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METRIC STUDY ON HUMAN OPTIMIZATION · in the Compu 1)and Interfa in the Autom puter Interface...

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D N R Strate DRDC Project NRC Project # Report subm egic Te Prepared for Keith Niall, Defence Research & Development Canada t #: FE2207XX #: STIͲEWͲ030 itted on Octo echni XXX 0 ober 8, 2015 cal In sights s DRDC-RDDC-2015-C235 The scientific or technical validity of this Contract Report is entirely the responsibility of the Contractor and the contents do not necessarily have the approval or endorsement of the Department of National Defence of Canada Canadian Institute for Scientific and Technical Information 100 Montreal Road, M-55, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0R6 Prepared by Erica Wiseman, Strategic Information Analyst, National Research Council NRCͲKM employees make every effort to obtain information from reliable sources. However, we assume no responsibility or liability for any decisions based upon information presented. SCIENTOMETRIC STUDY ON HUMAN OPTIMIZATION © Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of National Defence, 2015 © Sa Majesté la Reine (en droit du Canada), telle que représentée par le ministre de la Défense nationale, 2015
Page 1: METRIC STUDY ON HUMAN OPTIMIZATION · in the Compu 1)and Interfa in the Autom puter Interface (15),InstitutR (9), Defence R. (8), Universit 7), Defence Re), Carleton Uni d institution





DRDC Project

NRC Project #

Report subm

egic Te

Prepared forKeith Niall, Defence Research & Development Canada

t #: FE2207XX

#: STI EW 030

itted on Octo




ober 8, 2015

cal Insightss


The scientific or technical validity of this Contract Report is entirely the responsibility of the Contractor and the contents do not necessarily have the approval or endorsement of the Department of National Defence of Canada

Canadian Institute for Scientific and Technical Information100 Montreal Road, M-55, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0R6

Prepared byErica Wiseman, Strategic Information Analyst, National Research Council

NRC KM employees make every effort to obtain information from reliable sources.However, we assume no responsibility or liability for any decisions based upon information presented.


© Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of National Defence, 2015

© Sa Majesté la Reine (en droit du Canada), telle que représentée par le ministre de la Défense nationale, 2015

Page 2: METRIC STUDY ON HUMAN OPTIMIZATION · in the Compu 1)and Interfa in the Autom puter Interface (15),InstitutR (9), Defence R. (8), Universit 7), Defence Re), Carleton Uni d institution


1 Exec

2 Back

3 Intro

4 Conc

5 Refe

6 Appe


Figure 1. GFigure 2. RFigure 3. TFigure 4. TFigure 5. CFigure 6. GFigure 7. I

Table 1. KTable 2. CTable 3. MTable 4. S


utive Summa

kground ........

Context.......Key Issues ...Key Questionoduction .......

Canadian HuTop CanadiaCanadian CoInternationaclusions ........

rences .........

endices ........

AttachmentsMethodology1 Searche2 Analysis

Groups and MResearch ClusTop Authors,Top CanadianCanadian ColGeographic MInternational

Key Findings..Client ProvideMetagroups ..earch Terms

c Study

ary ...............



.....................ns .....................................

uman Optimizn Researcherllaborations .l Collaboratio....................



s....................y...................es ..................s ...................

Metagroup Msters.............Areas of Expn Institutionslaborations ..Map of CanadCollaboratio

.....................d Metagroup..........................................

on Hum








zation Researrs........................................ons ....................................








embership ........................ertise .....................................................ian Collaborans .................


.....................p Terms ...................................................

man Opti

Page 2 of

of Conten






ch Highlights......................................................................................







of Figures





......................ations ..................................

t of Tables


























































































r 2015

...... 3

...... 5

....... 5

....... 6

....... 6...... 7

....... 7

..... 16

..... 17

..... 20.... 22

.... 24

.... 30

..... 30

..... 30



....... 8







....... 4

....... 5

....... 7


Page 3: METRIC STUDY ON HUMAN OPTIMIZATION · in the Compu 1)and Interfa in the Autom puter Interface (15),InstitutR (9), Defence R. (8), Universit 7), Defence Re), Carleton Uni d institution


1 EXEThe preseand Devecollaborat

To identiflandscapeusing textinto four (ComputatTable 1.

Two majodiscussionperspectivtechnologhelp unifypresencebe ideal lo

Recommeoptimizatsearches icarriage ahuman pemore Can


ECUTIVEent scientomelopment Cantion networks

fy major playee, 366 referent mining softw(non mutualltional/Cognit

or trends emen of the ethicves and acrosgical and sociay issues and cof existing coocations for s

endations forion include ain the more mand soldier; coerformance onadian researc

c Study

E SUMMetric study waada (DRDC).s in the field o

ers, their collances to relevaware and a vay exclusive) mtive issues and

erged from thal issues regass various staal issues in thcommunities iollaboration nsuch worksho

identifying additional targmilitary orientountermeasuor human capachers.

on Hum

MARYas commissioIt provides anof human opt

aboration netant Canadianariety of visuametagroups ind Automation

he analysis ofarding humankeholder domhe research. Tin the four mnetworks in Mops.

dditional Cangeted searchited topics (e.ure agents) anabilities (e.g.

man Opti

Page 3 of

ned by the Chn overview oftimization.

tworks and ke2005 2015 palization toolsncluding Ethicn/Robotics. A

the articles. Fn optimizationmains. SecondThis finding suain areas of h

Montreal, Toro

nadian researng in selectedg. wound sennd those thattelerobotics,


hief Scientistf Canadian re

ey research tublications ws. Research tocs, Physiologisummary of

First, there isn, from technd, there is notupports the ghuman optimonto, Ottawa

rch and experd subtopics. Insing; self decare more clowearables, e


Network of Desearch activi

opics in the Cwere retrievedopics have beical issues,the findings i

a rich and conological, medtable converggoal of facilitamization reseaa and Vancou

rts in the fieldn particular,contaminatioosely related tenhanced visi


Defence Resety and

Canadiand and analyzeeen categorize

is provided in

ontinuingdical and socigence ofating workshorch. Given thver, these wo

d of humanadditionalon aids; loadto improvingion) might rev

r 2015





ops toeould


Page 4: METRIC STUDY ON HUMAN OPTIMIZATION · in the Compu 1)and Interfa in the Autom puter Interface (15),InstitutR (9), Defence R. (8), Universit 7), Defence Re), Carleton Uni d institution


Key QuesMajor CanResearch T

Top CanadResearche

Top CanadInstitution







c Study


Researchthe four mComputatfocused oTop topicsEthics (43Top topicsOptimizatTop topicsImaging (4Top topicsUser ComRacine, E.Paul, MA.Reiner, PBLove, RJ. (Liu, XP. (6130 Canad

o Mo Do Uo Uo U

Canadianfrom 31 dWithin CapublicatioVancouvebe seen.Ten additipublicatiocollaboratScience aninternatioremainde

on Hum


on human optmetagroups: Ettional/Cognitivn Automation/s in the Ethicsm)s in the Physioltion (39) and Pes in the Compu41) and Interfas in the Automputer Interface(15), Institut R(9), Defence RB. (8), Universit7), Defence Re), Carleton Unidian institutionMcGill UniversiDefence ResearUniversity of CaUniversity of ToUniversity of Brinstitutions haifferent countrnada, five majons are presentr. Four additio

ional internatioons with membtion, betweennd Technologyonal collaboratir are in Abu Dh

man Opti

Page 4 of 32

1. Key Finding

imization in Cathics (225 publve Issues (202)./Robotics (147metagroup inc

logicalmetagrerception (36)utational/Cognaces (37)ation/Roboticses (23)Recherches ClinResearch and Dty of British Coesearch and Deiversity (Automns appear in thty (35)rch and Develoalgary (31)oronto (30)ritish Columbiaave collaborateries, mainly inor clusters of it. These are loonal smaller clu

onal institutionbers of the fiveQueen’s Unive, also appearsing institutionshabi, Australia



anada is fairly eications), Phys. A slightly low7).clude: Perform

roup include: C


smetagroup in

niques MontreDevelopment Columbia (Ethicsevelopment Camation/Robotiche dataset, the

opment Canad

a (30)ed with roughlyUSA.institutions thaocated in Montusters (with on

ns have collabomain Canadia

ersity and the Kon the internas are in the USAand Korea.


