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Message in a bottle

Date post: 08-May-2015
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Message In A Bottle Konstantin Haase
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Message In ABottle

Konstantin Haase

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Ruby 1.8 is slow because it's interpreted.

Surprise! Ruby 1.9 is interpreted, too.

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Thanks!github.com / rkh / presentations

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What We'll Look Into

MRI: method dispatch and execution

Rubinius: inline caches and JIT

JRuby: invokedynamic

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class DeepThought def ultimate_answer?(value) value.to_s == '42' endendDeepThought.new.ultimate_answer? 42

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They Just Love BytecodeRuby



getlocal valuesend :to_s, 0, nil, 0, <ic:0>


push_local 0send_stack :to_s, 0


ALOAD 0LDC "to_s\uffffN\uffff\u0000\u0000\u0001\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000...INVOKEVIRTUAL org/jruby/ast/executable/AbstractScript.initFromDescriptor (Lj......ALOAD 0INVOKEVIRTUAL ruby/__dash_e__.getCallSite0 ()Lorg/jruby/runtime/CallSite;ALOAD 1ALOAD 2ALOAD 9INVOKEVIRTUAL org/jruby/runtime/CallSite.call (Lorg/jruby/runtime/ThreadCont...

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The Plan

search for method

execute method

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How To Speed That Up?

search faster

execute faster

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Speed Up Search

Inline Cache (aka Call/Send Site Cache)

Lookup Cache


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Speed Up Execution

Reduce operations

Just-in-time compilation


Speed up search

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a method gets called


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static inline VALUErb_call0(VALUE recv, ID mid, int argc, const VALUE *argv, call_type scope, VALUE self){ rb_method_entry_t *me = rb_search_method_entry(recv, mid); rb_thread_t *th = GET_THREAD(); int call_status = rb_method_call_status(th, me, scope, self); // <- SEARCH if (call_status != NOEX_OK) { return method_missing(recv, mid, argc, argv, call_status); } stack_check(); return vm_call0(th, recv, mid, argc, argv, me); // <- EXECUTE}

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/* * rb_call0 searching for a method * -> rb_method_entry * -> rb_method_entry_get_without_cache * -> search_method */static rb_method_entry_t*search_method(VALUE klass, ID id){ st_data_t body; if (!klass) { return 0; } while (!st_lookup(RCLASS_M_TBL(klass), id, &body)) { klass = RCLASS_SUPER(klass); if (!klass) { return 0; } } return (rb_method_entry_t *)body;}

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/* * rb_call0 executing a method * -> vm_call0 */static inline VALUEvm_call0(rb_thread_t* th, VALUE recv, VALUE id, int argc, const VALUE *argv, const rb_method_entry_t *me){ const rb_method_definition_t *def = me->def; VALUE val; const rb_block_t *blockptr = 0; // ... again: switch (def->type) { case VM_METHOD_TYPE_ISEQ: { rb_control_frame_t *reg_cfp; // ... vm_setup_method(th, reg_cfp, recv, argc, blockptr, 0 /* flag */, me); val = vm_exec(th); // <- EXECUTE !!! break; } // ... } // ...}

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static VALUEvm_exec(rb_thread_t *th){ // ... go see for yourself ...}

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DEFINE_INSNsend(ID op_id, rb_num_t op_argc, ISEQ blockiseq, rb_num_t op_flag, IC ic)(...)(VALUE val)// inc += - (int)(op_argc + ((op_flag & VM_CALL_ARGS_BLOCKARG_BIT) ? 1 : 0));{ const rb_method_entry_t *me; VALUE recv, klass; rb_block_t *blockptr = 0; VALUE flag = op_flag; int num = caller_setup_args(th, GET_CFP(), flag, (int)op_argc, (rb_iseq_t *)blockiseq, &blockptr); ID id = op_id; /* get receiver */ recv = (flag & VM_CALL_FCALL_BIT) ? GET_SELF() : TOPN(num); klass = CLASS_OF(recv); me = vm_method_search(id, klass, ic); CALL_METHOD(num, blockptr, flag, id, me, recv);}

