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Methods for Identifying Higher-Order Chromatin Structure · higher-order chromatin organization....

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Methods for Identifying Higher-Order Chromatin Structure Samin A. Sajan and R. David Hawkins Department of Medicine (Division of Human Genetics) and Department of Genome Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195; email: [email protected] Annu. Rev. Genomics Hum. Genet. 2012. 13:59–82 First published online as a Review in Advance on June 6, 2012 The Annual Review of Genomics and Human Genetics is online at genom.annualreviews.org This article’s doi: 10.1146/annurev-genom-090711-163818 Copyright c 2012 by Annual Reviews. All rights reserved 1527-8204/12/0922-0059$20.00 Keywords 3C, 4C, 5C, Hi-C, ChIA-PET, FAIRE Abstract Eukaryotic genomic DNA is combined with histones, nonhistone pro- teins, and RNA to form chromatin, which is extensively packaged hi- erarchically to fit inside a cell’s nucleus. The nucleosome—comprising a histone octamer with 147 base pairs of DNA wrapped around it—is the initial level and the repeating unit of chromatin packaging, which electron microscopy first made visible to the human eye as “beads on a string” nearly four decades ago. The mechanism and nature of chromatin packaging are still under intense research. Recently, clas- sic methods like chromatin immunoprecipitation and digestion with deoxyribonuclease and micrococcal nuclease have been combined with high-throughput sequencing to provide detailed nucleosome occupancy maps, and chromosome conformation capture and its variants have re- vealed that higher-order chromatin structure involves long-range loop formation between distant genomic elements. This review discusses the methods for identifying higher-order chromatin structure and the in- formation they have provided on this important topic. 59 Annu. Rev. Genom. Human Genet. 2012.13:59-82. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org by Duke University on 01/10/13. For personal use only.
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Methods for IdentifyingHigher-Order ChromatinStructureSamin A. Sajan and R. David HawkinsDepartment of Medicine (Division of Human Genetics) and Department of GenomeSciences, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195; email: [email protected]

Annu. Rev. Genomics Hum. Genet. 2012. 13:59–82

First published online as a Review in Advance onJune 6, 2012

The Annual Review of Genomics and Human Geneticsis online at genom.annualreviews.org

This article’s doi:10.1146/annurev-genom-090711-163818

Copyright c© 2012 by Annual Reviews.All rights reserved



3C, 4C, 5C, Hi-C, ChIA-PET, FAIRE


Eukaryotic genomic DNA is combined with histones, nonhistone pro-teins, and RNA to form chromatin, which is extensively packaged hi-erarchically to fit inside a cell’s nucleus. The nucleosome—comprisinga histone octamer with 147 base pairs of DNA wrapped around it—isthe initial level and the repeating unit of chromatin packaging, whichelectron microscopy first made visible to the human eye as “beadson a string” nearly four decades ago. The mechanism and nature ofchromatin packaging are still under intense research. Recently, clas-sic methods like chromatin immunoprecipitation and digestion withdeoxyribonuclease and micrococcal nuclease have been combined withhigh-throughput sequencing to provide detailed nucleosome occupancymaps, and chromosome conformation capture and its variants have re-vealed that higher-order chromatin structure involves long-range loopformation between distant genomic elements. This review discusses themethods for identifying higher-order chromatin structure and the in-formation they have provided on this important topic.



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Page 2: Methods for Identifying Higher-Order Chromatin Structure · higher-order chromatin organization. Epigenetic modifications also impact higher-order chromatin structure by alter-ing

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Nucleosome: thefundamental repeatingunit of chromatincompaction,containing a histoneoctamer with 147 bpof DNA wrappedaround it

Primary structure ofchromatin: 11-nmchromatin fiber madeof several nucleosomesin a row that under anelectron microscoperesemble beads on astring

Secondary structureof chromatin: 30-nmchromatin fibercontaining asupercoiled 11-nmfiber with a zigzagarrangement ofnucleosomes andlinker DNAcrisscrossing inbetween

Chromatin loops:higher-orderchromatin structuresformed by protein-mediated interactionsbetween distalgenomic regions suchthat the interveningDNA is looped out

Tertiary structure ofchromatin:chromatin loops (andnucleosome plates)formed by the bendingof the 30-nm fiber, aprocess aided bynonhistone proteins


Chromatin is composed of chromosomal DNAcomplexed with histones, nonhistone proteins(including structural and transcription factors),and RNA. Chromatin formation is a charac-teristic of eukaryotic genomes and enables thegenome to be hierarchically packaged or con-densed so that it can fit inside the nuclear space.Considering that naked DNA in a diploid hu-man cell is approximately 2 m long, the extentof compaction at the level of the metaphasechromosome can be at least 10,000-fold. Asif this were not a remarkable feat in itself, thenature of the compaction is such that it allowsvarious factors to access certain regions of thegenome to modulate processes such as genetranscription, DNA repair, recombination, andreplication. And because these processes occurat different times and utilize different genesin different cell types in different environ-mental conditions, the chromatin structure isconsidered highly dynamic. A comprehensiveknowledge of the structural features and dy-namics of chromatin is therefore essential forunderstanding all cellular processes that involveDNA. Although this is quite a challenging task,it is nevertheless a worthwhile one to pursue.Indeed, much progress has been made in thepast decade or so that has shed new light on thistopic. In this review, we discuss methods thathave enabled the discovery of higher-orderchromatin structure as well as what we havelearned from the knowledge gleaned throughthe application of these methods.

Chromosomes visible under a light micro-scope are obviously higher-order structures,with metaphase chromosomes representingthe highest order that can be achieved physio-logically. In the context of chromatin, the termhigher-order structure presumes that there is alower-order structure as well. Almost 40 yearshave passed since the first images of chromatin’sfundamental repeating unit, the nucleosome,were obtained by electron microscopy and amodel for the lowest/primary structure of chro-matin was proposed (38, 45, 58). The modelwas based on the classical “beads-on-a-string”

electron micrographs as well as data frombiochemical and X-ray diffraction studies (21,45). The nucleosome consists of an octamerof four different histone proteins (two eachof H2A, H2B, H3, and H4), around whichapproximately 147 base pairs (bp) of DNAare wrapped in approximately 1.7 superhelicalturns (21, 49, 66).

Several nucleosomes in a row form what isoften referred to as a beads-on-a-string fiber,simply because of its appearance under anelectron microscope (58, 59). This fiber, 11 nmin diameter, is typically considered the primarylevel of chromatin organization (Figure 1a).When histones H1 or H5, referred to as linkerhistones, are added to the 11-nm fiber, a morecondensed fiber with a diameter of 30 nmemerges (67). This fiber is said to representthe secondary level of chromatin organization(Figure 1c). The linker histones cover any-where from 20 to 90 bp of DNA (called linkerDNA) depending on the species and tissues inquestion, with humans being around the 40-bpmark (1). The 30-nm fiber is arranged such thatthe linker DNA zigzags between two stacks ofsuch fibers (69). In this particular arrangement,which is dependent on the ionic strength ofthe environment, odd-numbered nucleosomesmake contact with other odd-numbered nu-cleosomes and even-numbered nucleosomesmake contact with other even-numberednucleosomes (Figure 1c).

Concrete knowledge regarding structuresbeyond the 30-nm fiber is currently lacking,but there is evidence showing that these fibersare arranged in loops that constitute thetertiary structure of chromatin (Figure 1d ).Metaphase chromosomes and other regions ofinterphase chromosomes are manifestations ofsuch chromatin loops. When chromosomes aredepleted of histone proteins, a halo consistingof many loops of DNA (30–90 kb long)anchored along the length of a core/scaffoldcan be seen under an electron microscope(19, 64) (Figure 1d ). Recent evidence fromcryo-electron microscopy also appears tosupport the existence of interdigitating lay-ers of irregularly organized nucleosomes

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Plane ofnucleosome layers


Protein scaffold

Chromatin loop










23 5

f Organization of wholechromosomes inside thenucleus (quaternary level)

d Loops of 30-nmfiber (tertiary level)

e Interdigitating layers ofirregularly organizednucleosomes (tertiary level)

a 11-nm fiber(primary level)

b Nucleosome stacking(folded 11-nm fiber withzigzag linker DNA)

c 30-nm fiber(secondary level)


Figure 1Different levels of chromatin compaction. (a) Multiple nucleosomes in a row form the 11-nm fiber that is the primary level ofchromatin compaction. Alternating nucleosomes are depicted with blue and green surfaces. (b) The 11-nm fiber folds on itself to formtwo stacks/columns of nucleosomes such that odd-numbered nucleosomes interact with other odd-numbered nucleosomes and even-numbered nucleosomes interact with other even-numbered nucleosomes. The linker DNA zigzags between the two nucleosome stacks.(c) The folded 11-nm fiber forms a two-start helix to produce the 30-nm chromatin fiber that is the secondary level of compaction.(d ) The 30-nm fiber twists further and forms a more compact fiber that is arranged in loops (blue), with some portions attached to aprotein scaffold (red ). This is one of the tertiary levels of compaction. (e) The 30-nm fiber may also result in the formation ofinterdigitating layers of irregularly oriented nucleosomes, particularly in metaphase chromosomes. Note that these plates do containnucleosome fibers, but it is unclear whether they are 30-nm fibers or another type. Regardless, this is another tertiary level ofcompaction. ( f ) The quaternary level refers to the three-dimensional organization of entire chromosomes inside the nucleus and theirrelationships with one another as well as with the inner nuclear membrane. The black lines on the pink chromosome represent planesof nucleosome layers as viewed from above.

