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Message from Fr. Provincial - Amazon Web Services retreat at Bethany Center in Lutz ... the...

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Vol. 18, No. 35 SALESIANS OF DON BOSCO, PROVINCE OF ST. PHILIP THE APOSTLE June 6, 2013 First Salesian Retreat These days I am with twenty-nine Salesians who are making the first Salesian retreat at Bethany Center in Lutz, Florida. This beautiful facility is just North of Tampa. The retreat center consists of a chapel, a large building with meeting and banquet rooms, and six housing units, each with nine rooms. There is a youth retreat center (capacity of 60 partici- pants) on the property as well. Given its proximity to St. Philip Residence in Tampa, one would not be surprised that the par- ticipants this week have the highest median age of any of our retreats. When I first saw the line of wheelchairs coming down the road to the chapel, I thought of Mary’s Shrine at Lourdes! This retreat center is simply beautiful in every way. Nothing is extrava- gant. Everything is laid out in a tasteful and easy- to-use style. The chapel is one of the more prayerful spaces that I have ever experienced in a retreat house. The residences overlook a beautiful lake whose tranquil waters are only disturbed now and then by the resident alliga- tor (only 4 feet long… not to wor- ry!). It is heartening for me to see Sale -sians from all parts of the province renewing acquaintances with their confreres and going out of their way to make participation in retreat ac- tivities possible. We thank God for the attentive care that Mary Viteri, the health care and food preparation provider at St. Philip Residence, offers our more senior confreres as they get accustomed to their new surroundings. It is encouraging to see so many of our confreres assist- ing those less mobile to travel back and forth from the rooms to the chapel and meeting room areas. We thank God for the people mover golf carts provided by the retreat center. With this assistance, our men can make it to and from the conference center with relative ease. The retreat director, Fr. Henry Bonetti, is well known in our prov- ince. Having entered the congregation as a mem- ber of our province in 1961, Fr. Henry has maintained close contact with his home province for the past fifty years of missionary service in Korea, China, and now the Philippines. The re- treat theme of pursuing holiness in the style of Don Bosco has been well received by our men on this first retreat. Fr. Henry brings to his conferences a wide Message from Fr. Provincial Provincial Calendar June 1-8 Salesian Retreat, Bethany Center in Lutz, Fla. 9-14 Salesian Retreat, Don Bosco Retreat Center, Stony Point, N.Y. 15-17 Summer Daze Anniversary, St. Benedict Parish, Etobicoke, Ont. 18 Office Day 19-20 Provincial Council Meeng, New Rochelle, NY Birthday Celebraons June 6 Bro. Andrew LaCombe 6 Bro. Travis Gunther 7 Fr. Frank Kelly 8 Fr. Tim Ploch 10 Bro. Bruno Busao 16 Deacon James Zeel 19 Fr. John Masiello 21 Fr. David Moreno Pray for the Sick Fr. Jim Marra, SDB Schervier Nursing Care Center for rehabilitaon following spinal surgery Mr. Lou Molinelli Fr. Lou Molinelli’s father, in Good Samaritan Hospital, Suffern, N.Y. May Ann Quierolo Tampa Cooperator Final stage of cancer Remember the Deceased Marvin Muchow Age 99, Grandfather of Bro. Marc Stockhausen range of theological resources, pasto- ral youth experiences, spiritual reflec- tions, and homey stories from his ser- vice as a Salesian in the Korean prov- ince. The confreres appreciate Fr. Henry’s clear presentations, his fa- (Connued on page 2) Fr. Bruce Craig giving Bro. Mike Brinkman a push.


First Salesian Retreat

These days I am with twenty-nine

Salesians who are making the first

Salesian retreat at Bethany Center in

Lutz, Florida. This beautiful facility

is just North of Tampa. The retreat

center consists of a chapel, a large

building with meeting and banquet

rooms, and six housing units, each

with nine rooms. There is a youth

retreat center (capacity of 60 partici-

pants) on the property as well.

Given its proximity to St. Philip

Residence in Tampa, one would not

be surprised that the par-

ticipants this week have

the highest median age of

any of our retreats. When

I first saw the line of

wheelchairs coming down

the road to the chapel, I

thought of Mary’s Shrine

at Lourdes!