evenly spreadsiological Issueer proportion

ance (94), Soci

Cognitive enhan

up include: Com

nclude: Robots

eal (PhysiologicCanada,(Physios)anada (Physiolcs)most prolific i

a (33)

y 200 internati

at share at leastreal, Ottawa, Tnly two institut

orated on at lean clusters. AnKorea Advanceational landscaA, three are in


between threes (223), andof publications

ial issues (58) a

ncement (44),

mputers (53),

s (43), Devices



institutes are:

ional institutio

st two coToronto andions each) can

east two coadditionaled Institute ofape. Four of then Europe and th

r 2015

e of

s are




n also


Page 5: METRIC STUDY ON HUMAN OPTIMIZATION · in the Compu 1)and Interfa in the Autom puter Interface (15),InstitutR (9), Defence R. (8), Universit 7), Defence Re), Carleton Uni d institution


2 BA2.1 CoThe DRDCcommissioareas of eand SecurTechnologExcellenceparticularfocusing obring toge

Significana computissue of aperformaDRDC’s in

This studynumber othe biblio


UbiqucompuLow pcompuAugmeNeurocompuPositioand timEnhanVisualinformdatabaExobyCulturAutomtransla


CKGROUontextC Director Genoned a studyexpertise andrity (IRDS) hasgy for the Dee in various drly from univeon human optether Canadia

t advances inational issue;utomation, ronce enhancemnterest is to u

y explores huof specific, pometric analys


itous pervasiveuting (ubicomppowerutingented realityomorphicutingon, navigation,mingnced visionization of largemationaseste computingral Aids/mated machineation

c Study


neral for S&Tto identify thto map out ts been appropartment of Ndefence S&T cersities, but atimization foran experts in

n human optim; performanceobotics & telement and thenify issues an

man optimizatentially intersis.

Tave Physiolog





SleeCircaErgoCounchemradioinduagenGaitLoadLoadExosHumSelfAidsPhysenhafor ePhysBraininterapproptim

on Hum

T (Army) togethe Canadian rheir collaboraved for develNational Defecapability arelso includingr the IRDS anthe field.

mization havee enhancemeepresence; ane ethics of autnd communiti

ation from a bresting areas

ble 2. Client Prgical Issues

p wake cycleadian adjustmeogenic aidsntermeasuremical, biologicological and tostrial materialntsefficiency andd carriage andd assistanceskeleton and hman Behavior PDecontaminat

siologicalancement/adaextreme envirosical avatarsn/neuronal comrface (BNCI)roaches for humization

man Opti

ther with theresearchers ination networlopment by thence. The IRDas of interestindustry. Thed will facilitat

e occurred inent as a physind ethics, metonomous sysies in these fo

broad academare listed be

rovided MetagAut



d energysoldiers






DRDC Officen the field ofrks. A new Inshe Assistant DDS will consistt and will brine results will bte four works

four directioological issueeaning amongstems. Far froour domains.

mic and technlow (Table 2)

group Termstomation/Rob

Robotics andtelepresenceTelepresencelatencyTelepresenceremoteEffectors andteleroboticsLive virtual coand simulatioWearable/ImIntelligent SeSmart ArmorSmart PersonIntelligent As(SIRI like ageOn board facrecognitionOn board micmanagementWound sensiAntimicrobiafor clothing


of the Chiefhuman optimstitute for ResDeputy Minist of a numberng together Cbe a spearheashops that are

ons: cognitivee; human effeg other thingsom being disp

nology based) and will be e


e and

e and




croclimatetngl nanofibers


Scientist hasmization, theisearch Defenster, Science &r of Centres oanadian expead projecte being plann

enhancemenectiveness ass, the bioethicparate topics,

perspective.explored with

Ethical issues

CulturallexiconSeriousgaming atrainingTrust andautonomsystemsAutonomsystems aresponsibAutonomsystems aPrivacySocialacceptanand legalconsiderafor humaoptimizat

r 2015


ned to

nt asancs of,







Page 5 of

Page 6: METRIC STUDY ON HUMAN OPTIMIZATION · in the Compu 1)and Interfa in the Autom puter Interface (15),InstitutR (9), Defence R. (8), Universit 7), Defence Re), Carleton Uni d institution


The analymedical/p

2.2 KeThe objecin the fieltogether CExcellence

2.3 Ke1. W

in2. W3. W4. W


ysis excludes rpsychological

ey Issuesctive of this scd and to mapCanadian expe on human o

ey QuestiWho are the Cn which of theWho are theyWho are theyWithin each of

c Study

research on rtherapy and

cientometricp out their colpertise in theoptimization.

onsCanadian resee four sub docollaboratingcollaboratingf the four ma

on Hum

ehabilitation,diagnosis to

study on humllaboration nefield through

archers workmains are theg with in Canag with internain categories,

man Opti

Page 6 of 32

, disease, aginname a few g

man optimizatetworks. Resuh workshops a

king in humaney focused?ada?ationally?, which are th


ng, drug treatgeneral topic

tion is to idenults of this prand the devel

n optimization

he most activ


tment or theareas.

ntify the Canaroject will belopment of a

n, where are

ve research ar


rapy, cancer,

adian researcused to helpCentre of

they located


r 2015



Page 7: METRIC STUDY ON HUMAN OPTIMIZATION · in the Compu 1)and Interfa in the Autom puter Interface (15),InstitutR (9), Defence R. (8), Universit 7), Defence Re), Carleton Uni d institution


3 INTTo addresseveral daresults froinitial seasubset ofreport arethe collab

3.1 CaTo identifmerged awere firstterms thathe clientwere revigroups wethe client

Table 3 prof publicamore than

a Publicationand abstracon the over






TRODUCss the key queatabases incluom these search resulted i366 highly ree based strictboration netw

anadian Hfy research arnd 100 subjet made by seaat were yet toand refined.ewed by theere further ca.

resents the foations in the mn one group.

ns that focusedcts were viewedall methodology


ogical Issues

tational/ve Issues


c Study

CTIONestions in thisuding Scopus,rches, 122 puin a dataset oelevant Canadly on the Can

works, the rep

Human Oreas within thct groups covarching the dao be grouped.When groupclient and anategorized int

our metagroumetagroups e

on the predeterby the client andy can be found in

No. ofPublications





on Hum

s project, a br, Inspec, Comublications weof close to 15dian publicatinadian subsetport will begin

ptimizatihe dataset thevering 351 puataset for theThe groups,s or terms realyst and finato one of the

ups along withexceeds that i


rmined topics ofd those deemedn Section 6.2 Me

sTopics relSome topoptimizatTopics relchanges tmonitorinTopics relthrough tecomputatlocation tosensory eTopics relenhance hsense andnot necescontrol m

man Opti

Page 7 of 3

road search opendex, NTISere provided000 internations from 200. In order to pn with an ove

ion Reseae terms in theblications (96e concepts listalong with almained in qual decisions wfour main me

h the numberin the dataset

3. Metagroup

f exclusion wered irrelevant wereethodology

ate to the ethiics expand ourion that have oate to performo the body, thng or modificatate to cognitivechnological sutional aids to coools, logic engnhancement.ate to the usehuman capabild act at indefinssarily zoomorpany systems at


on human optS, DTIC, and CAby the clientional publicat05 2015.a Theprovide someerview of the

arch Highe keywords, a6% of the datted in Table 2ll the terms wuestion, the awere made regetagroups by

r of publicatiot because a s


removed. Subsee removed from

Scope Noical issues regar conceptual raonly been prommance enhancerough activitietions of humanve enhancemenupport. Theseognition such aines, computa

of robots, devlities. These enite distances.phic or anthropt once, as in a


timization waCANDID. In adto include intions which we findings disce context to tresearch high

hlightsabstracts andtaset) were cr2, followed bywithin them, wssociated titlegarding the gy the analyst,

ons in each. Tingle article c

equently, roughthe Canadian se

otesarding human oange to tools omised as of yetements througes, drugs, physin tissuent as a computinclude, but aas enhanced mtion by social n

vices and teleonable human oSuch systemspomorphic. Thswarm.


as conducteddition to thethe analysis.

was reduced tcussed in thisthe discussionhlights.