Quaternary structureof chromatin:the 3D positioning ofchromatin domainsrelative to one anotherand to the nuclearlamina inside thenucleus

in metaphase chromosomes (8, 9, 26)(Figure 1e). These, too, are considered to rep-resent the tertiary level of chromatin packaging.

The quaternary structure of chromatinrefers to the actual positioning of the chro-mosomes with respect to one another in thenucleus and with respect to the lamina of the

inner nuclear membrane (Figure 1f ). It isknown that expression of a gene is affectedby its three-dimensional (3D) position withinthe nucleus, with the general consensus beingthat transcriptionally active genomic regionsare further away from the nuclear peripherythan those that are silent (80). The former

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Heterochromatin refers to regions of the genome that are nearthe nuclear lamina, highly condensed, and transcriptionally silent.It can be facultative, meaning that transcriptional activity is spa-tially and temporally regulated through processes such as histonemodification and DNA methylation, or constitutive, meaningthat it is composed of repetitive elements occurring in blocks nearcentromeres and telomeres. Constitutive heterochromatin is re-sponsible for position-effect variegation, a phenomenon wherebythe expression of a gene located just outside its boundary isdownregulated.

Euchromatin:chromatin that islocated away from thenuclear lamina, isgenerally less denselypacked, and containsactively transcribedgenes

Heterochromatin:chromatin that is nearthe nuclear lamina,tightly condensed, andtranscriptionally silent

3C (chromosomeconformationcapture):intramolecularligation-dependentmethod for identifyinglong-range chromatininteractions; several3C variants exist,including 4C, 5C, 6C,Hi-C, and ChIA-PET

Sonication: breakingof DNA in chromatinusing sound energy toobtain fragmentsbetween 140 and1,000 bp suitable formost subsequentexperiments

regions are called euchromatin and the latterheterochromatin; note that these terms refermore to levels of transcription and compactionthan to levels of chromatin organization (seealso sidebar Heterochromatin). Repressionnear the nuclear periphery appears to bemediated by the interaction of chromatin withlamin proteins of the inner nuclear membrane.

A consequence of loop formation is thatgenomic regions that are far apart on the linearDNA molecule are brought in close proximityto one another. This in turn can have profoundeffects on gene transcription because gene-distal enhancers can now directly interact withgene-proximal promoters. Enhancers can bethousands of kilobases away from their targetgenes in any direction (or even on a separatechromosome). Such enhancer-promoter inter-actions are brought about by sequence-specificfactors that bind to DNA. A recently developedmethod called 3C (chromosome conformationcapture; see below) and several other relatedtechniques that employ genomics tools haveenabled the identification of these interac-tions, thereby augmenting our knowledge ofhigher-order chromatin organization.

Epigenetic modifications also impacthigher-order chromatin structure by alter-ing the chemical properties of histones andcertain DNA bases. For instance, acetylationof histones H3 and H4 on lysine residuesmakes them more negatively charged, therebydisrupting their electrostatic interactions with

DNA and facilitating a less compact chromatinstructure (73). Indeed, acetylation of histonesis generally associated with actively transcribedregions and open chromatin regions. Methy-lation of histones and DNA does not affectthe charge, but it does affect the binding ofspecific transcription factors that influencewhether the genomic region will “open up” fortranscription or not, thereby determining itscompaction level.


Are nucleosomes distributed randomly acrossthe genome or are they placed in definedlocations? Many studies have indicated thatnucleosome organization is somewhat nonran-dom and that some regions of the genome aremore likely to contain nucleosomes than oth-ers. This nonrandom nucleosome positioninghas clear implications for gene regulation andchromatin structure. Many experimental meth-ods used to dissect the problem of nucleosomedistribution across the genome involve a com-bination of steps, including the breaking up ofchromatin through either sonication or diges-tion with nucleases [such as deoxyribonuclease I(DNaseI) and micrococcal nuclease (MNase)],chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP), andhigh-throughput sequencing.

Micrococcal Nuclease Digestion:MNase-Seq

MNase is the endonuclease of choice whenisolating nucleosomes from chromatin afterdigesting away the linker DNA (57). Oncea double-strand break is introduced, thenuclease digests the exposed ends until it runsinto an obstruction such as a nucleosomeor other proteins bound to DNA. Underlimiting enzyme concentrations or time, theisolated DNA exhibits a “laddering” effectwhen resolved by gel electrophoresis, witheach rung of the ladder corresponding to

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Page 5: Methods for Identifying Higher-Order Chromatin Structure · higher-order chromatin organization. Epigenetic modifications also impact higher-order chromatin structure by alter-ing

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Deoxyribonuclease I(DNaseI): nuclease ofchoice for isolatingnucleosome-depletedgenomic DNA

Micrococcal nuclease(MNase): nuclease ofchoice for isolatingnucleosome-occupiedgenomic DNA

Chromatinimmunoprecipitation(ChIP): antibody-based enrichment ofDNA fragmentsbound by a protein ofinterest, which can beidentified bymicroarrays(ChIP-on-chip) orhigh-throughputsequencing (ChIP-seq)

the nucleosome-protected DNA. The small-est rung is usually approximately 150 bp(corresponding to mononucleosomal DNA),followed by 300 bp (dinucleosomal DNA),450 bp (trinucleosomal DNA), and so on(Figure 2a). The mononucleosomal DNAis then extracted from the agarose gel andprocessed accordingly either for hybridizationto high-resolution tiling oligonucleotidemicroarrays or, as is more routine now, forhigh-throughput sequencing—i.e., MNase-seq(Figure 2a). The use of paired-end sequencingcan yield a short sequence from each endof the DNA wrapped around the nucleo-some, providing a close approximation of thenucleosome-entering and nucleosome-exitingbase positions.

DNA Sequence Context andNucleosome Positioning

Studies of genome-wide nucleosome distribu-tion have demonstrated that the underlyingDNA sequence plays a significant role becausethe mechanical properties exhibited by someDNA sequences favor nucleosome forma-tion. It turns out that sequences containingAA/TT/AT and GC dinucleotides at 10-bpintervals are most favorable for nucleosomeformation (25, 39, 40, 48, 71). It is thoughtthat this sequence pattern enables the DNA toacquire the amount of curvature necessary toaccommodate nucleosomes. One study demon-strated the importance of DNA sequence forthe formation of nucleosomes by assemblingnucleosomes on purified yeast genomic DNAin vitro (41). The study showed that the in vitronucleosome map (which was dependent onlyon DNA) was very similar to in vivo maps gen-erated under three different growth conditions.Using their in vitro data, the authors were ableto compile a computational program whosepredictions of nucleosome positions correlatedwell with in vivo genome-wide nucleosomemaps of Caenorhabditis elegans (41, 81).

DNA methylation also influences nucleo-some positioning (10). Analysis of nucleoso-mal DNA together with whole-genome DNA

methylation data from Arabidopsis indicated thatnucleosomal DNA was highly methylated rel-ative to non-nucleosomal DNA (10, 11). Thesame trend was also found in humans. Also,both DNA methylation and nucleosomes werefound to be highly enriched on exons as well asintron/exon boundaries. Furthermore, methy-lated DNA can be bound by methyl-CpG do-main binding proteins that recruit additionalfactors that modify histones or remodel nucle-osomes, thereby affecting chromatin structure(15).

