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chroniclingamerica.loc.gov · M,fctfcliy, piously,joytuiiy breftiBIB^mnTT^ouITw mingle in its...

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M, fctfcliy, piously, joytuiiy breftiBIB^mnTT^ouITw mingle in its onward, heavtnwnrd transitions with the toft rippling murmurs which fell fainter and faint¬ er on hi* ear. ; ... ."Wcgmphic accounts from Ogdenslrarg fur¬ nish some particlars of the loss of the steamer Ocean 'Ware, on Saturday last, on Lake Ontario. She took fire from her furnace on her down wad trip, about forty miles above Kingston, at 2 o'clock in the morn¬ ing. When the fire was first discovered she was about a mile and a half from the shore, for which she immediately headed, but so intense was the heat that her Jtachineey gave out and she drifted <o sea. Thfe upper cabin was consumed in about fifteen minutes, ana in two hoars the hull went down. Tlse'rt were on board fourteen cabin and nine deck passengers, besides four children and the crew making the frnmber about fifty, of whom"twenty-two were saved. These were picked up by the schooner Georgianna bit a few minutes before the sinkingof the wreck. Among those lost arc Mrs. Donald, a nurse nnd three chil¬ dren of the cashicr of the Gore Bank, Hamilton ; three ladies names unknown ; and Mr. Lyman B. Fiske, of Ogdensbnrg. The progress of the flames was so rap¬ id that it was imposible to launch any of the boats which were on board. v. ..A Washington correspondent of the New York Commercial says: a The President, it is said, docs not mean to confer office on mv of his relations. The stories of his de¬ clining health are unfounded. He looks quite well, and is active and elastics While in church (he at¬ tends the New School Presbyterian twice on Sabbath.) his countenance is fixed, pale and thoughtful, as if with the associations of the place were entertwincd the image of his lost son. In his officc, dealing with all sorts of men, all his powers are called into activi¬ ty, and he looks like a different sort of man, though the " weight of that huge grief' still presses on his heart Never was a man so beleaguered by office- seeker*. But he can smile a refusal with an eiempla- rv, u -.t'anejnd unchangeable decision. He has Mr. Kllmo Irish porter at the gate of the palace, and his English ante-cliamber usher, relieved by the prox¬ imity of his own orderly sergeant, a model of a mili¬ tary and civil man, possessing a good share of the courtesy of his chief" ... .ITon. X. P. Tallmadge, formerly U. S. Senator from New York, writes to the National Intelligencer a letter expressing his firm belief in the spiritual rap- pings and other similar demonstrations. He says he has had frequent communications from John C. Cal¬ houn, Daniel Webster and Henry (.lay, and that these communications are all characteristic of the individ- wftlt some of those from Mr. Calhonn tieing, " both In style and sentiment, worthy of him in his palmiest days in the IT. S. Senate." The Earthquake, the shock of which has been noticed as having been felt at Washington and Wheel¬ ing, was quite severe at Lynchburg, Va. At the rail¬ road depot it shook the desk on which Mr. F. G. Mor¬ ris n, the Secretary and treasurer, was writing, to such an extent that he was compelled to stop. A glass half filled with water, on the same desk, liad the water al¬ most thrown out of it It lasted about a minute and ji half. ... .The extraordinary diamond recently found in Brazil is said to be a stone of rare beauty. The'dis- .oovcrer was an old black slave woman, who immedi¬ ately carried it to her master, a Brazilian, in very meedr circumstances, lie immediately gave the slave 3»er Khertv. and sent his brother to Kio with the dia- anond. The Commercial Bank advanced hiui 1,000 .centos, about £ 10,000 on the gem. . . .. A correspondent of the Richmond Enquirer myi that the cholera is prevailing in Clarkesville, Mecklenburg, and on some of the plantations on the Jloanoke river. . .James Polk, Esq- late Naval Officer of Bal¬ timore, it iii stated, has received the appointment of foal A pea! fc/r the Navy Department, in the place of i. Juratsno. Esci_ removed. T!ie salary is S51.fW.i0 a year, tart tla» conuait>*w£i £>Jirch.i^cs makes the of¬ fice quite lucrative. A late Paris letter says; ^'Laaiartine, the r~- hern «sf 181$. is said to be totally ruined, *nd reduoe-i to a state <jf fortune quite near to pover- ty. For manv years the jx.-c-t had lieen living in a targe Wiicl. N«i 80 Rue de l'l. nivarsite: but lie has moved into a very small ajiartinent at No. 47 same street, where iie intends devotiM^; himself to the u l it- Sag of book?, and that only."" . -Francnnrs Hippodrome was opened in New York on Monday night. Over tune thousand persons were preseut at tlie performances. ...Ykm.'RoM. O. Simw. who died in Hostonon TcCElIity, left an immense pnojiertv, estimated at be- t ween 'wo threr laiHioiis of dollars. His eon- tribulions to objects ofvharitr during his life-time ore stated iu the Boston Transcript to have amount- cd to tlie large sum of four hundred thonsand (ioK- c Tomatoes.a small supply.wire t?xpo?cd for j *rlr in the Centre market, iV-ashimgton, f-aturd:> v I 1 ef«ire last. Tiiey wore brought from the South, wrapped in papersuitl packed in boxes, ntier the man¬ ner of im|iorteil ornnyes and lemons. Sound ones only lift v cents a dozen, and those partially decayed twenty-five cents. ....The receipts of CVwl at Alesaa^ria. fi»r t'-o month of April, ns gtatcd 1>olow. have l»ocvi IS^iUl tons. heinjr nearly **o per cent. more than those of March, which were five ami twenty per cent, more twin nay jwr^us nnwitb. Tons. Cwi» Ctjrot«erlaml Coal and Iron Co. Vio Frost 1 »tir>r I-oal < '-o. 2t»*7 Donkn Mining Co*. 2T«»2 l^'JO Parker Vein Co. !">.) 13-20 Allegliaujy Mining <\>. l'X!0 18.121 17-2U ....The Loudonn Chronicle says:."We under¬ stand that the contractor (Mr. Boners.) for puttiu-z upThe Point of Rocks Bridge, lifts decamped t<> j> t.s unksnwn and lert liis workmen to whistle tor their mv. The company lias taken the work into their own hands, and will continue it under the management of the late foreman of Mr. Bowers." .... Tlie Governor, Exe -ntive Coum-i!. and man" Senators and Representatives- of the legislature of Massachusetts, have suhsrril'wl on« day's t'nv to aid in the completion of the National Monument in Wash¬ ington. ... .New potatoes from Bermuda arc sellin-r at Wasliingti.11 at one dollar (ier J»eck; tomatoes lifty cents per dozen. ...»The Scientific American stite.s on re'iaMe authority, that "if at two fool aliove the throat of your chimney, yon enlarge ttie opening to double the size of a spice of two feet, then carry up the rest as at first, your chimney will never smoke." ... .Oerrit Smith has started a newspaper at Ca- zenovial, called "The Progressive Christian." Some of the scoffers at things higher lawisli dare to call it " The Christian Propeller," and oilier profane wa, i denominate it "The Christian Go-Ahead." ...-R. G. Barnwell ttf South Carolina, who goes to Knrope on business connected with the establishment of a Continental Depot for Cotton, has bccome con¬ nected with the "Oattoti Plant," of Baltimore, as co- editor. . ...Pr. John C. Callionn. n son of tire lamented South Carolinian, it is understood, will be appointed »is Secretary of Legation to France or Spain. MARRIAGES. In the Episcopal Church, on Thursday mornmtr, 23th ultimo, by Rev. C. W. A-.-nnr.ws, Dr. VINCENT M. BUTLER and Miss MATILDA W., daughter of Henry B£**y, Sen., Esq..all of Slicphcrdstown. On Tuesdaf, '26th ultimo, by Rev. Samcbi. Goveii, Mr. JAMES SNOOTS and Miss ANN MARIA FRY .all of Loudoun. On Thursday, 23tli ultimo, by Rev. Mr. Symes, Mr. GEORGE F. gHRYER and Mica MARY, daughter of Washington- Evans.all of Cumberland, Maryland. At Runnvmcde, on Tuesday, 3d instant> by Rev. P. FfcETHEB, Mr. SETH MASON TJMBERLAKE. of Frederick county, and Miss ANN ELIZABETH, daughter ofPeter H. Rocsb, Esq.,of Berkeley county. At St. John's Church, Washington, by Rev. Smyth Pyne, D.D., on Saturday, 30th ultimo, Commander WM. H. GARDNER, Ul S. Navy, and VIRGINIA, daughter of the late Caby Seldev, Esq., of tlrat city. On Wednesday, 4th instant, at Charles street M. E. Church, by the lather of the bride, Mr. CHARLES M. CULLEN, of Georgetown, Delaware, and Miss C. VIRGINIA,only daughter of tlie Rev. Bishop Wacgii, of Baltimore. On Thursday, 2Sth ultimo, by Rev. Samcel Cover, Mr. JOHN T. CUMMINS and Miss HANNAH E. HAINS.all of Loudoun. On Fridav, 294h ultimo, bv Rev. Jap. A. Dcncan, Mr. SYLVESTER HOLLEN and Miss SALLY MA- THUS.all of Loudoun. DEATHS. At his residence, near Mt. G ilead, in Loudoun coun¬ ty, on the 20th April, of typhoid pneumonia, after a lew days illness, Mr. EVAN WILKINSON, in the 62d year of his age. In Lecsburg, on Wednesday morning, 27th ultimo, Mrs. EVELINE RYAN, aged about 36 years. On Tuesday, 3d instant, at her residence, near Shepherdslown, Mrs. LCRAKE FCLK, in the Goth year of her age. In Alexandria, on first day, the first instant, at 6 o'clock, p. m., SARAHS. JaNnEY, relict of Phineas Janney, in the 68th year of her age. TRIBUTE OF RESPECT. Ham. or Trilaminar Lodge, No. 117, > F. and A. Masons, Middleway, May 1,1853. > At a special communication held this day the fol¬ lowing preamble and resolutions were unanimously Adopted : ,Whereas, It has pleased ail all-wise Providence to remove by death from our midst, in the bloom of life, our late and much esteemed Junior Warden, Brother Joseph-Thornton Grantham, be it jKtaoicetf, That our sympathy and condolence be, udjire hereby tendered to the bereaved widow in this her sad and solemn bereavement, and to the other re¬ latives of our deceased brother. Rtaolred, That this Hall be clothed in the drapery of mourning, /.and espocially that part which our de¬ ceased brother occupied so well,) for the period of six months; and that the brethren wear the usual badge of mourning- sixty days. Hnolnni, That a copy of these resolutions be signed by the Worshipful Master and Secretary, and trans¬ mitted to the sadly afflicted and bereaved widow ofour deceased brother- Is* feed, That the Editors of tlie Newspapers in this FOB; THE WEEK ENDING APRIL 29, 1853. ftEP'OfeTBDFOR THE SPIRIT OF JBFTSBSON BTM. DANSH, COMMISSION MEBCHAjrr, HOWARD STREET. CATTLE:.There were offered at the stales'on $Icm- day 400 head of Beeves; 300 of which number were sold to cky Butchers, and Packers, 100 were driven to the Eastern markets. Prices ranged from 9'4.00 a $5.00 on the hoof, equal to $8.00 a $9.76 net, and averaging' 4.75 gross. HOGS..We quote nominally at $7.00 a 8.00.. COFFEE..Wc note sales ofabout 2395 bags Rio at 9J a 10 cents. FLOUR..Howard Street Flocr..On Saturday the market was dull, and no transactions took place'; On Monday the market opened with sales of 900 bbls. choice brands at 94.87J. On Tuesday the market was quiet, with small sales of choice brands in $4.87 J, and other sales at 84.81). On Wednesday the mar-' ket continued steady, and sales of 700 bbls. were made at $4.81 {. On Thursday the steamer's news seemed to have no effect, as there were sales of 1200 bbls. at $4,811. To-day the market is quiet. We note sales of 600 tbls. at $4.87 J. Citt Mills Flour..In the course of the week some 1800 bbls. of fresh ground liave been taken for export at the uniform rate of $5. CORN MEAL..Sales of Baltimore bbls. at $3.00. The inspections of Flour for the week are : 12,628 barrels and 260 half barrels. Also, 1149 bbls. Corn Meal. GRAIN..WiiBATi.We quote good to prime reds atll5aJ16 cunts; white at 116 a 122 cents; and of family flour whites at 124 a 127 cents. CORNi.To-day we quote at 53 a 54 cts. for white, and 58 a 69 cts. for yellow. OATS..We quote Starvland at 3S a 42 cents. CLOVERSEED..Sales this week at $7.50 a 7.75 per bushel. MOLASSES..We quote New Orleans 29 a 30 cts.; Cuba 21 a 24 cents, and Porto Rico 22 a -29 cents. BACON..Wc quote Sid& at 8 a 8J cents, Should¬ ers at 6J a 6Jcents, and Haiiis at 11. LARD..Wc note sales of 400 bbls. Western Lard 10 cts. WHISKEY..Wc quote bbls. at a 23 cents, and hhds. at 22j cents. WOOL.Tubwashed 27 a 30 cents, pulled 30 a 37J cents, unwashed 37 a 40 cents. ALEXANDRIA MARKET. FOR THE WEEK ENDING MAY 6, 1853. FAMILY FLOUR, per bbl $6 00 a 6 50 SUPERFINE FLOUR, per bbl 4 621 a 4 75 WHEAT, (red) per bushel 1 03 a 1 07 Do. (white) do 1 08 a 1 12 RYE, per bushel 0 60 a 0 65 CORN, (white) 0 52 a 0 53 Do. (yellow) , 0 54 a 0 55 OATS, per bushel ..... v. ...... i :0 40 a 0 42 CORN MEAL .0 58 a 0 60 BUTTER, (roll) * 0 18 a 0 20 Do. (firkin) 0 16 a 0 18 BACON, (hog round) .0 OS' a 0 09 LARD 0 09 a 0 94 CLOVERSEED >...8 00 a 8 25 TIMOTHY SEED , 3 50 a 000 PLAISTER, (retail) 4 25 a 0 00 WINCHESTER MARKET. FOR THE WEEK ENDING MAY 6, 1853. CORRECTED WEEKLY BY SAML. HARTLfeY, AT THE DEPOT. ARTICLE.*?. WAGON PRfCfe. STORE PRICE. BACON, new, per lb 07 J a OS OS a 8i BEESWAX 25 a 00 23 a 00 CLOVERSEED 6 25 a 6 50 6 75 a 7 00 FEATHERS 00 n 00 45 a 50 FLAXSEED, per bushel...95 a 1 00 1 00 a 1 10 FLOUR, per barrel 4 37 a 4 50 4 75 a 5 00 GRAIN.Wheat 85 a 90 95 a 1 02 Oats 28 a 31 33 a 37 Corn 40 a 45 60 a 00 Rye 60 a 65 65 a 70 LARD, per lb OS a 0S£ 09 a 10 PLAISTER, per ton 0 00 a 0 00 6 00 a 0 00 Sales of Virginia Stocks in Richmond, May »>. Virginia State Stock, 6 per ccnt., 34 years to run, inter<*st from date, sales at the Trnsurr § 109 Virginia State Stock, 25 years isssue, sal»w this week....... 107 and int. Virginia State Stork, of 20 years is- over 10 years to run, with in¬ terest from jan. 1 106 and int. f' 'oinia State Stock, of 20 years is- PU., 10 years and under to run, with interest from Jan. 1 103 and int. B- -ids ^uarai.tcsd by thc_ State of Virginia, with interest from Jan. 1. last sales, 105 and int. City of Richmond Stock, with inter¬ est from Jan. 1, short dau's* 10*2 nud interest long-, ". 104 and int. L.vn hburg- Coupon Bonds, 30 years to run, 100 and int. Vi/rinia Bank Stcck, par £70, sales this week, 76) Farrr.-rs* Bank Stock, sales this w#»*k,. 109 J Exchange Bank Stock, sales this w.-!c rt Norfolk.. 110 Vi..rvi'a Fir.-* and Marine Insurance St*xk, last sales, 1 IS Riel-;'i»-»nd Fire Association Stock, par >$20, last sales, 33 Rtchm-»nd, Fredericksburg'and Po- t->i;iac Railroad stock, last sales 98^ ilieliiiiond and Danville Railroad SNn'Ic, last sales, 65 Riclin- nd and Petersburg Railroad St«.ek, last sale*, 40 Jam s River and Kanawha Stock, sales this week, 17 Virginia Central Railroad Stock, sales this week at auction,. 50 |>pfrial fjafirrs. S-ver-0 ministers froin a distance arc exported to be pr-scni. [May 10. (ff>- Keligiou*k»-rrhere will be Preaching at !.*!!< Braneh Church on ti:c Second and Third Sab- butlis in May, at 10-. o'clock, A. M. [May 3. Cr>CM. BENJAMIN MORGAN will be supported * an Independent Candidate to represent Clarke t-ji'nt^ in the next IIoiLse of DeJeg-af*. M.ty 3,1853. Many Voters. a re authorized toannouiiCcthat DrIIANSON DORSE V is a candidate to renr»*scnt the county of Warren in the next House of D«*1e»ra?ea. Qt3~ 'Ve arc authorized lo announce ftUCKNER ASM BY, Esq., as a candidate to represent the county of Clarke in the next House of Delegates. Co-w e arc authorized to announce Col. ANDREW KEVSER as a candidate for re-el»-cti«»n to the House of Delegates of Virginia from the county of Pag-e. April 5, 1353.te" 0C?*We arc authorized to aimoXince Col. JOHN W. MINOR as a candidate to represent the county of Loudoun in the next Virginia House of Delegutes. QO-Wc arcauthorized toannounce THOMAS PUR- CKLL, Esq., as a candidate to represent the county of Loudoun in the next Virginia House of Delcg-atea. April 5, 1853.tc* Through by Express. MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT. Messrs. A. G. Bragg & Co..Gentlemen: We have been using-your MEXICAN MUSTANG LINI¬ MENT with the most perfect success. One of our most valuable Express horses had been much troubled by large swelling's or tumors on the fetlocks; they had grown larger than hen's eggs. Resides being- disfi¬ gured by these appendages, the limbs and joints ap- pcarcd quite stiffened, swollen and lame. We had tried many Liniments and other remedies, but no¬ thing' app«*ared to produce any effect upon them. We would willingly have given twenty-live dollars to have had them removed, and the horse restored to sound¬ ness. Our hostler obtained some of your Liniment, and applied it without our knowledge. A few days ago he called our attention to the horse, and to our surprise and gratification, his legs were perfectly smooth, the tumors having entirely disappeared ! We asked him by what inajric he had effected such a re¬ markable cure? His reply was that he had been using the MUSTANG LINIMENT on them about ten days, and the result was the entire removal of the tumors without producing any soreness or leaving a scar.^ We therefore take great pleasure in recommending the Liniment, and shall continue to vise it whenever occasion requires* 111 preference to-any other prepara¬ tion, so long its it produces such remarkable results. KINGSLBY & CO., Southern and Eastern Express, No. 1 Wall street, June 30, 1852. corner ofBroad way, New York. Since the al>ovc certificate was given, Messrs. Kins¬ ley & Co., inform us that one oT their drivers was thrown from his wagon in the upper part of the city, and very badly bruised, the wagon passing over his body. He was taken into a Doctor's office closeb^, and the Physician told him to u«e the Mustang Lini¬ ment, as lie had recently tried it in a similar case with great success. He did so, and all the soreness, lame¬ ness, and stiffness was removed, so tliat the next day he was about his business as usual. New York, July 31,1852..We hereby certify that we have used the Compound known as the Mustang* Liniment, and have 110 hesitation in recommending it as the best article we have ever psed for the cure of Sprains, Galls, Cuts, Bruises, etc., on horses. All who doubt this, will please call on the undersigned, and they will be happy to afford nil other information in their power as regards its efficacy, etc. LUTZ, DALL & CO., Proprietors Manhattan Stage Company. JTlic Liniment is put up in three sizes and retails for 23 cts., 50 cts. and $1.the 50 cts. and 1 sizes con¬ tains three and six times as much as the 25 cts. size, and is much cheaper. A. G. BRAGG & CO., sole proprietors, 304 Broad¬ way, New York, and corner of 3d and Market streets, St. Louis, Missouri. For sale bv all Druggists. to-L. M. SMITH, Cliarlcstown, T. D. HAMMOND and A. M. CR1DLER, Harpers-Ferry, Agents. May 3, 1353.2w to- Always on hand at Duck's Mammoth Clothing store, sign of large p;«nts, neartheast corner of Union and Second streets, Philadelphia. The citi¬ zens of Charlestown and vicinity are particularly invi¬ ted to call at the Mammoth Clothing store, which is noted for cut and elegant fit. The Clothing is made of the best and finest cloth, and will be sold at the very lowest prices. Remember readers the large Check Pants. Be sure and call at L. BUCK'S, Northeast corner of Union and 2d streets, April 5, 1853.3m Philadelphia. fr3-Strange.--A gentleman was seen yes¬ terday looking for a good and cheap Clothing Store. Being a stranger, he had never heard of Rockhill & WiLsoN'eatw-liich all the spectators wereamazed. He was soon shown the way to.it, and was so satisfactorily supplied, that he is going to buy all his clothes there ancl send all his friends to the cheap store, No 111 Ches- nut street, corner of Franklin Place, Philadelphia. November 16, 1852. lion is belfeved to be eicessive^atftf the mortification is deeply shared By the ^efcplA of P^ris, to whom, it. would ntive afioraM ftie grtinjilM'possibte.Occtoraa for a display of sentiment. It is difficult to conceive what result the advisers, Of his holiness cftiv expect from this.' Austria is' ta'questi&nibiy,- and indeed ali most avowedly the real iOstigatorj .bfi;t UwCt the Pope should suppose stt; c£n protect him from ultimately yielding to the demands of Francp( seems--httpowihlev An apparent-fcOiatfesj is gtowing up between the COurtsi of Vienna and Paris, and there are many per¬ sons who expect to Hear, at no very distant date, of another Auste'rlitz. Import?..The imports of foreign dry goods at New York during the four months past, ending last Sa¬ turday week, are valued at over $30,000,000, against less than $20,000,000 for the corresponding season of last year. " V. B. PALMEUj the AmericSti Se#!