This retreat center is

simply beautiful in every

way. Nothing is extrava-

gant. Everything is laid

out in a tasteful and easy-

to-use style. The chapel is

one of the more prayerful

spaces that I have ever experienced

in a retreat house. The residences

overlook a beautiful lake whose

tranquil waters are only disturbed

now and then by the resident alliga-

tor (only 4 feet long… not to wor-


It is heartening for me to see Sale

-sians from all parts of the province

renewing acquaintances with their

confreres and going out of their way

to make participation in retreat ac-

tivities possible. We thank God for

the attentive care that Mary Viteri,

the health care and food preparation

provider at St. Philip Residence,

offers our more senior confreres as

they get accustomed to their new

surroundings. It is encouraging to

see so many of our confreres assist-

ing those less mobile to travel back

and forth from the rooms to the

chapel and meeting room areas. We

thank God for the people mover golf

carts provided by the retreat center.

With this assistance, our men can

make it to and from the conference

center with relative ease.

The retreat director, Fr. Henry

Bonetti, is well known in our prov-

ince. Having entered the

congregation as a mem-

ber of our province in

1961, Fr. Henry has

maintained close contact

with his home province

for the past fifty years of

missionary service in

Korea, China, and now

the Philippines. The re-

treat theme of pursuing

holiness in the style of

Don Bosco has been

well received by our

men on this first retreat.

Fr. Henry brings to his

conferences a wide

Message from Fr. Provincial Provincial Calendar

June 1-8 Salesian Retreat, Bethany Center

in Lutz, Fla. 9-14 Salesian Retreat, Don Bosco

Retreat Center, Stony Point, N.Y. 15-17 Summer Daze Anniversary, St.

Benedict Parish, Etobicoke, Ont. 18 Office Day 19-20 Provincial Council Meeting, New Rochelle, NY

Birthday Celebrations

June 6 Bro. Andrew LaCombe 6 Bro. Travis Gunther 7 Fr. Frank Kelly 8 Fr. Tim Ploch 10 Bro. Bruno Busatto 16 Deacon James Zettel 19 Fr. John Masiello 21 Fr. David Moreno

Pray for the Sick

Fr. Jim Marra, SDB Schervier Nursing Care Center for

rehabilitation following spinal surgery

Mr. Lou Molinelli Fr. Lou Molinelli’s father, in Good Samaritan Hospital, Suffern, N.Y.

May Ann Quierolo Tampa Cooperator

Final stage of cancer

Remember the Deceased

Marvin Muchow Age 99, Grandfather of Bro. Marc Stockhausen

range of theological resources, pasto-

ral youth experiences, spiritual reflec-

tions, and homey stories from his ser-

vice as a Salesian in the Korean prov-

ince. The confreres appreciate Fr.

Henry’s clear presentations, his fa-

(Continued on page 2)

Fr. Bruce Craig giving

Bro. Mike Brinkman a


2 June 6, 2013

A digital news service published weekly by the Salesians of Don Bosco for the territory of Canada and the Eastern U.S.A.

Salesian Society, Inc. - Province of St. Philip the Apostle 148 E. Main Street, PO Box 639, New Rochelle, NY 10802-0639 USA

Very Rev. Thomas Dunne, SDB, Provincial

Editor: Fr. Michael Mendl, SDB - [email protected] Publisher: Fr. Dennis Donovan, SDB - [email protected]

Send news items to [email protected] For back issues: http://www.salesians.org/e-service/

miliarity with the North American culture, and his friend-

ly presence throughout the week.

In all fairness, however, it should be noted that this

retreat has its moments of sacrifice as well. The residence

is some distance from the meeting and dining rooms. The

weather has been rather rainy over the past two days. This

morning many of us were awakened at 2:00 am with the

news alert that we were under a “tornado watch”. Later

on, that “watch” turned into a “warning” since a twister

had touched down in Sun City.