Nucleosome Positioningover Promoters

Studies in yeast and even human cells show thatsome gene promoters can be classified into twocategories: open and occupied. Open promot-ers tend to lack a classical TATA box and haveapproximately 150 bp upstream of the tran-scription start site (TSS) that lack nucleosomes(51, 70, 89). This nucleosome-free region, atleast in yeast, is flanked by two well positionednucleosomes—the “−1” nucleosome upstreamof the TSS and the “+1” nucleosome whoseedge is just over the TSS. Interestingly, in openpromoters of the fruit fly, the +1 nucleosome isapproximately 50 bp more downstream of theTSS than it is in yeast (52). This likely reflectsdifferences in how transcription is regulated inmetazoans. The +1 nucleosome in yeast is al-most directly at the TSS, which may influencetranscription initiation by RNA polymerase II;in the fruit fly, this nucleosome is shifted moredownstream, so that it interacts with the pausedpolymerase. Nucleosomes that are downstreamof the +1 nucleosome and those that areupstream of the −1 nucleosome have a lesswell-defined positioning.

Open promoters generally regulate theexpression of constitutive genes that do notrequire strict regulation, thereby allowingaccess to transcription factors. Occupied pro-moters, in contrast, are completely (or almostcompletely) occupied by nucleosomes. Thus,the TSS and any transcription factor bindingsites within them are inaccessible. There may,

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Isolate DNA by PCI

1 2














~150 bp

~300 bp

~450 bp

~600 bp












MNase-digestedDNA resolved by gel electrophoresis

Aqueous (blue)and organic (orange)phases



Nucleosomaland linker DNA

Nonhistone proteins boundto nucleosome-free regions

Nucleosome-free DNAwith DHSs

MNase digestionto isolate

nucleosomal DNA

Size select (~100–350 bp)












Reverse cross-linksand isolate protein-free


Cross-link chromatinand sonicate

Microarrays (FAIRE-chip)or high-throughput

sequencing (FAIRE-seq)





Isolate protein-freeDNA by PCI

dCross-link chromatin

and sonicate

Microarrays (DNase-array)or high-throughput

sequencing (DNase-seq)

Size-fractionate onsucrose gradient

DNaseI digestion to introduce≥2 cuts per DHS

Microarrays (DNase-chip) orhigh-throughput

sequencing (DNase-seq)

Capture biotinylated fragmentson streptavidin beads

Shear DNA

bDNaseI digestion to

introduce ~1 cut per DHS

Isolate DNA by PCI andligate biotinylated adapters

Gel-extract desiredsize range and carry

out high-throughputsequencing

Isolate DNA byPCI and resolve bygel electrophoresis

FAIRE Sono-seq

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however, be an entry site for so-called pioneerfactors in the linker DNA or adjacent to thenucleosome; this site may even be buried withinthe nucleosome core and become accessibleonly after the action of certain chromatin re-modelers. These promoters generally containTATA boxes and are associated with tightlyregulated genes such as those involved in thestress response and the cell cycle (3).

Nucleosome Positioningover Insulators

Insulators are DNA sequences whose functionis to separate certain genomic regions fromeach other (enhancers from promoters, or eu-chromatin from heterochromatin). Integrativeanalyses of many genome-wide nucleosomemapping data sets showed that CTCF, thevertebrate insulator binding protein, binds toand protects approximately 60 bp of linkerDNA and is flanked by 10 very well-positionednucleosomes on either side (14, 22). Thesenucleosomes are highly enriched in the histonevariant H2A.Z and in up to 11 different histone

modifications (22). Surprisingly, the positionsof these nucleosomes were better defined thanthose of nucleosomes near the TSS discussedabove, further supporting the role of CTCF ininfluencing higher-order chromatin structure.

Nucleosome Positioning overTranscription Termination Sites

The 3′ ends of most genes are sites of RNApolymerase disassembly and transcript cleav-age. There is normally a well-positioned nucle-osome at these transcription termination sitesas well as a nucleosome-free region beginningat the cleavage and polyadenylation signals (51,72). The median length of these nucleosome-free regions at 3′ ends of genes is 173 bp inover 95% of examined genes (51). This regionis not only where the transcription machinerydisassembles but also where the antisensetranscription initiation machinery assembles,thereby making these regions act as promotersfor antisense transcription. Interestingly, atleast in yeast, the terminating RNA polymeraseII can “recycle” back to the promoter of the

←−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−Figure 2Different methods used to determine regions of the genome that are either occupied or free of nucleosomes and/or other proteins.Chromatin containing nucleosomes (blue and green) and two nucleosome-free regions is shown at the top. Each nucleosome-freeregion, which also contains several DNaseI hypersensitive sites (DHSs), is shown as occupied by a nonhistone protein. (a) Micrococcalnuclease (MNase) digestion is used to determine regions of the genome that are covered by nucleosomes. MNase digestion will protectDNA covered by nucleosomes. Depending on the extent of digestion, it is possible to recover mono-, di-, tri-, or tetranucleosomes (oreven higher multiples), shown by numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4, respectively. DNA is then isolated by phenol-chloroform-isoamyl alcohol(PCI) and resolved by gel electrophoresis. From bottom to top, each magenta line in the gel represents DNA protected by 1, 2, 3, or 4nucleosomes, respectively, with a length of approximately 150 base pairs (bp) per nucleosome. Appropriately sized fragments aregel-extracted and sequenced to determine their identity and produce nucleosome occupancy maps. (b) DNaseI digestion is used todetermine nucleosome-free regions. In this case, the digestion is carried out so as to introduce at most one cut per DHS, which is thenfollowed by isolation of the DNA by PCI and ligation of biotinylated adapters. The DNA is then sheared, and biotinylated fragmentsare captured by streptavidin beads and either sequenced or hybridized to microarrays to determine their identity. (c) DNaseI digestionis carried out to introduce two or more cuts per DHS so as to release smaller fragments of the DHS. The DNA is isolated by PCI andsize-fractionated on a sucrose gradient to isolate appropriately sized fragments, which are then either sequenced or hybridized tomicroarrays to determine their identity. (d ) FAIRE (formaldehyde-assisted isolation of regulatory elements) is a method used to isolateprotein-free regions of the genome. Here, chromatin is first cross-linked and sonicated. The DNA is then isolated by PCI to recoverprotein-free regions in the aqueous phase (blue region) and sequenced. The organic phase (orange region) retains all fragments bound byproteins. Fragments of the nucleosome-free regions are numbered. (e) Sono-seq is another method for isolating protein-free regions. Itis similar to FAIRE but involves reversing the cross-links before cleaning the DNA with PCI so that proteins, particularly non-nucleosome proteins, that are loosely bound to the DNA will easily “fall off ” and the fragments to which they were bound will partitionin the aqueous phase and be recovered. All recovered fragments from 100 to 350 bp are then sequenced. Thus, although some commonfragments may be captured by both FAIRE and Sono-seq (fragments 1, 2, and 3 in this figure), there are also some that are unique toeach method (fragment 4 is unique to FAIRE and fragment 6 is unique to Sono-seq).

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DNaseIhypersensitive site(DHS): genomicregion that is easilyaccessible and digestedby DNaseI owing to apaucity ofnucleosomes andnonhistone proteins

DNase-array,DNase-chip, andDNase-seq: methodsto identify DHSs on agenome-wide scaleusing denseoligonucleotidemicroarrays(DNase-array andDNase-chip) orhigh-throughputsequencing(DNase-seq)

same gene via a looping mechanism whosephysiological relevance is still unclear (51, 75).

MNase-Seq “Version 2.0”

MNase digestion is preferably carried outwithout a formaldehyde cross-linking step toprevent a strong association of nonhistoneproteins to DNA, thereby ensuring that onlynucleosome-bound DNA will be protected.Nevertheless, a recent study has shown that it ispossible to detect smaller DNA sequences (lessthan 100 bp) occupied by nonhistone proteinseven without cross-linking by omitting a size-exclusion step found in most standard protocols(37). Isolating and sequencing DNA fragmentsof less than 100 bp enabled the identificationof short, protected fragments enriched inknown transcription factor motifs. Moreover,these sites largely overlapped nucleosome-freeregions at regulatory elements. Thus, inclusionof short fragments from MNase digestion insequencing libraries will provide genome-wideoccupancy information pertaining to bothnucleosomes and transcription factors.