- papcr Agent, is the authorized Agent for this paper in the cities of Boston, New York, And Philadelphia, and is duly empowered to take' advertisements and sub¬ scriptions at the rates as required, by us. His receipts ill be regarded as payments. His Ofl)ccs are: Bos¬ ton, Scolfay's Building; New Yobk, Tribune Build- n J ». ... ings; Philadelphia, N, "VV. coriier Third and Chest¬ nut streets.'' From the Charlestown Tin-Ware. Stove, Roofing, Spouting-, Lightning-Rod, Shower-Bath and Bathing-Tub ESTABLISHMENT! THE Machinery of this Establishment is in full ope¬ ration and the above mentioned Wares are .now rolling out with a rush. TIN-WARE. The assortment of Tin-» arc now on liand is exten¬ sive, and all orders from Merchants will receive prompt attention and Wares be. delivered at their places of business without extra charge. STOVES. The Metropolitan Elevated Oven Cook Stove, for burning wood, is a strong and durable Stove, and will be sold with all fixtures complete, delivered, set up and warranted to operate well, for $30, §35 and $40 for Nos. .3, 4 and 5. All persons in want of a good Stove, will please forward their orders and they shall have the pleasure of seeing^one ofthe best stoves now in use, in operation In their kitchens, and if the Stove does not operate satisfactorily, it will be taken away after six days trial and no grumbling. A good selection of other patterns of Stoves kept constantly on liand, which will be sold cheap. ROOFING AND SPOUTING Will be done in a thorough manner, at short notice and at prices that defy competition. LIGHTNING RODS. Iron Rods with silver-plated Points, Brass Connec¬ ters, Glass Insulaters and malable fastenings, will be put up in a durable manner at low prices. SHOWER BATHS & BATHING TUBS. During- the Summer months may be found at this Establishment a good assortment of Shower Batlis, Bathing Tubs, Boston-Boats; Hip-Baths, Foot-Tubs, &c., &c., which will be finished in the neatest possible style and sold at Baltimore prices. JOB WORK. Job Work of every description, connected with the Tin and Sheet Iron business, will be done with neat¬ ness and promptitude.in short this Establishment shall be the Emporium for the above mentioned wares and Great Bargains will be given to all its patrons. T1IOS. D. PARKER. Charlestown, May 10, 1353. (XJ- Cotton Rags, Wool, Hides, Sheep Skins, Old Copper, Brass, Pewter, Lead, Iron, Dried Fruit, Bees¬ wax, Beans, Corn, Hay, Oats, Wood and Bacon taken at the highest current prices in cxcliange for ware or work. 1". D. P. LOST, ABOUT the 12th of April, either in the streets or stores of Charlestown or oil the road leading to Lectown, a large pale Topaz Stone BREASTPIN, with plain gold setting, without a back. The finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving it at this office, as the owner prizes it above its intrinsic value. May 10, 1853..3t SAMUEL J. C. jHOOBE. GEORGE H. BECKWIT1I. To The CITIZENS OF JEFFERSON & CLARKE. THE undersigned begr leave to announce that they are cngag-ed in the Illcrcantile Business, in the Store House at Summit Point, formerly occupied by Seevers & Bro. They have just received, and now ofTer a full and complete assortment of Spring and SuM»ir.a Goods, of the very latest and the most approved styles. They would call the attention of the Ladies to their Dress Goods, consisting of Silks, Tissues, Grenadines, Be- ran-e de Laines, Lawns, &c., which, in beauty and cheapness, will favorably compare with any that can be found. They have also an excellent stock of Cloths, Cas- sitneres, Summer Cloths, and other goods for gentle¬ men's wear. ... , Their stock of Grocriccs and Domestics is large and well selected; in short, they have on hand, and intend to keep constantly, all such Goods as are usually found RtpRODU$E of all sorts taken in exchange for goods, at the highest market P«ces. nrnvwrrn They solicit a call. MOORE & BECKW ITH. P. S. Having leased the Depot and Warehouse, we shall wive close attention to the Forwarding and He- ceivin- Business. We have reduced the commissions upon goods received, and they a»e now as low as at any Depot on the road. * Summit Point, May 10, 1S53..tf. A CARD. riSS MARY REED would respectfully inform L the citizens of Charlestown and vicinity that she is now engaged in teaching upon the PIANO, and de¬ sires the patronage of a g-cnerous public. She will also give Instructions in Vocal Music. Charlestown, May 10, 1853. ICE CREAM SALOON. WOULD respectfully inform the public that - my Ice Cream Saloon is airain opened, and I will at all times keep on hand that delightful re- fr.-shmeiit, flavored to suit the tastes of all. Mav 10. J. F. BLESSING. RESH FRUITS..I have just receiv¬ ed a fresh assortment of Fruits, among which will be found Pine Apples, Oranges, Lemons, Raisins, Figs, &c. May 10. J. F. BLESSING. ESTRAY BULL. TAKEN up about the 31st of October, 1852, a dark brindlc bull, no brands, whitcspot in his forehead, short stubby horns, the near leg is white up to the knee. The owner of said bull is requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take him away. If. A. ANDERSON. May 10, 1853..3t. M1 HAR.13WARE.--We have just received a lar«re additional stock, which makes our assortment equal to any in the Valley.comprising- almost every¬ thing: in the line; to which we ask the attention of the public. T. RAWLINS & SON. May 10, 1353. CI UTLERY..Pen and Pocket Knives, of every / description, Table Knives and Forks from 37£ rts. to $*24 per set, the best assortment ever offered in this town, Superior Scissors and Shears, the celebrated "IXL" Razors, Snuffers, &c. Only call and see them at T. RAWLINS & SON'S. May 10. CYTltES AKD SNEADS." -The p-enuine IZiglish Waldron Grain and Grass Scythes, by the dozen, or at retail; Sncadsthat won't tremble; Thomp¬ son's famous Rakes, and Scythe Ilantrin^rs, for sale on the very lowest terms by T. RAWLINS & SON. May 10. CURTAIN J3AND&«**A fine assortment and of most beautiful designs, just received bv May 10. T. RAWLINS SON. EA TRAYS AND WAITERS.A beau- tiful assortment on liand. May 10. T. KAWLlKS & SON. CAndCe STICKS- -Bronze, (new styles,) China, Britannia, Brass and Japanned.a very Iar<re assortment just received by May 10. T. RAWLINS & SON. CLOCKS.-*Iron* inlaid with Pearl Cases, and Ma¬ hogany; a few of the best time-keepers, just re¬ ceived by T. RAWLINS & SON. May 10% ^JADDLERY.-*A fine assortment of Bridle Bits, O Stirrups, Spurs, {both steel and plated ;) also, a few Hard-solder (which will wear for acres) Rim end Girth Webbing-, Saddle Trees* Haines. Buckles, &c., all at the lowest prices and just received by May 1(K T. RAWLINS & SON. OOD WARE.--Huekets, Tube. Chums, of large size, Baskets, Butter Prints, Potato Mash¬ ers, Wood Spoon?, Rolling- Pins, and a number of ar¬ ticles too numerous to mention k, just received by Mny 10. T. RAWLINS & SONv. POOSS AND FORKS.- - Albutn, G.erman-Sil- vor, (tnd Piated Tea and Table Spoon? ami Forks, of the best quality', almost equal to silver, very cheap. May 10. T. RAWLINS &'SON\ Lemons and figs, for sale w May 10. SIGAFOOSE & HARLEY. O'l'ATOES.'-24 bushel? of Potatoes for sale by May 10. SIGAFOOSE & HARLEY. RIME CHEESE, for sale by May 10. SIGAFOOSE & HARLEY. w s Fresii salad oil ^ maccaroxi, just received by May 10. n. L. EBY & SON^ Fresh oranges, lemons, ficss, ai- monds, Raisins, Ensrlish Walnuts, Pecon and Palm Nuts, just received by May 10. II. L. EBY & SON. PREPARED SALT, for gvneral family use, just received and for sale by May 10. H. L. EBY fc SON. -N AILS.--Horse-Shoe Nails for sale bv May 10. II. L. EBY & SON. S NUFF.--Garrett's second qualitv Scotch Snuff, received by H. L. EBY & SON. LEFT. OF those very Cheap Bonnets remaining- on hand, to be closed out at manufactures prices. Call to-iuorrow or next day for fear thev may be all sold. SIGAFOOSE & HARLEY. Mav 3, 1S53. 100, Mav 3, 1 MA^ ACCARONI, for sale by Ma'y-^. LOCK, CRAMER & LINE. KA BUSHELS MERCER POTATOES, by UU May 3: LOCK, CRAMER & LINE. A BBLS. OF TAR, bv LOCK, CRAMER & LINE. May 3,1853. 1LOAQ EARTHEN CROCKS, all sizes, by May & LOCK, CRAMER &. LINE. arrTHERlAL. OIL AND LAMPS, by 111* April 26. LOCK, CRAMER k LINE. ....n .mi n ii'iummmwT He makes no spccial references, but relics upon his extensive a< qn'iii tanee throughout the tTmon, and his familiarity with the whoto routine of the Departments; . Widows1 Pensions attended to upon very reasonable terms. A«l4reas loin at Washington dig, D. C. May 3, laiS..3a DEfSTAL XOTJCJ& . HeCORMick trill visit Charlestown Professionally oft the 23d instant, and re¬ main thre» weeks. May 3,1S53.3t. A CARD.-LINEN-GOODS. Snyder & lyouthan, Berryriilc, Virginia, HAVE now in store ? full as^riftment of aU binds of UN EN AND STAPLE GOODS, adapted to the Spring-and Summer sale#*, consisting* of=- ? Barnsler and Irish While Lineb Drillinffs ; Fancy, Avlrite atfd c'olured Barnsley Drills, of extra quality; Brown aqd white Duck Drills, Farmers' Drift* ; Brown ana yellow Irish Drills; 3-4, 7-8,.4-4 }$\8.y and Yellow Linefrs? 10-4, H-4 and 12-4 Barn^ey Sheetings? Russia Sheeting', Russia and Scotch Diaper* i 8-4, 9-4^ 10-4 Damask and Diaper Ta'bie-ClothsJ Irish Linens in threat variety ; Bird-Eye and Muckal>:ick liiapcrs; Long- Yarn ami PiKow-(W Linens; Coat Checks, Union Check? for children's weir;" Burlaps, Nob 1, 2,' 3, 4, &c., &c. Comprising one among the best stock of linen Goods to be.luund uny where,' with a great variety of other goods. Endeavoring to retain a former force of efficient'and obliging salesmen, Will use every effort to attend to the wants of our customers and friends. continuing our business upon but one principle. trusting you will-not tail to give us a call, we remain, May 3; 1353-^tw .. S. & L». EDUCATION. THE Cliarleatown female Seminary, recently an- der the charge «>f J. M. Williaius, Esq., will be re-opened on Montisy, the 2d of M;»v. Tne present quarter will terminate July 15th. '/he nest session will commence on Monday. September 12th. TERMS. Per session of 10 months, for th<* Elementary English Branches. ...s....' £25 00 Higher English Studied.^. 30 00 Ancient and Modern Lansruages,- each, (extra) 2000 JOHN K. NOEL, Principal. REFERENCES, Da. R. S. Blackburn, Thomas H. Willis, Esq., Humphrey Keyes, Esq., N. S. White, Esq. May 3, 1353.3t. (F. P. copy.] A TEACHER WANTEU, A TEACHER is required ibr the Common School in District No. 12.. To a competent and faithful Teacher.besides the regular salary of $275 a year. a liberal addition will be paid. TIIOMAS W. KEYES, Coin'r. Rippon, Virginia, May 3, 1853. T. RAWLINS «fc SON, HAVING just returned from Baltimore, are now opening the largest and most varied assortment of GOODS, WARES, MERCHANDISE, &c., that was ever offered in this place. Everyone must call and see for themselves, to have the least idea of the number of articles on hand, new and useful. May 3, 1853. TO THE LADIES. THE Dry Goods Fancy Store, (separate from the Clothing Store,) will be opened THIS MORNING AT 8 O'CLOCK. Fine Bareeredc Lanes, 12$.cents; French Calicoes Cj cents; Fine Lawns 6* cents; Grass Linen Hanakcrchiels2e cents ; Silk and Lace Visitcs anil Capes from $.1.00 to $2.50; 8000 more of the celebrated Exhibition Stock¬ ings, White, Black, Gray and Slate colored at 12.; cents ; Palm Leaf Fans, two for a fip ; Ne^dlo-worked Collars at 5 cents. ISAAC ROSE. May 3, 1353. HARPERS-FERRY CLOTHING STORE. THE undersigned has just received from the Eastern Cities an entire new stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING, of all styles and qualities. .ALSO. A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OP Cloths, Cassinieres antl Vestings, which will be made to order at the shortest notice. The above Goods are opened in the new Store at the junction of the Winchester & Potomac and the Balti¬ more & Ohio Railroads, and are offered to the public on as low terms as can be purchased in the cities, and re¬ spectfully invites the public to call and examine for themselves. R. H. BROWN. G. W. Ctrrsnaw, Agent. Harpers-Ferry, April 26, 1853. MANTUA-MAKING. Mrs. Sarah E. Vanhollor, formerly of Balti¬ more, and Miss K.ing> solvit the attention of the Ladies of Charlrstown and it" vicinity, to call and examine their DIIESS PATTERNS, which they have just received from Philadelphia, and which arc" of the Litest and most Fashionable styles. All work entrust¬ ed to their care will be rxeiaited with n<*atncss and dis- ?atch. Their Residence near the dwelling of Mr. II. , Eby. April26, 1S53. ^/T?OR SALE. Two Second-hand Buggies and two Second-hand Ba- X*j rouchcs for one horse. April 26, 1653> Wr. J. HAWKS* BY MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH. NEW YORK, April 26th..Much sensation prevails in our city in consequence of the rumor, that the Jurors of the Exhibition of all Nations, will award the great Gold Prize Medal to Isaac Rose* in Charlcstown, Va., for selling the cheapest Dry Goods and Ready- made Clothing in the United Stat s. SPRING GOfl£28< SIGAFOOStf & IIARLEY. off- rfv£i»l«- n la rare and complete stock of Sprin^and Sninim r Goods, em¬ bracing every article usually found in a country Store. Our friends and the public generally respectfully invited to givo us a call. April 26. -BONNETS..300 "l. rimsi«rniiicnt,to 1 lx> sold nt city price#, for" anir bv 1 April 26. S1GAFOOSE je HA RLEY. TT EliRlNCl is> store and tor silo by f 1 61GAFOOSE & HAtUJiV. April 26, 1853. Received at tiie csika p store From Philadelphia, 1000 Cloth, Green Cloth, <?ashmerett, Plush, Tweed, Silk and Linen Coats, made in fitslrionable styles. 1S00 Cassimcre, Cloth, Doc Skin, Gambroofi, Linen nnd Cotton PairofPants, Plain and Fancy colored. 1000 Silk, Satin, Marseille and German Vests, some French Embroidered, very costly. 1500 Silk, Kossuth and Straw Hats. Also Caps, Handkerchiefs, Stocks, Shirts, Drawers and Socks. These Goods will be sold cheaprr. <jnd are superior to any ever brought to this county. April 26, ltto3. * ISAAC ROSE. IMPORTANT FOR HOATM EX & BOAT- Builders, Railroad and Bridge Builder*. I HAVE invented (and alii «:plyinir to »we so far as to fully test its propertied) Check or Robber* for the purpose of checking" ami holding" pert;-uiently a lx*at when entering" the lock* or any other oIokc place, throug"h which it may pass, on the feverrtl fannls;.- The invention is as follow.-, viz: A sill of proper di¬ mensions laying-across the boat*in tbecentreoi which is a fulcrum or axle to work ti lever or tiller on> paral¬ lel to and on the top of tlie sill ore two pieces of tim¬ ber, of suitable size, for the purpose of sliders: tit the centre above named, in the sill, if also a pivot fulcrum or axle for the lever to take hold of »nd work fcii * glid¬ ing* pieces in straight lines with, o-nd in oppo.-i»e di¬ rections to, each other, jutting" the ends of tin- sliding, pieces out of the sides of the boat" and thus check its headwav, by rubbing against the ixason work of (he lock. The lever when placed on the* two sliding pieces will be in form as in Euclid, boolc/lst, propositions 27th, 23th, and 29th, ofa line filling on two straight lines, and the changes by the required moving of The straight line producing at the nunc time difi? rent an¬ gles a. their junctures. The same movement of the two sliding-pieces may be- effected by other fixture, such as the placing between the two sliding pi« res a cog-wheel, taturn with a crank or 'ever, orliy placing in a line with them something operating as a jack- screw, or other something of the kind which will pro¬ duce the required operation, such as two pieces, one end of each piece made fast to a sliding piece and the two ends joined, so as to form an obtuse angle, which when druwli to a straight line will produce the same operation on the two angles ah opposite sides, such as would f«rm the rha tubus «»r rliambaidc ull of which will answer the same purpose; rollers may be pbu-ed in different ways on the end of the sliding pieces iliat- juts out if sucli l>e required. 1 think the above will sufficiently describe die form of the check, and the line or lever failing on the other two strr'ght lines or pieces will fully illustrate the fluxional c< - efficient or moving cause. ; J NO. BAR>*£TT. N. U. Mr. SAMt. W. .< i*d to l»c- come agent, for the distribution of the abov - named Rubber^ after a Patent will liave been obtained. I will here state, also, that I have yet many inventions ?n my shop of years standinsr, whi h are new and useful- such as Levers and Jacks for raising the spaits of bridges, after they have sunken by usage, without the trouble of tressehng in the water. The same can be applied in building"wood or iron braWres^ so tliat in a short time they can l>e raised witluTnt much expense or loss of time, besides others which 1 *.hall not mention further than that the drafts call be sc»*n at any time. Harpers-Ferry, April 26, 1853.* J. B MlLLtN'ERW /JVTRS. MA111A fi. JONES respectfully inlnrms her -LtX friends and customers ihat she has turned g^j--.from Baltimore with the latest Spring na Sum- ggjfcmer FASHIONS* Her stoc k ccmpiiscka hand- ®6^S.some collection of BONNETS, Rih'x.n?. >%)ow- crsTLacesand Embroideries. Also, Dress Trimmings of every variety. Mrs. Jones returns her sincere thar.k-* to the Ladies for past patronagv ; and hopes, by strict attention, to merit a continuance of the same. Charlestown, April 26, 1*£3.3t NEW TINMNG ESTABLISHMENT. THE subacril>er respectfully informs the citizens of Jefferson and the adjoining counties, that he lias opened A Kew Titmilljsr Establishment, in the upper shop of the building'on Main Street,.belonging to Mr. John Stephenaon.and nearly opposite the^HanlsT, where he wilt at a 11 times keep on hand a general assort¬ ment OF TJX IVARE, SHEET /KO>. and will make to order, every article in his line tX at short noticc,*nnd on tlw most reasonable terms.. He is also prepared to attend to'all orders for ROOF¬ ING AND SPOUTING. From his rxpericitt&in bu¬ siness, he feels justified in *\ying that all wdHr deafer by him will be inferior to none done in this scclion of country, and his pricesehall be made to suit tlieJluies. He will be happy to supply Country Merchants triih Tin Ware, and will make "his term? sitcli res to make it to their interest to deal with him. to"He has the right to make and vend the cciebrated PATENT BOILER, one the most valuable impnuvc- meuts yet out for boiling meats, vegetables, &c. EDWIN R. HARttELL, April 26, 1853* Agent lor E. Hukt. STRAYED OR STOLEN, FROM the subscriber, in 8mithfield| on Wednesday night, April27 th, a small dun mn?et with A wagon saddle and bridle on, black mane and fail, and a^tar in her foreheads No other marks recollected* A liberal reward will be given for the recovery of the mare, of «ny information will Im ON and afteJK Monday, the 18th instant, there will be two Passenger Trains 1>aily, (Sun¬ day excepted,) to Harper*-Ferry and return. FIRST TRAIN will leave Winchester «t &A. M.; and returning', leave Harpers^Ferry at 3 P. M..on arrival of the Western Train'. SECOND TRAIN will leave Winchester at 9-A.-ML; and returning- leave Harpers-Ferry" af 12£ M..on ar¬ rival of the Train* from- Baltimore. Passengers may thus visit Martirtsbttrgv transact business there ana return the same day. By order: J. GFa>. ffiUST, April 26, 1&53. Agent.* VIRGINU, JEFlflERSON COtHnTjSct: In the County Court, April Term* 1863. THE Court makes the following- appointments of Commissioners and Officers to conaucf the Elec¬ tion on the Fourth Thursday of next month, (May,) in this County, viz: DISTIOcT no. h kabletown. John C. R. Taylor,- I Charles H. Lcwis,^ Jonas Walravca,. John J. Grantham. Logan Osbourn, Wm. West, Officer * DISTRICT NO. % SMITHFIELD. Mann P. Nelson", 1 Solomon A. Bates* John F. Smith,- J Jacob W. Wageley.- John H. Smith, j George Murphy, Officer. DISTRICT NO. 3, CHARLESTOWN ANI7CAME¬ RON'S DEPOT. Wm. C. Worthingrton-, J Gerard D. Moore,- John J. Lock, j Benjamin Tomlinsort. Thomas Rawlins, | John W. Rowan, Officer, DISTRICT NO. 4, COtJRT-HOUSE. Samuel Ridcnour, I Jolin Stephenson, Andrew Kennedy, | Francis Yates. Wells J. Hawks, | John W. Moore, Officer. DISTRICT NO. 5, LOWER DISTRICT, SHEP- HERDSTOWN. J. Wj ysonff, Jacob W. Reynolds. Robert Lucas, Officer C. Harper, David Billmyer,- John H. McEndrce* DISTRICT NO. 6, UPPER DISTRICT, SHEP- HERDSTOWN. J. M. Jewett, Tlminas Hessey, Benjamin T.-Towner, William Righlatine. Charles Huyett. | J. P. A. Eutler, Officer. DISTRICT NO. 7, BOLIV/ R. John G. Rioenour, John Moler. John J. Laley, Officer* Philip Enjrle, William Small wood, John Lambaugh, DISTRICT NO. 8, HARPERS-FERRY. Isaac Fouke, George W. Little, Jeremiah Fuss, Nath. W. Manning. William J. Stephens, Jas. W. Campbell, Officer. QCJ- Any two or more of the Commissioners above named may act in the Districts to which they are as¬ signed. A copy.Teste: April 26, 1853. T. A. MOORE, Clerk. VIRGINIA, JEFFERSON COUNTY, Sets In the County Court, April Term, 1853. IT IS ORDERED, That the Annual Meeting of the Overseers of the Poor of this County* be held on the first Monday in June next, at the Court-House of this county* A copy.Teste : April 26, 1353. T. A. MOORE, Clerk. VIRGINIA, JEFFERSON COUNTY, Set: In the County Court, April Term, 1853. IT IS ORDERED, That the Justices of the Peace of this county be summoned to attend at the Court- House, on the first day of the next Court, (May,) to assess the County Levy for the present year. A copy.Teste i T. A. MOORE, Clerk. April 26, 1853. [Free Press and Register.] VIRGINIA, JEFFERSON COUNTY, Set: In the County Court, Mareh Term, 1853. THE Justices having been summoned to consider the propriety of changiiig the time of holding the Quarterly Term of this Court, which was changed by an order of this Court at January Term last, from 'he 3d Monday in June to the second Monday in May. It is Obdebed, That the time of holding- the said Court be. changed again, and held on the third Monday in June, as heretofore* A copy.Teste : April 5, 1853. T. A. MOORE, Clerk. To William Holmes, George W. Holmes, John R. D. Thomas and Eleanor liis wife, formerly Eleanor Holmes, and Lewis Holmes, and all others concerned! TAKE NOTICE.That under the provisions of the Acts of Assembly of Virginia, in such cases made and provided, the undersigned, who was lawfully ap¬ pointed by the Orphan's Court of the city of Baltimore, Maryland, Guardian of Soinerville Holmes, infant son of Richard Holincs, now deceased, and who has quali¬ fied as such Guardian, will petition the Circuit Court of Clarke county, Virginia, at its next term, commen¬ cing on the 121li day of May, 1853, to order George W. Bradfie'd, a Special Commissioner appointed un¬ der a decree o the said Court, in a suit therein de¬ pending in the name of Holmes, See., vs.Holmes, &c., lo pay and deliver to me, as Guardian aforesaid, all the money in his hands, belonging- to the said Soiner¬ ville Holmes, being- his distributive share of the pro¬ ceeds of the sale of a certain tract of land in the said county of Clarke, belonging- to the heirs of said Rich¬ ard Holmes, deceased, which was sold under the au¬ thority of the said Court, and to authorize me to re¬ move the same to the city of Baltimore. NEHEMIAH P. HAYWARD, April 12,1853.4w Guardian. ClIARLESTOWN MILLS, at private sale. J. J. & T. LOCK, April 19, 1853.tf Exccutors of W. F. Lock. BAGS, BAGS. PERSONS wlio have our bags in possession will please return them to the Depot at Charlestowii. Some of them are marked B. & A, and others "Black¬ burn & Co." If every farmer wc deal with were only to retain one bag il would be a considerable loss to us. We therefore hope tliat everyone holding our bags (and not for the purpose of delivering grain to us) will return them upon reading* this advertisement. April 19, 1853.1 m ftLACKBURN & CO. NEW SPRING GOODS. arc receiving our usual supplies of Spring and VV Summer GoikIs, Boots, Shoes, &c. April 19. Harris & ridenour. NOTICE. ALL persons knowing themselves indebted io us will please come forward and pay their accounts, as wc are much in want of money and hope they will not ask furtln-r indulgence* April 19, 1853.3t1T JANNfcY & LOCK. R S TO THE PUBLIC. Blacksmith ing in all its Various brandies. THE undersigned* of Maryland* having* rented the BLACKSMITH SHOP, Formerly occupied by Mr. Sparrow, in the town of Bolivar, near IIarpera-Feri*y, re-opened for all kinds of Blacksmith wofk on the 1st instant. He pledgee himself to do SHOEING in the best manner, at the shortest notice, and on accommo¬ dating terms, he will also do all other work in his line as good if not better than any shop in the county; he therefore most respectfully asks a share of the public patronage. SIMON HADDENOTT. Bolivar, April 19, 1S53.3t B. HOUSE-SHOEING done in the best manner fcJr 00 cents. S. H. UKGiMKNTAL ORDERS. r a >HE Training of the Officers of the 55lh Regi- 61 JL incut of Virginia Militia will commence on KflWednesday, the 11th of May, and continue for iTIthree days. l|f The Regiment will parade oh Saturday, the afejfcl-lth of May, at 11 o'clock, A. M. By order of the Colonel, J. W. ROWANt Adjutant &ilh Regiment Virginia Militia* April 26, 1-S53. JVOT1CE. TlJE under/riprnrd lins been appointed Administrator ofWM. I.fSLE BAKER, deceased. He requests nil pers«»n.