn L. Gray David A. Iacovetti Cynthia Jarzab Kiskaddon Lesa M. Kronenwetter Jennifer M. Larsen

Lance Lavrinc Kristine Kowalski Loringer Suzanne Chilcott Mack Marjorie Gloystein Manos Bruce Miller Marygrace Yakovac Miller Randy W. Patterson Janet Liebler Plavcan Robert T. Radcliffe Elizabeth Marzullo Rich Daniel A. Schrader Thomas C. Siverd Lisa Huffman Stachnik Michael J. Thompson Patricia Marchwinski Tbbin

84 Class Participation 16.1% Honor Roll

Bonnie Clark Gina Travis Doyle Theresa Weston Fessler James C. Miller Sean P. Nee John J. Wyland

Donor Daniel J. Abel Julie L. Annunziata Mary Jo Cline Catherine Brown Crawford Leslie A. Curtis Robert C. Dumeyer Maria E. Haas Kathleen O'Connor Holland Steven J. Kayner Melissa A. Heckman Kiessling Mary H. Kirk Nancy L. Kissinger Douglas G. Kramer Arthur A. Martone Karen R. Merkle Carla A. Peebles Karen A. Rastetter John J. Salvatori Karen Gens Schellhammer Michael Schellhammer Patricia A. Schuschu Br. Jerome Sullivan Margery R. Vallimont Mary Beth Walsh Brian K. Ward Mary Baldauf Wiedel

85 Class Participation 14.4% President's Club

Mary Ann Mead Baldauf Honor Roll

Bryan M. Doherty Deborah E. Myers

Donor Kathleen Loringer Abel Michael J. Allen Linda M. Bukowski Leslie A. Carlson JoAnn DeSantis Emily E Feronti Tferesa McKelvy Fitzgerald Charles A. Glanding III Leslee R. Gorzynski John E. Green Jack R. Holland Gregory J. Lindner Mary B Lombardi Mark Maruca Jane P. Mullaney Sharon A. Murphy Maureen O'Hara Nies Robert G. Nies Lynn Fusco Owens Paul C. Sanders

Theresa M. Sanders Charlann T. Sauers Marianne B. Schroeck Stephen M. Seymour Sherri A. Shiley R. Tbdd Siple Jill Snyder Paula J. Tbfil Tina Andrako Tbmczak Gretchen Walsh Ward

86 Class Participation 18.5% Honor Roll

Rebecca J. Baldauf Patricia E. Barrett Patricia J. Hautzinger Susan Sambrotto Nina Serrins William F. Smith Shirley Kramer Williams

Donor Carol L. Bailey Michael Bauman Lisa M. Bradish Laura D. Byham Lynne Cacciola Patrick Callahan Lisa Cancilla Richard Cantini Denise F Charles Beatrice Christiansen Sharon E. Deger Susan Donofrio Kenneth Dyer James M. Fisher Lynn C. Fisher Donald T Gibbon Elizabeth Gilroy Mark W. Holland Mary Kane Dorothy Kirk Jacqueline Judge Lamb Beth A. Lawry Joanne Leister Mary Marchwinski Kathleen Crotty Maruca Craig S. Medvid Beverly D. Narvett Mark E. Petrasek Norma Ryen John Schoullis Christie Smith Arthur Sommer Maria Spancic Robert W. Tirpak Mary Beth Tripp Susan L. Trkula Peter A. Werbaneth Carol Gunter Wilson

87 Class Participation 10.5% Honor Roll

Philip G. Guth David O. Hewett Mary Jo Rice

Donor Jodi L. Abbey Christopher V. Alessi Heidi L. Beezub Richard R. Bernardini Tbni Myers Crenshaw Karen L. Davidson Kathleen M. Dee Judy Brown Dyer Rebecca Mowris Eisert Norman A. Gabriel Brenda A. Halquist Joseph D. Hines Margaret M. Hirsch Gena L. Kost Susan L. Marcy Michelle S. Matheron Mark E. Medrick Naomi A. Romanchok Barbara A. Sayers Kathleen S. Schmidt Brian R. Sheridan Douglas L. Webster Susan M. Wineland