The next two days will be very stormy for us on the

Gulf Coast of Florida. Tropical Storm Andrea is treating

us to 48 hours of gusty wind, periodic thunderstorms, and

torrential rain! On one hand, we thank God that the

drought in Florida has finally ended. On the other hand,

we trust the Lord to keep us safe in threatening times. As

always, the Lord’s sense of timing is unpredictable.

We are all doing well despite the inclement weather.

We will spend the day hunkered down in the beautiful

conference center avoiding unnecessary trips through the

monsoon. Fr. Henry Bonetti is using his missionary back-

ground to show us how to walk through large puddles

without getting our shoes wet. We appreciate his skills in

this regard. However, I doubt if many of us from this part

of the world will walk barefoot through standing water

any time soon.

As our province enters this summer season, we remem-

ber the vital role that the annual retreats have in the life of

every Salesian of Don Bosco. These four weeks of annual

retreat are for us in the St. Philip Province primary mo-

ments of our ongoing formation. Our attitude in participat-

ing in these retreats has to be oriented to being attentive to

Message from Fr. Provincial

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the word of God, discerning his will with regard to our

vocational journey, and purifying our hearts. Whatever

our mind-set when entering into the retreat experience, we

resolve to live these days of renewal in union with God’s

word so that “these times of grace will restore to our spirit

a deep unity in the Lord Jesus and keep alive in us the ex-

pectation of his return” (C. 91).

May the Sacred Heart of Jesus transform us to a fer-

vent faith in following our call to holiness and apostolic

fruitfulness in the spirit of St. John Bosco.

Fr. Thomas A. Dunne, SDB


Additional photo of the retreat residence on page 8.

From left to right, Bro. David Iovacchini, Fr.

Paul Bedard, Fr. Anthony D’Angelo and Fr.

Henry Bonetti share a moment in the hall.

June 6, 2013 E-Service 3

NEW ROCHELLE, N.Y. (June 4, 2013) — Fr. Provincial announced the following pastoral assignments of Salesians:

BRITISH COLUMBIA Salesian Community, Our Lady of Good Counsel, Surrey

Fr. George Atok Associate Pastor

ILLINOIS Salesian Community, West Bank of New Orleans

Fr. David Sajdak Holy Cross Parish, Pastor (July 1)

Fr. José Santa Bibiana Hispanic Ministry / Part-time Associate Pastor (Aug. 15)

Fr. William Bucciferro St. John Newman Center,

Campus Ministry Team Member (July 1)

NEW JERSEY Don Bosco Residence, Orange

(Bro.) Leonard Carlino Post-novitiate formation

(Bro.) Stephen Equino Post-novitiate formation

(Bro.) Craig Spence Post-novitiate formation

Don Bosco Preparatory High School, Ramsey

Fr. Dennis Hartigan Teacher and assistant

NEW YORK Holy Rosary Parish, Port Chester

Fr. Timothy Zak Pastor (June 15)

Marian Shrine / Don Bosco Retreat Center, Stony Point

Fr. Franco Pinto Retreat Team Coordinator

Fr. Derek Van Daniker Retreat Team Member

Provincial Announcements

Florida Retreat Faces First Tropical Storm of 2013

LUTZ, Fla. — Participants in the first Salesian retreat, standing outside of the St. James Chapel, expected a desert

day, but actually encountered the first tropical storm of the season, TS Andrea, during the end of the week. Fr. Henry

Bonetti, SDB, 3rd from the left, front row, preached the retreat. Photo by Mary Viteri.

4 June 6, 2013

After four years of theological preparation...

the final exam! by Deacon Jim Zettel, SDB

Reprinted from Nouvelles Salésiennes, June 2013

JERUSALEM, Israel (May 30, 2013) — In order to

graduate with a Bachelor’s of Sacred Theology (S.T.B.) a

student must demonstrate his synthesis of theology. These

four years I have kept in mind all the young people I have

met from Canada, the United States and the UK.

