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Messengers of Peace ASIA-PACIFIC - scout.org · Gerakan Pramuka spearheads relief measures for...

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ISSUE No.24 OCTOBER-DECEMBER 2018 Messengers of Peace ASIA-PACIFIC The Messengers of Peace quarterly newsletter is an initiative of the Asia-Pacific Support Centre of the World Scout Bureau highlighting the project, programmes and activities of National Scout Organizations under the MoP Initiative. QUARTERLY NEWSLETTER A Scout is on top of the world once again 6 Thailand conducts multiple peace projects 8 APR MoP Heroes 2018 4 India intensifies MoP training for local leaders story on page 7


Messengers of Peace

ASIA-PACIFICThe Messengers of Peace quarterly newsletter is an initiative of the Asia-Pacific Support Centre of the World Scout Bureau highlighting the project, programmes and activities of National Scout Organizations under the MoP Initiative.


A Scout is on top of the world once again

6Thailand conducts

multiple peaceprojects

8APR MoP Heroes



India intensifies MoP training for local leaders

story on page 7

The International Day of Peace is observed around the world every 21st of September. The United Nations declared it as a day de-voted to strengthening the ideals of peace, both within and among all nations. This year’s theme as announced by the United Nations is ‘The Right to Peace – The Univer-sal Declaration of Human Rights at 70,’ celebrating the 70th anniver-

International Day of Peace 2018 Celebration in the Asia-Pacific

sary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

To commemorate this celebration, many National Scout Organizations engaged their Scouts to undertake month-long actions to celebrate the Peace day. This year, more than 58,000 service hours were recorded in celebration of the peace day.

Although activities may vary from country to country, the aim for the Peace Day was to involve as many young people as possible-engage them in peace actions or activities, create awareness on the role they play in peace building, teach them how to become global citizens, and allow them to create positive changes in their communities.


NSO Activities Participants Service Hours

Australia Peace Bell Ceremony 260 550

Bangladesh IDP Commemoration: Peace Rally, Gift Giving to Cancer Patients, Blood Donation Program

3,409 27,272

Brunei Blood DonationMini Youth Program



Fiji Various IDP Celebration 1390 11,120

Hong Kong MoP Call for ProjectsSandy Bay Charity Fair



India Various IDP Celebrations: Peace Run, Peace Rally. Tree Planting

696 5,568

Indonesia 100 Paper Cranes for PeaceScouts for Peace

MoP Introduction and OrigamiSangkulirang IDP

Scouts with DisabilitiesBook Donation Drive




Nepal Various IDP Activities 590 1770

Philippines IDP Commemoration 720 5760

Scouts of China MoP Orientation and Beach Clean-up 70 280

Thailand Gathering for PeaceMoP Parade and Exhibition



TOTAL 9,910 64,799


International Day of Peace

APR MESSENGERS OF PEACE HEROES. Six Scouts were recognised as the Asia-Pacific Region’s MoP Heroes for their outstanding contribution in making positive changes in communities. The award was conferred in a special ceremony on 20 October 2018 during the 26th Asia-Pacific Regional Scout Conference in Manila.


APR Messengers of Peace Heroes Awarding Ceremony

BETTER WORLD. A #BetterWorld booth was put up during the 26th Asia-PAcific Regional Scout Conference in Manila, showcasing the region’s accomplishments in WOSM’s flagship programmes -- Messengers of Peace, World Scout Environment Programme and the Scouts of the World Award Programme.

Interactive activities showcased at the #BetterWorld Booth


The Scout Donation Platform is an online crowdfunding platform that allows National Scout Organizations and National Scout Associations to raise money for their projects by way of engaging with donors and supporters via social media. The platform is free and does not in-cur charges. 100% of the collected fund goes directly to the successful project.

This platform helps raise fund for certain projects, thus making ideas into reality. It also encourages the rise of new generation of philanthro-pists. The donation platform helps to promote the projects all over the world and to develop the marketing and fundraising skills of the Scouts while enabling them to inspire others with their ideas. The Scout donation platform is exclusively for Scouting projects, giving higher chance to receive donation.

Proponents can raise money to as high as USD 5,000.00. Once the target amount is met, 80% of the

total amount will be remitted to the proponent / project owner thru the NSO, and the remaining 20% will be remitted only after the submission of the final report.

In order for a project to have a high-er chance to get donation from oth-ers, the project should have details that will answer the donor’s and visi-tors’ questions, create a strong first impression thru great photo and/or video and catchy and descrip-tive title. Second, share the project on Facebook or other social media channels like Twitter, Instagram or even emails to create a community who knows your campaign and to reach out to more people. It will also help to be supported by your own network like your family and friends.

