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Mgmt 2006 Module 4

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1 MGMT 2006 Management Information Systems I Module 4 Developing and Acquiring New Systems Simon Fraser [email protected] 1 Objectives By the end of this module you should be able to: explain how the organization can develop information systems that fit its business plan. identify the core activities in the systems development process. evaluate alternatives for building systems. discuss systems acquisition strategies. describe the risks of outsourcing 2 Readings Oz, Management Information Systems, Sixth Edition, Chapters 12 and 13 or Laudon and Laudon, Management Information Systems, Ninth Edition, Chapter 14 (Pages 495 to 511) and Chapter 15 (Pages 548 to 562) or Laudon and Laudon, Management Information Systems, Tenth Edition, Chapter 14 (Pages 553 to 564 and 572 to 583) and Chapter 13 (Pages 524 to 529 and 534 to 542) or Laudon and Laudon, Management Information Systems, Eleventh Edition, Chapter 13 3
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MGMT 2006 Management Information

Systems I

Module 4

Developing and Acquiring New Systems

Simon Fraser

[email protected]



By the end of this module you should be able to:

� explain how the organization can develop information systems

that fit its business plan.

� identify the core activities in the systems development


� evaluate alternatives for building systems.

� discuss systems acquisition strategies.

� describe the risks of outsourcing



� Oz, Management Information Systems, Sixth Edition, Chapters

12 and 13 or

� Laudon and Laudon, Management Information Systems, Ninth

Edition, Chapter 14 (Pages 495 to 511) and Chapter 15 (Pages

548 to 562) or

� Laudon and Laudon, Management Information Systems, Tenth

Edition, Chapter 14 (Pages 553 to 564 and 572 to 583) and

Chapter 13 (Pages 524 to 529 and 534 to 542) or

� Laudon and Laudon, Management Information Systems,

Eleventh Edition, Chapter 13


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• Pablo is a huge success!! He has grown from one

truck to over 100 but his IS is groaning under the


• Pablos™ now needs to upgrade to a new system

but he is getting a lot of conflicting advice.

• So he has turned to you, a recognized IS expert to

tell him what to do!

• Will you help Pablo get to 1,000 trucks or will you

drive him out of business!!!


Major Themes

� Development and/or Acquisition of information systems represent a major investment for any organization.

� Some systems cost tens to hundreds of millions and failure can bean existential threat.

� It is critical that organizations align their Information Systems and Business Strategies. Failure to do so is a major cause of systems failure.

� Organizations have several choices as to how to go about implementing new systems. These include� Internal Development

� Licensing of pre-developed systems

� Outsourcing� Software as a Service (SaaS)

� Each of these choices comes with its own strengths and weaknesses

� Each choice is not an “either or” proposition.


Linking IS Plans to Business Plans

• Business and IT professionals need to work

closely to ensure that the business and IT

plans are properly aligned

• Failure to do so could lead to unproductive

investments and eventually to loss of

competitive advantage.


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Define Corporate Vision and


Develop Corporate Objectives


Strategies Programmes


IT Vision and Mission

IT Objectives

IT Strategies Programmes and Budgets

Linking IS Plans to Business Plans

• Mission: A short statement about what the

organization is here to achieve.

“At Microsoft, our mission and values are to help

people and businesses throughout the world to

realize their full potential.”


Linking IS Plans to Business Plans

• Vision: A short statement about how the

organization sees the ideal future.

“The Boeing Vision is: People working together as a

global enterprise for aerospace leadership.”

• Objectives: A specific, measurable, future

state of affairs.


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Linking IS Plans to Business Plans

• Strategy: An long term plan for how an

organization will achieve its vision, mission

and key objectives. You can watch Michael

Porter discuss Strategy @


• Tactics: Specific programmes that will be used

to implement the strategy.


Linking IS Plans to Business Plans

• Corporate Mission: Help People Everywhere

• Corporate Vision: By 2050 everyone will be helped

• Corporate Objectives: By 2050, help will reach 100% of the population

• Corporate Strategy: Leverage key competencies in Information Systems

• Corporate Tactics: Increase IS Budget by 50%, outsource non core functions, hire the best graduates.


Linking IS Plans to Business Plans

• IS Mission: Develop Capabilities to help Helpachieve corporate mission, vision and objectives

• IS Vision: IS will be a key determinant in Help’s success

• IS Objectives: System will scale to handle 1 million transactions per day by 2020

• IS Strategy: Invest in… Develop…

• IS Tactics: Develop Help.NET


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Define Corporate Vision and


Develop Corporate Objectives


Strategies Programmes


IT Vision and Mission

IT Objectives

IT Strategies Programmes and Budgets

Developing and/or Acquiring New


• Basically organizations have

two choices

–Developing in house (Make) or

–Buy (license, outsource, Saas)


Developing and/or Acquiring New


• The choice it makes is a function of

– Resources and capabilities

– Corporate strategy

– Time pressure

– Prices

– Culture and politics

– The business environment

– Is the moon Blue?


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Developing In-house (Make)

• If the organization decides to develop its own

systems in-house it can

– use Traditional development methodologies


– use Agile Development Methodologies

(Prototyping, RAD, Extreme programming etc.

– Encourage End User Development


Developing In-house (Make)

• The Systems Development Lifecycle (SDLC) is a phased approach to developing new systems.

• It has been around since the 1960s and is well understood.

• It has, however, been criticized as being too slow and costly.

• The SDLC is based on a step by step approach.

• Each step must be completed before moving on to the next.