There is a great desire among young people to live

happily as married men and women with their dream

spouse. We can also say that God also wants this for

them. Husbands, wives and children living lives in com-

munion with God and imitating Jesus, the Bridegroom of

the Church. So I chose to write my synthesis paper on the

Sacrament of Matrimony, and give an oral presentation on

how God has used marriage to reveal his plan of salvation,

especially in the lives of saintly couples. This theological

synthesis was happily accepted by the academic authori-

ties here in Jerusalem. I am happy to be a graduate of the

Studium Theologicum Salesianum at Ratisbonne in Jeru-

salem. Thank you for all the prayers you have showered

on me these years. Continue to pray as I prepare for my

Ordination on June 29th. May my studies of Matrimony

be of benefit to the young adults of St. Benedict's during

my first year of priesthood. Shalom!


Graduate Deacon Jim Zettel, SDB, with teachers from the

seminary in Jerusalem, Frs. Gianni, Michael and Piotr.

Deacons Jim Zettel and Miguel Suarez will be ordained priests

by Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez, SDB on Saturday, June 29 in

New Rochelle, N.Y.

Always Rely on “Spiritual GPS”, Honduran

Cardinal Advises DBCR Graduates by Mark Zimmermann - Catholic News Service

WASHINGTON, D.C. (CNS) — In a world where

many have lost their way, a noted Latin American cardinal

urged the 2013 graduates of Don Bosco Cristo Rey High

School to rely on their “spiritual GPS” to guide them in


Speaking at Cristo Rey’s May 29 Baccalaureate Mass

in Washington, Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez Maradiaga of

Tegucigalpa, Honduras, encouraged the students to rely

on a spiritual GPS synchronized on the word of God, the

Eucharist, and Mary.

“With this, you will never be lost!” said the cardinal,

who celebrated the Mass for DBCR’s 55 graduating stu-

dents in the Crypt Church of the Basilica of the National

Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. Don Bosco Cristo

Rey High School, located in Takoma Park, Md., is co-

sponsored by the Archdiocese of Washington and by the

Salesians of Don Bosco, Cardinal Rodriguez’s order.

Noting that man over the centuries has relied on the

stars and then compasses to guide them, Cardinal Rodri-

guez said that today even with technological advances like

the GPS satellite navigation system, “many people do not

know where to go. They are lost in life.”

He encouraged the youths to read the Bible frequently,

“to keep the word of God not only in your hearts, but in

your mind.” The Eucharist -- the bread of life -- will nour-

ish and strengthen their faith as they proceed on life’s

journey, he said. Mary leads people to Jesus, he said, not-

(Continued on page 5)

June 6, 2013 E-Service 5

congratulated the class of 2013 for the students’ 100 per-

cent acceptance rate into colleges and for receiving as a

group more than $5 million in scholarships. Many of the

graduates come from immigrant and minority families and

are among the first members of their families to go on to

higher education. He joined the students in saying the

school’s motto, St. Francis de Sales’ adage: “Be who you

are, and be it well.”

The class salutatorian, Yicela Alvarado, thanked the

corporate work sponsors for opening doors of success for

the students, and she noted that students had benefited

from their academic and work experience and had grown

closer to God and each other in the process. “After all, we

are known as the school that works,” she said.

DBCR’s valedictorian, Victoria Riley, led students in

applauding their parents to thank them for their support.

She said the school taught her to have confidence in her-

self, and being involved in clubs and activities helped her

find her voice. Riley said that now as she prepares to at-

tend Georgetown University, she is driven to do her best.

In his remarks, Cardinal Rodriguez, who after being

ordained a Salesian priest in 1970 taught math, science,

music, and theology at Salesian institutes in Guatemala, El

Salvador, and Honduras, encouraged the graduating sen-

iors to know, accept, and love themselves.

(Continued on page 8)

ing her advice at the wedding feast of Cana, to do what

Jesus says. Cardinal Rodriguez said her example teaches

today’s followers of Jesus to “listen to what Christ is ask-

ing you.”

The cardinal noted that many people have forgotten

God and follow false idols, pursuing golden calves like

drugs and materialism. “You have your goals, your ideals.

You have purpose in your lives. ... You know how to

work, how to achieve goals, with sacrifice and love,” he


Don Bosco Cristo Rey High School features an inno-

vative corporate work-study program in which students

work at area businesses and institutions and gain experi-

ence and pay for most of their own tuition costs.