Aside from donors, there are also people called ‘supporters’ who help promote the projects to reach more potential donors. Instead of donat-ing money, a person can show sup-port by sharing the campaign link in social media profiles and com-

menting a good caption to motivate other friends to share and help with the project. This will help boost the reach of the project and encourage more donors.

If an NSO/NSA will sign up to the donation platform, they need to accept an online agreement stating the responsibilities of NSO/NSAs and WOSM on the projects and donors. The NSO will appoint a National Ad-ministrator who will verify that the project owner is an active member of NSO/NSA, review the projects prior to its published on the plat-form, facilitate communication with concerns, follow up deliverables and updates of the projects and informant for financial matters and those eligible to receive donations. The NSO should ensure that fully funded projects are executed, there are regular updates in the platform and final report is published. Prepare the needs for funding and qualitative projects to be presented to potential donors and encourage member to use the platform actively.

Scout Donation platform (donate.scout.org)


Mount Ama Dablam is one of the most beauti-ful mountain in the world from nearly all angles. Located in eastern Nepal’s famous Himalaya range, this beautiful mountain with its dominat-ing features stands alone near the foot of the Khumbu Valley. The main peak is 6,812 meters high.

Despite having a picture-perfect panoramic view, the route is technically challenging. Climbing the mountain requires a high level of proficiency on steep, exposed and technical

terrain at high altitude.

Prakash Raj Pandey, the Scout who recently reached the summit of Mount Everest, suc-cessfully scaled Mt. Ama Dablam on 8 Novem-ber 2018 at 10 o’clock in the morning.

Flying once again the flags of the World Organization of the Scout Movement and the Messengers of Peace, he hopes to inspire more Scouts to become more adventurous and active.

A Scout is on top of the world once again


The Bharat Scouts and Guides conducted two Local Messengers of Peace Leaders Trainings aimed at equip-ping Scout Leaders with a working knowledge about the Messengers of Peace Programme, and eventually appoint them as local coordinators to train more young people about the value of peace.

The first training was conducted at the National Head-quarters of the Bharat Scouts and Guides in New Delhi on 26-30 November 2018. Fifty Scout Leaders from 24 State Association were trained on how to further engage young people in their respective states in un-dertaking peace actions. As a practicum to test the knowledge and skills that they’ve acquired during the training, a field visit was organised at the National Youth Complex where over 400 young people both Scouts and non-Scouts underwent MoP activities di-vided into six modules with the overall aim to teach the young people how to become Messengers of Peace that would allow them to play an active role in their commu-nities as active global citizens.

India intensifies MoP training for local leaders

The second training was held at sub-national level for the central Indian state named Madhya Pradesh on 26-30 December 2018. Forty-seven Scouts from 10 regions of the state attended the training. The practicum was held with over 200 young people who were gathered at the State Training Centre. Major contents in both the trainings were the Introduction to the Better World Framework with focus on the Messengers of Peace Programme, the global platform - Scout.org, a module on story telling, activities and modules on how to inspire and engage young people through peace actions, becoming active global citizen, Scouting and SDGs, including a quick run though about project management. The trainings were held by the members of the MoP Core Team, with the support of the MoP Regional Team from the World Scout Bureau Asia-Pacific Support Centre.


The National Organization of Thailand (NSOT) conducted multiple peace projects across the country to introduce the Messengers of Peace Programme and to create awareness about peace. The projects were held from September to December 2018 which was participated by thousands of Scouts.

1. Drawing for Peace

Learning peace through art, 88 Scouts from Jantasirivittaya School participated in the peace sessions thru the “Yukyur Art for Peace.” The programme was handled by Dr. Poldej Wora-chat and taught the Scouts how to achieve inner peace through art. Scouts were asked to make their artwork using black pen and by drawing continuous lines.

In a separate event, 67 students from Asian Maritime Technological College in Chonburi Province participated in the “Drawing and Gratitude for Peace Activities” led by Ms. Mary English. Scouts were also taught the ways to achieve inner peace through art and gratitude.

The activities included the introduction to the Messengers of Peace Programme and the cur-rent status of the MoP programme in Thailand. They capped the activity by teaching the Scouts with the MoP dance craze.

2. Relief Drive for Tsunami Victims in Indonesia and Orphanages in Thailand

Cub Scouts and Scouts from Jantasirivittaya School and Rover Scouts from Technology Asia Vocational College collaborated for a month-long fund-raising event. The project included the production of herbally preserved egg, and eventually selling them at the markets of Nong-

khaem, Bangok and Samutsakorn provinces. The proceeds were donated to the victims of the tsunami in Indonesia and for the orphan-ages in Thailand

3. MoP Booth, 3rd National Scouts Jamboree of Cambodia Scouts

The MoP team of the National Scout Organi-zation of Thailand facilitated the MoP booth during the 3rd National Scouts Jamboree of Cambodia Scouts last 4-9 December 2018 at Bronze Lake Resort, Kampong Thom, Cambo-dia. The booth showcased the introduction to the Better World Framework and the Sustain-able Development Goals, including a mind detoxification activity.