Page 33: Mercyhurst Magazine - Fall 1988

Roster of Donors to Mercyhurst College Names listed on our donor roster represent contributors to Mercyhurst College from

July 1, 1987 to June 30, 1988. TRUSTEES

J. Robert Baldwin John E. Boyle Charles A. Dailey George J. D'Angelo, MD Albert E Duval William P. Garvey Elizabeth Meehan Greenleaf '52 Michael E. Heller 7 9 E William Hirt George R. Metcalf, III Jane Theuerkauf Barrett C. Walker, DDS James A. Zurn



Jeffrey M. Best 7 7 William A. Beyer William C. Bloomstine Beverly Heintz DiCarlo '67 Rosemary D. Durkin, Esq. 7 7 Stephen Gutting 7 2 David Hallman Fr. John Hilbert Jean B. James '81 William H. Lander, III Patricia J. Liebel '53 Frank P. Marra John Masterson Marlene DiTullio Mosco '68 Robert B. Munson Jon T. Myrick 7 4 Larry New Mary Ellen Dahlkemper

Razanauskas 7 3 Mary Patalon Schaaf '68 William G. Sesler, Esq.


Phyllis Aiello '65 Catherine Anderson Cathie K. Anderson Anonymous Ann Rocky Badach Jean-Marc Baier Barbara Behan '64 Allan D. Belovarac 7 3 Lee A. Belovarac 7 4 Lupe Billingsley 7 6 Thomas E. Billingsley Susan Boback Diana T. Bohl Ludlow L. Brown Robert Buettner Gary L. Bukowski 7 3 Daniel V. Burke '69 David Cherico 7 9 Robert A. Cisek Bonnie Clark '84 Jean Rose Coffey Joan Cook David Cooper Joanne Cooper Catherine B. Crawford '84

Robert D. Cullen Mary Daly '66 Betty Damper Paul A. Edwards Angela Elston Michael W. Ferralli Christine L. Gagliano Edward J. Gallagher George Garrelts William P. Garvey Shirley George Daryl V. Georger Charlene Gee Glispy Elisa Marie Goserud Fr. John Hilbert Robert A. Hoff Jacquelyn L. Howey Thomas P. Hubert James Infantino Bradley Jacobson Marilyn M. Jewell '48

William Kalbaugh Antoinette Kaliszak Dorothy Kaliszak E. William Kennedy Bertha Kiewice Dorothy Kirk ' 86 Charles C. Kolb Laurence Kozlowski Richard J. Kubiak A. Jean Lavin John M. Leisering '81 Donald Leonardi Peter P. Libra Lewis M. Lutton Ernest W. Mauthe P. Barry McAndrew Joy McQuillen Michael J. McQuillen Ty^ne Moore Mary D. Mrozowski John J. Nee Sally S. Ondrejcak Robert Pagni David D. Palmer Vivetta Petronio '58 Janet R. Price Richard G. Ragan Willard M. Rice Sheila W. Richter 7 7 Sam Rotman Elaine Ruggiero Nancy L. Rupp Frank N. Scalise Fr. Charles Schmitt William F. Smith '86 Marie Sosinski Igor Stalsky Shirley A. Stebell 7 9 Robert A. Sturm David J. Thomas Carl A. Triola Ruth A. Truitt Barbara A. Weigert Mary Jeanne Weiser Judith A. Wieczorek '61 Ricky Wilkinson Shirley K. Williams '86

CARPE DIEM SOCIETY Donors to the Christine Marie Hoffman


Cornerstone Club Mrs. Beverly Metcalf Mrs. Kathleen C. Zurn

Honor Roll Mrs. Peep Brereton Mrs. Kathryn Reiser Brugger Mrs. Carol Russell Cochran Mrs. Betty J. Crandell Mrs. Louise V. Curtze Mrs. Mary D'Angelo Mrs. Colleen McMahon Doyle Mrs. Louise C. Druckemiller Mrs. Suzanne Dunn Mrs. Mary Duval Mrs. Ruth Fryling Mrs. Ruth Jageman Mrs. Jean B. James Mrs. Betty Merwin Mrs. Catherine Walker Mrs. Janet Blackmore Walker Mrs. Maryann Schneider