At the Mass, graduating senior Rosie Margarita Mar-

tinez said, “Being a part of the Salesian family has

changed and enhanced my life.” She said students’ experi-

ence at Cristo Rey would inspire them to reach new

heights academically and professionally, and to reach out

to the community.

Her classmate TreVon Carpenter welcomed people to

the Mass, and thanked parents, teachers, and the school’s

corporate partners and benefactors for helping young peo-

ple realize their dreams of a Catholic education.

At the Mass, the Cardinal’s Award for exemplifying

what it means to be a disciple of Jesus was presented to

Karina Guadalupe Martinez of DBCR’s class of 2013.

The award includes a medal and a $1,500 scholarship.

Karina Martinez is a member of St. Camillus Parish in

Silver Spring and will attend Montgomery College and

then hopes to attend Towson University in Maryland. At

DBCR, she was student government president, played

soccer, sang in the choir, and was involved in youth min-

istry and with the school’s summer service camp. She

hopes to be a pediatrician someday and perhaps help chil-

dren in Africa. Her school taught her the importance of

serving others, she said. “Going to Don Bosco, I learned I

can do it,” she said.

The next day at DBCR’s commencement exercises in

the national shrine’s Upper Church, Cardinal Rodriguez

was the speaker.

Salesian Father Steve Shafran, the school’s president,

(Continued from page 4)

Always Rely on “Spiritual GPS”

Cardinal Rodriguez shakes the hand of Cardinal Award recipi-

ent Karina Martinez.

6 June 6, 2013

RAMSEY, N.J. — Don Bosco Prep’s Class of 2013

marched to commencement exercises chanting and ap-

plauding in celebration of its four-year achievement,

while family, friends, and faculty members sat under sun

umbrellas during the open air ceremonies on Sunday, June

2, at 11:00 a.m. at the Prep’s Granatell Stadium.

Cardinal Theodore E. McCarrick, archbishop emeritus

of Washington, and a former archbishop of Newark as

well, was the keynote speaker for the school’s 98th com-

mencement exercises. Principal John Stanczak introduced

the top students. The class valedictorian, Daniel Jacobini

of Ridgewood, N.J., attained the honor roll for all 16 se-

mesters at Don Bosco Prep. He is also an Advanced

Placement Scholar. Class salutatorian Corey Meyer of

Totowa, N.J., is a National Merit Finalist and an Ad-

vanced Placement Scholar.

Don Bosco Prep’s director-president Fr. James Heuser,

SEATTLE, Wash. — Fr.

Thomas R. Murphy, S.J., Dom

Savio Class of 1977, has been se-

lected as the Most Outstanding Fac-

ulty member by the Seattle Univer-

sity Class of 2013. The honor will

be presented at the President’s

Commencement Brunch on Satur-

day, June 15.

Susan Vosper of the University’s Alumni Office said

that Fr. Murphy “received glowing nominations from a

large number of students who are inspired by what you do

every day here at Seattle U.”

Fr. Murphy, who hails from Winthrop, Mass., attend-

ed the College of the Holy Cross. After some years of dis-

cernment, he entered the Jesuits and was ordained in 1999.

He holds a doctorate in American history from the Univer-

sity of Connecticut and has been teaching and doing

Don Bosco Prep Holds 98th

Commencement Exercises by Rue Eisen

Dom Savio Alum Named Most Outstanding

Faculty at Seattle University by Fr. Mike Mendl, SDB

SDB, and principal John Stanczak awarded at total of 179

diplomas, including 11 diplomas awarded by alumni to

their sons.

Academic awards were presented to 17 graduates for

best performance in each subject area. Gold, silver, and

bronze awards for general excellence were presented, re-

spectively, to Daniel Jacobini, who will attend Tufts Uni-

versity; Corey Meyer, who will attend Case Western Re-

serve University; and Michael Sielski of Wayne, N.J.,

who will attend Brown University.

Don Bosco Awards were presented to nine graduates

who met stringent criteria in academics and co-curricular

activities, as well as demonstrating qualities of character,

service, and leadership, which are the hallmarks of a Sale-

sian education.