4. MoP Booth, 5th Scouts of the World Award Presentation of Prizes Ceremony

During the 5th SW Award Presentation of Prizes Ceremony conducted last 3 Novem-ber 2018 at KRSC Resort and Scout Camp in Petchburi, Thailand, the MoP team showcased the different MoP projects of the National Scout Organization of Thailand thru exhibits and interactive sessions.

5. Inner Peace for New Year 2019 by Prayer and Meditation

A total of 90 young people and leaders welcomed New Year’s Eve with a prayer of achieving inner peace. The programme, which was held between 1PM of 31 December 2018 to 1AM of 1 January 2019 started with the introduction of Messengers of Peace Pro-gramme, followed by the discussion on how to properly meditate to achieve inner peace.

Thailand conducts multiple peace projects


Gerakan Pramuka spearheads relief measures for tsunami-devastated Donggala

The regency of Donggala, north of Palu, was the epicentre of the 7.5 magnitude tremor that shook the region last 28 September 2018. It was immediately followed by tsunami waves which were from 0.5 to 3 meters high on Dong-gala’s coast and Talise Beach, as the result of rising waters in Palu

Bay. Donggala has a population of 300,000.

More than 70,000 houses were reported damaged, forcing tens of thousands of people to live in shelters and tents. As a response to the disaster, Pramuke Peduli (Gerakan Pramuka Crisis Centre),

secured an emergency grant thru the Messengers of Peace Support Fund.

As of writing, relief operations are on-going to help lessen the hard-ship of living in temporary evacu-ation centres in Central Sulawesi, especially those in Donggala.



A Peace Camp was organised by the Messengers of Peace team of Gerakan Pramuka on 24-28 October 2018 at Pasir Panjang Village, Serang City. Several peace modules were conducted throughout the camp.

The camp was organized as part of the Taruna Nusantara’s annual national service. Taruna Nus-antara is a military senior high

school in the town of Magelang, Centra Java.

Since 2016, Taruna Nusan-tara’s alumni organisation has been conducting com-munity development projects

in remote vil lages in Indone-sia, teaching vil lagers l iveli-hood init iatives and, as well as spearheading some literacy programmes. Scouting was introduced to the children and taught them Scoutcraft.

Peace Camp in Indonesia

The Rotaract Club of Nadi New Horizons, in partnership with Priya Prasa and her group of MoP local coordinators, organ-ised a Christmas and Gift-Giving Party at the Nadi and Loutoka Hospital’s children’s ward last 22 December 2018.

The group distributed Christmas gifts to 25 children at the Lau-toka Hospital and Nadi Hospital. They also gave out fruits and spent time with the kids.

Apart from this initiative, the group is currently raising funds for another project to rebuild the libraries of two schools in Rakiraki which were destroyed by tropical cyclone Winston.

With reports from Kailash Vimal Pillay, Fiji Scout Association

Fiji’s MoP group partner with Rotaract, organises Christmas party for young patients


At the 26th APR Scout Conference in October 2018, World Scout Committee member Peter Blatch delivered a 12-minute Action Time Presentation on the progress of the Messengers of Peace in this triennium (2015-2018).

In his presentation, he highlighted the #BetterWorld Booth’s 1 Billion Service Hours pie graph, illustrating the 86% contribution of the Asia-Pacific region in the total service hours rendered by Scouts globally.

He mentioned that in order to reach this peak, the region focused on three areas: Globalising MoP Network, Capacity Building, and Disaster Response and Community Service.

For the past three years, the region has seen a continuous increase for users, projects, and service hours in Scout.org This result is a combined efforts of all NSOs, volunteers and individual Messengers of Peace.

Status of Messengers of Peace in Asia-Pacific Region for September 2015-2018

MoP in Users, Projects, and ServiceHours from Sept 2015 to Sept 2018



















26,386Increase of 45,981

Increase of


Messengers of Peace Project Summary 2011-2018

YEAR Total Close Ongoing Approved Finished Ongoing




























Summary of MoP Projects from 2011 to 2018









Service Hours

296,847,118Increase of


MoP Monthly Statistical Report – translated in numbers is making great progress. This was how top ten NSOs performed from November-December 2018 in terms

of MoP scout.org users, service hours, and projects.