DNaseI Digestion: DNase-Seq

In contrast to MNase digestion, DNaseIdigestion identifies nucleosome-free DNA.It has been almost four decades since thefirst observation that transcriptionally activegenes are preferentially digested by DNaseI(84). Shortly after this observation, regions ofthe genome that were even more sensitive toDNaseI digestion were discovered and re-ferred to as DNaseI hypersensitive sites(DHSs). These were depleted in nucleosomesand were region specific, indicating an alter-ation of higher-order chromatin structure atthese locations (86, 87). For the vast majority ofthe time since this discovery, researchers had tocarry out labor-intensive techniques to detectDHSs on a locus-by-locus basis. Specifically,chromatin had to be digested with a limitingamount of DNaseI so that on average there wasone cut per DHS of interest, the DNA had to bepurified and digested with a restriction enzyme

that had recognition sites flanking the DHS ofinterest, and finally the size distribution of thedigested fragments had to be determined bySouthern blotting using a radiolabeled probe,which in turn required a prior knowledge ofthe DNA sequence being examined (42, 63).

With the advent of genome tiling arrays,it became possible to interrogate DHSs ona genome-wide scale. The first such studiesused techniques like DNase-chip and DNase-array (12, 68). DNase-chip involves digestingchromatin with DNaseI, ligating biotiny-lated linkers to DNA ends, fragmenting theDNA, capturing biotinylated fragments usingstreptavidin, labeling them with fluorescentdye, and hybridizing them on high-densityoligonucleotide microarrays (12) (Figure 2b).DNase-array relies on two cuts made byDNaseI to release a portion of the DHS,followed by size-selection of the fragmentsto isolate smaller fragments representing theDHS, labeling of these fragments with fluo-rescent dye, and hybridization on high-densityoligonucleotide microarrays (68) (Figure 2c).The two studies that first employed thesemethods both examined the occurrence ofDHSs in the same 30 million bp of the humangenome selected by the Encyclopedia of DNAElements (ENCODE) consortium. More than2,500 DHSs were identified; surprisingly, themajority of these were over 10 kb away fromannotated genes, and their overall distributionwas such that they formed large DHS super-clusters separated by 100–400-kb regions offew or no DHSs (68). This likely reflects ahigh-order organization of chromatin structurerepresenting active and inactive domains.

These two studies used a total of two humancell lines; shortly thereafter, another studyexamined additional cell lines (88). Almost4,000 DHSs were found across all six cell linesused, and 22% of these were present in all celllines (ubiquitous DHSs), mostly within 2 kbof a TSS. Of the ubiquitous DHSs that weredistal from a TSS, the majority were bound byCTCF, suggesting a novel role for ubiquitousDHSs (88). Cell type–specific DHSs, incontrast, mostly overlapped enhancers and

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FAIRE(formaldehyde-assisted isolation ofregulatory elements):method for isolatingprotein-free genomicregions by PCI andidentifying them usingoligonucleotidemicroarrays(FAIRE-chip) orhigh-throughputsequencing(FAIRE-seq)

correlated with specific gene expression andhistone modifications. Importantly, almost 8%of the genome overlapped with the ∼4,000DHSs discovered, indicating that a largeproportion of the genome is functional.

Whereas the first studies that employedgenomics to identify DHSs used microar-rays, the more common methods today usehigh-throughput sequencing (DNase-seq).Massively parallel signature sequencing wasthe first high-throughput sequencing methodused to identify genome-wide DHSs in un-differentiated CD4+ cells (7, 13). Althoughthis was a significant improvement over theuse of microarrays representing only 1%of the ENCODE-selected human genome,and considering that ∼5,000 DHSs wereidentified, the method was still labor intensiveand involved cloning fragments into vectors(7, 13). Furthermore, it was low-throughput(230,000 sequenced tags total) compared withcurrent Illumina sequencing, which yields tensand even hundreds of millions of tags. Thefirst truly high-throughput sequencing-basedidentification of DHSs used a combination ofDNase-chip and DNase-seq by employing Il-lumina and Roche/454 sequencing to generatea total of 18 million tags (6). The study identi-fied ∼95,000 DHSs in human primary CD4+T cells, of which a surprisingly small fraction(∼20%) were near the TSSs of known genes (6).

More recently, DNase-seq was used tocharacterize DHSs in five embryonic stages offruit fly development. The study found that, interms of the number and distribution of DHSs,the global chromatin architecture was similar inboth early and late embryonic stages (77). How-ever, this similarity was due to a dynamic chro-matin landscape where changes were occurringat the level of individual DHSs, so that theoverall genomic view appeared deceptively sim-ilar. One surprising finding was the presenceof developmentally regulated localized access(or weak DHSs) along the bodies of protein-coding genes. Many of these genes, it turnedout, were maternally contributed during earlydevelopment prior to the onset of zygotic tran-scription (77). Thus, the presence of partially

open chromatin on exons of these genes couldpotentially facilitate their timely activation inthe zygote once the maternal contribution hasbeen depleted or is no longer needed. Thisopens up a novel avenue of research in terms oftranscriptional regulatory mechanisms appli-cable to a subset of genes during development.

FAIRE (Formaldehyde-AssistedIsolation of Regulatory Elements)

FAIRE was developed in an attempt to identifyall genomic regions that were nucleosome-depleted using few reagents and a minimumnumber of steps. Briefly, cells are first cross-linked using formaldehyde, the chromatin isisolated and fragmented by sonication, andDNA is isolated using phenol-chloroform-isoamyl alcohol (PCI) extraction. The idea isthat chromatin fragments that are depletedin proteins—and hence representing activeregions—will preferentially separate into theaqueous phase. Once isolated, these fragmentscan be analyzed either by hybridizing themto high-density oligonucleotide microarrays(FAIRE-chip), as was originally done, or byhigh-throughput sequencing (FAIRE-seq),as is more routine now (28, 55, 56, 82)(Figure 2d ). FAIRE-chip was first demon-strated to be an effective method for identifyingactive chromatin regions through use of ahuman foreskin fibroblast cell line and a mi-croarray representing the ENCODE-selected30 million bp of the genome (28). More than1,000 FAIRE peaks were found, and theyoverlapped well with various marks of openchromatin such as DNaseI hypersensitivity,TSSs, and active promoter regions. Interest-ingly, 43% of the peaks were termed “orphans”as they failed to overlap with any of theannotations that were selected for comparison,leading the authors to speculate that thesepeaks were likely due to differences in celllines used by different studies, lack of goodannotation in these particular genomic regions,or novel functions that are not associated withDHSs or other previously described hallmarksof active chromatin (28).

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Sono-seq: methodfor isolating protein-free genomic regionsby sonicatingchromatin and thensize-selecting smallfragments between100 and 350 bp

Owing to its high-throughput nature,FAIRE-seq has enabled the identification ofmany more open chromatin regions in differentcell types. One example is the finding of 80,000such regions in human pancreatic islet cells,of which 3,300 were islet-specific regionsassociated with genes whose expression wasalso islet-specific (27). More important, thestudy discovered that one islet-specific openchromatin region contained the intronic single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) rs7903146 inthe TCF7L2 gene, which has been associatedwith type 2 diabetes (36). Application of FAIREto islet cells from individuals heterozygous atthis SNP showed that the T allele, which is theat-risk allele, contained more open chromatinthan the C allele (27, 29). Indeed, the T alleleexhibited higher luciferase reporter activityin islet-specific cell lines compared with theC allele, suggesting that the at-risk allelepredisposes to disease by changing the localchromatin structure in islets.

Another example is a study that employedboth DNase-seq and FAIRE to identify morethan 870,000 open chromatin regions (repre-senting ∼9% of the genome) present in at leastone out of seven different human cell lines(76). Interestingly, the authors observed thaton average there was only one-third overlapbetween the top 100,000 DNaseI sites andthe top 100,000 FAIRE sites from each cellline. Many of the DNaseI-only sites were nearTSSs, whereas many of the FAIRE-only siteswere in distal regions, particularly internal in-trons and exons. These differences may reflectthe presence of specific regulatory proteins/complexes found in some regions such thatthey differentially affect the cutting and cross-linking abilities of DNaseI and formaldehyde,respectively. It may be challenging to capturesome nucleosome-free regions by FAIRE ifthose regions happen to be bound tightly byother nonhistone proteins, which can becomecross-linked to DNA by formaldehyde. Con-versely, some nonhistone proteins may inhibit(sterically or enzymatically) the action ofDNaseI so that these regions are not detected

by DNase-seq. Hence, a combination of the twomethods clearly provides a comprehensive viewof open chromatin regions in the genome. Thisstudy also revealed that open regions commonto all cell types tended to be near TSSs or boundby CTCF, whereas those that were unique toone cell type were far from TSSs and containedsequences that bind to factors that regulate cellidentity (76). FAIRE has also been used to iden-tify open chromatin regions in differentiatinghuman adipocytes and in MCF-7 breast cancercells (50, 82). The latter study showed thatPBX1 is a pioneer factor that binds to certain re-gions of the genome, where it promotes a moreopen chromatin state. Some of these PBX1-mediated open chromatin regions then bind toestrogen receptor alpha, which acts as a tran-scription factor that mediates the progressionof almost two-thirds of all breast cancers (50).


