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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! - Far West Local ...fwlhd.health.nsw.gov.au/UserFiles/files/Far...

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The Far West Local Health District Newsletter Edition 12, Vol 5, Dec 2015 Message from the Chief Executive Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! and Happy New Year! and Happy New Year! Christmas is upon us and this newsletter is a little early. December has been a busy month, to conclude what has been a busy and interesting year. December started with the official opening of the new HealthOne facility at Ivanhoe. Parliamentary Secretary for Regional and Rural Health and Western NSW, the Hon. Sarah Mitchell MLC, represented the Minister and opened the new building, with support from Kevin Humphries MP, our local Member. I thought back five years to my first visit to Ivanhoe since returning to the District, when the newest part of the Ivanhoe Health Service were the signs out the front. Annette Walker and all her staff managed the service through the planning and construction of the new facility and also ensured the opening went off without a hitch. Donna Cruikshank ensured the planning and development process moved ahead smoothly. Greg Mullen oversaw the process from its commencement until he moved to the CEC in June. Congratulations are definitely in order for a number of staff. Anita Erlandsen won a scholarship to attend and present at the National Conference on Incontinence; Dr Ali Baalbaki successfully completed his AMC exams; Annette Walker presented a paper at the Workforce Efficiency in Healthcare Summit; Heather Renton won a STAR Award for the great service she provides to consumers; and all our volunteers had a great year in terms of their contribution and awards recognising the efforts they make. I was pleased to see the number of staff who wandered along to the Christmas barbecue at Kincumber House continue to grow. My apologies to staff living in the staff quarters, everyone seemed to be enjoying the evening and the music ran a little later than planned. If you didn’t make it this time, keep it in mind next year as it’s a great chance to meet colleagues you might otherwise never meet. Thanks to everyone who contributed to raising funds for Mahesh Khatiwada’s family who lost everything in the Nepal earthquakes in April. Although I have previously commented about the results of the Your Say Survey, I think the willingness of staff to pitch in and support each other is a more concrete indicator of an improving workplace culture. 2015 was a busy year, and it looks like being equally busy in 2016. The detailed planning for redevelopments in Broken Hill will start with a rush early in the new-year. The Governance Audit will be undertaken throughout the first half of the year. Planning for the 2015/16 budget will commence early in the new year, and will require input from across the LHD. In late January we will commence a process to review the LHD’s strategic plan. The Capacity Assessment Audit confirmed that there was limited involvement of staff and stakeholders in developing the original Strategic Plan, so this time we will undertake a process that includes opportunities for staff across the LHD to contribute to and comment on the next iteration of the Plan. The year has placed considerable pressure on the LHD as an organisation, and everyone within it, particularly over the winter months. I’m very grateful for the tremendous efforts people have made to remain focussed on improving the services we provide and to contribute to making the LHD a stronger, supportive organisation. I hope everyone has a peaceful and merry Christmas. For those having time off, please drive carefully and enjoy the time you have with family and friends. For those working over the holiday period, thank you for keeping the doors open for our communities. – Stuart Riley, Chief Executive The Governance Audit was publicly announced by the Board Chair Tom Hynes at the District’s Annual Public Meeting held this month.

The Far West Local Health District Newsletter Edition 12, Vol 5, Dec 2015

Message from the Chief Executive

Merry ChristmasMerry ChristmasMerry Christmas and Happy New Year!and Happy New Year!and Happy New Year!

Christmas is upon us and this newsletter is a little early. December has been a busy month, to conclude what has been a busy and interesting year.

December started with the official opening of the new HealthOne facility at Ivanhoe. Parliamentary Secretary for Regional and Rural Health and Western NSW, the Hon. Sarah Mitchell MLC, represented the Minister and opened the new building, with support from Kevin Humphries MP, our local Member. I thought back five years to my first visit to Ivanhoe since returning to the District, when the newest part of the Ivanhoe Health Service were the signs out the front. Annette Walker and all her staff managed the service through the planning and construction of the new facility and also ensured the opening went off without a hitch. Donna Cruikshank ensured the planning and development process moved ahead smoothly. Greg Mullen oversaw the process from its commencement until he moved to the CEC in June.