Monthly Statistics


1. India 20,194

2. Indonesia 19,583

3. Philippines 15,567

4. Malaysia 12,419

5. Bangladesh 7,294

6. Bhutan 4,565

7. Australia 3,823

8. Hong Kong 3,166

9. Pakistan 3,090

10. Thailand 2,204

TOP 10 NSOs (scout.org users)

1. Philippines 545,250,198

2. Bangladesh 184,120,804

3. India 62,929,390

4. Malaysia 26,259,786

5. Nepal 13,202,104

6. Fiji 8,813,310

7. Bhutan 8,547,857

8. Indonesia 5,776,610

9. Thailand 4,018,882

10. Sri Lanka 3,269,060

TOP 10 NSOs (service hours)

TOP 10 NSOs (projects)

1. Malaysia 12,204

2. India 9,587

3. Bhutan 3,099

4. Philippines 2,423

5. Thailand 1,398

6. Indonesia 1,335

7. Fiji 507

8. Pakistan 423

9. Bangladesh 408

10. Australia 405


1. India 19,691

2. Indonesia 19,566

3. Philippines 15,163

4. Malaysia 12,395

5. Bangladesh 7,285

6. Bhutan 4,545

7. Australia 3,804

8. Hong Kong 3,133

9. Pakistan 2,971

10. Thailand 2,199

TOP 10 NSOs (scout.org users)

1. Philippines 545,249,834

2. Bangladesh 184,120,804

3. India 67,733,839

4. Malaysia 26,194,621

5. Nepal 13,200,051

6. Fiji 10,517,310

7. Bhutan 10,006,740

8. Indonesia 5,732,827

9. Thailand 3,987,577

10. Sri Lanka 3,269,040

TOP 10 NSOs (service hours)

TOP 10 NSOs (projects)

1. Malaysia 12,179

2. India 9,225

3. Bhutan 3,051

4. Philippines 2,413

5. Thailand 1,390

6. Indonesia 1,332

7. Fiji 507

8. Pakistan 422

9. Bangladesh 408

10. Australia 391

For Customers (Scout members) For Suppliers (NSO Shops)

One-stop shop to connect 27 countries online Additional income to support Scouting development

Authentic Scout products Potential to reach millions of members

Connected from anywhere at anytime No investment to develop and maintain online platform

Easy shopping Reduced work and time on marketing the products

More collections Add-on platform to sell products globally

User friendly Global brand image

Shop from your mobile, tablets, computers No maintenance costs

Quick response Support to maintain the business

Easy to search products Monthly report of sales and market analysis



For any information or for submitting your MoP Initiatives, please contact Asia-Pacific Support Centre

Tel: (+63 2) 818 0984/ 817 1675 Fax: (+63 2) 819 0093Email: [email protected]

AUSTRALIA Johnathan Raymond Morey BANGLADESH M. Mohd. Monirul Islam Khan BHUTAN Nawang Gyaltshen BRUNEI DARUSSALAM Liyana Binti Haji Salleh

CAMBODIA Chek LIM SCOUTS OF CHINA: Sherman Sheng, Hsiao-Ming FIJI Kailash Vimal Pillay HONG KONG Peggy TAM Siu-lan INDIA Krishnaswamy R.

INDONESIAVenny Indri Christiyanti

JAPANKatsuhiro Takahashi

KOREAKim Su Yeon

KIRIBATIMataiti Bwebwe

MALAYSIAAmir Hamzah bin Aman

MALDIVESIbrahim Rasheed

MYANMARKyaw Nyi Nyi Zin

NEPALRam Prasad Bhattarai

NEW ZEALANDMichael Jeffrey

PAKISTANZahid Mahboob PAPUA NEW GUINEA Vagi Clergy Waru Vagi PHILIPPINES Carmelo B. Francia SINGAPORE Tan Sijie SRI LANKA Prabath Kularathna THAILAND Ms Wanyada Budhthanon MACAU Tang Chon Meng, Jacky SCOUT POLYNESIA Raiarii Benjamin Tama TIMOR LESTEViriato Da Costa Seac

Messenger of Peace| Asia-Pacific Region


@ScoutinginAPR @ScoutinginAPR


Peter Blatch Chay Hong Leng

J. Rizal C. Pangilinan

S Prassanna Shrivastava Director, Development Support

& Finance


J. Rizal C. PangilinanRegional Director

S Prassanna ShrivastavaDirector, Development Support

& FinanceKate Dela Cruz AranzamendezAssistant, Development Support

Matthew Valdeavilla Special Project Officer,

Organizational Development and Messenger of Peace



Messengers of Peace Regional Team


Luz TarayDirector, Comm. & Partnerships

Theresa QuineAssistant, Comm.

Kenny Ralph S. FernandoSpecial Project Officer, Comm.

Neil BolandrinaAssistant, Comm & IS

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