The Sono-seq method entails cross-linkingchromatin with formaldehyde, sonicating thechromatin, reversing cross-links, isolatingDNA by PCI, size-selecting fragments between100 and 350 bp, and analyzing them by high-throughput sequencing (Figure 2e). Thus, theonly difference between a Sono-seq sampleand the input control samples commonly usedin ChIP experiments is that the former in-volves a size-selection step. The idea behindthis method is that open chromatin regions tendto fragment more easily and readily relative toclosed ones, and so the size-selection step is im-portant because larger fragments (representingchromatin that is harder to fragment) are un-likely to be enriched with open regions. Limitedsonication ensures that primarily nucleosome-free regions fragment first and are enriched inthe size selection.

When this method was first demonstrated inHeLa cells, more than 21,000 strong Sono-seqpeaks were found (2). Approximately two-thirdsof these were less than 1,000 bp from peaksfound by ChIP-seq using an RNA polymeraseII antibody, indicating that they represented

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promoter-proximal regions. The remainingone-third were located in CTCF binding sites,small RNA genes, and enhancers, demon-strating that Sono-seq is enriched for regionsinvolved in a wide variety of biological func-tions (2). A comparison of Sono-seq peaks withDHSs generated by the study that first usedDNase-chip showed that there was a significantoverlap of Sono-seq peaks with promoter-proximal DHSs but not with distal DHSs (2,12). A comparison with FAIRE peaks led todifferent results; in particular, there were noSono-seq peaks overlapping FAIRE peaks, butthere were many FAIRE peaks near the bordersof Sono-seq peaks, indicating that Sono-seq andFAIRE are different from each other (2). Oneimportant methodological difference betweenSono-seq and FAIRE is that in the former thecross-links are reversed before PCI extractionof DNA, whereas in the latter they are not(Figure 2d,e). Thus, Sono-seq presumablycaptures some protein-bound fragments aswell. However, in spite of its ability to capturemany regulatory elements, Sono-seq has notbeen applied as widely as the other methodsdescribed above.


The application of ChIP coupled with next-generation sequencing (ChIP-seq) to identifytranscription factor binding sites and generatehistone-modification maps has been the subjectof numerous recent reviews and has proven tobe an extremely important breakthrough in thefield of chromatin biology (20, 62, 92). There-fore, we cover it here only in limited detail.

All of the above-mentioned methods ben-efited from the pioneering work of ChIP-chip,where labeled ChIP DNA is hybridized tomicroarrays. Both ChIP-chip and ChIP-seqhave been instrumental in determining global

maps of histone modifications that have an im-portant relationship with nucleosome position,especially at regulatory elements. Nevertheless,whether the modifications are correlated withor causative of altered nucleosome positionsremains to be determined.

Certain amino acids in the N-terminaltails of histones, and even some within theirinternal domains, are known to be posttrans-lationally modified. Several modificationshave been reported, including methylation,acetylation, ubiquitination, and SUMOylationof lysine residues; methylation of arginineresidues; isomerization of proline residues;ADP-ribosylation of glutamate residues; andphosphorylation of serine and threonineresidues (the best-studied ones being acety-lation and methylation of lysines) (5). Thesemodifications affect the interactions of nucle-osomes with one another as well as with othernonhistone DNA binding proteins, which inturn affect gene expression and ultimately thehigher-order chromatin structure. Each ofthese modifications can be interrogated byChIP-chip and ChIP-seq using antibodies thatrecognize the modified histone epitopes, allow-ing the generation of genome-wide histone-modification maps. H3K4me3 and H3K27me3modifications, for example, are found in thepromoters of actively transcribed and silentgenes, respectively (31, 54, 61); the H3K36me3mark, in contrast, is found primarily on exonsof genes that are actively transcribed, hintingthat splicing may also be tied to local chromatinstructure (44). Acetylation of lysines is gener-ally thought of as a mark of open chromatinat active regulatory elements and is found atpromoters, enhancers, and actively transcribedgenes as well (34, 83). Enhancers have beenshown to contain H3K4me1, a mark that wasthen used to map 55,000 potential enhancersin multiple human cell lines (31, 32, 34, 35).

Although histone modifications are animportant aspect of active and repressed chro-matin structures, ChIP-chip and ChIP-seqmaps are typically not informative about theunderlying nucleosome position. However,

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� 3C (chromosome conformation capture): Suitable for de-tecting a handful of long-range chromatin interactions. It re-quires a previous knowledge of interacting DNA sequences,as sequence-specific primers for amplification are needed.

� 4C (circular chromosome conformation capture andchromosome-conformation-capture-on-chip): Suitable fordetecting long-range chromatin interactions that involve aparticular genomic region of interest, commonly referred toas the bait.

� 5C (chromosome conformation capture carbon copy): Suit-able for detecting a large number of long-range chromatininteractions. This is a high-throughput version of 3C, as itmakes use of universal primers during amplification. How-ever, a previous knowledge of interacting DNA sequencesis still required to design a large number of specific primersto enable multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification(MLPA).

� 6C (combined chromosome conformation capture ChIPcloning): Suitable for detecting a limited number of long-range chromatin interactions. It is similar to 3C but involvesa ChIP step that reduces the complexity of the chromatinpool. It is also laborious, as it entails the cloning of fragmentsin bacteria followed by the examination of cloned DNA fromindividual bacterial colonies by restriction digestion and gelelectrophoresis.

� Hi-C: Suitable for detecting a large number of long-rangechromatin interactions globally. It does not require a previ-ous knowledge of interacting DNA sequences.

� ChIA-PET (chromatin interaction analysis by paired-endtag sequencing): Suitable for detecting a large number ofboth long-range and short-range chromatin interactionsglobally. A ChIP step can also be included to reduce thecomplexity of the chromatin pool. It provides a quantita-tive measure of intermolecular ligation events that are falsepositives, making this a superior method.

recent advances in computational methodshave capitalized on the high-resolution datagenerated from these experiments to identifynucleosome-free regions, especially at histone-modified regulatory elements (33, 90). A com-

parative analysis of data sets reveals nucleosomedynamics at these elements and identifies thenucleosome-free region within the correspond-ing histone-modification marked element.


As mentioned above, genomic regions that aredistal to one another on the linear strand ofDNA can physically interact. This is achievedby the creation of chromatin loops—such asthose between gene-distal enhancers and gene-proximal promoters—to regulate transcription.The locations and numbers of such loops, andhence the higher-order 3D chromatin struc-ture, will undoubtedly be dynamic as they willdepend on gene expression patterns within aparticular cell at a particular time point.

The 3C method was the first to identifysome of the long-range interactions that occurin yeast (16). Application of 3C showed that theinteraction frequency of two loci is inverselyproportional to the physical distance betweenthem. The 3C data, when translated into 3Dchromosomal distances using a polymer-basedmathematical model, further revealed that thechromatin fiber is a flexible, freely jointedchain and that yeast chromosome III existsas a contorted ring with juxtaposed telomeres(16). Below, we describe the 3C method andseveral of its variants as well as the informationthese methods have revealed about chromatin(see also sidebar Experimental Suitability ofthe Methods for Long-Range ChromatinInteractions).

3C (ChromosomeConformation Capture)

The main steps of 3C include treating cells withformaldehyde to cross-link in vivo protein-protein and protein-DNA interactions,digesting chromatin with a restriction enzyme,ligating digested chromatin under conditionsthat favor ligation of fragments in very close

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proximity to one another (intramolecularligation), reversing cross-links, and determin-ing by quantitative polymerase chain reaction(PCR) the frequency of ligation events betweengenomic regions of interest using sequence-specific primers (Figure 3a, left side).