title fields wereated. Groupy an analysis owere reviewees and abstragroupings. Theand finalized

The total numcan categorize

ly 250 article titet. More inform

optimization.of humant.h physiologicaiological

tational issue,re not limited tmapping andnetworking, an

peration tooperators toare often, buthe goal may be

r 2015


Theto a

n on

erepsofed byactsed by

mbered in





e to

Page 8: METRIC STUDY ON HUMAN OPTIMIZATION · in the Compu 1)and Interfa in the Autom puter Interface (15),InstitutR (9), Defence R. (8), Universit 7), Defence Re), Carleton Uni d institution


Figure 1 pmetagroueach of threport.


presents the 1up they have bhe four metag

Figure 1

c Study

100 subject gbeen categorgroups. An ex

1. Subject Grou

on Hum

roups, the totrized in. This fxcel file with t

ups and Metag

man Opti

Page 8 of 3

tal number ofigure also revthe same data

group Membe


f publicationsveals the mosa is provided

ership, Numbe


s in each, alost active reseas Attachme

rs of Publicatio


ng with theearch areas wnt 1 with this


r 2015


Page 9: METRIC STUDY ON HUMAN OPTIMIZATION · in the Compu 1)and Interfa in the Autom puter Interface (15),InstitutR (9), Defence R. (8), Universit 7), Defence Re), Carleton Uni d institution


Figure 2 pcosine simthe relatiothem. Thebased onseparate cseparate cThis mapcoded cluprovided

b TouchGrapc For more ihttp://www0gwAZAQPv


presents a clumilarity. The aonship betwee cluster map‘Edge Betweeclusters are fclusters, therhas been filtesters (outlieras Attachmen

ph Navigator is pnformation on t


c Study

ster map of tautocorrelatioeen two entitip was generateness Centraurther apart.reby splittingered to showrs have been rnt 2 with this

produced by thethe clustering algm/assets/naviga

on Hum

the 100 subjeon matrix shoies (subject gted using Toulity’. Nodes wTouchGraphseparate conautocorrelatremoved to inreport.

e US company Togorithm used byator/help2/mod

man Opti

Page 9 of 3

ct groups basows a bi direcroups) and shchGraph Navwithin clusters’s clustering annected comptions of 30% oncrease view

ouchGraph LLC:y TouchGraph Naule_7_7.html?M


sed on an autctionally normhows the pervigatorb softws tend to be calgorithm ignponents into tor higher anding space). A

http://www.touavigator please sMenuState=AUd


tocorrelationmalized (0 to 1centage of ov

ware, which idclose togethenores long edgthe clusters tcontains 34n image file o

uchgraph.com/nseeAAO 0hAHvtIQA


matrix using1) comparisoverlap betwedentifies cluster while nodesges that connhat are showdifferent coloof the map is



r 2015

n ofenterss innectwn.c


Page 10: METRIC STUDY ON HUMAN OPTIMIZATION · in the Compu 1)and Interfa in the Autom puter Interface (15),InstitutR (9), Defence R. (8), Universit 7), Defence Re), Carleton Uni d institution

Scientometric Study on Hum

Page 10 of

Figure 2.

man Opti


Research Clus



n Octoberr 2015

Page 11: METRIC STUDY ON HUMAN OPTIMIZATION · in the Compu 1)and Interfa in the Autom puter Interface (15),InstitutR (9), Defence R. (8), Universit 7), Defence Re), Carleton Uni d institution


A brief de

Ethics M

EthicsResearchRecherche37% of ththat the eacademiathe publicgeneral grand conceboth the Epharmaco

A few articurrent stregulatorythe publictool foundThis is belunderstan

Social – gThe articlearticles grethical andiscussesenhancersocial chagroup disctechnologthe moralaffect and

Another esystem wmovemento acquiresmart tecanother pcognitivestimulatio

Four articmanagemsecurity p


escription of s


on the ethicses Cliniques de publicationethics surroun, the media, tcations in theroup furthererns that ariseEthics and Coological subst

icles discuss ttimulation2 foy frameworkc’s perceptiond that the pulieved to be tnding its appl

enerales in the Socirouped in thend social issuethe public hes.4 Another vange with bioecuss public atgy, 8 physicianl propriety ofd are affected

eight publicathich is intendnt in an efforte more detailhnology, ubiqpresents twoenhancemenon (tDCS) and

cles discuss issment throughpurposes;15 ho

c Study

select groups

s of human opde Montreal (ns in the Ethicnding cognitivthe public, thEthics groupemphasizinge with humanognitive Enhanances for cog

the ethical deor cognitive efor cognitiven of the use oblic has shiftehe result of mications, ben

ial general gre Social generes related to tealth impactsviews the groethical and pttitudes on vans attitudes tocognitive en

d by enhancin

tions in this grded for mobilet to address oed and usefuquitous) thatregulatory apnt through notranscranial

sues related tthe use of deow cognitive s

on Hum

Page 11 of

(identified by

ptimization h(IRCM), McGics group. Mucve enhancemhe military andp are also founthat the ethicn optimizationcement grougnitive enhan

ebate on usingnhancement.enhancemen

of transcraniaed from misumoving awayefits and risks

oup cover a wral group is fothe use of dru(from a sociawth in cognitublic policy imarious aspectsoward prescrhancement.10

ng cognitive a

roup discusse collaborativobesity problel contextual ifocuses on thpproaches forn invasive brmagnetic stim

to the militarecision aids;14

support tools

man Opti


y the client) is

as an obviousll University ach of the literent and humd amongst bind in the Cogcal issues in tn and cognitiup discuss thecement by he

g neurosurgic. The remaindnt (pharmacol direct currenderstandingfrom focusings.6

wide gamut oocused on Ethugs for cognital and ethicaltive enhancemmplications.7

s of cognitiveribing cognitiv0 Another pubbilities.11

enhancemenve exergamesems.12 Anothenformation the social contr managing thrain stimulatiomulation (TM

y, including: a4 the potentias that support


s presented b

s hub in Monand Universitrature in thean augmentaoethicists. Negnitive Enhancthe field are cve enhanceme ethical debaealthy individ

cal interventider discuss deological or othnt stimulatiog tDCS to viewg on tDCS as

of topics. Closhics. Some oftive enhancemperspective)ment activitieEight publicae enhancemenve enhancersblication in th

nt devices. Ons that use heaer uses mobilthat can helptext to enhanhe physiologicon devices (e


augmenting cal use of nont long term a



treal where tte de MontreEthics groupation are stillearly three qcement groupclosely relatedment. 58% of tate regardingduals.1,2

ons3 or transeveloping pubherwise).4,5 An (tDCS) as anwing it with caan emergent

se to one thirthe articles rment. One in) of the use ofes as represenations in the Snt including o,9 and the puhis group exp

ne study descad mounted dle devices andcreate smartnce sensor datcal and social.g. transcrani

cognition in cinvasive brainanticipation su


the Institute dal have publisacknowledgehotly debateuarters (74%)p and the Socd to social aspthe articles ing the use

cranial directblic policy andA recent studyn enhancemeautionary reat technology,

rd of the 58elated to theparticularf cognitiventing a majorSocial generaon exoskeletoblic’s attitudelores how va

ribed the MOdevices to incd social netwter spaces (i.eta.13 Finally,l effects ofial direct curr

complex situan stimulationuccessfully

r 2015

deshedesd in) ofcialpectsn

tdy onentalism.to

rlone onlues




Page 12: METRIC STUDY ON HUMAN OPTIMIZATION · in the Compu 1)and Interfa in the Autom puter Interface (15),InstitutR (9), Defence R. (8), Universit 7), Defence Re), Carleton Uni d institution


improveddesignedof high co

TranshumTranshumof the debof technovery diffeas the idethe capac

TrustThe TrustThe four pspecificallvirtual teaarticle proenvironmfuzzy trususer to an


Human CoThe Humahuman intask compaugmentexamplesfor intuitiv

SimulatioThe SimulSimulationBiomechaexample isituationaSimulatiotrabeculalight expo