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klass = object.singleton_classmethod = nilwhile klass and not method method = klass.method_table.lookup(:some_method) klass = klass.direct_superclassend

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>> cm = DeepThought.method_table \?> .lookup(:ultimate_answer?).method=> #<Rubinius::CompiledMethod ultimate_answer?>>> puts cm.decode0000: push_local 0 # value0002: send_stack :to_s, 00005: push_literal "42"0007: string_dup 0008: meta_send_op_equal :==0010: ret => nil>> cm.iseq.opcodes=> #<Rubinius::Tuple: 20, 0, 49, 0, 0, 7, 1, 64, 83, 2, 11>>> cm.literals=> #<Rubinius::Tuple: :to_s, "42", :==>

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literals: :to_s, "42", :== locals: value (42)bytes: 20 0 49 0 0 7 1 64 83 2 11bytes decoded stack20 0 push_local 0 [ 42 ]49 0 0 send_stack :to_s, 0 [ "42" ]7 1 push_literal "42" [ "42", "42" ]64 string_dup [ "42", "42" ]83 2 meta_send_op_equal [ true ]11 ret [ ]

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instruction send_stack(literal count) [ receiver +count -- value ] => send Object* recv = stack_back(count); InlineCache* cache = reinterpret_cast<InlineCache*>(literal); Arguments args(cache->name, recv, Qnil, count, stack_back_position(count)); Object* ret = cache->execute(state, call_frame, args); CHECK_AND_PUSH(ret);end

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Specialized Methods

cached bytecode

code with breakpoints

specialized for arguments

JITed code

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INVOKEVIRTUAL example.getCallSite1 ...ALOAD 1ALOAD 2ALOAD 9INVOKEVIRTUAL org/jruby/runtime/CallSite.call ...



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INVOKEVIRTUAL org/jruby/runtime/CallSite.call( Lorg/jruby/runtime/ThreadContext; Lorg/jruby/runtime/builtin/IRubyObject; Lorg/jruby/runtime/builtin/IRubyObject; )Lorg/jruby/runtime/builtin/IRubyObject;


INVOKEDYNAMIC call( Lorg/jruby/runtime/ThreadContext; Lorg/jruby/runtime/builtin/IRubyObject; Lorg/jruby/runtime/builtin/IRubyObject; Ljava/lang/String; )Lorg/jruby/runtime/builtin/IRubyObject; [...]

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The Linker [org/jruby/runtime/invokedynamic/InvocationLinker .invocationBootstrap( Ljava/lang/invoke/MethodHandles$Lookup; Ljava/lang/String; Ljava/lang/invoke/MethodType; )Ljava/lang/invoke/CallSite;]

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The Bootstrappublic static CallSiteinvocationBootstrap(Lookup lookup, String name, MethodType type)throws NoSuchMethodException, IllegalAccessException { CallSite site; // ... if (name.equals("call")) { site = new JRubyCallSite(lookup, type, CallType.NORMAL, false, false, true); } // ... MethodHandle myFallback = ... site.setTarget(myFallback); return site;}

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The Fallbackpublic static IRubyObject invocationFallback(JRubyCallSite site, ThreadContext context, IRubyObject caller, IRubyObject self, String name) throws Throwable { RubyClass selfClass = pollAndGetClass(context, self); CacheEntry entry = selfClass.searchWithCache(name); if (methodMissing(entry, site.callType(), name, caller)) { return callMethodMissing(entry, site.callType(), context, self, name); } MethodHandle target = getTarget(site, selfClass, name, entry, 0); target = updateInvocationTarget(target, site, selfClass, name, entry, false, 0); return (IRubyObject)target.invokeWithArguments(context, caller, self, name);}

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Thanks!github.com / rkh / presentations