Congratulations are definitely in order for a number of staff. Anita Erlandsen won a scholarship to attend and present at the National Conference on Incontinence; Dr Ali Baalbaki successfully completed his AMC exams; Annette Walker presented a paper at the Workforce Efficiency in Healthcare Summit; Heather Renton won a STAR Award for the great service she provides to consumers; and all our volunteers had a great year in terms of their contribution and awards recognising the efforts they make.

I was pleased to see the number of staff who wandered along to the Christmas barbecue at Kincumber House continue to grow. My apologies to staff living in the staff quarters, everyone seemed to be enjoying the evening and the music ran a little later than planned. If you didn’t make it this time, keep it in mind next year as it’s a great chance to meet colleagues you might otherwise never meet.

Thanks to everyone who contributed to raising funds for Mahesh Khatiwada’s family who lost everything in the Nepal earthquakes in April. Although I have previously commented about the results of the Your Say Survey, I think the willingness of staff to pitch in and support each other is a more concrete indicator of an improving workplace culture.

2015 was a busy year, and it looks like being equally busy in 2016. The detailed planning for redevelopments in Broken Hill will start with a rush early in the new-year. The Governance Audit will be undertaken throughout the first half of the year. Planning for the 2015/16 budget will commence early in the new year, and will require input from across the LHD.

In late January we will commence a process to review the LHD’s strategic plan. The Capacity Assessment Audit confirmed that there was limited involvement of staff and stakeholders in developing the original Strategic Plan, so this time we will undertake a process that includes opportunities for staff across the LHD to contribute to and comment on the next iteration of the Plan.

The year has placed considerable pressure on the LHD as an organisation, and everyone within it, particularly over the winter months. I’m very grateful for the tremendous efforts people have made to remain focussed on improving the services we provide and to contribute to making the LHD a stronger, supportive organisation.

I hope everyone has a peaceful and merry Christmas. For those having time off, please drive carefully and enjoy the time you have with family and friends. For those working over the holiday period, thank you for keeping the doors open for our communities.

– Stuart Riley, Chief Executive

The Governance Audit was publicly announced by the Board Chair Tom Hynes at the District’s Annual Public Meeting held this month.

The Far West Local Health District Newsletter Edition 12, Vol 5, Dec 2015




Ivanhoe celebrates opening of HealthOne The District joined with the residents of Ivanhoe and invited guests to witness the official

opening of the new $2.4 million Ivanhoe HealthOne on 1st December 2015. The honours were performed by NSW Parliamentary Secretary for Regional and Rural Health and Western NSW, the Hon. Sarah Mitchell MLC and Local Member for Barwon Kevin Humphries with Ivanhoe Health Council Chair Ray Longfellow.

A good crowd attended including many travelling from as far as Broken Hill and Balranald. The new facility has been a welcome upgrade delivering a one-stop shop for health care needs, including coordinated primary health care with a patient

-centred approach. This is delivered by multiple health providers to improve health outcomes for all patients. Congratulations to everyone involved in this very successful project from start to completion!

The Far West Local Health District Newsletter Edition 12, Vol 5, Dec 2015




The FWLHD Board has officially expressed its thanks and appreciation to the Linnett Family of Kilfera (Clive and Fay Linnett and their son Peter) in recognition of their outstanding fundraising for the Ivanhoe Health Service.

The Linnett Family have been running the Kilfera Field Day on their property (Kilfera) for over 25 years. The day is a big event in the Ivanhoe district and strongly supported by the town, surrounding communities and graziers. An auction held at the end of the day typically raises between $8,000 and $10,000 and this money supports the Ivanhoe Health Service to buy equipment for use by Royal Flying Doctor Service doctors. The Kilfera Field Day has raised about $250,000 since its inception.

A plaque acknowledging the tremendous dedication and support for the Ivanhoe Health Service from the Linnett Family was presented to Clive and Fay at the official opening of the new Ivanhoe HealthOne on 1st December 2015. It will be displayed in the new building. A Certificate of Appreciation to take home was also presented to the couple.