-: having claims against the dctcased to pre sent tl.eni Tor crttlcxrieiit, and all Who knoW that they are indebted to the same, arc rcspit-tfully requested to sHtle their accounts as soon as convenient- It. WORTHINGTON. Charlestown, April 26, 1S53.3t PAUASOI>S.--Wc hayc a iar^c lot of parasols, from 25 cents to $*3 which we think will compare with any in the town for quality and price. Also a lar«r«* l<>t of Fan*, from G* to §2. May 3. BlG AFOOSE & ttARfcEY. RIBBONS.--Bonnet Ribbons of every variety, Cap, Sash, N«'ck arid Plain Ribbons, Crapes, Flo¬ rence Illusion*. Mitt-*. An examination is solicited as they will be sold at low prices*. April 19. JOHN L. HOOfrF. OCK SALT, for sale by April 19. H- T. EBY k SON. PKIXG GOODS..Tht subscribers arc now re- trjvinj a vcrv largt; suppiv of smmnable trrxxU. April 1*). KKVES h KKARSi.EYv SII>K asd mAdkass cravats, or great varieties; Summer Stocks, Shirt Collar*, Cotton S-icks, Tliread Gloves, &c. April 26. LOCK, CRAMEft it 1,1 XE. SILK AND COTTOX UMBRELLAS & PARASOLS, for sale by April 5. LOCK, CRAMER & LINK. SAFETY FUSE A»D UOCK POWDER, for sale bv EBY & SON. April 19, 1S53. SALAD OtL, just received and £«¦ sale by April 1». EHV & SOfr. SW ISS and Cambric Edjrfnes and Inserting!?, Li- nen '"iirnbrip lLtnukercuie/S, Embroidered <lo,, by April 26. LOCK, CUA-MEK fc IJKE. TBAVKLLING TRUNKS t CARt'KT BAGS. April -20. IXH'K, CRAMER & LINE. TAR, TA R, just received by April 19. EBY Ic SON. IIITE MOVSELIW DE LAIN and White Bantjje, for evening' dresses ; plaid and plain Swiss Muslin, dotted juid sprigged do., by April 26. LOCK. CRAMER fc LINE. ¦firoon. STONE, EARTHEN AND QUEENS- W WAKE, for sale by April 11*. 1*53. : EBY U SON. 2T* TIIF.RI ALOIL L AM P8..For sale a largc /Xx assortment of Oil Laiu{> of different sixes and Patterns. L. M. SMITH. April 5, ISi-S. CA®DJ'ES.--Tht: suH=criber lias a few Saddles oh hand, licit he will sell at cost. Persons desiring nnv thing of tke kltid can be supplied at shortest no¬ tice. JOHN AVIS, Jr. April Ifr 1853. PE.\fLEMBJf -8 WEAR.--A larire stock of U CLOTHS, CASSUIERES AND VESTINGS, for sel# cheap by JOHN L. HOOfT. Cliarlestown, April 19, 1653. (ONBf ETS, BO?TNETS.--Ladie»' Straw I BONNETS; embracing every thing: nkw , and desirable «if the season,"some of which are embroidered Blond French Straw and Gimtt, &c. April 19. JOHN L. HOOff. have had a great run forthosw - Ljiva!,_ We havc*a few pieces left, iu.u if any ladv wants a Iswn "Dress fnr The Greatett Prize Sdler* in the United Statee, TAKE nnvrh pleasure in presenting" afttn# of our Splendid Lotteries, to be drawn in the month of May, and we feel confident in- saying- that from the great success which has attended oar office in selling- Prizes, there v little or no doubt that should any favor us with an order, a good prize awaits them. Daring fifteen years business in this city, we have sold many millions of dollars in Prises. And still they come!. During- the past month, we have sold several large Prises, and hope that in May we shall sell several more. Will be drawn oa Saturday, Msy 14, GRAND CONSOLIDATED LOTTERY, Capital Prize $50,000, Tickxt-s $15. Capital Prizes. Tickets. Pack's of Quar. May 16, $9,000 $3,00 510,00 16, 5 of 12,000 8,00 27,00 17, 3,973 1,00 3,75 17, 24,000 5,00 18.00 13» 8^77 2,50 7,50 18, 30,909 10,00 35,00 19, 4,000 1,00 3,75 19, 20,000 5,00 15,00 20, >0,000 2,50 9,00 20, 24,000 5,00 18,00 31, 4,700 1,00 3,75 21, 46.000 16,00 50,OO 23, 9,000 3,00 10.00 23, 20,000 8,00 25,00 24, 4,000 1,00 3,75 24, 20,000 6.00 18,00 25, 10,214 2,50 10,00 25, 38.000 10,00 35,00 28, 4,000 1.00 3,75 26, 20,000 5,00 18.00 27, 6^850 2,00 8j00 27, 15,000 4,00 13,00 28, 4,000 1,00 3,75 30, 2 of 7,500 3,00 10,00 30, 28,000 8.00 2G.00 31, 4,621 1.00 3,75 31, 18,000 5,00 17,50 GREAT MAMMOTH LOTTERY, 8-25,824!!! Capital Prize ^HO.OOO. GRAND CONSOLIDATED LOTTERY. Class M. To be drawn on Saturday, May 23. 1 capital prize of 080,000 | 8 pnica of S3,963 4 prizes of. 80/100 800 do 5,000 4 do 10,000 I 78 Numbers.18 drawn Ballots. Tickets 832.Halves 16.Quarters 8.Eightlw 4. Package Whole Tickets $460.Sham in proportion. TRY OUR LUCKY OFFICE! And you wilt be twre of getting a Good Prize ! All orders are confidential and the Official Drawing will be sent to all who order tickets. We receive the notes of all solvent Ranks or Checks of Deposit, and we remit in return for Prizes, llank Checks on any place in the United States. No risk, no gain! A Sing-le Package of Tickets may draw the four highest prizes ! All Letters directcdto M. ANSEL & CO. will come safely to liand, and distant correspondents may feel sure tliat tlieir orders will be attended the same as if they were here themselves. During fifteen years we have never lost one letter. Those at a distance will be particular in naming the Post Office, county, and State. It has many times happened tliat we have made our correspondent rich before we have had the pleasure of a pergonal interview. A single trial may placeyou in possession of a competency lor life. Try us. Try us. Address HI. ANSEL & CO., Box 363, Post Office, Baltimore, Maryland. May 3, 1853. J. F. CALDIVELL, DENTIST, Is now at Carter's Hotel, Charlcstown, Va. WE witnessed the extraction of Teeth by Dr. J. F. Caldwell, and wo pronounce him to be the Prince of Tooth Extractors, and the Chief of Surgeon Dentists! He extracted one for each of us. We con¬ sider his method original and more safe, and less pain¬ ful than any other tliat lias come within our notice.. He operates without endangering the gum or injuring the jaw, and uses apparently but little force, and con¬ sequently regarding all the principles of his plan, it is evidently the best that lias been, or could be devised to remove teeth; all other lnctltods when compared to his, are murderous in the operation, alarming to the mind, and imperfect in manner. BYRD CARTER, M.D. G. W. NETTLETON, M.D. We not only subscribe to the above certificate signed by Dr. Carter and others, but will add, that Dr. Cald¬ well has fully and most satisfactorily explained to us the principles on which he bases his operations on the Teeth, and we with pleasure state that his remedial treatment of the teeth in correcting pain, abating- de¬ rangement, and extracting Teeth, is not only scienti¬ fic, but comparatively the safest of any of which wc have any knowledge. If medical men will consult him, we are induced to believe they will be fully satis¬ fied of tile correctness of his views. R. E. ROBINSON, M.D. [See handbills.] G. W. VARNUM, M.D. April 12, 1853.tf SADDLE AND HARNESS MAKING. THE subscriber would respectfully inform his old customers of Harpers-Ferry, anil the surrounding neighborhood, that lie'has again commenced ^Uie SADDLEaud HARNESS BUSINESS, on "." High Street, in the Shop formerly occupied by Mr. Smith, and adjoining A. Fleming's Grocery Store, where lie will always keep on hand work of all kinds, in his line of business, made of the best material and in tile neatest and most substantial manner. Best of Collars always kept on liand. Cull aud see for your¬ self. All kinds of repairing- done on the shortest notice. ADAM WHIP. Harpers-Ferry, April 12,1853.3t. PIANO FOR SALE. THE subscriber has for sale one of Kmabe & Gh«le's first quality ./ROSEWOOD PIANOS. It hns been used a very short time, but will be sold low and on accom¬ modating terms. It cati be seen at Amos Janney's, near Summit Point, JctTerson county, Vir-'inia. Any further information cun be obtained by apply¬ ing to Mr. James W. Hki.ler. ^pril 12, 18C3.3t1T JOHN Q. JANNEV. FOR SALE, Three yokes of young oxen. Apply to Francis Yates. April 12, 1853. NOTICE. TttE undersigned arc prepared to furnish G found Plaster at tne Steam iVIill of Messrs. Zimmerman & Co., in Charles town, also Plaster in the Lump, at any of the Dobots in the county. They also will fur- niaii Cypress Shingles and Laths at the shortest notice, also Pickets. Corli, Wheat or cash will be required in payment. BLACKBURN ic CO. April 13» 1353.tft BLACKSMITH SHOP. THE subscriber having- permanently located him¬ self at the BLACKSMITH SHOP at Duffield/s Depot, is now prepared to do all kinds of work in his line, at prices as moderate as any other nliop in the countyi lie will at all times be prepared with Iron of all kinds for repairing- or making* Plough and other Irons used by the Partners* I solicit a call from those in want, feeling assured that all who give me a call will not go nwav diwatis- fied. GEORGE PENSE. Duflleld** Depot, April 12,1863. CHAINS.--I shall manufacture and keep con¬ stantly on hand a supply of all the various kinds of Chains used by the Farmers. Breast and Trace Cliains. sing-le and double link, straight or twisted, made of the best iron, and in the best style of work¬ manship. GEORGE PENSE* Duffield's Depot, April 12, 1853. 1 H. I,. EBY Ai SON ARE now recci%nnsra large and very general sup¬ ply of fresh Family groceries, at the Store-room of Dr. Raum> two doors cast of the Old Stand, and opposite the Poet Office. Cliarlestown, April 12, 1853. READY-MADE CLOTHING In Jefferson and Clarke Counties* THE subscriber having bis stock in Charlrstown considerably increased, and also established a store in Berryville, Clarke county, js now selling* at both Cheap Stores the most superior and Fashionable CLOTHING ever offered in both counties. He sells all kinds of Coats, Pant** Vests, Shirts, Hats, Caps, Trunks and Handkerchiefs, 334 per cent cl»eapcr than ever! As he manufactures Clothing-, buys in large quantities, and sells on very small profits for cash, he has few equals, no superiors. ISAAC ROSE, on Main st. Cbarlestown and Berryville* April 12, 1863. THE LADIES! "YT JILL be delighted to find , at the Cheap Slore, snch W a beautiful assortment of Fashionable Calicoes, Bareges de Laine, Challis, needle-worked Collars, Sleeves and Inside Handkerchief^, Linen,Tabic cloths, Hosiery, and so many other articles, sold at auction prices. ISAAC ROSE. Chartestown, April 12, 1853. CAUTION. IHEREtlY forewarn all persons or person from trading* for a note that I give Thos. Bivins at his sale. The amount of the note is fifteen dollars and tliirty-six cents, which I refuse to pay until said Bivins proVes to my satisfaction that I justly owe it. The note was given about the 5th April, 1853. April 12. 1853.3t WM. HACKLEY. HOUSE CARPENTERING AND JOIN- ER1NG. IWOULD announce to my friends and the public that I am still here and ready to do all kinds of work in my line in the best manner, and bave cm hand a quantity of WINDOW SASH, of different sizes, for safe. NATHANIEL MYERS. Charlestown, April If, 1853.3t TEACHER WANTED. WANTED, in the Academy, Charlestown, Va., an assistant Teacher to give instruction in the ele¬ mentary English Branches. To one possessing- the necessary qualifications, a pleasant situation *nll be °ffMa1-3,^'yU> P. H. POWERS. LADIES' FINE GOODS. HARRIS Sc RIDENOtJR bas read? for sale a very large supply of DRESS AND FANCY GOODS. The ladies are politely requested to call and take a look. April 26, 1863. K(\ SACKSIFIME AND G. A. SALT, jort *Jy " L. EBY & SON. April 19, 1853. TRAW MATTING and LU Caio- . ~T s April 26; SIGAFOOK. ^^. ®,P'.We win a lair Brown ^ Wbu «1U the May 3, 1883. SIG APPOSE ft ABLEY, * "" . sf&nt ANb belonging to the estate ofthe late John Coe, deceased! , , OOHSISTTNS OP 4 Working' Mores and Colts; " . flcw-anaa. . . "*s :-A credit of nine months will be . ' SSn?S^Of-«10a?d «P.«k. the puroh^cfXfv|"" ^hsstjgsr"1 socurity5 under Sale to commcnce at 10 o'clock, A.M. 1 FREDERICK SHULTZ Apnl ,». «°°"T T H'^Kl K!tSO'>l LAND FOR SALE. St a DWELLING HOUSF1"^ #! 30 Arrta.mTow**, P^K^n,^ ~«&rZMYE^ mu FARM for sa T tT T^SSrteLnft £**"' at Pri^*-~ «=>!«. - about Virginia, and within two JahlS",'k c">wty ^at, and others, containing about 284 ACRES, more or less, of Limestone Land. The In;nrovnnc.,i^ iM^n^H^^T' St,We'r i "ouse, Ac., and a never-failinc- well ,.. U',c hVuse' wilh » Young Orch.rd o' choice Fruit, lately planted Thna£ «4.!j3. 1 ^U^fi **" *>«.¦" .11 <UcSuWiwtTHom" M>1U, near Lectown, Jefferson comity, VirSnE SSJSiffSSl."-".-'»»»>-¦ ^ September?, lS32-«f J°"N: C"AM"ERUX. JAMES M'BBIDB. . . 1IE>R\ x BRSDE JAMES & HENRY M'BRIDE, Wholesale Grocers and Commission MERCHANTS, , °AD> CoBJi" or Pearl street, New Vouk April 5, 1853.If FOR RENT. A LEX ANDER FORSETT having rarionetl the ex- ecutorship of George Little? deceased and I having Qualified as administrator with the will'iuinex - , . do offer f.r rent, from the first day of April il it large two-story STONE IITHLDINC, good iSulieand other necessary out-building, with four Aer.4 "f Laiid. Tilts property lias been occupied f.. many ye«re as a hotel.being in a good locution in South i:J- ? i creon countv, Virginia. DWELLING f|mri'j^frC1" «,fnc,d»«o. three Kiilall 1!kj : . HOUSES, suitable for small families ai° Zr1^-'' addressed to meat' Charleston, \ irgmia, will receive prompt attention. . a i . . a JOHN AVIS, Jr.. April 6,1353^ Wi,h tbc NOTICE TO MY FRIENDS. AS I design closing- up my Mrrrantilo Rnsliic«« this Spring, u will be necessary that those who know ineniselves to¦ lx> indebted to me either bv note or U«.k account to call anil make payment. 1 "hope this bint will be sufficient and that I may noi be compelled to resort to coersive measures to collect. tt . . . JOHN G. WILSON Harpers-Ferry, April ft, 1<V3. ALEXANDRIA, LOI IKll A .fc ll.tnipT* SIIIRE RAILROAD: "AflI1 XTOTICK IS HEREBY GIVEN, that boob, will ,V , . °pcu«l O" tile 20th day of April, l-v.">3, at the fol¬ lowing places, under thedimtion of tlic persons num. d at each plane, or any two of them, for rvcririnr sub, «. rip ion, in share* of one hundred dollars. totlS r.Vn- nn lr l^w- ' Ale*a,",ria- Ixudoun and Hampshire il fU- IlCo"1P:'">:. a" amount Hot cxcccdiug tliir- ty-li\ o thiiiuand ^hnrca, Viz : AT WASHINGTON CITY, nt the lUnkintr-IlntMo of Corcoran Ac Risw».t nder the dirivti, ¦¦ .f \vi i!ium \\ .Corcoran, Elislm Rigss, Jr.. »nd J. M. ('lull b- nt the Baiiking-House of S. hl. n. Will,¦ rs & (.... im;,rI. the direction of Y\ ilham S. l.l. n, Uulv-rt W. Liitlnm and I-awrcnre P. Itayne; and at tin- M,iynrV (Hi re under Uie dirrrllon of John W. M mrv," Jo.. HrVan. CImrloH II. Calvert nnd Cim»r^' Parker" AT 11ARPERS-EEKH V.I'lulcr tlu! dirrclion of A. ' rhHip Cw'"- E,u'"-' AT W INCIIESTEK.t'liil.-r Ih" direction of Henry Johi^r "it" L ' ir " s,',n u'E,lw'*' An" I lril ' i. m. Harper, Win. F. DrinkarS, Ll.iMil laib.<on I Iho ai* P;trf)«uiH. n lVl'' 1 'l' V "N Fiider the direction of Dr. , "lackburn, Kichard II. L-e, Dr. W. F. Alcxan- li,^P',^nr<i.K- ('°"kc utid llols-rl T. Itrown. . ' vvin-^A ETi.'r'|*,:.J;ndrr the dirn ti. n of Dr. . J"1"' I owell and Maj. Jam,., (¦,,!, ...... AT THE HLOOMEUV FURNACE, in llui.^ii".; ^V'',,-Vr. nnrr U,e /'"T,""". Ii"1- " " Sli. m .r«it Sainuel A. Pancoast, John L. Tciuplar, Robert ftl. 1 owcll ami Dr. John S. Ciuyrr. , ATGERARDSTOWN,ill Ucrk-l.ycountr. Vmler the direction of James L. Cauiplwll, j,,!JU McKowu Dr. Ebeiiczrr Cor ami Coorp; Ifoxvcrs. A I ALEXANDRIA.At the office of th" Poioman si "."CC "P""y' undtr ,hc direction of the under- GEORGE II. SMOOT, R. JAM1ESON, C. F. SLTTJ.E. T. M. McCORMICK. ItOBT. H. MILLER, April 5, 1853. LEWIS McKEN7.1E, WM. L. HOWELL, C. F. I.EE, R. JOHNSTON. DAVII) FUNSTEN, A. J. FLEMING. COSMO QFFEn.ShUsert jcrs lo t|.. pllp|ir Sprimr.-- V7 'j* oneof the highest bred « i. the worl.' descende.1 mimediately on N.lhsides f,il.. /TVl , rac'.'r*.r!"!nir fc'liiiii, , in l. ,;l, Emr. f. ,la":' "iv , """1 Stat. all distal,, <i :,,7.1 V^l T ZVF,'U- ForP»'-»ieolnrs and eirr.-Ia, 'a,,ply (post paid) to JOSIAH WM. WARK P / April Of I8a3. llerryvillc, Clark" C-,.. Va, o OHPIIAN BOY. KPHAN ftOY ir« n beautiful dark dun, witJ; liacJ* mane and tail, 1G hand* hi^h, nine yevrn o'd,..»n'< took n premium at the Baltimore Cattl'- *5heffe J in October Inst* . He Wjll stand during the ensuing n commencing on the 25tli of Marrh and rniiiWon (In: 25th of June, at the following place*, viz : (Jit. Mon¬ days and Tuesday* at the subscriber's stable; on Wednesdays and Thursday s at Vincent XX. stable in Cfuirlcstown ; ana on Fridays ami tfuf:,trdaya at the stable of Dr. P. Nelson, near v. <y. He will be Jet on the following:cftr.ditiuu* : Fur in¬ surance, $6.50.irregular att«-nuar.ee or ]>artin<r with the mare, forfeits the insurance. Erery pr«cr.f«tion will l»e used, but no responsibility jor accidents, nl.oulJ any occur. (jcj-The undersigned offers ?i firemiura rf to hint who shall beownerofOrphir.il lioy'ri -1 coil, of sijc month's old, in the autumn of 1S54. April 5, 1S53. AY. J. lH,ACKPoni>. FISH, FIShTfISU. THE season is now at h ind and I am fupplrirp- tho public with FREf H FISII. My boatx are con¬ stantly running', so that at all thn«-s the public ran b~. accommodated. CaVl on my Ag^nt, Mr. Fsntel Hus- sell. JOHN A.'GIBSON. Harpers-Ferry, April 5,1353. NOTICE. THE undersigned have Appointed Mr. OEORGE J. WELLEK :'Ji their sole Ageut for tb*- Mil' r,f Riprhts of their Patent Thresfihig and Cleaning- Ma¬ chine, in the United Staten and Tcrritori* h. G. F. S. ZIMMERMAN & CO. Charlestown, April 5, 1953. SPRING GOODS. JOHN Jj. IIOOFF is now rccdvinf a fine k of Spring' and Suuinu r Goods, enrt-'istiuu of Plain" and Fancy Dress Good*, II'*fii«*ryv Gloyt he., fori) ^ ladies; r4id for gentlemen's wear a rich Assortment Cloths, Cajwiineres and Vdrtinffr. At his «-staM* xnent i.nay be found every artiefc pertaining' to a furnifthea Dry Goods Store.and to accommodat r lt K customers, he is detennined to sell at luw prices t Amj on reasonable terms. Gh e him a call! April 12, 1858. \\TATCHKS? JEWELRY, Slc.T r\ jrab. Tf scriber, has ji is t received a fine a "sortjo iri'-C^Z- of Watches, and Jewelry, consistent in pa ^ oCV^> Gold Lever, I>aprne and Duplex Watcfw all price*, Breastpins Ear-ring-a, Cold C Hards, Ye*:, ana Fob Chains, Ixcket*, Bracelets, &c., (r, iyhicli wo invite the attention of tlic public. Wo' jcht* ra^rfxdlu Repaired. C. G. .TEWART; April &, 1$£3. FOR REST. " ~ TIIE two office, adjoining- the Tf pr,Office op,, lately in the occupancy ofW. /.. r_ c). c » and otber occupied bjr Mr. F omiy. Application may be made to W in. C. >V orth ,n£rt,jn or lf.*K;a»I lalier. Possession given iruiac jiaUrly April 12, 1H53. O A CAT®. rT~P T^FAIW-ri pp ar" that T. T. FA 1/ y. rLEP.ij y _ j. f, rhnnoi t.^f ^.'tb in tn bunnem, a-jd ha., f.u autiioritr to atUmd to any E'ro*caMC'na'' ""otters. liiaotfice in with ou»,ib HufTa Uow, near fjle Conrt-lfc>u«-. BARTON k WII-LIASIS. w inch ceter ,Ta., April 12. \*JA. ly ; ; F^'UIC AA'D MEAL..Prime White Wb<4t, »'a;tii]y Flour, Supc-rfunc Red Wheat Flour and Cw a meal. For sale by . April5. T- RAWLINS & SOW. AEEXANDER'S &. H. EASTER Jt C«7a beat quality of KID GLOVES, for ralii br Aprilo. LOCK, CRAMER & IiXE- T^NITTUTG COTTON and Tidy Cord, of ill XV numbers, for Kik by Aprilo. LOCK, CRAMER &. T.INE. BARRELS OF TAR and til. KKKWI UK XAR and any quan- 01 Common and Old Rye niuskcf. by April 5. LOCK, CRAMER k J.IKE-- CRACli bare jiut received a Supply of frju Watc? Soda and Picnic Crackers. Apri'. 3,1361. J. F. BLESSING. i~*\QO%. STOVES Al»av« on hand a sample of the very beat Cook Stovea'pow in w, and" very cheap. ' T. JLiWLlNS & SON,^ April 6.18*3. A XE8, AXpS,»-Jmt received a lot of Heavy J\_ Aief, some of them handled ready for uae. 4 -| K rr n tnrriva .-
Page 1: chroniclingamerica.loc.gov · M,fctfcliy, piously,joytuiiy breftiBIB^mnTT^ouITw mingle in its onward, heavtnwnrd transitions with thetoftripplingmurmurswhichfellfainterandfaint¬