Donors Mrs. Esther Anderson Mrs. Nancy Andrews Mrs. Nancy L. Bacon Mrs. Mary Ambrose Baldwin Mrs. Nancy Baldwin Miss Hermine K. Bauschard Mrs. Maryann Bauschard Mrs. Barbara Beatty Mrs. Joan F. Bert Mrs. Barbara E. Bracken Mrs. Irene K. Brown Mrs. Mary Z. Bull Mrs. Frances Q. Buseck Mrs. Remle Cann Mrs. Alice Davis Mrs. Thora Davis Mrs. Patricia Dietly Mrs. Suzan R. Dunn Mrs. Margaret Dwyer Mrs. Ruth V. Ehrler Mrs. Shirley G. Griswold Mrs. Ida Harf Mrs. Susan F. Hays Mrs. D. Justine Heaton Mrs. Elizabeth Horan Mrs. Elizabeth Moran Mrs. Catherine Keim Mrs. Joan Kelly Mrs. Margery Kibler Mrs. Dolores Lasher Mrs. Mildred Lasher Mrs. Charla Leemhuis Mrs. Miriam Leslie Ms. Patricia J. Liehel Mrs. Sally A. Lund Mrs. Darlene R. Lyons Mrs. Patricia McCain Mrs. Elizabeth McLaren Mrs. Mary E. Mead Mrs. Patricia Quinn Mrs. Barbara Reeves Mrs. Marian Z. Roberts

Mrs. Martha Roth Mrs. Judith L. Rusin Mrs. Charlene Schmidt Salvia Mrs. Mary M. Schaaf Mrs. Mary Scolio Mrs. Margaret D. Seip Mrs. Emily Fatica Sertz Mrs. Margaret Stolley Mrs. Natalie Strayer Mrs. Frances Strong Mrs. Kathleen Stroud Mrs. Arloween Todd Mrs. Audrey Welther Twiss Mrs. Freda Volanakis Mrs. Barbara Walker Mrs. Diane Doleski Weber Mrs. Florence F. Willis


George Amidon Anonymous Hon. Warren W. Bentz J. Boyd Bert, Jr. Jerome H. Blakeslee Edward P. Boyle Ryan M. Bukowski Rep. Italo S. Cappabianca M/M Louis Caravaglia M/M W. Robert Chandler M/M Robert Chitester Mario Cocuzzi Bernard Dascanio Betty B. Davis M/M Donald G. Davison Ranjit S. Dhaliwal, MD M/M David DiCarlo Diocese of Erie Edward C. Doll Dr/M William H. Druckemiller M/M Thomas J. Eberlein Myron B. Franks, MD Charles M. Furr, MD M/M Joseph Gardocki Martha S. Gasche M/M Antonio German Jack Gold, MD Frank K. Gottschalk E. Lawrence Hanson, MD Sen. John Heinz James Higgins M/M Thomas C. Hoffman Insurance Club of Erie M/M Stephen H. Jackson Mari Keating Mary Ann Kibler, MD H. Vira Kolisch Mrs. Thomas L. Kuebler Dr/M Robert Lasher Arlene Lauber Dr/M Paul W. Layden Mary J. MacDonald M/M Was S. Mokha Charles V. Monaghan, Jr. M/M Rinaldo Pellizzari Roger W. Richards Eileen Ropelewski Catherine Schaaf M. Peter Scibetta, MD Pauline S. Scott

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Page 34: Mercyhurst Magazine - Fall 1988

Sidney E. Smith, Jr. Robert N. Spaeder Joan F. Tavernese Hon/M Louis J. Tullio Marguerite A. Urban Robert A. Williamson M/M Roger Zurn

PARENTS ASSOCIATION COMMITTEE M/M Carmen Arcadi M/M Albert Haski M/M aobert Hondal M/M Bernard McAteer M/M Paul Mocho M/M Edward Petrasek,

Chairpersons M/M John Turyan M/M Tfed White


Laker's Club M/M Thomas C. Hoffman M/M Edward Petrasek

Cornerstone Club M/M James Dahlkemper M/M Walter Sickorez

Honor Roll M/M Daniel R. Appolonio M/M Enrico Bianchi Mrs. Margaret A. Bond M/M Kenneth Book M/M James E. Conway M/M Joseph Cuzzola M/M Victor David M/M James De Joy M/M Thomas Demas M/M Thomas Dinnin M/M John Endres M/M Robert Erzen Atty/M Edward Ferraro M/M James Fuhrman M/M Warren Gallagher Dr/M Francis Haber M/M Edward Hess M/M Louis B. Jannetto M/M Theodore Krewski M/M Bernard McAteer M/M James O'Connor M/M Guy A. Parsons, Jr. M/M George Quinn M/M Chandler Rees M/M John Sasala M/M George Schroeck M/M James St. Jean M/M Dennis Starrett M/M Alexander Suroviec M/M Frank Turk M/M George E. Willis

Donor M/M William Aikens Mrs. Dorothy Alaimo M/M Gerald Altilio M/M Richard Andrejchak M/M Douglas Anthony M/M Jerome Bankovich M/M Dennis Baughman Mrs. Sheila Becker M/M Larry Beige M/M Loyal Bell M/M Art Bergamasco M/M Jerrold Bergfalk M/M Edward G. Bich M/M Robert L. Bindeman M/M Michael A. Biondo M/M William Bleil M/M George Bondine Dr/M John J. Bonghi

M/M Massey Booth M/M Lawrence Boros Mrs. Janet Bradshaw M/M William Brinsko Mrs. Irene Brown M/M Kenneth Brown M/M Robert Burick M/M Francis X. Caiazza Ms. Sandra Calabris M/M Charles Capela M/M Robert Carone Ms. Connie Cascio M/M Domenick Cavalancia M/M Anthony Cefola M/M Gary Clark MM William A. Clary M/M William Coffey M/M Vincent L. Colant Mrs. Barbara A. Colins M/M Anthony Conti, Sr. M/M James Corder M/M Daniel Cullinan M/M Walter Cusick M/M Allen Dale M/M John Dauer M/M Glenn Davis M/M William Davis M/M William Densmore M/M J. Raymond Diehl Mr. Joseph DiNicola M/M William Douma M/M Walter Dumansky M/M William Dyer M/M Raymond P. Engel Mrs. Carole Engeman Mr. Thomas Fallon M/M James Fatter M/M Colin Feeney M/M Raymond Field M/M Darryl Fink M/M Norman Gabriel M/M Donald Gibbon Hon/M James D. Gibbs M/M Kenneth Goldbach M/M John W. Gordon, Jr. M/M D. Richard Graham M/M Daniel Gregory M/M J. Robert Grine Ms. Carol Harris M/M Robert Hartlage M/M William Hayes M/M Michael Hilburger M/M John Hindes M/M Edward Hughes M/M John Hughes M/M Lavern F. Hurlburt M/M Richard A. Jaskolski M/M David Johnson M/M Herbert Johnson Rev/M Charles Jones M/M Ronald Kalish M/M Andrew Kaschalk M/M John H. Keefe M/M Raymond Kinnear M/M James Kondik M/M Ronald Kostic M/M Thomas A. Koviak M/M John Kovski M/M Donald A. Krigbaum M/M Edmund Kucenski M/M Edward Kuhar Ma Phyllis E. Kunkel Mr. Russell Kunkel M/M Manuel Lagos Ms. Marie Jane Laush M/M William Laverty M/M Richard Lockerman M/M John Looney M/M George H. Mackenna, Jr. M/M George Maloney

M/M Vincent Mangini M/M August Manna Dr/M John B. Marcy M/M Daniel Martin M/M Elliott F. Martin Dr/M James F. Maxwell M/M William M. McElhaney M/M Ronald Mearon M/M Carl Mielke M/M Charles Miller M/M Leonard Mitch M/M John Munhall M/M James A. Muscato M/M Alan Nagel M/M Tbm E. May M/M James O'Hara M/M William Palcic Ms. Audrey Parry M/M John A. Patalon M/M Donald Perry M/M James Pettinato M/M Homer W. Phillips M/M James Piper M/M Edward Place M/M Peter Pompura M/M James Porterfield M/M Charles Prenatt M/M Loren Prichard M/M Hans-Jurgen Proft M/M John Pronesti M/M Joesph Przestrzelski M/M R. M. Quinton Dr/M Ricardo Raymundo M/M Milford A. Reed M/M Gerald Reese M/M Jerome Richards M/M William J. Riley M/M John Ritz M/M Ronald P. Robaskiewicz M/M Robert Rostek M/M Dennis E. Ryan M/M George R. Sambrotto Ms. Marie Saveikis M/M James Scannelli M/M Joseph Schmidt M/M James Schmitt M/M John Sciarrino Ms. Adele Serrins Mr. Paul J. Serrins M/M Joseph R. Sherman M/M Anthony Sisti M/M William Sohl Mrs. Mary H. Stark M/M John E. Stilley M/M Joseph TVikacs Mr. Samuel F. Talarico M/M Blair Thomson M/M Dennis Thorpe M/M John Urmann M/M Frederick A. Wenzel M/M Charles Wertz M/M William Wheeler M/M Paul E. White M/M William Whitley M/M Frank Wieser M/M Warren Wilkes M/M Edward M. York M/M James Young


AIS Commercial Parts and Service, Inc.

A & W Office Products Alex Roofing Company G. H. Althof, Inc. Plumbing and

Piping Anonymous (Corporate) 3 Anonymous (Foundation) 1

Arts Council of Erie Associated Spring-Barnes

Group, Inc. Autoclave Engineers, Inc. Automatic Vendors, Inc. Baumann Brothers Carpetowne,

Inc. Bracken Funeral Home, Inc. Cohen Carpeting Corry Journal Cres-Cor/Crescent Metal

Products, Inc. James H. Cross Company Crown American Corporation Cutri-Sergi Companies Charles A. Dailey Foundation Dascanio Fund Diocese of Erie Emergycare, Inc. Erie Coca-Cola Bottling

Company Erie Community Foundation Erie Insurance Group EMI Company Erie Plastics Corporation Erie Sand & Gravel Company Erie Steel Products Company Eriez Construction Company Eriez Magnetics, Inc. First National Bank of

Pennsylvania Foundation for Independent

Colleges, Inc. of Pennsylvania Friends of Louis J. Tullio Fund General Electric Company General Electric Foundation General Telephone Company of

Pennsylvania David S. Gifford, Esq. Fund GTE North, Inc. Hammermill Foundation Hammermill Paper Company' Harry Hoffman & Sons Printing,

Inc. Hobart Corporation/Dart &

Kraft, Inc. Holiday Inn of Erie Inland Container Corporation T. James Kavanagh Foundation Keating of Chicago, Inc. Knobloch Oldsmobile Company Kold-Draft Division, Uniflow

Manufacturing Company La Petite Jeweler's Lord Corporation McCain Foundation John J. McCormick Foundation Meadow Brook Dairy National Forge Company Northwest Mutual Savings

Association Pennsylvania Electric Company PPG Industries Foundation Rabe Environmental Systems Red Lobster Inns of America Roth Cadillac, Inc. Schick Matts Corporation Sears Roebuck-Erie Smith Meter, Inc. Snap-tite, Inc.

The Stackpole-Hall Foundation Thompson Maple Products, Inc. Carl Tullio & Sons Uniflow Manufacturing Company Union National Bank of

Pittsburgh United Parcel Service

Foundation Vantage Travel Service, Inc. Vesuvius Crucible Company

Charitable Foundation


Page 35: Mercyhurst Magazine - Fall 1988

Weber Murphy Fox Architects, Inc.

York Restaurants Zurn Industries, Inc.


Abbott Laboratories Fund Abex Foundation ADP Foundation Aetna Life and Casualty Fund The Allstate Foundation American Express Company American Home Products

Corporation AT&T Foundation Bell of Pennsylvania Black and Decker Manufacturing

Company The BOC Group, Inc. Cadbury Schweppes, Inc. Campbell's Soup Company, Inc. The Chase Manhattan Bank Chrysler Corporation Fund CNG Company Foundation Consolidated Edison Company of

New York, Inc. Converse, Inc. Corning Glass Works Dow Jones & Company, Inc. The Equitable Foundation Ernst & Whinney Fannie Mae First National Bank of

Pennsylvania First Seneca Bank Ford Motor Company Fund GEICO General Dynamics General Electric Foundation Goldome Foundation GTE Service Corporation H. J. Heinz Company Hoffman-LaRoche, Inc. E. F. Hutton & Company, Inc. International Business Machines

Corporation International Paper Company

Foundation Koppers Foundation Eli Lilly & Company Lubrizol Foundation Manufacturers Bank and Trust

Company Marine Bank The Marmon Group, Inc. Mellon Bank The Merck Company Foundation Meridian Bancorp Merrill Lynch & Company, Inc. Metropolitan Life Foundation Minnesota Mining & Manufac­

turing Foundation, Inc. The Mobil Foundation Motorola, Inc. Nabisco Brands Foundation, Inc. New England Mutual Life

Insurance Company New York Life Foundation Ohio Bell Telephone Company Pennbank J. C. Penney Company, Inc. Polaroid Foundation, Inc. Premark International Price Waterhouse Foundation Security Pacific Corporation Shell Company, Inc. SmithKline Beckman Foundation Southern New England

Telephone Company State Street Foundation

Teledyne, Inc. The Travelers Company Union National Bank Unisys Corporation United Technologies Corporation Westinghouse Education

Foundation Xerox Foundation Zurn Industries, Inc.


In Memory of: H. Virginia Anderson '37 Glenn Bailey J. Eileen Baumbach Arthur Berarducci Josephine Carideo Josephine Petrungar Ciotti Josephine D'Angelo Earl Davis Joseph Drathman Clifford Egan Anne D. Hallman Christine Hoffman '86 Sr. M. Geraldine Hull, RSM Fred Lamberton Hon. Charles Laughlin David W. Law Marian Levy Mark S. Lupo Helen Cummings Lymph '32 Elizabeth Mclntire James McMahon Geraldine "Bessie" Sheehan

Mitchell Celia J. Modica Kathryn Mooney Frances Riblet Openlander '37 Herbert Packer Frank Palermo Stanley Pawlowski Pearl Pratt Frank Ramsay Hon. Samuel J. Roberts Charlotte Szkotnicki Edie Lograsso Tfemple Mary Margaret Murphy Thomas Chester F. Tofel Donald Weber Irving Wilson Louis Yacavone


Dr. Florence L. Burger Scholarship

Class of 1937 Scholarship Class of 1938 Scholarship Class of 1977 Scholarship Sr. M. Geraldine Hull

Scholarship Betsy L. Lantz Scholarship in

Liberal Arts Ann Lecker and Steve Jackson

Academic Scholarship Dr. and Mrs. Arthur William

Phillips Scholarship Fund Sr. Mary Rachel Weber Human

Ecology Scholarship Wolves Club of Erie

Scholarship Fund

NOTE: Although we have taken great care to check all the names listed here, no such list can be foolproof. We would appreciate knowing of any discrepancies.

Office of Institutional Advancement Mercyhurst College 216 Old Main 501 East 38th Street Erie, PA 16546 (814) 825-0246

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Page 36: Mercyhurst Magazine - Fall 1988

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