The Outstanding Graduate Award was presented to

Anthony Gallo of Rutherford, N.J., for superior qualities

he demonstrated in academics, loyalty, service, and

wholesome attitude during his four years at Don Bosco

Prep. He will be attending Boston College in the fall.

June 6, 2013 E-Service 7

Salesians Now Present Education and

Evangelization in Comic Format

BRASILIA, Brazil (ANS) – The Network

of Salesian Schools in Brazil (RSE) launched

a website “Nossa Turma” or Our Class at the

end of April. This project will present the dai-

ly life in Salesian schools through the medium

of comics. Visitors to the Our Class website

will be able to see various publications, ani-

mated cartoons, to get to know the staff and to

suggest topics for new stories. The website exists already

on the social networks and on the portal of the RSE. It

carries stories of Christian, Catholic and Salesian life in

daily strips that introduce 30 people – students, educators,

sisters and Salesians.

“The project was born out of the need to transmit the

values of RSE in a language closer to that used in daily

life by the students, and to ensure that these stories will be

widely viewed on the social networks” according to Celio

Ballona, Communications Officer of RSE. In its first

month it dealt with topics like: Fraternity Campaign 2013,

World Youth Day, ways to holiness, the power of prayer,

love for nature, citizenship, relationships with peers and

with teachers.”

Other regular topics include Don Bosco’s recommen-

dations on relationships in schools, and the Salesian five

“S”s: (Successo, Salute, Sostenibilità, Saggezza e Solidar-

ietà – success, health, sustainability, wisdom and solidari-

ty). “Our Class is a project aimed at creating an atmos-

phere of interaction between students, teachers and fami-

lies. It reinforces the intention of RSE to form good Chris-

tians and honest citizens. In conversation with well known

people the project draws attention to RSE and its educa-

tional-pastoral aims. There are references to global values

of faith and typical situations found in a Christian school,”

adds Mr. Ballona.

As far as the Salesian aspect is concerned, apart from

the involvement of the educative community, the Our

Class strips contain the essence of Salesian pedagogy, “to

educate by evangelizing and to evangelize by educating,”

says Antonio Boeing, head of Pastoral Ministry in RSE.

The language of the comics helps the young people to

adopt Salesian values. “A Salesian school is known as one

with a pastoral vision, in which all the activities transmit

the values of the Salesian Institute. These cannot be taught

rigidly or in language the young people cannot under-

stand. These comics are beautiful because they communi-

cate the essentials in informal language, and attract the

interest of students and teachers.”

Above, a sample from Our Class, the new animated website

presented by the Salesian Schools in Brazil. Click on the photo

above to see the animation. Below, the communications team

that is working on the project.


Salesian Events Available for Viewing Click on these links to see a variety of Salesian events from around the world, from the new website for the

Salesian Youth Movement (in English) to a hilarious video of a comedian with the Rector Major in Italy (no

translation necessary) during the Salesian Family Days.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QCF796b-aTI http://mjs.org.br/en/

8 June 6, 2013


Views Across

the Province

Mary Help of Christians Center Tamp, Florida

Diocese of St. Petersburg, Served by Salesians Since 1928 Salesians: 16 - Cooperators: 17 - Parish Families: 250 - Boys & Girls Club Members: 140

Always Rely on “Spiritual GPS”

He also encouraged them to con-

tinue to develop themselves as they

proceed on life’s journey, and he said

he hoped that 100 percent of them

would not only go to college, but also

graduate in four years.

The cardinal, who is president of

Caritas International, the Vatican-

based umbrella organization for na-

tional Catholic charities around the

world, told them to give of them-

selves, to enrich their society, their

church and their nation.

“Life is a gift we receive in order

to be given to others,” he said.

Mr. Zimmermann is editor of the Catho-

lic Standard, newspaper of the Washing-

ton Archdiocese. Copyright (c) 2013

Catholic News Service,


Reprinted with permission of CNS.

(Continued from page 5)

LUTZ, Florida — The rooms at the Bethany Center. For a detailed view

of their website and a photo gallery, click on the photo above or go to:

