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Message From Your President - NAWIC · going shopping, watching Survivor, watching movies & of...

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1 As material for the construction of our building, I pledge the agility of my hands, the ability of my mind, and the in- tegrity of my heart. October 2014 October is here, the kids are back in school and you can feel fall in the air. The air was cool and crisp this morning as I came to work. I truly love fall with it’s beautiful changing leaves and cool refreshing air. We've kicked off the new NAWIC year with the initiation of our newest member Elisabeth Shinn and our returning member Jaysa Nesbitt. The in- stallation of Officers and the Board of Directors was so beautiful. Susan you did a wonderful job. Thank you for allowing me to act as your President this year. I am privileged to lead a wonderful group of ladies that have taught me so much over the years. I would not be where I am today with- out the knowledge and wisdom that has been shared with me by all of you. The Salem chapter is off and running. We'll be having our membership luncheon in a few days and I know the planning committee has been hard at work. One of my goals this year is to increase our membership through inspira- tional speakers, participation on committees and getting the Salem NAWIC chapter name out there to the community. I spoke with Tricia before the new year started about this goal and I know Tricia is working hard on putting together a really in- spiring list of professional speakers that will not only allow us to help our compa- nies grow but also us as individuals. I'm hoping that we can encourage other wom- en in the construction industry to attend our monthly meetings by offering meetings that are interesting and full of information useful to all of us. We really have a busy year ahead of us with Construction Career Days and Coast Retreat, but I know that with the amazing group of ladies we have in our chapter we can accomplish so much. Nancy Lingle Salem Chapter #198 President Message From Your President PRESIDENT Nancy Carter Capitol City Door VICE PRESIDENT Tricia Mosier White Oak Construction TREASUERER Dawn Killough Rich Duncan Construction SECRETARY Jaysa Nesbitt Salem Contractors Exchange PAST-PRESIDENT Kay Evans Salem Contractors Exchange As material for the construction of our building, I pledge the agility of my hands, the ability of my mind, and the integrity of my heart. WEBSITE Visit our website at nawicsalem.com
Page 1: Message From Your President - NAWIC · going shopping, watching Survivor, watching movies & of course our yearly camping trip. I grew up Hunting & Fishing (hopefully get my first



As material for the

construction of our

building, I pledge

the agility of my

hands, the ability of

my mind, and the in-

tegrity of my heart.

October 2014

October is here, the kids are back in school and you can feel fall in the air. The air was cool and crisp this morning as I came to work. I truly love fall with it’s beautiful changing leaves and cool refreshing air.

We've kicked off the new NAWIC year with the initiation of our newest member Elisabeth Shinn and our returning member Jaysa Nesbitt. The in-stallation of Officers and the Board of Directors

was so beautiful. Susan you did a wonderful job. Thank you for allowing me to act as your President this year. I am privileged to lead a wonderful group of ladies that have taught me so much over the years. I would not be where I am today with-out the knowledge and wisdom that has been shared with me by all of you.

The Salem chapter is off and running. We'll be having our membership luncheon in a few days and I know the planning committee has been hard at work.

One of my goals this year is to increase our membership through inspira-tional speakers, participation on committees and getting the Salem NAWIC chapter name out there to the community. I spoke with Tricia before the new year started about this goal and I know Tricia is working hard on putting together a really in-spiring list of professional speakers that will not only allow us to help our compa-nies grow but also us as individuals. I'm hoping that we can encourage other wom-en in the construction industry to attend our monthly meetings by offering meetings that are interesting and full of information useful to all of us.

We really have a busy year ahead of us with Construction Career Days and Coast Retreat, but I know that with the amazing group of ladies we have in our chapter we can accomplish so much.

Nancy Lingle Salem Chapter #198 President

Message From Your President PRESIDENT Nancy Carter Capitol City Door VICE PRESIDENT Tricia Mosier White Oak Construction TREASUERER Dawn Killough Rich Duncan Construction SECRETARY Jaysa Nesbitt Salem Contractors Exchange PAST-PRESIDENT Kay Evans Salem Contractors Exchange


As material for the

construction of our

building, I pledge the

agility of my hands,

the ability of my

mind, and the

integrity of my heart.