M, fctfcliy, piously, joytuiiy breftiBIB^mnTT^ouITwmingle in its onward, heavtnwnrd transitions withthe toft rippling murmurs which fell fainter and faint¬er on hi* ear. ;

... ."Wcgmphic accounts from Ogdenslrarg fur¬nish some particlars of the loss of the steamer Ocean'Ware, on Saturday last, on Lake Ontario. She tookfire from her furnace on her down wad trip, aboutforty miles above Kingston, at 2 o'clock in themorn¬ing. When the fire was first discovered she wasabout a mile and a half from the shore, for which sheimmediately headed, but so intense was the heat thather Jtachineey gave out and she drifted <o sea. Thfeupper cabin was consumed in about fifteen minutes,ana in two hoars the hull went down. Tlse'rt wereon board fourteen cabin and nine deck passengers,besides four children and thecrew making the frnmberabout fifty, of whom"twenty-two were saved. Thesewere picked up by the schooner Georgianna bit afew minutes before the sinkingofthe wreck. Amongthose lost arc Mrs. Donald, a nurse nnd three chil¬dren of the cashicr ofthe Gore Bank, Hamilton ; threeladies names unknown ; and Mr. Lyman B. Fiske, ofOgdensbnrg. The progress of the flames was so rap¬id that it was imposible to launch any of the boatswhich were on board.