Identify Problem/


Conduct Investigation

Create Conceptual






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Developing In-house (Make)

• Problem/Opportunity: Average Registration

time is 3 days. Opportunity to reduce to 5


• Investigation: Why is registration taking so

long? What are the steps? Where are the


• Create Conceptual Design: Design of workflow,

databases, input screens, reports.


Developing In-house (Make)

• Development: Start writing the programs,

developing screen layouts, databases and


• Testing: Test individual components. Test the

system as a whole? Get rid of bugs and

bottlenecks. Does it work?

• Implementation: Out with the old, in with the



Developing In-house (Make)

• Maintenance: Student ID being expanded

from 12 to 20 characters.

• New rule. GATE will only pay for first attempt

at a course!!?


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Developing In-house (Make)

• University getting out of the education


• Core competency in entertainment and


• Year long summer camp? All degrees,

courses and lecturers to be phased out.


Developing In-house (Make)

Entirely New Set of

Systems Needed!!



Identify Problem/


Conduct Investigation

Create Conceptual





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Developing In-house (Make)

• Agile Methods have been proposed as

solutions to the length of time it takes to use

the SDLC.

• The major focus of Agile methods is speed not



Agile Methods

Developing In-house (Make)

• Agile methods envisions small teams of users

and developers collaborating though an

iterative process.

• Prototyping and Extreme programming are

two of the most common forms of Agile




What do you need?

Is this it?

Kinda but

What about this?

Better but..

How about now?

Sweet but..

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Developing In-house (Make)

• While Agile methods might be faster many

fear that teams may overlook critical issues

(security, scalability) in a rush to get

something up and running.

• For this reason, some organizations feel more

comfortable using the SDLC for critical systems

and Agile methods for non core systems.


Developing In-house (Make)

• End user development is a process whereby

end users are provided with user friendly

development tools and encouraged to develop

their own systems.

• End user development has been used to

reduce the bottleneck of projects that the IT

department can handle at any one time.


Developing In-house (Make)

• Tools like Microsoft Excel and Access can be used to create simple databases and models.

• Crystal Reports and Focus are flexible report writers that can allow end users to extract valuable information from corporate databases.

• Dreamweaver and Microsoft Expressions can be used to develop simple Intranets and Extranets.


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Developing In-house (Make)

• However, as with Agile methods, many worry

that end user development is best suited for

small, not critical systems.

• Major systems with strategic implications are

left to the professionals in the IT department.

• The pros will continue to use a combination of

the SDLC and Agile Methods.


Acquiring Systems (Buy)

• If an organization decided not to attempt to

develop systems internally it can opt to

acquire a system.

• Here there are a few choices

– Licensing

– Outsourcing


Acquiring Systems (Buy)

• If an organization decides to buy a system it can opt to acquire a license for pre-developed “off the shelf” software.

• For example, rather than developing an ERP system “in house” a company can license a system from SAP.

• Note that licensing a system does not mean that you own the system. You have just been granted a right to use it.


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Acquiring Systems (Buy)

• One advantage of this method is that it is considerably faster than developing the system in house.

• Another is that it is often much less costly as the cost of development has been amortized over many customers.

• A disadvantage is that the system may not be an “exact” match for the organizations requirements.



Acquiring Systems (Buy)

• When an organization licenses a system it

often chooses to run the system on its own



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Acquiring Systems (Buy)

• Another choice for organizations is to outsource systems all together.

• For example, UWI could decide that Registration was a non critical function and “outsource” it to IBM.

• IBM would then, from the background, run all UWI’s registration systems and processes.

• Without sourcing the outsourced department often ends up working for the vendor.


Acquiring Systems (Buy)

• A relatively new form of outsourcing is called

Software as a Service (Saas)

• The use of SaaS is predicated on the

availability of a high speed network to link the

service provider and the customer.

• Today, most organizations use the Internet to

provide this link.


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Acquiring Systems (Buy)

• Today, anyone wanting to implement a CRM

system could choose to develop it in house,

license a package from Oracle or use a SaaS

service provided by Salesforce.com

• With SaaS, the entire application will run on

the Salesforce.com’s servers and the customer

will connect to their account though a web




Acquiring Systems (Buy)

• SaaS removes a lot of the burden of funding,

running and maintaining an IS from the client


• The client does not have to buy servers, hire IT

staff, maintain systems, etc.

• All it does is pay the SaaS provider a monthly

fee for use.


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Make or Buy?

• What kind of discussions do you think a

company would need to have when trying to

decide if to develop its own system, license it

or outsource it completely?


Systems Implementation

• No matter what approach is decided upon,

organizations will have to implement their

new systems.

• Basically, they will be replacing existing

systems with new ones.

• At best this is a stressful time, at worse it

could be a disaster in the making.


Systems Implementation

• There are generally four conversion strategies.

– Parallel

– Phased

– Direct Cut Over

– Pilot

• The most appropriate strategy will depend on

the company and on the system being



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Systems Implementation

• Parallel: Running both systems, the old and the new, side by side.

• Phased: A modular approach, implementing the system one or two modules at a time.

• Direct Cut Over. Turn off old system on Friday and turn on new system over the weekend but in time for Monday.

• Pilot. Depending on the organization, it may be posibble to test the new system in a few departments/offices/branches before rolling it out to the rest of the organization.



By the end of this module you should be able to:

� explain how the organization can develop information systems

that fit its business plan.

� identify the core activities in the systems development


� evaluate alternatives for building systems.

� discuss systems acquisition strategies.

� describe the risks of outsourcing