Congratulations to Clive, Fay and Peter for all your years of work and effort in fundraising for the Ivanhoe Health Service. We are sure the community of Ivanhoe and surrounding residents and graziers are just as appreciative.

Kilfera Field Day organisers thanked

Fay and Clive Linnett with the plaque of appreciation presented to them.

Board Chairman Tom Hynes and Parliamentary Secretary Sarah Mitchell present the Linnett family with a Certificate and Plaque of Appreciation for their fundraising efforts over the years.

The Broken Hill Forever Young Singers inject the

Spirit of Christmas Patients, staff, volunteers and consumers were

treated to some beautiful singing by the Broken Hill Forever Young Singers on the 8 December.

The Singers sang a selection of Christmas Carols to the delight of everyone passing through the Hospital Foyer. Patients and staff from the Sub Acute Rehabilitation Unit enjoyed the performance and other staff members walking through stopped to tell me that it was wonderful hearing the carols from their office.

The Singers gave an encore performance on 21 December, much to the delight of everyone using the Foyer.

Our thanks to June Bennett for arranging the two performances and we hope that they will again grace us with their wonderful voices in the near future.

The newly released ACI Palliative Care Blueprint and website launched by the Minister for Health features Dis-trict staff members and scenery.

The website can be found at www.aci.health.nsw.gov.au/palliative_care_blueprint

There are many useful resources and tools on the site for palliative and end of life care, including a series of videos within the Essential Components listed under ‘The Blueprint’ tab.

Some of the videos feature Broken Hill staff and scenery, as the ACI was very keen to include our area and service in their production.

New Palliative Care website

The Far West Local Health District Newsletter Edition 12, Vol 5, Dec 2015

Adapted from http://www.walkinmyshoes.ie/mind-your-mental-health-as-the-christmas-countdown-begins/

The countdown to Christmas is well and truly under way!

Carols are playing and the shops have been decorated with Christmas goods on display for what seems like ages already.

For many, Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year, but for others it can also be the most stressful. We can feel overwhelmed as we get caught up buying presents, wrapping, decorating and cooking; not to mention preparing for an influx of relatives or a long journey….

Take a more mindful approach to the festivities can help to reduce those stress-levels.

Mindfulness is the practice of purposefully paying attention moment by moment, in a non-judgmental way to the things you do. It includes learning to make time for one-self as well as learning to slow down. By nurturing calmness and self-acceptance we can purposefully allow the body and mind to rest in the moment.

Here are some simple tips to apply a mindful approach to your Christmas countdown;

Make a mindful list: Instead of writing the usual ‘to do’ list that includes some

needless activities, find an opportunity to sit quietly and ask yourself what activities are going to benefit and nurture yourself and others and what activities are avoidable. Focus on what matters.

Mindful shopping: Mindfulness accepts that some experiences are unpleasant,

including Christmas shopping. See if you can become aware of your reactions when something holds up your progress. Take a moment to ask yourself: – What is going through my mind?

– What sensations are there in my body? – What emotional reactions and impulses am I aware of? Walk: Physical activity lifts your mood and can reduce stress. Go for a walk and pay attention to the sights, sounds and smells at this time of year. Walk with as much awareness as you can. Breathe: When anxiety or stress gets on top of you, it can be difficult to remember why you should remain calm. By taking three minutes by yourself to meditate, stress-levels can be vastly

reduced. Sit quietly and focus on your breathing, in and out. Have compassion for yourself and others: Kindness can change an experience completely. The desire in

all of us to alleviate suffering is part of what we celebrate at Christmas, the opportunity to share and give. With 1 in 5 people experiencing mental illness, there is bound to be someone close to you who is not feeling festive. Reach out to them. Be kind to yourself and others.

Finally, take a moment to remember what Christmas is really about – having fun and spending time with the most important people in your life, those who offer you emotional support.