WEBSITE Visit our website at


Page 2: Message From Your President - NAWIC · going shopping, watching Survivor, watching movies & of course our yearly camping trip. I grew up Hunting & Fishing (hopefully get my first



In This Issue Message From Your President                        1 

Board Officers                                                        1 

Member Spotlight                                               2 

Meeting Schedule                                                3 

Members   News                                                   3 

Meeting Notice          4 

Recap of Last Meeting                                       5 

Food For Thought         6 

Contact Information                                            7 

Committees                                                           8 

Flyers  and Misc. Info 

Amanda Forkner


Turner Construction 

The past 10 months in Oregon have been some of the most exciting months I have had so far in my career thus far. All of last year I had been thinking about making the decision of relocating back to Oregon to be closer to my friends and family & finally around Christmas I was offered a job as a Project Coordinator with Turner Construction. My life in con‐struction all started when I was offered a traveling flagging position just

fresh out of High School with one of my all‐time best friends. Had I known than what a small decision in my life would take me so far. I traveled many places around Oregon sightseeing & learning about

different parts of Civil Construction, had many mentors & an unforget‐table two summers of my life. From there I worked for another Heavy Civil Company which brought me down to the Bay Area where my dad

was working. They had me really thinking about being an Inspector with the union until I was offered a position of a lifetime with Cemex as a

Field Service Rep in the Ready Mix Division. I spent two years working night projects ranging from One Million Square Feet Amazon Fulfill‐ment Warehouses to Large Scale Highway Rehab projects. Adjusting

from in the field life to full time in the office has been a great adjustment though I must say.

Growing up in small town Crescent City, CA raised by my Dad’s parents who are by far my best friends. My grandma & I talk every day, enjoy going shopping, watching Survivor, watching movies & of course our

yearly camping trip. I grew up Hunting & Fishing (hopefully get my first Oregon deer this year). I love going traveling to new places around Ore‐

gon and am getting ready to purchase my first house! My dog Marley will love it because we hope to have a big yard!

Working in the pipeline

Myself, my grandma, and my two favorite cousins Dakota & Tanner at the

Monterrey Aquarium.

Out on a freeway project

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Chapter News & Announcements

Our Chapter needs to make some revisions to our Standing Rules. While going through this process I thought it would be a good me to really look at Bylaws/Standing Rules that guide our Chapter.

Standing Rules relate to details of administra on and not to parliamentary procedures. Our Policies of the Salem, Oregon Chapter #198 address the specific business of our Chapter.

Following is Standing Rule #1 as we currently have it. I am crossing out anything that needs to be deleted and I will write in red anything that needs to be added. This is the pa ern I will follow as we go through the rules. A er the rule I will write the reasons behind the rule.

STANDING RULE #1: The Chapter shall adopt Standing Rules stating its dues, fees and charges, meeting date, and method of voting for officers, delegates, and proposi-tions and declaring whether the Chapter will elect Officers to the positions of Correspond-ing Secretary and President-Elect, and such other rules as are not in conflict with the Charter of the National Association of Wom-en in Construction; the Chapter’s Corporate Charter, or the Bylaws, the Standing Rules or official policies of the National Association of Women in Construction. All revisions and amendments to the Chapter’s Standing Rules are to be submitted to the NAWIC By-laws Committee for approval 30 days prior to circulation. Revisions and amendments to Standing Rules 1-6 can only be changed by the National Board of Directors. (9/11)

As stated in this rule, Standing Rules 1 through 6 can only be changed by the Na onal Board of Directors. This rule lays down the framework for the rest of the Standing Rules, sta ng what must be in the rules and what we need to know to not be in conflict with the rules. The sentence that is being removed is addressed in Standing Rule #3.