A few of tperformamedical fitouch). Orehabilita


performanceto support paognitive load a

manismmanism is a smbate on the elogies (bio orent views thentification ofcity of science

subject groupublications ily autonomouam implemenoposes a secuents.20 Addrest inference mnother.21


omputer Intean Computerteraction witpletion and ehuman inform. Some of theveness, stabi

onlation group hn articles havanics. The majncludes an aral awarenessns were alsor bone typesosure on redu

the articles dince. Simulatiield. These arne article nottion.31 Simila

c Study

e during a simarticular aspeand time con

mall group witthical and soc

or nano basedhan “humanisf risk and impe to overcome

p was createdn the group lus systems. Ontation in theurity system bessing the sammechanism ca

nitive Issues

eractionInteraction (Hh robots or oncourage usemation procee challenges dlity and contr

has 34 titles,ve also been gjority of the article in whichwhich foundused to compduring bone

ucing circadian

scuss simulaton as a tool hrticles typicallted that haptirly, haptic an

on Hum

Page 12 of

mulated natioects of situatiostraints.17

th only five pcial acceptabd). Its defendets” and sociapact, assessmee risks to hum

d in an effortook at trust rOne article ideCanadian Fo

based on trusme problem inlled MobiFuz

s Metagroup

HCI) group cother devices.er effort,22 toessing24 or fordiscussed withrol of non hum

the majoritygrouped intoarticles use sih simulationsthat DSS maypare simultanremodeling.2

n misalignme

tion as a tool,has been effely discussed hic technologied visual infor

man Opti


onal crisis; 16 aon awareness

ublications frility of humaners typically hl scientists. Inent of acceptmans.18

to group resrelated issuesentifies low lerces.19 To tact managemenn mobile socizzyTrust for in


ontains 23 artThese robotsperform remteleoperativh regards to Hman systems

from the pasInterfaces, Romulation to ts were used toy actually redneous and int29 Simulationent in shift wo

, in and of itsectively used thaptic interfaes have provermation were


and finally, hos may affect

rom 2006 201n enhancemehave natural sn particular thtability of risk

earch on truss with regardsevels of trustckle the lack ont for ubiquitial networks,nferring trust

ticles, with 61s and devices

mote surveillanve space appliHCI, particulato increase s

t five years. Oobots, Militartest another do test a decisuce performateractive struof night workorkers.30

elf, as a meanto augment hces (those then effective ine found to be


ow decision stask perform

13. Transhument through tscience backgheir views difk and impact,

st and autonos to technologas a barrier tof trust in tectous and pervanother articsemantically

1% focused sps are being usnce and interications,25 toarly with robosuccessful int

Over 80% (27ry, Adaptive,device, tool osion support sance of the dctural changek was used to

ns to optimizehuman perforat deal with tn medical simcritical comp


upport systemmance in situa

manism is onehe developmgrounds and hffer on such isand their fait

omous systemgy, but noto successfulhnology, onevasive compucle proposes ay from one mo

pecifically onsed to facilitarventions,23 toname a few

ots, are the neeractions.22,26

/33) of theseLoad, andor hypothesis.system (DSS)ecision makees of corticalo evaluate day

e humanrmance in thethe sense ofmulation andponents in cre

r 2015


e sidementhavessuesth in




eeds6 28


. Oneforers.17




Page 13: METRIC STUDY ON HUMAN OPTIMIZATION · in the Compu 1)and Interfa in the Autom puter Interface (15),InstitutR (9), Defence R. (8), Universit 7), Defence Re), Carleton Uni d institution


accurate sauditory finterfaces

For the mwith activskills.35

VisualizatThe Visuaarticles frcombinatcommonhome suralso beenVisualizatalternativ

UbiquitouAccordingincreasedof the moComputin2014, excangles. Fopervasivenetworksspaces.13


Perceptio64% of thTechnologSocial genresearchelight and istudied tointensifierdepth per

Another gimprove ieffect of rthe use ofvehicle enstiffness.4


simulation anfeedback systs and immers

military, simulave stereoscop

tionalization grouequently discion with realapproach in iveillance andused to suppions have alsves40 and unde

us Computingg to Hasswa ainterest in se

ost promisingng group is quluding 2010.or example, ocomputing eto acquire mFinally, a thir

gical Issues

one records in tgy, Interfacesneral groups.ers are tryingincreased sigo find ways tor technologyrception.44

group of articnterfaces, intreducing haptf cognitive convironment,4748

c Study

nd interactiontems have alsive walking s

ations are usepic videogame

p has 11 articcuss mixed rephysical envimage guidedd remote inteport demandio been used terstanding so

gand Hassaneinervices have lareas of com

uite small, conThese articlene article focenvironmentsmore detailedd uses a cont


the Perceptios, Haptic InterFrom the moto improve innal to noise ro enhance huexplored the

les in the tecteraction andtic data trafficounter measu7 and new alg

on Hum

Page 13 of

n in virtual reaso been integimulations.33

ed to augmene displays wer

cles, with theality visualizaironments tod surgeries,36

rventions.23 Uing collaboratto improve hocial network

n, “Advancesled to the em

mputing in recntaining onlys discuss mobcuses on creats.20 Another aand useful cotext aware ro

n group are arfaces and Senore technologn their variouratio on physman perceptimpact of the

hnology subsperception tc,45 the use ores to mitigatgorithms that

man Opti


ality surgical srated into vir

nt military trare used to all

majority havations in whicenhance eith38 and has alsUsing visualizative human auman interacs.41

in smart techmergence of ucent years”.13

six articles wbile or smartting a trust brticle discussontextual infoobotic platform

also found innsory groups;gical perspects devices andiological motion.43 Anotheeir use on hu

set is related tthrough variof virbotacticlete excessive freduce the h


systems.32 Hartual and augm

aining.34 In onow soldiers t

ving been pubch advanced vher robotic orso been usedation to enhactivities thatction with ver

hnologies, wirbiquitous andDespite that

with one publitechnologies

based securityes the use oformation thatm to visually

the Visual (en; 30% are alsotive, perceptd interfaces. Fion perceptioer study on niman perform

to telepresenous methods.e displays tofocus issues ihaptic percep


aptic, along wmented realit

ne specific stuo practice str

blished since 2visualizationsr human perfwith telepresance telepresuse syntheticry large datas

reless netword pervasive cfact, the Ubication per yes from a variey systems forf mobile devict can help cretrack human

nhancement)o found in Ethion is a featuFor example,on in night visight vision demance, includi

nce. These disSome articleimprove spatn the unmantion of enviro


with visual andty floor based

udy, simulatioress managem

2010. Theses are used inormance. Thisence robotsence systemsc media.39

sets for explo

rking, and theomputing asiquitousear between 2ty of disparatubiquitous aces and sociaeate smarterfaces.42

), Devices,hics and there or functionthe effects osion devices wevices with iming stereopsis

scussed wayses discussed ttial perceptioned groundonmental

r 2015

dd user


is is afors has




nf lowweremages and


Page 14: METRIC STUDY ON HUMAN OPTIMIZATION · in the Compu 1)and Interfa in the Autom puter Interface (15),InstitutR (9), Defence R. (8), Universit 7), Defence Re), Carleton Uni d institution


From an epublic’s pwith cognsurroundienhancem

Human EnThe Humaspecificalland theirInterestinthe prefercomponeComputergrouped ioriented gTranshumbe foundemergentbiomedicavalues an

BiomechaThe 16 artprevalentexamine rgait paramthat lookeor runningPersonal Llifting to r