v. ..A Washington correspondent of the NewYork Commercial says:

a The President, it is said, docs not mean to conferoffice on mv of his relations. The stories of his de¬clining health are unfounded. He looks quite well,and is active and elastics While in church (he at¬tends the New School Presbyterian twiceon Sabbath.)his countenance is fixed, pale and thoughtful, as ifwith the associations of the place were entertwincdthe image of his lost son. In his officc, dealing withall sorts of men, all his powers are called into activi¬ty, and he looks like a different sort of man, thoughthe " weight of that huge grief' still presses on hisheart Never was a man so beleaguered by office-seeker*. But he can smile a refusal with an eiempla-rv, u -.t'anejnd unchangeable decision. He has Mr.Kllmo Irish porter at the gate of the palace, andhis English ante-cliamber usher, relieved by the prox¬imity of his own orderly sergeant, a model of a mili¬tary and civil man, possessing a good share of thecourtesy of his chief"

... .ITon. X. P. Tallmadge, formerly U. S. Senatorfrom New York, writes to the National Intelligencer aletter expressing his firm belief in the spiritual rap-pings and other similar demonstrations. He says hehas had frequent communications from John C. Cal¬houn, Daniel Webster and Henry (.lay, and that thesecommunications are all characteristic of the individ-wftlt some of those from Mr. Calhonn tieing, " both Instyle and sentiment, worthy of him in his palmiestdays in the IT. S. Senate."

The Earthquake, the shock of which has beennoticed as having been felt at Washington and Wheel¬ing, was quite severe at Lynchburg, Va. At the rail¬road depot it shook the desk on which Mr. F. G. Mor¬ris n, the Secretary and treasurer, was writing, to suchan extent that he was compelled to stop. A glass halffilled with water, on the same desk, liad the water al¬most thrown out of it It lasted about a minute andji half.

... .The extraordinary diamond recently found inBrazil is said to be a stone of rare beauty. The'dis-.oovcrer was an old black slave woman, who immedi¬ately carried it to her master, a Brazilian, in verymeedr circumstances, lie immediately gave the slave3»er Khertv. and sent his brother to Kio with the dia-anond. The Commercial Bank advanced hiui 1,000.centos, about £ 10,000 on the gem.

. . ..A correspondent of the Richmond Enquirermyi that the cholera is prevailing in Clarkesville,Mecklenburg, and on some of the plantations on theJloanoke river.

. .James Polk, Esq- late Naval Officer of Bal¬timore, it iii stated, has received the appointment offoal Apea! fc/r the Navy Department, in the place ofi. Juratsno. Esci_ removed. T!ie salary is S51.fW.i0 ayear, tart tla» conuait>*w£i £>Jirch.i^cs makes the of¬fice quite lucrative.

A late Paris letter says; ^'Laaiartine, the r~-hern «sf 181$. is said to be totally ruined,*nd reduoe-i to a state <jf fortune quite near to pover-

ty. For manv years the jx.-c-t had lieen living in atarge Wiicl. N«i 80 Rue de l'l. nivarsite: but lie hasmoved into a very small ajiartinent at No. 47 samestreet, where iie intends devotiM^; himself to the u l it-Sag of book?, and that only."". -Francnnrs Hippodrome was opened in New

York on Monday night. Over tune thousand personswere preseut at tlie performances....Ykm.'RoM. O. Simw. who died in Hostonon

TcCElIity, left an immense pnojiertv, estimated at be-tween 'wo threr laiHioiis of dollars. His eon-tribulions to objects ofvharitr during his life-timeore stated iu the Boston Transcript to have amount-cd to tlie large sum offour hundred thonsand (ioK- c

Tomatoes.a small supply.wire t?xpo?cd for j*rlr in the Centre market, iV-ashimgton, f-aturd:> v I1 ef«ire last. Tiiey wore brought from the South,wrapped in papersuitl packed in boxes, ntier the man¬ner of im|iorteil ornnyes and lemons. Sound onesonly lift v cents a dozen, and those partially decayedtwenty-five cents.

....The receipts of CVwl at Alesaa^ria. fi»r t'-omonth of April, ns gtatcd 1>olow. have l»ocvi IS^iUltons. heinjr nearly **o per cent. more than those ofMarch, which were five ami twenty per cent, moretwin nay jwr^us nnwitb.

Tons. Cwi»Ctjrot«erlaml Coal and Iron Co. VioFrost 1 »tir>r I-oal < '-o. 2t»*7Donkn Mining Co*. 2T«»2 l^'JOParker Vein Co. !">.) 13-20Allegliaujy Mining <\>. l'X!0

18.121 17-2U....The Loudonn Chronicle says:."We under¬

stand that the contractor (Mr. Boners.) for puttiu-zupThe Point of Rocks Bridge, lifts decamped t<> j> t.sunksnwn and lert liis workmen to whistle tor theirmv. The company lias taken the work into their ownhands, and will continue it under the managementof the late foreman of Mr. Bowers."

.... Tlie Governor, Exe -ntive Coum-i!. and man"Senators and Representatives- of the legislature ofMassachusetts, have suhsrril'wl on« day's t'nv to aidin thecompletion of the National Monument in Wash¬ington.

... .New potatoes from Bermuda arc sellin-r atWasliingti.11 at one dollar (ier J»eck; tomatoes liftycents per dozen.

...»The Scientific American stite.s on re'iaMeauthority, that "if at two fool aliove the throat ofyour chimney, yon enlarge ttie opening to doublethe size of a spice of two feet, then carry up therest as at first, your chimney will never smoke."

... .Oerrit Smith has started a newspaper at Ca-zenovial, called "The Progressive Christian." Someof the scoffers at things higher lawisli dare to callit " The Christian Propeller," and oilier profanewa, i denominate it "The Christian Go-Ahead."

...-R. G. Barnwell ttfSouth Carolina, who goes toKnrope on business connected with the establishmentof a Continental Depot for Cotton, has bccome con¬nected with the "Oattoti Plant," of Baltimore, as co-editor.

. ...Pr. John C. Callionn. n son of tire lamentedSouth Carolinian, it is understood, will be appointed»is Secretary of Legation to France or Spain.

MARRIAGES.In the Episcopal Church, on Thursday mornmtr,23th ultimo, by Rev. C. W. A-.-nnr.ws, Dr. VINCENT

M. BUTLER and Miss MATILDA W., daughter ofHenry B£**y, Sen., Esq..all of Slicphcrdstown.On Tuesdaf, '26th ultimo, by Rev. Samcbi. Goveii,

Mr. JAMES SNOOTS and Miss ANN MARIA FRY.all of Loudoun.On Thursday, 23tli ultimo, by Rev. Mr. Symes, Mr.

GEORGE F. gHRYER and Mica MARY, daughter ofWashington- Evans.all of Cumberland, Maryland.At Runnvmcde, on Tuesday, 3d instant> by Rev. P.

FfcETHEB, Mr. SETH MASON TJMBERLAKE. ofFrederick county, and Miss ANN ELIZABETH,daughter ofPeter H. Rocsb, Esq.,of Berkeley county.

At St. John's Church, Washington, by Rev. SmythPyne, D.D., on Saturday, 30th ultimo, CommanderWM. H. GARDNER, Ul S. Navy, and VIRGINIA,daughter of the late Caby Seldev, Esq., of tlrat city.On Wednesday, 4th instant, at Charles street M. E.

Church, by the lather of the bride, Mr. CHARLES M.CULLEN, of Georgetown, Delaware, and Miss C.VIRGINIA,only daughter of tlie Rev. Bishop Wacgii,of Baltimore.On Thursday, 2Sth ultimo, by Rev. Samcel Cover,Mr. JOHN T. CUMMINS and Miss HANNAH E.

HAINS.all of Loudoun.On Fridav, 294h ultimo, bv Rev. Jap. A. Dcncan,Mr. SYLVESTER HOLLEN and Miss SALLY MA-

THUS.all of Loudoun.

DEATHS.At his residence, near Mt. G ilead, in Loudoun coun¬

ty, on the 20th April, of typhoid pneumonia, after alew days illness, Mr. EVAN WILKINSON, in the62d year of his age.

In Lecsburg, on Wednesday morning, 27th ultimo,Mrs. EVELINE RYAN, aged about 36 years.On Tuesday, 3d instant, at her residence, near

Shepherdslown, Mrs. LCRAKE FCLK, in the Gothyear of her age.In Alexandria, on first day, the first instant, at 6

o'clock, p. m., SARAHS. JaNnEY, relict of PhineasJanney, in the 68th year of her age.


Ham. or Trilaminar Lodge, No. 117, >F. and A. Masons, Middleway, May 1,1853. >At a special communication held this day the fol¬

lowing preamble and resolutions were unanimouslyAdopted :

,Whereas, It has pleased ail all-wise Providence toremove by death from our midst, in the bloom of life,our late and much esteemed Junior Warden, BrotherJoseph-Thornton Grantham, be it

jKtaoicetf, That our sympathy and condolence be,udjire hereby tendered to the bereaved widow in thisher sad and solemn bereavement, and to the other re¬latives of our deceased brother.

Rtaolred, That this Hall be clothed in the drapery ofmourning, /.and espocially that part which our de¬ceased brother occupied so well,) for the period of sixmonths; and that the brethren wear the usual badge ofmourning- sixty days.Hnolnni, That a copy of these resolutions be signedby the Worshipful Master and Secretary, and trans¬mitted to the sadly afflicted and bereaved widow ofourdeceased brother-Is*feed, That the Editors of tlie Newspapers in this



CATTLE:.There were offered at the stales'on $Icm-day 400 head of Beeves; 300 of which number weresold to cky Butchers, and Packers, 100 were drivento the Eastern markets. Prices ranged from 9'4.00a $5.00 on the hoof, equal to $8.00 a $9.76 net, andaveraging' 4.75 gross.HOGS..We quote nominally at $7.00 a 8.00..COFFEE..Wc note sales ofabout 2395 bags Rio at

9J a 10 cents.FLOUR..Howard Street Flocr..On Saturdaythe market was dull, and no transactions took place';On Monday the market opened with sales of900 bbls.

choice brands at 94.87J. On Tuesday the marketwas quiet, with small sales of choice brands in $4.87 J,and other sales at 84.81). On Wednesday the mar-'ket continued steady, and sales of 700 bbls. were madeat $4.81 {. On Thursday the steamer's news seemedto have no effect, as there were sales of 1200 bbls. at$4,811. To-day the market is quiet. We note salesof 600 tbls. at $4.87 J.Citt Mills Flour..In the course of the week some1800 bbls. of fresh ground liave been taken for exportat the uniform rate of $5.CORN MEAL..Sales of Baltimore bbls. at $3.00.The inspections of Flour for the week are : 12,628barrels and 260 half barrels. Also, 1149 bbls. CornMeal.GRAIN..WiiBATi.We quote good to prime reds

atll5aJ16 cunts; white at 116 a 122 cents; and offamily flour whites at 124 a 127 cents.CORNi.To-day we quote at 53 a 54 cts. for white,and 58 a 69 cts. for yellow.OATS..We quote Starvland at 3S a 42 cents.CLOVERSEED..Sales this week at $7.50 a 7.75

per bushel.MOLASSES..We quote New Orleans 29 a 30 cts.;Cuba 21 a 24 cents, and Porto Rico 22 a -29 cents.BACON..Wc quote Sid& at 8 a 8J cents, Should¬

ers at 6J a 6Jcents, and Haiiis at 11.LARD..Wc note sales of 400 bbls. Western Lard10 cts.WHISKEY..Wc quote bbls. at a 23 cents, andhhds. at 22j cents.WOOL.Tubwashed 27 a 30 cents, pulled 30 a 37Jcents, unwashed 37 a 40 cents.


FAMILY FLOUR, per bbl $6 00 a 6 50SUPERFINE FLOUR, per bbl 4 621 a 4 75WHEAT, (red) per bushel 1 03 a 1 07Do. (white) do 1 08 a 1 12RYE, per bushel 0 60 a 0 65CORN, (white) 0 52 a 0 53Do. (yellow) , 0 54 a 0 55OATS, per bushel ..... v. ...... i :0 40 a 0 42CORN MEAL .0 58 a 0 60BUTTER, (roll) *

0 18 a 0 20Do. (firkin) 0 16 a 0 18BACON, (hog round) .0 OS' a 0 09LARD 0 09 a 0 94CLOVERSEED >...8 00 a 8 25TIMOTHY SEED , 3 50 a 000PLAISTER, (retail) 4 25 a 0 00WINCHESTER MARKET.


ARTICLE.*?. WAGON PRfCfe. STORE PRICE.BACON, new, per lb 07 J a OS OS a 8iBEESWAX 25 a 00 23 a 00CLOVERSEED 6 25 a 6 50 6 75 a 7 00FEATHERS 00 n 00 45 a 50FLAXSEED, per bushel...95 a 1 00 1 00 a 1 10FLOUR, per barrel 4 37 a 4 50 4 75 a 5 00GRAIN.Wheat 85 a 90 95 a 1 02

Oats 28 a 31 33 a 37Corn 40 a 45 60 a 00Rye 60 a 65 65 a 70

LARD, per lb OS a 0S£ 09 a 10PLAISTER, per ton 0 00 a 0 00 6 00 a 0 00Sales of Virginia Stocks in Richmond,May »>.

Virginia State Stock, 6 per ccnt., 34 years to run,inter<*st from date, sales at theTrnsurr § 109

Virginia State Stock, 25 years isssue,sal»w this week....... 107 and int.Virginia State Stork, of 20 years is-

over 10 years to run, with in¬terest from jan. 1 106 and int.

f' 'oinia State Stock, of 20 years is-PU., 10 years and under to run,with interest from Jan. 1 103 and int.

B- -ids ^uarai.tcsd by thc_ State ofVirginia, with interest from Jan.1. last sales, 105 and int.

City of Richmond Stock, with inter¬est from Jan. 1, short dau's* 10*2nud interest long-, ". 104 and int.

L.vn hburg- Coupon Bonds, 30 yearsto run, 100 and int.

Vi/rinia Bank Stcck, par £70, salesthis week, 76)Farrr.-rs* Bank Stock, sales thisw#»*k,. 109 JExchange Bank Stock, sales thisw.-!c rt Norfolk.. 110

Vi..rvi'a Fir.-* and Marine InsuranceSt*xk, last sales, 1 IS

Riel-;'i»-»nd Fire Association Stock,par >$20, last sales, 33

Rtchm-»nd, Fredericksburg'and Po-t->i;iac Railroad stock, last sales 98^ilieliiiiond and Danville RailroadSNn'Ic, last sales, 65

Riclin- nd and Petersburg RailroadSt«.ek, last sale*, 40

Jam s River and Kanawha Stock,sales this week, 17Virginia Central Railroad Stock,sales this week at auction,. 50

|>pfrial fjafirrs.S-ver-0 ministers froin a distance arc exported to be

pr-scni. [May 10.

(ff>- Keligiou*k»-rrhere will be Preachingat !.*!!< Braneh Church on ti:c Second and Third Sab-butlis in May, at 10-. o'clock, A. M. [May 3.Cr>CM. BENJAMIN MORGAN will be supported

* an Independent Candidate to represent Clarket-ji'nt^ in the next IIoiLse of DeJeg-af*.M.ty 3,1853. Many Voters.

are authorized toannouiiCcthat DrIIANSONDORSEV is a candidate to renr»*scnt the county ofWarren in the next House of D«*1e»ra?ea.Qt3~ 'Ve arc authorized lo announce ftUCKNER

ASM BY, Esq., as a candidate to represent the countyof Clarke in the next House of Delegates.Co-we arc authorized to announce Col. ANDREW

KEVSER as a candidate for re-el»-cti«»n to the Houseof Delegates of Virginia from the county of Pag-e.April 5, 1353.te"0C?*We arc authorized to aimoXince Col. JOHN W.