Mind your mental health in the lead up to Christmas

District CNS2 Chronic & Complex Care The Far West Local Health District would like to welcome Kathryn Wallace to her

new role as District CNS2 Chronic & Complex Care as part of the Chronic Care Team.

Kathryn has over 25 years of nursing experience including Emergency, ICU, Nurse Education and Acting Nurse Unit Manager Medical Unit. She has been employed in the past 11 years within the District.

This newly appointed position will provide a conduit to facilitate information sharing, assessment, planned care and coordination for patients and their families with chronic conditions and patients whom have complex care needs within our LHD both community-hospital-community continuums.

The position will provide direct clinical support, supervision, education, training and mentorship to all nurses across Far West Local Health District with regard to Chronic and Complex Care.

Please welcome Kathryn to the position. Kathryn’s contact details are phone: 08 80801596 email: [email protected] .

Kathryn Wallace, the new CNS2 Chronic and Complex Care




Ivanhoe HSM Annette Walker (pictured) presented a talk on securing nursing workforces in remote NSW, at the Workforce Efficiency in Healthcare Summit in Melbourne on 2 December.

The summit was aimed at healthcare executives and clinical leaders from across Australia, and addressed various strategies and technologies that are available to achieve efficiency in healthcare workforces and organisations.

Themes of discussion included nursing leadership programs, workforce strategies and technologies, and solving rural and regional medical workforce shortages.

Annette’s presentation focused on her lived experience in Ivanhoe. It identified key challenges to enticing highly skilled nurses to remote facilities, and proposed several strategies for attracting and retaining nursing staff to remote facilities through meaningful community engagement.

The Far West Local Health District Newsletter Edition 12, Vol 5, Dec 2015

Congratulations to Dr Ali Baalbaki The Medical Services Team have

congratulated Local Trainee Medical Officer Ali Baalbaki (pictured) who has passed his AMC (Australian Medical Council) Clinical Examination.

Dr Baalbaki will now be able to apply to the Medical Board for approval to be registered as a General Practitioner, and also review his current supervision status.

All your persistence and hard work has paid off!

The April 2015 earthquake in Nepal killed more than 9,000 people and injured more than 23,000. Hundreds of thousands of people were made homeless with entire villages flattened.

Tragically, our very own Mahesh Khatiwada, FWLHD Trainee Accountant, lost his grandparents when their village was obliterated. His parents lost everything including their home in Kathmandu. When the second devastating earthquake struck only two weeks later, the house Mahesh’s parents and sister were refuging in (Mahesh’s uncles home) was also destroyed.

Mahesh’s family have started the difficult task of rebuilding their life. Initially they found shelter with family and are now living with extended family in an apartment in Kathmandu. The long term plan for the family is to rebuild a house on the land where their home once stood.

Corporate Services initiated a fundraiser after the earthquakes to help Mahesh’s family. Thank you to all the staff of Far West who supported the fundraiser which raised $3,390.30 and was sent directly to Mahesh’s parents. A special thank you to the staff of the Dareton Primary Health team who ran their own fundraiser which contributed to one third of the total amount raised.

Mahesh and his wife Najuma are very grateful for the support from their work colleagues and expressed a sincere thank you to everyone.

Mahesh and Najuma Khatiwada with Director of Finance and Corporate Services, John Leehane.

Staff support Nepal earthquake victims




Focus on rural recruitment challenges Outback ER at Library Want to catch up again with the loveable crew of Outback ER? Well you can now that the DVD is available for loan at the Far West Health Library. If you don’t know, Outback ER features the Broken Hill Base Hospital and its incredible dedicated emergency staff. The 8-part documentary series premiered on ABC TV early this year. It shows the dedicated staff who choose to live in the outback to care for the colourful characters that present to the hospital’s Emergency Department. Check it out!

The Far West Local Health District Newsletter Edition 12, Vol 5, Dec 2015




Congratulations to Anita Erlandsen (pictured) NSW – continence nurse advisor, for winning a scholarship to attend the National Conference on Incontinence. Anita also undertook two placements while in Melbourne; one at the Royal Melbourne Hospital and The Mercy.