Dates to Remember

October 1 Chick Sadowski’s Birthday October 7 Habitat for Humanity Breakfast October 13 Marilyn Jones Birthday October 15 Membership Drive Meeting at pringle Hall October 17 Elisabeth Shinn’s Birthday October 19 Dawn Killough’s Birthday October 24‐25 APC Courtyard Marriott, Kirkland, WA October 30 Kim Thatcher’s Birthday

November 4 Board Meeting November 9 Linda Almendinger’s Birthday November 19 General Meeting

April 30‐May 2 Forum Anchorage AK Sept 2‐5 AMEC 2015 Nashville TN   

Leadership Salem

Dawn Killough will be participating in Leadership Salem this year,  everyone that I know that has gone through the program has come away with new experiences and  personal growth  that will stay with them throughout their lives. Way to go Dawn! 


Rules are meant for Governing.

Staying On Top of Our Chapter.

Let us know what are you doing ...at work? In your community? At home? That you feel is an accomplishment in your life. Send to [email protected].

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Page 5: Message From Your President - NAWIC · going shopping, watching Survivor, watching movies & of course our yearly camping trip. I grew up Hunting & Fishing (hopefully get my first



September Meeting Recap Called to Order: 5:45pm

Pledges: NAWIC & Pledge of Allegiance

Members Attending: Nancy, Linda, Vickie, Mary, Dawn, Susan, Jeanna, Kay, Tricia, Dorothy, Amanda, Robin, Elisabeth, Chick, Lori & Jaysa Inspiration: Dawn shared with us how to turn “I can’t” into “I can with help”. Dinner

Speaker: Jennifer Paul, Saalfield Griggs, PC “Employment Legislation”

Initiation of Elisabeth Shinn and Jaysa Nesbitt performed by Linda Almendinger

Installation of Officers and Board of Directors directed by Susan Wood

New Directors: Amanda, Robin, Jeanna & Mary

New Officers: Dawn- Treasurer, Chick- Corresponding Secretary, Jaysa- Recording Secretary, Tricia- Vice

President & Nancy- President Reports of Officers:

Secretary- Minutes of the August Meeting reviewed. Motion was made to accept the minutes as presented. Motion passed. Treasurer- Treasurer’s Reports are available for review.

Committee Reports:

Budget: Director: Jeanna

Budget committee meeting Sept. 23 at Rich Duncan Construction. Poinsettia Fundraiser- Nancy & Tricia are waiting to hear back about the wreaths and candy canes. Want to have flyer available by October’s Membership Drive.

Membership: Director: Mary - Chairman: Dawn

Public Relations/Marketing- Defer to motions are made in New Business. Social Media/Website- Meeting tonight after General Meeting. Membership Drive- October 15th at Pringle Hall at 11:45am.

PEP: Director: Amanda

Construction Career Days- Committee met last week and have narrowed down the date to either May 5th or May 12th. Susan just needs to hear back from the Salem Airport for decision. The goal this year is to have 500 students and 57 vendor/contractors present. Upcoming Committee Meetings are set for Oc-tober 8th, November 5th & December 10th. All at 1:00pm at Salem Heating’s office.

Special Committees: Director: Robin

Secret Pal- Revealed and drew for new names. WIC Week- Dawn is still looking for ideas to entertain

around 50 people. New Business:

Discussed creating generic NAWIC business cards to hand out while networking and adding a Quote about NA WIC on the bottom each member’s email signature. Reminder: After October 1st there is a $25 late fee for NA WIC Membership renewal. Discussed joining the Salem Chamber of Commerce. Membership dues are $350 a year. A motion was made and passed. Discussed having another BLOCK Kids program sometime this year. We are going to look into getting a Girl Scout Troop and set up a date. New ideas for speakers were given and to notify Tricia of any additions. Secret Pal: Revealed & renewed

Birthday Auction: $67 income

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This was taken from an article on Cvent—

Back in the '80s, a sleeper hit emerged known as "Cheers." Set in a Boston neighborhood bar, it featured a likeable yet quirky cast of characters who would mix, mingle and debate over a multitude of topics. Conversations at Cheers often tipped in favor of the ridiculous, but sometimes the banter would go deeper....I caught an episode the other night that made me laugh, but also made me think about what made Cheers so special -- and how we might borrow a little bit of that Cheers magic to create conference spaces that are inviting and where everybody knows your name. Here's what bubbled up in my head as success drivers for Cheers:

Welcoming & Attentive Hosts Fictional character Sam "Mayday" Malone, once a relief pitcher for the Red Sox, was now launching an encore career as the owner of Cheers. He was charming, funny and if you pulled up a bar stool, in no time he'd be welcoming you and serving you. Ditto for his fellow bartenders, Coach and Woody. Applying this to an event: This one-on-one approach might not be scaleable, but who's welcoming your customers (attendees) as they arrive? Do you have temps and others directing folks to self-serve kiosks? If I walk by staffers wielding walkie-talkies or cell phones, will they even notice me?

Fast Moving Chatter About Common Experiences As I mentioned, the chats never rose to rocket-science proportions, but nearly every conversation was about something that others could relate to... often entertaining stories that drew other people in. Applying this to an event: Are you keeping an eye on the speaker story meter? Even when a keynote presenter delves into a complex topic, if they weave in a few stories that audiences can relate to, you'll see attendees leaning in and paying closer attention. Are you coaching speakers to work in more peer-to-peer chats throughout their presentations? It can be as simple as: "Turn to your neighbor and for the next couple of minutes, share your thoughts about... "

Differing Opinions Yet Respectful Exchanges (for the most part) If everybody always agreed, people wouldn't linger or return to this neighborhood bar. At Cheers, you could always count on Carla, Cliff or Frasier to challenge something someone said and take the conversation to the next level. Applying this to an event: Are you fostering a dynamic environment where attendees are encouraged to ponder, contribute and even challenge assumptions? Do the words "edgy" and "controversial" have a place on your program? If so, do you have speakers/facilitators who can masterfully guide respectful exchanges? Food for thought (and another topic for a future post).

Safe Harbor for Singletons At Cheers, while there was a constant conversation buzz, there was also an empty bar stool where newcomers could step up, listen in and even join the conversation. And if they didn't, Norm would often invite them in. Applying this to an event: If I'm attending an event and I don't know anyone else, will staff, volunteers and others even notice me? Will they go out of their way to invite me into conversations? Take a closer look at your solo attendees. Are they attending evening receptions or heading back to their hotel rooms and ordering room service? I'll bet there are many who would jump at a personal invitation.

Persistence and Patience to Grow the Community This speaks more to NBC, the network that brought us Cheers. At the time, NBC was struggling to catch up with CBS and ABC. The Cheers premiere ranked last in the ratings that first week, but NBC stuck with it and soon this program would earn the #1 spot. More importantly, Cheers was pivotal in restoring NBC to the top. Applying this to an event If you launch something new at your event, but it fails to draw a crowd on the first attempt, do you abandon it? You might have a potential gem right there in front of you. Unfortunately, too many people toss out great ideas prematurely. Some never get the time and attention needed to become blockbuster hits.

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Contact Information

SALEM NAWIC NEWS Please send all articles and content recommendations for this chapter to 

Kay by the 25th of each month. 

WEBSITE Visit our website at nawicsalem.com

FACEBOOK Connect with us on Facebook at


MAILING ADDRESS Salem chapter NAWIC #198 

P.O. Box 15137  Salem, OR 97309

PRESIDENT Nancy Lingle Capitol City Door [email protected] VICE PRESIDENT Tricia Mosier White Oak Construction [email protected]

TREASUERER Dawn Killough Rich Duncan Construction [email protected] SECRETARY Jaysa Nesbitt Salem Contractors Exchange [email protected] PAST-PRESIDENT Kay Evans Salem Contractors Exchange [email protected] DIRECTORS: Mary Price Carter & Company [email protected] Jeanna Fox Surety Solutions [email protected] Robyn Guzman Anchor Insurance & Surety [email protected] Amanda Forkner Turner Construction [email protected]

National Officers President Sandy K. Field CBT, CIT [email protected] President Elect Riki F. Lovejoy CBT, CIT [email protected]