While vararticles stbody avatscaling ofassessmethat the crobot to f

ErgogenicErgogenicgroups. Mincludingfew.61 63 Osuch as prmuscle fu


ethics perspecerception ofnitive enhanciing psychosurment of injure

nhancement/an Enhancemly refer to huvariants (i.e.ngly, only 30 arred terms innt of humanr Interaction,n multiple grgroups in themanism, etc. Oin Carbrera’st technologiesal, transhumad different us

anicsticles in the bt being relatedrunning gait smeter selectioed at interdepg) with the exLift Augmentareduce muscu

rious other disood out. Thetars that respvisual feedbant of body pecommonly usefollow unnatu

c Aidsc aids in this dMany of thesecaffeine, creaOthers discusrecooling thenction post i

c Study

ctive, the artiethical issuesing substancergery, neuroeed soldiers an

/ Augmentatment/Augmenman optimizaaugmented carticles were cthe field. OfenhancemenDevices, Inteoups, we alsodataset incluOne particula2015 articles”. This articleanist and socises of techno

biomechanicsd to human gselection.53 Anon.54 A third lpendence of vxplicit intendation Deviceular effort and

sparate aspecfirst describeond to full boack on theseerception dured zero momural walking p

dataset are me studies lookatine, pseudossed the effecbody prior tonjury.64,65 So

on Hum

Page 14 of

icles exploreds. Some artices.49,50 Otherenhancementnd veterans b

iontation groupation by the tcognition, augcategorized if the 30 articlent. These articrfaces, Roboto find that twuding Social, Parly salient ca“Rethinking he provides anial paradigm alogy.52

group look agait. In one stnother investooked at phavarious featuto model and(PLAD) whichd compressio

cts of improved the develoody movememovements.ring active moent point (ZMpatterns but c

mostly relatedked at the levoephedrine, qctiveness of po exercise, orme articles w

man Opti


d the perceptles explored tarticles looket, transcraniaeyond the ab

was createdterms “humangmented humn this group,es, at least twcles also appets, and Biotecwo thirds of thPerformance,se in point ofhuman enhann overview ofand explores

at a variety oftudy, a constrtigated the nease modulatiores of multi jd optimize huh was designeon and shear f

ing human biopment of a “nts in all movThe proof ofovement in heMP) control mcan still be use

to the Athletel of ergogenquercetin, acuphysical activir the use of newere very spec


tion of medicatheir percepted at the percl direct stimubilities of the

to pull togethn enhancememan, personapotentially suwo thirds discear in the Tecchnology grouhe articles are, Ethics, Militaf the overlapncement: Socf the enhancehow each pa

f human biomrained optimieuromuscularon during waloint leg extenuman motioned to be wornforces.57,58

iomechanics“virtual mirrovement planef concept wasealthy contro

method for hued for analys

tics/sports, Exnic benefit gaute taurine, aties that canear infrared lcific about qu


al professionation of the risceived ethicaulation and thnorm.50,3,51

her all the artent” or “humal enhancemeuggesting thacuss a technochnology, Comups. Becausee grouped in tary, Perceptiobetween thecial enhancemement debatearadigm invol

mechanical issization framer control featlking cycles.55

nsion (presum.56 Two articlen by workers d

were discussr” that displaes in real times demonstratols.59 The secoumanoid robois of bipedal

xercise and Dined from varnd beta alanbe viewed aslight therapyuantities requ


als’ and thesks associatedal issueshe therapeutic

ticles thatan augmentant, etc…).at these are nologicalmputers, Hume titles can bethe more socon, Learning,e two domainment ande from theves different

sues, the mosework was usetures involved5 Another artimably for wales discussedduring manua

ed, two speciys realistic fue and allows fed for theond study fouots causes thebalance.60

Diet & Supplemrious substanine, to names ergogenic aifor improvinguired for an

r 2015







s can

sted tod iniclelkingaal




Page 15: METRIC STUDY ON HUMAN OPTIMIZATION · in the Compu 1)and Interfa in the Autom puter Interface (15),InstitutR (9), Defence R. (8), Universit 7), Defence Re), Carleton Uni d institution


ergogenicdeciding tendurancrequired tprovide eacademiaclinique d


User ComThe grouphuman minterfacesInteractio(IGS). Thethe effector the varblindnessaugmente

Other artidiscussedinterfacereduce thset of prim

Virtual ReAccordingbiodfeedbIn the datspecificallimprovingfloor surfadynamic vduring he

The Canadtraining34

and develinclude lofound to pparticular

TelepreseAccordingremote, hthe deplo


c effect, whilethe optimal ae performancto enhance sovidence base.50,68,69 Manyde Montréal.


mputer Interfap for User Commachine interfs. It is a subseon group as wese articles wetiveness of nerious compon, or the failured reality too

icles discussethe applicabfor surveillane informationmary parame

ealityg to Roosink eback”, that cataset, virtual rly in terms ofg surgeons’ paces in immevisual acuity oad movemen

dian Forces hand it has belopment courow levels of shplay a criticalr kind of distr

enceg to Cha et al.hostile, or inayed sensors a

c Study

e others weremounts of a sce.66 Howeveoldier performed guidance.67

of these acad

cs Metagrou

acesmputer Interffaces, brain coet of the broawell. Quite a fere either desew systems wnents that arere to recognizls for surgeon

ed teleoperatibility of brainnce and remon density of sters and act a

et al, “virtualan be useful foreality is oftethe virtual derformance.3

rsive walkingof patients wints).74

as used advaeen argued thrse and distribhared undersrole in estabibuted virtua

., “Telepresenccessible envand actuators

on Hum

Page 15 of

e inconclusivesubstance toer, another armance requir7 The remainddemia focuse


faces (UCI) isomputer inteder Interfaceew articles arscribing innov

with virtual ore required toze an unexpecns, as well as

ion interfacesrobot interfate interventiostreaming imaas an enhance

reality providor physical ann discussed inisplays that a32,71 Virtual reg simulations3

ith bilateral v

nced virtual rhat virtual wobuted workintanding, of inlishing social social space

nce and teleavironment. Ths and the qua

man Opti


e. For examplebe ingested trticle found thed further labder of the arted articles are

comprised oferfaces, robotes group withre focused onvative robotsaugmented dimplement acted stimulusin aviation an

s outside of thces for spaceons,23 and theages so that oed human ma

des interactivnd cognitive en terms of imre used. Theseality tools ha33 and as immvestibular loss

reality modelrlds can be ang groups. Barntegration anl links betwee).21

ction (TPTA)he performanality of the fee


e, one articleto have an erhat the choicboratory andticles relate toe affiliated wi

f variants of tt teleoperatiosome overlan augmenteds with humandisplays71 or dmixed realitys that is in pland the militar

he surgical are applicationse use of a neuobjects can beachine interfa

e multimodaenhancementmage guidancese tools are foave also beenmersive virtuals (which affec

ls to augmentn effective torriers to the sd of trust.19 Sen mobile use

systems enabce of these syedback to the


e discussed sprgogenic effece of protein sfield researco the use of sth the Institu

he followingon interfaces,p with the Huimage guidemachine intedescribing they IGS System.ain sight, is a kry.72

rena. For exas,25 a 3D roboural networke readily idenace (HMI).73

l sensory stimt and rehabilie systems foround to be efn used along wl reality glasscts balance an

t military simool for other msuccess of theSimilarly, trusers in mobile

ble humans toystems stronge user”.46 The


pecific methoct on increasisupplementsch in order tostimulants inut de recherch

terms: UCI,, teleoperatiouman Compud surgery syserfaces,70 teste state of the36,38 Inattentiknown risk of

ample, onet teleoperatioto significantntified by a lim

muli anditation purpor surgery,ffective atwith augmentes to improvend seeing clea

ulation basedmilitary trainiese virtual wot inferences wsocial netwo

o operate in agly depends oe seven article

r 2015

ds forng


onterstemstinge artonalf




dingorldswereorks (a

aones in

Page 16: METRIC STUDY ON HUMAN OPTIMIZATION · in the Compu 1)and Interfa in the Autom puter Interface (15),InstitutR (9), Defence R. (8), Universit 7), Defence Re), Carleton Uni d institution


this groupincreasedthe use oftelepreseprogrammexperienc

WearableTheWeararticle bypotentiallcomputersignificantreducing jfirst in regExtremityChallengeand exter

3.2 To1,034 Cantop Canadaffiliationauthor’s tmetagrouconsidereagents an


p explore variinteractivity,f vibrotacticlence activitiesming neuromoce can be succ

esrables group hPedersen, “Wy alter mobilrs have beent potential clijoint loading.gards to an exy (ETS MARSEes include hownal infrastruc

op Canadnadian researdian researchand total nutotal numberups. For examed a ‘cognitivend Simulation

c Study

ious ways to i,75 the use ofe displays46 an.39 Telepresenodulation devcessfully used

has only fiveWearable comity, interactivfound to faciinical benefit78 Two of thexoskeleton ty)79 and seconw to sense inpcture, and how

ian Reseachers appearers, with foumber of publof publicatio

mple, Racine’se enhancer’ fowhich each f


on Hum

Page 16 of

improve the qmixed realitynd identifyingnce has also bvices and thatd to accuratel

publications,mputers creatvity and beinglitate task comfor gait analy

e articles in thype robot namndly in regardput, how to pw to remain p

archersred in the datr or more pubications. Thens because aarticle “Geneor healthy indfall into one o

gure 3. Top Au

man Opti


quality of they visualizationg communicabeen found tot expert telemly program a

three of whicte a personalgness (existenmpletion andysis and interhis group discmed Motion As to user inteproduce outppowered.80

aset; of theseblications, aree combined tosingle publicerating geniudividuals” disof the four me

uthors, Areas o


e telepresencen modalities,2

tion requiremo be an effecmentoring ofdevice.76

ch are from 2augmented rnce) in the actd encourage uvention in imuss the desigAssistive Roboerfaces implanut, how to co

e, 132 have ae presented iotal of publiccation may bes: How an Alzscusses Ethicsetagroups.