Anita said: “The conference really highlighted what how much there is to know about continence. It gave access to clinicians who are experts in the field, and whose research guides the development of best practice. It provided information on interventions and treatments that I am

able to bring back to my own clients as well as access to product representatives showcasing the latest continence products and solutions. Finally, it provided me with links to other colleagues in similar isolated practices like mine and allowed for the exchange of ideas with them. My placements at both tertiary centres were incredible and I was able to experience what a fully staffed continence clinic looks like.”

The final Corporate Induction for 2015 came and went much like this entire year; far too quickly!

The December group were keen to listen to all of our presenters, and I’m sure they went away with something valuable from the day.

The group, as pictured (from left) included: Standing: Carolyn Williams, Acting Health Information Manager at Broken Hill

Health Service; Marc de Lore, Registered Nurse, Mental Health Clinician in Specialist Mental Health for Older People located in Broken Hill; Kathryn Peters, RN in Mental Health In-Patient Unit at Broken Hill Health Service; Elizabeth Waites, Home Support Assessor for the Regional Assessment Service and Diana Ferry, Executive Officer for FWLHD.

Seated: Kristy Lee-Jones, Hospital Assistant at Broken Hill Health Service; Christine Johnson, Radiographer at Broken Hill Health Service; Jessica Christie, Intern Pharmacist at Broken Hill Health Service and Grace Garretty, AIN at Broken Hill Health Service.

This year we had 94 new staff members complete Corporate Induction with great feedback to our presenters from all sessions.

There have been many changes to Induction in 2015, and I would like to say a big thanks to the presenters for their time and effort throughout the year.

Please keep an eye out for the new Induction flyer with dates for 2016, and also my many emails reminding staff to attend Induction within three months of starting with the Far West LHD. See you next year! — Emma Clynch, HR Officer

Successful year for Corporate Inductions

Conference a standout

The Far West Local Health District Newsletter Edition 12, Vol 5, Dec 2015



Promotional Plan

November was all about Standard 4:

Medication Safety.

The Pharmacy team did an amazing job

with the quality board and information

stalls during November. Well done!




The Far West Local Health District Newsletter Edition 12, Vol 5, Dec 2015




The Far West LHD was once again proud to be a part of the 2015 Broken Hill Christmas Pageant.

The District float joined in with 58 floats to help make the pageant one of the best yet and our theme was “Health and Wellbeing”.

The team did a great job in covering the truck with Christmas decorations and healthy lifestyle posters.

A huge thank you to: Karen Kemp and Zoe Tonkin for

organising the crew for the day; Float decorators Zandra Corey and Heidi Drenkhahn; Super cart wheelers Caitlin Polak and Tyler McNamara; Georgina Drewery and her daughter Candace Staker for their spectacular workouts (we especially enjoyed the weights routines); Leu Keenan and her son for handing out healthy packs to the spectators; Paul Groves for driving the truck and Jasper Drenkhahn for wowing the crowds with her cuteness!

— Emma Clynch, HR Officer

Staff support Christmas Pageant

INNOVATION By Mel Welsh, Clinical Redesign & Innovation Manager

The Far West Local Health District Newsletter Edition 12, Vol 5, Dec 2015




It was 16 months ago that we started the projects register. We did this because we knew there was a lot of work being done to improve patient care and safety, but we didn’t have a centralised way to know about all of these projects. Since then, we have logged close to 80 projects into the register, and nearly 30 of these are completed.

An example of a recently completed project on the register is the Outreach Immunisation Clinics. This was about standardising immunisation clinics for Dareton and the outreach centres. The Essentials of Care approach was used in the planning of the project and has resulted in all clinics being staffed by nurse immunisers, electronic documentation and standardised anaphylaxis kits in all centres. There has been better attendance at the

immunisation clinics which means greater access to immunisation for the communities’ serviced by these clinics – a great achievement! There are many other projects summarised in the register. Have a look at the projects register by going to the intranet http://fwlhd.gwahs.nswhealth.net/ClinicalGovernanceUnit/ProjectsForImprovement.php. Perhaps you are doing a project or implementing a change which could be added to the register. We can offer you support and assistance if you need it, and promote results and outcomes when they come through. We also use the projects register to encourage and assist some of you to nominate into the annual Health Innovation Awards. The Far West Health Awards are only 6 short months away ….