MINOR as a candidate to represent the county ofLoudoun in the next Virginia House of Delegutes.QO-Wc arcauthorized toannounce THOMAS PUR-

CKLL, Esq., as a candidate to represent the county ofLoudoun in the next Virginia House of Delcg-atea.April 5, 1853.tc*

Through by Express.MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT.Messrs. A. G. Bragg & Co..Gentlemen: We

have been using-your MEXICAN MUSTANG LINI¬MENT with the most perfect success. One of ourmost valuable Express horses had been much troubledby large swelling's or tumors on the fetlocks; they hadgrown larger than hen's eggs. Resides being- disfi¬gured by these appendages, the limbs and joints ap-pcarcd quite stiffened, swollen and lame. We hadtried many Liniments and other remedies, but no¬

thing' app«*ared to produce any effect upon them. Wewould willingly have given twenty-live dollars to havehad them removed, and the horse restored to sound¬ness. Our hostler obtained some of your Liniment,and applied it without our knowledge. A few daysago he called our attention to the horse, and to oursurprise and gratification, his legs were perfectlysmooth, the tumors having entirely disappeared ! Weasked him by what inajric he had effected such a re¬markable cure? His reply was that he had been usingthe MUSTANG LINIMENT on them about ten days,and the result was the entire removal of the tumorswithout producing any soreness or leaving a scar.^We therefore take great pleasure in recommendingthe Liniment, and shall continue to vise it wheneveroccasion requires* 111 preference to-any other prepara¬tion, so long its it produces such remarkable results.

KINGSLBY & CO.,Southern and Eastern Express, No. 1 Wall street,

June 30, 1852. corner ofBroadway, New York.Since the al>ovc certificate was given, Messrs. Kins¬

ley & Co., inform us that one oT their drivers wasthrown from his wagon in the upper part of the city,and very badly bruised, the wagon passing over hisbody. He was taken into a Doctor's office closeb^,and the Physician told him to u«e the Mustang Lini¬ment, as lie had recently tried it in a similar case withgreat success. He did so, and all the soreness, lame¬ness, and stiffness was removed, so tliat the next dayhe was about his business as usual.New York, July 31,1852..We hereby certify that

we have used the Compound known as the Mustang*Liniment, and have 110 hesitation in recommending itas the best article we have ever psed for the cure ofSprains, Galls, Cuts, Bruises, etc., on horses. All whodoubt this, will please call on the undersigned, andthey will be happy to afford nil other information intheir power as regards its efficacy, etc.

LUTZ, DALL & CO.,Proprietors Manhattan Stage Company.

JTlic Liniment is put up in three sizes and retails for23 cts., 50 cts. and $1.the 50 cts. and 1 sizes con¬tains three and six times as much as the 25 cts. size,and is much cheaper.A. G. BRAGG & CO., sole proprietors, 304 Broad¬way, New York, and corner of 3d and Market streets,St. Louis, Missouri. For sale bv all Druggists.to-L. M. SMITH, Cliarlcstown, T. D. HAMMONDand A. M. CR1DLER, Harpers-Ferry, Agents.May 3, 1353.2wto- Always on hand at Duck's MammothClothing store, sign of large p;«nts, neartheast cornerof Union and Second streets, Philadelphia. The citi¬

zens ofCharlestown and vicinity are particularly invi¬ted to call at the Mammoth Clothing store, which isnoted for cut and elegant fit. The Clothing is madeof the best and finest cloth, and will be sold at the verylowest prices. Remember readers the large CheckPants. Be sure and call at L. BUCK'S,Northeast corner of Union and 2d streets,April 5, 1853.3m Philadelphia.fr3-Strange.--A gentleman was seen yes¬terday looking for a good and cheap Clothing Store.

Being a stranger, he had never heard of Rockhill &WiLsoN'eatw-liich all the spectators wereamazed. Hewas soon shown the way to.it, and was sosatisfactorilysupplied, that he is going to buy all his clothes thereancl send all his friends to the cheap store, No 111 Ches-nut street, corner of Franklin Place, Philadelphia.November 16, 1852.

lion is belfeved to be eicessive^atftf the mortificationis deeply shared By the ^efcplA of P^ris, to whom, it.would ntive afioraM ftie grtinjilM'possibte.Occtoraafor a display of sentiment. It is difficult to conceivewhat result the advisers, Of his holiness cftiv expectfrom this.' Austria is' ta'questi&nibiy,- and indeed alimost avowedly the real iOstigatorj .bfi;t UwCt the Popeshould suppose stt; c£n protect him from ultimatelyyielding to the demands of Francp( seems--httpowihlevAn apparent-fcOiatfesj is gtowing up between theCOurtsi of Vienna and Paris, and there aremany per¬sons who expect to Hear, at no very distant date, ofanother Auste'rlitz.Import?..The imports offoreign dry goods atNewYork during the four months past, ending last Sa¬

turday week, are valued at over $30,000,000, againstless than $20,000,000 for the corresponding season oflast year." V. B. PALMEUj the AmericSti Se#!-

papcr Agent, is the authorized Agent for this paper inthe cities of Boston, New York, And Philadelphia, andis duly empowered to take' advertisements and sub¬scriptions at the rates as required, by us. His receiptsill be regarded as payments. His Ofl)ccs are: Bos¬ton, Scolfay's Building; New Yobk, Tribune Build-n J

». ...ings; Philadelphia, N, "VV. coriier Third and Chest¬nut streets.''

From the Charlestown Tin-Ware. Stove,Roofing, Spouting-, Lightning-Rod,Shower-Bath and Bathing-TubESTABLISHMENT!

THE Machinery of this Establishment is in full ope¬ration and the above mentioned Wares are .nowrolling out with a rush.TIN-WARE.

The assortment ofTin-» arc now on liand is exten¬sive, and all orders from Merchants will receiveprompt attention and Wares be. delivered at theirplaces ofbusiness without extra charge.

STOVES.The Metropolitan Elevated Oven Cook Stove, forburning wood, is a strong and durable Stove, and willbe sold with all fixtures complete, delivered, set upand warranted to operate well, for $30, §35 and $40for Nos. .3, 4 and 5. All persons in want of a goodStove, will please forward their orders and they shallhave the pleasure ofseeing^one ofthe best stovesnow in

use, in operation In their kitchens, and if the Stove doesnot operate satisfactorily, it will be taken away aftersix days trial and no grumbling. A good selection ofother patterns of Stoves kept constantly on liand,which will be sold cheap.

ROOFING AND SPOUTINGWill be done in a thorough manner, at short noticeand at prices that defy competition.

LIGHTNING RODS.Iron Rods with silver-plated Points, Brass Connec¬

ters, Glass Insulaters and malable fastenings, will beput up in a durable manner at low prices.SHOWER BATHS & BATHING TUBS.

During- the Summer months may be found at thisEstablishment a good assortment of Shower Batlis,Bathing Tubs, Boston-Boats; Hip-Baths, Foot-Tubs,&c., &c., which will be finished in the neatest possiblestyle and sold at Baltimore prices.

JOB WORK.Job Work of every description, connected with theTin and Sheet Iron business, will be done with neat¬

ness and promptitude.in short this Establishmentshall be the Emporium for the above mentioned waresand Great Bargains will be given to all its patrons.T1IOS. D. PARKER.Charlestown, May 10, 1353.

(XJ- Cotton Rags, Wool, Hides, Sheep Skins, OldCopper, Brass, Pewter, Lead, Iron, Dried Fruit, Bees¬wax, Beans, Corn, Hay, Oats, Wood and Bacon takenat the highest current prices in cxcliange for ware orwork. 1". D. P.

LOST,ABOUT the 12th of April, either in the streets or

stores of Charlestown or oil the road leading toLectown, a large pale Topaz Stone BREASTPIN,with plain gold setting, without a back. The finderwill be suitably rewarded by leaving it at this office,as the owner prizes it above its intrinsic value.May 10, 1853..3t



THE undersigned begr leave to announce that theyare cngag-ed in the Illcrcantile Business, in

the Store House at Summit Point, formerly occupiedby Seevers & Bro.They have just received, and now ofTer a full and

complete assortment of Spring and SuM»ir.a Goods, ofthe very latest and the most approved styles. Theywould call the attention of the Ladies to their DressGoods, consisting of Silks, Tissues, Grenadines, Be-ran-e de Laines, Lawns, &c., which, in beauty andcheapness, will favorably compare with any that canbe found.They have also an excellent stock of Cloths, Cas-

sitneres, Summer Cloths, and other goods for gentle¬men's wear.... ,Their stock of Grocriccs and Domestics is large andwell selected; in short, they have on hand, and intend

to keep constantly, all such Goods as are usually found

RtpRODU$E of all sorts taken in exchange for goods,at the highest market P«ces.

nrnvwrrnThey solicit a call. MOORE & BECKW ITH.P. S. Having leased the Depot and Warehouse, we

shall wive close attention to the Forwarding and He-ceivin- Business. We have reduced thecommissionsupon goods received, and they a»e now as low as atany Depot on the road. *Summit Point, May 10, 1S53..tf.

A CARD.riSS MARY REED would respectfully informL the citizens ofCharlestown and vicinity that she

is now engaged in teaching upon the PIANO, and de¬sires the patronage of a g-cnerous public. She willalso give Instructions in Vocal Music.Charlestown, May 10, 1853.

ICE CREAM SALOON.WOULD respectfully inform the public that

- my Ice Cream Saloon is airain opened, and Iwill at all times keep on hand that delightful re-fr.-shmeiit, flavored to suit the tastes of all.

Mav 10. J. F. BLESSING.RESH FRUITS..I have just receiv¬ed a fresh assortment of Fruits, amongwhich will be found Pine Apples, Oranges,Lemons, Raisins, Figs, &c.


TAKEN up about the 31st of October, 1852, a darkbrindlc bull, no brands, whitcspot in his forehead,short stubby horns, the near leg is white up to the

knee. The owner of said bull is requested to comeforward, prove property, pay charges and take himaway. If. A. ANDERSON.May 10, 1853..3t.


HAR.13WARE.--We have just received a lar«readditional stock, which makes our assortment

equal to any in the Valley.comprising- almost every¬thing: in the line; to which we ask the attention of thepublic. T. RAWLINS & SON.May 10, 1353.

CI UTLERY..Pen and Pocket Knives, of every/ description, Table Knives and Forks from 37£ rts.to $*24 per set, the best assortment ever offered in thistown, Superior Scissors and Shears, the celebrated"IXL" Razors, Snuffers, &c. Only call and see them

at T. RAWLINS & SON'S.May 10.CYTltES AKD SNEADS."-The p-enuineIZiglish Waldron Grain and Grass Scythes, by the

dozen, or at retail; Sncadsthatwon't tremble; Thomp¬son's famous Rakes, and Scythe Ilantrin^rs, for sale onthe very lowest terms by T. RAWLINS & SON.May 10.

CURTAIN J3AND&«**A fine assortment andofmost beautiful designs, just received bv

May 10. T. RAWLINS SON.EA TRAYS AND WAITERS.A beau-tiful assortment on liand.

May 10. T. KAWLlKS & SON.

CAndCe STICKS--Bronze, (new styles,)China, Britannia, Brass and Japanned.a veryIar<re assortment just received byMay 10. T. RAWLINS & SON.

CLOCKS.-*Iron* inlaid with Pearl Cases, and Ma¬hogany; a few of the best time-keepers, just re¬ceived by T. RAWLINS & SON.May 10%

^JADDLERY.-*A fine assortment of Bridle Bits,O Stirrups, Spurs, {both steel and plated ;) also, afew Hard-solder (which will wear for acres) Rim endGirth Webbing-, Saddle Trees* Haines. Buckles, &c.,all at the lowest prices andjust received byMay 1(K T. RAWLINS & SON.

OOD WARE.--Huekets, Tube. Chums, oflarge size, Baskets, Butter Prints, Potato Mash¬

ers, Wood Spoon?, Rolling- Pins, and a number of ar¬ticles too numerous to mention k, just received byMny 10. T. RAWLINS & SONv.POOSS AND FORKS.- -Albutn, G.erman-Sil-vor, (tnd Piated Tea and Table Spoon? ami Forks,

of the best quality', almost equal to silver, very cheap.May 10. T. RAWLINS &'SON\

Lemons and figs, for salewMay 10. SIGAFOOSE & HARLEY.

O'l'ATOES.'-24 bushel? of Potatoes for sale byMay 10. SIGAFOOSE & HARLEY.




Fresii salad oil ^ maccaroxi,just received byMay 10. n. L. EBY & SON^Fresh oranges, lemons, ficss, ai-

monds, Raisins, Ensrlish Walnuts, Pecon andPalm Nuts, just received byMay 10. II. L. EBY & SON.

PREPARED SALT, for gvneral family use,just received and for sale by

May 10. H. L. EBY fc SON.

-NAILS.--Horse-Shoe Nails for sale bvMay 10. II. L. EBY & SON.

SNUFF.--Garrett's second qualitv Scotch Snuff,received by H. L. EBY & SON.LEFT.

OF those very Cheap Bonnets remaining- onhand, to be closed out at manufactures prices.Call to-iuorrow or next day for fear thev may be all

sold. SIGAFOOSE & HARLEY.Mav 3, 1S53.

100,Mav 3, 1



May 3,1853.1LOAQ EARTHEN CROCKS, all sizes, byMay & LOCK, CRAMER &. LINE.arrTHERlAL. OIL AND LAMPS, by111* April 26. LOCK, CRAMER k LINE.

....n .mi n ii'iummmwTHe makes no spccial references, but relics upon hisextensive a< qn'iii tanee throughout the tTmon, and hisfamiliarity with thewhoto routine of the Departments;. Widows1 Pensions attended to upon very reasonableterms. A«l4reas loin at Washington dig, D. C.May 3, laiS..3aDEfSTAL XOTJCJ&. HeCORMick trill visit CharlestownProfessionally oft the 23d instant, and re¬main thre» weeks. May 3,1S53.3t.

A CARD.-LINEN-GOODS.Snyder & lyouthan, Berryriilc, Virginia,HAVE now in store ? full as^riftment ofaU binds ofUNEN AND STAPLE GOODS, adapted to theSpring-and Summer sale#*, consisting* of=- ?

Barnsler and Irish While Lineb Drillinffs ;Fancy, Avlrite atfd c'olured Barnsley Drills, of extraquality;Brown aqd white Duck Drills, Farmers' Drift* ;Brown ana yellow Irish Drills;3-4, 7-8,.4-4 }$\8.y and Yellow Linefrs?10-4, H-4 and 12-4 Barn^ey Sheetings?Russia Sheeting', Russia and Scotch Diaper* i8-4, 9-4^ 10-4 Damask and Diaper Ta'bie-ClothsJIrish Linens in threat variety ;Bird-Eye and Muckal>:ick liiapcrs;Long- Yarn ami PiKow-(W Linens;Coat Checks, Union Check? for children's weir;"Burlaps, Nob 1, 2,' 3, 4, &c., &c.

Comprising one among the best stock of linenGoods to be.luund uny where,' with a great variety ofother goods. Endeavoring to retain a former force ofefficient'and obliging salesmen, Will use every effortto attend to the wants of our customers and friends.continuing our business upon but one principle.trusting you will-not tail to give us a call, we remain,May 3; 1353-^tw .. S. & L».

EDUCATION.THE Cliarleatown female Seminary, recently an-der the charge «>f J. M. Williaius, Esq., will bere-opened on Montisy, the 2d of M;»v. Tne presentquarter will terminate July 15th. '/he nest sessionwill commence on Monday. September 12th.

TERMS.Per session of 10 months, for th<* Elementary EnglishBranches. ...s....' £25 00Higher English Studied.^.30 00Ancient and Modern Lansruages,- each, (extra) 2000


Da. R. S. Blackburn, Thomas H. Willis, Esq.,Humphrey Keyes, Esq., N. S. White, Esq.May 3, 1353.3t. (F. P. copy.]A TEACHER WANTEU,

A TEACHER is required ibr the Common School inDistrict No. 12.. To a competent and faithfulTeacher.besides the regular salary of $275 a year.a liberal addition will be paid.TIIOMAS W. KEYES, Coin'r.Rippon, Virginia, May 3, 1853.

T. RAWLINS «fc SON,HAVING just returned from Baltimore, are now

opening the largest and most varied assortmentof GOODS, WARES, MERCHANDISE, &c., thatwas ever offered in this place. Everyone must calland see for themselves, to have the least idea of thenumber of articles on hand, new and useful.May 3, 1853.


THE Dry Goods Fancy Store, (separate from theClothing Store,) will be opened THIS MORNINGAT 8 O'CLOCK.Fine Bareeredc Lanes, 12$.cents;French Calicoes Cj cents; Fine Lawns 6* cents;Grass Linen Hanakcrchiels2e cents ;Silk and Lace Visitcs anil Capes from $.1.00 to$2.50; 8000 more of the celebrated Exhibition Stock¬ings, White, Black, Gray and Slate colored at 12.;cents ; Palm Leaf Fans, two for a fip ; Ne^dlo-workedCollars at 5 cents. ISAAC ROSE.May 3, 1353.

HARPERS-FERRY CLOTHING STORE.THE undersigned hasjust received from the EasternCities an entire new stock of READY-MADECLOTHING, of all styles and qualities..ALSO.


Cloths, Cassinieres antl Vestings,which will be made to order at the shortest notice.The above Goods are opened in the new Store at thejunction of the Winchester & Potomac and the Balti¬more & Ohio Railroads, and are offered to the public onas low terms as can be purchased in the cities, and re¬spectfully invites the public to call and examine forthemselves. R. H. BROWN.

G. W. Ctrrsnaw, Agent.Harpers-Ferry, April 26, 1853.

MANTUA-MAKING.Mrs. Sarah E. Vanhollor, formerly of Balti¬

more, and Miss K.ing> solvit the attention ofthe Ladies of Charlrstown and it" vicinity, to call andexamine their DIIESS PATTERNS, which they havejust received from Philadelphia, and which arc" of theLitest and most Fashionable styles. All work entrust¬ed to their care will be rxeiaited with n<*atncss and dis-?atch. Their Residence near the dwelling of Mr. II.

, Eby. April26, 1S53.

^/T?OR SALE. Two Second-handBuggies and two Second-hand Ba-X*j rouchcs for one horse.


NEW YORK, April 26th..Much sensation prevailsin our city in consequence of the rumor, that theJurors of the Exhibition of all Nations, will award thegreat Gold Prize Medal to Isaac Rose* in Charlcstown,Va., for selling the cheapest Dry Goods and Ready-made Clothing in the United Stat s.


SIGAFOOStf & IIARLEY. off- rfv£i»l«- n la rare andcomplete stock of Sprin^and Sninim r Goods, em¬

bracing every article usually found in a country Store.Our friends and the public generally respectfullyinvited to givo us a call. April 26.

-BONNETS..300 "l. rimsi«rniiicnt,to1 lx> sold nt city price#, for" anir bv 1

April 26. S1GAFOOSE je HARLEY.TT EliRlNCl is> store and tor silo byf1 61GAFOOSE & HAtUJiV.

April 26, 1853.

Received at tiie csika p storeFrom Philadelphia,

1000 Cloth, Green Cloth, <?ashmerett, Plush, Tweed,Silk and Linen Coats, made in fitslrionable styles.1S00 Cassimcre, Cloth, Doc Skin, Gambroofi, Linennnd Cotton PairofPants, Plain and Fancy colored.

1000 Silk, Satin, Marseilleand German Vests, someFrench Embroidered, very costly.

1500 Silk, Kossuth and Straw Hats. Also Caps,Handkerchiefs, Stocks, Shirts,Drawersand Socks.These Goods will be sold cheaprr. <jnd are superior

to any ever brought to this county.April 26, ltto3.


ISAAC ROSE.IMPORTANT FOR HOATMEX & BOAT-Builders, Railroad and Bridge Builder*.

I HAVE invented (and alii «:plyinir to »we so far asto fully test its propertied) Check or Robber* for

the purpose of checking" ami holding" pert;-uiently alx*at when entering" the lock* or any other oIokc place,throug"h which it may pass, on the feverrtl fannls;.-The invention is as follow.-, viz: A sill of proper di¬mensions laying-across the boat*in tbecentreoi whichis a fulcrum or axle to work ti lever or tiller on> paral¬lel to and on the top of tlie sill ore two pieces of tim¬ber, of suitable size, for the purpose of sliders: tit thecentre above named, in the sill, if also a pivot fulcrumor axle for the lever to take hold of»nd work fcii * glid¬ing* pieces in straight lines with, o-nd in oppo.-i»e di¬rections to, each other, jutting" the ends of tin- sliding,pieces out of the sides of the boat" and thus check itsheadwav, by rubbing against the ixason work of (helock. The lever whenplaced on the*two sliding pieceswill be in form as in Euclid, boolc/lst, propositions27th, 23th, and 29th, of a line filling on two straightlines, and the changes by the required moving of Thestraight line producing at the nunc time difi? rent an¬

gles a. their junctures. The same movement of thetwo sliding-pieces may be- effected by other fixture,such as the placing between the two sliding pi« res a

cog-wheel, taturn with a crank or 'ever, orliy placingin a line with them something operating as a jack-screw, or other something of the kind which will pro¬duce the required operation, such as two pieces, oneend of each piece made fast to a sliding piece and thetwo ends joined, so as to form an obtuse angle, whichwhen druwli to a straight line will produce the same

operation on the two angles ah opposite sides, such aswould f«rm the rha tubus «»r rliambaidc ull of whichwill answer the same purpose; rollers may be pbu-edin different ways on the end of the sliding pieces iliat-juts out if sucli l>e required. 1 think the above willsufficiently describe die form of the check, and theline or lever failing on the other two strr'ght lines or

pieces will fully illustrate the fluxional c< -efficient ormoving cause. ; JNO. BAR>*£TT.N. U. Mr. SAMt. W. .< i*d to l»c-

come agent, for the distribution of the abov - namedRubber^ after a Patent will liave been obtained. I willhere state, also, that I have yet many inventions ?n myshop of years standinsr, whi h are new and useful-such as Levers and Jacks for raising the spaits ofbridges, after they have sunken by usage, without thetrouble of tressehng in the water. The same can beapplied in building"wood or iron braWres^ so tliat in ashort time they can l>e raised witluTnt much expense orloss of time, besides others which 1 *.hall not mentionfurther than that the drafts call be sc»*n at any time.Harpers-Ferry, April 26, 1853.* J. B

MlLLtN'ERW/JVTRS. MA111A fi. JONES respectfully inlnrms her-LtX friends and customers ihat she has turnedg^j--.from Baltimore with the latest Spring na Sum-ggjfcmer FASHIONS* Her stoc k ccmpiiscka hand-®6^S.some collection of BONNETS, Rih'x.n?. >%)ow-crsTLacesand Embroideries. Also, Dress Trimmingsof every variety.

Mrs. Jones returns her sincere thar.k-* to the Ladiesfor past patronagv ; and hopes, by strict attention, tomerit a continuance of the same.

Charlestown, April 26, 1*£3.3t

NEW TINMNG ESTABLISHMENT.THE subacril>er respectfully informs the citizens of

Jefferson and the adjoining counties, that he liasopened A Kew Titmilljsr Establishment, in theupper shop of the building'on Main Street,.belongingto Mr. John Stephenaon.and nearly opposite the^HanlsT,wherehewilt at a 11 times keep on handa general assort¬ment OF TJX IVARE, SHEET /KO>. andwill make to order, every article in his line tXat short noticc,*nnd on tlw most reasonable terms..He is also prepared to attend to'all orders for ROOF¬ING AND SPOUTING. From his rxpericitt&in bu¬siness, he feels justified in *\ying that all wdHr deaferby him will be inferior to none done in this scclion ofcountry, and his pricesehall be made to suit tlieJluies.He will be happy to supply Country Merchants triih

Tin Ware, and will make "his term? sitcli res to makeit to their interest to deal with him.to"He has the right to make and vend the cciebrated

PATENT BOILER, one o£ the most valuable impnuvc-meuts yet out for boiling meats, vegetables, &c.

EDWIN R. HARttELL,April 26, 1853* Agent lor E. Hukt.

STRAYED OR STOLEN,FROM the subscriber, in 8mithfield| on Wednesdaynight, April27th, a small dun mn?et withA wagonsaddle and bridle on, black mane and fail,and a^tar in her foreheads No other marksrecollected* A liberal reward will be givenfor the recovery of the mare, of «ny information will Im

ON and afteJK Monday, the 18th instant, there willbetwo Passenger Trains 1>aily, (Sun¬day excepted,) to Harper*-Ferry and return.FIRST TRAIN will leave Winchester «t &A. M.;and returning', leave Harpers^Ferry at 3 P. M..onarrival ofthe Western Train'.SECOND TRAIN will leave Winchesterat 9-A.-ML;and returning- leave Harpers-Ferry" af 12£ M..on ar¬rival of the Train* from- Baltimore.Passengers may thus visit Martirtsbttrgv transactbusiness there ana return the same day.By order: J. GFa>. ffiUST,April 26, 1&53. Agent.*

VIRGINU, JEFlflERSON COtHnTjSct:In the County Court, April Term* 1863.

THE Court makes the following- appointments ofCommissioners and Officers to conaucf the Elec¬tion on the Fourth Thursday of next month, (May,)in this County, viz:

DISTIOcT no. h kabletown.John C. R. Taylor,- I Charles H. Lcwis,^Jonas Walravca,. John J. Grantham.Logan Osbourn, Wm. West, Officer*DISTRICT NO. % SMITHFIELD.Mann P. Nelson", 1 Solomon A. Bates*John F. Smith,- J Jacob W. Wageley.-John H. Smith, j George Murphy, Officer.DISTRICT NO. 3, CHARLESTOWN ANI7CAME¬RON'S DEPOT.

Wm. C. Worthingrton-, J Gerard D. Moore,-John J. Lock, j Benjamin Tomlinsort.Thomas Rawlins, | John W. Rowan, Officer,DISTRICT NO. 4, COtJRT-HOUSE.Samuel Ridcnour, I Jolin Stephenson,Andrew Kennedy, | Francis Yates.Wells J. Hawks, | John W. Moore, Officer.DISTRICT NO. 5, LOWER DISTRICT, SHEP-

HERDSTOWN.J. Wjysonff,Jacob W. Reynolds.Robert Lucas, Officer

C. Harper,David Billmyer,-John H. McEndrce*DISTRICT NO. 6, UPPER DISTRICT, SHEP-

HERDSTOWN.J. M. Jewett, Tlminas Hessey,Benjamin T.-Towner, William Righlatine.Charles Huyett. | J. P. A. Eutler, Officer.

DISTRICT NO. 7, BOLIV/ R.John G. Rioenour,John Moler.John J. Laley, Officer*

Philip Enjrle,William Smallwood,John Lambaugh,DISTRICT NO. 8, HARPERS-FERRY.Isaac Fouke, George W. Little,Jeremiah Fuss, Nath. W. Manning.William J. Stephens, Jas. W. Campbell, Officer.

QCJ- Any two or more of the Commissioners abovenamed may act in the Districts to which they are as¬signed. A copy.Teste:April 26, 1853. T. A. MOORE, Clerk.VIRGINIA, JEFFERSON COUNTY, SetsIn the County Court, April Term, 1853.

IT IS ORDERED, That the Annual Meeting of theOverseers of the Poor of this County* be held on thefirst Monday in June next, at the Court-House of thiscounty* A copy.Teste :

April 26, 1353. T. A. MOORE, Clerk.VIRGINIA, JEFFERSON COUNTY, Set:In the County Court, April Term, 1853.

IT IS ORDERED, That the Justices of the Peace ofthis county be summoned to attend at the Court-House, on the first day of the next Court, (May,) toassess the County Levy for the present year.A copy.Teste i T. A. MOORE, Clerk.April 26, 1853. [Free Press and Register.]VIRGINIA, JEFFERSON COUNTY, Set:In the County Court, Mareh Term, 1853.

THE Justices having been summoned to considerthe propriety of changiiig the time of holding the

Quarterly Term of this Court, which was changed byan order of this Court at January Term last, from 'he3d Monday in June to the second Monday in May.It is Obdebed, That the time of holding- the said Courtbe. changed again, and held on the third Monday inJune, as heretofore* A copy.Teste :

April 5, 1853. T. A. MOORE, Clerk.To William Holmes, George W. Holmes,John R. D. Thomas and Eleanor liis wife, formerlyEleanor Holmes, and Lewis Holmes, and all othersconcerned!

TAKE NOTICE.That under the provisions of theActs of Assembly of Virginia, in such cases madeand provided, the undersigned, who was lawfully ap¬pointed by the Orphan's Court of the city of Baltimore,Maryland, Guardian of Soinerville Holmes, infant sonof Richard Holincs, now deceased, and who has quali¬fied as such Guardian, will petition the Circuit Courtof Clarke county, Virginia, at its next term, commen¬cing on the 121li day of May, 1853, to order GeorgeW. Bradfie'd, a Special Commissioner appointed un¬der a decree o the said Court, in a suit therein de¬

pending in the name of Holmes, See., vs.Holmes, &c.,lo pay and deliver to me, as Guardian aforesaid, allthe money in his hands, belonging- to the said Soiner¬ville Holmes, being- his distributive share of the pro¬ceeds of the sale of a certain tract of land in the saidcounty of Clarke, belonging- to the heirs of said Rich¬ard Holmes, deceased, which was sold under the au¬thority of the said Court, and to authorize me to re¬move the same to the city of Baltimore.

NEHEMIAH P. HAYWARD,April 12,1853.4w Guardian.

ClIARLESTOWN MILLS, at private sale.J. J. & T. LOCK,April 19, 1853.tf Exccutors of W. F. Lock.


PERSONS wlio have our bags in possession willplease return them to the Depot at Charlestowii.Some of them are marked B. & A, and others "Black¬burn & Co." If every farmer wc deal with were onlyto retain one bag il would be a considerable loss to us.We therefore hope tliat everyone holding our bags(and not for the purpose of delivering grain to us)will return them upon reading* this advertisement.April 19, 1853.1m ftLACKBURN & CO.

NEW SPRING GOODS.arc receiving our usual supplies ofSpring andVV Summer GoikIs, Boots, Shoes, &c.

April 19. Harris & ridenour.NOTICE.

ALL persons knowing themselves indebted io uswill please come forward and pay their accounts,as wc are much in want of money and hope they willnot ask furtln-r indulgence*April 19, 1853.3t1T JANNfcY & LOCK.


TO THE PUBLIC.Blacksmith ing in all its Various brandies.

THE undersigned* of Maryland* having* rented theBLACKSMITH SHOP, Formerly occupied by Mr.Sparrow, in the town of Bolivar, near IIarpera-Feri*y,re-opened for all kinds of Blacksmith wofk on the 1stinstant. He pledgee himself to do SHOEING in thebest manner, at the shortest notice, and on accommo¬dating terms, he will also do all other work in his lineas good if not better than any shop in the county; hetherefore most respectfully asks a share of the publicpatronage. SIMON HADDENOTT.Bolivar, April 19, 1S53.3t

B. HOUSE-SHOEING done in the best mannerfcJr 00 cents. S. H.UKGiMKNTAL ORDERS.

r a >HE Training of the Officers of the 55lh Regi-61 JL incut of Virginia Militia will commence onKflWednesday, the 11th of May, and continue foriTIthree days.l|f The Regiment will parade oh Saturday, the

afejfcl-lth of May, at 11 o'clock, A. M.By order of the Colonel,

J. W. ROWANtAdjutant &ilh Regiment Virginia Militia*April 26, 1-S53.

JVOT1CE.TlJE under/riprnrd lins been appointed Administrator

ofWM. I.fSLE BAKER, deceased. He requestsnil pers«»n.-: having claims against the dctcased to present tl.eni Tor crttlcxrieiit, and all Who knoW that theyare indebted to the same, arc rcspit-tfully requested tosHtle their accounts as soon as convenient-

It. WORTHINGTON.Charlestown, April 26, 1S53.3t

PAUASOI>S.--Wc hayc a iar^c lot of parasols,from 25 cents to $*3 which we think will comparewith any in the town for quality and price. Also alar«r«* l<>t of Fan*, from G* to §2.May 3. BlG AFOOSE & ttARfcEY.

RIBBONS.--Bonnet Ribbons of every variety,Cap, Sash, N«'ck arid Plain Ribbons, Crapes, Flo¬rence Illusion*. Mitt-*. An examination is solicited asthey will be sold at low prices*.

April 19. JOHN L. HOOfrF.OCK SALT, for sale by

April 19. H- T. EBY k SON.PKIXG GOODS..Tht subscribers arc now re-trjvinj a vcrv largt; suppiv of smmnable trrxxU.April 1*). KKVES h KKARSi.EYv

SII>K asd mAdkass cravats, orgreat varieties; Summer Stocks, Shirt Collar*,Cotton S-icks, Tliread Gloves, &c.

April 26. LOCK, CRAMEft it 1,1XE.


SAFETY FUSE A»D UOCK POWDER,for sale bv EBY & SON.April 19, 1S53.

SALAD OtL, just received and £«¦ sale byApril 1». EHV & SOfr.

SWISS and Cambric Edjrfnes and Inserting!?, Li-nen '"iirnbrip lLtnukercuie/S, Embroidered <lo,, byApril 26. LOCK, CUA-MEK fc IJKE.


TAR, TA R, just received byApril 19. EBY Ic SON.IIITE MOVSELIW DE LAIN and WhiteBantjje, for evening' dresses ; plaid and plainSwiss Muslin, dotted juid sprigged do., byApril 26. LOCK. CRAMER fc LINE.

¦firoon. STONE, EARTHEN AND QUEENS-W WAKE, for sale byApril 11*. 1*53. : EBY U SON.2T*TIIF.RIALOIL LAMP8..For sale a largc/Xx assortment of Oil Laiu{> of differentsixes andPatterns. L. M. SMITH.April 5, ISi-S.

CA®DJ'ES.--Tht: suH=criber lias a few Saddlesoh hand, licit he will sell at cost. Persons desiringnnv thing of tke kltid can be supplied at shortest no¬tice.JOHN AVIS, Jr.April Ifr 1853.

PE.\fLEMBJf -8 WEAR.--A larire stock ofU CLOTHS, CASSUIERES AND VESTINGS, forsel# cheap by JOHN L. HOOfT.Cliarlestown, April 19, 1653.(ONBfETS, BO?TNETS.--Ladie»' StrawI BONNETS; embracing every thing: nkw

, and desirable «if the season,"some of which areembroidered Blond French Straw and Gimtt, &c.April 19. JOHN L. HOOff.have had a great runforthosw -

Ljiva!,_ We havc*a few pieces left,iu.u if any ladv wants a Iswn "Dress fnr

The Greatett Prize Sdler* in the United Statee,TAKE nnvrh pleasure in presenting" afttn# of our

Splendid Lotteries, to be drawn in the month ofMay, and we feel confident in- saying- that from thegreat success which has attended oar office in selling-Prizes, therev little or no doubt that should any favorus with an order, a good prize awaits them. Daringfifteen years business in this city, we have sold manymillions of dollars in Prises. And still they come!.During- the past month, we have sold several largePrises, and hope that in Maywe shall sellseveral more.

Will be drawn oa Saturday, Msy 14,GRAND CONSOLIDATED LOTTERY,

Capital Prize $50,000,Tickxt-s $15.

Capital Prizes. Tickets. Pack's ofQuar.May 16, $9,000 $3,00 510,0016, 5 of 12,000 8,00 27,0017, 3,973 1,00 3,7517, 24,000 5,00 18.0013» 8^77 2,50 7,5018, 30,909 10,00 35,0019, 4,000 1,00 3,7519, 20,000 5,00 15,0020, >0,000 2,50 9,0020, 24,000 5,00 18,0031, 4,700 1,00 3,7521, 46.000 16,00 50,OO23, 9,000 3,00 10.0023, 20,000 8,00 25,0024, 4,000 1,00 3,7524, 20,000 6.00 18,0025, 10,214 2,50 10,0025, 38.000 10,00 35,0028, 4,000 1.00 3,7526, 20,000 5,00 18.0027, 6^850 2,00 8j0027, 15,000 4,00 13,0028, 4,000 1,00 3,7530, 2 of 7,500 3,00 10,0030, 28,000 8.00 2G.00

31,4,621 1.00 3,7531, 18,000 5,00 17,50GREAT MAMMOTH LOTTERY,

8-25,824!!!Capital Prize ^HO.OOO.