Vice President Connie M Leipard CIT [email protected] Secretary Amy Berg CBT, CIT [email protected] Treasurer Stephanie K. Crane CIT [email protected] Immediate Past Yasmine A. Branden CCA [email protected]

Divine Region 9 Contacts:

Director Sarah Webb [email protected] Committee Chairs: Membership Ellie Cooper [email protected] PR/Marketing Larissa Arbelovsky [email protected] PEP Jeanna Fox [email protected] Safety Jackie Lacktorin [email protected] WIC Week Brenda Smith [email protected] Mentorship Carol Eisenlohr [email protected] NEF Lori Barrick [email protected] Block Kids Cathy Hall [email protected] CAD Drafting Erin Holmes [email protected]

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BUDGET: Director: Jeanna

Ways & Means: Dawn

Poinsettia Sales: Nancy, Tricia Responsible for ordering Poinsettias from Egan Gardens and distributing them in December.

Birthday Auction: Chick, Jaysa Conducts birthday auction at our membership meetings.

Contractors Exchange Banquet: Dawn, Jaysa

Audit: (3 Needed) Nancy, Susan, Chick Audits the chapter finances quarterly.

Budget: Nancy, Dawn, Vickie, Tricia Responsible for designing a budget for the year. MEMBERSHIP: Chairman: Dawn Killough Director: Mary Membership/Public Relations/Marketing: Robin, Amanda, Linda, Tricia

Responsible for promoting membership; sending NAWIC information & registration packets to prospective members.

Sends press releases to various publications regarding Chapter activities.

Social Media/Website: Tricia, Dawn

Newsletter: Kay, Vickie


Legislative Awareness: Dorothy Scholarship: Dorothy, Amanda, Elisabeth Advertise, promote and select Scholarship Recipients.

Career Days: *Susan, Nancy, Jeanna, Amanda, Chick, Dawn, Mary, Kay Elisabeth Helps in the planning and participates in Career Days.

Block Kids: WIC Week (March 1st-7th): Dawn, Vickie, Amanda Responsible for planning events for the Chapter during WIC Week, which is the first week of March every year. This includes

preparing a commitment form, tracking ac vi es during the week, and preparing a recap form a er the week.

SPECIAL COMMITTEES: Director: Robin Secret Pal: Vickie

By Laws: Robin, Nancy Responsible for keeping our chapter standing rules and policies and national bylaws current.

Historian: Linda, Robin

Coast Retreat: Tricia, Nancy, Chick Plans Coast Retreat, a two day event that includes Chapters from our Region. Plans Chapter event in years not hosting.

NAWIC Appreciation Night: Chick, Nancy Plans the NAWIC Appreciation Night event to honor our bosses, usually held in the spring.

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Region 9 & 10 Merge-AMEC 2014 Meeting

Assets-Joint Property

• We'll get new gavels (old gavels will be auctioned off)

• We'll get new banners

Policies and Guidelines

• Reviewed and edited as needed

• They will be sent out for review in October and in circulation in February

• Guidelines for the merger of our websites will be sent out by September 25th

APC 2015-Reno Nevada- will be organized by DAC

2016 Forum-South Sound will host in Tacoma

Election for director of combined region will take place after the 2015 Forums in both regions

Awards are suspended until the merge is formalized


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COST: $12 Each

WREATHS 20” $20.00 SWAGS $10.00 CANDY CANES $20.00 Order by Friday, November 3, 2013.

Delivery will be Thursday, December 4, 2013 Pick up the Poinsettias/Wreaths at Capitol City Door

2700 Cherry Ave. NE, Salem OR 97301


Name ____________________________________

Telephone No. _________________Email: _____________________________

Number of Poinsettias @ $12 each Red _________ Red Glitter _________ Other Color_________ Color _________ Number of Wreaths @ $16.00 each Wreath 20” _________ $20.00 each Candy Cane _________ $10.00 each Swags _________

Total Amt. Enclosed _____________________ I will pay when I pick up my order ________

Please make checks payable to NAWIC, Salem Chapter 198 Return form to: Nancy Lingle P.O. Box 7383, Salem, OR 97303, fax 503-370-7938 or email to [email protected]