The Far West Local Health District Newsletter Edition 12, Vol 5, Dec 2015




Technical Assistant/Blood Collector at Broken Hill Hospital, Heather Renton (pictured) has been recognised in Pathology West ‘Special Thanks and Recognition’ (STAR) Awards for 2015. Heather has won the Patient Experience Award.

The STAR Awards acknowledge the outstanding achievements of valued Pathology West staff members as nominated by their peers. The awards recognise the positive contribution staff have made to the organisation and public pathology.

Her award reads: ‘Heather has brilliant customer service skills that makes patients feel welcome, valued and respected. She is always bubbly, caring and manages to put patients at ease when they have their blood collected.

Heather has a gift of being able to form strong bonds with people in their short, infrequent visits to our outpatient collection room. Certain patients now request that only Heather collects their blood. On multiple occasions she has received cards, flowers and cakes in gratitude for the role she has played in caring for people when they or their loved ones are unwell.

No matter how stressful the day is patients are always greeted with warmth, compassion and a genuine smile. She goes the extra mile to chat to patients to make them feel at ease and ensure their experience with us is a pleasant one. Heather’s professionalism and personal touch is well received by patients and we thank you for your excellent work.’

Congratulations Heather and well done!

Heather stars in Pathology West awards

A new program to use Ruby Red Socks to prevent falls within our health facilities received a great response when promoted in the Broken Hill Hospital foyer this month.

Broken Hill Health Service is implementing the “Ruby Red Socks Fall Prevention Program” and unlike many other in-hospital falls prevention programs, the Ruby Red Socks program is specifically designed to empower patients and their friends and family to help reduce their risk of sustaining a serious injury in hospital.

The provision of non-slip Ruby Red Socks, which are physiotherapist designed and clinically tested here in Australia help to assist in the reduction of falls within the hospital setting. The socks also serve as a visual reminder for staff to identify high

falls risk patients, and to remind patients to take care when moving about in hospital.

All inpatients are risk assessed for falls and non slip socks are to be offered as an alternative if a patient does not or cannot wear safe footwear, especially High Fall Risks and Confused Older Patients. The non slip socks are a bright, visual warning to staff and visitors that the patient is at risk of falling, so that appropriate care can be taken.

Hand in hand with the Ruby Red Socks promotion, the Falls Prevention Committee is providing education to staff, patients and carers about the risk of falling. Falling may prolong a patient’s hospital stay or recovery period. Raising awareness about falls prevention will hopefully reduce the number of falls whilst patients are in our hospital.

The Falls Prevention Committee received a great response from the public at its promotion in the hospital foyer...and everyone knows that Santa prefers red socks!

Jayne Langran, Eureka van der Merwe and Jain Cain promoting the Ruby Red Socks Falls Prevention Program

The power of red socks used to help prevent hospital falls

The Far West Local Health District Newsletter Edition 12, Vol 5, Dec 2015




It was the DDPC Team’s turn to undertake their fire/security training in December and the Hospital Volunteer from St Vincent de Paul also attended the informative and hands on session delivered by Ray Slater. All present were very impressed with Ray’s training, and armed with their new knowledge and a better understanding of fire safety many were heading off to investigate the purchase of fire blankets and small extinguishers for their own homes. Thank you Ray, from the DDPC Team.

A good crowd took up the

invitation to attend the Far West

LHD Christmas Party held on the

lawn behind Kincumber House.

The Chief Executive and his

helpers put on a fine barbecue

dinner and the Secret Santa gift

giving was a hit! A big thank you to

everyone who helped out to make it a great night!

The celebrations in Kincumber House started a little earlier than the scheduled District Staff Party with birthday celebrations for John Leehane at an afternoon tea. Emma Clynch produced one of her masterpieces with a particularly “sweet” birthday cake for John.

Plenty of Christmas cheer at LHD celebration

The Far West Local Health District Newsletter Edition 12, Vol 5, Dec 2015




Emergency Department Rapid Patient Treatment (EDRaPT) project

In the last edition of

Far West in Focus we provided some background on the

ED-RaPT project underway in the Broken Hill Emergency


The project is being implemented in three phases, with

work commencing in December to re-model the front

desk and window.

More information on the three phases of

implementation can be found by going to the Far West

LHD intranet and

clicking on the slide


Members of the BH Breast Cancer Support Group Fundraising Committed presented the hand held lasers yesterday to the

hospital and RFDS: (from left) Sitting - Geraldine Milne, Fay Fryer and Thella Burford. Standing – Lexie Milne, Elizabeth Costabeber

(Physiotherapy Department Manager), Jo Beven (RFDS Breastcare Nurse), Kerri Baker and Helen Bates.

The Physiotherapy Department at the Broken Hill Hospital has received two new hand lasers to help treat patients thanks to a generous donation by the Broken Hill Breast Cancer Support Group Fundraising Committee.

The group also donated two ‘Handy Cure Laser’ machines to the local Royal Flying Doctor Service for use by its Breastcare Nurse, Jo Beven.

The laser machines are hand-held, portable lasers which can be used for the treatment of people with cancer and post-mastectomy.

The handheld lasers are very easy to use once demonstrated and will be loaned out to patients who are unable to travel to appointments or who live in our surrounding isolated communities. This allows us to help patients who previously may have been unable to attend or access the health service for treatment, and therefore would have missed out on treatment. This reduces the health, financial and time stressors on our local and surrounding community, whilst still delivering high level healthcare.

The Broken Hill Health Service and RFDS Breastcare Nurse Jo Beven would like to express their thanks and gratitude to the Breast Cancer Support Group Fundraising Committee for their generous donation.

Hands on laser technology for cancer patients

Work has started to reconfigure part of the Emergency Department waiting area as part of the EDRaPT project.

The Far West Local Health District Newsletter Edition 12, Vol 5, Dec 2015




The ceremony for the 2015 NSW Volunteer of the Year held in Sydney on 4 December was a resounding success due to the hard work and dedication of the Centre for Volunteering CEO, Gemma Rygate, and her staff. The day was filled with wonderful stories of the amazing volunteers from across NSW, moving speeches from honoured guests and great entertainment.

The volunteers representing Far West LHD felt extremely lucky to be there. Although Karen Kemp, Patient Family Support Staff Volunteer and Lesley Sumsion, representing the Dementia/Delirium & Palliative Care Team, did not win in their respective categories they were thrilled and humbled to be in the top 20 in the State in their respective categories. Likewise I did not win the Excellence in Volunteer Management, but felt privileged to represent Far West LHD and to be in the top three in the State.

Far West LHD did have cause to celebrate as Eleanor Blows won the 2015 Senior Volunteer of the Year. Eleanor was so surprised that it took her a few moments to realise that they had called her name, but she soon recovered and handled the presentation, photos and media with her usual style and good grace.

Congratulations to all who took part in the ceremony and thank you to all our fabulous volunteers. Our thanks to REX for sponsoring our volunteers attendance at the ceremony and to Gemma Rygate and her staff for making the Far West volunteers feel so welcomed and part of a wonderful day. — Mary Leehane, Volunteer Manager.

District volunteers taste success at NSW

Volunteer of the Year Awards 2015

Far West LHD Award winners and finalists (left to right): Eleanor Blows; Mary Leehane, The Hon John Ajaka, NSW Minister for Ageing, Minister for Disability Services, and

Minister for Multiculturalism, Karen Kemp, Lesley Sumsion and Gemma Rygate, CEO The Centre for Volunteering.

DDPC Volunteers Celebrate Christmas The hard working DDPC Volunteer Team took a little time off to get together for a Christmas celebration with

Melissa Cumming. They enjoyed a relaxing lunch and celebrated a successful year, and expressed how lucky they are in being able to meet so many lovely people through their volunteering. Merry Christmas and a huge thank you to the Far West LHD staff who support the DDPC Team.