To be drawn on Saturday, May 23.1 capital prize of 080,000 | 8 pnica of S3,9634 prizes of. 80/100 800 do 5,0004 do 10,000 I78 Numbers.18 drawn Ballots.Tickets 832.Halves 16.Quarters 8.Eightlw 4.Package Whole Tickets $460.Sham in proportion.TRY OUR LUCKY OFFICE!And you wilt be twre of getting a Good Prize !

All orders are confidential and the Official Drawingwill be sent to all whoorder tickets.We receive the notes ofall solvent Ranks or Checksof Deposit, and we remit in return for Prizes, llankChecks on any place in the United States.No risk, no gain! A Sing-le Package of Tickets

may draw the four highest prizes !All Letters directcdto M. ANSEL & CO. will comesafely to liand, and distant correspondents may feel

sure tliat tlieir orders will be attended the same as ifthey were here themselves.During fifteen years we have never lost one letter.Those at a distance will be particular in naming thePost Office, county, and State.It has many times happened tliat we have madeourcorrespondent rich before we have had the pleasure of

a pergonal interview. A single trial may placeyou inpossession of a competency lor life. Try us. Try us.Address HI. ANSEL & CO.,Box 363, Post Office, Baltimore, Maryland.May 3, 1853.


Is now at Carter's Hotel, Charlcstown, Va.

WE witnessed the extraction ofTeeth by Dr. J. F.Caldwell, and wo pronounce him to be thePrince of Tooth Extractors, and the Chief of SurgeonDentists! He extracted one for each of us. We con¬

sider his method original and more safe, and lesspain¬ful than any other tliat lias come within our notice..He operates without endangering the gum or injuringthe jaw, and uses apparently but little force, and con¬sequently regarding all the principles of his plan, it isevidently the best that lias been, or could be devised toremove teeth; all other lnctltods when compared tohis, are murderous in the operation, alarming to themind, and imperfect in manner.


We not only subscribe to the above certificate signedby Dr. Carter and others, but will add, that Dr. Cald¬well has fully and most satisfactorily explained to usthe principles on which he bases his operations on theTeeth, and we with pleasure state that his remedialtreatment of the teeth in correcting pain, abating- de¬rangement, and extracting Teeth, is not only scienti¬fic, but comparatively the safest of any of which wchave any knowledge. If medical men will consulthim, we are induced to believe they will be fully satis¬fied of tile correctness of his views.

R. E. ROBINSON, M.D.[See handbills.] G. W. VARNUM, M.D.

April 12, 1853.tf


THE subscriber would respectfully inform his oldcustomers of Harpers-Ferry, anil the surroundingneighborhood, that lie'has again commenced^Uie SADDLEaud HARNESS BUSINESS, on"." High Street, in the Shop formerly occupied byMr. Smith, and adjoining A. Fleming's Grocery Store,where lie will always keep on hand work of all kinds,in his line of business, made of the best material and

in tile neatest and most substantial manner. Best ofCollars always kept on liand. Cull aud see for your¬self.All kinds of repairing- done on the shortest notice.

ADAM WHIP.Harpers-Ferry, April 12,1853.3t.


THE subscriber has for sale one ofKmabe & Gh«le's first quality./ROSEWOOD PIANOS. It hns been used

a very short time, but will be sold low and on accom¬modating terms. It cati be seen at Amos Janney's,near Summit Point, JctTerson county, Vir-'inia.Any further information cun be obtained by apply¬ing to Mr. James W. Hki.ler.^pril 12, 18C3.3t1T JOHN Q. JANNEV.

FOR SALE,Three yokes of young oxen. Apply to

Francis Yates.April 12, 1853.


TttE undersigned arc prepared to furnish GfoundPlaster at tne Steam iVIill of Messrs. Zimmerman

& Co., in Charlestown, also Plaster in the Lump, atany of the Dobots in the county. They also will fur-niaii Cypress Shingles and Laths at the shortest notice,also Pickets. Corli, Wheat or cash will be required inpayment. BLACKBURN ic CO.April 13» 1353.tft


THE subscriber having- permanently located him¬self at the BLACKSMITH SHOP at Duffield/sDepot, is now prepared to do all kinds of work in

his line, at prices as moderate as any other nliop in thecountyi lie will at all times be prepared with Ironofall kinds for repairing- or making* Plough and otherIrons used by the Partners*

I solicit a call from those in want, feeling assuredthat all who give me a call will not go nwav diwatis-fied. GEORGE PENSE.Duflleld** Depot, April 12,1863.

CHAINS.--I shall manufacture and keep con¬stantly on hand a supply of all the various kinds

of Chains used by the Farmers. Breast and TraceCliains. sing-le and double link, straight or twisted,made of the best iron, and in the best style of work¬manship. GEORGE PENSE*

Duffield's Depot, April 12, 1853.1


ARE now recci%nnsra large and very general sup¬ply of fresh Family groceries, at theStore-room of Dr. Raum> two doors cast of the OldStand, and opposite the Poet Office.

Cliarlestown, April 12, 1853.

READY-MADE CLOTHINGIn Jefferson and Clarke Counties*

THE subscriber having bis stock in Charlrstownconsiderably increased, and also established a store

in Berryville, Clarke county, js now selling* at bothCheap Stores the most superior and FashionableCLOTHING ever offered in both counties. He sells allkinds of Coats, Pant** Vests, Shirts, Hats, Caps,Trunks and Handkerchiefs, 334 per cent cl»eapcr thanever! As he manufactures Clothing-, buys in largequantities, and sells on very small profits for cash, hehas few equals, no superiors.

ISAAC ROSE, on Main st.Cbarlestown and Berryville* April 12, 1863.

THE LADIES!"YTJILLbe delighted to find , at the Cheap Slore, snchW a beautiful assortment of Fashionable Calicoes,Bareges de Laine, Challis, needle-worked Collars,Sleevesand Inside Handkerchief^, Linen,Tabic cloths,Hosiery, and so many other articles, sold at auctionprices. ISAAC ROSE.Chartestown, April 12, 1853.


IHEREtlY forewarn all persons or person fromtrading* for a note that I give Thos. Bivins at his

sale. The amount of the note is fifteen dollars andtliirty-six cents, which I refuse to pay until said BivinsproVes to my satisfaction that I justly owe it. Thenote was given about the 5th April, 1853.April 12. 1853.3t WM. HACKLEY.HOUSE CARPENTERING AND JOIN-


IWOULD announce to my friends and the publicthat I am still here and ready to do all kinds ofwork in my line in the best manner, and bave cm handa quantity of WINDOW SASH, of different sizes, forsafe. NATHANIEL MYERS.Charlestown, April If, 1853.3t

TEACHER WANTED.WANTED, in the Academy, Charlestown, Va., anassistant Teacher to give instruction in the ele¬mentary English Branches. To one possessing- thenecessary qualifications, a pleasant situation *nll be°ffMa1-3,^'yU> P. H. POWERS.

LADIES' FINE GOODS.HARRIS Sc RIDENOtJR bas read? for sale a verylarge supply of DRESS AND FANCY GOODS.The ladies are politely requested to call and take alook. April 26, 1863.K(\ SACKSIFIME AND G. A. SALT, jort*Jy " L. EBY & SON.April 19, 1853.

TRAW MATTING and LU Caio- . ~Ts April 26; SIGAFOOK. ^^.®,P'.We win a lair Brown^ Wbu «1U theMay 3, 1883. SIGAPPOSE ft ABLEY,

* "" .

sf&nt ANbbelonging to the estate ofthe late John Coe, deceased!


4 Working' Mores and Colts; "

. flcw-anaa. .

."*s :-A credit of nine months will be .


SSn?S^Of-«10a?d «P.«k. the puroh^cfXfv|""^hsstjgsr"1 socurity5 underSale to commcnce at 10 o'clock, A.M. 1




30 Arrta.mTow**,


FARM for sa T tTT^SSrteLnft £**"' at Pri^*-~ «=>!«. -*«

about Virginia,and within twoJahlS",'k c">wty ^at,

and others, containing about284 ACRES,

more or less, of Limestone Land. The In;nrovnnc.,i^iM^n^H^^T' St,We'r i"ouse, Ac., and a never-failinc- well ,..

U',c hVuse' wilh » Young Orch.rd o'choice Fruit, lately planted Thna£ «4.!j3. 1^U^fi **" *>«.¦" .11 "» <UcSuWiwtTHom"M>1U, near Lectown, Jefferson comity, VirSnESSJSiffSSl."-".-'»»»>-¦ ^September?, lS32-«f J°"N: C"AM"ERUX.


JAMES & HENRY M'BRIDE,Wholesale Grocers and CommissionMERCHANTS,

,°AD> CoBJi" or Pearl street, New Vouk

April 5, 1853.If

FOR RENT.A LEXANDER FORSETT having rarionetl the ex-ecutorship of George Little? deceased and Ihaving Qualified as administrator with the will'iuinex -

,. do offer f.r rent, from the first day of April il itlarge two-story STONE IITHLDINC, good iSulieandother necessary out-building, with four Aer.4 "fLaiid. Tilts property lias been occupied f.. manyye«re as a hotel.being in a good locution in South i:J-? i

creon countv, Virginia.DWELLING f|mri'j^frC1" «,fnc,d»«o. three Kiilall1!kj : . HOUSES, suitable for small familiesai° Zr1^-'' addressed to meat'Charleston, \ irgmia, will receive prompt attention.

. a i . . aJOHN AVIS, Jr..

April 6,1353^ Wi,h tbc

NOTICE TO MY FRIENDS.AS I design closing- up my Mrrrantilo Rnsliic«« thisSpring, u will be necessary that those who knowineniselves to¦ lx> indebted tome either bv note or U«.kaccount to call anil make payment. 1 "hope this bintwill be sufficient and that I may noi be compelled toresort to coersive measures to collect.

tt . . .JOHN G. WILSONHarpers-Ferry, April ft, 1<V3.


XTOTICK IS HEREBY GIVEN, that boob, will ,V, . °pcu«l O" tile 20th day of April, l-v.">3, at the fol¬lowing places, under thedimtion of tlic persons num. dat each plane, or any two of them, for rvcririnr sub,«.rip ion, in share* ofone hundred dollars. totlS r.Vn-nn lr l^w- ' Ale*a,",ria- Ixudoun and Hampshireil fU- IlCo"1P:'">:. a" amount Hot cxcccdiug tliir-ty-li\ o thiiiuand ^hnrca, Viz :AT WASHINGTON CITY, nt the lUnkintr-IlntMoof Corcoran Ac Risw».t nder the dirivti, ¦¦ .f \vi i!ium\\ .Corcoran, Elislm Rigss, Jr.. »nd J. M. ('lull b- ntthe Baiiking-House of S. hl. n. Will,¦ rs & (.... im;,rI.the direction of Y\ ilham S. l.l. n, Uulv-rt W. Liitlnmand I-awrcnre P. Itayne; and at tin- M,iynrV (Hi reunder Uie dirrrllon of John W. M mrv," Jo.. HrVan.CImrloH II. Calvert nnd Cim»r^' Parker"AT 11ARPERS-EEKH V.I'lulcr tlu! dirrclion of A.

' rhHip Cw'"- E,u'"-'AT W INCIIESTEK.t'liil.-r Ih" direction of Henry

Johi^r "it" L' ir " s,',n u'E,lw'*' An"

I lril'

i.m. Harper, Win. F. DrinkarS,Ll.iMil laib.<on i« n« I Ihoai* P;trf)«uiH.

n lVl'' 1 'l' V "N Fiider the direction of Dr.,

"lackburn, Kichard II. L-e, Dr. W. F. Alcxan-li,^P',^nr<i.K- ('°"kc utid llols-rl T. Itrown.

.' vvin-^A ETi.'r'|*,:.J;ndrr the dirn ti. n of Dr.

.J"1"' I owell and Maj. Jam,., (¦,,!, ......

AT THE HLOOMEUV FURNACE, in llui.^ii".;^V'',,-Vr. nnrr U,e /'"T,""". Ii"1- " " Sli. m .r«itSainuel A. Pancoast, John L. Tciuplar, Robert ftl.1 owcll ami Dr. John S. Ciuyrr., ATGERARDSTOWN,ill Ucrk-l.ycountr. Vmlerthe direction of James L. Cauiplwll, j,,!JU McKowuDr. Ebeiiczrr Cor ami Coorp; Ifoxvcrs.A I ALEXANDRIA.At the office of th" Poioman

si"."CC "P""y' undtr ,hc direction of the under-


April 5, 1853.



QFFEn.ShUsert jcrs lo t|.. pllp|ir Sprimr.--V7 'j* oneof the highest bred « i. the worl.'descende.1 mimediately on N.lhsides f,il../TVl, rac'.'r*.r!"!nir fc'liiiii, , in l. ,;l, Emr.

f. ,la":' "iv , """1 Stat. all distal,, <i :,,7.1V^l T ZVF,'U- ForP»'-»ieolnrs and eirr.-Ia, 'a,,ply(post paid) to JOSIAH WM. WARK P /April Of I8a3. llerryvillc, Clark" C-,.. Va,


KPHAN ftOY ir« n beautiful dark dun, witJ; liacJ*mane and tail, 1G hand* hi^h, nine yevrn o'd,..»n'<took n premium at the Baltimore Cattl'- *5heffeJ in October Inst*. He Wjll stand during the ensuing n

commencing on the 25tli of Marrh and rniiiWon (In:25th of June, at the following place*, viz : (Jit. Mon¬days and Tuesday* at the subscriber's stable; onWednesdays and Thursdays at Vincent XX.stable in Cfuirlcstown ; ana on Fridays ami tfuf:,trdayaat the stable of Dr. M» P. Nelson, near v. <y.He will be Jet on the following:cftr.ditiuu* : Fur in¬surance, $6.50.irregular att«-nuar.ee or ]>artin<r withthe mare, forfeits the insurance. Erery pr«cr.f«tionwill l»e used, butnoresponsibility jor accidents, nl.oulJany occur.

(jcj-The undersigned offers ?i firemiura rf to hintwho shall beownerofOrphir.il lioy'ri b» -1 coil, of sijcmonth's old, in the autumn of 1S54.April 5, 1S53. AY. J. lH,ACKPoni>.

FISH, FIShTfISU.THE season is now at h ind and I am fupplrirp- thopublic with FREf H FISII. My boatx are con¬stantly running', so that at all thn«-s the public ran b~.accommodated. CaVl on my Ag^nt, Mr. Fsntel Hus-sell.JOHN A.'GIBSON.Harpers-Ferry, April 5,1353.


THE undersigned have Appointed Mr. OEORGE J.WELLEK :'Ji their sole Ageut for tb*- Mil' r,fRiprhts of their Patent Thresfihig and Cleaning- Ma¬chine, in the United Staten and Tcrritori* h.

G. F. S. ZIMMERMAN & CO.Charlestown, April 5, 1953.


JOHN Jj. IIOOFF is now rccdvinf a fine k ofSpring' and Suuinu r Goods, enrt-'istiuu of Plain"and Fancy Dress Good*, II'*fii«*ryv Gloyt he., fori) ^ladies; r4id for gentlemen's wear a rich AssortmentCloths, Cajwiineres and Vdrtinffr. At his «-staM*xnent i.nay be found every artiefc pertaining' to afurnifthea Dry Goods Store.and to accommodat r lt Kcustomers, he is detennined to sell at luw prices t Amjon reasonable terms. Gh e him a call!

April 12, 1858.

\\TATCHKS? JEWELRY, Slc.T r\ jrab.Tf scriber, has ji is t received a fine a "sortjo iri'-C^Z-of Watches, and Jewelry, consistent in pa ^ oCV^>Gold Lever, I>aprne and Duplex Watcfwall price*, Breastpins Ear-ring-a, Cold C Hards, Ye*:,ana Fob Chains, Ixcket*, Bracelets, &c., (r, iyhicli woinvite the attention of tlic public. Wo' jcht* ra^rfxdluRepaired. C. G. .TEWART;April &, 1$£3.


TIIE two office, adjoining- the Tf pr,Office op,,lately in the occupancy ofW. /.. r_ c). c a» »and U« otber occupied bjr Mr. F omiy. Applicationmay be made toW in. C. >V orth ,n£rt,jn or lf.*K;a»Ilalier. Possession given iruiac jiaUrlyApril 12, 1H53.


rT~P T^FAIW-ri pp ar" thatT. T. FA 1/ y. rLEP.ijy _ j. f, rhnnoi t.^f ^.'tbin tn bunnem, a-jd ha., f.u autiioritr to atUmd to anyE'ro*caMC'na'' ""otters. liiaotfice in with ou»,ibHufTa Uow, near fjle Conrt-lfc>u«-.BARTON k WII-LIASIS.w inch ceter ,Ta., April 12. \*JA. ly ; ;F^'UIC AA'D MEAL..Prime White Wb<4t,»'a;tii]y Flour, Supc-rfunc Red Wheat Flour andCwameal. For sale by .

April5. T- RAWLINS & SOW.

AEEXANDER'S &. H. EASTER Jt C«7abeat quality of KID GLOVES, for ralii brAprilo. LOCK, CRAMER & IiXE-T^NITTUTG COTTON and Tidy Cord, of illXV numbers, for Kik byAprilo. LOCK, CRAMER &. T.INE.

BARRELS OF TAR andtil.KKKWI UK XAR and any quan-01 Common and Old Rye niuskcf.byApril 5. LOCK, CRAMER k J.IKE--

CRACli bare jiut received a Supply offrju Watc? Soda and Picnic Crackers.Apri'. 3,1361. J. F. BLESSING.

i~*\QO%. STOVES Al»av« on hand a sample ofthe very beat Cook Stovea'pow in w, and" verycheap. '

T. JLiWLlNS & SON,^April 6.18*3.A XE8, AXpS,»-Jmt received a lot of HeavyJ\_ Aief, some ofthem handled ready for uae.4 -| K rr n tnrriva .-