After its initial application in yeast (as men-tioned above), 3C was next used to study thechromatin structure of the mouse beta-globingenomic region of approximately 200 kb inboth erythroid tissue (where the beta-globingenes are actively transcribed) and brain tis-sue (where the genes are inactive) (79). Thebeta-globin genes are developmentally regu-lated by a locus control region approximately50 kb away. This region was shown to be inclose proximity with the active genes in ery-throid but not brain tissue. The interveningchromatin containing the inactive genes loopedout. Further experiments with other segmentsof this genomic region showed that it adoptsan erythroid-specific chromatin structure re-ferred to as the active chromatin hub (79). Ina later study, it became clear that the loopingstructure is dynamic even in erythroid cells atdifferent developmental stages, depending onwhich beta-globin genes are active (60). Morerecently, 3C was used to show that the re-gion surrounding the rs378854 SNP associatedwith prostate cancer interacts with the promot-ers (located 500 kb away) of PVT1 and MYConcogenes. The presence of the at-risk G alleleof this SNP caused an increase in PVT1 (butnot MYC) expression in normal prostate tis-sue, suggesting a functional role for the variant(53).

3C can detect interactions between regionslocated several thousand to several hundredthousand base pairs away. A variation of theoriginal 3C method substitutes restrictionenzyme digestion with a sonication step forfragmenting chromatin. This supposedly gen-erates smaller fragments that are more likely toundergo intramolecular ligation compared withlonger fragments, which can encounter othermolecules and ligate with them more readily insolution (24). It is also possible to incorporatea ChIP step into the 3C method prior to the

ligation step and enrich for fragments boundonly by a particular protein of interest (24).

4C (Circular ChromosomeConformation Capture andChromosome-Conformation-Capture-on-Chip)

The 4C method allows the unbiased detectionof all genomic regions that interact with aparticular region of interest, referred to as thebait. There are two variants of this method. Inthe first, following restriction digestion as inthe 3C method, ligation is carried out to form acircle such that both ends of the bait are ligatedto both ends of any interacting fragment(91). In this method, 4C stands for circularchromosome conformation capture, or simplycircular 3C (Figure 3b). Cross-links are thenreversed, and linear PCR with bait-specificprimers facing outward is used to amplify theinteracting fragments, which can be identifiedusing high-density oligonucleotide microarraysor high-throughput sequencing.

In the second variant, 4C stands forchromosome-conformation-capture-on-chip,or simply 3C-on-chip. A 6-bp cutter is used asthe restriction enzyme to digest cross-linkedchromatin, and ligation is then carried outsuch that only one end of the bait fragment isrequired to ligate with one end of the inter-acting fragment to produce a linear molecule(Figure 3c). Cross-links are then reversed, andthe ligation junction of the linear moleculeis trimmed by digestion with a 4-bp cutterrestriction enzyme (a more frequent cutter thana 6-bp cutter) (74). The trimmed molecule is fi-nally made to undergo self-ligation to producecircles, which are analyzed in the same way as inthe circular 3C variant. The 3C-on-chip vari-ant was first used to show that the beta-globinlocus in the fetal liver, where it is activelytranscribed, made contacts preferentially withother active regions on the same chromosome;in the brain, where it is not transcribed, itmade contacts with transcriptionally silentregions (74). More recently, application of 4Crevealed that clusters of tRNA genes on human

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Reverse cross-links

Intramolecularligation (circle

formation required)

Intramolecular ligation(circle formation

not required)

c d4C(i) 4C(ii)

Reverse cross-links,clone fragments,and pick colonies

b 6C


Cross-linked chromatin

Digest chromatin with a4-bp cutter restriction enzyme[6-bp cutter for 4C(ii)]

Reversecross-links andamplify one ora few regions

by quantitativePCR with specific



Obtain a measureof interaction


High-throughputsequencing of PCR


High-throughputsequencing of PCR


Self-ligation of shortmolecules to form circles,and amplification using

bait-specific primers(red arrows)

Trim linear fragmentswith a 4-bp cutterrestriction enzyme

Reverse cross-linksand amplify using

bait-specific primers(red arrows)

Digest clones withoriginal restriction

enzyme, run on gel,and sequence cloneswith multiple inserts


(circle formationnot required)

3C, 5C

Intramolecular ligation(circle formation not required)




and amplify alarge number

of regionsby MLPA

High-throughputsequencing ofPCR products

Bait-specific primers used in 4C to amplify all fragments that interact with the bait

Vector in which interacting fragments are cloned in 6C

Digested fragments from two 6C clones resolved by gel electrophoresis

Primers complementary tothe universal linkers for amplification of multiple interacting segments in 5C

Sequence-specific primers (colored portions) with universal linkers (black and gray) for detecting long-rangechromatin interactions via MLPA-PCR in 5C

Sequence-specific primers for detecting a given long-range chromatin interaction in 3C

Antibody specific for a particular transcription factor

Chromatin that intervenes between segments that interact

Distal genomic segments that interact with each other via looping of chromatin (red is a bait used in 4C)

Transcription factor molecules

CTCF molecule

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chromosome 17 (known as tDNA), which aremoderately repetitive, act as insulators andmake physical contacts with each other but notwith promoters of nearby genes (65).

5C (Chromosome ConformationCapture Carbon Copy)

The 5C method is a high-throughput versionof 3C. It entails the same steps as 3C, with onemain difference in the last step of identifyingthe interacting fragments. Specifically, multi-ple PCR primer pairs are used, each containingdifferent genomic sequences of interest beingtested for interactions with one another, aswell as universal sequences on their 5′ ends(Figure 3a, right side). The primer mix iscombined with the 3C library to allow theannealing of only a select number of primerpairs that span the ligation junctions of the 3Clibrary fragments (17). The annealed primersare ligated to each other and amplified using

universal primer pairs [multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA)].Thus, only ligated primer pairs, reflectinga portion of the 3C library containing theinteracting fragments, are amplified (17).The PCR products are then identified usingmicroarrays or high-throughput sequencing.

Application of 5C, in combination with acomputational integrative modeling platform,to the 500-kb-long genomic region containinghuman alpha-globin genes helped revealthe first 3D structure of this region (4). Inparticular, the region was found to exist ina single globular conformation in cells thatexpressed the alpha-globin genes, but in adouble-globule conformation in cells that didnot express these genes (but that did expressother genes in this region). Furthermore, theinner regions of the globules contained activelytranscribed genes, whereas the outer regionswere enriched for silent genes (4). This ledto the proposal that globules may represent a

←−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−Figure 3Outline of the 3C (chromosome conformation capture) technique and its variants for the detection of long-range chromatininteractions. Cross-linked chromatin is shown at the top with four loops. Interacting chromatin regions are shown in colors other thanblack. The red fragment is shown twice, representing two different cell types or experimental time points. Although chromatinimmunoprecipitation (ChIP) is normally included in 6C (combined chromosome conformation capture ChIP cloning), it is alsopossible to include this step in all of the other methods. (a) The 3C library can be used to carry out both 3C (left) and 5C (chromosomeconformation capture carbon copy) (right). In 3C, only one or a handful of interactions are detected, and their frequencies aredetermined by quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with sequence-specific primers. In 5C, multiple interactions are detectedby multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA) using a collection of primer pairs containing universal linker sequences.For 5C, one self-ligated (light green) and one nonligated (orange) product are shown, and the primers complementary to those particularfragments will not ligate and amplify. (b) In the 4C(i) method (circular chromosome conformation capture, or circular 3C), onlyinteractions with the red fragment (the bait) are shown. Three possible ligation products of the loop containing three fragments areshown. 4C(i) has fewer processing steps than 4C(ii) but also the disadvantage of requiring circle formation during ligation. This maynot be as efficient, especially because it is carried out before cross-link reversal. Also, if the bait interacts with multiple fragments in thesame cell type, then the resulting circles will be large and their amplification using bait-specific primers may not be as efficient. (c) The4C(ii) method (chromosome-conformation-capture-on-chip, or 3C-on-chip) has more steps than 4C(i) but does not require circleformation in the initial ligation step. Following cross-link reversal, the linear molecules are longer [because chromatin is initiallydigested with a 6-base-pair (bp) cutter restriction enzyme] and are trimmed with a 4-bp cutter restriction enzyme to produce shorterfragments. The shorter fragments are then circularized by self-ligation and amplified using bait-specific primers facing outward.Because circles are shorter, it is more efficient to amplify many interacting fragments. (d ) In 6C, there is a ChIP step after thechromatin has been digested, followed by ligation under dilute conditions and cloning of linear fragments in a vector ( gray).Self-ligation can also occur here; this is again shown for the light green fragment, which circularizes and does not clone in the vector.The orange fragment remains linear and therefore becomes cloned. After cloning and transforming in bacteria, individual colonies arepicked and plasmids are isolated and digested with the same restriction enzyme that was used to digest the chromatin in the first step.The digestion products are then resolved by gel electrophoresis (the left lane is from a clone with a single fragment that did not ligate;the right lane is from a clone with multiple inserts representing interacting segments). Clones containing multiple fragments representligation between distal genomic regions that interact.