The Far West Local Health District Newsletter Edition 12, Vol 5, Dec 2015




eMR 2 and CHOC

training in 2016 eMR 2 and CHOC are scheduled to Go-

Live in Broken Hill, Wilcannia and White Cliffs on 8 March 2016.

Training for the new functionality of electronic medical record (for both inpatient and community) is planned between 22 February and 4 March. Exact dates and times of the training sessions are being planned and will be shared with managers in January 2016.

Enrolment for training will be done via HETI Online, and the training sessions will be face-to-face / on-site.

Ongoing System Demonstrations While formal training for eMR 2 and

CHOC is scheduled between 22 February and 4 March, Umer Qureshi (eHealth Change Manager, Far West LHD) is running system demonstrations every Friday, so that everyone can familiarise themselves with the changes coming in with eMR 2 and CHOC. System demonstrations can also be arranged upon request.

eMR 2 / CHOC Super Users An important step in having a successful

and smooth Go-Live for any Clinical Information System, is the identification of “Super Users”.

Super Users are employees who act as ‘change champion’ for their ward/unit/department. They provide first-line support and on-the-job coaching and mentoring for users within their clinical area after users’ formal training (post ‘go-live’).

Super Users for eMR 2 and CHOC are being identified in two ways. Managers have been asked to nominate staff who might be suitable for this role. Alternatively, if you would like to volunteer in a super user role, please contact Umer Qureshi (eHealth Change Manager, Far West LHD) on (08) 8080 1527 or [email protected].

75 days (50 working days) remaining to Go-Live of CHOC and eMR 2 in Broken

Hill, Wilcannia and White Cliffs!

Local business woman, Carrie Oakley, was so impressed with the work that the Dementia/Delirium and Palliative Care Team do at the Broken Hill Hospital that she has purchased polo shirts for the Team.

The Team chose hot pink polo shirts with blue embroidery depicting the Team’s name. They felt the colour would stand out from staff uniforms and it would be a splash of colour on the

wards. Carrie was on hand to present the polo shirts to a couple of the DDPC volunteers on Monday 21 December.

She said: “Take these shirts and wear it with pride of the awesome care you offer the people in our community”.

The volunteers thanked Carrie for her generosity in donating the shirts. They were thrilled with their new look and can’t wait to start wearing them.

Volunteer team pretty in pink!Volunteer team pretty in pink!

DDPC members Claire Bright (far left) and Sue Tonkin (far right) with Carrie Oakley (left) and Volunteer Manager Mary Leehane with the new shirts.

The Broken Hill and District Community Cancer Network (BHDCCN) has surpassed its annual fundraising goal thanks to a fantastic effort by the North Football Club and its supporters.

The Cancer Network provides financial assistance for patients with a diagnosis of cancer and who are currently receiving treatment. The Network aims to raise $20,000 annually which would enable it to help as many people as possible during an often difficult time.

In August 2014 the North Football Club rallied around to support one of their team members who was receiving treatment. The club raised over $15,000 in one night which was donated to the Network.

The BHDCCN presented a Certificate of Appreciation to the NFC President Ben Victory to acknowledge the fantastic donation.

Cancer Network co-ordinator presented the Certificate of

Appreciation to NFC’s Ben Victory

Footy Club pitches in

Policy Watch — PDs available on MOH internet The following documents have been published on the NSW Ministry of Health internet site http://www.health.nsw.gov.au/policies. These documents are official NSW Health policy. Compliance with Policy Directives is mandatory.

The Far West Local Health District Newsletter Edition 12, Vol 5, DEC 2015

PAGE 15 Submissions for Far West In Focus can be sent to [email protected]

The newsletter can be found on the Far West LHD website at www.fwlhd.health.nsw.gov.au

My sincere thanks to everyone for contributing articles and/or photos and for

your help in publishing each edition of FWIF — Branko Licul, Media Officer.