of Expertise


e experience23 reducing haments for colltive means oan individual

2014. Accordireality…[whictual world”.77

user effort,22

mproving walkn and challenotic Exoskelented underneommunicate b

t least two pun Figure 3 aloations in eache categorizedzheimer’s drus, Reaction Tim


throughaptic data tralaborative huf remotel with no prev

ing to a 2005h] could7 Wearableand to haveking stability anges of wearaeton for Supereath human sbetween devi

ublications. Tong with theih row exceedinto a numbe

ug becameme, Nootropi

r 2015





Therds theer of


Page 17: METRIC STUDY ON HUMAN OPTIMIZATION · in the Compu 1)and Interfa in the Autom puter Interface (15),InstitutR (9), Defence R. (8), Universit 7), Defence Re), Carleton Uni d institution


A completinformatio

3.3 CaThe datasin the dat

Figure 5 pedges (linboxes shosupportin







te list of all auon and areas

anadian Cset includes ataset are pres

presents the Ces) shows theows the totalng raw data fil

nstitut de Rech

Defence Resea

c Study

uthors with twof expertise

Collaboratotal of 352

sented in Figu

Canadian colle number of cnumber of pule are provide

herches CliniquQu


University ofUniveUniv

arch and DeveM

on Hum

Page 17 of

wo or more pis included w

ationsinstitutions, 1ure 4 along wi

Figure 4. Top

aborations wco publicatioublications foed as Attachm

ues de Montreueen's UniversiUniversité Lavsité de Montreversity of OttawBritish Columbersity of Toronversity of Calgalopment CanadMcGill Universi

man Opti


publications, awith this repor

131 of whichith their total

p Canadian Inst

with at least twns between ior each instituments 4 and 5




along with thrt as Attachm

are Canadianl number of p


wo co publicanstitutions, wution. An ima5 with this rep




heir completement 3.

n. The top Canpublications.

ations. The nuwhile the numge file of thisport.



20of Publication


e contact

nadian institu

umber on thembers in the gs map and the




r 2015




Page 18: METRIC STUDY ON HUMAN OPTIMIZATION · in the Compu 1)and Interfa in the Autom puter Interface (15),InstitutR (9), Defence R. (8), Universit 7), Defence Re), Carleton Uni d institution






















Page 19: METRIC STUDY ON HUMAN OPTIMIZATION · in the Compu 1)and Interfa in the Autom puter Interface (15),InstitutR (9), Defence R. (8), Universit 7), Defence Re), Carleton Uni d institution


In the topMichael’sTwo of thThe two psimulationpersonal t

In the topInternatioUBC’s coand motoreality (M

The largepurple onUniversitytime varyenhancempublicatiopublicatioreality anmodel duResearch

The red suUniversitycliniquesperformathree instMontréalduring nigcognitivethree co psports/athexploratiocoping str

The UniveCanada (DDRDC thaUniversityimages93 avehicles w

We also sEnergy’s (


p left green clHospital focuese are also cpublications bn training fortraits.82

p blue cluster,onal Collaborapublications wor propriocepMAR) that can

cluster in thene on the lefty, two of whicying delays85,8

ment technoloons on bilaterons with the Ld haptic interring image guInstitute.

ub cluster in ty. McGill’s code Montréalnce and noottitutions havehas two otheght shifts.30,90

enhancemenpublications whletics and anon using realrategies.92

ersité Laval isDRDC) and thet focus on dey of New Brunand one fromwhich can be

ee a four sep(brown, left) c

c Study

uster, the thrus on cognitivco publishedbetween the Ulaparoscopic

, the Universiation on Repawith Simon Ftion platformbe used for b

e middle incluincludes thech focus on p6 while the laogies (includiral teleoperatLondon Healtrfaces48 and auided epileps

this large cluspublications(IRCM) focustropic agentse another Caner co publicatThe IRCM ha

nts and look awith Ecole denother two cotime online s

part of the pe University oecision suppornswick, one frm 2014 whichused to enha

parate clusterco publicatio

on Hum

Page 19 of

ree co publicave enhancemwith the UnivUniversity ofc surgery81 an

ty of British Cair Discoverieraser Univers

m,83 and a visioboth human a

udes three suUniversity ofassive and nost one looks ang drugs andtion88,89 with Wh Sciences Ceanother on eny surgery.37 T

ster is comprwith the Union cognitiveto name a fenadian instituttions with Sacas three co puat nootropic aTechnologie

o publicationsspatiotempor

purple sub cluof New Brunsrt for the milirom 2006 ondiscusses a lance human c

s with only twns look at dev

man Opti


ations betweeent, nootropversity of CalgToronto andd ethical imp

Columbia’s (Ues (ICORD) focsity look at anon based locaand robot nav

b clusters asOttawa whicon passive inpat the ethicalimplants).87

Western Univentre, one alsnhanced visuaThis last articl

ised of Montversité de Moenhancemenw topics. Fivetion co publiscre Coeur Houblications wagents and poSuperieure os with the Unal topic mode

uster that inclswick. Universitary. DRDC aobject basedaunch and recapabilities an

wo membersvices and inte


en the Univepic agents, andgary, one of wthe Universit

plications of n

UBC) two co pcus on Exosken affordable Balization systevigation.84

identified bych has three cput based tell consideratioCarleton Univversity. Westeso on bilateraalization of ae was also co

real based inontréal and tnt, ethics, soce of the 13 arshing with thospital on circith Dalhousieolicy implication exoskeletoniversité Lavaeling91 and an

udes Defencesité Laval haslso has two cd change detecovery systemnd mitigate ris

each. The Poerfaces, speci


rsity of Torond other knowwhich also looty Health Netneurosurgery

publications weleton and GaBCI controlledem using mo

y the differentco publicationleoperation sons regardingversity has anern Universityal teleoperatiosurgical fieldo published w

stitutions andhe Institut decial issues, corticles co pubem. The Univadian adjustme University oions. McGill Uon, robotics, ml, one on autonother on pai

e Research ans three co pubco publicationection in highm for autonosk.94

owertech Labsifically human


nto and St.wn specific druoks at policietwork look atto enhance

with theait & Walkingd arm exoskebile augment

t colors. Thens with Carletsystems undeg bodynother twoy has anotheon, augmentewith a 3D pa

with Robarts

d Dalhousiee recherchesgnitiveblished by theversité dements on sleen the ethics oUniversity hasmotion, trackonomous adain and social

nd Developmblications witns with theh resolutionmous underw

s and GE Digitn machine

r 2015




r twoedatient






Page 20: METRIC STUDY ON HUMAN OPTIMIZATION · in the Compu 1)and Interfa in the Autom puter Interface (15),InstitutR (9), Defence R. (8), Universit 7), Defence Re), Carleton Uni d institution


interfacesat educatSinai HospaugmenteSherbrooksocial andcognitive

Figure 6 pcoloring anumber oOntario, wand the sa

3.4 IntThe datasAlthoughpublishingleast twomore thansome potinternatiothe Canadcollaboratare includcountriesAttachme


s.95,96 The Uniion, specificapital and Prined reality speke and Unived ethical accesciences (NB

presents the sas in Figure 5of co publicatwith a smallerame map wit

ternationset includes 2Canadian autg with the samco publication two co pubential opportonal collaboradian co publictor have beended as Attachis provided a

ent 12.

c Study

versity of Gully at competcess Margarecifically in regrsite du Quebptability of usICs) to enhan

same collaborand the thickions. This figur cluster in Brh labels on it

Figure 6

nal Collab21 internatiothors are collme institutionons. Only Harvblications withtunities for stating institutiocation landscan removed froments 9 andas Attachmen

on Hum

Page 20 of

elph and Univtency and capet Hospital’s (gards to advabec a Chicoutsing nanotechnce human pe

ration netwokness of the eure highlightsritish Columbare provided

. Geographic M

borationsonal institutioaborating witns in a repeatvard Universih Canadian inrengthening tons with twoape. Canadiaom Figure 7.10. A geograpt 11. A full lis

man Opti


versity of Wapacity building(orange, left)anced image gtimi’s (pink, bhnology, bioterformance.18

rks on a geogedges (lines cos that the majia. An imaged as Attachme

Map of Canadi

sns that haveth internationted fashion. Oty, USA and Ustitutions. Thties with foreor more Can

an collaboratiAn image filephic map of Cst of internati


aterloo’s (yellg,97 and trainco publicatioguidance systottom left) cotechnology, in8,99

graphic map. Tonnecting thejority of the wfile of this ments 6, 7 and

ian Collaborati

co publishednal authors, tOnly 10 internUniversity ofhe 10 internateign researchenadian co pubions that do ne of this map aCanadian collonal collabor


ow, top) co ping dietitiansons focus on vtems.71,72 Theo publicationnformation sc

The clusters re circles) reprwork is centemap, an associ8.


d with Canadithey are not fnational institQueensland,tional instituters. Figure 7blications andnot include anand the assocaborations wrators is prov


publications los.98 The Mounvirtual surgere University ofns look at theciences and

retain the samresents thered in Quebeiated color leg

an institutionfrequently cotutions have aAustralia, hations presentpresents the

d how they fitn internationciated raw da

with all otherided as

r 2015

ookntry andf


ec andgend



e 10t intoalata

Page 21: METRIC STUDY ON HUMAN OPTIMIZATION · in the Compu 1)and Interfa in the Autom puter Interface (15),InstitutR (9), Defence R. (8), Universit 7), Defence Re), Carleton Uni d institution






















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Queen’s UKorea Adv

The UniveUniversitypublicatiorunning,53

UniversityEmirates omodel forand assisttracking o

DRDC haseffects ofaircrew d

Harvard Uwere alsobrain stimalso co puUniversity

4 COThis sciencollaboratworkshop

The resultEthical (23publicatiodataset, tethical issacross vartranscrantechnologunderstooTime, mo


y of British Cod in 2009, discd in 2014, focuion.78

University covanced Institu

ersity of Calgay, Munich, Geons with Florid3 the latter of

y of Ottawa hon U Biofeedr wearable sytive support rof bilateral sh

s two co publnight time flyuring operati

University, USo co publishedmulation.15,106

ublished withy exploring ho

ONCLUSIOtometric studtion networksps that are be

ts of this stud35), Physiologons in Automawo major tresues regardingrious stakehoial direct currgy to viewingod. Could thisre research, a

c Study

olumbia co pucusses ethicaluses on the im

published twute of Science

ary co publishermany on resda State Univf which was a

has two co pudback, a multistems designregarding streared autonom

ications withying on cognions known to

SA has three cd with the UnThe third artMcGill Univeow distraction

ONSdy was comms in the field oing planned t

dy show that Cgical (228) anation/Roboticends emergedg human optiolder domainsrent stimulatiit with cautios be the trendand an explor

on Hum


ublished twol issues relatempact of wea

wo articles one and Techno

hed two articsidual force eversity, USA also co publish

ublications witmedia ubiqued to continuess levels.103 Tmous systems

the Air Forcetive effectiveo impact slee

co publicationniversity of Lyicle is on sociersity. Harvarn can enhanc

missioned to pof human optto bring toget

Canadian resnd Computatiocs (153). Upod. The first is timization, fros. One recention noted a sonary realismd for other etration of the i

man Opti

age 22 of 3

articles withed to neurorearable sensing

computationology in 2010.

les each withenhancementre on constrahed with Corn

th New Yorkuitous biofeeduously monitoThe second ps for real tim

e Research Laeness of CF18p.105

ns with the Uon, France, aial coping strad University hce motor perf

provide an ovtimization. Thther Canadian

earch is fairlyonal/Cognitivon deeper reathat there is aom technologarticle on thehift from misas the risks,hical positioninternational


Standford Unegenerative mg and feedbac

nal simulation.29,101

h Ruhr Univert in human mained optimiznell Universit

University ofdback systemor human phypresents a dese teleoperati

boratory, USA8 pilots,104 and

niversité Lavare on ethicalategies in thohas another cformance.107

erview of Canhis study willn experts in t

y evenly spreave (205), withading of rougha rich and congical, medicale public’s perunderstandinbenefits andns in the humliterature wo


niversity, USAmedicine.100 Tck devices for

n of bone rem

sity and the Tovement.56,10

zation in humty, USA.

Abu Dhabi, Um. The first is aysiology andsign to enhanon applicatio

A from 2006d the use of Z

al. Two of theissues relateose with chroco publication

nadian researassist DRDC ithe field.

ad between th only slightlyhly 200 abstrantinuing discuand social perception of thng and fear ofapplications

man enhancemould help ans


A. The first,he second,r gait analysis

modelling with

Technical02 Their two

man walking54

United Arababout a referconvey messnce stability aons.86

and 2007 onZopiclone by

e articles, whd to non invanic pain92 andn with McGill

rch activity anin facilitating

the metagrouy feweracts in theussion of theerspectives anhe use off an emergenare betterment debate?swer this ques

r 2015

s and

h the




ichasived isl


ups of




Page 23: METRIC STUDY ON HUMAN OPTIMIZATION · in the Compu 1)and Interfa in the Autom puter Interface (15),InstitutR (9), Defence R. (8), Universit 7), Defence Re), Carleton Uni d institution


The seconparticulargroup webased grois highly indevelopmunificatio

WorkshopThere alrelandscapepotentiallface to faoccurringDefence aHuman Ophysical loideas by bis ideally e

This studylandscapestudy, it msame inteCanada is

Given theas possiblvariants aidentify extargeted sworking inmetagroufor extremtiming; auin these a

A final simthe fieldstelerobotfound in tabstractsalso revea


nd trend is thrly notable inre grouped inoup, with oventertwined bments from “bn of issues an

ps are an ideaeady exist a ne, particularlyy be good loace but also awithin relativand Security mptimization tocation for thbringing togetexplored at th

y was a first ae. The datasetmight be interernationally. Imore focuse

e scope of thee over the huand subtopicsxisting researsearching in sn the areas. Tups table provme environmeutonomous syand many oth

milar recommthat are morics, virtual rethese subtopibut we knowal more Canad

c Study

e convergencthe Human En a technologrlap betweenetween the twboth sides of tnd communiti

al way of buildnumber of coly located in Mcations for plllow others tove close proxmay want to co avoid excluhe Centre of Ether more thahe distributed

attempt to prot was a smallresting to appt might also bed on than the

e project, thisuman optimizthat are beinrch collaboratselected subtoThis might bevided by the cents; load carystems and trer subtopics.

endation wore closely relaality, wearabics did not new that these todian research

on Hum


ce of technoloEnhancement/gy based groun the two. Thiwo domains.the coin”. Thies in the fou

ding connectlaboration ne

Montreal, Torolanned workso join in the cimity betweeconsider deveding active reExcellence maan those in ad workshops.

ovide an oversubset of theply the groupbe interestinge internation

study used azation field. Tng researchedtions in Canadopics in ordeof particularclient, such asrriage and solrust, responsi

uld be to conated to improles, and enhaecessarily expools are usedhers and colla

man Opti

age 23 of 3

ogical and soct/Augmentatiup while anotis highlights tIt is thus fruiis supports thr main areas

ions betweenetworks withionto, Ottawashops as theyconversation.en Montreal aeloping a virtesearchers onay actually incsingle locatio

rview of the Ce much largerings to the lag to assess whal field.

a search stratehe logic was td. This approada. Subsequer to identify ainterest for ts: wound senldier; counteribility, privacy

nsider doing aving human panced vision tlicitly make cto improve p

aborations in


cial issues in tion group. Twher two thirdhe fact that titful to explorhe argumentof human op

n researchersin the Canadiand Vancouv

y would allow. While the mand Toronto,ual network fn the other sicrease cross fon. Ultimately

Canadian humr internationarger set to sehether there

egy that attemthat this appach did resultent studies many additionathe more milising; self decrmeasure agey, etc. as very

additional, carperformanceto name a fewconnections toperformance.the field.


the research.wo thirds of thds were groupthe field of hure the issues,for an intere

ptimization re

s and topics wian human opver. These fow existing netwmajority of thethe Institutefor the Centrede of the coufertilization oy, this might b

man optimizaal dataset. Inee if the reseaare any parti

mpted to casroach shouldt in a useful smight consideal literature anitary orientedcontaminatioents; positiony limited litera

refully constror human caw. The researo human opt. Additional s


. This washe articles inped in a sociauman optimiztopics, reseast in facilitatiesearch.

within a field.ptimizationour cities coulworks to intee research isfor Researche of Excellencuntry. Forgoinof research anbe a question

tion researcha subsequentarch focus is tcular areas th

t the net as wcatch all theubset of datar doing morend researched subtopics inn aids; adaptn, navigation aature was fou

ructed, searchpabilities sucrch that wasimization in tearches migh

r 2015

thisalzationarch,ng a


ce onng andn that



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rsn theationandund

hes inch as


Page 24: METRIC STUDY ON HUMAN OPTIMIZATION · in the Compu 1)and Interfa in the Autom puter Interface (15),InstitutR (9), Defence R. (8), Universit 7), Defence Re), Carleton Uni d institution


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10. Fie

11. Cso

12. McoB

13. Hp

14. LamInD

15. Lepse

16. Lain42

17. VtrD(C


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m and


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6 AP

6.1 At

6.2 M

6.2.1 STo addresseveral daDefense T

Filename1. HE – M

2. HE – R

3. HE – C

4. HE – CFinal.p

5. HE – CData.x

6. HE – GCollab

7. HE – GCollab

8. HE – GCollab

9. HE – CCollab

10. HE – CRaw D

11. HE – CGephi

12. HE – L





earchesss the key queatabases incluTechnical Info

Metagroup Me

Research Cluste

Canadian Autho

Canadian – Canpng

Canadian Canaxlsx

Geographic Maborations.pngGeographic Maborations LEG

Geographic Maborations – wit

Canadian Canaborations TG Fi

Canadian InterData.xlsxCanadian Inter.png

List of Internati

c Study




estions in thisuding Scopus,rmation Cent


ers Final 100 –

ors Contact.xls

nadian Collabo

dian Collabora

ap of Canadian

ap of CanadianEND.ppt

ap of Canadianh labels.png

dian International.png

national Collab

national Collab

ional Collabora

on Hum


s project a bro, Inspec, Comter (DTIC), and



rations TG

ations – Raw


borations –



man Opti

age 30 of 3

oad search onpendex, Natiod CANadian D

DescriptioLists subjec

Shows the care not clusFigure 2.

Provides cowhen issueforeign aut


Raw data uresearchers

Canadian coGephi. SamLegend forof Canada.

Canadian coGephi with

CollaboratioresearcherscollaboratioSame as FigRaw data uand internaWorld mapother countline reflectscountriesA list of all i


n human optional TechnicaDefence Infor

onct groups in eac

clusters withinstered are not

ontact informats arose regardhors.

on map of Canh. Same as Fig

sed to create cs in TouchGrap

ollaborations ome as Figure 6.color coding in

ollaborations olabels on the m

on map of Cans. Only Canadiaon are presentgure 7.sed to create cational researcshowing collatries around ths the number o

international i


imization wasal Informationrmation Datab

ch of the four

n the subject grincluded in th

tion, area of exding affiliation.

nadian researchure 5.

collaboration mph.

overlaid on ma

n Canadian col

overlayed on mmap.

nadian and inteans with an intted. Created in

collaboration mchers in TouchGaborations betwhe world. The tof collaboratio

nstitutions in t


s conducted in Service (NTbase (CANDID


roups. Those te map. Same a

xpertise, and nIncludes some

hers. Created i

map of Canadia

ap of Canada in

laboration on

map of Canada

ernationalternationaln TouchGraph.

map of CanadiaGraph.ween Canada athickness of thns between

the dataset.

r 2015











Page 31: METRIC STUDY ON HUMAN OPTIMIZATION · in the Compu 1)and Interfa in the Autom puter Interface (15),InstitutR (9), Defence R. (8), Universit 7), Defence Re), Carleton Uni d institution


Due to exresulting imajority ofrom thessearch resbased onexclusionwere retaomissions

Table 4 lisvarious bofinal publ

6.2.2 AAll referencreation odata and

Keywordskeywordssubject anthrough asubject gr

4 DTIC Mul


xport challengin only 3 relevof records wese searches, 1sulted in a daaffiliation couand a list of 3

ained. Througs were made

sts the concepoolean operaications were

Analysisnces were doof various groprofile the ac

s, classificatios and naturalnalysis (hereaa variety of steroups. Keywo

tisearch site: h

c Study

ges, roughly 1vant Canadiaere American122 publicatioataset of closeuntry and aut300 titles forgh the groupiresulting in a

pts included itors dependie found in Sco



ownloaded intoupings, statisctivities of the

on codes, indelanguage proafter referredeps. First, theords (that had


on Hum


1000 articles wn records. A sand the recoons were prove to 15 000 inthor affiliatiopotential omng process rofinal subset o

in the search.ng on the datopus.

Table 4



to VantagePostical analysee major playe

ex keywords,ocessing of titto as keywor

e table of metd at least five


man Opti

age 31 of 33

were manualsearch was alrds were notvided by the cnternational pns. This subse

mission was proughly 250 mof 366 highly

. These termstabase that w

4. Search Term


mangnitivedierividualsonalsonnelotronautcrewopsecial operationht surgeonantryitary

oint softwares, matrices, gers.

key phrase idles and abstrrds). Keywortagroup provtitles associa



ly scanned frolso conductedt easily exportclient to inclupublications. Aet was searchrovided to theore articles wrelevant Can

s were used inwas searched.





for analysis.graphs, and cr

dentifiers, subacts were merds were thenided by the cted with them



om the DTICd in SPIE buttable. In addude in the anaA Canadian shed for pre dee client for rewere reviewenadian publica

n multiple co. In the end, t



VantagePoinross correlati

bject headingerged togethen organized inclient was usem) that were



metasearch sdropped as tition to the realysis. The iniubset was creefined topicseview. 30 articd and necessations.

mbinations wthe majority o

nt enables theions to analyz

gs, authorer to facilitatento subject gred to createnot yet grou


r 2015


withof the

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Page 32: METRIC STUDY ON HUMAN OPTIMIZATION · in the Compu 1)and Interfa in the Autom puter Interface (15),InstitutR (9), Defence R. (8), Universit 7), Defence Re), Carleton Uni d institution


were revithe full inA full list oexclusionof group m

DifferentVantagePwhile Tabanalysis toused in thResourceslocations,to TorontQuebec, M


ewed and adternational dof keywords i. When in domembership.

analytical toooint. TouchGbleau softwareool was usedhis tool. Whes Canada, a sithe dominato which hadMedicine Hat

c Study

ded to existinataset prior tin each groupoubt, article ti

ols were usedraph software was used toto produce tn affiliationsingle locationte location in13 of the 33 p, Halifax and

on Hum


ng or new groto analysis ofp was provideitles and abst

d to generatere was used foo generate buhe geographihad multiplen was chosen,the dataset wpublications.Suffield.

man Opti

age 32 of 32

oups. Finally,the Canadian

ed to the clientracts were re

graphs basedor cluster anaubble graphs.ic maps. Geoclocations, pa, typically in Owas chosen. TThe remaind


a preliminaryn set, was usent for revieweviewed to de

d on statisticaalysis and visuGephi, an opcodes for eacarticularly forOttawa. For oThis occurreder were split


y cluster maped to add anywho identifieetermine the

al operationsualization of tpen source soch Canadian ar federal officeother institutiwith DRDC wbetween Ott


that was buiy missing groued terms forappropriaten

performed inthe subject grocial networkaffiliation weres such as Naons with mulwhich is mapptawa, Valcarti

r 2015

lt onups.