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higher-order chromatin structure where activegenes utilizing common/shared transcriptionmachineries cluster.

6C (Combined ChromosomeConformation Capture ChIP Cloning)

The 6C method is essentially the same as 3C,except that after the initial chromosome diges-tion step it includes a ChIP step followed by in-tramolecular ligation and cloning of the ChIP-isolated DNA into a vector and transformationin bacteria. The clones showing multiple frag-ments after digestion with the same restrictionenzyme used to build the 3C library are then se-quenced from both ends of the vector to identifythe interacting partners (78) (Figure 3d ).

6C was first implemented in a study thatcarried out ChIP against the Polycomb-grouphistone methyltransferase protein EZH2. Thestudy found 5 clones (out of 352) with multiplefragments after digestion, demonstrating thatEZH2 was involved in mediating both intra-and interchromosomal long-range interactionsthat did not occur when EZH2 was knockeddown (78). Nevertheless, although the methodis feasible, it is labor intensive and not genome-wide because it involves screening individualclones by restriction digestion.

Global 3C Interactions (Hi-C)

The above-mentioned methods rely largely onsome prior knowledge of interaction sites, suchas promoters of interest, and require large-scaledesign of oligonucleotides for testing numeroussites. However, this does not allow for the dis-covery of completely novel interactions, or foran unbiased survey of the genome. To this end,two nearly identical methods were recently de-veloped to identify global looping interactionsin yeast and humans in an unbiased manner (18,47). The first method is known as Hi-C; thesecond does not have an official name.

Briefly, for Hi-C in humans, cells arecross-linked with formaldehyde; chromatin isdigested with a restriction enzyme that pro-duces 5′ overhangs in the DNA; the overhangs

are filled in with nucleotides, one of which isbiotinylated; ligation is carried out after chro-matin dilution to favor intramolecular ligationevents; the ligated fragments are sheared; andfragments with biotin at their ligation junctionsare isolated by streptavidin and identified byhigh-throughput sequencing (47) (Figure 4a).In yeast, the method is similar but uses a seriesof restriction digestion and circularization stepsas in 4C and couples this to next-generationsequencing (18). A biotinylation step is alsoincluded to allow for selection and enrichmentof intramolecular ligation events. In essence,this method involves sampling a much largerproportion of the 3C library generated after theinitial digestion of chromatin, thereby allowingfor the detection of many more chromatin in-teractions. In yeast, the small size of the genomeprovided a higher-resolution map, which re-vealed what the authors described as a “waterlily” structure, with chromosomal arms ex-tending out from a cluster of centromeres (18).

Application of Hi-C in humans showed thatopen and closed chromatin regions are locatedin different compartments of the nucleus. Also,at megabase scales, chromatin is organized asa fractal globule—that is, a knot-free polymerthat can be readily and densely packaged whileat the same time allowing unfolding to occurat any region when needed (47). Thus, the Hi-C data did not support a previously proposedmodel called the equilibrium globule, in whichchromatin exists as a compact and highly knot-ted polymer.

ChIA-PET (Chromatin InteractionAnalysis by Paired-End TagSequencing)

The ChIA-PET method, like Hi-C, allows thedetection of long-range chromatin interactionson a genome-wide scale in an unbiased fashion.The main steps include cross-linking and soni-cating chromatin; carrying out ChIP to enrichfor fragments bound by a particular proteinof interest; ligating biotinylated linkers (con-taining an Mme1 restriction site) to fragmentends, which are then allowed to ligate with

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one another under dilute conditions; reversingcross-links; digesting with the Mme1 restrictionenzyme, which cuts 20 bp downstream of its re-striction site; isolating fragments with ligationjunctions by capturing them with streptavidin;and identifying the fragments by paired-endsequencing (23) (Figure 4b). The fragmentstherefore contain the two ligated linkers in themiddle flanked by genomic DNA sequenceson either side. When the tags are mapped tothe reference genome, self-ligation events (i.e.,those between two ends of the same molecule)are represented by tags less than 3,000 bp fromeach other. These reflect protein binding sitesthat would be found by carrying out a standardChIP experiment. Ligation events betweendifferent fragments within the same complexwill be represented by tags further apart on thesame or even different chromosomes, reflect-ing long-range interactions (23). Including aChIP step for specific proteins reduces thecomplexity of the chromatin interactome mapcompared with global 3C methods.

ChIA-PET was first applied to build a chro-matin interactome map of estrogen receptoralpha in the estrogen-treated human MCF-7breast cancer cell line (23). More than 1,000 du-plex interactions were found, representing twoanchor/interacting regions with a loop betweenthem, almost one-quarter of which turned outto be interconnected because they have a sharedanchor (23). These were termed complex in-teractions. Moreover, genes that were locatedwithin 20 kb of anchor regions were more tran-scriptionally active than those within the loopregions. Thus, there was an association betweenchromatin structure and gene regulation.

More recently, ChIA-PET has been usedto identify with high confidence 1,480 in-trachromosomal and 336 interchromosomalinteractions involving a total of 3,306 CTCFbinding sites in mouse embryonic stem cells(30). By overlaying ChIP data from seven differ-ent histone H3 modification marks both insideand outside the CTCF-mediated loops alongwith information regarding p300 enhancerbinding and RNA polymerase II activity, theauthors found that the looped chromatin could

be categorized into five distinct domains. Eachof these domains contained a unique combina-tion of transcriptionally active or inactive genesinside or outside the loops, with one categorynot having any genes or histone-modificationmarks (30). Additionally, even though CTCF isclassically known for functioning as an insulatorbinding protein and therefore preventing com-munication between enhancers and promoters,it can also mediate the interaction of enhancerswith promoters of some genes to activate tran-scription (30). It also facilitates the organizationof subnuclear domains by demarcating inter-actions of chromatin with the nuclear lamina.An intriguing observation is that this study’sapplication of ChIA-PET was able to detectlooping interactions between only approxi-mately 10% of all identified CTCF bindingsites (14, 30, 43). Given that CTCF functionsby binding to distal regulatory elements (suchas insulators), one would expect a large fractionof these sites to be involved in loop formation.One explanation is that ChIA-PET may notbe a highly sensitive technique for detectingloops. Another is that, owing to inherentbiological differences, different numbers ofbinding sites are involved in loop formationin a given cell type at a given time point.Additionally, CTCF-mediated loop formationlikely depends on other factors, such as thecohesin complex, whose chromatin interactionmaps would undoubtedly provide additionalinsights on CTCF-mediated loops (85).


Much progress has been made in the pastfour decades in unraveling the higher-orderstructure of chromatin. The discovery of thenucleosome as the repeating unit of chromatin,made possible through the use of electron mi-croscopy and biochemical methods, was a hugestride toward achieving this goal. Applicationof X-ray crystallography proved instrumentalin providing the details of how histones andDNA are arranged inside the nucleosomeand in showing that the nucleosomes in the30-nm chromatin fiber are arranged in a zigzag

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pattern as opposed to a solenoid-like pattern.Additionally, in metaphase chromosomesthe chromatin exists in platelike structurescontaining interdigitating layers of irregularly

oriented nucleosomes. It also appears that notall regions of the genome contain nucleosomesat any given time. Nuclease digestion andother biochemical and genetic methods have

CTCF molecule


Adapter A withan Mme1 site

Adapter B withan Mme1 site

Chromatin thatintervenes betweensegments that interact

Distal genomic segments that interact with each other via looping of chromatin

Transcription factor molecule










Reverse cross-links, digest with Mme1, and capture biotinylated fragments on

streptavidin beads

Reverse cross-links,shear, and capture

biotinylated fragments onstreptavidin beads

High-throughputpaired-end sequencing

High-throughputpaired-end sequencing

Dilute sample and ligateto favor intramolecular

ligation events

a Hi-C

Digest chromatin with arestriction enzyme that

leaves 5' overhangs

Fill in overhangswith nucleotides, one of

which is biotinylated

Mix the two aliquots, dilute, and allowintramolecular ligation to occur (someintermolecular ligation may also occur)











Sonicate chromatin

Aliquot A Aliquot B

Divide into two aliquots and ligate eachaliquot with a different biotinylated

adapter containing an Mme1 restriction site

Cross-linked chromatin

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shown that gene regulatory elements generallytend to be nucleosome-depleted, which inturn determines how the overall chromatinis organized. And because different genes areexpressed at different times in different cells,chromatin structure is clearly highly dynamic.The advent and use of new genomic technolo-gies have driven our current understanding ofnucleosome positioning and dynamics, whichhas provided insight on gene regulation andthe global 3D architecture of chromatin.

Methods such as ChIP and 3C and its vari-ants followed by high-throughput sequencinghave resulted in an unprecedented wealth ofdata that is beginning to shed light on howchromatin may be organized in different cellsat different time points. These methods showthat there are many long-range chromatin in-teractions (between distal regulatory elements)that occur through the formation of loops thatsomehow come together to form chromatin

globules. These globules are thought to interactwith one another so that they eventually end upseparating chromatin into two compartments—active and inactive.

ChIP-seq, DNase-seq, and MNase-seqhave been instrumental in determining globalmaps of regulatory elements. Given that mostof these elements are distal, we will onlybegin to fully understand their roles in generegulation by determining their interactingpartners, e.g., their target promoters. Methodslike Hi-C and ChIA-PET are relatively new tothe field of chromatin but have the potentialto reveal many different types of long-rangechromatin interactions. Thus, widespread useof these techniques in the future by manyresearchers is necessary to determine thedynamics of higher-order chromatin structure.This will be aided in part by a continueddecrease in next-generation sequencing costand the coupled increase of data output.

←−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−Figure 4Outline of Hi-C and ChIA-PET (chromatin interaction analysis by paired-end tag sequencing) methods forgenome-wide detection of long-range interactions. Two cross-linked chromatin loops are shown at the top.(a) For Hi-C, only one loop is shown for illustration, and a possible self-ligation event is depicted asoccurring in the pink fragment. All ligation junctions will contain biotin, and these are captured by usingstreptavidin beads. Following sequencing, the two ends that map far away from each other in the genome (atleast several thousand base pairs or on different chromosomes) represent long-range interactions. Those thatmap close to each other (several hundred base pairs) represent self-ligation events such as the one shown forthe pink fragment. (b) For ChIA-PET, two loops are shown. Chromatin is divided into two identical aliquotsfollowing sonication. The ends of molecules in each aliquot are ligated to biotinylated adapters that are 16base pairs (bp) long [adapter A (shown in black) for aliquot A, and adapter B (shown in gray) for aliquot B]. Theadapters contain a restriction site for Mme1, which cuts 20 bp away from it. The two aliquots are mixed, andligation is further carried out under dilute conditions to favor ligation between interacting fragments, that is,intramolecular ligation. Nevertheless, some intermolecular ligation can also occur (shown by ligationjunctions 2, 5, and 8); its frequency is determined by the occurrence of hybrid adapters after sequencing(ligation junction 5). Digestion with Mme1 is carried out to release molecules that contain two adapters inthe middle flanked by 20 bp of sequence of the interacting fragments. These are captured by streptavidinbeads and sequenced. After sequencing, the reads containing hybrid adapters are counted to ensure that thenumber is much lower than the number of reads with nonhybrid adapters. Thus, the purpose of dividingchromatin into two aliquots is to provide a quantitative measure of intermolecular ligation, makingChIA-PET a superior method. Note that some nonhybrid adapters also represent intermolecular ligationevents (ligation junctions 2 and 8). But because these are ligation events between randomly collidingmolecules and do not represent true in vivo long-range interactions, they are observed as paired readsmapping to the genome at a low coverage. Self-ligation events (junctions 4 and 7) are revealed by paired-endreads mapping close to each other in the genome (several hundred base pairs apart). These denote proteinbinding sites, which can also be found simply by carrying out a standard ChIP. Ligation events between truein vivo distal interacting fragments (intramolecular ligation junctions 1, 3, 6, and 9) are revealed bypaired-end reads that map far away from each other in the genome with a high coverage (at least severalthousand base pairs apart or on different chromosomes).

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Furthermore, development of new computa-tional tools able to integrate and interpret thedata sets generated by these methods is alsoneeded. There is already a tool to automaticallyanalyze ChIA-PET data (ChIA-PET Tool,available at http://chiapet.gis.a-star.edu.sg)(46). Another example is the integrative model-ing platform tool, which was used to construct

a 3D model of chromatin based on interac-tions in the 500-kb-long human alpha-globingenomic region (4). Further developments in3D chromatin modeling and polymer modelssuch as the fractal globule model mentionedabove will pave the way for a more com-prehensive view of higher-order chromatinstructure.


1. The recent advent of high-throughput genomic techniques such as high-density microar-rays, and particularly next-generation high-throughput sequencing, has been critical inassessing chromatin structure on a large scale in a short time.

2. MNase digestion has helped determine patterns of nucleosome occupancy, whereasDNaseI digestion has helped determine genomic regions depleted in nucleosomes.

3. ChIP has facilitated the isolation and examination of only those regions of the genomethat are bound by a protein of interest.

4. Loop formation is an integral component of chromatin packaging made possible throughprotein-mediated interactions between genomic regions far apart from one another (suchas promoters and enhancers). These interactions can be detected by recently developedmethods such as 3C and several of its variants.

5. It is speculated that many loops, formed as a result of several genes being transcribed,interact with one another to form chromatin globules. These go on to further interactwith one another to subsequently divide the chromatin into two large blocks of activeand inactive domains.


The authors are not aware of any affiliations, memberships, funding, or financial holdings thatmight be perceived as affecting the objectivity of this review.


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Page 25: Methods for Identifying Higher-Order Chromatin Structure · higher-order chromatin organization. Epigenetic modifications also impact higher-order chromatin structure by alter-ing

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Annual Review ofGenomics andHuman Genetics

Volume 13, 2012Contents

Human Genetic IndividualityMaynard V. Olson � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 1

Characterization of Enhancer Function from Genome-Wide AnalysesGlenn A. Maston, Stephen G. Landt, Michael Snyder, and Michael R. Green � � � � � � � � � � �29

Methods for Identifying Higher-Order Chromatin StructureSamin A. Sajan and R. David Hawkins � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �59

Genomics and Genetics of Human and Primate Y ChromosomesJennifer F. Hughes and Steve Rozen � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �83

Evolution of the Egg: New Findings and ChallengesKatrina G. Claw and Willie J. Swanson � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 109

Evolution of the Immune System in the Lower VertebratesThomas Boehm, Norimasa Iwanami, and Isabell Hess � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 127

The Human Microbiome: Our Second GenomeElizabeth A. Grice and Julia A. Segre � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 151

Functional Genomic Studies: Insights into the Pathogenesisof Liver CancerZe-Guang Han � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 171

A Comparative Genomics Approach to Understanding TransmissibleCancer in Tasmanian DevilsJanine E. Deakin and Katherine Belov � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 207

The Genetics of Sudden Cardiac DeathDan E. Arking and Nona Sotoodehnia � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 223

The Genetics of Substance DependenceJen-Chyong Wang, Manav Kapoor, and Alison M. Goate � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 241

The Evolution of Human Genetic Studies of Cleft Lip and Cleft PalateMary L. Marazita � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 263

Genomic Analysis of Fetal Nucleic Acids in Maternal BloodYuk Ming Dennis Lo and Rossa Wai Kwun Chiu � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 285



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Page 26: Methods for Identifying Higher-Order Chromatin Structure · higher-order chromatin organization. Epigenetic modifications also impact higher-order chromatin structure by alter-ing

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Enzyme Replacement Therapy for Lysosomal Diseases: Lessons from20 Years of Experience and Remaining ChallengesR.J. Desnick and E.H. Schuchman � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 307

Population Identification Using Genetic DataDaniel John Lawson and Daniel Falush � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 337

Evolution-Centered Teaching of BiologyKaren Burke da Silva � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 363

Ethical Issues with Newborn Screening in the Genomics EraBeth A. Tarini and Aaron J. Goldenberg � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 381

Sampling Populations of Humans Across the World: ELSI IssuesBartha Maria Knoppers, Ma’n H. Zawati, and Emily S. Kirby � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 395

The Tension Between Data Sharing and the Protectionof Privacy in Genomics ResearchJane Kaye � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 415

Genetic Discrimination: International PerspectivesM. Otlowski, S. Taylor, and Y. Bombard � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 433


Cumulative Index of Contributing Authors, Volumes 4–13 � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 455

Cumulative Index of Chapter Titles, Volumes 4–13 � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 459


An online log of corrections to Annual Review of Genomics and Human Genetics articlesmay be found at http://genom.annualreviews.org/errata.shtml

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